Whaingaroa news for you weekly
NYE Parade
Gig Guide/What's on
Nga Ripo o Whaingaroa
11th January 2018 - Issue #576
RAGLAN Chronicle 1
Cover New Year's Fireworks Display:
This year's New Year's fireworks display was an impressive sight. Huge thanks to sponsors that support the display. Image thanks to Ken Hansen. -
A column connecting with senior citizens in our community.
t’s certainly been a busy few days. The New Year came in with a bang, starting with the Raglan Lions Parade.
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Thank you to the Lions for work they do throughout the year at the Lions Op Shop which provides funding for such events. The weather was perfect, the floats were amazing, and there was a great crowd cheering on the side lines. The festivities continued throughout the evening with a spectacular fireworks display at midnight. This was followed next evening by a brighter than usual night sky as the first full moon of the year is called ‘Wolf Moon’ and this particular one was a ‘super moon’. The extra bright moon appears bigger because the moon is closer to the earth (the perigee). This in turn created the ‘king tides’ which caused the unusually high tides which battered our shores. Coupled with high wind and heavy rain some areas around the coast were flooded .Our thoughts go to those dealing with flood damage. Thank you to the emergency services who helped to get things
back to normal and restore power to the region. After the large influx of summer visitors and the wild weather Raglan is gradually turning back to normal. The first Crop Swap meeting of the year was held at the Bowling Club with heaps of home grown produce and several new members. The Crop swap meets twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Sunday at 9-30 at the Raglan Bowling Club The Knitters Circle continues to meet every Wednesday morning at the Orca Restaurant, while the Saturday Club meets at 9-30 every Saturday at the Raglan Community House. The Community House reopens on Monday 15th January along with the revamped Bargain Basement Opportunity Shop. The rest of the Senior Groups will begin in February. The 2018 Raglan Senior Directory is being updated so if there are any new groups or changes to existing groups please contact the Raglan House. Pauline Abrahams
This week's weather is sponsored by The Raglan Project.
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Check for latest forecasts Forecast generated on Wednesday 13 December Max Summary Wind Waves* Tides* temp
Mainly fine with possible showers
Mainly fine with possible showers
Weather Map Forecasts
(High/Low) (Rise/Set)
am pm
02:40 09:00 03:00 09:20
am am pm pm
R 05:56 am S 08:35 pm
SW 15 am SW 20 pm
03:30 09:50 03:50 10:00
am am pm pm
R 05:56 am S 08:35 pm
Possible showers and thunder storms
NE 5 am SW 20 pm
04:10 10:30 04:30 10:40
am am pm pm
R 05:56 am S 08:36 pm
Showers with possible thunder storms
SW 10 am W 25 pm
04:50 11:10 05:10 11:20
am am pm pm
R 05:57 am S 08:37 pm
Sunny with some cloud
SW 15 am SW 25 pm
05:20 11:40 05:50 11:50
am am pm pm
R 05:57 am S 08:37 pm
Raglan Ink Ltd home of the Raglan Chronicle Office Open Mon - Fri 9.00am - 4.00pm, Wainui Rd, Raglan Ph: (07) 825-7076 Fax: (07) 825-7078 Post: P.O. Box 234, Raglan
Showers with clear spells
SW 30 am SW 30 pm
L 06:00 am H 12:20 pm L 06:20 pm
R 05:58 am S 08:38 pm
Cloud with possible showers
NW 15 am NW 15 pm
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2 RAGLAN Chronicle
Raglan Weather & Tides
N 10 W 20
12:30 06:30 12:50 07:00
am am pm pm
R 05:58 am S 08:38 pm
*Total significant wave height and *Tide times for Raglan Bar
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Thousands of dune plantings intact despite weather bomb
Also at H.G Webb House, Cnr Boundary & Victoria Streets, Hamilton
Angeline - spinifex in hand - in front of the fenced-off dune planting area and cautionary placard.
aglan environmentalist and Wainamu Beach resident Angeline Greensill didn’t expect a big storm in early January – but despite it all the 6000 dune grasses planted late last year are thriving, she says. Fencing and signage erected along a one-kilometre stretch of the beach to protect the dune plantings has also been effective, she told the Chronicle. “As long as you designate an area (not to be used),
people will respect it,” she adds. Angeline expects the clumps of grassy storm debris strewn above the usual hightide mark will actually serve to trap more sand. Meanwhile the spinifex at the beach – referred to colloquially as Ocean Beach – is now dropping seeds which will be propagated in the Kokiri Centre nursery ready to add to additional plantings later this year. The work is part of an ongoing programme by volunteers from Whaingaroa
Angeline explains that the old sewage pipe is her measure of how much the beach has risen over the years.
Last week's storm caused flooding around Raglan, including on Wainui Rd near the sewage ponds, with water from the harbour spilling on to the road. Image // Ken Hansen -
Beach Care and Tainui hapu to counteract the effects of coastal erosion. Angeline – who is Tainui’s environmental advocate – explains that sand deposited at the beach by the sea, once it has dried, is blown onshore by the wind and captured by plants like spinifex and pingao. When the sand is wet again it cements itself in place. Every year Waikato Regional Council, in partnership with Waikato District Council, funds the dune plants used to restore Whaingaroa’s coastal reserves. Although “we could’ve done with double the amount of grasses” it’s still adequate, Angeline says. “We have a few spare plants (to fill in the gaps) from our own nursery.” Meantime there are a few stakes to drive back into the sand, she adds, to reconnect sections of the string fence that entangled or were pulled apart by last week’s storm. Angeline is philosophical about the cyclic nature of sand movement and knows “you can’t beat the sea”, but is convinced community efforts to protect the dunes are working. She can see progress by standing at the old Raglan sewage pipeline which juts out onto the beach below her seafront home – which itself has been threatened by the tide over the years. “The beach has risen,” she insists, showing how the pipe was once way above her head but is now eye-level. “At some point we won’t have to do this (dune planting) any more.” Her late father Tex Rickard helped during his lifetime by diligently building fascines to trap sand on the beach in front of the recently renovated Kokiri stage, where a retaining bank of tyres and plantings was also built back in 2014. The surplus tyres will soon be removed from that area, says Angeline, and people are being discouraged from walking their dogs over the now-stabilised bank by ‘private property’ signs which also ask the public to “please respect our whenua”. Edith Symes
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Raglan student’s summer camp not one for basking
Clare at home looking at photos of her last trip to Antarctica.
uddling in a tent in Antarctica as temperatures plunge to minus six overnight is a far cry from Clare Beet’s warm childhood memories of camping out every summer alongside Wainui stream down the bottom of her parents’ Raglan property.
But needs must for this 25-year-old PhD student who ultimately hopes to become a
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4 RAGLAN Chronicle
research scientist. Right now she’s on her second field trip to the world’s most southern landmass – and setting up camp in what’s also the coldest, driest, windiest and highest of the continents is just part and parcel of what’s required. “It’s definitely an experience,” Clare told the Chronicle before leaving Raglan on Tuesday for Christchurch, where she was to be kitted out at Antarctica New Zealand (Institute) for the big trip ahead. “Two pairs of long-johns, six thermals, three jackets, pants, boots, gloves, ski mask and buff for the neck,” she itemised off the top of her head. “You fly down on a Hercules, an American military plane, wearing extreme weather boots and jacket,” she explained. “The Hercules lands on retractable skis.” After a seven or eight-hour flight, the 20 to 30-odd passengers plus cargo will be deposited in Antarctica on sea ice. “It’s just white everywhere with a couple of mountains in the distance,” she added. “Awesome!” From there it’s a bus trip to Scott Base – the New Zealand Antarctic research facility “over the road” from the larger US McMurdo Station – where visiting scientists, engineers, politicians, media, photographers, builders and cleaners all congregate. “It feels like everyone’s kind of equal,” Clare insists. A huge mix of people is involved in the running of Scott Base, which can accommodate 85 guests at any one time but hosts more than 300 during the summer season. Clare will spend the first couple of days re-doing her field training out on the ice – which means learning how to build a kitchen shelter, use the gas cookers and put up the tents – before venturing further away to camp as part of a small research team in a dry desert-cum-rocky region for a few weeks, studying Antarctic Springtails. They’re terrestrial (land) invertebrates that look like ants, she says. At about oneand-a-half millimetres long, they’re the largest year-round animal in Antarctica because the penguins and seals spend a lot of time offshore. “But the springtails tough it out all year round.” Her project is part of a bigger
programme looking at the resilience of Antarctic ecosystems in the face of global warming, she adds. The springtails will be located among the rocks of the Dry Valleys region and “heated up” under plastic cloches or tents to see the genetic impact this has on their survival. Clare was on a similar mission two years ago and has a vivid memory of waking up in her shared tent to the alien landscape around her. “There was this massive glacier in front of me with no-one else around for miles. It’s a humbling experience away from everyone at the bottom of the world … you almost have to pinch yourself. “But I feel like last time I was quite overwhelmed by a lot of it and this time will appreciate it more.” Clare says she always wanted to go to Antarctica. And when working on a summer research project at Waikato University in 2015 “the opportunity fell into my lap”. That was when a supervisor asked her if she wanted to participate in the programme. “And you don’t say no to a question like that.” Just before her first field trip she also discovered that fellow Waikato University student Dean Sandwell – who also grew up in Upper Wainui Road, a few doors from Clare – was on the same excursion. “How unlikely is that!” she laughs. But that was then and this is now and so far, says Clare, “2018 is looking pretty good for me”. On her return from Antarctica in February she’ll be busy working on her PhD, then come mid year she’s off to the Canadian Arctic “to replicate the (springtails) experiment at both ends of the world”. There’ll be another trip early next year back to Antarctica, she adds. Clare says it’s hard not to be impressed by the wildlife and the pristine environment of Antarctica. “Last time one of the engineers (at Scott Base) set up a hot tub outside and we just sat there looking at all the seals.” And on a helicopter flight out to the field “past the edge of the ice shelf just beyond a small group of penguins” there were literally hundreds of orcas, she recalls. “It’s hard to comprehend.” Edith Symes
Ozone Kites and Kitesurfing: A Q&A with Morgan Coster
Animal Health Column For Raglan People + their Pets
The perils of roaming dogs
oaming dogs are a common occurrence in our little town of Raglan.
The crew from Ozone Kites and Kitesurfing.
his week the Chronicle spoke to Morgan Coster from ozone Kites and Kitesurfing about his kitesurfing addiction.
-How did you first discover Kite Surfing? I first started with buggy kiting and paragliding when I was a kid (in Belgium - where I am from). I used to see these guys kitesurfing but it was not so popular at that stage (20 years ago). One day, after a long summer in France working in holiday resort I decided to buy a kitesurf package. I bought it online from a local shop in Brussels. They can't really sell kites to people who do not ride yet as you obviously need lessons so they were a bit funny and forced me to book lessons with them. -Did it take long to get addicted? So I was addicted before I even tried haha :-D -Tell me about the reality of teaching someone to Kite Surf. What are the steps involved? You start with some safety and theory on the beach, fly a trainer kite for a bit to get the hang of it. When you are good enough to get you on a water inflatable kite with more power and start doing exercises in order to get you ready for the board. Once you are ready for the board, we teach you how to get on it. It usually takes between 6
and 10h to get some rides ;-) The key is to never give up. Everyone gets it ;-) -How would you recommend someone prepares for learning to kite in terms of attitude, strength and fitness. The good thing with kiting is that there is many different way to do it. You could just cruise around while the harness holds the power for you (freedom and relax time guaranteed), you could go for some unhooked freestyle and wake boots on (sore muscles and adrenaline guaranteed), you can take a kitesurf board with no straps and get into the waves, ... So you will pick your discipline according to your fitness level and aims and you will have fun. Kiting is for everyone ;-) Are more woman getting involved in the sport? We definitely see more women getting into the sport, even in competitions. We don't mind that :-D What kind of feedback do you get from clients who give it a go? Loads of fun. Sometimes too excited to get on the board and realise they need us for a bit longer :-D It takes what it takes but you will remember your first ride forever !
There are multiple problems with this situation, for instance; a roaming dog is more likely to chase and potentially injure stock (putting themselves in immediate danger also), they are at a much greater risk of being in a road traffic accident (putting people in danger, i.e. drivers swerving to avoid hitting the dog), plus the risk of other events such as eating poisons (rat bait, ethylene glycol), or swallowing fish hooks etc. This is not to mention those dogs who have been poorly socialized and may create issues such as dog fights or even attack people. Unfortunately these situations always end badly for the dog, however the owner is often largely at fault also. There are many reasons a dog might find him or herself out roaming the streets, and more times than not, these reasons fall back heavily on the owner. These may include; lack of adequate fencing/a secure area for the dog, lack of attention from the owner and the dog becoming bored, lack of education in the owner around neutering of dogs, resulting in wandering behaviours in
seeking other dogs etc. There are also those owners who do not see any issue with allowing their dogs to wander the streets on a daily basis, and therefore have no intention of addressing the matter. This is a big issue, and should not be taken lightly. As a vet clinic, we have many dogs handed in due to ‘roaming’, some on a regular basis. There are multiple steps that can be taken to avoid escaping dogs, such as simply ensuring as a responsible dog owner you have secure fencing. If your dog is registered with the council, microchipped and added to the NZ companion animal register, then should your dog manage to escape at any point, they can be promptly reunited with their owner and kept out of harms way. Additionally, for a very small cost, you may consider purchasing an engraved dog ID tag for your dogs’ collar containing your contact details. Lets aim for a safer community for our families and our pets. For more information, or should you have any questions regarding the issue, please do not hesitate to contact the clinic to speak to a nurse. The Anexa Team
Waikato District Council report on weather and flooding
ast week’s severe weather event saw rain and wind lash the Waikato District with a large number of trees down and power lines also down in a number of areas.
While our Emergency Operation Centre didn’t activate, Council had a number of staff managing the situation for its residents. Staff also worked with a number of contractors such as WEL Networks and neighbouring councils throughout the event. Flooding thanks to the king tides affected Raglan, in particular Lorenzen Bay and along Wainui Road and Marine Parade. For a short while on Friday, Marine Parade was under water which isolated Kopua Camp. A number of houses on Lorenzen Bay were also flooded. During the storm there were also concerns for the wastewater network in Raglan, with several pump stations under water on Friday. Due to the potential for wastewater to escape from the network under these conditions, a wastewater overflow response was followed and staff and Council contractors worked hard to ensure no overflow occurred. Over the weekend signs were put up around the Lorenzen Bay and Wainui Road pump stations advising against swimming and shellfish collection as a precaution until more detailed investigation could be done. Staff completed this investigation earlier this week and can say that both the Lorenzen and Wainui Road
pump stations were submerged for approximately 1 hour on Friday January 5 between 2pm-3pm as a result of the king tide. In anticipation of the following king tide at 2.30am on Saturday, water crews worked through the night to ensure neither pump station was re-submerged. The Lorenzen Bay pump station continued to work while under water. No wastewater was discharged from this pump station. The Wainui Road pump station was flooded with sea water and also suffered damage to the pump control system which cut power to the pumps. At the time of flooding, the pump station contained 0.9m3 of wastewater. The total volume of the pump well is 9m3. The station lost power for approximately 1 hour while full with the diluted wastewater-sea water mixture and during this time staff estimate approximately 0.5m3 discharged from the manhole before the vacuum truck arrived. Council has had advice from Waikato Public Health Service who say that only a minimal risk to public health would exist under the circumstances and that the signs can come down. Raglan Harbour remains open. Council thanks Raglan residents for their help and assistance during the storm and would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone to be prepared for an emergency. Check out for more information on how to stay safe in an emergency.
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Rare Opportunity In Raglan Private Beach Retreat
Raglan Raglan
106C Greenslade 541 Wainui RoadRoad
AUCTION Set ontime the highest point infor Greenslade Rd thishome timeless AUCTION First on the market this substantial set (Unless artondeco style four bedroom plus office home has (UnlessSold SoldPrior), Prior),4.00pm, 4.00pm,Friday Friday the edge of the Wainui reserve in Raglan andviews is truly 8 December, 23 Bow St,St,Raglan 8 December, 23 Bow Raglan that are simply breathtaking! Watch the boats and like no other. With the use of poured concrete, timber Private Beach Retreat VIEW 3.30-4.30pm, 19 & 26 Raglan Sunday yachts cruise the harbour on special occasions the VIEW 2.00-3.00pm, Sunday 19 & 26 and glass the feeling of aand tropical paradise has been November orca from your deck. Set on 1315m² of landscaped 541 Wainui Road November created. Three of the four bedroom open out to the $990,000 grounds, fenced with for andandThe open Rarely will fully you grounds. find a better located ortrailer private property. landscaped Theaccess open plan living,boat dining GST Inclusive good parking for guests. dining and kitchen areas plan living, dining and areas flow to the huge deck with kitchen areas flow tokitchen theThe huge deck with views to the flow to the deck making this an entertainers dream. views ocean and Mt Karioi. The surf bungalow guest house ocean and Mount Karioi. The surf bungalow is great for while being and sheltered. This isElevated great forviews friends, family andprivate the lucrative accommodation friends, family and the lucrative accommodation property isDont truly like no other sopiece dont miss out! market. Dont miss thisthis special piece of of paradise! market. miss special paradise!
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106C Greenslade Road Set on the highest point in Greenslade Rd this timeless art deco style four bedroom plus office home has views that are simply breathtaking! Watch the boats and Asyachts Good As It Gets cruise the harbour and on special occasions the 2 orca Maungatawhiri from your deck.Road Set on 1315m² of landscaped • Absolute views grounds,waterfront fully fencedwith withepic access for trailer boat and • 27ha rolling landdining and kitchen areas goodeasy parking forcontour guests. The • Two Raglanthis an entertainers dream. flowtitles, to theclose decktomaking • Quality grazing, well fenced Elevated views while being private and sheltered. This • Either build land bank, property is your truly dream like no home, other so dont missdevelop out! or do all three!
Raglan AUCTION (Unless Sold Prior), 4.00pm, Friday 8 December, 23 Bow St, Raglan VIEW 3.30-4.30pm, Raglan Sunday 19 & 26 November
$1.85M Plus GST (if any)
Thomson RichardRichard Thomson 294 8625 M 027 M 294027 8625
Rare Opportunity In Raglan Private Beach Retreat
Raglan Raglan
106C Greenslade 541 Wainui RoadRoad
AUCTION Set ontime the highest point infor Greenslade Rd thishome timeless AUCTION First on the market this substantial set (Unless artondeco style four bedroom plus office home has (UnlessSold SoldPrior), Prior),4.00pm, 4.00pm,Friday Friday the edge of the Wainui reserve in Raglan andviews is truly 8 8December, December,2323Bow BowSt,St,Raglan Raglan that breathtaking! theconcrete, boats and likeare no simply other. With the use ofWatch poured timber Ayachts Lotglass To the Like VIEW 3.30-4.30pm, 19 & 26 Raglan Sunday cruise harbour on special occasions the VIEW 2.00-3.00pm, Sunday 19 & 26 feeling of aand tropical paradise has been Rural and Harbour Views AandLot To the Like Raglan November Raglan orca from your onbedroom 1315m² ofopen landscaped 3207 Shwy 23deck. November created. Three of theSet four out to the 199A Checkley Road 3207 23 $1.25M grounds, fullygrounds. fenced with for trailer boat andand This well Shwy located 12ha lifestyle property oozing with appeal. The landscaped Theaccess open plan living, dining $450,000 Agood rare well opportunity to purchase aproperty 1.46ha section inareas a premier $1.25M This located 12ha lifestyle oozing appeal. The Plus GST (if any) parking for guests. The dining and three bedroom home has been built in thekitchen perfect kitchen areas flow to the huge deck with viewswith tospot. the GST location. Incredible ruralhas and harbour views inperfect a veryspot. quiet spot PlusInclusive GST (if any) three bedroom home been built in the flow to the deck making this an entertainers dream. Sheltered, all day sun, private creek, native trees to the south and ocean and Mount Karioi. The surf bungalow is great for VIEW VIEWBYBYAPPOINTMENT APPOINTMENT with Te Uku school and a great coffee shop approx 3km away. Sheltered, all day sun, private creek, native trees to the south and Elevated being private and sheltered. This fertile soilsviews makewhile this sort after property. Just down the road is friends, family and athe lucrative accommodation Has power totruly the like site and an after easy near flat building platform. fertile soils make this a sort property. Just down the road is property is no other so dont miss out! Te market. Uku andDont greatmiss coffee. easy piece commute to Hamilton. thisAn special of paradise! Good fishing, flounder andAn whitebait nearby. to AnHamilton. easy commute Te Uku and great coffee. easy commute Richard Thomson 4 2 2 3 2 2 Richard Thomson to Hamilton 4 1 2 Richard Thomson B 07 858 5325 Thomson Richard 3 2 2 Richard M 027 294Thomson 8625 MM027 8625 027294 294 8625 M 027 294 M 027 2948625 8625
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AUCTION AUCTION Rare Opportunity In Raglan Private Beach Retreat
106C Greenslade Road
AUCTION Set on the highest point in Greenslade Rd this timeless (Unless Sold Prior), 4.00pm, Friday art deco style four bedroom plus office home has views 8 December, 23 Bow St, Raglan that are simply breathtaking! Watch the boats and Rural and Harbour Views VIEW 3.30-4.30pm, Raglan Sunday 19 & 26 yachts cruise the harbour and on special occasions the Rural and Harbour Views Raglan November 199A Checkley Road orca from your deck. Set on 1315m² of landscaped Checkley Road $450,000 A199A rare opportunity to purchase a 1.46ha section in a premier grounds, fully fenced with access for trailer boat and $450,000 Agood rare opportunity to purchase a 1.46ha inareas a quiet premier GST Inclusive location. Incredible rural and harbour views in a very spot parking for guests. The dining andsection kitchen GST Inclusive location. Incredible rural and harbour views in a very quiet spot with Te Uku school and a great coffee shop approx 3km away. flow to the deck making this an entertainers dream. VIEW BY APPOINTMENT with Te Uku school aan great coffee shop approxThis 3km away. Has power to the while siteand and easy near flat building platform. Elevated views being private and sheltered. Has power to the site and an easy near flat building platform. Good fishing, flounder andother whitebait nearby. An easy commute property is truly like no so dont miss out! fishing, flounder and whitebait nearby. An easy commute toGood Hamilton Thomson 4 2 2 to Hamilton RichardRichard Thomson Richard Thomson 027 294 8625 M 027 M 294 8625 M 027 294 8625
Raglan Raglan
106C Greenslade 541 Wainui RoadRoad
AUCTION Set ontime the highest point infor Greenslade Rd thishome timeless AUCTION First on the market this substantial set (Unless artondeco style four bedroom plus office home has (UnlessSold SoldPrior), Prior),4.00pm, 4.00pm,Friday Friday the edge of the Wainui reserve in Raglan andviews is truly 8 8December, December,2323Bow BowSt,St,Raglan Raglan that breathtaking! theconcrete, boats and likeare no simply other. With the use ofWatch poured timber Ayachts Trophy Property with real 'WOW' Factor VIEW 3.30-4.30pm, 19 & 26 Raglan Sunday cruise the harbour on special occasions the VIEW 2.00-3.00pm, Sunday 19 & 26 glass the feeling of aand tropical paradise has been Rural and Harbour Views Aand Lot To Like As Good As It Gets Raglan Private Bush Retreat November Raglan Raglan Raglan • An iconic Raglan landmark close to cafes, restaurants, shopping orca from Three your deck. onbedroom 1315m² ofopen landscaped November created. of theSet four out to the 199A Checkley Road 3207 Shwy 23Road 2 Maungatawhiri Road and boat ramp 151 Cogswell PRICE BY grounds, fully fenced with for trailer andand landscaped grounds. Theaccess open plan living,boat dining $450,000 rare opportunity to purchase aviews 1.46ha section inwith a premier $1.25M PRIVATE DEADLINE well located 12ha lifestyle property oozing appeal. The Absolute waterfront with epic ••AFive high end luxury apartments, four furnished $750,000 good parking for guests. The dining and kitchen areas •This 11.2849ha - 90% into bush with two paddocks for NEGOTIATION kitchen areas flow the huge deck with views tograzing the GST Incredible ruralfrom and harbour views inperfect a very quiet spotand PlusInclusive GST(if(ifany) any) bedroom home has been built in the spot. TREATY 27ha easy rolling contour land ••location. Amazing ocean views every room GST Inclusive flow to the deck making this an entertainers dream. Plus GST •three Three bedroom, sunny home with ensuite, two living areas ocean and Mount Karioi. The surf bungalow is great for VIEW APPOINTMENT VIEWBYBY APPOINTMENT with Te Uku school and a great coffee shop approx 3km away. (Unless Sold Prior), Closes Sheltered, all day private creek, native trees to the south and Two titles, tosun, Raglan •• Currently a close lucrative live in accommodation business Elevated views while being private and sheltered. This expansive decks with bush views friends, family and the lucrative accommodation power totruly the site and an after easy near flat building platform. 4pm, Fri 15 Dec, PGGWRE, soils make this achook sort property. Just down the road is Quality grazing, well fenced ••Has Rare opportunity for the astute purchaser! property isDont like no other so dont miss out! •fertile Large farm shed and house market. miss this special piece of paradise! Hamilton fishing, flounder and whitebait nearby. An easy Uku and great coffee. An easy commute to Hamilton. •Good Either build your dream home, land bank, develop orcommute do all •TeLocated about half way between Hamilton and Raglan Richard Thomson 844 521 22 VIEW BY APPOINTMENT Richard Thomson tothree! Hamilton Richard Thomson B 07 858 5325 Richard Thomson 3 2 2 Richard Thomson Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625 MM027 294 8625 Richard Thomson 027 294 8625 MM 027 294 8625 M027 027294 2948625 8625 M 027 294 8625 PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under REAA 2008 NEW LISTING
Rare Opportunity Private Beach In Raglan Retreat
Rare Opportunity In Raglan
Raglan Raglan
106C Greenslade 541 Wainui Road Road
AUCTION Set on theFirst highest time point on theinmarket Greenslade for this Rdsubstantial this timeless home set AUCTION Prior), 4.00pm, Friday (Unless Sold (Unless Prior), Sold 4.00pm, Prior),Friday 4.00pm, Friday art deco style on the four edge bedroom of the plus Wainui office reserve home inhas Raglan views and is truly Dairy With Location And Lifestyle 23 Bow St, Raglan 8 December, 8 December, 23 Bow St,23Raglan Bow St, Raglan Waitetuna that are simply like no breathtaking! other. With the Watch use of the poured boats and concrete, timber Rural Harbour Views A Good Lotand ToBush Like As As It Gets Raglan 3.30-4.30pm, Sunday 19Sunday & 26 19 & 26 Private Raglan 0pm, Sunday 19 & 26 404 VIEW 2.00-3.00pm, andRetreat the glass harbour the Valley feeling and on ofRoad aspecial tropical occasions paradisethe has been VIEWRaglan Raglan andyachts 428 cruise Waitetuna 199A Checkley Road 3207 Shwy 23created. orca from your deck. Three Setof onthe 1315m² four bedroom of landscaped open out to the NovemberNovember
Rare Opportunity In Raglan
Maungatawhiri Road $4.89M 151 Cogswell Road •2190 hectare approx. dairy farm $450,000 AAbsolute rare well opportunity to purchase aviews 1.46ha section inboat aliving, premier $1.25M grounds, fully landscaped fenced grounds. with access Thefor open trailer plan and dining and DEADLINE PRIVATE located 12ha lifestyle property oozing appeal. The waterfront epic Plus GST (if any) $750,000 •This 11.2849ha - 90% in with bush with two paddocks forwith grazing •• Modern 34 aside dairy with 350 cow feed pad GST Inclusive good parking kitchen for areas guests. flow The todining the huge and kitchen areas views to the Incredible rural and harbour views inperfect adeck verywith quiet spot Plus GST (if any) three bedroom home has been built in the spot. TREATY ••location. 27ha easy rolling contour land GST Inclusive • Three bedroom, sunny home with two living areas and Good level of support buildings and ensuite, infrastructure VIEW APPOINTMENT flow today the ocean deck making Mount thisKarioi. annative entertainers Theapprox surf bungalow dream. is great VIEWBYBY APPOINTMENT with Te Uku school and aand great coffee shop 3km Sheltered, all sun, private creek, to the away. south andfor (Unless Sold Prior), Closes Two titles, to Raglan •• Quality fourclose bedroom 300m² brick home settrees in established expansive decks with bush views Elevated views friends, while family being and private the lucrative and sheltered. accommodation Thisroad is power to the site and an easy near flat building platform. 4pm, Fri 15 Dec, PGGWRE, fertile soils make this a sort after property. Just down the •Has Quality grazing, well fenced grounds • Large farm shed and chook house property is market. trulyand like Dont nomiss otherthis so special dont miss piece out!of commute paradise! fishing, flounder whitebait nearby. An easy Hamilton Uku and great coffee. An easy commute to Hamilton. •Good Either build your dream land bank, develop or do all •Te Located about half wayhome, between Hamilton and Raglan Thomson 4 VIEWRichard BY APPOINTMENT Richard Thomson tothree! Hamilton 42 422 12 2 Richard Thomson B 07 Thomson 858 5325 Richard 3 2 2 Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625 Richard Thomson Richard Thomson M 027 294 M 8625 027 294 8625 MM 027 294 8625 M027 027294 2948625 8625 M 027 294 8625
PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under REAA 2008 PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under REAA 2008
AUCTION Rare Opportunity In Raglan
106C Greenslade Road
AUCTION Set on the highest point in Greenslade Rd this timeless (Unless Sold Prior), 4.00pm, Friday art deco style four bedroom plus office home has views 8 December, 23 Bow St, Raglan that are simply breathtaking! Watch the boats and Rare Opportunity In Raglan VIEW 3.30-4.30pm, Raglan Sunday 19 & 26 yachts cruise the harbour and on special occasions the Rural andAs Harbour As Good It Gets Views Raglan November Raglan 106C Greenslade orca from your deck.Road Set on 1315m² of landscaped 199A Checkley Road 2 Maungatawhiri Road $1.68M Built in 2008 and set on the highest point in Greenslade Rd is this grounds, fully fenced with access for trailer boat and $450,000 rare opportunity todeco purchase afour 1.46ha inareas aoffice premier DEADLINE GST Inclusive PRIVATE •Agood Absolute waterfront withThe epicdining views stunning, timeless style bedroom plus home. parking forart guests. andsection kitchen GST Inclusive location. Incredible rural and harbour views in a very quiet spot TREATY • 27ha easy rolling contour land The views aredeck simply breathtaking! Watch the boats cruise the flow to the making this an entertainers dream. VIEW BYSold APPOINTMENT Uku school a great coffee shop approx 3kmyour away. (Unless Prior), Closes •with TwoTe titles, close toand Raglan harbour and on special occasions watch the orcas from Elevated views while being private and sheltered. This Has power to the site and an easy near flat building platform. 4pm, Fri 15 Dec, PGGWRE, • property Quality well fenced deck. This grazing, property is like no other so actmiss quickly! is truly like no other so dont out! Hamilton flounder and whitebait nearby. An easy •Good Eitherfishing, build your dream home, land bank, develop orcommute do all 44 22 22 Richard VIEW BY Thomson APPOINTMENT tothree! Hamilton Richard Thomson Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625 Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625 M 027 027 294 294 8625 8625 M
Rare Opportunity In Raglan 106C Greenslade Road Set on the highest point in Greenslade Rd this timeless art deco style four bedroom plus office home has views Largerthat Lifestyle - 15.7 hectares are simply breathtaking! Watch the boats and Rural and Harbour Views As Good As It Gets yachts cruise the harbour and on special occasions the 211 Waitetuna Valley Road 199A Checkley orca block from your deck. Set on 1315m² of landscaped 2 Maungatawhiri Road Ideal lifestyle toRoad build your dream home. Layout the grounds, fully fenced withaviews access forsection trailer boat and rare opportunity toneeds. purchase 1.46ha in a premier •AAbsolute with epic buildings towaterfront suit your Currently run as cropping land. good parkingrural for guests. The dining andinkitchen areas spot location. Incredible and harbour views a very • 27ha easy rolling contour land Beautiful Waitetuna stream on one boundary and longquiet road flow to the deck making this an entertainers dream. away. Uku school and a great shop approx frontage. Niceclose ruralto outlook fromcoffee potential build sites.3km Waitetuna •with TwoTe titles, Raglan Elevated views while being private and sheltered. This power to the well site and anapprox easy near flat building platform. is•Has aQuality popular lifestyle location 20 mins to Hamilton and 15 grazing, fenced property is truly like no other so dont miss out!
flounder and whitebait nearby. Andown easy mins tofishing, Raglan. Waitetuna Primary school is 1km the road. •Good Either build your dream home, land bank, develop orcommute do all tothree! Hamilton 4 2 2
Raglan AUCTION (Unless Sold Prior), 4.00pm, Friday 8 December, 23 Bow St, Raglan Waitetuna VIEW 3.30-4.30pm, Raglan Sunday 19 & 26 Raglan November
$800,000 $450,000 Plus GST (if any) DEADLINE PRIVATE GST Inclusive TREATY
VIEW BY APPOINTMENT (Unless Sold Prior), Closes 4pm, Fri 15 Dec, PGGWRE, Hamilton Richard VIEW BY Thomson APPOINTMENT Richard Thomson Richard Thomson MRichard 0278625 294Thomson 8625 M 027 294
M 027 027 294 294 8625 8625 M
| SOLDNEW LISTINGSOLD - 9ha Maungatawhiri Rd | SOLD- 159 Waitetuna Valley RdNEW LISTING712 Ohautira Rd | SOLD- 153B Cogswell Rd
RAGLAN Chronicle 7
Raglan Lions’ New Year’s Eve Parade heralds in 2018
he annual Raglan Lions’ New Year’s Eve parade saw 2017 out with a flotilla of spectacular floats. A larger than usual crowd were treated to 25 creative community floats piped along by the Raglan Pipe Band. Representing Community, Sustainability, Education and Safety, the floats this year surpassed the judging panel’s expectations Lions’ president Bob MacLeod says. “We had a great range of floats and you could tell a lot of people had put some hard work into their floats.” More than 50 years’ old, the parade was initially organised by the local fire brigade before the Raglan Lions took it over around 47 years ago. Organised by the Raglan Lions Club, the event is made possible with funding for prize money from the Raglan Community Board. CATEGORY PRIZE WINNERS: Community 1st Raglan Volunteer Fire Brigade, 2nd Raglan Horticultural Society, 3rd Raglan Rowing Club Sustainable 1st Steam Punk, 2nd KASM, 3rd West Coast Warriors Education & Safety 1st Junior Surf, 2nd St Johns, 3rd Surf Rescue. Judges choice award West Coast Warriors
‘No Rules Here': An exhibition of work by emerging artists
o Rules Here', an exhibition of work by emerging artists is again being held at the Raglan Town Hall in Bow St as part of the annual Raglan Arts Weekend 2018. The exhibition includes an art activities program with opportunities for patrons to try painting and drawing, Henna Tattoo and Face Painting. Freelance film-maker, Maryann Tuao, who supported some of the artists by promoting them in the first successful Emerging Artists Exhibition Jan 2017, says the title of the exhibition reflects the deviation from the standard practice of how art works are usually shown. “These artists are pushing
8 RAGLAN Chronicle
the boundaries of how art is usually presented.” This year new local artists have joined the group of about 26 emerging artists who are aged from 9 years old to art-school graduates in their early 20s. Maryann says their collection of work captures emerging trends and themes in a range of media, including photography, painting, drawing, digital work, patchwork and quilting. Selected artwork will be available for sale, with the artists’ contact details available from the curators. ‘No Rules Here is at the Raglan Town Hall in Bow St during Auckland Anniversary Weekend (January 27-29, 2018), Saturday to Monday from 10am to 3pm.
Southern Trust and Harbourview Hotel provide Old School funding
generous donation from Southern Trust for close to $10,000 will help support operational costs at the Raglan Old School Arts Centre. The trust distributes money raised through venues operating gaming machines including Harbourview Hotel where Raglan Arts Council chair Rodger Gallagher made the application.
“Community funders such as Southern Trust play an important role in keeping the Old School open,” he says. “We are grateful for their support.” Southern Trust are a new supporter of the Old School Arts Centre. They return 95% of available proceeds to the community in which they were raised.
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Open Home
New Listing
Open Home
28 James Street
A Touch of Class
For Sale $749,000 Contact Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848
Sat & Sun 3 - 3:30pm 1SXHFG
5c Waikowhai Place
Bowl Me Over!
Final Notice
Are looking for location and content ++? Across the road from the Bowling club and approx 100m from the harbour edge you’ll find getting in the water is effortless. Town, playgrounds & the wharf are all just a stroll away. The 1980’s home has been well maintained and truly enjoyed by the original owner, on the market for the first time ever. Featuring 3 bdrms & open plan living the home is surprisingly private & sun soaked. A self contained shed conversion provides an opportunity for holiday accommodation. Offering a dble garage, dble carport plus separate boat garage. Under house storage, potting shed & fully landscaped section.
Deadline 19 December (unless sold prior) Contact Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Email
Sunday 12 - 12:30pm 1SPHFG
Effortless style & quality this is a property to admire. The modern designer home offers spacious & light open plan living leading onto a covered outdoor area for al fresco dining & features 3 dble bedrooms, master with ensuite and walk in ‘robe. The 1210m2 section includes wetlands a useable lawn area, vege gardens & established plantings. This stunning home is extremely well appointed with every detail thoughtfully considered from the clever storage solutions to the raised strawberry beds, prepare to be impressed! Lorenzen Bay within easy walking distance.
New Listing
56 Bush View Drive
945 Te Papatapu Road
Sweet Serenity This gorgeous property is truly something special and is sure to take your breath away. Offering spectacular 360° views of the valley from every window. Presented in immaculate condition the home offers 4 bdrms, 2 bthrms & internal access dble gge. Downstairs is a newly built semi - s/c flat. The 5974m² of land has been lovingly developed, planted and landscaped like no other, the hard work is ALL done! The fully fenced section has something for everyone with vege gardens, fruit trees, chicken coop and goat paddock. It is impossible to describe how stunning this property really is, so come and see for yourself.
Native Bush & Harbour Views - 40 acres Located on the northern side of the Aotea Harbour, this 40 acre block has plenty of potential to develop further into your special hideaway escape. The property is comprised of mixed species native bush and approximately 10 acres of grazing land under dead-standing manuka trees which are ideal for a firewood supply and income option. A small shack sits enjoying the harbour views and a track into the valley accesses a flowing stream and several other building platforms. With no electricity for easy connection nearby, it would suit off grid power generation such as solar power. Raglan township is 27kms away or 30 minutes and Hamilton city is under an hours drive. Call Kyle or Matt for details.
For Sale Contact Email View
For Sale Contact Email View
By negotiation Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848
Open Home
By negotiation Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309
Open Home
44 Wainui Road
98g Greenslade Road
100c Greenslade Road
1 Lorenzen Bay Road
For Sale By negotiation Contact Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 Email Saturday 1 - 1:30pm View 1S4HFG
For Sale $310,000 Contact Robbie Regnier 021 952 271 Email 1QRHFG View
For Sale $699,000 Contact Chrissy Cox - 027 287 1804 Email Sunday 1 - 1:30pm View 1NJHFG
For Sale Offers over $995,000 Contact Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 Email By appointment View 1MBHFG
Prepare to be Pleasantly Surprised Completely renovated to the highest standard including dble glazing, fully insulated, new roof plus top of the range chattels. Situated on a 971m² section you enjoy massive harbour views & water access only mins away. This outstanding property is sure to surprise and delight come and view it for yourself at this weekend’s open home.
Summer @ Moonlight Bay Utilise the double garage on this 548m² section over summer. Sit back and visualise the potential of great harbour views this unique property has on offer when you are ready to build. With less than a minutes walk to Moonlight Bay the harbour is a haven for all water sports. Mild covenants apply.
Your Haven ‘The Chalet’ was built to make the most of the sun and the views with two living areas and dual decks for relaxed outdoor living and entertaining. You will love the peacefulness of the bush setting and the sheltered micro climate. Wake to birdsong, breathe in the fresh sea air and enjoy the natural tranquillity of the gentle lap of the tides.
Impossible to Build for the Price! Be impressed when you enter through the auto gates and see this exceptional 330m2 home built in 2008. Upper level - kitchen, living area & master bedroom wing. The lower level has 3 bedrooms, a bathroom, an office, a laundry and internal access 3 car garage. The large landscaped 1295m2 has beautiful rural, harbour and mountain views.
Robbie Regnier
Chrissy Cox
Matt Sweetman
Kyle Leuthart
Michelle O’Byrne
Stephen O’Byrne
Sandra Bowditch
021 952 271
027 287 1804
021 624 826
021 903 309
021 969 878
021 969 848
021 751 759
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Raglan Property Manager
*NB Boundary lines on photos are approximate & merely a guide. All information contained herein is gathered from sources we deem reliable. However we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely upon their own enquiries.
LJ Hooker Raglan (07) 825 7170 •
25-27 Bow Street , Raglan • George Boyes & Co Limited Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008
RAGLAN Chronicle 9
FLOORING ROOFING, MEMBRANE & CLADDING Your local professional Roofing Company • Commercial and residential • Re-roof and New roofs • Metal, membrane, insulated panel, exterior cladding • Fascia and spouting
07 846 7244 |
PO Box 124 RAGLAN | WWW.WTCROOFING.CO.NZ Sp e cia l isi ng i n T i m b er I nsta l lat ion , S a nd i ng & Sta i n i ng usi ng Natu ra l oi ls & Water B as e d P ro ducts
For advertising inquiries: Contact the Raglan Chronicle on 07 825 7076 or email us at
10 RAGLAN Chronicle 14 RAGLAN Chronicle
Public Notices FRI 15 DEC R A G L A N WHAINGAROA PLAYGROUP C H R I S T M A S P A R T Y Bouncy castle, face painting, raffle, morning tea and Santa! Friday 15 December, 9.30am to 12pm @ Scout Hall, Cliff St. Children aged 0 - 6 and families welcome.
SUN 17 DEC C H R I S T M A S IN THE PARK at Papahua/Te Kopua Domain. From 5pm. Free.
SAT 16 DEC C H R I S T M A S TREE SALE KASM Fundraiser. 10am - 2pm, Bow Street, Raglan.
WED 20 DEC R A G L A N R A M B L E R S 9am from Wainui Rd car park next to the fire station - Kayak & Christmas break-up.
RAGLAN ARTIST’S CASH & CARRY ART SALE 16-17 Dec 10am - 2pm 27 Government Rd
FRI 15 DEC SUN 17 DEC @ YOT CLUB: Blue @ YOT CLUB: Child Collective. Raglan Sunday Sessions with Cian, SAT 16 DEC Bevan Nichols and @ YOT CLUB: Hobo Rolex in the yard with Magic (Oz), Bloodnut, Snead place Project Illicit Wah Wahz, Wolf in the club. Free Wizard. Stoner rock, from 4.20 $10 after kyuss/Sabbath, from 7pm, Food cooking Oz and NZ’s finest. all night thanks to Duckas Tucka.
For Sale A G R I C U LT U R E TRAILER galvanised. 5 yrs old. $7000+gst. can hold 50 conventional haybales.
a ta m i ra . c o. n z Amazing Sneakers, & Desert Boots GARMENT Project + New styles Rosefield Watches MENS TCSS Cords are !!!
- Peace and tranquility -Surfing, fishing, bush walks - Cabins, powered sites, tent sites PH 07 825 6800
In My Good Books Quality 2nd hand books Open Thurs - Sun from 10am 2 Wallis St Books wanted.
Garage Sale 12 Smith Street 8-3pm. Kids toys, bedding, clothes.
Acknowledgements RAGLAN KARIOI TRAIL IS EXTREMELY GRATEFUL TO THIS YEAR’S SUPPORTERS. In particular the volunteers that play an integral part in the event’s atmosphere. You guys rock! We thank our main sponsors: Rangitahi, Trek ‘n’ Travel, Pilot Brewery, The Raglan Chronicle, Mama’s Brew shop, Ozone, Mac Pac, Ray White, Raglan Super Value, Studio 368 Screenprint, WahineMoe, Sweet As and Swell Map without which the event would not be possible, as well as Atamira, Raglan Surf Co, Roll-up, Trade Aid, Surf Emporium & Karioi Maunga for their generous contributions. Thanks also to the Swann family, Raglan Kindergarten, Chris Banks, Pete, Nathan and Kaumatua Sean Ellison. E ngā mana, e ngā tapu, he puna aroha e kore e mimiti e rite ana ki ngā tai whakarongo e ngunguru nei. Tēna koutou, tēna tātou. The Rickard whānau would like to express their sincere thanks and gratitude to everyone for the love and support extended to us at the loss of our father "Grandpā". Special thanks to Dr Ade, Dr Rasa and their team at Te Kohao Health, Catherine, Tish and Liz for their care and support during during his illness, To all those who donated kai and koha, the ringawera and the paepae at Poihakena marae thank you all for easing the burden and ensuring our manuwhiri were well cared for. There are no words that can express the gratitude that we feel. No reira ka nui te mihi, ka nui te aroha ki a koutou katoa.
Public Notices WHAINGAROA PHYSIOTHERAPY CHRISTMAS OPENING DAYS XMAS WEEK Closed 25th, 26th, & Wednesday 27th Open Thursday 28th & Friday 29th December NEW YEARS WEEK closed 1st, 2nd & Wednesday 3rd Open - Thursday 4th and Friday 5th January
Raglan Swimming Club AGM Raglan Community House 45 Bow St Dec 28th, 5pm New members welcome
AGM RAGLAN COMMUNITY HOUSE 45 Bow St Dec 28th, 5pm New members welcome.
Christmas and New Year Hours The Xmas and New Year Holidays will change the days of our kerbside foodwaste collection. To help you manage your foodwaste over the Xmas and New Year’s period, Xtreme Zero Waste is accepting foodwaste drop off at the centre on: Friday 22nd December to Friday 5th January. Please ensure your foodwaste is contained in the official XZW Compostable bags. We will provide a wheelie bin near Kaahu’s Nest for collections.
Xtreme Christmas Hours Monday 25th December - Site Closed Tuesday 26th December - Site Closed Wednesday 27th December - Open 8.30am - 4.30pm Thursday 28th December - Site Closed Friday 29th December - Open 8.30am - 4.30pm Saturday 30th December - Open 8.30am - 4.30pm Sunday 31st December - Open 8.30am - 4.30pm Monday 1st January - Site Closed Tuesday 2nd January - Site Closed Wednesday 3rd January - Open 8.30am - 4.30pm Thursday 4th January - Site Closed Friday 5th January - Open 8.30am - 4.30pm Saturday 6th January - Open 8.30am - 4.30pm Sunday 7th January - Open 8.30am - 4.30pm Kerbside Collections - Recycling, foodwaste and pre-paid bags Wednesday 27th December - Raglan West Thursday 28th December - Raglan East Wednesday 3rd January - Raglan West Thursday 4th January - Raglan East
Situations Vacant RAGLAN AREA SCHOOL SEEKING A SUPER BOARD SECRETARY Our Board of Trustees (BOT) at Raglan Area School are a very busy group of people. There is lots of planning and organisational work that go into governing our unique school and we need help with all the admin tasks that go along with the work that we do. As Board members, we are passionate about this voluntary job that we do for our school and we'd love to find a great secretary who can be passionate about the work too. This is a paid, part-time position of 20 hours per month commencing in January 2018. You'll be required to: - Accurately record minutes of all Board meetings and Extraordinary meetings. - Check inwards/outwards BOT correspondence and record details. - Manage the administration of BOT policies and procedures. - Manage the BOT calendar and send out reminders of meetings and events to all members. - Assist with any other BOT correspondence and administration tasks as required. - Be available to undertake professional development. To be successful you'll: - Be able to demonstrate your experience as an organised, proactive and enthusiastic administrator. - Be a punctual, reliable, responsible and respectful person. - Have effective verbal and written communication skills. - Be an efficient and accurate typist. - Be a confident and experienced user of digital communication tools to improve efficiency and productivity. Experience in tools such as Microsoft Office and/or the Google Suite would be an advantage. At times, you'll be trusted with very confidential information so you'll be able to uphold our Code of Conduct and confidentiality requirements. You must legally be able to work in NZ and also satisfactorily pass a Police check before employment can be confirmed. If you're interested please write a letter explaining why you think you'd be a great Board Secretary, attach your CV and email to:
RAGLAN Chronicle 11
5b Harakeke Place, Raglan
41a Norrie Avenue, Raglan
For Sale: AUCTION - 19th January 2018 Open Home Sat & Sun 1pm
WHEN NEW AND EASY IS THE ANSWER • Elevated with beautiful water, mountain and rural views. • This near new property features 3 bedrooms, master with ensuite. • Easycare 710m² section. Room for parking or potential to add a garage. • Pre Auction offers considered
Open Home: Sat 1pm Contact: Julie Hanna - 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna - 021 0200 8282
9 Calvert Road, Raglan
• • • •
Listen to the surf, walk to the waves!! Immaculately presented and maintained 3 bedroom home. Three levels, a diverse composition of sleeping options and 2 bathrooms. Large separate garage with studio above - potential to develop as a living space. • Pre Auction offers considered. Call Julie or Blair to view today!
111 Waitetuna Valley Road 3
• A well-built brick home featuring 2 double bedrooms plus office • Large double garage with internal access • Very large, well constructed shed complete with mezzanine floor Contact: • 1.1428 hectares more or less
For Sale: $700,000
17a Smith Street
Julie Hanna: 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna: 021 0200 8282
By Negotiation.
Contact: Julie Hanna - 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna - 021 0200 8282
Blair Hanna: 021 0200 8282
A CHRISTMAS CRACKER • Adorable 3 bedroom home, newly refurbished. • New modern kitchen with quality appliances • Fully fenced and landscaped. Selling subject to title. • Selling fully and exquisitely Contact: furnished. Julie Hanna:
By Negotiation.
027 441 8964 Blair Hanna: 021 0200 8282
• Build the home you have been dreaming of! • Overlooking the Raglan Harbour to the North East. • Elevated with estuary and Mt Karioi views. • Approximately 448m² - Subject to title being issued. Contact: • Schedule a viewing with Julie Hanna or Blair Hanna. Julie Hanna:
For Sale: $319,000
Open Homes: 12 RAGLAN Chronicle
Open Home: Sat 2pm
Section Lot 85, Rangitahi Peninsula
• Sitting on the dock of the bay... watching the tide roll away! • This flat, 623m² section is nestled amongst mature trees - Pohutukawa, Ponga, flaxes and a big old apple tree. • Privately located with the Kaitoke Bay esplanade adjoining the property. Contact: • Don't hesitate, phone for an Julie Hanna: appointment to view! 027 441 8964
AUCTION: 19th January 2018, 6pm - Ray White Office
17 Simon Road
• • • •
Immaculate 2 bedroom home with water views Bonus single room sleep-out Pre-Auction offers considered Just move in!
596a Wainui Road
Julie Hanna 027 441 8964
AUCTION: 19th January 2018, 6pm - Ray White Office
027 441 8964 Blair Hanna: 021 0200 8282
Saturday 13th January 12pm - 1 Lily Street 12pm - 2b Puka Place 1pm - 5b Harakeke Place 1pm - 41a Norrie Avenue 2pm - 596a Wainui Road
MAGICAL MANU BAY LOOKOUT • Luxury living with captivating and unobstructed views of the ocean and surf • Exceptional 6 bedroom multi-level living • Media Room / Audio wired throughout Contact: • Large double garage. 873m² site Julie Hanna: 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna: 021 0200 8282
By Negotiation.
2b Puka Place
• Warm and sunny, nestled in a quiet cul-de-sac amoungst quality homes • Low maintenance, beautiful gardens, and easy care living • Closed in deck allowing for outdoor entertaining all year round • Close to local pre-schools shops, public transport Contact: Open Home Sat 12pm Julie Hanna: 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna: 021 0200 8282 By Negotiation.
329 Waitetuna Valley Road 3
• Impressive rural property, stylish 3 bedroom home. • The perfect blend of modern decor and character design. • Double garage plus workshop space, single carport and a stable. • Located down the road from Waitetuna Primary School • Flat 8,244m² with a beautiful rural Contact: outlook, this is lifestyle living at its Julie Hanna: finest! 027 441 8964 April Boonen: 020 413 68006 By Negotiation.
Saturday 13th January 2pm - 18 Rose Street 2pm - 9 Calvert Road 3pm - 25b Cross Street
Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282
25b Cross Street
• Simple and tidy, this property offers easy living in a convenient location. • 2 bedrooms, combined living areas and sunny, covered deck. • Situated on an easy care, flat ½ Contact: share of 1130m². Julie Hanna:
027 441 8964 Blair Hanna: 021 0200 8282
For Sale: $455,000
49a Norrie Avenue
• Looking for an ideal section to build your dream home, then this piece of paradise is for you! • Situated on 469sqm only minutes from town and on the very popular Norrie Avenue. • Great views of the harbour and Mount Karioi with easy access to the beautiful Contact: Kaitoke walking track. • Phone Blair or Julie to view today! Julie Hanna:
027 441 8964 Blair Hanna: 021 0200 8282
For Sale: $350,000
18 Rose Street
• A gorgeous character cottage opportunity not to be missed. • Art deco style home offering 4 bedrooms plus an outside room. • Beautiful native timber flooring and water views. • Walk to the wharf - coffee, cafes, Contact: fishing almost at your doorstep! Julie Hanna: 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna: 021 0200 8282 By Negotiation.
Sunday 14th January 10am - 143a Hakanoa Street, Huntly 11am - 596a Wainui Road 12pm - 1 Lily Street 1pm - 41a Norrie Avenue 2pm - 62 Government Road