Sep 2019

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Sep 2019 Vol 7 Issue 2


The Tech

Digital platforms, such as Informa Markets' MarkitMakr product directory, connects visitors and exhibitors year-round and helps foster the relationship before and after the event. With the data we're generating from these platforms, we're able to create smart marketing campaigns, understand buyer intent and generate new sources of digital revenue, all the while enhancing the experience for buyers and sellers alike. Jason Brown, Chief Digital Ofď€ cer - Informa Markets

India’s One & Only Nomination Based Awards Initiative

Powered By :

Pg. 10-11

Pg. 12-13

Pg. 15-17 Eiffel Tower Was Also Built For An Expo


Delhi Book Fair Celebrates Its Silver Jubilee

16 17

Ministry Of MSME To Set Up 150 Technology Centers Across India

News Buzz

Pg. 20-41

100 EV Charging Hubs Across Hyderabad Soon


Indian Ice Cream Industry Going Strong


PackPlus 2019, A Comprehensive Packaging And Supply Chain Show Held In New Delhi


COP14 Held Successfully At India Expo Mart

27 30-31

The 13th Edition Of Renewable Energy India Promises To Bolster India's Image As A Clean Energy Champion SIAL India Hosts 2nd Edition Of “food India”


CCI Dives Into Issues Surrounding E-commerce


National Talent Competition For Skill Development In Tourism & Hospitality Sector Held Successfully


Exclusive Interview Printed at Polykam Offset 138

Informa Markets In The Era Of Digital Revolution

Group Editor : Raghav Khosla Content : Asim & Suyash Marketing & PR : Tipti Design : Firoz Accounts : Pappu Yadav

Global News

Pg. 44-45 44-45

Pg. 47-55 47

UFI Names Naji El Haddad New Regional Manager For Middle East - Africa Region


Expo 2020 Dubai Site Hits Major Construction Milestone World's Leading Plastics Trade Fair Open Its Doors Soon: All About 'k' Show


NürnbergMesse Wins Prestigious International ARC Grand Award


Event Calender

Pg. 57

From The Desk Of The Group Editor

Dear readers, Greetings! I am delighted to present to you our September issue. A lot is happening around the world of exhibitions. Exhibitions are the growth engines of an economy and we all can feel the growing professionalism and thrust being put in by the stakeholders, to bring the WOW factor! I can also see the government departments & officials getting more and more involved with the organisers. BUT, a lot needs to be done to keep up the relevance of our industry amongst the millennials.

Showcasing The World Of Business Tourism

M I C E Showcase &



India will invest Rs 230 crore in constructing the India Pavilion at the World Expo 2020 in Dubai next year. Twenty-seven focus sectors have been identified to showcase India's advances in space, pharmaceuticals, information technology, renewable energy and telecom sectors and also strength in innovation and start-ups. Almost 25 million visitors are expected to visit the expo, which will be held in Dubai from October 20, 2020-April 10, 2021. Industry chamber Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI) has been tasked with helping the government to prepare for Indian presence at the Expo. The industry gets a much needed breather with the announcement of reduction in Corporate Tax. The Hotel industry too gets a Diwali Gift in the form of reduction in GST slabs. Industry associations had been consistently raising their concerns to get the GST on hotel rooms lowered. Modi is in US and his historic welcome hit the waves this month. Modi interacted with 42 CEOs of top global companies during the CEO Roundtable held there recently and the top American CEOs were bullish about their companies' future in India. Thomas Cook Plc has collapsed! ITE Group Plc has rebranded to Hyve! This month we also start a Food For Thought section to give our readers a breather from their hectic and tense schedules. We also announce that the nominations for the 5th edition of Exhibition Excellence Awards would open soon. This year we will have categories for Corporate and Associations as st well. We will also have the 1 “India's Distinguished MICE Achievers” alongside EEA 2020. All this and more, soon to be revealed about India's mega initiative for the exhibitions industry. I hope you enjoy reading this issue. I would love to hear your feedback at

Food For Thought Today upon a bus I saw a lovely girl with golden hair; I envied her… she seemed so gay… and wished I were as fair. When suddenly she rose to leave, I saw her hobble down the aisle; She had one foot and wore a crutch, but as she passed a smile. Oh God, forgive me when I whine; I have two feet… the world is mine. And then I stopped to buy some sweets. The lad who served them had such charm, I talked with him. He said to me: “It's nice to talk to folks like you. You see,” he said, “I'm blind.” Oh God, forgive me when I whine; I have two eyes… the world is mine. Then walking down the street, I saw a child with eyes of blue. He stood and watched the others play; It seemed he knew not what to do. I stopped for a moment, then I said, “Why don't you join the others, dear?” He looked ahead without a word, and then I knew he could not hear. Oh God, forgive me when I whine; I have two ears… and the world is mine. With feet to take me where I'd go. With eyes to see the sunset's glow. With ears to hear what I would know. Oh God, forgive me when I whine; I'm blessed indeed…The world is mine.

Joy Lovelet Crawford



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India could be one of our leading partners in mes to come and I invite India to explore business opportuni es in New Jersey: Mr @GovMurphy at #NewJerseyIndia Inaugural Business Roundtable organized by @ficci_india & @USIBC. #NJIndiaMission

Witnessed signing of MoU between @RailMinIndia and @FollowCII to promote green ini a ves on IR. IR's green journey with CII commenced in 2016. Past 3 years have seen encouraging results in reduc on of IR's carbon footprint

The MSME has huge poten al of genera ng employment and has the capability to invite foreign investors to invest in India along with the provision of robust government policies: @gkishanreddybjp, Union Minister of State for Home Affairs, #GoI #StatesPolicyConclave2019 #PHDCCI

We need to make 50% of the growth of the Indian economy from the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector, raise its contribu on to exports to 60% and create 5 crore new jobs. Taking advantage of new research and interna onal best prac ces is cri cal to make MSME industry globally compe ve, with a specific focus on developing enterprises in the rural and tribal sectors of the country

The President of #COP14, Shri @PrakashJavdekar took the opportunity to convey his hear elt thanks to the dis nguished assembly of delegates. They men oned the teams of @moefcc, @ficci_india, @IndiaExpoCentre & every individual who have contributed to the success of #UNCCDCOP14

#NITIAayog Sr Adviser Dr Yogesh Suri interacted with representa ves of Govt of Germany, Heiko Warnken, Head, Rural Development & Chris ane Hieronymus, HoD, German Embassy. India's progress towards achieving #SDG2- Zero Hunger & collabora ve framework were discussed

On stage @kaiha endorf from @UFILive sharing the data of the exhibi on industry and inspiring the a endees to register to #UFICongress for next november in Bangkok

Redefining the cold chain industry. Join our Hosted Buyer VIP program at India Cold Chain Show, 4-6 Dec, BEC Mumbai. Nominate yourself and your peers to be invited as a VIP buyer at the 8th edi on of India Cold Chain Show 2019, 4-6 Dec, BEC Mumbai. With added features I new featured zones I addi onal segments I new added sectors, The nerve centre of cold storage and refrigera on solu ons

10 | September | www.exhibi


Fine Food Australia 2019 is in full swing at Interna onal Conven on Centre Sydney (ICC Sydney) featuring more than 1,000 exhibitors and many more brands


In the wake of crisis, Thomas Cook (India) Ltd. says that it is a part of Fairfax Financial Holdings, is a completely different en ty from Thomas Cook PLC and has been an independent company since August 2012

#Exhibi onsDay Fact: In 2017, 23 million travelers arrived in the U.S. from Visa Wavier Program countries and generated $190 billion in economic ac vity. We advocate for renaming to the Secure Travel Partnership to highlight travel security enhancements.

Sincere gra tude to Hon'ble Finance Minister Smt. @nsitharaman ji for extending the opportunity to @ASSOCHAM4India team to share sugges ons for reviving the economic growth in India and bolstering business confidence.

Joined my senior colleague Sh @PiyushGoyal ji & fellow MoS Sh @SomParkashBJP ji at a consulta ve mee ng with Industry Associa ons on Regulatory Instruments for Formula on & Implementa on of an Effec ve Trade Policy & Development Strategy.

The ‘Howdy, Modi’ event has been branded a ‘great success’ and a ‘milestone in Indian diplomacy’ among other so-called metrics of success, where over 50,000 people gathered to welcome Indian PM Modi along with Donald Trump

"Hon’ble Finance Minister’s mega Corporate Tax s mulus is a major move to boost investors sen ments, encourage manufacturing and awaken animal spirits in the economy. Cut in corporate tax from 30% to 22% without exemp ons has been a long standing demand of industry and is an unprecedented and bold move by the Government

A grand showcase of innova ve and world-class #educa onal toys to promote a child’s learning & #development. Visit Didac India to learn about age-appropriate toys that #encourage cogni ve #skill building, develop motor skills and nurture crea vity among preschoolers. September 24th26th, Bangalore Interna onal Exhibi on Centre

AAI delega on at India Pavillion is all set to meet airlines & other global airport authori es in the World Routes 2019 at the Adelaide Show Ground. They will present business cases that will influence the establishment of new air services and grow exis ng routes to India

India will be hos ng #G20 for first me #Leadership @PMOIndia @narendramodi. The big event needs huge prepara ons to be a ended by top world leaders. Conven on Centers must conform to global standards,visited #Jio Center in #Mumbai Very impressive huge integrated facility

11 | September | www.exhibi

News From Across The World Barcelona The world’s largest seafood exposi on is on the move. Diversified Communica ons, the organizer of Seafood Expo Global/Seafood Processing Global, announced it will be moving the trade show to Barcelona, Spain, star ng with the 2021 edi on. Since 1993, Seafood Expo Global has taken place in Brussels, Belgium, growing over the years into a massive event, involving more than 2,000 exhibi ng companies from around 90 countries, and bringing in more than 29,000 seafood buyers and suppliers annually.

Pi sburgh Pi sburgh is known for its love of zombies, but these days, it’s all about mummies. Arrived in a locked and temperature-controlled semi-truck, more than 40 human and animal mummies were unloaded and carefully displayed in the Carnegie Science Center’s PPG Science Pavilion. “It’s the highly-an cipated “Mummies of the World: The Exhibi on.” Director Jason Brown said. The mummies, plus 85 related ar facts, traveled more than 2,000 miles from Phoenix, Arizona. It is an interna onally-traveling exhibit and Pi sburgh has worked for years to land a visit.

Florida Surf Expo which is the largest and longest running watersports, beach and resort lifestyle tradeshow in the world got cancelled due to the con nued threat of Hurricane Dorian on Orlando, the state of Florida, the southeast and the east coast, Surf Expo announced that it has cancelled the 2019 event, as well as the pre-show outdoor fes val, Waterfest, scheduled to be held on September 4, at the Orange County Conven on Center in Orlando, FL.

12 | September | www.exhibi

South Africa Re e d E x h i b i o n s A f r i c a a n d ReedPOP, the world’s largest producer of pop culture events are the hosts of the annual Comic Con Africa held at Gallagher Conven on Centre, Johannesburg, South Africa. Over 60000 people a ended the show dressed up as their favourite c h a ra c t e r s . T h e 2 0 1 8 e v e n t welcomed over 45000 visitors, 212 exhibitors and almost 400 media.

Moscow 10th Interna onal Exhibi on for materials handling, warehousing equipment and logis cs - took place in IEC Crocus Expo from 24 to 26 September 2019. The show was organized by OOO Deutsche Messe RUS, a daughter company of the German exhibi on operator Deutsche Messe AG. For the first me, following the market trends and expecta ons of supplies chains and intralogis cs management experts, CeMAT RUSSIA runs beyond warehousing. More than 150 exhibitors have showcased their products in two halls.

China Tarsus Group has announced that it has completed the acquisi on of 70% of Shenzhen Zhong Xin Cai Exhibi on Company; owner and organiser of Touch China & 3D Glass Expo. No financial details were disclosed. The exhibi on is held annually at the Shenzhen Conven on & Exhibi on Center (SZCEC), an UFI member. The 2019 edi on of Touch China, held in June, a racted some 380 exhibitors covering a gross area of 37,500 m2 and saw over 22,500 visitors in a endance. Tarsus CEO Douglas Emslie, said: “We are delighted to have completed our first investment under our new o w n e rs , C h a r t e r h o u s e C a p i t a l Partners. Touch China represents our first move into the strategically important electronics sector in Shenzhen. China has long been a cornerstone of our corporate strategy and plans for future growth. This acquisi on marks another important milestone in our aim to further expand our base in Shenzhen."

Dubai The vaping industry will take centre stage in Dubai for the first interna onal World Vape Show in 2020. Just five months ago, the official sale of ecigare es was outlawed in the UAE. New regula on on the sale of registered products launched in April, opening the door for Dubai to host the region’s largest vaping trade event next June at the World Trade Centre. An es mated 64 million people are expected to switch from tradi onal cigare es to alterna ve nico ne delivery devices over the next three years, boos ng the global industry by an es mated $53.4 billion by 2024. However, following recent developments California State has issued warning recommending people to halt use of e-cigare es amid inves ga ons of hospitaliza ons and deaths.

Australia Gary Daly, CEO of Australia-based Exhibi ons and Trade Fairs (ETF), has announced his inten on to step down, effec ve end of October 2019. Daly, who has been at the helm of ETF for almost seven years has overseen growth and development of the company with each event in the por olio enjoying on average 15-20% growth on revenue, visitor and exhibi on numbers over this me. auspack, austmine mining innova on conference and exhibi on, australian energy storage conference and exhibi on, the business of events, interna onal conference & exhibi on on liquefied natural gas and irriga on australia interna onal conference and exhibi on are a few events organized by ETF.

13 | September | www.exhibi




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Quick Bytes Eiffel Tower Was Also Built For An Expo France celebrates its most famous tower 130 years a er it was erected for Paris' World Expo. Originally built in 1889 for the Exposi on Universelle, the 324-metre-tall tower was lit up with 12-minute laser light show that recounted the storied history of the Iron Lady. Originally constructed to serve as the entrance arch for the World Expo, the Eiffel Tower is now one of France's most-visited landmarks and the most-visited paid-for a rac on in the world. One of the most recognisable buildings in the Parisian skyline, the Eiffel Tower was also the world's tallest tower for over forty years. From 1889 un l 1930, it was the tallest man-made structure in existence un l New York's Chrysler Building opened in the United States. Today, the tle lies with Dubai's 830-metre-tall Burj Khalifa. Despite its ensuing popularity, when the Eiffel Tower was first constructed many people cri cised it. French ar sts, authors and members of high society denounced the design, describing it as industrial and ugly. Universelle was a world's fair held in Paris, France, from 6 May to 31 October 1889. It was held during the year of the 100th anniversary of the storming of the Bas lle, an event considered symbolic of the beginning of the French Revolu on. The exhibi on was used as showcases for scien fic and technological advances, but also o en included exhibits of objects from the past.

