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EST. 1903
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17th August 2017 - Issue #557
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RAGLAN Chronicle 1
Surf Life Saving Awards: Sam Cron, left, and Mark Shrimpton with their trophies at the Surf Life Saving Northern Region awards ceremony on Saturday. Full story on page 5. Image thanks to Carmen Bird Photography.
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Raglan Ink Ltd home of the Raglan Chronicle Office Open Mon - Fri 9.00am - 4.00pm, Wainui Rd, Raglan Ph: (07) 825-7076 Fax: (07) 825-7078 Post: P.O. Box 234, Raglan Email: Advertising & Articles The advertising and editorial content deadline will be Monday at 12pm week of issue. DISCLAIMER
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2 RAGLAN Chronicle
A column from Raglan Community Radio's Aaron Mooar.
’m no economist.
Which means I wasn’t surprised when the financial crisis of 2007/08 arrived. It’s no shock that the economic cheerleaders in the mainstream press were caught out by the crisis, but the fact that no one in mainstream economics was able to prepare us for such a major event is just a bit crazy – especially when there are economists who did predict the GFC. One who did is Aussie economist Steve Keen. He has very scathing comments to make about his fellow economists (usually with broad Australian colloquialisms) and often refers to himself as an anti-economist. He says economic thinking is due for a revolution much like the Copernican Revolution in Cosmology in the 16th century when we finally stopped thinking Earth was at the centre of the universe. He’s not totally alone either: British economist Ann Petifor has called for a full-on inquiry into the economics profession. Something else Steve Keen says, which is very relevant to our upcoming election, is that using the household as a model for our economy is a huge mistake. You’ve no doubt heard comments like “we’ve got to live within our means”
from politicians. This idea has such a strong hold that even Labour and the supposedly radical Greens recently signed an agreement to the effect that they will be “responsible” and not overspend if they become part of the new Government. Steven Keen points out that if the Government runs a surplus every year for years on end the end result will be a smaller economy as the tax system hoovers up the cash. I’m not sure if people find this economic discussion boring but this seems to be such a fundamental problem that I just want to keep shouting it out from the rooftops – luckily I have a radio show to do just that and Steve Keen gets regular airtime on the Morning Show when I don’t have anyone local to talk to. Governments can do several things that households can’t, like raising money through tax and even creating their own money. I’m not sure if politicians understand this or are trying to stick to a script, but maybe they truly are clueless. In any case, take note of how many times you hear people talking about “what we can afford” over the next couple of months. And, yes, the issue is more complicated than can be discussed here but if you’re interested google Steve Keen or alternatively tune into the Morning Show between 6am and 10am weekdays on 98.1FM or streaming live at www.raglanradio. com. Aaron Mooar is host of the Morning Show on Raglan Community Radio 98.1FM and streaming live at www.
Club member urges community to oppose sale of premises
07 870 1005 25 Roche Street, Te Awamutu
Funded by Parliamentary Services and authorised by Barbara Kuriger MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington
Club member Andreas Broring presented conceptual drawings of a proposed development of the road front along the Raglan Club site to the Raglan Community Board last Tuesday.
he fight to prevent the sale of the Raglan Club property has been taken to the community.
Andreas Broring, who has been a Club member for more than 30 years, has appealed to the Raglan Community Board to step in regarding a possible sale and presented his own plans for a proposed development at the site. A special meeting is being held at the Bow St premises on Sunday, August 27, to discuss the fate of the cash-strapped Club, which made a loss of $117,000 in the last financial year. The sale of the premises is on the agenda and options regarding possible relocation. Andreas told the community board that he understood an offer of $5 million had been made, possibly by Progressive Enterprises, owner and operator of Countdown, supermarkets in New Zealand. Progressive Enterprises is also part of Woolworths Limited, and is the franchisor of both Super Value and Fresh Choice supermarkets. He said the new development could be a supermarket or “something else”.
“If a development happens there no one really knows what that development would be. “We could end up with a McDonald’s and Subway. We have no influence over what would go in.” Andreas unsuccessfully stood for treasurer in the recent elections of the Club’s new executive, and had campaigned that the election should be a vote between those who wanted to sell the Club and those who wanted to trade their way out of debt. He told the community board that he wanted to raise awareness that “something will come, stall the whole process so that something can be done about it”. He requested that the board should have a representative at the special meeting, and urged the community, many who are Club members, to take his development proposal for “Raglan Central” on board rather than sell out to the unknown. The proposal that Andreas presented to the community board was for a development of seven two-storey shops – office space upstairs, retail below – along the road front of the Club premises and the
A conceptual floor plan of the proposed development that Andreas Broring presented to the community board.
side parking area. The existing parking area near the back of the Club would remain. He suggested that Raglan residents could also invest in the project, which would be built with the Raglan Naturally plan in mind, and it would generate an income for the Club. “It’s a property that would work for the Club and as a development scheme would work for Raglan. “It would be nice if the township had a say in what would be developed there.” He said the shops could be leased to businesses that were not in competition with other shops in Raglan, and at a rent that was 20 per cent cheaper than the average rates in Raglan. Andreas said his plans had been seen by the executive and he was told he had two weeks to give exact building costs and provide details on all the shops that would be let. “This is impossible. “The current committee of the Club is not forthcoming in looking at other options.” He said he and a business partner had previously offered to buy the property for $4.5 million or the land on the road front for $1m as a way to get the Club out of financial debt but they weren’t considered. A notice was sent out to Club members last week notifying them of the special meeting. In it, president Colin Sullivan says the sale of the premises is the best option, and the “recommended proposal” sees the Club continuing to use the building for up to two years at minimal cost. The other proposals presented in the notice relate to relocation in the event of a sale, either to the Bowling Club, which the Club already owns, or to “purchase one of a couple of options available”. The decision to sell the Club will be made by the members in a vote. Community board chairman Bob McLeod said he would invite Colin to speak about the Club’s proposals at the next meeting. Inger Vos
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Raglan Phone: (07) 825 8283 Email:
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10am Raglan Area School 7pm Te Uku Church Pastor Roger Peart ph 07 825 5199
RAGLAN Chronicle 3
Raglan Community Te Kohao Health Raglan Community Board meeting in-brief: Medical Centre Your Medical Clinic hao Health R R T Nau Mai Haere Mai
Raglan, Te Kohao Health our Medical Clinic
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aglan’s one-lane Wainui Bridge is scheduled for replacement in 2024, according to works programme tabled in the community board meeting agenda.
A Waikato District Council spokesperson said the upgrade was linked to the rate of growth in the town. “It is too early to have designs and the like in place but we can say that if the rate of growth in Raglan causes the demand for an upgrade to increase then the project will be moved forward to an earlier date to accommodate that demand. Likewise, if growth in Raglan is slower than we expect then the project will be moved back to a later date.”
he Whaingaroa-Raglan Destination Management Organisation (WRDMO) has asked the Raglan Community Board and Waikato District Council to support its plans to establish a cycle/walking trail that runs from the wharf to the beach car park and for a summer shuttle operation between Manu Bay and town.
Karamea Puriri, from WRDMO, told the community board that the organisation – made up of representatives from local organisations and businesses – sought to apply for funding for the two projects from the Tourism Infrastructure Fund. Round one of the Government fund, that provides up to $25 million per year for the development of tourism-related infrastructure, closes on September 2017. Karamea said a cycle-walking trail and electric shuttle would help ease congestion and parking issues in town and at the beach. Waikato District Council Clive Morgan told her he had twice applied to previous tourism funds for similar projects in Raglan in the past and had failed on both counts. He suggested the council and WRDMO instead ask for funding for a comprehensive feasibility study to help ease Raglan’s tourism infrastructurerelated woes, “incorporating these ideas and some others”. “There are some hurdles and we don’t need a third failed application.”
aglan Area School head boy Liam Dingle is the youth advisor on the Raglan Comummunity Board.
Liam attended his first meeting on Tuesday last week and will be given speaking rights.
t John Waikato district operational manager Stuart Cockburn told the Raglan Community Board that it is rolling out a four-year plan to end single crewing of its ambulances in New Zealand, however the Raglan station was not a high priority in immediacy because it had a good number of volunteers and the PRIME service would return to 24/7.
A review of the need at the Raglan station was unlikely to happen until about year three or four, he said. St John received an extra $100 million in Government funding to provide double crewing of all emergency ambulance responses over the next four years.
he Raglan Community Board has recommended that the time limits of 10 car park spaces outside Raglan House be increased from 60 minutes to 120 minutes because of the “negative impact” on the community organisation – however, not all board members agree.
Raglan House manager Mike Rarere, who asked for an extension to 180 minutes for 18 car parks, including those across the road, told the community board that volunteers and visitors needed longer than one hour, many had health or age issues that meant they couldn’t park a distance away and the organisation was losing hire revenue because clients couldn’t park for more than 60 minutes right outside. Community board member Alan Vink said he disagreed with the decision to extend the parking time limits and it only exacerbated problems with parking in Raglan in summer. “We have just aggravated the car parking situation in summer by having cars park there for longer. Other cars will use those parks so you still can’t park there.”
he Raglan Community Board has approved funding of $2000 towards the cost of upgrading the interior working space of the Whaingaroa Environment Centre.
The full upgrade includes new furniture, a repaint, design panels, computer upgrades and new customer service work stations, and is expected to cost about $35,000.
he Raglan Naturally steering group is running out of steam, it was heard at the Raglan Community Board meeting last week.
Gabrielle Parsons told the other members of the board that if they did not give the group more support it “might just come to a halt”. There had been resignations of members and people were not turning up to meetings. Initially, the interim steering group was set up to have a life of its own, separate from the community board and Waikato District Council. The group was formed to update the original Raglan Naturally plan that acts as a blueprint for future development. Gabrielle said a lot of good work had been done so far, including getting funding, setting up focus groups, but the board had to take a more active part to keep things rolling along.
he Raglan Community Board approved proposed new handrails for the Dolphin Pier and Raglan Wharf.
The pier handrail is to be same as the handrail on the walk bridge in Raglan, while the wharf handrail is to be of stainless steel. The Waikato District Council will now undertake engagement with tenants and surrounding businesses. The Raglan Sport Fishing Club has voiced an objection to an extension of the handrails along the eastern side of the wharf. Soul Shoes owner Rob Galloway said he supported the plans and they had been a longtime coming. Inger Vos
Kiwis support Kasm’s decision to appeal seabed mining go-ahead K iwis Against Seabed Mining (KASM) chairman Phil McCabe says there has been a “phenomenal response” by New Zealanders supporting an appeal against the Environmental Protection Agency’s decision to greenlight a seabed mining proposal in the South Taranaki Bight.
Raglan, PoihakenaMar ea 216WainuiRd,Raglan
Kasm will appeal the EPA’s decision that was released on Thursday last week, saying that the decision sets a dangerous precedent for New Zealand’s marine environment. Phil says KASM has had a callout for donations for the appeal and while he doesn’t know exactly how much has come in, “we have had a phenomenal response”. “We are getting close to our target and the Raglan community once again has given us a lot of support.” The appeal has to be lodged within 15 working days of the EPA’s decision. “We have to take the only responsible route here by appealing this decision, on behalf of the future of our coastal peoples and environment, the blue whales, maui dolphins and little penguins,” says Phil.
