18 May 2017

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Whaingaroa news for you weekly

Nga Ripo o Whaingaroa

18th May 2017 - Issue #542

Your local supermarket with friendly staff and free parking.

SuperValue Raglan: 16-18 Bow Street Phone 825 8300 Open 7am - 8pm, 7 Days. SuperValueNZ SuperValue.co.nz

Waka Ama Regatta


Raglan Naturally


Gig Guide/What's on



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RAGLAN Chronicle 1



Whaingaroa-Raglan is the Waikato’s up-and-coming foodie hotspot. Support our local eateries and checkout their news and specials each week below.

Turkish Kebabs On Plates - Pitas Burgers and more! 10am to 10pm 29 Bow St - 07 825 0202

This space could be yours. Email the Chronicle for more details. info@raglanchronicle.co.nz

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Phone orders welcome! *Fish & Chips* *Burgers* *Weekly Specials* The store with a lot more!

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Avatar is a registered trademark Star’s Edge, Inc. All rights reserved.



10am - Family Service and Children’s Ministry Thursdays 3-5pm - 7C’s Bible Club for Children

3 Stewart St – 07 825 8276 or 07 825 8028 SUPPORT OUR SUPPORTERS! The businesses and individuals advertising in the Raglan Chronicle are participating not only to promote their businesses, but to show their support for our community paper – so be sure to tell them you saw them in the Raglan Chronicle. Local businesses are the foundation of our community - and they make it possible for us to bring the Raglan Chronicle to you.

Raglan Ink Ltd home of the Raglan Chronicle Office Open Mon - Fri 9.00am - 4.00pm, Wainui Rd, Raglan Ph: (07) 825-7076 Fax: (07) 825-7078 Post: P.O. Box 234, Raglan Email: info@raglanchronicle.co.nz Advertising & Articles The advertising and editorial content deadline will be Monday at 12pm week of issue. DISCLAIMER

Opinions and views expressed in the Raglan Chronicle do not necessarily represent those held by the Editors or Publishers. Every care will be taken in the preparation and placement of submitted material but the Editors/Publishers shall not be liable for errors or omissions or subsequent effects due to the same. It is the submitters responsibility to ensure material is not libelous or defamatory. The Editors/Publishers reserve the right to abridge, alter or decline any material submitted to the Raglan Chronicle to meet the constraints of space and/or maintain a reasonable standard of language and decorum.

2 RAGLAN Chronicle

Your community plan How do we get it? ia ora Whaingaroa. As we let K you know last week, we are hosting an Open Community Day

Since establishing a relationship with Poihakena Marae, they have hosted our Steering Group meetings fortnightly. A true community space, we thought it would be perfect to have the open day there! Real Fruit Ice Cream A little bit of house keeping Burritos information: Wraps • 12.45pm - Arrive at Poihakena Salads wa o k u l o d ge @ gMarae, m a i l .co m Wainui, Rd Raglan. 216 • 1pm - Pōwhiri • Bring a gold coin koha for Marae Open for Dinner Thurs, Fri & Sat (Give to our whaikōrero Tim Duff), from 5:30pm and a plate of kai (to bring on after Breakfast/Lunch 7 Days pōwhiri). • After the whaikōrero, the welcomed party sing a waiata: Dine in + Takeaway Open 7 Days 11:00 am to 9:30pm

The Avatar®Course

For more information contact: Cam 021 529 765 camkay@xtra.co.nz www.theavatarcoursepacific.com

Nugget Run: Raglan ladies took part in the Nugget Multi-Sport Festival event held in Waihi on May 13.

at Poihakena Marae this Sunday from 1pm.

Te Kopua Camp Store, Marine Parade, Raglan

Open 7 days 8am - 4pm 23 Bow Street 825 8405

Open 9am - 7pm Wed - Sunday Closed Mon-Tues


Te Aroha Te aroha Te whakapono Me te rangimarie Tatou tatou e... Love Faith Peace For us all We're really looking forward to updating the community on where we're at and inviting you to be involved with the next stage of creating a clear vision for Whaingaroa. And if that's not enough, if you haven't yet been welcomed onto the Marae, its worth coming just for that experience. See you Sunday Raglan. Raglan Naturally Steering Group. Raglan Naturally Community Day Sunday May 21, 1pm - 3pm Poihakena Marae.

Dedication pays off for Whaingaroa novice paddlers

Team Whaia Te Tika won the women's novice race.


aglan’s newest waka ama paddlers dominated the harbour in their races at the Whaingaroa club’s annual regatta held last Saturday. Three Whaingaroa novice teams were among the 77 waka entered in the 8km race – New Zealand’s biggest start line. Areare, the Raglan men’s novice team, won their division in 36 minutes and three seconds, nearly five minutes ahead of second-placed Pocc Orginal V1 Gold of Pakuranga. The competition was tighter in the women’s novice division, with less than two minutes between the winners, Raglan’s Whaia Te Tika (44:39), and third-placed Te Manu Wakawhiti (45:50), also from Raglan. In other races, Whaingaroa Vintage came third in the 24km masters women’s race (2:18:47) and Herberts on Tour, which includes Raglan paddler Conan Herbert, came first in the open men’s 24km (1:47:01). Whaingaroa novice muster organiser Lana Herbert said all paddlers in the novice races had been paddling for less than a year. “Some of those (Raglan) ladies had only been paddling a couple of weeks and picked it up really quickly. They were awesome.” Lana said the Raglan waka club held a muster for novice paddlers at the start of every year to include new Whaingaroa teams in the competition, while old members hosted the regatta. This year’s novice paddlers came from

all walks of life and nationalities, she said, and the attraction of waka was that it was “nice to be out on the harbour” and meet new people. The novice paddlers trained together every Sunday for the race and their dedication paid off. “They know the course really well, have practised it, and the steerers know the water.” Areare paddler Manu Legousais, 35, who has been paddling for a few months, said he had his head down, focusing on the effort, so had no idea how far in front his team was. He said there was one waka, an under-16 division team, ahead of his Raglan novice crew, and “while we managed to close the gap quite good” they didn’t catch them. “It was really great, I really enjoyed that,” said Manu, who was hooked on the sport after a few trainings, finding it “meditative” to be out on the water after a day’s work. He said the start was “funny” as there was a traffic jam of waka vying for pole position, but steerer Taika Rangiawha “got us pretty well in the first wakas so we had no troubles”. Whaia Te Tika paddler Nicola Fraser, 43, who has been paddling for about three months, said the race was incredible but quite overwhelming at the start because “wakas were cutting you off, crashing into you and coming up really close”. “We were very surprised and happy we won our division … doing our best was all that mattered … taking away the win was a bonus.”

Teammate Celia Edmonds, 44, agreed. “With most of us being mothers and working, it was a challenge at times to get to all trainings. I think we only managed two to three trainings with a complete team before the race. “In the last 10-15 minutes of the race I think we overtook about three waka, that was epic.” Sandrine Fournier, 43, who is from Switzerland and has been living in Raglan for a year, started paddling in December and “loved it from the first time”. “There is no waka ama club in Switzerland,” said Sandrine, who returns home this month. “Lots of people here told me to open the first Swiss waka ama club. Who knows? But there’s a va’a club in France close to the Swiss border where I’m living. So I will take my Tai hoe (paddle) with me and I will use it!” Whaingaroa Vintage paddler Susan Taylor, 49, said the 24km race was a psychological minefield at the start. “Our steerer took us on the inside of a group of waka locked together, one of which flipped, and cut across the shallows keeping us clear of the carnage.” This year, 169 teams from across 49 clubs in New Zealand competed in Raglan’s 23rd regatta – about 1000 paddlers in total, up from about 600 last year. Whaingaroa Whānau Hoe Waka chairperson Amber Hartstone said the event ran smoothly throughout the day. “We didn’t feel the effects of the extra numbers (of paddlers). We have a really good recipe. “All our volunteers – club people – worked really hard. Lots of them were there from 5.30 in the morning to six at night.” Amber said she didn’t expect that the 8km race of novice and junior paddlers would get any smaller in the future. “We had a few collisions but that’s just really experience, it’s going to happen. You can’t avoid it when you have that many canoes.” Two memorial trophies were also awarded on the day. One of the trophies, in honour of Raglan paddler Piripi Kereopa who died while racing in the event in 2012, was awarded to the winning team of the senior masters men’s 24km race, the Taniwha Grizzlies. The other memorial trophy, in honour of Chrissy Herbert who died after racing in the 2001 event, was awarded to the first women’s team to cross the line in the 24km race, Ruamata Masters. Inger Vos

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Raglan Community Te Kohao Health Raglan Coconut Yoghurt initiatives Medical Centre hao HealthYour Medical Clinic both aim for downstream rewards Nau Mai Haere Mai

Raglan, Te Kohao Health our Medical Clinic

All Welcome

Poihakena Marae All Welcome 216 Wainui Rd, Raglan 218 Monday,-Wednesday, Friday Friday 9.00am - -4.30pm 08.30am 5.00pm e Free after hours telephone triage service aglan day, Friday Phone: (07) 825 0197 Fax: (07) 825 0956 Email: admin@tekohaohealth.co.nz elephone triage service Te Kohao Health 197 Fax: (07) 825 0956 180 Dey St, Hamilton kohaohealth.co.nz Monday - Friday 8.30 - 5.00pm Saturday 8.30 - 12.00pm Free after hours telephone triage service lton Phone: (07) 856 1211 .30 - 5.00pm 2.00pm Dedicated in the memory of Dr Tom Ellison elephone triage service 211

u Mai Haere Mai

Dedicated in the memory of Dr Tom Ellison

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Tues 8am 7pm

Wed 8am 7pm

Thurs Fri 8am 8am 7pm 5pm


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une looks set to be a big month for Raglan Coconut Yoghurt on two fronts – each offering downstream benefits. It’s their second fundraiser month as a sponsor of an ambitious tree-planting project along the Te Onetea Stream, which is an hour’s drive away near Te Kauwhata. And they’ll also get to test the waters wider afield come early June when they showcase their coconut yoghurt products across the ditch at a new trade expo in Sydney. Local couple Latesha Randall and Seb Walter launched their lactose and dairyfree yoghurt – which works well for people with allergies – in New Zealand just two years ago after developing it at home in their kitchen. Now they supply stockists all over the country from what was once the old Bow Street Motors garage downtown. But they’re also into “doing good”, as it says on their Facebook page. And this year they’ve set themselves a big goal which is “to raise enough funds to help Million Metres (streams project) plant 1700 trees along the country’s rivers”. They’re well on the way to their target. A first fundraiser in March saw enough jars of Big Yoghi sold to plant 740 trees in the Te Onetea Stream area, Latesha told the Chronicle. And they’ve still got two more fundraiser months, in June and September. The jars are labelled on the lid with their fundraising sticker, and 50 cents from each one sold is donated to the cause. The coconut yoghurt production team is also looking forward to going along and “mucking in” during one of the organisation’s planting days, Latesha told the Chronicle. “We are really happy to be helping Million Metres,” she adds. “Agricultural runoff and habitat loss is a huge problem in New Zealand; lots of folks realise this and

Keep your eyes peeled for the specially labelled jars of Raglan Coconut Yoghurt. are giving up dairy and switching to our products instead. “Tree-planting is another way we can help make New Zealand ‘clean and green’ like it’s perceived to be but actually requires a lot of work to achieve.” Te Onetea Stream connects the Waikato River to Lake Waikare, the largest lake in the lower Waikato River area. Rural communities and iwi in the area say there’s been a steady decline in water quality, and the restoration project will help return Lake Waikare to its former state.

Word Café Raglan returns for third time T

he Word Café Raglan writers and readers festival is taking place at the Raglan Town Hall, from June 30 to July 2, 2017.

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Please tell us your stories Please contact us on 07 825 7076 or email us details: info@raglanchronicle.co.nz 4 RAGLAN Chronicle

Meanwhile Raglan Coconut Yoghurt is now also busy preparing for next month’s Fantastic Food and Drink Show at Sydney’s International Convention Centre – co-located with the Naturally Good Expo – where a stall has been booked for the weekend event. It’s an opportunity to get their specialty yoghurt showcased on the Australian market alongside local and regional food artisans, purveyors, importers and entrepreneurs in the industry. Edith Symes

Childrens' book illustrator Kat Merewether attended the 2015 Word Cafe event.

This is the third time that the festival has run, and this year the programme is bigger and more diverse than ever. “Word Café aims to celebrate the joy and power of words with our community,” says committee member Linda Silvester, who had the original idea of hosting a writers and readers festival in Raglan back in 2013. “We’re interested in promoting and hearing from writers of all types and genres, and at all stages of their career.” Well-known authors featuring at this year’s festival include media personality and novelist Karyn Hay, poet Paula Green, graphic novelist Sarah Laing and international bestselling novelist Nalini Singh. They appear alongside a host of other poets, photographers, novelists, memoirists, and short story and non-fiction writers, including several authors from Raglan. The crammed programme spans three days and includes a spoken poetry showcase, an evening extravaganza and open mic night, book launches, author Q&As, and a writing workshop and competition. Tickets are $100 for a weekend pass. Door sales to individual sessions will be available as space allows. To book your ticket or find out more go to wordcaferaglan. co.nz. Sarah Johnson

Fixed speed camera part of plans to make SH23 safer tate Highway 23 will get a fixed speed SHoute camera between Te Mata Rd and Van Rd as part of the Safer Journeys road safety strategy.

The Static Camera Expansion Programme will see the expansion of New Zealand’s static camera fleet to 56 high crash risk locations across the road network, including the RaglanHamilton highway. The programme selects sites for static cameras where there is an identified crash risk, and/or where research shows a history of crashes causing death and/or serious injury. Police, in conjunction with the New Zealand Transport Agency and independent transportation sector expert Abley Transportation Consultants, developed methodology to identify locations that have a proven history of crashes or potential for crashes resulting in death or serious injury. SH23 is classified as a high-risk rural road, and in the stretch of highway between

Free junior golf coaching

Waitetuna and Raglan between 2004 and 2014 there were 163 crashes where two people died and 23 were seriously injured. Research shows that police enforcement is a crucial part of improving compliance with speed limits and reducing death and serious injury on our roads. A go-live date for the camera is yet to be confirmed, and the camera will be placed in a relatively straight length of the road. Major works to improve the safety of SH23 are due to get underway later this year, including shoulder widening, better signage and intersection improvements. The work is being done in three stages, beginning with the 21km stretch of highway between Raglan and Waitetuna. Construction of improvements between Hamilton and Highbrook Way is likely to begin in 2018, while options for the final section of the road – between Highbrook Way and Waitetuna – are still being considered. Inger Vos

Putting on the 13th Green, the kids from left, Tipuna, Luca, William and Sam who are taking part in the free Junior Golf Coaching being held every Wednesday at the Raglan Golf Club. Sessions run from 3:30 to 4:30pm and will be held every Wednesday. Coaching is available to any primary or secondary student, all equipment is provided.

Taggart beats NZ champ to win King of the Waitemata title aglan kite foiler Matt Taggart was R crowned King of the Waitemata last Saturday after beating New Zealand’s current foiling champion to win the inaugural regatta in Auckland’s North Shore.

King of the Waitemata, Matt Taggart competing in his event. Image thanks to Mike Peffers - www.mikepeffersphotography.com

The King of the Waitemata Regatta, a counter clockwise, 34 kilometre circumnavigation of Rangitoto and Mototapu Islands, was open to any wind-powered vessel and attracted New Zealand’s top kite foilers. Taggart, owner and co-founder of Ozone Kites and a world masters kite foiling champion, was the only competitor to complete the course in under one hour. A number of trials run over the past 12 months had indicated that a time of less than 60 minutes on a foiling kite could be achieved with the right wind conditions, and the regatta had been postponed by several weeks due to poor conditions. Joining the foilers for the regatta were three high performance skiffs. A 20 knot southerly made for a quick start in the race, and the fleet quickly broke into several groups. It was clear that the foiling kites were the ones to beat. Averaging over 25 knots the leaders quickly made their way around the back of Mototapu Island.

On his foil specific Ozone R1 kite, Taggart hit 58kmh on the downwind leg. But, rounding the western most end of Rangitoto Island, progress and speed dropped considerably for the competitors as they went into a head wind and contended with the outgoing tide. Some competitors took long tacks out towards Takapuna, with more daring taking lines closer to the island before tacking away to the west. Taggart took the brave option but was slowed down by a wind shadow allowing current New Zealand champion kite foiler Sam Bullock to close the large gap between them, resulting in a tacking duel to the finish line. Taggart crossed the line first in 58 minutes and 42 seconds, achieving the sub one hour mark. Bullock came home in second place just over the hour mark. Chris Kitchen rounded out the top three on his kite foil, beating veteran Michael Pepper by just one second. Team ASCC was the first skiff, and crossed the line in one hour and 55 minutes. Kite foiling is on track to become an Olympic event and the sport is growing in New Zealand. Hence, the King of Waitemata organisers expect next year’s event will be even bigger, attracting more classes, and become an iconic fixture in New Zealand’s sailing calendar.

Update from the Raglan Rally Team R aglan rally driver Jack Williamson and his team have successfully finished two national rallies that ran back to back in the Brian Green New Zealand Rally Championship. Williamson, a recipient of the Paddon Rally Foundation for the 2017 season, competed in the Otago Rally on April 8-9 and the Whangarei International/National Rally on April 29-30. There were 14 special stages in the Otago Rally, held around Dunedin: 13 stages on gravel and the super stage 7 was set up as a street circuit in the heart of the city. Williamson said he was very pleased with the performance of his Suzuki Swift – the new turbo engine and AP race brakes went without a hitch. But as with all rallies you expect a few

problems, and the team had to deal with tyre delamination and a broken brake line, among other things. The team came second in class and 22nd in the NZRC. The tight schedule between the two rallies did not leave much time to prepare the car for the Whangarei rally. There were two spectator stages on the Friday night in Whangarei followed by 14 special stages north and south of the city. The weather was not favourable making the driving conditions very challenging. The team were extremely proud to come first in their class and 14th overall in the NZRC. Check out alittlebitsideways.co.nz to follow the NZ rally scene. Updates can also be viewed on Jack’s facebook page – jackwilliamsonmotorsport.

Jack and Brenda Williamson at the Otago Rally.

RAGLAN Chronicle 5

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Yoplait Yoghurt 1kg (Excludes YoPlus/Greek)




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99 pack

6 RAGLAN Chronicle


99 each



00 each


SuperValue Raglan: 16-18 Bow Street, Raglan. Phone 825 8300. Open 7.30am - 8pm, 7 Days.


Specials available from Thursday, 18th May until Sunday, 21st May 2017 or while stocks last. We reserve the right to limit quantities. All limits specified apply per customer per day. Trade not supplied. Prepared meals are serving suggestions only. Props not included. Certain products may not be available in all stores. Proprietary brands not for resale. Customer Support Freephone 0800 40 40 40.


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Indicates there is a ‘Walk-through Video’

New Listing



Open Home



A Surfer’s Paradise

Cute & Convenient on Wallis

Auction 10th June Unless sold prior Contact Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 kleuthart.raglan@ljh.co.nz sobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz View

By appointment only ljhooker.co.nz/ 1AKHFG


39a Wallis Street

21 Calvert Road, Whale Bay



New Listing

Properties with a world class surfing point break out front do not often become available. Be entertained from the deck with intimate views of the renowned long left hand wave of ‘Indicators’. The well presented 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom rustic eco-friendly home features rammed earth and native timber construction making the home cool in summer and warm in winter. Successfully running as 5 star holiday accommodation, the property has been a popular stay for visiting pro surfers wanting to be right in the action and in the surf in minutes. Now is your opportunity to purchase this rarely available location.

Open Home



Auction 10th June Unless sold prior Contact Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 Email



Sunday 12 - 12:30pm ljhooker.co.nz/ 1AHHFG

What a great property we have on offer here in popular Wallis Street! Be sure to come and check out this super cute cottage with generous attached double garage located only a stone’s throw from safe swimming and picnics at Aro Aro Bay. The home was originally resited in approximately 2000 and has been reroofed, rewired and a modern logburner was installed last winter. This opportunity equals location and value and an excellent bach or first step into the market! My Vendors are relocating and invite all genuine buyers to view. Call Kyle for a price indication today!

Open Home





46 Wallis Street

77 Lorenzen Bay Road

Entry Level on Wallis St If you are looking for a first home, investment or Bach you can’t go past this one! Located just a minute’s walk to the water and playground plus an easy, flat stroll into the main street and the Wharf for coffee, shopping and many of Raglan’s attractions. The home offers 3 bedrooms and is situated on a freehold 410m² section and includes great off street parking. This extremely appealing property is a sure seller so don’t miss this fantastic opportunity.

Loving Life in Lorenzen Bay! 1950’s charming home sits proud on a 839m² site with great Harbour views. Featuring 4 bedrooms, 2 separate bathrooms & a single garage. This sun-filled character property has a woodburner with wetback, open planned living, native flooring, wooden joinery and a covered deck to watch the Orca from! Kayak or paddleboard, join the local sailing club, or enjoy the vintage paddling pool, maybe pack a picnic and feed the ducks. This desirable property is truly a place to call home. Auction 27th May 1pm LJ Hooker Raglan Contact Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 Email sobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz mobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz View Saturday 12 - 12:30pm ljhooker.co.nz/1A9HFG

Deadline 31 May 2017 unless sold prior Contact Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 Email sobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz mobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz View Saturday 1 - 1:30pm ljhooker.co.nz/1A7HFG

Open Home



Open Day


120 Greenslade Road

76 Te Ahiawa Road

Slice of Heaven Do you yearn for the simplicity of yesteryear? ‘Kowhai Cottage’ will bring back childhood memories of those never ending summer holidays at the beach, the long days swimming and sunbathing, the twilight beach walks, the backyard games and bbqs . It is the ultimate Kiwi bach: retro and quirky but also quiet, sunny, warm and comfortable with extensive views and its own harbour access, so you can keep those kayaks close to the water! Full of history but with the modern upgrades you would expect while still retaining its retro vibe. Most of the furnishings are included so just bring your bed and your togs and relax.

The Jewel in the Crown ‘Te Ahiawa’ located near Wainui Beach is one of the premier locations that seaside Raglan has to offer. 76 Te Ahiawa Rd is located at the end of the culdesac and has a total land area of 1 hectare (2.5 acres) predominantly in easy contoured grounds and offering 2 unique building platforms. The property offers fantastic views of the Tasman Sea and the waves crashing against the western coastline as well as the expansive Raglan harbour, township and Karioi mountain. The bottom building platform would be a perfect position to build a privately located secondary dwelling. Call Kyle today for a guided tour.

For Sale Contact Email View

Auction Contact Email View

$795,000 Chrissy Cox - 027 287 1804 ccox.raglan@ljh.co.nz Sunday 1 - 1:30pm ljhooker.co.nz/19ZHFG

27th May 1pm LJ Hooker Raglan Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 kleuthart.raglan@ljh.co.nz Sunday 11 - 11:30am ljhooker.co.nz/1ADHFG

Chrissy Cox

Matt Sweetman

Kyle Leuthart

Michelle O’Byrne

Stephen O’Byrne

Sandra Bowditch

027 287 1804

021 624 826

021 903 309

021 969 878

021 969 848

021 751 759

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Raglan Property Manager

*NB Boundary lines on photos are approximate & merely a guide. All information contained herein is gathered from sources we deem reliable. However we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely upon their own enquiries.

LJ Hooker Raglan (07) 825 7170 •

25-27 Bow Street , Raglan • George Boyes & Co Limited Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008

RAGLAN Chronicle 7

Update from the Raglan Chronicle / Raglan Ink team Changes to the Raglan Business and Residential Directory

Raglan Chronicle Online http://raglanchronicle.co.nz

The Chronicle has it’s own website now, making it easier for you to share your favourite community news stories with your online network.

New Directory Details:

Easily view the current week’s Classifieds.

Ad Bookings and Residential Listings Open: Friday 1 Sept 2017

Bookings Close: Friday 29 Sept 2017

2018 Directory will be availalbe from 1 Feb 2018

To receive notifications about the Raglan Business and Residential Directory, please email info@ raglandirectory.co.nz to sign up for our e-mailing list.

Submit your Classifieds listing online.

New online advertising options for current Chronicle advertisers.

Raglan Directory Online http://raglandirectory.co.nz

The Raglan Business and Residential Directory got a bit of a makeover this year!

Business and Residential listings are accessible online. Plus, you can easily submit website listings by using the link at the bottom of the page.

Use the Contents on pg. 2 to browse through the book, or if you know who you’re looking for, use the Quick Find Directory on pg. 88 to easily access them. If you have not received your Directory yet, pop by the Chronicle office during our open hours: Monday to Thursday 9am to 4pm.

Online Advertising Options: With the new website comes new online options for advertising your business and/or services. Conact info@raglanchronicle.co.nz for more information.

Sidebar advertising

Online Advertorial. Includes your content published in one issue of the print version of the Chronicle, published online and promoted via social media.

Questions? Email info@raglandirectory. co.nz or give us a call on 07 825 7076.


Raglan Rural With Three Rivers • Four bedroom brick home • Four hectares of grazing land • Unique property with a river on three boundaries • Large workshop with concrete floor • Nice sheltered areas that could be suitable for other uses e.g orchard, nursery or horse arena • Great opportunity for lifestylers with central location to both Raglan and Hamilton www.pggwre.co.nz ID: HAM26011

Relaxed Coastal Retreat • Well built, warm and sunny two bedroom home • Two living spaces with the double garage converted to a self contained unit • The 2.005 hectare property is mostly native bush • Ruapuke is a popular lifestyle destination, offering great fishing, horse riding and scenery! • Properties in this coastal location very rarely come to the market! www.pggwre.co.nz ID: HAM25697

Licenced under REAA 2008



(Unless Sold Prior), 11am, Wed, 31 May PGGWRE, 87 Duke St, Cambridge OPEN HOME 1.00-2.00pm, Sat, 20 & 27 May 2690 STATE HIGHWAY 23

Richard Thomson M 0272 948 625

Raglan $795,000

GST Inclusive

Premium Lifestyle This well located, appealing and desirable life style block featuring a five bedroom plus office brick home that is positioned near the center of the six hectare property. To complete the picture there are two farm sheds, a set of yards and loading race. The farm has its own bore for the stock which also supplies the house. Don’t miss the opportunity to secure a property only 9km (approx) from the Base and less than 3km (approx) to Te Kowhai village. www.pggwre.co.nz ID: HAM26037

Secluded Getaway This freehold waterfront section with all day sun is beautifully landscaped among stunning native bush. Priceless breath taking 270 degree water views, only a short paddle to Raglan. This property borders a large recreation reserve and boasts a private jetty. Power and phone at the gate and an unlimited water supply for personal consumption.


Plus GST (if any) OPEN HOME 3.00 - 4.00pm, Sat, 20 & 27 May. 320B HOROTIU ROAD

Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625

Raglan $350,000

GST Inclusive

www.pggwre.co.nz ID: HAM24760 Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625

Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625


8 RAGLAN Chronicle

Update from the Raglan Chronicle / Raglan Ink team Meet the Raglan Ink team:

MAKI NISHIYAMA How long have you been at the Chronicle and Raglan Ink? Maybe about five or six years? What is your role? I am acting editor for the Chronicle so I work with the writers and layup the paper every week. I also help clients with design, websites and social media. What is your background in terms of qualifications/tertiary ? I studied Communications at Waikato University, mainly focusing on Public Relations as well as health, wellbeing and sustainability communication during my honours year. What aspect of the business do you enjoy working on the most? No two weeks are the same here, which keeps things interesting and fresh. You are a local business owner yourself. What does that involve? I do Bad Things which is a clothing label. We do all the marketing, sales, design - everything. It’s pretty full on as we are currently doing most of the production in-house. You have grown up in Raglan Maki and have seen many changes. What keeps you here? I always told myself that once I graduated from University I’d invest my skills back in to this community so I guess I’ve always tried to make things work for myself here without moving to Auckland or anything like that. I think it’s an interesting challenge.

KARAMEA PURIRI How long have you been at the Chronicle and Raglan Ink? Since July 2015. What is your role and what can you help people with? I am the Editorial Assistant and the Online Web Editor for the Raglan Chronicle website. I can assist with design, branding and asset creation for big or small projects, manage content creation for print or online articles and most other similar tasks. What drew you to Raglan? I moved to Raglan in December 2014. My family lives here and I moved to be closer to them. What is your background in terms of qualifications? I have my Bachelor's in Digital Art and Design and my MBA in Business. What projects were you involved in over in the States? I was the Marketing Director for an arts and culture magazine and the Marketing Director for an arts and crafts focused not-for-profit organisation. What is your other role in our community? I’m the Administrator for the Raglan Chamber of Commerce and the Marketing Manager for Plastic Bag Free Raglan.

Need a hand with your business? Whether it's writing content for your website, planning a photoshoot or just some advice on how to run your social media, Raglan Ink can help. Talk to us today: info@raglanchronicle.co.nz

RGraphic A G Ldesign A N &I NMarketing K We can help you create the key tools in your marketing arsenal. e : i n f o @ r ag l a n c h r o n i c l e .c o. n z

P: 07 825 7076

Digital & traditional print & web design Branding posters brochures business cards print advertising Social MEDIA

RAGLAN.NET, REDESIGNED Raglan.net was originally established back in 2005 as a tourist information website for vistors to Raglan. Our original aim with this website was to put all relevant information - like accommodation, things to see and do, places to eat, etc. - on a single website to make it easier for vistors to find the information they need. If you have been an advertiser on raglan.net in the past, you may









List your accommodation

If you are a recreational

Check out what's on in

Providing all the necessary

or holiday home for vistors

activity provider, advertise

Raglan and catch up

information for vistors to

looking for accommodation.

your buisness to vistors.

on interesting stories

our town, from places to

in our community.

eat to how to get here and

have noticed we have redsigned our website in the past year. We hope you like the new look Raglan.net. Please take a moment to visit the website and like our page over on Facebook! www.raglan.net.nz www.facebook.com/VisitRaglan email us for advertising enquiries: info@raglanchronicle.co.nz

everything in between.

RAGLAN Chronicle 9





Pick ups and Deliveries Servicing Raglan Monday to Saturday 6 days a week

ph 07 847 8210


Ph 07 825 6886 or 027 425 6886 www.hardiehomes.co.nz








Stefan Frew info@liveelectrical.co.nz 0800 LIVE NOW 0800 5483 669

- Spray Painting (All Aspects) - Interior/Exterior, Residential & Commercial - Wallpaper: Feature walls and digital murals -

Commercial Residential Rural / Farming


Adam: 021 465 996 | Carl: 022 622 4758 radcoatings@hotmail.com

Classifieds Meeting Dates


The following meetings will be held during June 2017. All meetings will be held at the Waikato District Council, 15 Galileo Street, Ngaruawahia unless otherwise stated.


COMMITTEES Policy & Regulatory

Tuesday 20 June, 9.00am

Strategy & Finance

Wednesday 28 June, 9.00am


Tuesday 27 June, 9.00am




Wednesday 7 June, 7.00pm St John Hall, 4 Baird Ave, Te Kauwhata


Tuesday 6 June, 7.30pm Rugby Clubrooms, 11 Hall Road, Onewhero A public forum will be held from 7.00pm


Thursday 8 June, 7.00pm Meremere Community Hall, Heather Green Ave, Meremere


Monday 12 June, 5.30pm Memorial Hall, Greenlane Rd, Taupiri A public forum will be held at the commencement of the meeting


Tuesday 13 June, 6.15pm A public forum will be held from 5.45pm


Tuesday 13 June, 7.00pm Pokeno Community Hall, Cnr Great South Road and Market Street, Pokeno


Tuesday 13 June, 2.00pm Supper Room, Town Hall, Bow St, Raglan A public forum will be held at 1.30pm


Tuesday 20 June, 6.00pm Riverside Rooms, Main St, Huntly A public forum will be held from 5.45pm



Waikato District Council Extra Council Meeting

Monday 12 June, 1.15pm Wednesday 28 June, 1.00pm

Chief Executive’s Performance Review Subcommittee Wednesday 21 June, 9.00am At this meeting, the matter to be considered is the Chief Executive’s performance review, which will be discussed with the public excluded.

027 4979 116 or 07 825 0214

Note: In the event that the business of any Committee is not concluded on the advertised date, the meeting may be continued on a later date scheduled by the Committee prior to adjournment.

WESTSIDE PROPERTY MAINTENANCE • Small Building Jobs • House Maintenance • Landscaping

This notice is given under section 46 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.

• Fencing & Decks • Garden Tidy-Up • Lawnmowing

G J Ion Chief Executive


Andy Fels Ph 07 825 7489 or 0274 939 765

10 RAGLAN Chronicle

Te Kauwhata

0800 492 452 www.waikatodistrict.govt.nz www.facebook.com/WaikatoDistrictCouncil

at the Old School




PECKING ORDER 84 mins. PG Coarse Lang.

Saturday 20th 5.30 Saturday 20th 8.00 Sunday 21st 4.30



2017 BAFTA winner

130 mins. PG


21st 7.00


Reserve on our website

raglanmovies.nz or phone 825 0023

For Sale KOMBUCHA STARTER KIT Save and make your own healthy drinks! $30.00 each. Ph: 021400-106. FIREWOOD DRY-2M2M: Pine $160, Gum $190. Delivered, ph. 0210771524.

FRI 19 MAY @RAGLAN CLUB Max Members draw this Friday $3000. Chiefs v Crusaders Big Screen 7.30pm. LHB Restaurant open 5.30pm. SUN 21 MAY RAGLAN NATURALLY COMMUNITY DAY 1pm @ Poihakena Marae. More details on pg. 2. WED 24 MAY RAGLAN RAMBLERS 9am from Wainui Rd car park - St Albans, Waingaro.

Situations Vacant PART TIME JOB AT OLD SCHOOL ARTS CENTRE: Raglan Creative Market Coordinator. Applications close 1st June Email Rodger Gallagher for position descriptionrodger@ raglanartscentre.co.nz.

INTRO TO TAROT workshop Sat 27th May 10am to 4.30pm. $100. Ph/txt Chrissy 027 6644261. FREE BUDGET SERVICE AND CAREER-TREE CV WRITING SERVICE Raglan Community House @ 45 Bow St. Nau mai Haere mai. For appt. ph 07-825 8142, email: info@ theraglanhouse.co.nz. *Sponsored by RC

H I B E R N AT I N G THIS WINTER? No! Then come along to the Raglan Light Exercise Group. Our exercise programs are formulated fore people in our community who are in their twilight years, or need medical rehabilitation. St. Peters Hall, Monday and Thursday at 10am. Everybody is most welcome. *Sponsored by RC

ATTENTION BUSINESSES! Upselling: How to Value Your Customers and Increase Your Sales // 2-hour Training Course 5.30 - 7.30 pm Thurs 25 May Trainer: Stephanie Philp Venue: Old School Free drinks and Nibbles from 5.15 pm Book for 2 people and get a 3rd place free $45 (inc gst). Bookings essential E: steph@ metamorphosis.co.nz UNLEASH YOUR SUPER-SELF! The Power of Personal Change // 6-day NLP Course here in Raglan Trainer: Stephanie Philp Early Bird Rates. More info and to book: http://bit.ly/2oPJDK4 or E: steph@ metamorphosis.co.nz

In My Good Books Quality 2nd hand books Open Thurs - Sun from 10am 2 Wallis St Books wanted.

Dog Registration Fees & Charges 2017/0218

Flatmate Wanted

$155 /WEEK, to share with two others, includes power, wifi & some household items, 5 min walk to town, heat pump & fire place, harbour views. Ph 027 2946949.

Public Notices


- Peace and tranquility -Surfing, fishing, bush walks - Cabins, powered sites, tent sites

Public Notices CANNON RIDGE KIDS ANNUAL HUNTER & GATHERERS COMP Friday, 2 June to Sunday, 4 June Weigh-In from 9am to 2 pm on Sunday at the Raglan Rugby Club followed by Prize Giving at 3 pm. Registrations by Wed, 31 May. For more info, see our Facebook page or phone Ari 021 210 8622 or Niki 027 323 5770.

PH 07 825 6800






Any condition or age. 0221396588 or caravanjoshnz@gmail. com.

11th Grade Raglan 67 - Melville 12 POD’s Ricco Pirini & Ocean Burke

10th Grade Raglan 35 - Te Kowhai 35 POD’s Harrison Meek, Alby Sharples

The following dog registration fees and charges have been adopted by the Waikato District Council and become due and payable on 20 May 2017.

a ta m i ra . c o. n z

Mens Winter Lace, Cashmere, Shirts, Flannels, Woollen Jackets Jeans & Pants


General dog owner


Dangerous dog


Guide dogs, hearing ear dog, or companion dogs (Special criteria apply)


REBATES IF PAID BY 20 JULY 2017 (Rebates granted to owners classified by Council as at 30 April 2017)


Dog Policy Rebates


Commercial To Let

Discounted Rate (Paid by 20 July) $

Full Rate (paid on or after 20 July)


The following persons have been nominated as candidates for the 2017

General dogelection owner of Trustees: 102.00 122.00 triennial Approved owner TRUST (7 Trustees to be elected) 76.00 96.00 WEL ENERGY Selected owner 47.00 67.00 HAMILL Rob Power ON – Discounts and Grants

SECURE METALLED YARD FOR LEASE 1500m2, ready now at Nau Mai Business Park. HIAB & Trailer friendly access. Other sizes available for Sale or Lease. Ph Bob Carter 021 825 869, or 07 825 8690 TASMAN LANDS Ltd

HARDING Farm owner

Denise Power ON 47.00 – Discounts and Grants 67.00 INGLE Mark Power ON – Discounts and Grants Neutered dogs *Special conditions apply ISAAC Charlotte Power ON – Discounts and Grants *If neutered in the previous year, the normal classification fee will be rebated. NICHOLSON Dani ROLTON Mike Power ON – Discounts and Grants $ POUND, SEIZURE AND MISCELLANEOUS FEES ROWE Steve 80.00 Impounding – First SIMPSON Chris 110.00 Second STEPHEN Craig Power ON – Discounts and Grants 130.00 Third or subsequent impounding TOLAN Neil Seizure (additional to impounding fee) 70.00 WILLIAMS Kathryn Power ON – Discounts and Grants

To Let

WARM AND COSY - WINTER RETREAT 2bd furnished home, woodstove. 25/05, suit couple. Ph. 825 0575 or 022 677 3822.

Sustenance (per day)


There being more candidates than vacancies, an election is required to

NOTE: Any fees incurred in the seizure, custody, sustenance and transport of a Trustees. The willimpoundment. be held under the First Past the dogdetermine are requiredthe to be paid before its election release from

Post electoral system using postal and internet voting. Candidate names will

Dog beCollars listed –inLarge alphabetical order on the voting documents. Medium Small Period Voting

WHALE BAY 2bd, 2 bath, 3 level home for rent. $450pw. Ph. Javier, 021 022 77359.

13.00 12.00 7.00

Replacement 6.00 The votingtags period will commence on Thursday 8th June 2017 and will close

at midday Friday 30th JuneSelected 2017. Voting documents will be mailed to65.00 all Application foron classification under and Farm qualified Owner Policyelectors between Thursday 8th June 2017 and Friday 30th June 2017.

Enrolment and Special Voting Application for permit to keep more thanFacilities two dogs

QUAINT COTTAGE cosy 1 bdrm with large studio. 3 mins walk to town. Harbour views. Long term. $270/wk. Must have good references. Phone Melanie 021 760 468.


Adult residentsfee residing within the WEL Energy Trust area who are 48.00 not Disposal/surrender

listed on the final electoral roll for this election can enrol by calling Implanting of Microchips 40.00 0800 ENROL NOW (0800 36 76 56), visiting the Elections website (www.elections.org.nz) or obtaining enrolment forms at any postshop up to NOTE: 4.30pm on Thursday 29th June 2017. No reduction will be on registration fees for dogtothat is registered Special votes areallowed available from Thursday 8thany June midday, Friday on 30or June afterfrom 20 July from Trust part year registration as per sections 38 and St, 39 of the the2017, WELapart Energy office, Perry House, 360 Tristram Hamilton Dog Control Act 1996.

The following persons have been nominated as candidates for the 2017 triennial election of Trustees: WEL ENERGY TRUST (7 Trustees to be elected) HAMILL HARDING INGLE ISAAC NICHOLSON ROLTON ROWE SIMPSON STEPHEN TOLAN WILLIAMS

Rob Denise Mark Charlotte Dani Mike Steve Chris Craig Neil Kathryn

Power Power Power Power


– – – –

Discounts Discounts Discounts Discounts

and and and and

Grants Grants Grants Grants

Power ON – Discounts and Grants

Power ON – Discounts and Grants Power ON – Discounts and Grants

There being more candidates than vacancies, an election is required to determine the Trustees. The election will be held under the First Past the Post electoral system using postal and internet voting. Candidate names will be listed in alphabetical order on the voting documents.

Voting Period The voting period will commence on Thursday 8th June 2017 and will close at midday on Friday 30th June 2017. Voting documents will be mailed to all qualified electors between Thursday 8th June 2017 and Friday 30th June 2017.

Enrolment and Special Voting Facilities Adult residents residing within the WEL Energy Trust area who are not listed on the final electoral roll for this election can enrol by calling 0800 ENROL NOW (0800 36 76 56), visiting the Elections website (www.elections.org.nz) or obtaining enrolment forms at any postshop up to 4.30pm on Thursday 29th June 2017. Special votes are available from Thursday 8th June to midday, Friday 30 June from the WEL Energy Trust office, Perry House, 360 Tristram St, Hamilton during normal office hours (9am to 2pm Monday to Friday). Special votes may be claimed by:

Special votes may be claimed by:

• Electors, who have lost, spoilt or destroyed the original voting documents mailed to them.

G J Ion • Electors, who have lost, spoilt or destroyed the original voting documents Chief Executive

mailed to them.



during normal office hours (9am to 2pm Monday to Friday).

This notice is given under Sections 37 and 68 of the Dog Control Act 1996.

Services Offered

DEE DEE’S HOME HELP “Independence Matters” Avail 24/7 ph 8256787.

SAT 20 MAY @ YOT CLUB The Indicators plus DJ Tux, from 9pm. $5.

SAT 20 MAY @ UNV. OF WAIKATO 2017 Annual Opera Aria Competition finals. 7pm, $10 entry. Dr. John Gallagher Concert Chamber.

12th Grade Raglan 17 - Marist Green 10 POD’s Hudson Bidois, Kase Robbs & Jay Wilson


FLUE SERVICES & log fire inspection $100 and all flue and log fire repairs ph Mark 021457342 or 078298103.

FRI 19 MAY @ YOT CLUB Resident DJ from 9pm.



Courses, classes & workshops

0800 492 452 • Any other persons aged 18 or over who reside within the WEL Energy Trust www.waikatodistrict.govt.nz area and believe they have a right to vote and have not already voted in www.facebook.com/WaikatoDistrictCouncil

the election.

For further information regarding special voting please contact the election SUPPORT OUR SUPPORTERS! helpline on 0800 666 030. Lampp Local Warwick businesses are the foundation of our community - and they make it possible for us to bring the Raglan Chronicle to youTrust free of charge each week. Support our supporters and Electoral Officer, WEL Energy our local community, be sure to tell them you saw them in the Raglan Chronicle. Ph 0800 666 030 iro@electionz.com

• Any other persons aged 18 or over who reside within the WEL Energy Trust area and believe they have a right to vote and have not already voted in the election. For further information regarding special voting please contact the election helpline on 0800 666 030. Warwick Lampp Electoral Officer , WEL Energy Trust Ph 0800 666 030 iro@electionz.com

RAGLAN Chronicle 11

Raglan 484 Okete Road - $1,150,000


Raglan 106A Greenslade Road

Absolute Beachfront Haven • Situated on the stunning shores of Raglan Harbour. • A desirable 4 bedroom home plus extra accommodation. • Total privacy, tranquility and peace on 1265m² • Accessible by a private right of way - only 10 mins from Raglan. • Fishing, floundering, mussels and water sports at your beckon!



3 A 1 F 1 I Beyond Compare • Relax and enjoy the tranquil views of Moonlight Bay. • 3 double bedrooms + large office • Single garage, internal access • Impressive 1151m² section. • Harbour views. Beach access. • Prior Auction offers considered. NEW AUCTION DATE TO BE ADVISED

OPEN HOME: 4pm Saturday

OPEN HOME: 11am Saturday

For Sale $1,150,000 www.rwraglan.co.nz/RAG22726 rwraglan.co.nz/RAG22726 David Gray 027 224 1228 david.gray@raywhite.com

Auction POSTPONED View by appointment www.rwraglan.co.nz/RAG22775 rwraglan.co.nz/RAG22775 Julie Hanna 0274 418 964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282



LISTINGS REQUIRED! Call David Gray 027 224 1228

Raglan 16B Puka Place Auction

Remember Ray White’s 2017 Promotion... BE IN TO WIN $10,000!! All Vendors and Purchasers between 3rd Dec 2016 and 1st Dec 2017 go into our end of year draw. Call David for an up-to-date appraisal on your Raglan property.

Build Your House By The Sea • North facing 842m² section, elevated for beautiful views. • Easy walk to Cox Bay • Close to Raglan town, transport and cafes. • Ideal land bank or build your beach home. • Covenants apply. • Prior Auction offers considered. NEW AUCTION DATE TO BE ADVISED

Auction POSTPONED www.rwraglan.co.nz/RAG22338 rwraglan.co.nz/RAG22338 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282 Julie Hanna 0274 418 964

Expressions of Interest David Gray 027 224 1228 david.gray@raywhite.com LICENSED (REAA 2008)

Raglan 21 Seabreeze Way


3 A 2 F 2 I

Raglan 49 Government Road

Contemporary Living • Designer 3 bedroom home offering modern luxury living. • This fantastic house is situated on 580m² • Spacious open-plan living • Double garage, internal access • North facing, sun-drenched decking • Good water views • Prior auction offers considered.



3 A 1 F 2 I The Cutest Little House • Solid, cute, character cottage on 548sqm • Fully fenced easy care section • 3 bedrooms plus office/hobby room, double garage with internal access and laundry. • Deck gets all day sun with a view of the beautiful Raglan harbour. • Just a short walk to the water. • Prior Auction offers considered.

OPEN HOME: 12pm Sunday

OPEN HOME: 12pm Saturday

Auction 6.00pm, Friday 26 May 2017 Ray White Office, 21 Bow Street View by appointment Julie Hanna 0274 418 964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282

Auction 6.00pm, Friday 26 May 2017 View by appointment www.rwraglan.co.nz/RAG22796 rwraglan.co.nz/RAG22796 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282 Julie Hanna 0274 418 964


Raglan 21 Point Street - $530,000 New Listing


3 A 1 F

Raglan 30A Wallis Street - BY NEGOTIATION

Refreshingly Stunning • 3 bedroom home with open-plan living and stunning water and mountain views. • Grounds with potential for an orchard or garden. • Walk to town, beach or the local Raglan Area School. • An ideal first home buyers opportunity or as your Raglan holiday retreat!

2 A 1 F Wallis Street Opportunity

New Listing

• 2 Bedrooms plus family room. • Close to town, shops and the beach. • Low maintenance • Ideal Beach House • Retirement Gem • First Home • Be quick! OPEN HOME: 12pm Saturday

OPEN HOME: 1pm Saturday For Sale $530,000 View by appointment www.rwraglan.co.nz/RAG22806 rwraglan.co.nz/RAG22806 Julie Hanna 0274 418 964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282

By Negotiation View by appointment Julie Hanna 0274 418 964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282




OPEN HOMES SATURDAY 20TH MAY: 12pm - 30A Wallis Street | 12pm - 49 Government Road | 1pm - 21 Point Street SUNDAY 21ST MAY: 12pm - 21 Seabreeze Way | 1pm - 14 Upper Wainui Road | 1pm - 1B Point Street | 2pm - 533 Wainui Road

21 Bow St, Raglan Phone: 07 825 8669 Fax: 07 825 7410

12 RAGLAN Chronicle

Website: www.rwraglan.co.nz Email: raglan.nz@raywhite.com

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