Raglan Chronicle

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Whaingaroa news for you weekly

Nga Ripo o Whaingaroa

12th April 2018 - Issue #589

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Owned and operated by locals


Raglan Naturally


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Sunday 15 April

12pm - 5b Harakeke Pl 1pm - 14 Karioi Crescent 1pm - 8a Cambrae Road 2pm - 21 Seabreeze Way

12pm - 596a Wainui Road 12pm - 512 Waitetuna Valley Rd 1pm - 846 Old Mountain Road 1pm - 32 Government Road 2pm - 14C Bankart Street 2pm - 87 Bell Road, Whatawhata

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RAGLAN Chronicle 1


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Dear Editor On Tuesday 10th This space could be yours. of April I attended the Email the Chronicle for more details. Community Board Focus info@raglanchronicle.co.nz group on the parking and traffic issues facing our community. Up for discussion Fish n’ Chips were possible solutions. Group Bookings None are set in stone and Inside/Outside Seating they are still just ideas. 92 Wallis St - 07 825 7544 wa o k u l o d geIdeas @ g m aspoken i l .co m of at this meeting were: Open for Dinner Thur, Fri & Sat • Closing the main street from 5:30pm to vehicles and making 248 Wainui Rd | 07 825 8233 our iconic main street Breakfast/Lunch 7 Days Open 7 Days a Week From 9am “pedestrian only”. • Closing the gaps in the island at Wainui and Open 7 Days From 9:30AM Mon-Fri Wi Neera Streets so and 9AM Sat and Sun traffic must circulate Waterfront dining 43 Rose St all the way down one indoor and outdoor seating 07 825 0010 side of Bow Street and up the other. • Turn some of Petchell Park into a car park. I got the sense that most of the “issues” we have are born from visitors through the peak season. This brings me to my own view on these dilemmas. Most of these visitors contribute to our local Contact: Administrator Jan Mitchell ph 825 5122 economy and to Raglan’s identity, so must be made welcome. However, I feel there is also a line that our community must identify. That is the line where we say, “As much as we love our visitors, we can fit no more. We have no more carparks. We have no more seasonal accommodation.



10am - Family Service and Children’s Ministry Thursdays 3-5pm - 7C’s Bible Club for Children Visitors Cherished

10am Raglan Area School 7pm Te Uku Church Pastor Roger Peart ph 07 825 5199

This week's weather is sponsored by The Raglan Project.

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Map Check www.weathermap.co.nz for latest forecasts Forecasts Forecast generated on Wednesday 11 April Max Summary Wind Waves* Tides* Sun temp (C) (km/hr) (m) (High/Low) (Rise/Set) L 02:00 am Cloudy SW 25 am H 08:20 am R 06:48 am with Fri 17 2.8 SW 25 pm L 02:30 pm S 05:53 pm Showers H 08:40 pm Sat

Sunny with rain


SW 15 am SW 15 pm



02:40 09:00 03:10 09:20

am am pm pm

R 06:49 am S 05:52 pm


Showers with clear spells


NE 15 N 10

am pm



03:20 09:30 03:40 10:00

am am pm pm

R 06:50 am S 05:50 pm


Sunny with rain


SW 15 am SW 20 pm



04:00 10:10 04:20 10:30

am am pm pm

R 06:51 am S 05:49 pm


Mainly fine with possible showers


W 10 W 15

am pm



04:40 10:50 05:00 11:10

am am pm pm

R 06:51 am S 05:48 pm




SW 35 am SW 35 pm



05:20 11:30 05:40 11:50

am am pm pm

R 06:52 am S 05:46 pm


Mainly fine with possible showers


SW 25 am SW 25 pm


L 06:00 am H 12:10 pm L 06:20 pm

R 06:53 am S 05:45 pm



Raglan Ink Ltd home of the Raglan Chronicle Office Open Mon - Fri 9.00am - 4.00pm, Wainui Rd, Raglan Ph: (07) 825-7076 Fax: (07) 825-7078 Post: P.O. Box 234, Raglan Email: info@raglanchronicle.co.nz Advertising & Articles The advertising and editorial content deadline will be Monday at 12pm week of issue. DISCLAIMER


Raglan Weather & Tides

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Opinions and views expressed in the Raglan Chronicle do not necessarily represent those held by the Editors or Publishers. Every care will be taken in the preparation and placement of submitted material but the Editors/Publishers shall not be liable for errors or omissions or subsequent effects due to the same. It is the submitters responsibility to ensure material is not libelous or defamatory. The Editors/Publishers reserve the right to abridge, alter or decline any material submitted to the Raglan Chronicle to meet the constraints of space and/or maintain a reasonable standard of language and decorum.

2 RAGLAN Chronicle

We are not prepared to alter the structure of our town to accommodate any more. We have to protect and preserve what makes our wee town so attractive.” If we don’t draw this line we may lose the Raglan we love, and once it’s gone…its gone. Can we make changes now? Yes we can. Before we go altering our Main Street or Petchell Park, let’s look at all the wide road verges we have. How about creating more carparks there? People are quite happy to walk from one end of “The Base” to the other when they shop in Hamilton so what’s different about walking from John Street or Lower James Street or Stewart Street? We have parking issues along the Wharf end of Wallis Street. How about removing the grass verge between the road and footpath and realigning the road to accommodate parks along one side? We need to keep things simple and quite often the answers are right in front of us when we are looking elsewhere. So, if this letter piques your interest in any way, please attend the public meetings and inform yourselves. Craig Witters



Raglan SHIFT MTB: Raglan Area School mountain bikers from left, Samson Scott, Quartez Maru-Blake, Joel Standley and Linkin Hetherington. Full story on page 5.

*Total significant wave height and *Tide times for Raglan Bar

THE RAGLAN PROJECT Supplying Raglan with everything you need for your home building project. Call us on 825 8881 or drop in to see us at 1 Wallis St. OPEN MON - SAT 8am - 5pm.

Raglan Rugby seniors rising to the challenge

MORTGAGE BROKERS Murtaghs Dermot M. Murtagh


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Email: murtaghs@xtra.co.nz

Over 30 years industry experience

The Raglan senior rugby team played a preseason game against Frankton on Saturday, winning 67-0. Image // Margaret Dillon.


recent win against Frankton on home turf has put Raglan Rugby back on the map. After two years struggle to field a senior team, Raglan Rugby is tackling this season with a full complement of players determined to continue with the wins. Assistant coach and player Jason Waitere says the team are looking forward to the season ahead and hope the community will get behind the boys as they fight their way out of second division. And the club has got big boots to fill, having won the first division two years in a row several years ago. Jason knows the players are in good hands having convinced top coach Noel Barber, who coached the seniors five years

ago, to come back into the Raglan fold. “He’s local and the boys really respect him,” Jason says. The club has always struggled with the loss of young players to Hamilton teams and the lack of opportunities locally for young players not quite in the weight range of the seniors. Jason wants to connect with grassroots rugby in the area and says providing local opportunities for young players is vital to building a strong senior team. He says the long-term goal is to get together an under-18 or under-85kg team to cater for young local players keen to carry on playing once they’ve left school. “They’re leaving school, not playing for a few years and it’s hard for them to get back into the game again.” Having coached Raglan Area School’s

first XV last year, Jason knows there is good talent coming through the ranks, including his own son, and says its just a matter of providing opportunities for the club and the schools to work together. The seniors competed in their first major competition recently, winning two games and losing one in the 10-a-side tournament in Kereone. The team hope locals will support them at the three home games they will play this season and Jason wants to talk to businesses or individuals interested in providing sponsorship – contact Jason on 027 925 2002. Janine Jackson Head to the Raglan Rugby Club grounds, corner Cross St and Park Dr for the home game against Old Boys on Saturday, April 14 at 1pm.

free service

Also at H.G Webb House, Cnr Boundary & Victoria Streets, Hamilton

WE WANT YOUR STORIES! Please contact us on 07 825 7076 or email us details: info@raglanchronicle.co.nz

A bit of paradise

Don’t miss out on stage two


RAGLAN Chronicle 3

Tarot Talk


ello from Tarot Talk - a weekly column in which I introduce a Tarot card for the week and provide a little information about it. I hope you continue to enjoy this space.

This week's card is the Ace of Pentacles - always a welcome sign in any reading. The Ace of Pentacles is a symbol of prosperity- you have or will have the resources you need to achieve your goals however you need to be focused and grounded. No head in the clouds stuff! Build solid foundations and use your common sense in your dealings and decisions. The Ace of Pentacles can be a sign that you will be able to make your dreams come true. Your ideas are ready to be turned into something concrete. There could be a new business and/ or financial deal; a new job or a promotion. In particular, property deals are favoured by this card. Make sure you do solid ground work on a new project - results won't come without the application of hard work. Enjoy what you have be grateful for the things that are in your life right now. This card can also indicate an inheritance or a windfall. More information about this card can be found on my Tarot Talk Facebook page https:// www.facebook.com/tarottalknz/ Tarot readings and tuition are available by appointment. Txt Chrissy on 027 6644261

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New rest home owner sees plenty to be positive about

New owner Maree and rest home resident Iris Taylor with new kittens Toby and Jake.-


ew owner/manager Maree Burley reckons the vital signs are good for Raglan Hospital & Rest Home despite the odd setback in recent times. “It’s got good bones,” she told the Chronicle a week into running the aged care facility that started out as the town’s maternity hospital back in the 1950s. The flow of the building, its location on Manukau Road and the sea view are also great, Maree enthuses. She’s impressed too by the “amazing” local staff who, she says, need to be kept on long-term and supplemented in key areas. Maree has taken over a facility which recently underwent a $1.4 million extension overseen by former owner John Song. But despite the positives the 55-yearold acknowledges there are certain things she wants “to get back to where they need to be”. That means an overhaul in terms of painting, plastering and cleaning – which is already under way – and also taking a close look at the “delivery” of services within the

hospital and rest home so it works well for the community. The former registered nurse – who’s managed “100-bedders” before – rattles off those services she wants to improve, from palliative and respite care to the availability of GP beds for recovery from acute illness and the supply of meals on wheels. She points out the facility caters for not only up to 36 aged care residents – including in rooms for married couples – but also under-65s who may have a permanent disability or are on ACC. “I’m extremely flexible and willing to go outside the square,” she says. So if there’s a need for a service that may not be funded, she’ll try to find a way to make it happen. Maree says to run her own rest home has been a long-held dream. “And contrary to popular opinion it’s not all about making money, it’s about making a difference to vulnerable people.” She sees the former trust hospital as a jewel in the Raglan community “but also a bit of a rough diamond that needs polishing”. Maree’s confident her nursing plus managerial experience – first with

Healthcare NZ but most recently with pharmaceutical company Pharmaco NZ – will stand her in good stead. She’s happy to commute from the family farmlet in Ohaupo for now, saying it’s “good planning and de-planning time”, and is counting on partner and New Zealand motor-racing legend Graeme Lawrence to handle any maintenance jobs required around the facility. First thing this week Maree was working with a consultant around her management of services, while expecting a chef in at some stage for kitchen consultancy involving menus and training. Computerising the medication system and care planning was also an early priority. But when the Chronicle visited she had her hands full with two new kittens from animal rescue in Hamilton which were making “a great impact” on residents. Getting a therapy dog is next on the list, she says. There are also plans for an official morning tea in a few weeks, with a blessing and a karakia. “It’s important, moving forward, to have a nice fresh page.” Edith Symes

Kite Jam soars in Raglan this weekend


undreds of competitors aged from 12 to 70 will be flying

high over Ngaranui Beach this weekend in what could be New Zealand's biggest kite event. Held annually, Kite Jam 2018 will be starting at 10am this Saturday at Riria Kereopa Memorial Drive, there is also the opportunity to test fly a trainer land kite at the event.

Funded by the Parliamentary Service and authorised by Barbara Kuriger MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington.

Registration will be running at Ozone on the day of the event from 8-9.30am.

4 RAGLAN Chronicle

Join the conversation about Whaingaroa’s future with the Raglan Naturally team


aglan Naturally coordinator Gabrielle Parson is looking for people to share their skills, passions and viewpoints about the future of Whaingaroa. “Raglan Naturally is the platform for the community to make a positive impact on the future of our region,” she says. “It’s an opportunity to influence council on what’s important to us.” Created by the community in 2001 as a shared vision of Raglan's future, the Raglan Naturally community plan was designed as a living document to guide and manage growth and development while protecting and enhancing Raglan's unique character. Keen to take a fresh look at the plan, the Raglan Community Board implemented an update last year and bought together a group of community representatives to oversee the project. The Raglan Naturally team identified four goals to review - building foundations, including Treaty of Waitangi and partnership with iwi and hapu, being future focused, improving connection between community and councils, and keeping Raglan Naturally alive and effective. “Learning about the treaty and what that looks like for our community will support the partnership with iwi and hapu, and the building of a collective community voice can be a powerful tool for change,” Gabrielle says. Waikato District Council Raglan councillor, Lisa Thomson, says the Raglan Naturally plan is her guide for representing Raglan and it is Whaingaroa’s point of difference around the council table.

“This plan is the vehicle to ensure that council aligns with what we want for our community, now and into the future. If we put the threads together of what people are saying we can find solutions as a community to some of the issues we are facing.” Raglan’s growth over the past few years, coupled with increasing visitor numbers and the strain this puts on local infrastructure, is being raised as a concern by many in the community and Raglan Naturally is a vehicle for community members to have a voice and help drive Whaingaroa’s direction, Gabrielle says. “This plan can be a framework for the community to contribute to the future of Whaingaroa.” Focus groups are currently being formed and will meet on a regular basis to create snapshots of the town as the starting point for community-wide input into the Raglan Naturally plan. Gabrielle would like to talk to people who are interested in joining on business, employment, recreation, education and transport focus groups. “The focus groups play a key role in gathering information, connecting with relevant people in the community and painting a picture of where we are at in each focus area, the strengths and assets in our community, and the potential challenges and opportunities in the future,” she says. Raglan Naturally is also looking for local sponsorship and donations to fund focus groups workshops. Janine Jackson For more information about Raglan Naturally email Gabrielle raglannaturally@ gmail.com or visit their Facebook page.

Raglan Naturally coordinator Gabrielle Parson and Waikato District Council Raglan councillor are keen for the community to have their say about Whaingaroa's future.

SHIFT, a Raglan mountainbike revolution and Lewis are hoping to keep momentum going for the rest of year, and into the future. “Biking is really good for [the] health and wellbeing of the students, they are overcoming fears, challenging themselves and building perseverance.” The school is grateful for funding from Meridian, which meant they could purchase 10 bikes for the programme and cater for students without bikes. Gareth says the school has noticed an increase in bike usage since the classes began and they are even looking into buying more bike racks to keep up with the demand. “We want to create a positive culture around biking and get even more students cycling to school.” The growing interest worldwide in both mountain and freestyle biking means more

sporting and career prospects in the future, Gareth says. “These sports used to be fringe activities but now they are legitimate sports with opportunities for competitions, sponsorship, and could lead to designing and building tracks around the world.” Gareth and Lewis are aiming to get as many students as they can to enter the NZ Dirt Jump Nationals at the end of the year. They are also keen to generate interest in after school programmes for the youth in the surrounding community. Next term RAS students who attend every session throughout the term will be in with a chance to win a BMX bike. Janine Jackson For more information contact gareth@ raglanrock.com and to book school sessions, register at school reception. $5 per class.

Raglan Area School mountain bikers from left Samson Scott, Quartez Maru-Blake, Joel Standley and Linkin Hetherington.


aglan Area School students are shifting into gear and jumping to new heights with mountain biking lessons from one of the best in New Zealand. Former RAS student, Lewis Jones, from 360 Bike Coaching and winner in NZ Dirt Jump National events is putting the freestyle riders through their paces as they learn new skills and tricks making them better riders.

Organised by Raglan Rock director Gareth Jones, the classes are held at various locations in Raglan at lunchtimes with a session on Tuesday for the juniors and the seniors on Friday. “There is the potential to make a real positive push in the emerging revolution for mountain biking and biking in Raglan,” he says. “I want to see the next generation make Raglan a more cycle friendly community.” Interest in the lessons has taken off since they were introduced last year, and Gareth

Former RAS student and mountain biking coach Lewis Jones in action.

RAGLAN Chronicle 5

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by locals 6 RAGLAN Chronicle

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Mt Karioi myrtle rust update RAGLAN DENTAL Dr. Richard Zhu BDS Otago

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Raglan Community Te Kohao Health Medical Centre Your Medical Clinic Te Kohao Health Nau Mai Haere Mai


fter myrtle rust was found on rata on Mount Karioi during seed collection by DOC staff as part of national response to myrtle rust, the decision was made just before Easter weekend, to close the tracks to the public and a media release and information to this effect went out to the i-Site. A karakia was performed on Wednesday morning before surveillance work started. Sandy Hounuku has requested a hui to converse and answer questions about operations and surveillance. Until now we have been purely

assessing the extent of the spread of myrtle rust on the mountain. Two DOC myrtle rust specialists have arrived from Taranaki to help support our team in implementing our surveillance phase, Stephanie Tong and Keegan Bruckner. Surveillance work on the Karioi track above the clearing/bush line heading towards the lookout, found ramarama growing up to 660m elevation. Everything on the seaward side from the Te Toto track to the summit appeared to be infected, up to 560m elevation. Above this altitude, the ramarama did not appear to be infected. In the MPI surveyed section, below the bushline Ramarama and certain rata species were found to be infected (Metrosideros diffusa)

Your Medical Clinic

All Welcome

Raglan, Te Kohao Health The altitude is of significance as this Poihakena Marae Haere Mai All Welcome will help us understand how highNau theMai rust 216 Wainui Rd, Raglan 218 Monday,-Wednesday, Friday Friday can survive/spreadRaglan, and where we need to 9.00am 4.30pm 08.30am 5.00pm Poihakena Marae be investigating its effects in conservation Free after hours telephone triage service 216computer Wainui Rd, Raglan lands. The current model had Monday, Wednesday, Friday Phone: (07) 825 0197 Fax: (07) 825 0956 it at 500m altitude, so these findings will Email: admin@tekohaohealth.co.nz 9.00am - 4.30pm contribute significantly to understanding Free after hours telephone triage service Te Kohao Health the reality of myrtle rust's (07) likely825 spread. Phone: 0197 Fax: (07) 825 0956 180 Dey St, Hamilton Email: On Thursday and admin@tekohaohealth.co.nz Friday 5 & 6 Monday - Friday 8.30 - 5.00pm April, DOC hadTetwo teamsHealth working in Saturday 8.30 - 12.00pm Kohao Whaingaroa. Team up the Free after hours telephone triage service 180One Dey headed St, Hamilton Phone: (07) 856 1211 Monday - Friday - 5.00pm Wairake track from Swan's farm 8.30 to the Saturday 8.30 12.00pm Mt Karioi summit (756m), and Team Two Dedicated in the memory of Dr Tom Ellison after hours Reserve telephone triage service surveyed Te TotoFree Gorge Scenic Phone: (07) 856 1211 and coastal surrounds. Neither team found Please contact us on Dr Tom Ellison any myrtle species that were infectedDedicated in in the memory of07 825 7076 or email us these areas. details: info@raglanchronicle.co.nz DOC


NauMaiHaer Meai Al Welcome RAGLAN Chronicle 7

Keeping Raglan clean and green


t’s not easy being green, but the team at Xtreme Zero Waste are always devising ways to help divert the town’s waste from the landfill. The surge in visitor numbers in the past few years has got the team coming up with solutions to the increased waste created during the holiday season. At a glance this looks like 25,000 vehicles on State Highway 23 over summer, Te Kopua Holiday Park at capacity with up to 4000 campers, Raglan Surf Life Saving head counts on the weekends of around 4000 beachgoers and cell phone stats from Waikato District Council showing a population in excess of 20,000 people. Add to this the new housing developments and the town’s infrastructure is at critical mass, Xtreme Zero Waste relationship manager and founding member Rick Thorpe says. “I’ve been here for 30 years and seen lots of changes. During winter 20 years ago, shops couldn’t even stay open. Now they’ve gone from not enough trade to too much.” Contracted to the WDC to handle the waste of all this human activity, XZW was bursting at the seams during the 2017/18 peak holiday period processing 550m3 more recyclables than in January 2017, including over 300m3 of cardboard - a commonly used measure of retail activity.

Street litter and recycle bins overflowing with the excess waste were emptied twice a day during the week and three times a day on weekends and public holidays, taking up to 11 hours a day and kerbside recyclable collections took up to 10 hours with an extra truck and staff. Struggling under the weight of a community recycling up to 80 percent of its waste, Rick is recommending to WDC the number of kerbside collections are spread over three or four days and he says this will also future proof for current and future housing developments. The increase in waste is also impacting on the drop off points at Te Mata and Te Uku and Rick says there are several solutions being considered by council, including increasing shipping containers from 20ft to 40ft and servicing them more often, and the possibility of kerbside collections in Te Mata, Te Uku and Waitetuna. Rick and the team are mindful of keeping ahead of Raglan’s growth and a lot of work is being done behind the scenes to improve recycling in the future, such as container deposit systems, which offer refunds for recycled containers and have been shown to raise rates of recycling and reduce litter. Always in the back of Rick’s mind is the circular economy model – minimising and ultimately eliminating waste and pollution, keeping products and materials in use and regenerating natural

systems. This is already in action at XZW with food waste turned into compost and metal and wood created into upcycled items, with both being sold at the resource recovery centre. With recycled plastics’ markets in China shutting their doors, Rick says they are even looking at purchasing their own plastic extrusion machinery to turn plastics into building products. But the team at XZW are not about to rest on their laurels. They are constantly evolving and coming up with solutions to the waste problems they face on a daily basis. Thwarted by bin manufacturers only interested in making a profit, XZW operations manager Cain Brodie went about designing seagull-proof bin lids and locks that would stand the test of time and marauding seagulls. It also meant they could employ the services of Raglan Engineering and found they could do it cheaper by keeping it local. “We want to get the best deal for our ratepayers and give business to locals,” Rick says. Keen to see more initiative at a national level, Rick believes central government needs to play a role in managing tourists’ contributions to keeping New Zealand green. “If I was visiting a country and had to pay a $10 tax and I was told it was for the upkeep of tracks in national parks or something else I would benefit from as a tourist, I would be happy to pay.” Janine Jackson

Xtreme Zero Waste relationship manager and founding member Rick Thorpe and operational support Niki Maniapoto check out XZW-designed bins.

Whaingaroa Environment Centre hands over the evolution of Plastic Bag Free Raglan to Xtreme Zero Waste


fter nurturing, coordinating and funding the Plastic Bag Free Raglan Project for two years, the Whaingaroa Environment Centre (WEC) is handing over the reigns to Xtreme Zero Waste, who will add Plastic Bag Free Raglan to their ongoing efforts of reducing other single-use waste throughout Whaingaroa. Plastic Bag Free Raglan (PBFR) launched in 2016 and has been driven by a steering committee made up of members from the Whaingaroa Environment Centre, Xtreme Zero Waste (XZW), the Raglan Chamber of Commerce, Para Kore and the Raglan Community Board. WEC has been the acting umbrella organisation for the project, gaining funding, hiring staff and being the physical home for PBFR as it was rolled out into the Whaingaroa community. WEC is proud to have lead this project for the benefit of the beautiful environment and the community's health and would like to acknowledge the community and businesses who have gotten behind the project. When Plastic Bag Free Raglan was first initiated, a business survey and community survey were circulated to help the steering committee gain a better understanding of the amount

8 RAGLAN Chronicle

of plastic bags that were being used. officially kicked off in July 2016. Raglan was able to distribute 2,500 It was found that 20,000 single-use Bag It Raglan became a community reusable jute bags to households plastic bags were going out the door driven initiative with Victoria, throughout the community, as a koha of Whaingaroa businesses throughout Di and local volunteers coming and encouragement for community the community each week. together to sew reusable bags that members to take a reusable bag with With this high number to were distributed free of charge for them when heading out to the shops. motivate the project, Plastic Bag Free local residents. WEC has been the In April of 2017, the PBFR Raglan set out to shift Whaingaroa home for the sewing machines and Business Accreditation Programme into a single-use plastic bag free provided admin support for the was launched, which assists community by July 2019. volunteers and a place to source the businesses in becoming single-use The steering committee bags. plastic bag free. Since the launch of appointed a small team of three Bag It Raglan went above and the programme, 84% of businesses personnel to drive the project beyond, hosting sewing sessions throughout the community have forward. This included June Penn with local schools and various become ‘PBFR Certified’, which as Project Manager, Lisa Schill community groups. Bag It Raglan means they support a single-use as Sustainability Coordinator and has successfully made and handed plastic bag free community and Karamea Puriri as no longer “As a result of the Accreditation Programme, there has Marketing Manager. p r o v i d e The three were later been a 95% reduction in the amount of single-use plastic s i n g l e bags going out into the Whaingaroa community.” joined by Valerie use plastic Bianchi who assisted carry bags. with the Business Accreditation out over 1,500 reusable shopping Certified businesses provide a Programme. bags. Although Bag It Raglan sustainable alternative such as paper This core team, along with recently ceased operating as a bags, boxes or compostable bags. WEC staff and volunteers, worked community sewing group, and the As a result of the Accreditation diligently to get Plastic Bag Free Bag It ladies are extending creatively, Programme, there has been a 95% Raglan off the ground, quickly morphing into the Raglan Upcycling reduction in the amount of singleinspiring residents and visitors to Co-op https://www.facebook.com/ use plastic bags going out into remember their reusable bags, while raglanupcyclingcoop/. the Whaingaroa community. The laying out a pathway to achieving the Working alongside Xtreme team are confident that 100% of long-term goal of becoming a single- Zero Waste and their Educational Whaingaroa businesses can be use plastic bag free community. Superheros, Matua X and Lady X, the single-use plastic bag free by July Since its inception, Plastic Bag message of Plastic Bag Free Raglan 2019. Free Raglan has hosted various has been incorporated into the Zero In line with the International community events, including Waste Education programme which Annual event, Plastic Free July, moving screenings, such as Bag is delivered to Waikato and Waipa Plastic Bag Free Raglan unveiled a It and the recently released film A District Early Childhood, Primary ‘billboard’ sign on the main street Plastic Ocean along with many pop- and High Schools. at the beginning of July 2017, as up community education events. At the end of 2016 with support a friendly reminder to shoppers Plastic Bag Free Raglan worked from Meridian Energy, Waikato to ‘remember your reusable bag’. with Victoria Beeby and Di Jennings District Council and Waikato The sign was funded by Meridian to create Bag It Raglan, which Regional Council, Plastic Bag Free Energy and showcases a beautiful

photograph of an orca in the Raglan harbour, taken by Jwan Milek. It was installed by D Signs with approval of Andreas Broring and Raglan Coconut Yoghurt. In September of 2017, the Raglan Chamber of Commerce was asked to present the Plastic Bag Free Raglan project at the 10th World Chambers Congress, held in Sydney. Karamea Puriri represented the Raglan Chamber at the Congress and presented the project during the Sustainability Plenary. The presentation was warmly received and applauded by Chamber leaders from around the world. As of March 2018, the next evolution and direction of Plastic Bag Free Raglan has been handed over to Xtreme Zero Waste, and welcomes local volunteers Amanda Moxey and Leanne Steel who will work with Xtreme to keep the project up and running and continue working with local businesses and the community to further the message of ‘single-use plastic bag free’. The steering committee would like to give a very warm thank you to June, Karamea, Lisa, Val and the Whaingaroa Environment Centre for helping this project get off the ground, as well as the many volunteers who assisted the PBFR team with many hours of diligent work to see Plastic Bag Free Raglan become a reality. If you are interested in finding out more about the project please contact the new team at plasticbagfreeraglan@gmail.com.




local health and wellbeing

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Mother’s Day Gift Ideas – From the Herbal Dispensary

Mother's Day is just around the corner.


ost importantly in life we should give the gift of presence, but sometimes it is nice to be cherished and appreciated with a simple gift. As Mother’s Day approaches, it also brings with it a time of reflection. A time

to reflect on the wonderful woman in your life, whether that be your mum, stepmum, close aunt or perhaps the mother of your children. Our thoughtful top four gift ideas:

Whaingaroa Physiotherapy welcomes a new physio to the team…

- Herbal Blended Teas – Nothing says ‘I love you’ more than a freshly brewed herbal tea on a chilly autumn morning. Especially when it is a tea that coincides with your mums needs. For example: Lemon Balm tea which aids in relaxation and digestion, Mellow Mood Tea which aids in stress relief and insomnia or simply our Love Tea which is a beautiful ‘feelgood’ tea. - Tea Pot Set – If your mum loves tea as much as we do, then maybe it’s time to upgrade her tea pot to one with a bit of colour. - Candles – A candles presence within the home is such a lovely feeling, filling the room with light and a wonderful aroma. Candles can be especially calming for those with fire star signs. - Creams – Perhaps your mum is after a skin healing cream or simply after a beautiful hand cream. We have a great range of gifts here at the Herbal Dispensary. If your mum is a little hard to buy for come in store and see our lovely team for some ideas. The Herbal Dispensary Raglan. Ph. 07 825 7444.

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RAGLAN Chronicle 9


Clockwise from left: Zoe Oliver-Dowling, Leila-Rose Skeates, Summer MaybeeWaitere, Lemaja Hassell.


xhilarating, breath taking, and stunning are just a few of the words that describe March 19 for four students, Zoe Oliver-Dowling, Summer Maybee-Waitere, Iemaja Hassell (Year 8s), and Leila-Rose Skeates (Year 10). The group, known as ‘The Barefoot Bandits’, competed in Round One of the Waikato High School Theatre Sports Competition at the Meteor Theatre in Hamilton.

The Theatre Sports team, organised by Whaea Ruth Hare, will compete in a series of heats throughout the year, playing different improvisation games, hoping to score points, which will put them at the top of the leader board. “The night is all about encouraging youth to participate in theatre sports games, trying to open a door for them,” Says Merren Cash, judge. Raglan Area School walked away with successes, winning their heat and ‘best moment of the night’. “There aren’t many places that you can see a hat screaming gibberish at a cat,” says Luke Hollows, M.C. for the event. Ella Baucke, student competitor, was amazed at the creativity and teamwork of the other teams. Merren, Luke and Ella all said that they were glad to be participating, and making the night enjoyable for the competitors, judges, and of course, the crowd. “The highlight of the night was definitely when we discovered that we had not only won our heat, but the best moment award too!” says Zoe Oliver-Dowling. The night was a huge success and the team cannot wait to do more! Iemaja Hassell

Leadership Team Announced

The leadership team from left, Joel Newport (Head Boy) and Grace Mindoro (Head Girl).


aglan Area School’s new student leadership team has been announced. This year’s student leadership team consists of Joel Newport (Head Boy), Grace Mindoro (Head Girl), Ryan Dingle (Deputy Head Boy), Ngaramai Elliott-Rooney (Deputy Head Girl), Adi-Grace Mooar (Sports Captain), Charlie Irvin (Community Consultation), Sequoia

Gavin-McCabe (Enviro), Jay Piper-Healion (Suf Academy Representative), Isabella Marseglia (Academic), and Te Kaha BroadbentKing (Cultural Ambassador). When asked about his new position, Head Boy Joel Newport said, “I feel like it’s a bit of a responsibility, but I’m happy, I’m over the moon. It's a nice feeling to know that you’re there to help people out when they need you.” These students were nominated by staff and peers based on their leadership skills and potential. After selection, they met with principal Malcolm Cox to discuss the available roles, and sign a job description and behaviour contract for leadership. The nominees participated in training events to help them realise what skills they have for various jobs in the team, for example representing sports, art or enviro. Based on their strengths, they then negotiated amongst themselves which roles they would take on. The team have already been in discussions about how they can use their roles to support R.A.S. students. “We are thinking about putting together lunchtime activities for students. There are always students who are walking around doing nothing, so we want to provide opportunities for them to form new connections and make new friends.” Isabeau Conjaerts

Student Health Team Combats Community Issues


he Raglan Area School Student Health Team is a small organisation made up of numerous kids with the aim of making a difference.