4 RAGLAN Chronicle
Trans Tasman Resources have applied to dig up 50 million tonnes of the seabed a year, for 35 years, to get five million tonnes of iron ore per year for direct export to Asia. “If they are allowed to push on there will be more of this,” says Phil. “There are further proposals closer to the coast in the South Taranaki Bight, off the coast off Kawhia, the South Island’s West Coast, the Chatham Rise and an area off the coast of Waihi Beach.” Phil says the industry is in uncharted waters, with the United Nation’s International Seabed Authority (ISA) still in the process of establishing rules for seabed mining in international waters. He says the decision-making committee was required to favour caution if there was uncertainly and insufficient information in the application by Trans Tasman Resources. “New Zealand is acting prematurely in this space. Seabed mining is an untested activity and other countries have put moratoria in place, yet our government is promoting the industry and granting consents long before any clear scientific evidence on the damage it
would cause is available. “We are stunned that the EPA could have given this experimental industry the go-ahead, given the startling lack of available crucial information. Even the committee was split on its decision, requiring an extra vote from the chair. Two were adament they didn’t want to grant consent.” Phil says there are glaring holes in scientific information that have not been filled. “The company’s consultation process was flawed, its science was flawed, it tried to redact key evidence, and they did not consult properly. We had to go to the Environment Court to force the release of key environmental information – a decision the court said we won by a considerable margin.” Ninety-nine per cent of more than 13,733 submitters were opposed to the application.
Inger Vos
The KASM AGM is on Thursday, August 24, at the Town Hall Supper Room, 5.30pm. Two of the seven committee members are departing so KASM is looking for a couple of people to put their hand up. Phil says the roles are undemanding but a great way to get involved and help out.
An infographic from the KASM website illustrates the impact that seabed mining could have if TTR are allowed to proceed in the South Taranaki Bight.
Raglan pair make a splash with lifeguard of year titles
Sam, left, and Mark with their trophies at the awards ceremony on Saturday. Image thanks to Carmen Bird Photography.
aglan lifeguards have taken out two of the top trophies at Surf Life Saving Northern Region’s annual awards of excellence, despite coming from one of the smallest, numerically, of the region’s 17 clubs.
“We’ve got some good lifeguards in Raglan,” quips Mark Shrimpton, who was named regional lifeguard of the year at the awards ceremony held last Saturday in Shed 10 on Auckland’s waterfront. He doesn’t have to look far for another – his American-born wife,
Aubrey (nee Panis), took out the same award in 2015. The other Raglan winner on Saturday night was Sam Cron, who was named under-19 surf lifeguard of the year – a category also won last year by a Raglan clubbie, Tyla Kettle.
Local lifeguards regularly feature among the 30-odd awards handed out annually in the northern region. Stretching from Raglan to the Far North the region is the largest, geographically, in the country. SLSNR chief executive Mark Williams described Sam – who clocked up more than 260 hours on patrol locally and elsewhere last summer – as an “invaluable” lifeguard with a real passion for the ocean and a determination to ensure everyone enjoyed their time at the beach. “He can read the ocean well, advise the public of any risk and keep his head if things escalate.” Mark Shrimpton was lauded at the evening function as a “highly deserving” winner. “He has a technical skillset second to none but he also has that ability to pass on his knowledge and inspire excellence in all those he patrols with.” While Mark – a design engineer in Hamilton – is about to start his 10th season with the Raglan club, 16-year-old Sam has progressed from being a “nipper” just four years ago to becoming rookie of the year recently for his paid or regional lifeguard season. The St John’s College student is also a qualified surfing instructor and helped out last summer with
lessons run by the Karioi Lodgebased Raglan Surfing School. He says he loves “hanging out … having fun” with everyone at the local surf life saving club that patrols Ngarunui Beach from Labour Weekend to Easter every year. It was quite a change, he reckons, getting dressed up in his father’s suit for the formal occasion last Saturday night. But it was quickly back to his usual attire as he was off out to Muriwai early the next day, on an engine maintenance course for northern region club members. It’s opportunities like these that have also kept 32-year-old Mark hooked on surf life saving. From IRB or jetski training to rescue swimming with the Westpac helicopter service, “there’s always new challenges to overcome”, he says. Rescue operations that Mark has been involved in include pulling local policeman “Deano” McMillan from the water after a boat he was in flipped on the bar and – although “not a good outcome” – a double drowning at Ruapuke on Christmas Day two years ago. Edith Symes ● Raglan’s Liam Cunningham was also at the weekend awards ceremony as a finalist for surf education instructor of the year, a title he won in 2016.
Rivet: New artist exhibition
OT SEEN MUCH & NOT SEEN @ ALL is the first combined exhibition of paintings and wire sculpture by mother and daughter Ann Byford and Nadine Hollows. Although independent from each other, there are traits between the two artists’ work that are not visible. It is more about the combination of narrative and culture binding in the environment. Ann’s paintings are large and predominately speak of iconic objects in the landscape. She invites the viewer to be up front and personal, to engage with the quirkiness and see ‘The That That It Is’. She says it is important for the viewer to retain a relationship between an artwork and the subject. Also featuring in the exhibition is a collection of recent No.8 wire artworks that were finalist entries for the National No.8 Wire Awards. The uniqueness about these works is the function over form - they work. They speak of culture, fun times and practicality. Nadine has recently completed study at Wintec obtaining a Bachelor of Media Arts
degree majoring in graphic design. Nadine lives and works in Auckland, employed as a junior graphic designer for New Zealand Media & Entertainment. She started her degree with the intention of majoring in painting and sculpture but soon become interested in graphic design. It was in high school that Nadine picked up the brush. Her works employ Colin McCahon influence and with encouragement from her mother, Ann, Nadine‘s painting practice has allowed her to develop freely, away from the constraints of a screen, confined spaces and rules. Nadine’s work is popular in Auckland and she has sold work in recent years. Nadine will be exhibiting new works at Rivet Gallery. These works, as Nadine explains, are “geometric abstractions that reference the landscape, tangata whenua and the binding of construction with the environment”. * NOT SEEN MUCH & NOT SEEN @ ALL/Ann Byford & Nadine Hollows, Rivet Gallery, Wallis St, Raglan. Opens Friday, August 18 at 5.30pm and ends Tuesday, August 22.
