Nga Ripo o Whaingaroa
EST. 1903
Whaingaroa news for you weekly
21st September 2017 - Issue #562
Dedicated to supporting our local community.
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16-18 Bow Street, Raglan. Open 7am – 8pm, 7 days. Phone: 825 8300.
Kana Vinaka Launch
Young Achievers
Gig Guide/What's on
OPEN HOME: Sunday 3pm
OPEN HOMES: Saturday & Sunday 2pm
Raglan 35 Government Rd
Raglan Raglan Couriers Couriers 3 times 3 times daily daily morning/midday/afternoon morning/midday/afternoon
URGENT AUCTION! 6pm Friday, 6th October 2017 • Well known artist, Peggy Lee, sells her cute Raglan cottage and studio. • Two bedrooms with open plan living. Fully fenced north-facing site. • Half share in 809m² more or less. Will consider all pre-auction offers. •
Raglan 34 Robertson St
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Julie Hanna
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Blair Hanna
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21 Bow St, Raglan Phone: 07 825 8669 Fax: 07 825 7410 Website: Email: Raglan Real Estate Ltd Licensed (REAA 2008)
RAGLAN Chronicle 1
Turkish Kebabs On Plates - Pitas Burgers and more! 10am to 10pm 29 Bow St - 07 825 0202
Fish n’ Chips Group Bookings Inside/Outside Seating 92 Wallis St - 07 825 7544
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This space could be yours. Email the Chronicle for more details.
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Avatar® is a registered trademark Star’s Edge, Inc. All rights reserved.
RAGLAN HOSPITAL & REST HOME Caring for the ones you love 27 - 29 Manukau Road Ph. 07 825 8306 Fax: 07 825 8855 Email:
10am - Family Service and Children’s Ministry Thursdays 3-5pm - 7C’s Bible Club for Children Visitors Cherished
3 Stewart St – 07 825 8276 or 07 825 8028
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Raglan Ink Ltd home of the Raglan Chronicle Office Open Mon - Fri 9.00am - 4.00pm, Wainui Rd, Raglan Ph: (07) 825-7076 Fax: (07) 825-7078 Post: P.O. Box 234, Raglan Email: Advertising & Articles The advertising and editorial content deadline will be Monday at 12pm week of issue. DISCLAIMER Opinions and views expressed in the Raglan Chronicle do not necessarily represent those held by the Editors or Publishers. Every care will be taken in the preparation and placement of submitted material but the Editors/Publishers shall not be liable for errors or omissions or subsequent effects due to the same. It is the submitters responsibility to ensure material is not libelous or defamatory. The Editors/Publishers reserve the right to abridge, alter or decline any material submitted to the Raglan Chronicle to meet the constraints of space and/or maintain a reasonable standard of language and decorum.
2 RAGLAN Chronicle
Talking about medicines
The store with a lot more!
Breakfast/Lunch 7 Days
Waikato Regional Councillor Fred Lichtwark noticed damaged mangroves in the harbour last week. Full Story on page 3.
Te Kopua Camp Store, Marine Parade, Raglan
Open for Dinner Fri & Sat from 5:30pm
Mangrove Massacre:
Whaingaroa-Raglan is becoming a Waikato foodie hotspot. Find hours and weekly specials below and remember to support our local eateries!
new series of community koha clinics focusing on health conditions and the medicines used to treat those health conditions began on August 19 with the first a sessions focus on heart failure.
Fiona McNabb, an experienced clinical pharmacist with a background in community and hospital pharmacy and a specialty in cardiology is donating her time to run the two-hour sessions at the Raglan House in Bow St with support from the local GPs at West Coast Health. The sessions run from 10am until 12pm and include lots of time for discussion and questions about what has been covered. The heart failure session was attended by a small, enthusiastic group of nine people who had either seen the Chronicle article or a flyer from West Coast Health or the Raglan Pharmacy. Unfortunately for many people, the timing of the article so close to the class meant they didn’t have sufficient notice to attend. “We’ve learnt from that mistake, and have now planned three sessions in advance to give people plenty of notice” says Fiona after taking calls from people who had missed out. A survey, completed by most of the attendees of the heart failure session described their level of knowledge of heart failure – what it is, what causes it – and the medicines used to treat it, before the class as “average” or just “a bit”. After the class, all ratings
had risen to “good” or “amazing”, with all those who completed the survey commenting that they would recommend the class to others. Feedback from the class was that, understanding what “heart failure” means, how it happens and what we can do ourselves to live well with our health conditions, was very helpful. Medicines are just part of the picture of supporting people to improve how well they feel and how their symptoms can be managed. Understanding how medicines work helps patients make sense of why they have been prescribed a medicine and what the point of taking them is. “What about eating your greens?” asked the wife of one of the class participants, a question that caused much amusement and general discussion about healthy eating, “so it’s definitely about much more than just medicines,” Fiona reports. The next few sessions will focus on Heart Attacks - September 30, Atrial Fibrillation (AF) – November 4 and a re-run of Heart Failure - December 2. All sessions will be on Saturday mornings at the Raglan House, 45 Bow St, from 10am – 12 noon. Contact Fiona on 027 688 9754 if you would like to register for a class or ask any questions about the clinics. If there is enough interest and support for the clinics, topics for 2018 could include diabetes, asthma, COPD, gout and many more.
Mangrove massacre astounds environmentalist
Also at H.G Webb House, Cnr Boundary & Victoria Streets, Hamilton
Waikato Regional Councillor Fred Lichtwark is disgusted at the actions of the mangrove vandals.
mangrove (mānawa) murder mystery has a local environmentalist scratching his head over the culprit’s motive. Whāingaroa Harbour Care stalwart and Waikato Regional Councillor Fred Lichtwark noticed the carnage to the protected shrub along the causeway from the one-way bridge round to the airstrip on Marine Parade on his way to the community board meeting last week. Fred says the mangrove vandals have done a lot more damage to the wider environment by removing the ecologically significant native plant. “They have been there for 50 years without being touched,” he says. “This flies in the face of what Raglan is all about.” Mangroves play an environmentally important role, including filtering heavy metals washed off nearby roads and roofs and reducing the amount released into the sea, providing food for snails, worms, shellfish, small fish and crabs, acting as buffers against erosion and storm surges, and oysters, mussels and barnacles attach themselves to the mangrove’s aerial roots. With a stormwater pipe emptying into the harbour close by, Fred says the destruction of these filter plants negatively impacts the marine life in the harbour. “The harbour is a nursery habitat for lemon fish, which is specific to Whāingaroa,” he says. “It provides habitat for the mullet which are running at the moment and mussels even little scallops adhere to the roots of the mangrove.” Fred can’t make any sense of the destruction which saw the vandal wade through thick mud armed with a cutting implement to hack more than a dozen mature mangroves. “This is an idiotic thing to do,” Fred says. “I don’t know if they were protesting against the Greens or what they were doing.” Niwa’s recently released mangrove management guide warned that mangrove
removal often did not have the desired effect of returning sandy flats and removal areas ended up looking unattractive and smelling foul. Research in 40 mangrove removal areas found the adverse effects were immediate and long-term and included sediment that lacked oxygen, was often black in colour and smelled of sulphur. A Waikato Regional Council incident response team visited the site last Thursday and confirmed that 17 (of approximately 25 in the immediate area) mangroves had substantial foliage cut from them.
The council is keen to hear from anyone in the Raglan community who has any information about the incident and although only a relatively small number of plants were effected the council is interested in understanding why it has occurred. People caught removing mangroves without first getting permission can be fined or prosecuted by the Waikato Regional Council. Phone Waikato Regional Council 0800 800 401 if you have information about the mangrove incident. Janine Jackson
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Tents, campervans or caravans, backpackers, cabins or motel units. Hosts: Mary and Rob Clark Address: Marine Parade,
Raglan Phone: (07) 825 8283 Email: Now Inn Ragla
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10am Raglan Area School 7pm Te Uku Church Pastor Roger Peart ph 07 825 5199 Baby mussels growing on the mangrove aerial roots.
RAGLAN Chronicle 3
Nostalgic visit back home for US-based Emma G
Emma G - mic in hand - unpacks her gear for the gig at the Yotty.
ho would’ve believed a wee Emma Ghaemmaghamy – scratching away on her violin at an Old School concert decades ago – would return one day to Raglan from Washington DC and perform a gig downtown at the Yot Club. Only the Yot Club was the local video store last time Emma G, as she’s now known, was back in town. So performing at the
popular night spot last Friday was a first for her. Emma’s on a whirlwind ‘All Roads Lead To Home’ national tour to celebrate her debut solo album Taking Flight, which was two years in the making. “I grew up here until I was about nine,” Emma confirmed to the Chronicle as she unpacked guitar, mike, keyboards and other paraphernalia from her car on arrival. She no longer plays the violin but remembers that first concert 23 years ago at
the Old School Arts Centre in Stewart Street, when she was just five. In fact it was not long after – at six – that she recorded her first song with longtime local Dennis Conquest. “It was ‘Just A Girl’, the No Doubt song,” she recalled. Something else she remembers is the long-gone Moreton Bay fig tree on Puriri Street. “That was where I wrote my songs,” she added a tad nostalgically. Emma was looking forward to being home, seeing Raglan’s iconic walkbridge
again and eating some “fush and chups” down at the wharf. She was keen to check out the letterbox of her old house on Cambrae Road too. “I want to see if it’s still the same as the way I painted it when I was eight,” she laughed. Shortly afterwards the Te Uku School girl moved with her mother into Hamilton, though returned here whenever she could. Emma later went on to establish a profile as vocalist for Auckland rockers Static Era, and in 2012 was a New Zealand Local Hero Award recipient for inspiring others through music. Since then she’s gone solo and – having moved to the States two years ago to pursue her music dreams – has become known on Washington DC’s busking circuit as the Kiwi girl who plays great songs and gives great hugs. “Yep I’ve lost count of how many hugs I’ve given out since election day,” Emma said in obvious reference to Donald Trump’s victory. While she loved being in DC for “the culture and the people”, she admitted it was weird too because the election on November 8 – coincidentally her birthday – brought a lot of heartbreak to the capital. Emma works full time there as a street performer, also doing the rounds of clubs, bars and community events. “For me, music is about connection,” she explained. So there were no nerves before the gig at the Yotty, for instance, because she’s comfortable with the soul/pop/rock stuff – described as both sultry and gutsy – that works for her. She was definitely “excited” to be gigging locally however, and to show that her career was indeed – as the album title suggests – taking flight. Edith Symes
Raglan Community Te Kohao Health Big Weekend coming up at the YOT Club Medical Centre Club has a huge weekend hao HealthYour Medical Clinic Theof YOT live music lined up with two
TeKohaoHealth Nau Mai Haere Mai
All Welcome
Raglan, Te Kohao Health our Medical Clinic
Poihakena Marae All Welcome 216 Wainui Rd, Raglan 218 Monday,-Wednesday, Friday Friday 9.00am - -4.30pm 08.30am 5.00pm e Free after hours telephone triage service Raglan day, Friday Phone: (07) 825 0197 Fax: (07) 825 0956 Email: elephone triage service Te Kohao Health 197 Fax: (07) 825 0956 180 Dey St, Hamilton Monday - Friday 8.30 - 5.00pm Saturday 8.30 - 12.00pm Free after hours telephone triage service ilton Phone: (07) 856 1211 8.30 - 5.00pm 2.00pm Dedicated in the memory of Dr Tom Ellison elephone triage service 211
u Mai Haere Mai
Dedicated in the memory of Dr Tom Ellison
Telephone: 825 0114 After hours: Anglesea Clinic Healthline
YourMedicalClinc 07 825 0800 0800 611 116
OPENING HOURS: Mon Open 8am Close 7pm
Tues 8am 7pm
4 RAGLAN Chronicle
Wed 8am 7pm
Thurs Fri 8am 8am 7pm 5pm
of the Yottys favourite bands on the cards.
On Friday, we have Wellington lads The Nudge and Waikato’s favourite dub band the Knights of the Dub Table playing on Saturday. The Nudge are a classy 3-piece consisting of Guitar, bass and drums. All super talented musos, the Nudge lads form the engine room of Fly My Pretties. Described in their own words: “It’s been a few shows between drinks and we have been busy creating a show that should not be missed!! ... soaring guitars, funky, free drumming, and savage keyboard tones, you know The Nudge bring a party that will reignite your love for live music and dancing!! ... Boom Shacka!” “We are stoked to announce the Raglan addition to the tour, and if our last gig was anything to go bye, we are in for a real treat!! You guys made us party Hard!!! “ Saturday brings The Knights of The Dub Table to town. Knights Dub have consistently played to packed crowds in Raglan expect this to be no different in their final show before departing for an extensive Australian tour.
YOT Club favourites, Knights of the Dub Table, are set to play on Saturday night.
Presales for The Nudge at www. and presales for Knights of The Dub Table at www. Other upcoming fun and games include: Racing (ex members The Checks Saturday, September 30 and DJ The Nomad Saturday, October 7. First Sunday Session will be on October 22. Illicit Wah Wahz album release October 28. Oz Rockers Dumb Punts Friday, November 10, Waiheke Big band play on
Saturday, November 11, Dancehall/Reggae legend, Sister Nancy Friday November 17. American Cowboy Country Punk legends, The Supersuckers, on Saturday, November 18 and German Techno Superstar DJ Hell on the first proper Sunday Session which will be held on November 19. Remember free pick up drop off Text 0211034156. No entry after midnight. Andy Meek
Locals taste for themselves how island cuisine could be
Colin - proud of his cookbook - at the launch.
bout 100 locals got a good taste – literally – last weekend of what renowned Raglan chef Colin Chung’s bold venture into publishing is all about.
His stylish new cookbook ‘Kana Vinaka’ is aimed at creating a contemporary Pacific Island cuisine, and for a full day and a half ahead of its Sunday afternoon Raglan launch Colin and helpers had been busy preparing healthy nibbles from sustainable islands produce.
Launch-goers were treated to everything from chips made out of taro (dalo), breadfruit (ulu), kumala (kumara) and green bananas (vudi) to dalo bele hash cakes – essentially taro spinach fritters – and Fijian ahi tuna and kuita (octopus) sashimi. All came with bowls of Island-style dips, sauces and marinades which Colin said helped “make local foods tasty”. Colin told the launch function – held at Raglan Sunset Motel’s conference centre – that his cookbook focused on Fijian cuisine because Fiji had the Pacific Islands’ greatest range of produce. But he added that ‘Kana Vinaka’ - meaning good food or eat well - was a book that “can help everyone”. That’s because it was all about eating local (produce), and the principles were the same wherever. The 102-recipe cookbook is the culmination of Colin’s visiting and consulting in the Pacific Islands over decades, with the past two years devoted to its actual production. His minister wife Rhonda, who did the blessing, spoke of “the long journey to the launch of this book”, while Raglan ward councillor Lisa Thomson talked of Colin’s passion for food and his passion for people. Among those who collaborated in the publishing venture were Te Mata-based Kath Parrott, who accompanied Colin on 4-5 trips to Fiji to do the photography, and Whale Bay artist Xavier Meade who handled the book’s design. Another local, Inger Vos, typed up all Colin’s handwritten recipes. Longtime local musician Dave Maybee played guitar, Island-style, at the function while Carolyna Harte-Meade succinctly summed up the end product as “not just a coffee-table cookbook”. It’s a textbook for those in the industry, she explained, and user-friendly for everybody else. Edith Symes
Outdoor bowls report
Opening Day winners from left, Chris Lourie, Murray Eddy, Bill Bond and Les Schlager.
n September 16 at 1pm, the bell was rung, the flag raised, the first jack and first bowl rolled up to signal the opening of our outdoor bowls 2017-18 season. We played two games of triples with plenty of fun- bantering to set the season off on a good roll.
Our Raglan Club President, Colin Sullivan, and our Club Liaison person, Gary Kite, were in attendance and wished all members a happy and successful year of bowls. Our Club Manager, Chris Lourie, popped in later in the day to wish us well also. Chris presented the Opening Day winners, Bill Bond, Les Schlager and Murray Eddy, with their prizes. In second place were Jim Boggiss, John Carr and James Bond. Congratulations to you all. Following this we all joined in with a very tasty shared afternoon tea.
Starting this Thursday, September 21, at 4.30pm we are holding a new ‘ Corner to Corner’ competition. So rock on down to the bowling club on James Street and have a go. We welcome new members all the time. It is a great sport for all ages, just need to have flat-soled shoes and perhaps a warm jacket. Upcoming events: Saturday, September 23 Harbour View Cup challenge, Saturday, September 30 - Moore Cup, drawn pairs (using the handicap system), Saturday, October 7 - mixed singles, and Saturday and Sunday October 14 and 15, will be our Triples Championships. As you can see our season is off on a great roll. Roll ups are on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 12.45pm (report in time). Give us a call on 07-8258442 (leave a message) or contact Jim 07 8257599, for any enquiries. Happy Bowling, Eileen Stephens
RAGLAN Chronicle 5
Daylight Savings Spring Spring Spri ng Forward For orw ward d One Hour Hour On On ay 24th 24t 4thh September Septem mber Sunday
18th to 24th September 2017 Fresh NZ Beef Rump Steak
Country Fresh Washed Potato Range 2kg
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$ 49
Coke/Sprite/ Fanta/Lift/ L&P 1.5L
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great value
$ 99
Keri Fruit Drink/ Juice 2.4-3L
$ 00
Cadbury Chocolate Block 155-205g
Bluebird Burger Rings/ Twisties/Cheezels/ Rashuns 110-120g
Fresh NZ Chicken Tenderloins
Hass Avocados
$ 69
great deal
Meadow Fresh Yoghurt 1kg (Excludes Greek)
Steinlager Classic 12 x 330ml Bottles
great deal
$ 89
Villa Maria Private Bin 750ml
Chef Cat Food Pouches 4 Pack
(Excludes Pinot Noir/Syrah)
Owned & operated
by locals 6 RAGLAN Chronicle
SuperValue Raglan: 16-18 Bow Street. Phone 825 8300. Open 7.30am!–!8pm, 7 Days. While stocks last at SuperValue Raglan only. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Trade not supplied.
Please drink responsibly
For inspiration visit |
RAGLAN Chronicle 7
Local couples’ chance to tap into local wedding network
An occasional column featuring young achievers in our community.
One Wonderful Day’s organising team, from left, Sarah Glenn, Emma Whitlock, Hannah Porter, Abbie Hartland and Brooke Baker. Photo/ Supplied
f you’re getting married in the Waikato in the near future, you could be forgiven for thinking you’d have to search out of town to meet all your wedding needs. Luckily for you, a local collective of industry professionals have you covered.
This week we spoke to talented rugby player Hudson Bidois pictured above with his mum Rachel and dad Aaron. Tell us what you achieved with Rugby this year? What representative team did you make? Rep teams I have made have been the Panthers (Gwynne Sheild). We finished seventh out of 10 teams. This team is made up based on what school you go to. Waikato Roller Mills team, this is a true honour and something I have been working towards all year, luckily I have the best Raglan Club coaches and family who supported me to get there. This year has been my favourite year so far. I have had 13 Player of the Days and only not scored in two games of club rugby.
How long have you played Rugby. What do you like about it?
I have played Rugby for seven years. Last four years has been contact (tackle), before that it’s just been fun and playing around. As you start to tackle it gets more serious, it’s still fun but you are more focused I think. I like a lot about rugby, it's New Zealand's main sport. It’s the best team sport.
What other sports do you enjoy?
Golf, soccer, running, surfing, snowboarding, athletics, cricket, basketball, softball and motorbike riding
How do you think young people get to excel at sport?
You need to train hard very, very hard and respect the coaches. Good sportsmanship
towards other players. I was lucky with my Raglan coaches over the last few years as they teach this as much as they teach you skills.
Who do you feel inspired by? My family, my coaches, my team, my friends and their parents, my school (Waitetuna) they all encourage me to be my best. They drive me all over the place for games and trainings and are real positive towards my sports. My favourite rugby players that inspire me is Beauden Barrett and his brother Jordy.
What happens next year? Who will you play for? Will you miss Raglan?
Raglan business woman Sarah Glenn is part of a local collective, dubbed Wed in Waikato, which is putting on a wedding fair, for locals by locals, in Hamilton on September 24. Sarah, whose business, Topkata, hires out tents for events, says she loves working in the local wedding industry and the collaborative spirit of the five women behind One Wonderful Day. “Wed in Waikato came about because we all know that by working together, we’ll all be more successful. We all benefit by learning from one another,” she says. “While other regional wedding fairs have more of a general offering, we've strived to serve a more focused and curated creme de la creme of local professionals.” One Wonderful Day brings together wedding professionals from across the Waikato in one place - The Atrium at Wintec House - for one day, so you can meet and secure all you need to create your
perfect Waikato wedding. Sarah says the team were very particular, hand-picking exhibitors to ensure they have the same positive approach that Wed in Waikato’s core team members pride themselves on. “It’s really important to us, as professionals, that we’re adaptable and modern. We’re open to new things and willing to try anything, so we’ve ensured our vendors all have the same attitude,” she says. Among the stalls at One Wonderful Day there will be other Raglan businesses - Photoadventure., Freehand Design, The White Wedding Club, Raglan Buds Flower Farm and Dizzy Blocks. Sarah says there will also be photo and video booth options and photographers with a more relaxed, documentary-style approach, along with re-imagined food solutions - from mobile catering vehicles to the very do it yourself-able concept of grazing platters. “Our crew has a great network of high quality professionals in the local wedding industry, from Raglan and further afield. So this fair is about giving locals who are planning their weddings the chance to tap into that valuable network.” One Wonderful Day is on Sunday, September 24, at The Atrium at Wintec. See www. for more.
I never want to leave Raglan Club! Next year I'll be year 8 so I can't play 12th grade next year as I will be over the weight limit. I'm hoping we can have a 13th grade.
What's so great about the Raglan Club?
Everyone respects each other, my team is one big family. For a small town we can hold our own against the big city clubs, we finished second in the 12th grade A pool. We won the Hopu Hopu tournament - that’s a pretty big deal when other clubs have so many teams and numbers.
What is your goal with Rugby. Who would you like to be playing for in 5-10 years?
In about five years I would like to be in the first XV for Hamilton Boys High School, then in about 10 years I would like to be playing for the chiefs and All Blacks!
This content is bought to you thanks to sponsorship from Rock-it Kitchen. 248 wainui road Rock-it Kitchen 07 825 8233 licensed café
8 RAGLAN Chronicle
Ben from Waikato Golf giving the Raglan juniors some tips on how to improve their game. Junior golf coaching occurs every Wednesday from 3.30pm to 4.30pm at the Raglan Golf Club. Photo / Peter Aim
‘LIKE’us on Facebook Indicates there is a ‘Walk-through Video’
New Listing
New Listing
4a Kaitoke Street
View 1N6HFG
Walk to the Surf Beach - 2.8 acre Lifestyle
Thoughtfully designed and built in 2013 by Kiwi Homes, this modern and low maintenance 3 bedroom home is perfect for permanent or holiday living. Located at the end of a quiet culdesac with the popular coastal walkway at the end of the bush lined driveway. The home has a sleek and simple design with a large front window in the open plan living area to enjoy the water view and sunsets. Featuring full insulation and double glazing in addition to a well designed and functional kitchen with central island. Packed full of features for the price. Call Kyle for a viewing today
Contact Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309
405 Wainui Road, Raglan
2013 Built Beach House or First Home For Sale $525,000
Open Home
Auction 14th October at 1.00 pm Contact Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 Email
Saturday 1 - 1:45 pm 1NAHFG
Just listed in one of Raglan’s best investment areas! Be sure to come and check out this 3 bedroom solid brick home on 2.8 acres which is packed full of potential to modernise and call your own. North-facing and full of sunshine with a front deck overlooking an easy contoured front paddock which could be further developed into lawns and gardens. A single garage has been converted to an outside room perfect for a rumpus or games room and there is plenty of off street parking. There’s a lovely flat area down there which would be perfect for friends or guests camping and summer barbeques. NB: Boundary lines on photo approximate.
Open Home
21 Calvert Road, Whale Bay
Location and Lifestyle!
For Sale $1,500,000 Contact Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Email
By appointment only 1AKHFG
44 Matakotea Road
A Surfer’s Paradise
Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309
Properties with a world class surfing point break out front do not often become available. Be entertained from the deck with intimate views of the renowned long left hand wave of ‘Indicators’. The well presented 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom rustic eco-friendly home features rammed earth and native timber construction making the home cool in summer and warm in winter. Successfully running as 5 star holiday accommodation, the property has been a popular stay for visiting pro surfers wanting to be right in the action and in the surf in minutes. Now is your opportunity to purchase this rarely available location.
For Sale $619,000 Contact Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Email
Saturday 11 - 11:30am 1M1HFG
Robbie Regnier
Chrissy Cox
Matt Sweetman
Kyle Leuthart
Michelle O’Byrne
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
021 952 271
027 287 1804
021 624 826
021 903 309
021 969 878
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Get the best of both worlds from this conveniently located lifestyle property. Just over 1 ½ acres of the flattest land in Raglan, it’s fenced into 2 grazing paddocks with space for chickens a pony or sheep. Just minutes up the road is the Te Uku store, petrol pumps, school and coffee + Raglan town and beaches are only a 15 minute drive away. A tree lined avenue leads the way to a modern and sunny 3 bedroom home, recently painted interior means it’s fresh and tidy. Enjoy gorgeous rural views and generous decking on 2 sides offering indoor/outdoor flow. A double garage completes this extremely attractive property.
Stephen O’Byrne Licensed Salesperson
021 969 848
Sandra Bowditch Raglan Property Manager
021 751 759
*NB Boundary lines on photos are approximate & merely a guide. All information contained herein is gathered from sources we deem reliable. However we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely upon their own enquiries.
LJ Hooker Raglan (07) 825 7170 •
25-27 Bow Street , Raglan • George Boyes & Co Limited Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008
RAGLAN Chronicle 9
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ph 07 847 8210
Adam: 021 465 996 | Carl: 022 622 4758
Specialising in New Builds, Maintenance and Drainlaying. Nick Heasman Phone: 021 058 2140 Email:
ENGINEERING FLOORING P L U M B I N G & G A S LT D Grant Mathis 07 825 0523 or 027 222 0156 • CERTIFIED PLUMBER Specialising in Tim ber I nsta llation, Sand ing & Stai n ing usi ng Natu ral oils & Water B ased P roducts
• CERTIFIED GAS FITTER • MAINTENANCE, NEW BUILDS, LIGHT COMMERCIAL • LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED Offering a reliable, friendly service combined with quality workmanship.
10 RAGLAN Chronicle
For advertising inquiries: Contact the Raglan Chronicle on 07 825 7076 or email us at
WED 27 SEPT R A G L A N R A M B L E R S 9am from Wainui Rd car park next to the fire station Beach walk. REMEMBER TO VOTE!!! - Early voting is open now at the Town Hall.
LADIES NIGHT ON THIS MONTH: Monday September 27 from 6.30pm at the Raglan Club.
RAGLAN COMMUNITY HOUSE OP SHOP HALF PRICE SPRING SALE 25 SEPT - 13 OCT ++ Money Management Workshops every Weds 10am - 2pm
For Sale F I R E W O O D AVAILABLE now for next winter. Pine $80, manuka $130 M3. Delivered. Phone 027 361 9022 or 027 362 6004. FIREWOOD!!! TAKING ORDERS now for delivery from November onwards. Stock up for next winter. Manuka $130, Macrocarpa $100, Gum $100 & Pine $80 All prices include delivery and stacking. No payment till delivered ph Danielle 0278198447 a ta m i ra . c o. n z Amazing Sneakers, & Desert Boots GARMENT Project + New styles Rosefield Watches MENS TCSS Cords are !!!
In My Good Books Quality 2nd hand books Open Thurs - Sun from 10am 2 Wallis St Books wanted.
Commercial to Let SECURE METALLED YARD FOR LEASE 1500m2, ready now at Nau Mai Business Park. HIAB & Trailer friendly access. Other sizes available for Sale or Lease. Ph Bob Carter 021 825 869, or 07 825 8690 TASMAN LANDS Ltd
Situations Vacant HOUSE KEEPER FOR LARGE RAGLAN HOME. 2 - 3 hours per week. Possible Gardening as an extra. Must be honest and reliable, and have references. Phone 0274881462.
Situations Vacant COOK/KITCHEN HAND PART TIME: We are looking for a cook/Kitchen hand who has great skills and flair in preparing food for our residents. Be part of this great facility and work with our remarkable team With a natural ability to build relationships with residents and other team members Please apply to Raglan Resthome and Hospital Phone Cherry on 07 825 8306 or 027 683 9056 Or email raglanhospital@xtra. FULL TIME STAFF R E Q U I R E D : CAREGIVER. We are looking for full time staff who have empathy, kindness, positivity, flexibility and a desire to help others. With a natural ability to build relationships with residents and other team members. Please apply to Raglan Resthome and Hospital Phone Cherry on 07 825 8306 or 027 683 9056 Or email raglanhospital@xtra. CHEF POSITION AVAILABLE at The Wharf Kitchen And Bar, fulltime, evenings and weekends. Experience essential. Send CV, Cover letter and references FAO Ciara thewharfkitchenandbar@
FRI 22 SEP @ YOT CLUB: Wellington band The Nudge, presales available form undertheradar.
SAT 23 SEPT @ YOT CLUB: Knights of the Dub Table, single release party. Presales from
Courses, classes & workshops THE RAGLAN LIGHT EXERCISE GROUP Sessions Monday and Thursday. 10am to 11am. StPeters Hall. Everybody is most welcome to attend. *Sponsored by RC
FREE BUDGET SERVICE AND CAREER-TREE CV WRITING SERVICE Raglan Community House @ 45 Bow St. Nau mai Haere mai. For appt. ph 07-825 8142, email: info@ theraglanhouse. *Sponsored by RC
Commercial to Let
Services Offered
SELF STORAGE Contact Gary Kite 4005 SH23, Raglan Ph: (07) 825 6560 Mob: 022 622 9005
NEW TO COMPUTING? C e r t i f i e d professional offers personal lessons. Jamie 0222332664.
TE MATA SOCIAL CLUB INC. AGM Tuesday 26 September 2017 7.30pm at Te Mata Club
RUAPUKE MOTOR CAMP - Peace and tranquility -Surfing, fishing, bush walks - Cabins, powered sites, tent sites PH 07 825 6800
TAMARIKI TOUCH Starting Thurs, 26 Oct (8 wks) To register or more info, join our facebook page
Public Notices
Public Notices
RAGLAN VOLUNTEER COASTGUARD AGM 2017 In accordance with our Constitution, Notice is hereby given that the 2017 Annual General Meeting for Raglan Volunteer Coastguard Inc will be held on Tuesday 26th September 2016 at 1900 hours at the Perry Lounge, Gallagher Coastguard Base, Raglan Wharf. • Welcome • Annual Reports • Election of Officers • General Business We warmly invite members and interested parties to attend. Brigid Green, Secretary
Public Notice of application for renewal of on-licence Section 101, Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. Barview Limited has made application to the District Licensing Committee at Ngaruawahia for the renewal of an on-licence in respect of the premises situated at 2 Wallis Street Raglan and known as Orca Restaurant & Bar. The general nature of the business conducted under the licence is Tavern. The days on which and the hours during which alcohol is sold under the licence are: Monday to Sunday 8am to 1am following day. The application may be inspected during ordinary office hours at the office of the Waikato District Council, District Licensing Committee, 15 Galileo Street, Ngaruawahia. Any person who is entitled to object and who wishes to object to the renewal of the licence may, not later than 15 working days after the date of the first publication of this notice, file a notice in writing of the objection with the Secretary of the District Licensing Committee at Waikato District, Private Bag 544, Ngaruawahia 3742. No objection to the renewal of a licence may be made in relation to a matter other than a matter specified in section 131 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. This is the first publication of this notice.
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winter special * $150 +gst
Registrations close: Fri, Sept 29, 2017 Call into the Chronicle office to fill out a registration form or we can email one to you
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*price includes: 250 words + one image printed in one (1) print edition of the Chronicle uploaded to and one (1) share on Raglan Chronicle Facebook
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