1920' A Decade in Review

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Ku Klux Killings William Rucker The Ku Klux Klan has been out of control with the way they have been treating Catholics, Blacks, Jews, immigrants, homosexuals, Asians, drug dealers, “wild women”, the Pope, and even politician Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The Ku Klux Klan has recently become a very popular organization in America. This organization Is known for mistreating all sorts of races by attacking and sometimes killing random victims. The KKK lynches people, humiliates them, and treats them like they are below them. The KKK will also hurt any white person that does not fully support the their organization. Members of the KKK feel as thought these minorities should not be treated like everyone else. One member of the KKK, Nicholas Carey, said in a statement “White supremacy will rule, there is no doubting that. The KKK will make sure of this”. The KKK has recently grown to over 4 million people making this group a large powerhouse in America. Most people in the group come from a family that has previously owned slaves and believe that African Americans should have remained as slaves. What the members of the KKK say and believe is outrageous and makes no

sense. These minorities are people just like us and should be treated no differently then us. Surely, KKK members would not appreciate being attacked by other people for no apparent reason. One may have thought that we could move on from the slave era and start to treat these people how they deserve to be treated, but the KKK simply does not understand the meaning of ‘equal rights’. Perhaps KKK members believe that Negroes should be slaves because that is all they know, but that does not make this acceptable. Just because they are coming from a slave owning family, it does not justify their cruel actions. The only way this group can be stopped is if we team up and go against them. Americans outnumber the KKK, which means this can be stopped if we all work together. If Americans ban together, we can take the KKK down and put these people in jail for there wrong doings. The Ku Klux Klan is terrible and desperately needs to be stopped. They are blindly discriminating against all types of people and are even killing these people. If we work together and try to stop them, then the KKK can be put to an end.

The Creation of the Decade Faraz Soofi

The Model RG

Take jazz to a whole other level.

Radio - $50-$75 With the radio you can listen to live broadcasts, sports, and music. The radio has over 500 stations and changed what people listened to in the 1920’s.

No Beer No Work Faraz Soofi There have been many problems since transportation and sales of alcohol were abolished in the 1920’s. Americans need to get rid of prohibition, because it caused more problems. Many people are fighting to get alcohol back, and some are still consuming it illegally. Prohibition of alcohol has brought more problems to America, and isn’t necessary. Mainly the men consumed alcohol and when it was illegal they tried to do whatever they could to get it. Prohibition was a bad idea, because alcohol was very popular and most American’s drank it. Prohibition brought upon family problems, many men in the family started getting violent with alcohol and families were torn apart. However, without alcohol men were working ambitiously to obtain alcohol because of their addiction. Many people got injured from this, because people would do anything to get alcohol. It is crazy what people would do just for alcohol; this was a national problem that needed to be resolved. Taking alcohol away from Americans was a big mistake, because it causes

greater problems and increases crimes. Alcohol should be given to the people; it is part of their rights. If alcohol is not given then the people will riot and fight until they get what they want. Alcohol may have caused problems in the beginning, but more problems are being brought up because of the absence of it. The people want alcohol and they should be given it, it will bring the violence down if this product wasn’t illegal. The people of America need to end prohibition; alcohol is needed in this country. With alcohol men were violent, however without it men become more violent because they were desperate for alcohol. There are many strikes going on, and many people continue to deal alcohol. Many illegal measures have been taken to get alcohol, and more illegal practices will occur if prohibition isn’t overturned. Alcohol might be a dangerous liquid, but it is better to have it then not, because without it people will take risky measures to get it.

Ku Klux Killings William Rucker The Ku Klux Klan has been out of control with the way they have been treating Catholics, Blacks, Jews, immigrants, homosexuals, Asians, drug dealers, “wild women”, the Pope, and even politician Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The Ku Klux Klan has recently become a very popular organization in America. This organization Is known for mistreating all sorts of races by attacking and sometimes killing random victims. The KKK lynches people, humiliates them, and treats them like they are below them. The KKK will also hurt any white person that does not fully support the their organization. Members of the KKK feel as thought these minorities should not be treated like everyone else. One member of the KKK, Nicholas Carey, said in a statement “White supremacy will rule, there is no doubting that. The KKK will make sure of this”. The KKK has recently grown to over 4 million people making this group a large powerhouse in America. Most people in the group come from a family that has previously owned slaves and believe that African Americans should have remained as slaves. What the members of the KKK say and believe is outrageous and makes no

sense. These minorities are people just like us and should be treated no differently then us. Surely, KKK members would not appreciate being attacked by other people for no apparent reason. One may have thought that we could move on from the slave era and start to treat these people how they deserve to be treated, but the KKK simply does not understand the meaning of ‘equal rights’. Perhaps KKK members believe that Negroes should be slaves because that is all they know, but that does not make this acceptable. Just because they are coming from a slave owning family, it does not justify their cruel actions. The only way this group can be stopped is if we team up and go against them. Americans outnumber the KKK, which means this can be stopped if we all work together. If Americans ban together, we can take the KKK down and put these people in jail for there wrong doings. The Ku Klux Klan is terrible and desperately needs to be stopped. They are blindly discriminating against all types of people and are even killing these people. If we work together and try to stop them, then the KKK can be put to an end.

Our Blood Our Sweat Your Tears Faraz Soofi Sports were very popular in the 1920’s;

together and fight for a team that they

the most watched sports were tennis,

love. Sports are pleasant and need to be

golf, boxing, football, and baseball.

enjoyed, there is no good reason one

Baseball was the most popular sport and

shouldn’t watch sports. With technology

many people watched it, although some

advancement in this era one could listen

people opposed sports. Sports were for

to a game over radio or he could read the

entertainment and many Americans

newspaper or a magazine.

advocated it, but some thought they were violent and dangerous. Football might be

It is good for America to follow a

violent, but no one was seriously hurt

tradition, and every American should at

and there was padding. Sports are fun for

least have some interest in sports. Sports

the players and they should be for the

could be considered a culture in America

fans, with all this extra time one must

because of how big it is, however some

watch sports.

people still object them. People join to watch sports and there is more peace,

There is no harm in watching sports and

because there are more things that

it is fun to cheer for your team. In

people can agree on. Sports are harmless

baseball Babe Ruth was an amazing

and enjoyable; therefore they should be

player and made baseball history, it must

watched and appreciated.

have been fun to watch. Sports are safe that’s why there are rules, and to the people who object them are acting foolish. Sports are meant to bring people

The Biggest Scandal of the 1920s Siena Billups The 1920s has been full of Wisconsin Senator Robert M. La conspiracies, prejudice, and secrets Follette, Sr. announced that an within the government. Throughout investigation of Fall on April 15, 1922, the decade, we have seen government believing Fall to be innocent. La bribery, the Sacco-­‐Vanzetti Trial, and Follette’s office was later ransacked, the Red Scare. But perhaps the most making him suspicious of Fall’s impactful and significant of scandals innocence. La Follette’s investigation within the government was the continued for two years as no Teapot Dome Scandal. evidence was found and files kept mysteriously disappearing. Shortly Nobody can forget the Teapot Dome before the investigation was about to Scandal in the early 1920s when close, leader of the investigation, Secretary of Interior, Albert Fall Thomas J. Walsh, uncovered a loan to leased out private U.S. Navy Oil Fall from Doheny in the amount of reserves to oil tycoons such as Henry $100,000. F. Sinclair of Mammoth Oil. In 1924 after the unveiling of the scandal, the Fall was recently convicted of Senate stated that the leases to conspiracy and was given one year in Mammoth Oil Company and Pan jail with a $100,000 fine. Fall, Sinclair, American Petroleum Company “were and Doheny were all convicted of executed under circumstances trying to defraud the government indicating fraud and corruption”. after the United States government Although it has been debated if ruled that the lease documents were President Harding knew about the indeed illegal. Whether or not the illegal trade going on between Fall and president was involved, nobody can private oil companies, bribery and deny that the Teapot Dome Scandal consequences surely could have kept will go down as one of the greatest the former president from revealing scandals in United States history. the scandal within his administration.

Building a Fence Around the United States of America Siena Billups The Red Scare was a brief time in America when fear took over people’s lives. As anarchists, communists, socialists, and radicalism became more prominent in America after World War I, the United States government became concerned with the safety of its people. The name “Red Scare” was developed from the Bolshevik Russian Revolution, which invoked fear of red monkeys. If the Bolshevik Russian Revolution made its way to the United States, church, home, marriage, education, and the American way of life would be drastically changed by communist methods. Xenophobia took the nation as immigrants, particularly Russians, were feared to be extremists out to take over America. When a flood of immigrants hit America in the 1920s, European citizens were seen as threats in case they were radicals. On September 1, 1920, Wall Street and J.P. Morgan bank was bombed, killing 38 and injuring over 100. Anarchists and communists were suspected as the bombers, but nobody was ever found to be guilty. The increase in violence in the early 1920s engulfed the nation in fear, but the rampage of radicalism died down as quickly as it began. Criminal syndicalism was adopted by several states in 1919, outlawing advocacy of

violence for the purpose of political radicalism and social change. Free speech was limited, creating conflict with the American citizens in regards to its compatibility with the U.S. Constitution. Anita Whitney, a member of a distinguished California family, was convicted for violating the 1919 Criminal Syndicalism law for allegedly assisting in the establishment of the Communist Labor Party (CLP). Because the CLP thought of as a violent and forceful organization by the government, Whitney was charged with violating the Criminal Syndicalism law of 1919 by being a leader of the organization. Whitney challenged the trial by claiming that the Criminal Syndicalism law violated free speech, justified by the U.S. Constitution. The Red Scare created conflict and panic in America during the beginning of the 1920s. Xenophobia was prominent in the streets as European immigrants were branded as communists and socialists. Criminal Syndicalism was implemented by several states resulting in a violation of free speech and the right to assembly. While the “Roaring 20s” had its ups, it also had its downs, the Red Scare being one that will go down in history books.

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Science Vs. Religion Humza Hameed The Scopes Trial was an important legal trial in 1925. In this case, John Scopes was accused of violating Tennessee’s “Butler Act”. This act made it a violation of the law to teach students the theory of evolution in a state funded school.

Charles Darwin’s theory on the Origin of Species

The court had found John Scopes to be

By 1927, there were about 13 states,

guilty of violating the Butler Act by

both in the North and South, which

teaching evolution. However, due to

considered some form of anti-­‐

technicality, the verdict had been

evolution law. At least 41 bills or

overruled. John Scopes, a man who

resolutions were introduced into the

challenged many of the perceived

state legislatures. Even though some

views by the Bible, was represented

of these efforts had been rejected,

Clarence Darrow. Even though the

Mississippi and Arkansas did put anti-­‐

trial had ended, evolution had been

evolution laws on the books after the

brought forth and revealed to many

Scopes trial that would outlive the


Butler Act.

The aftermath of the trial resulted in

The Scopes trial had both short and

the escalation of the political and legal

long term effects in the teaching of



science in schools in the United States.

influence on education in Arizona and

The anti-­‐evolutionary legislation was

California. Before the Dayton trial,

not challenged again until 1965.

only South Carolina, Oklahoma, and

During that time, William Bryan's

Kentucky legislatures had dealt with

cause had been adopted up by a large

anti-­‐evolution laws or riders to

number of organizations, which had


educational appropriations bills.

included the Bryan Bible League and

goal of removing evolution from

the Defenders of the Christian Faith.

education in the mid-­‐1930s. As the

There were immediate effects that are evident in the high school biology texts used as a result of the Scopes Trial. There is only one textbook, which lists evolution in the index. The fundamentalists' slowly began to move on to other topics other than

anti-­‐evolutionist movement died out, biology textbooks began to include the previously



theory. This also relates to the demand that science textbooks should be written by scientists.

Harlem’s “New Negro Movement” Rohit Agarwal Harlem was created in the late 19th century as a suburb for the white middle class and upper middle class. All the migration from Europeans stopped after the war. The Great migration brought African Americans from the south to the north along with their culture and beliefs. After the war, Harlem became a growing city, populated mostly by Negros. Over the last few years Harlem has been a revolution of culture for African Americans. Novels and poetry have been a huge part in the “New Negro Movement.” In 1922 Harlem Shadows by Claude McKay was the first Negro written book that gained national reorganization. From then on books and poems have been published and become mainstream up until this day. In 1925 African American Alain Locke published “The New Negro.” This was a collection of poems by some of the most influential African American poets of our time: Langston Hughes, Claude McKay, and Zora Neale Hurston. Arts are another key part in the culture movement of Negros. Music is one of the most important cultural identities to Negros and America as a whole. Jazz originated from the Negro culture in the South and with migration to the North it became mainstream. White men have started using the music and themes created by Negros in their own work. Theater and visual arts have also been imperative during this time, with many plays and artwork that are now known around the nation.

Langston Hughes was an American poet, social a ctivist, novelist, playwright, and columnist. He was one of the earliest innovators of the then-­‐new literary art form jazz poetry. Hughes is best known for his work in Harlem.

The last decade in Harlem has been a period where the influence of African Americans in politics, literature, music, culture, and society has grown to become mainstream in America. Rather than using direct political means and having no meaning to their work African Americans have strived to work for goals of civil rights and equality through their art, poetry, literature, and music.

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