Sam, left image, and Mark pictured with award presenter Surf Life Saving Northern Region Lifesaving Advisory Group member Johnny Clough. Image thanks to Carmen Bird Photography.
Nelson gets his grip checked by coach Peter Aim at the junior golf coaching sessions held at the Raglan Golf Club. Learning the skills required to use a driver were on the agenda with students using the brand new junior golf clubs. Eleven students attended in fine conditions.
RAGLAN Chronicle 5
14th to 20th August 2017 Fresh NZ Skinless Chicken Thigh Cutlets
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Waikato Draught/Lion Red 12 x 330ml Bottles
Allen’s/Wonka Family Bag 102-220g
great deal
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Saints 750ml
Owned & operated
by locals 6 RAGLAN Chronicle
SuperValue Raglan: 16-18 Bow Street. Phone 825 8300. Open 7.30am�–�8pm, 7 Days. While stocks last at SuperValue Raglan only. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Trade not supplied.
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local health and wellbeing
WELLBEING news, products and services
Natural Remedies for travellers bugs
Due to the heat, humidity and possible poor hygiene standards these places are full of infectious agents that we are not used to and many people come back with some new, unwanted friends. Infections can affect any part of the body, however there are three sites commonly affected: the gastrointestinal system, respiratory system and the skin. Infections may result from a wide variety of pathogenic micro-organisms: viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites. So, what can you do about it? Luckily nature has provided us with some effective and non-harmful herbs that have anti-microbial properties. • Barberry: Its main component berberine, exhibits anti-bacterial activity against a variety of bacteria, anti-fungal activity against Candida albicans and other fungi, and has anti-viral properties. • Clove oil: Natural anti-microbial and a potentially effective treatment for giardia. • Chinese wormwood: A very well researched herb for the treatment of
any of you are seeking refuge from the New Zealand winter by heading off to warmer and sunnier places.
Diane Davies Massage & Aromatherapy....021 969 929 Veita Harding - Maternal Health Counselling ....... Whaingaroa/Raglan...............................021 111 03423
HERBAL HEALTH The Herbal Dispensary.......................07 825 7444 Private Herbal/Naturopathic consultations
HOMEOPATHY Janis Beet Homeopath......................07 825 8004
MASSAGE Diane Davies Massage & Aromatherapy....021 969 929 Haven Massage with Shannon Darbyshire..021 02442248 Garlic oil demonstrates anti-microbial and anti-parasitic activity.
• Citrus seed oil: Strongly antibacterial and can be used internally and externally against infections. If you suspect you have acquired an infection, please come and speak to one of our qualified practitioners to find out what would be the best treatment option for you. The Herbal Dispensary
Free clinics to teach importance of taking your medicine
f you don’t feel the benefits of medication for a serious health issue then it can be hard to feel motivated to keep taking it. Clinical pharmacist Fiona McNabb, who lives in Raglan, is holding a series of classes at the Raglan House to help people understand their health conditions and the medicines they may have been prescribed. “If you have a headache and take something the headache goes away, the benefit is quick and obvious, but it is very hard to feel a physical effect of lowered blood pressure or a controlled heart rate,” says Fiona, who worked as a clinical pharmacist at Waikato Hospital, specialising in cardiac care for the last six years of her time there. “When people are told they have heart failure, atrial fibrillation or have had a heart attack it isn’t always easy to understand what the long term effects of that will be. “It’s really a major thing to suddenly start taking medicines, potentially for the rest of your life, without knowing how they work and why.
“With many of these medications, if you feel nothing, the motivation to take it isn’t there, so people may not take the medicine regularly, or consider stopping taking them altogether. “Scientific evidence tells us that the benefits in treating these problems occur over years. The aim of treatment is to reduce the risk of future events or help people live well with a chronic disease, often going hand in hand with other lifestyle changes.” Fiona says when she worked the wards at the hospital and talked to patients about their medication there were “many light bulb moments, even for people who had taken medication for years”. “They’d say, ‘oh, I wish I had known that before”, or ‘now I get it’, understanding why and how is so important to have a reason to take anything.” Called Talking About Medicines, Fiona’s classes are not just for patients. They are also for partners or family members, or for those who may have a condition that runs in the family and want to know more about it and what possibly to expect. She will talk about the condition to provide an understanding of the effect the medicine is having and why it is
REFLEXOLOGY Stress Relief by Nick Reynolds............0274 799763
YOGA Raglan Yoga Loft.............................021 02442248 Yoga at ‘The Space’...................Above the Yot Club
important to take. There will be plenty of opportunity to ask questions or discuss things you’ve heard or experienced about taking medicines. Fiona’s first workshop will focus on heart failure – how the heart works, what happens in heart failure and how the medicines that are usually prescribed for heart failure work. Other future topics could include heart attacks, atrial fibrillation and other heart rhythm disorders, or diabetes, respiratory conditions (eg asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and gout. West Coast health partner Dr Mike Loten says he highly recommends Fiona’s classes. “She is a very good communicator on this important topic.” Anyone is welcome to attend the classes. At this stage Fiona is donating her time but asks for a koha to help cover the cost of renting the space at Raglan House. She hopes to run a class every four to six weeks, but it will depend on attendance and interest. Inger Vos Talking About Medicine for heart failure, Saturday, August 19, 10am11.30am, Raglan House. Koha.
Tuesday 11am at the Yoga Loft - 58 Wallis St Tuesday 6pm at Scout Hall, Cliff St Thursday 5.45pm at The Space, Bow St, off Volcom Ln $14 per casual class or $120 for a block of 10 to be used over 4 months. Ph 825 0123 to register for a class or call @ Raglan Physio - 12 Wallis St
malaria. Additionally, this herb been shown to be helpful against a variety of other parasites. • Garlic oil and cumin seeds: Demonstrate anti-microbial and antiparasitic activity. • Black Walnut: A herb that has been used effectively to treat worm infestations.
