Raglan Chronicle

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Nga Ripo o Whaingaroa

EST. 1903

Whaingaroa news for you weekly

11th August 2016 - Issue #506




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RAGLAN Chronicle 1


Dear Editor Ageing Growing old and retiring it is a nasty shock. I don’t feel old except when I test my capability in a rare way. Getting up off the floor would be an example. Like getting out of a bath or retrieving an apple that had escaped my shaky grasp. The other nasty moment is when I decide to have a shave and this old man appears in the mirror. Shady character I think. What is he doing in my bathroom? I don’t make life easy for this ancient mariner – my living area has various sized mats to cover the floor. Ideal for tripping me up. Luckily I have developed self-righting ability for when I stumble. It is more practical than swearing and cursing. My home help and my nearest and dearest think I should

Nominations Still Open for the 2016 RAFFA Awards

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Raglan Ink Ltd home of the Raglan Chronicle Office Open Mon - Fri 9.00am - 4.00pm, Wainui Rd, Raglan Ph: (07) 825-7076 Fax: (07) 825-7078 Post: P.O. Box 234, Raglan Email: info@raglanchronicle.co.nz Advertising & Articles The advertising and editorial content deadline will be Monday at 12pm week of issue. DISCLAIMER

Opinions and views expressed in the Raglan Chronicle do not necessarily represent those held by the Editors or Publishers. Every care will be taken in the preparation and placement of submitted material but the Editors/Publishers shall not be liable for errors or omissions or subsequent effects due to the same. It is the submitters responsibility to ensure material is not libelous or defamatory. The Editors/Publishers reserve the right to abridge, alter or decline any material submitted to the Raglan Chronicle to meet the constraints of space and/or maintain a reasonable standard of language and decorum.

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2 RAGLAN Chronicle

have fitted carpet though are not willing to buy it for me. I’m slowly coming round to their advice though. Facing up to being an old person is very hard, so long as I don’t look in the mirror I can feel young and frisk and above all glad to still be alive and kicking. Thanks to the West Coast Health Clinic and the pharmacy for suppling the advice (usually followed) and medication. Ian McKissack. Raglan


Raglan Seastars: The U8 girls soccer team, Raglan Seastars, won the Papamoa U8 girls Soccer Tournament held over the weekend.

Local filmmakers and actors still have time to enter the 2016 Raglan Arts Film Festival Awards. Nominations can be for movies of any length and genre, provided they have a link with the Raglan Whaingaroa region. Eight nominations have already been received for this yearʼs awards, covering a diverse array of topics and genres. Welcome to Raglan is a documentary about our town by videographer Sara Guix Ortigosa, while Raglan surfer and 2015 Ultimate Waterman Daniel Kereopa shares his views on the environment and parenting in Daniel Kereopa. Raglan director Aaron Mooar is a regular on the RAFFA red carpet. This year heʼs nominated for his documentary Inside Out, about the

Whaingaroa Youth Movement. Another local director in the running for an award is Ariana Livingstone, with her short film Being An Equestrian. Plus, the story of two children saving the Maui dolphin in Maui Dolphins - The Resurrection, sci-fi thriller Dr Who – The Weeping Angels and high drama in The Chase. Extracts from selected RAFFA films will be screened before main feature films throughout the Raglan Film Festival, which runs from 16 -24 September at the Raglan Old School, and at the Red Carpet Awards night on Saturday 24 September. To make a nomination, download an application form at www.raglanartscentre.co.nz/rff, phone 07 825 0023 or email info@ raglanartscentre.co.nz. Thereʼs a cash prize pool on offer! Deadline for nominations is Wednesday 18 August. Old School Arts Centre

Council admits failure over sewage spills, commits money to finding solutions

Greenslade resident Lee Knight points out the warning signs that were put up during the most recent spill at Greenslade.


aikato District Council is committing additional funding of $295,000 to make immediate improvements to Raglan’s ailing sewage system, as it scrambles to restore public confidence in its management of the scheme. At the Raglan Community Board meeting on Tuesday this week, the council finally acknowledged that having three sewage spills into the harbour in four months was nowhere near good enough, and it tabled a report outlining a range of actions that it would take to reduce any risks of overflows ever happening again. Waikato District Council Mayor Allan Sanson, chief executive Gavin Ion, service delivery manager Tim Harty and Infrastructure Committee chair Wally Hayes all attended the community board meeting. The report had earlier that day gone to the Infrastructure Committee for consideration. The report stated that it was clear that the Long Term Plan measure for wastewater overflows was no longer appropriate, and an increase in investment was needed to reduce the risk of these events from happening. It also recommended that a funding plan be developed and reported back to council in September. The Marine Parade pump station spill on March 25 was due to pipeline failure; the Whitley St pump station spill in May was due to maintenance not having been done, causing capacity constraints; and with the recent Greenslade Rd pump station spill the after hours responses to alarms

from the monitoring systems did not occur as required. Of the $295,000 in extra funding, $245000 would be spent on immediate improvements (Just Do Its) and $50,000 on an independent report on how to best move forward in the long term. The Just Do Its include: installation of SMS backups at all 18 Raglan pumping stations ($55,000); installation of generator plugs at all pump stations ($50,000); the installation of a backup generator, lighting and hoist at the Greenslade Rd pump station ($75,000); Contract City Care or equivalent to provide additional support ($50,000); and a public education programme ($15,000). “Further works would also need to be undertaken to enable a clearer and more robust programme to be put in place moving forward,” the report said. Infrastructure Committee chair Wally Hayes said he hoped the report would give the community some confidence. “It’s a start of a process and it’s going to be a long one and a challenging one.” WDC chief executive Gavin Ion said it had been made quite clear by the community and the district councillors that they weren’t happy with the number of sewage spills in Raglan. “We are aware, to state the obvious, that we haven’t done a good enough job up to now.” Mr Ion said the council would work on identifying immediate actions it could take, and get a study done that would identify “how we might look at long-term actions”. He said the goal was to “strive for zero spills”.



After the Whitley St overflow, WDC service delivery manager Tim Harty had told the community board that there was zero chance of having zero sewage spills, and had cited an industry standard that deemed it acceptable for there to be no more than five spills per 1000 connections per year. At the meeting this week, Mr Harty said: “We accept the number of discharges are not acceptable.” Mr Harty said a risk and condition assessment of all 82 pump stations in the district had been undertaken, and those in the top 10 – deemed most at risk – were all in Raglan, due to their close proximity to water. He said the council was looking at a “whole bunch” of site-specific solutions at Raglan’s 18 pump stations to mitigate any risks of further overflows. Council would also be smoke testing the network for holes where water could enter the system, and conduct house-to-house surveys looking for illegal connections where storm water is being channelled into the wastewater network. Mayor Allan Sanson said he was pretty upset to hear about the most recent spill at the Greenslade Rd pump station. Mr Sanson said the problems with Raglan’s wastewater network were largely due to a “legacy issue”. “As time goes on, communities grow, and you get add on and add on and add on.” He said if council was building a system from scratch it “wouldn’t have a system like this or pump stations by the water”. Mr Sanson said the community needed to be aware that the recent spills had happened during “adverse weather”, and the pump stations had been pushing 30-40 per cent more water through the pipes. He said people whose storm water had been diverted into the wastewater network, and those who put “inappropriate objects” into the system, such as pieces of wood, clothing, nappies, bits of metal and wet wipes, were all part of the problem. The council has committed $189,000 to investigate illegal connections. Community board member Peter Haworth questioned the point in spending thousands and thousands of dollars on stitching up an old system. “It’s like an old car.” In the community forum before the board meeting, residents made it quite clear that they wanted zero sewage spills, and that they were sick of being told by council that the spills were within the number of what could be expected. They said they wanted council to know that they had had enough. Inger Vos

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RAGLAN Chronicle 3


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4 RAGLAN Chronicle

Pat Day shows off an old school desk with connecting seat, on loan from a local family.


ld wooden school desks with round inkwell compartments and in some cases connecting seats, wood-framed slates which pupils once learned to write on and a hand-held school bell are among the treasures collected recently for an upcoming exhibition to celebrate 150 years of education in the Raglan district. The ‘Back to School’ exhibition – opening in mid-September to coincide with the area school’s 150th anniversary the following month – will highlight the geographical “breadth” of education locally, says project co-ordinator Pat Day, a past president of Raglan & District Museum Society. In all there have been a staggering 16 schools in an area stretching from

the northern side of Aotea Harbour to Waingaro. They include the likes of Kauroa School which opened in 1872 at Okete Church, Rukuruku School which began lessons in a corrugated iron building at Te Akau South in 1923 and Ruakiwi School which was set up in 1917 in a dining room. Though only six of the 16 schools remain open, several of those surviving also had humble beginnings. Te Akau School, for instance, opened in 1913 in a cabbage tree whare, while what is now Raglan Area School taught its foundation pupils in a tent in James Street in 1866. Of the schools that have gone over the years, Makomako down Aotea way looks to have been one of the last to close its doors. It survived through to 1983. “Many of our local schools disappeared with [the advent of more] school buses and cars,” Pat told the Chronicle.

Others like Raglan School just grew and grew. From its inauspicious beginnings it progressed into a new building – now the Old School Arts Centre – in Stewart Street. The Standard Six or Form ll children later moved on to Raglan District High which was built in Norrie Avenue, and which became in 1962 the area school for both primary and secondary students. There were proposals at one point for a Te Kopua School in the town centre. Though it never got beyond the early planning stages, longtime local Angeline Greensill believes the project progressed as far as talks with the then Education Department. Pat’s wife Barbara has spent hours recording conversations with older locals in the district who remember long walks in bare feet on metal roads to then remote schools like Te Mata. Catching a lift on the cream lorry or riding horses were other alternatives back then, they say. These and other memoirs for each school will be displayed along with photos on the walls of a mock classroom – complete with wooden desks – which is to be set up soon in the museum, Pat explains. An old-style dental clinic or “murder house” – with a dental chair and drill from the museum’s collection – will also be recreated, with the official blazer of longtime local dental nurse Pat Halliday and her reminiscences on display. It’s “amazing” what’s turned up, says Pat of the request by the Museum Society for memorabilia to support the exhibition. “We also had quite a lot in our collection.” Among the material there’s an exercise book of a Daphne Muriel Law in Form ll, dated 1944, and a later compilation of notes and photos of several schools in the district by A J MacDonald (Alexander). The exhibition also acknowledges the role played locally since the 1920s by the Correspondence School. “And that’s a big one,” Pat emphasises. Pat is grateful for funding from both Raglan Community Board and Raglan Lions, and reckons the exhibition has been one of the “easiest” to co-ordinate thanks to the work of cataloguer and museum assistant Kaz Willoughby. Kaz also went to the Old Friends website on Trade Me, cutting and pasting relevant local schoolyard memories before they were lost. The Back to School exhibition opens at the museum in Wainui Road on September 17 and will run for the rest of the year. ● In the weeks leading up to the exhibition’s opening the Chronicle hopes to publish edited transcripts of Barbara Day’s recorded conversations with longtime locals about their school days. Edith Symes

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What’s up coach? A series of Q & A’s with our local coaches

This week the Chronicle caught up with Luca Grilli, coach of the girls U8 Seastars soccer team, who have recently won first place at the Papamoa U8 Girls Soccer Tournament 2016. Who do you coach? I coach the amazing U8 girls Seastars with the support of lots of the parents. How's the season going so far? Great, the girls have carried on their winning ways from last year. Last Sunday they played their first ever tournament in Papamoa against 15 other teams from the Waikato/Bay of Plenty area and won the tournament without conceding a goal in six tough games. But it was the way they played hard and competitive, but in the right spirit of the game, that made the coach and every parent there, very very proud.

How long have you been coaching for? This is the third year with the team but the second year coaching the Seastars. Why did you decide to put your hand up to coach? My daughter was keen to give it a go, so I naturally wanted to help out and having played myself it was an easy decision. Once you get involved you realised how much fun and rewarding it is. What are the highlights of coaching a team? Watching the girls grow and develop both as players and kids. They have been together for 3 years now and are a very close bunch of girls who care and look after each other and to see them pull off some sleek soccer moves on game day is pretty cool too. What are the challenges? To keep the girls interested and focused on practice day, you need to keep things fresh and fun. There are loads of resources

available but you need to be organised, which is not my strong point. Stopping the girls doing handstands during a game is proving to be a bit of challenge too. What is you coaching style? I don't think there is a style at this age. I believe in learning through having fun, play as a team and play at the best of your ability. More structure will come as they get older. Is it all about winning? Most definitely not, it's about taking part, trying your best and most importantly having fun. In saying that, I believe a certain amount of competitiveness is a good thing to have, we play to win and winning is good. Was sport important to you growing up? I didn't realise at the time, but soccer was a big part of my growing up from a kid

through to my mid teens, where I made it into the rep teams. I now wish I had kept playing a little longer. How do you think team sports benefit our young ones today? Being part of a team sport teaches our kids lots of social skills, it encourages that team spirit which is important later on in life. It gives them a feeling of belonging to something special. I know that all of my girls are so, so proud to be part of the Seastars. Best piece of advice you could give to parents Encourage and support your kids in whatever sport they are in to. Praise them went it is due without any pressure or expectations. Remember this is their time, we have had ours!

Seastars win Papamoa soccer tournament Over the weekend, the Raglan Seastars U8 girls soccer team participated in the Papamoa Girls Soccer Tournament and came out victorious taking out first place at the competition. The girls were up against some tough competition with 15 other clubs from the Waikato and Bay of Plenty taking part in the tournament. Well done to all the girls that took part and another well done to all the Raglan soccer teams for persevering through the cold and stormy weather this season.

Meet your mayoral candidates

Nominations for candidates wanting to stand in this year’s Waikato district close at noon on Friday, August 12. The Raglan Chronicle is running a weekly Q&A with the candidates standing for mayor. This week we feature Wally Hayes, who has served three terms as a Waikato District councillor.

Name: Wally Hayes Age: 53 Occupation: Elected representative for Tamahere and chairman of the Infrastructure Committee at Waikato District Council. Family: I am a widower. My wife, Suzanne, died in 1997 aged 32 and our son Jackson, now 21 is dairy farming near Horotiu. Why are you running for mayor? The culture in our council needs to change and I believe that change starts at the top. We need to become a council who listens, responds to community needs and is a valued partner to all our communities. We also need to become a council where there are high standards of conduct, professionalism and accountability. Why would you be a good mayor? Because I care – about people, communities, and I want to see Waikato District Council foster new relationships which are based on honesty, respect, and teamwork. I have the proven leadership skills,

personality and experience to bring people and communities together. I am a forward thinker who has high customer service principles with an acute sense of what is fair. I firmly believe in transparency and integrity. What style of leadership would you bring to council? Honest, pro-active, inclusive and transparent leadership which builds genuine relationships based on honesty and respect. Leadership that demands professional behaviour and accountability for members’ actions. Team work is vital in growing a strong and resilient council. I would encourage far more team work, more talking openly about the issues and challenges our district faces. I want councillors to freely communicate in an environment where everyone is heard and given the opportunity to contribute. What is your vision for the Waikato District, and where does Raglan fit in this? My vision for the district is for the council to work closely with communities to explore all opportunities to help them achieve their priorities and aspirations. I want to break down the “them-and-us” attitude that exists in some of our towns. There is greater strength in working together and learning from each other. All communities have unique qualities but Raglan’s star shines brightly in the region. It is the tourism capital of the district plus there are strong values here based on looking after people and the environment. There are some excellent creative minds in this community that we need to tap into when we are making future plans. Extreme Zero Waste is a good example of that. Raglan is leading the way in New Zealand in reducing waste. What do you think the role of community boards should be in Local Government? The Community Board is the voice of the community. There is nobody better than a community member to understand how a community operates. They have the inside

knowledge on what is important, the services each community desires and the direction the community is heading. It is all well and good for us to sit in Ngaruawahia and decide what Raglan or any other community needs, but we should be working collaboratively with the community board to plan and prioritise the individual community’s needs and desires. What will you do about Raglan’s ailing sewage system? As chairman of the Infrastructure Committee, I instigated the report that was tabled recently both at council and the Raglan Community Board. This report provides the information we need to understand the causes of the spills and what action we need to take to remedy the situation. How will you help Raglan to grow, and at the same time ensure that growth does not put pressure on town infrastructure or its residents? Planned growth is the best form of growth. I see it as council’s responsibility to ensure infrastructure needs and council services are planned and provided for in a timely manner. It is a real balancing act but needs to be done to avoid unnecessary interest costs from providing a service or facility that there is not enough demand for at that time, or lost opportunities due to services or facilities not being available when the community needs them. Raglan is a tourist town and numbers swell exponentially in summer. What would your council do to help relieve the pressure on our town’s infrastructure? These are issues faced by many tourism centres where the population multiplies over the summer months. While we should celebrate visitors bringing business to the town, it is always a challenge to manage services that are stretched to capacity for that time. A lot of it has to do with educating visitors about how they can reduce the strain on resources.

We need to continue to advise people about the importance of recycling and conservation and the proper use of infrastructure. Some of the problems with wastewater are caused by people misusing the system. We definitely need to have timely rubbish collections, monitor parking and police freedom camping. Raglan Rates. Any comments? I believe that capital value is the fairest rating system – where your rates are charged on your property value and you pay for the services you receive. I do however believe in more use of targeted rates, where the user of the service pays. A good example of this is the current refuse collection – those who receive the service pay for it and it costs nothing to those who don’t use it. The general rate should not be used to fund projects or services that benefit an identifiable group of ratepayers, unless the benefit is district wide. What do you see as the other main issues for Raglan? Raglan’s other main issues include storm water, freedom camping, the lack of ultra-fast broadband infrastructure and the challenges of maintaining the roading network outside the urban boundary of the Raglan ward. What do you think the council is spending too much money on, and where could this money be better spent? Council is already prudent with its spending and manages its finances responsibly. In the end, it’s always a balance between affordability, renewal and maintenance of infrastructure and the services we provide. Anything else you would like to add? I really enjoy playing Raglan Golf Course every few months with good friends who live here. It has one of the best views of any course I’ve played. It’s a real asset with even further potential. Mike and the team are doing a great job.

RAGLAN Chronicle 5

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6 RAGLAN Chronicle



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Business & Residential Directory

All new businesses wanting to be in the 2016/17 Business Directory need to contact the Raglan Chronicle office by: Friday 2nd September. If you have already registered your interest with our office then you will be contacted by one of our staff prior to this date. For all new businesses in the area the Raglan Business Directory is now in its 12th year. It is sent to all residents this side of the deviation free of charge and will be placed in all local accommodations and businesses. It is an excellent way of getting your product or services advertised to the community. CURRENT ADVERTISERS Like last year current advertisers will shortly receive a letter regarding their advertising in the new edition.

ONLINE DIRECTORY The entire directory in now online - visit: www.raglandirectory.co.nz If you advertise in the directory you will automatically get an online listing. For an additional fee you can enhance your listing with your logo, a summary of your services, map location and links. Get in touch with us to learn more. RESIDENTIAL DIRECTORY If your phone number was incorrect or you have moved in the last year we need to know, so that we can publish your correct contact details. If you do not wish to appear in the Residential Directory please contact us so we can take you off our data base.

Call into the Chronicle office to fill out a registration form or we can email one to you. Phone 825 7076 or email: info@raglanchronicle.co.nz

Councillor’s Column As your councillor, It has been a privilege to represent you. We have achieved a lot over the years for our community and that is why I have put my name forward to be your councillor for another term. When I first became councillor you wanted me to be professional at council and to get some things done. After my first term I was asked to be deputy mayor and then in the last six years have been chair of Strategy and Finance Committee, a senior leadership role. Locally there have been many issues requiring leadership and that continues to be the case. During my term, there has been significant investment in infrastructure, including water plant upgrades, community parks, and new and repaired footpaths. We have also changed the way our maintenance program is delivered, particularly in our rural roading areas by being more responsive. We have improved and extended our popular library service and with community and staff involvement a real hub has been created. The mayor and I have worked with government agencies to improve opportunities for youth across the district including Raglan. I’m proud to have advocated and gained support from my colleagues to have more local contractors carrying out local contracts and achieving sole provider status for Xtreme Zero Waste, who provide an enviable environmental service. As chair of the Strategy and Finance Committee we have created an independently chaired Risk and Audit Committee, giving far greater scrutiny of council performance including keeping debt

to manageable levels. I have been closely involved with Waikato Tainui as part of our joint committee, which has lead to a greater understanding of iwi concerns. Council has created a far greater focus on economic development across the district and I play a leading part in that including a number of initiatives here in Raglan. Looking forward, Raglan has a number of issues in front of us as our popularity continues to grow; I believe that with my experience and the relationships I have developed, as in the past I will demonstrate the leadership required to resolve them. I thank you for your continued support and look forward to working with you in the future. Remember that all agendas and minutes are on the council website and if you would like to discuss council issues with me please contact me on 0211553778 or email me clint.baddeley@waidc.govt.nz Kind Regards Clint Baddeley District Councillor Raglan


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RAGLAN Chronicle 7

9054 Motorcycle Ad Raglan C.pdf



2:32 PM

Get to grips with cornering ...


SEPTEMBER & NOVEMBER SESSIONS Novice, intermediate and returning riders When: 17 September & 26 November, 9am - 4pm Experienced riders When: 18 September & 27 November, 9am - 4pm Venue: Hamilton Go Kart Club Facilitators Lynne and Andrew Templeton

Strictly limited places. Book now!

Go to roadsafe.co.nz or 0800 BE ROADSAFE (0800 237 623) email admin@roadsafe.co.nz Supported by Hamilton City, Waikato and Waipa District Councils 8 RAGLAN Chronicle

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Open Home



New Listing

Open Home



Perfect for Large Families Contact Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 Email

sobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz mobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz


Saturday 1 - 1:30pm ljhooker.co.nz/ 14YHFG


18a Lily Street

51 Government Road

Deadline 23.8.16 (Unless sold prior)


New Listing

Stop Looking, You’ve Found It! You will find plenty of space and options available here. Originally a 1930’s character cottage offering 3 double bedrooms, there is also an additional 2 rooms ideal for office, 2nd living, rumpus or maybe you need 5 bedrooms; the choice is yours! The upstairs extension provides a gorgeously sunny, north facing family room with a balcony, built to take in views over the harbour and majestic Mt Karioi. A secure and mostly enclosed carport all situated on a low maintenance and fully fenced 477m² section. It’s just a short stroll to the Raglan Wharf and across the road from Cox’s Bay access for safe swimming.

Deadline 31.8.16 (Unless sold prior) Contact Chrissy Cox - 027 287 1804 Email



Sunday 1 - 1:30pm ljhooker.co.nz/ 150HFG

Lifestyle Block

Walk through the front door into generous, sun drenched, open plan living with feature high timber ceiling. From here you will be drawn to the extensive decking which captures views of the bush and even a glimpse of the harbour. The master suite has a walk in wardrobe and ensuite, access to the deck and features a large, picture window to enjoy the bush views. Oriented perfectly for all day sun, further enhanced by a heat pump, wood burner and double glazing throughout. The private setting has an enviable, sheltered, micro climate for the keen gardener. Some would call it a dream location. You could simply call it home.

Open Home

New Listing

1193 Te Papatapu Road, Te Mata Magic 4 Acres on the Aotea Harbourfront Unique properties such as this are seldom available. The Aotea harbour outlook from this property is amazing with wide views of the everchanging tides from a variety of easy building platforms. Wake up to the fresh sea air and calls of the birds nesting in your own slice of real kiwiana with ample regenerating manuka on the block. There’s a nice flat beach in front too for the whole family to enjoy. 28kms from Raglan and 21km from Kawhia. A retiree’s dream. For Sale $439,000 Contact Matt Sweetman - 021 624 826 Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 Email msweetman.raglan@ljh.co.nz kleuthart.raglan@ljh.co.nz View ljhooker.co.nz/121HFG

Rural Bare Block

New Listing 20b Nau Mai Road 42 acres 5 mins from Raglan Township 17.02ha (42.04 acre) large lifestyle grazing block with nice harbour views under 5km to Raglan. This could be ideal for a variety of uses, hobby farming stud, cattle, calf rearing, horses, horticulture.....the list goes on. The contour is mixed with a good amount of easy rolling and some mowable country. Several building platforms exist to take in the views of the surrounding countryside and the harbour to north.



11 Robertson Street

Rustic Raglan Charmer Deadline 30.8.16 (Unless sold prior) Contact Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Email

For Sale $700,000 + gst (if any) Contact Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 Matt Sweetman - 021 624 826 Email kleuthart.raglan@ljh.co.nz msweetman.raglan@ljh.co.nz View ljhooker.co.nz/154HFG


mobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz sobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz


Saturday 11 - 11:45am ljhooker.co.nz/ 156HFG

This beautiful property is warm and inviting with its many wooden features, a true Raglan favourite! Nestled amongst established mostly native plantings you will enjoy total privacy and stunning views over the estuary to Mt Karioi. On 2 levels this immaculate home offers spacious open plan living areas, 4 bdrms, a generous front deck, covered back deck, family bathroom + extra toilet. The landscaped section is fully fenced, low maintenance and features pebbled walkways, a pizza oven, off street parking and a prolific lemon tree! Estuary + boardwalks only metres away and an easy stroll into town & school.

Chrissy Cox

Matt Sweetman

Kyle Leuthart

Michelle O’Byrne

Stephen O’Byrne

Sandra Bowditch

027 287 1804

021 624 826

021 903 309

021 969 878

021 969 848

021 751 759

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Raglan Property Manager

*NB Boundary lines on photos are approximate & merely a guide. All information contained herein is gathered from sources we deem reliable. However we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely upon their own enquiries.

LJ Hooker Raglan (07) 825 7170 •

25-27 Bow Street , Raglan • George Boyes & Co Limited Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008

RAGLAN Chronicle 9










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FENCING • • • •


Contact for FREE QUOTE

Christie Carpentry

hOUse BUiLDer anD renOVatOrs



RAGLAN AUTOGATES autogates@live.com

Re Roofs New Roofs Spouting Edge Protection Scaffold

mobile 021 263 8698

paul & robyn Christie

CONCRETE SERVICES tel: (07) 825 8366

paul: 021 188 0447 - robyn: 021 177 5201 199c te papatapu road, rD2 te Mata, raglan email: patandbob@xtra.co.nz

Concrete Cutter

Windows • Doorways • Hole Drilling Decorative Cutting • Expansion Joints Kerb Crossings • Cowshed Alterations Removal of Concrete Structures etc Floor Sawing and Grinding


Phone Rob Short 0274 846 124 or A/H 825 0246


easy ways to place your classified ad EMAIL your ad and contact details to: classifieds@raglanchronicle.co.nz PHONE our friendly staff on 07 825 7076

For advertising inquiries: Contact the Raglan Chronicle on 07 825 7076 or email us at: info@raglanchronicle.co.nz

PLUMBING FAX your ad and contact details to 07 825 7078 CALL IN to our office on Wainui Rd, Raglan


80 60cents cents per per word word (minimum (minimumcharge charge$8) $6) or or prices for a prices start start at $18 $15 for adad aboxed/bordered boxed/bordered

10 RAGLAN Chronicle

SUN 14 AUG RAGLAN CREATIVE M A R K E T This Sunday 10 - 2 at the Old School Arts Centre. www.raglanmarket.com FRI 12 AUG RAGLAN CLUB INC This weeks Friday Members Draw amount $2000. WED 17 AUG RAGLAN RAMBLERS 9am from Wainui Rd car park next to the fire station Peart’s Finger and Narrows - bring lunch.

JOIN THE RAGLAN CLUB $25 per year $500 accumulating draw every Friday Live entertainment most Fridays Left Hand Break Restaurant – Excellent meals at reasonable prices (group bookings welcome). Pool, darts, snooker gaming, indoor/ outdoor bowls & TAB Family Friendly plus BBQ area Big Screen Courtesy Vans Wed-Sun.

For Sale

Commercial To Let

FIREWOOD DRY PINE $155, 2mx2m load delivered. Phone 021 077 1524.

OFFICE, GARAGES, STORAGE AND YARD available for lease at 12 Manukau Rd, Raglan. Short and long term, covered and uncovered. Household lots, commercial equipment, boats, campervans etc. Call 021 562743 or 825 8330.

FIREWOOD MANUKA DRY. $120 per m3. Delivered. Ph. 825 0522. WOVEN FRAMED PICTURE Ka Tangi Hotuhoto Te Ngakau The heart is overflowing and tears stream out cleansing the soul. Presumably by a Maori artist. To view, 28 Cambrae Rd on Saturday 13th August or phone 07 825 0330. Best offer by 7pm Saturday secures. Say Goodbye to winter blues with NEW SEASON vibes Kowtow, Tigerlily Rollas, Kate Sylvester MENS Winter SALE Brixton, Deus, Just Another Fisherman Jackets, Shirts,


Contact Gary Kite

4005 SH23, Raglan Ph: (07) 825 6560 Mob: 022 622 9005 info@raglanstorage.co.nz SECURE METALLED YARD FOR LEASE 1200m2, ready now at Nau Mai Business Park. HIAB & Trailer friendly access. Other sizes available for Sale or Lease. Ph Bob Carter 021 825 869, or 07 825 8690 TASMAN LANDS Ltd

Situations Vacant

R A G L A N ENGINEERING We are looking for a In My Good Books staff member for our Quality 2nd hand tyre bay. Experience books both with tyre fitting Open Thurs - Sun and repairs and from 10am some mechanical 2 Wallis St knowledge would be Books wanted. great. Phone Peter - 825 8486 or Email Wanted to Lease raglanengineering@ GOOD GRAZING LAND xtra.co.nz. wanted to lease up to 10 hectares. Ph 027 331 7008.

We have some spaces available for children 3-6 years. 390 Te Mata Road Phone or email to arrange a visit . Ph:825 7875 E: info@matapihikindergarten.co.nz

FRI 12 AUG @ RAGLAN CLUB From 6.45pm – Live 4 piece Band ‘REDZONE’ – No cover charge. FRI 12 AUG @ YOT CLUB Resident DJ’s, free entry, free pool.

SAT 13 AUG @ YOT CLUB DJ Sweet. Bass heavy beats from 9pm. RAGLAN CLUB INC IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Midge Marsdon Band playing Labour Weekend SUNDAY 23RD OCTOBER Tickets on sale soon at the club!

Courses, classes & workshops MAKING A DIFFERENCE THE RAGLAN LIGHT EXERCISE GROUP. Established 20 years ago. Sessions Mon and Thurs 10am till 11.00am. St Peters Church Hall. Bow Street. Everybody is most welcomed to attend.*Ad sponsored by RC

BUDGET ASSISTANCE @ Raglan Community House. Phone 825 8142 for an appointment. Become a Budget Service client and be eligible for a Bargain Basement 50% off clothing voucher.

Public Notices

Public Notices

TE MATA SOCIAL CLUB AGM NOTICE 7pm Tuesday 27 September 2016 at Te Mata Club.

AGM RAGLAN COMMUNITY ARTS COUNCIL 7.00pm, Tues. 13th Sept. 2016- Old School Arts Centre. Members and community welcome. R A G L A N Nominations open for H O R T I C U LT U R A L committee. Rodger S O C I E T Y Gallagher 825 7443. Next meeting Tuesday 16 August at 1pm in the Church Hall, Stewart Street. Guest speaker Rodger Gallagher (Old School Arts Centre and Museum). Floral Art a miniature arrangement (under 10cm). Interest Table a figurine. Normal competition programme, display table, raffle and sales table. All welcome.


RAGLAN JUNIOR RUGBY 6.08.16 GRADE 12th Grade 11th Grade 9th Grade

RESULT POD Lost 7 - 40 Nick Forrest, Sam Parker and Eric Wynyard Won 22 - 19 Kora Cooper, Tana Clapham and Tanne Millwood

Won 70 - 20 Ruby Wilson, Will Parker and Alby Sharples 10th Grade Raglan Black Won 45 - 25 Sean & Ivan 9th Grade Won 35 - 20 Noah Furniss & Luca Parrott 8th Grade Bye 7th Grade Raglan Black Won by Defualt 7th Raglan Green Won - 60 Monty Rowe, William Seavill 7thGrade Grade-Snappers Noah80Dymond & Zara Wilson U8 Grade Seastars Star Knuiman 6th Grade Raglan Won 75 - 70 Tai Hauraki-Ireland U8 Grade Tuatuas Luna Petzold de la Cruz U8 Grade Orcas Nirmala Milek- Zaini 8th Grade Morays Will Hunter 8th Grade Kinas Kye Nguyen 8th Grade Stingrays Tayne Warren 9th Grade Mauis Harry Carter U10 Grade Seahorses Riley Harding 10th Grade Bullsharks Ika Greensill 10th Grade Piranhas Ezra Lucas 10th Grade Dolphins Sienna Harding 11th Grade Anemones Keira Hartstone 12th Grade Sharks Jack Brownlee Penguins Ed Woolston, Corey Pepper & Benji Clark



Public Notices PUBLIC NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR OFF-LICENCE SECTION 101, Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. Satnam’s Supermarket Ltd. Registered Office - 46 Toscana Drive, Karaka, Auckland 2113 - Grocer, has made application to the District Licensing Committee at Ngaruawahia for the issue of an off-licence in respect to the premises situated at 3 Bankart Street, Raglan and known as Raglan Four Square. The general nature of the business to be conducted under the licence is: Grocery Store. The days on which and the hours during which alcohol is intended to be sold under the licence are: Monday to Sunday 7am to 10pm. The application may be inspected during ordinary office hours at the office of the Waikato District Council, District Licensing Committee, 15 Galileo Street, Ngaruawahia. Any person who is entitled to object and who wishes to object to the issue of the licence may, not later than 15 working days after the date of the first publication of this notice, file a notice in writing of the objection with the Secretary of the District Licensing Committee at Waikato District Council, Private Bag 544, Ngaruawahia 3742. No objection to the issue of a licence may be made in relation to a matter other than a matter specified in section 105(I) of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. This is the first publication of this notice.


- Peace and tranquility -Surfing, fishing, bush walks - Cabins, powered sites, tent sites PH 07 825 6800

PLANTING TIME IS NOW! Fruit Trees have Arrived Ready to plant PLUMS (various varieties) APPLES (including Dwarf) PEARS PEACH APRICOT Double grafted Plums $59 Strawberry Punnets $8 Passion Fruit Vines $10 Come and Check Out the Nursery Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 5:00pm Saturday: 9:00am - 4:00pm

07 825 0577

2016/2017 RAGLAN BUSINESS & RESIDENTIAL DIRECTORY Registrations are now open! All new businesses wanting to be in the 2016/2017 Business Directory need to contact the Raglan Chronicle office by: Friday 2nd September. Current advertisers: Like last year, current advertisers will shortly receive a letter regarding their advertising in the new edition. Residential Listings: Changes to your residential listing need to be submitted by Friday 2nd September. If you do not wish to appear in the Residential Directory please contact us so we can remove you from our database. info@raglanchronicle.co.nz / 825 7076

WAIPA NETWORKS 2016 BUSINESS AWARDS FINALISTS ANNOUNCED We have an absolutely incredible competition shaping up across all categories for the Waipa Networks 2016 Business Awards (The Awards). The exceptional level of quality entries has presented our judging team with a challenge they are only too happy to embrace. It is with great excitement we announce the finalists of this year’s Awards. The Awards aim to encourage business excellence, with the belief that strong, successful business supports vibrant and successful business communities. Entrants have submitted an evidence based entry that must clearly articulate and demonstrate business success and the active pursuit of excellence across multiple disciplines. The finalists have also been interviewed by judges to further qualify their entry, providing opportunity for presentation of their business face-to-face. Andrew Buchanan-Smart of the University of Waikato Management School said, “It’s incredible to see the quality of businesses entering the Waipa Networks 2016 Business Awards and the fact that each year the quality gets higher means businesses are stepping up and we can be assured business in Waipa and Raglan is in an excellent position”. Tania Witheford - CEO Cambridge Chamber of Commerce said, “If these Awards were to be the basis on which we evaluated the health of business in Waipa and Raglan, we can be confident about our future direction and opportunity for growth. The finalists have put massive effort into their entries”. “Whilst winning is the ultimate goal, entry into the Awards provides businesses with the opportunity to reflect, evaluate, consider progress and realign future strategic direction as they gain valuable insights from the comments and feedback made by judges,” said Kris Anderson - CEO Te Awamutu Chamber of Commerce. Our congratulations go to all entrants and finalists.

RAGLAN Chronicle 11


Raglan Real Estate Ltd Licenced (REAA 2008)








• Seize the opportunity to secure this solid brick, single level family home • The kitchen is positioned to capture the ocean and mountain views as does the lounge which takes in the expansive grass area to the rear of the section • The house has a separate laundry and Kent style fire plus a single garage • Situated on a large 1201m² section and just a walk to the town centre • On the bus route and just down the road from Raglan Area School





• Character cottage • 3 Bedrooms

• Single plus separate garage



• Situated on 678m2 • Prior auction offers considered



Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282

Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282


View Open Home Saturday 12pm Or By Appointment





AUCTION 27.8.16 RAY WHITE OFFICE • Delightful home located on 6PM

View Open Home Saturday 12pm Or By Appointment



popular Wainui Road • Expansive open-plan living and three bedrooms all on one level • Stylish interior, quality chattels and modern kitchen • New tiled bathroom and separate laundry • Freshly redecorated sleep-out/office adjacent to the house • Generous size deck, flat section, north facing and fully fenced

ID#RAG22659 Graham Rope 021 222 7427

Teresa Wilkinson 021 173 9945



View Open Home Saturday 1pm Or By Appointment


SOUGHT-AFTER LOCATION • 8187 sqm site • 3 houses • 1 Kauri Studio • Income currently $44,200 pa • Main house has character and charm ideal for family living plus room for a pony • 2 x two bedroom cottages and the Kauri cottage is one of a kind ideal for further development

• 3 bedrooms • Amazing harbour views


• 2 separate living areas • Short walk to town centre • Situated on 521m2 • Prior auction offers considered



Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282



Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282




View Open Home Saturday 2pm Or By Appointment


• Town Centre location • 4 large bedrooms, 2 bathrooms • Plus 1 bedroom apartment downstairs • Situated on 807m² • Commercial activity potential in the proposed plan change to town area • Prior Auction offers considered


AUCTION 9.9.16 RAY WHITE OFFICE • Ideal rustic retreat for 6PM permanent living or family View Open Home Sunday 2pm Or By Appointment



beach home - walking distance to boat ramp, beach for swimming and town • Park your car and walk everywhere • Open plan living, 2 double bedrooms, carport, Kent style fire for your comfort • Situated on 400m2 easy care section makes • Be it your first home or perhaps the first in your rental portfolio this property should appeal


ID#RAG22661 Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282

Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282


• 987m2 with a single garage

OPEN HOMES 12th & 13th August

View By Appointment


Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282




3 • Secluded and beautifully presented single-level 4 bedroom home situated on 9416m2 • A short stroll from popular Te Mata primary school • 2 living areas,2 bathrooms, separate laundry and various outdoor entertaining spaces to enjoy • Fully insulated with under floor heating and 3 car garaging with generous loft storage • Delightful mature gardens and landscaped grounds, including an orchid glass-house • Approx 15-min drive to Raglan and 40-mins to Hamilton City

ID#RAG22657 Graham Rope 021 222 7427

Teresa Wilkinson 021 173 9945

Saturday 12pm – 122 Wainui Rd | Saturday 12pm – 25 Government Rd Saturday 1pm – 25a Cliff St | Saturday 2pm – 4 Bankart St | Sunday 2pm – 2 Tahuna Ave

21 Bow St, Raglan Phone: 07 825 8669 Fax: 07 825 7410 Website: www.rwraglan.co.nz Email: raglan.nz@raywhite.com 12 RAGLAN Chronicle


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