Nga Ripo o Whaingaroa
EST. 1903
Whaingaroa news for you weekly
13th April 2017 - Issue #539
Your local supermarket with friendly staff and free parking.
SuperValue Raglan: 16-18 Bow Street Phone 825 8300 Open 7am - 8pm, 7 Days. SuperValueNZ
New Mural
Gig Guide/What's on
Julie Hanna
Raglan Couriers 3 times daily morning/midday/afternoon
027 441 8964
Raglan 611 Wainui Road - Solscape Deadline Private Treaty - 10 May 2017 • An established Eco Tourism operation • Unique and diverse accommodation near the surf • Make an appointment to view today! VIEW Open Home Sunday 12pm 16 April 2017 ID#RAG22783
Raglan Couriers 3 times daily morning/midday/afternoon Local Business Serving Raglan District Since 1996
Raglan 106A Greenslade Road Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282
Beyond Compare • 3 double bedrooms + large office • Harbour views and walk to beach access • Prior auction offers considered
VIEW Open Home Saturday 1pm 15 April 2017 AUCTION 12 May 2017 ID#RAG22775 3
Local Business Serving Raglan District Since 1996
21 Bow St, Raglan Phone: 07 825 8669 Fax: 07 825 7410 Website: Email: Raglan Real Estate Ltd Licensed (REAA 2008)
RAGLAN Chronicle 1
Happy Easter: Jimmy Wernham and Willa Taranaki at Let's Grow Early Learning Centre with their natural dyed eggs and Ruby the rabbit..
Whaingaroa-Raglan is the Waikato’s up-and-coming foodie hotspot. Support our local eateries and checkout their news and specials each week below.
Turkish Kebabs On Plates - Pitas Burgers and more! 10am to 10pm 29 Bow St - 07 825 0202
(07) 825 8761
Phone orders welcome! *Fish & Chips* *Burgers* *Weekly Specials*
Open 9am - 7pm Wed - Sunday Closed Mon-Tues
The store with a lot more!
Texas BBQ Style Burgers + low & slow cooked meat
2 Bow Street 07 825 0976
Left Hand Break Restaurant Open Wed – Sat: 5 - 8 pm and for ph. 07 825 8288 events. Roast Dinner night Thurs 5 – 8 pm. Great food and atmosphere!
Te Kopua Camp Store, Marine Parade, Raglan
This space could be yours! Get in touch for more details: 07 825 7076
Fish n’ Chips Group Bookings Live Music Inside/Outside Seating 92 Wallis St - 07 825 7544
Phone:NK 07 825 8278 Pizza or 07 825 8288
Dine in + Takeaway Open 7 Days 11:00 am to 9:30pm
& Indian Cuisine (licenced)
31 Bow St 07 825 0300
Real Fruit Ice Cream Burritos Wraps Salads
Volcom Lane Open from 11:30
Open 7 days 8am - 5pm 23 Bow Street 825 8405
248 Wainui Rd | 07 825 8233 Open 7 Days a Week From 9am
open seven days a week N O
Easter Sunday LHB Open From 5.00pm
At the Raglan Club
Open 7 Days 8am - 4pm
1 9 B o w S t r e e t 07 8 2 5 0 0 2 7
43 Rose St 07 825 0010
Open for Dinner Fri, Sat & Sun from 5:30pm Breakfast/Lunch 7 Days
Open 7 Days Breakfast Lunch & Dinner
Dear Editor I am writing regarding a statement made by Mr Fred Lichtwark (Waikato Regional Council) and horse access to Raglan Beach in the local Raglan newspaper recently where he was quoted as referring to “f...g horses”. I am sure everyone is aware that those of us who do love to ride on the beach totally and completely appreciate the privilege I have personally been riding on Raglan beach for over 50 years on and off, and although I now live in Putaruru I love to meet up with family and friends for a ride. I have always been considerate of other beach
users, have always picked up manure and have always been courteous. And I have always had a positive response from other beach users. I felt that Mr Lichtwark’s comments were unfortunate in the light of a review/ consultation period coming up for the regional council in regard to the Healthy Rivers plan change. I would hope that there will be no closed attitudes taken into the consultation arena. I believe that with consultation and a good set of guidelines all people who love the beach environment can share with care. Alice Hicks Putaruru
Dear Editor A Night at the Museum The Raglan District Museum recently opened it’s doors after hours to welcome the local iGirlz group for a special session. The iGirlz are the modern version of Girls Brigade, and have been working on their ‘Communitiez’ badge, learning about what makes our community special. Nineteen girls had the entire
museum for an hour on a Thursday night and used the time to hunt for a range of items that gave glimpses into the past of our unique community. Special thanks to the two staff members who arranged this and stayed behind to make it possible. Locals supporting locals is definitely what makes Raglan so awesome! Robyn Marquand Raglan
wa o k u l o d ge @ g m a i l .co m
Correction Notice: Please note that the phone number published on page 39 in the 2017 Raglan Business Directory under 'Show Off Aotearoa New WeatherMap - New Zealand weather forecasts Zealand' is incorrect. The phone number published under 'Show Off' belongs to Jet Collective. Please refer to page 8 advertising in this Chronicle edition for correct contact details for 'Show Off'. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Check for latest forecasts Forecasts Forecast generated on Wednesday 12 April Max Summary Wind Waves* Tides* Sun temp (C) (km/hr) (m) (High/Low) (Rise/Set)
10am Raglan Area School 7pm Te Uku Church Pastor Roger Peart ph 07 825 5199
Contact: Administrator Jan Mitchell ph 825 5122
The Avatar®Course ‘‘There are two principles stages in studying
the operation of consciousness: 1)reflection upon what has happened and 2) observation of what has happened”
Harry Palmer author of the Avatar materials
For more information contact: Cam 021 529 765 Avatar is a registered trademark Star’s Edge, Inc. All rights reserved.
