2 March 2017

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Whaingaroa news for you weekly

Nga Ripo o Whaingaroa

2nd March 2017 - Issue #533




3 BANKART ST PH. 825 0467

Aubrey Shrimpton


Gig Guide/What's on


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RAGLAN Chronicle 1


Whaingaroa-Raglan is the Waikato’s up-and-coming foodie hotspot. Support our local eateries and checkout their news and specials each week below.

Doner Kebabs - Wraps Pittas - Burgers Open 7 Days 10am to 10pm 29 Bow St - 07 825 0202

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Left Hand Break Restaurant At the Raglan Club Open Wed – Sat: 5 - 8 pm and for ph. 07 825 8288 events.

Phone:NK 07 825 8278 Pizza or 07 825 8288

This space could be yours! Get in touch for more details: info@raglanchronicle.co.nz 07 825 7076

& Indian Cuisine (licenced)

31 Bow St 07 825 0300

Fish n’ Chips Group Bookings Live Music Inside/Outside Seating 92 Wallis St - 07 825 7544

Volcom Lane Open from 11:30

o k u l o d ge @ g m a i l .co m Open 7 wa days 8am - 5pm 23 Bow Street 825 8405

248 Wainui Rd | 07 825 8233 Open 7 Days a Week From 9am


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Delivery Service Enquire at club

Roast Dinner night Thurs 5 – 8 pm. Great food and atmosphere!

Te Kopua Camp Store, Marine Parade, Raglan


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Open 7 Days 8am - 4pm

43 Rose St 07 825 0010

1 9 B o w S t r e e t 07 8 2 5 0 0 2 7

Dine in + Takeaway Open 7 Days 11:00 am to 9:30pm

Real Fruit Ice Cream Burritos Wraps Salads Open for Dinner Fri, Sat & Sun from 5:30pm Breakfast/Lunch 7 Days

Open 7 Days Breakfast Lunch & Dinner

Dear Editor, I am writing in response to Sarah Johnson’s letter to the editor last week regarding the RAS story I wrote recently. The story was not about a rising school roll – it was about retaining the students it has, that students are staying on at RAS past what is usually considered the primary school years. I wrote a story in November last year about the rising school roll in Raglan and talked to principal Malcolm Cox then. At the time he said the climb in the roll corresponded with Raglan’s popularity as an attractive place to live, and he believed it would be even greater if housing wasn’t such an issue in the town. Malcolm said the same thing again this year when I rang him for my story on the influx of students in year 9

and beyond. That’s not about retaining students, however. Talking to Bronwyn Haitana gave a different perspective – she talked about education and about what she was trying to achieve for the school, as head of year 0-10 students. I found her to be passionate and honest – that’s probably why parents like her, too. She and the parents who were quoted in the story spoke very highly of the teachers at the school – teachers were certainly acknowledged for the good work they do. I have heard that my story has ruffled a lot of feathers at the school and I wonder why? Is it not acceptable for a woman in a leadership position to talk about what she is trying to do for the success of the school? Inger Vos

The Old School is expanding – and we need your help L We currently host an extensive ife is busy at the Old School.

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10am - Family Service and Children’s Ministry Thursdays 3-5pm - 7C’s Bible Club for Children

3 Stewart St – 07 825 8276 or 07 825 8028 Raglan Ink Ltd home of the Raglan Chronicle Office Open Mon - Fri 9.00am - 4.00pm, Wainui Rd, Raglan Ph: (07) 825-7076 Fax: (07) 825-7078 Post: P.O. Box 234, Raglan Email: info@raglanchronicle.co.nz Advertising & Articles The advertising and editorial content deadline will be Monday at 12pm week of issue. DISCLAIMER

Opinions and views expressed in the Raglan Chronicle do not necessarily represent those held by the Editors or Publishers. Every care will be taken in the preparation and placement of submitted material but the Editors/Publishers shall not be liable for errors or omissions or subsequent effects due to the same. It is the submitters responsibility to ensure material is not libelous or defamatory. The Editors/Publishers reserve the right to abridge, alter or decline any material submitted to the Raglan Chronicle to meet the constraints of space and/or maintain a reasonable standard of language and decorum.

2 RAGLAN Chronicle

On Patrol: Introducing Constable Gary Ryburn. Full story on page 5.




To keep pace with the needs of our community, and enable us to offer even more creative services in the future, we’re planning to build a new, multipurpose building to the rear of the Old School. To achieve this goal, we’re

asking for your help. Whatever you can donate is hugely appreciated! The Old School with the help of our amazing volunteers will be delivering a letter, which will arrive in your mail box this week. If you would like to contribute, the letter will provide further information on ways you can help. Watch this space for more news coming soon and thanks for your support!Raglan Community Arts Council

Peninsula development designed to establish community quickly


MP FOR TARANAKI-KING COUNTRY ELECTORATE OFFICE CONTACT: P: 07 870 1005 E: Kuriger.Teawamutu@parliament.govt.nz A: 25 Roche Street, Te Awamutu www.barbarakuriger.co.nz David Peacocke (left) and daughter Sophie (right) at Rangitahi Peninsula.


n four years’ time, Rangitahi Peninsula will be a small bustling community.

Construction of stage one of the multimillion-dollar residential development will begin in April with the building of roads, infrastructure and a two-lane bridge linking the peninsula with Opotoru Rd. Sophie Peacocke, who with fiancé Sam Laity is selling the sections on her family’s land, says the aim is to have all of the properties in stage one sold by the end of March. Of 89 residential sites, 53 have been sold, 14 remain and the rest are currently undergoing negotiation. Covenants on the properties require owners to begin building within 18 months of getting title, and to have finished building within a year. The titles will be issued in June 2018 after the construction of infrastructure has been completed. “Over the next 15-16 months we will be working on the different stages of construction: earthworks, the bridge, and roading and infrastructure. “In four years’ time the houses will be built, people will be living here.” Sophie says the timeframe in the covenants ensure that the community establishes “rather quickly. So it’s altogether, it’s done”. “We don’t want to have people building over seven years or so. “This attracts a certain type of buyer, people who are ready to live somewhere new. So it will add to Raglan reasonably quickly.”

