Whaingaroa news for you weekly
New Chamber Chairs
Barry Ashby
Gig Guide/What's on
Nga Ripo o Whaingaroa
6th April 2017 - Issue #538
RAGLAN Chronicle 1
Whaingaroa-Raglan is the Waikato’s up-and-coming foodie hotspot. Support our local eateries and checkout their news and specials each week below.
Turkish Kebabs On Plates - Pitas Burgers and more! 10am to 10pm 29 Bow St - 07 825 0202
(07) 825 8761
Phone orders welcome! *Fish & Chips* *Burgers* *Weekly Specials*
Open 9am - 7pm Wed - Sunday Closed Mon-Tues
The store with a lot more!
Texas BBQ Style Burgers + low & slow cooked meat
2 Bow Street 07 825 0976
Left Hand Break Restaurant
Good Friday Seafood Night $10 – All Mains
At the Raglan Club Open Wed – Sat: 5 - 8 pm and for ph. 07 825 8288 events.
Cover International Va’a Federation (IVF) World Distance Championships: Wayne Trott has been selected for the New Zealand para waka team for the International Va’a Federation (IVF) World Distance Championships in Tahiti in June. Full story on page 5.
EASTER WEEKEND IS NEXT WEEK: Promote your business to visitors in Raglan over the long Easter weekend: All display ads, advertorials, classifieds listings (what’s on, gigs, courses, etc.) and dining guide changes need to be submitted to the Chronicle no later than Monday, April 10 at 12:30pm. Classified listings can be sent to: All other bookings please send to: Easter Issue: Thursday, April 13, 2017
Roast Dinner night Thurs 5 – 8 pm. Great food and atmosphere!
Te Kopua Camp Store, Marine Parade, Raglan
Phone:NK 07 825 8278 Pizza or 07 825 8288
This space could be yours! Get in touch for more details: 07 825 7076
& Indian Cuisine (licenced)
31 Bow St 07 825 0300
Fish n’ Chips Group Bookings Live Music Inside/Outside Seating 92 Wallis St - 07 825 7544
Volcom Lane Open from 11:30
Dine in + Takeaway Open 7 Days 11:00 am to 9:30pm
A column from Raglan Community Radio's Aaron Mooar.
Real Fruit Ice Cream Burritos Wraps Salads wa o k u l o d ge @ g m a i l .co m
Open 7 days 8am - 4pm 248 Wainui Rd | 07 825 8233 Open 7 Days a Week From 9am
23 Bow Street 825 8405
open seven days a week N O
Open 7 Days 8am - 4pm
1 9 B o w S t r e e t 07 8 2 5 0 0 2 7
43 Rose St 07 825 0010
Open for Dinner Fri, Sat & Sun from 5:30pm Breakfast/Lunch 7 Days
Open 7 Days Breakfast Lunch & Dinner
The Avatar®Course ‘‘The more thorough your observation, whether of the environment or of your thought processes, the better your predictions will become.” Harry Palmer author of the Avatar materials For more information contact: Cam 021 529 765
Wednesday 7.00pm Contact: Administrator Jan Mitchell ph 825 5122
Avatar is a registered trademark Star’s Edge, Inc. All rights reserved.
10am - Family Service and Children’s Ministry Thursdays 3-5pm - 7C’s Bible Club for Children
3 Stewart St – 07 825 8276 or 07 825 8028 Raglan Ink Ltd home of the Raglan Chronicle Office Open Mon - Fri 9.00am - 4.00pm, Wainui Rd, Raglan Ph: (07) 825-7076 Fax: (07) 825-7078 Post: P.O. Box 234, Raglan Email: Advertising & Articles The advertising and editorial content deadline will be Monday at 12pm week of issue. DISCLAIMER
Opinions and views expressed in the Raglan Chronicle do not necessarily represent those held by the Editors or Publishers. Every care will be taken in the preparation and placement of submitted material but the Editors/Publishers shall not be liable for errors or omissions or subsequent effects due to the same. It is the submitters responsibility to ensure material is not libelous or defamatory. The Editors/Publishers reserve the right to abridge, alter or decline any material submitted to the Raglan Chronicle to meet the constraints of space and/or maintain a reasonable standard of language and decorum.
2 RAGLAN Chronicle
What makes Raglan so special? It's a question I’ve been trying to answer lately, and so I often ask people in interviews about their view as a prompter for debate, especially if they are political candidates. The thing is, our town keeps changing despite people’s best efforts to stop it so I’m thinking it could be really important to get a proper answer. If we don’t know what makes this place so special – and how Raglan became Raglan – then we probably won’t be able to preserve the whatever-it-is quality that attracted so many of us here. Richard Bax, a former council manager, says Raglan really stands out as a place where people don’t want things to change. We rebuilt the wharf to be as similar to the old one as we could and we put in a new footbridge as close to the old one as possible even though there might have been better ways to do it. Even though the instinct is right, this kind of change prevention really won’t work. Change will happen regardless so we need to develop a vision of what we want the town to
be like, a really specific vision, based on an understanding of what makes this place tick – and use that to direct change. As I type I realise I may have just described the revitalised Raglan Naturally project but there’s one specific area that I want to focus on: housing. I don’t have an immediate answer to what makes this place special but I’m confident the housing situation will have a huge influence over the type of place we’ll be in the future. With all due respect to my fellow middle class Raglanites, I think it’s the artists, hippies and surf bums who’ve had the major influence on how this town has evolved. Well, them and people who are on the run from Hamilton, too. They’re the ones with the time and presence in the town to create culture. Through no fault of anyone in particular, they’re being replaced by people who work long hours (probably in Hamilton) to pay off the huge mortgage they just took out because they wanted to move to Raglan and enjoy the local culture. I’m not trying to point the finger at anyone but I am attempting to ask a question that goes like this: How are we going to ensure there is low cost housing in Raglan so that we can maintain a diverse group of people in town? Aaron Mooar is host of the Morning Show on Raglan Community Radio 98.1FM and streaming live at www.raglanragdio. com
Chamber's new guards seek to grow membership
Raglan Chamber of Commerce's new co-chairwomen from left, Hayley Willers and Morgan Morris.