Members of the Student Health Team. Back Row: Danielle Macdonald, Ashton Bicknell, Emanual Ringia. Front Row: Ayla Standley, Jamie Witters, Kayla Stockman-Bond

This team started around Term Three in 2017, with local school counsellor, Betty Diprose, as the leader. The decision to form this club was sparked by the realisation of how much bullying, dangerous driving, drug use, and many other problems were happening all throughout New Zealand. This raised the question of how they could make a difference to these ever-growing problems. By creating a song, a short clip, PowerPoints, putting up posters, and presenting speeches, this team has already

begun to make a difference. Ayla Standley (12yrs old), a member of the Student Health Team, says that, “Being in the health team is quite fun, it's a great opportunity to meet new people and help kids who don’t know who to trust.” In the past, the health team has looked into mental health and suicide prevention. They composed a song called “Be the Ones that Care”, and recorded it onto a short film clip. At the moment, the health team is focusing on helping a national organisation called ‘Students Against Dangerous Driving’, more commonly known as ‘SADD’, by creating a PowerPoint to present to school assemblies. As you can see, the Student Health Team is well on its way to preventing some threatening problems around Whaingaroa and the wider community. Zara Beeby

Students Band Together to Protect Environment


his year, at Raglan Area School, a new Enviro-Club has started, led by Amy Haswell, one of the Year 3-4 teachers. The club is full of students bursting with ideas to improve our school environment. The Enviro-Club is made up of students in Years 2-4 who want to make a difference. The students have discussed building and planting an edible garden, picking up rubbish in the school, and de-weeding. The group also wishes to go out into the community and do things like rubbish clean-ups and fundraisers. Ten years ago, Ange Prain, the lead Enviro teacher, started a recycling and composting station for rubbish. Unfortunately, rats would get into the bins, and they would regularly

10 RAGLAN Chronicle

overflow. Recently, we have had new efficient wheelie bins installed to better manage waste and divert as much from landfill as possible. Ange has also teamed up with Maree Harris, the owner of Super Kai, the school tuck-shop, and now the Super Kai packaging goes to Xtreme Zero Waste to be composted. The Enviro-Club assists in both of these initiatives, helping to ensure that rubbish is sorted correctly and monitoring the effectiveness of the systems in place. We have had great results so far. The amount of compostable material in the landfill has been reduced, the school grounds are tidier, and rats cannot get into the bins. This is all thanks to the R.A.S. students and teachers that are committed to keeping our school tidy and clean. Sophie Patterson

Members of the Junior Enviro club in front of the upgraded recycling stations.

WAITETUNA SCHOOL NEWS Introducing the Waitetuna School Editors’ Group

Flipping and Dipping with Mark Haimona

Students taking part in water safety classes with Mark Haimona.


ntroducing the Waitetuna School student editors that have contributed to putting this issue of Waitetuna School news together. Hello I'm Georgie. I am a year 7. My favorite school subjects are sports and maths. Hi I’m Cory. I am a year 8. My favorite school subject is PE and outdoor stuff. Hi I’m Naomi Jowers. I am a year 7. My favorite school subject is art.

Hi I’m Eliza Buckton. I am a year 7. My favorite subject at school is writing. Hi I'm Katie Buckton. I am a year 7. My favorite subject at school is art. Hi I’m Jayden Meade. I’m a year 8. My favorite school subject is sport. Hi I’m Kahu Brunton. I am a year 8. My favorite school subject is sport. Hi I’m Hudson Bidois. I am a year 8. My favorite school subject is P.E


his term we have had Mark Haimona for water safety every Monday for five weeks. We learnt lots. We learnt how to go down a river safely and manage rapids. We also learnt how to use life jackets correctly and how to swim with a life jacket. We learnt how to flip a boat and swim underneath to the air pocket. After learning the survival skills, we went to the Raglan harbour. Mark told us what type of safety equipment should be in a boat.

Then he took us down to the water and we floated on the current. Once we were all warmed up we went in groups to jump in the boat and practiced capsizing in the boat. A fun thing we did was finding air bubbles under the boat. Mark has definitely helped us out and improved our awareness of water safety. We have learnt many ways and things we should do when we are in danger, out at sea, or in a river. Without Mark teaching us this we would have no idea what to do and how to stay safe in the water.

Diving Into The Deep End

A Terrific Triathlon

Swimming teacher Nelly Conway with her swimming students.


ur Waitetuna School Triathlon is about personal effort, not just about winning. Everybody gives it their ultimate best to reach their own goals. We all set goals that we try to achieve. At our school the tri in triathlon is three events, biking, running and swimming, and it’s also about trying your best! Each year we improve and reach our highest goals. We have interviewed some kids that have experienced the Triathlon. How hard did you find the triathlon on a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 means easy and


his term Waitetuna School has had an amazing experience with Nelly Conway, our swimming teacher. She has 10 means hard? helped all ages from 5 to 13 to improve Ayla answered, 3 Riley answered, 2 on our swimming skills and work on our How do you feel when you’re doing the weaknesses. We have interviewed people triathlon? from each classes and even Nelly herself:

Waitetuna School Students get ready for the cycling leg of the triathlon.

Orion said, “Good most of the time but I get a bit puffed when biking.” What is your favourite part in the Triathlon? And why? Lenox said, “Biking because its first and I get too tired from running and swimming.” Jasmine said, “Swimming because it cools me off after the biking and running.”

What made you love swimming so much? Nelly (swimming teacher): I lived in France with no sea near us. I started doing laps of the pool to release stress if I had a bad day. I'd swim laps of the pool for half an hour. Then I got lessons and improved on my swimming skills and started doing competitions from

then on. I loved it! What do you think you learnt in Nelly's swimming lessons? Leroy (from the middle room): “I think I improved in breaststroke a lot more because I didn't know how to do breaststroke”. How do you like Nelly as a swimming teacher? Naomi (senior room): “She has a gorgeous spirit and a way to make us laugh”. What was your best improvement in Nelly's swimming lessons? Bobby (senior class): “I improved my technique and skill and grew in confidence in all swimming strokes”.

RAGLAN Chronicle 11

TE UKU SCHOOL NEWS Our Principal is leaving

Te Uku Senior Syndicate Camp

Lydia Hobson getting a work out on the confidence course. Rachel Allan with student journalists Geri Sherlock, Amelia Tinetti and Riley Evans.

ey Raglan. We are Riley Evans, Amelia H Tinetti and Geri Sherlock and we are some of the new Te Uku school journalists

from Discovery 4. We have interviewed Mrs Allan about her resignation as the principal of Te Uku School, and what she has been through during her time as the principal. Q: How long have you been a principal at Te Uku? A: 11 years and 3 terms, so nearly 12 years. Q: What has been your favourite experience at Te Uku? A: Um...Working with lots of great teachers and support staff. And meeting all of the families and their children!! Q: What's the most challenging thing you have faced at TUS? A: Uh, that’s a hard one. Probably the bus service, because it meant some people couldn’t come to TUS, because they couldn’t get to school or go home. Q: Favourite thing about TUS? A: The kids and the humorous things they say. Also seeing kids loving learning. Q: What will you miss most about TUS? A: All the people associated with TUS. Q: Why are you resigning? A: I want to start working more part time hours. I have other things I want to do like catch up with friends and I'm ready for a change and a new challenge. Q: Were you ever a teacher at Te Uku School? A: Yes, I did teach once a week in Room 3 which is now Discovery 2. Q: What major changes have you made at Te Uku School? A: Around the property e.g. the new hall and technology room, the edge around the playground to keep the bark in, increased the junior discovery deck, modernized the junior discovery and some of the senior discovery, the carpark, the all new sandpit and the school curriculum. Q: Just a random question - what's your favourite flavour of ice-cream? A: cookies and cream or chocolate and fudge. Pip Mears will be the new principal of our school. She has come from Berkley Normal Middle School, Year 7 to 9. She loves Te Uku School’s philosophy of learning and wants to be part of the team. She will be a first time principal so we will all have to support her in her new role. Mrs Allan is sure that we will like her so we are looking forward to meeting her. We will all miss Mrs Allan and we encourage her to think happy thoughts about everyone and everything she’s leaving behind – except for having to fix flooding in the toilets! Riley Evans, Amelia Tinetti and Geri Sherlock

12 RAGLAN Chronicle

ear 5 to 8 students at TUS Y always look forward to camp. This year 55 students

travelled all the way to Waio-tapu Forest School Camp, about 20 minutes south of Rotorua in the Kaingaroa Forest. As Te Uku School is all about giving students a voice, here’s what some of them had to say about camp: Kiri Banks, Year 5, thought it was really fun on the Big Splash. Bella Alexander, Year 6, loved the confidence course and running across the high beams. Logan Jamieson, Year 7, enjoyed sleeping in the bivouac his group had made. He also enjoyed mountain biking because it was as challenging as doing a confidence course. Ezra Ruka, Year 7, loved mountain biking in the redwoods because he loves going fast

as. He also loved doing the challenges like going down Death Valley, and speeding over rocks and up and over bumpy roots. Alby Sharples, Year 7, was excited about the Big Splash at Rainbow Springs because he got to go down the BIG hill, and up the elevator and then dropped into the water. Crosbie Wallis, Year 7, enjoyed the Rotorua Aquatic Centre as he was able to somersault off a trampoline into the pool. Alicia, Year 7, loved the floating obstacle course at the aquatic centre because she could push people off and race to the end. Matthew Roughton, Year 8, loved the freedom of building bivouacs and adventuring in the surrounding forest. He was lost for words he enjoyed it so much. Nils Wessling, Maelan Schwarz and Marley Waihirere

Learning spaces in our flexible learning environments

Ivy Brunskill sharing her thinking at the watering hole.



For the past term the senior discovery has been learning to work in three different learning spaces: the cave, the campfire, and the watering hole. The purpose of these spaces is so children can choose how they want to work. Definitions: Campfire: A space to work with a teacher; this can be an adult or a student. You can share your thoughts and opinions with other people and are free to talk about learning with other students. Watering hole: A place to collaborate and work together with other students without the teacher, and talk about your learning. Cave: A small space to work independently and silently without distractions. We have interviewed some

children from different classes to see what they think about the new learning spaces. Grady Bruce, 11: I like how the watering hole is where I can talk and work collaboratively. Emma Roughton, 10: I like how I can work as a group at the camp fire and the cave where I can work independently and get stuff done. Lydia Hobson, age 11: I like that I have different options depending on how I feel. Hunter Langland, 10: There’s a place to be quiet, a place to work collaboratively, and one to work with a teacher. We are still getting used to these spaces but know that we will get better and better at choosing the right space to learn in. Matthew Roughton, Ezra Ruka and Logan Jamieson

Play-based learning and tinkering time

Junior students Trixie, Joey, Ana, Marvin and Pippa involved in learning through play.


he junior syndicate at Te Uku School have been, at set times, enjoying learning through what is called ‘tinkering time’. Year 1 to 4 children come together to participate in six types of play: constructive, language, exploratory, fantasy, physical and social.

Mr Johnston, a teacher in the junior syndicate, said that time is provided for tinkering because students can explore their own interests and develop positive relationships with others and their teachers. Whaea Catherine added that students like to do their own inquiries because they

can learn new things. For inquiry, they can create box structures or do other art activities. Children need to make sure they are participating in a variety of activities. Here are some examples of what the junior children enjoy about tinkering time: Year 1 and 2 students like to use their imagination and to get ideas from movies and shows that they watch at home. Lots of the juniors like the opportunity to play on the playground with toys and dress ups. Hannah, Year 1, said that she loves nature, crystals, birds and gardening. She loves to grow cabbages and is learning about paradise birds for her inquiry. Paradise birds are big, colourful birds that people try to poach and she wants to stop people from poaching them because she thinks they are pretty. Bonnie, Year 4, said that they do tinkering time twice a day; first thing in the morning and there is also time in the afternoon to finish their activities. It is very clear that the junior students enjoy tinkering time. Luckily, it’s carrying on next term. Zoe Middlemiss, Iyla Scott and Nellie-May Shea

T E M ATA S C H O O L N E W S Beach Day 2018 Introducing the Te Mata n Friday 9th of March, Te Mata School Chronicle Team! Oheld its annual Beach Day at ia ora Whaingaroa! We’re the Ngarunui Beach. We had an awesome K Te Mata School Chronicle Team, time! our names are: (top row, left to right) Cheyenne, Casabella. ( bottom row, left to right ) Sunny, and Femka.

Top row from left, Cheyenne and Casabella. Bottom row from left, Sunny and Femka.

We are going to enjoy informing you every term on the recent activities that have gone on at Te Mata School. Recently we’ve enjoyed having a term full of water based activities like Beach Day, Te Mata Swimming Sports and Interschool Swimming Sports and a teamwork building day that our year 8s attended called, ‘Project Energise Year 7 & 8 Leaders’ Day’. So, enjoy being up-to-date on the school’s current and upcoming events, from CrossCountry running to Agricultural Day. In these forthcoming articles we will be notifying you on all the latest events, so stay tuned Raglan! Recent Events in Term 1: • Interschool Softball & Tee Ball - 6.4.18 (1st = Yr 7 & 8) • Year 8 ANZAC Essay - 11.4.18 • Top Schools - 8.4.18

Swimming Sports

We had 4 activities and each one lasted for about 45 minutes, the activities were, swimming, surfing, sports and beach art. Beach Day was definitely a day we are all going to remember. We have some pretty amazing surfers and swimmers and even those who doubted their skills still had a go. Everyone participated and followed the fish philosophy and showed courage to be themselves, which was awesome! Te Mata wants to thank the parents who helped at Beach Day - we really appreciate it. The 2018 Beach Day was probably our best one yet. Beach Day rocked! The teachers and everyone who went to Beach Day will tell you so. It's a shame that it only happens once a year, but that is what makes it such a special event. Beach Day has been part of Te Mata for a really long time. It's such a special day and it's one of the things that makes Te Mata

school so awesome. My favourite part of it was swimming, but my best friends’ favourite part was surfing. Everyone had a different favourite part which shows how unique we are. Femka Wylie

Interschool Swimming n Wednesday the 7th of March, O Te Mata School had its school Swimming Sports and it was amazing! We have so many terrific swimmers at our school and we are so proud of each and every one of them; they all did so well. The kids at Te Mata School have been training non-stop and it has definitely proven to have paid off. The students have been trying so hard and doing their absolute best and we couldn’t be more thrilled with the dedication they have shown. It was a tough decision, but the team was selected on Monday the 12th and since then the training has only continued. We are so proud of how they went!

We feel all of our swimmers could have competed against the other schools, but unfortunately we were only allowed to choose a few and we felt confident in our team. We came back with some pretty incredible results...but that’s not my story to tell. We are continuing to swim and these kids have been remembering to bring their togs every day, whether it’s sunshine or rain, hot or cold they have been sticking to it and have not complained once. Congratulations to all the pupils that competed in this event. You should feel so delighted!

Cheyenne Dingle

Project Energize Year 7 & 8 Leaders’ Day


n Thursday 8th March, the year 8s from Te Mata School participated in the Project Energize year 7 and 8 Leaders’ Day. This day included activities which challenged our year 8’s communication and teamwork abilities. Each school that attended

represented a different country; ours was Samoa as you can see by the colours we were wearing. It was an honour to be invited to this amazing day, and on behalf of Te Mata School I’d like to give a big thanks to Project Energize for organizing this special event. We really appreciate it! This day was an awesome opportunity for our Te Mata School leaders to practise working together and involving everyone in activities that they may have otherwise been overlooked for. Everyone worked together showing Te Mata School’s ‘Fish Philosophy’ and having the courage to be themselves. Good job everyone! Us Te Mata students worked so hard and tried our very best and we have learnt so much about leadership and we will continue to use these skills throughout our high school years. Congratulations to all the other schools that participated; you guys did a great job, and go Te Mata! You guys rock!! Casabella Smith

Contestants lined up, waiting to dive into the cool water.


n Thursday the 15th of March, the Te Mata School swimming team departed to Ngaruawahia to attend the 2018 Interschool Swimming Sports. We’ve been practising for a whole term and we showed it paid off. Here are the fantastic finalists Freestyle: Sophia Kanellis Milla Taggar Abi Meyer Breaststroke: Isla Limbert Sophia Kanellis Hendrix Knox Abi Meyer Jonty Smith Maria Grilli Isaac Limbert Ocean Burke Milla Taggart Backstroke: Olivia Gaustad Rotuma George Ava Bower Nina George Abi Meyer Emma Higgins Sunny Hosking To get into the finals is awesome, but to

gain a place is extraordinary. We had many victors in all different places: Freestyle: Sophia Kanellis - 1st Abi Meyer - 2nd Breaststroke: Isla Limbert - 1st Milla Taggart - 1st Abi Meyer - 3rd Jonty Smith - 3rd Maria Grilli - 3rd Backstroke: Olivia Gaustad - 1st Abi Meyer - 2nd But let’s not forget to acknowledge the incredible relay teams: Yr 7-8 - 2nd in heat: Sunny Hosking Emma Higgins Kaitawhiti Kereopa Maria Grilli Yr 4-6 - 1st in heat: Abi Meyer Shane Jonas Cody Swann Sophia Kanellis Everyone did such a great job! Congratulations to everybody who participated in this event -you did very well and we’re very proud! Sunny Hosking

RAGLAN Chronicle 13









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Agents for: Honda Power Equipment Ryco Hydraulics/Fittings Kumho/Hankook/Cooper & other tyres BOC gas

newleaftreeservices.co.nz matt@newleaftreeservices.co.nz


• • • •



Specialising in New Builds, Maintenance and Drainlaying.


Nick Heasman Phone: 021 058 2140 Email: onpointraglan@gmail.com onpointplumbing.co.nz



Contact for FREE QUOTE

RAGLAN AUTOGATES mobile 021 263 8698

Contact Peter on 825-8486 or see him 8am-5pm at 2 Park Drive, Raglan E:raglanengineering@xtra.co.nz

RaglanEngineeringAd.indd 1

• Landscaping • Licensed Builders • Painting • Decorating • Flooring Supply & Install

4/10/07 3:17:13 PM

Christie Carpentry

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• Rental Cleans • Carpet Cleans • Meth Cleans • Water Blasting • Gardening • Lawn Mowing • Fully Insured


paul & robyn Christie tel: (07) 825 8366 paul: 021 188 0447 - robyn: 021 177 5201 • quality new homes 199c te papatapu road, rD2 te Mata, raglan • alterations / fencing/ decks patandbob@xtra.co.nz email:available • plan service 20+ years building in Raglan for free quotes & quality workmanship PHONEPH MARK 0274 912912 911911 A/HA/H 825 825 00690069 MARK 0274 ROB 027 550 6080 EE robthebuilder@xtra.co.nz PH ROB 027 550 6080 robthebuilder@xtra.co.nz

P H P L U M B I N G & G A S LT D R O B ROOFING Grant Mathis 07 825 0523 or 027 222 0156 grantmathis.gm@gmail.com


Concrete Cutter Windows • Doorways • Hole Drilling Decorative Cutting • Expansion Joints Kerb Crossings • Cowshed Alterations Removal of Concrete Structures etc Floor Sawing and Grinding

Phone Rob Short 0274 846 124 or A/H 825 0246 DRAINAGE / EXCAVATION

027 4979 116 or 07 825 0214 • CERTIFIED PLUMBER • CERTIFIED GAS FITTER • MAINTENANCE, NEW BUILDS, LIGHT COMMERCIAL • LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED Offering a reliable, friendly service combined with quality workmanship.

ROOFING, MEMBRANE & CLADDING Your local professional Roofing Company • Commercial and residential • Re-roof and New roofs • Metal, membrane, insulated panel, exterior cladding • Fascia and spouting 07 846 7244 | admin@wtcroofing.co.nz


14 RAGLAN Chronicle

INFLUENZA VACCINES ARE NOW AVAILABLE. KITE JAM SOARS IN RAGLAN THIS WEEKEND. Hundreds of competitors aged from 12 to 70 will be flying high over Ngaranui Beach in what could be New Zealand’s biggest kite event. Starting at 10am this Saturday at Riria Kereopa Memorial Drive, there is also the opportunity to test fly a trainer land kite at the event. WED 18 APR RAGLAN RAMBLERS 9am from Wainui Rd car park next to the fire station: Ed Hillary Hope Reserve - bring lunch. THURS 19 APR MUSIC AT THE OLD SCHOOL Thurs 19th April. The Timeliners. Blues and Roots $20 doors open 7.30pm for 8pm start.

JUNIOR GOLF C O A C H I N G every Wednesday, 3:30-4:30pm at the Raglan Golf Club. All equipment provide, $20 annual fee.Enquiries: phone the Golf Club 825 8483. H A M I L T O N ZINEFEST 2018 Raglan peeps, if you’re a closet poet, illustrator, cartoonist or writer, consider making a simple photocopied publication of your work for Hamilton Zinefest 2018, on at the Meteor - May 12. So, what’s a zine? Exactly that, a simple photocopied publication of poems, illustrations, cartoons, writing, or ANYTHING at all! FREE stallholder applications close April 22. Find us through www. facebook.com/groups/ hamiltonzinefest/

FRI 13 APRIL @ YOT CLUB: Lost Tribe of Aotearoa. SAT 14 APR @ YOT CLUB: Funk night with Mighty Mighty with DJ B-Rex.

SUN 15 APR @ YOT CLUB: Raglan Sunday Sessions presents Sound System Culture

HIBERNATING THIS WINTER? OH NO! - Come along to Raglan Light Exercise Group. Sessions Monday and Thursday at 10.00am. St. Peters Church Hall. Everybody is most welcome to attend. *Sponsored by RC


WANTED: PIANO FOR Raglan Area School. Ph 8258140.

Situations Vacant

QUALIFIED AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN REQUIRED. For an all mechanical, fast paced, quality workshop. Phone: 07 8250528 for further enquiries

To Let

FIREWOOD, DRY 2m2m old man Pine $180. Mac $180, Native $195, Gum $195. Delivered ph. 021 077 1524. FIREWOOD Manuka, dry, $150per m3, delivered, order now for March/April delivery. Ph Terry 825 0522.

a ta m i ra . c o. n z Beat the CHILL ... Delicious Warmth KNITS, BOOTS RAINS JACKETS, SOCKS, JEANS CANDLES, BOOKS instore now

In My Good Books Quality 2nd hand books Open Thurs - Sun from 10am 2 Wallis St Books wanted.

Commercial to Let

RETAIL SHOP PREMISES in Prime Main Street location available to lease from 1st April 2018. Expressions of interest phone: 0274936594.


Contact Gary Kite

4005 SH23, Raglan Ph: (07) 825 6560 Mob: 022 622 9005 raglanstorage@gmail.com

ROOM TO RENT $150pw, power, etc. included. Ph 021 295 7192.

Wanted To Let

WANTED FOR SHORTTERM LEASE til midJune, 5-8 hectres (1220 acres) suitable for 40 dairy heffers. Needs loadout race, or access to, and good water supply. Ph. 027 209 8151.

Public Notice

R A G L A N H O R T I C U LT U R E SOCIETY next meeting Tuesday April 17th at 1:00pm in the Church Hall, Stewart Street. Guest speakers: “The Friends of Waiwhakareke” Restoration by the community, for the community. Floral Art, Your Own Choice, Interest Table Hats. Normal Competitions, display table, sales, raffle. Come and meet fellow gardeners.*Sponsored by RC

West Coast Health Clinic now have the Influenza vaccine available for those aged 3yrs and older. The seasonal Influenza vaccine is free for those aged 65yrs and older as well as those with a chronic health condition. The Influenza vaccine may safely be administered at the same time as the Zostavax (Shingles) vaccine that is also free of charge for those aged 65 – 80yrs inclusive. There is now no administration fee for these two vaccines given at the same time. For further information about these two vaccinations please talk to your GP, practice nurse or collect a pamphlet from the clinic. We would advise you to book your appointment in advance by calling the clinic on 825 0114. Section 101 Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 East To West Trading Limited, private company of Raglan, has made applications to the Waikato District Licensing Committee at Ngaruawahia for the issue of an on-licence and the issue of an off-licence in respect of the premises situated at 2 Wallis Street, Raglan, to be known as Orca Restaurant and Bar. The general nature of the business to be conducted under the licences is Tavern (with across the bar sales), Restaurant, Entertainment Venue and Function Centre. The days and hours during which alcohol is intended to be sold under the licences are: for the on-licence, Monday to Sunday (inclusive) 8.00am to 1.00am the following day and for the off-licence, Monday to Sunday (inclusive) 9.00am to 11.00pm. The applications may be inspected during ordinary office hours at the office of the Waikato District Council, District Licensing Committee, 15 Galileo Street, Ngaruawahia. Any person who is entitled to object and who wishes to object to the issue of the licences may, not later than 15 working days after the date of the first publication of this notice, file a notice in writing of the objection with the Secretary of the District Licensing Committee at Waikato District Council, Private Bag 544, Ngaruawahia 3742. No objection to the issue of a licence may be made in relation to a matter other than a matter specified in section 105(1) of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. This is the first publication of this notice. Filed on behalf of the applicant by Harkness Henry Lawyers, Private Bag 3077, Hamilton 3240.

RAGLAN SENIOR CITIZEN’S AGM will be held on Thursday 19 April 2018 at the Raglan Union Church (RUC) Hall on Stewart Street. Commencing at 10:30am. Election of officers. “Where do we go from here” is meeting discussion, followed by lunch. All welcome. Ph. 825 8879.


- Peace and tranquility -Surfing, fishing, bush walks - Cabins, powered sites, tent sites PH 07 825 6800

LOOKING FOR LAND to start business, preferrably flat with access to power and water. Ph 021 089 18358

Death Notice

ROBERT NOEL MCBARNEY(ROB) passed away peacfeully Thursday 5th April. We are celebrating his life Saturday 14th April at 2pm at The Wharf Kitchen & Bar. All Welcome.

Yot Club free pickup and dropoff, text 0211034156.

Courses, classes & workshops

ECOLOGIST WANTED to develop a planting & restoration plan for a native wildlife restoration project in the centre of Raglan. Please contact Danny 0223811831.

For Sale

in the yard from 4:20pm 10pm with Red Robin, DJ Atmosphere and King Macka & Jinja Cat. Electronica in the club with Rayner 10pm - 1 Free from 4:20pm, $10 after 7pm. Duckas cooking all night.


Public Notice

Services Offered

M A NAG E M E N T S C HO OL Te Raupapa

FLUE CLEANING and log fire inspections $100. All flue and log fire repairs. Please contact Mark on (07)8298-103 or Cell 021457342. CHILD & HEALTH CARE, CLEANER reliable, trustworthy, with experience & references. Ph. 027 530 6531.

RAGLAN Chronicle 15

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Open Home

Open Home

New Listing

New Listing




102b Greenslade Road Home and Income Near the Beach This is quite simply a lovely home in a charming and peaceful setting overlooking attractive native bush with views out to the harbour. Featuring a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom contemporary split level home with a fully self contained stylish downstairs unit, perfect for couples or singles holiday accommodation, a BnB or ideal for guests or family staying over. The unit also has its own private deck to overlook the low maintenance landscaped gardens from which a path leads directly to the water’s edge. This property is for those who appreciate some peace and quiet, a quality location and a home and income opportunity. Auction Contact Email View

Open Home

28th April (Unless sold prior) Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 kleuthart.raglan@ljh.co.nz Saturday 11 - 11:30am ljhooker.co.nz/1X7HFG

Final Notice 15a Primrose Street



Unfinished Project - Urgent Sale Required Calling all builders, investors or opportunity seekers looking for a project. The proposed dwelling has 3 double bedrooms, a study/ 4th bedroom, 3 bathrooms, 2 living areas and a doubel garage. The project is unfinished and requires removal of the existing steel framing, reframing and completion. The extensive existing concrete foundations meet the current building consent. Viewing strictly by appointment or open viewing time. For Sale by Deadline, 12 noon 18th April, unless sold prior.


16b Kaitoke Street

First Home, Last Home or Holiday Home For Sale $479,000 Contact Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 Email

sobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz mobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz


Sunday 12 - 12:30pm ljhooker.co.nz/ 1XNHFG

This cute and tidy 2 bedroom cottage suits them all! Enjoying lovely estuary and mountain views, the home features a modern kitchen, open plan living and a nice sunny deck. The rear section is terraced providing flat lawn areas and boasts a garage including a built in extra storage room. This appealing property is private and tucked away in a quiet area close to the harbour and boardwalks, perfect to soak up the relaxed Raglan lifestyle. It won’t last long at this price though so call Stephen or Michelle today and make it your home!



Deadline Contact Email View

Open Home


Final Notice


18th April (Unless Sold Prior) Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 kleuthart.raglan@ljh.co.nz Saturday 12 - 12:30pm ljhooker.co.nz/1W1HFG



24 Lily Street

641 Te Hutewai Road

You Can Be My Lily Pad Location, location, location is calling out at this radiant character beach house looking out to the harbour and over a peaceful native bush backdrop. The spacious home enjoys a sunny north-west aspect, a light filled open plan living area with polished Matai floors & wraparound deck. The entrance foyer rumpus room & the classic 40m² home workshop on the lower level add to the originality & style this home already offers.

What a Wonderful World! Nestled away in a totally private position sits this gorgeous character filled home + a fantastic self contained yurt. The main home has been mostly reclad, insulated and double glazed offering spacious open plan living areas, 4 bdrms & 2 bthrms. Enjoying glorious rural & ocean views the 2 acres of land is well fenced into paddocks and features mature trees, vege gardens & garaging. There’s plenty of grazing & don’t forget the yurt, currently operating for short term accommodation it provides a nice bonus of extra income. With something for the whole family to enjoy you really can live the lifestyle of your dreams.

For Sale Contact Email View

Deadline Contact Email View

By negotiation Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 kleuthart.raglan@ljh.co.nz ljhooker.co.nz/1WTHFG

Price Reduction


18th April (Unless sold prior) Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 sobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz Sunday 2 - 2:45pm ljhooker.co.nz/1WXHFG



33 Whaanga Road

7 Centrebush Lane

56 Bush View Drive

For Sale $285,000 Contact Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 Email kleuthart.raglan@ljh.co.nz ljhooker.co.nz/ 1T9HFG View

For Sale $899,000 Contact Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Email sobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz ljhooker.co.nz/ 1S0HFG View

Conveniently Located Lifestyle This is an attractive lifestyle site of approximately 2 acres is all in lush pasture which offers lots of options for your new lifestyle home ideas. Enjoy the bush views from the easy contoured building platform and there’s plenty of opportunity to plant out and further develop the sheltered site. Mild covenants mean you can easily relocate a new transportable or build a home that suits your needs.

Affordable Whale Bay Escape Be quick to grab this immaculate home located only mins to the surf. In an elevated position the modern dwelling enjoys gorgeous ocean views & a sunny, sheltered aspect. The 800m² section features low maintenance landscaped gardens and includes a new concrete drive, meaning all the hard work’s done! However, the rear of the section offers even bigger water views & has potential for further development. Handy under house workshop and storage space. This fantastic property is sure to appeal & you won’t get better value in Whale Bay!

Sweet Serenity This gorgeous 5974² property is truly something special and is sure to take your breath away. Offering spectacular 360° views of the valley from every window. Presented in immaculate condition the home offers 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and an internal access double garage + downstairs is a newly built s/c flat.

For Sale Contact Email View

$799,000 Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 sobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz ljhooker.co.nz/1WJHFG

Robbie Regnier

Chrissy Cox

Matt Sweetman

Kyle Leuthart

Michelle O’Byrne

Stephen O’Byrne

Sandra Bowditch

021 952 271

027 287 1804

021 624 826

021 903 309

021 969 878

021 969 848

021 751 759

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Raglan Property Manager

*NB Boundary lines on photos are approximate & merely a guide. All information contained herein is gathered from sources we deem reliable. However we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely upon their own enquiries.

LJ Hooker Raglan (07) 825 7170 • 16 RAGLAN Chronicle

25-27 Bow Street , Raglan • George Boyes & Co Limited Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008

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