email: phone: (+91) 9291339524
Vikas Reddy S, B-763, Allwyn Colony, Kukatpally, Hyderabad-72
VIKAS REDDY Vision To professionally associate myself with an organization where there is an opportunity to contribute and enhance my knowledge in the field of software development and to come up with ideas that have a positive impact on the life of people across the globe.
Work Experience • Azri Solutions, Hyderabad Working on Ruby on Rails, jQuery, CSS and MySQL as a Web developer since 4 months.
Education Degree B Tech XII X
School/College IIIT Hyderabad Vidyaniketan Junior College Hyderabad Sainik School
Year of Passing 2009 2004 2002
Result 6.89 GPA 89% 81%
Academic Achievements • AIEEE: 561 All India Rank and 188 A.P. State Rank • EAMCET: 613 A.P. State Rank • Pratibha Award from the Andhra Pradesh State Government
Skillset Operating Systems Programming Languages Scripting Languages Databases Web Technologies Graphics Libraries Software Tools
Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, 7 and GNU/Linux C, C++ Python, Perl, Ruby, Bash MySQL, Postgresql, Microsoft SQL Server XHTML, CSS, Python CGI, PHP, Javascript (jQuery), Ruby On Rails OpenGL, SDL lex, yacc, LATEX
Projects 1. Concurrency control issues in XML Transaction management issues in XML are not explored fully. In this project, we reviewed the transaction management approaches proposed in the literature for XML. Project Advisor Team size
P. Krishna Reddy 2
2. Multilevel primary indexing in relational databases Implemented multilevel primary indexing as part of the Database Management Systems course. Multi-level indexes are meant to reduce the domain of search thereby reducing the query retrieval time. It takes a query and retrieves it using multi-level index. Project Advisor Tools used Team size
Kamal Karlapalem C++ 1
3. Search Engine for EERC at IIIT-H Developed a search engine to let users find the number of earthquakes occurred and fault lines around a particular position on the Earth given the latitude, longitude and range. Project Advisor Tools used Team size
Pradeep Kumar R Python, MySQL, HTML 2
4. Python-API for Dashboard Developed a Python API for Dashboard. Dashboard is a blackboard architecture which is used to integrate software written in different programming languages. Project Advisor Tools used Team size
Dr. Rajeev Sangal Python 3
Miscellaneous • Attended IJCAI (International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence), 2007. • Worked as a volunteer and attended ISEC (India Software Engineering Conference), 2008.
Personal Details Full Name Date of Birth Home Town Nationality Passport Number Marital Status Languages Known Hobbies Academic Interests
Mr. Vikas Reddy Sripathi 27th February, 1987 Hyderabad Indian G8135903 Unmarried English, Telugu, Hindi Reading about latest gadgets and automobiles, Listening to music Operating Systems, Data Structures