3 minute read
The men of the 506th Airborne
IAN GARDNER’S latest book is described as ‘a hard-hitting history of a US airborne unit who made a name for themselves in the unforgiving jungles and rice paddies of Vietnam.’
In Sign Here for Sacrifice, The Untold Story of the Third Battalion, 506th Airborne, Vietnam 1968 (ospreypublishing. com), the author reveals how the 800-strong Third Battalion of the 506th Airborne was imbued with the same legendary ‘Currahee’ spirit that had defined the volunteers of World War II. Through many interviews and rare personal photographs, Sign Here for Sacrifice shows the action, leadership, humour and bravery displayed by these airborne warriors in near impossible circumstances.
Gardner served for five years in Support Company, 10th Battalion, The Parachute Regiment. After a visit to Normandy in 2000 he decided to focus on the Third Battalion of the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, which led to the critically-acclaimed trilogy Tonight We Die As Men, Deliver Us
From Darkness and No Victory in Valhalla. He is also the author of Airborne: The Combat Story of Ed Shames of Easy Company
We have copies of Sign Here for Sacrifice to win. For your chance to own one, answer this question correctly:
In which battalion of the Parachute Regiment did Ian Gardner serve?
Email your answer, marked Sign Here for Sacrifice competition, to: tracey.allen@rafnews.co.uk or post it to: RAF News, Room 68, Lancaster Building, HQ Air Command, High Wycombe, HP14 4UE, to arrive by February 24. Don’t forget to include your postal address with all competition entries.
Your Announcements
You can email photos for announcements on this page to: tracey.allen@rafnews.co.uk
TAYLOR John Sqn Ldr passed away peacefully at home on January 24. Formerly of 2375 Neston ATC and Wing Staff Officer Merseyside Wing
WERE you stationed at RAF High Wycombe? The station’s Media and Communications Officer, Laurence Parker, is looking for personnel based there, from 1940 to the present, who may have old photographs of the station (if the person is in them, that’s not a problem, says Laurence).
He is aiming to compile a history of RAF High Wycombe through the ages, and possibly use some in a social media campaign. He would also like to hear from people who have recollections of RAF High Wycombe when they were stationed there.

Please email him at: laurence. parker140@mod.gov.uk or write to: Laurence Parker –MCO, RAF High Wycombe SHQ, Walters Ash, High Wycombe. Bucks, HP14 4UE if you can help.
LOOKING for any members of the 47th entry TG19 Hereford 62-64. Any still about? Please contact Jim Cummins via email on: Carol_cummins@aol.com or call: 01302 532865, 07517 416702.
223 Entry, 50 years since graduation reunion. To be held at Mount Pleasant Hotel, Great North Road, Doncaster, DN11 0HW June 15-17. All details can be found on our entry website at: http://223halton.hosting. idnet.net/reunion_2023.htm
RAF CHANGI – did you
How to use our service
serve there between 1946 -72? The RAF Changi Association (inc. HQFEAF) would like to hear from you and a warm welcome awaits you. Membership is open to all ranks, ex RAF/WRAF/ WAAF also including civilian personnel who served there. Why not join us for our 25th Annual Reunion and AGM which has been booked for the weekend of May 12-14 at the Delta by Marriott Hotel, Warwick, CV34 6RE? Please contact our Membership Secretary, Malcolm Flack, on: 01494 728562 or email: memsecchangi@outlook. com or please visit the website: www.rafchangi.com for more details.
THE 60th anniversary reunion of the 49th Entry 2 Sqn Clerks Boy Entrants at RAF Hereford is to be held from May 15-17 at Thoresby Hall, Ollerton, Nottinghamshire. If you are interested in attending please contact Dave Beaumont on: 07538651712 or email: beaumont.d@sky. com or Bob Cuss, email: rbc324@john-lewis.com for more information.
RAF Bawdsey Reunion Association. Did you ever serve at RAF Bawdsey? If so, why not join us at our next annual reunion which will take place at Bawdsey Manor on June 3. For details please contact Doreen at: doreen. bawdseyreunion@btinternet. com or phone: 07513 301723.
RAF Armourers past and present. Do you know that the Royal Air Forces Association has an Armourers Branch?
The aim of the Branch is to provide welfare support and comradeship for all who have served or currently serve as an RAF Armourer.
Please see website: rafaarmourers.co.uk or contact the committee via plumbersrest@outlook.com for more information.
IF you trained as an RAF Administrative Apprentice (or are related to one) we would be delighted to welcome you to the RAFAA Association. Please see the website: rafadappassn.org; or contact the Membership Secretary on: 07866 085834 or the Chairman on: 01933 443673.
RAF Catering WOs’ and Seniors’ Association (RAF CWO & SA): all serving or retired TG19 Warrant Officers or Flight Sergeants and all former Catering Branch Officers are invited to join the RAF CWO & SA. We meet twice yearly. For more information please email: davescott10@hotmail.co.uk
For sale
SGTS’ Mess Dress Kit for sale, Size 36 Regular. Suit and tie and cummerbund, £100. Please call Thornton Cleveleys: 01253 854909 or: 07544 338869.
Welbeck DSFC
THE Defence Academy is trying to reach students who attended Welbeck DSFC between 2005 and 2019 but who left without joining Defence. Their parents or guardians who incurred the Default Event Recovery charge may have been overcharged and due a refund. Email enquiries to the Defence Academy on: DEFAC-DTOEES-HQ@ mod.gov.uk