Taobao Fes val 2019 Held In China At Two Venues

IIFF 2019 Concludes In New Delhi “With a huge poten al of employment and exports, India's footwear sector, is one of the 'engines of growth' for Indian economy. The government has a clear focus to reduce the logis c , capital and power costs in the industry to provide necessary impetus to industry. There is an urgent need to diversify and set-up footwear clusters beyond the major ci es. We may establish the same at na onal highways such as Delhi – Mumbai Highway may be ideal loca ons. Quality of the product is the hallmark for excelling in the compe ve world markets” pointed out by the Hon'ble Minister of MSME and Transport, Government of India Shri Ni n Gadkari at the Award presenta on ceremony of the 5th India Interna onal Footwear Fair at Praga Maidan, New Delhi Organized by ITPO in associa on with CIFI, the fair concluded on a successful note. Complimen ng ITPO and CIFI for the fi h edi on the IIFF,Shri Ni n Gadkari assured all possible support from the Ministry of MSME, as the industry is primarily MSME intensive. He encouraged CIFI to forward a proposal for se ng- up an ins tu on for promo on young footwear entrepreneurs. In response to the request of CIFI, he said that pertaining dispari es GST on footwear and accessories, he assured that the ma er would be discussed with the Finance Minister.

The 2-week long Taobao fes val 2019 commenced on September 12 at two venues, Hangzhou nes ng grounds and west lake in China. The fes val, organised annually by the Alibaba Group to encourage innovators and shi from a 'made in China' tag to 'designed in China', has six zones: Technology, Chinese culture, Gen-Z trends, Design, Food and Crea vity. “Every year, the Tech zone has always got the most a en on. The passion for innova on here is strong, especially in the younger genera on,” says Chris Tung, Chief Marke ng Officer, Alibaba. The Taobao Maker Fes val is organised every year by the Alibaba Group in Hangzhou, China, and features the latest in Next-Gen development. “We are commi ed to becoming an interna onal leading pla orm for new trends and to showcase the unique crea vity of Chinese entrepreneurs,” said Jiang Fan, president of Taobao and Tmall. He further added that “Innova on and cra smanship are fundamental to Taobao's core values. By rewarding and incen vizing innova ve merchants, Taobao will con nue provide the best products for our customers and help to support our growth.”

IELA Sets The Table For Discussion On Security And Safety In Marrakech IELA, the Interna onal Exhibi on Logis cs Associa on, is organising the next edi on of IELA CONNECT on October 14th 2019 in Marrakech, Morocco. This will be IELA's first event in the MENA + Western Africa Region, welcoming all major professionals in the exhibi on industry on a defined local scale with one major goal: to reinforce rela onships for a Safer, more Secure and Sustainable Industry, globally serving the Exhibi on Community. IELA will gather local stakeholders of the exhibi on and event industry from the MENA and Western Africa region to discuss, from the inside, about what is needed to be done in Security and Safety in the region in order to protect our people and set standards. The role of local actors is fundamental. They know their market and environment. The associa on stages a forum on-site for local actors in the industry to discuss best prac ces in Morocco. The subject for exchange and debate will be how the whole industry can implement higher standards of security to protect all staff involved in exhibi ons at all stages of a project.

15 | September | www.exhibi

Quick Bytes CAI Expo 2019, Showcase On Construc on & Architecture Concludes At Codissa Trade Fair Complex Organised by BusinessLine in associa on with IAds & Events group, CAI EXPO, was cynosure for the players from construc on, architecture and interiors, held from 6-8 September 2019 at Codissia Trade Fair Complex in Coimbatore. The expo was inaugurated by Guest of Honour K Periaiah, IPS, Inspector General of Police, West Zone, Tamil Nadu, along with K Asokan, Editor, Hindu Tamil Thisai. For visitors, the event showcased the latest products and technologies available in the market and provided them with the opportunity to interact with industry professionals. The show witnessed varied range from office blocks to high-rise construc ons, from residen al buildings to embassies, the forthcoming infrastructure and construc on projects across the country. CAI 2019 brought together an ideal opportunity to access major manufacturers of construc on material, home interiors and clients procuring work.. From top quality exhibits to insigh ul demonstra ons and more, one got to know thousands of smart, stylish and cost-effec ve ways to design, build or renovate. The event was powered by K Lite Industries, and Kamai Elevators as the co-sponsor.

L C Goyal Gets One-year Extension As ITPO CMD

3 Day Industrial And Engineering Expo Held In Hyderabad

The tenure of L C Goyal as Chairman and Managing Director of India Trade Promo on Organisa on (ITPO) has been extended by one year, an official order said on Thursday. Goyal is a former IAS officer of 1979-batch of Karnataka cadre. He had served as Home Secretary. "The Appointments Commi ee of the Cabinet has approved extension in tenure of L C Goyal, IAS (retd) as Chairman and Managing Director, India Trade Promo on Organisa on for a further period of one year beyond September 1, 2019,i.e. up to 01.09.2020 or un l further orders, whichever is earlier" according to the order. Set up in 1977, ITPO is the nodal trade promo on agency of the government and func ons under the supervision of the commerce ministry, and is classified as a Miniratna. In January 2016, ITPO appointed NBCC as Project Management Consultant (PMC) for Integrated Exhibi on-cumConven on Centre (IECC) project as part of Redevelopment of Praga Maidan. ITPO has awarded the IECC construc on work to Shapoorji Pallonji Group for INR 2150 crores, making the project cost go over whopping INR 2600 crores. On 22 Dec 2017, Vice-President of India Venkaiah Naidu laid founda on stone of IECC project and Integrated Transit Corridor Development project at Praga Maidan.

Organized by Indore Infoline Pvt Ltd., Engineering Expo was held from 6 to 8 September at Hitex in Hyderabad. The exhibi on showcased 4,700 units of various industrial products, the gross value of these products on display was Rs 40 crore. 150 Exhibitors from all over India, China, Austria with the latest machinery and technology for industrial automa on showcased their products and services. Addressing the gathering and interac ng with the media immediately a er its inaugura on, Sri Krishna said, laser cu ng machine which used to be very expensive once have now become very affordable and there are many exhibitors in this exhibi on showcasing state-of-the-art laser machinery. Rajkumar Kumar Agarwal shared that six interna onal exhibitors are par cipa ng in the exhibi on. Nearly 20,000 visitors are expected to visit it in the next three days. A lot of Engineering students Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering busted the exhibi on on the day of its inaugura on to study and see some industrial products and experience them. Through this exhibi on we are confident of genera ng sales leads worth Rs 150 crore over a period of next one year, shared Rajkumar Agrawal.

Delhi Book Fair Celebrates Its Silver Jubilee The silver jubilee edi on of the fair aimed to project New India as envisioned by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Over 140 exhibitors took part in the event, held at Praga Maidan, New Delhi. Inaugura ng the five-day event, Informa on and Broadcas ng Secretary, Amit Khare pointed out that despite the Internet, books s ll hold relevance as they ignite y o u n g m i n d s t o t h i n k o r i g i n a l l y. Publica ons Division of the Ministry of Informa on and Broadcas ng is one of the eminent publishers which had put on display a wide variety of books and ebooks on different subject in several Indian languages. Smita Bha a, an associate professor of zoology at Ramjas College, said she could not count the number of years since she has been coming to the fair. “My profession gives me an opportunity to look at new books and I o en suggest the good ones to our library for procurement,” she added. D.K. Kapur, manager of Jaico Publishing House, meanwhile, said he was happy to find “that the younger genera on is keen on reading”.Jaico Publishing House stall is one of those which a racts a lot of customers. They lure them by offering 10% discount on books. Mr. Kapur said that he managed to sell books worth 10 lakh, adding that, “The fair is always a good idea.”

16 | September | www.exhibi

Quick Bytes Govt Should Introduce Mechanism To Ensure Price Stability Of Raw Materials To Help MSMES: NSIC

Ministry Of MSME To Set Up 150 Technology Centers Across India India is becoming the hub of intellectual p ro d u c o n . We m u st i m p rove o u r compe veness to absorb global competence in o rd er to emerge as ch amp io n s o f manufacturing”, said Shri Sudhir Garg, IRSEE, Joint Secretary, MSME, Government of India in a statement, at the CII Conference on Quality Manufacturing: Aspiring for Global Competence. “Ministry of MSME has earmarked Rs 9000 crore to set up 150 Technology Centers across India that will provide high-end machines, tes ng and redesigning facility to enhance MSME compe veness. Gradually, the Ministry has plans to proliferate these centers at the district level,” he further added in the statement. Speaking on the occasion, Chandrika Kaushik, Director, Directorate of Interac on with Services for Business (DISB), DRDO, highlighted the importance of quality management right from the planning process up to the disposal stage. She also remarked that the important elements of quality are interchangeability, func onality, reliability, and maintainability. The conference was a ended by over 150 industry members, state representa ves and entrepreneurs from the manufacturing sector.

The Central government must introduce a mechansim to ensure price stability of raw materials to help Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME), said P. Udayakumar, Director Planning and Marke ng, NSIC. He was speaking at the inaugura on of Raw Mat India 2019, a three-day exhibi on of raw materials organised by the Coimbatore District Small Industries Associa on (Codissia). He said “The price of raw materials is dynamic. A mechanism to ensure its price stability for a par cular period would help the MSMEs become compe ve in the market." He further added that NSIC would soon introduce aggregated services involving various players such as manufacturers, machineries and logis cs. R Panneerselvam, Principal Director of MSME Technology Development Centre, Process and Product Development Centre, said there was no considerable support for raw materials from the Central government. No ng the speed of technological advancements, he suggested conduc ng exhibi ons for raw materials at least every six months to keep up with the changing needs of various sectors. He also briefly explained the Central government schemes such as Zero Defect and Zero Effect and Digital MSME and Lean Manufacturing for the MSMEs.

India To Be The Official Host For World Tourism Day Celebra ons World Tourism Day is commemorated each year on 27 September, with celebra ons led by UNWTO. Its purpose is to foster awareness among the global community of tourism’s social, cultural, poli cal and economic value and the contribu on the sector can make in reaching the Sustainable Development Goals. In 2019, in line with UNWTO’s overarching focus on skills, educa on and jobs throughout the year, World Tourism Day will be a celebra on on the topic ‘Tourism and Jobs: a be er future for all’. India is the Host Country to lead the celebra ons in 2019. Tourism is a major source of employment because of its labour-intensive nature and the significant mul plier effect on employment in related sectors. It is es mated that one job in the core tourism sector creates about one-and-a-half addi onal or indirect jobs in the tourism-related economy. Overall tourism accounts for one in ten jobs worldwide.

DefExpo In Lucknow Will Be A Shining Example: Rajnath The next edi on of India's mega defence exhibi on, the DefExpo, to be held in Lucknow in February, will be be er than the previous chapters of biennial event, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh said in a press meet. The defence minister held a high-level mee ng to review prepara ons for the 11th edi on of the DefExpo. The mee ng was a ended by U ar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, Defence Secretary Dr Ajay Kumar, Army Chief Gen Bipin Rawat, Navy Chief Admiral Karambir Singh and several top officials of the Defence Ministry. Officials said the exhibi on will highlight emergence of U ar Pradesh as an a rac ve des na on for investment in the defence sector. In his remarks, Adityanath said a land bank of 3,000 acres is available for companies desirous of inves ng in U ar Pradesh. It will be for the first me Lucknow will host the exhibi on in which delegates of a number of leading countries will par cipate. It will be held from February 5-8, 2020.The theme of the DefExpo will be 'India: the emerging defence manufacturing hub' and it will be focused on 'digital transforma on of defence'. Major global and domes c military firms will showcase their latest weaponry and pla orms at the exhibi on, eyeing a slice of the lucra ve military market in the country which is the world's biggest arms importer. U ar Pradesh has a strong defence industrial infrastructure. It has four units of Hindustan Aeronau cs Ltd at Lucknow, Kanpur, Korwa and Naini (Prayagraj), nine ordnance factory units and one produc on facility of defence public sector undertaking Bharat Electronics Limited at Ghaziabad.One of the two Defence Industrial Corridors (DICs) of India is also planned in U ar Pradesh. The other DIC is proposed in Tamil Nadu.

17 | September | www.exhibi

Exhibitions | Events | Retail | Signage | Museums | Experience Centers | Digital Content & Films Contact

News Buzz

100 EV Charging Hubs Across Hyderabad Soon Number of electric vehicles plying on the city roads is put at 1,500, a number that is projected to increase by 25% by 2022 Mobile app will soon be introduced to inform people on the loca on of charging hubs


he public sector power u lity EESL along with the GHMC will set up at least 100 charging hubs across the Hyderabad in the first phase, equipping each hub with six chargers, including two fast chargers, to cater to the increasing numbers electric vehicles on roads. The first phase will cover at least 50 regions where five charging hubs will be set up in a month. The GHMC will provide the land at the sites. The EESL will pay 70 paise per unit from the revenue it earns from customers to the GHMC. The charging hubs will have an uninterrupted power supply, among other things. The number of electric vehicles plying on the city roads is put at 1,500, a number that is projected to increase by 25% by 2022 and 50% by 2030. The state government has an ambi ous plan of having only electric vehicles ply on city roads by 2030, in keeping with the Na onal Mission on Electrical Mobility project of the Union government. The Dra Telangana Electrical Vehicle Policy lays down that all public transport vehicles should switch to electric by 2030. The state wants people to buy only electric vehicles in the future. To facilitate electric vehicles on roads, there have to be an adequate number of charging points in the city, and the responsibility for this is vested with the GHMC. The civic body, therefore, entered into an agreement with the public

sector unit EESL (Energy Efficiency Services Limited). Places where charging hubs will be located in the first phase include NTR Gardens, Silparamam, Tank Bund (at Kandukuri Veeresalingam statue), Telephone Nagar on Urdu University road in Gachchi Bowli, Botanical Garden, HICC Road (Conven on Centre gate), Indira Park, KBR Park, Marriche u Bus stop in Manikonda, GHMC sports complex in Nanakramguda, Municipal Parking Complex in Abids, Gun Foundry, Public Garden, Government School on Raj Bhavan Road, near Park Hotel on Necklace Road, Basheerbagh, Hitex Kaman, Malakpet, Musarambagh, Amberpet police lines, Vidya Nagar (2 hubs), Sundaraiah Park auditorium, Himayatnagar, Ranigunj Bus Stop, Bata in Secunderabad, Taj Tristar on SD Road, Sunshine Hospital, Kamat Hotel, Old Passport Office, Me uguda, Rail Nilayam, Maredpalli West, Hayat Nagar bus stand, Mahavir Harina VAnasthali Park, NGOs' Colony Red Tank and Uppal Metro sta on. GHMC execu ve engineer Venu Madhav said that eco-friendly electric vehicles will help reduce pollu on in the city considerably. The move will generate addi onal revenue for GHMC in the form of adver sements etc. However, electric vehicles are currently very expensive and in a rudimentary stage.