Altogether, there will be five stages to the development of Rangitahi Peninsula – a total of 500 properties. The project is expected to take up to 20 years. The sections in stage one range in size from 385 square metres to 1356sqm, and range in price from $200,000 to $400,000. Sophie says all the waterfront sections sold first, and the remaining sections “look more over the mountain and into the farmland”. Most of the sections adjoin reserve areas, “so there is plenty of space”. The sections officially went on the market on January 16 but Sophie says she has been showing them to locals since October. The buyers are mainly “local families who have been looking for a long time or families from Hamilton who have been wanting to move out to Raglan for years”. “So that’s really cool, there will be lots of kids.” She says the majority of buyers plan to live in Raglan rather than build a holiday home. “We haven’t advertised in Auckland at all, so people (from Auckland) who have bought are people who have been here on holiday and heard about it.” Other conditions in the covenants include a maximum build of 40 per cent of the lot coverage, and fences are to have 50 per cent permeability – “so you can see though – with a maximum height of 1.2 metres on the street front. “We encourage people to grow their own vegetables and build a garden, to have

the space to do that. Not build boundary to boundary,” says Sophie. “We want neighbours to interact with each other and not have a fortress around them.” Developer Dave Peacocke, Sophie’s dad, agrees that the subdivision is about building a community that is inclusive. “It’s about encouraging interaction.” While the covenants also forbid cats, chickens and livestock, he says there are plans for community gardens and areas for commercial growers, including an orchard, “on the condition that some of the produce will be sold locally”. Dave says the two-lane bridge to the peninsula is being built by Fulton Hogan and includes footpaths on both sides. The design will be released for viewing when it has being finalised. He says the development’s sewage system will not connect with Raglan’s existing infrastructure but has its own pipeline straight to the wastewater treatment station. Within the stage one residential area there are three commercial zones of 1102sqm, 1305sqm and 1800sqm, to make a village centre. The Peacockes are considering developing the larger property as a starting point, with development of the other sites happening “when people are living here and it is established”. The village centre could include retail and office space, cafes and apartments. Inger Vos


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sections now selling live the dream rangitahi.co.nz RAGLAN Chronicle 3

American lifeguard’s here for love of Raglan – and her new Kiwi husband

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Dedicated in the memory of Dr Tom Ellison

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12 WALLIS ST | PH: 07 825 8788 Hamilton Clinic: Victoria Dentist 270 Victoria St 07 839 1660 www.victoriadentists.co.nz


10am Raglan Area School 7pm Te Uku Church

NaNuMuaMiHaiHeraeMr aMi ai Al AWeWlceolmcoeme Pastor Roger Peart ph 07 825 5199


Aubrey Shrimpton during patrol at Ngarunui Beach.


t’s not just a love of Raglan that’s kept local surf patrol captain Aubrey Shrimpton returning summer after summer from the States – there’s also her love for another lifeguard who she met seven years ago on Ngarunui Beach and wed last September. Now the pair are looking to become “full locals”, Aubrey told the Chronicle, as she and hubby Mark Shrimpton – from across the divvy – start searching for a house to buy. “We both love the lifestyle here, based around the beach.” After a “crazy” 15-odd consecutive summers on patrol at either Ngarunui or Huntington Beach in Southern California, where she’s from, Aubrey is looking forward this year to staying on in Raglan. Not that she likes winter exactly. “I’m a massive wimp with the cold,” laughs the 2015 regional lifeguard of the year. “And I’ll probably have to buy a new wardrobe now.” She remembers enduring a couple of weeks of the New Zealand winter about the time she received her award, which was

also when Mark proposed. “Oh my gosh it was painful,” she says of the below-freezing temperatures she encountered in both Hamilton and Queenstown. “I had hot water bottles and about three duvets (on my bed).” Despite that, Aubrey’s stuck on Raglan and its small-town feel. Southern California, she complains, “is so big, so built-up”. Aubrey started training as a lifeguard at the age of 16 while still at school in California, developing a passion for the lifestyle all through university where she did international studies and political science. While admitting she’s not used her degree in terms of a career path, she really enjoyed the classes she took. “And I knew I loved lifeguarding.” Having graduated, and wanting to travel, Aubrey got the first of many visas to come to New Zealand lifeguarding for a year as a friend had done. That’s when she met Mark, on her first season at Ngarunui. He followed her back to California for a bit, then she got another visa for her second season here. After that Aubrey was able to get working visas based on her partnership with

Mark and, now they’re married, permanent residency is on the horizon. Aubrey says she couldn’t be happier. The 30 year old’s had a dream wedding in Hawaii and – as patrol captain at Raglan Surf Lifesaving Club – finds professional guarding both rewarding and satisfying. New Zealand has a “very different” system of lifeguarding than the one Aubrey grew up with. For a start there are no volunteer lifeguards in the States: it’s all paid work, as is Aubrey’s job at Ngarunui from Monday to Friday. But the biggest difference, she says, are the crowds. Back in California lifeguarding is a “huge operation” with swimmers accessing a full five kilometres of beach from many points. So there are 40 to 50 lifeguard chairs along Huntington Beach during summer, she explains, each manned by several lifeguards. “Even on a busy day here the numbers (of people) are nothing like over there.” And there’s no surf lifesaving flag system in the States to confine swimmers to one part of a beach. Though that makes guarding here “a lot easier”, Aubrey says, the confined swimming area is also potentially more dangerous because more people can quickly get into difficulty all at once. “You need to be on your game … reading conditions all the time.” Ngarunui Beach is also more dangerous than Huntington, Aubrey says, being a little more exposed to surf as it is with the harbour entrance one way and rocks the other. “There can be drastic changes from week to week.” And these school holidays have been the most dangerous of all Aubrey’s seasons. At low tide there’s been really no safe place to swim so the flags have at times had to be placed as far north along the beach as the boardwalk. It would’ve been “chaos” had the weather been hot, she says, and brought the crowds en masse. Not that Aubrey’s complaining. “I just love it here,” she enthuses of Raglan from her lifeguard tower vantage point. Edith Symes

Parents group seeks voice at Raglan Area School A

group of about 20 parents who want a voice in their children’s education held their first meeting at Raglan Area School last week.

Organiser Tara Wrigley says the group – parents of children of all ages at RAS – brainstormed ideas about what they wanted to achieve regarding communication with the school and having an input into their children’s education. Tara, who has two children at RAS (Tawhia in year 7 and Sylvan in year 6), says she started the group because she felt like she wasn’t hearing about what the school had to offer. “I did the classic thing mid-way through last year that many RAS parents do. I started thinking ‘right, what school is Tawhia going to go to for years 7 and 8’.”

Raglan, Poihakena Mar e

4 RAGLAN Chronicle

Tara says she started looking at other schools in Hamilton and spoke to Bronwyn Taihana, the head of years 0-10, about why her son – “who must be one of RAS’s biggest fans” – should continue his education in Raglan. “I told her I felt like things hadn't changed that much since I’d been in to see her the year before. Bronwyn was so disappointed to hear that I felt like that and she explained to me all the reasons why she felt that it had. So many wonderful things were happening, especially in that years 7 to 10 area. Better student engagement, less behaviour issues, more options so that the students could all find something they loved, and more focus on interpersonal skills that will really help in later years. “I was blown away. I just didn’t understand why I wasn’t hearing about

these things. I thought if I'm not getting the information then surely other parents aren't either.” Tara says communication is a big thing for the parents group. “The paper notices in the bottom of bags as the main means to communicate does frustrate me. But I also want to know what is being taught to my kids, what the school’s philosophy on education is, what are the school's goals and objectives? “I want to know so that I can have a voice. I want the opportunity to agree or disagree, to propose new ideas. That is what we're doing here in this Parents Group: giving parents a voice.” Tara says she feels strongly that a parents group can support and contribute to the school, and thereby the children and the community.

“There are so many unique things about Raglan Area School: it’s amazing location, the fact that it caters from years one through to 13, the school’s strong bicultural identity, and the fact that we don't discriminate based on how smart you are, or how good at sports you are, or on how wealthy you are. It's about taking this great starting point and thinking about how we can help to make it better.” Tara says Finland has one of the best education systems in the world and they credit the reason why as parent involvement. Inger Vos * The next meeting of the Raglan Area School Parents Group is on March 7, 6.30pm to 7.30pm, in the school staff room. All parents of children at RAS are invited to attend. The group has a Facebook page that parents can join for more information.

Raglan foodie’s book just the recipe for a Raglan modern Pacific Islands cuisine Coconut

Made in Raglan: the eye-catching cover for Colin Chung's cookbook was designed by Whale Bay artist Xavier Meade, while Te Mata-based Katherine Parrott provided photographic and editorial services.


enowned Raglan chef Colin Chung’s first cookbook went to the printers last week – but don’t expect it to grace every second coffee table around the country. That’s because ‘Kana Vinaka: Contemporary Island Cuisine’, as it’s titled, is all about getting Pacific Islanders – and Fijians in particular – to use their local produce “properly”. Islanders no longer need to make Western food like the french fries and steak-and-egg meals of old, says Colin. Not for themselves and certainly not for tourists. Instead they need to know how to use their own fresh seafood and meats, vegetables and fruit in a more modern way. And this is the main focus of Colin’s 102-recipe cookbook, he says, which shows practical and tasty ways to use local

sustainable produce rather than imported products. Tenderise the pork and beef or transform it into an Island-style stew, he suggests, or create flamboyant desserts with the abundance of tropical fruits. It’s skills like these that have seen Colin – since moving on from Raglan’s legendary Vinnies cafe – work as a hospitality consultant in the Pacific Islands, training up chefs in the tourist industry. Now his own consultancy has gone 5050 with Fiji’s Ministry of Agriculture to get ‘Kana Vinaka’ – roughly translated as good food – printed in Hong Kong and freighted to Fiji by mid-April for three book launches on different days in different areas. The first will be in the capital of Suva for Government officials supporting the local economy, the second in the city of Nadi where the main island’s hotel industry is based and the third on one of Fiji’s outer islands.

All in an effort to promote Fiji as a “culinary destination”, according to the South Pacific Tourism Organisation. Colin points out that, value-wise, 80 percent of food consumed in Fiji is imported. He’s hoping his book – with its innovative recipes and focus on seasonal, locally produced food – will be good and cheap enough there to be adopted in schools and educational institutes. Ultimately that will lead to benefits for local growers and the economy in general, he says. Fiji’s Ministry of Agriculture also wants to export more foods to Australia and New Zealand, he adds. “But that’s not my purpose, that’s an offshoot,” Colin says of ‘Kana Vinaka’. “I just want to increase consumption of local produce.” There will be a Raglan launch of the book, Colin promises, but not till halfway through the year when he can see his way clear of commitments like his latest venture – to open an Island-style Italian restaurant in New Guinea. When he’s not busy catering in Raglan, Colin’s work as a consultant takes him not only to Fiji and Samoa but also to resorts in the Cook, Solomon and Marshall Islands. He’s had a lifetime in hospitality, working as a chef in his Hawaii homeland in the 1980s before establishing himself in Raglan. In Fiji – as a fellow foodie writes on the back cover of Colin’s book – he has spent years “researching the many ways we can validate the importance of sustaining local produce by creating menus with a cuisine that is unique to the Pacific”. Edith Symes

Yoghurt introduces new Banana and Chai flavour Introducing a brand new flavour in the Raglan Coconut Yoghurt product line-up: Banana and Chai. Inspired by bananas and yummy chai lattes, the new flavour combo is creamy and tropical with a warming blend of chai spices. You can feel good about this flavour too because the team at Raglan Coconut Yoghurt use Fairtrade, organic bananas from All Good Bananas. Currently stocked at all raglan stockists: WOK, Supervalue, Four Square and The Herbal Dispensary.

Picturesque Raglan a permanent beat for Gary

Constable Gary Ryburn at his favourite spot to park up.

Constable Gary Ryburn suggests a “hoon” out to Manu Bay to do the interview for his profile, as Raglan’s new cop. There’s a lookout above the bay that’s his favourite spot to park up, do emails, make phonecalls, eat doughnuts ... No, that last bit is a joke – he appears to quite like his “guns” (one has recently been inked in his first tattoo), so it’s unlikely that crap food is part of his diet. Besides, he’s a meat and potatoes

bloke, he tells me, when inquiring about the best restaurant in town. “I love to park here – right where that car is parked,” Gary says, as we drive on past and enter Manu Bay Reserve instead. From there “you can watch the surf and see the Raglan bar”. Actually, coming to work in Raglan every day from Hamilton is pretty cool, he reckons. “Raglan is picturesque.” The 42-year-old is Raglan’s new permanent officer. He signed the contract about six weeks ago, after working in Raglan

for three months on a temporary placement, and plans to move out this way, get a lifestyle block, after he flicks on his house in Hamilton. No, he doesn’t surf but he loves fishing. And he’s lived here before, when he was 11, he says. His parents split up and he lived with his mum for a year in Raglan before going back to the farm in Ngahinapouri, back to his dad. Raglan was “much the same then as it is now”, but now there’s “much more tourism and more expensive real estate”. Gary even attended Raglan Area School and has come across half a dozen or so of his old school mates, “on a non-work-related basis”, he confirms. The people in Raglan are generally pretty well behaved, he reckons, “when you compare it with some of the shittiest suburbs in Hamilton”. He previously worked frontline based at Hamilton Central for two years, doing a wide variety of work that involved a lot of family violence, disorder and burglaries. “I loved it, I did really enjoy it, and also the camaraderie among all the section staff,” he says. But the horrible stuff does get you down, “I was probably at that stage in my career where I needed a change”. His new role in Raglan, as the town’s third permanent police officer, “helps you with your decision-making”, he says. “Because you are on your own a lot of the time, it means you have to make the right decisions. “Back-up is 25 minutes away at best.” Gary, a father of four, came into the police force later in life.

He’s been a dairy farmer for 20 years, and becoming a police officer was always something he wanted to do. His wife used to tell him “don’t be so ridiculous, the pay is crap”, and she believed the only reason why he wanted to be a cop was to wear a uniform, because he looked good in blue. But “the old cliché is I want to make a difference. I guess I like helping people. I have a bit of a compassionate side, I don’t know, and I like being around people”. When his “marriage went tits up”, he decided to do it. “I am single, I can do what I want. I always wanted to be a cop so I thought I can have a crack at it now … or be left wondering later on in my life, you can’t have any regrets.” Gary went to Police College in 2014 and loved it. No, he didn’t feel old, being nearly 40 at the time. “No I felt young. I still feel pretty young. I was not the oldest.” His Raglan job – drink-driving is a big issue here, and “nobody wears their seatbelts” – is part of a grand plan to make his way up the ladder to become sergeant, “that’s my goal”. “The position for me is about career development. “In this game they like you to be wellrounded and gain experience and develop in a new area, whether it be road experience, family violence … “My sergeants at the time, what is the right word, they recommended that working at a small rural station would be good for my career development.” Inger Vos

RAGLAN Chronicle 5

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6 RAGLAN Chronicle

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local health and wellbeing

WELLBEING news, products and services

D I R E C T O R Y AROMATHERAPY Diane Davies Massage & Aromatherapy....021 969 929 web:................................................www.ddma.co.nz

HERBAL HEALTH The Herbal Dispensary.......................07 825 7444 Private Herbal/Naturopathic consultations

Stingers and Biters

HOMEOPATHY Janis Beet Homeopath......................07 825 8004



inally, summer has arrived and with the heat comes all the things that bite and sting us. We have had countless customers come into the shop with an assortment of welts due to wasps, mosquitos, sandflies and jellyfish. So, what can we do to relieve it? 1) Remove the biting/stinging thing as soon as possible. For jellyfish, it’s recommended to wash the area in seawater to deactivate the stinging cells, rinse with vinegar or baking soda. I prefer to keep the area really cool with ice but some people are better applying heat. Then: 2) Homeopathic remedies a. Apis: For any area that is hot and burning. Supports the immune system after insect bites. Great for wasp and bee stings. b. Ledum: For puncture wounds and insect bites. Person is better for cold. 3) Herbal Creams: Chickweed is the main herb that helps relieve itching. a. Chickweed gel: Has the added benefit of aloe vera and peppermint to cool the area. b. Chickweed ointment: The traditional way that chickweed was used.

Diane Davies Massage & Aromatherapy....021 969 929 web:................................................www.ddma.co.nz Haven Massage with Shannon Darbyshire..021 02442248 web:..................................havenmassageraglan.com Cultural Bodywork, Mirimiri & Lomilomi Ph Ardre...........................................027 245 2115

TAROT TAROT READINGS by appointment Ph Chrissy.......................................027 6644261

YOGA Raglan Yoga Loft.............................021 02442248 web:......................................raglanyogaloft.co.nz Yoga at ‘The Space’...................Above the Yot Club c. Insect repellent ointment: A combination of essential oils which helps prevent insect bites but can also be used to soothe bites if they occur. 4) Herbal tonics: a. Allergy ease: A combination of herbs that help with allergic reactions

and excess release of histamine. Take in acute doses to reduce the swelling that occurs if you react to a bite/sting. Come and speak to one of our qualified practitioners to find out what remedy would best suit you. The Herbal Dispensary

Backpacker’s guide writer finds kindred spirits here “I’ve had a lovely time,” she told the Chronicle on leaving Raglan. “I could live here … I think I’ll be back.” Gaylyn says she was a late starter to backpacking and entrusting her life to the universe. Just six years ago, after decades as a mother and English teacher, she went travelling “to see how the world unfolds ... and attracted beautiful people into my life”. That included the German captain – now her husband – she met while crewing on a yacht between Spain and Malta. The couple’s yacht ‘Qi’ is now moored up in Russell, halfway through a circumnavigation of the globe. Next it’s across to Australia where the Whangarei-born author has lived most of her life. Gaylyn decided a year or two ago to write the how-to book, which wraps up her experiences with practical tips, tricks, advice and anecdotes for young travellers. These are offset by the spiritual side of things, she adds, like taking responsibility for your own life and doing the things you love. “I just want to motivate people, help them realise their dreams,” she says. Edith Symes

Gaylyn Morgan with her book: Backpacker’s Practical and Spiritual Guide to the Universe.

“Everyone’s real positive here,” she enthused, a copy of her colourful Backpacker’s Practical and Spiritual Guide to the Universe in hand. “It’s what an indie (self-published) author needs.” The 52 year old reckons she literally couldn’t give her book away in Auckland after approaching the “too mainstream”

Paper Plus en route from Whangarei to Raglan. But within minutes of her arrival downtown the local bookshop had agreed to put the 206-page guide on their shelves. A night staying at Solscape – where she did some tarot card readings – and a quick drop-off of her “little backpacker’s bible” at the local library the next morning completed Gaylyn’s brief visit before driving south to promote the guide there.

Telephone: 825 0114 After hours: Anglesea Clinic Healthline

07 825 0800 0800 611 116

Iyengar Yoga.................................... 0273894987 At the Scout Hall...............corry.yoga@gmail.com

Classical Homeopath Janis Beet Dip. Hom (NZ) R.C Hom

Karioi Clinic of Homeopathy

78 Upper Wainui Rd, Raglan Phone: (07) 825 8004 Cell: 027 459 8547 email: janisbeet@gmail.com


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ravelling author Gaylyn Morgan breezed into town last week to promote her backpacker’s guide and knew instantly why people up north – where she’s based at the moment – advised her to come to Raglan.


12 Wallis Street, Raglan admin@raglanphysio.co.nz

OPENING HOURS: Mon Open 8am Close 7pm

Tues 8am 7pm

Wed 8am 5pm

Thurs Fri 8am 8am 7pm 5pm

ph (07) 825 0123 www.raglanphysio.co.nz Whaingaroa Physiotherapy: because we want wellness for you and our community

RAGLAN Chronicle 7

Raglan Volunteer Firefighters Animal Health Column heading to New York For Raglan People + their Pets Weight-watchers... for pets!

A forget

s pet owners, we often that weight affects our animals in the same ways it affects us.

due to overall weakness from reduced exercise -Higher risk for surgical or anaesthetic procedures • Compromised immune It is important to understand system, making illness that what you see on the outside more common is actually also affecting your • Poor growth and bone animal on the inside – this development for young means that if you can physically animals see excess weight on your pet, it As you can see, it is essential is also having an effect on them that your pet maintains a healthy internally. weight, as the result of being Effects of excess weight: under or overweight could be • Puts additional stress a reduced quality and length of on joints and ligaments, life. This can be avoided with making your pet more the right advice! prone to injury. The local waifs and strays • Can make arthritis more require your help! painful and can be harder Our Stray Animal/Wildlife for your pet to enjoy quality Fund is struggling to find homes of life, due to reduced for all the cats and kittens we abilities. have at the moment – please, if • Often results in less exercise, creating boredom you are looking for a new furry and lack of mental family member, inquire at the stimulation, which can clinic. The adoption fee for male lead to problem behaviours kittens is ONLY $100 and down the track. $120 for females – this covers • Causes the internal organs to work much harder to their de-sexing, flea/worm do their job – for example treatments while in our care, first Not all foods are so make sure your pet getsand the best diet possible! vaccination microchipping. there is created moreequal pressure As vets we cannot emphasise enough the The importance of good nutrition your normal cost for allforthese around the lungs due to pet, to ensure good health. Diets need to be tailored to the specific needs of your treatments would be around of fatty tissue, pet todistribution ensure they lead a healthy life. making breathing an effort. $270 for a female cat, and $230 There are many reasons why you should consider feeding your pet with pet food • Higher risk for surgical or for a male. purchased from your vet. Last year, alone, we rehomed anaesthetic procedures. Advice: Your pet’s dietary needs may change as they grow and age. Your vet/ vet over 250 animals! However, we How does being nurse can offer advice on the best nutrition for all life stages yoursupport pet. rely heavily onofthe of underweight affect my pet: Range: Vet-Only pet food offers a wide range specialcommunity diets, such as oral care, our oflocal through • Reduced energy levels, weight loss and hairballincontrol. poor donation and adoption to make resulting performance this happen. Tailor-made: Large-breed dogs have different nutritional needs than smaller dogs and therefore need to different diet formulations. BreedThe specifi c foods are • Can be prone injury, Anexa Team

Don’t Feed Your Pet Junk Food!

formulated to help control or prevent some of the typical health problems of each breed. Your vet also has access to prescription diets designed for specific health conditions.

Hot deal:

Much less mess to clean up: Quality food is highly digestible – therefore less mess and smell when your pet goes to the toilet. Weight management: Obesity is the most common form of malnutrition in the pets of today. Feeding pets an appropriate quantity of food is very important. High quality food tends to make the animal feel full and satisfied with a smaller quantity.

March promotion:

Dental health: Dental problems are the second most common health problem that we see in our patients. Vet-Only pet foods have special features to help keep your pet’s mouth healthy.

For the months of March and the ata your local Taste:April, Your pets will love it!nurses Vet-Only diets have high acceptance rate among pets. But for extra reassurance all our foods are 100% guaranteed. If your pet doesn’t like it we will refund the purchase Anexa clinic areprice.running free The link between good nutrition and health is well proven in humans and animals, and soVet you wantNurse to feed the bestweight food you can to checks your pets. We believe feeding aa top quality veterinary diet will result in a longer and better quality life for your pet. If weight you are in doubt about themonitoring quality of the diet your petservice. is receiving, come and see us. We can advise on the best diet for your pet’s health.

Anexa, 40 Bow Street, Raglan P: 07 825 8390 8 RAGLAN Chronicle

Leanna Mills from D anthe and Raglan Volunteer Fire

Brigade are off to New York to compete in the Stair Climb of the 4 World Trade Centre in the United States. Each firefighter will climb 72 floors wearing full firefighting kit including breathing apparatus in honour of the 343 FDNY firefighters killed in 9/11. The climb also memorialises fallen first responders worldwide. Each firefighter in the race will climb the tower with a name tag and photo from one of the fallen firefighters from 9/11. Dan and Leanna, between them, have volunteered over 32 years of service to the Raglan Volunteer Fire brigade. They recently competed in the NZ Sky Tower Challenge in Auckland, both winning first place in their categories. They then went

Leanna (left) and Dan (right) Mills after their recent stair climb of the Sky Tower in Auckland. on to race in Melbourne with Leanna placing third in her category. Along the way they fundraised $2000 for Leukemia & Blood Cancer NZ. To help fundraise for the flights to get Dan and Leanna to the New York event there is going to be a quiz night held at the Raglan Volunteer Fire Station this Saturday, March 4.

Doors open at 7pm and the quiz starts at 8pm. Roll Up is kindly making their special hotdogs and nachos on the night for $5 each so come along with a good appetite! There will also be spot prizes and raffles. For more details or to register your team, email dsignsnz@xtra.co.nz or ph 825 8609. Spaces are limited.

Raglan Junior Rugby Club to believe that the I t’srugbyhardseason is just around the corner. The 2016 season was another great year for the club with nine teams and 135 registered players.

Everyone played some great rugby and, more importantly, had a lot of fun. We are looking forward to another exciting season of rugby, so kids it’s time to dust off your boots and get ready for training! Every year we have an amazing group of dedicated coaches and managers who give so much time and effort. It is sometimes hard but always rewarding so if you are interested being part of this great group of people please contact us or come down to either of the weigh-ins. This year we are hoping to be able to field a 13th grade team. Players eligible for this team are anyone in year 8 or lower, 13 years under 60kg, 12 years under 75kg and 11 years open

weight (ages are at 1 January 2017). Weigh-Ins will be held at the Raglan Rugby Club Rooms on: Tuesday, March 8, 4pm-6pm Saturday, March 12, 10am -12pm All new players need to bring a copy of their birth certificate or passport to be kept in the team book. Please note: Payment of subs is due at weighin. EFTPOS and internet banking

facilities will be available. $25 for an individual player, $40 for a family of two or more players. We may not be able to process late registrations so please spread the word. For further information and updates, join the Raglan Junior Rugby Facebook page, or contact Janine, ph 027 425 3273. The Committee

Health in Your Hands A column connecting with senior citizens in our community

free Eat Well Live Well A course for senior citizens is being held at the Stewart

Street Hall for Raglan’s senior citizens.

The course, which begins on Wednesday, March 8, will involve a cooking programme and ways to stay active and healthy. It is a chance to socialise and share a meal cooked by professional chef Clive Anderson. The course is funded by the Waikato District Health Board and delivered by Age Concern Hamilton with the help of Raglan Support Group. The Raglan Support Group, which was started in 1993 by the late Eileen Miller and her daughter, Carol Johnson, is open to all and gives support to elderly people, those with disabilities and their caregivers.

A meeting is held on the first Wednesday of every month and is presently run by the ladies from Care and Craft. Raglan Care and Craft was formed over 30 years ago and has regular gatherings on Monday mornings at the Stewart Street Hall. The Senior Citizens meet at the Fire Station on the second Thursday of the month. All the senior societies welcome speakers from other services groups and acknowledge the work that volunteers do in the area to help keep our senior citizens safe and inform them of what help is available. One of the major problems for the elderly is brittle bones – it becomes a serious hazard if a person is not steady on their feet. Tony Agar has been a regular visitor to our groups and teaches a

gentle form of exercise called Tai Chi to help keep the body moving and address the problem of balance. As people are living longer, many pensioners are looking after spouses, parents and even adult children and grandchildren. Coping with various disabilities such as heart problems, arthritis, memory loss and cancer is difficult, especially when a partner dies. Grief is not for the faint-hearted at any age. At the same time as coming to terms with growing old themselves, the 60 and 70 year olds frequently face the challenge of being elderly caregivers, and awareness of what help is available is invaluable. The Raglan House has lots of information about what services are offered and is in touch with the volunteer groups. Pauline Abarahams

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Indicates there is a ‘Walk-through Video’

Open Home



Open Home


New Listing

65 Te Ahiawa Road True Quality, Location & Motivation This home that dreams are made of will not disappoint with so many classic features and fantastic craftsmanship. 4 spacious bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and an internal access double garage all spanning over a generous 272m2 of floor area. Sunlight and expansive views over Raglan harbour and the Tasman Sea stream invitingly through the windows in the living area. No expense has been spared here and all the hard work has been completed for the lucky new owner. For Sale Contact Email View

Open Home

New Listing


$1,200,000 Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 kleuthart.raglan@ljh.co.nz Saturday 11 - 11:45am ljhooker.co.nz/18QHFG



57 Hills Road Space, Location & Huge Views Don’t delay viewing this prime lifestyle property within a few minutes drive to the beaches and cafes of Raglan. Set to take advantage of all day sun and huge panoramic rural and harbour views. Outside the kids will love the large flat lawn and entertaining is complimented with an outdoor fireplace and courtyard BBQ area. Grow your own vegetables in the raised garden bed area and pick a variety of fruit from the established orchard. The stand alone large shed with 3 bay garage/ workshop has plenty of room for vehicles. Tender Contact Email View



6 Manukau Road

Sun Soaked with Sea Views Deadline 22.3.17 (Unless sold prior) Contact Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 Email



Saturday 12 - 12:30pm ljhooker.co.nz/ 18SHFG

22.3.17 (Unless sold prior) Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 kleuthart.raglan@ljh.co.nz Sunday 11 - 11:45am ljhooker.co.nz/18YHFG

Open Home


Feel right at home in this comfortable, elevated and North facing 3 bedroom home. Renovated by previous owners it boasts a modern kitchen and bathroom and still looks immaculate! Spacious decking on 3 sides allows you to enjoy the gorgeous views of the Harbour & Mountain whatever the wind direction. Landscaped, low maintenance gardens and a short walk to town and the water just add to the appeal. This fantastic property is ideal for a range of buyers from permanent to holiday living. So if you are seeking an affordable, single level home with character and views look no further! One thing’s for sure... This won’t last long!

Open Home


52 Bow Street Watch the World Go By... You won’t miss a bit of the action whether it’s on land or at sea from this incredible location, you can’t get much closer to town than this! Offering open plan living areas, 2 bdrms plus a 3rd semi-self contained bdrm with kitchenette and ensuite. Low maint section gives you more free time to explore the wonders of Raglan, many are practically on your doorstep. This ultimate kiwi bach has been truly loved and enjoyed for nearly 20 years and it is now time for a new owner to make lasting memories. Properties such as this are gold so don’t miss this chance of a lifetime!

7b Violet Street

Great Family Home This 3 bedroom property has been extensively renovated inside & out, the modern decor gives its interior an upbeat, tasteful feel with the large lounge leading to the exterior deck for that indoor/outdoor flow. Workshop for the man, great kitchen for the wife! Perfect for the investor, or first time buyers getting onto the Raglan property ladder.

For Sale Contact Email View

For Sale $499,000 Contact Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Email sobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz Saturday 2 - 2:30pm View ljhooker.co.nz/ 17CHFG

Final Notice

573 Maungatawhiri Road

Simply Stunning Built in 2013, this impressive designer home has real sophistication and style and embraces expansive 360° views of the surrounding rolling hills and rural countryside. 10 minutes drive to Raglan the home is set elevated on 2 acres, 8684m². Auction: 1pm 4th March @ LJ Hooker office, 25 Bow St, Raglan, unless sold prior. Auction Contact Email View

4.3.17 @ LJHooker Raglan Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 kleuthart.raglan@ljh.co.nz ljhooker.co.nz/ 18KHFG

Final Notice

Open Home

44 Kaitoke Street

Sophistication and Style on the Water Quality homes in such a sought after location are a rare find in Raglan. Designed with views in mind, the large windows capture the ever changing tides of the estuary and our glorious Mt Karioi, the outlook is ALWAYS stunning! Auction: 1pm 4th March @ LJ Hooker office, 25 Bow St, Raglan, unless sold prior. Auction Contact Email View

4.3.17 @ LJHooker Raglan Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 mobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz ljhooker.co.nz/ 18FHFG

$775,000 Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 mobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz ljhooker.co.nz/17PHFG

New Listing

533 Wainui Road

Feel the Earth, Feel the Energy Warmth and style radiate from this earth brick rustic home located near popular Wainui beach. Glowing native timbers and rustic features throughout make the hub of the home just beautiful, as well as naturally practical. A sleepout and bathroom is sited at the rear of the property for guests. For Sale $695,000 Contact Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 Email kleuthart.raglan@ljh.co.nz Saturday 12 - 12:30pm View ljhooker.co.nz/ 17RHFG

Open Home

New Listing

10a Primrose Street

10b Primrose Street

For Sale $389,000 Contact Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 Email kleuthart.raglan@ljh.co.nz Saturday 2:30 - 3pm View ljhooker.co.nz/ 18WHFG

For Sale $399,000 Contact Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 Email kleuthart.raglan@ljh.co.nz Saturday 2 - 2:30pm View ljhooker.co.nz/ 190HFG

Charm & Economy This 1930’s spacious character villa which was relocated a few years ago, has high stud ceilings characteristic of the era and a covered front deck as well as a rear deck to enjoy the afternoon sun. Four good sized bedrooms make it ideal for a family or rental and it has been both rewired and insulated. Viewings only at the weekend open homes.

First Home Nester or Rental Investor This 1950’s spacious character 4 bedroom bungalow which was relocated a few years ago has been rewired, insulated and re-carpeted after relocation and has a modern kitchen with central bench top and tiled floors. First home buyers.... this is your chance to get into the market. Viewings only at the weekend open homes.

Chrissy Cox

Matt Sweetman

Kyle Leuthart

Michelle O’Byrne

Stephen O’Byrne

Sandra Bowditch

027 287 1804

021 624 826

021 903 309

021 969 878

021 969 848

021 751 759

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Raglan Property Manager

*NB Boundary lines on photos are approximate & merely a guide. All information contained herein is gathered from sources we deem reliable. However we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely upon their own enquiries.

LJ Hooker Raglan (07) 825 7170 •

25-27 Bow Street , Raglan • George Boyes & Co Limited Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008

RAGLAN Chronicle 9





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For advertising inquiries: Contact the Raglan Chronicle on 07 825 7076 or email us at: info@ raglanchronicle. co.nz

FRI 3 FEB RAGLAN CLUB INC Friday Members Draw amount $2000 Be present between 6.30pm and 8.00pm. FRI 3 FEB RAGLAN CLUB INC Friday Entertainment: Joybells 5:00pm to 6:30pm. Eddie Cuz – Doing Deane Martin and Elvis – From 6.30pm (Eddie is the nephew of Clarrie Cresswell). WED 8 MAR @ SOLSCAPE Movies with KASM (Kiwis Against Seabed Mining) 8:30pm screening “Unbroken Ground” and “The Fisherman’s Son”. $2 koha. Come early for “Curry Night”.

Raglan MOVIES at the Old School




A MAN CALLED OVE A stubborn man is won over by new neighbours. STUFF****

116 mins. M Offensive lang.,

content may disturb. Swedish with subtitles.

Saturday 4th 8.00 Sunday 5th 4.30



99 mins. M Violence, offens.

lang., content many offend.

Saturday 4th 5.30


LA LA LAND Winner of 6 OSCARs Including BEST ACTRESS

128 mins. M Offensive Lang.

Sunday 5th




85 mins. PG Mild themes &

WED 8 MAR RAGLAN RAMBLERS 9am from Wainui Rd car park - Kawhia and hot water beach – bring lunch, spade and togs. SAT 18 MAR @ BLACKSANDS Everybody is welcome to join us for our St. Patrick’s Day celebration. Irish festivities: Irish band, food and drinks. Live music from 7pm 11pm. FISH RAGLAN MARCH 9, 10, 11 Thomsons ITM One Base. Waikato Sports Fishing Club. Great prizes. Entry forms online or from The Raglan Club. MAUI DOLPHIN DAY SAT 18 MAR It’s the 15th year of Raglan’s annual Maui Dolphin awareness day! Kopua Footbridge from 12 Noon. More details on WEC Facebook page. JOIN THE RAGLAN CLUB $25 per year $500 accumulating draw every Friday Live entertainment most Fridays Left Hand Break Restaurant – Excellent meals at reasonable prices (group bookings welcome). Pool, darts, snooker gaming, indoor/ outdoor bowls & TAB Family Friendly plus BBQ area Big Screen Courtesy Vans Wed to Sun from 4pm.

coarse language.

Friday 3rd



raglanmovies.nz or phone 825 0023

For Sale

Wanted To Let

F I R E W O O D D RY- 2 M - 2 M : Pine $160, Native $190, Gum $190. Delivered, ph. 0210771524.

HOUSE FOR A couple of long time residents who love Raglan and want to stay are in need of a house in the Raglan area. Any house, anywhere will be considered. Contact 0221328506 or 8257339.

In My Good Books Quality 2nd hand books Open Thurs - Sun from 10am 2 Wallis St Books wanted.

a ta m i ra . c o. n z New Season goodness: Kowtow Chaos&Harmony Assembly Label Rollas, Tigerlily… Rolls out as fast as it comes in, be quick!

FRI 3 MAR @ YOT CLUB DJ Cian. One of Auckland’s top selectors–now based In Raglan $5. SAT 4 MAR @ YOT CLUB Pitch Black and Melbourne’s Deep Fried Dub, $20 on door. World renowned Electronic

Dub acts bringing their full lighting and visual show to Raglan. Unmissable. SUN 5 MAR @ YOT CLUB Raglan Sunday Sessions with Jamin-I, Dubsonic, DJ Octaves and special guests. Free from 4:20pm, $10 after 7pm. Food cooking in the yard all night. *Yot Club shuts at 1am, no entry after midnight. Free pickup and drop, text 0211034156.

Courses, classes & workshops FEELING THE HEAT? Enjoy a cool light workout with the Raglan Light Exercise Group. St. Peter’s Church Hall. Bow St. Mon and Thurs, 10am to 11am. Everybody most welcome. *Sponsored by RC

Work Wanted SUMMERTIME SECTION TIDY? Landscaping, water blasting, chainsaw work, etc. Ph. Craig Mitchell 021 0506 271.

Situations Vacant

PERMACULTURE D E S I G N C E R T I F I C AT E COURSE 2017. Solscape May 5-19. 2-week intensive life altering program. Visit www.solscape. co.nz or call 825 8268 for more info.

Public Notices


- Peace and tranquility -Surfing, fishing, bush walks - Cabins, powered sites, tent sites

For Hire BOUNCY CASTLE for Hire: Great entertainment for the kids, call Vicki 8257575.

T R A C T O R DRIVER WANTED Part Time or Full time. Raglan Area. Experience required. Contact:

Commercial To Let SECURE METALLED YARD FOR LEASE 1500m2, ready now at Nau Mai Business Park. HIAB & Trailer friendly access. Other sizes available for Sale or Lease. Ph Bob Carter 021 825 869, or 07 825 8690 TASMAN LANDS Ltd

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Public Notice of application for renewal of on-licence Section 101, Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. Local Eatery & Bar Limited has made application to the District Licensing Committee at Ngauawahia for the renewal of an on-licence in respect of the premises situated at 6 Wallis Street Raglan and known as Local Eatery. The general nature of the business conducted under the licence is Restaurant. The day son which and the hours during which alcohol is sold under the licence are Tuesday - Sunday 10am - 10pm. The application may be inspected during ordinary office hours at the office of the Waikato District Council, District Licensing Committee, 15 Galileo Street Ngaruawahia. Any person who is entitled to object and who wishes to object to the renewal of the licence may, not later than 15 working days after the date of the first publication of this notice, file a notice in writing of the objection with the Secretary of the District Licensing Committee at Waikato District Council, Private Bag 544, Ngaruawahia 3742. No objection to the renewal of a licence may be made in relation to a matter other than a matter specified in section 131 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. This is the first publication of this notice.

Customer Delivery Officer

Raglan is a vibrant community that will be well served by a vibrant personality that understands the diverse needs of its residents. With a commitment to delivering exceptional customer service across library and council functions, as well as being an ambassador for our district to Raglan’s many visitors. To be successful in this role you will have:


Call Nic Spry on 027 665 2204

An opportunity has arisen for a Customer Delivery Officer based in Raglan. The purpose of this role is to deliver effective support to our community, with focus on delivering exceptional customer service as the interface between WDC and its customers.

Services Offered

For all your: - Mowing - Weed Wack - Yard Clean Up & - Gardening Needs

            

Would you like the opportunity to be a part of our very friendly team dedicated to providing incredible support to our customers? If you have a passion for our community, the ability to instantly build rapport with anyone, and thrive on providing exceptional customer service, this may be the role for you!

F U L L - T I M E L A B O U R E R REQUIRED for local construction company. Must be strong, hardworking & reliable. Must also have valid working visa. Please email accounts@ kre8iveconstruction. co.nz with your application & CV or for more details.


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PH 07 825 6800


Reserve on our website

F I R E W O O D MANUKA DRY $130 per m3, delivered. Ph. 825 0522.

THURS 2 MAR @ YOT CLUB Swedish singer/ songwriter Jonah Lake. Reggae, surf inspired acoustic. Raglan favourite.


Public Notices


A minimum of 2 years work experience in a customer focused environment

Motivation to learn and share ideas within an integrated team reinforcing WDC’s vision and values

Strong interpersonal skills

A positive, outgoing and friendly personality

We would like to introduce our new team member as soon as possible. If you consider yourself to be capable of this role then please apply. Applications close Tuesday, 7 March 2017 To apply online for this job, please go to our job site www.findyourplace.co.nz/home and enter the job code 1762RC.


Servicing Raglan, Te Uku & Te Mata

RAGLAN Chronicle 11


Raglan Real Estate Ltd Licenced (REAA 2008)









• Designed and built by local Raglan craftsmen, this brand new build represents an astute lifestyle investment in beach-town living • Featuring 4 bedrooms, master with ensuite and WIR, exquisitely detailed wet-areas and a beautifully spec’d kitchen with effortless connection to open plan dining and living • Only 40 minutes to Hamilton CBD, a few minutes will get you to the trendy stores, edgy eateries and pubs at the Village and a few minutes more will get you to one of the top 20 surf breaks in the world • A sensational home in a sensational and supportive beach town community • Prior Auction offers considered

• Elevated and beautifully positioned to capture the sun and north facing views of the harbour • A solid near new home - just a walk to Cox Bay • Easy care landscaped grounds • Prior auction offers considered

VIEW OPEN HOME SAT 1PM OR BY APPT Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282



ID#RAG22758 SAT/SUN 1PM OR BY APPT Graham Rope 021 222 7427 Teresa Wilkinson (PA) 021 173 9945









• This property has a unique rural ambience offering family privacy and seclusion in town • Situated on 859m², recently refurbished with new vinyl planking and new carpet in two bedrooms • Prior Auction offers considered

BY NEGOTIATION • Perfectly liveable and enviable from head to toe this sought after property is ready for your flair and enthusiasm • Well positioned across the road from Raglan Area School and close walking distance to town and harbour, this highly appealing site has so much potential • 1950s Character home on its own 830sqm section, elevated to capture superb views of Kaitoke inlet, Mt Karioi and harbour • Location is the key word followed closely by potential


ID#RAG22737 Graham Rope 021 222 7427









• Original 1 bedroom bach selling fully furnished with the original decor of yesteryear • North facing enjoying views, the sunrise and sunset • Nestled into 885m2 of native bush • Prior auction offers will be considered

Sleepout: 10m2 No Consent Required • Cool little Bach on Violet Street with great north-facing views over the harbour • Relax on the nice big deck covered by Tuscan-style pergola • This is a perfect lock up and leave and/or Holiday Rental • The main dwelling has a kitchen, lounge, large bedroom and compact bathroom with an excellent shower • The sleepout can fit two singles or a double bed • Easy-care grounds, no lawns to mow • Currently used as a Book-a-bach with rental income to $20,000.00 per year approximately







Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282






• Immaculately presented, gorgeous Kiwi Bach • Situated on ½ share of 1239 m2 • Currently operating as a successful book a bach accommodation • Prior Auction offers considered

VIEW OPEN HOME ID#RAG22744 SUN 2PM OR BY APPT Graham Rope 021 222 7427 Teresa Wilkinson (PA) 021 173 9945



Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282

Teresa Wilkinson (PA) 021 173 9945

SEA IT, LOVE IT, BUY IT! $429,000






Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282



2 + Studio

• This immaculately presented low maintenance funky home is a must see! • Both dwellings enjoy privacy, easy living, and excellent parking areas • Situated on 689m2 Prior Auction offers considered

VIEW OPEN HOME SUN 2PM OR BY APPT • A desirable 4 bedroom home plus extra accommodation • Accessible by a private right of way and only 10 minutes from Raglan • Tranquil water views and large flat front section • Fishing, floundering, mussels and water sports at your beckon • Situated on 1265m² more or less • Be quick as this property will soon disappear from the market for another 20 years!



Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282






• Park the car throw away the keys! • This single level 2 bedroom unit is a great opportunity for retirees, downsizers, professional couples, first home buyers or investors • Offering a single lockup garage with internal access. • Situated on a partially fenced low maintenance 246m² section. • A flat 4 minute walk to cafes, shops and bars. Kopua beach, the playground and some of the best fish ‘n chips in town are only 6 minute walk • Prior auction offers considered.

ID#RAG22726 David Gray 027 224 1228

VIEW OPEN HOME SAT 2PM OR BY APPT Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282


THINKING OF SELLING? Free Property Appraisal with No Obligation

Phone David Gray 027 224 1228 e: david.gray@raywhite.com



2 •

• • •

AUCTION 24.3.17 RAY WHITE OFFICE 6PM A quaint home secluded and nestled into the greenery and providing a private, north facing dream spot with picturesque views of the harbour The beach access is at your doorstep Large carport Prior Auction offers considered

VIEW OPEN HOME SAT AND SUN 12PM OR BY APPT Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282


21 Bow St, Raglan Phone: 07 825 8669 Fax: 07 825 7410 Website: www.rwraglan.co.nz Email: raglan.nz@raywhite.com 12 RAGLAN Chronicle

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