Nga Ripo o Whaingaroa
EST. 1903
Whaingaroa news for you weekly
20th April 2017 - Issue #540
Your local supermarket with friendly staff and free parking.
SuperValue Raglan: 16-18 Bow Street Phone 825 8300 Open 7am - 8pm, 7 Days. SuperValueNZ
Millenium Ponds Anzac Featrure
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Phone Mike: 027 221 5395
"lest we forget"
RAGLAN Chronicle 1
Anzac Day 2017: The Raglan Club hosted the annual Anzac Essay competition with Raglan Area and Te Mata Schools taking part. Anzac feature on pages 7 - 10.
Whaingaroa-Raglan is the Waikato’s up-and-coming foodie hotspot. Support our local eateries and checkout their news and specials each week below.
Turkish Kebabs On Plates - Pitas Burgers and more! 10am to 10pm 29 Bow St - 07 825 0202
Left Hand Break Restaurant
Wed - Sat 5:30pm - 8:30pm
At the Raglan Club Open Wed – Sat: 5 - 8 pm and for ph. 07 825 8288 events.
Roast Dinner night Thurs 5 – 8 pm. Great food and atmosphere!
Phone: 07 825 8278 or 07 825 8288
Fish n’ Chips Group Bookings Live Music Inside/Outside Seating
92 Wallis St - 07 825 7544
Open 7 days 8am - 5pm 23 Bow Street 825 8405
open seven days a week N O
Open 7 Days 8am - 4pm
1 9 B o w S t r e e t 07 8 2 5 0 0 2 7
Dear Editor As a Waikato regional councillor and manager of Open 9am - 7pm (07) 825 8761 Whaingaroa Harbour Care, I Phone orders welcome! Wed - Sunday *Fish & Chips* would like to respond to Alice *Burgers* Closed Mon-Tues *Weekly Specials* Hick’s letter regarding my The store with a lot more! ‘closed attitude’ to horses in the Te Kopua Camp Store, Marine Parade, Raglan beach environment. Fifty years ago it was NK Pizza Dine in + Takeaway thought to be a given right to & Indian Cuisine Open 7 Days (licenced) have horses on the beach, just 31 Bow St 11:00 am to 9:30pm as it was to ride motorbikes 07 825 0300 or cars on them, or that it was okay to have stock wandering through our waterways. But Real Fruit Ice Cream time has moved on. We now Burritos know the damage such activities Wraps Volcom Lane cause to our environment Salads wa o k u l o d ge @ Open from 11:30 and And an everg mits a i l ecology. .co m increasing population certainly doesn’t help. Open for Dinner I have spent 30 years Fri, Sat & Sun successfully rebuilding and from 5:30pm 248 Wainui Rd | 07 825 8233 enhancing Raglan’s fishery Breakfast/Lunch 7 Days Open 7 Days a Week From 9am by stopping damaging and inappropriate use of the coastal marine area and planting over Open 7 Days 1.5 million trees. As a Waikato regional Breakfast 43 Rose St councillor I will be actively Lunch & Dinner 07 825 0010
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For more information contact: Cam 021 529 765 Avatar is a registered trademark Star’s Edge, Inc. All rights reserved.
Caring for the ones you love 27 - 29 Manukau Road Ph. 07 825 8306 Fax: 07 825 8855 Email:
10am - Family Service and Children’s Ministry Thursdays 3-5pm - 7C’s Bible Club for Children
3 Stewart St – 07 825 8276 or 07 825 8028 Raglan Ink Ltd home of the Raglan Chronicle Office Open Mon - Fri 9.00am - 4.00pm, Wainui Rd, Raglan Ph: (07) 825-7076 Fax: (07) 825-7078 Post: P.O. Box 234, Raglan Email: Advertising & Articles The advertising and editorial content deadline will be Monday at 12pm week of issue. DISCLAIMER
Opinions and views expressed in the Raglan Chronicle do not necessarily represent those held by the Editors or Publishers. Every care will be taken in the preparation and placement of submitted material but the Editors/Publishers shall not be liable for errors or omissions or subsequent effects due to the same. It is the submitters responsibility to ensure material is not libelous or defamatory. The Editors/Publishers reserve the right to abridge, alter or decline any material submitted to the Raglan Chronicle to meet the constraints of space and/or maintain a reasonable standard of language and decorum.
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2 RAGLAN Chronicle
promoting sustainable use of our/your beach. Horse owners might think they have a right to ride on our beaches but I have a right to stop it if I know it is negatively impacting on my and others rights. Environmental issues aside, horse poo all over the beach where people swim, walk and play does impact negatively on enjoyment. I am not a horse hater. I have owned horses, and mustered and drafted cattle on horseback on a daily basis for years. Once upon a time I, too, rode on the beach but now I know better. There are other areas in Raglan where you can ride a horse. One place is Wainui Reserve, just above the beach, and it has fantastic views of the beach, sea and coastline. And dogs are not allowed – just horses. Kind regards Fred Lichtwark.
‘Get on with it’: Mayor
aikato District Mayor Allan Sanson says the “doors remain open” for further discussion with Waipa District and Hamilton City councils about the future of water services. But after years of talking he wants all three councils to “get on with it” and reach a firm conclusion about the best way to manage water, wastewater and storm water. Sanson was responding to strong signals from Hamilton City Council last week that it may consider forming a shared waters management company with the other two councils. The proposal, which would see each council retain ownership of its own water and waste water assets, has yet to be formally agreed by HCC or discussed with the other two councils. Sanson said he would welcome a tangible proposal from the city but Waikato District Council’s position was clear. “My council still considers an asset-
owning CCO the best option for our ratepayers and for the wider region. That’s consistent with what multiple experts have told us over multiple years and that’s what’s going to give our people and the wider region the most benefit,” he said. “But each council must do what it believes is in the best interests of its own ratepayers so let’s get on and bring this issue to a conclusion. It’s gone on long enough and I look forward to talking to the other councils once HCC has confirmed its position.” Waikato District Council had a longterm relationship with Watercare Services and would continue discussing how the council could work more closely with Watercare if there were benefits for the district, he said. “We’re very strongly committed to improving the way we provide water and wastewater services. So it’s business as usual until we know what’s on the table and can make final decisions.” WDC
Wastewater rates set to rise
he cost of wastewater rates in Raglan will increase between $124 and $180 from July 1 as council makes changes to reduce the risk of sewage spills into the environment. The Waikato District Council is seeking feedback from the 11,0000 ratepayers who use its wastewater services on a programme of works, with three options presented for consideration. Mayor Allan Sanson said three sewage spills in Raglan Harbour in four months last year was a major wakeup call, and the council acknowledged that it had considerable work to do to restore public confidence in the management of its wastewater schemes. “We have spent considerable time and money to commission an independent investigation of the wastewater services we provide, and we now present you with some options to consider for the year ahead.” Everyone who pays a wastewater rate will have received an Annual Plan 2017/2018 consultation document in the post regarding the significant changes the council is proposing to its Long Term Plan 2015-2025. Across the district, rates will rise from between $47 and $254, depending on the
choices made and where ratepayers live. Currently there are five different rates for wastewater across the district and council is in the process of aligning them into a single rate. In Raglan, that will mean a rates rise of $124.69 for option one, $156.05 for option two, and $180.09 for option three. Council has already committed an extra $1.76 million on jetting clean a proportion of its town networks (50% in Raglan, 10% elsewhere), improving the link to Raglan of the computer monitoring system, two additional generators and a public education programme starting in Raglan, which will add $67.82 to targeted wastewater rates for 2017/18 (currently $752.68). Option one then also includes maintenance and separating the water supply and wastewater services, which would lift the increase to $112.58 – up to $865.26. This option does not offer any improvements to performance levels in wastewater services, so the council’s current target of five spills per 1000 connections in dry weather per year would remain. Options two and three include the works programme of option one, and: expanding the education programme to district-wide; accelerating work to prevent stormwater
infiltration of networks (option three only); expanding pump station storage; ensuring standby generators are available 24/7 district-wide; a full upgrade of the computer monitoring and alarm system; investigating resource consent options for emergency overflows to mitigate legal risk and costs; and further jetting/CCTV work. The main difference between options two and three is the amount of jetting/CCTV work (cleaning and data collection) to be invested, with option two concentrating only on assets 100m from a waterway and option three targeting a district-wide approach. Option two will add $143.94 to the 2017-18 targeted rate of $752.68 (to $896.62) while option three will cost an extra $167.98 (to $920.66) – a difference of $24 per ratepayer, however the consultation document warns that option three could result in greater spends in the future in order to meet increased performance targets. Changes to performance-level targets is not part of this consultation process – but option two would allow council to develop wastewater improvement plans with a vision to introduce a new performance target of no more than three overflows per 1000 connections in dry weather per year; and option three a performance target of no more than one spill per 1000 connections. If council chooses to improve its performance levels – which will require further consultation prior to developing the Long Term Plan 2018-2028 – then wastewater rates will rise again in 2018/2019 depending on the work required to achieve the new targets. The best “guesstimates” would see further increases of $27 for option one (from $865.26 to $892.95), $124 for option two ($896.62 to 1021.29) and $225 for option three ($920.66 to $1146.20) in the following year. Council’s recommendation is to pursue the works programme of option two because “it balances future environmental protection with affordability”. The consultation document is available at the council’s offices and libraries, or online. Feedback (submissions) can be given by post, email, online or in person by 5pm, Monday, May 8. A hearing will be held on, or around, May 30-31.
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Ice cream for breakfast?! We say yes! At least this once... this Sat 22 April from 10a-12p, The Herbal Dispensary is giving away FREE Little Island Ice Cream to the kids! Bring the family down to the shop and try out their dairy free, organic coconut goodness!
Bush Park Wainui fountain flows again, bringing joy to young – and old
The Herbal Dispensary 6 Wallis Street | 825 7444
From left: Felix Pavy and Bruce Tresidder have got the Millenium Ponds going again.
Raglan Community Te Kohao Health Medical Centre hao HealthYour Medical Clinic Nau Mai Haere Mai
Raglan, Te Kohao Health our Medical Clinic
All Welcome
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Dedicated in the memory of Dr Tom Ellison
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Tues 8am 7pm
Wed 8am 7pm
Thurs Fri 8am 8am 7pm 5pm
NaNuMuaMiHaiHeraeMr aMi ai Al AWeWlceolmcoeme SUNDAY SERVICES
10am Raglan Area School 7pm Te Uku Church
Pastor Roger Peart ph 07 825 5199
4 RAGLAN Chronicle
t was a mystery why suddenly Bush Park Wainui’s Millennium Ponds’ fountains suddenly began to flow again. The chairman of the Friends of Wainui Bush Reserve was certainly “puzzled”, for it had been agreed to get a solar pump to get water streaming from the fountain again and that hasn’t happened yet. A group of kids celebrating a 5th birthday party at the reserve a few weeks ago certainly enjoyed it, splashing under the fountain and playing in the water. But credit is due where credit is due, says Bruce Tresidder, a retired tanker driver who has a bed and breakfast across the road from the bush park. He says it’s been a long time coming that Raglan resident and old-timer Felix Davy gets the recognition he deserves for not only building the Millennium Ponds and fountain but for helping him to get them flowing again – although it has been a bit of a start-stop situation requiring many hours of standing in the cold and icy Wainui Stream. Bruce says 88-year-old Felix built the fountains and the ponds, helped hand-plant thousands of native trees and dug out the tracks at the reserve in the 1990s, yet was never invited to the opening ceremony for the Millennium Ponds or publically acknowledged for his work. “This is to give Felix recognition of that time,” he says, after contacting the Raglan Chronicle to tell the tale. Bruce discovered Felix’s story after inquiring at The Club who he might contact about the old fountains because they hadn’t been going for some time and he liked to tell his guests to go look at them. “Someone has gone to a lot of trouble to make this and they were not working!” The ponds were stagnant and full of mosquitos, he says. “So I tracked Felix down and we spent the last couple of months getting the fountain going again.” The fountain draws water from the Wainui Stream. “Felix came and showed me where the pipes were.”
No longer the spry man of his fencing contractor years, Felix struggled through the bush on two bad knees to find them for Bruce. The pipes and filters were all blocked with silt, says Bruce, who at 68 is not exactly a spring chicken himself. “It took a week or two before we could get a proper flow going. And then we got the flow going and it was the most amazing sight in the world.” Felix was so happy, says Bruce – there were tears of happiness in the old man’s eyes. It had been a long time since Felix last ventured to Bush Park Wainui. The 10-hectare park area is part of the larger Wainui Reserve and has been planted and tended by Friends of Wainui, founded by Seth Silcock, since 1993. “It was a shambles,” says Felix of the bush park’s original state. “It was covered in weeds. “Peter Weiss propagated most of the plants, and when I was there with him we planted 10,000 trees. “I benched all these tracks out with a spade. I quite enjoyed doing that sort of work and got stuck in.” Felix says he came up with the idea to build the ponds when Seth asked him if he could do anything with the area.
“Where the ponds are, used to be swamp. We dug the swamp out and made the ponds” using rocks that were found in the surrounding lawn area. “As fast as they barrowed the rocks over I made this,” says Felix, who intentionally made the ponds shallow so that children would play in them. He says he loved seeing children play in the ponds again, recently, under the spray of the fountain. “In its original state, I used to maintain it once a fortnight. “I made sure you could see the bottom of it.” He’d scrub out the ponds so that they were nice and clear, he weeded around the rocks and surrounding area, and “trimmed the edges with Seth”. But after six years of volunteer work to help establish the reserve area – including 600 hours in the year he built the Millennium Ponds – he walked out over a disagreement about planting. He went back once to have a look at his ponds but told his wife, who died about 10 months ago, “I’m not going back again – it’s an eyesore”. The fountain was dry, the ponds were stagnant and the rocks covered in weeds. “And then Bruce rang me up.” “That explains that mystery,” says John Lawson, chairman of Friends of Wainui Bush Reserve, when contacted about the fountain. John says there is a lot of silt in the stream and over the years the fountain blocked up and stopped working a number of times, and been restarted. The silt from the water would also collect in the ponds, which then had to be cleaned out every couple of weeks. He says Friends of Wainui decided it would be better to replace the gravity fed fountain system with a solar pump, and circulate water in the ponds instead of using the water from the stream. But then all of a sudden the fountain was working again. “If they can get the current system working – which we have given up on – we welcome that but they seem to be having as much luck with it as we were.” Inger Vos
Friends of Wainui founder Seth Wilcock at the site of the Millennium Ponds. Image thanks to john Lawson.
Raglan farmers help bail out flood victims
aglan farmers have helped provide some relief to those stricken by the recent floods in Edgcombe.
Hay bales being loaded on to the truck to be taken to Edgecumbe.
PGG Wrightson Real Estate agent Richard Thomson says a truck and trailer full of hay was last week delivered to farmers most in need after the swollen Rangataiki River submerged the township and surrounding rural areas. Many paddocks were completely underwater and Federated Farmers helped to move more than 3500 cattle off farms. Farmers face a hard winter because feed, usually grown in winter, was lost in the floods. Remedial work has to be done to pastures that were underwater for days and supplentary feed supplies have also been destroyed. Richard says he was telling Rod and Bobbie Shields, the owners of Mangatawhiri Rd property he is selling, about the hardships his farmer friend in Edgcombe is facing and they straight
away offered up 18 round bails to help out. A truck and trailer fits 44 round bales so Richard did a ring around of farmers he knows, and Wally Hawken, Roger Peart and Martin Koning who all donated to the worthy cause. Richard, who was a farmer himself for 20 years, organised the truck, loaded it up and paid for the transportation. “I want to thank the generosity of these guys,” he says of the Raglan farmers who gave hay. He says the hay was sent to his mate, David Prout, who lost half his fields in the flood, to allocate it to those most in need. “Half of David’s farm was submerged – he lost half of his fields. About 30 farms were seriously affected.” Inger Vos
Pipers help blow away the competition R aglan pipers Deirdre Bourne and Brett McCardle recently helped blow the competition away at the New Zealand Pipe Band Championships in Nelson.
The couple play in the Hamilton Caledonian Pipe Band – because they are the only remaining pipers in Raglan – and the band cleaned up the grade-four competition at the nationals on March 12. “We marched on in there and took out the pool of 22 bands,” says Deirdre, who took up bagpiping as a child after falling in love with the sound at a Christmas parade. Brett, who is born and bred in Raglan, played in the Raglan Pipe Band as a kid. “We won our grade. We won all the possible prizes in our grade,” says Deirdre. That included for drumming, piping, street march, dress and ensemble (how the band sounds together). “The best possible score of the day was eight and we got eight. So that was pretty cool. “No-one else in grade four got any trophies. We got a whole pile of trophies and go up to grade three, which is a bit more challenging – you have to be snappier in your playing.”
The 53-year-old laughs that it might be more fun remaining in the bottom grade and “winning all the cups”. Deirdre says the band of 12 pipers and seven drummers had a really good buildup to the nationals. “Last year we were sitting on fourth, and this time it was everyone else going “why did I come?’” The band knew, and everyone knew, that they “had the sound”. “It’s all about the sound,” says Deirdre. You know that sound created by a really good bagpiper that “makes people cry and stuff”. “If you can create that sound, that is amazing. Then if you can get a whole group of people making it, that’s something special.” That’s not usually something a grade-four band can do, laughs Deirdre. They can make people cry because they can sound really awful. “Usually it’s not quite there. “We played our best on the day. It comes down to those four minutes. Quite often you leave your best performance under the trees but we managed to pull it off.” Inger Vos
Deidre Bourne and Brett McCardle.
Friendship bench at Raglan Area School
The children of class E4 at raglan Area School made a Friendship Bench at the end of the term. The kids came up with the idea when brainstorming how to make E block better. This bench is for kids who feel left out or lonely - they sit on the bench so the other kids can know to invite them to play, or go and chat to them. No bullies allowed. On the same day, the children also made Friendship Team sashes.
RAGLAN Chronicle 5
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6 RAGLAN Chronicle
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Please drink responsibly
The Anzacs We will remember them...
ANZAC Day: Tuesday 25 April 2017 F – commemorates those killed in war, as well
irst observed in 1916, ANZAC Day – 25 April
as honouring returned servicemen and women, their families and also the communities who still remember the sacrifice those service personnel made. It is also a day to remember current New Zealand Defence personnel serving in some far away land away from their families and friends. The date itself marks the anniversary of the landing of New Zealand and Australian soldiers – the Anzacs – on the Gallipoli Peninsula in 1915, 101 years ago. Thousands lost their lives in the Gallipoli Campaign: 87,000 Turks, 44,000 men from France and the British Empire including 8,500 Australian and 2,779 New Zealanders, may they all rest in peace. The Raglan Returned and Services Association (RSA) again plans to commemorate this solemn day with a parade that will march to the cenotaph on Bow Street at 11.00am. Form up for the parade will commence around 10.30am and all service personnel and ex-service personnel are welcome to join in. There will be many guests and dignitaries in location including Barbara Kuriger (MP for Taranaki/ King Country), Clint Baddeley (District Council
Representative), Alan Vink (Community Board Representative), and Roger Gallagher (Raglan Arts Council). The service will be officiated by our Kaumatua Sean Ellison and Minister Kathleen Gavin. Wreaths will be laid at the cenotaph by a variety of local organisations and speeches will be conducted by the head boy and head girl from Raglan Area School. 161 Battery personnel will also be in attendance, having the freedom of the city. They will provide a catafalque guard, a flag orderly and will march in the ANZAC Parade. The Master of Ceremonies will be Saen O’Brien, the new RSA President. Saen is a retired NZ Army Major with 27 years service including operational service in Angola, East Timor and Cambodia. Recited on ANZAC Day is verse 4 of a poem written by Robert Laurence Binyon, often referred to as “Binyons Lines” or more properly “For the Fallen.” Within the RSA this is referred to as The ODE. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn At the going down of the sun, and in the morning We will remember them.
Anzac Remembrance Service - 11.00am Order of Service God save our gracious Queen Long live our noble Queen God save our Queen Send her victorious Happy and glorious Long to reign over us God save our Queen
Welcome Minister: We are here to remember People: We are here to remember all those who gave their lives in the service of their country during the wars of our times Minister: We are here to give thanks People: We are here to give thanks for the courage and self-sacrifice Minister: We are here to worship People: We are here to worship God from whom we receive forgiveness, love and peace Minister: Let us pray THE LORD’S PRAYER: People: Our Father Who Art in Heaven...
Scripture reading Hymn:
O God, our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come, Our shelter from the stormy blast, And our eternal home.
Under the shadow of thy throne, Thy saints have dwelt secure, Sufficient is thine arm alone, And our defence is sure.
Before the hills in order stood, Or earth received her fame, From everlasting thou art God, To endless years the same.
(Isaac watts, 1674-1748)
Address The offering: in support of RSA veterans and the elderly who require help during the year
Wreath laying: MC calls for organisations individually to lay wreaths Minister: Greater love hath no man than this, That a man lay down his life for his friends The Last Post: A Silence : A silence is observed for a time ……….. The Ode: Minister: Let us pray
National Anthems:
Hymn: O lord my God, when I in awesome wonder, Consider all the works thy hands have made, Australian I see the stars, I hear the mighty thunder, Australians all let us rejoice Thy power throughout the universe For we are young and free displayed. We’ve golden soil and wealth for toil Our home is girt by sea Then sings my soul, my saviour God to thee; Our land abounds in nature’s gift How great thou art, how great thou art! Of beauty rich and rare Then sings my soul, my saviour God to thee; In history’s page let every stage How great thou art, how great thou art! Advance Australia fair Whakaaria mai tōu Rīpeka ki a au; In joyful strains then let us sing Tiaho mai rā roto i te pō: Advance Australia fair Ki konā au titiro atu ai: Ora, mate, hei a au koe noho ai. Whakaaria mai tōu Rīpeka ki a au; Tiaho mia rā roto i te pō: Ki konā au titiro atu ai: Ora, mate, hei a au koe noho ai. Minister: Let us dedicate ourselves anew to the unfinished task People: In remembrance of those who make the Great sacrifice. O God make us better men and women, And give us peace in our time; Through Jesus Christ, your son, our saviour. Amen.
New Zealand
E Ihowa Atua O ngā iwi mātao rā Ata whakarangona Me aroha noa Kia hua ko te pai Kia tau tō atawhai Manaakitia mai Aotearoa God of nations at thy feet In the bounds of love we meet Hear our voices we entreat God defend our free land Guard Pacific’s triple star From the shafts of strife and war Make her praises heard afar God defend New Zealand
The Benediction. The public to remain until ‘The Parade’ has marched off.
RAGLAN Chronicle 7
Raglan’s younger generation helps Anzac tradition flourish R Lexi Holmes will share the story
aglan Area School head girl
on Anzac Day next Tuesday of her grandfather’s uncle who died 100 years ago in a hospital in Lyon, France, after being wounded during World War One. John John Grandeson, who was from Scotland, was an only son with seven sisters. Lexi says his loss brings the reality “that men died for us to live a better life” very close, despite the century that separates this 17 year old from a forebear who was not much older than herself at the time of his death. Finding out about extended family’s war effort in preparation for her speech at Raglan’s annual commemorative service has certainly made the significance of Anzac Day more personal, says Lexi. “It’s not glorifying war,” she insists. “It’s remembering.” Lexi will share the guest speaker role at the cenotaph next Tuesday with area school head boy Liam Dingle, who will also have a personal story to tell.
School principal Malcolm Cox says senior students step up every Anzac Day to help the Raglan community honour those who served in wars past. “There’s no having to ask them twice.” They see the yearly ritual as a “privileged environment”, he adds, and the expectation is that the students giving the address will be supported on the day by other leadership team members. It’s a tradition started by the school 14 or 15 years ago, Malcolm explains. One of his own sons, Joshua, was coincidentally the first student to speak at the local Anzac ceremony. “It went down incredibly well with the audience and we have been invited every year since to provide a speaker,” says Malcolm. Having both head students in that role brings together different elements and “blends nicely”, he adds. Malcolm sees more young people every year at the local service. They are connecting now to their own family stories, he believes, a trend which coincides with a vastly increased interest by younger people around the country in the Anzac tradition.
That “connectedness” from younger generations is now helping keep the commemoration very much alive, he says. Malcolm also praises Raglan Club for fostering student interest in Anzac Day by running an annual essay-writing competition with “generous” prizes. This year’s topic – the Gallipoli Campaign – has seen about 40 students from two of the district’s four schools compete for the $1000 prize money. “It’s just one way of encouraging our young people to learn a bit of history,” says club manager Chris Lourie. Coincidentally, Lexi is a previous entrant in the essay competition, as a year eight student. Raglan RSA acting president Colin Hodkinson says the younger generation’s commitment to the Anzac ceremony downtown – either as participants or as service-goers – has “become huge” during his seven-year involvement with the association. The trend’s “a real testament to local schools and families”, he says.
The RSA also runs each year a second competition – one for the best wreath created by the district’s schools, he adds. One of the RSA’s tasks each Anzac Day is to place small wooden crosses at the cenotaph to mark the names of deceased members, and Colin says it’s a measure of the increasing community respect for the occasion that “we have never lost one” of the crosses. Edith Symes ● Raglan’s
Anzac Day ceremony
begins downtown at 11am Tuesday, and the opening parade will be joined by representatives of the 161 Battery RNZA from Linton, an army unit “adopted” by Raglan during the Vietnam War years.
Raglan Club Anzac Essay Competition
Winning Essay – Sophie Higgins- Te Mata School was caught in the worst of it. They say he was writing a letter home while lying in his dugout and it collapsed on top of him. We all miss him dearly and his family will be distraught when they find out. Maybe i will write them a letter and give them my condolences.
13th July 1915
Today the whole battalion rejoiced as new has just been sent from home that a new hospital ship the S.S Maheno left port two days ago and is voyaging across the Tasman to rescue our wounded. The officers in the trench say that this is a much needed morale booster and I cannot disagree with them. Our spirits soar at the thought of all our wounded soldiers will be wounded and cared for and not lying in the trenches slowly rotting away.
25th July 1915
Students from Raglan Area and Te Mata Schools took part in the Anzac Day essay competition hosted by the Raglan Club.
28th June 1915 Today marks a year since the Turks beloved Arch Duke Ferdinand was assassinated. One could be forgiven to have thought they would be mourning this loss but alas, machine gunfire hardly faltered all day. So many soldiers have been killed or wounded by popping their heads over the parapets and trying to get an aim on the
8 RAGLAN Chronicle
relentless enemy. My heart splits in two at the thought of another day in this hell hole.
2nd July 1915
I was woken this morning by a rather large bomb that exploded only 10 yards away, some of the other men’s dugouts collapsed and they are now in the middle of digging a new one. Poor Clarkson, a fellow whom I’d become quite fond of
Most of us have no idea what’s going on outside of Gallipoli, apart from the odd letter from home, we can only hope that the rest of the allies are doing better than us. We are furiously hoping to gain more ground as we have been in a stale mate for a fortnight now and the Turks are showing no signs of budging soon. If only Matilda was here with me now, she’d take me into her arms and reassure me, give me hope that whether we win or lose I will return here once again.
1st August 1915
I have noticed that I’m getting dangerously thin; I caught a glimpse of
myself in the side of a beef bully container and didn’t recognise myself. My cheeks are hollowed out good and proper and I look a right mess. I see soldiers every day who look the splitting image of me but it never occurred to me that I might look similar. We are in need of a good wash although the chances of that are very slim. If I was a lad I would have been slapped about the head with one of mother’s wooden spoons if the behind of my ears were dirty. I’d hate to think what would happen if mother saw me now.
6th August 1915
The commander of our trenches is getting sick of this damn stale mate so they’ve started to send in charges. Right and left soldiers climb over the walls of our trenches and dash across no- man’s –land in the hope of gaining a few metres. Wave after wave is being sent and we are getting mowed down by machine guns. I fear that I will be next, for whistles have been blowing closer and closer to my trench and the screams of dying men get louder with each hour. I knew that if I’m sent into one then I won’t come back out so I will write my last letter home shortly. It makes me sad to think that I will not see my dear kids grow up and marry but I hope that my wife will live to see them off. I am also putting my journal in the care of my officer as I don’t wish for my writing to be buried along with me. Sophie Higgins
We will remember them... terior
Brian Elmes
/ Exterior FreePainting Quotes PhInterior . 825 8419 or 0274 837 571 825 8419 or 0274 837 571
825 8419 or 0274 837 571
21 Bow Street, Raglan P: 07 825 8669
Ph: 07 825 8366 Paul 021 1880447 Robyn 021 177 5201
Wraps, burritos & Ice Cream 07 825 8253
Brian Elmes
/ Exterior FreePainting Quotes PhInterior . 825 8419 or 0274 837 571 825 8419 or 0274 837 571
825 8419 or 0274 837 571 tradeaidraglan/
RAGLAN RAGLAN EXCAVATIONS EXCAVATIONS pilates | headaches | home visits | acupuncture
ante and post natal care | post operative rehabilitation
12 Wallis Street, Raglan
ph (07) 825 0123
Whaingaroa Physiotherapy: because we want wellness for you and our community
12 Wallis St Ph 825 0123
Brian Elmes
825 0379 P&LA/Hrs Plumbing
825 8419 or 0274 837 571
We will remember them
38 Kaitoke St. Raglan Ph: 825 8966 Mob: 0274 762 920
mob: 0274 762 920
/ Exterior FreePainting Quotes PhInterior . 825 8419 or 0274 837 571 825 8419 or 0274 837 571
Raglan Museum
New Housing & Maintenance Ph: 07 825 8966
Brian Elmes
Ph: Ross 021 782 280 or 07 825 8678
15 Bow Street 825 7105
postural analysis | back & neck pain | professional advice
3 Wainui Rd 07 825 8988
TimberHardware Mouldings
Building Supplies
Hardware Fencing 07 847 3443 | Phone: (07) 847 3440 6216 Great South Rd, Wallboards Cement Horotiu
Timber Hardware Free Quotes Delivery Service Building Supplies | Phone: (07) 847 3440
Wainui Rd
New Housing & Maintenance terior
HOSPITAL & / Exterior FreePainting QuotesREST PhInterior . 825 8419HOME or 0274 837 571 825 8419 or 0274 837 571 825 8419 or 0274 837 571
ph: 825 8966 mob: 0274 762 920
Te Kopua Camp Store, Marine Parade, Ph 825 8761, phone orders welcome
pilates | headaches | home visits | acupuncture postural analysis | back & neck pain | professional advice ante and post natal care | post operative rehabilitation 12 Wallis Street, Raglan
ph (07) 825 0123
Whaingaroa Physiotherapy: because we want wellness for you and our community
37A Bow Street 07 825 7548
Ph: 07 825 8159 34 Bow Street mob: 027 825 8159
825 6515
Raglan Office, 10 Upper Bow St 825 7947 Or Hamilton 834 3311
Tuesday - Sunday, 9am to 7pm Open 7 days school holidays and long weekends
TeWINTER KopuaLUNCH CampSPECIALS Store, $6 Marine Parade Tuesday - Friday, 825 8761 - phone 9:30am -orders 3:30pmwelcome 6 to choose from
CHRONICLE Margaret 07 825 6847 2 Wallis Street
Raglan Community Arts Council Ph: 825 0023
The Shack 19 Bow St 825 0027
Wainui Road Ph 825 7076
Order any burger and receive a small bag of hot chips FRESH FISH when available battered, crumbed or grilled Jo’s TakeawaysRaglan have been inCouriers business 3 times daily for 6 years bringing consistent top quality takeaways. morning/midday/afternoon
Ph 027 221 5395
Come down and see us today or Local Business Serving Raglan District Since 1996 Phout825 5067 on Facebook! check our reviews
RAGLAN Chronicle 9
Repco new addition to Raglan Engineering hub
ituated on a piece of land that has a lot of local history, over the years Raglan Engineering has developed into a mechanical hub and is now adding a mini Repco store and a small motor servicing area to their list of offerings.
motors such as lawn mowers, chainsaws, weedeaters and ride-ons (small motor service area set to open early 2015). While the Repco store will carry nowhere near the range that city stores provide, the product range has been specifically tailored for the Raglan Market. From servicing vehicles to engineering supplies and services like welding and grinding to providing the farming community with tractor 3-point linkage accessories, Peter’s hope is that Raglan Engineering can now provide a wide-range of mechanical and engineering services to the community. With some changes and developments afoot, next year will mark Peter’s 40th year working at 2 Park Drive and can say that the business is now a bit of a family affair. Peter’s son Matt is helping out again in the workshop after an 18-month stint in Canada and with eight years experience working for Beaurepaires in Melbourne he has plenty of his own experience under his belt. Matt’s older brother Stephen, who lives in Auckland, also helps out putting his management degree to good use assisting Peter with the finer details of procedures, stock control and general running systems. “Many thanks to them,” says Peter as he looks ahead to the next step for Raglan Engineering. So while you’re getting a WOF or service, your lawn mower handle welded or a new front steel gate made, check out the new mini Repco reseller store at Raglan Engineering No. 2 Park Drive. There are some great products coming in this week, including Christmas stocking fillers too! Maki Nishiyama
The site at number two Park Drive was previously owned by the Hartstone family with the original workshop built in the 1940’s. Peter Williams, a long-time worker at the workshop, took over in 2000 starting what is now Raglan Engineering. Over the last decade or so the area has developed into a mechanical hub with the addition of Williams Tyre and Mechanical, Park Drive Panel Beaters and other businesses. “I was nervous as hell when I was about to take everything over but everything worked out and over the last 14 years I’ve had many great tenants,” says Peter. The recent relocation of Raglan-based Aeronavics saw a space open up at Park Drive for a new venture. “It’s something that was talked about for a long time but up to six weeks ago we had nowhere to put it,” says Peter on the addition of the mini Repco and small motor servicing side of the business. For the past few years, Aeronavics who have relocated their main offices to a different site in Te Uku - were leasing the shed space and with their departure a decision had to be made: “find a new tenant or use the vacant space for ourselves.” After a few meeting and inquiries, it was decided that a retail space would be put in with a mini Repco reseller store as well as a separate space for servicing small
WOF Accredited
Repco Ready: Peter Williams and his team outside their newly sign written mini Repco store. Below - Street View: The sign written building as it looks from Park Drive.
Call in today and see Peter and the team, 2 Park Drive, Raglan
825 8486
For allFor your allWelding your Welding and and Metalwork Metalwork needs,needs, as wellasaswell as
For all your Welding and Hydraulic Hydraulic HosesHoses andCOMES Fittings, and Fittings, REPCO TO RAGLAN! Metalwork needs, as well as
pay a visit pay atovisit Peter to Peter atTHIS at OPENING
Hydraulic Hoses and Fittings, pay a visit to Peter at Raglan Engineering.
Raglan Raglan Engineering. Engineering. THURSDAY 18TH DEC REAL ESTATE ContactContact Peter Peter on 825-8486 on 825-8486 25-27 Bow Street Raglan see8am-5pm him 8am-5pm or seeorhim at at 2 Park Drive, Raglan 2 Park Drive, Raglan Ph:07 8257170 Email: Web:
Peter Williams 07 825 8486 2 Park Drive
RAGLAN Chronicle 9
4 Bow Street 07 825 0919
4/10/07 3:17:13 4/10/07 PM 3:17:13 PM RaglanEngineeringAd.indd 1
4/10/07 3:17:13 PM
Richard Thomson Rural and Lifestyle Specialist M: 027 294 8625 13 Wallis St 1207 Bow B: 825Street 8138 Friendly, efficient service in your community Friendly, efficient service in your community Ph: 825 7050 07 825 8944 E: richard.thomson@ 7147948AA
10am Raglan Area School 7pm Te Uku Church
Ph: 825 5199
Pastor Roger Peart ph 07 825 5199
For all your Welding and Peter Williams 07Metalwork 825 8486needs, as well as Hydraulic Hoses and Fittings, 2 Park Drive
pay a visit to Peter at Raglan Engineering.
Herbal 55 minsThe North West of Hamilton - 90 mins South West of Auckland Dispensary Phone: 07 825 4515 Email: ‘Where you belong’
HAIRDRESSING PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 25-27 Bow Street Raglan Ph:07 8257170 Email: Web:
Raglan Pharmacy 8 Bow Street 07 825 8164
Ph 825 8730 or 021 0246 8902
5 Bow Street 825 7440
Raglan Sunset Motel is only 100 metres from the water’s edge, shopping, cafés and bars.
7 Bankart St, Raglan 825 0050 The complex has: • Conference centre • Licensed bar • Catering for up to 90 seated guests • 24 units • SkyTv • Free Broadband • Spa Pool • Outdoor BBQ
Raglan Sunset Motel 7 Bankart Street, Raglan, New Zealand Phone: +64-7-825 0050 • Fax: +64-7-825 0061 email: website:
10 RAGLAN Chronicle
Late clinics Mon,Tue & Thursday to 7pm After hours – free nurse telephone advice 8250114
Raglan Vintage and Retro Specialising in items from 1950’s, 60’s & 70’s
Unit 4 - 92 Wallis Street Raglan Wharf 825 7300 or 027 2315671
Open Mon-Sat 8.00am - 5.00pm Ph: 07 825 0577 E: sayerlandscapesupplies@
BeautyStreak-Free Clinic Corner of Main Rd SPRAY TANNING and $35 each 2 Robertson Street or $175 for 6 sessions 825 8730
Raglan Club Open Day Anzac Day All Welcome 07 825 8288
6 Wallis St, Raglan 825 7444
4/10/07 3:17:13 PM
since 1996
Contact Peter on 825-8486 or see him 8am-5pm at 2 Park Drive, Raglan
RaglanEngineeringAd.indd 1
40 Bow Street Raglan P: 07 825 8390 07 825 8901
organic food store and clinic
love yourself
13 Wallis Street, Raglan 13 Wallis Street, Raglan 07 825 7050 07 825 7050
Building/Accomodation Adventure activitiesandinclude: 220m Flying Fox, Abseiling, Rhys Grundy: Conference Facilities Limestone Caves, outstanding native 021 bush,969and796Clay bird shooting. Ph: 07 825 4515 Ph: 825 0379 info@adventure Team building: includes human dog trials, swamp crossing and E: cave rescue scenario. Accommodation and conference facilities Adventure Activities/Team
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
n. Ph: 825 8300
John Hart 3 Bow Street 07 825 8013
12 Bow Street 12 Bow Street 07 825 8944 07 825 8944
RaglanEngineeringAd.indd RaglanEngineeringAd.indd 1 1
Contact Peter on 825-8486 or see him 8am-5pm at 2 Park Drive, Raglan
Frank Turner 07 825 8689 027 277 2611
We’d like to thank the 51 businesses who have supported this feature and made it possible. The Raglan Chronicle will donate 20% of the revenue raised from your support to the Raglan Returned Services Association.
The Herbal Dispensary invites you to an exclusive evening workshop with Antipodes
All In A Day’s Work
A series interviewing locals with interesting occupations
From left: Eva, Anna and McKenzie pictured with one of Anna's clients' Mutley. The two girls are holding the puppies that Mutley fathered. This week the Chronicle caught up with dog groomer Anna Stevens. How did you end up acquiring the skill of dog grooming? I bought my parents a Miniature Wirehaired Dachshund 22 years ago and decided to purchase the equipment to groom their dog. Friends asked me to groom their dogs, then Taupo Vet Centre asked me to work in their veterinary centre and my experience grew from there. What do you enjoy about it? I enjoy chatting to the clients (many have become friends) and I really enjoy working with the dogs. What's the challenging part of the job? Knowing when to stop trimming and perfecting is the biggest challenge. Are there breeds that are the trickiest?
There was one police dog that gave me a close up of his sharp teeth, but most of the dogs are very well behaved. The way I see it there is quite an art to it, quite like a hairdresser. Do you like to get creative with the styles you create? Yes, I do. I enjoy grooming original styles and will try to achieve whatever the client asks, even if that means a full body Mohawk on a Schnauzer or a Poodle look for an Old English Sheepdog. What else keeps you busy? Being a mum to my four children and studying Teaching at the University Of Waikato, which involves a work placement at Raglan Area School of one day a week. How do people and their pooches contact you? By phone : 825 5858 or 027 6439 555.
ur skin is our largest organ, requiring nourishment internally and externally
for optimum hydration and beautifying results. Visible improvement in the health of your skin will be enhanced by drinking plenty of pure water, taking a high quality essential fatty oil
supplement, getting at least 500mg of vitamin C in your diet daily; exercising for at least 30 minutes per day and using exceptionally pure, natural, organic skincare. Find out the perfect routine for your skin type by having a personalised skin consultation by our Antipodes specialists. Hear the story of the Antipodes brand and receive a mini makeover when you attend our two-hour workshop on Wednesday May 3, 7pm - 9pm. With only 12 spaces available, make sure you reserve your place today! The international green beauty brand Antipodes was founded by Elizabeth Barbalich. Her background is on pure science, so she’s a firm believer in the importance of scientifically validating her organic and premium natural beauty products. Many products in the Antipodes range have received international awards for their performance in noticeable skin results, but Elizabeth is also often complimented on the brand’s creativity: the poetic names of products, the enticing mixes of exotic fragrances and the beautiful packaging and design. We will be offering complimentary beverages and snacks, plus every attendee receives an Antipodes goodie bag! Please RSVP to Lisa or Bronwyn: 07 825 7444. We look forward to sharing these beautiful products and information with you. The Herbal Dispensary
Licenced under REAA 2008
Tidy 29 Hectares • Currently run as a dairy support block, growing silage and dairy grazing • Nicely presented two bedroom home with decking • Approx 2km to Raglan with amazing ocean / harbour views • Fenced into 21 paddocks • Near new yards and three bay shed • Owner mows about 10 hectares for silage / hay • Plenty of options to build your dream home! ID: HAM25788
More Than Just A Farm • • • • • • •
Desirable 41hectare farm close to Raglan Would make a great dairy support block or calf rearing farm A 1/3rd could be cropped or mown for silage Four bedroom home with sleepout and three car garage And a one bedroom ’bach in the bush’ that has to be seen Huge 280m2 workshop with gantry Farms of this size, location and quality do not come to the market often so make the most of this opportunity ID: HAM25061
(Unless Sold Prior), 11am, Wed, 26 Apr PGGWRE, 87 Duke St, Cambridge OPEN HOME 2 - 3pm, Thu, 20 Apr MAUNGATAWHIRI ROAD
Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625
Raglan $1,6M
Plus GST (If Any) Viewing by Appointment. 437 TE MATA RD
Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625
The Cutest Haven • • • • •
1.553 hectare property with something for everyone Nicely presented three bedroom home with swimming pool Self contained sleepout Huge seven bay shed and wash bay Conveniently located just down the road from Te Uku primary school and general store • Properties in this price range are few and far between • Don’t miss this opportunity, contact Richard today! ID: HAM25238
Relaxed Coastal Retreat • Well built, warm and sunny two bedroom home • Two living spaces with the double garage converted to a self contained unit • The 2.005 hectare property is mostly native bush • Ruapuke is a popular lifestyle destination, offering great fishing, horse riding and scenery! • Properties in this coastal location very rarely come to the market! ID: HAM25697
Raglan $670,000
GST Inclusive
Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625
Raglan $795,000
GST Inclusive
Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625
RAGLAN Chronicle 11
Soul Safari returns to Raglan!
Public Notice MT KARIOI POSSUM CONTROL OPERATION From 1st May 2017, the Department of Conservation, Waikato District, intend to apply cereal baits containing sodium fluoroacetate (1080) over the following area of Public Conservation land to control possums for the protection of forest ecosystems. Map of the treatment area
oul Safari returns to Raglan for the second year running, from Friday, April 28, to Sunday, April 30. This not for profit event sees the coming together of people from all faiths or no faith to share, grow and co-create a sacred space – to connect and be happy! Soul Safari embraces multicultural dimensions and everyone is welcome! It is a delight to have the event take place at the lovely Kokiri Centre by the sea, a beautiful location next to the Te Kopua Whanau Camping ground. Saturday and Sunday will host an array of great workshops, talks and demonstrations including 7am starts with qi gong, yoga, meditation, ayurvedic cooking, spiritual healing, dance, healing with plants, Rongoa Maori, shamanic journeying, family constellations, daily kirtan, fire ceremony and much much more! Soul Safari will provide delicious vegetarian food and your lunch and dinner are covered in the ticket price. Soul Safari has 20 wonderful facilitators coming
together and contributing to make this festival happen. Facilitators are from all over, locally, regionally and internationally. The festival will begin on the Friday with an opening ceremony at 6.30pm, at which New Zealand’s best sitar player, Lester Silver, will perform. This will be followed with a vegetarian meal made from local produce. Everyone is welcome along to the opening ceremony – entry is by koha. Tickets are available from Three Little Birds or you may transfer payment. Day passes are available for the Saturday and Sunday at $50 per day or a threeday ticket costs $95, including lunch and dinner and full range of workshops. If you wish to obtain further information or to be involved by volunteering please check out the Facebook page Soul Safari Raglan or contact Aíne (ph 021 088 09538) or Venu (ph 022 609 0052). In advance, Soul Safari wishes to express huge appreciation to the local community of Raglan and to all who contribute in making this a wonderful joyful event.
A detailed map of treatment areas may be viewed at nature/pests-and-threats/pesticide-summaries/
Method of control Cereal baits containing the pesticide will be distributed by helicopter over the above areas. The baits are cylindrical pellets approximately 2 cm in diameter, dyed green and cinnamon lured. This pesticide is poisonous to humans and domestic animals. Always remember: • DO NOT touch bait • WATCH CHILDREN at all times • DO NOT EAT animals from this area • DO NOT allow DOGS access to animal carcasses Observe these rules whenever you see warning signs placed at the public access ways in the above areas. For further information, call Cara Hansen, Waikato District Office, (07) 858 1000
NEW TIMETABLE Buses now leave Raglan at the following times:
Stay up-to-date on Facebook 0800 4 BUSLINE (0800 4287 5463) 12 RAGLAN Chronicle
MONDAY TO FRIDAY 6.55am, 7.00am, 9.30am, 1.40pm and 4.40pm SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS AND PUBLIC HOLIDAYS 11.30am and 4.30pm
‘LIKE’us on Facebook Open Home
Indicates there is a ‘Walk-through Video’
Final Notice
Open Home
Final Notice
51 Bow Street
1250 Ohautira Road
The Total Package! Location, views, a good quality 3 bedroom home, great garaging with sleepout and ensuite on a freehold 733m² section, this one has it all! Located practically in town; conveniences, cafes, clubs, pubs the water and more are just an easy stroll away. The additional outside room and ensuite bathroom is always appealing for extra guests or potential for holiday accommodation.
The Good Life! So much more than just a lifestyle block! This solid brick 1970’s home is spacious with open plan living areas and 4 bdrms, a woodburner & heatpump will ensure warmth through the winter. Offering 6 acres of good contoured land there are many options to explore. Garage and sleepout with ensuite plus a massive farm shed is another bonus. Located approx 20 mins to Raglan, 30 mins to Hamilton and an hour to South Auckland.
Deadline 26.4.17 (unless sold prior) Contact Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 Email View Saturday 2 - 2:45pm
Deadline 26.4.17 (unless sold prior) Contact Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Email View Saturday 11 - 11:30am
Open Home
Open Home
Final Notice
120 Greenslade Road
18 Bay View Road
Slice of Heaven Do you yearn for the simplicity of yesteryear? ‘Kowhai Cottage’ will bring back childhood memories of those never ending summer holidays at the beach, the long days swimming and sunbathing, the twilight beach walks, the backyard games and bbqs. It is the ultimate kiwi bach: retro and quirky but also quiet, sunny, warm and comfortable with extensive views and its own harbour access, so you can keep your kayaks close to the water! Full of history but with the modern upgrades you would expect while still retaining its retro vibe. The furnishings are included so just bring your togs and relax.
Little Bach, BIG Views! This 1940’s 2 bedroom home has loads of character and is cute & funky, reminiscent of the classic Kiwi Bach. Elevated & sunny it sits on a good old ¼ acre section (1017m²). Stunning Harbour views and just a short walk to either Cox’s Bay or Lorenzen Bay for safe swimming and other water activities. A garage/ workshop provides dry & lockable storage for the toys. Develop or just enjoy it as is! This wee gem is sure to impress so you better get in quick! Deadline 26.4.17 (unless sold prior) Contact Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 Email View Saturday 12 - 12:30pm
Deadline Contact Email View
2.5.17 (unless sold prior) Chrissy Cox - 027 287 1804 Saturday 1 - 1:30pm
Open Home
Open Home
New Listing
25b Violet Street Starting Up or Slowing Down This modern, spacious unit offers open plan living, 2 bedrooms and internal access garage. The living area opens onto a deck and has views Mt Karioi. No lawns to mow and low maintenance means it is a perfect lock up and leave holiday home, great investment property or home for a small family. Currently vacant so a quick settlement is possible. Put your own stamp on it with redecoration and enjoy! Call or email Chrissy for more information or to arrange a viewing. For Sale Contact Email View
Open Home
$439,000 Chrissy Cox - 027 287 1804 Saturday 11 - 11:30am
57 Hills Road 3
Space, Location & Huge Views Don’t delay viewing this prime lifestyle property within a few minutes drive to the beaches and cafes of Raglan. Set to take advantage of all day sun and huge panoramic rural and harbour views. Outside the kids will love the large flat lawn and entertaining is complimented with an outdoor fireplace and courtyard BBQ area. Grow your own vegetables in the raised garden bed area and pick a variety of fruit from the established orchard. The stand alone large shed with 3 bay garage/ workshop has plenty of room for vehicles.
3 Sunshine Rise
Refreshed, Rejuvenated and Ready For You For Sale $489,000 Contact Chrissy Cox - 027 287 1804 Email
Sunday 1 - 1:30pm 1A1HFG
Elevated and sunny this 3 bedroom home has new carpet and paint and is all ready for you to move in. The dining area opens onto a large deck extending your living space. There is a separate single garage and under house storage. Quietly located in a cul-de-sac yet less than 5 minutes walk to lovely Lorenzen Bay. If you’ve been on the hunt for a very tidy, easily maintained rental property, or a great first home in a popular area, come and see what is on offer here. Call or email Chrissy for more information or come along to an Open Home.
For Sale Contact Email View
$945,000 Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 Saturday 1 - 1:45pm
Chrissy Cox
Matt Sweetman
Kyle Leuthart
Michelle O’Byrne
Stephen O’Byrne
Sandra Bowditch
027 287 1804
021 624 826
021 903 309
021 969 878
021 969 848
021 751 759
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Raglan Property Manager
*NB Boundary lines on photos are approximate & merely a guide. All information contained herein is gathered from sources we deem reliable. However we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely upon their own enquiries.
LJ Hooker Raglan (07) 825 7170 •
25-27 Bow Street , Raglan • George Boyes & Co Limited Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008
RAGLAN Chronicle 13
Concrete Cutter
House & Garden • Project Management • Landscaping • Construction • Meth Decontamination • Painting & Decorating • Flooring Supply & Install • Property Maintenance Services
Windows • Doorways • Hole Drilling Decorative Cutting • Expansion Joints Kerb Crossings • Cowshed Alterations Removal of Concrete Structures etc Floor Sawing and Grinding
Phone Rob Short 0274 846 124 or A/H 825 0246
• Carpet Cleans • Rental Cleans • Water Blasting • Chipping • Lawnmowing • Chainsaw Work • Qualified Builder
Ph 07 825 6886 or 027 425 6886
West Shore Ltd
Matt Connor - Roofer 021 254 1600 • New Roof • Roof repairs • Re-roof • Cladding & flashings • Gutters - new - repairs - maintenance
Pick ups and Deliveries Servicing Raglan Monday to Saturday 6 days a week
Quality Local Roofing & Maintenance
FENCING • • • •
Contact for FREE QUOTE
mobile 021 263 8698
Adam: 021 465 996 | Carl: 022 622 4758
Public Notices
- Spray Painting (All Aspects) - Interior/Exterior, Residential & Commercial - Wallpaper: Feature walls and digital murals -
We’re making changes to reduce the risk of wastewater spills into our environment. Wastewater rates will rise, but there are three options to consider. Come to a drop-in session to find out more.
Drop-in here
Raglan SuperValue (outside)
Saturday 22 April, 10am-12 noon
Raglan Hall
Thursday 27 April, 7-8.30pm
Submissions close at 9am on Monday 15 May 2017.
Have your say!
Stefan Frew 0800 LIVE NOW 0800 5483 669
14 RAGLAN Chronicle
Commercial Residential Rural / Farming
- Peace and tranquility -Surfing, fishing, bush walks - Cabins, powered sites, tent sites PH 07 825 6800
In My Good Books Quality 2nd hand books Open Thurs - Sun from 10am 2 Wallis St Books wanted.
TUES 25 APR WE WILL R E M E M B E R T H E M . . . A N Z A C REMEMBRANCE S E R V I C E 11am, Raglan Cenotaph. View order of service on page 7. WED 26 APR R A G L A N R A M B L E R S 9am from Wainui Rd car park - Coopers Creek, Waitetuna bring lunch.
a ta m i ra . c o. n z
Amazing hand knits Leather Jackets Beanies & Scarves …& Denim for days!! Get winter sorted with US :) FRI 21 APR @ YOT CLUB Jon Toogood (Shihad main man), solo, intimate & acoustic. Early start, 6:30pm, tix
AFFORDABLE WORK SPACE available in Raglan township at Ahoy Gallery/Studios. Contact for details misspopinjaycreations@ or txt 0274247277.
Contact Gary Kite
4005 SH23, Raglan Ph: (07) 825 6560 Mob: 022 622 9005
Services Offered
FLUE SERVICES & log fire inspection $100 and all flue and log fire repairs ph Mark 021457342 or 078298103.
Situations Vacant
RAGLAN BOWLING CLUB are looiking for a caterer for their Tournaments. This is not a full time position as it is usually only one day a month either Sat or Thurs. Light duties preparing and serving food for the players. All enquiries to phone 027 206 3171 or 07 825 7142.
Public Notices I, Rosemary Matthews wish to notify all whanau/shareholders of Whaanga 1D1B2, that the hearing for my Application to Occupy will be held at: COURT: Mäori Land Court, Level 2, BNZ Centre, 354358 Victoria Street, Hamilton DATE: Thursday, 27 April 2017 TIME: 11:15AM Tena Koutou Katoa
H I B E R N AT I N G THIS WINTER? No! Then come along to the Raglan Light Exercise Group. Our exercise programs are formulated fore people in our community who are in their twilight years, or need medical rehabilitation. St. Peters Hall, Monday and Thursday at 10am. Everybody is most welcome. *Sponsored by RC
FREE BUDGET SERVICE AND CAREER-TREE CV WRITING SERVICE Raglan Community House @ 45 Bow St. Nau mai Haere mai. For appt. ph 07-825 8142, email: info@ *Sponsored by RC
Notice of Meeting Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Raglan Community Board will be held in the Supper Room, Town Hall, Bow Street, Raglan on Tuesday 9 May 2017 commencing at 2.00pm. A public forum will be held from 1.30pm.
BUILDING FOR LEASE 100 sq metres, high stud. Secure. Ph Ray 07 282 1824 or 027 202 2575.
JOIN THE RAGLAN CLUB $25 per year $500 accumulating draw every Friday Live entertainment most Fridays Left Hand Break Restaurant – Excellent meals at reasonable prices (group bookings welcome). Pool, darts, snooker gaming, indoor/ outdoor bowls & TAB Family Friendly plus BBQ area Big Screen Courtesy Vans Wed to Sun from 4pm.
Raglan Community Board
Commercial To Let
SECURE METALLED YARD FOR LEASE 1500m2, ready now at Nau Mai Business Park. HIAB & Trailer friendly access. Other sizes available for Sale or Lease. Ph Bob Carter 021 825 869, or 07 825 8690 TASMAN LANDS Ltd
Courses, classes & workshops
Note: In the event that the business of any Committee is not concluded on the advertised date, the meeting may be continued on a later date scheduled by the Committee prior to adjournment.
SAT 22 APR @ YOT CLUB The Indicators plus DJ Tux. From 9pm, $5.
This notice is given under section 46 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.
Adoption of Easter Trading Policy
*Yot Club shuts at 1am, no entry after midnight. Free pickup and drop, text 0211034156.
Waikato District Council advises that at their meeting on 10 April 2017 they adopted the Easter Trading Policy 2017. The adoption of this policy allows retail shops to open for trade on Easter Sunday with the exception of those selling alcohol. The policy was adopted in accordance with section 5B of the Shop Trading Hours Act 1990 and section 83 of the Local Government Act 2002. The Easter Trading Policy can be viewed on our website Council would like to thank all those who took the time to make a submission to the draft policy. If you would like further information please check Council’s website or phone 0800 492 452.
Meeting Dates Notice of 2017 Triennial Election of Trustees
Notice of 2017 Triennial Election of Trustees
The following meetings will be held during May 2017. All meetings will be held at the Waikato District Council, 15 Galileo Street, Ngaruawahia unless otherwise stated.
Nominations are now called for the WEL Energy Trust triennial election. The election is
Nominations are now called for the WEL Energy Trust triennial election. The election is for SEVEN (7) Trustees and will be held on Friday 30th June 2017 by postal and internet voting, using the First Past the Post electoral system. The Trust area encompasses all of Hamilton City, most of Waikato District, and a small part of Waipa District Council areas.
for SEVEN (7) Trustees and will be held on Friday 30th June 2017 by postal and internet COMMITTEES voting, using the First Past the Post electoral system. The Trust area encompasses all of Monday 8 May, 9.00am Hamilton City, most of Waikato District, and a small part of Waipa District Council areas.
Discretionary & Funding Policy & Regulatory
Wednesday 24 May, 9.00am
Nominations open at 9am on Thursday 20th April 2017 and must be made on the
Infrastructure official nomination paper.
Nominations open at 9am on Thursday 20th April 2017 and must be made on the official nomination paper.
WEL Energy Trust office, Perry House, 360 Tristram Street, Hamilton no later than 12
Te Kauwhata Wednesday 3 May, 7.00pm noon on Thursday 11 May 2017. St John Hall, 4 Baird Ave, Te Kauwhata
Nomination packs are available from the Trust office or the Trust’s website, as well
Onewhero-Tuakau Monday Officer, 1 May, 7.30pm as from the Electoral as below: Tuakau Memorial Hall, George Street, Tuakau The WEL Energy Trust The Electoral Officer A public forum willoffice be held from 7.00pm
Nomination packs are available from the Trust office or the Trust’s website, as well as from the Electoral Officer, as below: or
Tuesday 23 May, 9.00am
Completed nominations can be emailed to the Electoral Officer, or delivered to the COMMUNITY BOARDS/COMMITTEES
Completed nominations can be emailed to the Electoral Officer, or delivered to the WEL Energy Trust office, Perry House, 360 Tristram Street, Hamilton no later than 12 noon on Thursday 11 May 2017.
The WEL Energy Trust office Perry House, 360 Tristram Street Hamilton Ph (07) 838 0093
Tuesday 16 May, 9.00am
Strategy & Finance
The Electoral Officer Ltd Ph 0800 666 030
Meremere Taupiri
Perry House, 360 Tristram Street or Ltd Thursday 11 May, 7.00pm Hamilton Ph 0800 666 030 Meremere Community Hall, Heather Green Ave, Meremere Ph (07) 838 0093 Monday 8 May, 5.30pm Memorial Hall, Greenlane Rd, Taupiri A public forum will be held at the commencement of the meeting
A candidate must submit a candidate profile statement and photo with their Tuesday 9 May, 6.15pm nomination paper for sending out with the voting documents to electors. The Committee Rooms 1 & 2 Candidate Handbook which with the nomination paper outlines the A public forum willisbe provided held from 5.45pm requirements for candidate profile statements and photos.
A candidate must submit a candidate profile statement and photo with their nomination paper for sending out with the voting documents to electors. The Candidate Handbook which is provided with the nomination paper outlines the requirements for candidate profile statements and photos.
Tuesday 9 May, 7.00pm
Pokeno Community Preliminary Electoral Roll Hall,
Cnr Great South Road and Market Street, Pokeno
Parliamentary electors residing within the WEL Energy Trust area are entitled to vote Raglan Tuesday 9 May, 2.00pmelectoral roll can be inspected at the Trust office in the election. The preliminary Room, Town Bow St, Raglan during normal Supper office hours (9amHall, to 2pm) until Friday 11 May 2017.
Preliminary Electoral Roll Parliamentary electors residing within the WEL Energy Trust area are entitled to vote in the election. The preliminary electoral roll can be inspected at the Trust office during normal office hours (9am to 2pm) until Friday 11 May 2017.
A public forum will be held at 1.30pm
Electors may enrol or amend their enrolment details by:
Tuesday 16 May, 6.00pm
• Completing an enrolment Riverside Rooms,form Mainavailable St, Huntly at any Post Shop public forum be held 5.45pm • Calling 0800AENROL NOWwill (0800 36 from 76 56) • Visiting the Elections website (
Electors may enrol or amend their enrolment details by: • Completing an enrolment form available at any Post Shop • Calling 0800 ENROL NOW (0800 36 76 56) • Visiting the Elections website (
COUNCIL Updates to the preliminary electoral roll close at 5pm on Friday 11 May 2017. Waikato District Council
Voting Period and Candidate Name Order
Updates to the preliminary electoral roll close at 5pm on Friday 11 May 2017.
Monday 8 May, 1.15pm
Voting Period and Candidate Name Order
Extraordinary Council Wednesday 31 May, 9.00am The voting period will be from 8th June to 12 noon on Friday 30th June 2017, and Annual Plan Hearings and continuing on 1 June 2017.
The voting period will be from 8th June to 12 noon on Friday 30th June 2017, and candidate names will be listed in random order on the voting papers.
Note: In the event that the business of any Committee is not concluded on the advertised date, Warwick the meeting may Lampp be continued on a later date scheduled by the Committee prior to adjournment.
Warwick Lampp Electoral Officer - WEL Energy Trust Ph: 0800 666 030
G J Ion Chief Executive
candidate names will be listed in random order on the voting papers.
Electoral Officer - WEL46 Energy TrustGovernment Official Information and Meetings This notice is given under section of the Local Ph: 0800 666 030 Act 1987.
Raglan Chronicle
UPRIGHT PIANO Lovely old upright piano with stool. $500. Phone 07 825 0280 or 022 695 7337. FIREWOOD DRY2M-2M: Pine $160, Native $190, Gum $190. Delivered, ph. 0210771524.
Public Notices
For Sale
0800 492 452
RAGLAN Chronicle 15 URL
Closing date
Raglan 20A Violet Street - $419,000 • • • • • •
Cool little Bach with great harbour views and private deck Perfect for a holiday rental or lock-up and leave. Fully furnished with double bedroom, lounge and kitchen. Sleep-out fits two singles or a double bed. Easy care grounds - no lawns to mow! Motivated Vendor
OPEN HOME: 12pm Sunday 23 April 2017
Raglan 611 Wainui Road - Solscape
$419,000 View by appointment Graham Rope 021 2227427
Solscape is an established Eco Tourism operation that offers unique and diverse accommodation. Set on ten acres at the foot of Mt Karioi overlooking the beautiful Tasman Sea, Solscape stands alone in its proximity to world famous surf break, Manu Bay and Ngarunui Beach. Over 14 years of operation Solscape has built strong brand identity and fills a market niche that fits well with this increasingly popular destination that is Raglan. View our video and Solscape web site: We also have an information pack available on request.
OPEN HOME: 12pm, Sunday 23 April 2017
For Sale
Raglan 16B Puka Place Auction
10 May 2017 View by appointment Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282 Julie Hanna 0274 418 964 LICENSED (REAA 2008)
Auction 6:00pm, Friday 28 April 2017 Ray White Office, 21 Bow Street Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282 Julie Hanna 0274 418 964 LICENSED (REAA 2008)
4A2F2I You Can’t Go Wrong • Four bedroom, modern home. • Just a short walk to town. • Indoor/outdoor flow with estuary views and the majestic Mt Karioi as a backdrop. • Double garage, internal access. • Room for the boat and make use of the smokehouse - it’s yours! • Prior auction offers considered.
4A2F2I Little Miss Sunshine • Situated in the quiet cul-de-sac of Puka Place • 4 bedrooms, separate formal lounge and private dining area. • Internal access garage to the immaculate kitchen and bathrooms. • Prior Auction offers considered. OPEN HOME: 2:00pm, Saturday & Sunday
Deadline Sale
Raglan 6 Puka Place Build Your House By The Sea • North facing 842m² section, elevated for beautiful views of the harbour. • Easy walk to Cox Bay • Close to Raglan town, transport and cafes. • Ideal land bank or build your beach home. • Covenants apply. • Prior Auction offers considered.
Auction 6.00pm, Friday 19 May 2017 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282 Julie Hanna 0274 418 964
Raglan 1B Point Street
20 A 17 F
Raglan 21 Seabreeze Way - NEW LISTING! Auction
3 A 2 F 2 I Contemporary Living • Designer 3 bedroom home • Situated on 580m² • Double garage • North Facing • Good water views • Prior auction offers considered OPEN HOME: 11:00am Saturday 22 April 2017
OPEN HOME: 2:00pm Sunday
Auction 6.00pm, Friday 26 May 2017 Ray White Office, 21 Bow Street View by appointment Julie Hanna 0274 418 964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282
Auction 6:00pm, Friday 28 April 2017 LICENSED (REAA 2008)
OPEN HOMES 22nd & 23rd April:
Saturday 11am - 21 Seabreeze Way | Saturday 12pm - 30 Bridle Creek Rd | Saturday 1pm - 106B Greenslade Rd | Saturday 2pm - 6 Puka Pl Saturday 2pm - 533 Wainui Rd | Sunday 12pm - 20A Violet St | Sunday 12pm - 611 Wainui Rd (Solscape) | Sunday 12pm - 30 Bridle Creek Rd Sunday 1pm - 14 Upper Wainui Rd | Sunday 2pm - 1B Point St | Sunday 2pm - 6 Puka Pl | Sunday 2pm - 533 Wainui Rd 21 Bow St, Raglan Phone: 07 825 8669 Fax: 07 825 7410
16 RAGLAN Chronicle
Website: Email: