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Community Cash
Nga Ripo o Whaingaroa
27th September 2018 - Issue #615
Dedicated to supporting our local community.
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Saturday 29 September 12:00pm 5 Earles Place 1:00pm 19 Tutchen Avenue 2:00pm 8 Karekare Avenue 11a Park Drive Raglan
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Sunday 30 September 12:00pm 5 Earles Place 1:00pm 19 Tutchen Avenue
Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282
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RAGLAN Chronicle 1
Dear Editor
Buying or Selling your house! Independent and locally owned Give us a call for a free quote. Contact: Administrator Jan Mitchell ph 825 5122
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The Avatar®Course ‘‘The proper use of will-power is
not conquest and subjugation, but the disciplined control of your own attention. ” Harry Palmer author of the Avatar materials For more information contact: Cam 021 529 765
In response to Darion Embling's (Waikato Regional Council) letter to editor last week, who attempts to reassure our community and paints a rose picture, about herbicide use. I invite Darion and the community to research the herbicide in some more depth. Here is a link on glyphosate monograph put together by some of the worlds leading scientists and long term campaigners against toxic sprays: It is a very thorough report and talks about lots of the effects of herbicides including endocrine disruption, aquatic and terrestrial effects, bioaccumulation etc. There are references to tests shown traces found in New Zealand marine environment and it is known to cause algal bloom. Darion also 'reassures' the community that the contractors applying the herbicide follow best practice. I am sure everybody in the community has observed the contractors at some point pumping the stuff out willy nilly as they drive along the roadsides. I invite Darion or anybody else who also believes these contractors follow best practice, out here to the Whaanga coast and I can show you examples of spraying in waterways.
Even the manufactures labels say do not spray on or near waterways. I have started consultation within our community to come up with a alternative management plan to the perpetual cycle of spray. The same areas are sprayed multiple times each year. Not only is the herbicide toxic, it looks awful with the side of the road dead and increases fire risk. The goal is to start small and stop all spraying on the road side of the Whaanga Coast, which is approximately Rocket cafe to Te Toto gorge. If we can show that it can be done perhaps we can shift the mindset of Waikato Regional Council and go district wide. Alternatives could include specific plantings, more regular mowing, weed matting around road makers and signs or possible heat guns for frying weeds already adopted by other councils. It going to take a bit of work, and volunteers, but wouldn't this be a good goal to aspire to. Raglan has already proven that ambitious goals are possible, and led the way for other communities to follow. Examples are Harbour Care, Extreme Zero Waste and Plastic Free Raglan. How about Spray Free Roadside Raglan?
Thanks Tim Duff
Visitors Cherished
This week's weather is sponsored by The Raglan Project.
Avatar is a registered trademark Star’s Edge, Inc. All rights reserved.
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• Large 1811m2 Section • $120,000- or ono 07 825 8977 a/h
Check for latest forecasts Forecasts Forecast generated on Wednesday 26 September Max Summary Wind Waves* Tides* Sun temp (C) (km/hr) (m) (High/Low) (Rise/Set) Fri
Mainly fine with possible showers
SW 10 am SW 20 pm
L 05:40 am H 12:00 pm L 06:00 pm
Mainly fine with possible showers
W 10 W 20
am pm
12:10 06:20 12:40 06:40
am am pm pm
R 06:01 am S 06:19 pm
N 15 am NW 20 pm
12:50 07:10 01:20 07:30
am am pm pm
R 06:00 am S 06:20 pm
Cloudy with Showers
SE 5 W 5
am pm
01:40 08:00 02:10 08:30
am am pm pm
R 05:58 am S 06:21 pm
Cloudy with Showers
NE 10 W 10
am pm
02:40 09:00 03:20 09:30
am am pm pm
R 05:57 am S 06:22 pm
Cloudy with Showers
E 15 E 15
am pm
H 03:50 am L 10:00 am
R 05:55 am S 06:23 pm
Cloudy with Showers
E 20 E 20
am pm
Raglan Ink Ltd home of the Raglan Chronicle Office Open Mon - Fri 9.00am - 4.00pm, Wainui Rd, Raglan Ph: (07) 825-7076 Fax: (07) 825-7078 Post: P.O. Box 234, Raglan Email: Advertising & Articles The advertising and editorial content deadline will be Monday at 12pm week of issue. DISCLAIMER
Opinions and views expressed in the Raglan Chronicle do not necessarily represent those held by the Editors or Publishers. Every care will be taken in the preparation and placement of submitted material but the Editors/Publishers shall not be liable for errors or omissions or subsequent effects due to the same. It is the submitters responsibility to ensure material is not libelous or defamatory. The Editors/Publishers reserve the right to abridge, alter or decline any material submitted to the Raglan Chronicle to meet the constraints of space and/or maintain a reasonable standard of language and decorum.
2 RAGLAN Chronicle
Weather Map
Raglan Weather & Tides
Stephen Sandwell
027 601 7080
Kapa Haka Festival 2018 Tamati Gray-Lord from Raglan Area School at the Western Cluster School's Kapa Haka Festival held last Friday at Te Kowhai School. Full story on page 13.
R 06:03 am S 06:19 pm
R 05:54 am S 06:24 pm
*Total significant wave height and *Tide times for Raglan Bar
THE RAGLAN PROJECT Supplying Raglan with everything you need for your home building project. Call us on 825 8881 or drop in to see us at 1 Wallis St. Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm, Saturday 8m - 4pm, Sunday 9am - 1pm.
Whaingaroa stars celebrate filmmaking success at red carpet
All the RAFFA Nominees. Image // Glenda Harris
ocal filmmaking talent was the winner at the Raglan Arts Film Festival Awards at the
Over 100 people celebrated Whaingaroa’s finest filmmaking talent at the glamour event, with the town hall transforming into an Oscars-
Raglan Town Hall red carpet night
style venue.
on Saturday.
the coveted Grand Phoenix Palm Award for best
Filmmaker Sarah Hutchins walked away
overall film for her short film Till Death Do Us Part - a love story about a young man taking care of his beloved zombie wife. The RAFFA judges said the film featured strong dialogue, moody cinematography, Kiwi humour and great acting that carried the plot from the opening scene right through to the climactic ending. The film also took out Best Screenplay and runner-up Best Actor for Devon Te Kanawa who played the lovestruck husband. Best Tamariki was awarded to Raglan Area School students Jaime Witters, Iemaja Hassell and Kayla Stockman-Bond for their antibullying music video and Best Rangatahi went to Corina Tweedie and Phoebe Balinska-Smith for a summer romance film set at the beach. Continuing with the zombie theme, Best Open All Ages went to Dinah Arndt for Night of the Crawling Dead, this time featuring zombie babies. The Raglan Film Festival is organised and presented by Raglan Community Arts Council. Check out more from the RAFFAs on the Creative Raglan - Film Festival Facebook page.
Raglan Arts Council A full list of the RAFFA winners can be viewed on the classifieds page.
New rest home owner ‘humbled’ by honour
he’s been running Raglan’s rest home for barely six months now so it came as quite a shock to Maree Burley recently to learn her work here in aged care had earned her a nomination as one of 125 pioneering Waikato women. Maree last week joined the other Waikato “heroines”, as they’ve been dubbed, for a high tea in Hamilton celebrating both women’s achievements across the spectrum and 125 years of women having the right to vote in New Zealand.
“It was amazing to be among some truly inspirational women, and I felt very humble and undeserving,” Maree says of the function, held at the Grain Exchange in Pukete. “What we have undertaken cannot be achieved by one woman but only by the commitment of the whole team at Raglan Hospital & Rest Home and more importantly the Raglan community.” The event was organised by Waikato 125, an initiative coordinated by Hamilton city councillor Angela O’Leary which recognises “women who display values like the great Kate Sheppard who passionately led the New Zealand women’s suffrage movement”.
The citation for Maree said she had taken on the huge challenge of owning and running a small independent rest home/hospital in Raglan when so often the only rest home option was a large business conglomerate. Maree had taken on the challenge to keep the small family affair rest home/hospital alive and thriving. She had spent a huge amount to update and improve the premises and introduced feel-good additions such as new bookcases, various pets and sleeping facilities for family members staying over. She had also increased staff numbers and generally created a friendly, approachable environment for staff, residents and their families alike. Among other nominees were Waikato Women’s Refuge co-founder Ruahine Albert, designer Annah Stretton – who for years had a getaway in Lorenzen Bay – former Hamilton mayor Julie Hardaker, Tainui leader Parekawhia McLean and Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. Maree said nobody at the high tea knew who in their community had nominated them, or why. But once everybody got talking it was easy to see what was also special about the lesserknown women. All nominees received ceramic koru made by students from schools across Hamilton and Te Awamutu. Edith Symes
Also at H.G Webb House, Cnr Boundary & Victoria Streets, Hamilton
Rangitahi Peninsula Development Update: We wish to advise the Raglan community that works for the Opotoru Road/Wainui Road intersection upgrade & Bulk Sewer Rising main works will commence late September 2018 with completion anticipated in mid-late December 2018. These works involve; - Small widening of Opotoru Road/Wainui Road intersections. - Installation of new parking bay on Tahuna Avenue. - Installation of new footpaths and concrete median island. - Installation of bulk wastewater rising main extending out of Opotoru Road and heading towards the wastewater treatment plant. Fulton Hogan will be the head contractor completing the works. They will have full traffic management in place and short delays can be expected. Please for your safety and the safety of their crews and to prevent damage to your vehicles and others around you, be aware of hazards, drive carefully and stick to the temporary speed limits. We thank you in advance for your patience and understanding while we complete these works. The Rangitahi Project 9 Bow Street, Raglan.
RAGLAN Chronicle 3
Invasive plants that threaten our lifestyle Part 2: Privet by Ross Henderson
t’s time we got rid of privet. Why? Because it's a vegeterrorist, a nasty plant with poisonous berries and leaves and with no redeeming features, apart from being a nice (ish) colour, and because it’s a significant but usually unrecognised health issue. There are three subspecies of privet in the Raglan area. All of them can cause allergy reactions that range from irritatingly itchy eyes nose and throat along with a runny nose to, at the other end of the scale, hospital admission for acute respiratory conditions such as asthma, especially in young children. Privet is a member of the Oleaceae family and its pollen shares a common allergen (Ole e 1) with other members of the family such as the white ash and the olive. What makes privet so special is the suffocating intensity of the pollen. Significantly, the allergen is also common to members of the Poaceae family of grasses such as rye grass, causing an extensive crossreactivity, so that a combination of grass and privet pollens increases both likelihood and severity of reactions in vulnerable people. It follows, that
an area such as the Waikato with its pastural economy is the last place on earth we should tolerate privet. A number of Waikato communities have recognized the potentially debilitating effect of privet and have worked to achieve a total ban. In those areas all landowners are required to get rid of it. Generally, they are more than happy to do this, after all, no one wants to be the person that poisons the neighbours. This ‘total control’ rule for privet applies in Kāwhia, Tuakau, Whatawhata, Ōtorohanga, Te Kūiti, Pirongia, Kihikihi, Orini, Mangatarata, Te Aroha, Waihi and Paeroa. It means all landowners/occupiers in these areas are required to control all privet on their property, regardless of whether the Regional Council has received a complaint. In other parts of the Waikato, the Regional Council requires a landowner to eradicate the privet only if they receive a complaint accompanied by a positive allergy test. But let’s think about that. Before that happens some poor neighbour has had recurrent respiratory problems, potentially asthma attacks (which can be as terrifying for a parent as it is for the child), visits to the doctor, missed school, all sorts of medication etc, etc,
until finally someone puts two and two together and realises that the problems coincide with the neighbour’s privet flowering. And Raglan? Privet is now dominant in many localised areas around Raglan (including some road and esplanade reserves) and it is spreading. Landowners are responsible for what grows on their property (including the council for plants on public land) and the longer we leave it, the harder it will be to get rid of. So don’t wait for neighbours to get an allergy test and complain to the Regional Council who then have to use up my rate money sending someone out to inspect, have a meeting, make a decision and send out a Pest Plant Notice requiring the landowner (that’s us) to do something we should have done in the first place because we care about the neighbour’s kids. We can do this, and if we can’t do it ourselves we can pay someone else to do it. Let the regional Council get on with prosecuting these idiots that are contaminating our streams. I should note that, in a handful of spots privet might be the only thing stabilizing a bank so that it needs to be replaced rather than just removed.
Community Volunteers
An occasional column f eaturing volunteers in our community
PHYSICAL CONTROL - PRIVET Pull out or dig up small plants, being careful to remove the entire root system so it doesn’t regrow. If you have to cut down a larger plant, you will need to treat the stump with herbicide to stop it from regrowing. Desirable plant species such as native shrubs and grass should be established where soil has been disturbed. This will suppress the germination of privet and other weeds. 1 (Source: WRC website)
1. Waikato Regional Council Website: services/regional-services/plant-and-animal-pests/plant-pests/privet/ 2. Baldo BA, Panzani RC, Bass D, Zerboni R. Olive (Olea europea) and privet (Ligustrum vulgare) pollen allergens. Identification and cross-reactivity with grass pollen proteins. Molecular Immunol 1992;29(10):1209-18
sponsored by West Coast Health Clinic
Long list of volunteers ‘bring community in’ to rest home
Margaret helps Lesley Bromley with her knitting.
very day they’re turning up, at all hours and and for all sorts of reasons. It might be to deliver Meals on Wheels out into the community, to conduct the weekly church service or to tend the old fashioned garden lush with spring flowers. Or it could be to help organise crafts and activities, give a recital or concert or simply strum a ukulele. Whatever their reasons for visiting Raglan Hospital & Rest Home, which sits in a prime position on Manukau Rd with sweeping views of the harbour, community volunteers play what owner/manager Maree Burley describes as “a huge part” in the running of the town’s only aged care facility.
4 RAGLAN Chronicle
Maree’s loath to single out any volunteers for special mention but rattles off an impressive list of regular helpers. Their contribution is invaluable, she says, because “they bring the community in”. It’s a two-way thing, she adds, with volunteers enjoying that feel-good factor at the same time as residents and staff benefit from their help. When the Chronicle visited on Monday, volunteer Margaret Huxtable was busy supervising the morning’s activities in the residents lounge in the absence of diversional therapist Jill Freeman. A retired registered nurse, Margaret’s more usually seen serving residents morning tea on Friday mornings while then delivering Meals on Wheels to locals from the rest home kitchen from noon the same day. But besides fitting in where needed first thing this week, she was also looking to fill in meantime for
Kathleen serves morning tea. From left: Margaret Galloway, Helen Povey and Andy Galloway with Margaret looking on stalwart Fred Gilbert who’s always helped deliver Wednesday’s mobile meals. The nonagenarian is recovering from a recent stroke “and I don’t want him worrying”, says Margaret. “It’s such a pleasure to work here, it’s so beautiful,” she says of the 1950s maternity hospital-turned-rest home. At the same time as talking to the Chronicle she’s conducting a quiz and also reminiscing lightheartedly with the residents about men’s underpants being cut from calico in the old days.
“And shorts were made of flour bags!” she laughs. Enter local St Peter’s minister Kathleen Gavin, wearing an apron and wheeling a laden tea trolley. She’s been serving up Monday’s morning teas here so long – a decade at least – that she knows exactly what each of the oldies has and how they like it.
And she’s likely to be back the next day, Tuesday morning, to run the church service. She and three others including her fellow Anglican minister Rev Rhonda Chung take it in turns, while Dot Williams plays the organ. Another regular volunteer is kaumatua Sean Ellison, who visits the rest home fortnightly with a small group of others to entertain the residents. They sing, play guitar and ukulele and “provide a really wonderful, happy experience”, says Jill who is employed to coordinate activities. “We have a wide range of musicians,” she reveals. They include a weekly pianist, a classical guitarist, two opera singers, a vocal quartet, even a violinist plucked from busking at Frankton Market. A couple of local women also come regularly just to share reminiscences. “This is the residents’ home,” Jill points out, “and we all work in their home.” Raglan Horticultural Society
members are also welcome regulars, giving advice and help with residents’ pot-plant projects for instance. The outdoor garden though is maintained by volunteer Sonya Drysdale along with Linda Silvester who frequently dons gloves and pulls weeds while visiting her mother Faye. Then there’s a local librarian who brings large print books for residents to read each month. And guest speakers who’ve volunteered their time recently have included Raglan chef Colin Chung on the publication of his cookbook ‘Kana Vinaka’, Mike Rarere on managing The Raglan House and John Lawson who this week was talking about Whaingaroa’s history. Local school and kindergarten groups also visit regularly to sing and dance, while both senior citizens and mother-and-baby groups enjoy mixing and mingling with the elderly. Many volunteers reconnect with residents they knew previously out in the community, Jill adds, and all are welcome to come share a particular passion or skill – from crafts to tool-sharpening – even if only for an occasional half hour. Maree adds that her partner, Graeme Lawrence, is also a valuable volunteer around the place. The motorsport legend is a whiz these days at repainting rooms and handling general maintenance. But Maree particularly misses Fred Gilbert’s input at the moment. Not only has he coordinated and delivered Meals on Wheels for years but the retired electrician would come “within seconds” of getting a call to maintain and set up the facility’s TVs, sort out the remote controls and get Freeview boxes going. His work has been ongoing and “quite special”, she says. Edith Symes
Q and A with Francois: Get ready for the Karioi Trail
his week we got the run down from Francois Mazet, organiser of the Karioi Trail event, about this year's trail run. How long have you been involved with the Raglan Karioi Trail? I created the Raglan Karioi Trail (RKT) 6 years ago. First edition was on December 14 2013. Why did you decide to create the event? Had you been involved in event management previously?
I created the RKT because I love running on the Karioi Mountain and I wanted to share that passion and experience with other runners. I am fascinated with Karioi and if I could I would go to the top of it every single day. I have a Master of Sports Management specializing in board sports’ event organization. I have organized snowboard competitions, surf competitions, worked at the tennis French open… What is your background before coming to Raglan in terms of sport and recreation. I have been doing sports all my life. My parents were ski instructors so I started skiing quite young along with my two sisters. Ski racing was part of the fun! Then in 1986 snowboarding hooked me and that was it. My family is from Basque Country so I grew up in the waves during the summer time. As well, I’ve been practising all
kind of sports that bring me emotions and excitement, like playing rugby for Raglan! I am a fully qualified ski and snowboard instructor, qualified snowboard coach, and mountain guide. I love all outdoor activities, especially running up and down! How has it developed over the years? The Raglan Karioi Trail started from being only a 24km event option in 2013. I wanted to create a tough running race and understood that not everyone was able to endure that distance, so we offer a team relay option. The first edition had around 70 runners and a dry hot day. Then, the second year we wanted to find a way to get all the local kids and the 24km participants’ kids to get involved, so we created a 2km loop trail run on Swanny’s farm. 2015 was the first time we made the 10km run and walk to get everyone to enjoy the event atmosphere and
discover Karioi. Lost of kids wanted to run more than 2km. This year we have changed the 2km kids to a 5km family run. The 24km is now an iconic trail race in NZ and the main event. What would you like to see in the future for the event? The event is growing up slowly and it helps to keep the special atmosphere we created. It is very important that the Raglan Karioi Trail stays a non-commercial event and we will limited the number of entries in the year that we reach that number. It will stay a local running event with everyone from Raglan who wants to join the volunteer crew as well as keeping all the local sponsors who have been supporting us from the beginning. What would you say to someone considering entering? Do they need to be super prepared and fit? If you are a casual runner and don’t have time for too much training during
Attend a community workshop to have your say
aglan Naturally and Waikato District Council are coming together to plan and prepare for the future of Raglan but one thing is missing – your input. Raglan Naturally is about coming together and taking action for the future of Whaingaroa and the Raglan Ward. The community plan will include goals and strategies and will continue to evolve and be a signpost for all — including council, developers, businesses and community organisations.
Blueprints is council’s new approach to planning in more detail for the future of Raglan. The community’s input into both Raglan Naturally and Blueprints will strengthen the Raglan community voice in this process. Raglan Naturally and council are working collaboratively to align community and council processes for better outcomes and your input is needed into both of these processes. Raglan Naturally coordinator Gabrielle Parson says the 11 community focus groups have already put in lots of work to create snapshot reports in key areas in order to provide community members with a starting point for their input into Raglan Naturally.
"Firstly, a big thank you to all those community members, over 100, who have already been involved in Raglan Naturally. It’s pretty exciting seeing this all coming together and we are looking forward to sharing this with the wider community and getting input into our plan.” What’s really great too is the opportunity for Raglan Naturally and Waikato District Council to be working closely together." Waikato District Council general manager community growth Clive Morgan says it’s great to be able to partner with organisations like Raglan Naturally to work on a common goal – our thriving communities.
“But we need to hear from a large cross section of the community so we can ensure our community’s aspirations are included in council’s key strategic and planning documents and the Raglan Naturally community plan going forward. I encourage everyone in Raglan to come along to these workshops. Invite your friends and neighbours along and make sure your views are heard,” Morgan says. For more information about Raglan Naturally, visit Raglan Naturally on Facebook or contact Gabrielle Parson. For more information about what Blueprints are all about, visit www.
the week, then sign for the 10km for a first attempt. That I hope will give you a taste of Karioi and maybe the idea to jump on the 24km race the next year. The 5km family run is for everyone. It’s around Swanny’s farm with some amazing views of Ruapuke beach. It doesn’t require any training. The 10km, you can run or walk, so it’s also accessible to everyone. It just takes a bit longer, but the experience is great. For the 24km, yes training is required, but that depends on what your goal is. If you are already a runner, a few uphill/downhill training sessions will help preparation for the day of the event. To be honest, even super prepared it’s still a challenge while doing it for 90% of us. I ran it last year during the event day and even though I know all the corners of Karioi track, I include myself in the 90%. But it’s worth it. Early bird registrations are until October 15, so get in quick.
Details about the events and workshop are listed below: • Raglan Naturally Opening Evening: Friday 5 October, 6pm-9pm at the Raglan Town Hall. • Raglan Naturally Main Event: Saturday 6 October, 10am-4pm, at the Raglan Town Hall. • Council’s Blueprint workshop: Tuesday 9 October, 6.30pm – 8.30pm, at the Raglan Town Hall.
Nau mai, Haere mai, All Welcome
Raglan Naturally Community Event Open Days Friday, October 5th 6pm–9pm, Saturday, October 6th 10am–4pm
For more info contact: 021 844 785
We’re reaching out to everyone in our community across the Raglan Ward to join us. There will be music, food, and talks from people in our community. Learn about and input into an ongoing process that will guide future development and help us navigate the changes ahead. Raglan Naturally includes Makomako, Te Papatapu, Pakihi, Motakotako, Ruapuke, Whaanga, Te Hutewai, Te Mata, Kauroa, Raglan, Okete, Te Uku, Ohautira, Waitetuna, Aramiro, Waingaro, Te Akau. Nōu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te hapori Together, your input and my input will strengthen and enhance the community
RAGLAN Chronicle 5
24th to 30th September 2018
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Wither Hills 750ml
Sealord Tuna Sensations/Lite 85-95g
Daylight Savings (Excludes Pinot Noir)
Fresh NZ Brinks Skin On Chicken Breast Fillets
(Excludes Stir-Thru)
Spring Forward One Hour On Sunday 30th September
Owned & operated
by locals
SuperValue Raglan: 16-18 Bow Street. Ph 825 8300. Open 7am�–�9pm, 7 Days. While stocks last at SuperValue Raglan only. Kristalyn Glassware - T&Cs apply - see Please drink responsibly
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local health and wellbeing
WELLBEING news, products and services
Are you having trouble sleeping? Well, you are not alone…
Try the Herbal Dispensary's tips for a better night's sleep.
nsomnia or troubled sleeping IWhether can be quite frustrating. you are having trouble getting to sleep or staying asleep, there are some simple tips to help promote calmness,
shut off the mental chatter and induce sleep. Troubled sleeping may be short-lived for some, occuring during times of stress, but for others it can be a constant burden they have lived with for several years.
Below are some helpful tips for promoting sleep: • Significantly reduce or avoid caffeine intake and other stimulants after midday. Stimulants after 4pm can affect your ability to fall asleep. Remember caffeine can be found in tea, coffee, energy drinks and even chocolate! • Reduce sugar intake • Eat an early meal, as the later you enjoy your meal the longer you will be up as your body digests the food • Try relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, yoga or meditation. If these techniques do not work for you perhaps try a nice hot relaxing bath before bed. Light some candles, add a sprinkle of Epsom salts and a dash of essential oil – lavender is a great essential oil to promote calmness • Herbal medicine has known benefits when it comes to sleep. For example, passionflower, chamomile, oats and lemon balm are all known to be mild sedatives • Taking herbal and nutritional tonics that support you during the day can also aid sleep. Contact us at The Herbal Dispensary 07
AROMATHERAPY Diane Davies Massage & Aromatherapy............. .........................................................021 969 929
CELEBRANT Robyn Riddle, Weddings and Funerals ...............
.................................................0275560438 HERBAL HEALTH The Herbal Dispensary.................07 825 7444 Private Herbal/Naturopathic consultations
HOMEOPATHY Janis Beet Homeopath.................07 825 8004
MASSAGE Diane Davies Massage & Aromatherapy ............... ........................................................021 969 929
YOGA Raglan Yoga Loft.......................021 02442248 Yoga at ‘The Space’.............Above the Yot Club
8257444 for more information.
Parenting Together
ou may have had the opportunity to spend time with Ruth Beaglehole while she was visiting Raglan last month. Her parenting with nonviolence philosophy and practice has inspired many of us to make changes to the way we parent our tamariki, as well as how we treat ourselves and the other people around us.
Following on from Ruth's visit, the team from Te Mauri Tau, with support from the Todd Foundation, Trust Waikato and Lotteries Waikato Community, are excited to announce that there will be two parenting classes running in Raglan during term 4. Part 1 of these classes will be delivered in term 4 2018, and part 2 in term 1, 2019. There will be six classes in each series. For series 1 there will be two different times for you to choose from - Tuesdays 9.30am-12pm or Tuesdays 7-9.30pm.
To attend the second series in 2019, you will have needed to have attended either of the series 1 classes this term, or have attended any of the nonviolent parenting classes held in our community since 2014. Classes will be held at the Old School Arts Centre on Stewart Street, and we ask for $5 per class. If cost is a barrier - please talk to us. For more information - please email, phone 8257111 or check out our Facebook page Parenting with Nonviolence-WHAINGAROA
Telephone: 825 0114 Advertise your health and wellbeing based business on this page. For pricing info contact us at: info@ raglanchronicle. or call 07 825 7076.
After hours: Anglesea Clinic Healthline
07 858 0800 0800 611 116
OPENING HOURS: Mon Open 8am Close 7pm
Tues 8am 7pm
Wed 8am 7pm
Thurs Fri 8am 8am 7pm 5pm
RAGLAN Chronicle 7
Yes, that cake’s a SOLD sign. But no one’s moving out. Instead we’re moving on together. Selling your own place is always a big deal. The good news is that selling any place in Raglan is going to be an even better deal for vendors from now on. There’ll be all the familiar faces at recently sold Ray White in Raglan – Julie, Blair, Yana, Sean, Russ and the team. And there’ll be one important new face. That of new principal and owner, Matthew Smith. That’s him cutting the cake with Julie to celebrate. Yes, the guy with the cheeky grin.
You already know what a great job Julie & Co do in Raglan, and now Matthew is going to help them do an even better job for you. Not by changing the business, he says, but by building on its success. His 18 years in real estate have taught him how to run three, and now four, very successful agencies. Matthew’s approach is simple.
My job is to ensure the team knows who they work for - our vendors we find buyers for properties not properties for buyers. Matthew also says the other key to success is the strength of his marketing: “We have our own full-time, in-house graphic designer and marketing guru, allowing us to react rapidly with exceptionally high quality content. And we call in the experts to make sure we do the best job. We only ever use professional photography and experienced copywriters.” In fact, Matthew simply believes that if something is worth doing, it’s worth doing brilliantly. Not surprisingly, Julie Hanna is excited about her team working with Matthew and his team.
I really look forward to working alongside Matthew to continue to grow the business to new heights. We have a wonderful team at Ray White, with Blair, Yana, Sean and myself as the sales team working alongside and interacting with Russ and the rental team. With Matthew leading the way, it will allow me to provide an even better level of service to vendors. 8 RAGLAN Chronicle
Carey Smith
Ray White New Zealand CEO
And what does that better level of service really mean, you may ask? Let Matthew
tell you:
We consider ourselves a high-end agency, high-end in the sense that, whether a property we’re taking to market is $100k or $5m, our ethos is to market that property to the highest possible standards, representing that property in its absolute best light.
Who is the new owner anyway? Matthew Smith started his real estate career in 2000 and became an associate member of the Real Estate Institute of New Zealand in 2006. He ran his own boutique agency for five years on Waiheke Island before taking on the Ray White franchise there eight years ago. Then he opened a brand new start-up, Ray White in Devonport just two years ago. Between the four offices he runs, Matthew has a team of 25 people working with him. During his time in real estate the cheapest property Matthew has sold was $89,000, and the most expensive was $32m (+GST). It doesn’t take people long to realise that Matthew has a great sense of humour and a downto-earth nature, combined with sharp business skills and street smarts. But why Raglan for Matthew? Simply because, like Julie, he cares about playing his part in the local community. That’s what he likes about Waiheke, Devonport and now Raglan. Julie thinks you’ll really like Matthew. She does.
It’s a tailored way of doing things that means Ray White Raglan will always offer you a personal solution, rather than a formulaic mass marketing approach. It also means that Matthew is keen on making use of the latest and greatest technology and market knowledge. “I’ll make sure that the latest technology and knowledge makes its way to Raglan, just as quickly as it reaches the greatest cities around the world,” he says, with another cheeky grin. And he’s already made a start. You may already have noticed the sleek, new illuminated window cards as you’ve wandered up the high-street. Watch out for further improvements as Matthew upgrades the images and commentary. Meanwhile, drop in to Ray White if you’re in town and say hi. There might be some cake left for you. Unlikely by the look of it, though. Ray White Raglan 21 Bow Street I Raglan I Ray White Whatawhata 1 Rothwell Lane I Whatawhata I Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)
RAGLAN Chronicle 9
New Listing
New Listing
349 Wainui Road Raglan One impressive property, four outstanding dwellings, a tranquil garden setting with bridges and paths, surrounded by native bush. Less than 5 minutes’ drive from New Zealand’s premier surf spots, next to Wainui Bush Reserve, and within walking distance of Main (Ngarunui) Beach. Eden House is a lovely three-bedroom cottage, with lounge, full kitchen and a wood-fire burner. Aroha Chalet sleeps four, with mezzanine floor, timber features and a log burner. Serenity Chalet has two private balconies, a gazebo overlooking the stream, timber features and a log burner. Solitude Studio is open-plan, with kitchenette, balcony and private rear deck.
Auction 3:00pm, Saturday 27 October On site. Unless sold prior View Call Blair or Julie to view Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)
Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282
Julie Hanna 027 441 8964
5 Earles Place Manu Bay, Raglan Stunning ocean views make this three storey house a real cliff top paradise. You can drink in those views from almost every room, as well as from decks and balconies on three sides. At street level you find the main dwelling, and even before you go inside there’s a large verandah-style lounge to enjoy. Light floods the interior, with its kitchen, dining, lounge, bathroom and separate laundry. Up top are four bedrooms and two bathrooms, all with superb American white oak flooring. The garden level is a two bedroom, self-contained apartment, and the property has its own driveway with more than enough parking for cars and boats.
Auction 12:00pm, Saturday 27 October On site. Unless sold prior View Saturday & Sunday 12:00pm - 12:45pm
Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282 Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)
New Zealand’s leading rural real estate company RURAL | LIFESTYLE | RESIDENTIAL
SOLD IN SIX WEEKS! Innovative & Effective Marketing = Outstanding Results !!
Sea Change Welcome the sunrise & watch the ever changing vista in sought after Whale Bay on this generous 1012m² North facing section. This site has no covenants, allowing you to create a castle or a tiny home. The driveway has been formed to offer access and there is a nice easy contour to the land. Surrounded by pristine nature and bird life, only minutes from one of the world's best surf spots-this is a rare opportunity! Call ME today to arrange a viewing.
Utilising a Tailored Marketing Campaign and Strategy, including extensive Social Media Exposure & Professional Photography, this property SOLD in just SIX WEEKS!
Call me NOW to find out what I can do for YOU.
Jono Hutson
Residential/Lifestyle Specialist M 021 488 766 Jono Hutson Real Estate PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under REAA 2008 10 RAGLAN Chronicle
Jono Hutson M 021 488 766
All The Hard Work Has Been Done 78M Greenslade Road Can’t find that home that ticks all the boxes? This is an opportunity to build on a well situated North facing section in sought after Greenslade Rd. The vendor has consent approved for YOU to build a 100sqm dwelling. With all services at the boundary, geotech report + much more, this is a must view! Further documentation available, Call Me Today !!
Raglan $319,000 GST Inclusive VIEW By Appointment
Jono Hutson M 021 488 766
Introducing Mark Frost from Bayleys Raglan
137 Wallis Road
Boundary lines are indicative only
Auction (unless sold prior) 11am, Thu 25 Oct 2018 96 Ulster Street, Hamilton View Sun 1-2pm Mark Frost 022 150 2244 SUCCESS REALTY LTD, BAYLEYS, LICENSED UNDER THE REA ACT 2008
Your front lawn meets the harbour! Conveniently located this home is only a short drive, kayak or boat ride to the vibrant Raglan hub where you will find great cafes, bars, live music, arts, crafts, markets, yoga classes or a further ten minutes to local beaches where you can fish, kite board, mountain bike, hike and of course surf world class waves. Own a piece of this stunning Raglan harbour paradise which has been in the vendors family for 30 years.
ello Raglan people, I thought I’d take the opportunity to introduce myself to the people I haven’t met yet after living in Raglan for nearly five years.
141 Wallis Road
Auction (unless sold prior) 11am, Thu 25 Oct 2018 96 Ulster Street, Hamilton View Sun 1-2pm Mark Frost 022 150 2244 SUCCESS REALTY LTD, BAYLEYS, LICENSED UNDER THE REA ACT 2008
Raglan Harbour paradise! Nestled down a private road, 10 minutes from the Raglan hub awaits your ultimate family home or holiday bach set on a very generous 1265m2 section (more or less). Whether you want peace and tranquility or a family adventure playground right on your door step this property has it all. Don’t miss out on this rare opportunity to own a piece of stunning Raglan harbour paradise which has been in the vendors family for over 20 years. Boundary lines are indicative only
Born and bred in the Wellington area, I grew up playing a lot of rugby and learning to surf in places like Titahi Bay, Lyall Bay and Makara. In those days it was common to see raw sewage in the waves sadly and Titahi Bay was often called by another undesirable name!. After school I worked as a cycle courier, then travelled to Europe where I saw the sites and played professional rugby. After returning home I joined the Police and apart from dealing with all the harm, I also had the privilege of working with some awesome people, and helping to make the community a safer place was always rewarding and the end goal. I developed some great skills and was privileged to be part of the AOS, UC programme and later became a frontline Sergeant in South Auckland and Hamilton. I was trusted on a daily
basis to manage staff, life threatening incidents and I finished my Policing days as a Prosecutor in Court. I have a 13-year-old son and we love the lifestyle surfing, hiking, skating, cray fishing and just being part of a very cool community. We have some amazing life-long friends here now and can happily say we may never leave! I’m constantly surprised at the amazing people who live here. A year ago I joined Bayleys Real Estate as I felt the brand aligned well with the Raglan lifestyle and gave options to the locals. For me competition is always healthy!. It has been cool meeting people and helping them on their journeys - I have some really great properties coming to the market. Honesty, professionalism and energy are my main points of difference. I also love to support the local community and have sponsored and been part of the RAS sports teams, the Karioi bike Classic, a couple of beach clean ups and have just started working with the Karioi Maunga volunteers. I recently joined the Raglan coastguard as a volunteer. Mark and Cory
Asking Price $390,000 View by appointment Mark Frost 022 150 2244
Asking Price $380,000 View by appointment Mark Frost 022 150 2244
Escape the big city and start relaxing today
Check out these beautiful peninsula views
Lot 31 is a 528m2 (more or less) section located on the western side of the Rangitahi peninsula. It was part of the sought-after and sold out Stage One development titled, The Village Core. Rangitahi Peninsula is a short 5-minute drive from the vibrant Raglan hub which boasts local cafes, bars, surf and great art / craft stores. Rangitahi Peninsula has been developed by the Peacock family, with sustainability and lifestyle in mind.
This 585m2 (more or less) water front section located on the North-Eastern side of the Rangitahi peninsula. It was part of the sought-after and sold out Stage One development titled, The Village Core. On one side you have amazing uninterrupted views directly over the water and on the other great views of the spectacular Mount Karioi. Rangitahi Peninsula is a short five minute drive from the vibrant Raglan hub.
Asking Price $580,000 View by appointment Mark Frost 022 150 2244
Asking Price $310,000 View by appointment Mark Frost 022 150 2244
Ruapuke beach views!
Off the grid bush retreat - Raglan Harbour
31 Rangitahi Peninsula
8 Ruapuke Beach Road
Don't miss out on this absolute rare opportunity to own this 2.8-hectare (more or less) lifestyle section overlooking the beautiful Ruapuke Beach. Watch the sunset from your lounge or deck, the property has easy access, a great building platform and scope to build a home, seaside bach or develop the property for a home and income. Only a five minutes stroll to the very quiet and secluded beach where you find great surfing, and fishing.
83 Rangitahi Peninsula
505 Te Akau Wharf Road
Don't miss out on your opportunity to own a piece of the Raglan harbour paradise. This 8354 m2 (more or less) native bush section is your private hideaway with tidal waterfront access. A five minute boat ride across the harbour to Raglan with swimming, kayaking, paddle boarding, fishing and world class surfing all on your doorstep. The build platform is positioned to give privacy with an amazing view through the native bush to the water.
RAGLAN Chronicle 11
Kapa Haka
Do you like the appearance of the costumes?
They look amazing! I’d like to thank the Kanellis family for organizing them. I find it crazy how Diana (Who lives in Australia) could ship and sew 40 costumes. Matua Anthony, Whaea Jocelyn and Mokopuna
sewing costumes, which we’ll be wearing for the performance. Our Kapa Haka performance group were able to have a full dress rehearsal just the other day and it really lifted our performance. We decided to interview a teacher who helps run our Kapa Haka. Which song in our performance is your personal favourite? I find that the Haka is the best. I love how the movement around the stage was put together, the boys have definitely improved since the start of our practicing. Do you like the appearance of the costumes? Evangelia Kanellis and Michelle Kanellis They look amazing! I’d like to thank the Kanellis family for ince Term 2, Te Mata is spectacular. Many students organizing them. I find it crazy how Diana (Who lives in Australia) could School have been continu- attending Te Mata School have ship and sew 40 costumes. ously practicing for the up- been so keen on being in our Kapa Name three reasons why you coming Kapa Haka Festival to Haka performance group, but think our presentation is so good. we have had to cut the Commitment by our tutors, be held at Te Kowhai School unfortunately Name three reasons why you think our presentation is soto good. numbers just 40 students. commitment by our students, on September 21. Two awesome people in our teamwork and coming together as a trained with our teachers CommitmentWe by our tutors, commitment by our students, teamwork and coming together as a community have offered their whole. Matua Anthony and Whaea Jocelyn, whole. Emma Higgins - Te Mata who take time out of their day to time - Diana Ross and Michelle make sure that our presentation Kanellis, who are generously School
Year1-4 students from Te Mata took part in a soccer tournament at Bremworth Park back in August.
n Friday, August 24, students from Years 1-4 left for Bremworth Park for a Soccer Tournament. Along with the team, six Year 7 and 8 students helped with refereeing and managing the teams. They had heaps of fun competing against teams in Soccer. Not only was it exciting for the kids to play against other teams but also for their parents to cheer on their children. The referees and managers spent time coaching the kids to pass accurately and shoot aggressively and on the day they
definitely showed that. Every child had a unique attribute to bring to the team, from defense to offense, they all played a part. We practised hard for this tournament and on the day it definitely paid off. There was outstanding play to get it past the other team, all three teams used impressive teamwork to pass the ball to one another up to the goal. All teams showed amazing sportsmanship and as the day rolled on we got tired, but that didn’t stop us, we kept going. We were lucky to have such a fabulous day for this event which produced great results from our Te Mata kids. Sunny Hosking - Te Mata School
The above two stories were part of last week's Te Mata School feature but were unfortunately missed out. We apologise for any onvonvenience caused.
Emma Higgins
Q and A with Ruth from Raglan Theatre Academy
Raglan Area School students in action last Monday night at the Waikato Secondary Schools Theatre Sport finals.
uth Hare of Raglan theatre Academy has been working with students at Raglan Area SchoolI hear Raglan Area School students came runners up at the recent Waikato Secondary Schools Theatre Sport finals.
Yes, the team came second place, only one point behind first place, so a fantastic to develop their effort! It’s only our second year of entering and this year they were defending champions as they took out first place last year - so Raglan
Health in your Hands
is definitely showing the region what we are made of! Who was involved? The teams are made of four actors in each. Raglan starred Connor Marquand, Zoe Oliver, Summer Maybee-Waitere and Iemaja Hassell. What preparation was required? Although you can’t practice exactly what will come up as its totally improvised, actors work towards being in the moment, going with the flow, listening to each other, accepting offers and keeping a story line going, all the while finding moments of physical action and comedy - so a lot goes into it! We practice the games that they could get asked twice a week at lunchtimes and then more leading up to a game. The more they do the better they become at creating on the spot. What were their strengths? It varies between games, each individual has a different strength that they bring to the scene, which means
that together they create an entertaining piece. Essentially, it’s about having a team that gel well together, can bounce off each other from moment to moment and make it appear seamless. What does RAS offer in terms of Drama as a subject Drama at Raglan Area School is a fully-fledged subject. Year 7 & 8 take it as one of their term options so it’s a taster course. In year 9 & 10 students can take it as a full year course where they begin to form a basis that then leads them into NCEA level 1, 2 and 3, which again is a full year subject. It is a course that offers a range of growth and experience for our Drama students. Other than the opportunity to become part of the theatresports team; students prepare, rehearse and perform a play for our annual mid-year public performance. We attend a number of professional live theatre performances through the year, and for the first time this year, students performed in the regional annual Sheilah
A column connecting with senior citizens in our community. This column is sponsored by Raglan Rest Home and Hospital. Manukau Road, Raglan.
International Day of Older Persons on October 1, 2018 Super Seniors The International Day of Older Persons on October 1 is a time for everyone to remember the huge contribution that senior citizens make to society: helping families, watching out for neighbours, caring for children and sharing their wisdom. Frequently, charity organizations are supported by volunteers over the age of 65. They not only provide a valuable service in the community, but also keep themselves active, physically, mentally and spiritually. Senior Volunteers Raglan is an eclectic mix of people, personalities, and activities. It is a beachside and rural town, but is only 30 minutes from the city. Many of the voluntary groups and organizations could not operate
12 RAGLAN Chronicle
without a band of dedicated, local senior volunteers. As the elderly population increases, it is more important than ever to make sure we support caregivers, as well the elderly, who need opportunities to socialize and be involved in their favourite hobbies. Established Groups Raglan Care and Craft has been meeting for over 40 years, the Disability Support Group and the Seniors Citizens have been operating for more than 30 years, and the Light Exercise Group has just celebrated their twentieth anniversary. The numbers within the groups have fluctuated over the years, committees and members have come and gone, venues have changed and new groups have formed. However, finding
Winn Shakespeare Schools Festival - a tradition we plan to keep on going. RAS is going from strength to strength as a school and creatively with both music and drama being offered, providing great opportunities for our tamariki. Raglan Theatre Academy will no doubt be busy preparing for their end of year production. What delightful treat can the community expect this Summer. Haha yes, no rest for the wicked! So, as well as running the drama department up at RAS I also run Raglan Theatre Academy which offers students from 6 – 18 years old from the wider community the opportunity to further deepen and extend their skills and techniques, and work towards performance in after school classes. We culminate the year with our annual well-acclaimed fullscale production. This year get ready for an explosion of performance with our rendition of Alice in Wonderland, hitting our Town Hall this year in December.
affordable and suitable venues is often difficult. Groups like the Horticultural Society, the Bowling Club, Raglan Ramblers and the Knitters Circle are well established and cater for a variety of interests. The Raglan House has a list of services available, and a ‘Drop in Lounge’ throughout the week. It opens on a Saturday morning for a Senior Catch-up. Venue Changes and New Groups Care and Craft meets at the Bowling Club, the Senior Citizens at the Raglan Hospital and Rest Home. The Art Group has recently moved from Te Uku Hall to the Raglan Old School. The Crop Swap started just over a year ago and meets twice a month at the Bowling Club. The
Senior Technology gives help with computers and mobile phones, and meets at the Raglan Community House. One of the most recent groups is Nia Dance, which has concession rates for Gold Card
Phone: 07 825 8306
holders, plus the first session is free! The Raglan House and the Senior Column regularly updates the different meetings and events. Pauline Abrahams
What's On • Care and Craft meets on Monday October 1, 9.30am at the Bowling Club.
Activate Church. The new term begins Wednesday October 17 at 9.30am.
• Raglan Disability Support Group’s monthly meeting is on Wednesday October 3, 11am at the Stewart Street Hall.
• Crop swap is on Sunday October 7 and 21, 9.30am at the Bowling club.
• Nia Dance Group has a Birthday Jam on Saturday October 6 at 9.30am at the
• Raglan Horticultural Society meets on Tuesday October 16 at the Stewart Street Hall.
Te Mata School
Waitetuna School
Te Mata School
ast Friday, schools from the wider Raglan area attended the annual Western Cluster School's Kapa Haka Festival hosted by Te Kowhai School. This year, the Pride Award went to Te Mata School for their conduct during the festival. The hosting duties for next year's event went to Whatwhata School. Images thanks to Amy Hanna and Waitetuna School Waitetuna School
Raglan Area School
Te Uku School
Te Mata School
The Raglan Chronicle would like to say a huge thanks to The following sponsors for making it possible to publish the Raglan Junior Sport Page for the 2018 season: PLUMBING
This community paper is bought to you weekly thanks to the support of all of our sponsors and advertisers. RAGLAN Chronicle 13
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14 RAGLAN Chronicle
Specialising in New Builds, Maintenance and Drainlaying. Nick Heasman Phone: 021 058 2140 Email:
RAGLAN Chronicle 15
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Indicates there is a ‘Walk-through Video’
New Listing
Open Home
Ready & Waiting for Your Dream Home Deadline 17.10.18 Unless sold prior Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 Email
View 22RHFG
7 Park Drive
8c Harakeke Place
Contact Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848
Final Notice
Drive On Up A Surprise Awaits
Situated in an elevated position overlooking Flax Cove you can build to capture the sun and simply stunning estuary and Mt Karioi views. The current owners have partially developed the site creating a large berm on the roadside boundary with the legal access driveway from Harakeke Place. The freehold section of 700m² is mostly gently sloping and fairly good contour by Raglan standards! Handy location to estuary, town, school, bus stop and walkways. Covenants apply and house plans are available to interested parties. For further information please contact Stephen 021 969 848 or Michelle 021 969 878
Deadline 03.10.18 Unless sold prior Contact Robbie Regnier 021 952 271 Email
Saturday 12 - 12:30pm 22CHFG
This north facing originally a 3 bedroom now 2 bedroom brick home has a large open plan living area that flows out onto a huge deck with views over the harbour. Downstairs is a games/ teenage area. There’s space to park your boat and a smoke house which will ensure your catch is enjoyed by all. Live off the land on the fully fenced property & utilise the chook house, fruit trees & planter boxes to start you off on your journey to organic sustainability. Walk everywhere as this property is in the heart of Raglan. Call Robbie for more information 021 952 271.
Final Notice
11 Primrose Street
16 Lily Street
Build for the View Come and check out this 631m² section located overlooking the Seabreeze Way subdivision and only a few minutes drive or 10 minutes walk from the action and cafes of Raglan township. Set elevated with services available for easy connection, this is the only section currently available in this location. The property is fenced to the boundary already and some attractive trees have been planted which are establishing well. Build your permanent or beach bach here to take in the northerly views of the harbour and the elevated position. Reasonable covenants apply to guarantee a quality neighbourhood and protect your investment.
As Rare as Hen’s Teeth This a very rare section situated in such a great investment location within an easy walk to the harbour, wharf and township. No restrictive building covenants allows you to build ‘outside of the square’ or pull up your caravan. An orchard boasts lemons, feijoas, a large apple and heirloom kafir lime tree. On the southern boundary sits a single lock up garage with concrete floor which could provide for storage or a place to park the boat, 1/2 share in 2016m² of which this section comprises a generous area of approximately 900m². Deadline Sale closes 12 noon 27th September.
For Sale $269,000 Contact Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 Email View
Deadline 27.09.18 Unless sold prior Contact Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 Email View
Lot 4, 21 Nau Mai Road
Lot 3, 21 Nau Mai Road
14 Puka Place
1 Mahana Place
For Sale $260,000 + gst (if any) Contact Matt Sweetman - 021 624 826 Email 202HFG View
For Sale $270,000 + gst (if any) Contact Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 Email 206HFG View
For Sale By Negotiation Contact Chrissy Cox - 027 287 1804 Email 21SHFG View
For Sale $319,000 Contact Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Email 20ZHFG View
Nau Mai Business Park - Lot 4 1150m² with a 750m² effective dead flat engineered building platform. With future population growth comes growth in industry and business and affordable sites like this allowing such a wide range of uses with the zoning will become like hen’s teeth. Survey pegs are in onsite and awaiting your inspection. Call Kyle 021 903 309 or Matt today for information.
Nau Mai Business Park - Lot 3 Light Industrial zoned section of 1150m² with a 750m² effective dead flat engineered building platform. With future population growth comes growth in industry and business and affordable sites like this allowing such a wide range of uses with the zoning will become like hen’s teeth. Survey pegs are in onsite and awaiting your inspection. Call Kyle 021 903 309 or Matt today for information.
Build Your Dream Home Here Tired of looking for a house to suit your needs? Thinking of building to your own plans? You need to consider this large, 1085m2 site in the popular Waikowhai subdivision. Elevated and sunny with beautiful harbour views and sheltered from the prevailing wind. It is the perfect location for your dream home and has plenty of space for gardens as well.
Lorenzen Bay Just a Stroll Away Nikau Park Raglan is a quality subdivision located just 5 mins walk from Lorenzen Bay. Enjoy a sunny Northerly aspect from this corner site with native plantings along one boundary. All services are provided including water, sewage, street lights, footpaths and communications. The vendor has also supplied a geotech report and house plans by Kiwi Designer Homes.
Robbie Regnier
Darryl Hawkins
Chrissy Cox
Matt Sweetman
Kyle Leuthart
Michelle O’Byrne
Stephen O’Byrne
Sandra Bowditch
021 952 271
027 290 6675
027 287 1804
021 624 826
021 903 309
021 969 878
021 969 848
021 751 759
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Raglan Property Manager
*NB Boundary lines on photos are approximate & merely a guide. All information contained herein is gathered from sources we deem reliable. However we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely upon their own enquiries.
LJ Hooker Raglan (07) 825 7170 • 16 RAGLAN Chronicle
25-27 Bow Street , Raglan • George Boyes & Co Limited Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008