2 RAGLAN Chronicle
Weather Map
Raglan Weather & Tides
10am - Family Service and Children’s Ministry Thursdays 3-5pm - 7C’s Bible Club for Children
3 Stewart St – 07 825 8276 or 07 825 8028
Rain with possible thunder storms
N 25 am NW 30 pm
L 05:50 am R 06:49 am H 11:50 am S 05:51 pm L 06:00 pm
Sunny with rain
NW 15 am W 25 pm
12:20 06:20 12:30 06:40
am am R 06:50 am pm S 05:50 pm pm
Sunny with rain
NW 10 am NW 25 pm
12:50 07:00 01:00 07:10
am am R 06:51 am pm S 05:49 pm pm
Sunny with rain
SW 15 am SW 20 pm
01:30 07:40 01:40 08:00
am am R 06:52 am pm S 05:47 pm pm
Mainly fine with possible showers
E 15 am SW 10 pm
02:10 08:30 02:30 08:50
am am R 06:53 am pm S 05:46 pm pm
Sunny and clear skies
E 10 E 10
am pm
03:10 09:30 03:40 10:00
am am R 06:53 am pm S 05:45 pm pm
Mainly fine with possible showers
NE 20 NE 20
am pm
04:20 10:40 05:00 11:10
am am R 06:54 am pm S 05:43 pm pm
*Total significant wave height and *Tide times for Raglan Bar
When the going gets tough, the Positive Nanny Goats get going
The Positivie Nanny Goats take a break at the final check point stop before the last leg of the 100km Oxfam Trailwalker Team Challenge.
ometimes it’s impossible to anticipate just how hard something will be.
That’s what Raglan’s Positive Nanny Goats discovered after competing in the 100km Oxfam Trailwalker Team Challenge in Whakatane at the end of last month. It’s taken the four Raglan mothers a couple of weeks to settle back into the rhythm of life, to be able to laugh about their experience and share their story that includes extreme exhaustion, hallucinations, not remembering parts of the walk, painful blisters and a trip to hospital for one. Keri Oetzel, Emma Galloway, Jasmin Radford and Kelly Woolston raised $4169.13 for the charity with their marathon effort into which they themselves invested six months of physical training and a whole lot of mental anticipation. “None of us know how to put it into words,” says Emma of the experience. The cookbook author and food blogger doesn’t remember much at all of the last 10km of the walk and was shipped off to Whakatane Hospital with a stomach bleed after crossing the finish line. “I felt like I had been hit by a train. I struggled up the stairs 6km into the walk … I didn’t know what was going on.” It just felt like: “I am dying, I am dying!” Emma reckons if she hadn’t had something going on with her tummy she would have coped a lot better – after all she spent two hours strapping up her bony feet and only emerged with one little blister! Not so for Jasmin. Her blisters were a torment.
“There were some really tough times. My body was under extreme stress, in pain and shock,” says the massage therapist. “Having no sleep was hard mentally. It felt like it was never ending. Nighttime was long and hard. I had a couple of hallucinations. I just wanted to collapse to the ground, my feet and legs were throbbing with pain.” Exhaustion was a big one for all of the women, who didn’t get much sleep the night before the event that took them 29 hours and 29 minutes and nine seconds to complete, and then it was straight back into early morning mum duties as well as work after the hard weekend. “I had the good deal, I was in hospital and I just slept,” laughs Emma. “It’s an extreme event, not just a walk,” says Keri, who competed in Trailwalker for the second time and, as a trained psychologist, helped keep spirits buoyed the whole way. In a video of the four crossing the finish line she can be heard encouraging her troops on: “Positive Nanny Goats, we are still positive, just keep moving! Keep breathing, girl, keep breathing, we are going to get you to a chair, we are the positive nanny goats!” “She is like superhuman,” says Emma of Keri. “She looked normal walking over the finish line.” “I think having the experience of doing it before was quite beneficial,” Keri modestly offers. “She was already talking about the third one on the way over,” exclaims Emma. “Are you still talking about the third one? I will cook your food!”
But it wasn’t all bad experiences – there were plenty of laughs for the quartet, and not just at stages of delirium. The Whakatane community was just awesome, the Positive Nanny Goats say, and they had loads of support coming in on their Facebook page from friends and family back home. Along the way there were kids offering lollies, kids offering to hose contestants down in the heat, people holding up signs in encouragement and cars honking their horns. And the best thing, reckons Jasmin, is “we kept going”. The women placed 58th with four finishers out of 141 teams. Thirty-five teams did not finish with all four members. “We stayed positive the whole way,” says Jasmin. “We have learnt so much about ourselves and our personal strength and have created a strong sisterly bond that will last a lifetime.” “Our support crew was amazing,” says Keri. At every one of the six checkpoints, Ange Sowerby and Malene Felsing set up chairs and tables, had food ready and offered encouragement and an assortment of pampering products, many sponsored by Raglan businesses. “We could ring them with our needs – we need electrolytes!” “It’s really nice to know you are being cared for,” says Kelly. “You don’t know what is going to happen along the way.” That’s the one thing you can always be sure of! Inger Vos
P: 07 870 1005 E: A: 25 Roche Street, Te Awamutu
Also at H.G Webb House, Cnr Boundary & Victoria Streets, Hamilton
A private hideaway, just 2 minutes walk to the beach, peace & tranquillity at its best. Tents, campervans or caravans, backpackers, cabins or motel units.
Check out our Facebook page!
Hosts: Mary and Rob Clark Address: Marine Parade,
Raglan Phone: (07) 825 8283 Email:
EASTER SUNDAY TRADING – WHAT’S YOUR VIEW? Hamilton City Council is seeking your views on Easter Sunday trading. A recent amendment to the Shop Trading Hours Act (1990) allows councils to adopt an Easter Sunday Shop Trading Policy. This policy could allow shops to trade on Easter Sunday. If you have an opinion on whether Easter Sunday trading should be allowed in Hamilton, you can view the statement of proposal and make a submission at between now and 9 May 2017. The proposal and hard-copy feedback forms are also available from the Hamilton City Council Municipal Building in Garden Place, any Hamilton City Library or by calling (07) 838 6699.
RAGLAN Chronicle 3
Registered Valuers Property Consultants
Hawken & Co.
The big OE in the new millennium
Raglan skater ‘pumped’ at latest Christian camp role
L.W. HAWKEN Dip. VFM; Val; Prof. Urban, ANZIV. SPINZ
P.O. Box 130 Raglan
p. 07 825 8064 fx. 07 825 8559 m 0274 968 417
RAGLAN DENTAL Dr. Richard Zhu BDS Otago
Resident Hygienist • Dental Implants Orthodontics/Braces • Dentures
12 WALLIS ST | PH: 07 825 8788 Hamilton Clinic: Victoria Dentist 270 Victoria St 07 839 1660
Raglan Community Te Kohao Health Medical Centre hao HealthYour Medical Clinic Nau Mai Haere Mai
Raglan, Te Kohao Health our Medical Clinic
Ben Wallis back home in Raglan.
All Welcome
kete-raised Ben Wallis really is a
O young man on a mission.
him a real sense of purpose. His mission is to help give other young people from around the world a life-changing experience The 20 year old has been relishing the at Muskoka Woods in Ontario, which he warmth and familiarity of Raglan after describes as “one of the most beautiful flying home from a “freezing” Canada last places in the world”. month. It’s there he’s been teaching But it’s only a relatively short visit skateboarding skills at a Christian camp home. set in 1000-odd acres of woodland on the Ben will be heading Canada’s way shores of Lake Rosseau. again next month for another northern This time around he’ll be in more of a hemisphere summer and a job that gives leadership role. “I’ll be the skateboarding area head, which means I get to oversee the Dedicated in the memory of Dr Tom Ellison NZ’S LEADERS IN skate, scooter and BMX instructors,” he explains. “I’m so pumped.” In all there are more than 50 adventure WanƟng Power Free Sewage Treatment? NZ’S LEADERS IN activities for youngsters through to teens Eco Sustainable Sewage Systems Power in treatment processes at Muskoka Woods which specialises in Wanting No Power Free Sewage Treatment? ✓ No Power in treatment processes school trips, church retreats and leadership WanƟng Power Free Sewage Treatment? Natures AcƟve ‘Bio-system’ No Power in treatment processes ✓ Natures Active ‘Bio-system’ development experiences. Natures AcƟve ‘Bio-system’ Odourless, operaƟon ✓ Odourless, quietquiet operation Watersports on offer for instance Odourless, quiet operaƟon Extremely low maintenance needs ✓ Extremely low maintenance needs include paddleboarding, sailing, tubing Extremely low maintenance needs Modular with low site impact ✓ Modular with low site impact and kayaking, says Ben. Then there’s high Free Onsite Assessments Modular with low site impact ✓ Free Onsite Assessments ropes and gymnastics, golfing, volleyball, Free Onsite Assessments even droning. “Kids go there to fly drones,” he says somewhat incredulously. And all of it for fun. “We just want the P 0800 SOLAR1 (765 271) E kids to have the hell time.” A 355 Kahikatea Drive, Hamilton Ben spent three months all up at W Muskoka Woods last year. The gun
Poihakena Marae All Welcome 216 Wainui Rd, Raglan 218 Monday,-Wednesday, Friday Friday 9.00am - -4.30pm 08.30am 5.00pm e Free after hours telephone triage service Raglan day, Friday Phone: (07) 825 0197 Fax: (07) 825 0956 Email: elephone triage service Te Kohao Health 0197 Fax: (07) 825 0956 180 Dey St, Hamilton Monday - Friday 8.30 - 5.00pm Saturday 8.30 - 12.00pm Free after hours telephone triage service ilton Phone: (07) 856 1211 8.30 - 5.00pm 2.00pm Dedicated in the memory of Dr Tom Ellison elephone triage service 1211
u Mai Haere Mai
Eco Sustainable Sewage Systems Eco Sustainable Sewage Systems
4 RAGLAN Chronicle
The Chronicle chats with locals about their overseas experience.
