Raglan Chronicle

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Whaingaroa news for you weekly

Community Cash

Nga Ripo o Whaingaroa

6h September 2018 - Issue #612

Dedicated to supporting our local community.

Raglan 16-18 Bow Street, Raglan. Open 7am – 9pm, 7 days. Phone: 825 8300.

Owned and operated by locals


Residents protest upgrades p3 Junior Sports


Gig Guide/What's on


It’s Expertise that Gets Results - At Ray White we work for You!


OPEN HOMES: Sat & Sun 1pm

1 Uenuku Avenue

AUCTION: Friday 14 Sept, 6pm

Beautiful retro ‘Tahi Cottage’ set in the heart of Raglan West. Two double bedrooms + office. Facing north-west with harbour views. Single garage, internal access plus large workshop. Half share in 794m² flat section with gardens. Short stroll to the Sean Mills beach. Prior auction offers considered. Call Sean to view! 027 562 4699 Check it out online: rwraglan.co.nz/RAG22975 Ray White Raglan, 21 Bow Street, Raglan

Ph: 07 825 8669


Open Homes This Weekend: Saturday 8 September 12pm - 19 Tutchen Avenue 1pm - 1 Uenuku Avenue 2pm - 10b Lorenzen Bay Road 4pm - 78i Greenslade Road “Wine & Cheese” Sunday 9 September 12pm - 78i Greenslade Road 1pm - 1 Uenuku Avenue 2pm - 11a Park Drive

Raglan Couriers Raglan Couriers 3 times daily 3 times daily morning/midday/afternoon morning/midday/afternoon

Local Business Serving Raglan District Since 1996 Local Business Serving Raglan District Since 1996

Raglan Real Estate Ltd (Licensed REAA 2008)

RAGLAN Chronicle 1

Cover Support our local eateries! Hours and specials below.


Soul Food Farm: Growing fresh produce is a labour of love for the Robinson family. Full story on page 7.


This space could be yours. Email the Chronicle for more details. info@raglanchronicle.co.nz

Turkish Kebabs on Plates & Pitas plus beverages & more 10:30 to 9pm | 29 Bow St - 07 825 0202

Open 9am - 7pm Wed - Sunday Closed Mon-Tues

(07) 825 8761

Phone orders welcome! *Fish & Chips* *Burgers* *Weekly Specials* The store with a lot more!

Fish n’ Chips Group Bookings Inside/Outside Seating 92 Wallis St - 07 825 7544

Te Kopua Camp Store, Marine Parade, Raglan

wa o k u l o d ge @ g m a i l .co m

Real Fruit Ice Cream Burritos - Wraps Soup - Salad Volcom Lane & Chilli Open 7 days from 11:30

Open for Dinner Fri & Sat from 5:30pm 248 Wainui Rd | 07 825 8233 Open 7 Days a Week From 9am



open seven days a week N O

1 9 B o w S t r e e t 07 8 2 5 0 0 2 7

Open 7 Days 8am - 4pm

Breakfast/Lunch 6 Days Closed Tuesday

Open 7 Days From 9:30AM Mon-Fri and 9AM Sat and Sun 43 Rose St 07 825 0010

Waterfront dining indoor and outdoor seating

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Local RAFFA nominees’ films on the big screen at the Old School Arts Centre


or the first time this year, the Raglan Film Festival celebrates local RAFFA nominees’ films with public screenings at the Old School Arts Centre theatre. From zombie love and TV mystery to marauding, drooling babies and Raglan’s contagious virus drama, the 20 short films were crafted by local filmmakers of all ages. Screenings will be split into two groups. Group A screens on - Monday September 17 at 6.30pm and Friday

September 21 at 4.30pm. Group B screens on Tuesday September 18 at 6.30pm and Friday September 21, at 6.30pm. Entry is by koha. Pick up a brochure at the Old School for more information. Don’t miss out on the glitz and glamour of the film festival red carpet night where the films will be vying for top cinematic honours on Saturday, September 22 at the Raglan Town Hall. Get in quick and purchase your red carpet tickets at the Old School office open, 10am-2pm, Monday to Friday. Old School Arts Centre


hawkenandco@hotmail.co.nz PO Box 130, Raglan


10am - Family Service and Children’s Ministry Thursdays 3-5pm - 7C’s Bible Club for Children Visitors Cherished

This week's weather is sponsored by The Raglan Project.

3 Stewart St – 07 825 8276 or 07 825 8028

1 Wallis St | Ph 825 8881 Raglan Weather & Tides

Check www.weathermap.co.nz for latest forecasts Forecast generated on Wednesday 5 September Max Summary Wind Waves* Tides* temp



10am Raglan Area School 7pm Te Uku Church Pastor Roger Peart ph 07 825 5199

Mobile: 0220441328


Website: www.miss-spell.nz



Sunny with some cloud


Advertising & Articles The advertising and editorial content deadline will be Monday at 12pm week of issue. Opinions and views expressed in the Raglan Chronicle do not necessarily represent those held by the Editors or Publishers. Every care will be taken in the preparation and placement of submitted material but the Editors/Publishers shall not be liable for errors or omissions or subsequent effects due to the same. It is the submitters responsibility to ensure material is not libelous or defamatory. The Editors/Publishers reserve the right to abridge, alter or decline any material submitted to the Raglan Chronicle to meet the constraints of space and/or maintain a reasonable standard of language and decorum.




(High/Low) (Rise/Set)

am pm



01:30 07:50 01:50 08:20

am am pm pm

R 06:35 am S 06:01 pm


S 10 am SW 20 pm



02:30 08:40 02:50 09:10

am am pm pm

R 06:34 am S 06:02 pm

Mainly fine with possible showers


SW 20 am SW 30 pm



03:20 09:30 03:40 09:50

am am pm pm

R 06:32 am S 06:02 pm


Cloudy with Showers


NW 20 am W 10 pm



04:10 10:20 04:20 10:40

am am pm pm

R 06:31 am S 06:03 pm


Cloudy with Showers


E 15 E 10

am pm



04:50 11:00 05:00 11:20

am am pm pm

R 06:29 am S 06:04 pm


Sunny and clear skies


W 10 W 10

am pm


L 05:30 am H 11:40 am

R 06:28 am S 06:05 pm


Sunny with some cloud


W 15 W 15

am pm


Contact: Merren Tait

Email: info@raglanchronicle.co.nz

2 RAGLAN Chronicle

Mainly fine with possible showers

Email: info@miss-spell.nz

Raglan Ink Ltd home of the Raglan Chronicle Office Open Mon - Fri 9.00am - 4.00pm, Wainui Rd, Raglan Ph: (07) 825-7076 Fax: (07) 825-7078 Post: P.O. Box 234, Raglan




Weather Map

S 20 S 15

R 06:26 am S 06:06 pm

*Total significant wave height and *Tide times for Raglan Bar

THE RAGLAN PROJECT Your local home and building project supplier. Call us on 825 8881 or drop in to see us at 1 Wallis St. Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm, Saturday 8m - 4pm, Sunday 9am - 1pm.

Stormwater upgrades muddying the waters in Raglan


ecent protests at the stormwater upgrades on Wainui Road are just another example of Waikato District Council’s dereliction of duty, Whaingaroa Harbour Care stalwart and Waikato Regional councillor Fred Lichtwark says. WDC was served a non-compliance letter by Waikato Regional Council infrastructure team leader Hugh Keane pointing out the discharges authorised by the consent are unlawful, but no formal enforcement action would be taken. “If it were you or me doing noncompliant work on our own property we would have to stop and have to pay to rectify it,” Fred says. Waikato Regional Council Resource Use Manager, Brent Sinclair, says the consent that authorises the discharge of stormwater from Raglan township was granted in 2008 and is subject to more than 40 consent conditions. “We recently completed an interim compliance audit of the consent and that found that Waikato District Council has generally shown a high level of compliance with these conditions. However, we also found that in the 2016/17 year it did not comply with a condition that requires it hold an annual meeting with the Tangata Whenua and Key Stakeholder Liaison Group. The district council failed to comply with one condition of a number of conditions, and we look at the full picture, not just a piece of the picture in making decisions on what action to take.” Fred believes the non-compliant work adds to a list of environmental breaches and he questions WDC’s duty of care for Whaingaroa’s natural environment. “WDC are, in my opinion, abusing Raglan and this issue is one of a series of issues where they are disrespecting the natural resources that make Raglan, Raglan.” Fred says, issues such as Wainui Reserve wetlands being drained using tires that leach pollutant into the Wainui Stream; cattle busting through Wainui Reserve fences in disrepair (for which they have been issued an abatement notice);

Also at H.G Webb House, Cnr Boundary & Victoria Streets, Hamilton

Whaingaroa Harbour Care stalwart and Waikato Regional councillor Fred Lichtwark believes this non-compliant work adds to a list of environmental breaches by WDC. shoddy work causing safety issues at the Wallis Street boardwalk and various considerations made to developers that compromise the harbour water quality. He believes the Raglan community needs to be vocal about concerns they have over WDC stormwater solutions for Whaingaroa Harbour. “I want council to stop the works and incorporate stormwater treatment, and we need people pressure to make a difference.” Waikato District Council Waters Manager, Karl Pavlovich, says a new EnviroPod has been installed in a stormwater catchpit sump within the Wainui Road site, which removes the majority of gross pollutants and suspended solids, reducing particulate bound pollutants such as heavy metals, oil, and grease.

Health in your Hands


“We understand the public concerns raised, so WDC are working with our designer to consider stormwater treatment options that could be incorporated in the current works.” The district council also propose to reinstate some muddy roadside berm areas with the construction of kerbing and a planted swale to treat stormwater runoff from parking/adjacent road prior to discharge to harbour at the Joyce Petchell Park carpark upgrade. Pavlovich acknowledges that in 2016/17, the council did not comply with the resource consent condition to hold an annual meeting with the Tangata Whenua and Key Stakeholder Liaison Group but a meeting was held in 2017/18 and another is planned for later this year. He says the stormwater upgrade will improve the capacity of the system,

A check list from travel agents is very useful. A personal check list that one can refer to as you leave the house on any journey, however short, can save extra stress if something goes wrong, particularly if the memory is not as good as it used to be. It’s also a good idea to let a relative or friend know where you are going if you happen to go any distance. If you are travelling to another country, check your passport is not due to expire within six months, especially if you are away for several months. Pensioners need to inform Work

After hours: Anglesea Clinic Healthline

07 858 0800 0800 611 116

OPENING HOURS: Mon Open 8am Close 7pm

Tues 8am 7pm

Wed 8am 7pm

Thurs Fri 8am 8am 7pm 5pm

and will reduce the severity and frequency of the ponding and runoff experienced. WDC will hold a meeting about stormwater treatment solutions with the community liaison group and tangata whenua on Friday, September 7 at 10am at the town hall supper rooms. Janine Jackson

A column connecting with senior citizens in our community. This column is sponsored by Raglan Rest Home and Hospital. Manukau Road, Raglan.

News Letter September: Safe Travels

eeping safe while traveling can be daunting even for the most seasoned traveller, especially when going overseas. For the elderly, it can be even more stressful.

Telephone: 825 0114

and Income if they are out of the country for more than four weeks or more than six months. Make sure you have the correct visa for the countries you are likely to visit and have some other identification other than your passport. It is also important to clearly mark your luggage bags so you can recognise them easily, and have a luggage label with an address and telephone number. Get someone to double check train times and flight schedules. Take out travel insurance. The younger generation don’t tend to go anywhere without a mobile phone, which gives them access to all manner of information. However, the phone does need to be fully charged and topped up! For older people who have not grown up with such technology, it can be confusing with

the added problem of needing reading glasses and hearing aids (including spare batteries). It’s also a good idea for elderly car owners to belong the AA (Automobile Association) You never know when you might run out of petrol or lock the car door with the keys in the ignition, and even the most organised person can have a breakdown. Bon Voyage! Safe Travels! Pauline Abrahams

What's On:

• September 21 is World Peace Day • There is a Senior Technology session every Thursday at 2pm at the Community House and you can get help with computers, laptops and mobile phones as

Phone: 07 825 8306

well as help to get a passport on line • Crop Swap is once a fortnight. The next meet is Sunday September 16 at 9.30am at the Bowling Club • Senior Citizens is at the Trust Hospital on Thursday September 13 at 11am • Next Creative Art Market is September 9 • The Saturday Club meets every Saturday at 9.30am at the Community House • Care and Craft is every Monday morning at the Bowling Club at 9.30am • Knitters’ Circle is at the Orca Restaurant every Wednesday morning at 9.30am • Nia Dance is every Thursday at 9.15am at Activate Church Taipari Ave, and Saturday September 8 at 9.30am. Concessions for Gold Card owners. First session Free.

RAGLAN Chronicle 3

Animal Health Column For Raglan People + their Pets

Training with All Blacks squad a long way from playing Nintendo

Please help to keep our animals safe


e have had a run of dog fight injuries here at Anexa Vets Raglan, so we would like to talk about safe dog socializing and walking.

