News Buzz
December 2020
19TH INDiA INTERNATiONAL MEGA TRADE FAiR KiCKS-OFF iN KOLKATA •India Interna onal Mega Trade Fair being held from 23rd December, 2020 to 3rd January, 2021 development of the country. These fairs provide an ideal Launch pad for the exhibitors to showcase their products and services. Among other benefits, these fairs provide the business houses and businessmen a face to face mee ng opportunity, which is seen as a perfect cost effec ve, means for achieving trade objec ves.
9th Edi on of India Interna onal Mega Trade Fair began amidst the Pandemic and a new threat of Corona Virus Strain, when the World is trying to strike a new balance and revive the Global economy as a whole. The Inaugura on of the 19th edi on of India Interna onal Mega Trade Fair was a way forward in this direc on of New Normal. Organised jointly by The Bengal Chamber and GS Marke ng IIMTF is a tes mony and reflec on of the huge significance of Trade Fairs and Exhibi ons for the economic 16 | www.exhibi
The 19th IIMTF organised by GS Marke ng is a worthwhile ini a ve in that direc on where there is 'something for everybody’. And what is noteworthy is that, despite Covid challenges, the organisers could put together this year's Trade Fair which should hopefully help small and medium enterprises and generate consumer demand and confidence. Mr. Prakash Shah, Chairman & Mrs Suparna D. Gupta of GS Marke ng Associates, men oned, ’However,
given the global Pandemic, we have been extremely careful while undertaking the Fair, and are adhering to all Government protocols like maintaining social distancing, insis ng on Masks for all, taking adequate sani za on measures like making adequate provisions for Paddle Sani zers (150nos) placed at convenient loca ons, etc. Moreover, we are taking adequate measures so that there is a restricted number of guests and visitors who would be allowed inside the Tents at all mes as per Govt. orders.’ “In spite of Global Pandemic and obvious constraints and difficul es arising out of COVID 19, we are having exhibitors from India and abroad. There are exhibitors from Ghana, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Thailand, Bangladesh, Nepal, Dubai & of course from all over India who have come together in
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