skateboarder, who’s done comps here in Raglan and around the country, says he’s always “stoked” when kids who couldn’t stand on a board can finally push their way around a whole skate park at camp. The camp has two functioning skate parks, one indoors and an outdoor facility that is getting rebuilt. Ben – a descendant of early Raglan missionary the Rev James Wallis – says he was always keen to get involved in the Muskoka Woods bible camp programme once he’d finished school locally at the surfing academy. “But I got really lazy,” he admits. He worked at Backdoor surf/skate shop in Hamilton meantime, and also for a while downtown at Raglan Surf Co. Then last May he went to South Korea with a missionary team called Global Expression which is part of Youth With A Mission (YWAM), one of the largest Christian mission organisations in the world. He loved being one of five skaters on the 15-strong skateboarding/hip-hop dance tour around South Korean schools. “We got to speak about our beliefs, our struggles (in life),” he says. The whole idea was one of being positive role models while demonstrating particular skills. The Muskoka Woods experience followed on from that, then it was off in September to San Francisco – a city rich in skateboarding history – where Ben was committed for another three months as a bible student of Calling All Skaters, a YWAM training school “to build on my faith as a Christian”. It’s about representing skateboarders in a positive way, he explains, and being able to minister within the skateboarding community. “We don’t need the party life, drugs and alcohol (to have a good time).” After the course Ben went with a group of about 10 on an outreach to Chile for another couple of months, skateboarding and “sharing our faith”. They travelled all over Chile, got to surf in Pichilemu – a black-sand coastal resort with a left-hander “just like Raglan” – and in December visited the “super-cool”, sparsely populated region of Patagonia at the southern end of South America. “But I couldn’t come back to the southern hemisphere without seeing my girlfriend (in Toronto),” Ben explains of how he ended up flying home last month from Canada. Now he’s working with his dad Ross on the family farm at Okete, and enjoying reconnecting with people he hasn’t seen for nine months. When the Chronicle caught up with Ben there was a chance he’d also get to do some skateboard instructing with local skater Jason Beaudry of Wrong Skate Shop downtown. Edith Symes
New mural by Raglan Emerging Artists R boasts a beautiful new mural aglan Top Cut Butchery now
A chat with the councillor – a report from Raglan councillor Lisa Thomson on her new initiative
thanks to the creative talents of a group of young women.
Freelance film-maker Maryann Tuao, who co-ordinated the painting of the mural as part of her documentary Raglan Creative Series, says the group – Kaea Ruawai, Frankie Reynolds, Olivia DeanChambers, Reeve Harry-Wright and Terri Toxward-Nicolson – were mentored in the design process and a one-day painting workshop by artist Paul Bradley. Bradley shared his expertise in mural painting techniques and the materials required for exterior design, while Raglan Top Butchery offered their wall for the final product. The mural shows a full moon over Mt Karioi and the Raglan Harbour, and a pohutukawa in full bloom. Mt Karioi features in many Maori legends and its profile is likened to a sleeping lady. “We had a lot of fun together, and it was a privilege to experience the girls sharing their passion and creative talents during the project. “It was an opportunity for the youth to express their creative talents in a public space based on what is significant to them today and their connection to WhaingaroaRaglan.” Tuao says many people have commented how the mural has changed the space into something stunning and incredible. She says a special thanks goes to sponsors Bunnings, The Warehouse Te Rapa, and Raglan Top Cut Butchery.
I “Councillor Community Chat” went was
Artists taking part in the Raglan Creative Series from left: Paul Bradley, Terri Toxward-Nicolson, Kaea Ruawai, Olivia DeanChambers, Reeve Harry-Wright and Maryann Tuao.
Painting poppies for ANZAC
Seven-year-old Harlow Bidois is looking forward to some mural madness at the Raglan Old School Arts Centre holiday programme.
P Raglan Old School Art Centre as
oppies will be popping up at the
part of the upcoming school holiday programme. Young artists attending the programme will paint an ANZAC-themed mural at the Old School to brighten up the dreary concrete wall in the car park. Programme supervisor Jill Freeman says the children who attend the holiday programme will have the opportunity
Councillor’s Column
to share their artwork with the wider community, as well as leaving an artistic legacy at the Old School. “The holiday programme fits in nicely with ANZAC commemorations and it provides a chance for the children to learn about New Zealand’s war efforts and to express that creatively.” Dubbed Easter Eggstravaganza the programme will also include a bevy of Easter activities such as egg treasure hunt, Raglan Park ‘eggscursion’, egg ‘n spoon
and 3 ‘egged races, movies and many more fun endeavours. Running from April 18-21 and April 26-28 from 9am-3pm, the programme is open to children aged 5-12. A half day is $21, full day is $39 and $136 for the first week and $102 the second week, subsidies are available - bookings are limited to 20 children per day. For enquiries about subsidies and bookings contact the Old School at info@ or 07 825 0023.
on Friday. Thank you to the eight people who helped make it worthwhile – we chatted about a whole range of topics and generated some good ideas.
When I went into that glass-walled room in the middle of the library, I wondered if anyone would come along or if I’d find out what it's like being stared at, like a goldfish in a bowl. But I didn’t have to wait long before one person came in and then another. We talked about freedom camping (I’m getting to be quite an expert on that!), the meeting on after-hours health services and the related topic of provision for the elderly. That’s when one of the best ideas came up. Why not try a community potluck dinner? Whaingaroa Social Soup worked well last year, but it was a lot of work for a handful of people. Potluck would solve that problem and offer food to appeal to a wider range of tastes. Would anyone like to help me organise one? That got us on to talking about poverty and unaffordable housing. At that stage one “chatterer” left and three more joined. I already knew about the problems of tenants having to move every few months, summer shortages, high rents and houses unaffordable to many who used to live here, but I hadn’t fully appreciated how much of a problem these things also pose for businesses wanting to attract staff. Hopefully our morning chat will get all those with an interest in housing working together for solutions. In choosing to time the chat from 10.30am to 1.30pm in the library, I hoped it might fit in with people’s lunch breaks. It does mean I get peckish, though. So, whether you want to eat lunch together, or come in earlier, want to have a group chat, or talk confidentially, I hope you'll come and have a cuppa and a korero with me next Friday (I won’t be there on Good Friday) about any concerns, issues or ideas that you have. I will do my very best to help. Next up is our community consultation on our Annual Plan, specifically looking at options for our wastewater upgrades district wide and the implications on our targeted rates. If you can't come in on Fridays, you can contact me on 021 179 8256 or email: Lisa Thomson Raglan Ward Councillor
RAGLAN Chronicle 5
Fresh NZ Beef Rump Steak
Chilean Red/Green Seedless Grapes
Bluebird Original/Thick/Thinly Cut Chips 140/150g
99 kg
Coke/Sprite/ Fanta/Lift/L&P 2.25L
3 for
2 for
Fresh NZ Pork Shoulder Roast
Hass Avocados
Talley’s Ice Cream 2L
$ 59 each
Lindauer/ Jacob’s Creek Sparkling 750ml
Schweppes Sparkling Soft Drink 1.5L
(Excludes Free Range)
Export Gold/Tui 24 x 330ml Bottles
(Excludes Special Reserve/Reserve)
Please drink responsibly
6 RAGLAN Chronicle
99 each
499 each
(Excludes Classic Dry)
$ 00 each
SuperValue Raglan: 16-18 Bow Street, Raglan. Phone 825 8300. See your local SuperValue or for Easter holiday hours.
Specials available from Thursday, 13th April until Sunday, 16th April 2017 or while stocks last. We reserve the right to limit quantities. All limits specified apply per customer per day. Trade not supplied. Prepared meals are serving suggestions only. Props not included. Certain products may not be available in all stores. Proprietary brands not for resale. Customer Support Freephone 0800 40 40 40.
local health and wellbeing
news, products and services
Diane Davies Massage & Aromatherapy....021 969 929
HERBAL HEALTH The Herbal Dispensary.......................07 825 7444
Food-a-rama is back at The Herbal Dispensary
Food-a-rama from last year's Labour weekend event.
or a lot of us, Easter is about indulging in hot cross buns, chocolate eggs and catching up with friends and family for the long weekend. Visit us over the weekend to indulge in a variety of other products as well as the usual Easter treats. For the usual treats we have the
award-winning Volare hot cross buns. We also have paleo, gluten-free hot cross buns which have proved to be a huge success. We have an assortment of fine chocolates, ranging from fair trade, vegan eggs and bunnies to organic Swiss chocolate cigars.
Private Herbal/Naturopathic consultations
HOMEOPATHY Janis Beet Homeopath......................07 825 8004
Outside there will be free tastings of local foods such as Simunovich oils, Peplers dressings and various cheeses. The Simunovich infused olive oils are a great addition for any meal. Peplers dressings, jams and jellies are another local favourite. The dressings are great as dips or to add to any salad/vegetable dish. The jellies are perfect alongside cheese. We will be sampling goats and organic cheeses from The Cheese Barn, Cilantro and Grinning Gecko cheese makers. Rory, from Little Island, will also be here on Saturday giving out free samples of their delicious dairy-free ice cream! On Sunday, Corin will be here sharing maca smoothies, bliss balls and even a maca stew! The people behind local favourites Raglan Coconut Yogurt and True Food granola will also be here to share samples and talk about their products. This is a great opportunity to come down meet the producers, taste and try some new foods, we would love to see you over the weekend! We are open every day over Easter from 9am till 5pm. The Herbal Dispensary, 6 Wallis St, Raglan. The Herbal Dispensary
MASSAGE Diane Davies Massage & Aromatherapy....021 969 929 Haven Massage with Shannon Darbyshire..021 02442248
YOGA Raglan Yoga Loft.............................021 02442248 Yoga at ‘The Space’...................Above the Yot Club Iyengar Yoga.................................... 0273894987 At the Scout
Classical Homeopath Janis Beet Dip. Hom (NZ) R.C Hom
Karioi Clinic of Homeopathy
78 Upper Wainui Rd, Raglan Phone: (07) 825 8004 Cell: 027 459 8547 email:
Raglan Yoga Loft’s first birthday
pilates | headaches | home visits
acupuncture | postural analysis back & neck pain |
professional advice
ante and post natal care post operative rehabilitation
he Raglan Yoga loft is celebrating its one-year anniversary. We would like to thank the Raglan community for your ongoing support and dedication to practising yoga, pilates and dance forms with us. To celebrate, we have many different events happening throughout the month of April: • We have one FREE class every week (check our Facebook page for details). • There will be several competitions running with prizes for the month of April. The first competition is in celebration of our love for Raglan/Whaingaroa and yoga. We ask people to send in photos of themselves in a yoga/pilates pose anywhere this side of the divvy. The person who has the most liked photo will win a 10-class pass and a free yoga mat! We are encouraging artistic and fun photography and will post these throughout the month on our Facebook page. Please check out the photos and like or comment on your favourite one! • We will finish our birthday month with a celebratory party class. This class will be a shared taught class by most of the loft teachers and will be accompanied by a live DJ set, with teas, bubbles and korero to follow. This is a koha class and all proceeds will go to Kasm. Raglan Yoga Loft is a warm and welcoming loft studio. Our vision is to be holistic, foster holistic health, be community focused and to provide a balance of physical, mental
12 Wallis Street, Raglan
ph (07) 825 0123 Whaingaroa Physiotherapy: because we want wellness for you and our community
and spiritual nourishment for each individual student. We welcome all peoples of any age and ability. Teenagers are free accompanied by an adult and we offer an unlimited 10-day
pass to new students with a Raglan address. Come and visit us at 58 Wallis St, upstairs above the joinery in the beautiful old dairy co-op building. We look forward to welcoming you. The Yoga Loft
Its our first Birthday! Thank you Raglan community for all of your support. To celebrate we have one FREE class every week, several competitions and prizes for the month of April. Make sure you look out for our end of month birthday party class including an epic shared led class with a live dj set and bubbles. This will be koha and all proceeds will go to KASM. Check out the Loft Facebook page for details. We look forward to welcoming you. 021 0244 2248 58 Wallis St (above joinery)
Telephone: 825 0114 After hours: Anglesea Clinic Healthline
07 825 0800 0800 611 116
OPENING HOURS: Mon Open 8am Close 7pm
Tues 8am 7pm
Wed 8am 7pm
Thurs Fri 8am 8am 7pm 5pm
RAGLAN Chronicle 7
Q+A with Raglan Shuttle
The Raglan Chronicle recently caught up with Phil and Emily Meek, owners of local transport business Raglan Shuttle, to see what they offer to the community. When did you start Raglan Shuttle? The original Raglan Shuttle was started in January 2007 by Dom Gavin, however with his permission we re-branded and launched the new and improved Raglan Shuttle in December 2014. What was your motivation behind relaunching Raglan Shuttle? We decided we wanted to have another baby, and as Emily was working full time as an office manager we needed to find a way to support our family so that we could continue living in Raglan. We moved to Raglan in 2015 having previously lived in Te Mata for over nine years. Whilst in Te Mata we spent a lot of our time driving to and from Raglan often being a skate
park taxi for our own children! We avoided travelling in the evening or late at night as we were worried about who else would be on the road. We felt that there was a growing culture of accepting drink driving as the norm as there was often no other way to get home after a night out. We decided to do something about it and our mission became to provide a safe way for people in our local community to travel, whether it was to and from the airport or to their home or accommodation after a night out. After months of research, driving tests, gaining licences and endorsements we were finally in a position to provide a solution, and launched on December 1, 2014 – the same day that the lower blood alcohol limit came into effect. What services do you offer? In a nutshell, we provide pre-booked passenger transport services to, from and within Raglan – we are more than just an airport shuttle! We operate on a pre-booked basis and usually
need 24 hours’ notice for bookings, however we can provide a local “taxi” service at short notice if our drivers are available. Our fleet of vehicles allows us to seat any number of passengers, from individual travellers to large groups, and we can go anywhere in New Zealand if you want us to! Over the past 2½ years we have provided countless shuttles to/from Auckland Airport/ CBD hotels, Hamilton Airport and Hamilton Transport Centre. We have been hired to transport passengers for weddings, stag and hens nights, business client and group days, police assistance, clubs and society events, local tours, kindergarten trips, real estate property tours, sports teams, music concerts and much more. We are also an approved ACC provider taking patients to and from their therapies or appointments in Hamilton on a weekly basis. What are the challenges of running this type of business? As many working parent families can probably appreciate, the elusive work-life
balance can be difficult at times, however we have a fantastic team of licenced drivers and an amazing support network of friends and family who enable us to take time when we need. Why do you enjoy running this type of business? We get to meet so many amazing people from all over the world every single day who share our love of Raglan, whether they be residents or visitors. It is very important to us that we give back to our local community and we will often provide free transport/sponsorship for local charities and non-profit organisations. We also love being able to support other local businesses and in turn help their families stay and live in Raglan. How can we book or contact you? Easy as – just call 07 825 8159 or call/text 027 825 8159 or email We operate on a pre-booked basis and usually need 24 hours notice for bookings, however we can provide a local “taxi” service at short notice if our drivers are available
“Phil and Emily have offered something hugely valuable to the community. There wasn't an option for getting a ride home after going out at night in Raglan but these guys have made it possible to plan a fun night out and then to get home safely. Phil is so patient with the passengers and goes the extra mile to make sure everybody is catered for. It is straight forward to make bookings for yourself or a larger group. And just saying the disco bus ride home has actually been the highlight of many nights out. Thanks guys for years of great service and keeping the local roads safe.” - Jacqui
• • • •
Around Town Passenger Service Airport, Bus, Train & Ferry Shuttle Transfers Private Hire Vehicles for social events & weddings Custom Tours to local attractions
Call Phil & Emily Meek 07 825 8159 027 825 8159 I I FB: raglanshuttleltd
2017RAGLAN Happy Easter from the team at Show Off Jewellery sale - up to 45% off Jane Galloway prints (unframed ) 40% off Open 6 days, closed Fridays Phone 07 825 7962*
*please note phone number printed incorrectly in the 2017 Raglan Business Directory
8 RAGLAN Chronicle
Business & Residential Directory Don’t have a copy? Raglan Real Estate Ltd Licenced (REAA 2008)
Dave Hanna 027 614 6722
Julie Hanna 027 441 8964
Please drop into Graham Rope 021 222 7427
collect one.
David Gray 027 224 1228
Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282
Julie Hanna Auctioneer
Raglan Chronicle Wainui Road, Raglan 07 825 7076 Russ Adams 021 0200 7665
Liza Adams 021 444 317
ph. 07 825 8669
Lynley Clarkson 027 469 5162
Out Now!
The Rangitahi Project Get amongst this new sustainable urban community. This is a project that will define and protect the future growth of our humble coastal lifestyle.
Resource consent has been granted!
It is set to be a perfect model for sustainable urban living, enhancing the surrounding ecological values, with great respect for the natural estuarine environment. The vision for this project is to create an extension of our colourful Raglan community over to the Rangitahi Peninsula, a ‘waterway wonderland’ filled with natural reserve areas, walk ways, and regenerative planting. With over 70 sections sold in less than three months and with resource consent granted by the Waikato District Council on the 29th March 2017, the Rangitahi Project has gained positive momentum. If you want to be a part of this new sustainable community, now is the time to contact us. Don’t miss out on the awesome opportunities on offer. Check out our new video on Facebook about the future of Rangitahi or jump online and make a time to come and see Sam and Sophie at the Rangitahi shed. Appointments to be made through our website.
Come and find home RAGLAN Chronicle 9
Idyllic Relaxed Retreat This well built, warm and sunny two bedroom home has two living spaces with the double garage converted to a self contained unit. The 2.005ha property is mostly native bush. Ruapuke is a popular lifestyle destination, offering great fishing, horse riding and scenery! Properties in this coastal location very rarely come to the market!
Licenced under REAA 2008
Raglan $795,000
GST Inclusive ID: HAM25697 Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625
Tidy 29 Hectares
4.203ha & 15.72ha Lifestyle Sections • • • • •
Ideal lifestyle blocks to build your dream home Layout the buldings to suite your needs Currently run as cropping land Grow a lucritive crop to create a low input income stream Phone for more information
Raglan $500,000 & $800,000 Plus GST (if any) WAITETUNA VALLEY ROAD ID: HAM25743
Seldom do properties of this size, so close to Raglan come to the market! Currently run as a diary support block, growing silage and dairy grazing. The two bedroom home has amazing ocean views and is approx 2km from Raglan. Fenced in to 21 paddocks with near new yards and three bay shed. There are plenty of build sites with views for your dream home!
A desirable 41ha farm located close to Raglan which would make a great dairy support block or calf rearing farm, and a 1/ 3rd could be cropped or mown for silage. There is a four bedroom home with sleepout and three car garage and a one bedroom ’bach in the bush’ that has to be seen to be believed and a huge 280m2 workshop with gantry. Farms of this size, location and quality do not come to the market often so make the most of this opportunity. ID: HAM25061
A Property With "Wow" Factor • Five apartments, four fully furnished • Amazing ocean views from every room • Perfect for joint ownership, get the family or friends together and own an ocean front property for under $400,000 each • Currently a lucrative live in holiday accommodation business • Don’t kick yourself that you missed this opportunity to own an iconic Raglan landmark!
AUCTION (Unless Sold Prior), 11am, Wednesday, 26 April OPEN DAYS 2-3pm, Thurs, 13 & 20 April ID: HAM25788
Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625
Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625
More Than Just A Farm
Raglan $1,6M
Plus GST (If Any) Viewing by Appointment. 437 TE MATA RD
Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625
Information Memorandum Available on Request
The Cutest Haven This 1.553ha property has something for everyone. Nicely presented three bedroom home, self contained sleepout, huge seven bay shed and wash bay. The land is suitable to run a few animals, there is a swimming pool and easy care gardens and trees. Conveniently located just down the road from Te Uku primary school and general store. Properties in this price range are few and far between, don’t be disappointed by missing this opportunity, contact Richard today! ID: HAM25238
Secluded Getaway This freehold waterfront section with all day sun is beautifully landscaped among stunning native bush. Priceless breath taking 270 degree water views, only a short paddle to Raglan. This property borders a large recreation reserve and boasts a private jetty. Power and phone at the gate and an unlimited water supply for personal consumption.
Raglan $670,000
GST Inclusive
Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625
Raglan $350,000
GST Inclusive ID: HAM24760 ID: HAM23381 Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625
Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625 10 RAGLAN Chronicle
The Young Ones A series of Q & As with the youth in our community.
T with Billy Lee-Pope an up and
his week the Chronicle had a chat
coming photographer and film maker.
Name: Billy Lee-Pope Age: 21 Job/School: Retail assistant at Raglan Surf Emporium When did you first pick up a camera? Probably the first memory I have with a camera was when I was about 5 years old,
I took a photo of a cow in a paddock on a disposable camera – ha-ha. When I was about 12 I got a Sony digital camera and filmed all my mates skating and making little edits, it was heaps of fun! What drew you to photography and film? I’m not exactly sure – I just love the whole process. It’s really cool getting caught up in a moment taking photos or video and then going through footage and then putting
it out and seeing what people think of it. Also social media is pretty cool right now – you can see what other photographers are working on day-to-day, which is really inspiring. Tell us about some of your recent projects: I am just finishing up the final clip for the Billabong Grom Series at the moment. I was really stoked to get that gig. It’s heaps of fun hanging out with all the grommets. A few of my good friends are still competing in the under 20s division so, yeah, that’s been heaps of fun! I have also been teaming up with Alex Dive from Mt Maunganui working on a section – we have scored some really pumping waves. Maybe just one more day of filming at the right place at the right time and I’ll be able to put that clip out! Are there any photographers or other people out there that inspire your work? I would say that all my work is from being inspired by other photographers, or it’s a fluke! In New Zealand, for photos, I would say Richard Hodder AKA InTheDrink. I’ve been following his work closely since I was in high school. He has an incredible eye. PhotoCPI, from Piha, has also been a really good mentor for me and has also inspired my work. For film, Kai Neville and Riley Blakeway – everything they produce is impeccable and always pushes up a few notches what is to be expected. What’s next for Billy in 2017? In May I’ll be moving over to Australia with a few of my buddies, It will be a really cool adventure. I’m hoping to network and
Final Trevor Penfold exhibition a nostalgic picture of decade’s work
Trevor at home with some of the photographs in his upcoming exhibition.
A photographer
ward-winning wildlife and nature Trevor Penfold opens his last Raglan exhibition this weekend where it all began 10 years ago – at the Old School Arts Centre. Entitled A Time to Reflect, it’s a nostalgic mix of landscapes and wildlife which show “how nature has inspired me” and will include Trevor’s latest series of ‘Dreamscapes’. These are mainly local sunsets, he says, with a dreamlike effect as the name suggests.