While we strongly encourage everyone to take their dogs out for walks, we need to be mindful and responsible when doing so, since there are other dogs who may not interact well with others. Remember to always get permission by asking the other dog owner ‘is your dog ok?’ before allowing dogs to meet. Just because your dog is friendly, another dog may be scared and then not enjoy your friendly dog coming up to greet him or her with enthusiasm! Please, if you are concerned that your dog would not enjoy socializing with other dogs, but still want them to enjoy spring, keep them on a lead and if possible warn people to keep their dogs away. A muzzle may also help as a warning signal to people. Basic lead training, a good solid, recall command and a few other basic commands are all that are needed for safe walking in public. If you need help with training these skills, our

nurses can help with the basics or we can refer you to trainers in Hamilton. Unfortunately, dog fights will still occur. When this happens, please don’t try and break them up! Often owners bring dogs into the vet for injuries but are worse off themselves and we have to convince them to seek medical attention. It is hard, but do not put your hands in to break up dogs. If a hose is available this is the best option, then a barrier of some kind, or stick. Dogs love to socialize, go for adventures and run off lead on the beach. We love nothing more than to see our dogs playing together, but would love to see our more socially awkward dogs enjoy walks too. The Yellow Dog Project is a global movement for owners of dogs that need space. It hopes to educate the public and dog owners to identify dogs needing space, promote appropriate contact of dogs and assist dog parents to identify their dog as needing space. Please see theyellowdogproject. com for more information. The Anexa Team

Don’t Feed Your Pet Junk Food! Not all foods are created equal so make sure your pet gets the best diet possible! As vets we cannot emphasise enough the importance of good nutrition for your pet, to ensure good health. Diets need to be tailored to the specific needs of your pet to ensure they lead a healthy life. There are many reasons why you should consider feeding your pet with pet food purchased from your vet. Advice: Your pet’s dietary needs may change as they grow and age. Your vet/ vet nurse can offer advice on the best nutrition for all life stages of your pet. Range: Vet-Only pet food offers a wide range of special diets, such as oral care, weight loss and hairball control. Tailor-made: Large-breed dogs have different nutritional needs than smaller dogs and therefore need different diet formulations. Breed specific foods are formulated to help control or prevent some of the typical health problems of each breed. Your vet also has access to prescription diets designed for specific health conditions. Much less mess to clean up: Quality food is highly digestible – therefore less mess and smell when your pet goes to the toilet. Weight management: Obesity is the most common form of malnutrition in the pets of today. Feeding pets an appropriate quantity of food is very important. High quality food tends to make the animal feel full and satisfied with a smaller quantity. Dental health: Dental problems are the second most common health problem that we5% see inOFF our patients. pet foods have special features to help keep ALL Vet-Only LEADS your pet’s mouth healthy.

forpets the of diets have a high acceptance rate among Taste: Your will month love it! Vet-Only pets. But forSeptember extra reassurance all our foods are 100% guaranteed. If your pet doesn’t like it we will refund the purchase price. Simply bring this voucher

The link between good nutrition and health is well proven in humans and animals, into Anexa so you wantthe to feedRaglan the best food you can to your pets. We believe feeding a top quality result in a longer vetveterinary clinic diet in will the month ofand better quality life for your pet. If you are in doubt about the quality of the diet your pet is receiving, come and see September to enter us. We can advise on the best diet for your pet’s health.

Anexa, 40 Bow Street, Raglan P: 07 825 8390 4 RAGLAN Chronicle


Angus in his Cheifs jersey, flanked by members of his family, from left, Fua, Angus, Stuart and Rupert Taavao.

ngus Ta’avao may be on the verge of turning out for the All Blacks but it was more sedentary games he often played in his youth, an old Raglan mate revealed this week. “I hung out with Angus a lot,” Simon Laxon told the Chronicle from Melbourne where he now hangs from ropes with commercial engineering company Absafe. Besides kicking the ball around they played a lot of Nintendo 64 – the classic gaming console – and downed a lot of cake. “We were always taking his mum’s carrot cake, I remember, dabbling in bits of food,” he laughs. That was around the time Angus lived in town with his mother Wendy McGee and brother Stuart. He was a Year 7 pupil at Raglan Area School before boarding at Dilworth in Auckland and returning here for the holidays. Simon reckons he tried hard not to get offside with Angus those days, even if he was regarded as a harmless giant. “He was big, he was massive … double our size at 13 … I could see he might be the next Jonah Lomu.” Now the 120kg-plus prop, off the back of an unexpected Super Rugby season with the Chiefs and a provincial campaign back with Taranaki, has surprised many with a call-up to join the All Black squad preparing for Saturday’s test in Nelson against Argentina. But not his old Raglan pal Nane Rose, now working in film across the ditch. “We would always talk about the day he would become an All Black,” she told the Chronicle. “It seemed nothing would stop him from realising his dream.” Even so “he didn’t seem to be the aggressive sort,” says local area school principal Malcolm Cox. Malcolm’s son Joe, who played a couple of games with Angus, agreed. “He was huge but gentle.” Angus was also shy, recalls Chronicle editor Maki Nishiyama, who boarded with the family in Long Street for a time. She remembers Angus as much quieter than Stuart, an observation backed up by the boys’ mother who posted on Facebook last week how he was “mercilessly tormented” at home by his older brother. Wendy, who these days lives in Auckland, said in her post that while Angus was big – and she had to carry around his birth certificate to prove his age

– he was always told he wasn’t aggressive enough. But after former ABs forwards coach Mike Cron told him to hang in there – that the game would move away from “bash and crash” – Wendy believed her son’s time would come. And now it looks like it has. The 28 year old told Radio Sport Breakfast last week there had always been a big question about his scrummaging “and I feel I have stepped up this year”. In another recent interview – with 1 News – he acknowledged “I’m now playing my best rugby”. ABs coach Steve Hansen spoke in similar vein last week in justifying the tighthead prop’s callup: “Angus had a big season for the Chiefs during Super Rugby, was part of a very good Chiefs pack and has made big strides on the technical aspects of his position,” he said. Angus says he’s been inspired by friends and family backing him all the way, including partner Kristyn Bradfield who visited his old haunts with him in Raglan a few months ago. The couple’s baby son Leo has a genetic disorder which earlier brought them back from Australia, where Angus played for the Waratahs, and has prompted them to rule out any further overseas contracts. Edith Symes

We need every household to complete this survey even if you feel you are not affected, so we have a clear idea of the percentage of our community who are suffering.

Please read this page,

Version 1 of the survey asked for full names and addresses to ensure no duplicate surveys could be entered. Due to feedback, we have changed those fields in this version to Street Name and Area Code fields only. Name and address details for version 1 will not entered into the data records. The only people who will see the survey forms will be the team at Waikato University who will enter and analyse the data. Only one person at the University will have access to the final data. The data will not be shared outside of the university with any other organisation. No individual will be able to be identified from the final report. Once the research is complete the original forms will be shredded.

fill-in, cut out and drop off.

Please return questionnaire to a WRAP survey collection box at the Raglan Community House (45 Bow St), Raglan Library, Raglan Information Centre or other approved collection site by Saturday September 22nd 2018.

whaingaroa raglan

affordable housing project

Street Name ____________________________________________ Area code______________________________


Raglan community housing survey


he team at Raglan Community House are deeply concerned about the rising cost of housing in Raglan and have set up a group to investigate the problem known as the Whaingaroa/ Raglan Affordability (Housing) Project (WRAP).

To be able to get investment to build housing solutions, we need to get a clear understanding of what is happening in our community. No-one knows for sure how much stress our households are under because of housing. We need every household to complete this survey even if you feel you are not affected, so we have a clear idea of the percentage of our community who are suffering. Version 1 of the survey asked for full names and addresses to ensure no duplicate surveys could be entered. Due to feedback, we have changed those fields in this version to Street Name and Area Code fields only. Name and address details for version 1 will not entered into the data records. The only people who will see the survey forms will be the team at Waikato University who will enter and analyse the data. Only one person at the University will have access to the final data. The data will not be shared outside of the university with any other organisation. No individual will be able to be identified from the final report. Once the research is complete the original forms will be shredded.

Raglan Community Housing Survey:

Last printing of the housing survey this week

If you live on your own or in a household where you combine your incomes to pay costs, tick the “answering for my household” box below. If you live in a situation where you share costs (e.g. a flat or other), tick the “answering for myself box” below. I am answering for my household

I am answering for myself �

1. How many adults over the age of 18 years are living in the place that you live? ___________ 2. How many children aged from 12 – 18 years are living in the place that you live? ___________ 3. How many children younger than 11 years are living in the place that you live? ___________ 4. Where are you currently living? Please circle one option House





Tiny House




5. In the place that you live, how many bedrooms do you have? _____________ 6. Please state the number of facilities you have access to in the place you live. Toilet __________

Shower __________

Bath __________

Shower over bath _________

7. If you have answered None/Zero above, do you have access in a nearby building or house? YES �

NO �

Your cost of living: If you own your own home freehold i.e. with no mortgage or loan payments remaining, tick this box then go to question 16.

8. After you pay rent or mortgage payment, how much do you have left each week for all other living costs? $ ______________ (If answering for your household, estimate the amount left from all combined incomes) 9. If you pay rent, what is your cost of rent for a week

$ _________________

10. If you are paying a mortgage, what is the cost of your weekly mortgage payments Stress related to housing:

$ _______________

“Very stressed” = affecting your physical and/or mental health

11. Are you stressed by being unable to find a place to live? No � A little � Mildly stressed �


Very stressed

12. Are you stressed by the cost of your rent or mortgage? No � A little � Mildly stressed �


Very stressed

13. How likely are you to be able to buy or build a home in Raglan in the next 5 years? Never � Unlikely � Hope to buy or build � Will definitely buy or build 14. Are you stressed by your view of your future opportunity to buy or build a house? No � A little � Mildly stressed � Anxious/worried �

Very stressed

Security in your housing situation: 15. If you are renting, do you feel secure in your current housing situation? (Leave blank if not renting) a. YES � NO � b. If you answered NO, please tick as many options below that apply to you. Cost of rent

Have to move over Xmas


he Raglan Housing restrict activities so it is critical Survey closes on the for us all to understand what the implications of this review are. September 22. It is printed in the Chronicle this week for the last time, so fill yours out and get it into one of the collection boxes around town: Raglan Area School, Rock-it Kitchen, The Food Department (Raglan West), 4 Square, Raglan i-site (Museum), Raglan Surf Co, WOK, The Shack, The Herbal Dispensary, Raglan Library and Raglan Community House. Affordable housing in the District Plan review. You may or may not have noticed, but the Waikato District Council are in the middle of a review of the District Plan. Reviews only happen about every ten years, but has been 14 years since the last one occurred. The plan defines how the council will administer its duties and responsibilities with respect to development of the region. The language that the plan contains can enable or

Likelihood of rent rise �

Council planning staff will be in Raglan over September 12 and 13 from 11am to 7pm each day, so we all have an opportunity to discuss with them what the plan means and get advice about how to make a submission. The WRAP steering committee have spent some time pouring over the document and will be making a submission to raise the profile of affordable housing within the draft plan. Currently, there is limited focus in the plan on development specifically for affordable housing in Raglan, and restrictions of only one new land development option. WRAP are happy to also support those wishing to make submissions that are relevant to housing. Please contact Fiona McNabb, Project Lead at fiona@ solotec.co.nz. WRAP

Property is for sale

Short term rent contract


Rising cost of living

16. If you own your home, or you are paying a mortgage, do you feel secure in your current housing situation? a. YES � NO � b. If you answered NO, please tick as many below that apply to you. Cost of mortgage

Likelihood of interest rate rise �

Rising cost of living �

Rising cost of rates �

17. If you are thinking of leaving Raglan, please tick all the reasons that apply to you. High cost of rent � High cost of buying a house � Can’t find a place to live The right type of house isn’t available � Can’t earn enough in Raglan to afford to live here

� �

Other (please state reason) _____________________________________________________________ Demographic information: 18. Ethnicity. Please let us know which ethnic group you identify with by ticking the box that applies to you. Maori �




Indian �


19. Age. Please let us know what age band you fit into by ticking the box that applies to you. Less than 18 years � 18 – 24 years � 25 – 34 years � 35 – 44 years � 45 – 54 years � 55 – 64 years � 65 – 74 years � 75 – 84 years � 85 years or older � 20. Residency status. Please tick the box that applies to you. NZ citizen � NZ resident � Visitor less than 1 year �

Residency application in progress Working visa 1 – 2 years �

Thank you for completing the questionnaire – your information will contribute to helping solve our housing problems in Raglan and may help other communities like ours understand how to understand their housing problems. Please return questionnaire to a WRAP survey collection box at the Raglan Community House (45 Bow St), Raglan Library, Raglan Information Centre or other approved collection site by Saturday September 22nd 2018. If you have any questions about this survey please contact Fiona McNabb, Project Lead for WRAP: fiona@solotec.co.nz or Mike Rarere, Manager of Raglan Community House: info@raglanhouse.co.nz

RAGLAN Chronicle 5

3rd to 9th September 2018 Fresh NZ Pork Loin Chops


Fresh Cut Broccoli

(Excludes Free Range)





$ 49


$ 99



Cadbury Dark Milk 160g/Block 155 -205g

Alpine Butter 500g


$ 69






$ 90


Moccona Coffee Refill 75-100g

Vogel’s Bread 720-750g

(Excludes Gluten Free)

Fresh NZ Chicken Tenderloins



99 kg


Loose Australian Afourer Mandarins



$ 99

$ 99



Bluebird Delisio Chips 140g/Doritos Corn Chips 150-170g



99 pk



$ 00



Surf Laundry Powder 500g

Old Coach Road/ Lindauer Classic 750ml (Excludes Special Reserve)


Steinlager Classic 12 x 330ml Bottles



Owned & operated

by locals 6 RAGLAN Chronicle

SuperValue Raglan: 16-18 Bow Street. Ph 825 8300. Open 7am�–�9pm, 7 Days. While stocks last at SuperValue Raglan only. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Trade not supplied.

Please drink responsibly

For inspiration visit

SuperValue.co.nz |

It Comes Down to Choosing the Right Team! EESE y 4pm! da Satur




Okete-grown organic produce finds ready markets in Raglan


bit of a dream and a lot of hard work have combined

to reap some very palatable rewards for an Okete couple. who saw the first bags of their fresh organic produce “fly off the shelves” recently at The Herbal Dispensary. Kylie Robinson says it’s nice their Soul Food Farm venture – so long in the pipeline – has come together and that husband Eddie’s market gardening efforts are now paying off. The 35-year-old stay at home mum with two-year-old son Kalani and seven-month daughter Havana downplays her role in preparing the paddock, hand-planting the seedlings and then harvesting them – but Eddie reckons she did the hard yards too. There were daily commutes throughout last March and April from Waitetuna – where they were wrapping up a previous contract – to get the site ready on the Okete Rd dairy farm the pair now manage. They’d negotiated the lease of an extra plot of land with farm owner Alan Hall who was “kind enough to give us a crack at developing it”, says 41-year-old Eddie.

It was quite a process: killing off the grass to get bare land, levelling it, re-fencing, trucking in 30 cube of organic compost and transferring two polytunnels or greenhouses onto the site. Then Eddie set about handplanting thousands of seedlings which had been nurtured in a smaller polytunnel adjacent to the home they moved into in May. Soul Food Farm was finally up and running. While the enterprising pair provided The Herbal Dispensary with the produce from two harvests in that first week of business, it’ll soon be more full on as they also start supplying The Shack and Wallis Bistro with “earth-to-table” salad vegetables and herbs. Last month the couple had a shipping container, outfitted with windows and doors, moved on site to use for processing. Here the harvest is washed and spun in a converted washing machine, then dried on racks with fans – which takes minutes – before being chilled and delivered ready-to-eat the next day. This quick process ensures a shelf life of up to 10 days, Eddie says. Also in the packhouse is his homebuilt germination chamber –

an old fridge with a crockpot full of water plugged in on low – where trays of Kings seeds are stacked and begin to sprout. In the warm, insulated space turnips, radishes and spring onions take roughly three days to germinate while kale and rocket, for instance, need only about two. While they’ve started small, the couple plan to invest in some machinery to make things more efficient. A quick-cut greens harvester for instance could access and bag baby leaves from a 20-metre bed in minutes, compared with the half hour-plus it takes by hand. A seeder would be a boon, says Eddie, to plant more densely and accurately. And a paper pot transplanter is next on the wishlist. But the chief financial officer says not yet, Eddie quips, looking sideways at Kylie. “Maybe next year,” she says. From the positive response they’ve had to the venture, Kylie’s convinced Raglan locals do want to buy fresh organic produce and are mindful of where it comes from. “It’s neat to be part of that (trend),” she says. Edith Symes

Growing fresh produce is a labour of love for the Robinson family.

RAGLAN Chronicle 7

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Raglan AUCTION (Unless Sold Prior), 4.00pm, Friday 8 December, 23 Bow St, Raglan VIEW 3.30-4.30pm, Sunday 19 & 26 November

Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625


Raglan $780,000 GST Inclusive VIEW By Appointment Only

Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625



"Waitui" presents a unique opportunity to secure your own private peninsular on the Raglan Harbour. This $1.9M A native Lot To Likeclad property will take Raglan absolute waterfront, GST Raglan Inclusive Private bush Beach Retreat 3207its Shwy 23 beauty. A well VIEW By Appointment Only your breath away with natural 541 Wainui Road $1.25M This well located 12ha lifestyle property oozing with appeal. The constructed home,three with two decks flow off the home set AUCTION First time on large thehome market this substantial Plus GST (if any) bedroom hasfor been built in the perfect spot. (Unless Sold 4.00pm, Friday VIEWPrior), BY APPOINTMENT on the edge of the Wainui reserve in Raglan and is truly large open plan living, withallamazing viewscreek, of the Sheltered, day sun, private native trees to the south and like nosoils other. With the use of poured concrete, timberthe road is8 December, 23 Bow St, Raglan this a sort after property. Just down harbour. Incrediblefertile views tomake enjoy. and glass feeling of aAn tropical paradise has been Te Uku andthe great coffee. easy commute to Hamilton. created. Three of the four bedroom open out to the 3 2 landscaped grounds. The2open plan living, dining and pggwre.co.nz/HAM28505 pggwre.co.nz/HAM25740 kitchen areas flow to the huge deck with views to the ocean and Mount Karioi. The surf bungalow is great for friends, family and the lucrative accommodation market. Dont miss this special piece of paradise!


Rare Opportunity In Raglan






VIEW 2.00-3.00pm, Sunday 19 & 26 November

Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625


Richard Thomson Richard Thomson B 07294 858 8625 5325 M 027

M 027 294 8625 richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz

Private Bush Retreat


151 Cogswell Road • 11.2849ha - 90% in bush with two paddocks for grazing • Three bedroom, sunny home with ensuite, two living areas and expansive decks with bush views • Large farm shed and chook house A Lot To Like • Located about half way between Hamilton and Raglan

3207 Shwy 23 pggwre.co.nz/HAM26446 This well located 12ha lifestyle property oozing with appeal. The three bedroom home has been built in the perfect spot. Sheltered, all day sun, private creek, native trees to the south and fertile soils make this a sort after property. Just down the road is Te Uku and great coffee. An easy commute to Hamilton.

$750,000 GST Inclusive

Raglan Richard Thomson

$1.25M M 027 294 8625

richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz Plus GST (if any) VIEW BY APPOINTMENT

PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under REAA 2008 3



Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625



Rural and Harbour Views Rare Opportunity In Raglan

199A Checkley Road Greenslade Road a 1.46ha section in a premier A106C rare opportunity to purchase

Build Now

151 Cogswell Road


• 11.2849ha - 90% in bush with two paddocks for grazing Raglan Watch the Sunrise


GST Inclusive • Three bedroom, sunny home with ensuite, two living areas and This unique property is nowdecks on the expansive with market! bush viewsHere awaits a rare opportunity •to own a shed piece ofchook paradise Large farm and house in sought $329,000 • Located about half way between Hamilton and Raglan GST Inclusive after Greenslade Rd.

VIEW 11.30am-12noon Sat 8 Offering AMAZINGpggwre.co.nz/HAM26446 sea views this section is now Richard Thomson 027 294 8625 SeptemberM seriously for sale. richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz There is private access to Moonlight Bay for the enjoyment of all PGG the residents, theirReal friends and Limited, licensed under REAA 2008 Wrightson Estate families. With a geotech report, services at boundary & resource consent to build a 100sqm dwelling, all the hard work has been done for you. Now you can design your dream home and create something truly spectacular, Jono Hutson Or land bank it till your ready. pggwre.co.nz/HAM28522

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Set on the highest point in Greenslade Rd this GST Inclusive location. Incredible rural and harbour views in atimeless very quiet spot AUCTION 4.00pm, Friday VIEWPrior), BY APPOINTMENT art deco style four bedroom plus officeshop home has views with Te Uku school and a great coffee approx 3km away. (Unless Sold 8 December, 23 Bow St, Raglan Waitetuna Valley Road thatpower are580C simply breathtaking! Watch theflat boats and Has to the site and an easy near building platform. VIEW 3.30-4.30pm, Sunday 19 & 26 yachtsfishing, cruise the harbour on hectare special occasions thecommute • Very desirable 1.3 rural lifestyle property Good flounder andand whitebait nearby. An easy November orca from your deck. Set on 1315m² of landscaped to Hamilton • Large 84m² constructed shed Richard Thomson grounds, fully fenced with access for trailer boat and pggwre.co.nz/HAM26504 027 294 8625 • Build dream home the areas elevated buildingMsite good parking foryou guests. The dining andon kitchen richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz • Building platform is down, 3dream. water tanks on site, septic system flow to the deck making this an entertainers Elevated• views while in being private sheltered. Thistap into short term Platform place forand a tiny house, property is truly like no other so dont miss out!






Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625


Waitetuna $450,000 GST Inclusive VIEW By Appointment Only

Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625


Jono Hutson

As Good As It Gets

2 Maungatawhiri Road

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(Unless Sold Prior), Closes 4pm, Fri 15 Dec, PGGWRE, Hamilton Raglan VIEW BY APPOINTMENT

Exceptional results in record time, professional marketing pggwre.co.nz and top notch presentation.

Apggwre.co.nz/HAM27008 rare opportunity to purchase a 1.46ha section in a premier location. Incredible rural and harbour views in a very quiet spot with Te Uku school and a great coffee shop approx 3km away. Has power to the site and an easy near flat building platform. Good fishing, flounder and whitebait nearby. An easy commute to Hamilton pggwre.co.nz/HAM26504

Richard Thomson

$450,000 M 027 294 8625

richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz GST Inclusive VIEW BY APPOINTMENT

Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625



Private Bush Retreat

Raglan Raglan

I have several buyers in the Raglan area NOW.

As Good As It Gets 2 Maungatawhiri Road • Absolute waterfront with epic views • 27ha easy rolling contour land • Two titles, close to Raglan • Quality grazing, well fenced • Either build your dream home, land bank, develop or do all three! pggwre.co.nz/HAM27008

Raglan DEADLINE PRIVATE TREATY (Unless Sold Prior), Closes 4pm, Fri 15 Dec, PGGWRE, Hamilton VIEW BY APPOINTMENT

Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625

Call me NOW to find out what I can do for YOU.



Jono Hutson Residential/Lifestyle specialist M 021 488 766 jono.hutson@pggwrightson.co.nz

PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under REAA 2008 81 Upper Wainui Road SOLD | 40ha Sanson Road SOLD | 15ha Whaanga Road SOLD | 205ha & 330ha Te Akau SOLD

8 RAGLAN Chronicle



A weekly page featuring news and results from local junior sports teams.

Cultural Night 2018


This page is made possible thanks to our sponsors:

Mechanical | WOF | Tyres PH: 07 825 0528



PH: 027 222 0156


The team at Four Square Raglan invite you to attend their Indian Cultural Night on Friday 15th June! The fun, family-friendly event will be held in the carpark from 7:30pm.

PH: 07 825 8647

PH: 0800 548 366

There will be a free Indian buffet dinner with vegetarian and non-vegetarian options, free Henna for ladies, and amazing live Indian performances! There will also be awards for best dressed in the Indian theme, with $100 Four Square vouchers up for grabs for the best-dressed male and female, and 6 months  supply of milk for the best dressed family! 

Note that there will be no parking on-site during the event, and in case of  bad weather, the event will be postponed to Saturday 16th June.

King for managing, thank you Mihi for Thanks We’ll look forward to seeing you there! to our sponsors:  referring, and thank you to all the parents. Most of the team are year 5 girls, so what an extraordinary effort! God bless these amazingTHE TEAM AT FOUR SQUARE RAGLAN little girls.  I am also sure Kala Wilson, coach of the Karioi Ferns, is very proud of her team pulling through all their injuries and managing to walk away with the win. Summer proud of our Raglan Netball Club In Bring on next season. Special invitation for our Sponsors for RAGLAN JUNIOR NETBALL 2018: RESULTS // 1 SEPTEMBER Raglan Four Square Team Score POD Raglan Lions Karioi Mystics Loss by Default Huntly PGG WRIGHTSONS Karioi Orcas Win 14-13 N/A Goldpine Gimme Shelter LTD Karioi Fernz Win17-15 Amelia Tenetti. RNCI 2018 Prize Giving: Karioi Kiwis Win 24-10 The Whole Team Where: Raglan Surf Life Saving Club Karioi Mini Fernz Loss 11-19 N/A When: September 9 2018 Karioi Rangitahi Win By Default Who: Special invitation to our above sponsors.    

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his season we were grateful enough to have two strong year 7 teams make it in to the playoffs for first and second in their pool. Karioi Kiwis Year 7 (pool 5) and Karioi

Ferns Year 7 (pool 3). Both teams took out their pools, walking away with the 2018 Year 7 pool 3-5 Cups. What an amazing effort, Karioi Kiwis, in the Year 7 Hamilton Waikato Champions for 2018. Congratulations! Thank you Rewhia


game a possibility in our community. With summer sports fast approaching and the ocean calling we have one last hurrah to send off this year. Please join us in our RJRC end of year prizegiving to celebrate a great 2018 season – September 15, Raglan Club at 2pm. We’ll reflect, acknowledge, congratulate and dream the future. I’m already looking ahead to 2019. Look forward to seeing you all there. Raglan Junior Rugby Club RAGLAN JUNIOR RUGBY RESULTS // 1 SEPTEMBER


hat a season as she all comes to the inevitable halt. Approximately 120 players strong,

the club has had some great battles with our regional opponents and achieved high honours along the way.

As club president I would like to thank the committee, volunteers, sponsors, coaches, managers, supporters, families, and most of all the players for making this wonderful



7th Grade

Loss 80-105 Whole Team / Myla Wilson

8th Grade

Win 55-15

9th Grade

Loss 20-40

10th Grade

Win 40-10

11th Grade

Win 22-10

12th Grade

Win 22-15


The Whale Tails // Jwan Milek


The Seastars are the defending champions

Monty Rowe & Baylin Bells,

Xander Browne / Louis Bidios

Zara Wilson, Tamati Gray-Lord / Zara Wilson Latrell Tipene, Layton Fitch-Waitere Luca Parrott Dustin Ferguson & Brooklyn Penehio and Alby Sharples

Rico Pirini & Travis Stoddard, Mitchell Swann / Isaac Limbert,




Tiger Sharks

Loss 0-2, Win 1-0 Whole Team

Great Whites

Loss 0-2, Loss 0-2 Ngaawai Rice Edwards

Whale Tails

Win 6-0, Win 6-0

for their age group. They didn't have their whole squad available so did really well to be runners-up and make it to the final of the U10 competition. The Whale Tales entered the competition for the first time and also came

The Sea Stars // Jwan Milek

second in the U8 competition - despite most of the team only being 7 this year. The teams played 7 x 24 minute games and parents say their "nerves were shot" by the end of the day.


Whole Team


Win 4-0, Win 2-1 Whole Team


Win 3-2, Draw 1-1 No POD


n 26th August two teams from the Raglan Football club went to Papamoa for a girls competition and did outstandingly well.


Draw 0-0, Loss 2-3 Dylan Quilter


Loss 1-3


Win 2-0

Whole Team


Loss 0-1

Whole Team


Win 7-2

Star Knuiman, Bella Wynyard


Loss 5-10

Whole Team

Thresher Sharks

Win 4-3

Whole Team


Loss 0-4

Matariki Tuwhangai Waitere


Won 3-0

Whole Team

Seahorses Barracudas

Win 1-0 Loss 2-4

Whole Team

Whole Team (+ Seastar Subs)

Tukiri Papa

RAS Anemones

Loss 0-2

Emma Higgins

RAS Senior Team


Golden Goal Unknown

RAGLAN Chronicle 9





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Classifieds New Carpark, po Games, stp Bouncy Castle, on BBQ, ed & Candy TF Popcorn, heaps N of stuff for kids. YO U R L O C A L



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WED 13 SEPT RAGLAN RAMBLERS 9am from Wainui Rd car park next to the fire station.Whatawhata AgResearch - bring lunch. FRIDAY 28 SEPT DAVE UPFOLD SHOW @ Raglan Golf Club. Comedy Stage Hypnotist. TICKETS $50 (meal incl) - call Tim 027 593 4676 or Eventfinda. Doors 5.30pm, Light meal 7pm, Show 8pm.

Services Offered W E D D I N G AND FUNERAL C E L E B R A N T Raglan, Hamilton and surrounds. Contact Robyn Riddle 0275560438

Work Wanted SEWING WORK W A N T E D A n y t h i n g considered. Please call Anita 825 7529

Public Notices

AGM - RAGLAN COMMUNITY RADIO To Let 7pm, 26th September 2018 at the Raglan WAT E R F R O N T House. All welcome. C O T T A G E 1-bedroom, french R A G L A N doors, deck, rimu V O L U N T E E R floors. $260 pw. Ideal C O A S T G U A R D for single person. A G M 2018 Ph 07 853 8738 In accordance with our Constitution, SELF-CONTAINED Notice is hereby given UNIT available from that the 2018 Annual 8th Sept. Raglan General Meeting for West, $250 pw. Raglan Volunteer Enquiries ph 825 Coastguard Inc will 0154 or 027 525 0154 be held on Tuesday 25th September Services Offered 2018 at 1900 hours at the Perry Lounge, Gallagher Coastguard Base, Raglan Wharf. • Welcome • Annual Reports • Election of Officers • General Business We warmly invite members and interested parties to attend. Brigid Green -Secretary


- Peace & tranquility - Surfing, fishing, bush walks - Cabins, powered sites, tent sites PH 07 825 6800

THURSDAY 6 SEPT @ THE YOT CLUB: Earshot with Cian DJing from 9. Vinyl only, hip hop funk soul. Free pool. Free entry, outside fire, food from Ulo’s Kitchen. FRIDAY 7 SEPT @ THE YOT CLUB: The Handsome Giants - 2 man blues juggernaut feat Shayn Wills and Freddy Limbert with support from Ashley Knox. $10

SATURDAY 8 SEPT @ THE YOT CLUB: Underground rock n roll ex DHDFDS new band Cindy plus support Bozo $10.

Public Notices

SUNDAY 9 SEPT @ THE YOT CLUB: Kara Gordon - ex Fly My Pretties guitar legend. Open Jam with one of NZ’s top musos from 7pm. Raglan

****************** Yot Club - free pickup and dropoff, text to this number: 0211034156

Situations Vacant


Tuesday 13 September


Waikato Regional Council advises that herbicide may be used on public land throughout the Waikato region from now until 30 June 2019 for the control of species listed in the Waikato Regional Pest Management Plan. The work will be carried out in accordance with the Waikato Regional Plan by biosecurity pest plant staff and/or contractors. A spray plan is available on request. Herbicides which may be used, and their HSNO classes include (but are not limited to):

Raglan Area School Position Vacant SCHOOL CLEANER

• Associate 600WDG: 6.3B, 6.4A, 9.1A, 9.2A • Conquest/Tordon Brushkiller: 3.1D, 6.1D, 6.3B, 6.4A, 6.5B, 6.9B, 9.1A, 9.2A, 9.3C

We are looking for a highly motivated, reliable, suitably experienced person to fill a position in our cleaning team. The hours will be Monday to Friday between 3pm – 5.30pm (12.58hours per week). May 2018

of Student If thisDeclaration position is for you, please apply in writing,Election (please include two recent letters of reference) to Annie Calder, Raglan Area School, P O Box 80, Raglan 3265. Applications close Friday 21 September 2018 and Subject to Votes: police vetting.

Wednesday 12 September

Notice of herbicide use

We are looking for EXPERIENCED EARLY CHILDHOOD RELIEVERS. Please send your C.V to kylie@letsgrow.net.nz Must be available to work 8am-5pm weekdays and through the school holidays. Both qualified & unqualified. Permanent residents only please.

Key Attributes: • A Raglan passion for presentation; (125) Area School • Team player; • Enviro conscious; • Self-motivating. Board of Trustees Election

Raglan Town Hall

• Garlon 360: 3.1C, 8.1A, 6.1D, 8.3A, 6.5B, 6.9B, 9.1A, 9.2A, 9.3C • Glyphosate 360/Weedmaster G360: 6.1D, 6.4A, 9.1B • Grazon: 6.1D, 6.3B, 6.4A, 6.5B, 6.9B, 9.1A, 9.2A, 9.3C • Haloxyfop 100: 6.1E, 6.4A, 6.9B, 9.1B, 9.1D • Unimaz 250SL: 6.3B, 6.4A, 9.1A, 9.2A • Vigilant II: 6.5B, 6.9B • X-Tree Wet & Dry: 6.1E, 6.4A, 6.5B, 6.9B, 9.1A, 9.2A


For more information, please call Darion Embling on 0800 800 401. VRJ Payne Chief Executive

Dingle, Ryan Public Notices Irvin, Charlie Rooney, Ngaramai THE TE WHĀNGA 2B3B2 & 2B1 Seddon, SvenTRUST AGM 2018 AHU WHENUA Invalid Votes2018.10am-12noon. Sat 8th September

6 32 www.waikatoregion.govt.nz 26 12 0


*FUNDRAISER* Raglan 4 Square 8am-4pm


Temporary Road Closures – Raglan/Te Akau

Poihākena Marae, 220 Wainui Road, Raglan.

I hereby declare Charlie Irvin duly elected:

AGM AGENDA 1. Mihimihi / Karakia / Apologies 2. Chair Report Signed 3. Special Resolution(s) 4. SGM Previous Minutes 6 Sept 2015 Karamea Puriri 5. Governance of our board of trustees 6. Independent Auditors letter Returning Officer 7. Audited Report & Financial Statements 2015 8. Audited Report & Financial Statements 2016 9. Audited Report & Financial Statements 2017 10. Election of trustees

Notice is hereby given that Waikato District Council, for the purpose of allowing Rally New Zealand to hold a motorsport event in the Raglan/Te Akau area, is scheduled to close the following roads for the period set out below. During the road closure the road sections used for rallying will be manned at intersections by clearly identifiable marshals equipped with radio communication; access will be provided in the event of an emergency. Date and times of the closures to ordinary vehicle traffic are scheduled as follows: Friday 12 October 2018 • Wainui Rd, Raglan CBD – from the intersection of Bow St to Bankart St roundabout – 3pm-8pm Saturday 13 October 2018 • Ruakiwi Rd – from intersection of Halliday Rd through to Mangiti Rd intersection – 7am-2.30pm • Mangiti Rd - through to Te Akau South Rd intersection – 7am-2.30pm • Te Akau South Rd – through to Te Akau Rd intersection – 7am-2.30pm • Te Hutewai Rd – from house 165b to intersection of Te Mata Rd – 1pm-6.30pm • Te Akau Coast Rd – from intersection of Waimai Valley Rd – 8am-3pm • Matira Rd - from intersection of Pukerewa Rd to Dixon Rd intersection – 8am-3pm • Dixon Rd – 8am-3pm

If you have any further enquiries or apologies, please send to the Secretary, via E rolandepaekau@gmail.com or M 022 06 4385 or Chair E sanzhounuku@gmail.com. Lunch provided.

• Waimaori Rd – from intersection of Te Mata Rd to Matawha Rd intersection – 1pm-7pm • Matawha Rd – to Tuturimu Rd intersection – 1.pm-7pm • Tuturimu Rd – 1pm-7pm • Ruapuke Rd – from Tutrimu Rd intersection to Whaanga Rd – 1pm-7pm • Whaanga Rd – 1pm-7pm This notice is given pursuant to the Tenth Schedule of the Local Government Act 1974.

Classifieds Advertising in the Raglan Chronicle: Ads on this page are an affordable way to get something out to the community. Min. ads start from $8. Call us on 825 7076 or email: classifieds@raglanchronicle.co.nz

G J Ion Chief Executive



0800 492 452 www.waikatodistrict.govt.nz www.facebook.com/WaikatoDistrictCouncil

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Open Home



144 Maungatawhiri Road




By Appointment ljhooker.co.nz/ 228HFG

Happy Days!

This exceptional 5 acre lifestyle property enjoys views out to Mount Karioi & the ocean on the horizon. Built in the mid2000’s the spacious home features 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, a designer kitchen with scullery & 2 living areas. Underfloor heating is supplied to all bathrooms, the kitchen & the spa pool room. The deck is absolutely made for entertaining while taking in the fantastic views. There is an internal access double garage, a workshop & another separate double garage has a self contained unit. The big views and privacy make this property seems like it’s miles away from anywhere, but it’s only 5 minutes to seaside Raglan.

Contact Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309


10b Long Street

Your Ticket to Spacious Living Deadline 26.09.18 Unless sold prior


Deadline 19.09.18 Unless sold prior Contact Chrissy Cox - 027 287 1804 Email



Sunday 1 - 1:30pm ljhooker.co.nz/ 224HFG

Don’t miss the rare opportunity to own this special home. With stunning bar and harbour views, a sunny aspect, low maintenance construction, easy care grounds and just a stroll to the cafes, shops and beach this property is a gem. Want more could you want! Perhaps spacious open plan living, 3 bedrooms and internal access garaging? Yes it has these as well. From the moment you walk into this warm and sunny home you will be impressed with the space it offers if you can take your eyes off the views. It is the perfect lock up and leave holiday home or your full time home for easy living. Don’t delay. Call Chrissy for more information.

Open Home




11 Primrose Street

1058 Old Mountain Road

Build for the View Come and check out this 631m² section located overlooking the Seabreeze Way subdivision and only a few minutes drive or 10 minutes walk from the action and cafes of Raglan township. Set elevated with services available for easy connection, this is the only section currently available in this location. The property is fenced to the boundary already and some attractive trees have been planted which are establishing well. Build your permanent or beach bach here to take in the northerly views of the harbour and the elevated position. Reasonable covenants apply to guarantee a quality neighbourhood and protect your investment.

An Exceptional Lifestyle You will love coming home to this well maintained and comfortable home. Offering a new kitchen, spacious living areas, 3 dble bdms, 2 bthrms, large rumpus room and fantastic indoor/ outdoor flow. Easy, peaceful and private living is assured from this picturesque country location with the Waitetuna Stream only metres from your back yard. The 5000m² of land is well developed and fenced into 3 paddocks + a double garage, implement shed and vege gardens. Located in popular Waitetuna Valley the local school is down the road, an easy commute to Hamilton and the Raglan beaches are just a 20 min drive away.

For Sale Contact Email View

For Sale Contact Email View

$269,000 Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 kleuthart.raglan@ljh.co.nz ljhooker.co.nz/21DHFG

Open Home


$715,000 Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 sobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz Sunday 11 - 11:45am ljhooker.co.nz/1ZYHFG



14 Puka Place

56c Bush View Drive

Build Your Dream Home Here Tired of looking for a house to suit your needs? Thinking of building to your own plans? You need to consider this large, 1085m2 site in the popular Waikowhai subdivision. Elevated and sunny with beautiful harbour views and sheltered from the prevailing wind. It is the perfect location for your dream home and has plenty of space for gardens as well. The services are at the boundary making for a stress free build. Some building covenants apply. Call Chrissy for more information. NB: Boundary lines on photos are approximate and meant merely as a guide.

What Dreams Are Made Of This gorgeous property is truly something special and is sure to take your breath away! Offering spectacular 360° views of the valley from every window. Immaculate condition this large home will accommodate the whole family with 4 bdrms, office, 2 bthrms & internal access dble garage + a separate self contained flat downstairs. The 5974m² of land has been extensively landscaped and planted, featuring vege gardens, fruit trees, chicken coop and paddocks. Perfect location for commuters being approx 20 mins to Raglan & Hamilton. Our Vendors have purchased so this incredible property must sell!

For Sale Contact Email View

For Sale Contact Email View

By Negotiation Chrissy Cox - 027 287 1804 ccox.raglan@ljh.co.nz ljhooker.co.nz/21SHFG

$849,000 Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 sobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz Sunday 12 - 12:45pm ljhooker.co.nz/1S0HFG

Robbie Regnier

Darryl Hawkins

Chrissy Cox

Matt Sweetman

Kyle Leuthart

Michelle O’Byrne

Stephen O’Byrne

Sandra Bowditch

021 952 271

027 290 6675

027 287 1804

021 624 826

021 903 309

021 969 878

021 969 848

021 751 759

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Raglan Property Manager

*NB Boundary lines on photos are approximate & merely a guide. All information contained herein is gathered from sources we deem reliable. However we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely upon their own enquiries.

LJ Hooker Raglan (07) 825 7170 • 12 RAGLAN Chronicle

25-27 Bow Street , Raglan • George Boyes & Co Limited Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008

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