04 May 2017

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Nga Ripo o Whaingaroa

EST. 1903

Whaingaroa news for you weekly

4th May 2017 - Issue #540

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Dr Kennedy Graham


Councillor's Column


Gig Guide/What's on





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RAGLAN Chronicle 1


Whaingaroa-Raglan is the Waikato’s up-and-coming foodie hotspot. Support our local eateries and checkout their news and specials each week below.

Turkish Kebabs On Plates - Pitas Burgers and more! 10am to 10pm 29 Bow St - 07 825 0202

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Dear Editor It was with great pleasure and pride that I facilitated the Open 9am - 7pm Wed - Sunday ANZAC Day service here in Closed Mon-Tues Raglan last week. It is wonderful to see our community come together in such great numbers to commemorate those who Dine in + Takeaway Open 7 Days have served their country and 11:00 am to 9:30pm those who have sacrificed their lives in that service. The contribution to the services Real Fruit Ice Cream made by the men and women Burritos of the Raglan district has been Wraps significant and, over the years, Salads wa o k u l o d ge @ gm a i l considerable .co m has had impact on the community. Open for Dinner It was wonderful to see so Thurs, Fri & Sat many young people attending from 5:30pm Breakfast/Lunch 7 Days the ceremony with their

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10am - Family Service and Children’s Ministry Thursdays 3-5pm - 7C’s Bible Club for Children

3 Stewart St – 07 825 8276 or 07 825 8028 SUPPORT OUR SUPPORTERS! The businesses and individuals advertising in the Raglan Chronicle are participating not only to promote their businesses, but to show their support for our community paper – so be sure to tell them you saw them in the Raglan Chronicle. Local businesses are the foundation of our community - and they make it possible for us to bring the Raglan Chronicle to you.

Raglan Ink Ltd home of the Raglan Chronicle Office Open Mon - Fri 9.00am - 4.00pm, Wainui Rd, Raglan Ph: (07) 825-7076 Fax: (07) 825-7078 Post: P.O. Box 234, Raglan Email: info@raglanchronicle.co.nz Advertising & Articles The advertising and editorial content deadline will be Monday at 12pm week of issue. DISCLAIMER

Opinions and views expressed in the Raglan Chronicle do not necessarily represent those held by the Editors or Publishers. Every care will be taken in the preparation and placement of submitted material but the Editors/Publishers shall not be liable for errors or omissions or subsequent effects due to the same. It is the submitters responsibility to ensure material is not libelous or defamatory. The Editors/Publishers reserve the right to abridge, alter or decline any material submitted to the Raglan Chronicle to meet the constraints of space and/or maintain a reasonable standard of language and decorum.

2 RAGLAN Chronicle

families and heart-warming to

see so many families wearing or bearing the medals earned by

family members. They are not forgotten.

I would like to particularly commend the Head Boy and Head Girl of Raglan Area

School for their contributions

which were both personal and heartfelt. They did credit to themselves, their families and their school. With such great potential future leaders our community is in good hands. Colin Hodkinson Acting President Raglan



Services Association

Work to improve safety of SH23 begins

umble strips and two flexible Rinstalled roadside barriers are being between Raglan and Waitetuna as part of works to improve road safety on State Highway 23.

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Backdoor GromBash: Raglan surfer Taylor Hutchison won his division for the third consecutive year at the Backdoor GromBash held at Manu Bay over the weekend.




Associate Transport Minister David Bennett was at Cogswell Rd on Thursday last week to announce that minor safety improvements on the highway were starting, and that more major works would get underway later this year, including shoulder widening, better signage and intersection improvements. More pullover bays for slower drivers may also be built. There were 391 crashes on the Raglan-Hamilton road between 2005 and 2015. Five people died and 64 were seriously injured. “SH23 is an important road for local residents, commuters and tourists, along with cyclists and motorcyclists, and the number of motorists on the highway is increasing,” Mr Bennett says.

Stage one of improvements between Waitetuna and Raglan is estimated to cost about $9 million. Construction of improvements between Hamilton and Highbrook Way is likely to begin in 2018, and will include widening centrelines and more safety barriers and rumble strips. Options for the final section of the road – between Highbrook Way and Waitetuna – are still being considered. “The community and others were asked for their view on the road, and the improvements being made won’t change the layout but they will make it a lot safer for all road users,” says Mr Bennett. Wider shoulders and innovative safety rails will make the road safer for cyclists and motorcyclists. “We know a lot of motorcyclists ride on this road, and the rails being added to some sections will make it a much safer journey for them,” Mr Bennett says.

Cross-party report on climate change a ‘game-changer’


reen Party MP Dr Kennedy Graham gave a talk in Raglan on Saturday about a report that could prove to be a gamechanger in New Zealand’s “woefully inadequate” response to climate change. The report, Net Zero in New Zealand: Scenarios to achieve domestic emissions neutrality in the second half of the century, was commissioned by GLOBE-NZ, a cross-party group of 35 MPs who all recognise that climate change is a major issue facing humankind. Dr Graham, who spoke to about 30 people in the supper room of the town hall

on Saturday, said the report was ground breaking in that it engaged MPs from all seven political to discuss climate policy together rather than partake “in trench warfare in the chambers”. “It clears the air if you are sharing knowledge,” says Mr Graham, who formed GLOBE-NZ in 2015 ahead of the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris. GLOBE-NZ has a membership drawn from all seven political parties in Parliament. “What is different about this is it’s a more relaxed, informal context. We are acquiring knowledge that we are gaining and sharing together. We are not in adversary chambers getting knowledge for yourself to be used against another person. That might be good theatre but doesn’t get to the goal.” Mr Kennedy outlined the lengthy international struggle to take action on climate change, and said “we have essentially wasted 25 years” talking and not doing anything. “There have been blocks every step of the way.” He said the New Zealand Government had made it’s own commitment but that was “woefully” inadequate. “We are obliged to improve our target very quickly.” The report, produced by Vivid Economics, a London-based consultancy that has internationally-recognised expertise on the subject, identifies

four scenarios for achieving emissions neutrality. The first scenario, “Off-Track NZ”, would see neutrality achieved well into the 22nd century – but the requirements of the Paris Agreement calls for global net emissions to be zero before 2100 in order to limit temperature increase to below 2 degrees Celsius. Two scenarios, “Resourceful NZ” and “Innovative NZ”, meet the requirement of neutrality not long after 2050 through innovative technology, far-reaching forestry programmes and significant change in land-use patterns. A fourth scenario, “Net Zero 2050”, is envisaged though not explored in analytical detail. The report states that this scenario is possible, albeit far-reaching and ambitious. Mr Graham said one of the conclusions of the report was that New Zealand could not get to neutrality without significantly changing its land use patterns. “It can be done without trauma,” he said. “We don’t have to go around slicing animals’ necks.” He said people knew – whether they were in farming or business – that it had to change, for our children and all the species on the planet. “We all have to work together.” “These are scenarios. We have to choose the right one then go to policy discussion. “The challenge is: how do you get us altogether so we are all moving together as a country.” Inger Vos

KASM seabed mining hearing in uncharted waters T he Environmental Protection Authority’s hearings on a seabed mining application have “gone off the rails”, says Kiwis Against Seabed Mining (KASM).