he two new co-chairwomen of the Raglan Chamber of Commerce intend to grow the membership of the business-networking association. Lawyers Hayley Willers, 38, and Morgan Morris, 30, were elected by the board to bring a fresh perspective to the chamber after “old guards” Dave Currie and Geoff Kelly stepped down. Hayley, who works for Davidson Twaddle Isaac Lawyers in Hamilton, says she and Morgan will be focusing on
bringing the chamber back to where it should be. The Chamber has spent the last year focusing on Plastic Bag Free Raglan, securing funding for the new security cameras which were installed in the CBD in December, and more recently working with community groups and Chamber members to develop Raglan’s first Destination Tourism Organisation, to help manage the growing industry. “We support a lot of community initiatives which is great but in some respects it needs to be brought back to the
members, it’s about growing the number of members.” Hayley says the chamber hopes to reach out to more people in the trades and retail sectors. She says having more members is more beneficial in terms of networking, sharing ideas and support. The chamber will hold more events for its members, “rather than just the monthly breakfast” with guest speakers at The Shack. New events will include regular BA5 (business after 5), women in business and young and emerging business networking functions. Morgan, who is currently on maternity leave from her job with Tompkins Wake Lawyers, says the new initiatives are about creating value to members. “People ask all the time why should I become a member of the chamber, what can the chamber do for me? “Our focus will be on delivering interesting, relevant and beneficial speakers at our events which we feel is where the real value can be added.” Former co-chairman Geoff Kelly says it was time for the “old guards to step down” and he is excited to have two young, women lead the chamber. “They are the future of Raglan, really, in moving forward.” He says the Raglan’s Chamber of Commerce will be one of the few in New Zealand to have women at the helm. Inger Vos To find out more about the Raglan Chamber, visit their website: or email:
Soul Shoes shoplifter a ‘prolific offender’ A woman facing charges for shoplifting in Soul Shoes is one of Hamilton’s “most prolific offenders”, say police, who attribute her arrest to the store’s high-quality security camera system. The woman faces a raft of shoplifting charges and has been remanded in custody until her court appearance in mid-April, says Raglan constable Gary Ryburn. He says she was already wanted for breaching court release conditions when she was caught on security camera stealing about $1500 worth of belts and bags from
the Soul Shoes at Raglan wharf in midJanuary. “She offended again three days after Soul Shoes,” says Mr Ryburn. He says the woman has 13 previous shoplifting convictions –“and still chasing” – from 2016 alone. She was “located as a passenger in a vehicle in Hamilton” on May 24. Mr Ryburn says the high-quality image provided to police by Soul Shoes enabled clear identification of the offender. “It was A1 quality. I was very impressed.” The photo was sent out to Waikato police staff and Mr Ryburn says he got
back about 20 emails “all identifying the same woman”. He says having a good-quality security system is important to help catch shoplifters because “police aren’t miracle workers”. Soul Shoes owner Marie de Jong, who had posted the photo of the offender on the store’s Facebook page, says although she will never see the stolen goods again the theft drummed up a lot of business support. “We did well with it,” she laughs. “It reached more than half a million people. In two days we had nearly 1000 likes! It usually takes me at least a year to drum up that kind of support.” Inger Vos
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Hosts: Mary and Rob Clark Address: Marine Parade,
Raglan Phone: (07) 825 8283 Email:
MORTGAGE BROKERS Murtaghs Dermot M. Murtagh
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Over 30 Years INDUStry Experience
Come and find home Make a booking RAGLAN Chronicle 3
Colourful Raglan identity’s life celebrated twice over
Raglan Community Te Kohao Health Medical Centre Your Medical Clinic hao Health Nau Mai Haere Mai
Raglan, Te Kohao Health our Medical Clinic
All Welcome
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u Mai Haere Mai
Dedicated in the memory of Dr Tom Ellison
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OPENING HOURS: Mon Open 8am Close 7pm
Tues 8am 7pm
Wed 8am 7pm
Thurs Fri 8am 8am 7pm 5pm
10am Raglan Area School 7pm Te Uku Church
NaNuMuaMiHaiHeraeMr aMi ai Al AWeWlceolmcoeme Pastor Roger Peart ph 07 825 5199
Raglan, Poihakena Mar e
4 RAGLAN Chronicle
Barry Ashby was a well-loved, active member of the Raglan community.
elebrations of Raglan identity Barry Ashby’s life were held on both sides of the divvy last Friday, such was the regard held for – to quote former ward councillor Clint Baddeley – “a lovely old fella”.
About 30 Raglan residents travelled to Barry’s formal farewell at 1pm in Hamilton East Methodist Church, while much the same number shared memories informally a few hours later downtown at Orca Restaurant & Bar. This was ‘Barry’s Hour’, organised by the Raglan Chamber of Commerce as “a happy hour to celebrate one of our favourite community members”. It was to have been the chamber’s scheduled monthly meeting or happy hour, explained co-chair Morgan Morris, but was re-named in honour of Barry who’d been an active member as owner of Journey’s End B&B at the wharf.
“We will surely miss his insightful opinions,” lamented the chamber on Facebook. Barry was not only a chamber member but also served on the Raglan Community Board for two terms. “He was a lovely old fella with a very strong social conscience,” Clint told the Chronicle this week. Barry, a longtime teacher and guidance counsellor who’d retired in Raglan, was always eager to help young people in particular, Clint said. One of the community board’s more youthful members in recent years, Kelly Murphy (nee Clarkson), told on the Raglan 23 website how Barry had shown her “so much kindness and support” during her time there. “You could see his love for Whaingaroa and its people shine through.” Former board chair Rodger Gallagher lauded Barry as a local stalwart “who could always be relied on for the common sense view of community matters”, whether it be painting parking spaces at the wharf for
orderly management or pressuring Waikato District Council to overturn its Bow Street dog ban. Before the ban was overturned Barry’s own small dog with the big name – Sir Barney Grubb – was left in the car while his owner shopped, Rodger said, even though others let their much larger dogs flout the rules. “Barry always obeyed the law,” Rodger said. “On the other hand he also put forward ideas that tested people’s thinking such as establishing a naval training base in Raglan.” Current ward councillor Lisa Thomson, who went to both celebrations of Barry’s life last week, told the Chronicle how moving it was to see several grandchildren speak at the Hamilton East church of his influence on them personally. “He obviously had a huge impact on their lives.” An older friend also spoke of how Barry – who was just shy of 80 when he died – was an atheist but lived by Christian values, Lisa said. Barry’s reputation as a prolific letter writer to newspapers and politicians around the country – on favourite issues such as animal rights – was also noted, Lisa added. He’d penned an estimated 1200 letters to various editors over the years. Friends and family at his Hamilton service heard how disgruntled he’d be if nothing more than a standard reply came back, at which point Barry would write again to get a genuine response. “He was one of life’s characters,” Clint laughed this week. While Clint would sometimes worry about Barry’s ongoing health issues, he’d then see another of Barry’s letters pop up in the paper and his fears were allayed. *Barry – who died on March 25 – was predeceased by his wife, Tricia, and was father and grandfather to Craig, Gregor, Chelsea, Judy, Julie, Isabella (and Ben), Henry, Bradlee, Claudia, Alexander and Zeke … and Sir Barney Grubb. Edith Symes
What's On at the YOT Club ith a variety of live music acts
W lined up, there’ll be something
for everyone this weekend at the Yot Club. Saturday has Caravana Sun, one of Australia's top bands, touring New Zealand for the first time. Drawing comparisons to our own Black Seeds, Caravana Sun have toured the world extensively and will be supported by Jake from Summer Thieves. $10 presales from undertheradar. Friday sees Auckland guitar drum-duo Dual play on their national tour. This twosome have had their guitar/ dance sound compared to Stone Roses and Jagwar Ma, and their three singles Kiss, Yellow and Vidgames have all attracted strong attention in alternative music circles.
Caravana Sun will be playing a live show at the YOT Club this Saturday.
Dual will have strong support from two up-and-coming Auckland four-pieces: Toledo Springs and Makeshift Parachutes. We have some huge gigs lined up over the coming months including: Easter Saturday, The Aotearoa Dub All Stars; Friday, April 21, Jon Toogood acoustic and unplugged; Saturday, April 29, Mighty Mighty; Friday, May 5, Jamaican dance hall legend Jonny Osbourne; Saturday, May 6, Rip Curl
Afterparty; Saturday, May 12, Head like a Hole; Saturday, May 27, Bob Log and Labretta Suede and Saturday, June 24, The Hard Ons. A big thank you for everyone that attended our Sunday Sessions over the summer months. We had a fantastic run of great gigs and we hope you enjoyed them as much as we did. Andy Meek
Active amputee proves the world is your oyster
Wayne Trott will be heading to the 2017 World Long Distance Championships in Tahiti in June.
H active life.
e’s only got one leg but Wayne Trott leads an
The Raglan resident has always pushbiked a lot – “it’s a lot easier than walking” on his below the knee prosthetic – and then a few years ago he discovered waka ama. Wayne says he was always biking along Marine Parade whenever the Raglan waka ama club was going out and one day member Aaron Kereopa said to him “you look like you like to keep fit, want to try paddling?” So he did and became hooked, competing at regattas around the North Island and at regional and national championships. This month he was selected for the New Zealand para waka team for the International Va’a Federation (IVF) World Distance Championships in Tahiti in June. “Paddling is something I can also do for fitness that doesn’t rely on me walking,” says Wayne, who lost his leg in a motorcycle accident about 30 years ago. Walking on his artificial leg for a long period of time hurts as “the stump is always changing”, and it’s been the “worst year” for walking. But the part-time sawmiller, who doesn’t like wearing shoes, says he keeps active to keep his sanity, so he can go home at night and feel tired enough to sleep well. “Most people I know who have a disability do the same.” As a consequence of all that physical activity, he’s worn out a fair number of artificial limbs in his time – “I’ve lost count” – and is currently having a new one built because the old leg “hasn’t been good for about a year”. “I’ve probably had this one the longest – about two and half to three years.” Although waka ama is all about paddling, Wayne still needs his artificial limb to help carry the six-man boat to the water and to drive his stroke. “It’s always better to wear your leg otherwise everything else starts to hurt – your hip, knees, you back goes out.” The 53-year-old – “you’re never to old they reckon” – gets out on the water about three or four times a week, and “then some”. He enjoys the peace and quiet out on the harbour, away from the maddening crowds that converge on Raglan, and he likes the camaraderie that comes with being part of a team. “The boys are a good bunch,” he says of the open men’s Raglan team that he regularly competes and trains with. “We’re all keen on the same thing: fitness, health … we all have a bit of a competitive streak in us.” The world distance championship is a new event open to 32 IVF member countries. From New Zealand, seven teams will take part, including the New Zealand para team. Wayne has competed at national level in “adaptive” waka ama as part of a team of six – the Black Adapts – and in a single outrigger.
In the national adaptive OC1 (single outrigger) competition he won silver in the 500m sprints in 2015 and 2016 but “this year some young buck came along and snaked me”, and Wayne won bronze. That 19-year-old has also been selected to be in the New Zealand para team. Wayne says his team is a mix of disabilities, including paraplegics who have to be strapped to their seats, an above the knee amputee and possibly a blind woman. For safety precautions, the boats used in the para races have double outriggers so they can’t flip. Ahead of the competition, Wayne will attend three training camps, the first during Easter weekend in Napier, and he will continue training with his Raglan team. He says he’s excited to go to Tahiti and expects the event will be “huge” and “hot”. “I think it is going to be an awesome experience.” In anticipation of temperatures likely around 30 degrees Celsius, Wayne says he went for a paddle with his full life jacket on. “It was torture, but I have to try and get used to the heat.” And he reckons he will have to try his hardest to remain calm so he doesn’t get worn out from all the adrenaline ahead of the big race. “Staying calm is pretty important.” Meanwhile, a Raglan waka ama senior masters women’s team is competing at the Worlds Masters Games, which will be held this year in Auckland in April. It is the first time that waka ama has been included in the games, which is the world’s largest multisport event and held every four years by a host city. Inger Vos * A Give A Little page has been set up to support the New Zealand para waka team to compete at the 2017 World Long Distance Championships in Tahiti: https://
Animal Health Column For Raglan People + their Pets
A tasty treat to humans, but toxic to pets
hen your dog is part of your family, sharing your food feels natural. However, many of us are unaware that some of the food we eat may actually be toxic to our pets. There are many reasons why we recommend that people do not feed their dogs leftovers. The main reasons we say this is because people are often unaware what is toxic to their pet, or the foods may contain high fat or sugar levels, which are detrimental to your pets weight and potentially damaging to their organ systems. Instead, we recommend you feed your pet a nutritionally balanced, quality-assured pet food. Refer to the below list – a basic guide to foods that are harmful to our pets • Garlic and onions • Chocolate • Mouldy/spoiled foods and rubbish • Avocado pit • Alcohol • Fat trimmings (meat) • Macadamia nuts Keep your pets safe this Easter (dogs, we are looking at you!) We shine the light on dogs here because – surprise, surprise – they have great sniffer noses and love to find all the hidden stashes of goodies! Did you know that chocolate can be toxic, sometimes even
fatal to our pets? Dogs are easily the most commonly affected, as previously explained. The toxic compound in chocolate is called theobromine – it is similar to caffeine. What are the symptoms of chocolate toxicity? Animals will commonly become nervous and excited with an elevated heart rate. Vomiting and diarrhoea are other common signs, as well as increased thirst and urination. The end result may be muscle spasms, seizures and death due to heart rhythm abnormalities. Signs of toxicity are usually seen within 12 hours of ingestion of the chocolate. How much chocolate is needed for a reaction, and what does treatment involve? The size of your pet, the type of chocolate and the quantity of chocolate ingested will determine how toxic it may be for your pet. The darker the chocolate, the greater the risk of toxicity. There is no specific antidote for chocolate toxicity. If you seek help within less than four hours of ingestion, it may be possible to induce vomiting. Other treatment may include intravenous fluid therapy, anti-seizure drugs, and heart medication. If you suspect toxicity in your pet, contact your local veterinary clinic immediately. The Anexa Team
Don’t Feed Your Pet Junk Food! Not all foods are created equal so make sure your pet gets the best diet possible! As vets we cannot emphasise enough the importance of good nutrition for your pet, to ensure good health. Diets need to be tailored to the specific needs of your pet to ensure they lead a healthy life. There are many reasons why you should consider feeding your pet with pet food purchased from your vet.
A experiencing a range of watersports in bout 20 people with disabilities had fun
Raglan on Sunday.
The Flight Centre Halberg Foundation held the adaptive watersports day in collaboration with the Raglan waka ama club and local business Raglan Watersports at Te Kopua Domain. Co-ordinator Ross Ormsby said close to 20 participants and 25 volunteers enjoyed the day. “It’s so satisfying to see the enjoyment from people at experiencing a new, adventurous activity,” he said. “For people with disabilities, the opportunity to be on water and engage in an environment that is not normally accessible can be life changing and challenging and enjoyable all in one.” Raglan resident and amputee Wayne Trott, who is in the New Zealand para team competing at the IVF World Long Distance Championships in Tahiti in June, showed participants the ropes of waka ama. “He provides that experience and link to a pathway of further possibilities of competition and New Zealand representation (in adaptive recreation),” said Ross. Feedback from participants and volunteers on the day was “that was so much fun”. Inger Vos
Advice: Your pet’s dietary needs may change as they grow and age. Your vet/ vet nurse can offer advice on the best nutrition for all life stages of your pet. Range: Vet-Only pet food offers a wide range of special diets, such as oral care, weight loss and hairball control. Tailor-made: Large-breed dogs have different nutritional needs than smaller dogs and therefore need different diet formulations. Breed specific foods are formulated to help control or prevent some of the typical health problems of each breed. Your vet also has access to prescription diets designed for specific health conditions. Much less mess to clean up: Quality food is highly digestible – therefore less mess and smell when your pet goes to the toilet. Weight management: Obesity is the most common form of malnutrition in the pets of today. Feeding pets an appropriate quantity of food is very important. High quality food tends to make the animal feel full and satisfied with a smaller quantity.
Hot deal:
Dental health: Dental problems are the second most common health problem that we see in our patients. Vet-Only pet foods have special features to help keep your pet’s mouth healthy.
April promotion: Check out our product bargain The link between good nutrition and health is well proven in humans and animals, so you want to feed the best food you can to your pets. We believe feeding a top bin in store, full of all sorts of quality veterinary diet will result in a longer and better quality life for your pet. If you are in doubt about the quality of the diet your pet is receiving, come and see goodies at super cheap prices! us. We can advise on the best diet for your pet’s health. Taste: Your pets will love it! Vet-Only diets have a high acceptance rate among pets. But for extra reassurance all our foods are 100% guaranteed. If your pet doesn’t like it we will refund the purchase price.
Anexa, 40 Bow Street, Raglan P: 07 825 8390
RAGLAN Chronicle 5
Easter Colouring Competition See instore for details
Royal Gala Apples 2kg
Fresh NZ Pork Leg Roast (Excludes Free Range)
$ 99 bag
Bluebird Burger Rings/Twisties/Cheezels/ Rashuns 110-120g
4 for
Fresh Tegel NZ Skinless Chicken Thigh Cutlets
Loose Red Kumara
Nature’s Fresh Bread 700g
Waikato Draught/Lion Red 24 x 330ml Bottles
First Pick by Kim Crawford 750ml (Excludes Sparkling)
99 kg
Flora Spread 500g (Excludes Pro-Activ)
Coke/Sprite/ Fanta/Lift/L&P 1.5L
6 RAGLAN Chronicle
99 each
SuperValue Raglan: 16-18 Bow Street, Raglan. Phone 825 8300. Open 7am - 8pm, 7 Days. Specials available from Thursday, 6th April until Sunday, 9th April 2017 or while stocks last. We reserve the right to limit quantities. All limits specified apply per customer per day. Trade not supplied. Prepared meals are serving suggestions only. Props not included. Certain products may not be available in all stores. Proprietary brands not for resale. Customer Support Freephone 0800 40 40 40.
Please drink responsibly
Licenced under REAA 2008
More Than Just A Farm A desirable 41ha farm located close to Raglan which would make a great dairy support block or calf rearing farm, and a 1/ 3rd could be cropped or mown for silage. There is a four bedroom home with sleepout and three car garage and a one bedroom ’bach in the bush’ that has to be seen to be believed and a huge 280m2 workshop with gantry. Farms of this size, location and quality do not come to the market often so make the most of this opportunity. ID: HAM25061
Raglan $1,6M
Plus GST (If Any) Viewing by Appointment. 437 TE MATA RD
Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625
Tidy 29 Hectares Seldom do properties of this size, so close to Raglan come to the market! Currently run as a diary support block, growing silage and dairy grazing. The two bedroom home has amazing ocean views and is approx 2km from Raglan. Fenced in to 21 paddocks with near new yards and three bay shed. There are plenty of build sites with views for your dream home!
Raglan AUCTION (Unless Sold Prior), 11am, Wednesday, 26 April OPEN DAYS 2-3pm, Thurs, 6, 13, & 20 April 4.203ha & 15.72ha Lifestyle Sections • • • • •
Ideal lifestyle blocks to build your dream home Layout the buldings to suite your needs Currently run as cropping land Grow a lucritive crop to create a low input income stream Phone for more information
Raglan $500,000 & $800,000 Plus GST (if any) WAITETUNA VALLEY ROAD ID: HAM25743 ID: HAM25788
Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625
Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625
RAGLAN Chronicle 7
‘LIKE’us on Facebook
Indicates there is a ‘Walk-through Video’
Final Notice
Open Home
Final Notice
9 Mangakino Road
5 Karioi Crescent
Attractive Te Uku 3.8 acre Block The majority of this excellent block is of flat contour and there are plenty of potential building platforms for all day sun and to capture the surrounding rural and bush views. For those that work in Hamilton it is approximately a 20 minute drive to the city fringe with the beaches and cafes of seaside Raglan only a short 15 minute drive away giving you the best of both worlds. Very reasonable covenants apply. Auction 1pm 8.4.17 @ LJ Hooker Raglan
Two Homes, Too Tempting! Opportunities such as this are always sought after but rarely found! The 1st dwelling was built in 2008 offering open plan kitchen and living areas, 2 bdrms and 1 bthrm plus large loft/storage space. The 2nd dwelling is a gorgeous and character filled 1 bdrm, 1 bthrm cottage. Totally private from each other this set up is suitable for a range of options. The 814m² section includes a garage, is fully fenced with an assortment of fruit trees. Auction 1pm 8.4.17 @ LJ Hooker Raglan
Auction 8th April LJ Hooker Raglan Contact Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Email View
Auction 8th April LJ Hooker Raglan Contact Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Email View
Price Reduced
3a Sunshine Rise
6 Manukau Road
Recipe For Success Take one modern, double glazed, brick home, add 3 bedrooms, open plan living and internal access garage. Mix with easy care, freehold section and put in a cul-de-sac location close to popular Lorenzen Bay. The result is a comfortable, low maintenance home to suit many buyers, either as an easy care lock up and leave holiday home, great first home, low maintenance investment or a home for your retirement. This lovely, comfortable home will suit many so early viewing is highly recommended.
Sun Soaked with Sea Views Feel right at home in this comfortable, elevated and North facing 3 bdrm home. Previously renovated it still looks immaculate! Decking on 3 sides allows you to enjoy the gorgeous views of the Harbour & Mountain whatever the wind direction. Landscaped, low maintenance gardens and a short walk to town and the water just add to the appeal. This fantastic property is ideal for permanent or holiday living. One thing’s for sure... It won’t last long!
For Sale Contact Email View
For Sale $525,000 Contact Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Email View
$479,000 Chrissy Cox - 027 287 1804 Sunday 1 - 1:30pm
Open Home
New Listing
3664 State Highway 23 Spacious Lifestyle with Income Potential Be amazed when you enter the gates and drive through the lawns which surround the solid contemporary home. Featuring 3 double bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a spacious open plan modern kitchen and living area accentuated by high sarked timber ceilings adding to the charm. A big downstairs rumpus room could be a 4th bedroom and there is a 2nd living area upstairs currently used as an office. A short drive to Raglan and Hamilton city under 30 mins away. Call Kyle for more details today! For Sale Contact Email View
$695,000 Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309
57 Hills Road Space, Location & Huge Views Don’t delay viewing this prime lifestyle property within a few minutes drive to the beaches and cafes of Raglan. Set to take advantage of all day sun and huge panoramic rural and harbour views. Outside the kids will love the large flat lawn and entertaining is complimented with an outdoor fireplace and courtyard BBQ area. Grow your own vegetables in the raised garden bed area and pick a variety of fruit from the established orchard. The stand alone large shed with 3 bay garage/ workshop has plenty of room for vehicles. For Sale Contact Email View
120 Greenslade Road Slice of Heaven
Deadline 2.5.17 (unless sold prior) Contact Chrissy Cox - 027 287 1804 Email
Saturday 1 - 1:30pm 19ZHFG
$965,000 Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309
Do you yearn for the simplicity of yesteryear? ‘Kowhai Cottage’ will bring back childhood memories of those never ending summer holidays at the beach, the long days swimming and sunbathing, the twilight beach walks, the backyard games and bbqs. It is the ultimate kiwi bach: retro and quirky but also quiet, sunny, warm and comfortable with extensive views and its own harbour access, so you can keep your kayaks close to the water! Full of history but with the modern upgrades you would expect while still retaining its retro vibe. The furnishings are included so just bring your togs and relax.
Chrissy Cox
Matt Sweetman
Kyle Leuthart
Michelle O’Byrne
Stephen O’Byrne
Sandra Bowditch
027 287 1804
021 624 826
021 903 309
021 969 878
021 969 848
021 751 759
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Raglan Property Manager
*NB Boundary lines on photos are approximate & merely a guide. All information contained herein is gathered from sources we deem reliable. However we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely upon their own enquiries.
LJ Hooker Raglan (07) 825 7170 • 8 RAGLAN Chronicle
25-27 Bow Street , Raglan • George Boyes & Co Limited Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008
‘LIKE’us on Facebook
Indicates there is a ‘Walk-through Video’
Open Home
New Listing
Open Home
18 Bay View Road
The Good Life!
Deadline 26.4.17 (unless sold prior) Contact Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 View
Saturday 12 - 12:30pm 19RHFG
1250 Ohautira Road
Little Bach, BIG Views!
New Listing
This 1940’s 2 bedroom home has loads of character and is cute & funky, reminiscent of the classic Kiwi Bach. Elevated & sunny it sits on a good old ¼ acre section (1017m²). Stunning Harbour views and just a short walk to either Cox’s Bay or Lorenzen Bay for safe swimming and other water activities. Enjoy an evening stroll at low tide to the Wharf for fish n chips and then kick back on the deck and breathe in the Sea air, this is what holidays are made of. A garage/workshop provides dry & lockable storage for the toys. Develop or just enjoy it as is! This wee gem is sure to impress so you better get in quick!
Open Home
Deadline 26.4.17 (unless sold prior) Contact Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Email
Saturday 11 - 11:30am 19XHFG
So much more than just a lifestyle block! This solid brick 1970’s home is spacious with open plan living areas and 4 bdrms, a woodburner & heatpump will ensure warmth through the winter. Offering 6 acres of good contoured land there are many options to explore. Currently running 7 sheep, 2 cattle & a horse, you also have a chicken coop and vege gardens to support a more self sufficient lifestyle. A huge farm shed is a fantastic asset and has been used for calf rearing plus storage. Garage and sleepout with ensuite is another bonus. Located approx 20 mins to Raglan, 30 mins to Hamilton and an hour to South Auckland.
Open Home
New Listing
52 Bow Street Watch the World Go By... You won’t miss a bit of the action whether it’s on land or at sea from this incredible location! The massive and ever changing water views are something you will never tire of & you can’t get much closer to town than this! Offering open plan living areas, 2 bdrms plus a 3rd semi-self contained bdrm with kitchenette and ensuite. This ultimate kiwi bach has been truly loved and enjoyed for nearly 20 years and it is now time for a new owner to make lasting memories. For Sale $775,000 Contact Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Email View Saturday 2 - 2:30pm
920b Te Papatapu Road Serenity on the Harbourfront The Aotea Harbour outlook here is breathtaking with wide views of the everchanging tides and the surrounding landscapes. A spacious and contemporary early 2000’s built home has 3 bedrooms, ensuite and 2 living areas and is totally off-grid via solar power generation with a back-up generator system in place. Energise your soul and wake up to the smell of the fresh sea air and call of the birds in your own pristine native bush with a easy path which leads through to a beautiful white sandy beach. Call Kyle to view this very special property.
51 Bow Street
The Total Package! Deadline 26.4.17 (unless sold prior) Contact Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 Email
For Sale Contact Email View
$885,000 Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309
Saturday 2 - 2:45pm 19THFG
Location, views, a good quality 3 bedroom home, great garaging with sleepout and ensuite on a freehold 733m² section, this one has it all! Located practically in town; conveniences, cafes, clubs, pubs the water and more are just an easy stroll away. Enjoy wonderful views across the town and Harbour out to the bar. The solid and comfortable home is in immaculate condition and offers easy single level living. Heaps of off street parking for cars and the boat + large double garage with workshop. The additional outside room and ensuite bathroom is always appealing for extra guests or potential for holiday accommodation.
Chrissy Cox
Matt Sweetman
Kyle Leuthart
Michelle O’Byrne
Stephen O’Byrne
Sandra Bowditch
027 287 1804
021 624 826
021 903 309
021 969 878
021 969 848
021 751 759
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Raglan Property Manager
*NB Boundary lines on photos are approximate & merely a guide. All information contained herein is gathered from sources we deem reliable. However we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely upon their own enquiries.
LJ Hooker Raglan (07) 825 7170 •
25-27 Bow Street , Raglan • George Boyes & Co Limited Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008
RAGLAN Chronicle 9
House & Garden
hOUse BUiLDer anD renOVatOrs
• • • •
mobile 021 263 8698
20+ years building in Raglan for free quotes & quality workmanship
Concrete Cutter Windows • Doorways • Hole Drilling Decorative Cutting • Expansion Joints Kerb Crossings • Cowshed Alterations Removal of Concrete Structures etc Floor Sawing and Grinding
Phone Rob Short 0274 846 124 or A/H 825 0246 COURIERS
Pick ups and Deliveries Servicing Raglan Monday to Saturday 6 days a week
Ph 07 825 6886 or 027 425 6886
tel: (07) 825 8366 paul:homes 021 188 0447 - robyn: 021 177 5201 • quality new 199c/ te papatapu road, rD2 te Mata, raglan • alterations fencing/ decks • plan service email:available
• Carpet Cleans • Rental Cleans • Water Blasting • Chipping • Lawnmowing • Chainsaw Work • Qualified Builder
Contact for FREE QUOTE
paul & robyn Christie
PHONEPH MARK 0274 912912 911911 A/HA/H 825 825 00690069 MARK 0274 ROB 027 550 6080 EE PH ROB 027 550 6080
• Project Management • Landscaping • Construction • Meth Decontamination • Painting & Decorating • Flooring Supply & Install • Property Maintenance Services
Christie Carpentry
Stefan Frew 0800 LIVE NOW 0800 5483 669
West Shore Ltd
Commercial Residential Rural / Farming
Matt Connor - Roofer 021 254 1600
• New Roof • Roof repairs • Re-roof • Cladding & flashings • Gutters - new - repairs - maintenance
Quality Local Roofing & Maintenance
- Spray Painting (All Aspects) - Interior/Exterior, Residential & Commercial - Wallpaper: Feature walls and digital murals Adam: 021 465 996 | Carl: 022 622 4758
For advertising inquiries: Contact the Raglan Chronicle on 07 825 7076 or email us at 10 RAGLAN Chronicle
Public Notices
FRI 7 APR RAGLAN CLUB INC. Members draw: $1500. Drawn between 6:30pm and 8pm. SUN 9 APR RAGLAN CREATIVE MARKET This Sunday 10 - 2 at the Old School Arts Centre.
We welcome you to join us for a PASSOVER MEAL Monday 10th April 6.00pm at the Union Church Hall 3 Stewart St. For additional information & to RSVP by Wed 5th April Contact Sharyn Coull 282 0942 or 021 234 7300
WED 12 APR RAGLAN RAMBLERS 9am from Wainui Rd car park - Kauri Park walk, Kawhia bring lunch.
For Sale F I R E W O O D D R Y - 2 M - 2 M : Pine $160, Native $190, Gum $190. Delivered, ph. 0210771524. UPRIGHT PIANO Lovely old upright piano with stool. $500. Phone 07 825 0280.
In My Good Books Quality 2nd hand books Open Thurs - Sun from 10am 2 Wallis St Books wanted.
a ta m i ra . c o. n z
Winter Denim woollens, knits, beanies, scarves, candles, books,
THUR 13 APR MUSIC AT THE OLD SCHOOL: Claire Hastings – 2015 BBC winner Radio Scotland’s young traditional musician performs an acoustic evening Thu 13 Mar doors open 7.30pm for 8pm start. JOIN THE RAGLAN CLUB $25 per year $500 accumulating draw every Friday Live entertainment most Fridays Left Hand Break Restaurant – Excellent meals at reasonable prices (group bookings welcome). Pool, darts, snooker gaming, indoor/ outdoor bowls & TAB Family Friendly plus BBQ area Big Screen Courtesy Vans Wed to Sun from 4pm.
FRI 7 APR @ YOT CLUB Auckland’s electronic psych drum-duo Dual, with Toledo Springs and Makeshift Parachutes. Presales $10 from SAT 8 APR @ YOT CLUB Australia’s Caravana Sun, with Jake from Summer Thieves. Presales $10 from
To Let
EASTER HOURS RAGLAN CLUB INC April 22 Deep Purple Tribute Tickets:
Easter Fri 14th April – Site Closed Sat 15th April – Site Open 12.30-4.30 Sun 16th April – Site Open 8.30-4.30 Easter Mon 17th April – Site Open 12.30-4.30 Tues 18th April – Site Closed
May 12 The Chills Tickets:
Easter Weekend Kerbside Collection Easter Monday – No kerbside collection Tues 18th April – Raglan West Wed 19th April – Raglan East
Coming Entertainment
ANZAC DAY – Tuesday 25th April Kerbside Collection Mon 24th April – Raglan West Tues 25th April – Raglan East Collections as per normal
Public Notices
3 B/R , fully furnished, ensuite with bath/toilet/ shower, 2nd separate w/c and shower, dble garage, Raglan West, available long term @ $450pw. Bond and references required. Suit couple / small family. No smoking or dogs. Ph. 0274926440 or 8467835.
All Easter advertising: *Ads *Advertorials *Classifieds Listings (What’s On, Gigs, Courses, etc.) *Dining Guide changes Need to be submitted to the Chronicle no later than Monday 10/4 at 12:30pm. Classified listings can be sent to:
FLUE SERVICES & log fire inspection $100 and all flue and log fire repairs ph mark 021457342 or 078298103.
SURFBOARD found 3/4/2017 at Whale Bay. Call Tony to claim 027 524 3095.
RAGLAN SENIOR CITIZENS AGM Thurs 13 April at Firestation Clubrooms, Wainui Rd. Commencing at 11am. New members welcome. Lunch and raffle $5. Guest speaker: Vicki Beebee, of Bag It Raglan / Plastic Bag Free Raglan. Contact Linda Alker 07 825 8879 for further informaiton or transport.
- Peace and tranquility -Surfing, fishing, bush walks - Cabins, powered sites, tent sites PH 07 825 6800
All other bookings please send to:
Proposed Fees and Charges
Waikato District Council is seeking feedback on the proposed Fees and Charges 2017/18. The Fees and Charges sets out the fees and charges for all services that we provide that we don’t rate for.
Public Notices Services Offered
Public Notices
Proposed changes to the Fees and Charges are to: • Swimming pool inspections • Road signage • Wastewater, stormwater and refuse and recycling interim charge
I, Rosemary Matthews wish to notify all whanau/shareholders of Whaanga 1D1B2, that the hearing for my Application to Occupy will be held at: COURT: Māori Land Court, Level 2, BNZ Centre, 354358 Victoria Street, Hamilton DATE: Thursday, 27 April 2017 TIME: 11:15AM Tena Koutou Katoa
For further information, copies of the statement of proposals, proposed Fees and Charges and submission forms – visit Have your say by 9am, 15 May 2017 Tell us what you think about what we’re proposing. Make a submission by: • entering it online at • emailing it to • posting it to Waikato District Council, 15 Galileo Street, Ngaruawahia 3720 • faxing it to (07) 824 8091 • delivering it to any Council Office or library. A hearing will be held on 31 May and 1 June if you wish to present your submission in person.
Notification of the Waikato District Council Annual Plan 2017/18 Consultation Document
Your Wastewater Rates are Rising in July
The Waikato District Council is making changes to reduce the risk of wastewater spills into our environment. If you pay a wastewater rate you will receive a consultation document in the post by 13 April. It outlines three options for you to consider.
…hunker down, & enjoy being cosy x
The consultation document will also be available at our Council offices and libraries, or online. You can find out more about the options offered for consultation on your wastewater services for 2017/18 by attending a drop-in session. We are keen to talk to you, answer questions or just hear what you have to say.
Work Wanted
Details on how to give your feedback (make a submission) by post, email, online or in person, or to find out where a drop-in session is being held near you, visit our website We need to hear from you before 9am, Monday 15 May 2017.
Commercial To Let
BUILDING FOR LEASE 100 sq metres. High stud. Secure. Ph Ray 07 282 1824 or 027 202 2575.
Contact Gary Kite
4005 SH23, Raglan Ph: (07) 825 6560 Mob: 022 622 9005 SECURE METALLED YARD FOR LEASE 1500m2, ready now at Nau Mai Business Park. HIAB & Trailer friendly access. Other sizes available for Sale or Lease. Ph Bob Carter 021 825 869, or 07 825 8690 TASMAN LANDS Ltd
A hearing will be held on, or around, 31 May and 1 June 2017. If you’d like to speak about your written submission at the hearing please indicate this clearly in your submission.
Open Fire Season for Rural and Urban Areas
We’re making changes to reduce the risk of wastewater spills into our environment. Wastewater rates will rise, but there are three options to consider.
Pursuant to section 22 Forest & Rural Fires Act 1977 & Waikato District Council Open Air Bylaw 2012
Come to a drop-in session to find out more. Drop-in here
Waikato District as Fire Authority for the Waikato territorial district gives notice of an OPEN fire season in effect from 5 April 2017 until further notice.
Raglan Market, Old School Arts Centre
Sunday 9 April, 10am-2pm
During an open fire season, permits are not required for fires in the open air in rural areas.
Raglan SuperValue (outside)
Saturday 22 April, 10am-12 noon
Those living in areas with peat soils should ensure there is no risk of a fire becoming seated in those soils.
Raglan Hall
Thursday 27 April, 7-8.30pm
At no time will it be permissible to burn such materials as green vegetation, rubber, plastics, toxic materials or treated timber. Properties within a one kilometre margin of a Department of Conservation area are still required to obtain a fire permit from the Department of Conservation.
Submissions close at 9am on Monday 15 May 2017.
Those properties within the area known as the Mangatawhiri Swamp are subject to the year round restricted fire season and must continue to apply for a fire permit. Landowners are reminded that they are responsible for the management of all fires lit on their land and could be held accountable for any suppression costs if the fire gets out of control even if a permit has been issued.
Have your say!
Fires must be safe, contained and monitored at all times. Consideration must be made to avoid smoke nuisance to neighbours and its effect on road visibility.
G J Ion Chief Executive M5064
SEWING WORK WANTED Anything considered. Please phone 07 825 7529.
0800 492 452
RAGLAN Chronicle 11
Auction This Friday
Auction This Friday
Raglan 6 Puka Place
4 A 2 F 2 I
Little Miss Sunshine Situated in the quiet cul-de-sac of Puka Place, this home offers all the comforts and conveniences of 21st century living. From the internal access garage to the immaculate kitchen and bathrooms. Also featuring 4 bedrooms, separate formal lounge and private alfresco dining area. Prior Auction offers considered.
Auction 6:00pm, Friday 7 April 2017 Ray White Office, 21 Bow Street (unless sold prior) View by appointment Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282 Julie Hanna 0274 418 964 Raglan Office 07 825 8669 Raglan Real Estate Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)
Auction This Friday
Raglan 7B Violet Street Perfect First Home Great three bedroom family home with low maintenance section. Nothing to be done here! New kitchen with quality chattels. New double garage with workshop space. Half share in 1616 sqm more or less. Motivated Vendor. Prior Auction offers considered.
3 A 2 F 2 I Auction 6:00pm, Friday 7 April 2017 Ray White Office, 21 Bow Street (unless sold prior) View by appointment Graham Rope 021 222 7427 Raglan Office 07 825 8669 Raglan Real Estate Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)
Raglan 78i Greenslade Road
3 A 2 F 1 I
Relax & Unwind in Moonlight Bay Secluded and nestled into the greenery, providing a private, north-facing dream spot. This home has two spacious bedrooms upstairs with shower and one bedroom downstairs with bathroom. A large carport provides sheltered access. The north facing decking with space to entertain or relax while taking in the picturesque views. Prior Auction offers considered.
Auction 6:00pm, Friday 7 April 2017 Ray White Office, 21 Bow Street (unless sold prior) Julie Hanna 0274 418 964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282 Raglan Office 07 825 8669 Raglan Real Estate Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)
Raglan 1B Point Street You Can’t Go Wrong This four bedroom, modern home is just a walk to town. Enjoy the outdoor flow from the lounge on to the decking and be mesmerised by the coming and going of the tide and the rural vista with Mt Karioi featuring majestically as a backdrop. Double garage provides internal access. Room for the boat and make use of the smokehouse - it’s yours! All the boxes are ticked here!!! Prior auction offers considered.
4 A 2 F 2 I
Auction 6:00pm, Friday 28 April 2017 View OPEN HOME: 2:00pm, Sunday 9 April 2017 Raglan Office 07 825 8669 Raglan Real Estate Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)
Raglan 484 Okete Road
4 A 3 F 2 I 2 K
Absolute Beachfront Haven A desirable 4 bedroom home and extra accommodation accessible by a private right of way and only 10 minutes from Raglan. Fishing, floundering, mussels and water sports at your doorstep. Be quick as this property will soon disappear from the market for another 20 years!
Raglan 20A Nau Mai Road - $680,000 New Listing
Raglan 20a Violet Street - $419,000 Sea it, Love it, Live it - Motivated Vendor Priced to sell, this cool little Bach with great harbour views is perfect for a holiday rental or lock-up and leave. Comes fully furnished. The main dwelling has a kitchen, lounge, large bedroom and compact bathroom with an excellent shower. The sleep-out can fit two singles or a double bed. Easy-care grounds - with no lawns to mow!
For Sale BY NEGOTIATION View OPEN HOME: 11am Sunday 9 April 2017 David Gray 027 224 1228 Raglan Office 07 825 8669 Raglan Real Estate Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)
3 A 1 F The Green, Green Grass of Home
Raglan Office 07 825 8669 Raglan Real Estate Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)
3 A 1 F Earth Brick Home
New Listing
• Three double bedrooms plus office and sleepout • Large storage area (converted milking shed) ideal for machinery • Situated on 6375m² section • Flat land, abundant fruit tree planting • Approx 6km to Raglan
• Solidly built, unique earth brick home • 3 bedrooms + sleepout and extra hobby room • Cosy lounge with woodburner + extra lounge area upstairs • House has full Code of Compliance • Situated on a 987m² site
For Sale $680,000 View OPEN HOME: 2:00pm Saturday 8 April 2017 Julie Hanna 0274 418 964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282
For Sale $670,000 View OPEN HOME: 1:00pm Saturday 8 April 2017 Julie Hanna 0274 418 964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282 LICENSED (REAA 2008)
OPEN HOMES 8th & 9th April:
Saturday 12pm - 25I Violet St | Saturday 1pm - 533 Wainui Rd | Saturday 2pm - 20A Nau Mai Rd Sunday 11am - 484 Okete Rd | Sunday 1pm - 100A Greenslade Rd | Sunday 1pm - 18 Nihinihi Ave Sunday 2pm - 20A Violet St | Sunday 2pm - 1B Point St
21 Bow St, Raglan Phone: 07 825 8669 Fax: 07 825 7410
12 RAGLAN Chronicle
For Sale $419,000 View OPEN HOME: 2:00pm Sunday 9 April 2017 Graham Rope 021 222 7427 Teresa Wilkinson 021 173 9945
Raglan 533 Wainui Road - $670,000
2 A 1 F 2 I
Website: Email: