Raglan Chronicle

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Nga Ripo o Whaingaroa

EST. 1903

Whaingaroa news for you weekly

Community Cash

16-18 Bow Street, Raglan. Open 7am – 8pm, 7 days. Phone: 825 8300.

24th August 2017 - Issue #558

Dedicated to supporting our local community.

Owned and operated by locals


Jesse Morris Band


New classrooms


Gig Guide/What's on


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RAGLAN Chronicle 1



Turkish Kebabs On Plates - Pitas Burgers and more! 10am to 10pm 29 Bow St - 07 825 0202

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RAGLAN HOSPITAL & REST HOME Caring for the ones you love 27 - 29 Manukau Road Ph. 07 825 8306 Fax: 07 825 8855 Email: raglanhospital@xtra.co.nz


10am - Family Service and Children’s Ministry Thursdays 3-5pm - 7C’s Bible Club for Children

3 Stewart St – 07 825 8276 or 07 825 8028

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Raglan Ink Ltd home of the Raglan Chronicle Office Open Mon - Fri 9.00am - 4.00pm, Wainui Rd, Raglan Ph: (07) 825-7076 Fax: (07) 825-7078 Post: P.O. Box 234, Raglan Email: info@raglanchronicle.co.nz Advertising & Articles The advertising and editorial content deadline will be Monday at 12pm week of issue. DISCLAIMER

Opinions and views expressed in the Raglan Chronicle do not necessarily represent those held by the Editors or Publishers. Every care will be taken in the preparation and placement of submitted material but the Editors/Publishers shall not be liable for errors or omissions or subsequent effects due to the same. It is the submitters responsibility to ensure material is not libelous or defamatory. The Editors/Publishers reserve the right to abridge, alter or decline any material submitted to the Raglan Chronicle to meet the constraints of space and/or maintain a reasonable standard of language and decorum.

2 RAGLAN Chronicle

Saturday Club for is held at the Theseniors

Raglan Community House, wa o k u l o d ge @opens g m a i l .coat m 9.30am and runs until 11am and has been Open 7 Days successfully operating every 8am - 4pm Saturday for the last three months.

This space could be yours. Email the Chronicle for more details. info@raglanchronicle.co.nz


Health in Your Hands A column connecting with senior citizens in our community

Te Kopua Camp Store, Marine Parade, Raglan

"As your own true nature is realized – undefined and ever present – all will recognize that there is no gain that we do not all participate in and no loss for which we do not all share the sacrifice."

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Raglan Junior Soccer 9th Grade Kinas Back row: Sol O'Loughlin, Chaz Whyte, Arri Hansen, Felix Sargent, Ezra Cheesman, Laki Kanellis, Boh Rivers Front row: Atahlia Shadrock, Eva Kanellis, Sophia Kanellis

An inaugural meeting was held at the beginning of the year after the closure of the drop-in centre at the Little Gem Opportunity Shop in Stewart Street Hall. Everyone is welcome, and although most of the members are retired they are still actively involved in the community and support other established groups such as Care and Craft, Senior Citizens and the Environment Centre. There is no set programme or activity and there are no guest speakers. Members share a week’s worth of ‘senior moments’, which is enough to keep everyone highly entertained! The Saturday Club has been instrumental in informing the senior community of local events. The Senior Directory is regularly updated and the Health in Your Hands: Senior column in the Raglan Chronicle and Radio-FM 107.7, as well as online on

Facebook, reminds everyone of times and dates of meetings. Volunteers from the Lions, the Raglan Community House and Age Concern keep everyone up to date. There are representatives from the Arts Council as well as the Knitting Circle where you don’t have to be artistic or knit to be involved! Many are members of the Raglan Club, where seniors regularly meet for a roast dinner on a Wednesday evening. Several members from the Saturday Club belong to the Raglan Community Support Group as well and have looked after elderly relatives and are regular visitors to the Raglan Hospital. They are a wealth of information and support for those caring for others with disabilities such as dementia, Parkinson's and heart disease. The Raglan Community House has been an ideal venue giving access to local information on a Saturday morning with no extra staffing costs. There is gold coin donation to cover refreshments with any surplus funds given to the Raglan House. Thank you to all those who have made the Saturday Club a worthwhile venture. Pauline Abrahams

Club president defends proposal to sell

Also at H.G Webb House, Cnr Boundary & Victoria Streets, Hamilton


A special general meeting is being held by the Raglan Club on Sunday to decide the fate of the cash-strapped organisation.

he president of the Raglan Club challenges anyone to say that the town wouldn’t benefit from having a full service supermarket. “How can anyone honestly say that a supermarket based on the producing model of Countdown is a bad thing for Raglan,” says Colin Sullivan, who has worked with Raglan SuperValue owner operator Sanjay Sharma for about 11 months on a proposal to buy the Club property to build a FreshChoice supermarket. It will create more jobs, have better and cheaper products, better parking, and it’s not a “new supermarket”, it will replace an existing one, he says, defending his proposal to sell the Club property to Progressive Enterprises Ltd. The SuperValue has outgrown its site and Sanjay is looking for bigger premises to become FreshChoice, a full service supermarket with an in-store butchers, bakery and deli. A special general meeting is being held by the Club on Sunday to decide on the fate of the cash-strapped organisation, which made a loss of over $100,000 last year – the proposed sale of the large Bow St premises is on the agenda. Colin disputes accusations from Club member Andreas Broring, who last week appealed to the Raglan Community Board to help stall the sale, that he is acting in self-interest and hasn’t taken other options into consideration to get the Club back into the black. Colin says he believes the best option

to get the Club back in a good financial position is to sell the property, and “we feel we have the best offer on the table”. “We have had a number of offers and the others didn’t stack up,” he says, including two offers by Andreas, neither of which “resembled the plans” he presented to the community board. Andreas’ vision for “Raglan central” is a development of seven two-storey shops along the front of the Club, which he believes will fit the town better than a “new supermarket” or “who really knows what will go there”. Colin says the offer by Progressive Enterprises will be in the vicinity of $5m. “It could end up more than that.” He says the offer is roughly 30 per cent more than the registered valuation that was done on the premises, and he was advised that the Club was unlikely to get a higher offer. The Club also has the option to sell the building, which would otherwise be demolished. “We have had a lot of support and frustrations,” he says. Andreas has been circulating a petition to Club members, asking that a special general meeting be held to allow an open and honest process regarding any proposal or agreement that the executive has received or signed to date. It has been signed by about 100 members. Andreas also sent the Raglan Chronicle an email regarding the Club’s future that he wanted published. It states that members should be allowed to vote on four proposals

he has come up, including his idea to develop the road front. In it, he says the $5m the Club will get in the only offer on the table includes a house on Cliff St, valued at about $1.1m. Colin says members will be fully informed of the proposal on Sunday, and options for relocation. He believes it’s time to move on, but that is for the members to decide. “The only ones who can have a say in the offer are the Club members. Once the members know they can make a decision. We will consult with the community after a decision is made.” Colin says the Raglan Club isn’t the only club in New Zealand that has suffered financially to stay afloat. “As a director of Clubs New Zealand I have seen other clubs suffering the same fate due to lack of patronage.” The Club has 1100 members, but only about 150 are “active”. “Because we are a club and not a hotel we are restricted to members, affiliate members and guests of members. If every member spent $100 a month in there we would be in a totally different situation.” Colin says if the property is sold, the Club will be in a financial position to get new up-to-date premises. “Wherever we go we get to go brand new and a couple of options include income as well. “We hope to attract more people on a daily basis. At the moment we open at one and are lucky to see someone before five. “I feel pretty positive about it.” Inger Vos

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10am Raglan Area School 7pm Te Uku Church Pastor Roger Peart ph 07 825 5199


Digital & traditional print & web design Branding posters brochures business cards print advertising Social MEDIA RAGLAN Chronicle 3

Jesse Morris Raglan’s own baby whisperer Band to play at revelling in the new-mum life the YOT Club


yron Bay’s soul roots reggae troubadours, the Jesse Morris Band, return to New Zealand for a series of shows across the country celebrating their latest release ‛Wake Up’, including one special show in Raglan at the YOT Club on Friday, August 25.

Featuring the killer rhythm section of TK Bass Dread & the Dolphin Dr Hugh Jones, this powerhouse all star lineup is Australia’s number one east coast conscious roots and reggae act. Vocal harmonies, African and Caribbean rhythms, handmade guitars, dubbed out loops and conscious lyrics. The Jesse Morris Band bring a refreshing blend of original soul, roots and reggae honed and crafted on the road with over 500 live shows over the last 2 years touring the globe. A night for all lovers of roots, reggae, soul and dub. Tickets are only $10 presale. Available from either undertheradar.co.nz or eventfinda.co.nz Their new single, ‛Wake Up’ hits all digital channels in mid August. Their last EP ‛Freedom’is currently on sale via all digital outlets and at all shows. You can check out more info on the Jesse Morris Band by visiting www.facebook.com/ jessemorrisband or www.jessemorrisband.com.


Raglan Community Te Kohao Health Medical Centre hao HealthYour Medical Clinic Nau Mai Haere Mai

Raglan, Te Kohao Health our Medical Clinic

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4 RAGLAN Chronicle

Wed 8am 7pm

Thurs Fri 8am 8am 7pm 5pm

Sharlene and baby George share a special moment.


ew mum Sharlene Poole reckons it’s “very easy” putting her own baby-whispering techniques into practice when it comes to her sixweek-old, George. “I don’t have to tell anyone what to do,” she laughs as she deftly changes his nappy. “He’s wonderful.” This first-time mother can simply follow her own good advice which means creating a difference between night and day early on. It’s about feeding well during the day and sleeping longer at night, Sharlene says of her tried-and-tested baby routine. And so far so good, she adds, with George generally up only once at night to feed. At the age of 40, the Raglan-domiciled author of ‘Baby Whispering’ is loving being at home with a baby of her own. “It’s the first time in 10 years I’ve consistently stayed in my place,” she explains. She’s lived the past decade in Bayview Rd, the last few months of that period in her very own home which overlooks the harbour on one side and the Te Uku windfarm on the other.

As a stay-at-home mum she can meet friends downtown and visit, things she couldn’t find time for while commuting up and down the country. Arguably New Zealand’s leading baby expert, Sharlene’s spent a lot of time over the years giving personal consultations or conducting group seminars. Until recently she also commuted to Wellington to front a regular baby talk slot on TVNZ 1’s nowdefunct ‘Good Morning’ show. She’s also had plenty of coverage in parenting magazines, put instructional DVDs together and in 2012 launched her book, ‘Baby Whispering’, described as “the practical handbook that every mother needs when preparing for a new baby”. Now she can relax at home and apply her long-held nurturing skills – she began way back as a British-based maternity nurse living in and working 24/7 with newborns – to baby George who weighed in at birth as a healthy 7lb 13oz bundle. George – named after Sharlene’s great grandfather – is a “donor” baby. Sharlene always wanted to start a family “at some stage”, she says, and now was the right time.

“I think there’s always been pressure on women of my generation to have a career first,” she mulls. Despite going it alone, Sharlene’s been overwhelmed with support from family, friends and former clients. Her mother from Coromandel has come and stocked her freezer with meals while a local friend dropped in one day last week after a surf, offering to chop some firewood for her. “Awesome!” As for baby gear, she’s “inherited” much of it – from bassinets down to most of George’s wee outfits – from grateful parents who’ve passed things on after Sharlene’s help with their new arrivals. But there are also the sponsored gifts: a portacot, mattress and bedding from Nature Baby in Auckland; a car seat and buggy from the nationwide Mountain Buggy brand. Her new upstairs-downstairs home is big enough to take it all, she says, and then some. That’s particularly fortunate as Sharlene has a plan for mums wanting a little baby whisperer magic to come and stay. “Over the years I’ve had mums in need of more than a (usual) session of four hours or ten hours with me,” she explains. “And if they came to me here I wouldn’t have to charge as much.” But that’s for the future. For now Sharlene’s “said goodbye to the first month” of wee George’s babyhood – as posted recently on her ‘Little Miracles’ Facebook page – and has started doing phone and Skype consults again, even seeing a few local clients. Also coming up is a second interview with Janet McIntyre from TVNZ’s ‘Sunday’ programme, following on from an initial interview while Sharlene was still pregnant. The programme will screen in a couple of months or so, 11 years after ‘Sunday’ first dubbed Sharlene New Zealand’s baby whisperer – a term hardly known here back then. There’s also the possibility of another book on the horizon, Sharlene hints, picking up where ‘Baby Whispering’ – which covers preparing for arrival and birth right through to 12 months – left off. And Raglan’s resident baby whisperer expects to have put in a lot of practice before that. Edith Symes

Students a credit to the environment

The Karioi Maunga project ran a successful backyard trapping program with year 7 and 8 Raglan Area School students back in June 2016.


tudents from Raglan Area School are working for a better world while gaining NCEA qualifications.

Fifteen year 11-13 students are taking part in the Karioi Earthcare programme, led by Raglan’s community Karioi Maunga ki te Moana project and Papa Taiao Earthcare, a sustainability and ecological restoration training organisation. Karioi Maunga project leader Kristel van Houte, who will help deliver the programme, says students this year will gain NCEA qualifications in predator control and learn about the biology of different predators that are found on and around the mountain. “Students will also learn a huge amount about our local maunga and the work the Karioi project is involved in.”

The Karioi Maunga project is a community-led conservation and biodiversity restoration project that includes seabird monitoring, predator control on more than 2000 hectares of land and an after-school educational programme for children. Kristel says the NCEA programme will enable the students to lead enterprising social, cultural and environmental projects while gaining NCEA qualifications and environmental skills. “It links into where the future is going with predator-free 2050 and links into job opportunities in conservation, ecosystem restoration, environmental and resource management and sustainable technologies. “The programme is for academic and practical students. There’s a lot of hands-on experience but it’s also about learning about management and business skills.” In future years, the programme will expand into fencing, stream restoration, planting native trees and aquaculture. The programme fits with Raglan Area School, says Kristel, because it is an Enviro school and already has its own trap line that it is part of Karioi Maunga’s Backyard Hub. Principal Malcolm Cox says he’s excited about the programme. He says it aligns with some of the long-term goals of government, such as pest eradication, swimmable rivers, coastal restoration and biodiversity management, and it fits in with the Treaty. “It ticks all the boxes. It’s got to be a winner.” Malcolm says he loves that it works in with a community initiative and it has the potential to become part of the curriculum at school. Inger Vos

Raglan Club's Future

Dear Raglan Community and Club members


here has been a sudden announcement by the Club Executive to vote in favour of selling the Raglan Club to a major Supermarket brand.

There has been very little information or alternative options been made available leaving Club members and the greater community in the dark. Why not offer the members to vote on the following proposals?


The Club outlines to its members a commercial building development involving a mix of retail and office spaces along its Bow Street frontage, concept drawings are available. The Club asks for members who are interested to invest money by secured debentures at a return of 3.5% above current mortgage rates or 8% whichever the higher. There has already been a strong interest for further shops and office space and potential tenants have registered their interest in writing. A building committee would need to be formed and a proper due diligence undertaken to assess the building costs, time frame and response of the Raglan community. A conservative estimate of this proposal in terms of benefit for the Club is: A rental revenue of around $ 200,000 per annum with interest payment costs towards investing members of around $75,000 leaving the Club with a financial surplus of about $ 12,5000 per annum. The down side of this proposal is: The Club undertakes the development and carries a certain risk, as any developer does, the gratification, say revenue of money is delayed until a completion of the project, some money needs to be spent first to set up a legal framework and additional management is needed to look after rental property. The upside is: The Club retains its property, does not have to leave its current site, can borrow funds from banks easier as it can show a steady rental income and gains a long-term investment that will support financial shortfalls in its day to day trading


The Club accepts an offer by a group of local developers to sell the Bow Street road frontage for up to $1,000,000 (one million) or $1,000 per square meter. The developers grant access to the Club premises from Bow Street. The Club gives right of way via it's Wallis Street entrance, allows for the development to start while the subdivision process is under way, the developers pay for all subdivision costs. The Club gives permission to demolish the covered entrance on the Bow Street side and relocate its entrance towards the eastern side of the building. The Club agrees to let one of the outside smoker's spaces to be demolished to allow courtyard and development space. The developers enter into a lease for the use of car parking with the Club during daytime hours to a value of up to $50,000 per annum. The developers pay $250,000 on acceptance of this proposal. Downside: The Club parts with a valuable part of it's assets and loses some road frontage appeal Upside: The Club gets a healthy cash injection and money up front and without delay to overcome current financial difficulties, additional funds can be used to upgrade the Club's premises, undertake urgent repairs to the roof and kitchen etc. The developers warrant to consult their proposed development with the Raglan Community Board and work along side the Raglan Naturally recommendations. Any potential risk factors lie with the developers and not the Club.


The Club takes a financially substantial offer from a community based organisation, in money figures around as much as concept 4. The Club vacates its site within an agreeable time frame and relocates to a new location. Downside: The Club has to vacate its

Xtreme's kerbside food waste collection begins


Trevor from Xtreme Zero Waste loads up the horizontal composting unit with food waste from this week's collections.

wo thousand food waste kitchen caddys, kerbside bins and compostable bag packs were delivered to all Raglan urban households on Thursday and Friday last week.

On a glorious sunny day, food waste collections began in Raglan West on Monday, August 21, with a total of 360kgs collected. Raglan East food waste collection was carried out on Tuesday, August 22, with 500kgs picked up. That is a total of 860kgs, almost a tonne, of food waste diverted from landfill in one short week. This amount of food waste is great for Xtreme Zero Waste (XZW) to get their new hot composting system going. Because the bins were delivered last Thursday, Raglan residents only had four days to collect food scraps between bin delivery day and collection day. This week’s collection is now hot composting in our horizontal composting unit, and will become rich, site and find new premises, a task not without challenges and rather unlikely to match what it is walking away from. Upside: A substantial amount of money to be invested into new Club rooms. The former Club premises will be used for a community based organisation that does a lot of good for it's community.


The Club goes ahead with the sale of the entire Club premise as decided by the former Executive Committee before the last AGM. The Club will be sold for around $3.9-million plus a house on Cliff Street with a potential value of around $1.1 million. So the combined money value for the Club is around $5 million. The buyer will allows the Club a certain time frame to continue operating from it's current site, the buyer allows the Club to demolish the Club rooms at the end of that term and take with them and utilize what ever the Club sees fit. The intended future use of the Club site is the establishment of a major supermarket most likely under the “Fresh Choice” brand. Downside: The Club will lose its site at Bow Street, there is a great amount of uncertainty as to where the Club can successfully move to and replicate what it is leaving behind, the developer for the then vacant Bow Street site has not given any details yet as to how this development would take shape and has not indicated that they would want to stay within guidelines established by the Raglan Community Board and Raglan Naturally. This new Supermarket development has potentially negative effects on a large part of the Raglan Business Community, So here we go, MEMBERS, we all own this Club and we all have the right to be fully

nutritious, super food compost in 12 weeks’ time. It is estimated that around 20% of Raglan’s domestic waste is food waste and XZW hopes the amount of food waste collected will grow significantly over the coming months. Kerbside food waste collections in Raglan have been made possible as a result of XZW’s research, trialling and roll out, which was funded by the Ministry for the Environment’s Waste Minimisation Fund and Waikato District Council. Thank you to Raglan West residents for participating in the trials. Thank you to all the XZW team who have been working hard in difficult conditions this winter to get this service up and running. Finally, thank you to Raglan residents for putting out your food waste. Xtreme Zero Waste informed of all the possibilities that have been presented to the Executive Committee over the past few months. Over 100 of our members have signed a petition that was delivered to the Club on the August 13, 2017 asking for a Special General Meeting to allow an open and honest process when it comes to the future of our Club and to show any proposals and/or agreements that the Executive Committee has received and/ or signed to date in an open and transparent manner. Potential relocation venues for the new Raglan Club site are uncertain and both of the current suggestions, Orca Restaurant and the Raglan Bowling grounds, face difficult and lengthy permit processes and might not be suitable at all. Unless permission to relocate to a new site has been granted in all aspects by local authorities, a vote on the sale of the entire Raglan Club site should not even be presented to us members! At this point members are not allowed to view the Sale and Purchase agreement that was signed by the Executive in favour of Concept 4, and yet members are expected and asked by the President of the Club to vote in favour of it at the meeting scheduled for August 27. I have written this summary of concepts to the best of my knowledge and based on information that I have gathered over the past few months. There might be some errors in it, however they would be unintentional. As the Executive Committee is very secretive on the whole subject and keeps its members pretty much in the dark about its intentions and motives, this is about the best I can do. Andreas Broring, Club member for over 30 years, Raglan, August 16, 2017 advertorial.

RAGLAN Chronicle 5

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Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625

Raglan $750,000


Elevated Section With Views This section is a very desirable 1.3ha rural lifestyle property. Build you dream home on the elevated building site with uninterrupted rural views. Plenty of room to graze a horse or grow your own meat and veges or plant an orchard on the fertile sheltered land. Power is located on the boundary. Waitetuna is a popular lifestyle location being approx half way between Hamilton and Raglan. Waitetuna primary school is approx 3km down the road going through to yr 8. www.pggwre.co.nz ID: HAM26374

4.203ha & 15.72ha Lifestyle Sections • • • • •

Ideal lifestyle blocks to build your dream home Layout the buldings to suite your needs Currently run as cropping land Grow a lucritive crop to create a low input income stream Phone for more information

Raglan $295,000

Phone for Viewing Times 580C WAITETUNA VALLEY RD

Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625

Raglan $500,000 & $800,000 Plus GST (if any) WAITETUNA VALLEY ROAD

www.pggwre.co.nz ID: HAM25743

Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625

Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625

pggwre.co.nz RAGLAN Chronicle 7

Raglan community challenged to turn wastewater into useable energy

Waipa Business Awards

Raglan was well represented at the annual Waipa Business Awards held last Friday night. All images by Stephen Barker Photography.

R Raglan Ward Councillor Lisa Thomson is inspired by what a circular economy model could mean for the Raglan community.


ow can the Raglan community use a circular economy model to turn their wastewater into energy? Wintec researchers, with the help of Raglan ward councillor Lisa Thomson, are challenging Raglan people to work together and do just that.

By using wastewater to generate energy, Raglan has the potential to become a leader in regenerative practices towards a circular economy, says Cr Lisa Thomson. “I met Dr Henk Roodt and Mariana van der Walt when I attended a symposium at Wintec recently and they proposed this idea which responds to what Raglan stands for as a community. We are a small community with a big heart when it comes to caring about our environment. “I am inspired by initial feedback and we now need to get more of the community behind this, including youth… everyone. Raglan is our mahi, let’s make this work.” Cr Thomson shared the idea with local business owners at the Raglan Chamber of Commerce Breakfast last Thursday and says the message was met with support and enthusiasm. Using wastewater to generate energy is the key to creating an energy selfsufficient future, say Dr Roodt and Mariana Van der Walt from Wintec’s Centre for Transdisciplinary Research and Innovation when they met with members of the Raglan community last week. They are challenging the Raglan community to engage with a circular economy model, which means using the value in products and services regarded as

waste, to guide them towards a sustainable future. In this case it’s the energy from wastewater – a by-product quite literally going to waste. Circular economy encourages consumers, manufacturers and businesses to reuse preexisting resources in new and practical ways, rather than buying and producing new products and services. “In a circular economy, products are designed to enable their reuse and recycling and energy production is based on renewable resources,” Dr Roodt said. The circular economy model isn’t something new, it is already being implemented around the world. Director of Research at Wintec Mariana Van der Walt visits similar sized communities off-shore and brings innovative ideas and inspiration back to Wintec. Currently her team is working with communities on projects such as a youth business development scheme in Taumaranui and an initiative in Thames where local businesses are passing on energy savings to fund community projects. “We want to bring partners on board to see if a circular economy model will work in Raglan. We know it can work and we want to do here what’s already being done around the world,” says Ms Van der Walt. If you are interested in being part of this project contact Lisa Thomson on lisa. thomson@waidc.govt.nz. You can also find out more about Wintec’s Centre for Transdisciplinary Research and Innovation at https://www.wintec.ac.nz/study-atwintec/faculty/centre-for-transdisciplinaryresearch-innovation

CSC Buying Group Excellence in Sustainability & Community Contribution winner: Xtreme Zero Waste From left: David Slone, Nenya Chapman and Jo Artemis. (Xtreme also won NZ National Fieldays Society Inc Excellence in Large Business)

8 RAGLAN Chronicle

aglan was well represented at the 2017 Waipa Networks Waipa Business Awards. The Awards are hosted by the Cambridge and Te Awamutu Chambers of Commerce, in partnership with the Raglan Chamber of Commerce, to celebrate the business success in the Waipa and Raglan areas.

Nominees from Raglan included Raglan Buds Flower Farm, Raglan Four Square, Raglan Rock, Raglan Shuttle and Xtreme Zero Waste. Winners were announced at the Gala Awards Dinner, held at Mystery Creek Events Centre, on Friday last week. Xtreme Zero Waste was awarded Excellence in Large Business, sponsored by NZ National Fieldays Society Inc, as well as the Excellence in Sustainability and Community Contribution, sponsored by CSC Buying Group. “We are so honoured to be recognised for these two awards. This is a true reflection of the hard work our crew have put into developing services for Raglan. It is also a reflection of the amazing community we live in,” said Rick Thorpe, XZW relationship manager. Raglan Rock won the Raglan Customer Service Award, sponsored by Trust Power, and was nominated for Excellence in Small Business, as well. “We are extremely proud that Raglan Rock has been recognised for providing excellence in customer service,” said Gareth Jones, Raglan Rock, founder and director. “This is a big deal for us, as this is what our business relies on and enables us to keep on providing world class adventures right here in Whaingaroa.” Raglan Shuttle was nominated by the community and awarded the Raglan Customer Choice Award, sponsored by Vodafone. "Choice one Raglan! We won your Customer Choice! Thanks so much for your support and votes to earn this recognition in

Vodafone Customer Choice Raglan winner: Raglan Shuttle. From left: Phillip and Emily Meek and Tim Sullivan.

our amazing community. Phil and I are very proud and even more determined to provide Raglan with the dedicated and reliable shuttle & taxi service it deserves. Just remember to look for the 3 waves and you can't go wrong,” said Emily Meek, Raglan Shuttle director. This is the third year the Raglan Chamber has been a part of the Awards, and has worked dilligently to involve the growing business network in the community. “The opportunity to particpate in these Awards has inspired many businesses, and the benefit for the overall Raglan community is significant,” said Morgan Morris, co-chair of the Raglan Chamber. In order to enter, businesses had to provide answers to some very detailed application questions. The application provides businesses the opportunity to step back and look at their overall business operations as a whole. The application is a step-by-step process that looks at each category of a business, from the strategic plan to the financial planning, marketing plan and community contributions. Through the judging process, entrants get invaluable written and verbal feedback from a panel of highly skilled judges, handpicked by the Waikato Univeristy Management School. Businesses have the opportunity to network with the wider area at the Awards Gala. Raglan has a buzzing hive of amazing startups joining the long-standing established businesses that have been operating here successfully for years. The Raglan Chamber sees the awards as a platform for showcasing the accomplishments and the high calibre of the local business community. Congratulations to all of the entrants, finalists and winners who invested themselves in the Awards process to measure their business against the best in the region. To find out more about the awards visit www.waipabusinessawards.co.nz or email info@raglanchamber.co.nz.

Trustpower Excellence in Customer Service Raglan winner: Raglan Rock Ltd. From left: Richard Preest, Anne Windust and Gareth and Sarah Jones





3 Lorenzen Bay Rd - Chrissy Cox


44 Kaitoke St - Steve & Michelle O’Byrne


141 Waitetuna Valley Rd - Kyle Leuthart


39a Wallis St - Kyle Leuthart


30 Robertson Rd - Robbie Regnier


15 Bay View Rd - Chrissy Cox

45 Bay View Rd - Michelle & Steve O’Byrne


52 Bow St - Steve & Michelle O’Byrne

            

Thinking of selling? So are we!

Open Home





11 East Street Warm and Cosy Cedar Home

Open Home


Get the best of both worlds from this conveniently located lifestyle property. Just over 1 ½ acres of the flattest land in Raglan, it’s fenced into 2 grazing paddocks with space for chickens a pony or sheep. Just minutes up the road is the Te Uku store, petrol pumps, school and coffee + Raglan town and beaches are only a 15 minute drive away. Enjoy gorgeous rural views and generous decking on 2 sides offering indoor/outdoor flow.

$559,000 Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 kleuthart.raglan@ljh.co.nz Sunday 1 - 1:30pm ljhooker.co.nz/1MSHFG


Price Contact Email View


$619,000 Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 mobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz ljhooker.co.nz/1M1HFG


1 Lorenzen Bay Road Impossible to Build for the Price!



21 Calvert Road, Whale Bay A Surfer’s Paradise

Be impressed when you enter through the auto gates and see this exceptional 330m2 home built in 2008 with no expense spared. The lower level has 3 bedrooms, a bathroom, an office, a laundry and internal access 3 car garage. Surround sound wiring, central vacuum system and a security alarm are other fine features. The large landscaped 1295m2 has rural views to the east, harbour views to the north and mountain views to the south. Price Contact Email View


44 Matakotea Road Location and Lifestyle!

This cedar-clad beach styled 2 bedroom home on a fully fenced 767m2 section is waiting for your holidays or permanent living. An openplan living area flows out to a large entertaining deck which overlooks low maintenance gardens and a flat back lawn. Warmth and cosyness is assured with the logburner as well as a modern heatpump giving the best of both worlds. Price Contact Email View


Properties with a world class surfing point break out front do not often become available. Successfully running as 5 star holiday accommodation, the property has been a popular stay for visiting pro surfers wanting to be right in the action and in the surf in minutes. Now is your opportunity to purchase this rarely available location.

$1,050,000 Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 kleuthart.raglan@ljh.co.nz Sunday 12 - 12:45pm ljhooker.co.nz/1MBHFG

Price Contact Email View

$1,500,000 Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 sobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz ljhooker.co.nz/1AKHFG

Robbie Regnier

Chrissy Cox

Matt Sweetman

Kyle Leuthart

Michelle O’Byrne

Stephen O’Byrne

Sandra Bowditch

021 952 271

027 287 1804

021 624 826

021 903 309

021 969 878

021 969 848

021 751 759

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Raglan Property Manager

*NB Boundary lines on photos are approximate & merely a guide. All information contained herein is gathered from sources we deem reliable. However we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely upon their own enquiries.

LJ Hooker Raglan (07) 825 7170 •

25-27 Bow Street , Raglan • George Boyes & Co Limited Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008

RAGLAN Chronicle 9



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ROOFING Specialising in New Builds, Maintenance and Drainlaying. Nick Heasman Phone: 021 058 2140 Email: onpointraglan@gmail.com onpointplumbing.co.nz

For advertising inquiries: Contact the 10 RAGLAN Chronicle

Raglan Chronicle on 07 825 7076

or email us at info@ raglanchronicle.co.nz

SAT 26 AUG BLEDISLOE CUP @ Raglan Club Inc. 7.30pm, on the Big Screen. All Blacks v Wallabies. LHB Restaurant open from 5.30pm.

WED 30 AUG R A G L A N R A M B L E R S 9am from Wainui Rd car park next to the fire station - Hills Farm, Te Hutewai Rd.

For Sale

Wanted To Let URGENT WANTING TO LET 2-3 bd home, longterm. Small family of 2, working locally in Raglan. Contact 021 026 39622.

In My Good Books Quality 2nd hand books Open Thurs - Sun from 10am 2 Wallis St Books wanted.

Situations Vacant a ta m i ra . c o. n z Fresh new KOWTOW Kate Sylvester Shjark + New retro classic Mens TCSS Some Goodies arriving now!

Commercial to Let SECURE METALLED YARD FOR LEASE 1500m2, ready now at Nau Mai Business Park. HIAB & Trailer friendly access. Other sizes available for Sale or Lease. Ph Bob Carter 021 825 869, or 07 825 8690 TASMAN LANDS Ltd

To Let 1-BEDROOM FLAT Suit single person, furnished, power included. $250pw. Ph. 0212957129.

C I R C U L A R D E L I V E R Y Reliable people required to deliver mailers into letterboxes in all areas of Raglan. Call 021 138 3028. Services Offered NEW TO COMPUTERS? IT professional offering computer coaching. Jamie 0222332664 the smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.

To Let

DORM STYLE ACCOMMODATION Monday afternoon – Friday morning. Includes breakfast, evening meal, off road parking and wi-fi. Would suit professionals or contractors working in Raglan or surrounding areas. Available from 3rd Sept onwards, limited spaces. Call Amanda on 021 1874 796 to discuss or e-mail ovraglan@gmail.com.

FRI 25 AUG @ YOT CLUB: Jesse Morris Band (Aus). Conscious Roots Reggae. $10 presales from www.eventfinda.


SAT 26 AUGUST @ YOT CLUB: All Blacks v Wallabies on the screen. Happy hours til end of the game. Resident DJ, free entry till 10.

Courses, classes & workshops FREE BUDGET SERVICE AND CAREER-TREE CV WRITING SERVICE Raglan Community House @ 45 Bow St. Nau mai Haere mai. For appt. ph 07-825 8142, email: info@ theraglanhouse. co.nz. *Sponsored by RC

THE RAGLAN LIGHT EXERCISE GROUP Sessions Monday and Thursday. 10am to 11am. StPeters Hall. Everybody is most welcome to attend. *Sponsored by RC

Situations Vacant RAGLAN GOLF CLUB HOUSE MANAGER The Raglan Golf Club is located at 24 Te Hutewai Road and is a small country club with a unique hillside course. The club is overseen by a small committee of volunteers from the Raglan area. We are currently looking for a Club House Manager. The position is on a contract basis with flexible hours as the operation is seasonal based. As such we envisage the hours to be a full five days a week in summer easing back to around two days in the wet winter months. The successful applicant must be people oriented as this role is very much a front person role working with the public and promoting the club and its activities. Good cash handling skills, able to organise sponsorship, and funding activities, good housekeeping skills and computer skills. It would be an advantage to have bar experience and an understanding of Health and Safety legislation. Please forward a C.V. to The Raglan Golf Club President, P.O. Box 156 Raglan. The close off date for applications 5th September 2017.

CALLING ALL LOCAL GROUPS AND ORGANISATIONS Do you run a local community organisation? (e.g. a not-for-profit or a group such as the Senior Citizens or Horticultural Society, or an after school care group?) ...We want to get to know you! Please send your organisations name, main contact details (phone, email, webpage), and a brief ‘About Us’ to info@raglanchronicle.co.nz. Thank you, - RC SUPPORT OUR SUPPORTERS! Local businesses are the foundation of our community. They make it possible for us to bring the Raglan Chronicle to you FREE of charge each week. Support our supporters and our local community, be sure to tell them you saw them in the Raglan Chronicle.

AGM RAGLAN COMMUNITY ARTS COUNCIL 7pm on 12th Sept at Old School Arts Centre. Members and community welcome. For info phone Rodger on 825 7443.


- Peace and tranquility -Surfing, fishing, bush walks - Cabins, powered sites, tent sites PH 07 825 6800

AGM FOR RAGLAN COMMUNITY VEHICLE TRUST 2017 AGM to be held on 9th September, 10am at Raglan House. Inquiries to Elfpeth Ryan 825 6866. WHAINGAROA ENVIRONMENT C E N T R E AGM.Monday September 4th at the Environment Centre, Town Hall on Bow St. 6.30 pm All welcome.

RAGLAN CLUB INC SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING Sunday 27th August, 10am. To be held on the Club premises at 22 Bow St.


Public Notice

Agenda: *The sale of the clubs property at 22-24 Bow St, Raglan *Further options regarding possible relocation All current full financial members are urged to attend this important meeting.




12th Grade Raglan 28 - Fraser Tech 5 POD’s Jay Wilson, Lucca Page & Tana Clapham 11th Grade Raglan 7 - Kihi Kihi 12 POD’s Ben Steedman, William Millward & Mitchell Swann 10th Grade Raglan 35 - Fraser Tech 40

POD’s Dusty Ferguson, Fionn Meenagh, Pipiri Kenehuru, Noah Furniss

9th Grade Raglan 5 - Fraser Tech 30 POD’s Brae Wilson, Luca Parrot, Riley Hartgill 7th Grade Raglan 90 - Suburbs Pink 60 POD’s Roman Cox, Oscar Rowe & Louis Bidios 7th Grade Raglan 65 - Hamilton Old Boys 35 POD’s Theo Browne






Loss 1-2

Maureen George


Win 4-3

Ika Greensill


Win 4-1

Enfys Hewett





Loss 1-4



Draw 2-2

Luca Thompson/Toby Bower


Win 5-0

Linkin Hethering


Win 2-0

Isabeau Conjaerts


Draw 1-1

Star Knuiman


Win 16-0

Xandar Warren


Loss 4-8

Van Camenzind / OscarMcGowan


Loss 5-6

Dekan Papa / Noam Fredrich



Mermaids Morays Orcas


RAGLAN Chronicle 11

New Listing

Open Home

Open Home

Open Home

38 Main Road, Raglan - By Neg

10B Wainamu Rd, Raglan - $310,000

25 Store Rd, Whatawhata - $610,000

13 O’Brien Rd, Rotokauri - $880,000

Sun Soaked on Main Road • 3 double bedrooms. Single garage. • Open plan kitchen and living area. • Sun-drenched deck • North facing 602m² terraced section. • Close to town, local school and bus stop.

Show Stopper Water Views • Two double bedrooms with large open plan kitchen and lounge area. • 4-berth caravan with utility. Single garage. • Maori Lease land with 23 years remaining.

Vendor Will Consider All Offers! • Two dwellings with the potential for double rental income. Fully fenced 1012m² section. • Currently bringing in a combined rent of $725pw. • A short walk from Whatawhata Primary School and the local cafes. 6 minutes from Dinsdale.

Enjoy Rural Life Close to the City • A beautifully presented home, perfectly designed with 4 bedrooms plus a media room. • Designer kitchen - large walk in pantry. • North facing, close to school and day care.

View by appointment www.rwraglan.co.nz rwraglan.co.nz /RAG22839 /RAG22839 Yana Pemberton 021 183 0479 LICENSED (REAA 2008)

Open Home

OPEN HOME: Saturday 2pm rwraglan.co.nz /RAG22765 www.rwraglan.co.nz /RAG22765 Julie Hanna 0274 418 964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282

OPEN HOME: Sunday 1pm rwraglan.co.nz /RAG22804 www.rwraglan.co.nz /RAG22804 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282 Julie Hanna 0274 418 964



OPEN HOMES: Saturday & Sunday 12pm rwraglan.co.nz /RAG22829 www.rwraglan.co.nz /RAG22829 Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282


Open Home

25i Violet Street, Raglan - $489,000

4 Primrose Street, Raglan - $489,000

6 Lorenzen Bay Rd, Raglan - $495,000

41 Wallis Street, Raglan - $395,000

Low Maintenance Townhouse • Great two bedroom property. • North facing sun-drenched decking. • Built with the sun and views in mind. • Immaculate presentation ticking all the boxes. • Current tenants looking to rent long term!

Potential Plus - Motivated Vendor • This cute cottage has 2 double bedrooms, combined kitchen/dining and separate lounge. • Wooden flooring. Freshly painted throughout. • Situated on a large 1012sqm section with the added bonus of a sleepout and storage shed. • Check out your options for potential subdivision!

• • • •

Across the Road from the Water • This cross lease site is a third share of 2266m². • A self contained crib and a boat shed offers the perfect beach bach/accommodation. • Walk down the road to town and the wharf. • Swimming beach just across the road. • Vendor will consider all offers over $395,000

OPEN HOME: Saturday 12pm

Two bedrooms, brand new bathroom Open plan living and dining Single garage - Fully fenced 809m² section Large back yard with several fruit trees

rwraglan.co.nz /RAG22816 www.rwraglan.co.nz /RAG22816 Yana Pemberton 021 183 0479

View by appointment www.rwraglan.co.nz rwraglan.co.nz /RAG22826 /RAG22826 Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282

35 Government Rd, Raglan

4 Mahana Place, Raglan - $619,000

30 Government Rd, Raglan - By Neg

29 Simon Road, Raglan - $429,000

By Negotiation - Calling for Offers • Great holiday home, first home or retirement. • Two bedrooms, open plan living • Separate hobby studio • Situated on 1/2 share 809m² more or less.

Brand New in Raglan • 3 bedroom house in Nikau Park with harbour views. Newly built! • Situated in a quiet cul-de-sac and designed by Kiwi Homes • Features open plan living with designer kitchen

Developer’s Dream! • Elevated 5696sqm site with spectacular views. • Large three bedroom house with separate living downstairs and separate sleep-out. • Right of way to the water from Government Road. • Great potential for subdivision into three sites. • Call Julie or Blair to view today!

Investor’s Choice • An ideal investment opportunity! • 2 bedrooms, open plan kitchen and lounge which flows onto your private decking area. • Situated on ½ share of 1070m² in a lovely bush setting. Carport attached. • Close walk to Cox´s Bay and on the bus route.

www.rwraglan.co.nz rwraglan.co.nz /RAG22786 /RAG22786 Julie Hanna 0274 418 964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282

www.rwraglan.co.nz rwraglan.co.nz /RAG22766 /RAG22766 Julie Hanna 0274 418 964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282

rwraglan.co.nz /RAG22729 www.rwraglan.co.nz /RAG22729 Julie Hanna 0274 418 964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282

rwraglan.co.nz /RAG22825 www.rwraglan.co.nz /RAG22825 Julie Hanna 0274 418 964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282

OPEN HOME: Saturday 12pm LICENSED (REAA 2008)


View by appointment www.rwraglan.co.nz rwraglan.co.nz /RAG22719 /RAG22719 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282 Julie Hanna 0274 418 964




rwraglan.co.nz /RAG22824 www.rwraglan.co.nz /RAG22824 Julie Hanna 0274 418 964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282


106B Greenslade Rd - By Negotiation

106A Greenslade Rd - By Negotiation

846 Old Mountain Rd - $660,000

16B Puka Place, Raglan - By Neg

Moonlight Bay Peace and Tranquility • Stunningly nestled within a native tree seclusion, this character 3 bedroom home is in a prime north-facing location • Large storage area for all your water toys • Bonus 2 bedroom self-contained studio

Beyond Compare • 3 double bedrooms, large office + internal access • New Kent-style fire and renovated bathroom • Impressive 1151m² section - established gardens • Harbour views and walk to Moonlight Bay

PRICE REDUCED! Waitetuna Wonderland • A classic 1920’s weatherboard bungalow standing strong and proud on 4.0910ha. • Featuring 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, polished timber flooring and a log burner in the lounge. • An oasis in a rural setting, approximately 18 minutes from Raglan!

Build Your House By the Sea • North facing 842m² section, elevated for beautiful views of the harbour. • Easy walk to Cox Bay, close to town • Ideal land bank or build your beach home. • Covenants apply.

View by appointment www.rwraglan.co.nz rwraglan.co.nz /RAG22689 /RAG22689 Julie Hanna 0274 418 964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282

View by appointment www.rwraglan.co.nz rwraglan.co.nz /RAG22775 /RAG22775 Julie Hanna 0274 418 964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282

www.rwraglan.co.nz rwraglan.co.nz /RAG22831 /RAG22831 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282 Julie Hanna 0274 418 964

www.rwraglan.co.nz rwraglan.co.nz /RAG22338 /RAG22338 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282 Julie Hanna 0274 418 964







SATURDAY 26TH AUGUST: 12pm - 25i Violet Street | 12pm - 4 Primrose Street | 12pm - 13 O’Brien Road, Rotokauri | 1pm - 4189C SH23, Waitui | 2pm - 10B Wainamu Road SUNDAY 27TH AUGUST: 12pm - 13 O’Brien Road, Rotokauri | 1pm - Store Road, Whatawhata 21 Bow St, Raglan Phone: 07 825 8669 Fax: 07 825 7410

12 RAGLAN Chronicle

Website: www.rwraglan.co.nz Email: raglan.nz@raywhite.com

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