Whaingaroa news for you weekly
Community Cash
16-18 Bow Street, Raglan. Open 7am – 8pm, 7 days. Phone: 825 8300.
Nga Ripo o Whaingaroa
19th October 2017 - Issue #566
Dedicated to supporting our local community.
Owned and operated by locals
Ken Thomas exhibition
RAS Lunch Box
Gig Guide/What's on
Open Homes Saturday 21st October: 11am – 67 Wallis St 11am – 62 Government Rd 12pm – 37 Point St 12pm – 38 Main Rd 1pm – 4 Primrose St 1pm – 4 Mahana Plce 2pm – 35 Government Rd
Sunday 22nd October: 11am – 67 Wallis St 12pm -47 Norrie Ave 12pm – 38 Main Rd 1pm – 4 Primrose St 1pm – 62 Government Rd 3pm – 34 Robertson St Monday 23rd October: 12pm - 47 Norrie Ave 1pm - 67 Wallis St 1pm - 4 Mahana Place 1pm - 10 Mahana Place 2pm - 37 Point Street
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RAGLAN Chronicle 1
Whaingaroa-Raglan is becoming a Waikato foodie hotspot. Find hours and weekly specials below and remember to support our local eateries!
(07) 825 8761
Phone orders welcome!
Turkish Kebabs on Plates - Pitas Burgers and more!
*Fish & Chips* *Burgers* *Weekly Specials*
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The store with a lot more!
92 Wallis St - 07 825 7544
43 Rose St 07 825 0010
Open for Dinner Fri & Sat from 5:30pm Breakfast/Lunch 7 Days
Express Lunch Mon - Fri $15 for 3 Courses
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Avatar® is a registered trademark Star’s Edge, Inc. All rights reserved.
From left Team Nekeneke get ready to hit the water Murray Clear, Taiko Rangiawha (in front), Sean Dillon, Si Nguyen, Dave Cameron and Daniel Kereopa. Image thanks to Stephanie Kennedy.
Health in Your Hands A column connecting with senior citizens in our community.
Personal Support for Living with Arthritis Real Fruit Ice Cream More than twenty people attended Burritos - Wraps a very informative talk by Richard Soup - Salad Tankersley and David Cox from Volcom Lane & Chilli Arthritis New Zealand last Thursday. Open from 11:30 More meetings will be organised for wa o k u l o d ge @ g mnear a i l .cofuture m the in Raglan. There is THE also telephone support available. Open 7 Days Free Monitored Personal S E R V I N G H O N E S T, L O C A L A N D G O O D F O O D 8am - 4pm open seven days a week Support Programme to register N O 1 9 B o w S t r e e t 07 8 2 5 0 0 2 7 ring 0800 663 463 or approach your local doctor. Arthritis is an overall term used This space could be yours. for over 100 conditions involving Email the Chronicle for more details. painful joints, bones and organs and specific types of arthritis may require different treatments. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis and is caused by the deterioration of the cartilage between the joints resulting in pain and stiffness. Rheumatoid arthritis tends to affect women more than men and is caused by a malfunction in the immune system. It is the only form of arthritis that is symmetrical and Wednesday 7.00pm affects both hands or both feet. Gout is a very painful form of Arthritis that is more likely to occur Contact: Administrator Jan Mitchell ph 825 5122 in males and usually starts with the inflammation of the big toe, but can develop in other parts of the body. It is often hereditary, passed on from the parents or grandparents. Māori and Pacific Island people are particularly at risk. Attacks happen when there is too much uric acid in the blood which ultimately turns to sharp crystals in the joints. Reducing the intake of protein rich
Te Kopua Camp Store, Marine Parade, Raglan
Fish n’ Chips Group Bookings Inside/Outside Seating
248 Wainui Rd | 07 825 8233 Open 7 Days a Week From 9am
Open 9am - 7pm Wed - Sunday Closed Mon-Tues
Team Nekeneke:
10am - Family Service and Children’s Ministry Thursdays 3-5pm - 7C’s Bible Club for Children Visitors Cherished
3 Stewart St – 07 825 8276 or 07 825 8028
food such as meat and seafood and avoiding alcohol (particularly beer) and sugary drinks can help prevent gout attacks. Keep hydrated, consuming more water can protect against gout and others forms of arthritis. Fibromyalgia is another form of arthritis causing pain in the neck, shoulders, spine, and hips and is often accompanied by fatigue and sleeplessness. Fibromyalgia tends to run in families and mostly affects women. It appears to be triggered or aggravated by emotional or physical trauma such as an accident or illness. It is tricky to diagnose as symptoms are similar to polymyalgia rheumatic or lupus, and other diseases such as an abnormal thyroid and irritable bowel syndrome. Diagnosing the correct type of arthritis is important for obtaining the right kind of treatment, especially as a person may have more than one type of arthritis and or another kind of disability By ringing 0800 663 463 (or contacting www.arthritis, people can learn to understand their arthritis and get help and support to manage the pain. Keeping active, eating a healthy diet and taking the appropriate medication can improve the quality of life. Thank you to the Senior Citizens for hosting the event and Care and Craft and the Disability Support Group for help with the catering, and the Community House for the loan of the projector screen. Pauline Abrahams
This week's weather is sponsored by The Raglan Project. 1 Wallis St | Ph 825 8881
SUPPORT OUR SUPPORTERS! The businesses and individuals advertising in the Raglan Chronicle are participating not only to promote their businesses, but to show their support for our community paper – so be sure to tell them you saw them in the Raglan Chronicle. Local businesses are the foundation of our community - and they make it possible for us to bring the Raglan Chronicle to you.
Raglan Ink Ltd home of the Raglan Chronicle Office Open Mon - Fri 9.00am - 4.00pm, Wainui Rd, Raglan Ph: (07) 825-7076 Fax: (07) 825-7078 Post: P.O. Box 234, Raglan Email: Advertising & Articles The advertising and editorial content deadline will be Monday at 12pm week of issue. DISCLAIMER
Opinions and views expressed in the Raglan Chronicle do not necessarily represent those held by the Editors or Publishers. Every care will be taken in the preparation and placement of submitted material but the Editors/Publishers shall not be liable for errors or omissions or subsequent effects due to the same. It is the submitters responsibility to ensure material is not libelous or defamatory. The Editors/Publishers reserve the right to abridge, alter or decline any material submitted to the Raglan Chronicle to meet the constraints of space and/or maintain a reasonable standard of language and decorum.
2 RAGLAN Chronicle
THE RAGLAN PROJECT Supplying Raglan with everything you need for your home building project. Call us on 825 8881 or drop in to see us at 1 Wallis St. Open 7 Days.
Raglan waka ama crew paddling to success
Also at H.G Webb House, Cnr Boundary & Victoria Streets, Hamilton
From left Team Nekeneke win silver - Daniel Kereopa, Dave Cameron, Si Nguyen, Taiko Rangiawha, Sean Dillon and Murray Clear. Image/Emma Galloway.
etting goals and good honest training has paid off for Raglan waka ama crew at the 2017 Te Wānanga o Aotearoa Long Distance Nationals in Napier last weekend. Racing alongside 36 teams, Whāingaroa Whānau Hoe Waka team Nekeneke placed second in the Open Men’s 28km race, only the second time they have competed in the event having placed 14th in 2016. Ranging in age from 18 to 40, the triumphant team consisted of Taiko Rangiawha, Si Nguyen, Dave Cameron, Sean Dillon, Murray Clear and Daniel Kereopa. The other Whāingaroa Whanau Hoe Waka team Areare – Aaron Kereopa, Tare Kereopa, Hari Bassett, Wayne Trott, Wheturangi Tepania and Manu Le Gouais also competing in the race came 13th.
Crew combinations change depending on who is the strongest contender on the day and team captain Dave Cameron is quick to point out that all of the paddlers were equally capable of taking the second placing. “It’s hard to pick the top guys,” he says. “I could have used a few different combinations.” Training on the water in all conditions at least three days a week for the past 10 months and many more hours spent in the gym, Whāingaroa Whānau Hoe Waka upped their game from last year when they struggled even to get a team together. “This year we have raced a lot of races and the last four or five we have been in the front,” Dave says. Seen as the underdogs by many, Dave says their success was well received by the other teams, many with national representatives paddling in their waka.
“The ultimate goal was to get a medal but a top five placing would have been good as well.” Having made their mark in the long distance race, the club now head into the regional sprints in Karapiro in December and national sprints in January, where the female paddlers in the club will also be competing. Dave says they are in the perfect spot for waka ama training in Raglan and paddling in wind, rain and hail holds them in good stead for future winning performances. Although mainly self-funded, the club is thankful to the support of Raglan Surf Emporium for team uniforms. Great for cardio, stamina, strength and mental fitness, Whāingaroa Whānau Hoe Waka is keen to sign up new paddlers of any age with an interest in waka ama – contact Dave on 022 074 1215 or check out their Facebook page Team Nekeneke. Janine Jackson
Waikato Scholastic Surf Championships
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Over 30 Years INDUStry Experience
Left image: The Waikato Scholastics surf team. Right image from left: Navryn and Ollie who competed in the 2017 Sticky Johnson Primary School Championships.
he 2017 Waikato Scholastic Surfing Team competed at the National Scholastic Surf Championships in Gisborne held October 9-13. Nine young surfers representing Waikato made up the team, who came 8th overall. The team are all members of the Raglan Point Boardriders Club and four are at Raglan Area
School. Coach and current national champ, Billy Stairmand, who once competed in the Scholastics himself, helped the team achieve first place in the U16 boys (Caleb Cutmore) and U14 girls (Brie Bennett), along with other semi-final and final results. U14 Boys: Jayden Willoughby (RAS), Kora Cooper (RAS), Josef Jungwirth (RAS), Ben Storey (St Pauls)
U16 Boys: Caleb Cutmore (HBHS), Jack Rosewarne (HBHS) U18 Boys: Geordie Kingsbeer (HBHS) U14 Girls: Brie Bennett (RAS) U18 Longboard: Poppy Holland (Dio) 2017 Sticky Johnson Primary School Championships: Y 7 & 8 Boys winner: Navryn Malone Sportsmanship Award: Ollie Holland
10am Raglan Area School 7pm Te Uku Church Pastor Roger Peart ph 07 825 5199
RAGLAN Chronicle 3
Raglan Plunket market
enee Stevenson our Plunket community liaison has recently introduced two great free programs for mums and bubs in Raglan and the surrounding areas.
On Mondays Plunket meet at the Town Hall or the domain at 10.30am for buggy fit (a workout program aimed at mum’s where kids and babies are welcome to come and join in or hang out) and every second Wednesday at 1.30pm we meet in the wet room out the back of the Old School Art Centre for Messy Playgroup art play. To keep these programs going we need the support of the local community so we are running another Baby and Kids market at the Raglan Town Hall on Sunday, October 29, 10am-1pm. We have around 16 tables selling new and second hand baby/kids and maternity paraphernalia as well as aromatherapy and skin care. Entrance to the public is a gold coin donation. We are also running a sausage sizzle, face painting and a raffle with around $400 worth of prizes donated by local retailers and groups. We are still calling for a couple of volunteers, Belinda can be reached on 0272776987 or
WIN Soundsplash tickets!
he Chronicle is giving away 2 x threeday passes to Soundsplash Festival (worth $260) Please note that this prize only includes festival tickets and does not include
Introducing: The Joinery
camping or car parking passes. To enter the competition email us at with your name and contact number by 5pm, October 31 to be in the draw.
Contact The Joinery for all your joinery and furniture needs.
aving started in the Joinery industry 14 years ago by completing his apprenticeship locally, Raglan is where Edrich Opperman has planted his roots as a family and have their forever home.
Edrich believes his family business, The Joinery, can help support the rapid growth of this community by offering high quality workmanship and superior service in an industry we are passionate about. Throughout the years he has gained extensive experience and knowledge within this industry, having worked in different areas from kitchens, cabinetry, exterior joinery, commercial joinery and furniture manufacturing. He is also involved with tutoring young apprentices and assessing trainees within the joinery and furniture industry. The Joinery aim to provide customers with the best service, no matter what their needs or budget are. They provide a fully integrated design, manufacture and installation service, using superior materials. They have also teamed up with leading suppliers who are at the forefront of kitchen technology to provide customers with products that have proven durability and performance. The services that The Joinery provide include the following to the Waikato region: Kitchens: Whether it is a high-end kitchen or something to suit your individual needs, we have many different options available. They
provide free quotes, all they need is a rough drawing and some dimensions. Some of the options for door and drawer-fronts include, but is not limited to: Melteca, thermowrap, timber, plywood and veneer. Cost-effective laser edging is also available, a new pinnacle of kitchen design aesthetic. Kitchen re-facing and re-modelling: Save thousands by using your existing kitchen carcass, cabinets and re-face them with new doors, drawer-fronts, panels, benchtops and handles. The Joinery adopt sustainable practices that can convert your old existing kitchen into one with a modern style and design, or one where new features are added with minimal waste. Benchtops: Some options for benchtops include, high-pressure laminates, timber, stainless steel, caesarstone and engineered stone. Furniture & storage solutions: Bring your plans, basic measurements or a photo and they will work with you to design your new wardrobe, vanity, storage unit, or shop fit-out. They can hand-craft your own individual piece of furniture, which suits your style and is made to last a life-time. To get a hold of The Joinery, please visit or find them on on Facebook and like the page for giveaways and advice. Alternatively, you can email admin@ or ring 0275825727.
Fighting crime with tamper-proof screws
would have thought crooks are your number plate? Whotargeting
Raglan Community Patrol Safer Plates Promotion Labour Weekend, Saturday 21 October The Club Car Park, Bow St Raglan 10am - 2pm Raglan Community Patrol, NZ Police and the Raglan Club would like to invite you to our Safer Plates fundraising event. We will be offering motorists the opportunity to have their number plate screws changed to a more secure, tamper deterrent screw. We will install your “Safer Plates Screws” for the cost of $5 per vehicle. So come down, have your screws changed, receive some great advice and enjoy! See you there! All proceeds from this fundraising event will go directly back into your local Community Patrol. Come along to this great event, meet your Local Patrol and your local Police. *Gold card holders entitled to 1 x set of screws and install free!
4 RAGLAN Chronicle
Up by 39 percent, number plate theft has risen over the past five years. Raglan Community Patrol want to help keep your car safe with a number plate screw swap this Labour weekend at the Raglan Club on Saturday, October 23 from 10am to 2pm. For $5 or a koha, depending on your means, Raglan Community Patrol coordinator Narina Hurst says the team will swap out your old screws with new tamper-proof screws that are removed by a special tool. “It’s important to know that your car is safe,” she says. As well as saving yourself the hassle of ordering and paying for new plates and reporting it to the police, Narina says you are also helping combat crime. “The number plates are put on other cars used in burglaries.” Other crimes connected to stolen number plates include petrol thefts, avoidance of traffic-related fines or tolls, shoplifting and robbery. Police figures show 22,206 number plates were reported stolen in New Zealand between 2011 and 2015.
As the ‘eyes and ears’ of the local police, Narina says hosting this event is just another way the Raglan Community Patrol can help keep the community safe and lessen the workload of the police. “There’s always someone (of the 15 patrol members) out day and night keeping a lookout for anything suspicious.” She advises people to report to the police when their number plates are stolen as it helps police keep a record of the stolen plates and many may think they have just fallen off. The Raglan Community Patrol is also looking to increase their team and Narina says they welcome new members to be part of a crime-busting team dedicated to keeping Raglan crime-free. The Raglan patrol is affiliated with Community Patrols of New Zealand and works closely with the local police. Applicants are vetted by the police and complete a period of training (usually three months) with senior patrollers. For more information about the Raglan Community Patrol contact Narina on 07 825 8473 and don’t forget to head to the Raglan Club this Saturday, October 23 from 10am till 2pm to swap out your number plate screws. Janine Jackson
Art Talk with Ken Thomas: Exhibition of recent and new work
Ken's studio features some work from earlier in his painting career, featuring fluorescent surfboard paint.
ne of the great impressionist painters, Claude Monet, is credited with saying that, “for me, a landscape does not exist in its own right, since its appearance changes at any moment.”
It’s hard not to see the truth of this statement when you look at the changing landscapes of Ken Thomas’ paintings. Where some of us might see a breaking wave, rolling hills or a tree, for him, it’s often more about a moment in time or a mood, the difference in feel between the tides. “My work is inspired by nature and natural things. I’m more of a landscape kind of a guy, I focus on moods and I also do the odd portrait. Sort of impressionist I guess.” Mostly working with oils and varnishes, his paintings often start as a sketch which he develops into a study and then through to
paint where different spectrums of colours are reflected in layered considerations of the landscape. Ken also speaks of his love of music and the correlations he sees between art and music. “I’ve been part of a few underground bands and a huge amount of my friends are great musicians and I always see music as, not just writing a song, but performing, “it’s similar with painting too, it’s still a performance.” With loud music “always” being part of the painting process, you can almost see the vision of arms moving wildly coming through in Ken’s brushstrokes. He says he is more of a bass man and enjoys lots of percussion, musical influences that again seem to come through in the subtleties of his work. The rhythms in the
colours that he uses and an underlying mood that comes through like a groovy bassline. When the Chronicle visited Ken’s Raglan West studio he showed us some of his earlier work from the eighties which is crafted with house paint and fluorescent surfboard paint. While the works are from around 30 years ago, you can see the bold brushstrokes and inherent vibrancy that you see in his work today. Ken recalls one of his earlier exhibitions held in Hamilton at what was called the Slaughter House Gallery, a butchery on any other day, owned by Peter Coddington at the back of where the Heart and Soul shop was located. “I had these big canvases all done with fluoro surfboard paint. It was called A Pigment of Your Imagination.” He recalls with a grin.
Prior to painting full-time, Ken had a background in graphics and illustration, producing artwork and logos as well as clothing designs for Town and Country surfboards during the eighties. “Everything changed when things started going digital and I got more involved in shaping surfboards and painting which is more hands-on. Luckily I was producing stuff that was good enough to sell.” About the time he started painting, Ken also started Kina Boys, a clothing brand that some Raglan locals may recognise. An underground brand in the true sense of the word, Kina Boys was born while Ken was living on the North Shore of Oahu, Hawai’i. Some may also recall Fever Surfboards, a surfing label owned by Ken and Glen Campbell (under which Glen won a National surfing title), a satellite label to Hamilton’s Backdoor Surf Shop, which was also started by Ken. Ken will be returning to his old studio, Rock-it, for his latest exhibition showing 15 pieces of ‘Recent and New Work’. His pieces will be on display at Rock-it from this week with an auction to be held on November 18. Selling his artwork widely from London to New York as well as locally in Raglan, his paintings often sell out, with phone bidders sometimes attending his auctions on behalf of art collectors. There will not be any pre-sales so all pieces will be sold strictly by auction. Admitting that it is “always hard to let go,” of some of his paintings Ken has had his time with them and he plans to get straight back into new work once this exhibition is over and is thinking about trying out some new directions as well. M.N. Ken Thomas Exhibition – Recent and New Work. October 18 – November 18 at Rock-it, 248 Wainui Road. All works to be sold by auction on Saturday, November 18 at Rock-it, 3-5pm.
WHAT IS RAGLAN NATURALLY? Raglan Naturally was created by the community in 2001 as a shared vision of Raglan’s future. It’s a living document to guide and manage growth and development while protecting and enhancing Raglan’s unique character. Over the next 12 months, Raglan Naturally is being reviewed and updated and we’d love you to be involved.
Nōu ko te rourou, nāku ko te rourou, ka ora ai te hapori Community initiatives Raglan Naturally has supported include: - New skate park - Museum and information centre - Poihakena Marae renovations
Together, your input and my input will strengthen and enhance the community Look out for updates in the Chronicle and on our Facebook page and see us at the Raglan Creative Market and other community events.
WHY GET INVOLVED? Raglan Naturally is by and for the community. We’ll support you to share what’s important to you, your whānau and friends. Together we can create a future to be proud of.
For more info or to sign up for our newsletter email: or call Raglan Naturally coordinator Gabrielle Parson, 021-844-785.
RAGLAN Chronicle 5
Kitchen Knives Collect Stamps, Redeem Now!
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600 ea
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$ 99
Lindauer 750ml
Arnott’s Shapes/ Light & Crispy 120-190g
(Excludes Special Reserve)
Owned & operated
by locals 6 RAGLAN Chronicle
SuperValue Raglan: 16-18 Bow Street. Phone 825 8300. Open 7am�–�9pm, 7 Days. *Terms & Conditions apply, see for details. While stocks last at SuperValue Raglan only. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Trade not supplied.
Please drink responsibly
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New-look tuck shop hopeful it has the recipes to success
ushi wraps or cones, mini muffins, popcorn and fruit, all neatly served up in a compostable “clamshell” container – the humble tuck shop has come a long way if the fare on the lunch order menu at Raglan Area School today is any indication.
Tomorrow it’s chicken or dahl curry on offer, in good-sized compostable cups. Come Mondays and Tuesdays there’ll be macaroni cheese and bean nachos. New canteen operator Maree Harris acknowledges the modern tuck shop is a far cry from her own school days when she might have tucked into a deep-fried lasagne topper or a slab of frozen cheesecake. And while there will still be sausage rolls in the pie-warmer, as of old, some vegies and lentils will be sneaked into her savoury mince mix. There’ll be no pies as such, she says, but the green pastizzi seen on the RAS lunchbox page
of Facebook “appears to be a winner”. It’s a puff pastry, vegetarian option – based on a recipe that originates from Malta – with a cheesy, eggy, spinach centre. As the new contractor, Maree’s been busy trialling various recipes at her Bayview Road home during the school holidays with five-year-old son Dizzy and daughter Lola, nearly three, her keen guinea pigs. And today, Thursday – with the re-opening of the tuck shop after a $5000 upgrade that includes a new oven and extractor fan – she was all good to go. While she hopes to introduce some more conventional fare along the way, like sandwiches and filled rolls, Maree will also be selling her own unique dizzyblocks – iceblocks made from mainly fruit – which retail at The Shack, Raglan’s monthly creative market and at the Whatawhata farm shop. Her background is in hospitality and with partner Liam Caulden-Lavers – a former chef but now a teacher at the school – taking on the canteen contract seemed like a “really convenient” thing to do as a family. “I’m trying to find somewhere in the middle between pre-packaged food – which is very costeffective and convenient – and healthier options,” she says. At the same time she acknowledges buying lunch is still a treat for kids so the choices need to be appealing. It’s about mixing classic favourites with the likes of sushi, for instance, to get the nutrition that complements learning. Area school principal Malcolm Cox told the Chronicle it has been quite a challenge to get the tuck shop of old fully compliant with new health and safety standards.
Maree getting ready for business in the upgraded canteen with brand new oven and extractor fan.
“It’s a whole different set-up,” he revealed of recent regulations which mean a licence is now needed to operate a school canteen as a small business. “It was not an easy transition.”
Raglan Baha'i is part of worldwide celebration
Raglan Outdoor Bowls Update
Rimu tree at Wainui Bush Park Reserve.
orldwide celebrations are being held on October 22 to mark the 200th anniversary of the birth of Baha'u'llah, founder of the Baha'i Faith.
Championship Triples Winners L-R Ann Bouzaid, Blue Stephens and Heather Dalbeth.
ur first championship event, optional drawn triples, was held over the weekend and it was our first game on our wonderful grass green. Thanks to Terry Green and the green keeping team for their efforts as it has been too wet to play on up until now.
Eighteen players were selected into six teams of triples to challenge for this title. Having to win two games to qualify, we had three teams that managed that successfully. The post section on Sunday saw Terry Green’s team have the bye, leaving Colin Bouzaid, Denis Pizer and Alex Lorenzen to play off against Richard (Blue) Stephens, Heather Dalbeth and Ann Bouzaid. Blue’s team won this game and they went on to defeat Terry Green’s team including Les Schlager, and Pim Blair, to take out the triples championship title. Congratulations to you all. Our first aggregate event, the Harbourview Cup, held on September 23, was won by Eileen Stephens, Bill Bond and Jack Peel. The second Aggregate event, the Moore Cup, held on September 30, was won by Bill Bond and Murray Eddy. The mixed singles event, held on October 7, was played as a one-life system with a plate event
for the first round's losers. Some great bowls were played in these games which saw Colin Bouzaid defeat Maureen (Maws) Wahanga in the main event final, and Eileen Stephens defeating Sue Russell in the plate event. LABOUR WEEKEND BOWLS: Yes, our greens will be ‘open to the general public’ to come and join in on our roll-up day on Saturday at 1pm. Need to report in by 12.45pm please. Cosy is $2 per player. Flat soled shoes are a MUST. Contact Jim Boggiss 8257599 for all enquiries. TWILIGHT/BUSINESS HOUSE BOWLS: Our first session of this popular event starts on Tuesday, November 14 and runs through to Tuesday 11 December, starting at 6pm. Please report in by 5.30pm for this first night. Cost is $15 per person for the whole event (five weeks), includes a BBQ. Flat soled shoes a MUST. Lots of raffles and fun and good comradeship. Gather up two friends, make up a team of three, or come along by yourself and we will fit you into a team. All queries to Bob 021 825869. See you on the greens. Happy Bowling Eileen Stephens
But it’s exciting to be “up to speed” at last, he said, having run school lunch orders from the hall kitchen most of the year courtesy of parent Margaret Dillon and her helpers. Edith Symes
More than 100 Baha'i communities around New Zealand will be the first to hold festivities in a global day of celebration involving over 100,000 communities. Raglan Baha'is have already marked the occasion by planting a rimu tree in Wainui Bush Park Reserve. Tributes in honour of the bicentenary from local and national leaders around the world are continually pouring into Baha'i communities. In a recent message from the Rt.
Hon Bill English, Mr English acknowledged the significance of the anniversary and praised the country's diversity. Around 2,100 indigenous tribes, races, and ethnic groups are represented in the global Baha’i community, and Baha'i writings and other literature have been translated into more than 800 languages, including te reo Maori. Waikato Baha'i and small business owner, Babak Paymani, assisted in the Raglan tree planting. Mr Paymani originates from Iran, the birth country of the Baha'i Faith. He came to New Zealand as a young adult refugee to escape religious persecution. He has since married and has two Kiwi/ Iranian adult sons. “New Zealand gives us freedom to practice our religion without fear of victimization and denial of our human rights,” said Mr Paymani. “Although the Baha'i Faith is the biggest minority religious group in Iran, Baha'is have been subjected to continual and systematic persecution since the birth of the Faith in 1844.” Mr Paymani said people easily identify with the Faith's principle teachings of unity, equality and justice. “At the very heart of the Baha'i teachings is the well-being, happiness and progress of humanity.” The Raglan tree planting is just one of many events and activities being held in the Waikato to mark the bicentenary. For further Information in Raglan on the Baha’i Faith contact Kathy Gilbert, 078250996 https:// Kathy Gilbert
Photos of Aotearoa, NZ by Steve Winter
Opening Labour Weekend from10.30am Saturday 21 October 2 Bow Street Raglan, Phone 07 825 7962
RAGLAN Chronicle 7
New Zealand’s leading rural real estate company RURAL
Large Lifestyle with Location 712 Ohautira Road Located at Te Uku a popular lifestyle area near Raglan, this 6.4ha property has nine paddocks and plenty of buildings for sheep/cattle/horses. The three bedroom home is warm and sunny. There is surf, beaches, harbour access, schools, cafes fishing and much more all on your doorstep!
A Lot To Like Here is a very well located 12 hectare lifestyle property oozing with appeal. The three bedroom home has been built in the perfect spot. Sheltered, all day sun, private creek and native trees to the south and fertile soils make this a very well thought out and well situated home. There are sheds, a workshop, stables, ring arena, sleep out, garden sheds, two chicken runs and stock shelters. A short drive down the road is a primary school, store, fuel and great coffee. An easy commute to Hamilton
Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625
Raglan Prime Time
$1.25M Plus GST (if any) VIEW BY APPOINTMENT
199A Checkley Road
Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625
Private Bush Retreat 151 Cogswell Road
• 11.2849ha - 90% in bush with two paddocks for grazing • Three bedroom, sunny home with ensuite, two living areas and expansive decks with bush views • Large farm shed and chook house • Located about half way between Hamilton and Raglan
Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625
A rare opportunity to purchase a 1.46ha section in a premier location only a few minutes from Raglan. Incredible rural and harbour views in a very quiet spot with Te Uku school, coffee shop and four square conveniently located approx 3km away. Has power to the site and an easy near flat building platform. Good fishing, flounder and whitebait nearby.
Water Front Views, Town Boundary 2A Maungatawhiri Road
• 9.3 hectares • Easy build platforms • Harbour views • Well fenced for grazing • Close to town
Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625
PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under REAA 2008
$450,000 GST Inclusive VIEW BY APPOINTMENT
Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625
Don't Miss This One 329 Waitetuna Valley Road is freshly renovated and ready for you to move in and enjoy! Located approx mid way between Hamilton and Raglan, Waitetuna is a very popular lifestyle location. This three bedroom, warm, sunny home has two large living areas, new kitchen, two toilets and one bathroom plus plenty of sheds set on .82ha of flat land.
8 RAGLAN Chronicle
3207 Shwy 23
Waitetuna $615,000 GST Inclusive VIEW BY APPOINTMENT
Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625
Country Charmer 653 Te Mata Road is a charming, sunny three bedroom home located near Raglan and zoned for the very popular Te Mata primary school. A log burner heats this home and there are polished native timber floors through out. Set on just over 3000m2 with three paddocks and a pumice arena the property would suit someone with a horse.
Raglan $530,000 GST Inclusive VIEW BY APPOINTMENT
Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625
local health and wellbeing
news, products and services
foodarama at the herBal dispensarY
Diane Davies Massage & Aromatherapy....021 969 929
Veita Harding - Maternal Health Counselling ....... Whaingaroa/Raglan...............................021 110 3423
The Herbal Dispensary.......................07 825 7444 Private Herbal/Naturopathic consultations
Janis Beet Homeopath......................07 825 8004
Diane Davies Massage & Aromatherapy....021 969 929 Haven Massage with Shannon Darbyshire..021 02442248
Stress Relief by Nick Reynolds............0274 799763
Raglan Yoga Loft.............................021 02442248 Yoga at ‘The Space’...................Above the Yot Club
Raglan Community Te Kohao Health Medical Centre Your Medical Clinic Te Kohao Health Nau Mai Haere Mai
Raglan, Te Kohao Health Your Medical Clinic
All Welcome
Poihakena Marae All Welcome 216 Wainui Rd, Raglan 218 Monday,-Wednesday, Friday Friday Raglan, 9.00am - -4.30pm 08.30am 5.00pm Poihakena Marae Free after hours telephone triage service 216 Wainui Rd, Raglan Monday, Wednesday, Friday Phone: (07) 825 0197 Fax: (07) 825 0956 Email: 9.00am - 4.30pm Free after hours telephone triage service Te Kohao Health Phone: (07) 825 0197 Fax: (07) 825 0956 180 Dey St, Hamilton Email: Monday - Friday 8.30 - 5.00pm Saturday 8.30 - 12.00pm Te Kohao Health Free after hours telephone triage service 180 Dey St, Hamilton Phone: (07) 856 1211 Monday Friday 8.30 5.00pm The Herbal Dispensary will be holding their Labour Weekend Foodarama event this weekend. Saturday 8.30 - 12.00pm Dedicated in the memory of Dr Tom Ellison Free after hours telephone triage service (07) 856 1211be ere comes summer, to celebrate we Our herbal Phone: dispensary will If you haven’t visited us for a while, Nau Mai Haere Mai
are having our first of the season
it is a good chance to come down and
Dedicated in the memory of Dr Tom Ellison operating as normal for any herbal and
try something new, get some foodie
natural health questions; we always have
Come and see us at The Herbal
inspiration and maybe enjoy a fresh juice
qualified staff here to help you with any
Dispensary on Saturday and Sunday to
while you wander around. If you are a
Foodarama event this Labour weekend.
taste, explore and meet food producers who are passionate about their products. We will be highlighting some of our old
regular customer, we are sure we can find something you didn’t even know we had for you to try!
questions. Just a reminder if you have an extra large bread or pastry order needed for the long weekend, please give us a call so we can make sure you don’t miss out.
favourites and also some new products;
Labour weekend is also a time for
Volare Sourdough breads and pastries,
planting and we are well stocked with
weekend, we would love to see you.
Cheese barn and grinning gecko organic
organic vegetable plants, kings seeds,
The Herbal Dispensary Team
cheeses, Little Island coconut ice creams
organic potting mixes & composts and the
6 Wallis Street ph O78257444
and Granite Lifeforce Tonic drinks.
incredible edibles range of plants.
We are open every day over the long
The Herbal Dispensary
Telephone: 825 0114
After hours: Anglesea Clinic Healthline
07 825 0800 0800 611 116
OPENING HOURS: Mon Open 8am Close 7pm
Tues 8am 7pm
Wed 8am 7pm
Thurs Fri 8am 8am 7pm 5pm
NaNuMuaMiHaiHeraeMr aMi ai Al AWeWlceolmcoeme
RAGLAN Chronicle 9
9492 Motorcycle Ad Raglan C.pdf
10:54 AM
Get to grips with cornering ...
NOVEMBER SESSIONS Novice, intermediate and returning riders When: Saturday 18 November, 9am - 4pm Experienced riders When: Sunday 19 November, 9am - 4pm Venue: Hamilton Go Kart Club Facilitators Lynne and Andrew Templeton
Strictly limited places. Book now!
Go to or 0800 BE ROADSAFE (0800 237 623) email Supported by Hamilton City, Waikato and Waipa District Councils 10 RAGLAN Chronicle RAGLAN Chronicle 11
Rocking October
Tues 17th Oct 2017 Sat 21st Oct 2017
4 pk
$ .99
2 for $
Jameson 700ml OR Absolut Mango 700ml
Jameson 1L OR Chivas 12YO 700ml $
12 pk $
Kingfisher 330ml Orchard Bots 12s OR NZ Pure Thieves 330ml 330ml Bots 12s Bots 12s
Macs 330ml DB Draught, Export Gold, Export Citrus Range Bots 12s Range Bots 6pk Tui EIPA Bots 24s
Grants 1L $
Jagermeister 700ml $
Johnnie Walker Double Black 700ml
Gordons 1L
Black Heart 1L $ .99
Jim Beam 1125ml $ .99
Steinlager Bots 18s
Stil Vodka 1L
Lion Red, Speights, Waikato Bots 15s
Canterbury Cream 750ml $ .99
Appletons 1L $ .99
8 pk $
KGB 7% 250ml Cans 12pk OR Vodka Cruiser 275ml Bots 12pk $ .99
Long White Cans OR Bots 10pk $ .99
Woodstock Easy Roller Bots 12pk $ .99
Woodstock Extra 7% 250ml Cans 18pk $ .99
Jack Daniel’s & Cola 375ml Cans 10pk $ .99
Smirnoff Ice Bots 10pk $ .99
Park Lane Cans 6pk $ .99
Heineken Bots 15s
Coruba & Cola 7% Cans 12pk $ .99
4 pk
Wolf Blass Yellow Label Range $ .99
Smirnoff Double Black Cans 12pk $ .99
Huntaway Reserve Range $ .99
Homestead Range 2 for $
Graham Norton Range 2 for $
Lindauer Special Reserve Blanc de Blanc $ .99
Wither Hills Single Vineyard Sauv $ .99
Export 33 OR Export Dry Bots 15s
Wither Hills Single Vineyard Pinot Noir & Chard $ .99
Raglan Liquor Centre 4 Wainui Road, Raglan Gift Cards Available
Prices valid Mon 16 – Tues 31 October 2017. All specials may not be available in some stores. Specials only available at Liquor Centre Stores detailed above. No Trade Sales. th
st Open Home
‘LIKE’us on Facebook Indicates there is a ‘Walk-through Video’
New Listing
Open Home
Final Notice
100c Greenslade Road Your Haven Enjoy spectacular harbour views from this warm and welcoming home. ‘The Chalet’ was built to make the most of the sun and the views with two living areas and dual decks for relaxed outdoor living and entertaining. You will love the peacefulness of the bush setting and the sheltered micro climate it provides. Wake to birdsong, breathe in the fresh sea air and enjoy the natural tranquillity of the gentle lap of the tides. Positioned adjacent to the walkway access to Moonlight Bay you can be at the water’s edge in less than a minute. It is a sanctuary for busy professionals or a wonderful holiday home. Call now and secure it for summer! Deadline Contact Email View
Open Home
25th October (unless sold prior) Chrissy Cox - 027 287 1804 Sunday 1 - 1:30pm
4a Kaitoke Street 3
1343 Te Hutewai
What You’ve Been Waiting For! Deadline 8th November (unless sold prior) Contact Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Email
Sunday 12-12:30pm 1PNHFG
12 RAGLAN Chronicle
Make your lifestyle dream a reality from this picturesque property. Located in the wonderful Te Mata community & in zone for popular Te Mata School. The 3 bdrm home has been recently renovated to a high standard including a new kitchen & bathroom. The land area of 8877m2 is extensively planted & features a stream plus a huge variety of established plantings & fruit trees. Enjoy privacy & breathtaking Mountain & rural views from every direction, this is truly special. A secondary 1 bdrm cottage needs some finishing to obtain CCC + there is a workshop including 3 phase power and a mechanics pit.
2013 Built Beach House or First Home Thoughtfully designed and built in 2013 by Kiwi Homes, this modern and low maintenance 3 bedroom home is perfect for permanent or holiday living. Located at the end of a quiet culdesac with the popular coastal walkway at the end of the bush lined driveway. Packed full of features for the price. Call Kyle for a viewing today
For Sale Contact Email View
$525,000 Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 Saturday 11 - 11:30am
‘LIKE’us on Facebook
Indicates there is a ‘Walk-through Video’
Open Day
Open Home
New Listing
41 Government Road Beach Within Reach This cute and quirky cottage could be your opportunity to make your Raglan dream a reality. The open plan living area has lovely Tawa floors and opens out through bi-fold doors to a generous deck, perfect for alfresco dining and those summer BBQs. Modernisation over past years includes, new kitchen and bathroom, woodburner, gas hot water in addition to under-floor insulation in the upper level. Located a short walk away from Daisy Street and Lily Street for harbour access, swimming or fresh fish and chips from the wharf. Call Chrissy now and be ready for the first of many wonderful memories this and every summer. For Sale Contact Email View
$399,000 Chrissy Cox - 027 287 1804 Sunday 12 - 12:30pm
Open Day 3729 State Highway 23 Easy Contoured and Near Raglan with NO Covenants!!! If you have been waiting for a lifestyle block with the convenience of NO land or building covenants to restrict your plans, then this really is a fantastic option! Why not relocate a character villa or classic bungalow, build an earthship or container home. With a total area of 15985m2 (3.95 acres), this elevated property has flat to gently rolling ‘hay country’ contour and is awaiting your home development ideas and plantings. For those that work in Hamilton it’s an approx. 25 min. drive to the city fringe with the beaches and cafes of seaside Raglan only a short 5 min. drive away giving you the best of both worlds..
21 Nau Mai Road
Large Raglan Light Industrial Opportunity Tender
closes 8th November 2017
Contact Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 Email
Tuesday 1 - 2pm 1PHHFG
Nau Mai Business Park has become the only large scale light industrial zone in the Raglan area with several successful businesses operating there and more on the way. 21 Nau Mai Rd represents the final opportunity to obtain a large light industrial landholding & is an excellent development proposition to subdivide or lease the 4.8ha available. With Raglan’s future population growth comes growth in industry and business and 21 Nau Mai Rd is prime for development or landbanking with the recent granting of Section 24F allowing sites to be subdivided down to 1000m2.
Open Home
28th October (unless sold prior) Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 Saturday 3 - 3:30pm
143 Riria Kereopa Memorial Drive
27 Cliff Street
Beached Az! (Maori Leasehold ) You don’t get closer to the beach than this amazing lease hold location. Feel the sand beneath your feet only metres from your doorstep and experience up close and personal the ever impressive views of the Wild West coast. This wonderful beach offers a multitude of activities to excite every age group from Kite surfing to horse riding & much more, all just a hop skip and jump away! The gorgeous 3 bedroom Bach has been renovated yet retains character, featuring generous decking and all day sun. The 1194m2 section also boasts a caboose/sleepout and double garage. NB: Boundary lines on photo are approximate. Term of lease 30 yrs, expiry date 2039.
Where Memories are Made Seldom do properties come up for sale in sought after Cliff Street. Perfectly positioned with the harbour just across the road, the vibrant town centre and cafes just a short stroll away and beautiful beach walks right at your doorstep. The 1950’s character cottage is conveniently set back from the road with two majestic Pohutakawa trees positioned either side adding history and character to the flat and attractive site. You can’t go wrong by investing in the best area of town! Buy right, buy location. Enjoy it as your family holiday bach, renovate the cottage or build your dream home here in time, the choice is all yours.
For Sale Contact Email View
Open Home
Auction Contact Email View
Auction Contact Email View
$380,000 Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848
Open Home
28th October (unless sold prior) Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 Saturday 2 - 2:45pm
1a Sunshine Rise
44 Matakotea Road
Realise The Potential This late 1980’s home has 3 bedrooms, a good sized living area, internal access garage and a stylish new bathroom. Your family will be warm as it is north facing for all day sun and has a heat pump and insulation for the cooler days. The section is family friendly being flat and fully fenced. There is scope to add more value with interior redecoration so you can make it your own. Quietly located in a cul-desac in a popular area less than 5 minutes walk to lovely Lorenzen Bay.
Location and Lifestyle! Get the best of both worlds from this conveniently located lifestyle property. Just over 1 ½ acres of the flattest land in Raglan, it’s fenced into 2 grazing paddocks with space for chickens a pony or sheep. Just minutes up the road is the Te Uku store, petrol pumps, school and coffee + Raglan town and beaches are only a 15 minute drive away. A tree lined avenue leads the way to a modern and sunny 3 bedroom home, recently painted interior means it’s fresh and tidy. Enjoy gorgeous rural views and generous decking on 2 sides offering indoor/outdoor flow. A double garage completes this extremely attractive property.
For Sale Contact Email View
For Sale Contact Email View
$439,000 Chrissy Cox - 027 287 1804 Saturday 1 - 1:30pm
$619,000 Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 Saturday 11 - 11:30am
Robbie Regnier
Chrissy Cox
Matt Sweetman
Kyle Leuthart
Michelle O’Byrne
Stephen O’Byrne
Sandra Bowditch
021 952 271
027 287 1804
021 624 826
021 903 309
021 969 878
021 969 848
021 751 759
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Raglan Property Manager
*NB Boundary lines on photos are approximate & merely a guide. All information contained herein is gathered from sources we deem reliable. However we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely upon their own enquiries.
LJ Hooker Raglan (07) 825 7170 •
25-27 Bow Street , Raglan • George Boyes & Co Limited Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008
RAGLAN Chronicle 13
Kitchens Cabinetry Vanities Wardrobes Timber Joinery
Concrete Cutter
Windows • Doorways • Hole Drilling Decorative Cutting • Expansion Joints Kerb Crossings • Cowshed Alterations Removal of Concrete Structures etc Floor Sawing and Grinding
SPECIALS THIS WEEK starts Thursday 19th October 2017 ends Thursday 26th October 2017
Raw Bark was $40 scoop now $15 scoop Lettuce & Bean seedlings were $$3 now $1 Coloured Flaxes were $4 now $3 Unscreened Topsoil was $15 scoop now $10 scoop Poplar firewood was $20 scoop now $10 scoop
Phone Rob Short 0274 846 124 or A/H 825 0246
Offering a reliable, friendly service combined with quality workmanship.
COURIERS 027 4979 116 or 07 825 0214 Pick ups and Deliveries Servicing Raglan Monday to Saturday 6 days a week
- Spray Painting (All Aspects) - Interior/Exterior, Residential & Commercial - Wallpaper: Feature walls and digital murals Adam: 021 465 996 | Carl: 022 622 4758
ph 07 847 8210
Specialising in New Builds, Maintenance and Drainlaying.
Specialising in T im ber Installat ion , Sanding & Stai ning usi ng Natural oils & Water Based Pro ducts
14 RAGLAN Chronicle
• Rental Cleans • Carpet Cleans • Meth Cleans • Water Blasting • Gardening • Lawn Mowing • Fully Insured
• Landscaping • Licensed Builders • Painting • Decorating • Flooring Supply & Install
Nick Heasman Phone: 021 058 2140 Email:
WED 25 OCT R A G L A N RAMBLERS 9am from Wainui Rd car park next to the fire station Whale Bay - bring lunch.
SUN 22 OCT R A G L A N C R E A T I V E MARKET labour weekend market This Sunday 10am - 2pm at the Old School Arts Centre, www.
THUR 26 OCT R A G L A N COMMUNITY B O A R D WORKSHOP on WDC Long Term Plan, all welcome, 7pm Thursday 26th (October), Raglan C o m m u n i t y House, Bow Street.
For Sale
a ta m i ra . c o. n z Best organic neutral lipsticks Amazing SALE pieces instore + Fresh new S U M M E R!
In My Good Books Quality 2nd hand books Open Thurs - Sun from 10am 2 Wallis St Books wanted.
Commercial to Let SECURE METALLED YARD FOR LEASE 1500m2, ready now at Nau Mai Business Park. HIAB & Trailer friendly access. Other sizes available for Sale or Lease. Ph Bob Carter 021 825 869, or 07 825 8690 TASMAN LANDS Ltd
FRI 20 OCT @ YOT CLUB: Ras Drulox, Mash Down Babylon. Reggae, SAT 21 OCT @ YOT CLUB: State of Mind with MC Twincam, support from Bobo The Strange Attractor. Pre-sales $15 from
Public Notices
EXPERIENCED WAIT STAFF W A N T E D Wharf Kitchen and Bar, now hiring experienced wait staff, 30+ hours per week. Positive attitude, presentable appearance. Foward CV & cover letter to:
AGM RAGLAN & DISTRICT MUSEUM SOC. INC. 10:00am, Monday 6 November 2017, at Raglan Museum office. All members of the museum and new members are welcome. Nominations are open for the committee. Contact Kaz at museum if you have a nomination. Barbara Day, Secretary.
Public Notices
- Peace and tranquility -Surfing, fishing, bush walks - Cabins, powered sites, tent sites PH 07 825 6800
LABOUR WEEKEND SPECIAL @ THE YOT CLUB Featuring: CIAN, Red Robin, Tux D Lux, Jamin-I and Snead Place Project.
SUN 22 OCT @ YOT CLUB: Popup OPERA, Sunday 22 Oct, 5pm, St Peter’s Church Hall. $20/$10 cash only. Good times, great tunes, no fuss.
Situations Vacant
if you have the power to make someone happy, do it. the world needs more of that.
Free from 4:20pm, $10 after 7pm. Drink specials and food in the yard.
THE EDIBLE GARDEN WORKSHOP at Solscape Sat 21 Oct 10am - 5pm Learn about producing your own food! $85, 3 more spots avail. Contact Shai, 0211882994.
DAY SKIPPER 11 & 12 NOVEMBER 9am – 5pm Tutor: Viv Regnier. Raglan Coastguard Base. Contact 0800 40 80 90 or book online www. boatingeducation. THE RAGLAN LIGHT EXERCISE GROUP Sessions Monday and Thursday. 10am to 11am. St Peters Hall. Everybody is most welcome to attend. *Sponsored by RC
Notice of Meeting Raglan Community Board
Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Raglan Community Board will be held in the Supper Room, Town Hall, Bow Street, Raglan on Tuesday 14 November commencing at 2.00pm. A public forum will be held from 1.30pm. Note: In the event that the business of any Committee is not concluded on the advertised date, the meeting may be continued on a later date scheduled by the Committee prior to adjournment. This notice is given under section 46 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.
Waikato District Rates Revaluation
Notice of Meeting
The valuation rolls for the Waikato district have been revised by Quotable Value Limited (the Council’s valuation service provider).
The revised rating values, effective as at 1 July 2017, will be used for rating Raglan Community Board purposes from 1 July 2018 and are available for viewing on our Rating
Xtreme Zero Waste Information Database at arewill also available in Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Raglan Community. They Board Labour Weekend our Council offices and libraries from 23 October to 24 November Hours be held in the Supper Room, Town Hall, Bow Street, Raglan on Tuesday 2017. owners and ratepayers of property Waikato 14 NovemberAll commencing at 2.00pm. A public forum willwithin be heldthe from 1.30pm.
Saturday (21st) district will be posted a notice advising them of the revised Note: In the event that the business of any Committee is not concluded on the Open 12.30pm-4.30pm values. Notices will be posted out from 18 October 2017. Sunday (22nd) advertised date, the meeting may be continued on a later date scheduled by the Pursuant to the provisions of the Rating Valuations Act 1998 and the Rating Open 8.30am-4.30pm Committee prior to adjournment. Valuations Regulations 1998, any objection(s) to the revised valuations are to be Monday (23rd) This notice is given under sectionno46 of the Government 2017. Official Information and lodged in writing later thanLocal 24 November Open 12.30-4.30pm
Meetings Act 1987. To discuss any aspect of the rating valuation or to make an objection, please
Kerbside and Foodwaste contact Quotable Value Limited by telephone 0800 787 284, online at Collections or by post Quotable Value, PO Box 4135, Hamilton, 3247. run a day later Alternatively you can lodge an objection directly online at Raglan West – Tuesday 24th Oct Raglan East – J Ionfor the Waikato district have been revised by Quotable Value valuation Grolls Wednesday 25th The October
Waikato District Rates Revaluation Chief Executive Limited (the Council’s valuation service provider).
58 MAIN ROAD (Before Lorenzen Bay Rd) 8am - 6pm daily. Balance container now arrived, many items. $1, $2, $5. Everything now half price.
42 LILY STREET Saturday - Monday 9am - 4pm, Massive tool and equipment sale. Also flounder nets and fishing gear including walkin chiller and ice machine. Everything must go.
Please have your items 0800 values, 492 452 effective as at 1 July 2017, will be used for rating Thebyrevised rating out for collection purposes from 1 July 2018 and are available for viewing on our Rating 8.30am on collection day
Information Database at . They are also available in our Council offices and libraries from 23 October to 24 November 2017.
All owners and ratepayers of property within the Waikato “By making this problem visible in 2016/17, 81 per cent of district will be posted a notice advising ofmarket the revised days and stalls we wastewater overflows acrossthem the at values. Notices will be posted out from 18 October 2017. takes on board hope everyone PEE, POO, PAPER DOWN THE district were caused by things FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: LOO
the messages we’re trying to get like wipes, sanitary Pursuant to the provisions of the Rating hygiene Valuations Act 1998 and the Rating out there. Make sure you stop products such has pads and Valuations 1998, any objection(s) to the revised valuations are to be by for a chat,” she says. tampons, fats, oils and grease, The 3 P’s message of onlyRegulations lodged in writing no later than 24 November 2017. cotton buds, nappies and rags putting pee, poo and paper put downvaluation the loo and down the loo will out in any force Tobediscuss aspectbeing of the rating or to make an objection, please For more information please kitchen sink. again this Labour weekend in contact Quotable Value Limited by telephone 0800 787 contact: 284, online at communications@ Raglan. or by “Waikato post Quotable Value, PO Box 4135, Hamilton, 3247. district residents lodge anus objection directly told the number of online at Waikato DistrictAlternatively Councillor you canhave wastewater overflows that Lisa Thomson and the Raglan have occurred in recent times Community Board will have is unacceptable. In response a stand between Ray White G J Ionbetween to this, Council is undertaking and Jet this Saturday a range of work including a 10am-2pm and Chief then at the Executive district-wide public education Creative markets on Sunday 0800 492 452 programme which is aimed to let between 10am-2pm. people know what can and can’t be put down the loo and kitchen “Raglan lights up over summer sink,” Cr Thomson says. and what better way to get our message across than target the locals and visitors over Labour weekend,” Cr Thomson says. M5840
Garage Sale
FRI 19 OCT MUSIC AT THE OLD SCHOOL: DAVID FOUR Singer and pianist performs live. Doors open 7pm. $15 door sales.
Courses, classes & workshops
IT’S HAPPENING! PLUNKET WILL BE HOLDING IT’S BABY AND KIDS MARKET ON SUNDAY, OCTOBER 29 AT THE TOWN HALL! Doors open to the public from 10am to 1pm with a gold coin donation. We will also be holding a sausage sizzle and a MEGA raffle which already includes around $300 worth of prizes donated by our amazing Raglan retailers. If you would like to host a table; items are limited to new and used baby, kids, maternity paraphernalia, tables are $20 (you can share with a friend), we have around 7 tables left please contact Belinda Thomas 0272776987 bendy452@yahoo., with your name, email, phone number and a brief description of what you would like to sell. We are also calling for two volunteers to help set up tables, run the sausage sizzle, raffle table and entry donation box. Volunteers will receive a free entry into our raffle.
RAGLAN Chronicle 15
67 Wallis Street, Raglan
47 Norrie Avenue, Raglan
For Sale: AUCTION: Ray White Office 27th October 2017, 6pm View: OPEN HOME Sun 12pm
Raglan’s Gem! • Beautifully maintained 2 bedroom character cottage with stunning water views • North facing, sun soaked, across from the water • Single garage on 311m² site, great parking • Prior auction offers considered
For Sale: AUCTION: to be advised View: Open Home Sat 11am, Sun 11am & Mon 1pm
Contact: Julie Hanna - 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna - 021 0200 8282
35 Government Road, Raglan
Auction: 27th October 2017 • Great holiday home, first home or retirement. • 2 bedrooms, open plan living and separate hobby studio or garage. • Compact garden, flat easy care, fully fenced North facing site. • Situated on ½ share 809 sqm • Prior Auction offers considered.
• • • •
Amazing water views!! Fully furnished 2-bedroom home on 1381m² Huge decking with bushy backdrop Lends itself to an ancillary dwelling or secluded sleepout • Prior auction offers considered
For Sale: AUCTION: 27th October 2017 View: Open Home Sat 2pm Contact: Julie Hanna - 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna - 021 0200 8282
62 Government Road, Raglan
NEW LISTING - AUCTION to be advised
For Sale: AUCTION: to be advised View: Open Home Sat 11am & Sun 2pm Contact: Julie Hanna - 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna - 021 0200 8282
Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282
37 Point Street, Raglan
Auction: 27th October 2017 • Are you looking for a private haven? A beautiful, iconic Kiwi bach? Peace and tranquility is found here. • This property has 3 bedrooms comprising 2 bedrooms and has a large sleepout - set up with multiple sleeping opportunities • The property is to be sold fully furnished with an extensive chattels list • Prior Auction offers considered
Julie Hanna 027 441 8964
• One of a kind in Raglan • 2 bedroom house • 1 bedroom sleep out with shower, toilet and water views • Great views of the Raglan Bar plus picturesque Estuary views • Prior Auction offers considered
For Sale: AUCTION: 27th October 2017 View: Open Home Sat 12pm & Mon 2pm Contact: Julie Hanna - 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna - 021 0200 8282
10 Mahana Place, Raglan
Daydream Believer • New 3 bedroom home with double garage and internal access • Open plan living with sun-soaked deck and harbour views • Easy walk to safe swimming, kayaking, etc • Prior Auction offers considered
For Sale: AUCTION: 1st December 2017 View: Open Home Mon 12pm Contact: Julie Hanna - 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna - 021 0200 8282
21 Bow St, Raglan Phone: 07 825 8669 Fax: 07 825 7410 Website: Email: Raglan Real Estate Ltd Licensed (REAA 2008)
16 RAGLAN Chronicle