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Nga Ripo o Whaingaroa
20th July 2017 - Issue #553
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Raglan Couriers 3 times daily Raglan Couriers 3 times daily morning/midday/afternoon 846 Old Mountain Rd
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RAGLAN Chronicle 1
Beach Cleanup: Volunteers from last Sunday's beach cleanup effort standing with all the rubbish that was collected.
Whaingaroa-Raglan is the Waikato’s up-and-coming foodie hotspot. Support our local eateries and checkout their news and specials each week below.
Turkish Kebabs On Plates - Pitas Burgers and more! 10am to 10pm 29 Bow St - 07 825 0202
Fish n’ Chips Group Bookings Inside/Outside Seating 92 Wallis St - 07 825 7544
248 Wainui Rd | 07 825 8233 Open 7 Days a Week From 9am
43 Rose St 07 825 0010
Open for Dinner Fri & Sat from 5:30pm Breakfast/Lunch 7 Days
Express Lunch Mon - Fri $15 for 3 Courses
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Open 9am - 7pm Wed - Sunday Closed Mon-Tues
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Te Kopua Camp Store, Marine Parade, Raglan
Volcom Lane Open from 11:30 THE
open seven days a week N O
1 9 B o w S t ree t 07 8 2 5 0 0 2 7
Real Fruit Ice Cream Burritos - Wraps Soup - Salad & Chilli
Come along and hear what’s happening in health in your community!
wa o k u l o d ge @ g m a i l .co m
Pop-up dinner Friday 28 July 6pm - late call 825 0027 to make a reservation
This space could be yours. Email the Chronicle for more details.
Topics include Primary Care Update, Advance Care Planning, hospital health hub project and more...
Tuesday 25 July : 10am - Noon Raglan Community House, 45 Bow St, Raglan
Caring for the ones you love 27 - 29 Manukau Road Ph. 07 825 8306 Fax: 07 825 8855 Email:
The Avatar®Course “Giving more than one receives actually creates energy.”
Raglan golf club news
Harry Palmer author of the Avatar® materials
For more information contact: Cam 021 529 765 Avatar is a registered trademark Star’s Edge, Inc. All rights reserved.
10am - Family Service and Children’s Ministry Thursdays 3-5pm - 7C’s Bible Club for Children
3 Stewart St – 07 825 8276 or 07 825 8028
It's smiles aplenty for the winning Kiwi Golf Team who defeated the International Team at the recent Ryder Cup Competition.
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Raglan Ink Ltd home of the Raglan Chronicle Office Open Mon - Fri 9.00am - 4.00pm, Wainui Rd, Raglan Ph: (07) 825-7076 Fax: (07) 825-7078 Post: P.O. Box 234, Raglan Email: Advertising & Articles The advertising and editorial content deadline will be Monday at 12pm week of issue. DISCLAIMER
Opinions and views expressed in the Raglan Chronicle do not necessarily represent those held by the Editors or Publishers. Every care will be taken in the preparation and placement of submitted material but the Editors/Publishers shall not be liable for errors or omissions or subsequent effects due to the same. It is the submitters responsibility to ensure material is not libelous or defamatory. The Editors/Publishers reserve the right to abridge, alter or decline any material submitted to the Raglan Chronicle to meet the constraints of space and/or maintain a reasonable standard of language and decorum.
2 RAGLAN Chronicle
Played over 18 holes the annual event was taken out 6 wins to 3 .
Beach cleanup of plastic fantastic
A group of volunteers audit the rubbish they collected during Sunday's beach cleanup effort.
he 298 plastic bottle tops, 190 plastic bottles, 100 glass bottles, 87 shotgun casings and 68 shoes picked up off the coast north of the harbour entrance is just a drop in the ocean compared to what rubbish is floating in our seas, says the organiser of Sunday’s beach cleanup. The amount of rubbish – particularly plastic – in our oceans “is pretty horrendous”, says Whaingaroa Environment Centre coordinator Stacey Hill, who arranged the beach cleanup as part of international Plastic Free July. The giant trailer-load of rubbish collected by volunteers “would only have been a fraction of the rubbish out there”, with scientists predicting that by 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the sea.
Stacey says all the rubbish found on the remote beach would have travelled there by ocean currents, not have been left by daytrippers. She hopes to make the beach cleanup between the harbour entrance and Mussel Rock a regular event to keep taking more plastic out of the natural environment. “Every beach cleanup does make a difference.” Twenty-seven people and three dogs spent a few hours collecting the rubbish, getting across the harbour on kayaks and standup boards supplied by Raglan BackPackers and Raglan Kayak & Paddleboard, and by boat with Raglan Boat Charters. An audit of the rubbish then took another couple of hours, with all materials recycled by Xtreme Zero Waste. Also among the spoils were about 40 litres of rope and 120 litres of broken-up plastic, such as plastic bags. One volunteer even found some treasure – a watch in perfect working order.
Volunteer Bexie Towle says there was a lot more rubbish than she thought there would have been. She says rather than a beach cleanup, the real solution to remove plastic from our oceans is in choosing what you buy, and “if you do take plastic to the beach make sure you take it home with you”. As part of Plastic Free July, the Whaingaroa Environment Centre is also holding a community information evening called Unwrapping Our Plastic Habit at Orca Restaurant and Bar tonight at 6.30pm, with guest speakers. On July 28, there will be a demonstration workshop on how to make your own cleaning products and moisturisers/lip balms at the Town Hall Supper Room from 12pm-4pm. Some Raglan cafes are supporting Plastic Free July with discounts on takeaway coffees for supplying your own cup.
Inger Vos
Community asked to help give petrel a fighting chance
The grey-faced petrel, or oi, have active burrows around the Raglan coastline.
ith the breeding season of the greyfaced petrel starting, the Kairoi Maunga project is asking residents around the coast to trap predators in their backyard, keep cats inside at night, and for people to keep their dogs on leads in coastal reserves.
Karioi Maunga project coordinator Kristel van Houte says there are about 10 known active burrows of the seabirds – also called oi – on the Raglan coastline that are being monitored by staff of the community-led conservation project. The project was set up in 2009 to restore the unique coastal forest and its native birdlife, particularly the oi that used to breed in the thousands every year on
Karioi before people arrived. Now the native seabird is on the “edge of disappearing altogether”, says Kristel. “It’s hanging on by a thread and we are doing all we can to protect these birds.” That includes surrounding known burrows with traps, putting up cameras at the burrow sites to monitor activity, and physically checking up on the birds every week. Oi chicks are extremely susceptible to predators because they can be left alone on the nest for up to two weeks at a time while their parents go out to sea to look for food. July is the known season for nesting, and Kristel says a keen eye is being kept on the burrows to see if any eggs will be laid.
07 870 1005 25 Roche Street, Te Awamutu
Young birds will return to where they were raised to nest after spending about six to seven years at sea. Everyone in the community can do their bit to help oi and improve biodiversity on Karioi, Kristel says. “We are asking landowners to trap in their own back yard, keep dogs on a leash in coastal reserves, and keep cats in at night.” The aim is to trap all the coastal area between Riria Kereopa Drive to Te Toto Gorge. Kristel says an example of community support is a group of residents living near Indicators that have all set up traps and been trained in their use, contributing to an added 10 kilometres of stoat and rat control around the mountain in the past year. Neighbours on Hills road have also started a trapping programme. Altogether, the Karioi Maunga project has more than 850 traps checked by more than 40 regular volunteers on 2300 hectares of conservation, Maori and private land, and more than 50 families participating in the project’s Backyard Hub. “It’s so cool to see the enthusiasm that people have. There is real potential for Raglan to become predator free.” Inger Vos Get in contact with the Karioi Maunga project if you are keen to volunteer check new trap lines or want to join the Backyard Hub trapping programme. Contact or donate via www.
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Raglan Phone: (07) 825 8283 Email:
Also at H.G Webb House, Cnr Boundary & Victoria Streets, Hamilton
10am Raglan Area School 7pm Te Uku Church Pastor Roger Peart ph 07 825 5199
RAGLAN Chronicle 3
Raglan Community Te Kohao Health Word Cafe helped inspire Medical Centre Your Medical Clinic children’s books sister act hao Health Nau Mai Haere Mai
Raglan, Te Kohao Health our Medical Clinic
All Welcome
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Margery and Jennifer at Word Cafe with their latest title. Image thanks to Adam Blake.
our Purple Dragonfly first-place awards for four children’s books – it’s the kind
of success local illustrator Margery Fern and her author sister, Jennifer Somervell, never dreamt of when starting out on their Tales from the Farm series four years ago.
And they say how inspiring literary events like Raglan’s biennial readers and writers festival can be to a fledgling team like themselves.
The pair had just published their first book “with much trepidation” back in 2013 when the inaugural Word Cafe was staged at the Old School in Stewart Street. “It was significant for us – we lapped up all the ideas and enthusiasm,” Jennifer recalls. “Now here we are four years later with four books.” When they attended this month’s Word Cafe in the town hall they’d just had news
of another Purple Dragonfly win for their latest title, ‘A Very Greedy Tale’. Published last year, the story is about two errant pet pigs from the sisters’ childhood in the 70s on the family farm in Hawke’s Bay. It won in the animals/pets category of the US-based awards recognising excellence in children’s literature, also picking up a second place in interior design and honourable mentions in best cover design and picture books (6 and older). “We were delighted,” says Margery, whose graphic designer daughter, Ezra Andre, pulls text and drawings together. Margery trials the tales on her pupils at Waitetuna School, where she is principal, while Canterbury-based Jennifer travels around schools trying out the books and enticing children into some dramatic roleplay. She wasn’t sure if city children would be interested in their childhood farm stories but was proved wrong. “They loved the drama of the Greedy Tale and were hooked into learning about pigs and electric fences. And ‘The Day Dad Blew Up the Cowshed’ amazed them – they couldn’t believe it happened!” The cowshed story and ‘The New Old Truck’ have been reprinted three times, and ‘The Eel Hunt’ is getting low in stock. Buoyed by their success, the pair are now working on a fifth book which has something to do with “a very stinky leg”. Edith Symes *‘The Day Dad Blew Up the Cowshed’, ‘The New Old Truck’, ‘The Eel Hunt’ and ‘A Very Greedy Tale’ are available from Zinnia and Atamira in Raglan. Or buy online at
q a p 2
School fundraiser takes new heights with wind farm trail run
Raglan, PoihakenaMar ea 216WainuiRd,Raglan
here are three mad women behind Waitetuna School PTA’s end-of-year fundraiser – a trail run that goes through the Te Uku Wind Farm.
PTA chairperson and teacher Jess Otton says no, she’s not one of them – she’s more
4 RAGLAN Chronicle
the type who prefers to man a “sausage team”, and she’s certainly no keen runner. Waitetuna PTA mums Amy Bateman, Mady Rix-Trott and Lizzie Brown are the mad keen trail runners and the brains behind the 21km trail run that will take like-minded enthusiasts along some of the 28 turbines that make up the wind farm. “No, we’re not going to have a big school fundraiser this year,” laughs Jess, at the huge undertaking that is already gathering momentum with the creation of websites, finishers’ medals and the seeking of sponsorship to keep costs down. “Oh well, I will be all right! I don’t have to run it!” Amy, who works as a police officer in Hamilton, says her, Mady and Lizzie have all done a “bit of trail running” and competed in their first trail marathon last year in Rotorua. In order to the get some kilometres under their belts for the Tarawera Trail Marathon they got to know the wind farm area quite well, regularly traversing the Wharauroa Plateau as part of their training. “We thought it was a good concept (for a fundraiser),” says Amy, who has always been quite “fascinated by the wind farm” and how the giant 49-metre-long blades were trucked one by one over the divvy.
The women were in awe of the “incredible power and size” of the turbines and thought others would enjoy the experience too. “Up there, it’s amazing. You can see the Raglan Harbour, the bar, and you also have views of Mt Pirongia and Karioi, it’s pretty impressive all right. “When you get to the top its 360, let’s hope for an amazing day. I’ve been up there before in a whiteout and it can be quite cold and miserable.” The Waitetuna Wind Farm Trail Run will cater for all fitness levels, with three distances – 21km, 10km and 5km – to compete in for the event. Regardless of experience there will be a trail for everyone, young and old. “It’s a bit of everything,” says Amy, who mapped out the 21km course with Mady and Julie Ormond, who is also on the PTA. “My little boy, he is 7, will do the 5km with Dad.” The 5km and 10km trails can be ran or walked, and are about participation. “Because we are a PTA we want to attract kids to come out and do it and have a real community feel to the event. We’ll have that on the finish line – get entertainment and have a good vibe. “The 21km, through the mapping, is pretty gnarly. It will be hard. The elevations are pretty steep in places, more for your trail
runner. It will be really important to put in the preparation or you are not going to enjoy it.” The course includes river crossings and bush track and farm track through the private property of Hamish and Julie Ormond. “They’re really excited to be involved.” The inaugural event will be held on Saturday, November 25, two weeks before the 24km Raglan Karioi Trail that traverses the mountain twice. Amy, who competed in the 10km version of the Raglan Karioi Trail last year, says she sees the wind farm race as a “step up” to the mountain race. “My experience with Karioi is it is very hard.” The wind farm 21km trail will have a few really wicked hills in it but the women don’t imagine it will be as hard as running up Mt Karioi twice. It is hoped that the Waitetuna Wind Farm Trail Run will become a yearly event, with the fundraiser this year going towards the school pool and resurfacing the courts and outdoor areas. Inger Vos * For more information see the Waitetuna Wind Farm Trail Run Facebook page or Registration for the event has opened and can be done online.
Upcoming art exhibition at museum a Rhodes gallery of local landmarks A
n exhibition of local landmarks through the eyes of longtime artist about town Jenny Rhodes is set to open at Raglan & District Museum in September.
Spanning 50-odd years, it will include works as diverse as the early gardens of Kaiwhenua Organics beyond Whale Bay and the old concrete bunker or pillbox on the beach backing Kopua campground. Also featured will be one of Jenny’s earliest works, Raglan’s old post office building on the corner of Bow and Wi Neera streets, where the library/council offices now stand. Jenny lived as a youngster in the quarters above the ground-floor post office as her father, Bert Rhodes, was Raglan’s postmaster from 1944 through until his retirement in 1957. As local historian R T (Bob) Vernon recorded in his often-consulted book on Raglan, the building served the district for 64 years in all before being pulled down in 1978. “A pity as it was quite a landmark in the town,” he wrote in his history, the last of a series providing an invaluable record of the Raglan district. Museum president Ken Soanes also regrets how downtown buildings like the brick and plaster post office – built so as not to burn down like two of its predecessors – have been “devastated”. And photos are rare, he adds, making Jenny’s paintings “historically important”. The museum posted last month on its Facebook page that it was looking to borrow Jenny’s original paintings from any residents who might have them for inclusion in the exhibition, which will be entitled ‘Landmarks of Whaingaroa’ and run through until the end of the year. “People are pleased to be part of the exhibition,” Ken explains of the paintings now being collected. He’s excited too at other upcoming museum displays, including an exhibition early next year on influential Maori chief Wiremu Neera who befriended the missionaries in Raglan around the mid-1830s. Local iwi today have more artefacts to contribute, he says, including a significant four-and-a-half metre carving which will
Three of Jenny Rhodes' grandchildren -- from left Mahli Gavin-Brightwell, Sequoia Gavin-McCabe and Janu Gavin-Brightwell -- show off her bunker painting while daughter Bernadette and son Dominic Gavin hold the elephant rock painting in which they feature as children and another daughter, Anastasia Gavin, displays Jenny's depiction of the brick and plaster post office building.
come to Raglan museum from Tainui just as soon as its refurbishment is finished. Ancient paddles, dug up at Ruapuke and now in storage, will also go on show as part of the exhibition. A lot of other memorabilia – from Egyptian pendants and an arrowhead to drums and kilts from Raglan Caledonian Highland Pipe Band – is still in storage, Ken adds, and will make for fascinating exhibitions in years to come. “But we’re not going forward fast enough really,” he laments. The committee is now looking to attract new members and volunteers to the museum who are able to lift and shift displays around, help with building maintenance and alterations and generally
contribute to the myriad odd jobs to be done behind the scenes. “The more people get involved the more knowledge comes into the community,” he says. “We need an injection of able people.” Some longtime committee members are ageing and moving away too, like Eileen Beach Kelly who now lives in Hamilton. Her contribution continues, though, in a very personal way: she has just published a history on her family’s pioneering days on the slopes of Karioi, and funds from the sale of the book will go directly to the museum. Entitled ‘Life and Times - The Beachs of Karioi’, the book looks at how her family came in the early 1900s from the elegant
Spotlight: Junior rugby12th grade team They are a team who has earned much respect from all clubs, particularly our much bigger Hamilton clubs. In their first season of full field competition last year they placed third in a very competitive 11th grade A pool. This season they are in the 12th grade A pool and with one more round robin game currently sitting in fourth place. On top of that the team recently took out the 12th grade division of the annual Alex Henry Memorial 10 aside tournament. Contested by all Hamilton clubs this was a fantastic result and sent a warning to all 12th grade championship hopefuls. As a measure of this team's quality we currently have 16 of our 20 strong squad playing rep rugby across the two Hamilton rep divisions, under 45kg and under 57kg.
outstanding under the excellent guidance of
since 6th grade with the exception of a few who
Hayden Robbs and for the last three seasons
joined us last year in 11th.
with Graham Wallace as co-coach.
his year's 12th grade Raglan team are a bunch of boys who have been together
All through the grades this team has been
Raglan Junior Rugby continues to offer an excellent junior club for our children and whanau. With great people doing a lot of work behind the scenes the future looks bright for our young aspiring rugby players.
luxury of an English stately home to build a slab hut “in the rugged native bush of backcountry New Zealand”. Written with the help of veteran Waikato wordsmith Kingsley Field, her 204-page history tells how following generations ultimately prospered through “hardship, pragmatism, close community involvement, caring families and joy”. The book is now available through the museum at $35. Edith Symes Book release: Life and Times - The Beachs of Karioi, Saturday, July 29, from 2pm at the Raglan Museum. Eileen Beach Kelly will be available to sign books.
Search and Rescue, Te Toto Gorge Track
he Waikato Westpac Rescue Helicopter was dispatched shortly after midnight on Monday to the Te Toto Gorge track, on the seaward face of Mt Kariori, located to the south of Raglan.
A 40-year-old male had been reported missing, since Sunday, and his vehicle had been located in the parking lot of the popular hiking trail. A search had been carried out on foot to no avail. A search operation was initiated and the Waikato Westpac Rescue Helicopter located the man quickly after initiating the aerial search. The helicopter team utilised night vision googles in the search. He had apparently slipped off the track and fallen down a cliff, from where he unable to climb back up. He was initially taken to the Raglan Police station, where he was treated for hypothermia and several cuts and scrapes. He was then flown by the Waikato Westpac Rescue Helicopter to Waikato Hospital for further assessment. Phillips Search and Rescue Trust
RAGLAN Chronicle 5
17th to 23rd July 2017 Fresh NZ Skinless Chicken Thigh Cutlets
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$ 99
$ 99
Signature Range Mild/Colby/ Edam Cheese 1kg
1799 pk
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$ 69
Molenberg Bread 700g
Bluebird Original/ Thick/Thinly Cut Chips 140/150g
Country Fresh Carrots 1.2kg
Waikato Draught/Lion Red 12 x 330ml Bottles
Hubbards Simply Toasted Muesli 425-600g/Sanitarium Up & Go 3 Pack
great deal
$ 99
great deal
Fresh NZ Lamb Shoulder Chops
$ 49
$ 99
great deal
Coke/Sprite/Fanta/Lift/L&P 1.5L
Dole Ecuadorian Loose Bananas
$ 99
Chef Cat Food Pouches 4 Pack
$ 89
Giesen/Vidal Estate White Label 750ml
(Excludes Organic/Sparkling)
Owned & operated
by locals 6 RAGLAN Chronicle
SuperValue Raglan: 16-18 Bow Street. Phone 825 8300. Open 7.30am - 8pm, 7 Days. While stocks last at SuperValue Raglan only. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Trade not supplied.
Please drink responsibly
For inspiration visit |
local health and wellbeing
news, products and services
Diane Davies Massage & Aromatherapy....021 969 929
Veita Harding - Maternal Health Counselling ....... Whaingaroa/Raglan...............................021 111 03423
The Herbal Dispensary.......................07 825 7444 Private Herbal/Naturopathic consultations
Janis Beet Homeopath......................07 825 8004
Diane Davies Massage & Aromatherapy....021 969 929 Haven Massage with Shannon Darbyshire..021 02442248
top three Winter immune herBs
Stress Relief by Nick Reynolds............0274 799763
here are some very stubborn and persistent bugs around this winter.
Raglan Yoga Loft.............................021 02442248 Yoga at ‘The Space’...................Above the Yot Club
Here are my top 3 herbs for preventing infection and reducing the severity and duration of the symptoms. Echinacea A must in your cupboard. Echinacea can be used to treat a variety of infections by enhancing our general immunity. It is particularly useful for upper respiratory tract infections. Its anti-inflammatory and lymphatic actions make it useful in reducing the severity of symptoms such
Elderflower and elder berry are great for your immune system.
as swollen and painful glands and sore
used to treat influenza and to support the
On top of its immune activities, it is also
throat. Best taken as preventative or as
immunity in general. This pleasant tasting
a good herb for the liver, especially with
soon as you start to feel unwell.
herb is good for children and can be made
into a delicious tea and cordial.
Most parts of this versatile tree can
digestive weakness due to its highly bitter taste. As it is so bitter, it is usually taken
in tablet form rather than a liquid. Due to
be used: bark, berries and flowers. The
The king of bitters, this herb has
elder flowers can be used for blocked and
powerful anti-bacterial actions and works
its stimulating effect on the uterus it must
runny noses, to bring down fever and to
particularly well against upper respiratory
not be used by pregnant ladies.
help with sinusitis. The berries can be
tract and gastro intestinal tract infections.
The Herbal Dispensary
First time for Waikato DHB community health forum in Raglan he Waikato District Health Board wants to hear from the community
about its health matters.
Raglan on Tuesday, July 25, at the Community
12 Wallis Street, Raglan
a significant impact on health. Common things that are important
The DHB is holding a meeting in
accommodation for families, as this had
people can bring ideas for health service improvements and issues that trouble them, such as access to GP appointments in rural areas or concerns regarding service quality. “We want to hear what matters to this community around health in this
transport; local access to counselling services, allied health services, and acute mental health support; concerns about P; social isolation for the elderly and people with disabilities; and affordable warm, dry rental houses. Also on the agenda of meeting will be the DHB’s new health consumer council and having a say in how it will be
Forum organiser Bernadette Doube
run, a new hub for health information,
often the discussions were related to other government agency issues such as warm, dry and affordable
ph (07) 825 0123
in smaller communities are access to
community,” said Community Health
Ms Doube said at other forums
$14 per casual class or $120 for a block of 10 to be used over 4 months. Ph 825 0123 to register for a class or call @ Raglan Physio - 12 Wallis St
PILATES TIMETABLE: Tuesday 11am at the Yoga Loft - 58 Wallis St Tuesday 6pm at Scout Hall, Cliff St Thursday 5.45pm at The Space, Bow St, off Volcom Ln
You care for the environment ~ let us care for your body
Come along and hear what’s happening in health in your community! Topics include Primary Care Update, Advance Care Planning, hospital health hub project and more...
Tuesday 25 July : 10am - Noon Raglan Community House, 45 Bow St, Raglan
Telephone: 825 0114 After hours: Anglesea Clinic Healthline
07 825 0800 0800 611 116
support and advice at Waikato Hospital, and Advance Care Planning. The meeting is open to the public and runs from 10am till noon.
OPENING HOURS: Mon Open 8am Close 7pm
Tues 8am 7pm
Wed 8am 7pm
Thurs Fri 8am 8am 7pm 5pm
RAGLAN Chronicle 7
Promote your business with Chronicle advertorials CHRONICLE Advertorial
be seen.
winter special * $150 +gst
web social
*price includes: 250 words + one image printed in one (1) print edition of the Chronicle uploaded to and one (1) share on Raglan Chronicle Facebook
his past weekend was my best friend’s birthday. My best friend is a self-taught carpenter with a knack for taking things apart and rebuilding them to suit.
She has a mild obsession with remodelling people’s bedrooms, kitchens or entire houses. This obsession has taken her to Los Angeles where she works as a prop assistant and set designer for movies and TV shows. Working in film inspired her to start writing her own movie script and she recently finished her first draft. She has an impeccable sense of humour and the loudest laugh I have ever heard. Two years ago, she decided to start playing the saxophone, so she borrowed a friend’s sax and enrolled herself in lessons. In her free-time she sits on her porch and plays ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’ for the world outside. And those are only a few of the things that make my best friend so great. So why am I telling you about my best friend? Over the years, I have had the opportunity to work alongside many different types of small business owners. One thing I have noticed is how difficult some find it to talk about their
accomplishments as a business, because their invisible 'humble hat' often gets in the way. So, I like to encourage people to talk about their business the way they might talk about their best friend. When it comes to your best friend (aka your business), what do you tell people? Why is that your best friend? What does your best friend do? What do they give to the community around them? What motivates them to continue to grow? This story of your ‘best friend’ is your business story, the narrative of who you are, what you have accomplished and what you want to accomplish. The Chronicle provides the opportunity for this story to be shared with Chronicle Advertorials. Chronicle Advertorials give businesses the chance to highlight themselves through a short write-up or a Q&A. Share your most recent successes, new services or products, or changes to staff. Whether you have been in business for six months or 60 years, occasionally featuring your business in the Chronicle can expand your potential customer base to both print readers and those connected online. Keeping the community in the know about your business can strengthen the community support you get in return. We share Chronicle Advertorials in one weekly edition of the paper and online via to ensure they reach both our print and online audiences. Although it seems like the internet rules all these days, believe it or not there are quite a few residents who do not have a computer or just don’t spend all their time on Facebook, yet they are still looking for local services. We’d love to help you discover and share your own story, so let’s become best friends. Pop by the Chronicle to find out more about advertorials or give us a buzz on 07 825 7076.
Great artist opportunities Raglan Arts Weekend and Raglan Arts Guide 2018
aglan Arts Weekend will once again return to Raglan over the Auckland Anniversary Weekend (Saturday, January 27 to Monday, January 29 2018) and local artists are now invited to register for the event.
networking opportunities. If you are a local artist and expect to have new work available by January, there are two ways you can take part: 1) Exhibit from your studio, workshop or home. 2) Exhibit from an inside space at the Old School Arts Centre (only four spaces available, so register early if you would like to secure one of these slots). To give participating artists even more exposure, the 2017 event included a successful exhibition held at the Old School which ran for six weeks over the busy summer period leading up to the Raglan Arts Weekend. If you’d like to be listed as an artist in the Raglan Arts Guide for 2018 and be a part of Raglan Arts Weekend 2018, contact the Old School at info@, or call 07 825 0023. Full registration is $150 - but sign up before July 31 2017 and receive a special early bird rate of $130. All registrations must be received by August 31.
As well as the weekend event, artists registering will be included within the new 2018 Raglan Arts Trail Guide, which will be launched December 1 of 2017. Running every year since 2009, this well-organised weekend is a much-anticipated fixture on the Raglan summer calendar and a wonderful opportunity to show your work to a wide and appreciative audience. The event is marketed extensively throughout the North Island and draws hundreds of arts lovers from both the local and wider area, many of whom book the weekend into their diaries many months in advance. Artists who took part in the 2017 event reported that as well as helping them sell their work, the weekend enabled them to gain valuable feedback from art lovers and offered numerous
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4 Wainui Road, Raglan Gift Cards Available
Prices valid Mon 17 – Mon 31 July 2017. All specials may not be available in some stores. Specials only available at Liquor Centre Stores detailed above. No Trade Sales.
8 RAGLAN Chronicle
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Raglan Liquor Centre
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Scrumpy - Apple, Rasp, Lem & Ginger
Heineken Bots 12s $
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Indicates there is a ‘Walk-through Video’
Open Home
New Listing
Open Home
1 Lorenzen Bay Road
New Listing
3 Lorenzen Bay Road
Absolute Quality
Size Does Matter
Auction 12th August LJ Hooker Raglan Contact Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 Email
Sunday 12 - 12:45pm 1MBHFG
Be impressed when you enter through the auto gates and see this exceptional 330m2 home built in 2008 and designed by De Lisle Jenkins Architects with no expense spared. A suspended bridge above the grand entrance foyer links the upper level living area to the master bedroom wing. The lower level has 3 bedrooms, a bathroom, an office, a laundry and internal access 3 car garage. Surround sound wiring, central vacuum system and a security alarm are other fine features. The large landscaped 1295m2 has rural views to the east, harbour views to the north and mountain views to the south. This like a modern castle built with pure quality.
Deadline 15th August (unless sold prior) Contact Chrissy Cox - 027 287 1804 Email
Saturday 12 - 12:30pm 1MFHFG
The generous proportions of this home make it ideal for large or extended families with all the space you could need. The huge open plan living is north facing for all day sun and has decks on two sides. The spacious master bedroom has a fantastic walk-in robe and fireplace. There are a further 4 dble bedrooms, two bathrooms, large laundry, basement garaging and an extensive basement area for more storage or work space with further potential to develop. With a full size fully fenced flat section, children and pets are safe & a home orchard to ensure your family will eat well in the future. All this plus mountain and harbour views too!
Open Home
New Listing
44 Matakotea Road Location and Lifestyle! Get the best of both worlds from this conveniently located lifestyle property. Just over 1 ½ acres of the flattest land in Raglan, it’s fenced into 2 grazing paddocks with space for chickens a pony or sheep. Just minutes up the road is the Te Uku store, petrol pumps, school and coffee + Raglan town and beaches are only a 15 minute drive away. Enjoy gorgeous rural views and generous decking on 2 sides offering indoor/outdoor flow. A double garage completes this extremely attractive property. For Sale $629,000 Contact Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Email View
Final Notice 30 Robertson Road Build And Take In The View One of a few sections left in the popular Flax Cove Subdivision. This 610m² slightly sloping section is ready for a new owner to build their dream home or holiday home. With majestic views over the estuary and Mt Karioi in the distance, home will be a sanctuary. Access to the Boardwalk is just across the road which takes you on a beautiful walk around the Harbour, past the local school where you can drop your children off and then continue your walk into town or to the beach. Bliss! Power and telephone available for easy connection. Covenants apply. For Sale by Deadline, offers in before 12 noon Wed 26th July to LJ Hooker, Raglan. DLS Contact Email View
8 Puka Place
Built with Style in Mind For Sale $725,000 Contact Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 Email
Sunday 1 - 1:45pm 1MKHFG
26th July (unless sold prior) Robbie Regnier 021 952 271
Overflowing with contemporary style and class this 2012 built home was designed with no expense spared in the quality finishing and fittings. The open plan lounge and kitchen dining area features beautiful American Oak timber flooring and a large sliding stacker door to an outdoor entertaining area enjoying a harbour view out to Lorenzen Bay. The master bedroom is spacious with ensuite & walk in ‘robe. Internal access double basement garage and plenty of offstreet parking for cars or boat. 660m2 of easycare landscaped grounds and conveniently located. My vendor has his eye on another property and wants offers asap!
Robbie Regnier
Chrissy Cox
Matt Sweetman
Kyle Leuthart
Michelle O’Byrne
Stephen O’Byrne
Sandra Bowditch
021 952 271
027 287 1804
021 624 826
021 903 309
021 969 878
021 969 848
021 751 759
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Raglan Property Manager
*NB Boundary lines on photos are approximate & merely a guide. All information contained herein is gathered from sources we deem reliable. However we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely upon their own enquiries.
LJ Hooker Raglan (07) 825 7170 •
25-27 Bow Street , Raglan • George Boyes & Co Limited Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008
Your local tree specialist
Stefan Frew 0800 LIVE NOW 0800 5483 669
Commercial Residential Rural / Farming
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027 4979 116 or 07 825 0214
P L U M B I N G & G A S LT D Grant Mathis 07 825 0523 or 027 222 0156
ph 07 847 8210
• LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED Offering a reliable, friendly service combined with quality workmanship.
RAGLAN ENGINEERING LTD For all your Welding and Metalwork needs, as well as Hydraulic Hoses and Fittings, pay a visit to Peter at Raglan Engineering.
10 RAGLAN Chronicle
Contact for FREE QUOTE
mobile 021 263 8698
Specialising in New Builds, Maintenance and Drainlaying. Nick Heasman Phone: 021 058 2140 Email:
West Shore Ltd Matt Connor - Roofer 021 254 1600
WESTSIDE PROPERTY MAINTENANCE • Small Building Jobs • House Maintenance • Landscaping
Contact Peter on 825-8486 or see him 8am-5pm at 2 Park Drive, Raglan
RaglanEngineeringAd.indd 1
• • • •
• Fencing & Decks • Garden Tidy-Up • Lawnmowing
Andy Fels Ph 07 825 7489 or 0274 939 765
4/10/07 3:17:13 PM
• New Roof • Roof repairs • Re-roof • Cladding & flashings • Gutters - new - repairs - maintenance
Quality Local Roofing & Maintenance
For advertising inquiries: Contact the Raglan Chronicle on 07 825 7076 or email us at:
For Sale FIREWOOD DRY2M-2M: Gum $190. Delivered, ph. 0210771524. K O M B U C H A STARTER KIT Save and make your own healthy drinks! $30.00 each. thekombuchaladies@ Ph: 021400-106. BUNKS,SINGLE METAL in good condition with gift. Ph 07 825 6578
In My Good Books Quality 2nd hand books Open Thurs - Sun from 10am 2 Wallis St Books wanted.
a ta m i ra . c o. n z Awesome new 90’s big belts & Status Anxiety leather wallets, bags Selected knitwear on S A L E too!
Services Offered FLUE SERVICES & log fire inspection $100 and all flue and log fire repairs ph Mark 021457342 or 078298103.
Commercial to Let SECURE METALLED YARD FOR LEASE 1500m2, ready now at Nau Mai Business Park. HIAB & Trailer friendly access. Other sizes available for Sale or Lease. Ph Bob Carter 021 825 869, or 07 825 8690 TASMAN LANDS Ltd
TUES 25 JULY GREEN DRINKS WITH CHLOE SWARBRICK AND ROBERT MOORE Informal gathering with Green Party Candidates at the Orca. 7:00pm. WED 26 JULY R A G L A N R A M B L E R S Meet at The Loft, 58 Wallis Street, upstairs, by 8.25am. Yoga Class 8.30am - 10am. Bring $2 koha/person. Wear comfortable clothes. All yoga stuff provided. CALL FOR ARTISTS Raglan Arts Weekend 2018. Sat 27 - Mon 29 Jan 2018. Early bird registrations close 31 July. Contact the Old School for more info 825 0023.
Commercial to Let SELF STORAGE
Contact Gary Kite
4005 SH23, Raglan Ph: (07) 825 6560 Mob: 022 622 9005
Wanted GRAZING: WE ARE LOOKING for grazing for 12 two year old cattle from now for approx 3 months in Raglan area.Ph 0272468162
Acknowledgement D E A R E S T WHAINGAROA COMMUNITY: We have returned to heal under Karioi maunga by the beautiful Whaingaroa moana and to the people that make this place our home. With our deepest love and gratitude we thank everyone that held Maayan and our family in your hearts over these months. Please know we are so grateful for every thought, for your love, time, chanting, prayer, gifts of food, presents and money that sustained us and nourished our souls and kept us going when it was really hard. Nga mihi aroha Maayan, Django, Mela and Gordon.
FRI 21 JULY @ YOT CLUB: Resident DJs, free pool, free entry.
Dear Raglan, Ruapuke, Te Mata, Makomako Community
SAT 22 JULY @ YOT CLUB: Aotearoa Dub Club feat. Dubsonic, Dub Twerminator, Jamin I, Tux. $5 before 10pm.
We will be hosting the 8th Edition of the Karioi Classic here in Raglan on Sunday 30th July. We ask for your patience, particularly for those living on Whaanga, Ruapuke, Tuturimu, Waimaori, Waimaunga and Te Hutewai Roads as we will have a road closure in place from 0730am - 2pm, this is to keep our riders and drivers safe.
Courses, classes & workshops
FREE BUDGET SERVICE AND CAREER-TREE CV WRITING SERVICE Raglan Community House @ 45 Bow St. Nau mai Haere mai. For appt. ph 07-825 8142, email: info@ *Sponsored by RC
THE RAGLAN LIGHT EXERCISE GROUP Sessions Monday and Thursday. 10am to 11am. St Peters Hall. Everybody is most welcome to attend.
The road closure is in place from the gravel side of Whaanga Road, just past the entrance onto Te Tuhi Road, just past the entrance to Xtreme Zero Waste, @ Te Mata/Ruapuke, @ Te Hutewai/Te Mata, @ Te Mata/Waimaori.
*Sponsored by RC
This is a rolling road closure, which simply means that our last tail end vehicle becomes our works end. We expect Te Toto gorge to be uplifted around 11am, Waimaori between 1130 - 12pm and Ruapuke around 1.15pm. Race direction is anti clockwise around Karioi. Vehicles can travel in the same direction as the riders.
the smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.
Please keep an eye out for our 85km riders, they will be riding past Waireinga/Bridal Veil Falls, Papatapu and Te Mata Roads.
Local businesses are the foundation of our community.
Races will commence on Stewart Street: 85km @ 0830, 57km @ 0930, 43km @ 1015. Races finish in on Raglan Airfield, come down and cheer the riders home, first anticipated rider in @ around 1130.
They make it possible for us to bring the Raglan Chronicle to you FREE of charge each week.
We will also have a stop/go on the corner of Te Hutewai and Wainui Roads - riders will come down Te Hutewai Road and will turn right onto Wainui, our marshals will be operating the stop/go to enable riders to smoothly turn right from Te Hutewai onto Wainui Road. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause, if you have any questions please call Lisa Thomson 0211 798 256 or Dirk De Ruysscher on 0212380818. Raglan Events and Multisport Trust
Support our supporters and our local community, be sure to tell them you saw them in the Raglan Chronicle.
To be held Sunday 27th August 2017 Raglan Surf Club, Wainui Reserve, at 2pm
All members welcome to attend
RAGLAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (INC) NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING To be held on Friday 28 July 2017 at Rocki-it Kitchen, Green Room, 6:00pm
All members welcome. Bi-monthly Happy Hour to follow. Please RSVP to
Notice of Meeting Raglan Community Board
Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Raglan Community Board will be held in the Supper Room, Town Hall, Bow Street, Raglan on Tuesday 8 August commencing at 2.00pm. A public forum will be held from 1.30pm.
Public Notice
Note: In the event that the business of any Committee is not concluded on the advertised date, the meeting may be continued on a later date scheduled by the Committee prior to adjournment.
This notice is given under section 46 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.
- Peace and tranquility -Surfing, fishing, bush walks - Cabins, powered sites, tent sites PH 07 825 6800
G J Ion Chief Executive
FRI 21 JULY: An evening of art and fun @ The Wharf Kitchen and Bar. Starts 6.30pm. SAT 22 JULY MUSIC AT THE OLD SCHOOL Abbie / Yasamin ‘On a Good Note Tour’. Folk, soul, pop - an evening of music Sat 22 Jul. Doors open 7.30pm $20 door sales. TUES 25 JULY: Community Health Forum. Raglan Community House, 10am - noon, 45 Bow St, Raglan. Come along and hear what’s happening in health in your community! Topics include: primary care update, advance care planning, hospital health hub project and more.
Public Notices
0800 492 452
RAGLAN Chronicle 11
Raglan 29A Simon Road - $422,000
2A1F Super Starter! • Great first home or rental investment. • This two bedroom property features open-plan living which opens out onto decking overlooking a private back yard. • Established trees and the opportunity to develop further. • On the bus route and a close walk to Cox and Lorenzen Bay. • Situated on ½ share of 1070sqm.
For Sale $422,000 View by appointment Julie Hanna 0274 418 964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282 LICENSED (REAA 2008)
Raglan 29 Simon Road $429,000 Reduced
2A1F Ideal Investment Opportunity! • Situated on ½ share of 1070m² in a lovely bush setting. • Two bedrooms, open plan kitchen and lounge which flows onto your private decking area. Carport attached. • Close walk to Cox´s Bay and on the bus route. • Call Julie or Blair to view today!
For Sale $429,000 Julie Hanna 0274 418 964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282
VENDOR WANTS THIS SOLD...NOW!! • Solid brick house with stunning views of the Tasman Sea, Raglan harbour and town. • With some added TLC you have the opportunity to redecorate or renovate at your leisure with future potential to increase your return. • Ideal family home on an easy care 1059m² section with meandering path through a native bush backdrop. • This property is seriously for sale - with a $100,000 reduction our vendor says "bring me an offer quick!" OPEN HOMES: Saturday 2pm & Sunday 11am
Raglan 120 Greenslade Road - $775,000
Raglan 14 Upper Wainui Road - $750,000
$750,000 View by appointment Julie Hanna 0274 418 964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282 LICENSED (REAA 2008)
Raglan 6 Lorenzen Bay - $495,000
2A1F1I Nest or Invest • Two bedroom home with brand new bathroom. • Open plan living and dining. • Single garage on fully fenced 809m² section. • Large back yard with fruit trees. • A great investment property or move in and start living the dream in Raglan!
OPEN HOME: Saturday 1pm and Sunday 12pm
OPEN HOME: Sunday 2pm
For Sale $775,000 View by appointment Julie Hanna 0274 418 964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282
For Sale $495,000 View by appointment Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282 LICENSED (REAA 2008)
2 A 1 F 1 I
Raglan 49 Government Road - $510,000
So Much for So Little • Great holiday home, first home or retirement, situated on 1/2 share 809m² more or less. • 2 bedrooms, open plan living and separate hobby studio. • Great pergola covered outside area with compact garden. • Flat easy care, fully fenced North facing site.
The Cutest Little House • Solid, cute, character cottage on 548sqm • Fully fenced easy care section • 3 bedrooms plus office/hobby room, double garage with internal access and laundry. • Deck gets all day sun with a view of the beautiful Raglan harbour. • Just a short walk to the water.
OPEN HOMES: Saturday 1pm and Sunday 12pm
OPEN HOME: Saturday 2pm
For Sale $445,000 View by appointment Julie Hanna 0274 418 964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282
For Sale $510,000 View by appointment Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282 Julie Hanna 0274 418 964
For Sale
Cottage Charm in Greenslade No box is left unticked when you purchase this property located in popular Greenslade Road. • North facing, two bedroom weatherboard cottage in immaculate condition. • Large 1143m² section with access to the water for safe swimming. • Moor your boat in the bay!
Raglan 35 Government Road - $445,000
SATURDAY 22ND JULY: 1pm - 4 Primrose Street | 1pm - 120 Greenslade Road | 1pm - 35 Government Road | 2pm - 49 Government Road | 2pm - 14 Upper Wainui Road | | 2pm - 846 Old Mountain Road | SUNDAY 23RD JULY: 11am - 14 Upper Wainui Road | 12pm - 120 Greenslade Road | 12pm - 35 Government Road | 2pm - 13 O’Brien Road, Rotokauri | 2pm - 6 Lorenzen Bay Road 21 Bow St, Raglan Phone: 07 825 8669 Fax: 07 825 7410
12 RAGLAN Chronicle
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