Feb 2022

Page 24

Cover Story

February 2022

I would generally define successful events as customer centric, purposeful, measured, impactful and value-giving

2022: Year Of Comeback In Conversa on With Chloe Richardson, VP Senior Corporate Rela ons at Explori ES. Let's kick off this interview with some words about Explori. How does Explori distinguish itself from other companies? Chloe Richardson. Explori is just exceptional at what it does and has a fantastic reputation. I was completely blown away by its customer experience-centric philosophy, which is what really made the thought of joining the team so exciting. Everyone in our industry knows the buzz of events; how it makes you feel as you walk across the show floor; learning, sharing stories, networking and engaging with your peers and target audience. But actually, capturing and tangibly demonstrating the impact of those behaviours and perceptions has been an ongoing challenge. And once you do figure out how to track everything, how do you turn that into

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something actionable, insightful and impactful? Explori has cracked measuring event value through deliberately defined metrics. As a world-leading event research, analytics and measurement tool, we are able to marry human sentiment and data to create something really meaningful… which I think is what the industry is all about, and why I fell in love with Explori in the first place. ES. How did you get here, and what are your most remarkable professional achievements? Chloe Richardson. “How did I get here?” is a question I often ask myself! My first foray in the events world was at 19, as I was president of the largest university halls in Europe and given a huge budget to put on two weeks of events for the thousands of students I represented. After a manic fortnight

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Feb 2022 by exhibition showcase - Issuu