Raglan Chronicle

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Community Cash

16-18 Bow Street, Raglan. Open 7am – 8pm, 7 days. Phone: 825 8300.

Nga Ripo o Whaingaroa

7th September 2017 - Issue #560

Dedicated to supporting our local community.

Owned and operated by locals


New Green candidate


Spring Flower Show


Gig Guide/What's on



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RAGLAN Chronicle 1



Turkish Kebabs On Plates - Pitas Burgers and more! 10am to 10pm 29 Bow St - 07 825 0202

Fish n’ Chips Group Bookings Inside/Outside Seating 92 Wallis St - 07 825 7544

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43 Rose St 07 825 0010

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Plastic Bag Free


our Square Raglan became an official The store with a lot more! Te Kopua Camp Store, Marine Parade, Raglan partner of Plastic Bag Free Raglan last Friday, Real Fruit Ice Cream removing single-use Burritos - Wraps plastic carry bags from Soup - Salad Volcom Lane their checkout stands. & Chilli Open from 11:30 They join over 50 local businesses wa o k u l o d gecommunity @ g m a i l .co m THE who have made the Open 7 Days commitment to stop the S E R V I N G H O N E S T, L O C A L A N D G O O D F O O D 8am - 4pm open seven days a week use of single-use plastic N O 1 9 B o w S t r e e t 07 8 2 5 0 0 2 7 bags. *Fish & Chips* *Burgers* *Weekly Specials*

“Four Square Raglan is really pleased to be part of this initiative. It’s an exciting component of what the Foodstuffs Co-operative (Four Square’s parent company) is doing as a whole to reduce our environmental footprint. As an owner-operator I’m able to

make choices in the way we deliver our services to best suit the needs of our customers, who have wholeheartedly embraced what we’re doing here. This coastal community is keen to reduce plastics and this is just one way we can make a difference.” - Satnam Bains, Owner, Four Square Raglan. It is estimated that Aotearoa NZ uses around 1.6 billion single-use plastic bags per year. The bags often end up in our rivers, lakes beaches and oceans, and are a huge hazard to marine life. Plastic Bag Free Raglan hopes to have all Whaingaroa Raglan shops plastic bag free by 2019. Find out more about Plastic Bag Free Raglan by visiting www.plasticbagfreeraglan.nz.

Dear Editor I find all this recent talk by locals about the pressure tourists create on our town over the summer months and its infrastructure interesting to say the least. It’s as if we are the first town in New Zealand to experience this. Of course we are not. There is a marvellous little mechanism in our free market economy called ‘self-regulation’. It kicks in whenever there is excess demand over supply. In other words with Raglan having become a ‘hot’ tourist destination as it appears that it has, it will result in a growing demand on our town’s goods and services including such things as sewerage, water, parking, and housing (to mention just a few topics of recent discussion) then it generally won’t take long for market dynamics to regulate how this will play out.

For example. If due to the high numbers of tourists, local businesses need to employ more people to cope with the extra demand yet there is a shortage of suitable housing for these new employees then it’s only a matter of time before an entrepreneur(s) will come up with a creative accommodation solution. As a result the market ends up self-regulating. And as far as our waste water system is concerned, experts tell me that our sewerage plant has heaps of capacity. No potential problems here. To suggest that any one group can ‘control’ economic development or the numbers of tourists coming into town or ask the council to do that is misplaced zeal in my opinion. You can’t! Fortunately in NZ anyone can do anything they want so long as they stick to the rules. Alan Vink


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3 Stewart St – 07 825 8276 or 07 825 8028

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Raglan Ink Ltd home of the Raglan Chronicle Office Open Mon - Fri 9.00am - 4.00pm, Wainui Rd, Raglan Ph: (07) 825-7076 Fax: (07) 825-7078 Post: P.O. Box 234, Raglan Email: info@raglanchronicle.co.nz Advertising & Articles The advertising and editorial content deadline will be Monday at 12pm week of issue. DISCLAIMER

Opinions and views expressed in the Raglan Chronicle do not necessarily represent those held by the Editors or Publishers. Every care will be taken in the preparation and placement of submitted material but the Editors/Publishers shall not be liable for errors or omissions or subsequent effects due to the same. It is the submitters responsibility to ensure material is not libelous or defamatory. The Editors/Publishers reserve the right to abridge, alter or decline any material submitted to the Raglan Chronicle to meet the constraints of space and/or maintain a reasonable standard of language and decorum.

2 RAGLAN Chronicle

Plastic Bag Free Raglan celebrate's Raglan Four Square's switch to compostable bags: From left: Rakaipaka Puriri, June Penn, Sonia Mariano and Karamea Puriri.



Whaingaroa-Raglan is becoming a Waikato foodie hotspot. Find hours and weekly specials below and remember to support our local eateries!

KASM chairman steps down – but Greener pastures still beckon

Phil McCabe has stepped away from KASM chairman role.


e’s feeling tired and in need of a break, but Raglan greenie Phil McCabe has a fear of missing out! So while he has recently resigned as chairman of Kiwis Against Seabed Mining, just as the community action group gears up for another big fight, he has signed up as the Green Party candidate for the Hunua electorate. “It’s FOMO,” explains Phil, who has been in the driver’s seat of KASM for five years, seeing off two applications for seabed mining. For this general election, his candidacy is not an attempt to get into Parliament, he stresses – he’s just putting his name on the ticket to support the Greens so they can get more party votes. Running for Parliament “really is a big maybe, like maybe after a three-year break”. So at the moment, he’s “not really up to it but officially I am”. Phil’s decision to resign as chairman of KASM was not an easy one to make, but “I knew I had to do it”. He had originally planned to stop in December 2015 but then Trans Tasman Resources lodged another application to mine the South Taranaki Bight and he agreed to run that process, which took about a year longer than thought. “To have done it justice, it takes a lot of time,” he says of the time consuming job of fighting for our marine environment. As a consequence, he’s been absent a lot – “absent minded and physically absent” – in his family life and the running of Solscape, the eco camp that he owns with partner Bernadette Gavin.

“Solscape has been running without my input for the past 18 months. “It’s good to have time for family and stuff.” On Thursday last week, KASM, with Greenpeace, lodged an appeal against the Environment Protection Agency’s decision to green light Trans Tasman Resource’s seabed mining proposal for the South Taranaki Bight. Phil says it feels strange not to be at the centre of what has gone on with the lodging of the appeal. While he’s been engaging a bit in the appeal process, “personally, it’s the fact I am not responsible for it, that’s the load off. It felt like a really large responsibility, and it’s good to be far from that. “It’s a bit like pulling off a band aid, but it’s getting easier.” Instead of dealing with all the media phone calls and working with lawyers on points of appeal, he’s been surfing a lot. This week he headed off to Bali for a fiveweek surf trip on his own, a holiday that was planned in January and just happened to coincide with his resignation. Phil grew up in Taupo where he was an outdoors kid who always had a concern for nature, including the health of the lake. He moved to Raglan in the 1990s and it was here that he became heavily involved in environmental issues. “It goes back to – and we never met – but Eva Rickard and that stand, that strength and knowing that things need to happen and it’s the right thing, and if you are not going to do it then who is?” With Bernadette he created Solscape as a “creative space to do positive things”, while KASM “has been the flip side – stopping bad shit” from happening.

Phil got involved with KASM in 2012 with “zero experience”, after bumping into an original member at Wainui Reserve, above the beach. “He said ‘it’s happening now, the company is coming’ … he caught me at the right time and dragged me to the meeting and I got a sense that there was a need for this.” His first action was leading a silent protest through the streets of Raglan, converging on the one-way bridge to confront a seabed-mining executive from TTR. At the time, Stephen Frew was chair, and “he needed a break like I do now”, so Phil stepped up to the helm. “I am so grateful for the opportunity to have done what I have done to have been part of that and learned so much. “I feel it is a full on tertiary education but I don’t think there is a course in that.” Phil says he’s so proud of what KASM has managed to achieve, seeing off the first two applications to mine the seabed. And it makes sense that he has aligned himself with the Green Party, as they have said they will stop seabed mining, create New Zealand’s largest mammal sanctuary to protect blue whales off the south Taranaki coast and support a moratorium on seabed mining. “They have a strong environmental base, the only party that has a focus on a healthy environment,” says Phil. Phil got in with the Greens after a trip to Parliament in June, when he appeared before the Local Government and Environment Select Committee urging a halt on seabed mining until a better understanding of the risks and impacts was known. There he met Green MP Gareth Hughes, and mentioned to him that he liked the work they did. Gareth urged him to stand for the Hunua electorate, as it did not have a Green candidate, and “I said no I’m done, I need a break!” But in the end he agreed to stand just to help with party votes. “I wont be campaigning … I will do a couple of interviews, just to try and help them get a few more party votes. “If the Greens are in government alongside Labour then we will see stronger environmental policies coming through, that will occur.” As for the future, he admits that the political scene does have a certain appeal. At the moment, he may be feeling a bit burnt out, and the frustrations that come with fighting for the marine environment must take their toll – especially when a decision-making committee tasked to favour caution gives an experimental seabed mining industry the go ahead. After a previous application, that was not much different, was turned down due to environmental concerns. So while Phil’s usual even-handed approach is to “just go into a room by yourself when you are in those moods”, for now he requires a bit more time. But in the end, he doesn’t buy into the thinking “that shit is going to get worse”. “Because it’s not a nice place to sit and how can we feel empowered to change it if we view it as an inevitability. “Those two KASM wins that we had, that just showed me 100 per cent that anything is possible. No one ever thought that we would win those cases.” Inger Vos

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10am Raglan Area School 7pm Te Uku Church Pastor Roger Peart ph 07 825 5199


RAGLAN Chronicle 3

‘Plastic graveyard’ spurs beach cleanup

Longtime farmer, agricultural judge chuffed at patron role


he Whaingaroa Environment Centre has organised another beach cleanup, prodded into action by a huge amount of plastic picked up recently by a Raglan resident below Joyce Petchell Park. Cynthia Tucker recently posted on Raglan Notice Board a photo of all the rubbish collected from “our own plastic graveyard right here in town”, along 30 metres of the estuary on Wainui Rd near the museum, opposite Te Kopua Domain. Every one is welcome to help in the spring clean on Sunday, September 10, which will cover all parts of the coast around town. People are asked to meet at Te Kopua Domain at 11am. Raglan Kayak & Paddleboard will provide free kayaks for anyone interested in paddling across the harbour to clean the beaches on the other side. Following the beach cleanup there will be a Cash for Containers event at the domain. Bring plastic, glass or aluminium bottles and containers and get 10 cents for each. This will run from between 1pm and 3pm for as long as the funds last. Cash will be given for a maximum of 200 containers per person. WEC encourages everyone to help campaign for a bottle deposit in New Zealand. To sign the national petition visit www.kiwibottledrive.nz.


Raglan Community Te Kohao Health Medical Centre hao HealthYour Medical Clinic Nau Mai Haere Mai

Raglan, Te Kohao Health our Medical Clinic

All Welcome

Poihakena Marae All Welcome 216 Wainui Rd, Raglan 218 Monday,-Wednesday, Friday Friday 9.00am - -4.30pm 08.30am 5.00pm e Free after hours telephone triage service Raglan day, Friday Phone: (07) 825 0197 Fax: (07) 825 0956 Email: admin@tekohaohealth.co.nz elephone triage service Te Kohao Health 197 Fax: (07) 825 0956 180 Dey St, Hamilton kohaohealth.co.nz Monday - Friday 8.30 - 5.00pm Saturday 8.30 - 12.00pm Free after hours telephone triage service ilton Phone: (07) 856 1211 8.30 - 5.00pm 2.00pm Dedicated in the memory of Dr Tom Ellison elephone triage service 211

u Mai Haere Mai

Left image: Johnny reminisces at his old school. Right image: Farmer Brown, decades earlier, left holding his children's lambs at Te Mata School.


hird-generation Te Mata farmer Johnny Brown has a lifetime of experience to call on in his new role as patron of Raglan Boys and Girls Agricultural Group Day – a longheld tradition bringing the district’s rural community together every October. The 68 year old remembers not only his own Calf Club or “Ag” days as a boy at Te Mata School but also those of his now grown-up children. The Brown household was regularly thrown into chaos in a bid to get all five to competition days at the same time with their pet lambs and calves in tow. Johnny’s also had more than 30 years’ experience judging the events locally and further afield. “He is a very respected member of our whole community,” says Linda Holmes, acting principal of Te Mata School which is set to host this year’s Group Day. Johnny says he’s “privileged” to follow on as patron from Kelly Gifford, who

died last year. Kelly was also a one-time judge who for decades – even into his 80s – encouraged and instructed young Calf Club participants in the proper care and preparation of their animals. “Kelly and I used to go around the three (country) schools and give the youngsters a rundown on how to present their pets,” Johnny recalls. Their visit was always about a month before Group Day – held in turn at Te Mata, Te Uku and Waitetuna Schools after each school’s individual agricultural days – when entrants had already got to know their animals, he says. “We’d just brush up on a few points.” There’s quite a procedure involved for children getting their pet lambs, kids and calves ready for competition, Johnny explains. It’s about feeding them after school, brushing them, keeping them as clean as possible, calling and leading them. But the best thing, he adds, is that children learn about commitment in a caring role. His own father gave him 30-

odd ewes to care for as an eight year old, and with the addition of a Cheviot ram the breed’s gone on to win awards elsewhere in the country. “He’s gifted with stock,” Johnny’s wife Sue confirms. “It’s a big interest for him. “And he loves wearing his (official) white coat,” she quips. Johnny says he really just likes to do his bit. “It’s a great community to work in,” he says. “And I’ve always been involved with the school … from as far back as a senior (student) chopping firewood to heat the classrooms.” A keen sportsman, Johnny also coached junior rugby in Raglan for seven years. Edith Symes ● Te Mata School hosts Group Day on Friday October 20, with the lead-up agricultural days at Te Uku and Waitetuna Schools on October 17 and at Te Mata on October 18. Any child can enter a lamb, kid or calf with the opportunity to go on and compete at the Waikato A&P Show.

Spring flower show

Dedicated in the memory of Dr Tom Ellison

Telephone: 825 0114


After hours: Anglesea Clinic Healthline

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OPENING HOURS: Mon Open 8am Close 7pm

Tues 8am 7pm

4 RAGLAN Chronicle

Wed 8am 7pm

Thurs Fri 8am 8am 7pm 5pm


very successful Spring Flower Show was held over the weekend, hosted by the Raglan Horticultural Society. “Despite a wet and windy Saturday morning, the community response was excellent,” said horticultural society

president Geoff Pownall. The show had a total of 168 entries, 102 of these adults and 66 from children. The children’s entries came from Raglan Area School and Te Mata School students. Raglan ward councillor Lisa Thomson officially opened the show. “I am blown away by the community involvement in this event,” said Lisa.

Jahmin, Piripi and Alby hitting off from the NEW Purple Tees at the Raglan Golf Club. Purple Tees are ideal for families and juniors, with tees being much closer to the green and therefore giving more fun golf and easier shots. A FREE come and try day has been set for Saturday, September 9, so get along and enjoy some family fun! Junior clubs will be available on the day.

Raglan actors make the cut


The winning team pictured with the Theatresports trophy. Back: Sasha Kirkwood and Whaea Ruth. Front from left: Mason Swann, Connor Marquand and Jack Kirkwood.

aglan Area School theatresports students have been thrown into the limelight with a win at the Waikato Secondary School Theatresports competition.

Led by teacher/coach Ruth Hare, the year 9 and 10 students – Jack and Sasha Kirkwood, Mason Swann and Connor Marquand – used all their thespian skills to come out tops over 12 other junior teams from across the Waikato.

“This is the first time Raglan has entered the competition so we are thrilled with their success,” Ruth says. “The team brought together different strengths that worked really well together.” A form of improvisational theatre where teams battle it out in a series of rounds, the competition put the four young actors through their paces with the audience and judges throwing curveballs throughout the various performances. Only introduced as a subject choice last year to Raglan Area School, drama is moving ahead in leaps and bounds, Ruth says, and this year it is offered for the first time at NCEA level. “Drama is great for building confidence and creativity, and Raglan students are awesome to work with,” she says. Raglan Area School deputy principal Bronwyn Haitana says they are incredibly lucky to have someone of Ruth’s calibre teaching drama at the school. “Ruth has been an integral part of enhancing our school culture by introducing performing arts and doing it with so much passion. She has created an epidemic which is inspiring.” As a seasoned theatre actor who moved into teaching, Ruth says it was a natural progression for her to share her acting passion with young people. Ruth recently directed the year 9, 10 and 11 drama students who performed two plays at the town hall, which were both funny and thought-provoking. And as the students grow in confidence, she is looking forward to this evening of plays becoming an annual event. She has successfully built the Raglan Theatre Academy since 2008 when it started as Dramatrix and they are currently preparing for their annual production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Janine Jackson

Raglan launch for renowned chef’s not-for-profit cookbook

One of Colin's dishes that uses hearts of palm, ota (fern shoots) and ura (river prawns).


ack in March this year the Chronicle reported on local chef Colin Chung’s cookbook launch in Fiji and, as promised, on Sunday, September 17, he will be launching the book in his home town, too.

The cookbook titled ‘Kana Vinaka’, which means ‘eat well or ‘good food’ in Fijian is a not-for-profit project that Colin has taken on to help promote the use of local produce and healthy eating for Fijians and Pacific Islanders in general. The core idea embedded in the book is to empower Fijians to use local produce, like freshly caught octopus and locally grown hearts of palm, to create contemporary island cuisine. “Some of the resorts just import bags and bags of frozen French fries. They have no place on our island menus. We have better tasting, better looking and better for you root veges like yellow cassava and orange kumala (kumara) to make your own fries.” Colin says. Colin has been visiting and consulting within the islands for over 40 years so assisting in the development of a modern style of island cooking has been a long-term project for him. Colin’s passion for this style of cuisine comes from two places – the produce and the people. “Not only is there an abundant supply of incredible produce in Fiji, there is a nation of good-hearted people

who deserve a helping hand in improving the quality of their lives,” he says. Promoting the use of local produce and healthy eating is not only about creating a better product but also about creating a sustainable local economy. Many of the large hotels and resorts in the Pacific Islands import around 80% of their ingredients from outside of the islands – including canned coconut milk. “There is an abundance of fresh coconuts on their doorstep, if hotels chose to source locally, it could make a significant difference to the local community.’ Colin says. While promoting the book in Fiji, Tonga, Samoa and Australia, Colin has come across communities of Pacific Islanders that see the application of the book’s principles to their own local produce, not only to connect back to their own culture, but also to combat negative health outcomes in their own communities. Pacific Islanders, including Maori, are often overrepresented when it comes to diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity and other NCDs and, while a complicated issue, knowledge and education around nutrition plays a role in supporting positive health outcomes. Colin is also hoping to run a short course in Raglan in the near future aimed at teaching people the basics of good cooking. Things like roasting a chicken without drying it out, creating basic salad dressings (so you don’t have to buy bottled dressings that are often overpriced and unhealthy), as well as learning how to eat local vegetables in season and in healthy, tasty and fun ways. A busy man, who still runs his own catering business, Colin’s Kitchen, as well as his Pacific Islands resort consultancy business, during the launch Colin will be preparing small tasters of some of the recipes that have been featured in the cookbook. He invites the community to join him, to hear about the making of the book, ask questions about recipes and ingredients, tasting some of the recipes and have a Kana Vinaka time. • Kana Vinaka: Contemporary Island Cuisine is currently available to purchase from Kanuka Design as well as the Herbal Dispensary. The book will also be available to buy at the launch which will be held at the Raglan Sunset Motel Conference Room from 2pm Sunday, September 17. Colin will be available to sign books, so if you have already bought one please bring it along with you. Everyone welcome.

Animal Health Column For Raglan People + their Pets

Here comes spring… And allergies. Ahh-choo!


kin is the body’s ‘barrier’ system, and takes on all the daily wear and tear from nature itself. This is also the case for our pets, as they are commonly in direct contact with nature, long grasses, and can often end up experiencing allergies, especially with the change in season.

Spring goes hand in hand with allergies such as hay fever and dry skin, and it’s easy to forget that our pets can experience these same issues. Different symptoms can be seen in pets, as allergies can affect the eyes, ears, general skin and paws. Direct contact with environmental allergens such as pollens, grass or dust mites will often happen on a daily basis and can cause relentless itchiness, most commonly affecting the face, feet, ears, chest and tummy. Environmental allergies are managed with a combination of medications, medicated washes, environmental changes, and diets that help support the skin. This will be tailored to your pet’s specific requirements. There are specific Vet only diets that can help support skin function and the natural barrier affect, by providing a patented mix of:

• B-vitamins and amino acids; supporting the skin’s barrier function • Turmeric, aloe vera, vitamin C and taurine; improve natural defences and promote healing • Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids; reduce inflammation and improve water-proofing of the skin Another issue to be aware of is the dreaded fleas! Our pets can have sensitivities to fleas, which can develop into allergies causing serious skin disease and major irritation. Flea allergies can be quite severe; even if you cannot see fleas on your pet, all it takes is one flea bite to set off a massive allergic reaction. Skin issues can vary widely; if you are concerned at all do not hesitate to book a vet consult. For further questions about fleas and how to manage them, have a chat to one of your clinic’s nurses for help. Four reasons to clip your pets nails: • Overgrown nails can grow into the pad causing severe pain and often infection • Long nails can break. This is painful and can sometimes result in a nail base infection • Long nails cause discomfort when walking and cause your dog to walk differently • Long nails destroy furniture, floors, and people! The Anexa Team

Don’t Feed Your Pet Junk Food! Not all foods are created equal so make sure your pet gets the best diet possible! As vets we cannot emphasise enough the importance of good nutrition for your pet, to ensure good health. Diets need to be tailored to the specific needs of your pet to ensure they lead a healthy life. There are many reasons why you should consider feeding your pet with pet food purchased from your vet. Advice: Your pet’s dietary needs may change as they grow and age. Your vet/ vet nurse can offer advice on the best nutrition for all life stages of your pet. Range: Vet-Only pet food offers a wide range of special diets, such as oral care, weight loss and hairball control.

Hot deal:

Tailor-made: Large-breed dogs have different nutritional needs than smaller dogs and therefore need different diet formulations. Breed specific foods are formulated to help control or prevent some of the typical health problems of each breed. Your vet also has access to prescription diets designed for specific health conditions.

September promotion:

Much less mess to clean up: Quality food is highly digestible – therefore less mess and smell when your pet goes to the toilet. Weight management: Obesity is the most common form of malnutrition in the pets of today. Feeding pets an appropriate quantity of food is very important. High quality food tends to make the animal feel full and satisfied with a smaller quantity.

$10 nail clips concession Dental health: Dental problems are the second most common health problem cards valid until June 2018; that we see in our patients. Vet-Only pet foods have special features to help keep your pet’s mouth healthy. that’s HALF Get Taste: Your pets nearly will love it! Vet-Only diets have aPRICE! high acceptance rate among pets. But for extra reassurance all our foods are 100% guaranteed. If your pet doesn’t like it we will refund the purchase price. of October in before the end The link between good nutrition and health is well proven in humans and animals, so you want feed the best food you canmost to your pets. We feeding a top totomake the ofbelieve this quality veterinary diet will result in a longer and better quality life for your pet. If you are in doubt about the quality of the diet your pet is receiving, come and see us. We can advise on the best diet for your pet’s health. special deal. Anexa, 40 Bow Street, Raglan P: 07 825 8390

RAGLAN Chronicle 5

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RAGLAN Chronicle 7

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397 Ruapuke Road

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11 East Street

44 Matakotea Road

Warm and Cosy Cedar Home This cedar-clad beach styled 2 bedroom home on a fully fenced 767m2 section is waiting for your holidays or permanent living. An open-plan living area flows out to a large entertaining deck which overlooks low maintenance gardens and a flat back lawn. Warmth and cosyness is assured with the logburner as well as a modern heatpump giving the best of both worlds.

Location and Lifestyle! Get the best of both worlds from this conveniently located lifestyle property. Just over 1 ½ acres of the flattest land in Raglan, it’s fenced into 2 grazing paddocks with space for chickens a pony or sheep. Just minutes up the road is the Te Uku store, petrol pumps, school and coffee + Raglan town and beaches are only a 15 minute drive away. Enjoy gorgeous rural views and generous decking on 2 sides offering indoor/outdoor flow.

For Sale Contact Email View


For Sale $619,000 Contact Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Email mobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz sobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz View ljhooker.co.nz/1M1HFG

$559,000 Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 kleuthart.raglan@ljh.co.nz ljhooker.co.nz/1MSHFG






77 Lorenzen Bay Road

57 Hills Road

Loving Life in Lorenzen Bay! Charming 1950’s home sits proud on a 839m² site with great Harbour views. Featuring 4 bedrooms, 2 separate bathrooms & a single garage. This sun-filled character property has a woodburner with wetback, open planned living, native flooring, wooden joinery and a covered deck to watch the Orca from! Kayak or paddleboard, join the local sailing club, or enjoy the vintage paddling pool, maybe pack a picnic and feed the ducks. This desirable property is truly a place to call home.

HUGE Views HUGE Value This generous 4 bedroom family home benefits from central heating with an underfloor gas heat pump and logburner. Outside the kids will love the large flat lawn and entertaining is complemented with an outdoor fireplace and courtyard BBQ area. Grow your own vegetables in the raised garden bed area and pick a variety of fruit from the fenced off established orchard while there is enough grazing land for a couple of stock or pets. The stand alone large shed with 3 bay garage/ workshop has plenty of room for vehicles and a good sized boat. This is a most excellent property in a seldom available and sought after location.

For Sale $725,000 Contact Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 Email sobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz mobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz View ljhooker.co.nz/1A9HFG



For Sale Contact Email View

$895,000 Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 kleuthart.raglan@ljh.co.nz ljhooker.co.nz/18YHFG





1 Lorenzen Bay Road

21 Calvert Road, Whale Bay

Impossible to Build for the Price! Be impressed when you enter through the auto gates and see this exceptional 330m2 home built in 2008 with no expense spared. The lower level has 3 bedrooms, a bathroom, an office, a laundry and internal access 3 car garage. Surround sound wiring, central vacuum system and a security alarm are other fine features. The large landscaped 1295m2 has rural views to the east, harbour views to the north and mountain views to the south.

A Surfer’s Paradise Properties with a world class surfing point break out front do not often become available. Successfully running as 5 star holiday accommodation, the property has been a popular stay for visiting pro surfers wanting to be right in the action and in the surf in minutes. Now is your opportunity to purchase this rarely available location.

For Sale Contact Email View

For Sale $1,500,000 Contact Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 Email sobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz kleuthart.raglan@ljh.co.nz By appointment only View ljhooker.co.nz/1AKHFG

$1,050,000 Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 kleuthart.raglan@ljh.co.nz ljhooker.co.nz/1MBHFG

Robbie Regnier

Chrissy Cox

Matt Sweetman

Kyle Leuthart

Michelle O’Byrne

Stephen O’Byrne

Sandra Bowditch

021 952 271

027 287 1804

021 624 826

021 903 309

021 969 878

021 969 848

021 751 759

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Raglan Property Manager

*NB Boundary lines on photos are approximate & merely a guide. All information contained herein is gathered from sources we deem reliable. However we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely upon their own enquiries.

LJ Hooker Raglan (07) 825 7170 •

25-27 Bow Street , Raglan • George Boyes & Co Limited Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008

RAGLAN Chronicle 9




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Specialising in New Builds, Maintenance and Drainlaying. Nick Heasman Phone: 021 058 2140 Email: onpointraglan@gmail.com onpointplumbing.co.nz

For advertising inquiries: Contact the 10 RAGLAN Chronicle

Raglan Chronicle raglanchronicle. on 07 825 7076 co.nz or email us at info@


MEET THE CANDIDATES SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 10TH, 2PM IN THE RAGLAN TOWN HALL Residents can meet the candidates for Taranaki-King Country electorate for the general election on 23rd Sept. Advance voting begins Mon 11th Sept. Greens Robert Moore, Nationals Barbara Kuriger and Labours Hillary Humphries will be there.

WED 13 SEPT R A G L A N R A M B L E R S 9am from Wainui Rd car park next to the fire station - Toreparu waterfall bring lunch. WED 13 SEPT ‘PUBLIC HANGING’ ART OPENING BY ROBERT CURRIE at the Raglan Library, 6:45pm. Limited edition prints of only 100 available. Email robertofraglan@ gmail.com for more details.

SUN 10 SEPT RAGLAN CREATIVE M A R K E T This Sunday 10am - 2pm at the Old School Arts Centre. raglanmarket.com.

For Sale F I R E W O O D AVAILABLE now for next winter. Pine $80, manuka $130 M3. Delivered. Phone 027 361 9022 or 027 363 6004. a ta m i ra . c o. n z

FRI 8 SEP @ YOT CLUB: Free pool, free entry, resident DJ’s.

SAT 9 SEPT @ RAGLAN CLUB: Happy Fish band, starts at 6:30pm. LHB Restaurant open SAT 9 SEPT from 5:30pm. @ YOT CLUB: Local funksters Mighty Mighty. $10.

SECURE METALLED YARD FOR LEASE 1500m2, ready now at Nau Mai Business Park. HIAB & Trailer friendly access. Other sizes available for Sale or Lease. Ph Bob Carter 021 825 869, or 07 825 8690 TASMAN LANDS Ltd


- Peace and tranquility -Surfing, fishing, bush walks - Cabins, powered sites, tent sites

Courses, classes & workshops THE RAGLAN LIGHT EXERCISE GROUP Sessions Monday and Thursday. 10am to 11am. StPeters Hall. Everybody is most welcome to attend. *Sponsored by RC

Commercial to Let

AGM RAGLAN COMMUNITY RADIO 7PM, 27th September 2017 at the Raglan House. All Welcome.

PH 07 825 6800

FREE BUDGET SERVICE AND CAREER-TREE CV WRITING SERVICE Raglan Community House @ 45 Bow St. Nau mai Haere mai. For appt. ph 07-825 8142, email: info@ theraglanhouse. co.nz. *Sponsored by RC

if you have the power to make someone happy, do it. the world needs more of that.

Change of Venue

Public Notices

Raglan Community Board

Notice is hereby given that the Raglan Community Board Meeting will now be held in the Town Hall, Bow Street, Raglan on Tuesday 12 September commencing at 2.00pm. A Public Forum will be held from 1.30pm.


- author talk by Latesha Randall.


Note: In the event that the business of any Committee is not concluded on the advertised date, the meeting may be continued on a later date scheduled by the Committee prior to adjournment.

Tues 12 Sep 7.00pm

Members of the Arts Council and Raglan Whaingaroa community are cordially invited to attend. After the meeting there will be a coffee break followed at about

This notice is given under section 46 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.

7.45pm with an author talk by Latseha Randall

G J Ion Chief Executive

Rodger Gallagher Chairperson

Situations Vacant

New Manduka Yoga Mats & Straps

CHEF POSITION AVAILABLE at The Wharf Kitchen And Bar, fulltime, evenings and weekends. Experience essential. Send CV, Cover letter and references FAO Ciara

In My Good Books Quality 2nd hand books Open Thurs - Sun from 10am 2 Wallis St Books wanted.

Services Offered NEW TO COMPUTING? C e r t i f i e d professional offers personal lessons. Jamie 0222332664.

thewharfkitchenandbar@ gmail.com.

To Let

DORM STYLE ACCOMMODATION Monday afternoon – Friday morning. Includes breakfast, evening meal, off road parking and wi-fi. Would suit professionals or contractors working in Raglan or surrounding areas. Available from 3rd Sept onwards, limited spaces. Call Amanda on 021 1874 796 to discuss or e-mail ovraglan@gmail.com.



Summer def arriving instore!




Public Notices



12th Grade Raglan 7 - Southwell 12 POD’s The Team 10th Grade Raglan 60 - Te Rapa Red 20 POD’s Seth Hill, Henry Seavill, Pipiri Kenehuru Aoturoa, Kade Fitch-Waitere & Sunny Leuthart 9th Grade Raglan 40 - Southwell 5 POD’s Jesse Cox, Charlie Brookes, Riley Hartgill 7th Grade Raglan 80 - Fraser Tech Pink 40 POD’s The Whole Team, Caleb Walker Raglan Real Estate Ltd Licenced (REAA 2008) 6th Grade Raglan 60 - Te RapaSAL Red ES45 TEAM POD’s Zac Murphy







Win 1-0

Paris Teddy

Registrations close: Fri, Sept 29, 2017

Dave Hanna 027 614 6722

Julie Hanna 027 441 8964


Win 2-0

Kaya Lawrence


Win 1-0

Zoe Middlemiss/Heiana Ralaimihoatra


Draw 3-3

Cameron Baker




Draw 3-3

The Team


Loss 1-2



Loss 2-5

Torrie Stephens / Ava Wood



Graham Rope 021 222 7427


Win 9-1

The Team


Draw 1-1

Anika Mcleod


Win 3-1

Russ Adams Jade Camenzind/Mika Kereopa


Win 13-1

The Team


Loss 1-2

The Team


Win 6-5

Jack Meek/Hunter Langlands


Draw 3-3

021 0200 7665

Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282

Call into the Chronicle office to fill out a registration form or we can email one to you



0800 492 452 www.waikatodistrict.govt.nz www.facebook.com/WaikatoDistrictCouncil

David Gray 027 224 1228

Julie Hanna Auctioneer

ph: 825 7076 T TEAM e: info@raglandirectory.co.nz w: www.raglandirectory.co.nz.

Liza Adams 021 444 317

Lynley Clarkson 027 469 5162

ph. 07 825 8669 www.rwraglan.co.nz



Do you run a local community organisation? (e.g. a not-for-profit or a group such as the Knitting Circle, Toy Library, or an after school care group?) ...We want to get to know you! Please send your organisations name, main contact details (phone, email, webpage), and a brief ‘About Us’ to info@raglanchronicle.co.nz. Thank you, RC

RAGLAN Chronicle 11

Ray White Raglan 21 Bow St, Raglan Phone: 07 825 8669 Fax: 07 825 7410

12 RAGLAN Chronicle

Website: www.rwraglan.co.nz Email: raglan.nz@raywhite.com

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