KASM chairperson Phil McCabe says the EPA has requested a wide range of new information from Trans Tasman Resources Ltd, the company applying to mine the seabed of the South Taranaki Bight, after accepting its original application as complete. Greenpeace, Forest and Bird and Ngāti Ruanui all support KASM’s view. “This hearing has seriously gone off the rails,” say the groups, who are considering applying for a judicial review of the process or making an appeal. “It is demonstrably clear… that the [EPA] has embarked on an exercise of

completing and, in effect, proving the Applicant’s case. This is an unlawful exercise of power (that) also significantly prejudices submitters in opposition to the application. “After accepting the original application as ‘complete’, and after evidence from submitters, the caucusing of a wide range of experts and recalling experts to give further evidence, the EPA has now turned around and asked the company for a whole lot of new information,” says Phil. “We knew this information was missing and told the EPA back in September – it was one of the main reasons the EPA refused the company consent for its first application in 2014. Yet the EPA went ahead and accepted this deficient application – and are now requesting detail they should have asked for seven months ago.” Phil says to have a considerable amount

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of information put on the table at the end of the process means that opportunities for proper public engagement have been lost. “As a volunteer-run community organisation KASM doesn’t have an open chequebook – this hearing has already cost us tens of thousands of dollars and huge amounts of time.” The fishing industry and Ngāti Ruanui have also withdrawn from much of the hearing, citing excessive cost burdens. Phil says the request for more information is the latest in a number of questionable procedural decisions by the EPA. The EPA had allowed the seabed mining company to redact some 190 pages of their application, a move that was subsequently overturned by the Environment Court in November after KASM and Greenpeace objected. Inger Vos

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Councillor’s Column A chat with the councillor – A report by Raglan Councillor Lisa Thomson on her ‘Councillor Community Chats’.

Regional councillor against 52 per cent rates rise ratepayers are being asked Rcentaglan to stump up a whopping 52 per increase in the targeted West Coast Zone rate for hill country farming erosion work that will be of no benefit to our region.


’ve now had three ‘Councillor Community Chats’, each different and each valuable.

Last Friday’s chat was dominated by Raglan Naturally. A steering group has been working since August on how best to reinvigorate the 2001 Raglan Naturally community plan. They will be hosting a community open day on Sunday May 21 at Poihakena Marae, shared lunch please bring a plate.. Look out for it and think how you’d like to contribute to planning, working and volunteering to improve Raglan. Specifically, we talked about mowing, litter, tourism and sewage. Already some initiatives have started under the auspices of Raglan Naturally. Many people – our community unsung heroes – have been litter collecting for a long time and are now coordinating their work as part of Raglan Naturally. Like many of us, they’ve concerns about the changes in grass mowing, introduced just before I was elected last year. Another Raglan Naturally group is looking at the impacts of tourism, how we might reduce them and how we might benefit more from tourism, which, I was reminded, the Government plans to double. I was disappointed that only four people came along to the Annual Plan information session on Thursday evening. It highlights that council needs to work more on publicity, building up trust (one of the reasons for these chats) and effective use of staff. However, our out-on-the-street approach has been working, with many dropping by to give feedback and input. Remember, consultation closes on May 15 – have your say on our wastewater targeted rates. A few issues came up that I’d not thought about before. When the footbridge was replaced in 2011, fabric and wooden stakes were left on the beach. I’ll check that there’s no good reason for them to be there. If not, the chat’s probably going to result in a volunteer effort to remove them – perhaps another backpacker group may wish to help with that cleanup. As more people move into lifestyle blocks, it increases concern about what farmers are spraying. If you’re concerned, or if you’re a sprayer, please google regional council’s “ Permitted Activity Rule”; it’s there to minimise such concerns. So far the chats have been too busy to talk more about a community pot luck dinner and I’ve not been inundated with offers of help. But, it will happen! I’ve heaps to do, so you’ll probably see me like this (re photo) if you come into the library between 10.30am and 1.30pm on a Friday. But do disturb me and don’t keep quiet! I’d especially like to hear solutions to the housing crisis, which alarms me more and more each week. If you can't come in on Fridays, you can contact me on 0211 798 256 or email lisa.thomson@waidc. govt.nz. Oh, and thanks to the library staff for the decorations – not my thought bubbles, but certainly a positive way of sending out good vibes. . Cr. Lisa Thomson Raglan Ward Councillor

4 RAGLAN Chronicle

As a first-term Waikato regional councillor of the Waikato General Ward and a representative on the West Coast Zone Committee, I find this proposal totally unacceptable, particularly as there has been no process for ratepayers to engage in or give feedback on – and it appears that some farmer committee members may be feathering their own nests. At the end of last year, the regional council – through the council-appointed West Coast Zone Committee that is top-heavy with farmers – was awarded $630,000 of new government funding to manage hill country erosion on west coast farmland. The focus of the erosion work is the three catchments of the Awakino, Lower Mokau and Mangaotaki rivers, which are all south of Kawhia and run directly into the sea. Usually farmers that work with the regional council on soil conservation projects get back 35 per cent of costs, but in this case the landowners will get a 70 per cent subsidy.

WRC staff indicated that council was expected to match the government funding, dollar for dollar, therefore recommended a 52 per cent increase in the targeted West Coast Zone rate. (This rate makes up about 50 per cent of the council’s general rate and is dependent on property value.) The committee voted in favour of the rate increase at a workshop last week, and the recommendation is likely to be rubber-stamped at the hearing and deliberations of 2017/2018 Annual Plan next week. In my opinion, the council-appointed West Coast Zone Committee does not represent the majority of ratepayers and is not operating with transparency or good democratic processes. I have observed some committee members voting – despite a conflict of interest – to support projects that will allocate funds to be applied to their own farms, including this hill country erosion work. The committee’s application to the Hill Country Erosion Fund was made for an area that will not bring the greatest benefit to ratepayers. It would have made more sense to get funding to do erosion work in west coast harbour catchments – Aotea, Kawhia, Raglan and Port Waikato – so that the

resulting improved water quality can be enjoyed by communities (fishing, swimming, watersports, community health, tourism) instead of being poured directly into the sea. The primary benefiters of the Hill Country Erosion Fund are the west coast farmers south of Kawhia Harbour. These landowners will be able to use their massive subsidies to plant pine forests on their farms that they will then be able to harvest for a profit. I don’t believe we should be asking the ratepayer for yet more money to subsidise farming businesses. Fred Lichtwark, Waikato regional councillor

