30 Mar 2017

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Nga Ripo o Whaingaroa

EST. 1903

Whaingaroa news for you weekly

30th March 2017 - Issue #537

Your local supermarket with friendly staff and free parking.

SuperValue Raglan: 16-18 Bow Street Phone 825 8300 Open 7am - 9pm, 7 Days. SuperValueNZ SuperValue.co.nz

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Raglan Couriers 3 times daily morning/midday/afternoon Local Business Serving Raglan District Since 1996

ID#RAG22758 Graham Rope 021 222 7427 Ray White Office, 21 Bow St Raglan ph: 07 825 8669

RAGLAN Chronicle 1


From Soundsplash to Electric Daisy Carnival: From left - Herewini Barlow, Brian Ruawai, Jarome Lundon and Te Ata Barlow. Full story on page 3.

Whaingaroa-Raglan is the Waikato’s up-and-coming foodie hotspot. Support our local eateries and checkout their news and specials each week below.

Texas BBQ Style Burgers + low & slow cooked meat

2 Bow Street 07 825 0976

Open 9am - 7pm Wed - Sunday Closed Mon-Tues

(07) 825 8761

Phone orders welcome! *Fish & Chips* *Burgers* *Weekly Specials* The store with a lot more!

Te Kopua Camp Store, Marine Parade, Raglan

Left Hand Break Restaurant

Community BBQ Friday 31/3 At the Raglan Club Open Wed – Sat: 5 - 8 pm and for from 5:00pm ph. 07 825 8288 events. Roast Dinner night Thurs 5 – 8 pm. Great food and atmosphere!

Phone: 07 825 8278 or 07 825 8288

Fish n’ Chips Group Bookings Live Music Inside/Outside Seating

92 Wallis St - 07 825 7544

NK Pizza & Indian Cuisine

Dine in + Takeaway Open 7 Days 11:00 am to 9:30pm


31 Bow St 07 825 0300

Real Fruit Ice Cream Burritos Wraps Salads

Volcom Lane Open from 11:30

Open 7 days 8am - 4pm 23 Bow Street 825 8405

248 Wainui Rd | 07 825 8233 Open 7 Days a Week From 9am



open seven days a week N O

Open 7 Days 8am - 4pm

1 9 B o w S t ree t 07 8 2 5 0 0 2 7

43 Rose St 07 825 0010

Breakfast & Lunch -7 DaysDinner: Thurs, Fri & Sat from 5:30 *Happy Hour* Thurs & Fri 5:30-6:30pm

Open 7 Days Breakfast Lunch & Dinner

Dear Editor A 16 March 2017 Raglan Chronicle article headlines Seabed mining hearing a 'disappointing' process Kasm chairman claims the Environmental Protection Authority’s (EPA) Analysis of Submissions report is misleading and “more than 13,000 submissions were made regarding TTR's application to mine the South Taranaki Bight, but the submissions analysis report included only 268 of them”. Public submissions are an important part of the publicly notified application process and all submissions are addressed by the Analysis of Submissions report. The majority of KASM submissions included identical content and for this reason the issues raised were summarised and their opposition noted. Every submission received on the TTRL 2016 application will be considered by the Decisionmaking Committee (DMC)

appointed to make a decision on the application. A 347 page index of the 13,733 people who made a submission on the issue is available, alphabetically listed by submitter first name, on the EPA website. This allows all submitters to check if their names are included. Full submissions from people appearing the Wellington and New Plymouth hearings are also available on the EPA site. As background, the AOS report is prepared to assist the DMC with high level analysis of key submission characteristics and themes. The report is not a summary of the content of the submissions, or a replacement for the obligation on the DMC to read all submissions received on the application. Yours sincerely, Siobhan Quayle, General Manager Climate, Land and Oceans, The Environmental Protection Authority.




Appeal to the heart of our community t John Raglan will hold an S open day at the station on Saturday, April 8, from 11am

wa o k u l o d ge @ g m a i l .co m

to 2pm, as part of the national ‘Heart of Gold’ appeal week.

The annual appeal captures the spirit of what St John is all about – having a heart, helping people in need and contributing to our many communities. The Raglan station’s open day offers the community a chance get their blood pressure, pulse and other WeatherMap - New Zealand weather forecasts vital signs checked while having a look through the station and ambulance.

Station manager Bush Barton says: “Come along, meet our officers and committee and enjoy a sausage sizzle. “With the station on the lookout for more ambulance officers the open day is an opportunity to talk to the station manager and crew.” Meanwhile, St John are reaching out to New Zealanders and bringing people together in support of St John, so that they can continue to be there when needed. Central Region general manager Andrew Boyd says of this year’s http://www.weathermap.co.nz/?p=ragl ‘Heart of Gold’ appeal: “It’s a heartfelt mission that St John is truly passionate about. Continued on page 3

10am Raglan Area School 7pm Te Uku Church Pastor Roger Peart ph 07 825 5199

Check www.weathermap.co.nz for latest forecasts Forecasts Forecast generated on Wednesday 29 March Max Summary Wind Waves* Tides* Sun temp (C) (km/hr) (m) (High/Low) (Rise/Set)

Contact: Administrator Jan Mitchell ph 825 5122




E 5 W 15

am pm



01:00 07:00 01:20 07:30

am am pm pm

R 07:36 am S 07:12 pm




NE 10 N 10

am pm



01:40 07:50 02:00 08:10

am am pm pm

R 07:37 am S 07:10 pm


Sunny with some cloud


NE 15 am NW 20 pm



02:30 08:40 02:50 09:10

am am pm pm

R 07:38 am S 07:09 pm


Cloud with possible showers


NW 10 am SW 15 pm



03:30 09:40 03:50 10:10

am am pm pm

R 07:39 am S 07:07 pm




E 25 E 30

am pm



04:30 10:50 05:00 11:20

am am pm pm

R 07:40 am S 07:06 pm




NE 25 NE 25

am pm


H 05:40 am L 12:00 pm H 06:20 pm

R 07:41 am S 07:04 pm


Possible showers and thunder storms


NW 25 am NW 25 pm




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2 RAGLAN Chronicle

Weather Map

Raglan Weather & Tides



10am - Family Service and Children’s Ministry Thursdays 3-5pm - 7C’s Bible Club for Children

3 Stewart St – 07 825 8276 or 07 825 8028

12:30 07:00 01:20 07:40

am am pm pm

R 07:42 am S 07:03 pm

*Total significant wave height and *Tide times for Raglan Bar

Raglan youths jetting off for experience of a lifetime

His works feature in numerous international books and publications, including the Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Metropolis and the New York Times. Gerard’s company, Bamboo DNA, specialises in the design, construction, and installation of bamboo structures and environments. He works with some of the biggest music festivals around the world, including Boom Festival (Portugal), Burning Man (US) and Coachella (US), designing and constructing stage environments and artistic structures. Soundsplash organiser Brian Ruawai describes Gerard as “the man”. “This is a huge opportunity,” says Brian. “For Gerard to take off three of his own crew and put these three boys on is a huge thing. Usually it takes years to get put on his crew.” Having travelled to Raglan to help with Soundslash 2015, Gerard worked closely with Te Ata, Herewini and Jarome and he was impressed with the three boys’ work ethic and problem-solving skills.

“We learnt heaps of things,” says Te Ata about their experience working on Soundsplash and with Gerard, “how to work with the bamboo, how to tie the knots”, and family members will concede that none of the boys tie knots – even their shoelaces – quite the same anymore. Creating opportunities for young people has always been a motivation for Brian and his partner, Naomi Tuao, who play in reggae band Cornerstone Roots. “We’ve had such amazing experiences touring and we want some of our youth to experience these things,” says Naomi. Brian says he sees a “a lot of the young guys around here getting into things like steel fixing and scaffolding, which is great, but these jobs can be hard on your body”. “A lot of people here are really creative and we wanted to show them a different option. “There also isn’t a lot of positive outlook here for young people looking at things like who’s getting jobs, who’s not getting jobs. Not everyone’s got a support system so we want to support our young people in looking for positive outlets for their energy so they’re not looking to negative things.” With their passports sorted, this will be the first time the boys will be going overseas (apart from Jarome who has been to Australia). Feeling ready but slightly nervous, Jarome says he is looking forward to “a different environment, seeing something new and working and learning”. The boys will be pretty busy for most of the trip working on the builds but Gerard has invited them to stay with him on his ranch in Joshua Tree and is keen for them to experience the Fourth of July while they are in the States. “Everything they experience in between working will be a bonus and we can’t wait to hear what they have done,” says Brian. Te Ata, Herewini and Jarome will be fundraising for their trip leading up to May. If you would like to help the boys out, please contact Tamara Kereopa for any fundraising inquiries: kereopa.tamara@ gmail.com

teach young people first aid, health care and leadership skills through our youth programme so that they can feel confident and safe. “It’s your contribution that allows us to make more than 100,000 caring calls to people who are isolated or living alone, and provide volunteers who comfort friends and family in hospital emergency rooms. “We are a charity, and the important

work we do is only made possible with your support which we are extremely grateful for – thank you,” Andrew Boyd says. Along with contributing to collection boxes, donations can also be made to 0800 ST JOHN (0800 785 646), online at www. stjohnappeal.org.nz, at any ASB branch by texting GOLD to 8595 to make a $3 donation or donate online at heartofgold. org.nz.

From left: Herewini Barlow, Brian Ruawai, Te Ata Barlow and Jarome Lundon.


hen Soundsplash was bought back to Raglan in 2015, one of the future visions for the event was to use the festival to create a learning experience for Raglan youths. In early May this year, three young Soundsplash workers, Te Ata Barlow (23) , Herewini Barlow (20) and Jarome Lundon (24), will embark on a trip of a lifetime to the United States to work with bamboo artist Gerard Minakawa. Gerard will take the boys on until early July to work on builds for Lightning in a Bottle Festival in Bradley and Electric Daisy Carnival, commonly known as EDC (one of the biggest electronic dance music festivals in the world), in Las Vegas. A New York native born to Argentinian and Bolivian-Japanese immigrants, Gerard studied industrial design at the Rhode Island School of Design and was named one of the top 20 innovative US designers by I.D. magazine.


MP FOR TARANAKI-KING COUNTRY ELECTORATE OFFICE CONTACT: P: 07 870 1005 E: Kuriger.Teawamutu@parliament.govt.nz A: 25 Roche Street, Te Awamutu www.barbarakuriger.co.nz


Also at H.G Webb House, Cnr Boundary & Victoria Streets, Hamilton

Continued from page 2

“Why does St John need you on board? It’s simple – St John needs your support so that we can continue to offer our support,” says Andrew Boyd. “People recognise us for our ambulance service, which treats and transports over 437,978 people every year, but your contribution allows us to provide so much more,” the chief executive says. “It’s your generosity that helps us

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sections now selling live the dream rangitahi.co.nz RAGLAN Chronicle 3


The big OE in the new millennium

Arduous Annapurna trek highlight of quickfire OE

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Raglan Community Te Kohao Health Medical Centre Your Medical Clinic R hao Health Nau Mai Haere Mai

Raglan, Te Kohao Health our Medical Clinic

All Welcome

Poihakena Marae All Welcome 216 Wainui Rd, Raglan 218 Monday,-Wednesday, Friday Friday 9.00am - -4.30pm 08.30am 5.00pm e Free after hours telephone triage service Raglan day, Friday Phone: (07) 825 0197 Fax: (07) 825 0956 Email: admin@tekohaohealth.co.nz elephone triage service Te Kohao Health 0197 Fax: (07) 825 0956 180 Dey St, Hamilton kohaohealth.co.nz Monday - Friday 8.30 - 5.00pm Saturday 8.30 - 12.00pm Free after hours telephone triage service ilton Phone: (07) 856 1211 8.30 - 5.00pm 2.00pm Dedicated in the memory of Dr Tom Ellison elephone triage service 1211

u Mai Haere Mai

aglan teen Amelia Penfold may have just hit the high point of her big OE – trekking an arc around a massive mountain range in Nepal. She’s about halfway through the 19-day adventure known as the Annapurna Circuit which climbs to giddy heights of almost 18,000 feet, making altitude sickness a very real possibility. The former Hamilton Girls’ High student – as a schoolgirl a common sight busking downtown with her guitar – has been on the road for more than three months with boyfriend Andrew Lloyd from Hamilton. They’re now on the last leg of their journey before heading home in a month via southeast Thailand. Amelia talked to the Chronicle from Naples in southern Italy earlier this month, before

heading to South Asia and losing the luxury of WiFi. The pair had travelled all over the UK before venturing to Europe, and were looking forward to trekking in Nepal. “I didn’t have too many expectations,” Amelia said of her long planned-for trip straight out of school. “I just wanted to be a sponge and soak it all up.” Which is exactly what she’s done. “We jumped around a little bit (initially),” the 18 year old explained almost apologetically of their time in the UK. Amelia speaks with a hint of the English accent she had at the age of six on migrating here with her parents Jenny and Trevor Penfold. In a way she’s gone back to the UK first to explore her heritage, reinforcing the original concept of the big OE – a term popularised by NZ cartoonist and columnist Tom Scott in the mid 1970s – for Kiwis venturing ‘home’. She got to spend Christmas with her extended family in Scotland before exploring the Scottish Islands, then it was off in search of the elusive Loch Ness Monster. “I saw some suspicious ripples,” Amelia joked of the lake beside Urquhart Castle where the couple stayed in the historic Scottish Highlands region. Then it was down to England and to Snowdonia National Park in Wales where they treated themselves to an “amazing” illuminated underground zipline adventure at the Llechwedd Slate Caverns. Despite the mid winter temperatures in Britain at the time there wasn’t much snow around, Amelia lamented, so she and Andrew then took themselves off to a dry ski slope in

Dedicated in the memory of Dr Tom Ellison

aglan police will use their power to detain youth wandering the streets after 10pm in an attempt to curb a spike in juvenile crime – and, as a further crime prevention measure, police will endeavour to get the fingerprints and DNA of all youth offenders.


Meridian recognises the importance of local communities to our hydro and wind operations. The Meridian Te Uku Community Fund gives your community a say on what local initiatives are supported and funded by Meridian. The Fund, managed by a panel of community members and Meridian staff, is about working together to build strong communities.

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The Meridian Te Uku Community Fund is for the communities of Raglan, Te Mata, Waitetuna and Te Uku.


The next closing date for Meridian Te Uku Community Fund applications is 6 April, 2017. For more information on the Meridian Te Uku Community Fund, or to submit an application online, please visit meridian.co.nz or email community@meridianenergy.co.nz


You can also call us on 04 803 2507.

4 RAGLAN Chronicle

Southampton to get in a bit of skiing practice before heading to the Continent. But the artificial surface – a kind of plastic matting – was “brutal”, Amelia complained. “You do not want to fall off!” The one-time Te Uku School pupil also caught up with family and a few old kindergarten friends in Exeter, southwest England, where she used to live. The couple celebrated Valentine’s Day at the top of the Eiffel Tower in France, then travelled on to Italy to also do the tourist thing. There they skiied in the Italian Alps, took in the sights of Como – with its Gothic cathedral and funicular railway – and spent “hours and hours” exploring the streets of Venice. Amelia also reckons she got a bit tipsy in the Tuscan countryside on a guided wine-tasting tour on horseback. But the famous Lindt Chocolate Shop in Florence was her “favourite part” of Italy. It had 20 different flavours of the fine Swiss chocolate for which it’s famed and Amelia tried every one. “All amazing,” was the verdict. A five-day visit to the vast archaeological site of Pompeii was followed by five days exploring the city of Rome before Amelia and Andrew flew to Kathmandu to organise their guided Annapurna mountain trek from Nepal. They thought they would visit the sun bear – or “honey bear” – sanctuary in southeast Thailand on their way home next month. Then Amelia’s back in Raglan and adamant she’ll be “working on my music”, having been a star student of local muso Dave Maybee over the years. Edith Symes

Police get tough in effort to curb youth crime R

Meridian Te Uku Community Fund


The Chronicle chats with locals about their overseas experience.

Constable Gary Ryburn said under the Children, Young Persons, and Their Families Act 1989 police had the power to detain young people who were out at night unaccompanied by a parent or a suitable caregiver, and “we will be doing that”. He said there had been an increase in the number of cars being broken into in Raglan at night – about six vehicles in about two weeks, but “I understand there are several not reported to police”. “Three cars in … 10 days have been stolen and taken for joy rides. “I’m seeing youth still hanging around (the streets) at 2am on weekends. Car offences have been taking place between approximately 10pm and 1am on weeknights.” Mr Ryburn said police were currently dealing with two boys, aged 15 and 16, who were involved in the theft of a car outside the Blind Tiger at 11.11pm on Wednesday last week. They would face charges before the Youth Court. Four youths were seen on CCTV camera trying unsuccessfully to get into a Subaru station wagon in Wainui Rd five minutes before the two hopped into the car – which was unlocked – and drove off. The driver crashed the car near the rugby grounds and the vehicle was abandoned in Upper Cross St. Mr Ryburn said Raglan Area School staff helped identify the four youths and brought the two offenders down to the police station on Thursday at 2pm. “One mother so far has given permission for her 15-year-old son to provide DNA and fingerprints to police. “As police we are endeavouring to get young offenders fingerprinted with the consent of their parents, get them in the system. For more serious offences that carry

a term of imprisonment we will endeavour to get their DNA. “Our aim is to curb their behaviour so they don’t go down a road of crime.” He said having fingerprints and DNA in the database would also “ping up” any historical offences. Police are currently getting two cars fingerprinted. “Both have very visible, smallish-type fingerprints. We got some good fingerprints.” He urged residents to report all vehicle break-ins to the police because they might be able to get fingerprints. “It will only be a matter of time and then we will get a hit.” Mr Ryburn said he believed youth were acting out because of boredom, “but parents need to take onus on themselves to make sure they are at home, not running the streets”. “We need parents on board, those who have teenage children, ensuring they are home at night at a reasonable hour, or know where their teenagers are.” He said youth picked up in the streets after 10pm would be returned home and their parents spoken to. If youth refused to give their home address then they would be taken to Hamilton Central Police Station and dealt with by CYFs. “I’m sure their parents will get sick of that really quickly, going to Hamilton at 1am on a Saturday morning.” Mr Ryburn said it was mainly boys who were hanging out in the streets at night but he had also had a word to two 14-year-old girls who were hanging out with about eight “juvie boys”. “As police we want to be proactive, protect and serve our community, but we also need assistance from our community. “We strongly urge local residents to do the basics: lock their car at night, lock their shed and their dwellings, be vigilant, report any suspicious behaviour. If you see anyone hanging around a car, taking too much notice of a vehicle, maybe biking past slowly and looking in at the ignition and the drivers seat … they will go back to the vehicle later.” Inger Vos

9/11 memorial stair climb a humbling experience – Raglan firefighters

Leanna (left) and Dan Mills (right) in New York for the stair climb.


aglan’s firefighting couple says competing in the New York City Memorial Stair Climb was a humble and moving experience. Leanna and Dan Mills, who returned home from the United States on Monday, were among 381 firefighters who raced in full kit up 72 floors of the 4 World Trade Center in the third annual stair climb. Leanna, who came second out of 28 women and 65th overall, says “it was a very moving experience to be climbing a tower in the same location where 343 firefighters lost

their lives in one single event trying to help others”. She says every competitor carried the tag of a fallen firefighter from the 9/11 World Trade Center attack. Photos of the fallen firefighters were hanging inside the stairwell and at the finish line, “not just pictures of themselves but pictures of them with their families”. Leanna says security was high at the event. “There were police everywhere outside, and the roads around the building were shut.

“When we entered the building we were patted down, went through metal detectors and had our bags searched.” Although seasoned stair climbers – the couple competed in Auckland and Melbourne last year – Leanna says the climb was an incredibly hard event. “At the start they hand us a plastic bag to throw up in in case we need it. “Both Dan and myself got to the top without stopping which was a massive achievement in itself.” As she climbed, there were people at every level bent over gasping for air. “Your ears are hurting from the quick elevation as you go up. There is no time to stop and equalise.” A big bell was rung in memory of each fallen firefighter every time the finish line was crossed. Leanna climbed in memory of Stephen Olsen and Dan, who finished sixth in the men’s 40-99 age group and 33rd overall, climbed for Samuel Oitice. Of her second placing, Leanna says there’s a high chance that the winning woman might be disqualified for wearing running shoes and no gloves, “which will put me up to first”. In the meantime, she plans on defending her title in the Firefighter Sky Tower Challenge in Auckland on May 13. Both Leanna and Dan won their respective age groups in the climb last year, with Leanna being the fastest woman overall. Five firefighters from Raglan will compete in the event this year. Inger Vos

THANK YOU TO OUR SUPPORTERS! Through the amazing generosity and kind support of the Raglan Community we were able to cover our airfares to New York. We thank you for this and sincerely appreciate it. We would like to also thank all those individuals that kindly contributed. Below are the businesses that kindly supported us: Ray White Raglan – Julie and Dave Hannah Living Productions The Shack Café Sayer Drainage – Tony and Beth Sayer Raglan Roast Barbaradawn Crew Sayer Landscape Supplies AGA Turkish Raglan Watersports LJ Hooker – Stephen and Michelle O’Byrne

Wahine Moe Monster Gallery Raglan Brewing Company Harbour View Hotel Raglan Fish Raglan Surf Emporium Jenny Watts Physio Gord’s Salon Road & Sport Harley Davidson – Shelley Rock-It Café Orca Restaurant Brian Elmes Painter

Karioi Lodge

Tony Sly Pottery

Soul Shoes

Roll Up

Raglan Photo Gallery – John Milek

Raglan Liquor Centre Raglan Pharmacy

Doctor’s sabbatical appreciated by every man and their dog hen you’re a doctor working W in relative isolation, it’s not uncommon to be troubled for advice regarding an ailing pet.

That’s what Dr Mike Loten discovered during his sabbatical year working on the Canadian island of Grand Manan, population of about 2500 and no working vets. He’d get stopped in the supermarket, for example, by a resident showing him a photo of a wound on their dog’s face. Dr Mike’s wife, Joan, laughs that medical treatment was often sought for dogs at Grand Manan Hospital because there were no local vets on the island. She says the first day that they walked into the island’s only medical facility they were greeted by a huge labrador, Foster, who always accompanied one of the doctors to work. “All the patients really loved that dog,” says Dr Mike, and the Lotens, too, were warmly received. The family – who returned to Raglan on March 11 – ended up in Grand Manan, area 137 square kilometres, because Fiona wanted to live in a Canada for a year with the family, to broaden their children’s horizons, and the island was pretty much the one place where Dr Mike could work because it was “an area of need”. It’s a one-and-a-half hour ferry ride to the mainland, near the border with Maine in the United States, and a further hour to the nearest fully serviced hospital in Saint John, explains Dr Mike. The island has one main road down the east coast where most of the residents live because the west is steeped in 91-metre-high cliffs and battered by wind. There are just three doctors, who also have to deal with all medical emergency situations, and the island’s “hospital” has limited facilities. There’s an X-ray service “some of the time” and “we could only do three types of blood tests”. “People have to be flown out if they are really sick.” And if the weather is too poor for flying, which it often is, then the doctors have to do their best and look after the acute patients.

“They are running a little hospital there,” says Dr Mike, who admits his job was a steep learning curve in acute care. “You have to rely a lot on your own clinical judgment.” “The people were so lovely and so appreciative of us coming,” says Joan, who with her family entered every aspect of island life “whole-heartedly”. “We absolutely felt at home.” Home was in Castalia Marsh: “no neighbours”, “so quiet and peaceful”. Yet Joan enjoyed the weekly market, where the residents would gather to catch up, and the island had a real sense of community and support. The kids – Sam, 12, George, 10 and Scout, 8 – went to the only school on the island, about 5km away, and were picked up every day by the school bus. “They’d never had someone from outside of Canada go to the school,” says Joan. “It took about a week to get the kids enrolled because they didn’t know how to do the paperwork.” School was “strict” says George, and Sam says he spelt words wrong in a test because of the teacher’s accent. But the children embraced school sports, and particularly loved playing baseball and ice hockey. There is an amazing ice-rink in Grand Mana, says Joan, where the kids learned to skate, and yes, it gets cold there. The coldest was about -20 degrees Celsius, reckons Dr Mike, who himself enjoyed a spot of ice fishing on the mainland. The freezing temperatures didn’t stop the kids from going for a mid-winter swim in the sea, however, and in the summer – 20 degrees max – they’d jump from some cliffs into a lake in an old mine. The residents of Grand Manan are a “real mix”, says Joan, and many of the families have lived there for generations. It used to be mainly subsistence-type living, says Dr Mike, with the locals relying heavily on the fishing industry and the sea to make a living. The wild sea vegetable dulse is harvested in Grand Manan, and shipped to Europe, Australia and the United States, and the lobster industry is roaring – those who have

The Loten Family from left: George, Mike, Scout, Joan and Sam. licences make a lot of money while others are “struggling to survive”. Joan laughs that she thought she was taking her children, who have had a somewhat “entitled lifestyle”, to experience a hard island life but that wasn’t quite the case. Thanks to the lobster boom, and despite their relative isolation, many islanders have their own swimming pools and kids have their own buggies, she says. During their year away, the Lotens spent four weeks travelling in the southwest of the United States. They flew into Las Vegas and worked their way through Utah to Yellowstone National Park. They had another four-week holiday at the end of their trip, skiing in France and the Rocky Mountains in Maine, the United States. “Too many flights,” say the kids, who calculated there were about 20 in all, while Joan and Mike say the US was beautiful and the Americans were incredibly warm and friendly. Being in the States was definitely the highlight for the family, says Joan, who

misses – “a lot” – her small island community in Canada. “Sam said he would take me back again when I am an old lady.” Inger Vos

RAGLAN Chronicle 5

Easter Colouring Competition See instore for details

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6 RAGLAN Chronicle


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Women’s winter retreat to nourish bodies and inspire souls

From left: Sarah Edwards, Bernadette Marama Gavin and Irma Schutte of Reignite Your Light.


re you a busy, soul-driven woman aching for some time out?

Three Raglan women passionate about holistic wellness are combining their skills to help reignite the light into the lives of busy mums, professionals and professional mums. Bernadette Marama Gavin, Irma Schutte and Sarah Edwards say they know how challenging it can be to keep wellness and vibrancy central to their lives – and they’re experts at it. Their three-day retreat at Solscape in June is a unique opportunity for women to learn how to reconnect with themselves and lead a healthy and inspired life.

“Our wellness is our greatest strength to ourselves and to others,” says Irma, and she promises that all participants of the Reignite Your Light retreat will be well nourished and inspired. Irma, Bernadette and Sarah will each bring their own strengths to the retreat. Irma, a wellness coach and homeopath, will be offering whole foods and homeopathy workshops, including how to support your hormonal being. She is especially excited about holding the Raw Cacao Full Moon Ceremony.

Private Herbal/Naturopathic consultations

HOMEOPATHY Janis Beet Homeopath......................07 825 8004

Sarah, a counsellor and holistic life coach, says she has many years of experience in group facilitation, creating safe places where people can grow and flourish. She is also passionate about offering open floor conscious dance movement sessions, and they will be included at the retreat. “I see movement as a rich opportunity to enhance our wellbeing: physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.” Bernadette, co-owner of Solscape eco-retreat, is a yoga instructor, healing therapist and intuitive guide. She says helping others find balance in their lives is her passion, and she will be offering plenty of gentle, restorative yoga at the retreat. “I love to support others in such a way that connecting deeply to the present moment, to self and to the natural world becomes effortless.” The retreat will also include meditation and mindful practices, spaces to unwind and do nothing, bush and beach walks, delicious plantbased meals by Raglan foodie Emma Galloway, and plenty of belly laughs and connections. “Offering our teachings through a retreat is an inspiring context for all of us,” the organsiers say. “We love the power of bringing a group together with a common goal, and we love how transformation can take place in such a short time. We also feel it is essential to equip people to sustain this change in their everyday lives. This is a big part of what we offer.” The Reignite Your Light winter women’s retreat is on at Solscape June 8-11. See globalhealinghub.com for more information. Tickets cost $750 for early-bird sales until April 15, then $850. Every participant gets a pamper goodie bag valued at $150.

MASSAGE Diane Davies Massage & Aromatherapy....021 969 929 web:................................................www.ddma.co.nz Haven Massage with Shannon Darbyshire..021 02442248 web:..................................havenmassageraglan.com

YOGA Raglan Yoga Loft.............................021 02442248 web:......................................raglanyogaloft.co.nz Yoga at ‘The Space’...................Above the Yot Club web:..............................www.thespaceraglan.com Iyengar Yoga.................................... 0273894987 At the Scout Hall...............corry.yoga@gmail.com

Classical Homeopath Janis Beet Dip. Hom (NZ) R.C Hom

Karioi Clinic of Homeopathy

78 Upper Wainui Rd, Raglan Phone: (07) 825 8004 Cell: 027 459 8547 email: janisbeet@gmail.com

pilates | headaches | home visits

Herbal Dispensary: Introducing our new manager that she saw the job advertised at The Herbal Dispensary. Deciding that she wanted to move back to New Zealand, she saw it as a great opportunity to be close to her family, who live in Te Akau, and to still live by the ocean. As she used to come here when she was younger, she knew Raglan was a beautiful place with a great community Growing up in a family which has always had an interest in living off the land, it is only natural that she has a passion for eating organic and whole foods. On her days off you’ll find her learning to surf, swimming or hanging out with her nephew. Pop in and introduce yourself to Hannah on your next visit to The Herbal Dispensary. The Herbal Dispensary

Its our first Birthday! Thank you Raglan community for all of your support.


ntroducing Hannah, our bubbly, new manager at The Herbal Dispensary. Growing up on a farm in Pukekawa and being schooled at Tuakau College, she will fit right in to Raglan’s relaxed lifestyle.

To celebrate we have one FREE class every week, several competitions and prizes for the month of April. Make sure you look out for our end of month birthday party class including an epic shared led class with a live dj set and bubbles. This will be koha and all proceeds will go to KASM. Check out the Loft Facebook page for details. We look forward to welcoming you. 021 0244 2248 raglanyogaloft.co.nz

raglanyogaloft@gmail.com 58 Wallis St (above joinery)

professional advice

ante and post natal care post operative rehabilitation


Her love of the outdoors and the environment led her to study a degree in science, majoring in geology. Hannah put her degree to good use and worked as a ranger for the Tongariro Department of Conservation. After this, she moved to Canada for a year to pursue her passion of snowboarding and experience living in a different country. Getting the travel bug, she then spent a year or so travelling to Nepal, India, Mexico and South America. It was on the Sunshine Coast, where she was managing a vegan cafe,

acupuncture | postural analysis back & neck pain |

12 Wallis Street, Raglan admin@raglanphysio.co.nz

ph (07) 825 0123 www.raglanphysio.co.nz Whaingaroa Physiotherapy: because we want wellness for you and our community

Telephone: 825 0114 After hours: Anglesea Clinic Healthline

07 825 0800 0800 611 116

OPENING HOURS: Mon Open 8am Close 7pm

Tues 8am 7pm

Wed 8am 5pm

Thurs Fri 8am 8am 7pm 5pm

RAGLAN Chronicle 7

EnviroMatters www.whaingaroa.org.nz



The Whaingaroa Environment Centre ▬▬▬▬▬

(07) 825-0480

Diving deeper

The night before Maui Dolphin Day, a panel of experts came to Raglan to dive deeper into Maui Dolphin conservation.

Another Wonderful Maui Dolphin Day! Thank to our funders: WWF, Forest and Bird, Tindall Foundation and the Raglan Lions Club. Special thanks for support and funding from the Department of Conservation. Thanks to the stallholders who brought us fun activities to teach us about the environment that we share with Maui Dolphin. We hope that everyone came away with an idea of what they can do to help save Mauis. You can keep rubbish out of the ocean by picking up litter or refusing plastic bags. Or download the Best Fish Guide app on your smart phone, so that you can make informed decisions when buying seafood. You can join KASM for just $10 a year to help in their battle against seabed mining. Or get up the mountain checking traps to restore biodiversity from mountain to sea with the Karioi Maunga ki te Moana project.

The DOC marine science team shared the recent survey results showing there are 5775 Maui Dolphins left. DOC is now working to identify research that will be used to update the Maui Dolphin Threat Management Plan in 2018. Stay tuned to feed into that plan next year! Dr Wendi Roe from Massey University shared her research into Toxoplasmosis, a parasite transmitted through cat faeces that has killed a number of Maui Dolphins. She highlighted there is still a lot we don’t know, like how the parasite makes it way from land or even exactly what Maui dolphins eat. Local scientist Dougal Greer from eCoast shared his work creating models which predict how substances move within the harbour and out to the coastal environment. The Waikato Regional Council (WRC) coastal science team also shared the results of their ongoing water quality monitoring programme which ensures it’s safe to take food and to swim in water along our coast. Kristel Van Houte from Karioi Maunga ki te Moana spoke about restoring local biodiversity and how the forest connects to the sea. Their work controlling predators, including feral cats, benefits not only seabirds but also the marine environment and Maui Dolphins.

They ran, they jumped and they paddled!! Alongside the Whaingaroa Environment Centre’s Maui Dolphin Day, the annual Xtreme Zero Waste Recycled Raft Race went off with another great splash!!. Even with only 6 rafts, this race is still a whole lot of fun. Well done to the winners: 1st Place and Best Raft – Raglan Kindergarten 2nd Place – Xtreme Zero Waste – Xtreme Jetstream 3rd Place and Best Junior Raft – Waitetuna School A big thanks to the other rafts: The Scottish Grunt and Kura Street Raiders – well done!! Our wonderful Whaingaroa Business Community played a big part in the race, through generous donations, each and every entry got a prize pack at the end of the day. A big thanks to LJ Hooker for their cash donation and supplying a safety boat on the day. After all of the hard work these guys put into their plans, creations and racing a little (or big) prize at the end helped make it all that little bit more worthwhile….thanks again Whaingaroa!! The race would not be possible, without the support of our local water safety organisations, thanks again Raglan Volunteer Coastguard for your support. Thanks to local EnviroMatters sponsors:

8 RAGLAN Chronicle


"like" us on Facebook!

Rick Thorpe from WEC spoke of tangata whenua concerns for Popoto/Maui Dolphins over the last 30 years . WEC hopes to connect with the many community organisations (like HarbourCare and Xtreme Zero Waste) who are already doing amazing work to protect our marine environment, to further develop a coordinated community strategy for Maui Dolphins. There is no single easy answer to Maui Dolphin conservation, their decline is an indicator of the health of our whole marine ecosystem, the fish we eat and the water we play in. No one agency or one community has the answer but Raglan is seen as a community that can lead the way. Bringing together researchers and the community has lead to meaningful discussions and we can continue to look for solutions. With the huge event turnout and positive public feedback, the WEC is keen to hold more evenings like this in the future. Those on the expert panel were impressed by a community that were “ switched on, engaged and asked such good questions” Dr Wendi Roe. We need to share information. Agencies and researchers need to hear from communities to work better with them, and communities need to know what is going on so they can take action “Our land actions are important. We need to collaborate..It’s about team work” - public feedback. We look forward to more discussions like this and more actions in the future!

The wonderful support from Raglan Kayaks ensured all rafters had life jackets and gave parents the opportunity to jump into a Kayak, if they wished to follow their children on their raft, they also provided extra eyes on the water during the race – thanks again Raglan Kayaks. So Whaingaroa….only 11 months to go until RACE TIME AGAIN!!....we look forward to seeing you all there next year. - Xtreme Zero Waste

‘LIKE’us on Facebook


Indicates there is a ‘Walk-through Video’

Open Day



Open Home





9 Mangakino Road

5 Karioi Crescent

Attractive Te Uku 3.8 acre Block The majority of this excellent block is of flat contour and there are plenty of potential building platforms for all day sun and to capture the surrounding rural and bush views. For those that work in Hamilton it is approximately a 20 minute drive to the city fringe with the beaches and cafes of seaside Raglan only a short 15 minute drive away giving you the best of both worlds. Very reasonable covenants apply.

Two Homes, Too Tempting! Opportunities such as this are always sought after but rarely found! The 1st dwelling was built in 2008 offering open plan kitchen and living areas, 2 bdrms and 1 bthrm plus large loft/storage space. The 2nd dwelling is a gorgeous and character filled 1 bdrm, 1 bthrm cottage. Totally private from each other this set up is suitable for a range of options. The 814m² section includes a garage, is fully fenced and features an assortment of fruit trees plus a tranquil lawn area at the rear. Auction 8th April LJ Hooker Raglan Contact Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Email mobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz sobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz View Saturday 1 - 1:45pm ljhooker.co.nz/196HFG

Auction 8th April LJ Hooker Raglan Contact Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Email mobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz sobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz View Saturday 11 - 11:30am ljhooker.co.nz/19EHFG



Open Home





50 Pond Road

29 Wallis Street

Lifestyle Living Here We Come!! Privately located and nestled in for rural and mountain views sits this 2007 built 2 bedroom home on just under an acre awaiting your comfortable lifestyle living. The home features a good sized lounge area with heatpump and has a stylish recently modernised kitchen with a Belling double oven and gas hob as well as a chrome dishwasher. A separate laundry room doubles as a back entry and is perfect to store your coats and put your footwear on out of the weather. There’s also the bonus of a sleepout for extra storage or space for family or friends staying over.

Bowl Me Over! Offering style, space and location 29 Wallis St is just a stroll from town, Harbour, Wharf, playgrounds and the bowling club. The modern 2 bedroom home enjoys a peek of the Sea and is pleasantly private and spacious, featuring open plan living areas opening onto a sunny North facing deck. A gorgeous sleepout tucked away at the rear of the section is a huge bonus. Fully fenced & off street parking for cars & the boat makes this very appealing for permanent or holiday living. Deadline 5.4.17 (Unless sold prior) Contact Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Email mobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz sobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz View Sat & Sun 2 - 2:45pm ljhooker.co.nz/19AHFG

For Sale Contact Email View


$445,000 Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 kleuthart.raglan@ljh.co.nz ljhooker.co.nz/198HFG


Open Home





1 Uenuku Avenue

3a Sunshine Rise

Retro Beach Bach or First Starter Home Located in a popular Raglan West street sits this tidy retro-styled beach bach or starter home awaiting your exclusive viewing. This ‘little cutie’ offers 2 double bedrooms and an open plan living area which opens out to a deck to enjoy the harbour view and all day sun. An internal access single garage keeps the car dry and another basement garage easily stores the tool bench and all the toys. Located on an near flat corner site conveniently across the road from the popular Raglan Roast Food Dept, famous for its famous Italian food and coffee. 1/2 share in 794m². We will see you there!

Recipe For Success Take one modern, double glazed, brick home, add 3 bedrooms, open plan living and internal access garage. Mix with easy care, freehold section and put in a cul-de-sac location close to popular Lorenzen Bay. The result is a comfortable, low maintenance home to suit many buyers, either as an easy care lock up and leave holiday home, great first home, low maintenance investment or a home for your retirement. This lovely, comfortable home will suit many so early viewing is highly recommended.

For Sale Contact Email View


For Sale Contact Email View

$475,000 Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 kleuthart.raglan@ljh.co.nz ljhooker.co.nz/19MHFG


Open Home



$499,000 Chrissy Cox - 027 287 1804 ccox.raglan@ljh.co.nz Saturday 1 - 1:30pm ljhooker.co.nz/19GHFG



6 Manukau Road

3664 State Highway 23

Sun Soaked with Sea Views Feel right at home in this comfortable, elevated and North facing 3 bdrm home. Previously renovated it still looks immaculate! Decking on 3 sides allows you to enjoy the gorgeous views of the Harbour & Mountain whatever the wind direction. Landscaped, low maintenance gardens and a short walk to town and the water just add to the appeal. This fantastic property is ideal for permanent or holiday living. One thing’s for sure... It won’t last long!

Spacious Lifestyle with Income Potential Be amazed when you enter the gates and drive through the lawns which surround the solid contemporary home. Featuring 3 double bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a spacious open plan modern kitchen and living area accentuated by high sarked timber ceilings adding to the charm. A big downstairs rumpus room could be a 4th bedroom and there is a 2nd living area upstairs currently used as an office. A short drive to Raglan and Hamilton city under 30 mins away. Call Kyle for more details today!

For Sale $525,000 Contact Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Email mobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz sobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz View ljhooker.co.nz/18SHFG

For Sale Contact Email View

$695,000 Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 kleuthart.raglan@ljh.co.nz Sunday 11 - 11:45am ljhooker.co.nz/19JHFG

Chrissy Cox

Matt Sweetman

Kyle Leuthart

Michelle O’Byrne

Stephen O’Byrne

Sandra Bowditch

027 287 1804

021 624 826

021 903 309

021 969 878

021 969 848

021 751 759

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Raglan Property Manager

*NB Boundary lines on photos are approximate & merely a guide. All information contained herein is gathered from sources we deem reliable. However we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely upon their own enquiries.

LJ Hooker Raglan (07) 825 7170 •

25-27 Bow Street , Raglan • George Boyes & Co Limited Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008

RAGLAN Chronicle 9






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P L U M B I N G & G A S LT D Grant Mathis 07 825 0523 or 027 222 0156 grantmathis.gm@gmail.com


For all your Welding and Metalwork needs, as well as Hydraulic Hoses and Fittings, pay a visit to Peter at Raglan Engineering.

10 RAGLAN Chronicle

• CERTIFIED GAS FITTER • MAINTENANCE, NEW BUILDS, LIGHT COMMERCIAL • LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED Offering a reliable, friendly service combined with quality workmanship.

Contact Peter on 825-8486 or see him 8am-5pm at 2 Park Drive, Raglan

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4/10/07 3:17:13 PM

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For advertising inquiries: Contact the Raglan Chronicle on 07 825 7076 or email us at: info@raglanchronicle. co.nz

WED 5 APR R A G L A N R A M B L E R S 10:15am from Wainui Rd car park - walk to yoga class.

Raglan MOVIES at the Old School





OF THE PACIFIC Kiwi-Pacific comedy love story on a sinking island.

87 mins. M Violence,

offensive language, nudity

Saturday 1st 8.00 Sunday 2nd 4.30 ______________________

Reserve on our website

raglanmovies.nz or phone 825 0023

We welcome you to join us for a PASSOVER MEAL Monday 10th April 6.00pm at the Union Church Hall 3 Stewart St. For additional information & to RSVP by Wed 5th April Contact Sharyn Coull 282 0942 or 021 234 7300

JOIN THE RAGLAN CLUB $25 per year $500 accumulating draw every Friday Live entertainment most Fridays Left Hand Break Restaurant – Excellent meals at reasonable prices (group bookings welcome). Pool, darts, snooker gaming, indoor/ outdoor bowls & TAB Family Friendly plus BBQ area Big Screen Courtesy Vans Wed to Sun from 4pm.

Raglan Club Inc. Open Day for the whole family!

Friday 31st March

Live Music, BBQ $15 (family of 4) or $6 per head LHB is closed for the night

Bouncy Castle, Games, Fun Happy Fish Band play for the kids 4pm to 5pm and then from 6pm -BBQ from 5pmPublic most welcome! Come and see what we’ve got!

For Sale F I R E W O O D D R Y- 2 M - 2 M : Pine $160, Native $190, Gum $190. Delivered, ph. 0210771524. F I R E W O O D MANUKA DRY $130 per m3, delivered. Ph. 825 0522.

In My Good Books Quality 2nd hand books Open Thurs - Sun from 10am 2 Wallis St Books wanted.

a ta m i ra . c o. n z

Knitwear going off! Standard Issue M a r l e, S h j a r k Assembly Label Cotton Rib, Merino, Cashmere, Mohair …don’t miss out :)

Wanted to Let

INTRO TO TAROT WORKSHOP 2 APRIL 2017 10am4:30pm, $100. Txt/ph. Chrissy, 027 66 44 261. FREE BUDGET SERVICE AND CAREER-TREE CV WRITING SERVICE. Raglan Community House @ 45 Bow St. Nau mai Haere mai. For appt. Ph: 07-8258142 Email: info@theraglanhouse. co.nz.*Sponsored by RC

Services Offered

ASHBY, BARRY passed away Saturday 25 March. Loved father and grandfather. Memorial service will be held on Friday 31 march at 1pm at the Hamilton East Methodist Church, Wellington St. Hamilton East.

Services Offered

FLUE SERVICES & log fire inspection $100 and all flue and log fire repairs ph mark 021457342 or 078298103.

H I B E R N AT I N G THIS WINTER? No! Then come along to the Raglan Light Exercise Group. Our exercise programs are formulated for people in our Community who are in their twilight years, or need medical rehabilitation. St. Peters Hall, Monday and Thursday at 10am. Everybody is most welcome.

Situations Vacant SCHOOL BUS DRIVER Go Bus Transport have a part time, position available in the Raglan/Te Mata area transporting students to and from school. The position is school terms only therefore giving you 12 weeks of the year for holidays. This school run requires a small bus therefore while a class 2 driver’s licence could be an advantage, it is not essential. Full training will be given to the successful applicant. You will require a full class 1 driver’s licence, a great attitude, be reliable and communicate well with students.

Situations Vacant EXPERIENCED PERSON required for plumbing work, delivery, general mintenance. Early start required. References a must. Please email: frank@mirofeeds.co.nz

Public Notices

Our recruitment process includes Drug Testing and a Police Vetting Check. Please contact Joanne Burman on 07 828 7037 or 021 747 191. Or email Joanne.Burman@gobus.co.nz.


- Peace and tranquility -Surfing, fishing, bush walks - Cabins, powered sites, tent sites PH 07 825 6800

SENIOR RETAIL BUYER The Senior Retail Buyer is responsible for all international and local buying, planning, developing product from concept to market, and implementing a buying and ranging strategy that focuses on engaging the target customer. You will be enhancing business direction and delivering maximum profitability for future growth. The role: *Forecasting trends to establish a buying plan within company budgets *Negotiating with local and international wholesalers *Providing costings, implementing pricing and marketing strategies *Monitoring and analysing sales data *Managing stock levels *Research, design and development of footwear, apparel & accessories *Ongoing collaboration with the Director


Your skills: *3-5 years experience buying for a men’s clothing or footwear retailer *In depth knowledge and understanding of key NZ and Australian markets, International knowledge is a bonus *Design and product development *Current working relationships with relevant New Zealand and Australian wholesalers *Current working relationships with footwear and leather goods manufactures in Indian/China *Marketing, promotions and styling experience for online retail *Experience planning, merchandising and management of bricks and mortar retail *In-depth understanding and experience analysing margin, gross profit, and sales data *Photoshop - Intermediate level required *Working knowledge of CIN7 inventory management system *Working knowledge of the Magento e-Commerce platform *Sound understanding of social media platforms and trends *Top level negotiating skills *Works autonomously to strict deadlines

NIC’S CLEAN CUTZ For all your: - Mowing - Weed Wack - Yard Clean Up & - Gardening Needs Call Nic Spry on 027 665 2204

Commercial To Let

SECURE METALLED YARD FOR LEASE 1500m2, ready now at Nau Mai Business Park. HIAB & Trailer friendly access. Other sizes available for Sale or Lease. Ph Bob Carter 021 825 869, or 07 825 8690 TASMAN LANDS Ltd

SUN 2 APR @ YOT CLUB Final Raglan Sunday Sessions of the season! Good vibes n’ good tunes in the SAT 1 APR yard from 4:20pm. @ YOT CLUB Cover charge after Contenders, Poverty 7pm. + Spit, Blamethrower. *Yot Club shuts at 1am, Punk rock music to no entry after midnight. entertain the masses. Free pickup and drop, text 0211034156. $10 at the door.

*Sponsored by RC

WANTED TO RENT Servicing Raglan, Te Urgently required 1 Uku & Te Mata or 2bdrm cosy, quiet cottage, bach or flat for conscientious lady. For Hire No pets or bad habits. Local refs available. CASTLE Pls Phone/Msg BOUNCY for Hire: Great 0274466303. entertainment for the kids, call Vicki Work Wanted 8257575. SEWING WORK WANTED Anything Public Notices considered. Please phone 07 825 7529. BUILDING FOR LEASE: 100sq metres. High stud. Secure. Phone Ray 07 282 1824 or 027 202 2575.

FRI 31 MAR @ YOT CLUB S i n g e r- s o n g w r i t e r Dan Wilcox // DJ Sweep. From 9pm.


FRI 31 APR RAGLAN CLUB INC. Members draw: $500. Drawn between 6:30pm and 8pm.

Courses, classes & workshops

You must be: *Based at the business headquarters in Raglan, New Zealand *Prepared to travel within New Zealand and Internationally *Have a relevant clean drivers licence Your strong business acumen, planning and negotiating skills are required for this fast paced online & bricks and mortar retailer. We look forward to hearing what you can bring to this dynamic role. Applicants for this position should have NZ residency or a valid NZ work visa. Send CV and covering letter before 30th April to roleapplications@ xtra.co.nz.

  EASTER HOURS

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Easter Fri 14th April – Site Closed Sat 15th April – Site Open 12.30-4.30 Sun 16th April – Site Open 8.30-4.30 Easter Mon 17th April – Site Open 12.30-4.30 Tues 18th April – Site Closed Easter Weekend Kerbside Collection Easter Monday – No kerbside collection Tues 18th April – Raglan West Wed 19th April – Raglan East ANZAC DAY – Tuesday 25th April Kerbside Collection Mon 24th April – Raglan West Tues 25th April – Raglan East Collections as per normal

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RAGLAN Chronicle 11


Raglan Real Estate Ltd Licenced (REAA 2008)







+CARPORT • This tastefully and cleverly renovated home is immaculately presented and situated in one of Raglan’s premier street locations





2 A haven of peacefulness on 3 acres of headland with water on three sides poking its nose into the wide Opotoru Estuary on Raglan Harbour. The township is only 3km away! The house is architecturally designed with traditional board and batten joinery, capturing views and sun. Open plan on two levels the living wing boasts vaulted ceilings and state of the art kitchen. Step down to a central log burning fire to the living space with end wall glass and wide-opening French doors to a covered deck. The bedroom wing contains a spacious master and second bedroom. A separate 2 car garage conveniently providing extra storage and laundry space. Hidden from all but the water is the equipped and fitted out boatshed ready for summer guests, or use as your own private art studio. Kayaks, paddle-boards or small boats can be securely housed in a lockup annex ready to be launched and a workshop come storage-shed for the mower and machinery completes the building.

• The ground floor boasts a modern kitchen, two lounges, dining room, and 3 bedrooms • The master bedroom with ensuite, walk in wardrobe and private lounge area are situated on the top floor that includes a deck with views over Raglan harbour and beyond • A short stroll to town, airstrip, boat ramp and the beach • This property is sure to be desirable for the buyer with keen eye, be quick to view to avoid disappointment.



Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282

ID#RAG22772 David Gray 027 224 1228








2 • • • • •

AUCTION 7.4.17 RAY WHITE OFFICE 6PM A quaint home secluded and nestled into the greenery and providing a private, north facing dream spot 2 spacious bedrooms upstairs with shower and 1 bedroom downstairs with bathroom A large carport provides sheltered access to your house The beach access is at your doorstep Prior Auction offers considered.



Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282



• A desirable 4 bedroom home plus extra accommodation • Accessible by a private right of way and only 10 minutes from Raglan • Tranquil water views and large flat front section • Fishing, floundering, mussels and water sports at your beckon • Situated on 1265m² more or less • Be quick as this property will soon disappear from the market for another 20 years!







VIEW OPEN HOME SAT/SUN 1PM Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 OR BY APPT Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282 ID#RAG22768





• Nothing to do here, all the hard work has been done! • New kitchen with quality chattels • New double garage with workshop space • ½ share in 1616 square metres more or less • Prior Auction offers considered

• •

• •

ID#RAG22771 Graham Rope 021 222 7427



+Sleepout 10m2 - no consent





ID#RAG22744 Graham Rope 021 222 7427


VIEW BY APPOINTMENT Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282





• Elevated and beautifully positioned to capture the sun and north facing views of the harbour • A solid near new home - just a walk to Cox Bay • Easy care landscaped grounds • Prior auction offers considered.




• Cool little Bach on Violet Street with great northfacing views over the harbour • This is a perfect lock up and leave and/or Holiday Rental • The main dwelling has a kitchen, lounge, large bedroom and compact bathroom with an excellent shower • The sleepout can fit two singles or a double bed • Currently used as a Bookabach with gross rental income $15,000.00 per year approximately.

Teresa Wilkinson (PA) 021 173 9945



Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 2PM OR BY APPT Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282



AUCTION 7.4.17 RAY WHITE OFFICE 6PM A hidden gem with amazing water and mountain views An immaculately presented home with 3 large bedrooms upstairs The living area allows great indoor-outdoor flow onto deck providing an ideal entertainment area Large double garage and fourth bedroom downstairs with internal access and the bonus of an extra carpeted area currently utilized as an office Low maintenance section, room for the boat and complete with substantial smokehouse Ideally located, walking distance to town, beach and school. Prior Auction offers considered.


Teresa Wilkinson (PA) 021 173 9945


2 • •





• For those seeking the lock-up and leave lifestyle, come and discover modern living at its absolute best! • Situated on 624m2 in the quiet cul-de-sac of Puka Place • Offering all the comforts and conveniences of 21st century living! • This property won’t last long make an appointment to view today. • Prior Auction offers considered.


ID#RAG22726 David Gray 027 224 1228








• Looking for the ideal lifestyle block close to Surf beaches? This is worthy of your viewing! • Situated close to the surf club at Ngarunui beach and beautiful native bush walks near the coastline and Mount Karioi • A sought after location being only minutes to Manu Bay and Indicators, legendary surf breaks in Raglan • Create your dream build here on 5318m2 more or less. Completed Geo-tech report and covenants available with consented architectural designed house plans as a bonus. • Prior Auction offers considered

• Vendor will consider offers over $500,000

ID#RAG22778 Graham Rope 021 222 7427



Teresa Wilkinson (PA) 021 173 9945

• Ideal first home or rental investment • 2 bedrooms upstairs with open plan kitchen, dining and living • The added bonus of a separate bedroom / living area downstairs with separate access from house provides options to develop as a space for extra income potential • ½ share in 814 square metres more less

VIEW OPEN HOME SUN 1PM OR BY APPT Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282

21 Bow St, Raglan Phone: 07 825 8669 Fax: 07 825 7410 Website: www.rwraglan.co.nz Email: raglan.nz@raywhite.com 12 RAGLAN Chronicle

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