Raglan Chronicle

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Whaingaroa news for you weekly

Community Cash

Nga Ripo o Whaingaroa

31st May 2018 - Issue #596

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Junior Sports


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Raglan Couriers Raglan Couriers 3 times daily 3 times daily morning/midday/afternoon morning/midday/afternoon

Local Business Serving Raglan District Since 1996 Local Business Serving Raglan District Since 1996

RAGLAN Chronicle 1


Support our local eateries! Hours and specials below.


Reduce the speed at Te Uku: Te Uku residents and businesses have come together to start a petiton to reduce the speed at Te Uku from 80km/h to 60km/h. Details below:


This space could be yours. Email the Chronicle for more details. info@raglanchronicle.co.nz

Turkish Kebabs on Plates & Pitas plus beverages & more 10:30 to 9pm | 29 Bow St - 07 825 0202

Open 9am - 7pm Wed - Sunday Closed Mon-Tues

(07) 825 8761

Phone orders welcome! *Fish & Chips* *Burgers* *Weekly Specials* The store with a lot more!

Fish n’ Chips Group Bookings Inside/Outside Seating 92 Wallis St - 07 825 7544

Te Kopua Camp Store, Marine Parade, Raglan

wa o k u l o d ge @ g m a i l .co m

Real Fruit Ice Cream Burritos - Wraps Soup - Salad Volcom Lane & Chilli Open 7 days from 11:30

Open for Dinner Thur, Fri & Sat from 5:30pm 248 Wainui Rd | 07 825 8233 Open 7 Days a Week From 9am



open seven days a week N O

1 9 B o w S t r e e t 07 8 2 5 0 0 2 7

Te Uku residents start petition to address concerns about dangerous stretch of road

Open 7 Days 8am - 4pm

Breakfast/Lunch 7 Days

Express Lunch 3 Courses - $15 Monday - Friday Only 43 Rose St 07 825 0010

Breakfast - Lunch-Dinner 7 days

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HAWKEN & CO. Wally Hawken


07 825 8064 0274 968 417


n a bid to reduce the likelihood of a tragic accident occurring outside Te Uku school, the Roast office and Te Uku store, local Te Uku Businesses have started a petition to reduce the speed limit to 60km/h from 80km/h.

Rata, Bobo and Sandra witness how dangerous the area is on a daily basis and have taken the initiative to get community support. You can sign the petition at the school, Raglan Roast office Te Uku and Volcom Lane, anas well as at the Te Uku store.


hawkenandco@hotmail.co.nz PO Box 130, Raglan


10am - Family Service and Children’s Ministry Thursdays 3-5pm - 7C’s Bible Club for Children Visitors Cherished

This week's weather is sponsored by The Raglan Project.

3 Stewart St – 07 825 8276 or 07 825 8028

1 Wallis St | Ph 825 8881 Weather

Raglan Weather & Tides

Map Check www.weathermap.co.nz for latest forecasts Forecasts Forecast generated on Wednesday 30 May Max Summary Wind Waves* Tides* Sun temp (C) (km/hr) (m) (High/Low) (Rise/Set) Fri

Sunny with some cloud


E 15 E 15

am pm


L 05:40 am H 11:40 am L 05:50 pm


Cloudy with Showers


E 30 E 30

am pm



12:00 06:10 12:20 06:20

am am pm pm

R 07:30 am S 05:06 pm

Pastor Roger Peart ph 07 825 5199


Cloudy with Showers


NE 35 NE 25

am pm



12:40 06:50 01:00 07:00

am am pm pm

R 07:31 am S 05:05 pm





NE 30 E 20

am pm



01:20 07:40 01:40 07:50

am am pm pm

R 07:32 am S 05:05 pm


Rain with possible thunder storms


NE 10 SW 5

am pm


H 02:10 am L 08:30 am H 02:30 pm

R 07:32 am S 05:05 pm


Sunny with some cloud


S 20 S 20

am pm


R 07:33 am S 05:05 pm


Sunny with some cloud


SW 20 am SW 20 pm


R 07:33 am S 05:04 pm


10am Raglan Area School 7pm Te Uku Church

Raglan Ink Ltd home of the Raglan Chronicle Office Open Mon - Fri 9.00am - 4.00pm, Wainui Rd, Raglan Ph: (07) 825-7076 Fax: (07) 825-7078 Post: P.O. Box 234, Raglan Email: info@raglanchronicle.co.nz Advertising & Articles The advertising and editorial content deadline will be Monday at 12pm week of issue. DISCLAIMER

Opinions and views expressed in the Raglan Chronicle do not necessarily represent those held by the Editors or Publishers. Every care will be taken in the preparation and placement of submitted material but the Editors/Publishers shall not be liable for errors or omissions or subsequent effects due to the same. It is the submitters responsibility to ensure material is not libelous or defamatory. The Editors/Publishers reserve the right to abridge, alter or decline any material submitted to the Raglan Chronicle to meet the constraints of space and/or maintain a reasonable standard of language and decorum.

2 RAGLAN Chronicle

R 07:30 am S 05:06 pm

*Total significant wave height and *Tide times for Raglan Bar

THE RAGLAN PROJECT Your local home and building project supplier. Call us on 825 8881 or drop in to see us at 1 Wallis St. OPEN MON - SAT 8am - 5pm.

Businesses look to communitybased patrol to address crime


Raglan Surf Co.was the latest business to be hit by burglers.

he Raglan Surf Co is the third local business to come under the attack of a ram-raid/theft in the Raglan CBD this year. The local surf shop was hit last Tuesday 22 May at 3am. After reviewing CCTV footage, Police confirmed that the vehicle used in the ram-raid was one of four vehicles stolen from Huntly late Monday night (May 21). The current string of burglaries started

in February with FallenFront, who was hit three times in a row, followed by the Surf Emporium at the beginning of May. Business owners and community members are pushing authorities for an immediate solution to the late night crime. “There are not enough prevention methods in place to keep this from happening. Unfortunately, Police do not have the resources to adequately support the community at this time, but something has to be done” said Karamea Puriri, Administrator for the Raglan Chamber of Commerce.

The Raglan Chamber has been in contact with MP Barbara Kuriger who will be supporting the community, Chamber and Council to explore a viable solution. A few days after last week’s ram-raid, Surf Co Director Luke Hughes met with The Raglan Community Patrol’s Narina Hurst to gain a better understanding of how the Community Patrol operates and how the community can better support them in the work that they do. “If the authorities are not able to give us the support we need, then we as a community need to step up and do it ourselves,” stated Luke. “There are only 14 volunteers on the Community Patrol. There are a few younger volunteers (aged 50-60), but it’s mostly retirees or senior citizens on the job. And realistically, they don’t have the manpower to be driving around in the middle of the night.” The Community Patrol is not a security service, but a volunteer operation, that liaises directly with the Police. Narina would love to see more younger and able volunteers signup and show their support for the community. More volunteers would mean more nights and longer times on the street, which would help provide a deterrent to potential disturbances. The Community Patrol operates in pairs and patrols the CBD, surf beaches, the wharf, Bridal Veil falls and car parks. With a Police radio in the volunteer car, they are able to directly communicate any issues they come across, but they do not get involved. Formerly called the Raglan Night Owls, The Raglan Community Patrol is affiliated with the National Community Patrols of NZ and volunteers must go through a Police vetting and have a time of initiation and training. Raglan Chronicle If you are interested in becoming a Community Patrol volunteer, contact Narina Hurst on 07 825 8473.

Also at H.G Webb House, Cnr Boundary & Victoria Streets, Hamilton

Mobile: 0220441328

Email: info@miss-spell.nz

Website: www.miss-spell.nz Contact: Merren Tait

SUPPORT OUR SUPPORTERS! The businesses and individuals advertising in the Raglan Chronicle are participating not only to promote their businesses, but to show their support for our community paper – so be sure to tell them you saw them in the Raglan Chronicle. Local businesses are the foundation of our community - and they make it possible for us to bring the Raglan Chronicle to you.

A bit of paradise

Don’t miss out on stage two


RAGLAN Chronicle 3

Tarot Talk


ello again from Tarot Talk - a weekly column in which I introduce a Tarot card for the week and provide a little information about it. I hope you continue to enjoy this space.

This week's cards is The Lovers. This card usually indicates that a choice needs to be made, perhaps a choice between two loves. When you see the Lovers card think about where in your life you are facing a choice. The choices presented are usually two completely separate options and present themselves somewhere in your life as options you must weigh carefully before making a decision for whatever you select, the rest of your life will follow down that path and you will be forever a new person - for better or worse. When the Lovers comes up, you must be completely honest with yourself in the situation. Deeply examine your motives, your feelings and your options. This decision is something which is fundamental – a major life or lifestyle choice and there is nothing trivial about it. The choice that The Lovers presents is almost always one that has moral over or undertones. Your own value system may be being challenged, and you may need to make a definite choice based on your values. The Lovers can indicate a moral or ethical crossroads and can show a need to overcome temptation. Following your own path can mean going against those who are urging you in a direction that is wrong for you. This card suggests a need to maintain a firm belief in yourself, and trust that your own moral values and principles will show you the right path, even when intoxicating forces are tempting you to take the wrong one.

More information about this card can be found on my Tarot Talk Facebook page https:// www.facebook.com/tarottalknz/ Tarot readings and tuition are available by appointment. Txt Chrissy on 027 6644261.


Raglan Community Te Kohao Health Medical Centre Your Medical Clinic hao Health Nau Mai Haere Mai

Raglan, Te Kohao Health our Medical Clinic

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u Mai Haere Mai

Dedicated in the memory of Dr Tom Ellison

Telephone: 825 0114 After hours: Anglesea Clinic Healthline

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Mon Open 8am Close 7pm

Tues 8am 7pm

4 RAGLAN Chronicle

Wed 8am 7pm

Thurs Fri 8am 8am 7pm 5pm

Bags of work but upcyclers have big order all sewn up

Sew busy: from left Vicky, Maureen and Hazel at work at The Pantry.


y its nature the Raglan Upcycling Co-op likes a challenge – so when the innovatory group was asked to produce 400 local, ethical, environmentally friendly conference bags a couple of months ago there was little hesitation. It did seem “rather a lot … a huge number”, Vicky Beeby told the Chronicle last Monday at downtown cafe The Pantry, where the co-op’s sewing machines had been set up for a morning’s work amid the usual throng of eatery patrons. But when fellow co-op member Hazel Lewis reasoned it meant making only one bag each a day to meet their mid-year deadline, the project suddenly looked more manageable. “I don’t know if I’d want to do 400 again though,” Hazel concedes as the quartet celebrate the end of their marathon effort. “But the nice thing about a co-op is that we work collaboratively,” Vicky chimes in. And that has made all the difference to the small group who often sewed together around Vicky’s large dining table before the weekly gatherings at The Pantry were instigated. The co-op’s colourful collection of conference bags – upcycled from the likes of skirts and shirts, old curtains and duvet

covers – is set to be delivered to the NZATE National English Teachers’ Conference being held in Hamilton in July. Vicky and Hazel along with fellow co-op members Maureen Dellow-Jackson and Di Jennings are proud of their latest achievement, convinced they can handle any bulk orders or custom pieces that come their way. Says Maureen: “We also make a lot of cushions, while Di does hats and jerkins from crocheted doilies.” Then there’s the tiny tooth fairy bags, just big enough to fit a two-dollar coin inside. And the denim “cuffs” Vicky’s currently working on that fit neatly round recycled drinking jars to stop fingers from burning. “We make whatever we get inspiration for,” says Maureen. Hazel hopes to make jewellery from old necklaces, for instance, and has thought about dangly earrings out of sewing machine bobbins. The group’s ‘go to’ spots for cast-offs from which to create new products are local waste management success story Xtreme Zero Waste and the op shops around town. “Amazing” men’s shirts made of cottons and linens make great bag linings, Maureen explains, while Hazel reckons

she picked up a Trelise Cooper mini-skirt – with a few beads missing – at Xtreme for $4 and from it made two bags which sold for $20 apiece. Local businesses like Scintilla Clothing and Moz-Art also supply the sewing enthusiasts with “beautiful” fabric edges too small to use in their own creations. The co-op morphed just this year from Bag It – a volunteer sewing group coordinated by Vicky and Di – which over two years made and gave away more than 1500 reusable shopping bags to locals as part of Raglan’s Plastic Bag Free initiative. Four of those Bag It women thought ‘what next’, deciding they all liked sewing and wanted an income from it – albeit a modest one. “We pay ourselves (under) the minimum wage,” Maureen points out. And they’re all very communityminded. Retirees Maureen and Hazel are volunteers at Matapihi Art Gallery, and Hazel is also at Trade Aid downtown, while Di volunteers at Timebank Raglan. Young mum Vicky too says upcycling is not all she does – fitting it in with her job at Let’s Grow Early Learning Centre – “but it’s pretty key to who I am”. “We’re creativity-before-consumption people,” she adds. Edith Symes

Generators prevent overflows in Raglan T he Greenslade Road generator installed in Raglan in March has already done its bit to prevent an overflow into the harbour. One of Waikato District Council’s portable generators was also used for the first time after the Marine Parade pump station lost power in early April. The generator ran uninterrupted for more than 24 hours and almost certainly prevented an overflow from occurring. The generators are just a small piece of work which forms part of Council’s Wastewater Overflow Continuous Improvement Programme and will ensure the pumps in the area continue to work if there is a power outage. This will in turn

protect the harbour from overflows. Portable generators have been used in Raglan during this year’s storms to keep the pump stations operating when the town experiences loss of power, but as Greenslade Road is tricky to navigate, especially in wet weather and in the middle of the night, it was decided a permanent generator was needed at this location. General Manager Service Delivery Ian Cathcart says the back-up and portable generators are an important part of a districtwide commitment to reducing overflows or wastewater leaks into our environment. Cleaning, inspections and smoke testing also continues in Raglan to assist this work. Mr Cathcart says the public also have an important part to play in our objective

of reducing wastewater spills across the Waikato district. About 80% of wastewater overflows in the district from 2014-16 were caused by blockages. The main causes of these blockages were foreign objects such as wipes, clothing, sanitary pads and nappies being flushed down toilets, and grease, oil and food scraps being poured down the kitchen sink. Council continues to roll out a public education campaign that aims to inform the community that they should only flush pee, poo and paper down the loo and that grease, fats and oils should be disposed in the bin instead of down the sink. WDC

News from West Coast Health Clinic


est Coast Health Clinic would like to update the community about online helath portal, ManageMyHealth as well as give the community some updates about winter sicknesses.

ManageMyHealth Patient Portal Update • This online service will allow you to book appointments with your doctor

• Request repeat prescriptions • View lab results • Send secure electronic messages to your doctor • Update some of your personal information • Receive recall and appointment reminders We are now enrolling patients for this service. Registering is simple - just call into the clinic and talk to one of our receptionists or

email your interest to admin@westcoasthealth. co.nz and someone will contact you with further details. • You will need to provide a personal email address and proof of identity • You must be 18 years old or over to sign up • We will provide you with an activation code and instructions on how to complete your registration online. ManageMyHealth is hosted in a secure environment in New Zealand. Similar to internet banking, your records are protected by Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology to ensure your information is completely safe and secure. We rely on you to keep your password a secret and to take all reasonable measures to protect your information. Take control of your health and join today! INFLUENZA - The Waikato DHB has notified practices in the area that they are concerned we will be hit hard with influenza this year due to the Northern Hemisphere having had a particularly bad season. Experts are predicting that the same strain of influenza will come to New Zealand. Immunisation is

the best protection available against influenza let’s not catch Influenza and let’s not spread it. New data out says that four out of five people infected show no signs of influenza. These carriers could have spread the virus among their family, co-workers and classmates without ever realising it. The influenza vaccination is funded for those at most risk of complications from influenza – those 65 years of age and older, pregnant women, others with a chronic condition such as asthma, diabetes, cancer etc. Please book in with a nurse for your free vaccination if you qualify. If you don’t qualify for it to be funded, you can pay $25 for the vaccination. SORE THROATS – Sore throats can lead to rheumatic fever. All sore throats in Māori and Pacific children and young people aged 4 – 19 years living in the Waikato need to be checked. Even a mild sore throat or a hoarse throat can be caused by strep and can go on to cause rheumatic fever if left untreated. Get all sore throats seen and swabbed quickly to prevent rheumatic fever and heart damage. WCHC

Whaingaroa ratepayer questions council’s efficiency

This image shows the rubbish that was reported to council in 2016.


hoddy repair work by council contractors has become a bugbear for Otonga Valley Road resident Clive Hobson and he worries it is the tip of the iceberg of council inadequacies. “I find it really hard to imagine that this road is the only road that they are slack with.” Clive’s proud of his patch of paradise in Otonga Valley and he’s the type of guy who likes things to be ship shape and wellmaintained. The 70-year-old used to help keep the weeds down at the council reserve across the road until he was required to adhere to the 2016 Health and Safety legislation and he mows his berm as per the new council bylaw. The retired builder is a firm believer that doing a job right the first time and keeping up with maintenance helps save money in the long run. After many phone calls and emails about issues with fallen over road signs, rubbish down road banks and noxious weeds on council reserve land, Clive believes council needs to held accountable for the inferior repair work in the district and slow reaction time to ratepayer complaints. Clive was flabbergasted at the slapdash way contractors re-erected the signs, which included a children-crossing and a 20km sign. “They retrieved the signs and put them back in holes which would have filled up with dirt. They were even further out of the ground than they originally were. I touched

one with my finger tips and it nearly fell over, a stiff breeze would have sent it over and I worry that it is a hazard to pedestrians.” The sign has since been fixed again but Clive still doesn’t believe the sign has been adequately reinstalled. “Surely, if you are paying someone to do a job you want it done right the first time.” An email Clive received at one point in the exchange outlined that council’s contractors would come and remove the signs. “Do children not have a value anymore? That sign was put there to remind motorists that there are children walking on the road.” The 20km signs are just as vital, Clive says as the temporary bridge is more like a BMX ramp and it would be dangerous to take it at a higher speed. The temporary bridge is also a cause for concern for Clive and he has had exchanges with council regarding this matter which have changed from the bridge being fixed under insurance claims to it no longer being covered by insurance, to an uncertainty over when it will in fact be fixed. An issue with dumped rubbish dating back two years has also got Clive questioning council’s capabilities. It was that long ago that dead wandering dew he sprayed revealed several black rubbish bags down a bank near the bridge and by the time council responded the rubbish was buried under the new plant growth. A Waikato District Council spokesperson

This photo shows the same spot fas left image but from earlier in May 2018 where rubbish was found. The rubbish is still there but over the past two years vegetation has grown over the rubbish to cover it up.

acknowledges that the structural integrity of the signs was not adequate and they are sending contractors out to concrete in the signs and a maintenance crew will be going back this week to look for the rubbish again. In response to the temporary bridge issue the spokesperson says, last year culverts were not included on council’s schedule

of assets to be covered by insurance and the temporary bridge is now an uninsured asset. The programme of roading works is done on a priority basis throughout the district and the bridge will be permanently repaired when funding becomes available. Janine Jackson

Above images show the repair work done on various signs. The signs have been put straight back into the ground again, without removing the dirt that had fallen in to the hole from the signs originally falling over, which can be shown by the section of unpoainted pole at the bottom of the sign.

RAGLAN Chronicle 5

28th May to 3rd June 2018 Fresh Cut Broccoli



$ 69


Fresh NZ Pork Leg Roast (Excludes Free Range)


$ 50

$ 99






$ 00

$ 99

$ 99

Wattie’s Whole/ Crushed Tomatoes 400g

Ploughmans Bakery Bread 750g

Coke/Sprite/ Fanta/Lift/L&P 2.25L




Fresh NZ Topside Steak/ Roast Beef



Kiwi Soft Toilet Tissue White 18 Pack


Loose Jazz Apples



$ 00

$ 89 kg


Kellogg’s Sultana Bran/Nutri-Grain/ Coco Pops/Special K 290-420g (Excludes Special K Fruits)


(Excludes Hop Lager)


2 for


$ 99

$ 00

Montana Classic/ Selaks 750ml

The Natural Confectionery Co./ Pascall Family Bag 165-260g


(Excludes Selaks Reserve/ Founders/Taste Collection)

Owned & operated

by locals 6 RAGLAN Chronicle




DB/Export Citrus/Gold/Tui 12 x 330ml Bottles/Cans

SuperValue Raglan: 16-18 Bow Street. Ph 825 8300. Open 7am�–�9pm, 7 Days. While stocks last at SuperValue Raglan only. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Trade not supplied.

Please drink responsibly

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Young local surfers picked for New Zealand Junior Surfing Team


resh from the announcement of the impressive New Zealand Surfing Team, twelve talented juniors were named in the New Zealand Junior Surfing Team last Wednesday, including Brie Bennet and Kora Cooper from Raglan.

Top image: Brie Bennet. Bottom image: Kora Cooper. Both young surfers competed at the 2018 Health 2000 National Surfing Championships held in Gisborne this year. Image: Cory / NZ Surfing Magazine.

The junior team sees a strong showing from Raglan, Bay of Plenty and Christchurch with three surfers a piece, as well as surfers being selected from Gisborne, Whangarei and Oakura Brie Bennett and Caleb Cutmore (Ham) were the last Kiwi surfers to compete in an international event when they took on the Rip Curl GromSearch International Final staged at Raglan earlier this month. The youngest surfer in the team is 14-year-old Kora Cooper who is joined by Tom Robinson (Whangarei) and Myka Black (Chch) in the Under 16 Boys Division. The three young surfers will have to predominantly draw on their domestic experience gained here in New Zealand as they take on the best in the world and immerse themselves in the international arena. The team will compete at the 2018 VISSLA ISA World Junior Championship being held at Huntington Beach, California, USA from the 27th October – 4thNovember. In 2017 the New Zealand Team placed tenth overall. USA won the event beating Hawaii, Japan and Australia who finished second through fourth respectively. The championship is the largest junior surfing event in the world playing host to over 300 surfers from 41 nations in 2017 when the event was held in Japan. 2018 marks the first year that all divisions are gender equal at the event with three surfers in each of the four divisions contested. SNZ

News In Brief: Karioi Still Closed


uring an interview on Raglan Community Radio this week a DOC Ranger stated that one of the tracks on Mt Karioi was open but this was not correct.

DOC rang the station the next day to clarify that the entire mountain is still closed while they collect data on the spread of myrtlerRust. They are 80% of the way through the work and will let us know when the mountain will be opening soon. Head to https://www.doc.govt.nz/nature/ pests-and-threats/diseases/myrtle-rust/ to find out more about myrtle rust.

Raglan Art to Wear


aglan's very own #WearableArts extravaganza, the biennial Raglan Art to Wear show is back again this wekend. A hugely popular show that attract a large number of entries, mostly from Raglan but also from Hamilton and the greater Waikato. Raglan Art to Wear is in 2018 will be held in the Raglan Town Hall. There are three full shows: • Saturday 2nd June 2pm – Full Show • Saturday 2nd June 7pm – Full Show including Adult’s Awards Presentation (sold out) • Sunday 3rd June 2pm – Full Show including Children’s Awards Presentation Tickets can be purchased from i-Site Raglan: Adult:$20, Child on mat: $5, Babies in arms: free More info head to: https://raglanartscentre. co.nz/raglan-art-to-wear-biennial/

An occasional column with Aaron Mooar, Station Manager of Raglan Community Radio and the host of the Morning Show.


played a talk by Robin Grille a few weeks back called ‘Parenting for a Peaceful World’ and then followed that by reading something Robin wrote about emotional intelligence and our education system’s strong focus on IQ and development. I want to be clear as this point, that this is not meant as a criticism of teachers, or teaching in general, or even the education

system itself. This time I think the debate is about what we value as a culture. Robin Grille says: “Our intellect-driven culture stresses the need to teach children how to think, reason and perceive. We are new and unsteady beginners in our efforts to teach children how to feel, how to create, and how to navigate successfully the choppy waters of human relations. He also says: “... it has been recognized that intelligence, just like money, cannot

ensure happiness. Interest in children's emotional development is gaining in popularity and has gained renewed attention from psychologists”. I remember meeting old classmates in my first years of work and laughing about how useless our degrees had been in preparing us for our jobs. It was actually worse than we thought though, because it was the skills I’d learnt outside the education system that were helping me the most in doing my job. In particular, my ability to connect with people made the key stress points of my job much easier to negotiate. Put more simply, if I could be mates with the contractors and clients I was working with then we wouldn’t need to keep referring to the legal contracts that we’d all signed with each other. And it totally makes sense; how could sitting silently in a lecture theatre while one person talked for an hour possibly help me with the complexities of maintaining relationships in the stressful situations I kept finding in the building industry? Come to think of it, it might explain why bullying seemed to be the dominant communication method in that industry. Given that emotional development is essential to navigating the adult world and given that schools are structured to focus mostly on intellectual development, it could be argued that a badly run (and preferably

small) school might be better for a child’s long-term prospects than a perfectly streamlined institution where thousands of students are taught by highly professional staff all delivering standardised curriculums. Obviously, it’s way more complicated than that, but I reckon it’s something we should think about. I imagine teachers find it hard to just be cogs in a machine, too, with most of them seemingly keen on developing their students’ emotional abilities where they can. Given the teacher/pupil ratios they’re working with, it’s amazing that they achieve anything in this regard. Nonetheless, we all have memories of teachers who manged to connect with and inspire us. Here’s a weird thing though - I’m really pleased I found a way to tie this concept to our children’s job prospects because these days that seems more important to our culture than simply wanting to develop our kids’ emotional intelligence because we love them and want them to be whole humans. Aaron Mooar is host of the Raglan Community Radio Morning Show, on air 6 – 10am weekdays on 98.1FM and streaming/ podcasting on www.raglanradio.com Aaron Mooar is Station Manager of Raglan Community Radio and the host of the Morning Show. On air 6 – 10am weekdays on 98.1FM and streaming/ podcasting on www.raglanradio.com

RAGLAN Chronicle 7

Waipa farmers look to Whaingaroa Harbour Care for water quality management advice

Whaingaroa Harbour Care hosted a group of about 40 farmers from Piopio last week.


ast Thursday, a group of farmers from Piopio, as well as Beef and Sheep farming representatives from the area, congregated in Raglan to see how Whaingaroa Harbour Care’s (WHC) work over the years has helped improve the quality of the Raglan harbour and waterways.

It’s hard to believe that 25 years ago the water quality in the Raglan harbour was so bad that there were often ‘no swimming’ and ‘do not collect shellfish’ signs up in certain areas, not to mention the permanent sea ulcers that surfers seemed to get – usually an indicator of poor water quality. Taking a community-centric approach, WHC has worked hard to improve the water quality of the Raglan harbour and waterways

to its current condition, having planted around 1.6 million trees for riparian planting in and around Raglan to date. WHC has won awards for their successful projects and have been recognized for their outstanding commitment to sustainable land management. The WHC model for riparian management– the care of waterway banks and its vegetation – is often referred to as a successful national model for best practice.

WHC hosted a group of about 40 farmers in Raglan to show them what they had achieved in the Whaingaroa catchment with fencing and riparian planting to see if they can adopt the management practises in the Waipa catchment. In 2016, the Waikato Regional Council publicly notified of a plan change proposal, Healthy Rivers: Plan for Change/Wai Ora: He Rautaki Whakapaipai, aimed at improving the water quality of the Waikato and Waipa rivers. With the variation to Healthy Rivers/ Wai Ora: Proposed Plan Change 1 notified in April and submissions closing last week, a summary is due to be available in mid 2018. Farmers in the King Country, who are concerned about river quality in their catchments, formed the King Country River Care Group in 2016 to address the new rules and regulations proposed in the plan change. “We came out here to see what could be achieved in our community. The farmers are keen to get on with it and be proactive in protecting waterways,” said John Reeves, a beef and sheep farmer from Piopio. “We were impressed at how WHC got so many farmers onboard and working together with the community and the subsequent difference the efforts made to the water quality., “In particular though, the way WHC work, they are very efficient and cost effective, which is a big thing for us. Most of the money is spent on the actual fencing, planting and getting on with the job rather than it being sucked up in admin and bureaucracy.”

Internet of Things tackles climate change at tech event


Raglan presenters from left, Sebastien Boulay, Dougal Greer, Clare Wimmer, Peter Urich and Urich.

echnology and the environment were hot topics at a recent Tech Week event held at the Raglan Town Hall.


8 RAGLAN Chronicle

World-leading technical and scientific experts, who call Raglan home, presented a mix of IoT (Internet of Things) technology currently being used to address environmental issues that impact Whainigaroa. Organised by local Clare Wimmer from CLIMsystems, a software design, development and marketing company designing climate change assessment software systems, the event looked at current technology used for climate change, pollution, poor water quality and waste management especially with regards to the impacts on coastal sewage control. “The local community and technology enthusiasts recognise the conditions which negatively impact the natural character of this coastal playground including pollution. This event highlighted the resources available in our community that the public might not know about.” Clare says Raglan is seen as the catalyst

for sustainable practises in relation to the environment and developing efficient technology to tackle sewage in Raglan will assist other coastal communities in dealing with these issues. Along with the various tech exhibits, four speakers from Raglan - Peter Urich, from CLIMsystems and the International Global Change Institute, Dougal Greer from eCoast Marine Consulting and Research, Sebastien Boulay from MetOcean Solutions and Rick Thorpe from Xtreme Zero Waste and Raglan Permaculture Network - talked about the technology they use to tackle environmental issues. They also addressed concerns and future needs for an efficient land-based sewage system. Clare says developing an efficient IoT to tackle sewage in Raglan will assist other coastal communities in dealing with these issues. CLIMsystems have developed a free APP designed to show the future impact of sea level rises available on their website www. climsystems.com. For further information about IT climate change tools and games for kids contact Clare at clare@climsystems.com. Janine Jackson



RAGLAN Chronicle 9

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Private Beach Retreat

Rare Opportunity In Raglan


541 Wainui Road

AUCTION First time on the market for this substantial home set Raglan Raglan Rarereserve Opportunity Raglan (Unless Sold Prior), 4.00pm, Friday on the edge of the Wainui in RaglanInand is truly 8 December, 23 Bow St, Raglan Road timber like no other. With the 106C use ofGreenslade poured concrete, AUCTION Amazing Opportunity AUCTION the highest point in Greenslade Rd this timeless VIEW 2.00-3.00pm, Sunday 19 & 26 Raglan and glass the feeling ofSeta on tropical paradise has been (Unless Sold Prior), 4.00pm, Friday (Unless Sold Prior), 4.00pm, Friday art deco style four bedroom plus office home has views November created. Three of theRoad four bedroom open out to the 8 December, 23 Bow St, Raglan 8 December, 23 Bow St, Raglan 81 Upper Wainui that are simply breathtaking! Watch the boats and VIEW 3.30-4.30pm, Sunday 19 & 26 VIEW 2.00-3.00pm, Sunday 19 & 26 yachts cruise the harbour on special AUCTION landscaped grounds. The open plan living, and dining and occasions the • Two hectares in a sought after location November November orcahuge from your deck. Setviews on 1315m² of landscaped (Unless Sold Prior), 11am, kitchen areas flow to the deck with to the • Incredible views of of the harbour and ocean grounds, fully fenced with access for trailer boat and Wed 6 Jun, PGGWRE, 11 ocean quiet, and Mount The surf bungalow is great for • Sunny, close Karioi. to the beach & town good parking for guests. The dining and kitchen areas Rostrevor St, Hamilton friends, family and the flow lucrative accommodation • Build your dream home andtofeel secure in the long term land the deck making this an entertainers dream.

New Zealand’s leading rural real estate company views while being private and sheltered. This market. Dont miss this Elevated special piece of paradise! banking opportunity! property is truly like no other so dont miss out!

pggwre.co.nz/HAM28226 Richard Thomson 4 1RURAL 24 | LIFESTYLE 2 2 B 07 858 5325 M 027 294 8625pggwre.co.nz/HAM26977 pggwre.co.nz/HAM26978


Richard Thomson RESIDENTIAL Richard Thomson B 07 858 5325Thomson Richard 294 8625 M 027 M 294 8625 M 027 027 294 8625

richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz



AUCTION Set theon highest point in Rd this timeless Firston time the market forGreenslade this substantial home set Rural and Harbour Views Raglan art deco style four bedroom Raglan (Unless 4.00pm, (Unless Sold Sold Prior), Prior), 4.00pm, Friday Friday plus office homeand hasisviews on the edge of the Wainui reserve in Raglan truly 199A Checkley Road 88 December, December, 23 23 Bow Bow St, St, Raglan Raglan that are simply breathtaking! Watch the boats and like no other. With the use of poured concrete, timber $1.25M $450,000 A rare opportunity to purchase a 1.46ha section in a premier VIEW 3.30-4.30pm, Sunday yachts cruise harbour andIncredible on special Views! Location! Epic Home! Plus GST (if any) VIEW 2.00-3.00pm, Sunday 19 19 && 26 26 and glass thethe feeling of a tropical paradise has beenthe location. rural occasions and harbour views in a very quiet spot RaglanGST Inclusive November VIEW BYA APPOINTMENT VIEW BY APPOINTMENT Lot To Like withon Te Uku schoolopen a out greatto coffee shop approx 3km away. Raglan November orca fromThree your of deck. Set 1315m² ofand landscaped created. the four bedroom the 2B Rakaunui StreetHas power to the site and an easy near flat building platform. grounds, fully fenced with access for living, trailer dining boat and landscaped grounds. open plan and and 3207 Shwy 23 Rare opportunity being The 3.8 and central to Raglan Goodhectares fishing, flounder and whitebait nearby. An easy commute$2.6M good parking for guests. The dining and kitchen kitchen areas flow to the huge deck with views toareas the $1.25M This well located 12ha lifestyle property oozing with appeal. The to Hamilton GST Inclusive the beach. The new home consists of five bedrooms, three Richardflow Thomson Richard Thomson to the deck making this an entertainers dream. Plus GST (if any) ocean and Mount Karioi. The surf bungalow is great for three bedroom home has been built in the perfect spot. pggwre.co.nz/HAM26504 M 027bathrooms, 294 8625 M 027 294 8625 two living areas, cool step down lounge (perfect for richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz VIEW BY APPOINTMENT Elevated views while being private and sheltered. This friends, family and the lucrative accommodation Sheltered, day sun, private creek, views nativetotrees the south family movieallnights), and impressive the to harbour and and property isevery truly like no other so dontofmiss out!down the road is market. Dont miss this special piece paradise! fertile soils make this a sort after property. Just ocean from room. Richard Thomson Te Uku and great coffee. An easy commute to Hamilton. 4 2 2 54





New Zealand’s leading rural real estate company |



2 Maungatawhiri Road

AUCTION • Absolute waterfront with epic views AUCTION Opportunity In Raglan Private Beach Retreat GST Inclusive • 27ha easy rolling contour land 106C Greenslade • Two titles, close to Raglan 541 Wainui RoadRoad

Raglan Raglan

DEADLINE PRIVATE TREATY (Unless Sold Prior), Closes


PGGNEW Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under REAA 2008 LISTING

Rare Opportunity In Retreat Raglan Private Beach

Raglan Raglan

106C Greenslade 541 WainuiRoad Road

AUCTION Set on theFirst highest Greenslade Rdsubstantial this timeless time point on theinmarket for this home set AUCTION rior), 4.00pm, Friday (Unless Sold Prior), 4.00pm, (Unless Sold Prior),Friday 4.00pm, Friday art deco style four bedroom plus office home views on the edge of the Wainui reserve in has Raglan and is truly 23 Bow St, Raglan 23 Bow St,23Raglan 8 December, Bow St, Raglan Build Today, Land Bank For that are simply Watch thepoured boats and like nobreathtaking! other. With the useTomorrow of concrete, timber 8 December, Raglan Rural and Harbour Views A Lot ToBush Like 3.30-4.30pm, Sunday 19 & 26 19 & 26 Good As ItRetreat Gets Private 0pm, Sunday 19 & 26 5As yachts cruise the harbour and on occasions VIEW 2.00-3.00pm, Sunday and glass the feeling of aspecial tropical paradisethe has been VIEW Raglan Raglan Primrose Street November 199A Checkley Road November orca from your deck. Setof onthe 1315m² of landscaped created. Three four bedroom open out to the 3207 Shwy 23 2 Maungatawhiri Road $399,000 151 Cogswell Road • 2,599m² section, north facing with harbour views $450,000 grounds, fully fenced with access trailer boat anddining landscaped grounds. Thefor open plan A•This rarewell opportunity to purchase aproperty 1.46ha section in aliving, premier $1.25M located lifestyle with appeal. Theand DEADLINE GST Inclusive PRIVATE $750,000 waterfront with epic views • Amazing sunsets, quiet cul-de-sac and a oozing solid investment • Absolute 11.2849ha - 90%12ha in bush with two paddocks for grazing good parking for guests. The and kitchen areas GST Inclusive kitchen areas flow todining the huge deck with views to the location. Incredible rural and harbour views in a very quiet spot Plus GST (if any) three bedroom home has been built in the perfect spot. GST Inclusive TREATY • 27ha easy rolling contour land • Set among modern homes andwith an easy walktwo to Raglan town and • Three bedroom, sunny home ensuite, living areas flowschool to the deckand making thisKarioi. an shop entertainers dream. TMENT VIEW BY APPOINTMENT ocean Mount The surf bungalow is great for VIEW BYSold APPOINTMENT with Te Uku and a great coffee approx 3km away. allclose day to sun, private creek, native trees todesirable the south and (Unless Prior), Closes •Sheltered, Two titles,dream Raglan • Build your home knowing you are in a very expansive decks with bush views Elevated views while being private and sheltered. This friends, family andnear the lucrative accommodation Has power to the site and an easy flat building platform. fertile soils make this a sort after property. Just down the road is 4pm, Fri 15 Dec, PGGWRE, •• Quality grazing, location Large farm shedmarket. and chook house property iswell trulyfenced like no other so dont miss out! Dont miss thisnearby. special An piece of paradise! Good fishing, flounder and whitebait easy commute



Uku and great coffee. easyland commute toand Hamilton. •Te build your dream home, bank, develop or do all • Either Located about half way An between Hamilton Raglan pggwre.co.nz/HAM27784 tothree! Hamilton 4 42 12 2 pggwre.co.nz/HAM26446 3 2 2 pggwre.co.nz/HAM26978 pggwre.co.nz/HAM26977 pggwre.co.nz/HAM26504 pggwre.co.nz/HAM27008 pggwre.co.nz/HAM25740

Hamilton Richard Thomson Richard Thomson VIEW BY APPOINTMENT Richard Thomson B 07 858 5325 Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625 Richard Thomson Richard Thomson M 027 294 M 8625 027 294 8625 richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz

M M 027 294 8625 M027 027294 2948625 8625 richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz

richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz

10 RAGLAN Chronicle

Thomson RichardRichard Thomson M 027 294 8625 M 027 294 8625

richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz

106C Greenslade Road Set on the highest point in Greenslade Rd this timeless art deco style four bedroom plus office home has views that are simply breathtaking! Watch the boats and Build yachts Now cruise the harbour and on special occasions the Rural and orca from yourHarbour deck.Valley Set onViews 1315m² 580C Waitetuna Road of landscaped grounds, fully fenced with access for trailer boat and 199A Checkley Road • Very desirable 1.3 hectare rural lifestyle property good parking for guests. The dining andsection kitcheninareas rare opportunity to purchase a 1.46ha a premier • ALarge 84m² constructed shed flow to the deck home making this an entertainers Incredible ruralon and harbour views indream. a very • location. Build you dream the elevated building site quiet spot Elevated views while being and sheltered. This Te Uku school a great coffee shop 3km system away. • with Building platform isand down, 3private water tanks onapprox site, septic property is truly like no other so dont miss out! Has power to the site and an easy near flat building platform. • Platform in place for a tiny house, tap into short term Good fishing, flounder and whitebait nearby. An easy commute accommodation 4 2 2 to Hamilton pggwre.co.nz/HAM28177 pggwre.co.nz/HAM26978 pggwre.co.nz/HAM26504

Raglan AUCTION (Unless Sold Prior), 4.00pm, Friday 8 December, 23 Bow St, Raglan VIEW 3.30-4.30pm, Sunday 19 & 26 Waitetuna November Raglan

$450,000 $450,000 GST Inclusive


RichardRichard Thomson Thomson M 027 294 8625 M 027 294 8625 Richard Thomson richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz M 027 294 8625 richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz

AUCTION Rare Opportunity In Raglan


106C Greenslade Road

AUCTION Set on the highest point in Greenslade Rd this timeless (Unless Sold Prior), 4.00pm, Friday art deco style four bedroom plus office home has views 8 December, 23 Bow St, Raglan that are simply breathtaking! Watch the boats and VIEW 3.30-4.30pm, IRural Lovecruise Living Here!and yachts the harbour on special occasions the Raglan Sunday 19 & 26 and Harbour Views Raglan November As Good As It Gets You could Ifdeck. you are for aofvery productive, well orca fromtoo? your Setlooking on 1315m² landscaped Raglan 199A Checkley Road located grazing / finishing block, around 45mins Hamilton and grounds, fully fenced with access for trailer boattoand $2.45M 2 Maungatawhiri Road $450,000 Agood rare to purchase a 1.46ha section inareas ablocks premier 10 minsopportunity to Raglan look noThe further. It and is hard to find of this Plus GST (if any) parking for -guests. dining kitchen DEADLINE •location. Absolute waterfront with epic views GST Inclusive PRIVATE Incredible rural and harbour views in a very quiet spot quality, size and contour that also have a greatdream. four bedroom flow to the deck making this an entertainers TREATY •with 27haTeeasy rolling contour landcoffee shop approx 3km away. VIEW BY APPOINTMENT Uku school a great home with office andand isbeing set inprivate established grounds including a Elevated views while and sheltered. This (Unless Sold Prior), Closes •Has Twopower titles, close to Raglan to the site and an easy near flat building platform. tennis court. property is truly like other so dont miss out! 4pm, Fri 15 Dec, PGGWRE, •Good Quality grazing, wellno fenced fishing, flounder and whitebait nearby. An easy commute Hamilton •toEither build your dream land bank, develop or do all 44 22 2home, 2 Richard Thomson Hamilton RichardVIEW Thomson BY294 APPOINTMENT Richard Thomson three! M 027 8625 pggwre.co.nz/HAM27988 M 027 294 8625 pggwre.co.nz/HAM26978 pggwre.co.nz/HAM26504 Richard Thomson richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz M 027 294 8625 richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz pggwre.co.nz/HAM27008 richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz M 027 294 8625 richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz



Rare Opportunity In Raglan 106C Greenslade Road Set on the highest point in Greenslade Rd this timeless art deco style four bedroom plus office home has views Lifestylers that areDream simply breathtaking! Watch the boats and Rural andAs Harbour Views As Good It the Gets yachtsMountain cruise harbour 1088C Old Roadand on special occasions the orca from property your deck. on 1315m² 199A Checkley Road 2 Maungatawhiri Road This 14ha lifestyle isSet ready for youoftolandscaped enjoy! A new four grounds, fully fenced with access for trailer in boat and A rare opportunity purchase 1.46ha a premier bedroom home withtohuge for greatsection indoor/outdoor flow. • Absolute waterfront withdecks epic aviews good parking for guests. The dining and kitchen areas spot location. Incredible rural and harbour views in a very quiet This property has many facilities • 27ha easy rolling contour land including a horse holding pen flow school to the deck making this an entertainers dream. with Tetitles, Uku a great coffee shopbetween approx 3km away. and cattle yards with loading race. Midway Hamilton • Two close toand Raglan Elevated views while being private and sheltered. This Has power to the site and an easy near flat building platform. and Raglan this is a popular location for lifestylers! • Quality grazing, well fenced property is truly like no other so dont miss out!

Good flounder andhome, whitebait An easyorcommute • Eitherfishing, build your dream land nearby. bank, develop do all 4 42 22 2 tothree! Hamilton pggwre.co.nz/HAM27673 pggwre.co.nz/HAM26978 pggwre.co.nz/HAM26504 pggwre.co.nz/HAM27008

Raglan AUCTION (Unless Sold Prior), 4.00pm, Friday 8 December, 23 Bow St, Raglan Waitetuna VIEW 3.30-4.30pm, Raglan Raglan Sunday 19 & 26 November

$1.18M $450,000 Plus GST (if any) DEADLINE PRIVATE GST Inclusive TREATY

VIEW BY APPOINTMENT (Unless Sold Prior), Closes 4pm, Fri 15 Dec, PGGWRE, Hamilton Richard Thomson VIEW BY APPOINTMENT Richard Thomson 0278625 294 8625 Richard Thomson Richard Thomson M 027M 294 richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz

M M 027 027 294 294 8625 8625 richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz


richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz

PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under REAA 2008 PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed underpggwre.co.nz REAA 2008 NEW LISTING

Plus GST (if any)






Fri 15 Dec, PGGWRE, • Quality grazing, wellRd fenced AUCTION Set ontime the on highest point in this timeless AUCTION 4pm, First the market forGreenslade this substantial home set Hamilton lan • Either build your dream home, land bank, develop or do all m, Friday (Unless Sold Prior), 4.00pm, Friday art styleof four plus office home has views (Unless Sold Prior), 4.00pm, Friday VIEW BY APPOINTMENT ondeco the edge thebedroom Wainui reserve in Raglan and is truly three! Raglan 88December, Bow Raglan Richardthat Thomson Thomson December,23 23Richard BowSt, St, Raglan are simplyWith breathtaking! Watch the boats and like no other. the use of poured concrete, timber pggwre.co.nz/HAM27008 M 027 294 8625 M 027 294 8625 VIEW 3.30-4.30pm, Sunday 19 & 26 Natural Beauty richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz ay 19 & 26 yachts cruise harbour on special occasions the VIEW 2.00-3.00pm, Sunday 19 & 26 glass thethe feeling of a and tropical paradise has been Raglan Rural and Harbour Views AandLot To Like Raglan November orca fromThree your Set onbedroom 1315m² of landscaped November Private Bush Retreat created. of the four open out to the Whaanga Rd deck. Raglan 199A Checkley 3207 Shwy 23 Road , licensed under REAA 2008 grounds, fullygrounds. fenced with access for trailer boat and landscaped The open plan living, dining and $650,000 • This is a large lifestyle block with plenty of appeal 151 Cogswell Road $450,000 $1.25M A rare opportunity to purchase a 1.46ha section in a premier This well located 12ha lifestyle property oozing with appeal. The good parking for guests. and areas Plus GST (if any) kitchen areas flow theThe huge deckpaddocks withkitchen views to the • 15 hectares approx, almost alldining grazeable $750,000 •three 11.2849ha - 90% into bush with two for grazing GST Plus Inclusive GST (if any) location. Incredible rural and harbour views indream. a very quiet spot bedroom home has been built in the perfect spot. flow to the deck making this an entertainers ocean and Mount Karioi. The surf bungalow is great for • Located opposite the Ruapuke beach access road GST •Sheltered, Three sunny with ensuite, two to living and NTMENT VIEW BY VIEWInclusive BY APPOINTMENT APPOINTMENT with Te bedroom, Uku and ahome great coffee shop approx 3km away. allschool day sun, private creek, native trees the areas south and Elevated views while being private and sheltered. This friends, family and the lucrative accommodation • Aexpansive perfect spot to build abush home or holiday getaway bach decks withaand views Has power to the site an easy near flat building platform. fertile soils make this sort after property. Just down the road is property is truly likethis no special other sopiece dontofmiss out! market. Dont miss paradise! pggwre.co.nz/HAM27933 •Te Large farm shed and chook house Good flounder and nearby.toAn easy commute Richard Thomson Ukufishing, and great coffee. Anwhitebait easy commute Hamilton. •toLocated about half way between Hamilton and Raglan 44 21 22 Hamilton Richard Thomson Richard B 07 858 5325 Thomson son Richard 3 2 2 Richard Thomson M 8625 M 027 294Thomson 8625 M 027 027294 294 8625 pggwre.co.nz/HAM26978 pggwre.co.nz/HAM26446 pggwre.co.nz/HAM26977 pggwre.co.nz/HAM26504 Richard Thomson 5 M 8625 richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz nz richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz M 027 027 294 294 8625 richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz pggwre.co.nz/HAM25740 rightson.co.nz richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz M 027 294 8625

25 son son 625 5ggwrightson.co.nz 5ightson.co.nz

(Unless Sold Prior), 4.00pm, Friday 8 December, 23 Bow St, Raglan VIEW 3.30-4.30pm, Raglan Sunday 19 & 26 November


As Good As It Gets

$750,000 Rare




zing ng areas and

Richard B 07 858Thomson 5325 M 294 8625 M 027 027 Richard 294 8625Thomson Richard Thomson richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz MM027 richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz 027294 2948625 8625

3 2 2 pggwre.co.nz/HAM26978 pggwre.co.nz/HAM26977 pggwre.co.nz/HAM27926 pggwre.co.nz/HAM25740


1 4 2 2 pggwre.co.nz/HAM28273



Rare Opportunity In Raglan

106C Greenslade 541 Wainui Road Road

appeal. The ay 19 & 26 pot. he south and n the road is ton.

Set on the highest point in Greenslade Rd this timeless art deco style four bedroom plus office home has views that are simply breathtaking! Watch the boats and Te Mata Farmlet - 38 yachts cruise the harbour and hectares on special occasions the orcaRuapuke from your deck. Set on 1315m² of landscaped 300 Road grounds, fully or fenced forbeach trailer boat and • Large lifestyle smallwith farmaccess close to good parking guests. dining and kitchen areas • Strong farmingfor area with The good rainfall flow titles, to the23 deck makingreliable this an entertainers • Two paddocks, water supplydream. Elevated refurbished views while skyline being private and sheltered. • Recently two bedroom home This property is truly like no other so dont miss out!


Rare Opportunity In Raglan Private Beach Retreat

pm, Friday Raglan

106C Greenslade Road


LISTING 151 Hills Road, Raglan SOLD AT AUCTION | 4a GovernmentNEW Road SOLD AT AUCTION | 330ha Te Akau SOLD


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A weekly page featuring news and results from local junior sports teams.

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PH: 07 825 8647


10th Grade team


his weekend we had our annual HopuHopu 10-aside Tournament.

All Raglan teams had a great tournament again this year and they all played hard. The weather was off and on throughout the day and as usual it was a bit of a mud bath. This year we had two teams make the finals and both of our teams were runner up. Congratulations to 10th and 12th grades 10 and 12.

came runner up in the final to Te Kowhai five nil. Their first game vs Southwell was 15 nil, their second game vs Melville was 35-5 and their third game against Suburbs was 25 nil. Well done 10th grade, you all played well as a team and had a great tournament. Grade 11 won 40 nil against Suburbs White, had a loss 15-20 against Suburbs Gold and won their final game 25 nil against Hamilton Old Boys. Another great team effort. Grade 12 made it to the finals. They came runner up 25-5 to Suburbs. They won their first game against Frankton 25-0 and their second game was another win against Hamilton Old Boys 10-5 Well done Grade 12.

12th Grade team

Grade 7 lost their first match to Marist and won their second against Huntly. They had a false start with playing the wrong team in their final game. They got seven minutes deep and had to stop play. They then went on to play the right team, which ended in a draw. The whole team played hard and their coaches and managers are very proud of them.

PH: 0800 548 366

Grade 8 had losses for their first and third games and drew their second game. The team played really well under the conditions and they played the best they’ve played so far. We’re very proud of the whole team. Grade 9 didn’t have any wins for their three games, but they too, played extremely well. Grade10 won their first three games and





7th Grade

1xL, 1xW, 1xD N/A - Hopu Hopu

8th Grade

1xL, 1xD, 1xL

9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade

N/A - Hopu Hopu

N/A - Hopu Hopu

1xL, 1xL, 1xL

Runner Up - Hopu Hopu


1xW, 1xL, 1xW N/A - Hopu Hopu

12th Grade


13th Grade

Win 43-0

Runner Up - Hopu Hopu Lachie Mouat, Mac Russ, Hudson Bidois

Please note: Incorrect details published in last week's results. Correct results from May 19 games are published on Page 11 this week.







Naomi Pease



Patrick Scott



Oliver Ashplant

Karioi Kahawai


Ricky-Lee Rakena



Win 4-1, Win 4-1 Sianna Bower

Hammerheads Loss 1-4, Win 2-1 Cameron Baker Urchins

Loss 0-4, Loss 1-4

Great Whites


Whale Tales

Loss 3-5


bye Won 2-1

Whole Team


Won 5-2

Bella Alexander

Draw 0-0 Loss 1-2

Leonardo Henderson Ari Glover, Ezra Cheesman


Loss 3-4

Linkin Heatherington


Loss 0-5

Alicia Baker


Barracudas Anemones

RAS Seniors


Ryder Langlands



Vicky and the Barracudas



Thresher Sharks

We are the Bullsharks. We are all first year players, taking on these cold Saturday mornings, probably a lot better then the parents ;) here's to an Image Geraldine Burns awesome start of football for these up and//coming newbies.

Win 4-0, Loss 1-2 Jackson Parker

Tiger Sharks

Lost 1-3

Won 3-2

Loss 0-4

Loss 5-7

Grace McGregor

Ashton Ladyman Sophie Higgins


Sasha Kirkwood on the right.

his week we had a quick chat to Sasha we have the opportunity to play with our friends as Kirkwood who plays for the Karioi teammates. What have you achieved and what do you hope to Rangatahi Senior Team. achieve with your netball? Who do you play for? I believe my skill level has improved immensely over I am playing for the Raglan Netball the past few years as I have had the privilege to be coached Club’s senior team, Karioi Rangatahi. by amazing women. One day, I would love to play in a rep How long have you been playing netball team, which would bump up my netball level even more. for Raglan? What NZ player do you get inspired by? I have been playing netball for eight My favourite Silver Fern player is Bailey Mes. She years. I played for Raglan Area School until is such an inspiration to me and because I’ve known her I was 13 and have played for Raglan Netball my whole life I have always wanted to grow up being a Club ever since. shooter like her. What do you love about the game? RAGLAN JUNIOR NETBALL I love how netball is a team game, but all RESULTS // 26 MAY players have their own individual job to do on Team Score POD court. So, when everyone is playing at their Karioi Mystics Loss 56-2 Katie Buckton best the team gels and becomes unstoppable. What do you like about your local Karioi Orcas Won 14-10 Isabelle Stockton netball club? Karioi Fernz Loss 11-0 Johnny Wilson I love how the Raglan Netball Club Karioi Kiwis Loss 14-2 Sophia Kanellis encourages everyone to play netball, and Karioi Mini Fernz Won 5-2 N/A because Raglan is such a small community,

RAGLAN Chronicle 11

Recovery with Irma: My story part two J uly 25, 2015 was the day I decided not to die.

I was 37 and by that stage I was drinking a bottle of whiskey and 3 bottles of wine a day, just to feel 'normal'. I never thought I’d turn into ‘that type of drinker’, but I did.

Everything around me fell apart. A combination of ill-health, surgery, and loss pushed me over the edge and I was losing grip on reality. I was trying to numb and outrun the grief with alcohol. It was so painful that I wondered if I would ever be happy again. I was thinking about ending it all no one knew that death felt like a good option to me. Yet, I had the awareness that this was not my time to go yet. When things are shaky and nothing is working, we might realise that we are on the verge of something. We might realise that it is a very vulnerable and tender place, and thattenderness can go either way. We can shut down and feel bitter or we can touch in on that raw quality. There is something tender and jagged about crisis. This awareness saved me.

Recovery with Irma is a new opinion column with Irma Schutte. Irma supports men and women who are ready to create their own alcohol-free happiness. She offers her clients a holistic and unique approach by combining her experience as a clinic homeopath (British Institute of Homeopathy), certified health coach (Institute for Integrative Nutrition) and recovered addict (sober since July 2015). Her work on holistic addiction recovery, mental health and natural medicine has been featured in popular publications such as Elephant Journal, NZ Women’s Weekly, Sivana East and more.

Proud to support our community Mark Frost from Bayleys real estate is proud to be sponsoring the Raglan Area School Sports Teams. Along with the Senior Soccer Team (pictured below) Mark is supporting the Senior Basketball and Junior Rugby Teams. And there is a Pirate Pizza Player of the day each week for each team. Mark is delighted to be sponsoring our local winter sports teams.

others who are ready to create habits that serve them. Something that was horrifying and scary had turned into a gift. Life is like that. We never know why things happen the way they do. My abusive relationship with alcohol taught me more about myself than anything else ever had. Don’t get me wrong - it’s not about making alcohol the enemy. Everyone has a choice about what they do or do not drink. For me it wasn’t about whether or not I had a drinking problem either. The real question I was asking myself was ‘Is alcohol enhancing the quality of my life and helping me grow?’. If you drink and it improves your health - keep going. If you drink and it strengthens the harmony and connection within your personal relationships - fantastic. If you drink and it creates for you more self-worth - awesome. If you drink and it betters your bank account - what’s the problem?

What I really wanted to end was an identity that no longer served me. Everything that I had not been able to see about myself before was suddenly dramatised. I was done attaching to my perceived suffering and ready to heal. To recover I knew I had to let go of my relationship with alcohol, feel the void, and fill the void with new healthy habits.

If you drink and you’re able to nail your life goals with gusto, drive and enthusiasm - wonderful.

And so it happened. I decided not to die. Instead, I reached out and let go of my need to control the situation on the morning of 25 July 2015.

If you drink and it fills your life with a sense of calm and contentment - go you for discovering happiness in an external source!

The hardest part for me was to surrender and acknowledge that I needed outside help. For too long my pride and ego prevented me from being vulnerable and speaking my truth, yet this is what shifted things for me. With professional guidance and support I got to wor and committed myself to a whole new way of thinking, being and living.

If your existence actually improves when you have alcohol then what I write, teach and learn about won’t resonate with you.

I booked myself into rehab for four weeks. There I remedies.




I elevated my mood using highpotency supplements and slowly weened myself off an anti-depressant and sleeping pills. This was a personal decision. I was encouraged to remain on medication by the medical team in the rehab centre. After rehab I created for myself a nutritional program to restore my neurotransmitters using good quality fats, proteins, super foods like Peruvian maca and a plant-rich diet. I got CBT and NLP therapy. I saw a counsellor.

If you drink and you’re still able to show up as a present parent - keep enjoying your wine. If you drink and it reduces your anxiety and depression - magnificent.

You’re unique. I’m not. Alcohol was adding worry, guilt, shame, regret, fatigue, grogginess and unhappiness to my life. For me, the key was to shift my old habit and create new healthy and powerful ones. It was about letting go of my relationship with alcohol so that it was no longer a way for me to escape, self-soothe or be ‘pretend’ happy. I believe we all deserve to feel fully connected to life and ourselves. In my experience, alcohol severs this potential. In service always. Irma. www.irmaschutte.com hello@irmaschutte.com 0278902040

I had acupuncture regularly. I introduced meditation mindfulness into my daily life.


I started exercising regularly. I let go of toxic relationships. I planted a vegetable garden.

Mark Frost

Later I enrolled in a course and became a certified health coach.


I completed a holistic addiction course to learn more about recovery.

Raglan Residential & Lifestyle Specialist 022 150 2244 / mark.frost@bayleys.co.nz

I started my own business, helping

12 RAGLAN Chronicle

*Would you like to share your recovery story or personal journey with depression, anxiety, grief or addiction with our Chronicle readers? Please contact Irma to register your interest. If you are looking to chat to somebody, Raglan has many health professionals available. Contact West Coast Health, the Raglan Community House or Irma to find out what services are available in Raglan and find the best fit for you.

EnviroMatters www.whaingaroa.org.nz



The Whaingaroa Environment Centre ▬▬▬▬▬

(07) 825-0480


"like" us on Facebook!

What you do matters!

We are facing global climate change. Now. Greenhouse gases have been building up since the industrial revolution, trapping heat and warming the planet - we’ve all seen pictures of the melting polar ice caps and sad polar bears....NZ has already warmed by about 0.9°C since 1900. Future temperature increases will depend on what we do next to reduce emissions. Without concerted global action to reduce emissions,N.Z.’s temp is expected to rise by about 3.5°C by the end of the century: this would mean serious sea level rise, more flooding, droughts & wildfires. But there is still time to turn this around! How we live our lives today will determine what kind of world the next generation inherits. Take a look at the infographic on the right and see how much you can contribute to stopping cilmate change. The top four from this study include having fewer children, living without a car, avoiding long-haul flights and eating a plant-based (mostly vegetarian) diet - not easy but food for thought! (study by Wynes & Nicholas, 2017; infographic by Sara Chodosh)

A note from the Xtreme Team

Our winter is definitely here Raglan, hope everyone is staying warm and dry. If you are looking for one of those feel-good winter meal inspirations, check out the ‘Love Food Hate Waste’ website www.lovefoodhatewaste.co.nz . This site has heaps of cheap, easy and tasty meals you can create with leftovers from your fridge and cupboard. Using leftovers can help decrease the amount of avoidable foodwaste from your household, seeing only necessary foodwaste ending up in the kerbside foodwaste collection. The Xtreme ZeroWaste foodwaste collection has been collecting 2 – 4 tonnes per week. Over 150 tonnes of foodwaste has been collected since August 2017, this has all been turned into nutritious Superfood Compost. Now is a great time of year to get your gardens in order, top up your beds with compost for spring planting and feed your fruit trees. We currently have an abundance of bulk and bagged Superfood Compost for sale. If you would like to purchase some of this beautiful nutrient rich compost you can pick up trailer loads or we can deliver, please contact Liz on 022 301 3464 to organise your bulk order or pick up some bags. XZW would like to give a big shout out to the community for making the effort to separate foodwaste and reduce waste to landfill. Not only are we composting lots of foodwaste we are collecting 10,000 less blue pre-paid bags compared with last year. Even though Raglan has had the busiest summer on record we sent less to landfill! Thanks for your dedication and helping XZW maintain our 75% diversion from landfil rate as one of the highest in New Zealand. Minimising your waste to landfill can mean that you need to put out rubbish bags less frequently or you might like to switch to the our 30 litre yellow prepaid bags so you can still put it out weekly. These yellow bags can be found at retail outlets in town or at Kaahu’s Nest at the XZW site on Te Hutewai Rd. If you can’t find them in your local store, please let XZW know. If you have a big clean up job, of rubbish or recyclables, XZW has a large trailer for hire and also 7 day hire of 2.5, 3.5 and 4.5m3 mini skips. If you hire one of our miniskips please remember to separate your recyclables and place them on the top of the skip, this helps with the sorting and the diverting of waste from landfill. Fresh Superfood Compost ready for your garden

Stay warm Whaingaroa!

It’s time to grab those winter woolies, curl up inside and watch the wild winter weather outside! You can stay warm, save money on your power bill AND help protect the environment! (by putting less strain on resources that provide power)with a few easy steps: • Curtains are key - line them with any second layer of fabric • Open your curtains & windows during the day to let the sun and warmth in & close them before it gets dark • Only heat the room that you are in - close off unused rooms • Keeping the air dry, makes it easier to heat : try not to dry clothes indoors as this creates moisture in the air, open a window when you are showering and when cooking on the stove top + use pot lids to reduce steam when cooking. Thanks to local EnviroMatters sponsors:

RAGLAN Chronicle 13






ROOFING 027 4979 116 or 07 825 0214

Pick ups and Deliveries Servicing Raglan Monday to Saturday 6 days a week

Specialising in New Builds, Maintenance and Drainlaying. Nick Heasman Phone: 021 058 2140 Email: onpointraglan@gmail.com onpointplumbing.co.nz

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Grant Mathis 07 825 0523 or 027 222 0156 grantmathis.gm@gmail.com







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Sp e cia l isi ng i n T i m b er I nsta l lat ion , S a nd i ng & Sta i n i ng usi ng Natu ra l oi ls & Water B as e d P ro ducts


For advertising inquiries: Contact the Raglan Chronicle on 07 825 7076 or email us at info@raglanchronicle. co.nz


ROOFING, MEMBRANE & CLADDING Your local professional Roofing Company • Commercial and residential • Re-roof and New roofs • Metal, membrane, insulated panel, exterior cladding • Fascia and spouting


• Landscaping • Licensed Builders • Painting • Decorating • Flooring Supply & Install

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Public Notices


SUN 3 JUNE L E G A N D A RY R A G L A N MUDSHARKS at Raglan Club, 7:3011pm. $20 presales, $25 door.

WED 6 JUNE MUSIC AT THE OLD SCHOOL: Brid Harper & Dermot Byrne. Irish Traditional Folk $30 Doors open 7.30pm for 8pm start. WED 6 JUNE R A G L A N R A M B L E R S 9am from Wainui Rd car park next to the fire station: Cascades walk, Hakarimata, or Huntly lake - bring lunch.

For Sale FIREWOOD, DRY 2m-2m old man Pine $180., Native $195, Gum $195. Delivered ph. 021 077 1524. FIREWOOD Manuka firewood dry, $150m3, only 20m3 left. Delivered. Ph Terry 07 825 0522. a ta m i ra . c o. n z Beautiful scarves, Happy socks, Stylish rain jackets, Staple denim jeans, Snuggly knits, Yummy candles... We Got Ya WINTER

In My Good Books Quality 2nd hand books Open Thurs - Sun from 10am 2 Wallis St Books wanted.

Services Offered FLUE CLEANING and log fire inspections $110. All flue and log fire repairs. Please contact Mark on (07)8298-103 or Cell 021457342. W E D D I N G AND FUNERAL C E L E B R A N T. Raglan, Hamilton and surrounds. Contact Robyn Riddle 0275560438.

Garage Sale SAT 2 JUNE 22 KAITOKE STREET from 9am.

To Let 1-BDRM unit fully furnished, free electricity & gas, off-road parking, elevated views of Raglan & harbour, 3km from town. Rent $295, available now. Ph 825 8472.

THUR 31 MAY @ YOT CLUB: Earshot with Cian DJing from 9. Funk, soul, hip hop - rare grooves. Food from Ulu Kitchen.

PAINTING CLASSES Monday / Saturday 1pm-3.30pm Wednesday 6pm-8.30pm Trained Teacher: Local artist Peggy Lee $20 per session. Beginners welcome Phone 0223706586 or 8258482


Public Notices

2-BDRM HOME, L O N G - T E R M RENTAL for mature, working couple with one well-behaved dog. Te Uku, Town or the Bay. Houseproud, quiet, non-drinking, non-smoking. Preferably from Sept/ Oct for minimum of 1-2 years. Txt. 027 344 4575.



L A B O U R E R / HAMMER HAND: We have a vacancy for a project in Raglan completing a residential house. Full time position for the duration of the project (approx. 3 months). Must be hard-working and reliable. Mike 021 795 711.

Dental Assistants – Raglan, Ngaruawahia, Huntly Rural Mobile Dental Units Permanent and casual positions Job Number: WAI06264 / WAI06233 Dental assistants support and assist dental therapists in all aspects of care and clinic administration. The position works within the school terms, though some school holiday work is available at times. Would ideally suit someone who has a work history in office administration, customer service or health care experience.

Quality homes for removal Good price paid Ph 07 8471760



Scarlett Seton



George Bull



Romeo T Waitere

Win 2-1, Win 1-0 Dougal McGregor

Great Whites

Win 6-0, Win 2-0 Nyah Carruthers

Whale Tails

Win 3-1, Loss 0-3 Sydney Duston


Loss default, Win1-2 Dylan Quillter


Win 4-2, Draw 1-1 Toby Bower


Loss 2-3

Van Camenzind


Win 3-2

Ava Wood


Loss 0-5

Luna Petzold de la Cruz


Won 6-0

Jade Camenzind unknown

Thresher Sharks


Lucien Kite

Tsunamis Dolphins

Win 4-2 Win 2-0

Alex Gott Teihani Ralaimihoatra


Draw 0-0

Isabeau Conjaerts


Loss 2-8

Shea Woolston


Draw 1-1

Megan Abrams

RAS Seniors

Loss 5-6

The following dog registration fees and charges have been adopted by the Waikato District Council and will be effective from 1 July, 2018.

DOG REGISTRATION FEE FOR ALL DOGS (INCLUDING GST) General dog owner Dangerous dog Guide dogs, hearing ear dog, or companion dogs (special criteria apply)

$ 105.00 187.50 5.00

REBATES IF PAID IN BY 20 JULY 2018 (Rebates granted to owners classified by Council as at 30 April 2018)

- Peace and tranquility -Surfing, fishing, bush walks - Cabins, powered sites, tent sites PH 07 825 6800

Dog Policy Rebates

Discounted Rate Full Rate (Paid on (Paid by 20 July) or after 20 July)

General dog owner Approved owner Selected owner Farm owner Neutered dogs

$ 105.00 80.00 50.00 50.00 *Special conditions apply

$ 125.00 100.00 70.00 70.00

* If neutered in the previous year, the normal classification fee will be rebated.


POUND, SEIZURE AND MISCELLANEOUS FEES Impounding - First Second Third or subsequent impounding Seizure (additional to impounding fee) Sustenance (per day)

Saturday 2nd June Site Open 12.30pm – 4.30pm Sunday 3rd June Site Open 8.30am – 4.30pm


80.00 120.00 150.00 70.00 22.00

NOTE: Any fees incurred in the seizure, custody, sustenance and transport of a dog are required to be paid before its release from impoundment. Dog Collars - Large Medium Small Replacement tags Application for classification under Selected and Farm Owner Policy Application for permit to keep more than two dogs Disposal/Surrender fee Implanting of Microchips

Monday 4th June (Queens Birthday) Site Open 12.30pm – 4.30pm Tuesday 5th June Site Closed Kerbside Collections one day later: Raglan West – Tuesday 5th June Raglan East – Wednesday 6th June

18.00 14.00 10.00 6.00 20.00 65.00 50.00 25.00

NOTE: No reduction will be allowed on registration fees for any fog that is registered on or after 20 July 2018, apart from year registration as per sections 38 and 39 of the Dog Control Act 1996.

Raglan Senior Rugby THIS WEEK: NO GAME Queen’s Birthday Weekend


Dog Registration Fees & Charges 2018/2019

Public Notices

RESULT OF LAST GAME: Saturday 26 May Raglan v TA Marist Win 43 - 29

Nelson Wright


Courses, classes & workshops

*Sponsored by RC



Hammerheads Loss 0-2, Loss1-2 Callum Ball

SAT 2 JUNE @ YOT CLUB: Concord Dawn, MC Rolex, Bobo the Strange Attractor. $15.

H I B E R N AT I N G THIS WINTER? OH NO! - Come along to Raglan Light Exercise Group. Sessions Monday and Thursday at 10.00am. St. Peters Church Hall. Everybody is most welcome to attend.



Tiger Sharks

FRI 1 JUNE @ YOT CLUB: Free entry, Yot Club free pickup dropoff, text free pool, in-house and 0211034156. DJ’s.

Wanted to Let

Situations Vacant


SAT 3 JUNE @ YOT CLUB: Queen’s Birthday Cornerstone Roots with Regan Perry - Tickets $20 from eventfinda.co.nz.

This notice is given under Sections 37 and 68 of the Dog Control Act 1996.

G J Ion Chief Executive M6764, M6766

RAGLAN MOVIES AT THE OLD SCHOOL: LOST IN PARIS (M). Sa 2 Jun 5.45 . I TONYA (R16). Sa 2 Jun 8.30, Su 3 Jun 4.30 . Door sales 30 mins before session times.

0800 492 452 www.waikatodistrict.govt.nz www.facebook.com/WaikatoDistrictCouncil

SUPPORT OUR SUPPORTERS! Local businesses are the foundation of our community.

Closing date: 17 June 2018

They make it possible for us to bring the Raglan Chronicle to you FREE of charge each week.

For further information and to apply please visit our website www.waikatodhb.health.nz/jobs or phone 07 839 8949.

Support our supporters and our local community, be sure to tell them you saw them in the Raglan Chronicle.


RAGLAN Chronicle 15

‘LIKE’us on Facebook

raglan.ljhooker.co.nz Open Home

Final Notice

Indicates there is a ‘Walk-through Video’



Open Home





3 Violet Street

3 Sunshine Rise

Living the Dream with an Income Stream This solid home which includes an upstairs separate semi s/c area will impress you. On the lower level there’s 2 bedrooms, an open plan kitchen and living area, bathroom and laundry with upstairs being the great added bonus of a separate living quarters which creates regular income with AirBNB guests and has its own kitchenette, lounge, a double bedroom, ensuite bathroom and a sunny entertaining deck overlooking the well kept colourful gardens. Under cover parking is provided by the carport and there’s a good sized workshop for the toys and tools. So close to the beach via nearby Daisy Street.

Refreshed, Rejuvenated and Ready For You Elevated and sunny this 3 bedroom home has been recently redecorated and is all ready for you to move in. The lounge is spacious and the dining area opens onto a large deck extending your living space. There is also a generous master bedroom and a separate single garage. The section is family friendly with room for kids to play. Quietly located in a cul-de-sac yet less than 5 minutes walk to lovely Lorenzen Bay. If you’ve been on the hunt for a very tidy, easily maintained rental property, or a great home for holiday or permanent living, come and see what is on offer here. Call or email Chrissy for more information 027 287 1804.

Deadline Contact Email View

For Sale Contact Email View


07.06.18 Unless sold prior Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 kleuthart.raglan@ljh.co.nz Saturday 12 - 12:30pm ljhooker.co.nz/1YPHFG


$589,000 Chrissy Cox - 027 287 1804 ccox.raglan@ljh.co.nz Sunday 1 - 1:30pm ljhooker.co.nz/1YJHFG





33 Whaanga Road

56 Bush View Drive

Affordable Whale Bay Escape Be quick to grab this immaculate home located only mins to the surf. In an elevated position the modern dwelling enjoys gorgeous ocean views & a sunny, sheltered aspect. The 800m² section features low maintenance landscaped gardens and includes a new concrete drive, meaning all the hard work’s done! However, the rear of the section offers even bigger water views & has potential for further development. Handy under house workshop and storage space. You won’t get better value in Whale Bay!

Sweet Serenity This gorgeous property is truly something special and is sure to take your breath away. Offering spectacular 360° views of the valley from every window. Presented in immaculate condition the home offers 4 bdrms, 2 bthrms & internal access dble gge. Downstairs is a newly built semi-self contained flat. The 5974m² of land has been lovingly developed, planted and landscaped like no other, the hard work is ALL done! The fully fenced section has something for everyone with vege gardens, fruit trees, chicken coop and goat paddock! It is impossible to describe how stunning this property really is, so come and see for yourself.

For Sale Contact Email View

For Sale Contact Email View

$799,000 Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 sobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz ljhooker.co.nz/1WJHFG

Lifestyle Block

$899,000 Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 sobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz ljhooker.co.nz/1S0HFG




1644a Whaanga Road

31 Upper Wainui Road

Ruapuke an Untapped Paradise This hidden gem is located near north Ruapuke Beach, a 1/2 hour drive from Raglan and less than an hour from Hamilton. The total area is 15999m² or almost 4 acres which offers lots of options. Practical covenants allow for a range of designs and materials for your new lifestyle home or modern bach retreat ideas. The block has a nice building site requiring a little levelling which really takes advantage of the awesome views on offer. Mature stands of manuka and native bush surround the block on most sides creating privacy and fostering a natural microclimate for birdlife and providing shelter. Electricity is available for easy connection on the property.

Upper Wainui Wonderland Almost 2 acres, close to the surf and less than 5 minutes from town with views of the ocean, harbour, town, countryside and Mt Karioi. This 8 year old home is double glazed and north facing with a spacious, open plan living area opening to a deck on the northern side and a large, covered deck at the rear. With 3 double bedrooms, master with ensuite and walk in wardrobe, plus double garage and an office or sleep out. A huge area of flat land surrounds the house for the kids to kick a ball and for you to park any number of vehicles or the boat. Call Chrissy for more information.

For Sale Contact Email View

For Sale Contact Email View

$375,000 Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 kleuthart.raglan@ljh.co.nz ljhooker.co.nz/14SHFG

By Negotiation Chrissy Cox - 027 287 1804 ccox.raglan@ljh.co.nz ljhooker.co.nz/1Y2HFG

Industrial Land


 LJ Hooker Property Management   We have a number of families and  professional couples looking for a  long term rental home in Raglan.  If you have a property that is  empty, or that you’re thinking of  renting out, contact Sandra to  discuss how you can best make 

New Rental

 

Lot 6 Nau Mai Road

1730m² Light Industrial Zone Be quick to secure this light Industrial zoned section of 1730m²with a 750m² effective dead flat engineered building platform which is already metalled. Nau Mai Business Park was consented in 2010 and has become the only large scale light industrial zone in the Raglan area with several successful business operating there and more on the way. Survey pegs onsite, awaiting your inspection. For Sale $240,000 Contact Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 Email kleuthart.raglan@ljh.co.nz ljhooker.co.nz/ 1THHFG View

12 Bow Street

To Lease - Prime Retail Premises A rare opportunity to lease a prime retail space in the Main Street of central Raglan. The shop area is 84m² and has a great courtyard at the rear of the building. This space would lend itself to many types of business, retail, health professionals, offices or would make a great cafe. Formerly a Hair & Beauty salon this has the potential for any aspiring stylist or beautician to build their own business. Lease Contact Email View

your investment work for you. 


By Negotiation Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 kleuthart.raglan@ljh.co.nz ljhooker.co.nz/ 1XHHFG

RENTAL - 3 Gilmour Street

Large 3 Bedroom Family Home Stunning views, close to town, harbour and kindergarten. Cosy with insulation and a heat pump, 3 double bedrooms all with wardrobes, double garage with internal access. Shared section with the occupied unit downstairs. Please complete an application with photo ID before booking a viewing with Sandra the property manager. For Rent $450 per week Contact Sandra Bowditch - 07 825 7170 Email rentals.raglan@ljh.co.nz ljhooker.co.nz/ 1Z2HFG View

Robbie Regnier

Darryl Hawkins

Chrissy Cox

Matt Sweetman

Kyle Leuthart

Michelle O’Byrne

Stephen O’Byrne

Sandra Bowditch

021 952 271

027 290 6675

027 287 1804

021 624 826

021 903 309

021 969 878

021 969 848

021 751 759

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Raglan Property Manager

*NB Boundary lines on photos are approximate & merely a guide. All information contained herein is gathered from sources we deem reliable. However we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely upon their own enquiries.

LJ Hooker Raglan (07) 825 7170 • 16 RAGLAN Chronicle

25-27 Bow Street , Raglan • George Boyes & Co Limited Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008

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