RaglanCHRONICLE Whaingaroa news for you weekly
26th April 2012 Issue #291
Proudly brought to you by
eatery’s end p3
constant gardner p5
Raglan Real Estate Ltd Licenced (REAA 2008)
DRAMATIC!!! Ocean, Harbour, Estuary & Mountain Views ! Stunning 4 bedroom property
!"" Landscaped grounds !"" Unbroken views !"" Large open plan lounge / dining
Open Home Sat 46pm & Sun 12pm 49b Hills Road
!"" Well appointed granite kitchen
Serving Raglan District Since 1996 Local Business supporting Local Business
Proud sponsor of Raglan Rugby
!"" Plus many extras
RAGLAN Chronicle 1
dining guide
Cover: LR: Kase Wilson, rugby league legend Andrew ‘Joey’ Johns and Tana Clapham after training at the Raglan rugby grounds. Image courtesy of Mel Clapham
Should you wish to aquire any images from this week’s Chronicle ‐ please contact us on 825 7076 or email your request to info@raglanchronicle.co.nz
Aloha Market Place - Sushi Takeaway. 5 Bow Street..................................................... 825 7440
Local rugby club gets surprise visit from league legend
Burgershack. Takeaway. 35a Bow Street.................................................................... 825 8439
[0H+& Q>8-H:0T6& 1%1S%-H& *"& 90;<0(& _8(.*-& 98;ST^H& %.;>+>& ;-0:%&R%-%&+-%0+%:&+*&0&H8-'-.H%& O.H.+& "-*1& N8H+-0<.0(& -8;ST& <%0;8%& <%;%(:6& N(:-%R& `_*%T^& _*>(H4
In 2008, to celebrate 100 years of the game, the Australian Rugby 6+.'5+(&.2+/(.(,3)%"&.#(78+.2("!( the Century’ with Johns at halfback – recognising him as one of the best )"(+9+-(,##()*.)(:"0%)%"&; Johns has also won the Rugby League World Golden Boot Award Commentating at the ANZAC twice, a feat rivaled only recently by test held at Eden Park on Friday, Darren Lockyer. Johns spent his days leading up to An avid surfer, Johns was )*+(2.)3*(-+#.4%&'(.&/(05-,&'(%&( particularly thrilled that he got some Raglan. great surf during his stay. “He surfs Staying at Whale Bay with really good, I think some of the guys friends John and Mel Clapham, Johns visited the couple’s son Tana’s that were out with him were a bit surprised that he surfed so well,” rugby training as a way of giving said Clapham. back after thoroughly enjoying his Based in Australia, Johns has stay. “I think the coaches and parents been visiting New Zealand recently )"(!5#,##(*%0(3"&)-.3)(.0()*+(&+$( were a bit more blown away, skills coach for the Warriors. knowing who he was, ” said John After Johns’ brief stay Clapham Clapham. reckons, “he really loves it here and Former captain of the Newcastle thinks it’s a beautiful place, we’ll Knights, Johns retired in 2007 at a /+,&%)+#1(<+(0++%&'(*%2(*+-+(.'.%&( young 32 years old after a serious soon.” neck injury . Maki Nishiyama
Nannies Takeaways. 35 Bow Street............................................................................. 825 8842
Appeal launched Raglan Community House has launched an appeal to help Hinemoa and Ron Laird get back on their feet WeatherMap - New Zealand weather forecasts !"##"$%&'()*+(,-+()*.)(/+0)-"1+/( their home and all their possessions on Good Friday.
opened at the Raglan Westpac Bank and is a local appeal only.
All donations to the appeal will http://www.weathermap.co.nz/?p=raglan be gratefully received. Donations can be made at the Raglan Westpac Bank for the next 6 weeks.
The appeal account has been Weather Map
Raglan Weather & Tides
Check www.weathermap.co.nz for latest forecasts Forecasts Forecast generated on Wednesday 25 April Max Summary Wind Waves* Tides* Sun/Moon temp (C) (km/hr) (m) (High/Low) (Rise/Set)
UH+6&J-:&0(:&E+>&Y0+8-:0TH&.(&90;<0( D(:&0(:&3+>&Y0+8-:0TH&&.(&Q%&)0+0 ,8-+>%-&.("*-10+.*(?&90;<0(&CDE&CUJE =0-.H>&=-.%H+&,-&N(H%<1&N>%-(%?&,-0(V+*(&C3A&EF&CC
Cloudy with Showers
N 25 am NW 25 pm
01:20 07:40 01:40 07:50
am am R 07:01 am pm S 05:34 pm pm
Showers with clear spells
SW 30 am SW 35 pm
02:10 08:30 02:40 08:50
am am R 07:02 am pm S 05:33 pm pm
Sunny with some cloud
NW 10 am NW 25 pm
03:10 09:40 03:50 10:00
am am R 07:03 am pm S 05:32 pm pm
Sunny with some cloud
W 25 am SW 30 pm
04:20 10:50 05:00 11:10
am am R 07:04 am pm S 05:31 pm pm
Sunny and clear skies
SE 10 am SW 20 pm
H 05:30 am R 07:05 am L 11:50 am S 05:29 pm H 06:10 pm
Sunny with some cloud
W5 W5
am pm
12:20 06:40 12:50 07:10
am am R 07:05 am pm S 05:28 pm pm
Sunny with some cloud
NE 5 NE 5
am pm
01:10 07:30 01:40 08:00
am am R 07:06 am pm S 05:27 pm pm
*Total significant wave height and *Tide times for Raglan Bar
10am Raglan Area School 7pm Te Uku Church Pastor Roger Peart ph 07 825 5199
2 RAGLAN Chronicle
Raglan Ink Ltd home of the Raglan Chronicle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
Eateryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s end linked to notÂsoÂgolden weather â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a fairÂweather town, a fairÂweather destination, so the poor summer had a big impact,â&#x20AC;? Cloan told the Chronicle this week in the wake of the surprise closure of the 70Âseat cafĂŠ. Zaragoza â&#x20AC;&#x201C; named after an area of Spain renowned for its gastronomy â&#x20AC;&#x201C; closed one recent Sunday and never reopened as usual the following Wednesday. !"#$%&'($)*'($+*,-+'$./#0$*1$("#$,+*'2&#$ was when they read a notice on the window ("-($ '-34$ '3)5+6$ 78-&-9*:-$ "-'$ %/3'"#4$ trading and is now closedâ&#x20AC;? and thanked people for their custom. On the positive side several other businesses have opened downtown recently, though the owners of Raglanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s latest retail outlet, Eye Spy, says theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re â&#x20AC;&#x153;under no illusion itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s going to be a very slow winterâ&#x20AC;?. Cloan and his then partner Gloria Campbell gave up â&#x20AC;&#x153;highÂpoweredâ&#x20AC;? jobs in Auckland to open Zaragoza in late 2008.  Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d lived in Raglan from 1981 toÂ
1991, had kept a house here and wanted to return to what Cloan described as Raglanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;amazing environmentâ&#x20AC;?. Cloan said while he kept hoping for â&#x20AC;&#x153;a better summer next yearâ&#x20AC;?, a multitude of factors prompted him to shut up shop.
The rates are a killer, no â&#x20AC;&#x153;doubt about it.  There is noÂ
Becks â&#x20AC;&#x153;always wanted two beach town shopsâ&#x20AC;?, and theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve had an Eye Spy in Whitianga since last Labour Weekend.  Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve also set up stalls for years at festivals and markets, including the Fieldays.
The pair have had â&#x20AC;&#x153;awesome feedbackâ&#x20AC;? since opening alongside Zinnia just before adjustment for a seasonal Easter.   â&#x20AC;&#x153;We bring all the stuff in ourselves͞ business.  Cloan Makgill weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re not buying off wholesalers so we can offer good prices and good quality,â&#x20AC;? says Becks.  â&#x20AC;&#x153;People are looking for that !"#$&#'(-2&-/($0-'$74#%/3(#+6$-$;3-<+#$ propositionâ&#x20AC;? when he did his homework something different now.â&#x20AC;? in 2007, but more food outlets had opened =#,.'$ #>5#,('$ -$ '+*0$ %&'($ 03/(#&$ 3/$ in his time here and â&#x20AC;&#x153;youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve got to be Raglan â&#x20AC;&#x153;but it will be even slower in a slick operator to make it workâ&#x20AC;?.  He ?"3(3-/9-$ @$ 0#A&#$ ,*)3/9$ 3/(*$ *2&$ %&'($ conceded that â&#x20AC;&#x153;we were new to business, doubleÂbanger winter!â&#x20AC;? inexperiencedâ&#x20AC;?. Down a lane near Eye Spy, Barry Cloan also cited high rents and the Rogerson is showing heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a â&#x20AC;&#x153;multitaskingâ&#x20AC;? rates levelled by Waikato District Council.  â&#x20AC;&#x153;The rates [downtown] are a killer, no man, varying his time between his new B. doubt about it.  Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no adjustment for a rex Photo Design store and, alongside, a seasonal business. In some cases they [the Raglan Roast shop complete with tables and chairs and huge sacks of coffee beans rates] equal those in Hamilton city.â&#x20AC;? */$("#$B**&C Meantime HamiltonÂbased business partners Becks Moxon and Nikki Douglas Edith Symes
Plenty of value in objecting Objecting to her new property Â have fuelled speculation that valuation has been well worth it something went amiss with or after for at least one Raglan resident. the transfer of database informationÂ
to QV from the councilâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s previous valuation providers, Valuation and Management Services. Raglan Community Board chairman and information retrieval expert Rodger Gallagher said at the time it seemed QV had not run a data match against the councilâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s building consent database. Meanwhile council general manager strategy and support Tony Whittaker says whether objectors -&#$ /*(3%#4$ *1$ ("#$ *2(,*)#$ %&'($ <6$ QV or by the council varies from case to case, and depends on the type of property. Whatever, when the process is complete all objectors will receive a further notice from the council advising of their new CVs.  In all, 85 Raglan ward ratepayers lodged objections, much fewer than last time around.
The Greenslade Road resident, whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s looking to sell, was shocked when QV wiped $170,000 off the capital value of her waterfront property in its revaluation exercise last year for Waikato District Council. So she put in an objection â&#x20AC;&#x201C; and last week QV wrote to say her CV has been amended to $890,000, a staggering $220,000 up on its previous valuation and $50,000 more than her CV before the revaluation exercise began. She says it was clear when QV called to inspect the property that they knew nothing about a studio sleepout built on the property in recent years. That and other cases Â including one where a new house in Lily Street was missed entirely in QVâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sweep and the new valuation &#B#,(#4$ */+6$ ("#$ +-/4$ ;-+2#$ A.T.
say theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re hoping to spend a bit more time in Raglan since relocating Eye Spy here from Tirau.
Chartered Accountants 13 Wallis Street, Raglan 07 825 7050 info@bizworx.co.nz
The disappointing weather over summer is among â&#x20AC;&#x153;multifariousâ&#x20AC;? reasons why Zaragoza owner Cloan Makgill has closed the doors and walked away from his SpanishÂstyle restaurant, leaving a yawning gap in a prime strip of downtown Raglan.
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RAGLAN Chronicle 3
Portrait artist doggedly pursues wider success !"# $%&%# '()**+# ,%*%-.%/# 01&# .2%# 3&%,.45416,# The past couple of years, she says, have been Raglan portrait painter Joanne Dean’s onto the international scene as an artist. Whatever the outcome, she says, “you’ve exhibition. “a huge learning curve”. !"#$%&'$()!&'*$+'"**&,$#%-#$#."$/0&+&*$ just got to put yourself out there”. But the news last month that her work Oiloncanvas portraits adorn her Simon "1$ -'#."'2$ *&)#$ #"$ 3"),")$ 4-*#$ .&&2$ Jo’s done a lot of that over the past 2)/(7.# 8)/%# 4.# .2&1652# .1# .2%# '()*# ,%*%-.41(# Road home amid the happy chaos of kids 50!%#$67*#$'&-/$#%&$'&.-',$*%&$+'-8&*9$ Offering a £7500 prize and a direct mentorship through London’s Royal Society of Portrait Painters, the Bulldog Bursary for which she’s applied with her two works could well catapult the local kindergarten teacher
Water Tip #19
two years – after she turned 40 and “had a revelation”. Not only did husband Rob buy her an easel for the landmark birthday but Jo was so inspired watching BBC television’s ‘Star Portraits’ – in which professional artists paint a celebrity – that she emailed the winning artist in the UK with whom she felt a connection, asking him if he’d consider looking at her work and giving some feedback. That started a mentoring relationship which has seen Jo also submit this year two other portraits “preselected” for the Royal Society’s annual exhibition at the Mall Galleries in the heart of London. Jo’s was one of 1300 entries worldwide, she says, of which just
Worried about water bills? WEC can help you to reduce your water footprint
was devastating. It took months of preparation, Jo told the Chronicle, let alone the pressure and the cost involved in hurriedly framing and packaging her work for delivery to the other side of the world once she knew her two digital images – one of teenage daughter Olivia, the other her daughter’s friend Julie – had been accepted. Jo admits it took weeks to get over her non ,%*%-.41(# 01&# .2%# '()*# !"# 31&.&)4.,# 9# /%,34.%# her mentor’s reassurance it takes many years to progress from selftaught to professional. She will however reapply for the Royal Society’s annual exhibition next year, hoping to get that allimportant step further. Jo’s hardly painted since being selected from Fraser High School for a year’s course at Elim School of Fine Arts in Christchurch.
and work that take up the rest of her life. :(/# ,2%7,# ,).4,'%/# .2%# -1(.&),.# ;%.$%%(# 2%&# earliest portraits and the latest ones show a measure of improvement that keeps her striving artistically. Jo likes the “psychology” of portraiture, and capturing the essence of a person in a setting of her own choice. “I seem to be going a bit softer,” she adds of her current work, “and building up lots of thin layers of oil to get more depth.” Meantime she’s recently completed a portrait of Kiwi arts philanthropist Sir James Wallace and, these school holidays, personally delivered it to Pah Homestead in Auckland from where he circulates one of the 81,.#,45(4'-)(.#-1**%-.41(,#10#-1(.%831&)&+# New Zealand art. Edith Symes
Stop in to our centre in the Town Hall, Bow Street (07)825 0480
Joanne Dean with her most recent portraits
Extended opening hours at West Coast Health Clinic :0)#&'$ 0*$ )&-'4;$ 7/")$ 7*$ -),$ :&*#$ <"-*#$ =&-4#%$ <40)0+$ .044>$ -*$ 7*7-4>$ ?&$ "11&'0)!$ #%"*&$ "8&'$ @A$ -$ 1'&&$ B47$ 8-++0)-#0")$ #"$ %&4/$ /'&8&)#$ C79$ D#%&'*$.0#%$+&'#-0)$4")!$#&'5$%&-4#%$ +"),0#0")*$ 5-;$ -4*"$ ?&$ &40!0?4&$ E$ *"$ +%&+2$.0#%$#%&$FG$"'$)7'*&9$ To further our commitment to Raglan’s long and short term health, we are pleased to offer extended opening hours from Monday 7th May 2012, with the surgery open from 8am until 7pm for three days a week. We will also be offering some lunchtime appointments on selected days
to help those of you who work in Raglan. It is hoped that those residents that work in Hamilton or have other work commitments '(/#4.#%),4%&#.1#5%.#)(#)3314(.8%(.#.48%# that suits their lifestyle. Those who have visited the surgery over the last 6 months will know that Dr. Rebekah has been on maternity leave and Dr. Angela Glew has been covering her. With Dr. Rebekah returning at the beginning of May the clinic is pleased to announce that Dr.Angela will be continuing with us for another year, thus increasing out team of Doctors to four. When requesting repeat prescriptions please give us 24 hours notice, this
allows the GPs to check the requested medication is safe and appropriate for you. We also encourage email requests should you have access. Our email address for prescriptions will be nurse@ westcoasthealth.co.nz A reminder to use our after hours telephone triage service when you have a medical question/problem on the weekend or weekday evenings. Our clinic number 825 0114 will connect you to a real person a registered nurse specially trained to give you medical advice. There is no cost for this service and with luck you may save yourself a trip to Anglesea Clinic in Hamilton. Team at West Coast Health Clinic
Te Kohao Health Your Medical Clinic
Nau Mai Haere Mai All Welcome
Raglan, Poihakena Marae 216 Wainui Rd, Raglan Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9.00am 4.30pm Free after hours telephone triage service Phone: (07) 825 0197 Fax: (07) 825 0956 Email: admin@tekohaohealth.co.nz
Dr Oliver Russell Dr Gill Brady Dr Marcia Mitchley 10 Bankart Street, Raglan
Te Kohao Health 180 Dey St, Hamilton Monday Friday 8.30 5.00pm Saturday 8.30 12.00pm Free after hours telephone triage service Phone: (07) 856 1211 Dedicated in the memory of Dr Tom Ellison
4 RAGLAN Chronicle
Constant gardener digs movie work Simon Pilbeam – owner of local gardening business Green Landscapes – recently got a “foot in the door” of the movie industry but is keeping !"#$ !%&'#$ '"()*$ %&'$ +,)!$ -..)$ /(01*$ planted on the ground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OPINION: RRRA campaign under way
-0$ %"$ ."1(%/'00$ %'/'A*0*"($ ."++'#.*-/0= ^('$ 0.'('$ 5*+"($ 2-0$ *(A"/A'8$ *(9$ &"2'A'#9$ 2-0$ 0&"%$ ./"0'#$ %"$ &"+'$ L$ "($ /".-%*"($ -%$ >-+*/%"($ _-#8'(0:$ X-@-('0'$ ?-#8'($ "77$R"3&-+$N#*A'= F&"1?&$ TU+@'#"#:$ 2-0$ -$ ."+@-#-%*A'/<$ /"2)318?'%$ +"A*'$ 5*+"($ 2-0$ -+-`'8$ -%$&"2$G/*%'#-//<$&1(8#'80$"7$ @'"@/'H$ 2"#4'8$ %"?'%&'#$ "($ %&'$@#"81.%*"(=$ GE%$ 2-0$ A'#<$ 'P.*%*(?$ %"$ &-A'$%&'$"@@"#%1(*%<$%"$/'-#($ -3"1%$ -$ ('2$ *(810%#<$ -(8$ ?'%$*(A"/A'8$2*%&$0"+'$A'#<$ .#'-%*A'$*(8*A*81-/0=H$5*+"($ %"/8$%&'$R&#"(*./'= F&'$@#"81.%*"($."+@-(<$&-0$0*(.'$&'-8'8$ %"$X-@-($%"$."+@/'%'$%&'$@#";'.%9$0-<0$5*+"(=$ C"%$ %&-%$ &':0$ 'P@'.%*(?$ %"$ 0''$ %&'$ ,(*0&'8$ @#"81.%$-(<$%*+'$0""(9$-0$%&'$TK#$S*@:$+"A*'$ ,/+'8$ *($ 61.4/-(8$ 3'7"#'$ *%9$ 3<$ %&'$ 0-+'$ ."+@-(<9$&-0$0%*//$("%$3''($#'/'-0'8=
Simon and Jack at home !"#$ ("2$ %&"1?&9$ 5*+"(:0$ "@%*+*0%*.$-(8$ 'P.*%'8$-3"1%$%&'$71%1#'= >':0$3-.4$*(%"$&*0$/-(80.-@*(?$@#";'.%0$*($ %&'$W-*4-%"$2*%&$G-$8*77'#'(%$@'#0@'.%*A'$-(8$ -$7-#$?#'-%'#$-@@#'.*-%*"($7"#$]-?/-(H=$ Edith Symes
Get WACKY this May
Raglan residents WIN a visit from the Westpac campaign on safety Waikato Air Ambulance! and tripled water rates Raglan Residents and Ratepayers Association has kicked off a campaign to make Raglan residents aware of threatened massive increases in water rates and the dangers of doing nothing about overcrowded buses and a dangerous road. RRRA has started '.1"2.("&3$ 1.%4.)#$ 5(3"&3$ (.#"'.&)#$ ),$ make submissions. ^A'#.#"28*(?$ "($ %&'$ JI$ 310$ #"1%'$ &-0$ 3'."+'$("%"#*"10$'("1?&$%"$7'-%1#'$*($-$W-*4-%"$ F*+'0$.-#%""(9$<'%$%&'#'$*0$("$+'(%*"($"7$%&'$310$ *($W-*4-%"$N*0%#*.%$R"1(.*/:0$8#-7%$M"(?$F'#+$ S/-($ YMFSZ=$ ^7,.*-/0$ &-A'$ 3''($ 8*03'/*'A*(?$ %&-%$-$%'+@"#-#<$0"/1%*"($2"1/8$3'$-$abc$?#"1@$ %-P*$&*#'9$-0$-(8$2&'($(''8'8=$M'-A*(?$.&*/8#'($ 0%-(8*(?$-%$310$0%"@0$-(8$&-A*(?$/-#?'$(1+3'#0$ 0%-(8*(?$"($-$7-0%$+"A*(?$310$-#'$0-7'%<$&-`-#80$ %&-%$0&"1/8$3'$-88#'00'8$3<$%&'$%'($<'-#$@/-(=$6$ ]-?/-($R"++1(*%<$d"-#8$@#"@"0-/$%"$/*(4$%&'$ +-*($ %"1#*0%$ -%%#-.%*"(09$ S*@*2&-#-1#"-$ W-<9$ d#*8-/$['*/9$]-?/-($-(8$W&-/'$d-<$3<$+*(*310$ &-0$3''($#';'.%'8= F&'$Jeef$MFS$0-*89$GE%$*0$@#"@"0'8$%"$8'A'/"@$ -$2-/42-<$"A'#$%&#''$<'-#0$7#"+$W-*(1*$]'0'#A'$ %"$W&-/'$d-<$*($]-?/-($0%-#%*(?$*($JegghJegJ$-%$ -$%"%-/$."0%$"7$agfi9eee=H$F&-%$7"//"2'8$<'-#0$ "7$ /"33<*(?9$ -0$ %&'$ (1+3'#0$ 2-/4*(?$ %"$ K-(1$ d-<$01#,(?$+'..-$"($%&'$(-##"29$2*(8*(?$#"-8$ *(.#'-0'8=$F&*0$0-7'%<$2"#4$2-0(:%$0%-#%'8$-(8$ *0$("2$("%$0&"2($-0$@/-(('8$7"#$-(<$%*+'$*($%&'$ ('P%$%'($<'-#0= ]-?/-(:0$0-7'%<$*0$3'*(?$*?("#'89$<'%$,?1#'0$ ;10%$#'/'-0'8$3<$WNR$0&"2$%&'*#$-A'#-?'$#-%'0$ @'#$ @'#0"($ -%$ affg9$ 31%$ ag9gIc$ 7"#$ ]-?/-($ Y#'81.'8$ 3<$ -($ -001+@%*"($ %&-%$ ]-?/-(:0$ @"@1/-%*"($ &-0$ 0&"%$ 1@$ jbk$ 0*(.'$ %&'$ Jeej$ .'(010lZ=$ F&'$ MFS$ @#"@"0'0$ %"$ @1%$ ]-?/-(:0$ %-#?'%'8$#-%'0$1@$3<$-$71#%&'#$gJk$*($JegJ=$F&'$
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S-#%*.*@-%*(?$*0$'-0<l$$6//$<"1#$0.&""/$&-0$ Register your school, select a date in May and get creative for this year’s %"$8"$*0$.&""0'$-$8-%'9$%'//$%&'$4*80$-(8$/'%$10$ wacky hair day while we join together 4("2= to raise funds for a new chopper for WHEN:$o"1$.&""0'$%&'$8-%'$*($K-<$JegJ the Westpac Waikato Air Ambulance. WHAT:$5%18'(%0$%"$3#*(?$-/"(?$?"/8$."*($ K-<$ *0$ "1#$ -((1-/$ W'0%@-.$ R&"@@'#$ 8"(-%*"($2*%&$%&'+$0@"#%*(?$-$2-.4<$&-*#8"$ 6@@'-/$+"(%&$-(8$2':8$/"A'$<"1#$01@@"#%$ 3<$?'%%*(?$-//$<"1#$@1@*/0$%"$?"$.#-`<$2*%&$-$ WHY:$o"1$."1/8$2*($-$01#@#*0'$O<$"A'#$"#p$ -$A*0*%$7#"+$%&'$.&"@@'#$.-##<*(? 2-.4<$&-*#8"$Y"#$+17%*$8-<Z9$%"$#-*0'$+"('<$ -$&*?&$@#",/'$C'2$D'-/-(8'#l %"$?"$%"2-#80$-$#'@/-.'+'(%$&'/*."@%'#$7"#$ %&'$W'0%@-.$W-*4-%"$6*#$6+31/-(.'=$ HOW:$]'?*0%'#$%"8-<$3<$."(%-.%*(?$'*%&'#$ F&'$ +-;"#$ 71(8#-*0*(?$ @#";'.%$ %"$ Patricia Parsons #'@/-.'$ %&'$ .1##'(%$ d'//JJJd$ &'/*."@%'#$ @-%#*.*-n#'0.1'="#?=(`$$em$iIf$iijf 2-0$ /-1(.&'8$ *($ !'3#1-#<$ /-0%$ <'-#9$ 2*%&$ or Kelly Brennan -$ 2&"@@*(?$ %-#?'%$ "7$ aI=c+*//*"($ L$ "A'#$ 4'//<q3#'((-(n2'0%@-.=."=(`$$em$iIb$Jijf &-/7$"7$%&*0$&-0$3''($-.&*'A'89$2*%&$ag=mJ$ Westpac Waikato Air Ambulance #-*0'8$0"$7-#=
Raglan Junior Rugby 2012 6)7#$/&%11*$!.(.8$9%31%&$:5&",($953+*$ 11am 13th Grade Raglan v MelTech !%#$ ")#$ /(#)$ 3%0.#$ )!"#$ ;%)5('%*$ )!.$ 28th of April. 10th Grade W*%&$ -//$ %'-+0$ @/-<*(?$ -%$ &"+'9$ ."+'$ 8"2($-(8$01@@"#%$"1#$1@$-(8$."+*(?$#1?3<$ 0%-#0=$ $ U(;"<$ -$ &"%$ 0-10-?'$ 7#"+$ %&'$ ddr$ 2&*/0%$3'*(?$'(%'#%-*('8$3<$"1#$(*('$%'-+0= The timetable is: 9am 11th Grade Raglan v Southwell White 8th Grade Raglan v Hamilton Marist White 7th Grade Raglan v Melville Red 10am 12th Grade Raglan v Melville 6th Grade Raglan Black v Melville Green 6th Grade Raglan Green v Te Rapa Black
Raglan v Suburbs Red
9th Grade Raglan v Varsity Taiohi
UA'#<$ <'-#$ 2'$ (''8$ %"$ @1#.&-0'$ ('2$ 'B1*@+'(%h01@@/*'0s$ -0$ -$ 0+-//$ ./13$ 71(8#-*0*(?$*0$'00'(%*-/=$ W'$2"1/8$/*4'$%"$0-<$%&-(4$<"1$%"$]-?/-($ F"@$R1%$d1%.&'#<$7"#$#-*0*(?$abee$7"#$%&'$ R/139$%&*0$*0$A'#<$+1.&$-@@#'.*-%'8=$$6/0"$ %&'$X1(*"#$]1?3<$R/13$&-0$3''($?*A'($%&'$ "@@"#%1(*%<$%"$8"$%&'$?-%'$-%$]-?/-($0'(*"#$ &"+'$?-+'0=$ 5"$@/'-0'$%&#"2$-$."/8$."*($"1#$2-<9$01@@"#%$ %&'$0'(*"#0$-(8$3-.4$-//$]-?/-($]1?3<= The Committee
RAGLAN Chronicle 5
Could you be a Barnardos KidStart educator? You’ll work in your own home providing care and education for up to four children !"#$%&'($&)$*%+,*"#&-$.&.%*/"/"-&*"#& -%$*.&0"-0/"-&+!110%.2 30&+.*%.&)0!%&4*%$$%&*+&*&5*%"*%#0+& 6/#7.*%.&$#!4*.0%,&4*88&9$::/$&0"& ;<&=><?;==&$@.&AAB,&0%&$C*/8& #$::/$2+*:*D:*%"*%#0+20%-2"E2
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80$"&3""#9*,#!%0(%1* ':#;<=#>?@#A==
Electorate office: 25 Roche Street, Te Awamutu p 07 825 0263 (Freephone) e ShaneArdernMP@xtra.co.nz
6 RAGLAN Chronicle
The Knights ready to jam some Dub at the Yot Club Finally the ‘Knights of the DUB Table’ are making their way to the Yot Club Raglan to share their combined elements of reggae and electronica into their own fusion of dub !"#$%&'()*%+,-. With a punching horn section, heavy bass lines and uplifting songs the Knights are ready to get the Raglan crowd rocking for a night of hands high dub tunes. The boys are excited about the gig and after many !"#$%&' ()%' *%' %$+' ,-(%"+.' %$+/' *0+' *12+3' %(' 4!*55/' 6+' playing for the Raglan crowd. Lead singer Reti Hedley says, “We are really excited about jamming at the Yot Club. The vibe here is just so elevating and the crowds have a great appreciation for all types of music.” The 7 piece band have just recently released their debut album titled ‘Way of the Dub’ and have featured on a varity of New Zealand compilations including ‘The Best Of Conscious Roots 2012’ and ‘Dub Zealand 2011.’
Knights of the DUB Table are heading our way The Knights are set to play at the Yot Club on Saturday the 28th of April with support from local DJ Jamini and Sunday Session regulars ‘Tui SoundSystem’ for 5 hours of nonstop live music. /$&)012)'"&34)5,&()6,-7'6+)83'"+')#,+,6)999.'#':6;:('&.-$.:<) $&)=&"5)4$%&)6,-7'6+)"6)6>')($$&)?$&)01@.)
Acoustic music with passion at the Old School The Old School’s reputation for intimate music has "66&"-6'() 69$) $?) A'9) B'"3":(C+) ;:'+6) "-$%+6,-) +,=:'&D) +$:=9&,6'&+.))E"&7)F"%&':6)":()G&':(")F,((,"&()>"#') 5'':)('+-&,5'()"+)83"4,:=)"-$%+6,-)*%+,-)?&$*)6>')>'"&6.
towards new folk & alt. country. So what you get is an eclectic mix of material, that can be ‘pin drop’ delicate, or sound like a 4piece band! They often also pepper their shows with short bursts of poetry as well, just to keep things interesting. An added bonus to their Raglan concert at 7.30pm on the 5th Living in Whangamata they are part of that secret army of May, will be a special session for children on the same afternoon ,"!3"+.'1)&"7"*!&'8$('9/':)&%'6+5(8'%$+'7(11+07"*5'0*3*0;'25*/"!#' at 2.30pm. Called ‘Rufus and the Rain’, it is a music show for grassroots music in an ‘unplugged’ style. They’ve been touring children with storytelling and music. New Zealand, Australia and the UK for 20 years, and what they H"6%&("4)@6>)E"4I enjoy most is to connect with audiences on an intimate level. They’re both songwriters, with their own styles, so they’ve J.K28*))))))))))))L%?%+)":()6>')L",:)9,6>)E"&7)M)G&':(" become each other’s backing band. Mark has a penchant for N.K28*))))))))))))E"&7)F"%&':6)M)G&':(")F,((,"&(),:)O$:-'&6 acoustic rock, blues & reggae, whereas Brenda’s songs lean more Raglan Old School Arts Centre, Stewart St, Raglan
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RAGLAN Chronicle 7
Enviro Matters
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ECCA Insulation Grants
Seed of the month: Rocket
Did you know that you can get up to 60% of the cost of insulating your home paid for by the government through ECCA Warm Up New Zealand grants? If you are renting your landlord could get the same grant.
As the name implies, few plants grow faster than Rocket (Eruca sativa). Part of the Brassica family, the dark, pungent leaves are excellent fare in a winter salad. When it goes to seed, enjoy eating the flowers too. Also known as arugula, as well as other names, it can be confused with ‘Wild Rocket’ (Diplotaxis Tenuafolia). Latin names may seem outdated but are vital to distinguish between plants when there is doubt about its common name.
If you have a community services card, you or your landlord could get 60% of the cost of insulation covered, or 33% if you don’t have a CSC. If you want to know more about ECCA grants, !"#$!%&'()!&"*#(&+,-&.*/&0*/&(1#2&(%&'$!'3& out the ECCA website. 45,5,56&7#$!&41*#89&,*!%:9&,;0'"!*'9&6%1<#=&.%!& a local provider who regularly insulate homes in Raglan and can give you a quote for insulating your home
Door snakes made from rescued fabric scraps. Available at WEC for only $5! Shut out the cold!
Curtain Swap!
WEC and Timebank Raglan are having our 0%<#&<>.?&)!!#&.#&+,-&76(>*&4.88=&(*&@.#1%/.9& May 19th from 11am - 3pm. Bring your clean curtains (with measurements recorded) to swap for a different size or colour. Curtains should be dropped off to WEC the previous week. Please contact us for more info…
No insulation? These tips can help keep in the heat... If you can’t heat the whole house, focus on getting one room warm
Beans rarely cross-pollinate. Select completely dry pods from your healthiest, most productive plants to use next year. Make sure the seeds are absolutely dry before storing. A few days on a plate in the hot water cupboard, or in a breezy and dry shady spot will do the trick.
Winter Warmers The trick to keeping and older home warm and dry is to balance daytime and evening activity
Seed saver of the month: Beans
Announcing… Timebank Raglan!
Damp air is harder to heat than dry air
Get long, lined curtains on your windows and close them when the sun Open curtains goes down and windows during the day - a ventliated house is healthier
Use draught stoppers on doors and put draught excluder on your windows
Cut back trees and shrubs from your windows - they block the sun and encourage damp
Dry clothes outside or next to an open window
Lack of light and ventilation causes damp - mould and mildew grow and the house is harder to heat
What is a timebank? Timebanks allow members to swap time and services. Everyone’s time is valued equally, so an hour of my time is worth an hour of yours. Some examples of timebank trades include dog walking, babysitting, garden help, craft or cooking or music lessons, minor repairs around the home, doing the shopping for someone, rides to the airport or town, etc… When someone gives their services, they earn a Timebank credit which can be redeemed to receive any of the services offered in the Timebank. Or you can request what you need! Maybe you’re looking for a clown for your kid’s birthday party? or someone to show you how to use your new laptop? The opportunities are many! WEC is starting Timebank Raglan to help knit together our community, strengthen our skill base and create new opportunities. If you want to know more, stop into our centre or become a member tonight.... (If you have a laptop, bring it!) Timebank Raglan Orientations @WEC !!"!#$%&'()*!+,&!-./$!0!1,2 "!3&4()*!5)*!66/$!0!6-!7887!
Thank you to our EnviroMatters sponsors:
www.whaingaroa.org.nz 8 RAGLAN Chronicle
(07) 8250480
Town Hall, Bow Street
OPINION: Thoughts on ANZAC by Ian McKissack The major emphasis on Anzac Day is the joint military effort by the combined Australian and New Zealand forces at the Gallipoli landing, and a sense of comradeship that arose under such extreme circumstances. Reading a book from the Raglan Library by an Australian soldier who was at Gallipoli brought home to me the wider message, the horror and waste of war. It is a lesson the world seems to learn so slowly with the .3#"%#"*"7-%"N6.8,"1%3(%K#6U%67&%E(<567'1-67A%*37?'*-1% with dubious chances of long term positive effects. We tend to think of Gallipoli primarily in terms of the hard fought landing and battle to reach the heights. K7%I@3%S",,%67&%T6*:J%-5"%6+-53#%-5#391%13."%&3+2-%37%
whether this was the intended best point for the assault. Even after having attained the area above the cliff slopes, the troops dug into trenches facing the Turkish troops who had dug into their trenches. For nine months this static situation dragged on with a steady increase of casualties. It was a mirror '.6<"% 3(% -5"% 38831'7<% -#"7*5% ,'7"1% 37% G#"7*5% )",&1% where the Germans were the enemy and immense casualties were also occurring. The phrase ‘lest we forget’ should refer not only to those who gave their lives, but also to the bad decisions and misguided stubbornness that often squanders lives in unnecessary battles.
Greens use new technology K#-$#") W0''"&) #%1) *.) 9/*) *+'%0) *+'.0C) %"*.) a=*373.'*1A%;"&7"1&6$%M6$%O_-5c%67&%e"!'7%S6<+"% 90#6*%6')5%*+)#)&'0%'&).3)Q91),F+#*)X.'&)%*)Y'#") aS"6,-5%H%E44A%M37&6$%M6$%Pb-5c%6#"%6,13%18"6:'7<%'7% *.) H') W0''"2) 1''*%"-&) /&%"-) "'5) *'6+".$.-C) *.) the series and are coming to Raglan. L#<67'1"#A%S"6-5"#%4+77'7<56.A%16'&A%fF61-% reduce travel. %K7%.""-'7<1%a1""%I;56-J1%37J%*3,+.7c%9'-5%M]1% =+<"7'"%D6<"%a=7!'#37."7-A%M37&6$%E8#',%YX-5cA% 46-5"#'7"%W",65+7-$>%a=&+*6-'37%H%M'7'7<A%M37&6$% M6$%\-5c%67&%M"-'#'6%@+#"'%aM63#'%E((6'#1A%M37&6$% M6$%PO1-c%-5"%d#""71%9',,%2"%+1'7<%D:$8"%67&%-5"%L,&% D*533,J1%3!"#5"6&%8#3V"*-3#/%43B,"6&"#A%C+11",%Z3#.67%
Z3!".2"#%C6<,67%56&%Pb^%!3-'7<%d#""7/%;"%967-%-3% continue the ‘conversation’ that those voters started that day, with a chance for anyone to come along and have interesting evenings of discussion about important issues that affect us all.” John Lawson
Volunteer Rescue Services fundraiser UPDATE: Colin Chung, local “foodie maestro”, has !"#$%&'() *+') ,-./01'*) 1'"/2) 3.0) *+') "%-+*) 4) 5+%6+) includes catering for vegetarian and gluten free diners. 7$$)*+')(%&+'&)8'%"-).33'0'()5%$$)8')90%6'()#*):;<= ;"%56!"%6%953,"%,3-%3(%&376-'371%6,#"6&$/%@5"$%6#"%?$'7<%'7%-5"% door, with people being extremely enthusiastic and supportive of the event we are however still in need of further goods and 1"#!'*"1%"</A%93#:1%3(%6#-A%)#"933&A%,36&%3(%*36,A%,697B.39'7<A% section maintenance, section clearance, window washing ... indeed, any goods or services that could be auctioned on the night! We still have some “big ticket auction” options open plus there is further space for any accommodation ‘packages’ that could be included in the ‘silent’ auction.
Please note that ONLY 400 tickets are being printed and will be (mainly) presold with the balance available at the door on the night by law however we are unable to sell any more tickets than 400 and/or permit further unticketed door sales on the night! The presold tickets are being printed as this edition went to press 67&%9',,%2"%&'1-#'2+-"&%"!"7,$%6.37<1-%-5"%)!"%C"1*+"%D"#!'*"1% '"/A% ;"1-86*%E'#%E.2+,67*"A% C6<,67% 4361-<+6#&A% C6<,67% D+#(% F'("16!'7<A%C6<,67%G'#"%D"#!'*"A%H%D-%0357%E.2+,67*"/ If anyone is unable to attend the event and/or donate goods or services then any cash contributions are welcome (contact details below). Dave Maybee >?@A7>AB)3.0)#"C)'"D/%0%'&)#"(E.0)(."#*%."&)9+)F'&*9#6) GH.5)I*0''*J)K#-$#"L)MNO4<P<N #"(E.0)>0#%-)<NQR4R<O4PSP)
Bowlers bring home shield
Eighteen of us embarked on an hour’s journey in two minibuses to Pirongia (3#%3+#%IE77+6,%456,,"7<"J/%K-%1"".1%-56-%95"7%9"%8,6$%3!"#%-5"#"%9"%2#'7<%'-% home, but when they play here they take it back again! This challenge has been going since 1964 but hasn’t been played every year...but this is a special event in our calendar. The top overall team was a Raglan Team and the 2nd place went to one team from each club. A really good fun day of bowls and camaraderie was had by all. 437<#6-+,6-'371%-"6./ L+#%4,+2%531-"&%-5"%M"7J1%456.8'37%3(%456.8'371%"!"7-1%5"#"%'7%C6<,67%37% 21st April on a simply stunning day. What a spectacle of bowls did we see, by the -38%239,"#1%'7%-5"%;6':6-3/%%@5"%456.8'37%D'7<,"1%239,"#%961%E,67%D-"96#-%(#3.% 46.2#'&<"%4"7-#6,%4,+2/%437<#6-+,6-'71%-3%6,,%*3.8"-'-3#1%(3#%67%"N*'-'7<%&6$/ Rollups are still happening on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 1pm, but please 56!"%$3+#%"7-#$%'7%2$%OP/QR8./%@567:%$3+/%M"67-'."%IS688$%T39,'7<J/ Eileen Stephens
STENDY ELECTRICAL For all your electrical requirements and appliance servicing requirements
Authorised Service Centre prompt, professional, reliable service. NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL
phone 021 0824 4012 - 07 825 0214 F: 07 825 0215 PO Box 79 Raglan El: stendynz@actrix.co.nz
Tracy Coombes is pleased to announce Debbie Johnson will be joining her marketing Raglan residential properties. Come along and meet her. Openhomes Sunday 29th April: 1pm: 23a Uenuku Ave. value for money, $260 000. 2pm: 2 Robertson Rd. Neg. Villa lovers, historic, relocated !"#$%&'()*)$"+,'-"./'0&1/""2(3'&+(.$)&(3'!"#$(4&1'5""/(,' Views of water & mountain, income from B&B. 3pm: 40 Norrie Ave. Oceanview Lodge. 12+ bedrooms, open plan kitchen, dining, lounge. Ideal backpackers. great views. Phone Tracy 0277784839 for further details.
Dear Editor, Issue 290# pg15 advert %L7*"%6<6'7%-5"%-$#677$%3(%-5"%.6V3#'-$%561%#"1+,-"&%'7%M63#'% 56!'7<%67%'.26,67*"%'7%-5"%&"*'1'37%.6:'7<%'7%;W4%-',,%-5"%PXOY% -#'"77'6,%","*-'37/%K7%-5"%#"83#-%'7%-5"%;6':6-3%@'."1A%M6$3#%M#% D67137% 1-6-"&% -56-% '-% 961% 7"!"#% 623+-% 8'-*5'7<% M63#'% 6<6'71-% Pakeha and the council are strong believers in the democratic process. 4"#-6'7,$% -56-% !'"9% 3(% 6% &".3*#6*$% '1% 73-% 156#"&% 2$% ;6':6-3% C"<'376,%43+7*',%3#%Z",137%W'1-#'*-%43+7*',/%T3-5%1"-%'7%8,6*"% 6% 8#3*"11% 3(% M63#'% ;6#&1/% Z",137% 43+7*',% ","*-3#1% 8"-'-'37"&% successfully and have now got a poll. That should have been the 8#"("#"7*"%2$%;W4%2"(3#"%18"7&'7<%[\R/XXX/ The result is not surprising judging by the comments of the articles in newspapers around several districts. It seems that the '11+"% 3(% M63#'% 56!'7<% "U+'-$% 67&% (6'#7"11% '7% &"*'1'37% .6:'7<% scratches the ugly underbelly of prejudice every time the issue *3."1%6#3+7&/%]"#5681%*567<'7<%-5"%6!"#6<"%6<"%3(%-5"%;W4% 43+7*',,3#1%.6$%611'1-%'7%-5"%(+-+#"/ Malibu Hamilton, Raglan Dear Editor F61-% 9"":% $3+% 8#'7-"&% -5"% 3()*'6,% #"1+,-% 3(% -5"% 83,,% 37% M63#'% 96#&1/%E-%-5"%PXOX%","*-'371%;6':6-3%W'1-#'*-%43+7*',%6*5'"!"&% -5"% ,39"1-% -+#73+-% '7% -5"% *3+7-#$/% @5"$J!"% 6<6'7% <3-% 6% YX^% turnout by providing so little information. It doesn’t seem good for democracy that 1 in 4 of Waikato’s population should be represented by a sole councillor among 15. However, that isn’t the only imbalance in the council. The 6!"#6<"% ;6':6-3% W'1-#'*-% *3+7*',,3#% '1% _P% $"6#1% 3,&A% `Y/Y^% 86:"56A%\Y/Y^%.6,"%67&%961%","*-"&%9'-5%-5"%1+883#-%3(%OX/\^% 3(%-5"%","*-3#6-"/%K%2",'"!"%-56-%-3%<'!"%!3'*"%-3%-5"%3-5"#%`X^%3(% voters we need proportional representation in council elections. ;W4% 561% #"<+,6#,$% #"V"*-"&% -5'1/% K-% *3+,&% 2"% 3!"#-+#7"&% 2$% 6% 83,,%(3#%8#383#-'376,%#"8#"1"7-6-'37/%KJ&%,':"%-3%5"6#%abPR%\b__c% from any interested in petitioning for a poll on PR and then campaigning to win it. Regards, John Lawson, Raglan Dear Editor Hi, my name is Kate Spicer, I have lived in Raglan for 12 years now. I would like to send out a big thank you to all the people who stood by me and supported me through a !"#$% &'()*+,-% -'."/% 0+1-% 2"(3#"% 45#'1-.61% .$% 53+1"% 2+#7-% -3% the ground and I lost everything. Thank you so very much, without your support behind me I don’t think I could have been that strong. Kate Spicer, Hamilton Dear Editor Neil and I are both so thankful for the kindness show us recently by some Raglan residents.We have been extremely ill and feeling pretty isolated. Then the offers came; did we need supplies, books, friendly visits and soups? I was humbled to learn there are people out there who care. So, thanks one and all, for your generosity. Sincerely, Catherine C.Bullock, Raglan Dear Editor, After the Residents and Ratepayers Association meeting #"83#-"&% '7% ,61-% 9"":1% 45#37'*,"% '-% '1% *,"6#% -56-% .67$% Raglan residents are concerned about the potential cost of metered water. ;56'7<6#36%=7!'#37."7-%4"7-#"%561%'7(3#.6-'37%67&%6&!'*"%37% 96-"#%*371"#!6-'37>%8,+.2'7<%6--6*5."7-1%-3%#"&+*"%96-"#%?39% from showers and taps, shower timers and tips to help reduce 96-"#%+1"/%43."%'7%67&%1""%+1%67&%,"-%+1%5",8%$3+%3+The team at WEC
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HARLEY FIELD Greenslade Rd, Raglan PH: 021 127 5486 EMAIL: DRIPFREE@XTRA.CO.NZ
COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION LTD Richard, Trish and Glenn Flower
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Richard 027 4460 361 Glenn 027 4809 765 a/hrs ph 825 2640 fax 825 2122 )D4A21B74A21EF/1,B84B'C) AAAB8:&""1&/2B'2/B'C
ROOFING !" !" !" !" !"
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Concrete Cutter
! $ ! # $ $ "
$ ! !
! Concreting/ Pathways etc ! Garden Fences ! Landscaping ! Garden Tidy Ups ! GatesÂ
Phone Rob Short 0274 846 124 or A/H 825 0246
10 RAGLAN Chronicle
! Tree Work Felling & Planting ! Decking ! Retaining Walls ! Painting ! General Repairs
Reliable quality service Locally owned and operated
Cliff Hosking Mob: 027 631 8677
PHONE ROSS 021 782 280 07 825 8678
! ! ! !Â
Contact for FREE QUOTE
RAGLAN AUTOGATES autogates@live.com phone 825 8084   mobile 021 263 8698
Locally Owned and Operated Domestic Tank Fills
Wash Down Services
Tank Cleaning
Raglan and Surrounds
Prompt 7 Day Service Ph 825 7882 or 0274 933 576
RAGLAN LIGHT EXERCISE GROUP. Meets Mon & Thurs 1011am @ the Old Gospel Hall, Raglan West. MAINLY MUSIC. Improve yourMonday & Wednesday 9.30am@ paddle power! Te Uku Church. !"#$%&'"()*+)&"($'#,-.& @ THE RAGLAN THURS @ Raglan MON %$-*,*,/&0&).-''('1& Community House CLUB. 500 cards, 1pm. 10 - 1pm CV Writing %2-%&3#)4'&#,&'%$(,/%2&0& TUES @ Raglan Club -)-$5*#6 6.30pm. Assistance. FREE. All Texas Hold’em welcome. Appts required. WEDWhale Bay Club, Fun @ Raglan Ph 825 8142. Quiz 6:45pm. Fitness Studio THURS @ THE RAGLAN WEDNESDAYS 7-..&8#9:&;<=&>?>? @ CLUB. Euchre. All BLACKSAND CAFÉ. @@@6@2-.(A-B+%,(''6)#9 welcome. 6pm. Knitting Circle from 9.30am. SOLSCAPE SPEAKER Beginners welcome. SERIES:Kataraina Mataira RAGLAN RAMBLERS & Tuihana Bosch - 12:30pm WED 02 MAY: 9am from @ Solscape Friday 27th 1#%*"%)2().#-)3#-4)56)&-') April. station -Lake Disappear HEALING ROOMS. Sick -The lake is 1.5 km long of being sick? Come to when too much water for Plunket rooms 1st and 3rd the limestone sink which Thurs,11-12pm. drains it. The nearby road SHOW OFF SALE - On is quiet now that the river has eroded and closed it now until 1st May. SUNDAYS @ Te Uku Church, - bring lunch. FOOD FOREST evening service 7pm. WORKING BEE, Sunday WHAT DOES IT Mean to 6th May, 8.30am–10am, Be Green? Eugenie Sage MP speaks on Environment Oram Park, Raglan West, 7pm Monday April 30th Old come along and bring your friends and families. School, Stewart St.
FRI 27th APR @ YOT Club, DJ B.REX, ROCK THE HOUSE, Funky Breaks. Funky House. 9pm - $5. SAT 28th APR @ YOT Club, KNIGHTS OF THE DUB TABLE, TUI SOUND SYSTEM, DJ JAMIN-I, Tickets $10 @ '7'*,&*('-8)9:;)/,(<
For Sale
FRI 11th MAY @ Town Hall, Raglan’s Inaugural Sumo Slam, 5:30 – late. First comp at 6:30. Sumo, hot food, full bar, bands and DJs. Come support your favourite local. $5 entry, $2 child. www.facebook. com/sumoslam.
For Sale
SALE ON NOW Women & men’s rings, up to $265. ALL $125. Until 1st May.
Flowers Lilypot Florist !""#$%&'"()*%$& !""+%,-"()*%$& !"".)//%-"012,/& 07 825 021 4486847 104 2 Wallis Street
DRY MANUKA heaped trailer load $125. Delivered in Raglan. Dave 8257270. FIREWOOD 6x6 load pine $100, macrocarpa $110 delivered. Ph 0210771524. MANUKA FIREWOOD $100 per m3, $140 per m3 delivered, 8250522. RAGLAN GOLF CLUB &-'0//() @"*(-#%+'-<:) A FEW GOOD MEN’s cu.m. dry split pine New Shirts, Civilian Pants delivered, $70 up to 10 Long Sleeve Tees km. Ph: Alex 825 0997, and Jumpers instore or Garry 825 6875. …Boardies on SALE!! HONDA ODYSSEY ‘96 auto 4wd, petrol, 215000kms, WOF OK DRY EX LOUNGE ‘til Sept, REG OK ‘til carpet, ok condition, June. Dble bed in back, 7m x 5m $200. Ph excellent condition! $2400 Lynley 0274695162. ono ph 8258975.
Courses, classes & workshops S I L V E R S M I T H I N G MEDIC FIRST AID W O R K S H O P : Ta k i n g CLASSES<)1/-43$#.')&-+,) enrolments for a 2-day aid. Ph 027 231 8805. intensive workshop w lauren haynes. Learn the TRX Circuit through Reveal your basic fundamentals Classes process in making a stoneinner abs! set ring. Starts 5th/6th C,(&2#4$&)-$5*#D'%$(,/%2&3#)4'6 K($'#,-.&%$-*,*,/&-,5& May.E#,F824$':&GFH"9 Ph 021617791, email: ).-''('&%2-%&3#)4'&#,&)#$(& laurenhaynesjewellery@ '%$(,/%2&-,5&)-$5*#6 I$*:&JJ-9FJ< gmail.com. I#$&-..&-/(':&+%,(''&.(P(.'6 E4'%&K$(FL##M:&9-N&O&"($& ).-''6@ Te Uku ZUMBA! hall Whale Monday Bay 9.30am, Wednesday Fitness Studio 6.30pm -7-..&8#9:&;<=&>?>? ring/txt Sarah T for more info 825 55844 or @@@6@2-.(A-B+%,(''6)#9 0272106784.
Whale Bay Fitness Studio 7-..&8#9:&;<=&>?>? @@@6@2-.(A-B+%,(''6)#9
For Hire
Situations Vacant
FLOORSANDING EQUIPMENT for hire. Ph Raglan Flooring 825 8777. BOUNCY CASTLE, Great entertainment for the kids, call Vicki 8257575.
TEMPORARY GYM INSTRUCTOR @ Raglan Gym. To work 23 hours a week for July, August & Sept, extra hours could be made up through personal training. !"#$%&'() %*+,-".,/-) 0#*,'() with experience. Ph Amber 8250079 or 0272946949. P U M P / P I L AT E S / S P I N / YOGA/INSTRUCTOR wanted @ Raglan Gym. Temporary cover required for 3 weeks May/June, 6 classes p/w with on call possibilities for the future. !"#$%&'() %*+,-".,/-) 0#*,'() with experience. Ph Amber 8250079 or 0272946949.
To Let WAITETUNA– beautiful, quiet valley location with bush views. Only 25 mins to Hamilton/15 mins to Raglan. 3 bed house and/or 2 bed unit. Both have garage and extensive decks. 5 acres of =#,) 3#((/.4+) >) ,#.4-//?) avail – ideal for horses. Landlord will maintain gardens. Country school nearby. Ph Century 21 on 8257170. 2/3 BDRM SUNNY bach $280 pw ph 0272440371.
Raglan Property Services 2 BDRM HOUSE, Wallis St, unfurn, carport, storage room, open plan living, walking distance to town, long term, $260.00 pw. Available Now. 2 BDRM HOUSE, Point St, fully furn, water views, heating, offstreet parking, prof couple, short term 3 mths, $315pw. Avail July. 2 BDRM HOUSE, East St, fully furn, modern, prof couple required, short term 6mths, $320pw. Avail May.
Wanted WORK WANTED Hard working and reliable 27 female looking for work for May and June, (refs available), anything considered Phone Jo 021 02517169. RELIEF Need WORKER new and part-time workerforneeded inspiration your during !"#$%%&'()*%+ calving. Ph Daryl 078255033 or 0276836839. K($'#,-.&%$-*,*,/&4'*,/& HANDYMAN NEEDED for )##.&(Q4*"9(,%1&8RS&0& various7$#''#P($&%$-*,($':& jobs around my A-.-,)(&A#-$5'&-,5&A-..'6 house that I can’t do myself. Some garden maintenance/ Whale Bay house Fitnessmaintenance Studio required. Will pay $20/hour 7-..&8#9:&;<=&>?>? for the right person. Would @@@6@2-.(A-B+%,(''6)#9 suit retired man. Must be local. Must be trustworthy reliable and have a high standard of work. Call 07 825 8556 after 6pm Mon – Fri
Public Notices RAGLAN BADMINTON CLUB, Badminton starts Thursday 26 April. Raglan Area School Hall, 79pm. Ph Celia 8258808 or 0211636974 (evenings only please). $4 per session or $50 Season Ticket.
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!! !
Garage Sale
10 PRIMROSE ST from 9am – 12pm Saturday 28th April. 224 OKETE RD May 6th from 9:30am – 3pm.
Interested in becoming an Educarer for Bizzy Buddyz?
Please contact Dianne on 027 255 0901 to discuss.
Do you want to work from home? Are you a parent wanting more social interaction for your preschooler? Do enjoy working with and along side children? Why not become an educarer with Bizzy Buddyz Home Based Childcare.
COMMERCIAL/RETAIL SHOP PREMISES Raglan CBD, 84 SQM TWO available Ph 021 363465 or admin@shoreline.net.nz
We offer a competitive payment rate with an extensive toy library, training provisions, medical insurance and on going support. Please enquire now!
COMMERCIAL BUILDING – Raglan Storage and Industrial Park Ltd. Ph 8256560.
Flatmate Wanted CALVERT ROAD, WHALE BAY, steps to the surf, big house, complete facilities, $125 plus expenses, working person. Call 825 8625.
Services Offered DRUM LESSONS available with professional drummer and teacher, Brendon Rickard. All ages and levels of experience. Book your lessons for this term now. Ph 021894037.
0800 084 314 or (07) 960 9040
t oun c s i d in 10% r dineu ! off o u price men
BYO (wine only) Bring a bottle of wine when you dine-in with us and we will give you 10% off your total dining bill.
Enjoy our delicious curry this winter with your favourite wine. Ph: (07) 825 0300, 31 Bow St, Raglan Opening hours: Tuesdays through to Sundays Lunch: 11:30am - 3:30pm Dinner: 5pm - 9:30pm
Promotion valid until 30th May 2012.
RAGLAN RAGLAN Chronicle Chronicle 11 11
Raglan Real Estate Ltd Licenced (REAA 2008)
DRAMATIC!!! Ocean, Harbour, Estuary, Mountain, views
UTOPIA BY THE SEA The 180 degree views from this property, the privacy and the exemplary family home make this a home that unequivocally sings WOW! factor.
This stunning 4 bedroom property sits proudly elevated in beautifully landscaped grounds taking in unbroken views encompassing Mt Karioi all the way round to Moonlight Bay breathtaking! Featuring: large open plan lounge/dining, a well !""#$%&'()*+!%$&'),$&-.'%)!%()/##()01+%$%*)2+'3 Extras include: solar water heating, heat pump, spa pool in the master ensuite, large ‘hobby shed’ (12m x 7m with a 2.7m stud) double garage and ample parking OPEN HOME for visitors.
Featuring: 5 bedrooms, newly refurbished bathroom with idyllic spa bath, great open plan lounge, new septic system, new roof. 5 minutes to Raglan town centre.
Sat 46pm & Sun 12pm 49b Hills Road
We are SEEKING NEW LISTINGS to replace the many properties we have sold over the past two months.
OPEN HOME Sat 46pm & Sun 12pm 151 Hills Road
Phone The Team on: 07 8258669
23 East Street
78j Greenslade Road
109 Greenslade Road
95 Greenslade Road
24 James Street
87 Lorenzen Bay Road
18 Norrie Avenue
26a Main Road
2c Puka Place
297 Okete Road
22a Simon Road
819 Old Mountain Road
Saturday 46pm – 49b Hills Road
Sunday 11am – 21b Long Street
6 Violet Street
69d Otonga Valley Road
Saturday 46pm – 151 Hills Road
Sunday 1pm – 49b Hills Road
4 Waikowhai Place
2 Point Street
27a Government Road This 2 bedroom property is tucked away down a right of way driveway on Government Road. Featuring: 1 large bedroom with folding doors out onto the deck, the other smaller room is in the middle of the house. An open plan kitchen / dining area with high ceilings.
This Home is insulated and double glazed and the electrics have recently been completely upgraded.
OPEN HOMES this weekend 28th & 29 th April
Sunday 1pm – 151 Hills Road
21 Bow St, Raglan Phone: 07 825 8669 Fax: 07 825 7410 Website: www.rwraglan.co.nz Email: raglan.nz@raywhite.com 12 RAGLAN Chronicle