20 | September | www.exhibi

Some Other electric vehicles charging sta ons Recently, the Indian Oil Corpora on (IOC) has come together with the Na onal Thermal Power Corpora on (NTPC) to establish electric vehicle charging sta ons in Greater Noida. Tata Power has also planned to set Up 500 EV Charging Sta ons in India by 2020 and the number goes on. The ques on arises, with the rise of EV in the market and slump in the auto mobile sector, the Government has announced some measures for the revival of Automobile Industry. But on the other hand, the announcement made by the Government may lead to stagna on in the growth of the EV sector. While briefing media, Union minister Ni n Gadkari said that the government has no specific deadline in mind for automakers to switch to electric mobility or ban produc on of petrol and diesel vehicles, “The shi to electric vehicles will happen in natural progression," road transport and highways minister Gadkari said in response to a ques on regarding government think tank NITI Aayog's proposal to ban produc on of conven onal two-wheelers under 150cc by 2025 and three-wheelers by 2023. The government will, however, con nue to promote cleaner fuels without any par cular meline or direc ve to ban petrol or diesel vehicles, Gadkari told reporters on the sidelines of a press conference.

News Buzz

A er A Year's Hiatus, India's Leading Biking Fes val Is Back In December


or 6 years now, thousands of passionate bikers from across India have ridden IBW's The Great Migra on - the iconic ride to India Bike Week in Goa to celebrate the world of biking at Asia's leading biker fes val. The Great Migra on to IBW has become an annual tradi on; a rite of passage, an escape into adventure, moto-culture, riding, music, and biker brotherhood. IBW launched in 2013 with 5,324 bikers and 2,684 bikes. By 2017, India Bike Week had grown to a staggering 15,484 bikers and 8,536 bikes. The 2019 edi on on the last weekend of December will see over 20,000 bikers converging at Vagator for the gathering of a life me. The 6th India Bike Week 2019 promises to be the biggest yet.

every part of the country and the world. We broke a record last year as we tripled in a endance since 2013, so I'm certain that this year is going to be off the hook. I'm coun ng the minutes ll we can swing a leg over our bikes and join the Great Migra on down to Vagator for IBW 2019 !” says Mar n da Costa, CEO of 70 EMG and Director of India Bike Week. IBW 2019 ckets will be available from September 06th for Rs. 2,200 for two days and Rs.1,200 for a one day pass.

Fes val specialist, Seventy EMG has re-imagined India Bike Week in 2019 to create the ul mate celebra on for ALL bikers – regardless of what's ridden, which bike brand and machine is sworn by – IBW is the only home for all Indian Biking. The one Fes val that embraces the passion, independence and adventure of all the men and women riders of India, regardless of the motorbike brand they ride ! India Bike Week 2019 will be a week that India's bikers will remember for a long me. Star ng from The Great Migra on rides to Goa, to the launches, music and madness of the IBW RevMoto Stage. From the iconic Howling Dog Bar and the India Stunt Championship to the IBW Bikers' Club Village and All India Biker Build Off. From legends sharing their wildest journeys, their tales of grit, dirt and endurance with Big Trip Travel Sessions, to the much an cipated IBW Bikers' Mart, home to India's biggest bike expo and over 130 exhibitors. There will be racing for the first me at the Enduro Hill Climb, and Flat Track Trials Circuit. It will be a power packed weekend built for the 280 biking clubs from across India and Asia who make the ride to Goa every year to witness the best of the best in the motorcycling world. “Biking is independence, its adventure. When you're on your bike, you're living life absolutely in the moment. It is one of the reasons for the stunning growth of the Indian biking community over the last 6 years.I can't believe that six years have passed since our first India Bike Week in 2013. As always, we've poured our heart and soul into making this the largest and safest celebra on for the biking fraternity in

21 | September | www.exhibi

News Buzz

“Indian ice cream industry is one of the fastest growing segments of the dairy or food processing industry. India has a low per capita ice cream consump on of ice cream at 400 ml as compared with per capita consump on of ice cream of 22,000 ml in the United States and 3,000 ml in China. With the improving cold chain infrastructure in the country coupled with increasing disposable income and the changing lifestyle, the sector has great poten al for growth”

Indian Ice Cream Industry Going Strong


lobally, ice cream is the most popular dessert. Since the industry is marginally capital intensive, it is very compe ve. In 2014, China took over the United States as the largest ice cream market globally. In 2015, United states, New Zealand, Australia, Denmark and Belgium dominated the global ice cream market in terms of consump on. On the basis of product, the global ice cream market can be segmented into impulse ice cream, take-home ice cream and ar sanal ice cream. Indian ice cream industry is one of the fastest growing segments of the dairy or food processing industry. India has a low per capita ice cream consump on of ice cream at 400 ml as compared with per capita consump on of ice cream of 22,000 ml in the United States and 3,000 ml in China. With the improving cold chain infrastructure in the country coupled with increasing disposable income and the

Bell. In India the ice cream industry is mostly regional and there is a mul tude of brands focusing on only one or two districts or in some case only one state. There are very few na onal brands and the major reason behind slow growth of the smaller players is the high perishability of ice cream products.

changing lifestyle, the sector has great poten al for growth. The ice cream industry in India generated revenue of more than USD 1.5 billion in 2016 and is projected to generate revenue of approximately USD 3.4 billion by 2021. Lately, frozen desserts which are made out of vegetable oils have been ea ng into the market share of ice cream. Key players offering frozen desserts in India are Kwality Walls, Vadilal, Amuland Cream

22 | September | www.exhibi

9th edi on of Indian Ice-cream Expo will take place in Ahmedabad from 19-21 Sept. 2019. IICE has successfully filled the vacuum in this segment by organizing an interna onal event for ice cream industry in India.Indian Ice-cream Expo (IICE) is a three-day event that's co-organised by IICMA (Indian Ice Cream Manufacturers Associa on) & AIM Events. Thought engaging seminar is also conducted parallelly that covers several topics pertaining to ice cream industry such as cold chain, ice-cream ingredients, automa on, food safety and packaging.

News Buzz

Indian Tourism Evolving As A Catalyst Of Growth And Employment Genera on


he ďŹ rst edi on of Hindustan Times Tourism Conclave was organized at Hotel Hya Regency in New Delhi. The symposium was a congrega on of industry stalwarts, visionaries and government representa ves from a mul tude of industry types, who came together on a common pla orm to discuss strategies and growth drivers that pose as milestones and measurable opportuni es in the constantly evolving tourism landscape of India. The conclave was graced by Shri Prahlad Singh Patel, Hon'ble Minister of State for the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India, who at the inaugural address stated, "It is important for the government and other stakeholders to create a posi ve environment and work towards mi ga ng the nega ve percep on about the country's tourism ecosystem. The ministry is working relessly to include various stakeholders in the process of promo ng tourism, crea ng greater levels of synergy and viability. He further stated that a good illustra on of this is the case of the 'Kumbh Mela', the

largest congrega on on the planet, which has transformed its brand image adding greater public convenience and security for the discerning tourists and becoming a mega event a rac ng tourists from all across the world. India has a huge poten al and a rich cultural heritage that can help promote tourism and become a catalyst of economic growth and employment genera on. The need of the hour is for a collec ve trust, to improve connec vity and add convenience for the tourists, ul mately crea ng the right ambience for growth of tourism." Welcoming the guests, Mr. R. Sukumar, Editor-in-Chief, Hindustan Times said, "We are happy to host the ďŹ rst HT Tourism Conclave, which will be a stepping stone and a ready reckoner bolstering the tourism outlook of the country. The focus of the Hon'ble Prime Minister, Narendra Modi is to unleash the true poten al of Indian tourism, realigning the en re blueprint of the industry and transforming it into a tourism superpower. The true measure of a country's performance in many ways can be gauged

from the country's tourism infrastructure. In the present context we need to focus on both our inbound as well as our outbound tourism but also work towards promo ng domes c tourism. We hope that this conclave will go a long way in aligning the various stakeholders' part of the industry providing the right propulsion and opportuni es to all aspects of tourism like eco-tourism, adventure, wildlife, cultural, shopping tourism, heritage and religious tourism." Leaders and renowned guests engaged in discussions on various aspects that would govern the future of tourism industry in India and made an a empt at deciphering the future of Travel & Hospitality. The various themes part of the day long discussions were on 'The Poten al of Heritage Tourism in India', 'Des na on Tourism in India', 'Spiritual Travel, Holis c Healing & Wellness', 'Discover your Ci es', 'Decoding Future of Online Travel - An Entrepreneur's Perspec ve', 'Decoding The Future of Hospitality' and 'India - The Ul mate Des na on for New Age Bollywood'.

23 | September | www.exhibi

News Buzz

PackPlus 2019, A Comprehensive Packaging And Supply Chain Show Held In New Delhi


he 2019 edi on of PackPlus, a comprehensive packaging and supply chain show was organised by Reed Exhibi ons for the first me in New Delhi. A er acquiring the flagship packaging exhibi on por olio from Mumbai-based Next Events, Packplus 2019 was successfully held from 28 to 31 August at Praga Maidan. Co-located with CartonTech, SupplyPlus, PackSol and India Conver ng Show, PackPlus 2019 had a racted a large number of visitors across

length and breadth of the country. Spread over 15,000 square metres, more than 375 exhibitors witnessed over 110 new launches and 265 running machines on the show-floor. Many foreign exhibitors had made their par cipa on which included USA, Canada, Germany, China and Taiwan. The show had got support of bodies like Na onal Small Industries Corpora on, Automa on Industry Associa on and Metal Container Manufacturers Associa on. “The industry has recognised and appreciated PackPlus over last several years. Today, PackPlus is the biggest show in its category and is growing with each edi on. Now, a er coming under the

umbrella of Reed Exhibi ons, our exhibitors and visitors will experience the rise in overall class and quality of the exhibi on,” Prateek Kaushik, por olio director, Next Events, a member of Reed Exhibi ons and a part of RELX Group briefed media. Key solu ons on display included flexo, gravure, offset and screen prin ng presses, label prin ng equipment, corrugated box making machinery, paper, film, foil, inks & other consumables, food produc on & processing equipment, barcodes and RFID, rigid and flexible packaging, flexible intermediate container, woven, sacks and other bulk packaging solu ons, end-ofline packaging solu ons, supply chain, logis cs and material handling and much more.

Messe Frankfurt And Crain Communica ons Will Join Forces To Launch Fes val Of Motoring USA


revolu onary event with both sta c and interac ve content from mainstream, exo c and classic cars to off-road vehicles, Fes val of Motoring USA will be anchored by leading automakers along with other industryrelated companies. Adding to the strength of the event is Kinrara, Goodwood's interna onal event consultancy. Kinrara brings considerable exper se in crea ng sold-out motorsport events, such as the annual Fes val of Speed in the UK – the benchmark in excellence in motorsport event produc on. The inaugural Fes val of Motoring USA event will take place April 29-May 2, 2021, across the sprawling 750 acres at The Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta in Brasselton, Ga. Road Atlanta is recognized as one of North America's most dynamic road courses. In the future, Fes val of Motoring USA will expand to include addi onal North America loca ons.

24 | September | www.exhibi

“We are pleased to be working alongside a powerhouse such as Crain Communica ons to bring this experien al event to the U.S.,” said Messe Frankfurt Inc. President and CEO, Konstan n von Vieregge. “Our combined competencies solidify our path to success and the realiza on of our vision to provide a high-energy, comprehensive automo ve event that appeals to all motoring enthusiasts.” Fes val of Motoring USA will be modelled a er the highly successful Fes val of Motoring Johannesburg in South Africa. Now in its 4th year, Fes val of Motoring Johannesburg has grown into the leading automo ve event in Africa. Interac ve and emo onal, Fes val of Motoring USA will appeal to all of the automo ve senses and include the following opportuni es for consumers: Test drive circuits with professional drivers Ÿ Technology zones Ÿ Self-drive tracks Ÿ


4 x 4 off road experiences Skid pads New-vehicle displays Camping, food trucks and more

“Crain Communica ons is thrilled to be partnering with Messe Frankfurt to present a dynamic event in the consumer automo ve space. Messe Frankfurt's model of experien al, interac ve ac vi es will create a musta end event each year. Adding the exper se of Kinrara, Goodwood's event consultancy, will ensure an experience of excep onal quality in North America,” said KC Crain, President and Chief Opera ng Officer of Crain Communica ons. Fes val of Motoring is a revolu onary and interac ve event; an exhilara ng celebra on of car culture, a rac ve to vast audiences and accessible to fans of all ages. It will be at the forefront of the premier automo ve consumer experien al events globally.


Finding The Right Talent Strategy For Millennials


illennials who have grown up with technology, using it as a regular part of life and educa on are always seen to be more concerned about gaining experience than tripping over short term benefits. Now, the specula on persists if an organisa on with a strong workplace culture and equal opportuni es of volunteering, team bonding, crea vity and freedom of doing work can find the remedy for this exis ng issue? Talent Management plays a very crucial role in the reten on of the valuable employees in a firm. In this me, Every organisa on should keep it in their mind that nearly 75% of the global world popula on would be represented by the millennials, ll the me we reach 2025. For those who are not familiar with this terminology, millennials are the genera on who were born between the year 1977 and 2000. According to a report, 56% of the millennials said that they were usually one of the very first to try the new technology or are among the first group to try a new technology. The organisa ons must use their best method and strategies for a rac ng and retaining their millennial talent at the workplace. While a good salary might have been enough to get the cream of the crop from past genera ons, organisa ons these

days have to offer more than just monetary compensa on to a ract the most millennials. Most successful companies in the world are deeply concerned to make this experience pleasant for their employees as on an average more than 60% of their weekly me is what the employees are giving to their employers. One can always take the inspira on from companies like Google, Amazon and Microso who are very popular for their holis c approach towards their work culture. The leaders and stakeholders need to have a deeper commitment to ac vely understand this genera on to be er serve them and employ them. Prac cally, the curious millennials are just a bunch to manage but an organisa on's desire to win the ba le only, accentuates the fact that they have to step up now step to create authen c work spaces and encourage produc vity, efficiency and flexibility. Talent Management can also be seen as the mentoring body who grooms the talented employees for the future requirement of the organisa on. It becomes utmost important for an organisa on to create a strong workplace culture with equal opportuni es of volunteering, team bonding, crea vity and freedom of doing work. Other important

factor of this holis c growth is the pursuit of recogni on; the millennials want to see how they will grow in the organisa on. They seek instant gra fica on and want freelance flexibility with full me stability. Building a culture of consistent learning within an organisa on is a crucial aspect that helps them stay engaged and mo vated. There's no denial that millennials are incredibly tech-savvy, and technology is a synonym for their comfort. Thus, it is important for an organisa on to build digital processes that go beyond the tradi onal forms of working. It's me to rethink how tools & processes move beyond their current scope, and instead use the en re gamut of social, media, mobile, analy cs and cloud technologies to create innova ve and technologically advanced workplaces that are much more a rac ve to this segment. To sum up, it's more important to understand that any talent strategy has to be authen c and personalised. The easiest way to portray a millennial is to understand that they want to create value for the organisa ons and want the same to be reciprocated. Let's all work towards crea ng a deeper, more meaningful impact on this tribe both in personal and professional spaces by doing things a bit differently every day.