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RAGLAN Chronicle 7
CELEBRATING 25 YEARS! Emersons 330ml 6pk
DB Draught, Export Gold, Tui EIPA Bots 24s
Old Mout Cider Range 1.25L
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Tues 15th Aug 2017 Sat 19th Aug 2017 Jagermeister 700ml $ .99
Johnnie Walker Double Black 700ml $ .99
Steinlager Tokyo Dry Bots 12s
Famous Grouse 1L $ .99
Corona Bots 12s Jim Beam 1125ml OR Jim Beam Devils Cut 1L $ .99
Jameson 1L OR Chivas 12YO 700ml
Gordons Gin 1L
Chatelle Brandy 1L
Stil Vodka 1L
Absolut Vodka OR Beefeater Codys 7% 250ml Cans 12pk Gin 1L OR Woodstock $ .99 330ml Bots 12pk $20.99 39
Woodstock Easy Roller 330ml Bots 12s $
Steinlager Classic Bots 18s
Woodstock Extra 7% 330ml Cans 6pk $
Woodstock Extra 7% 250ml Cans 18pk
Vodka Cruiser 275 Bots 12pk OR KGB 7% Long White Vodka 250ml Cans Bots 10pk 12pk
Jack Daniel’s & Cola 375ml $ 23.99 Cans 10pk
King Series Bastard Chardonnay
Jim Beam Devils Cut Cans 8pk
King Series Wrath Pinot Noir $
Billy Maverick 250ml Cans 12pk $
Wither Hills Whites & Rose Range
Graham Norton Range 2 for $
Park Lane Cans 6pk Coruba & Cola $ 23.99 7% Cans 12pk
Daniel Le Brun Range
Villa Maria Private Bin (excl. Pnoir & Syrah) OR Vidal Estate Range
Smirnoff Pure 4pk Bots 2 for $
4 Wainui Road, Raglan Gift Cards Available
Prices valid Mon 14th – Thurs 31st August 2017. All specials may not be available in some stores. Specials only available at Liquor Centre Stores detailed above. No Trade Sales.
8 RAGLAN Chronicle
Shingle Peak (excl. Pnoir)
Raglan Liquor Centre AU-7765158AC
Heineken Bots 15s
Export 33 OR Export Dry Bots 15s
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Indicates there is a ‘Walk-through Video’
1644a Whaanga Road
11 East Street
Create Your Kiwi Dream Here This hidden gem is located near Ruapuke Beach, a 1/2 hour drive from Raglan and less than an hour from Hamilton. 4 acres of land overlooking bush out to the rolling waves. Mature stands of manuka and native bush surround the block on most sides creating privacy and fostering a natural microclimate for birdlife and providing shelter. Electricity is available for easy connection on the property.
Warm and Cosy Cedar Home Located in a quiet culdesac with an easy walk to Raglan’s town centre, this cedar-clad beach styled 2 bedroom home on a fully fenced 767m2 section is waiting for your holidays or permanent living. An open-plan living area flows out to a large entertaining deck which overlooks low maintenance gardens and a flat back lawn. Warmth and cosyness is assured with the logburner as well as a modern heatpump giving the best of both worlds. A bonus in the location is that the access to the popular Kaitoke Bay waterfront reserve walkway is situated only 200m from your doorstep and is a great place for a scenic walk, ride or jog anytime of the day.
For Sale Contact Email View
For Sale Contact Email View
$375,000 Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309
$559,000 Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309
397 Ruapuke Road
44 Matakotea Road
2010 Built Cottage on 5 Acres of Character Come and enjoy an attractive lifestyle on this 5 acre property located 15 minutes drive to Raglan and only 10 minutes away from scenic Ruapuke beach. The board and batten rustic styled home was built new in 2010 and features an open plan lounge kitchen, a sheltered sunny deck, double glazing and a cosy logburner which guarantees winter warmth. A few well established trees, a flowing stream and a small patch of native bush add lots of character. There are several paddocks to graze a few ‘beefies’ or a horse or two. Call Kyle for more information on this opportunity today.
Location and Lifestyle! Get the best of both worlds from this conveniently located lifestyle property. Just over 1 ½ acres of the flattest land in Raglan, it’s fenced into 2 grazing paddocks with space for chickens a pony or sheep. Just minutes up the road is the Te Uku store, petrol pumps, school and coffee + Raglan town and beaches are only a 15 minute drive away. Enjoy gorgeous rural views and generous decking on 2 sides offering indoor/outdoor flow. A double garage completes this extremely attractive property.
For Sale Contact Email View
For Sale $619,000 Contact Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Email View
$569,000 Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309
77 Lorenzen Bay Road
57 Hills Road
Loving Life in Lorenzen Bay! Charming 1950’s home sits proud on a 839m² site with great Harbour views. Featuring 4 bedrooms, 2 separate bathrooms & a single garage. This sun-filled character property has a woodburner with wetback, open planned living, native flooring, wooden joinery and a covered deck to watch the Orca from! Kayak or paddleboard, join the local sailing club, or enjoy the vintage paddling pool, maybe pack a picnic and feed the ducks. This desirable property is truly a place to call home.
HUGE Views HUGE Value This generous 4 bedroom family home benefits from central heating with an underfloor gas heat pump and logburner. Outside the kids will love the large flat lawn and entertaining is complemented with an outdoor fireplace and courtyard BBQ area. Grow your own vegetables in the raised garden bed area and pick a variety of fruit from the fenced off established orchard while there is enough grazing land for a couple of stock or pets. The stand alone large shed with 3 bay garage/ workshop has plenty of room for vehicles and a good sized boat. This is a most excellent property in a seldom available and sought after location.
For Sale $725,000 Contact Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 Email View
For Sale Contact Email View
$895,000 Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309
1 Lorenzen Bay Road
21 Calvert Road, Whale Bay
Absolute Quality Be impressed when you enter through the auto gates and see this exceptional 330m2 home built in 2008 and designed by De Lisle Jenkins Architects with no expense spared. A suspended bridge above the grand entrance foyer links the upper level living area to the master bedroom wing. The lower level has 3 bedrooms, a bathroom, an office, a laundry and internal access 3 car garage. Surround sound wiring, central vacuum system and a security alarm are other fine features. The large landscaped 1295m2 has rural views to the east, harbour views to the north and mountain views to the south. This like a modern castle built with pure quality.
A Surfer’s Paradise Properties with a world class surfing point break out front do not often become available. Be entertained from the deck with intimate views of the renowned long left hand wave of ‘Indicators’. Successfully running as 5 star holiday accommodation, the property has been a popular stay for visiting pro surfers wanting to be right in the action and in the surf in minutes. Now is your opportunity to purchase this rarely available location. For Sale $1,500,000 Contact Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Email View By appointment only
For Sale Contact Email View
By negotiation Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309
Robbie Regnier
Chrissy Cox
Matt Sweetman
Kyle Leuthart
Michelle O’Byrne
Stephen O’Byrne
Sandra Bowditch
021 952 271
027 287 1804
021 624 826
021 903 309
021 969 878
021 969 848
021 751 759
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Raglan Property Manager
*NB Boundary lines on photos are approximate & merely a guide. All information contained herein is gathered from sources we deem reliable. However we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely upon their own enquiries.
LJ Hooker Raglan (07) 825 7170 •
25-27 Bow Street , Raglan • George Boyes & Co Limited Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008
RAGLAN Chronicle 9
Your local tree specialist Stefan Frew 0800 LIVE NOW 0800 5483 669
Kitchens Cabinetry Vanities Wardrobes Timber Joinery
Commercial Residential Rural / Farming
• Landscaping • Licensed Builders • Painting • Decorating • Flooring Supply & Install
• Rental Cleans • Carpet Cleans • Meth Cleans • Water Blasting • Gardening • Lawn Mowing • Fully Insured
Christie Carpentry
hOUse BUiLDer anD renOVatOrs
paul & robyn Christie COURIERS tel: (07) 825 8366 paul: 021 188 0447 - robyn: 021 177 5201 199c te papatapu road, rD2 te Mata, raglan email: Pick ups and Deliveries Servicing Raglan Monday to Saturday 6 days a week
027 4979 116 or 07 825 0214
P L U M B I N G & G A S LT D Grant Mathis 07 825 0523 or 027 222 0156
ph 07 847 8210
Offering a reliable, friendly service combined with quality workmanship.
RAGLAN ENGINEERING LTD For all your Welding and Metalwork needs, as well as Hydraulic Hoses and Fittings, pay a visit to Peter at Raglan Engineering.
10 RAGLAN Chronicle
Contact for FREE QUOTE
mobile 021 263 8698
Specialising in New Builds, Maintenance and Drainlaying. Nick Heasman Phone: 021 058 2140 Email:
West Shore Ltd Matt Connor - Roofer 021 254 1600
WESTSIDE PROPERTY MAINTENANCE • Small Building Jobs • House Maintenance • Landscaping
Contact Peter on 825-8486 or see him 8am-5pm at 2 Park Drive, Raglan
RaglanEngineeringAd.indd 1
• • • •
• Fencing & Decks • Garden Tidy-Up • Lawnmowing
Andy Fels Ph 07 825 7489 or 0274 939 765
4/10/07 3:17:13 PM
• New Roof • Roof repairs • Re-roof • Cladding & flashings • Gutters - new - repairs - maintenance
Quality Local Roofing & Maintenance
For advertising inquiries: Contact the Raglan Chronicle on 07 825 7076 or email us at:
To appear in the Chronicle Thursday 10th August
at the Old School
141 mins. M Violence
17th 8.00
104 mins. M Nudity, drug use, offensive language
19th 4.30
106 mins. M Violence and offensive language
Sat Sun Sun
8.00 20th 2.00 20th 4.30
119 mins. M Offensive lang. and sexual references
20th 7.15
Reserve on our website or phone 825 0023
For Sale In My Good Books Quality 2nd hand books Open Thurs - Sun from 10am 2 Wallis St Books wanted.
a ta m i ra . c o. n z Fresh new KOWTOW Kate Sylvester Shjark + New retro classic Mens TCSS Some Goodies arriving now!
Commercial to Let SECURE METALLED YARD FOR LEASE 1500m2, ready now at Nau Mai Business Park. HIAB & Trailer friendly access. Other sizes available for Sale or Lease. Ph Bob Carter 021 825 869, or 07 825 8690 TASMAN LANDS Ltd
Contact Gary Kite
FRI 18 AUG CHASING CORAL film screening. 6:30pm at the Old School. $3 cost. FRI 18 AUG O P E N I N G E X H I B I T PREVIEW: NOT SEEN MUCH & NOT SEEN @ ALL by Ann Byford and Nadine ByfordHollows. Rivet Gallery - 58 Wallis Street Raglan. Fri 5:30-9pm. Exhibit open until Tues 22. MON 21 TO THUR 24 AUG R A G L A N R A M B L E R S 3 nights away at Waihi. To Let URGENT WANTING TO LET 2-3 bd home, longterm. Small family of 2, working locally in Raglan. Contact 021 026 39622. Situations Vacant
CASUAL TRUCK DRIVER: Must have Class 2 license.
FISH CUTTER: Would suit semi-retired person. Training available.
Courses, classes & workshops
MEN’S GATHERING For men interested in their own personal journey. Raglan Community House, Tuesday evenings (6-8pm). 6 Sessions. Enquiries: Rene Andre, 027 6333 095. THE RAGLAN LIGHT EXERCISE GROUP Sessions Monday and Thursday. 10am to 11am. StPeters Hall. Everybody is most welcome to attend.
the smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.
Public Notices AGM RAGLAN COMMUNITY ARTS COUNCIL 7pm on 12th Sept at Old School Arts Centre. Members and community welcome. For info phone Rodger on 825 7443.
- Peace and tranquility -Surfing, fishing, bush walks - Cabins, powered sites, tent sites
THE RAGLAN SAILING CLUB A.G.M. will be on Sunday 27th August at 2.00pm in the Lazarus Room behind the Old School Arts Centre, 5 Stewart St. followed by afternoon tea. All welcome. Members please bring a plate. Enquiries to raglansail@yahoo.
PH 07 825 6800
FREE BUDGET SERVICE AND CAREER-TREE CV WRITING SERVICE Raglan Community House @ 45 Bow St. Nau mai Haere mai. For appt. ph 07-825 8142, email: info@ theraglanhouse. *Sponsored by RC
*Sponsored by RC
Contact Mark: 027 493 5144
4005 SH23, Raglan Ph: (07) 825 6560 Mob: 022 622 9005
SAT 19 AUGUST @ YOT CLUB: Resident DJ’s, free pool, free entry.
12th Grade Raglan 24 - Te Rapa 7 POD’s Taylor Sherlock, Kahn Sweetman, Ephrem Cox, Taane Millward 11th Grade Raglan 27 - Suburbs 14 POD’s Max Brighthouse & Tyson Stafford 10th Grade Raglan 20 - Taupiri 35 POD’s Logan Gibson, Connor Reeves & Crosbie Wallis t
Loss 1-8
Jordan Mooar
Win 5-4
Cullen Bettridge
Win 3-0
Win 2-0
Draw 0-0
POD Stella O’Donnell Zoe Middlemiss
Cooper Milek-Zaini
Chaz Whyte / Atahlia Shadrock Sophia Kanellis / AriHansen
Loss 2-4
Loss 2-5
Ashton Ladyman
Ed Woolston
Win 3-1
Ava Wood
Loss 3-7
Oliver Highway
Win 4-3
The Team
Loss 1-2
Rosa Jowsey
Draw 0-0
Ava Bower / Melia Clarke
Win 3-0
The Team
Loss 4-10
Jonty Smith
Draw 4-4
Jack Meek / Hunter Langlands
Kiwis Against Seabed Mining – Notice of Annual General Meeting KASM AGM will be held on th Thursday 24 August at the Town Hall Supper Room commencing 5.30pm. All Welcome!
Local businesses are the foundation of our community. They make it possible for us to bring the Raglan Chronicle to you FREE of charge each week. Support our supporters and our local community, be sure to tell them you saw them in the Raglan Chronicle.
Navigation Safety Bylaw Uplifting Fulton Hogan temporarily reserved Opotoru Estuary from Opotoru Road to Rangitahi Penninsula for the construction of a Bridge and causeway . We advise that stream users avoid this area if possible, for safety purposes. If you have any queries in respect of this event contact Waikato Regional Council.
VRJ Payne Chief Executive
FRI 18 AUG @ YOT CLUB: Around the Bend and DMTH present Abby Jane (Dirtybird Records), with Logan Baker and Rayner. Doors 9pm, pre-sale tix $10 from www.
Public Notices
Public Notice of application for on-licence. Section 101, Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. Rodger Wayne Gallagher, retired of 6 Cambrae Road Raglan, Chairperson of Raglan Community Arts Council has made application to the District Licensing Committee at Ngaruawahia for the issue of an on-licence in respect of the premises situated at 5 Stewart St, Raglan and known as Old School Arts Centre. The general nature of the business to be conducted under the licence is: community arts centre. The days on which and the hours during which alcohol is intended to be sold under the licence are: Thursday to Sunday between 3pm and 10.30pm. The application may be inspected during ordinary office hours at the office of the Waikato District Council, District Licensing Committee, 15 Galileo Street, Ngaruawahia. Any person who is entitled to object and who wishes to object to the issue of the licence may, not later than 15 working days after the date of the first publication of this notice, file a notice in writing of the objection with the Secretary of the District Licensing Committee at Waikato District Council, Private Bag 544, Ngaruawahia 3742. No objection to the issue of a licence may be made in relation to a matter other than a matter specified in section 105(1) of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. This was first published in the Chronicle on 10th August 2017. Public notice of application for renewal of off-licence Section 101, Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. Satnam’s Supermarket Limited has made application to the District Licensing Committte at Ngaruawahia for the renewal of an off-licence in respect of the premises situated at 3 Bankart Street Raglan and known as Raglan Four Square. The general nature of business conducted under the licence is Grocery store. The days on which and the hours during which alochol is sold under the licence are: Monday to Sunday 7am to 10pm. The application may be inspected during ordinary office hours at the office of the Waikato District Council, District Licensing Committee, 15 Galileo Street, Ngaruawahia. Any person who is entitled to object and who wishes to object to the renewal of the licence may, not later than 15 working days after the date of the first publication of this notice, file a notice in writing of the objection with the Secretary of the District Licensing Committee at Waikato District Council, Private Bag 544, Ngaruawahia 3742. No objection to the renewal of a licence may be made in relation to a matter other than a matter specified in section 131 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. This is the second publication of this notice. This notice was first published in the Chronicle on 10th August 2017.
CALLING ALL LOCAL GROUPS AND ORGANISATIONS Do you run a local community organisation? (e.g. a not-for-profit or a group such as the Senior Citizens or Horticultural Society, or an after school care group?) ...We want to get to know you! Please send your organisations name, main contact details (phone, email, webpage), and a brief ‘About Us’ to
RAGLAN Chronicle 11
49 Government Rd, Raglan - $510,000 The Cutest Little House • Solid, cute, character cottage on 548sqm • Fully fenced easy care section • 3 bedrooms plus office/hobby room, double garage with internal access and laundry. • Deck gets all day sun with a view of the beautiful Raglan harbour. /RAG22796 /RAG22796 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282 Julie Hanna 0274 418 964
14 Upper Wainui Rd, Raglan
Beautiful Brick - Built to Last • Stunning views of the Tasman Sea • 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms + office • Separate downstairs self-contained living • Spacious double garage • Situated on 1059m² easy care section Julie Hanna 0274 418 964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282
21 Point Street, Raglan - $530,000
25 Taipari Ave, Raglan - $500,000
Refreshingly Stunning • 3 bedroom home with open-plan living and stunning water and mountain views. • Grounds with potential for an orchard or garden. • Walk to town, beach or the local Raglan Area School.
Character and Water Views • Beautifully presented north-facing 2-bedroom house with a newly built sleep-out. • Quiet location near the estuary reserve with fantastic views. • Polished floors, impressive deck, carport and lockup shed. • Ideal for a small family or as a holiday home. /RAG22806 /RAG22806 Julie Hanna 0274 418 964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282
Open Home
Open Home /RAG22837 /RAG22837 Sean Mills 027 562 4699
Open Home
120 Greenslade Rd, Raglan - $755,000
35 Government Rd, Raglan
4 Primrose Street, Raglan - $489,000
13 O’Brien Rd, Rotokauri - $880,000
Cottage Charm in Greenslade • 2 bedroom weatherboard cottage in immaculate condition with great water views. • Beach access - moor your boat in the bay! • North facing and situated on 1143sqm
By Negotiation - Calling for Offers • Great holiday home, first home or retirement. • Two bedrooms, open plan living • Separate hobby studio • Situated on 1/2 share 809m² more or less.
Enjoy Rural Life Close to the City • A beautifully presented home, perfectly designed with 4 bedrooms plus a media room. • Designer kitchen - large walk in pantry. • North facing, close to school and day care.
OPEN HOME: Sunday 1pm
OPEN HOME: Saturday 12pm
Potential Plus - Motivated Vendor • This cute cottage has 2 double bedrooms, combined kitchen/dining and separate lounge. • Wooden flooring. Freshly painted throughout. • Situated on a large 1012sqm section with the added bonus of a sleepout and storage shed. • Check out your options for potential subdivision! /RAG22828 /RAG22828 Julie Hanna 0274 418 964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282 /RAG22825 /RAG22825 Julie Hanna 0274 418 964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282
OPEN HOME: Saturday 12pm /RAG22816 /RAG22816 Yana Pemberton 021 183 0479 /RAG22829 /RAG22829 Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282
OPEN HOMES: Friday 5:00-7:00pm Wine & Cheese. Saturday & Sunday 12:00pm LICENSED (REAA 2008)
29 Simon Road, Raglan - $429,000
30 Government Rd, Raglan - By Neg
25 Store Rd, Whatawhata - $610,000
846 Old Mountain Rd - $660,000
Investor’s Choice • An ideal investment opportunity! • 2 bedrooms, open plan kitchen and lounge which flows onto your private decking area. • Situated on ½ share of 1070m² in a lovely bush setting. Carport attached. • Close walk to Cox´s Bay and on the bus route.
Developer’s Dream! • Elevated 5696sqm site with spectacular views. • Large three bedroom house with separate living downstairs and separate sleep-out. • Right of way to the water from Government Road. • Great potential for subdivision into three sites. • Call Julie or Blair to view today!
Vendor Will Consider All Offers! • Two dwellings with the potential for double rental income. Fully fenced 1012m² section. • Currently bringing in a combined rent of $725pw. • A short walk from Whatawhata Primary School and the local cafes. • Only a 6 minute drive from Dinsdale.
PRICE REDUCED! Waitetuna Wonderland • A classic 1920’s weatherboard bungalow standing strong and proud on 4.0910ha. • Featuring 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, polished timber flooring and a log burner in the lounge. • An oasis in a rural setting, approximately 18 minutes from Raglan! /RAG22766 /RAG22766 Julie Hanna 0274 418 964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282 /RAG22786 /RAG22786 Julie Hanna 0274 418 964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282 /RAG22804 /RAG22804 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282 Julie Hanna 0274 418 964 /RAG22831 /RAG22831 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282 Julie Hanna 0274 418 964
4 Mahana Place, Raglan - $619,000
25i Violet Street, Raglan - $489,000
6 Lorenzen Bay Rd, Raglan - $495,000
41 Wallis Street, Raglan - $395,000
Brand New in Raglan • 3 bedroom house in Nikau Park with harbour views. Newly built! • Situated in a quiet cul-de-sac and designed by Kiwi Homes • Features open plan living with designer kitchen
Low Maintenance Townhouse • Great two bedroom property. • North facing sun-drenched decking. • Built with the sun and views in mind. • Immaculate presentation ticking all the boxes. • Current tenants looking to rent long term!
• • • •
Across the Road from the Water • This cross lease site is a third share of 2266m². • A self contained crib and a boat shed offers the perfect beach bach/accommodation. • Walk down the road to town and the wharf. • Swimming beach just across the road. • Vendor will consider all offers over $395,000
View by appointment /RAG22719 /RAG22719 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282 Julie Hanna 0274 418 964 /RAG22729 /RAG22729 Julie Hanna 0274 418 964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282
Two bedrooms, brand new bathroom Open plan living and dining Single garage - Fully fenced 809m² section Large back yard with several fruit trees
View by appointment /RAG22826 /RAG22826 Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282
LICENSED (REAA 2008) /RAG22824 /RAG22824 Julie Hanna 0274 418 964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282
21 Bow St, Raglan Phone: 07 825 8669 Fax: 07 825 7410
12 RAGLAN Chronicle
Website: Email: