Raglan Chroncile

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Whaingaroa news for you weekly

24th November 2016 - Issue #521




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Plastic Bag Free Raglan p3

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RAGLAN Chronicle 1



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Raglan Kite Jam 2016: A sequence of Olly Brunton taken during the Raglan Kite Jam 2016. Image thanks to Mike Peffers Photography www.mikepeffersphotography.com

Raglan Kite Jam 2016 On Saturday November 19, Raglan hosted the annual Raglan Kite Jam competition at Wainamu beach. A hugely successful day, Raglan Windsports president Morgan Coster said " It was so much fun and great conditions. We hope everyone had as much fun as we did." The organisers would like to say a massive thank you to all the volunteers that gave up their time to help make everybody's day awesome. Also a massive thanks to all the sponsors: Bow st Depot Raglan Land Company Ozone Soul Shoes Raglan Kitesurfing Three Fat Pigs

Raglan’s boil water notice lifted


he boil water notice has been lifted after further tests were given the all clear. You can now use water as normal. Raglan’s water supply was affected by the 7.8 earthquake last Monday morning and continuing aftershocks. After the earthquakes, the spring that supplies Raglan’s water turned dirty and the water treatment plant had to be closed down. A first round of tests were ordered for e.Coli and heavy metals. Council

Email: info@raglanchronicle.co.nz Advertising & Articles The advertising and editorial content deadline will be Monday at 12pm week of issue. DISCLAIMER

Opinions and views expressed in the Raglan Chronicle do not necessarily represent those held by the Editors or Publishers. Every care will be taken in the preparation and placement of submitted material but the Editors/Publishers shall not be liable for errors or omissions or subsequent effects due to the same. It is the submitters responsibility to ensure material is not libelous or defamatory. The Editors/Publishers reserve the right to abridge, alter or decline any material submitted to the Raglan Chronicle to meet the constraints of space and/or maintain a reasonable standard of language and decorum.

SUPPORT OUR SUPPORTERS! The businesses and individuals advertising in the Raglan Chronicle are participating not only to promote their businesses, but to show their support for our community paper – so be sure to tell them you saw them in the Raglan Chronicle. Local businesses are the foundation of our community - and they make it possible for us to bring the Raglan Chronicle to you.

2 RAGLAN Chronicle

then tankered water into the Raglan Bow St reservoir day and night for four days to keep up with drinking water demand while the tests were carried out. Following this a second round of testing was done to ensure no issues were introduced when the treatment plant was turned on again. Waikato District Council sincerely thanks the Raglan community and businesses for their patience and support last week in such trying circumstances. Waikato District Council

Clarification: The Raglan Chronicle would like to make a clarification in regards to the article “Businesses accused of not ‘pulling weight’ in water conservation efforts” we published in issue number 520, page 3, published on November 17th 2017. The quote attributed to Abbie Morgan on the Raglan Notice Board Facebook group was misrepresented.

Raglan Ink Ltd home of the Raglan Chronicle Office Open Mon - Fri 9.00am - 4.00pm, Wainui Rd, Raglan Ph: (07) 825-7076 Fax: (07) 825-7078 Post: P.O. Box 234, Raglan

Du West Raglan Roast New Zealand Waterman Mag RAGLAN KITE JAM 2016 RESULTS: Foil Race: 1st Matt Taggart Ozone 2nd Sam Bullock Flysurfer 3rd Lukas Heim Ozone Bow st Depot Downwinder: 1st Torrin Bright Ozone 2nd Dominik Zimmermann Ozone 3rd Matt Taggart Ozone Big Air Mens: 1st Torrin Bright Ozone 2nd Mattew Sawyer Ozone 3rd Lukas Heim Ozone Big Air Womans: 1st Chloe Mitchell Ozone 2nd Rebecca Taggart Ozone 3rd Sarah Duncan Naish

Ms. Morgan has clarified that she was not criticising the businesses for being open during Raglan’s recent water shortage, but highlighting the fact that council should have done a mandatory shut down so that businesses could claim insurance for the shut down period. We would also like to point out that only some food businesses were open during the recent water shortage and not all businesses.

Raglan a step closer to becoming plastic bag free with reusable bags coming your way


The jute bags that have been created by Plastic Bag Free Raglan. Second image (bottom right) shows both compostable and jute bags.

lastic Bag Free Raglan – Pēke Kirihou Kore Whaingaroa – launched their campaign this past July, setting out on a mission to create a “single-use plastic bag free town” by July of 2017. As a seaside town, it is vital for us to care for the water and the surrounding environment that feeds into it. One of the easiest ways this can be done is to limit the amount of single-use rubbish we are creating as a community. The Whaingaroa Environment Centre, Raglan Chamber of Commerce and Xtreme Zero Waste have long since recognised this and at the end of 2015 came together to establish Plastic Bag Free Raglan (PBFR). Through surveys conducted within the businesses, PBFR found that although our town might be small, we are using over 800,000 single-use plastic bags per year, with over 20,000 of those bags leaving shops each week in summer alone. As more

residents move in and our tourism numbers grow, this number is sure to rise in the coming years. In an effort to encourage the Whaingaroa-Raglan community to shift their mindset to a single-use shopping bag free town, Plastic Bag Free Raglan will be gifting a reusable jute bag to each Raglan household, for use whenever residents visit the shops. Delivery will start on Thursday, November 24. The PBFR team hopes to reach as many households around town as they can get to over the coming week. Included in the bag is a compostable bag. The PBFR team has been researching sustainable solutions for businesses that currently provide single-use plastic bags, and they hope shops will shift to using a compostable option. Single-use plastic bags are considered valueless when it comes to recycling, and less than half of the bags end up in landfill; an alarming number escape into the environment. To make matters worse,

plastic is not going to go away anytime soon. It takes years and years for one plastic bag to decompose, and when it does it will leave behind chemical toxins, contaminating whatever area it was laying in. The PBFR team and many local residents have collected loose plastic bags from waterways leading into Manu Bay, from the bush areas around town, pulled them from storm drains in the CBD, found them in grassy banks along the harbour and have spent hours picking them up at the beach, even digging them out of the sand. The reusable jute bags have been funded by Waikato District Council, Meridian Energy, Waikato Regional Council, the Raglan Chamber of Commerce, Raglan Community Board, Whaingaroa Environment Centre and Xtreme Zero Waste, with delivery assistance funding provided by the Raglan Lions. A small crew of wonderful volunteers has spent hundreds of hours preparing to get these bags to local households. Valued at $15, if you want to purchase an extra bag they will be available at The Herbal Dispensary, Whaingaroa Organic Kai (WOK), Matapihi Art Gallery and on WEC Wednesdays at the Environment Centre. For updates and more information on Plastic Bag Free Raglan visit plasticbagfreeraglan.nz or follow PBFR on Facebook and Instagram. Karamea Puriri

ram raid on the BP service station on Sunday, and a person is before the court regarding the burglary of the Wainui Road Superette in October.

At about 4am, a stolen vehicle was driven through the front glass doors of the BP and offenders made off with an “incidental amount” of cigarettes and tobacco. Constable Dean McMillan said police had strong leads on the burglary of the BP from CCTV footage, forensics; “the whole lot really”. He said CCTV footage showed a number of offenders in “very distinctive clothing”.

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Arrest imminent for BP ram raid offenders police hope to soon make an Raglan arrest regarding the early morning “We should have someone accountable in the next day or so,” he said on Tuesday afternoon. Meanwhile, a person is currently before the court for the burglary of the Wainui Road Superette on October 18. Forensics from a glove left at the scene had led to a positive identification on the police database. Information was also “trickling in” on the burglary at the Thirsty Liquor on Sunday, November 13. Police were looking for four young men in relation to the attack on a worker at the store, who was beaten to the ground, and subsequent theft of alcohol. It was reported that two stolen cars were used in the ram raid of the BP on Sunday morning. Both have since been recovered. Head of BP retail Kerry Forde said the


offenders made off with an “incidental amount of cigarettes and tobacco and called the crime a “business disruption”. He said ram raids happened a lot in the service station industry across New Zealand. “It’s something we are always conscious of. We accept it as part of the business that we are in.” “We take the safety of customers and staff seriously. We want to make sure we are a safe site so people feel comfortable about being onsite. He said security was a challenge for sites that weren’t open 24/7, but “our security system worked”. Six new security cameras are due to be installed in Raglan before Christmas. Inger Vos

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Please tell us your stories Please contact us on 07 825 7076 or email us details: info@raglanchronicle.co.nz RAGLAN Chronicle 3

One-time Raglan Maori warden back in town to fill ‘big shoes’ Mind Body & Spirit Fair Sat 3rd-Sun 4th Dec Raglan town hall 10am-5pm Free entry and workshops for more info go www.eventfinda.co.nz

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ancy Koha knows she has “big shoes to fill” as the newly elected chairperson of Raglan Māori Wardens Charitable Trust. The 57 year old was voted in recently at an emergency meeting soon after the sudden death of longtime chairman John Bishop, who was a familiar face around town over the past two decades and has been lauded as an “unsung hero” of the Raglan community. While Nancy has long been a Māori warden – even working alongside John back in the early 2000s when last living in Raglan – she says her new role as trust chair is a whole new ballgame. “It’s a huge undertaking,” the mother of seven, grandmother of 18 and now firsttime great-grandmother told the Chronicle. “You’ve got to (really) organise things,” she says, pointing as an example to the role Māori wardens will play at the Music and Dance Festival at Te Kopua Domain in 10 days. Māori wardens take on traffic management at events like these, Nancy explains, which means all volunteers’ licences for the job need to be checked and updated if necessary. But there’s a raft of other responsibilities in the community too, she adds, such as advocating for clients with Winz and the Tenancy Tribunal, and working in with the police by doing night patrols downtown. “We help keep our community safe and do what’s best as it’s growing,” Nancy

sums up. It means liaising not just with local police – as their eyes and ears – but also with kuia, kaumatua and businesses through the Raglan Chamber of Commerce. “And I want this new phase of the Māori wardens to be an open book,” she adds. “Nothing hidden, so we maintain trust within our community.” Nancy worked as a warden in Huntly way back, and then in Raglan before moving more than a decade ago with her husband, Rini, to work in Otara with the Turehou Māori Wardens. It’s where Rini is still based as team leader, she says. “But I need to be here now to give back to this community.” Working in Auckland was a valuable experience, she says, particularly as “we trained alongside the police in Manukau”. It was a big step up but not without its highlights, she adds, including crowd control at Warriors matches and at 2011 Rugby World Cup games. Nancy makes clear she takes her new role as a Raglan Māori warden very seriously and is keen to carry on where John left off. She says John contacted her a couple of months ago when he wasn’t well, specifically to get her back here to work. “He had a plan,” she believes. Despite not currently having an office to work out of – because the renewal of the lease of their Bow St premises was overlooked at the time – Nancy and her colleagues are happy to work from their cars for now. Raglan’s Māori wardens are a team

Nancy at home, proud of the souvenir flag from her Maori warden days in Auckland. of volunteers working for the good of the community, Nancy stresses. She may be chairperson but “there’s no hierarchy … we’re all doing the same mahi together”. Edith Symes

White Ribbon day in Raglan

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4 RAGLAN Chronicle


omorrow (November 25) is White Ribbon Day. The day aims to raise awareness around violence towards women in New Zealand and operates on the principles that everyone has a right to safety and respect. The campaign asks you to show support for anything that will prevent violence and to wear a White Ribbon and talk about why.

Most men have respectful relationships with women – White Ribbon is about strengthening common behaviour and attitudes. Men have to be part of the solution – they can do this by checking that their actions, and those of their mates, are OK – but we all have a role to play. The strongest role modelling for your children is to witness your own healthy relationships. Model the behaviour you want to see. Show your children how you respect each other as partners and encourage

them to show their feelings. They will learn from you and use you as their guide for what to expect from relationships with others. The Raglan House fully embraces the kaupapa of non-violence. Here are some things we can ALL do to demonstrate our commitment to that kaupapa. • Question set ideas about how men or women should act. Letting each person choose how to act is more effective and healthier for everyone. • Treat everyone as an individual – whether they are male or female. • If you are a man, be yourself when you’re around other men. Talk about your partner as an equal and say what you appreciate about her. Show that you make decisions together. • Question any ideas about men being “in charge” or “the boss”. Treat women as having an equal say in your relationship, and give equal importance to their opinions. • Show that you disapprove by not

laughing or smiling – if any man says something disrespectful towards or about women, turn away or walk off. Better still challenge the statement. Say something that shows you don’t agree. Try: “Come on, mate, you’re better than that.” “Bro, not cool.” “He mana wahine ehoa.” “What if someone said that about your mum/sister/girlfriend?” “I don’t think we’d agree with that, would we guys?” “Why would you say that?” “I know it’s a joke, but it’s just not funny.” “Think about what you just said.” • Talk openly about values that support respectful behaviour – these could be cultural values, religious beliefs, or general ideas like “everyone’s equal” or “a fair go for all”. This helps prevent violence. Raglan House

1080 aerial drop and ground control scheduled for 2017


drop of 1080 on Mt Karioi is expected to happen mid-year 2017 to control possum numbers. Representatives from the Department of Conservation and Waikato Regional Council spoke to Karioi Maunga Project volunteers, who trap rats and mustelids on the mountain to protect the grey-faced petrel, about their intentions at a meeting on Monday night. Doc is planning an aerial drop over most of the conservation land on the mountain apart from the Wainui Catchment, some 230 hectares, where bait stations will be used in a 100-metre grid pattern. Doc ranger Cara Hansen said bait stations containing 1080 would be used in the catchment area so that the poison wouldn’t be dropped into the waterway, and trapping would be too labour intensive. She said DOC, with help from the local hapu, would fill the bait stations just once, and then the community could take over the job if they wanted to continue to control the possums in the catchment area, with DOC support. The regional council is working with landowners on the fringes of Karioi to also do a ground control operation using bait stations. Andrew Styche, of DOC’s Waikato Conservancy, said aerial drops were made on the mountain every six years in order to prevent possums from completely destroying the forest. It was a minimum effort but that was all the conservancy could afford, as it did not consider Karioi to be particularly significant and it had a limited budget. “We want to keep working on Karioi because

the community has invested so much into it,” he told the volunteer trappers. Possum numbers on Karioi were now at residual trap rates of about 10 per of cent, which was the level that you would start to see a decline in birdlife. 1080 also kills rats and the stoats that feed off poisoned animals. “For one year in every six years birds get a break from predation.” Mr Styche said 1080 drops of today were not like in the old days, when poison would rain from the skies. “We use such a low amount of bait now that you don’t even see the drop.” He said the amount of poison used was the least amount required to target possums and stoats, and could be as much as about 1 pellet every 12 square metres. “The chance of being hit by one is really low. “You might put some birds at risk… the more bait you use the more birds are at risk.” He said it was unsure whether birds were killed by eating the poison directly or by feeding off insects that had eaten the poison. Eels, trout, koura and pigs were able to metabolise the poison, but people should still not eat from any animal on the mountain for about four months, as a precaution. Mr Styche said for now 1080 was a sustainable option but work was always being done to look at other methods of pest control. “There is nothing better than 1080 to do the job.” He told the Karioi Maunga volunteers that “hopefully”, after the drop, they would not catch anything in their traps for a few months. Inger Vos

Artists support art auction for animal sanctuary with Raglan roots

A Animal Action are hosting an nimal advocacy group Direct

art exhibition and auction to raise funds for Raglan-based animal sanctuary ‘Paws Awhile’. Paws Awhile was established in 2014, providing safe haven to animals rescued from abuse and neglect. Owner Anna Dahlberg self-funds the Raglan sanctuary, home to a variety of animals including dogs, cats, highland cattle, donkeys and kunekune pigs. The art event opens next week in Auckland at Allpress Studio but online bidding kicks off tomorrow (Friday), meaning that anyone in the country can purchase an artwork. Over 30 established and emerging New Zealand artists feature in the auction including local Raglan artist Tina Wessling. “I donated my artwork to say thank you to Anna from Paws Awhile for her selfless engagement for animals and to help raise money for her sanctuary,” says Wessling. Event organiser Romina Marinkovich says: “Along with Tina, we’ve received

Jewellery exhibition: Blood, Bone, Heart and Tears

Lions honours 10 Raglan residents for voluntary service in centenary celebration


aglan Lions celebrated the international club’s 100 years of service on Monday night by honouring 10 prominent citizens who have done good for the community. President Bob MacLeod said Ralph Blanchard (Lions, fire brigade, retired pharmacist), Robert Currie (stock agent, artist), Clint Baddeley (ex Raglan Ward councillor), Steve Soanes (ex council Raglan area office manager), Rodger Gallagher and Virginia Gallagher (Lions, Raglan museum, arts council), Wayne Morris (Raglan Naturally, Raglan Community Board), Jacqueline Anderson (arts council), Barbara Rothwell (Lions opportunity shop volunteer) and Fred Gilbert (Lions, Community Vehicle Trust, Raglan Community House) were awarded the title of Friends of the Lloyd Morgan Charitable Trust, which was set up in 1979-80 in commemoration of Lloyd Morgan, the only New Zealander to have ever become international president. “Our motto is we serve,” said Bob.

He said the 10 Raglan residents who were selected for the award, and received a pin, had done a lot of voluntary work in the community, and that often went unrecognised. None of the recipients were aware that they were being honoured on Monday night. They all thought they were there to celebrate 100 years of service by Lions, internationally, said Bob, who has been in Raglan Lions for 37 years. “It’s a big deal, 100 years. It’s the longest service organisation in the world, and growing.” He laughed off any suggestion that perhaps he should have awarded himself a pin for all his years of service to Raglan in the Lions Club, the Raglan Community Board, the Raglan Volunteer Fire Brigade, the Raglan Residents and Ratepayers Association, the Community Vehicle Trust and the town’s Civil Defence Committee. “It’s not a self-serving thing,” he said. “They can give me a pin when I am dead.” Inger Vos

support from a diverse range of artists including Flox, Jeff Thomson, Paul Walsh, Peter Miller, Misery and Mary McIntyre. We’ve been thrilled with the amount of support we’ve received from the community and everyone has really rallied behind this deserving cause.” Paws Awhile owner Anna Dahlberg says: “I'd like to thank all the artists and everyone who’s given their precious time and amazing artwork to help. The artworks contributed really send the message that animals are sentient beings. That's a philosophy I put into action at Paws Awhile.” * ‘Animals – Seeing the Sentient Being’, the fundraising art exhibition and auction for Raglan-based animal sanctuary Paws Awhile runs from Tuesday, November 25 to Thursday, December 1, 9am-3pm, at Allpress Studio, Browns Mill Building, 8 Drake St, Freemans Bay, Auckland. Online bidding opens, tomorrow, November 25, at www.seeingthesentientbeing. com. The live auction is on Thursday, December 1, 5.30pm-8pm, also at Allpress Studio.


ife has its way of shaping us, growing us and gracing us. Few know the depth of despair that has blessed us in becoming the beautiful beings we are today. To be human is to live, love, nurture and blossom.” ‘Blood, Bone, Heart and Tears’ is Sophie Lewis-Smith’s first-ever solo exhibition and is a collection of works showcasing her ongoing journey through life. Jewellery artist for the film The Hobbit and previous tutor at The Learning Connexion in Wellington, Sophie has moved to warmer climates and welcomes

those in the Waikato and further afield to come and marvel at her latest creations with a night of celebration on Saturday, December 3. An exhibition that honours the process of stepping into the new and shedding layers of the past, Blood, Bone, Heart and Tears promises to portray the inner dance of growth and the beautiful blossoming of an internal world where hope, faith and love have been restored. It celebrates the process of growing new wings, delighting in the playground of the imagination while acknowledging where one has been in order to fully embrace where one is presently. After completing a year of a Postgraduate Diploma in Arts Therapy in 2015, and delving deep into her internal Pandora’s box, Sophie chose 2016 as a year to relish in her creativity once again and create the story pieces that she is renowned for. This current exhibition is her latest curtain draw, running December 3-21, 10am-5pm daily. Opening night is on Saturday, December 3, at Studeo Gallery, 21 Cross St, Raglan, 5.30pm-7.30pm.

RAGLAN Chronicle 5

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6 RAGLAN Chronicle


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Pottering with permaculture

Clare Wimmer in her permaculture garden.


lare Wimmer has plenty on her plate. Literally, too – and it’s highly likely that she made the plate, and grew the food that’s on it. The busy Waitetuna woman is the business manager of a global company that consults on climate change risk and adaption; she’s the Waikato Environment Centre’s co-ordinator for its Permaculture Design Certificate; she pots and teaches classes in ceramics at home and at the old School Arts Centre; she’s currently helping to organise a conference for Maori and indigenous Australian facilitators in Raglan next week; and organising a gathering for educators in permaculture in Waitetuna the following weekend. Then, in her down time, she plans new trees for her property for 50 years down the track, considers that maybe ducks will be better to keep than chickens because the river near the house is becoming more prone to severe flooding; and will some time soon throw together some permeable pots to use as underground vessels to experiment with sustainable watering of her gardens. It’s a diverse and busy lifestyle that is captured in the book ‘Her Space’, released in September and written by Marilyn Jesson, who spent a year interviewing over 60 “inspirational women”. If you were to brainstorm Clare’s life on a piece of paper you could connect everything with scribbly arrows; round

and round they’d go until there was a big, jumbled mess. But, really, Clare’s totally organised because everything she does is based on one guiding principle: permaculture. Permaculture is a creative design process based on whole-systems thinking. It looks at patterns and relationships in nature and how these can be applied to every aspect of human habitation. It’s this way of thinking and her creative mind that makes her a prime target to be on everyone’s organising committee, she laughs. “And I open my mouth.” Clare has long been interested in permaculture, since moving to the Raglan area 17 years ago. She’s learned a lot of what she knows from friends and people in the community. “It really fits well with the way I think about life and the future; it’s the way I want to set up my future.” Last year she became “formerly educated” by completing the Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) that she is now a co-ordinator of, and uses permaculture as “a framework for living”. That means she lives and breathes it – everything is about sustainability and being self-sufficient. On her 1-hectare of dirt in Waitetuna, everything has a purpose. The earth has been used to make her house, and the wood was also locally sourced or

HOMEOPATHY Janis Beet Homeopath......................07 825 8004

MASSAGE recycled; the house has been sited on the land according to the movement of the sun; the sun is used to heat the house; pigs and chickens are used to enrich the soil; rabbits and sheep are bred for food; companion planting ensures there is no need for nasty sprays; and black and grey water is recycled back into the environment. Yes, the worms eat her family’s poo and make their own juice that is then mixed with the grey water and trickled out to the orchard; “we eat the fruit”, and around it goes again. “With permaculture you want to create as many closed systems as you can. No inputs and outputs. It’s totally about efficiency and the use of energy.” Clare is interested in helping other people make permaculture part of their life plan, too. “I just think that everyone needs to think about taking care of the earth at the moment. And have a good relationship with your neighbour, too.” Permaculture is also about fair share, after all, and that means sharing the spoils of a glut harvest or trading in commodities. “I realise a lot of people aren’t up to that concept yet, but when there is a crisis that’s when you see people go ‘oh my god, I have nothing to eat’.” A desire to actually see change led Clare to reduce her hours at CLIMsystems, from 30 to 20, and take up the job with the Waikato Environment Centre. “I know we are making change,” she says of her work with the global company, “but I want to see it happening around me. I needed to see if I could have an impact locally.” It’s one of the reasons why she volunteered to organise the national Permaculture Education/ Livelihood hui, which will be held at Waitetuna Retreat from December 2-4, just a short walk from Clare’s home. “I wanted it in my own backyard so I put my hand up,” she admits. “I wanted to get all the local educators on board.” Internationally, it has been recognised that the permaculture movement, which started in the 1970s, would benefit from a greater coherence at a global level. The hui in Waitetuna is for tutors and educators to discuss what is being termed as The Next Big Step, and what that means for permaculture in New Zealand. “We will be having a conversation about design and design processes and the changes in the world … we are looking at climate change and the use of the internet. “People are doing things differently then they did before, we want to acknowledge that and bring it to the forefront of education.” What comes out of that hui should keep Clare pretty busy mapping out her future. Inger Vos

Diane Davies Massage & Aromatherapy....021 969 929 web:................................................www.ddma.co.nz Haven Massage with Shannon Darbyshire..021 02442248 web:..................................havenmassageraglan.com Cultural Bodywork, Mirimiri & Lomilomi Ph Ardre...........................................027 245 2115

OSTEOPATHY Karioi Osteopaths.............................07 825 8259 Tuesdays & Fridays.............................021 424 450

PODIATRY Inline Podiatry..................................07 825 8303

TAROT TAROT READINGS by appointment Ph Chrissy.......................................027 6644261

YOGA Raglan Yoga Loft.............................021 02442248 web:......................................raglanyogaloft.co.nz Yoga at ‘The Space’...................Above the Yot Club web:..............www.facebook.com/thespaceraglan

Classical Homeopath Janis Beet Dip. Hom (NZ) R.C Hom

Karioi Clinic of Homeopathy

78 Upper Wainui Rd, Raglan Phone: (07) 825 8004 Cell: 027 459 8547 email: janisbeet@gmail.com


Spotlight on NZ Native Herbs


erbs grown wild in our own backyard can have some great therapeutic actions. Kumerahou is an important traditional Māori medicinal plant. It is extremely bitter and is great for all chest complaints and anything related to loosening mucous. It is a blood cleanser too so is useful for skin complaints such as boils, acne, eczema and psoriasis. It can also help the bowel to dispel trapped wind and for sluggish bowel motions. Kumerahou is also a reputed kidney tonic. Can be taken as a tea or taken normally. Kawakawa reduces inflammation and irritation. Kawakawa is useful both internally and externally. Used internally as a tea or tincture, it can be useful for inflammatory conditions of the digestive tract, as well as joint inflammation or arthritis. Used topically, it can reduce the

inflammation of common skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and skin rashes and is found is our manuka and kawakawa ointment Horopito has a long list of traditional uses both by New Zealand Māori and by early European settlers. The fresh leaves were chewed or boiled for toothache and stomachache. Early settlers used Horopito as a substitute for quinine to treat diarrhoea and gastric infections. It was used for stomach aches and known as the ‘Māori Painkiller’. It was also utilised for coughs, colds and asthma. Recent research completed in New Zealand shows a clear anti-fungal action for Horopito, specifically against Candida species (which causes thrush) but also other fungal organisms such as Trichophyton species which causes ringworm. The Herbal Dispensary

Telephone: 825 0114 After hours: Anglesea Clinic Healthline

07 825 0800 0800 611 116


Kawakawa reduces inflamation and irritation.

Mon Open 8am Close 7pm

Tues 8am 7pm

Wed 8am 5pm

Thurs Fri 8am 8am 7pm 5pm

RAGLAN Chronicle 7


The Whaingaroa Environment Centre www.whaingaroa.org.nz




(07) 825-0480


"like" us on Facebook!

Introducing Raglan's Reusable Bag On behalf of Plastic Bag Free Raglan and our amazing supporters, Whaingaroa-Raglan residents will be receiving one of these reusable, strong and eco-friendly bags to take shopping. This bag is special because it's: - Made from sustainable, hardy jute plant-fibre - Crafted with no plastic or toxins - Made by CORR-The Jute Works, a registered fairtrade trust that empowers disadvantaged people to produce and market their handicrafts - This is a one-off koha/donation to residents only - The Whaingaroa-Raglan PBFR brand is local and unique, designed with aroha from a local Matapihi artist

Kia ora and thank you to our amazing community supporters for making this project possible:

*Read more about Raglan’s reusable bag on page 3

Why Plastic Bag Free Raglan? - Raglan uses 20,000 single-use plastic shopping bags per week in the five months of summer (PBFR Business Survey, May 2016), which contributes to over 800,000 single-use plastic bags being used on average per year in our community alone. - In NZ we use approximately 1.3 billion bags per year - Scientists estimate that every square mile of ocean contains about 46,000 pieces of floating plastic

- Scientists have confirmed that plastic has entered our food chain (zooplankton, the foundation of the marine food system, commonly mistake microplastics and degraded plastic scraps for food) - Plastic has a toxic effect on human health and is a known endocrine disruptor - Plastic is a substance the earth cannot digest - Every piece of plastic ever created is still on earth today


Plastic bags found in a waterway at Manu Bay

Found in the Harbour off Cliff Street

Kia ora Whaingaroa, Over the coming days local households will be receiving one of PBFR's unique reusable jute shopping bags. Inside your Plastic Bag Free Raglan Pack, you will find a free BioPak compostable shopping bag. This bag is a sample of the shopping bag we are encouraging Raglan retailers to start providing instead of plastic bags. The good news is Xtreme Zero Waste can compost them in our hot greenwaste composting system.

Find out Website: plasticbagfreeraglan.nz Thanks to local EnviroMatters sponsors:

8 RAGLAN Chronicle


Found blowing around Manu Bay

The BioPak bag is strong, durable and could be used several times. When you have finished with it, you can bring it XZW for composting. These bags need to be separated from other plastic bags, and be completely empty. XZW will set up a collection container in the recycling bay for the public to use. Unfortunately we can't process these through the kerbside collection system. *The BioPak bags are not for food waste collection* We hope you enjoy your new bag! Thank you for supporting our efforts to maintain a sustainable community!

more about Plastic Bag Free Raglan online: Instagram: @plasticbagfreeraglan.nz


Facebook: /plasticbagfree.raglan

‘LIKE’us on Facebook


Indicates there is a ‘Walk-through Video’

Open Home



Open Home



2b East Street

Make Me Over

Double Rental or Home and Income

Contact Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 sobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz mobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz View


31c Government Road

Auction 1pm 3.12.16 (Unless sold prior)



Saturday 1 - 1:45pm ljhooker.co.nz/ 16NHFG

Screaming with potential this cute character cottage offers a fantastic do-up opportunity. The section is elevated and sun soaked featuring gorgeous views over the estuary to Mt Karioi. The mostly flat, useable land is a great advantage for future plans and includes a garage, vege gardens and space for kids to play. Leave the car at home from this super convenient location with a short stroll into town, school and the harbour. Great first home, rental investment or beach bach this is definitely worth your inspection. So don’t miss your chance to grab this little gem before all the work’s done and the price goes up!


Auction 1pm 3.12.16 (Unless sold prior) Contact Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 Email

sobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz mobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz


Saturday 12 - 12:45pm ljhooker.co.nz/ 16DHFG

New Listing


13 Wainamu Road, Raglan

23 Centrebush Lane

Ocean Beach Bach This two bedroom home or bach has plenty of space for entertaining with a large deck. There is one bedroom upstairs & the basement provides a large rumpus room. 809m² of Maori Leasehold land with 24yrs remaining on lease. Viewing by appointment only.

Convenient Lifestyle with Harbour Views An attractive & elevated 11850m² lifestyle site. Offering lots of options for your new lifestyle home ideas with wide rural & harbour views from the easy contoured building platform. Mild covenants mean you can easily relocate a new transportable or just build a home that suits your personal or family needs. Only 5 minutes drive from Raglan & 25 minutes from Hamilton making it convenient for work commuters.

For Sale $235,000 Contact Chrissy Cox - 027 287 1804 Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Email ccox.raglan@ljh.co.nz sobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz View ljhooker.co.nz/15VHFG

For Sale $279,000 Contact Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 Email sobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz mobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz View ljhooker.co.nz/16UHFG



44a Cross Street

154 Waimaori Road

For Sale $499,000 Contact Chrissy Cox - 027 287 1804 Email ccox.raglan@ljh.co.nz ljhooker.co.nz/ 16SHFG View

Auction Contact Email View

Hidden Treasure With Views In a private, elevated position up a driveway this charming home has views from both levels. Fresh decor and open plan layout in the living area give a sense of space. French doors lead from the kitchen/dining area to the north facing deck where many a barbeque will be enjoyed. And just a short walk to cafes, shops and beach.

There’s no doubt Raglan’s popularity is growing rapidly! So don’t hesitate to grab this fantastic opportunity with 2 houses on 1 title of 843m². You will be very pleasantly surprised by the privacy and picturesque outlook over the wetlands enjoyed by both houses. Handy location with just a short walk to the Wharf, town and harbour. Great options to explore here whether it’s for permanent living, rental investment or beach bach, this is smart buying.


Stylish Country Living Set elevated on a private country road, this fine 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom country home enjoys fantastic views of Mt Karioi and the surrounding rolling countryside. 1.59ha with easy care flat lawns and established plantings as well as several acres in good grazing land for a few stock or pets. Located an easy drive to Raglan township and in zone for popular Te Mata country school. 3.12.16 (Unless sold prior) Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 kleuthart.raglan@ljh.co.nz ljhooker.co.nz/ 16HHFG

17a Uenuku Avenue

Little Cutie in Great Location Located in a popular and quiet Raglan West street a short walk to the swimming beach, this tidily presented beach bach or starter home awaits your exclusive viewing. Facing north west to capture all day sun, this little cutie offers 2 double bedrooms positioned either side of the open plan living area which opens out to a conservatory. Auction Contact Email View


30 & 42 Van Houtte Road

No Covenants & No Electricity Bills If you have been waiting for a lifestyle block to design an off-grid dwelling coupled with the convenience of NO building or land covenants to restrict your plans, then these 2 properties for sale separately are excellent options! 30 Van Houtte Rd is 3.5 acres and 42 Van Houtte Road is 2.1 acres.

12.11.16 LJH Raglan Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 kleuthart.raglan@ljh.co.nz ljhooker.co.nz/ 163HFG

Auction Contact Email View

12.11.16 LJH Raglan Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 kleuthart.raglan@ljh.co.nz ljhooker.co.nz/ 167HFG

Chrissy Cox

Matt Sweetman

Kyle Leuthart

Michelle O’Byrne

Stephen O’Byrne

Sandra Bowditch

027 287 1804

021 624 826

021 903 309

021 969 878

021 969 848

021 751 759

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Raglan Property Manager

*NB Boundary lines on photos are approximate & merely a guide. All information contained herein is gathered from sources we deem reliable. However we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely upon their own enquiries.

LJ Hooker Raglan (07) 825 7170 •

25-27 Bow Street , Raglan • George Boyes & Co Limited Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008

RAGLAN Chronicle 9





SAT 26 NOV R A G L A N H O R T I C U LT U R A L S O C I E T Y GARDEN RAMBLE 10am to 4pm. Details: iSite, Library, Raglan House and on notice boards around town. Afternoon tea on Nihinihi Ave. Gold coin. Follow balloon trail.


MIND BODY & SPIRIT FAIR: Sat 3rd-Sun 4th Dec. Raglan town hall. 10am-5pm. Free entry and workshops for more info go www. eventfinda.co.nz

• •

Christie Carpentry

hOUse BUiLDer anD renOVatOrs


paul & robyn Christie (07) 825 8366

for free quotes & quality workmanship




Stefan Frew info@liveelectrical.co.nz 0800 LIVE NOW 0800 5483 669

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•• Spray Truck Chipper/ • Water Blasting Shredder • Painting Water Blasting Blasting •• Decorating •• Carpet CleanPainting • ing Decorating •• Rental Cleans Carpet


Nick & Kerin Hardie: 07 825 6886 / 027 425 6886 hardiehomes@xtra.co.nz



A PEACE EDUCATION PROGRAMME COMES TO RAGLAN This programme was put together to help people discover their own inner resources - tools for living that we all have, such as choice, inner strength, hope, contentment, and peace. Initially developed in response to requests from prison authorities, following a profound response from inmates, this non-religious programme is now widely available to many types of audience around the world. Presented by volunteers, it consists of 10 sessions of videos and written material, each focusing on a particular theme, such as dignity, choice, hope, and appreciation. If you are interested, you are welcome to come along. 7.30 pm each Tuesday at the Old School - initially til 20th December, when we’ll have a break over the holidays.

easy ways to place your classified ad EMAIL your ad and contact details to: classifieds@raglanchronicle.co.nz


• • • •

SPRING INTO LIFE WITH THE RAGLAN LIGHT EXERCISE GROUP. Established 20 years ago. Sessions Mon and Thurs 10am till 11.00am. St Peters Church Hall. Bow Street. Everybody is most welcomed to attend.*Ad sponsored by RC




SUN 27 NOV @ YOT CLUB Sunday Session King Macka, B-Rex and The Nudge playing the Sunday Session, Free from 420, $10 after 7pm, Burgers available all night.

P H Courses, classes & R O workshopsB



JOIN THE RAGLAN CLUB $25 per year $500 accumulating draw every Friday Live entertainment most Fridays Left Hand Break Restaurant – Excellent meals at reasonable prices (group bookings welcome). Pool, darts, snooker gaming, indoor/ outdoor bowls & TAB Family Friendly plus BBQ area Big Screen Courtesy Vans Wed to Sun from 4pm.


PHONEPH MARK 0274 912912 911911 A/HA/H 825 825 00690069 MARK 0274 ROB 027 550 6080 EE robthebuilder@xtra.co.nz PH ROB 027 550 6080 robthebuilder@xtra.co.nz


FRI 25 NOV @ YOT CLUB The Clever Kids Shimmering guitar based sounds aimed at the dance floor, $10. From 9pm.

SAT 26 NOV @ YOT CLUB Surrey Boudit - Regular Raglan visitors. Ska/ Reggae/Rocksteady with DJ Skin n’ Bone. Doors 8:30pm, $10.

paul:homes 021 188 0447 - robyn: 021 177 5201 • quality new

199c/ te papatapu road, rD2 te Mata, raglan • alterations fencing/ decks • plan service patandbob@xtra.co.nz email:available 20+ years building in Raglan

WED 30 NOV RAGLAN RAMBLERS 9am from Wainui Rd car park next to the fire station, Nikau walk and cave bring lunch and torch.

qu alt pla 20


RAGLAN CLUB INC Great entertainment this week: Friday at 7pm One One One. No Cover Charge. Come down for some great live music. It’s the last live band on a Friday until after Christmas so don’t miss it!

PHONE our friendly staff on 07 825 7076


Contact for FREE QUOTE

FAX your ad and contact details to 07 825 7078

RAGLAN AUTOGATES autogates@live.com

mobile 021 263 8698

Re Roofs New Roofs Spouting Edge Protection Scaffold

CALL IN to our office on Wainui Rd, Raglan


80 60cents cents per per word word (minimum (minimumcharge charge$8) $6) or or prices for a prices start start at $18 $15 for adad aboxed/bordered boxed/bordered

10 RAGLAN Chronicle

$47.10(incl. gst) $70.66(incl. Services gst) Offered

FIREWOOD DRY HOUSEKEEPER PINE $155, 2mx2m POSITION load delivered. Phone NIC’S CLEAN CUTZ Housekeeper needed 021 077 1524. F I R E W O O D MANUKA DRY. $120 per m3. Delivered. Ph. 825 0522.

In My Good Books Quality 2nd hand books Open Thurs - Sun from 10am 2 Wallis St Books wanted.

a ta m i ra . c o. n z Last days MENS DENIM SALE PS. Summer in-store looks amazing!! … don’t miss out

For Hire BOUNCY CASTLE for Hire: Great entertainment for the kids, call Vicki 8257575.

Commercial To Let SHOP TO LEASE D O W N T O W N Available now. Ph. 021 952 271 for details.


Contact Gary Kite

4005 SH23, Raglan Ph: (07) 825 6560 Mob: 022 622 9005 raglanstorage@gmail.com SECURE METALLED YARD FOR LEASE 1500m2, ready now at Nau Mai Business Park. HIAB & Trailer friendly access. Other sizes available for Sale or Lease. Ph Bob Carter 021 825 869, or 07 825 8690 TASMAN LANDS Ltd YARD FOR LEASE Enclosed secure Industrial yard. Approx 450 sq m yard with large open 3 bay Goldpine shed with power and water. Situated at Nau Mai Industrial Park. Available mid-January. For more information, phone Kim on 021 531235 or Stu on 027 228 8640.

Call Nic Spry on CLEANER WANTED 027 665 2204 For local Raglan Servicing Raglan, Te business. Must have Uku & Te Mata cleaning experience, and must also have a professional and kind attitude. 3-4 hours per week, every week with some extra hours as required from time to time for windows, etc. Contact either Rob or Linda - 0278200011, 0278200287, 8255058. HOLIDAY PROGRAMME LEADER Person needed with skills to plan and lead the arts based school holiday programme, at the Raglan Old School Arts Centre. Shortlisted applicants will be reference checked and Police vetted. The programme is OSCAR accredited for up to 20 children from 8 to 12 years. In 2017 it will run for 2 weeks in each school holiday from 9am to 3pm, with the first one from 9th to 20th Jan. Phone Rodger Gallagher or email rodger@ raglanartscentre. co.nz for a position description. Applications close 30th Nov. PART TIME SCHOOL BUS DRIVER VACANCIES Go Bus Transport have two driving positions available. You will require a full class 1 drivers licence, a great attitude, be reliable and communicate well with students. A class 2 drivers licence may be an advantage but not essential, as full training will be given to the successful applicants. Our recruitment process includes Drug Testing and a Police Vetting Check. Please contact Joanne Burman on 07 828 7037 or 021 747 191. Or email Joanne. Burman@gobus.co.nz.

Work Wanted STUDENT FOR HIRE Looking for odd jobs. Kasharn Rao, 027 898 1167.

NOTICE OF MEETING WAIKATO CONSERVATION BOARD (TE PAPA ATAWHAI O TE ROHE O TAINUI) Notice is hereby given that the Waikato Conservation Board (Te Papa Atawhai O Te Rohe O Tainui) will hold its final meeting for the year at the Raglan Sunset Motel (Karioi Conference Room), 7 Bankart Street, Raglan, on Wednesday 30 November 2016 commencing at 9.30 am. The Board will hold a Public Forum from 1.00pm to 2.00pm on the day for individuals, groups or organizations that wish to discuss conservation issues and concerns within the Waikato Conservation Board’s area. Further information is available from the Board Support Officer, tel 07 878 1055. Amy Purdie Board Support Officer 28 October 2016


in a small Raglan For all your: motel. Casual and - Mowing position. long-term required. - Weekends Weed Wack C.V’s - Yard Clean Upto& info@bowstreet.co.nz. - Gardening Needs For all your: - Mowing - Weed Wack - Yard Clean Up & - Gardening Needs

Call Nic Spry on 027 665 2204

Servicing Raglan, Te Uku & Te Mata

Garage Sale

SAT 26 NOV KASM FUNDRAISER Garage sale. 51 Cliff Street, 10am-2pm. Saleable donations now being accepted, ph. 825 5093.

Public Notices WEST COAST H E A L T H CHARITABLE TRUST AGM Tuesday 6 December 2016 at 6.30pm at The Raglan House, 45 Bow St. RAGLAN RUGBY SENIOR CLUB AGM 8th December 2016, 7:30pm @ Rugby Rooms. All welcome. XTREME ZERO WASTE INC AGM 1 December 2016 at 6pm, XZW Recycling Centre. 186 Te Hutewai Road.

Public Notices

RAGLAN HOSPITAL AND REST HOME Have you thought of care for your loved one through the holiday season? We can offer solutions with care and give you peace of mind. We have ensuite rooms and sea views and we can provide - Carer Support - Respite - Convalescence - Short Term and Long Term in our residential facility Please feel free to contact 07 825 8306 or raglanhospital@xtra. co.nz.


Public Notices FOODBANK FOOD DRIVE THIS SATURDAY 26TH NOV On Saturday the 26th of November, the Raglan Foodbank Food Drive is coming your way. Collectors will be visiting as many homes as we can between 9am and 12:30pm. Please keep an eye out for them, they will be in Surfside T-Shirts and Surfside Church vans, and collecting non-perishable food items towards keeping our local Foodbank stocked. The Raglan Foodbank is here to help families and individuals in times of crisis, in the form of a food parcel. We appreciate and thank you for all donations in advance.

VOLUNTEERS WANTED! Someone special... It takes a special person to help someone in need. Join a team that provides both immediate and ongoing support for those affected by crime or trauma. Full training is provided for you.

What an opportunity! Put your friendly face to work, support your local community, and add valuable skills to your CV at the same time. Sort and present goods for sale and assist customers with their purchases. A fair go... Gain retail skills and access to training opportunities by helping out the fair trade cause. Cash handling, merchandising, pricing and frontline customer service are some of the duties required. A little means a lot Even if you only have time for a quick cuppa, you can add some sunshine to someone’s day. Spend time with an elderly or socially isolated member of the community and see them smile. To find out more about these and other volunteering opportunities in the Raglan area, phone 07 839 3191 or visit:

www.volunteeringwaikato.org.nz Proudly supported by:

INTENTION TO GRANT A LEASE CONCESSION The Minister of Conservation gives notice of her intention to grant a 30 year concession under section 17Q of the Conservation Act 1987 to Raglan Golf Club Incorporated for a lease over the Recreation Reserve Raglan Golf Course. This application is for the existing activity. Further details of the proposed concession and the officer’s report are available from the address below or at http://www.doc.govt.nz/get-involved/ have-your-say/open-for-your-comment/. Any person or organisation may object in writing to the Director-General against the proposal, or make written submissions on the proposal. Objections or submissions should be sent to: Director-General Department of Conservation Private Bag 3072 Hamilton 3240 Attention: Trevor Irwin Permissions Advisor permissionshamilton@doc.govt.nz Submissions will be accepted up to and including 10 February 2017. Once submitted, submitters’ information is subject to the Official Information Act 1982 and may be released under that Act. If you wish to keep any part of your submission confidential, you need to state this in writing when making your submission. Any person or organisation wishing to be heard in support of his/her objection, or submission, must request (in that objection/submission) an opportunity to appear before the Director-General. If a hearing is required, it is likely to occur on the week starting 27 February 2017. 2866634

- Peace and tranquility -Surfing, fishing, bush walks - Cabins, powered sites, tent sites

Meeting Dates

The following meetings will be held during December 2016. All meetings will be held at the Waikato District Council, 15 Galileo Street, Ngaruawahia unless otherwise stated.

PH 07 825 6800


Monday 19 December, 9.00am


YOU DON’T HAVE TO BLOW OUT SOMEONE ELSE’S CANDLE IN ORDER FOR YOUR CANDLE TO SHINE BRIGHTER Raglan Violence Prevention and Awareness Public Notice of application for renewal of on-licence, Section 101, Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. Bodois Trading Ltd has made application to the District Licensing Committee at Ngaruawahia for the renewal of an on-licence in respect of the premises situated at 23 Bow Street Raglan and known as Raglan Social Club. The general nature of the business conducted under the licence is cafe. The days on which and the hours during which alcohol is sold under the licence are: Monday to Sunday 8am to 1am the following day. The application may be inspected during ordinary office hours at the office of the Waikato District Council, District Licensing Committee, 15 Galileo Street, Ngaruawahia. Any person who is entitled to object and who wishes to object to the renewal of the licence may, not later than 15 working days after the date of the first publication of this notice, file a notice in writing of the objection with the Secretary of the District Licensing Committee at Waikato District Council, Private Bag 544, Ngaruawahia 3742. No objection to the renewal of a licence may be made in relation to a matter other than a matter specified in section 131 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. This is the second publication of this notice. The first notice was published on 17 Nov 2016.


Monday 5 December, 7.30pm Port Waikato Community Hall, 3 Oceanview Road, Port Waikato A public forum will be held from 7.00pm

Te Kauwhata

Wednesday 7 December, 7.00pm St John Hall, 4 Baird Ave, Te Kauwhata


Monday 5 December, 5.45pm Memorial Hall, Greenlane Rd, Taupiri A public forum will be held from 5.30pm


Tuesday 6 December, 2.00pm Supper Room, Town Hall, Bow St, Raglan A public forum will be held at 1.30pm


Tuesday 6 December, 6.15pm Committee Rooms 1 & 2, Waikato District Council A public forum will be held at 5.45pm


Thursday 8 December, 7.00pm Meremere Community Hall, Heather Green Ave, Meremere


Tuesday 6 December, 6.00pm Riverside Rooms, Main St, Huntly

COUNCIL Waikato District Council

Monday 5 December, 1.15pm

Note: In the event that the business of any Committee is not concluded on the advertised date, the meeting may be continued on a later date scheduled by the Committee prior to adjournment. This notice is given under section 46 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987. G J Ion Chief Executive


For Sale

50% OF FIRST M F W Situations OVacant

0800 492 452 www.waikatodistrict.govt.nz www.facebook.com/WaikatoDistrictCouncil

RAGLAN Chronicle 11


Raglan Real Estate Ltd Licenced (REAA 2008)


1435 KAWHIA RD 3

2.12.16 RAGLAN BOWLING CLUB 5PM • Beautiful little cottage with rustic charm and all the modern-day living facilities. • Three double bedrooms, bathroom with overhead shower, • Fully equipped kitchen with utility and a dining room that seats 10 people • Breath-taking panoramic views across the bay. • 25 mins from Raglan - close enough to bring those Fish ‘n’ Chips back and still be hot! • Owners reluctantly selling due to personal circumstances. • Prior Auction offers considered

View Open Home Saturday 11am or by appointment









Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282



View Open Home Saturday 1pm Or By Appointment


Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282 AUCTION 2.12.16 RAGLAN BOWLING CLUB 5PM

• Auction night is sale night!!! • Looking for a property with character, loads of space for the family and with potential to add extra value? • Situated on 760m² site providing space for the kids to run around • Featuring a new deck positioned to capture the sun and beautiful native timber flooring • Located in a quiet cul de sac, close to the Kaitoke walkway and only a short 12 minute walk to cafes, shops and the local beach • Vendor will not accept pre-auction offers!!










Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282

Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282


View Open Home Sunday 2pm Or By Appointment

• Perfect location, perfect size and only a flat 4 minute walk to cafes, shops and bars • Single level 2 bedroom unit - a great opportunity for retirees, downsizers, professional couples, first home buyers or investors • A single lockup garage with internal access and separate laundry • Situated on a partially fenced low maintenance section, enjoy the convenience and easy living this property has to offer • Prior Auction offers considered


View Open Home Sunday 2pm Or By Appointment


2.12.16 RAGLAN BOWLING CLUB • Delightful character cottage featuring 5PM 2 double bedrooms, polished native timber floors, open plan living and dining with the classic high stud ceilings • French doors open out from the living room to a wrap around deck that leads to a sunny courtyard perfect for entertaining • Set on a flat 400m² section with double garage and a white picket fence to complete the package • Prior Auction offers considered

View open home Sunday 12pm Or By Appointment


• Sought after location – Walk to Town • Elevated North facing, Brick and Tile 2 Double Bedroom Home • Single Garage • Perfect Home and Holiday Investment Opportunity • Prior Auction offers considered



View By Appointment Only



• Take the opportunity to secure a 725sqm, sloping section in the popular, well designed Flax Cove subdivision • Established native plantings to attract the Tuis and an estuary boardwalk that provides the perfect avenue for a leisurely stroll • Build for beautiful views of the inner harbour and majestic Mount Karioi • Soak up the serenity and enjoy spectacular sunsets from your own piece of paradise. • Covenants apply • Prior Auction offers considered

ID#RAG22700 Graham Rope 021 222 7427


Graham Rope 021 222 7427 Teresa Wilkinson (PA) 021 173 9945

Teresa Wilkinson (PA) 021 173 9945 AUCTION










View Open Home Saturday 2pm Or By Appointment


• Ticking every box, located in one of Raglan’s great locations overlooking the inner Harbour with views of Mt Karioi • Close to school and walk to town • 1/3 interest in 3035m2 • The property is framed by park like gardens, listen to the Tuis as you make your way along the boardwalk to town


Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282


• Delightfully welcoming as you walk through lavender groves and citrus trees to the covered, northfacing deck which provides a wonderfully sun-drenched outdoor living area • This 2/3 bedroom house features timber flooring in the dining area, Kent fireplace and a modern kitchen with a gas hob • The 1017m2 section lends itself as a wonderland for children or to further develop and landscape • On the bus route, walk to the wharf and town • This property is a handyman’s delight, do the work and reap the rewards.


Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282


26th & 27th November



View Open Home Saturday 12pm by appointment


• 4 bedrooms plus sleepout • Swimming pool • Mature orchard • Expansive ocean views • 20 minutes to Raglan Town Centre • School 3.98kms - school bus stops at the gate


Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282 Saturday 11am - 1435 Kawhia Rd | Saturday 12pm - 398 Ruapuke Rd | Saturday 1pm- 18A East Street Saturday 2pm - 14 Kaitoke St | Saturday 2pm - 33 Whaanga Rd | Sunday 12pm - 2 Smith Street Sunday 1pm - 10a & 10b Wainamu Rd | Sunday 2pm - 7A Stewart Street | Sunday 2pm - 7 Gilmour Street

21 Bow St, Raglan Phone: 07 825 8669 Fax: 07 825 7410 Website: www.rwraglan.co.nz Email: raglan.nz@raywhite.com 12 RAGLAN Chronicle

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