25 | September | www.exhibi


Hall No. 1 – 4500 sqm Hall No. 2 – 4500 sqm

Centrally air-condi oned exhibi on halls Strong flooring with load bearing capacity of 10 MT/sqm Clear height of 20 meter in exhibi on halls Mul ple Entry/Exit points offering flexibility in layout designing Each hall has Organizers office, Media rooms, Lounges, Registra on blocks, etc. Addi onal office block & cafeteria located on first floor of each hall Mul ple cargo entry points for loaded trucks to enter halls Wi-Fi and CCTV Surveillance enabled complex with ample parking inside and around the venue

Visitor li s at various loca ons for accessing upper floors Numerous business hotels in close vicinity

News Buzz

COP14 Held Successfully At India Expo Mart


ndia hosted the 14th Conference of Par es (COP14) of the United Na ons Conven on to Combat Deser fica on (UNCCD). The event witnessedaround 3,000 par cipants from across the world at India Mart and Expo, Greater Noida, from September 2-13. The par cipants included ministers from 196 countries, representa ves of na onal and local governments, city leaders, community groups, scien sts, nongovernmental organisa ons, the private sector and industry experts. UNCCD, established in 1994, is the sole legally binding interna onal agreement that links environment and development to sustainable land management. It addresses specifically arid, semi-arid and dry subhumid areas, known as drylands, home to some of the most vulnerable ecosystems and peoples. Main agendas for COP14 were reversing land degrada on and its outcomes while accelera ng posi ve achievements for people and for

deser fica on. It is about figh ng deser fica on. The fact is that every way in which we choose to fight deser fica on or land degrada on or water scarcity, we will end up improving livelihoods and mi ga ng climate change.” She went on to write: “It is the global agreement that will make or break our present and future. There is no doubt that deser fica on today is a global CSE (Centre for Science issue, and requires coopera on between and Environment) researchers point out na ons. The fact is that management of our that the Declara on does not men on any natural resources, par cularly land and specific measures that can be used for water — what this Conven on is concerned adapta on. In fact, it does not use the word about — is at huge risk today; our own “adapta on” even once. A paragraph in the mismanagement is being exacerbated by dra document which talked about weird weather events, which is making adapta on as well as the Intergovernmental millions more vulnerable and more Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and marginalised. We are only just beginning to Intergovernmental Science-Policy Pla orm see the impacts of climate change. These on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services will become more deadly as temperatures (IPBES) reports and their rela on to con nue to spiral. adapta on, has been removed. When the CoP14 had begun a week ago, Will this watered down Declara on do CSE director general Sunita Narain had anything to mi gate this impending wri en: “This Conven on is not about catastrophe? Doub ul, says CSE. ecosystems with a view to deliver on the United Na ons- mandated Sustainable Development Goals.Land degrada on working in tandem with climate change and biodiversity loss may force up to 700 million people to migrate by 2050. Par es to the conven on agreed on the ac ons each will take over the next two years and beyond.

27 | September | www.exhibi

News Buzz

TTF Mumbai Hits Another Success A

er two successful shows in Ahmedabad and Surat, the TTF West series has arrived in Maharashtra with TTF Mumbai and is being held from September 13-15 at the Nehru Centre in Worli. With a sharp focus on the Diwali and winter vaca ons travel market for Mumbaikars as well as travel lovers from the neighbouring areas, the show provides a vital networking pla orm for travel sellers and buyers to explore business opportuni es in India's largest travel source market – Mumbai. The three-day travel fair brings together state tourism boards, na onal tourist offices, hoteliers, airlines, tour operators and travel agents, online travel companies, railways and cruise lines under one roof for interac on with trade visitors, as well as promo ng their best holiday packages and hotel deals to travel enthusiasts from Mumbai and neighbouring regions to plan their upcoming holidays. 135 exhibitors from 21 states & union territories and 9 countries are a part of the

This year, Nagaland has joined the show as the Feature State while Gujarat, Kerala and Madhya Pradesh are exhibi ng their tourism a rac ons as the Partner States. Other Indian states and union territories being represented in TTF Mumbai include Andaman & Nicobar, Chandigarh, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Delhi, Goa, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Odisha, Puducherry, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, U arakhand and West Bengal. India Tourism is also present at the show in a big way, with the theme '150 Years of Celebra ng the Mahatma'.

and UAE. Over 3,000 trade visitors are expected to visit the travel trade fair over a span of three days, and a similar number of general visitors are also es mated to a end. Various knowledge sessions will also be conducted during the show by Skal Interna onal, IATA, Xylem Integrated Solu ons, Equa ons and others. The first one and a half days of the show, i.e. Friday, and ll 2 pm on Saturday are reserved exclusively for the travel trade. Therea er TTF Mumbai will open its doors to the general visitors and travel lovers of the city and nearby regions from 2 pm to 6 pm on Saturday, and the full day on Sunday. Entry to the show is free. TTF Mumbai is supported by India Tourism, as well as travel industry bodies like TAAI, OTOAI, ATOAI, ADTOI, IATO, IAAI, SKAL INTERNATIONAL, ETAA, TAAP and TAAN.

Interna onal representa on in the show includes par cipants represen ng countries such as Germany, Greece, Kenya, Maldives, Nepal, South Africa, Thailand

A er TTF Mumbai, the TTF West Series will head to Pune, where TTF will be held from September 20-22 at Messe Global Laxmi Lawns, Hadapsar, Magarpa a, Pune.

show this year, showcasing their travel services, products, des na ons and much more at the three-day travel trade fair, offering the best holiday packages and hotel deals, etc.

28 | September | www.exhibi

News Buzz

Media Expo Concludes In New Delhi


he 45th edi on of Media Expo was held at Praga Maidan, New Delhi. The exhibi on for indoor and outdoor adver sing, signage and prin ng industries has seen a 13% increase in the number of exhibitors, according to the organiser. Raj Manek, execu ve director and board member, Messe Frankfurt Asia Holding, said: “It has been a brilliant year for our show, Media Expo. Along with Mumbai, the New Delhi edi on has also broken its previous exhibitor records showcasing the unceasing trust the pla orm has earned from our exhibitors and visitors. With constant efforts to enhance the show, we will con nue to build a one-stop-brand offering all-encompassing solu ons for this industry.” Currently, a total of 219 exhibitors displayed over 150 running machines at halls 8, 9,10,11,12, and 12A. Spread across 18,102 sqm of exhibi on area, the event has seen a 14% increase in

exhibi on space. The event has highlighted a range of tex le and flatbed printers, display equipment, types of vinyl and other marke ng materials; 3D printers, and digital signages with build-in IoT systems. Michael Dehn, general manager – sales and marke ng, Messe Frankfurt Trade Fairs India,“ We acquired the show back in 2014 and I am happy to announce that the exhibi on has grown 64% in the last five years and it hosts more than 200 exhibitors this year.” Media Expo had also organised a

workshop to bring industry leaders and experts under one roof. The workshop will host top members from the prin ng, digital and signage industry, such as Santosh Nair of HP India, Rajesh Mrithyujayan of Monotech Systems, TejasaPurandare of Cosign India, and Akash Arora of Aero Digital Signage. It will shed light on whether digital prin ng is a sustainable alterna ve; merits of 3D prin ng and signage planning and whether digital signage is replacing print. The curtain-raiser to the MEA 2020 Awards took place at the inaugura on on 6 September 2019. “Together with the leading advisory firm Ernst & Young, we have conceptualised a pla orm which will be rewarding innova ve applica ons in the industry and we are pleased to announce the launch of 'Media Expo Excellence Awards' which will take place at our next edi on in 2020,” added Dehn. The trade show concluded on 8 September 2019.

29 | September | www.exhibi

News Buzz


The 13 Edi on Of Renewable Energy India Promises To Bolster India's Image As A Clean Energy Champion


he 13th edi on of Renewable Energy India 2019 Expo observed a grand opening on the first day, with par cipa on from leading interna onal stakeholders and experts from across the globe at the India Expo Centre, Greater Noida. Over the years, REI has been established as the most comprehensive, reputed and Asia's largest expo in this domain where the green community congregates to discuss the trends, addresses challenges and showcases the best and most innova ve technological solu ons available to overcome them. This year, the event brought together decision makers and influencers as well as technical experts and professionals from leading companies involved in the renewable energy genera on, transmission and distribu on to regulatory framework and its challenges. The expo commenced with an opening ceremony where global and na onalleaders, fromBloomberg New

Energy Finance, EY India Power & U li es Leader, and Freiburg among others joined hands to encourage World Energy Sustainability along with key government dignitaries from Brazil, government of India, state of Madhya Pradesh, State of Telangana to highlight benefits & future plans. The panel was graced by key dignitaries Mr. Jus n Wu, Head of APAC, Bloomberg New Energy Finance; Mr. Somesh Kumar, EY India Power & U li es Leader; Shri Ajay Mishra, IAS, Special Chief Secretary, Energy Department, Government of Telangana; Shri Manu Srivastava, IAS, Principal Secretary, New & Renewable Energy Department, Government of Madhya Pradesh; Prof. Eicke R. Weber, Former Director, Fraunhofer ISE, Freiburg ; Dr. Michael K. Dorsey, Co-founder and Principal of Around the Corner Capital

30 | September | www.exhibi

,Partner, IberSun (Spain/USA) &Pahal Solar (India); Md. Enamul Karim Pavel, Head of Renewable Energy, IDCOL, Bangladesh; Md. Enamul Karim Pavel, Head of Renewable Energy, IDCOL, Bangladesh; Mr. Yogesh Mudras, Managing Director, for Informa Markets in India and Mr. Rajneesh Kha ar, Group Director, Informa Markets in India. In his opening remarks, Mr. Yogesh Mudras, Managing Director for Informa Markets in India said, “Renewable Energy India 2019 Expo, provides an unique and incredible pla orm which brings policy makers and industry experts together under one roof to discuss overall concerns of the industry and best ways to manage them. The show has gone from strength to strength, becoming one of the few morale

News Buzz a double-digit growth and REI is perfectly posi oned to match its pace and enhance its viability.”

boos ng and reliable channels for business, innova ons, trendspo ng and networking to move the industry forward in spite of its dynamism in recent mes. With a plethora of associa ons, government bodies, independent leaders, industry experts to discuss market trends, investments, technology innova ons, the show will give industry professionals an invaluable insight into the path the sector is carving for itself. Despite a certain plateau we observe, the spectrum of renewable energy is going on

The dignitaries present on the first day at the event were Somesh Kumar, Partner adoubledigi r&U li es), Ernst & Young LLP; Ashish Khanna, President Renewables, Tata Power & MD & CEO, Tata Power Solar; Simon Stolp, Lead Energy Specialist, World Bank; Shaji John, Head- Business Development Domes c & Global Renewables Business L&T; Daniel Liu, Managing Director South Asia, Jinko Solar; Dr.Anuvrat Joshi, Head Business Development, Cleantech Solar; Arvind Reddy, CEO, Innolia Energy Pvt. Ltd; Santosh Khatesal, Managing Director, Enerparc Energy Pvt. Ltd.; and A.K. Jain, Managing Director, Rajasthan Electronics and Instruments Limited (REIL) amidst an august industry gathering. U lizing this opportunity, the IndoGerman Energy Forum hosted the

discussion on business opportuni es in residen al solar and AgroPhotovoltaics, while PV magazine hosted a discussion on best prac ce guidelines for large scale projects, O&M and installa on led by Jonathan Gifford, Editor in Chief Global, PV magazine group and Subrahmanyam Pulipaka, CEO, Na onal Solar Energy Federa on of India. Leading associa ons likeIndian Bio Gas Associa on, Indo German Energy Forum, Solar Business Club, All India Solar Industries, APVIA, Indo German Chamber of Commerce, Skill Council for Green Jobs, Na onal Solar Energy Federa on of India and GIZ, among others. Interna onal Solar Energy Society, IndoGerman Energy Forum SO, Natural Resources Defense Council, Global Energy Storage Alliance, Standards and research, Skill Council for Green Jobs, supported REI 2019 to accelerate discussion around, best prac ces in the domain, distribu on and role of startups in renewable energy.

Industry Associa ons Unite In Support Of The Business Of Events the ac vi es associated with this are 'must-a end' dates in our diary.


he Business of Events (TBOE) has announced ABPCO, HBAA, IACC, ICCA, MPI, PCMA and UK inbound as suppor ng associa ons for its upcoming series of events. Designed to engage, support and promote the UK events industry, TBOE will take place during November 2019. The agreements with the suppor ng associa ons will allow TBOE to leverage its rela onship with some of the events industry's bestknown and most respected organisa ons, giving it access to a highly engaged global audience of mee ngs and events professionals. Heather Lishman, ABPCO associa on director, said: “ABPCO is delighted to support The Business of Events 2019. We believe that

It gives us an opportunity to learn more about the strategic direc on that is being taken by government regarding ini a ves relevant to events, and it's an amazing opportunity to network with colleagues from other associa ons and organisa ons who are as passionate about the events industry as we are. The ABPCO values are excellence, learning and belonging, and our purpose is 'proud to enable human enrichment through face to face gatherings' – we firmly believe that The Business of Events programme of ac vi es will give us an opportunity to fulfil these.” Judy Elvey, president MPI UK & Ireland, said: “As a leading global associa on in the events industry, MPI UK & Ireland is commi ed to suppor ng ini a ves that help gain recogni on for the sector. The Business of Events is a truly collabora ve series of events, which

brings the UK events industry together to recognise the value of the sector and build stronger rela onships with government. MPI UK & Ireland understands the importance and strength the industry has when uni ng efforts, and we look forward to seeing what we can achieve as a result”. This year's TBOE series of events include a first-ever Business of Events Global Policy & Prac ce Forum, created in partnership with IBTM, The Barcelona Conven on Bureau and PCMA, held in Barcelona ahead of IBTM World on 18 November; a returning Senior Leadership Forum, held for the first me at The Mermaid London on 6 November 2019; and The Parliamentary Debate, staged in associa on with the All Party Parliamentary Group for Events, held at Portcullis House. An invita on-only Senior Leadership Dinner, a ended by events industry leaders and government representa ves, will follow the debate.

31 | September | www.exhibi

News Buzz

GJEPC Organises India Pavilion With 99 Leading Gems & Jewellery Manufacturers


he leading jewellery event in Asia Pacific, Hong Kong Jewellery and Gem Fair 2019 will witness India Pavilion organized by Gem & Jewellery Export Promo on Council (GJEPC). This year, 99 gem and jewellery exporters par cipa ng at the “India Pavilion” will be showcasing a wide variety of trendy, unique and innova ve jewellery made especially for the Asian market. The India Pavilion is located at Hall 11 (Diamond), Hall 10 (Gemstones) and Hall 3C -E (Finished Jewellery). Mr. Pramod Kr. Agrawal, Chairman, GJEPC said, “Hong Kong is a significant market for the Indian gem and jewellery industry. India exported US$ 11.12 billion worth of Gem & Jewellery products to Hong Kong in 2018. The Indian con ngent is present in large number and our effort would be to sustain the market share in the region even for 2019. We are looking forward to the show.” For India Hong Kong Jewellery and Gems Fair has been a significant pla orm to further strengthen its network and improve its exports to the region. It is also an opportunity for Indian exporters to understand the latest trends in the market which helps them to come back every year with trendy and innova ve products for the buyers here. With top manufacturers

par cipa ng at India Pavilion, buyers here will get to see products of the highest quality including loose diamonds, loose coloured gemstones, plain gold jewellery, pearl jewellery, silver jewellery as well as diamond and coloured stone studded jewellery.

INTRODUCING THE INDIA DESIGN GALLERY This year, the India Pavilion at HKJGF has some special a rac ons. It will feature an exclusive India Design Gallery, showcasing some of the most magnificent jewelry pieces created for the Hong Kong market. The theme is COSMOS, a representa on of jewelery consumer trends for 2020. The jewelry features a variety of cosmic elements in intricately cra ed rings, pendants, earrings, bracelets and more. You can find India Design Gallery at 3M202, NEAR GRAND HALL at Wanchai

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Loca on of the Jewellery Fair “The India Design Gallery highlights some of the finest contemporary jewelry available from India today. The jewelry, designed and manufactured in different parts of India, has one thing in common— it is meless jewelry for the world. Indian jewellers and cra smen cater to the most demanding customers across the globe. India's ability to sa ate any kind of jewellery requirements has always amazed the world. This has been possible due to Industry's willingness to embrace and adopt the latest technology,” Says Colin Shah, Vice Chairman, GJEPC The Jewellery at India Design Gallery at Hong Kong has been designed by the Designers of Ar san Awards, a Design led ini a ve by GJEPC. Ar san Awards recognizes and rewards the best in jewellery design and celebrates highest level of ar stry, innova on and individuality, eleva ng jewellery designers to their righ ul status of ar sts. Talking about the Jewellery pieces showcased at the India Design gallery, Milan Chokshi, Convener Promo ons & Marke ng GJEPC said, “Every jewel piece at the India Design Gallery is a manifesta on of designer's vision. The Ar san Awards is a carefully cra ed and

News Buzz curated intellectual property of GJEPC that gives Indian designers an opportunity to unleash their sheer talent and shine. As part of the design galleries across the world, these pieces will be a showcase of India's ascent as a dominant player in the world of jewellery design.” The Indian gem & jewellery industry is at its pinnacle. India's overall gem & jewellery exports for the year 2018 accounted for US$ 39461.07 million. All thanks to its 5 million workforce. For this industry, ethical business prac ces precede any other prac ce. 'Business with Conscience' has been their mantra for decades now and it indeed reflects in the efforts taken by the industry to adopt measures for the wellbeing of not only its workforce but also ini a ng several other programs for the greater good. Indian G & J Industry and GJEPC have invested heavily in its workforce by adop ng high standards of modernisa on, safety, cleanliness and other socioeconomic benefits such as, medical facili es, employment genera on and

second-to-none training programs for workers amongst others. “We as an Industry and also the apex gem & jewellery body of the Country strongly believe that our greatest resource is our talented workforce. We con nuously strive to upgrade their lives through several socio-economic benefits for them as well as their families,” added Colin Shah. The prime ac vity of GJEPC is to promote the Gem & Jewellery products in the Interna onal markets. Over the years, it has involved in organising a number of important trade shows held in the country like the India Interna onal Jewellery Show

(IIJS), IIJS Signature, India Gem & Jewellery Machinery Expo (IGJME). The GJEPC organises India Pavilions – par cipa on of a number of companies under the GJEPC banner - at various leading interna onal shows like JCK Las Vegas, Hong Kong, Basel, Vicenza, and several others worldwide. Various product-specific Buyer-Seller Meets, sending and hos ng trade delega ons and sustained Brand India Promo on campaigns through adver sements abroad, publica ons and audio-visuals are some of the other trade promo on ac vi es undertaken by the Council. The Indian industry has also been taking self-regula on measures. GJEPC launched 'My KYC Bank' portal for total transparency in opera ons. 'My KYC Bank' is a centralised KYC repository-cumexchange pla orm for the gems and jewellery industry. So far the trade bodies that are part of the MyKYCBank include GJEPC, Bharat Diamond Bourse and the Antwerp World Diamond Council and DMCC.


Deepak Sakpal



33 | September | www.exhibi

News Buzz

ACREX INDIA 2020, South Asia’s Largest Hvac&r Event, Promises To Build Sustainable Future


CREX India, the flagship event of the Indian Society of Hea ng, Refrigera ng and Air Condi oning Engineers (ISHRAE) and produced by NürnbergMesse India, gears up at an augmented pace for the 21st Edi on to be held in the Na onal Capital Region, IEML on February 27-29, 2020. Keeping up with the high standards of na onal and interna onal par cipa on, there shall be exhibitors and visitors from over 25 countries including Belgium, China, Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, the Netherlands, UAE, UK, Ukraine and USA. As the most credible representa ve of the South Asian HVAC & R Industry, ACREX India is a highly coveted pla orm that has engineered and facilitated several business collabora ons over the years. While companies from across the globe like Climaveneta S.P.A, Clivet S.P.A, Güntner Gmbh and many more have opened their offices in India, several interna onal brands like Lu-Ve S.P.A, Fujian Snowman Co. Ltd, Prihoda S.R.O, Infraca, etc., have been regularly doing business here and are working towards

ven la on. Some of these designs include energy-efficient heat recovery ven lators, also known as air-to-air heat exchangers. The exhibit will demonstrate that how, through mechanical means and through HVAC systems, one can remove or dilute indoor airborne pollutants coming from indoor sources; and how it reduces the level of contaminants and improves the IAQ. se ng up their India opera ons or joint ventures. ACREX India 2020 - Building a Sustainable Future Together The massive infrastructure development being witnessed in the country makes it impera ve that we create frameworks that are is sustainable and environmentally responsible. This philosophy and convic on was the force behind the forthcoming ACREX India's theme "Building a Sustainable Future Together". ACREX India 2020 will also present a live exhibit tled "Shudh Vaayu Deergh Aayu" (translated to English as: Clean air, long life) on IAQ which shall focus on advanced techniques of designing new homes that now feature mechanical systems that support and accentuate natural

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Insigh ul Seminars & Workshops will be held for all visitors at ACREX India 2020 by industry experts from widespread fields. There shall be interac ve lectures and moderated discussions on topics ranging from energy efficiency, healthy buildings, indoor air quality, refrigerants, to IoT. Addi onally being organized are engaging sessions by interna onal associa ons like U.S. Green Building Council, REHVA (Federa on of European Hea ng, Ven la ng and Air-condi oning Associa ons), CEEW (Council On Energy, Environment and Water)s, AAR (Associa on of Ammonia Refrigera on), IAQA (Indoor Air Quality Associa on) & ASHRAE (American Society of Hea ng, Refrigera ng and Air-Condi oning Engineers).

News Buzz

SIAL India Hosts 2nd Edi on Of “Food India”


he 2nd edi on of “FOOD INDIA” by SIAL INDIA hosted by Inter ads. Pvt. Ltd. and Comexposium group was successfully organised from Sept 19 to Sept 21 at Praga Maidan, New Delhi. More than 300 Exhibitors from around 32 countries a ended this interna onal food innova on exhibi on. Mrs. Harsimran Kaur Badal, Minister, Food Processing Industry inaugurated the event along with Mr. Rajan Sharma, MD, Inter ads Pvt. Ltd, Mr. Amit Lohani, Founder Director, Forum of India Food Importers and other jury members.

Despite the transport strike in the capital, we have seen an overwhelming response by the visitors in this year's SIALINDIA 2019. The na ons par cipa ng in this year's event have almost doubled in number if compared to last year's edi on and we are pleased to see a growth of almost 70 percent in this SIAL INDIA 2019” said Mr. Rajan Sharma, Managing Director, Inter ads. Pvt. Ltd.

“Bocuse d'OR” – a biennial world chef championship and “SIAL INNOVATION”The food innova on awards by Indian Fedara on of Culinary Associa ons (IFCA) were also organised among the various par cipant chefs, judged by a jury composed of the most illustrious chefs of the country like chef Manjit Gill and chef Manisha Bhasin.

Excellent Experience! Mrs. Badal, MOFPI Minister, visited our stall and tasted all our products. It was very encouraging! The French ambassador witnessed the live kitchen sessions. The conferences were very

good. We got lots of networking opportuni es which are going to help us," quoted Mr. Jaspal Singh Johar, VPHORECA - Veeba Food Services Pvt Ltd. The last edi on witnessed 150+ exhibitors from 13 countries with approx. 5,000+ trade visitors, making it the ideal networking & business pla orm for the food & beverage industry stakeholders, but this me it surged to approx. 8000 visitors and 300 exhibitors. SIAL made its debut in the interna onal market in the year 1964 in Paris, France, followed by China, Canada, The Middle East, Indonesia and India. 15,548 exhibitors from more than 119 countries have par cipated to grow their business ll date in this event. All over the globe, SIAL Network represents a truly unique forum of exchange, mee ngs and discussion. The next SIAL exhibi on will be held at Paris Nord Villepinte in Paris, France.

35 | September | www.exhibi

News Buzz

Corporate Tax Cut Surgical Strike' On Nega ve Sen ments In Economy: Analysts


he reac ons came as the government on Friday slashed the income tax rate for companies by almost 10 percentage points to 25.17 per cent and offered a lower rate to 17.01 per cent for new manufacturing firms to boost economic growth rate from a six-year low by incen vising investments to help create jobs. Dubbing the government's move of slashing income tax rate for companies as a "surgical strike" on nega ve sen ments in the economy, markets analysts said the step will ease liquidity concerns of India Inc and boost investment. The reduc on to 22 per cent in corporate taxes will result in massive release of Rs 1,45,000 crore immediately in the economy which will boost sen ments and bring in real surplus to the corporates," Jimeet Modi, Founder & CEO, SAMCO Securi es & StockNote said. According to Mustafa Nadeem, CEO, Epic Research, reducing the corporate tax rate is a big boost for the market. "This is huge for the market. There were few announcements that were keeping sen ments in check as FM was trying to boost market sen ments and improve the state of the economy by boos ng exports, banks consolida on, recapitalisa on and so on but reducing the corporate tax rate is a big boost," Nadeem said. The

domes c equity market cheered the move, with the benchmark BSE Sensex skyrocke ng a record 1,955.46 points to 38,048.93 in intra-day trade. Leading bourse BSE also welcomed the move." These decisions will be celebrated as historic and will go a long way in improving 'Ease of Doing Business In India' even further," Ashishkumar Chauhan, MD & CEO, BSE said. "There are several other fiscal measures that have been announced which all point to the government's commitment to promo ng the business ac vi es and enhance job crea on manifold. These announcements will further boost the investor confidence and start the investment cycle," he added. Finance Minister's consulta ve approach has bolstered posi ve spirits in the industry, says Vikram Kirloskar, President of Confedera on of Indian Industry (CII). He added that this is indica ve of the government adop ng a tax s mulus route rather than increasing government spending to help recover the economy. VK Vijayakumar, Chief Investment Strategist, Geojit Financial Services said the measures announced by the finance minister can be described as a 'New Deal' for the Indian economy."The psychological s mulus from this 'New Deal' will be

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higher than the fiscal s mulus. Animal spirits will respond posi vely. The message from Dalal street is a clear signal. Bold move indeed!" Vijayakumar said. FICCI President Sandip Somany said lowering of income tax on corporates had been a longstanding FICCI request. ASSOCHAM Secretary General Deepak Sood welcomed the move saying this will not only give a boost to the domes c economy, but also a ract foreign investors to invest in India. Prime Minister Narendra Modi hailed the decision terming it as historic one. In a tweet, he said, it will give a great s mulus to Make In India, a ract private investment from across the globe, improve compe veness of the private sector, create more jobs and result in a win-win for 130 crore Indians.

News Buzz

CCI Dives Into Issues Surrounding E-commerce


s ecommerce con nues to be the basic building block of the growing digitalisa on in the country, an interim study by the Compe on Commission of India (CCI) in the sector has made some interes ng observa ons based on ini al findings. The study started in June to gather qualita ve informa on and insights from market par cipants in ecommerce ecosystem. It aimed to understand shi in strategies, compe on landscape and issues. The study included sectors like mobile, grocery, food, electronics or electrical appliances, lifestyle, and hotels. The CCI had iden fied retailers, manufacturers, online payment systems, ecommerce marketplaces and service providers as the stakeholders. In simple terms, from Zomato and Swiggy to Flipkart, everything made to the CCI scanner. The stakeholders across sectors have iden fied discounts, commission, and algorithm issues as its concerns. Vendors or sellers said that ecommerce pla orms give preferen al treatment to certain sellers; there is a high search ranking for preferred sellers and feel compelled to par cipate in discounts. At the same me,

e-commerce marketplace players have said that the sellers are independent third party players as sellers par cipate in deals at their own discre on and search ranking of sellers is based on algorithms. They also said that there is a mechanism in place to deal with unauthorised vendors selling counterfeit products. The study found that mobile phones and accessories cons tute the largest share of e-tailing, followed by lifestyle goods. It also highlighted the emergence of onlineonly sellers and marketplaces developing their own private labels. In the hotel industry, players said that they are forced to set unviable rates because of discounts by online travel operators. They also informed the CCI that they see unilateral increase in commissions by online tour operators and the search ranking algorithm is opaque. The CCI study found that respondent hotels were listed on at least five online travel agencies. However, direct and corporate sales accounted for the highest source of their revenue. It was also found that large hotels offer less than 20% of their total room inventory on online

portals, whereas small and mid-sized hotels offered over 20%. Online tour operators said that prices are determined by hotels and they offer discounts on the listed room price. In the food sector, restaurants have said that deep discounts by online pla orms are “cannibalising dine in” and the burden of discounts is shi ing to restaurants. They have also noted that online food pla orms arbitrarily increase commissions and compelled them to use their manpower. Meanwhile, online food pla orms said that restaurants par cipate in discount schemes at their own discre on and commissions are decided based on mutual nego a ons and there is no restric on on the use of manpower. The CCI also found that restaurants earned around 28% of their revenue through online pla orms. Further, online pla orms are expanding and se ng up their own cloud kitchens and are also furthering their B2B presence such as supply of food ingredients. The CCI has sought views of all stakeholders by September 30 as the study is s ll on.

37 | September | www.exhibi

News Buzz

India Lab Expo Kicks Off In Hyderabad


elangana Health Minister Eatala Rajender inaugurated analy caAnancon India and India Lab Expo at Hitex Exhibi on Centre in Hyderabad. The trade fairs along with colocated exhibi on, Pharma Pro&Pack Expo, are South India's largest trade fairs for laboratory, analysis, pharma processing and packaging.

the US and over 25 percent of all medicines in UK. Alongside pharmaceu cal, food processing, research and development sectors are growing at an exponen al rate as well. The Indian food processing industry accounts for 32 percent of the country's total food market and the Ministry of Ministry of Food Processing Industries is implemen ng a number of schemes for R&D in the Food Processing Sector addi onally.

“We have set up a befi ng stage for the largest pharma market in the country. We have also pooled in reputed buyers from across the country which will give tremendous exposure to our exhibitors," said Bhupinder Singh, CEO, Messe Muenchen India.

Growing industries such as these require an op mum pla orm for industry professionals to come together, network and showcase their latest innova ons. analy caAnacon India and India Lab Expo are the ideal trade fairs for industry suppliers, manufacturers to exhibit their products to an extensive audience in India. To be held in Hyderabad from 19th to 21st September 2019, analy caAnacon India and India Lab Expo will bring the best of the lab technology and analy cal instrumenta on to the pharmaceu cal, food processing, research and development industry in India, under one roof. Over the years, Hyderabad has emerged

The pharmaceu cal industry has seen remarkable expansion in the past decade, globally and especially in India. According to India Brand Equity Founda on, the Indian pharmaceu cal industry itself produces and supplies 50 percent vaccines,40 percent generic medicine in

as the pharmaceu cal hub of the country and is also known as 'The Genome Valley of India'. The research and development sector in Hyderabad is also gaining momentum. With an incredible number of food processing clusters emerging in the city, Hyderabad providesfavourable grounds for analy caAnacon India and India Lab Expo, for both: visitors and exhibitors. Girija S. Brahma, Marke ng Manager, MERCK Life Science Private Limited about the par cipa on in analy ca Anacon India and India Lab Expo: “The trade fairs con nue to be a great pla orm where we get opportuni es to interact with the industry stakeholders, it definitely helps in building a strong presence within the analy cal industry.”

Aurangabad: India's First Industrial Integrated Smart City Inaugurated By The PM


rime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the 10,000-acre Aurangabad Industrial City (AURIC), the first ever greenfield industrial smart city of India, as part of the upcoming DelhiMumbai industrial corridor, near the historic city in Maharashtra. Besides, the prime minister opened the Auric Hall, a six-storey building which will be both monitoring and administra ve nerve centre for the smart city and launched the Auric chatbot that will help anyone get their problems addressed by the city administra on. Billed as the country's first greenfield industrial smart city, Aurangabad, the

backward Marathwada region, has been developed as part of the Delhi Mumbai industrial corridor. With this, the government aims at fastening up industrial growth between two of the na on's biggest ci es - Delhi and Mumbai. On inaugura on of Aurangabad Smart City, Modi said the signature building of new Aurangabad is now ready for service and will play a key role in further developments of the region. "Apart from being a smart city, Aurangabad is going to be a centre for industrial ac vi es across the country. It is also an important part of the DelhiMumbai Industrial Corridor. Several big

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companies have started working here and more will come in near future," he said. Modi, who arrived in Aurangabad from Mumbai, also visited an exhibi on of handicra wares made by women selfhelp groups, accompanied by Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis and State Women and Child Welfare Minister PankajaMunde.The exhibi on, namely Mahila Saksham Melava was organised by Maharashtra State Rural Livelihood Mission (UMED), at Shendra MIDC in Aurangabad. Under the UMED campaign, four lakh SHGs have been set up all over the state and 43 lakh people were covered under this scheme.

News Buzz

Electronica India And Productronica India: Ideal Pla orm For Electronic Component And Machinery Manufacturers


er a tremendous response in Bengaluru last year, electronica India and productronica India are back with their next edi on for the year 2019. With approximately 600 exhibitors from 28 countries and foo all exceeding 25,000 trade fair visitors in 2018, both the shows are growing at an exponen al rate. This year Messe Muenchen India, has moved the venue to India Expo Centre at Greater Noida. The 2019 edi on of electronica India and productronica India will witness representa on from 700 companies with more than 650 exhibitors from over 28 countries. “Greater Noida is the ideal loca on for electronica India and productronica India since it is a manufacturing base for numerous sectors like mobile, consumer electronics, LED and automo ve companies among many others”, asserts Mr. Bhupinder Singh, CEO of Messe Muenchen India. The new venue is designed to provide top notch ameni es.

Ou i ed with sizable warehousing, advance security along with good metro and road connec vity, it is a lucra ve blend of technology and world-class facili es. A glimpse into the future of electronic components and produc on technologies The trade fairs are the ideal pla orm for exhibitors to showcase their latest innova ons and get a strong foothold in the market. With the par cipa on of eminent players, the shows focus on bringing the best of the industry under one roof, for the visitor's advantage. “electronica India and productronica India have garnered the reputa on of flagship show for the sector with increased domes c and interna onal par cipa on”, remarks Mr. Singh. These thoughts were echoed by Mr. Falk Senger, Managing Director of Messe München GmbH. “We have observed a rapid upsurge in the

footprint at electronica India and productronica India. Considering the response from last year, the trade fairs are most definitely scaling to new heights.” Co-located shows Indian Printed Circuit Associa on Expo (IPCA Expo) is the op mal pla orm for companies dealing with PCB technology. IPCA Expo aims to promote advance educa on in the science and applica on of electronic packaging. Smart Cards Expo is India's only trade fair focusing on smart card technologies and their applica ons. It is organized along with IoT India Expo, eSecurity Expo, RFID India Expo, Biometrics India Expo, Digital Payments India Expo and Ar ficial Intelligence India Expo.

39 | September | www.exhibi

The Other Side

Leadership Lessons From The Ramayana And The Mahabharata The ar cle is based on the keynote session by Devdu Pa anaik, Author, Mythologist on 'Leading the shi in Learning' from People Ma ers L&D conference.


ver centuries the way learning happens has evolved and transformed with changing mes. Even today what learning design might work for one could be counterproduc ve for the other. Taking notes from the two of the greatest epics, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, we find how the content and the methodology of learning is different for two different scenarios. In Ramayana the princes are sent to gurukul to undergo a planned learning procedure, in the Mahabharata, the upcoming leaders are put in challenging situa ons and made to learn through real-life situa ons. Rela ng this to the learning and development in the corporates, businesses can take lessons from these epics and redesign their L&D strategies to be made well suited as per different context and stages Here are some L&D lessons from the two great epics: Ensuring holis c learning: Lessons from Ramayana In the Ramayana, Ram is educated by his teachers who are dealing with child prodigy and there are 'Vashishtha' (educators), who are giving theore cal knowledge in a safe ecosystem in Ashramas. Then Vishvamitra comes along and emphasizes the need for learning by experience. This correlates with the L&D in the corporates as well, as learner a er going through classroom training, courses and modules the learner needs to be put into real life situa ons to be able to apply the theore cal knowledge. Further, Ram's both technical and so skills are harnessed by giving him different challenges to shape him as a balanced individual and leader. While on one hand he is given the task to kill a bird, on the other he is asked to win jus ce for a woman. L&D leaders can take a note from the epic and imbibe the teaching in their learning programs. The learning agenda should

focus on both the hard and so skills of employees for a holis c development. Harnessing people skills: The Mahabharata way Kings and queen of the kingdom lost their money and dignity to learn the harsh lessons of life. While Guru Dronacharya could teach them the great skills of archery and figh ng a ba le, what he couldn't teach was compassion and humbleness. “The failure in his teachings is what people o en ignore,” exclaims mythologist, Devdu Pa anaik. However, the situa ons they were put into later in life, taught the lessons to both Pandavas and Kauravas. Picking this piece from the epic, L&D leaders can put learners into real-life situa ons to harness their people skills like compassion and empathy. “A successful organiza on is the one where everyone feels powerful, energized and mo vated. This can be achieved only when individuals are both skilled in their func on and are great human beings.” Leadership lessons from the two epics Not only the learning methods but how each and every leader or manager responsible for the growth and development of their employees behaves and responds to its learners needs shi s with changing contexts. Devdu Pa anaik uses the two epics as metaphors to describe the two different markets which businesses operate in and says, “The Ramayana from the 'Treta Yuga1' and Mahabharata which occurred in the 'Dvapara Yuga2' are two different markets with two different contexts. In one Vishnu descends as the eldest

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son of the royal family, in the other, he is the youngest son in a cowherd family. One same God can't behave in the same way in two different markets. He has to adapt, be agile and transform as per changing context.” The leader when comes down and empathizes to the needs of the different individuals, the conversa ons become more meaningful and personalized. For instance, in Ramayana, Ram is unaware of his divinity, while in Mahabharata, Krishna is well aware of his capabili es. Similar happens at work, there are some employees who lack the awareness of their own poten al while there are others who know their capabili es. “These two categories of individuals can't be taught in the same way,” says Devdu Pa anaik. “While the former needs to be inspired, the other one is to be taught empathy.” Therefore both the leaders' approach and the learning programs have to change with the shi ing context for more impact. When both are made more personalized and relevant the learner's experience is enhanced thus increasing engagement.

News Buzz

Na onal Talent Compe Held Successfully

on For Skill Development In Tourism & Hospitality Sector Lion Tourism Ins tute, New Delhi, and The Tourism School, New Delhi. The Show was supported by Bird Group , InterGlobe, Buddy's, Pacific Travels, The Toursim School, Welcom Hotel The Savoy, THSC, IATO, TAAI OTOAI and adtoi along with DLF, Herbal Life Nutrion, Jk Tyre, Smc etc.


he Tourism and Hospitality sector has emerged as one of the finest drivers of economic growth in the country. It is also one of the fastest growing sectors across the world, characterized by partme and seasonal working opportuni es and requirements for skilled and unskilled labour. According to World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) India Annual Research 2019, the tourism sector has been a key source of employment in India, directly accoun ng for 26.7 million jobs in 2018. Further, the total jobs from indirect and induced ac vity were 42.7 million. The number is es mated to reach 43.7 million in 2019, accoun ng for 8.1% of the total employment in the country. By 2029, the sector is expected to provide employment to nearly 53 million people, directly and indirectly. With an aim to achieve this objec ve, PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry is organizing a Na onal Talent Compe on for Skill Development in Tourism & Hospitality Sector: An Industry-Academia Interface on 20 September 2019 at PHD House, New Delhi. The theme of the programme being 'Opportuni es & Challenges of Digital

Transforma on in Tourism and Hospitality Sector'. The event compe on was inaugurated in presence of Piyush Tiwari, Chairman and Managing Director – ITDC, Mr. Rhys Williams, Mr. Radu Octavian Dobre, Ambassador of Romania, Mr. Vinod Zutshi (Retd. IAS), Former Secretary Ministry of Tourism, Govt. Of India, Mr. Vishal Jindal, Chairman- Skill Development Commi ee, PHDCCI and Mr. Yogesh Srivastav, Pricipal Director- PHDCCI.

Digital Transforma on has overwhelmed the en re travel ecosystem, triggering a formidable rise in compe on, as travel brands need to measure up to customers' rising expecta ons. Students from Tourism and Hospitality Management Ins tutes, Colleges and Universi es will debate on making travel more affordable, accessible and convenient than it has ever been while highligh ng the opportuni es and challenges of Digital Transforma on. The par cipa ng teams from various Colleges, gave a presenta on on the given theme in front of the high profile jury.

With the theme of Opportuni es & Challenges of Digital Transforma on in Tourism and Hospitality Sector, the show witnessed par cipa on of 13 team members from various colleges of Tourism and hospitality sectors which are IIHM Delhi, Chitkara College of Hospitality Management, Punjab, Ins tute of Hotel management Bhopal, Indian Ins tute of Tourism and Travel Management, Noida, Victoria University, Ahmedabad, The Tourism School, New Delhi, Bird Academy, New Delhi, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradoon,

41 | September | www.exhibi


Informa Markets In The Era Of Digital Revolu on Without a doubt, AI and ML are going to be cornerstone technologies of every business. U lizing ML to be er understand both our customers, and our customer's needs, will drive a endance to events and help buyers and sellers come together

Jason Brown, Chief Digital Officer at Informa Markets is an expert in “Crea ng pla orms that allow a endees and exhibitors to connect year-round, and u lising Informa's data to create ever stronger digital offerings for their customers.” He recently spoke to Ma hias Tesi Baur who brings more than 17 years of interna onal event experience together with proven results in building shows and leading teams in more than 12 countries. Ma hias's firm MBB-Consul ng Group is a consultancy agency specialising in: Event company, por olio or show strategy, Event sales and rebooking concepts, Commercial due diligence and market research, Digital and e-business concepts as well as Educa on and training. We bring to you excepts from their conversa on; Q. Jason, two powerhouse exhibi on companies merged to become Informa Markets. It was the first me a merger of this scale had ever happened in the exhibi on industry. When you lok back over the company's first year, what is your main observa on? Jason. It's been clear from the get-go that this was a great opportunity to bring together two amazing event businesses with hundreds of events, but my biggest observa on is really how we've successfully leveraged the scale of the combined company to drive forward

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with both tradi onal events (of which many complement each other) and some digitally and data-driven nonbooth sales programs. Q. When two companies come together, their cultures also come together. Is there anything specific that you've learnt from combining these two cultures? Jason: The events industry in general has a very similar, high-performance, highenergy culture. There were of course unique aspects to each legacy business, but the cultures and people are very

similar. The events world, as large as it is, has a lot of people (myself included) who have moved from one event company to another. As a result, from day one there was a culture of “bringing us together”. We also found both companies had incredible success in crea ng great events that connect industries, specialist markets and communi es to trade, grow and engage. We were able to share some addi onal value, as we've been commi ed to


using digital solu ons and pla orms to drive a endance and generate addi onal revenue. Q. Ok, now let's talk digital. Tradi onally, the exhibi ons industry isn't always at the forefront when it comes to digital products and services. What has changed within Informa with regards to new or improved digital and data pla orms as a result of the integra on? Jason: In 2015, Informa launched something called GAP, this program (Growth Accelera on Program) spanned two years and was tasked with completely changing the digital and technology pla orms we used to enable the marke ng teams to have intelligent conversa ons with our customers – a endees and exhibitors. Using GAP as a guide and learning process, we're now in the midst of a world-wide pla orm upgrade and normaliza on project – bringing together the best of former pla orms and products and marrying them to our progressive digital & data model. This involves crea ng and migra ng event pla orms, directories, and content management systems, along with marke ng tools and sales processing pla orms. Our goal with these internal programs is to truly make us the easiest exhibi ons company to do business with, and leverage our digital and data resources to help buyers and sellers connect, not just at our shows, but 365 days a year. Q. Big Data, Ar ficial Intelligence, Machine Learning – these technologies are rapidly transforming the way our business develops. How will trade shows be impacted by this in 10 years and what will organizers need to do to keep up with these changes? Jason: Without a doubt, AI and ML are going to be cornerstone technologies of every business. U lizing ML to be er understand both our customers, and our customer's needs, will drive a endance

to events and help buyers and sellers come together, at the event and online all year-round. AI used to be the stuff of science fic on, think Blade Runner or Blake's Seven, however, as consumers, we've already surrounded ourselves with AI without really knowing it: think Siri, Google and Amazon applica ons. These three companies, to name a few, have done a great job in introducing AI as a tool to help customers make decisions, and to learn about the habits of customers, all in a friendly package. Event teams are already beginning to take advantage of similar (but less intrusive) tools with mobile apps. The problem with technology at many event loca ons has been with connec vity, but we're seeing more and more conven on centers install superfast Wi-Fi, catering to thousands of simula ons connec ons. So, what does that mean to the events world? Think mobile applica ons which can give answers to visitors ques ons live on the floor; think AR capabili es so visitors can see the products and services in a “real-world” se ng; think loca on-based mapping and the ability for exhibitors to recognize you… You name it, if it improves the customer experience, we'll be doing it as soon as we're able to. Q. And my final ques on – why do you think our industry wasn't as quick to adopt digital opportuni es compared to other industries? And how could we change this in future? Jason: I've worked at quite a few event

companies, and I've lived through and helped drive digital transforma on at each organiza on. Many event companies have media divisions to promote their events, but all of the businesses I've worked for—all of whom are now part of Informa—have been quick to take advantage of digital pla orms – and to create digital revenue. However, most event companies didn't feel the urgency to transi on, or the pain of media companies having their adver sing revenue disappear to the web. I'm now seeing many, if not all event directors, drive their events forward using the digital tools available. Far from being seen as a worry (will visitors really a end if they can find the info online?), digital pla orms, such as Informa Markets' MarkitMakr product directory, connects visitors and exhibitors yearround and helps foster the rela onship before and a er the event. With the data we're genera ng from these pla orms, we're able to create smart marke ng campaigns, understand buyer intent and generate new sources of digital revenue, all while enhancing the experience for buyers and sellers alike. If you're interested in digital and want to explore some great low and no cost tools to help make business decisions, go check out Google's Data Studio – h p://—it's a very cool product. And, for a simple and fun way to see AR in ac on and make your own demo, try the HP Reveal app in the Apple and Google Play stores.

45 | September | www.exhibi

Global News

UFI Names Naji El Haddad New Regional Manager For Middle East - Africa Region


FI, the Global Associa on of the Exhibi on Industry, has named Naji El Haddad as the associa on's new Regional Manager for the Middle EastAfrica region. El Haddad follows on the work of by Nick Savage, who is handing over the baton for personal reasons, and will work out of the associa on's regional office in Dubai, UAE. “We are delighted to welcome a senior

industry professional like Naji to join the global UFI team, raising the profile of the exhibi on industry and crea ng even more value for our members”, says Sonia Thomas, UFI's Director of Opera ons / COO.

Earlier this year UFI hosted and ran a highly successful Regional Conference in Dubai, UAE. 2020 will be a major year for the UFI MEA Chapter, as the associa on's flagship event, the UFI Global Congress, will be held at the Oman Conven on & Exhibi on Centre in Muscat, Oman, from November 9 – 12, 2020.

El Haddad brings over ten years of industry experience in the Middle East region to his new posi on where he has worked as a Group Event Director for Reed Exhibi ons and as an independent event consultant. The UFI Regional Office's main role is to serve the members of the associa on in the Middle East and Africa, repor ng to the Paris headquarters of the associa on.

Besides the associa on headquarter in Paris, France, which also serves as the European Office, UFI is opera ng regional offices in Hong Kong, China (for AsiaPacific), Dubai, UAE (for Middle EastAfrica), and Bogota, Colombia (for La n America) in addi on to presences in Brussels, Belgium (through the EEIA) and Shanghai, China (UFI China Service Centre).

Europe Vaccines Market Report 2018-2027


he Europe Vaccines Market is expected to reach US$ 16,291.0 Mn in 2027 from US$ 9,576.2 Mn in 2018. The market is es mated to grow with a CAGR of 5.5% from 2019-2027. The countries in the Europe are joining forces to eradicate infec ous diseases like measles, diphtheria, rubella, pertussis, and others through vaccina ons. There are several vaccina on programs, campaigns, conferences, being held in the European region in order to raise awareness among the popula on. For instance, European Immuniza on Week (EIW) is renowned across the European Region and is celebrated every April to raise awareness of the importance of vaccina on for people's health and

well-being. European Centre for Disease Preven on and Control (ECDC) supports the European Immuniza on Week campaign undertook by WHO/Europe and provides scien fic evidence on vaccina on. Furthermore, 38th Euro Global Summit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccina on will be held in June 2020 Frankfurt, Germany. The conference focuses on discussing novel strategies in vaccines and immunology research. The aim of the conference is to encourage quality research and to bring together the worldclass researchers, interna onal communi es, and industrial heads to discuss the new developments and innova ons in the fields of vaccines and

immunology. In 2018, the conjugate vaccines segment held the largest market share of 27.6% of the vaccines market, by type. This segment is also expected to dominate the market in 2027 owing to the advantages offered by the vaccines for diseases such as pneumonia and others. Furthermore, the conjugate vaccines segment is an cipated to witness the significant growth rate during the forecast period, 2019 to 2027. Europe Vaccines Market by the disease indica on was led by the other segments, which has included diseases such as poliomyeli s (polio), measles, mumps, rubella, pneumococcal infec ons, and others. The other segment has the largest market share in 2018, which accounted for 59.8% and is expected to dominate the market in 2027. Similarly, the vaccines market by the route of administra on was led by the injectable segment. Whereas, the market of the vaccines in Europe by the pa ent type was led by the pediatric segment.

47 | September | www.exhibi

Global News

Expo 2020 Dubai Site Hits Major Construc on Milestone focal point for visitors throughout the sixmonth event. Al Wasl Plaza has been designed to form a grand 'urban room', a mee ng place that creates a shaded microclimate unlike anywhere else in Dubai; a space that simultaneously and uniquely encompasses vibrant performances and natural landscaping Reflec ng the theme of Expo 2020 Dubai, 'Connec ng Minds, Crea ng the Future', the design and construc on of Al Wasl dome is a global collabora on, involving contribu ons from companies from 13 countries.


onths of planning have successfully led to the final piece of Al Wasl dome being li ed into place at the Expo 2020 Dubai site a er an intricate and complex construc on opera on. During Expo 2020, Al Wasl dome will be the largest 360-degree projec on surface in the world, providing an unparalleled experience for millions of visitors. The crowning of the dome is a key milestone for Expo 2020, with all permanent Expoled construc on on track to be completed by the end of the year. In prepara on for its pivotal role at Expo 2020, Al Wasl dome's steel structure will next be transformed into an immersive 360-degree projec on surface, with projec ons visible both from within the dome, providing a unique visitor experience. Fi ed with state-of-the-art projectors by audio-visual experts Chris e, Expo 2020's Official Projec on and Display Partner, the dome will host performances from A-list global performers and other major celebra ons, on key interna onal occasions such as New Year's Eve, Diwali and Chinese New Year. The dome's huge steel crown was posi oned at the top of the “jewel of the site in an inspiring feat of precision engineering”, organisers said on Wednesday Enclosing a space of 724,000 cubic metres and standing 67.5 metres tall – higher than the Leaning Tower of Pisa – the 130-metre-wide domed steel trellis

encircles Al Wasl Plaza, a structure that will be the heart of the Expo 2020 site and set to become Dubai's latest architectural landmark Shaikh Ahmad Bin Saeed Al Maktoum, Chairman of the Expo Dubai 2020 Higher Commi ee, said: “The crowning of the Al Wasl dome is a significant landmark not just for Expo 2020 Dubai but for the whole of Dubai and the UAE. This new architectural marvel joins a long list of inspiring designs that our country has created through collabora on, sheer hard work and the unending, ambi ous vision of our leadership and people. It is another example of what the na on can do when it combines all its talents to such formidable purpose.” Shaikh Ahmad is also President, Dubai Civil Avia on Authority; Chairman, Dubai Airports; and Chairman and Chief Execu ve, Emirates Airline and Group. What does Al Wasl mean? The name Al Wasl means 'connec on' in Arabic, and Al Wasl Plaza will be the bea ng heart of the Expo 2020 site, connec ng the three Thema c Districts and providing a

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Al Wasl Plaza, which includes the dome's unique and iconic structure, was designed by US-based architects Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture. The raw steel for the trellis was sourced from the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland; the steel was shaped into its flowing curves by companies in Belgium, Germany and Spain, before being moulded into its intricate la cing in Italy by CimolaiRimond. The steel trellis was shipped in batches to Dubai by DP World, Expo 2020's Premier Global Trade Partner. Expo 2020's Official Programme Delivery Management Provider, Jacobs Mace, worked on the overall project management and companies from the United States, Canada, China, France, Japan and Mexico also played key roles in the comple on of the dome.

Global News

Higher Commi ee (from L-R): His Excellency Khalifa Al Zaffin, Execu ve Chairman, Dubai Avia on City Corpora on (DACC); His Excellency Dawood Abdulrahman Al Hajiri, Director General of the Dubai Municipality; His Excellency Sheikh Sultan Bin Tahnoon Al Nahyan, Member of the Abu Dhabi Execu ve Council; His Excellency Mohamed Alabbar, Chairman, Emaar Proper es PJSC; Her Excellency Reem Al Hashimy, UAE Minister of State for Interna onal Coopera on and Director General, Expo 2020 Dubai Bureau; His Excellency Ma ar Mohammed Al Tayer, Chairman of the Board and Execu ve Director of the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA); His Excellency Major General Abdullah Khalifa Al Marri, Commander-in-Chief of Dubai Police; His Excellency Helal Saeed Al.

Expo 2020 Dubai runs for six months, between October 20, 2020 and April 10, 2021 and expects to welcome 25 million visits, with 70 per cent of visitors projected to come from outside the UAE – the largest propor on of interna onal visitors in the

168-year history of World Expos. For 173 days, it will be the World's Greatest Show, and many of the 60-plus live events per day will be held in Al Wasl Plaza. His Highness Sheikh Ahmed Bin Saeed Al

Maktoum, Chairman of the Expo Dubai 2020 Higher Commi ee, President, Dubai Civil Avia on Authority, Chairman, Dubai Airports, Chairman and Chief Execu ve, Emirates Airline and Group, surrounded by members of the Expo 2020 Dubai.

49 | September | www.exhibi

Global News

ITE Group Plc Rebrands To Hyve Group Plc


TE Group PLC announced on Friday that it has changed its name to Hyve Group PLC, reflec ng the changing of its business following its Transforma on & Growth Programme, which started in May 2017 and is nearing comple on. The company expects to trade under its new name with effect from September 24, 2019. The vision is to create the world's leading por olio of content-driven, must-a end events delivering an outstanding experience and ROI for customers, a release announcing the name change, 20 September read. “Through the TAG investment we have built a dynamic scalable pla orm, improved processes and enhanced systems, completed the acquisi ons of Ascen al Events and Mining Indaba, as well as the disposal or closure of over 150 events. These significant developments have led to the crea on of a stronger and more diversified por olio, with a focus on market-leading events,” the Group statement said. The company in good marke ng speak describes Hyve Group plc as “a next genera on global events business whose purpose is to create unmissable events, where customers from all corners of the globe share extraordinary moments and shape industry innova on”. Hyve Group now claims it is a

fundamentally different business and has transformed into: Ÿ A global presence not purely focused on emerging markets Ÿ A centralised opera ng model not a decentralised federal organisa on Ÿ A premium product business not a geographic market-share led company Ÿ A Group of market-leading events rather than a broad por olio of mixed quality Unveiling Hyve Group plc today, Mark Shashoua, CEO, said: "Today, we launch our new brand iden ty, Hyve, to move us into the future, with a clear vision, well defined strategy and a renewed energy. We have transformed the Group into a next genera on global events business, and our new name is a be er reflec on of who we are now and captures our ambi ons for our future. Since taking the helm in 2016, the Group has fundamentally changed from a por olio of decentralised, emerging markets events into a global business, focused on running market-leading events, wherever they may be in the world. We are now in a be er posi on than ever before. Following four years of decline, FY18 was the second consecu ve year of like-for-like growth, including double-digit

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growth from our Top 10 events, and was the first year of growth in both volume and yield since 2014. As Hyve, we are on a mission to deliver unmissable events. We believe our model gives us a dis nc ve compe ve edge as customer needs evolve and we aspire to set the standard for our industry." Knowing Mark Shashoua Mark was appointed as Chief Execu ve Officer in September 2016. Mark was previously the CEO of i2i Events Group, the event arm of Ascen al Plc, where he spent five years leading the interna onalisa on and diversifica on of the business. Mark is a prominent figure in the interna onal events industry and was one of the founding members of the company, then called ITE Group, in 1991, where he was a senior Director and Board member for eight years. Mark's focus is on evolving the business and working towards achieving its ambi on. He spends considerable me alongside regional leaders and event teams, discussing the strategy of each marketleading show, and planning for sustainable growth.

Global News

Lessons From A Journey Of Nine Billion Dollars To Zero


ome mes, entrepreneurs do have to take no for an answer. In Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes's case, it took her years to learn this lesson and she learned it the hard way-when the US govt. finally shut down her company. The Stanford dropout who lost $900 million of investor capital with her blood-tes ng startup built on a lie is the subject of the fascina ng documentary The Inventor: Out for Blood in Silicon Valley, which is available on the youtube. The film examines how Holmes deceived business leaders around the world into thinking she could revolu onize the U.S. health care industry, but it also highlights the dangers of Silicon Valley's "fake it ll you make it" mentality. Some of the most compelling parts of the film are accounts from former Theranos employees who worked on the company's failing technology while witnessing Holmes go to greater and greater lengths to deceive investors and the media. When the truth finally caught up with Holmes,

uncle's death from cancer as her mo va on for trying to create "a world in which no one ever has to say goodbye too soon." Theranos's fast and simple blood tests, she claimed, would lead to earlier detec on of health issues and allow the company to "democra ze" health care.

who had been heralded as the youngest self-made female billionaire, federal prosecutors indicted her and Theranos chief opera ng officer Sunny Balwani on fraud charges. Theranos's valua on eventually dropped from $9 billion to zero. One of the central ques ons The Inventor seeks to address is how Holmes a racted financing and support from so many people--from Theranos investor and Oracle founder Larry Ellison to board member and former Secretary of Defense James Ma s--without providing audited financial statements or proof that her technology worked. Part of the answerhas to do with the power of storytelling. "Stories have emo ons that data doesn't, and emo ons get people to do all kinds of things, good and bad," behavioral economist Dan Ariely says in the film. "If you think about the people who invested in her with a very li le amount of data, it's about having an emo onal appeal." In presenta ons, Holmes o en cited her

The Silicon Valley mantra of "move fast and break things" popularized by Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg may have also played a role in Holmes's ability to raise money from investors despite the fact that her company's technology hadn't been proven. Many startup founders stress the importance of entrepreneurs not giving up, even when faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges. At Theranos's offices in Palo Alto, California, one of the quotes Holmes put on the walls in giant le ers was the famous line from Yoda in Star Wars: "Do or do not. There is no try." This is a important case study for entrepreneurs and CEO's and many worthy lessons can be learnt from it.

51 | September | www.exhibi

Perspec ve

It's All About Being Open To Meet Everyone With An Open Mind


2B rela onships are tough and to get sign-off on spend (par cularly for big cket items) there is likely to be more than one person involved in the buying decision. Equally, we're more transient than we've ever been and just because someone is your key contact today, doesn't mean they will be tomorrow. Although it's going to take me and resource, there's real benefit in growing your footprint as widely as you can in an organisa on so mul ple departments and people know who you are and more importantly, understand the value you bring to their business. We know how tough it can be to come up with that all important list of key contacts that you're going to pre-market to and we're going to challenge you to make it a whole load tougher by working out who else you're going to invite as well as your main buying contact. But trust us, it'll be worth it! So what are some of the key things to think about when pulling together you're mul -point contact plan for trade shows? Who's Who? Firstly think about what role each person plays in the decision making process – is someone an influencer, a direct decision maker, an end user of your product? What are their key needs and problems? What do you need them to be saying to whom a er they've been at the show to move you along the path to purchase? When you know that, you can think about what you'll need to show them on your stand to leave the right impression (and ensure your team know which selling story they're using for which person). Who To Ask? If you've only ever met one person from an organisa on, where do you start trying to find other people to invite that are

useful to you. A bit of desk research via LinkedIn or on their website should throw up the names and contact details as a starter. Taking a day out of the office is a big ask for anyone so finding ways to create addi onal value for prospects can work, for example if someone is working in finance are there are sessions on the seminar programme that might interest them that you can highlight – then suggest they pop by your stand a erwards? Offering a referral incen ve can also work, free ckets to bring a colleague along or sugges ng you buy lunch and get to know the wider team. Help Build Capability Remembering that your contact might move on at any me, is it likely that one of the current junior team members might take over the role? If they're new to the industry is there the opportunity to invite younger team members to the event and give them a guided tour. Help to explain how the different parts of the industry fit together, take them to relevant seminar sessions, introduce them to key stakeholders / trade press. In helping them build their knowledge and confidence, whenever they get promoted they're likely to remember how you supported them. Host Bespoke Events / Demonstra ons If you have a complex, mul -layered buying rela onship there might be the opportunity to host a specific demonstra on of your product/service which can show clearly how it brings benefit across your customer's en re organisa on. By showing the end-to-end impact of your product, everyone in the decision making process has a clearer

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vision of what it means to the company's overall performance – rather than working in their own individual silo. If you're thinking of doing this, it would be worth including a number of your own team from different departments to 'man-mark' your customer. Follow Up with Everyone It's one of the things that exhibitors s ll don't seem to get quite right with an industry average of about 13% of leads being followed up. Where you have mul layered touch points it can be temp ng for one person to manage all the follow-up into a customer – but what happens if that one person leaves? The aim is to grow your organisa on's reach, not an individual's. Work out before the show who is going to be responsible for following up with whom and how will it be managed to deliver a consistent and proac ve plan. Of course, if you're the only one working in your business then it's all down to you – but if you can, create personalised touch points with each person you met as opposed to one generic email. As with anything rela ng to exhibi ons, it's not easy and it's going to take me to crack, but it will be worth it. We know from working with clients how hard it is to come up with that list of single points of contact, but it's a high risk tac c if you're trying to sell to big organisa ons. The real power of trade shows is in crea ng a sales pipeline that is easier to navigate because of rela onships that were formed at the show. Imagine how much easier that would be if you'd managed to form those rela onships with everyone in the buying process before you'd even le the show hall?

Global News

World's Leading Plas cs Trade Fair Open Its Doors Soon: All About 'K' Show me around it will have 420 (13.3%).

Industry looks to Düsseldorf with an cipa on Ÿ Sustainability and recycling to be dominant topics Ÿ

Trade fairs are known to be the mirrors of the marketplace. Every three years, the plas cs industry is able to learn everything that has happened and is happening on the global plas cs markets at the world's leading “K” fair in Düsseldorf, Germany. On 16 October, the gates of Messe Düsseldorf will open up for K 2019. The previous K in 2016 was dominated by the digitalisa on of produc on, but this year's event will definitely focus on circular economy issues like sustainability and recycling. These key issues are a bigger concern for the world's popula on than ever before, and are presen ng the industry with major challenges. These issues are not exactly new. Back in 1992, recycling was a major theme in certain regions, especially in Germany. On the introduc on of the K-hos ng country's “dual system” household packaging waste collec on at that me, there were special shows and displays at K on recycling and other processes for reusing plas cs waste. Anyone present then can ask themselves what progress has actually been made since that me. Technologically, there was already much progress, and li le has changed in this respect. Chemical and

mechanical recycling of polymers is not par cularly new. At any rate, with the ever-present pollu on across the globe, including in the oceans, public pressure today is many mes greater than it was 30 years ago. Germany and Italy firmly entrenched in first and second places At K 1989, exhibitors from Germany accounted for nearly 50% of the 2,174 companies that occupied the exhibi on area of 126,330 m². Now, 30 years later at K 2019, Germany accounts for just 30% of the 3,157 exhibitors on the 176,886 m² space. For the first me in 30 years, the number of German exhibitors is below 1,000 – namely 917. The highest number was seen in 2001 with a total of 1,151 registered German exhibitors – but that is now some me ago. Nevertheless, exhibitors from Germany s ll dominate, above all, of course, because of plas cs machinery manufacturers who – unlike, for example, those from polymer produc on – are s ll regarded as the global leaders. The number two in terms of the number of exhibitors is also a permanent fixture – Italy has consistently made up around a 15% share over the last 30 years. In 1989, the country had 307 exhibitors, and this

Interna onal shi s since 2004 Apart from that, there have been some other long-term developments. Up to 1998, li le really changed as far as the western world domina ng the top ten was concerned. Apart from Germany and Italy, this included the European countries of France, the Netherlands, Switzerland, UK, Austria and Belgium and, outside Europe of course, the US. Taiwan has also been among the leaders since 1989. At K 2004, China including Hong Kong appeared for the first me in tenth place, and by the next K 2007, the number of exhibitors from that country had tripled to nearly 200. Since then, the Chinese have been the undisputed number three, accompanying the rise of the Asian giants. At K 2016, they were on the point of displacing the Italians but then fell back again slightly to 340 exhibitors. The economic slowdown and perhaps the early signs of trade disputes with the US have had an impact. Two other countries have also emerged since the beginning of the new century in the top ten of plas cs exhibitors and have firmly established themselves there in parallel with their growing importance in the world of plas cs. It was in 2007 that India first came to the event in a big way with 91 exhibitors. At K 2019, it will not only be the visi ng public from the South Asian country that will make a big impact – with 133 companies from India, the country will this year also have the fi h largest number of exhibitors. Turkey has gained importance to an even greater extent. At K 2010, the country appeared for the first me in the top ranks and is now the fourth-largest exhibitor country at the show. In the world of plas cs – above all in Europe – this decade has been characterised among other things by the rise of Turkey becoming a key player, especially in plas cs processing.

53 | September | www.exhibi

Global News

24th World Energy Congress Concludes With Celebration Of Innovation And Entrepreneurship Dmitry Kozak, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federa on,and Alexander Novak, Minister of Energy, Russian Federa on, announce Russia’s hos ng of 25th World Energy Congress in 2022


he need for courageous entrepreneurship to tackle tomorrow’s key energy issues, using 5G to s mulate a drive towards sustainability and how collabora ons can lead to faster, be er and cheaper energy were among the issues addressed during the fourth and final day of the 24th World Energy Congress. Maintaining the momentum of the previous three days of high-level discussions, the closing sessions at the World Energy Congress welcomed some of the UAE’s highest profile business leaders as well as dis nguished industry figures, exci ng young thinkers and government ministers under the theme of ‘Innova on: The pathway to prosperity”. Thursday saw extensive debates covering issues cri cal to the future of energy produc on, supply and distribu on and how bold entrepreneurship can shape the culture of innova on needed in rapidly changing world. U lizing Advances In Communica on To Drive Sustainability The day’s keynote speech saw Khalifa


Hassan Alforah Alshamsi, E salat’s Group Chief Corporate Strategy & Governance Officer, explain how the newest genera on of mobile technology can be harnessed to promote sustainability in the energy sector. His address, tled ‘Leveraging 5G to drive sustainability and enable innova on in the energy sector’ outlined how improved communica on between individuals, companies and en es, including greater access to informa on and be er u lisa on of the internet, can boost the ongoing drive towards sustainability. Mr Alshamsi said: “5G is a new piece of technology that can revolu onise new industry. It is not only about speed but yes it will be phenomenal for VR and AR experiences.

The session ‘Start-up Energy Transi on: The power of the bold’ saw a panel of experts, among them the winners of this year’s Start up Energy Transi on Award, debate, discuss and predict the most pressing energy challenges the world will face in years to come. Marwan Bin Haidar, Execu ve Vice President of Innova on &

“5G is a fundamental tool that will benefit ci es, countries, factories and refineries because 5G is the cornerstone for industry and key for the future of digital. “To make the most of what 5G can offer, it is all about collabora on and innova on. This will not happen by just si ng down in the office. We have to connect our minds together and have to experiment. We can do anything if we have the will,” said Mr

The Future, Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA), joined the delegates to consider the new business models, technologies and ideas that will be at the forefront of the industry’s ongoing transi on. Mr Bin Haidar explained that all companies must “innovate or stagnate” and that incorpora ng brave and bold new ideas developed by start-ups is key to a successful future for established firms.

54 | September | www.exhibi

Empowering Today’s Entrepreneurs To Solve Tomorrow’s Problems As well as bringing together key figures from the energy sector, World Energy Congress also supports and inspires the leaders, innovators and thinkers of tomorrow.

Global News

NürnbergMesse Wins Pres gious Interna onal ARC Grand Award Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ

First award for a German exhibi on company with the “Oscar of annual reports” Two other gold medals in the categories “Late Publishing” and “Prin ng and Produc on” ARC Grand Award: more than 2,100 submissions from a wide range of sectors in 34 countries


he jury of the Interna onal ARC Awards (annual report compe on) has given the annual report of the Franconian exhibi on company the pres gious Grand Award in the category “Best of Germany”. This year, the compe on, which was established in 1987, received more than 2,100 entries from a wide range of sectors in 34 countries. “We are very proud that our annual report concept was able to impress an interna onal jury across the board,” says Peter O mann, CEO of NürnbergMesse Group. His co CEO Dr Roland Fleck is also very pleased about receiving this accolade for the first me: “The annual report should not just give our readers the dry facts and figures but allow them to experience on an emo onal level what it is that successfully dis nguishes NürnbergMesse from the compe on. The fantas c feedback that we

regularly get from our customers is proof that we are achieving this aim. So it is all the more gra fying that the “Best of Germany” na onal Grand Award is now officially coming to Nuremberg!” The formal awards ceremony will take place on 17 October 2019 in Seoul, South Korea. The award-winning 2017 Annual Report tells stories about the company's trade fair ac vi es and was produced in partnership with the agency HGB Hamburger Geschä sberichte. As well as the Grand Award, the annual report also won two gold medals in the categories “Late Publishing” and “Prin ng and Produc on” as well as an “honors” award in the category “Photography”. What's special about the ARC Award is that it is independent, as it is the only

interna onal annual report compe on not NürnbergMesse wins pres gious interna onal ARC Grand Award Nuremberg, 16 September 2019 2/2 affiliated with a magazine or associa on. It also does not accept adver sing or sponsorship. There are strict assessment criteria and a jury made up of 200 interna onal experts awards points for design, quality of photography and text, financial informa on and story. 55 | September | www.exhibi

Sep 2019




Blarose Lifestyle &FashionExpo 01-02 Oct 2019 Hilton Garden Inn Gurgaon Baani Square, Gurgaon

Festive Soiree 16 Oct 2019 The Club Mumbai, Mumbai, India

India International Security Expo 03-05 Oct 2019 Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, India

Dress n Dazzle Show 19 Oct 2019 Khar Gymkhana, Mumbai, India

Fashionista Exhibition Raipur 04-06 Oct 2019 Sayaji Hotel Raipur, GE Road, Raipur, India

Indian Photography Festival 19 Sep-20 Oct 2019 Telangana State Gallery Of Fine Art, Hyderabad

Bridal Asia 05-07 Oct 2019 The Ashok Hotel, New Delhi, India

The Economic Times Acetech Bengaluru 18-20 Oct 2019 BIEC, Bengaluru,

Sutraa- The Indian Fashion Exhibition 10-11 Oct 2019 The Contour Hotel, Guwahati, India

IndExpo Aurangabad 18-20 Oct 2019 Kalagram Aurangabad

Dairy Industry Expo 11-13 Oct 2019 Auto Cluster Exhibition Center, Pune, India

Food ingredients & Health ingredients India 21-23 Oct 2019 Bombay Exhibition Centre (BEC), Mumbai, India

Franchise India 12-13 Oct 2019 Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, India

Fashionista Mumba 24 Oct 2019 Blue Sea Banquets, Mumbai, India

Master Franchise Show 12-13 Oct 2019 Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, India

India International Innovation Fair 23-25 Oct 2019 Hitex Exhibition Center, Hyderabad, India

Modish Fashion & Lifestyle Exhibition 12-13 Oct 2019 Hotel Clarks Avadh, Lucknow, India

The Haat: Festive Edit 23-25 Oct 2019 Ice Skating Rink, Kolkata, India

Blarose Lifestyle & Fashion Expo 13-14 Oct 2019 Nirvana Patio Club, Gurgaon, India

Faridabad Trade Fair 27 Sep-13 Oct 2019 Huda ground, Faridabad 57 | September | www.exhibi


Air Conditioned (German Structure/Hangar/ Superstructure) Maxima,


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