Raglan bluesman keen to chill out again with a Dunedin Sound icon


is own musical genre may be worlds apart from the Dunedin Sound but legendary Raglan bluesman Midge Marsden’s a fan of – and keen to catch up with – The Chills, who play an already sold-out gig here next week on the second to last stop of a 10-show national tour. Midge, who as he lives in Auckland these days is eyeing their final concert at The King’s Arms in the heart of the city, describes the Dunedin Sound as “a totally esoteric, jingly-jangly sound from New Zealand that’s still revered and followed all over the world”. The Chills were one of the earliest proponents of the sound – which came out of the southern university city in the early 1980s and was championed by New Zealand’s own Flying Nun Records – and Midge recalls “once or twice” down the years meeting singer/ songwriter Martin Phillipps, the group’s sole constant member. He says one really memorable talk with Martin was at the 2001 world

premiere in Dunedin of Jurassic Park lll, where he and others were invited by Kiwi actor Sam Neill to perform. “I felt like an old rock ’n roller and said so to him [Martin],” Midge recalls. “He said hell no, we’re interested in this stuff [that you play]. They [David Kilgour of The Clean was also there representing the Dunedin Sound] mentioned Howlin’ Wolf and other blues singers who influenced them. I’d felt a bit intimidated being around this young breed but we found common ground and it was the exact opposite.” Midge says while Martin is a “tortured soul” who’s had lots of lineups over the years, he admires all that he’s achieved. While Midge remembers playing The Chills classics like ‘I Love My Leather Jacket’ and ‘Pink Frost’ during a stint as a radio DJ, there has also been a direct connection with the Dunedin Sound through John Dodd, who Midge says “was in my band for some years, and lived in Raglan on and off too”. John’s sister, Jane Dodd, was in the initial lineup when Martin formed The

Chills following the demise of his punk band The Same. She also played bass at various times for other Dunedin Sound bands such as The Verlaines and the Able Tasmans. The Chronicle wondered if Jane – now a well known contemporary jeweller – might have joined The Chills’ current ‘Vigorous and Far-reaching New Zealand Tour’, but she replied “I haven’t played with (them) for 35 years, except for two songs at their 30th party a few years back”. The band’s discography runs to 40-odd albums, compilations, EPs or singles. Their 1990 album ‘Submarine Bells’ peaked at No 1 on the New Zealand charts, and the single ‘Heavenly Pop Hit’ from that album remains their one and only American chart appearance at No 17 (on the Billboard Mainstream Rock Chart). A.T. The Chills, with special guest Anthonie Tonnon, play at the Raglan Club on Friday week, May 12.

Raglan athletes go for gold – or Animal Health Column fun – at World Masters Games For Raglan People + their Pets

Above image rom left, Tony Oosten and Shaun Stuart-Jones compete at the World Masters Games Bottom image from left, Della Cameron and Lindy Moir at the World Masters Games.

ome Raglan athletes have Smasters proven to be international at their sports, while

others have shown that age or ability is no barrier to playing at world level. The World Masters Games, a 10day festival of 28 different sports held this year in New Zealand, finished up on Sunday with a number of Raglan locals winning gold for their endeavours – and a number of locals just enjoying the camaraderie of the competition. The Games is the world’s largest multisport event, and held every four years. This year, 28,0000 registered athletes and officials from more than 100 countries took part, with most of the events being held in and around Auckland. The goal of the World Masters Games is to encourage participation in sport throughout life, and for most of the sports there are no qualification criteria other than age. All athletes represent themselves and not their country. Julia Darlington, who competed with crews from Hamilton in the 40plus women’s and mixed age group, had an intense week of racing to return home tired on Sunday night with her neck weighted in medals. In waka ama, her team won bronze in the mixed 500m and gold in the mixed 22km races; in dragon boating, her teams won gold in the mixed 200m and mixed 500m standard boat races, and gold in the 200m and 500m women’s small boat races. Jocelyn Hartstone, who is in the Raglan waka ama club, competed in teams made up of mostly of Waitakere and Parehaka paddlers in the 60-plus women’s and mixed divisions. They won gold in the women’s and mixed crew 500m double hull

races and bronze in the women’s 1000m and 500m. Jocelyn laughs that there were only two teams in her women’s double hull race. But in other races “some teams trained really hard and were rewarded for that”. For waka ama paddler Wayne Trott, who competed in the 500m para V1 and 15km para V1 races and won gold in both, there also wasn’t much competition. Wayne says in the 15km race there were just himself and a “German guy”, who he beat by 20 minutes, and there was one other Kiwi competitor in the 500m. “Our times were faster than that of the 50-plus men’s anyway, so we would have got gold and silver,” he says of the 500m sprint. Raglan’s waka ama 50-plus women’s team competed in the 500m and 1000m races. “We think we came about seventh in the whole world,” says steerer Lynne Rogers. Lynne says she enjoyed that the races were about inclusiveness regardless of ability and age. “The whole atmosphere was about looking after each other and cheering each other on.” A Japanese team entered the waka ama 500m sprints because Japan is hosting the Games in 2021, she says. “They’d never paddled before, they all paddled on the same side, they came way last and everyone cheered.” Lynne says it’s nice to be able to learn a sport on Raglan Harbour and take it to a world level. “Can we? Yeah we can!” Also on the water from Raglan were Tony Oosten and Shaun StuartJones. The two row with the Hamilton Rowing Club but can also be seen out on the Raglan harbour on calm Sunday mornings.

Tony says he and Shaun competed in 43-plus men’s and mixed teams, and they made it to the semifinals in the men’s doubles, the finals in the men’s coxed four and the finals in the men’s quadruple scull. “As a team we were very happy with our results getting into semis and finals against world-class rowers – in most cases ex Olympic rowers.” Not in the water this time round was Peter Aim, who at the last New Zealand masters games won five gold medals in swimming. A bad case of bronchitis kept him out of the pool for the Games so the president of the Raglan Golf Club decided to pick up the clubs instead. “I am not a bad golfer,” says Peter, who has a handicap of 17. “I thought I would give it a crack.” He played three rounds at Akarana, Muriwai and Pakuranga – the courses were extremely tough compared with Raglan, which has just one bunker – and came 24th out of 108 golfers. “I was pretty pleased,” says Peter, who enjoyed meeting people of different nationalities the most. UCI world masters track cycling champion Grant Tyrrell swapped bikes for the Games and went single track. Grant, a previous New Zealand mountainbike champion in 1989 and 1990, competed in the men’s 55-59 age group in mountainbiking at Woodhill Forest and finished fifth from a field of more than 40 competitors. He says it was a good course – but “it was bloody hard on my back” – and he was happy with his result considering he hadn’t really trained for it apart from a few rides around Mt Karioi and the track at Wainui Reserve. For Lindy Moir, competing in the Games was a big step out of her comfort zone. The 56-year old played netball in the social “over-40s division” with a team from Australia, The Dugites. Her sister, Della Cameron, who lives in Perth, talked her into it, even though Lindy hadn’t played netball for over 15 years. Lindy says she played twilight netball in Raglan over the summer to get her head around the rules and took up running to get fit. “After strapping injuries, doing warmups, team talks and winning six games out of nine we managed to get to the finals, coming fourth overall out of 15 teams. “It was challenging on every level but also so much fun – all with likeminded people. “A highlight for me was watching some of the ex Silver Ferns play and they certainly displayed some outstanding skills.” Also playing for an Australian team after a long absence in sport was Donald Cook, who competed in the 50-plus men’s football competition. Donald says he played for a Balmain, Sydney team in the 50-plus men’s competition, and he was in goal. It was the “first games in 22 years for me”. “We drew 1-1 with the gold medallists in round play,” he says, and his team made it through to the quarterfinals. Donald won player of the tournament in his team. “I’d recommend it to all sports players – great time, great fun (and) new friends.” Inger Vos

Is colder weather affecting your pet’s quality


ave you noticed a change in behaviour or decreased exercise level in your pet recently as the colder months are creeping closer?

the morning • Difficulty jumping into the car, climbing stairs or jumping onto tabletops or benches (cats) • Limping/change in usual gait (i.e. short-stepping) • Change in character, Your pet may be suffering behaviour or temperament from a condition often referred to as arthritis (degenerative • Sleeping more than usual joint disease or DJD for short). • Resentment or aggression towards certain areas being When people think of arthritis, touched they often think of it as affecting • What can I do for my pet at older animals only, however that home? is not an accurate conclusion. • A raised bed with padding – Younger animals may also out of the way of draughts, in suffer from symptoms of a warm area arthritis, particularly if they have • Maintaining an ideal body previously suffered a trauma or weight (excess weight will injury to bones or ligaments. make things harder and more Arthritis, like in humans, can painful for your pet) also be linked to hereditary • Maintain a sensible exercise diseases. In particular, larger level – arthritic joints benefit or giant dog breeds are most from being kept mobile, commonly affected earlier however hard exercise can in life, often due to the extra cause inflammation and weight and strain on their joints increase pain. and bones. Arthritis can have a huge Do not be fooled – all species impact on your pet’s overall of animals can be affected by quality of life. It is important arthritis, however dogs tend to you have your pet checked if you show the more obvious clinical suspect a problem. Remember, signs. Cats on the other hand animals can be very good at can be very sneaky at hiding hiding pain. their signs of arthritis and pain. When picked up early in the By being aware of the signs course of the disease, DJD can to look for, you have a better be effectively managed using a chance of picking up on some of variety of supportive therapies the earlier, more subtle clinical selected for each individual signs of arthritis. animal. Signs of arthritis (DJD) For further information • Not wanting to exercise or or advice, please contact the friendly staff at your local play like usual • Difficulty getting up – Anexa FVC Clinic. Team Not all foods areafter created equal so bestAnexa diet possible! especially resting ormake in sure your pet gets theThe

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6 RAGLAN Chronicle

99 each



00 pack


SuperValue Raglan: 16-18 Bow Street, Raglan. Phone 825 8300. Open 7.30am - 8pm, 7 Days.


Specials available from Thursday, 4th May until Sunday, 7th May 2017 or while stocks last. We reserve the right to limit quantities. All limits specified apply per customer per day. Trade not supplied. Prepared meals are serving suggestions only. Props not included. Certain products may not be available in all stores. Proprietary brands not for resale. Customer Support Freephone 0800 40 40 40.


Please drink responsibly

Raglan birth naturally

Phone 0800 536 627 www.jemmas.co.nz WE OFFER:

Free 9 hours care (*conditions apply) Quality educational childcare in a home environment Flexible hours - 20 Hours and WINZ subsidy Planned programmes based on Te wháriki Free toy and equipment library and Playgroups

Telephone: 825 0114 After hours: Anglesea Clinic Healthline

AT Jemma’s

If you’re thinking of becoming a All Educarers are Police Vetted Jemma’s Educarer All locations are safety checked please visit our website for more information or All Educarers have a phone us to chat to current First Aid Certificate an Education Co-Ordinator. Availibility for babies to 5 year-olds

0800 536 627

OPENING HOURS: Mon Open 8am Close 7pm

Registered Valuers


When: The first Saturday of every month, from 10am till noon, starting tomorrow, May 6. Where: The Green Room of Rockit Kitchen (because they have privacy and good cake.) Women’s knowledge of birth and child rearing has always lived in our stories. Hear and share stories from the birth room, the breast, and about the general magic and mayhem of raising families. With laughter and tears we’ll share our knowledge and experiences intuitively and informally. Karin Bettley, a registered midwife and mama with a love of homebirth and natural birth, will facilitate the discussions.

Pregnancy, boobs, babies, emotions, V jay jays, poos, politics, moaning, tears, hormones, labour, the blues, teething and other epic women’s business – women coming together to educate and support each other is exactly what this world needs in such freaky times! It’s OK if your birth didn’t go as planned – they often don’t. Your story is valuable and might help another woman. You might even gain some insight and learn some stuff for your next baby. The aim of this group is to empower women to birth and parent naturally and without fear; to help and provide advice for empowered mothering, breastfeeding and other important stuff like that. If you’re pregnant or have a wee one then come along – babes in arms are welcome. Any queries, call Karin on 825 7370. Yummy mummies unite!

Four bedroom brick home Four hectares of grazing land River on three boundaries Large workshop Established grounds


Raglan, Te Kohao Health Your Medical Clinic

(Unless Sold Prior), 11am, Wed, 31 May. PGGWRE, 87 Duke St, Cambridge

www.pggwre.co.nz ID: HAM26011

Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625

Relaxed Coastal Retreat • Well built, warm and sunny two bedroom home • Two living spaces with the double garage converted to a self contained unit • The 2.005 hectare property is mostly native bush • Ruapuke is a popular lifestyle destination, offering great fishing, horse riding and scenery! • Properties in this coastal location very rarely come to the market! www.pggwre.co.nz ID: HAM25697

Raglan $795,000

GST Inclusive

Nau Mai Haere Mai All Welcome Dip. VFM; Val; Prof. Urban, ANZIV. SPINZ 216 Wainui Rd, 218

Please contact us on 07 825 7076 or email us details: info@raglanchronicle.co.nz

Pastor Roger Peart www.surfside.co.nz ph 07 825 5199


YourMedicalClinci Licenced under REAA 2008

Tidy 29 Hectares


• Currently run as a dairy support block, growing silage and dairy grazing • Nicely presented two bedroom home with decking • Approx 2km to Raglan with amazing ocean / harbour views • Fenced into 21 paddocks • Near new yards and three bay shed • Owner mows about 10 hectares for silage / hay • Plenty of options to build your dream home! www.pggwre.co.nz ID: HAM25788

• • • • •



School 10am10amRaglRaglaannArAreeaaSchool 7pm7pmTeTeUkuUkuChurChurcchh

NaNuMuaMiHaiHeraeMr aMi ai Al AWeWlceolmcoeme

Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625

RogerPearPeartt PastPastoorrRoger phph070782582551995199

R a g l a n , www.ssurfurfssidide.e.cco.o.nnzz www.

4.203ha & 15.72ha Lifestyle Sections

Ideal lifestyle blocks to build your dream home Layout the buldings to suite your needs Currently run as cropping land Grow a lucritive crop to create a low input income stream Phone for more information

www.pggwre.co.nz ID: HAM25743

Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625

All Welcome

Poihakena Marae Raglan P.O. Box 130 Raglan Monday,-Wednesday, Friday Friday Raglan, 9.00am - -4.30pm 08.30am 5.00pm Poihakena Marae p. 07 825 8064 fx. 07 825 8559 m 0274 417 Free after hours telephone triage service 216 Wainui Rd, 968 Raglan Monday, Wednesday, Friday Phone: (07) 825 0197 Fax: (07) 825 0956 Email: admin@tekohaohealth.co.nz 9.00am - 4.30pm Free after hours telephone triage service Te Kohao Health Phone: (07) 825 0197 Fax: (07) 825 0956 180 Dey St, Hamilton Email: admin@tekohaohealth.co.nz Monday - Friday 8.30 - 5.00pm Saturday 8.30 - 12.00pm Te Kohao Health Free after hours telephone triage service 180 Dey St, Hamilton Phone: (07) 856 1211 Monday - Friday 8.30 - 5.00pm Saturday 8.30 - 12.00pm Dedicated in the memory of Dr Tom Ellison Free after SERVICES hours telephone triage service SUNDAY Phone: 856 1211 10am Raglan Area School 10am Te(07) Uku Church 10am Raglan Area School Tom Ellison YOUR STORIES! 7pm WEof DrWANT 7pmTeTeUku UkuChurch ChurchDedicated in the memory


Thurs Fri 8am 8am 7pm 5pm

Nau Mai Haere Mai


• • • • •

Wed 8am 5pm

Raglan Community Te Kohao Health Hawken & Co. Medical Centre Te Kohao HealthYour Medical Clinic


Raglan Rural With Three Rivers

Tues 8am 7pm


Property Consultants

women’s discussion and support A group that encourages natural birth, breastfeeding and epic

07 825 0800 0800 611 116

Raglan $500,000 & $800,000 Plus GST (if any) WAITETUNA VALLEY ROAD

Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625


RAGLAN Chronicle 7

Godfather of Dancehall returns to the Yot Club massive weekend is coming up at the Yot A Club with Johnny Osbourne playing on Friday and the Rip Curl Pro after party on Saturday.

For those not familiar with Johnny he is a Jamaican icon. A peer of Bob Marley, Peter Tosh and Lee Scratch Perry and is commonly known as the Godfather of Dancehall. An absolute legend and a consummate performer as shown at last year’s gig. Tickets at www.undertheradar.co.nz. There will be door sales available but these will cost more. Support from DJ Fatta, host of one of Europe’s most revered Reggae sound systems, and local support from DJ Atmosphere, Jinja Cat and King Macka and The Aotearoa Dub Club (who consist of: The DubTerminator, Jamin-i, Dubsonic and MC Tux). Music starts from 8.30. The Rip Curl Pro afterparty is always a highlight of the year and this year will be no exception with DJs Man Grooves and People of Paris. Friday the 12th is another monster of a gig with Head Like A Hole (HLAH) playing their 25th anniversary tour. Absolute kiwi rock royalty here and on their day one of the best live bands in the world as anyone who saw their NY gig will testify. Tickets on eventfinder or text 021409268. Support for HLAH from powerhouse Melbourne trio Seedy Jeezus and

local noise bandits The Illicit Wah Wahz. Some absolute power house gigs coming up in the future as well including: May 27, Yotty favourites Labretta Suede with American alt blues powerhouse Bob Log; Saturday June 3, Sunshine Sound System plus guests; Saturday June 17, Ladi 6; Saturday June 24, Aussie Punk legends The Hard Ons. Andy Meek

Memorial seat also about celebrating life


he brightly coloured seat near the Raglan jetty may be a memorial but it is also about celebrating life, says Raglan Ward councillor Lisa Thomson.

The seat celebrates the life of Richard Keremeta, who died tragically in February last year after bombing off the Raglan footbridge, and was completed last week. Lisa, who helped co-ordinate the project with Sean Ellison in collaboration with Richard’s family and friends, says it’s a place where those who knew him can hang out but it’s also a place where the community and visitors can sit and enjoy the beauty of Raglan. “You sit there and look out over the water, the bridge, the skate park …” Builder Paul Christie, who donated his time and materials to the project, made the seat to be “durable, practical and long-lasting”. “Paul made it so it would be durable regardless of

how the kids used it,” says Lisa, even if that meant riding their bikes on it. It’s more than just a seat – it’s a place where kids can hang their towels or bags while they are swimming and jumping off the jetty. Lisa says Krishna Smith and Dallas Mihinui designed and organised the painting of the seat, again in collaboration with Richard’s friends and family. “It had to be fun and about nature.” She says the designs represent strength and agility and incorporates the water, the land and the sun. “We went quite bright on the outside and more subtle in the inside where Richard’s name (Riha) is. “It was a neat process,” she says of the entire project, which also got funding from Raglan Lions. “It was a lot like the tide – people came and people went as it was being built, either helping out or just having a nosy.” Inger Vos

Health in Your Hands A column connecting with senior citizens in our community

Senior Community Newsletter May 2017


he next crop swap meeting will be held on Sunday, May 7, in the Town Hall Supper Room at 9.30am. Bring something to swap related to the garden or kitchen.

Care and Craft meets every Monday at the Stewart Street Hall. Next week, on May 8, they plan to make cards and small gifts for Mother’s Day on Sunday, May 14. The focus will be on

8 RAGLAN Chronicle

elderly mums and “remembering those who cannot remember”. There are a growing number of older citizens with memory loss (dementia and Alzheimer’s). Join us on Monday morning and make sure they are not forgotten. Senior Citizens will meet on Thursday, May 11, at the fire station at 11 am. There will be a guest speaker and lunch. Pauline Abrahams

‘LIKE’us on Facebook

raglan.ljhooker.co.nz Open Home

Indicates there is a ‘Walk-through Video’

New Listing


Refreshed, Rejuvenated and Ready For You Elevated and sunny this 3 bedroom home has new carpet and paint and is all ready for you to move in. The dining area opens onto a large deck extending your living space. The spacious lounge can be open to the dining or closed off to give two separate areas. There is also a generous master bedroom and a separate garage. The section is family friendly with room for kids to play. Quietly located in a culde-sac in a popular area less than 5 minutes walk to lovely Lorenzen Bay. If you’ve been on the hunt for a very tidy, rental property, or a great home for holiday or permanent living, come and see this.

For Sale Contact Email View

For Sale Contact Email View


$529,000 Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 kleuthart.raglan@ljh.co.nz Sunday 12 - 12:30pm ljhooker.co.nz/1ABHFG

Open Home



$489,000 Chrissy Cox - 027 287 1804 ccox.raglan@ljh.co.nz Sunday 1 - 1:30pm ljhooker.co.nz/1A1HFG



52 Bow Street

25b Violet Street

Watch the World Go By... You won’t miss a bit of the action whether it’s on land or at sea from this incredible location! The massive and ever changing water views are something you will never tire of & you can’t get much closer to town than this! Offering open plan living areas, 2 bdrms plus a 3rd semi-self contained bdrm with kitchenette and ensuite. This ultimate kiwi bach has been truly loved and enjoyed for nearly 20 years and it is now time for a new owner to make lasting memories. For Sale $775,000 Contact Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Email mobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz sobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz View Saturday 1 - 1:30pm ljhooker.co.nz/17PHFG

Starting Up or Slowing Down This modern, spacious unit offers open plan living, 2 bedrooms and internal access garage. The living area opens onto a deck and has views Mt Karioi. No lawns to mow and low maintenance means it is a perfect lock up and leave holiday home, great investment property or home for a small family. Currently vacant so a quick settlement is possible. Put your own stamp on it with redecoration and enjoy! Call or email Chrissy for more information or to arrange a viewing. For Sale Contact Email View

New Listing

Open Home

$439,000 Chrissy Cox - 027 287 1804 ccox.raglan@ljh.co.nz Sunday 11 - 11:30am ljhooker.co.nz/1A5HFG

New Listing


76 Te Ahiawa Road

Loving Life in Lorenzen Bay! Auction 27th May 1pm LJ Hooker Raglan Contact Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 sobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz mobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz View


3 Sunshine Rise

77 Lorenzen Bay



Tucked away in Kaitoke Bay! Thoughtfully designed and built in 2013 by Kiwi Homes, this modern and low maintenance 3 bedroom home is perfect for permanent or holiday living. Located at the end of a quiet culdesac with the popular coastal walkway at the end of the bush lined driveway. The home has a sleek and simple design with a large front window in the open plan living area to enjoy the water view and sunsets. Featuring full insulation and double glazing in addition to a well designed and functional kitchen with central island. Packed full of features for the price. Call Kyle for a viewing today.

Open Home



4a Kaitoke Street

Open Home


Open Home


Saturday 12 - 12:30pm ljhooker.co.nz/ 1A9HFG


1950’s charming home sits proud on a 839m2 site with great Harbour views. Featuring 4 bedrooms, 2 separate bathrooms & a single garage. This sun-filled character property has a woodburner with wetback, open planned living, native flooring, wooden joinery and a covered deck to watch the Orca’s from! Kayak or paddleboard, join the local sailing club, or enjoy the vintage paddling pool, maybe pack a picnic and feed the ducks. This desirable property is truly a place to call home.

Auction 27th May 1pm LJ Hooker Raglan Contact Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 Email



Sunday 11 - 11:30am ljhooker.co.nz/ 1ADHFG

‘Te Ahiawa’ located near Wainui Beach is one of the premier locations that seaside Raglan has to offer. 76 Te Ahiawa Rd is located at the end of the culdesac and has a total land area of 1 hectare (2.5 acres) predominantly in easy contoured grounds and offering 2 unique building platforms. The property offers fantastic views of the Tasman Sea and the waves crashing against the western coastline as well as the expansive Raglan harbour, township and Karioi mountain. The bottom building platform would be a perfect position to build a privately located secondary dwelling. Call Kyle today for a guided tour.

Chrissy Cox

Matt Sweetman

Kyle Leuthart

Michelle O’Byrne

Stephen O’Byrne

Sandra Bowditch

027 287 1804

021 624 826

021 903 309

021 969 878

021 969 848

021 751 759

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Raglan Property Manager

*NB Boundary lines on photos are approximate & merely a guide. All information contained herein is gathered from sources we deem reliable. However we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely upon their own enquiries.

LJ Hooker Raglan (07) 825 7170 •

25-27 Bow Street , Raglan • George Boyes & Co Limited Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008

RAGLAN Chronicle 9








House & Garden






• Project Management • Landscaping • Construction • Meth Decontamination • Painting & Decorating • Flooring Supply & Install • Property Maintenance Services

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• • • •


Contact for FREE QUOTE autogates@live.com

mobile 021 263 8698

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• Fencing & Decks • Garden Tidy-Up • Lawnmowing

Andy Fels Ph 07 825 7489 or 0274 939 765

RECYCLING / MINISKIPS • quality new homes • alterations / fencing/ decks • plan service available 20+ years building in Raglan


for free quotes & quality workmanship PHONEPH MARK 0274 912912 911911 A/HA/H 825 825 00690069 MARK 0274 ROB 027 550 6080 EE robthebuilder@xtra.co.nz PH ROB 027 550 6080 robthebuilder@xtra.co.nz



Concrete Cutter Windows • Doorways • Hole Drilling Decorative Cutting • Expansion Joints Kerb Crossings • Cowshed Alterations Removal of Concrete Structures etc Floor Sawing and Grinding

Phone Rob Short 0274 846 124 or A/H 825 0246 COURIERS

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Commercial Residential Rural / Farming


West Shore Ltd Matt Connor - Roofer contactmattconnor@gmail.com 021 254 1600

Pick ups and Deliveries Servicing Raglan Monday to Saturday 6 days a week

• New Roof • Roof repairs • Re-roof • Cladding & flashings • Gutters - new - repairs - maintenance

Quality Local Roofing & Maintenance

ph 07 847 8210



For advertising inquiries: Contact the Raglan Chronicle on 07 825 7076 or email us at info@ raglanchronicle.co.nz 10 RAGLAN Chronicle

- Spray Painting (All Aspects) - Interior/Exterior, Residential & Commercial - Wallpaper: Feature walls and digital murals Adam: 021 465 996 | Carl: 022 622 4758 radcoatings@hotmail.com

Public Notices

Raglan MOVIES at the Old School





111 mins. M Violence, Off.

Lang., Drug Use, Sex Scenes

Saturday 6th 8.00 Sunday 7th 4.30



2017 BAFTA winner

118 mins. PG

Saturday 6th 5.15 Sunday 7th 7.15


Reserve on our website


WED 10 MAY RAGLAN RAMBLERS 9am from Wainui Rd car park - Adventure Waikato caves - bring lunch. JOIN THE RAGLAN CLUB $25 per year $500 accumulating draw every Friday Live entertainment most Fridays Left Hand Break Restaurant – Excellent meals at reasonable prices (group bookings welcome). Pool, darts, snooker gaming, indoor/ outdoor bowls & TAB Family Friendly plus BBQ area Big Screen Courtesy Vans Wed to Sun from 4pm.

or phone 825 0023

Raglan Birth Naturally

FRI 5 MAY @ YOT CLUB The Godfather of Dancehall: Johnny Osbourne w/ DJ Fatta. Music from 8:30pm. Support from locals: DJ Atmosphere, Jinja Cat and King Macka and The Aotearoa Dub Club featuring The Dub Teminator, Jamin-I, Dubsonic and

SAT 6 MAY @ YOT CLUB Rip Curl Afterparty with DJ’s Man Grooves and People of Paris.

Te Uku Hall 7.30pm : Tuesday 16 May 2017 The support of new members would be appreciated

*Yot Club shuts at 1am, no entry after midnight. Free pickup and drop, text 0211034156.

Enquiries: Secretary Ph. 8255101

Courses, classes & workshops FREE BUDGET SERVICE AND CAREER-TREE CV WRITING SERVICE Raglan Community House @ 45 Bow St. Nau mai Haere mai. For appt. ph 07-825 8142, email: info@ theraglanhouse.co.nz. *Sponsored by RC

A women’s discussion and support group that encourages natural birth, breastfeeding and epic parenting!

MC Tux. Tix $20 from undertheradar.co.nz. (More at the door)

H I B E R N AT I N G THIS WINTER? No! Then come along to the Raglan Light Exercise Group. Our exercise programs are formulated fore people in our community who are in their twilight years, or need medical rehabilitation. St. Peters Hall, Monday and Thursday at 10am. Everybody is most welcome. *Sponsored by RC

Yummy mummy’s unite!!


10am til noon The 1st Saturday of every month, starting this Saturday 6th of May // @The Green Room of Rockit Kitchen (cause they have privacy and good cake.)

Tuesday 11am at the Yoga Loft - 58 Wallis Street Tuesday 6pm at Scout Hall, Cliff Street Thursday 5:45 at The Space, Bow St. off Volcom Lane

For Sale FIREWOOD DRY2M-2M: Pine $160, Native $190, Gum $190. Delivered, ph. 0210771524.

In My Good Books Quality 2nd hand books Open Thurs - Sun from 10am 2 Wallis St Books wanted.

a ta m i ra . c o. n z

Lace, Cashmere, Merino, Candles, Chocolates … & Denim Winter essentials :)

Flatmate Wanted FLATMATE WANTED TO SHARE riverside country house. $120pw, 027 6255 742.

Situations Vacant

BUILDER WANTED Must have own tools & transport. Call Mark 027 941 1089.

SALES/TRAVEL CONSULTANT HAPPY TRAVELS RAGLAN are searching for a sales/ travel consultant. Travel experience in NZ, OZ, Fiji and Asia and with sales experience preferred. Please forward CV to jobs@happytravels. co.nz.

Situations Vacant EDUCATION SUPPORT WORKER WANTED McKenzie Centre is looking for a caring and enthusiastic person who finds it rewarding to work with young children. This paid, part-time position supports the inclusion of young children with special needs at a Raglan early childhood centre. For more information, please contact McKenzie Centre on 07 839 5357, or by e-mail: admin@ mckenziecentre.org.nz

Garage Sale 2 NORRIE Saturday 6th 9am-12:00pm.


Services Offered

FLUE SERVICES & log fire inspection $100 and all flue and log fire repairs ph Mark 021457342 or 078298103.

Commercial To Let SECURE METALLED YARD FOR LEASE 1500m2, ready now at Nau Mai Business Park. HIAB & Trailer friendly access. Other sizes available for Sale or Lease. Ph Bob Carter 021 825 869, or 07 825 8690 TASMAN LANDS Ltd

$14 per casual class or $120 for a block of 10 to be used over 4-months. Ph. 825 0123, to register for a class or call @ Raglan Physio - 12 Wallis St.

KIA HIWA RA KIA HIWA RA PUBLIC MEETING HE TANGATA WHENUA HUI.... “Whaanga Trust 1B2C2B” Whatawhata School Staffroom/and or Classroom Sunday 21 May 2017, 10:30am Main Business: “Looking at the future of the land on the maunga and how best we might go forward and utilise it in the interest of ALL landowners!” Looking and leanring about ‘Customary Maori Law’ and its implications. Genearl Business. Nau mai, piki mai, haere mai.


- Peace and tranquility -Surfing, fishing, bush walks - Cabins, powered sites, tent sites

We wish to express our appreciation and gratitude to the Council for allowing a memorial seat to be built at the jetty. Local past and present Councillors support, Kaumatua Sean Ellison, builder Paul Christie and Dave, artsits Krishna Smith, Dallas and helpers, Lions Club Donation. A huge thank you to all for your support, perserverance and dedication to the completion of the seat. We now have a beautiul seat for all to enjoy. Nga mihi nui, Na te Keremeta Whanau 100% CHEMICAL FREE CLEANING SIMPLE! ENJO products are 100% recyclable, 100% environmentally-friendly, and we use 50% less water than traditional cleaning methods, making us 100% planet-friendly too! We clean faster, more effectively and have a lifespan of 2-3* years, meaning not only are we saving you time, but we’re also saving you money We have developed specific fibres to tackle various cleaning jobs, from light to extreme. By using ENJO and water all the surfaces of your home are protected and cleaned pore deep - it a true advancement in cleaning. For a free Demo, please contact Linda on 021 735582 or wkk@xtra.co.nz. We also offer great fundraising options.

Raglan Chronicle PH 07 825 6800 Location: Ham & Chartwell

20x3 (11cm wide) 19958/RC

Commercial To Let AFFORDABLE WORK SPACE available in Raglan township at Ahoy Gallery/Studios. Contact for details misspopinjaycreations@ gmail.com or txt 0274247277.


Contact Gary Kite

4005 SH23, Raglan Ph: (07) 825 6560 Mob: 022 622 9005 raglanstorage@gmail.com

Public Notices HAVE YOU SEEN COREY KŌKAKO? REWARD OFFERED* Corey has a distinctive black mask, orange wattles & a haunting flute like voice. Last seen near Reefton in 2007, he may be living rough in scrub areas on the West Coast of the South Island, or hiding in your local Four Square. *Reward offered for sightings - go to kokako.co.nz for more info. Public Notice of application for on-licence Section 101, Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. C.W. Motels Ltd, 7 Bankart St, Raglan Motel and Conference Centre has mad application to the District Licensing Committee at Ngaruawahia for an on-licence in respect of the premises situated at 7 Bankart St Raglan and known as Raglan Sunset Motel. The general nature of the business conducted under the licence is Motel and Conference Centre. The days on which and the hours during which alcohol is sold under the licence are: MOnday to Sunday 8:00am to 1:00am the following day. The application may be inspected during ordinary office hours at the office of the Waikato District Council. District Licensing Committee, 15 Galileo Street, Ngaruawahi. Any person who is entitled to object and who wishes to object to the issue of the licence may, not later than 15 working days after the date of the first publication of this notice, file a notice in writing of the objection with the Secretary of the District Licensing Committee at Waikato District Council, Private Bag 544 Ngaruawahia 3742. No objection to the issue of a licence may be made in relation to a matter other than a matter specified in section 105(I) of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. This notice was first published in the Chronicle on 4th of May 2017. Public Notice of application for renewal of on-licence, Section 101, Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 201. The Wharf Bar & Bistro has made application to the District Licensing Committee at Ngaruawahia for the renewal of an on-licence in respect of the premises situated at 43 Rose Street, Raglan and known as The Wharf Kitchen & Bar. The general nature of the business conducted under the licence is restaurant. The days on which and the hours during which alcohol is sold under the licence are: Monday to Sunday 9am to 1am the following day. The application may be inspected during ordinary office hours at the office of the Waikato District Council, District Licensing Committee, 15 Galileo Street, Ngaruawahia. Any person who is entitled to object and who wishes to object to the renewal of the licence may, no later than 15 working days after the date of the first publication of this notice, file a notice in writing of the objection with the Secretary of the District Licensing Committee at Waikato District Council, Private Bag 544, Ngaruawahia 3742. No objection to the renewal of a licence may be made in relation to a matter other than a matter specified in section 131 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. This is the first publication of this notice.





SUN 7 MAY CROP SWAP RAGLAN 9.30AM Town Hall Supper Room. Bring along home-made or homegrown products to swap. All welcome!


Te Uku & District Memorial Hall Committee Inc A.G.M.

Call now for an appointment 07 839 3072 – 387 Anglesea Street, Hamilton 07 855 7872 – Lynden Court, Chartwell

MAY discounts on top brand frames *Terms and conditions apply.

RAGLAN Chronicle 11

Raglan 611 Wainui Road Deadline Sale

20 A 17 F

Raglan 106A Greenslade Road

Solscape Deadline Private Treaty - 10 May 2017 • An established Eco Tourism operation set on 10 acres at the foot of Mt Karioi. • Unique and diverse accommodation near the surf. • Information pack available on request. • Make an appointment to view today!


3 A 1 F 1 I Beyond Compare • Relax and enjoy the tranquil views of Moonlight Bay. • 3 double bedrooms + large office • Single garage, internal access • New Kent-style fire and renovated bathroom • Impressive 1151m² section. • Harbour views and walk to the beach. • Prior Auction offers considered.

OPEN HOME: 12pm Sunday

OPEN HOME: 2pm Saturday

Deadline Sale Price On Application View by appointment www.rwraglan.co.nz/RAG22785 rwraglan.co.nz/RAG22785 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282 Julie Hanna 0274 418 964

Auction 6.00pm, Friday 19 May 2017 View by appointment www.rwraglan.co.nz/RAG22775 rwraglan.co.nz/RAG22775 Julie Hanna 0274 418 964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282


Raglan 49 Government Road Auction


3 A 1 F 2 I

Raglan 16B Puka Place

The Cutest Little House • Solid, cute, character cottage on 548sqm • Fully fenced easy care section • 3 bedrooms plus office/hobby room, double garage with internal access and laundry. • Deck gets all day sun with a view of the beautiful Raglan harbour. • Just a short walk to the water. • Prior Auction offers considered.


Build Your House By The Sea • North facing 842m² section, elevated for beautiful views of the harbour. • Easy walk to Cox Bay • Close to Raglan town, transport and cafes. • Ideal land bank or build your beach home. • Covenants apply. • Prior Auction offers considered.

OPEN HOME: 1pm Sunday Auction 6.00pm, Friday 26 May 2017 View by appointment www.rwraglan.co.nz/RAG22796 rwraglan.co.nz/RAG22796 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282 Julie Hanna 0274 418 964

Auction 6.00pm, Friday 19 May 2017 www.rwraglan.co.nz/RAG22338 rwraglan.co.nz/RAG22338 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282 Julie Hanna 0274 418 964


Raglan 25i Violet Street - $495,000 Open Home


2 A 1 F 1 I


Low Maintenance Townhouse • Great 2 bedroom property. • North facing sun-drenched decking. • Built with the sun and views in mind. • Immaculate presentation ticking all the boxes. • Current tenants are ideal and looking to rent long term! OPEN HOME: 12pm Saturday For Sale $495,000 View by appointment www.rwraglan.co.nz/RAG22729 rwraglan.co.nz/RAG22729 Julie Hanna 0274 418 964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282


Raglan 21 Seabreeze Way Auction


3 A 2 F 2 I Contemporary Living • Designer 3 bedroom home offering modern luxury living. • This fantastic house is situated on 580m² • Spacious open-plan living • Double garage, internal access • North facing, sun-drenched decking • Good water views • Prior auction offers considered. OPEN HOME: 12pm Sunday Auction 6.00pm, Friday 26 May 2017 Ray White Office, 21 Bow Street View by appointment Julie Hanna 0274 418 964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282 LICENSED (REAA 2008)


Raglan 484 Okete Road - $1,150,000 • • • • •

Situated on the shores of Raglan Harbour A desirable 4 bedroom home and extra accommodation Total privacy, tranquility and peace Only 10 minutes from Raglan with all its amenities. Fishing, floundering, mussels and water sports at your beckon!



For Sale $1,150,000 David Gray 027 224 1228 david.gray@raywhite.com



SATURDAY 6TH MAY: 11am - 38 Lorenzen Bay Road | 12pm - 25i Violet Street | 1pm - Bridle Creek Road | 2pm - 106A Greenslade Road | 2pm - 6 Puka Place SUNDAY 7TH MAY: 11am - 484 Okete Road | 12pm - 611 Wainui Road, Solscape | 12pm - 21 Seabreeze Way 1pm - 14 Upper Wainui Road | 1pm - 49 Government Road | 2pm - 533 Wainui Road 21 Bow St, Raglan Phone: 07 825 8669 Fax: 07 825 7410

12 RAGLAN Chronicle

Website: www.rwraglan.co.nz Email: raglan.nz@raywhite.com

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