The work was inspired by that of English Romanticist landscape painter William Turner – commonly known as “the painter of light” – and relies on a technique Trevor’s used in which the camera is constantly moving. This actually builds up the composition, he explains, so tone and colour move from sharp images. “It enables you to get different effects,” Trevor adds of his quest to capture on camera unique images similar to those seen in Turner’s famed watercolours. Trevor credits his success as a
photographer during the past decade in Raglan to the change-of-lifestyle shift from his native England. It allowed the family man and one-time electrician/builder to take what was a hobby and turn it into work. “I really like Raglan,” he told the Chronicle. “It’s given me the opportunity to take that (career) route.” After first building his own home in Greenslade Rd – which the family lived in until recently – Trevor focused on photography, tapping into the local community with a number of exhibitions and workshops at the Old School. While conceding Raglan may be a bit “limited” on the wildlife which defines much of his earlier work, Trevor hasn’t let that stand in the way of having two coffee-table books published. ‘Wild Behaviour’ showcases New Zealand’s unique animals up close and personal, and ‘Visions of Nature’ takes a closer look at the birds and other creatures found right here on our west coast doorstep. Trevor’s passion for looking at wildlife through the lens has seen him set up recently the online PhotoHub which has “morphed” from his Hamilton Zoo photography workshops of the past few years, mentoring and teaching like-minded enthusiasts the technicalities of capturing creative images. He’s also into what he calls photo adventures, taking keen photographers for anything up to three weeks at a time on wildlife and landscape tours to “amazing locations” like the Scottish Highlands or, closer to home, to the East Coast (coming up next month) and Dunedin (in October). But Trevor’s moving on from Raglan later this year – possibly back to England – and is keen now to wrap up the past decade’s work with just one last local exhibition. It’s been a rewarding journey, he says, in pursuit of his photographic aspirations. Edith Symes * A Time to Reflect is on at the Old School, April 15-21, from 10am to 5pm daily.
meet some new people, and have a good crack at breaking into the film side of the surf industry. I’ve still got heaps to learn to get on par with the guys that are doing it at the moment but hopefully it will be a nudge in the right direction. What do you like to do in your spare time? This summer I moved back to Raglan and have been working in the Raglan Surf Emporium. It’s been heaps of fun working in the shop and I’ve had heaps of time for surfing and even doing a bit of shooting. It’s been really good! How could Raglan be improved for its youth? That’s a pretty tough question. We have it pretty good in Raglan – there are heaps of opportunities out there for us if we choose to take them. It’s a hell setup! The country you would most like to visit? I really, really, really want to travel the California coast. I’d love to buy a van and scope it out top to bottom and maybe even cross over into Mexico! Best book you’ve ever read? Oh, man, I don’t really read books. Is that bad? Favorite website? Stab, Monster Children & What Youth In 10 years I see myself … Finally growing my first moustache – haha. Nah, I’d like to have my own production company, still be involved in surf and be based out of Raglan. That would be a good combo!
Council adopts Easter Trading Policy, giving business owners the choice to open on Easter Sunday Waikato District Council has adopted the Easter Trading Policy 2017, meaning all retail shops in the Waikato district will be able to open on Easter Sunday this year. Whether they do open or not is up to the business owner. The policy was adopted at yesterday’s Council meeting. Council carried out extensive community consultation to find out what people wanted. During the consultation period, from 14 December to 7 February, 1268 submissions were received with 51% (656) in favour of shops being able to open. The majority opposed to the policy cited religious reasons, preserving our community culture or to make sure workers had a break. Councillors acknowledged that the submissions were very evenly split. The views of those opposing the policy were discussed in detail as well as the benefits of giving shop owners the choice to open. The policy will ensure that individual business owners can make their own choice as well as ensuring a consistent approach across the district. For more information, including the policy, please visit our website www.
RAGLAN Chronicle 11
The Raglan Rally Team
Jack Williamson in his race suit. Photo below: Jack out on stage at the Otago Rally in 2016.
T Williamson competes in the NZ Rally
his year will be the third season that Jack
Series. Twenty-five-year-old Jack is a local Raglan resident with the Williamson family farming in the Raglan district for many years.
Jack’s journey into rally started when he purchased a classic Toyota Corolla DX (rear wheel drive) rally car. Jack and his friend, Ben, entered a handful of club level hill climbs and sprints in the Corolla and really enjoyed the challenge of the sport. A few rally experts suggested to Jack that he buy a late model front wheel drive car which would really help his driving ability and enable him at a later date to transition into 4WD cars more easily. And so a 2009 Suzuki Swift car was purchased – this car had been a circuit racing car as part of the Suzuki Cup series. A number of significant modifications were needed to convert the Swift into a rally car, particularly in the areas of suspension and gearbox. The first season in the Swift was at national level in the all-comers’ category followed by the 2016 season in the NZRC competition. Jack’s mother, Brenda, has the co-driver job and although she only intended to do this for the first season, she is still in the hot seat and loving every minute of it. Jack’s father, Stephen, is also involved with the rally team; he not only provides assistance in the workshop but is in charge of delivering the rally car
12 RAGLAN Chronicle
to events as far away as Dunedin and is part of the service crew during rallies. The Williamsons are very proud to be known as the Raglan Team – they had intended to include the rally car in the New Year’s Parade at Raglan however it was (and still is) in the workshop undergoing a major transformation, particularly with the engine and brakes. Jack completes all the work on the car himself which is very beneficial as it allows the team to control the tight timeframes and financial budgets. His engineering friends, Ben, Brad and Glenn, have also lent a valuable hand along the way. Jack is currently completing two degrees, mechanical engineering and mechatronics, and prior to that he studied up at the Air NZ Aviation School studying aeronautical engineering. Jack acknowledges that his stringent Air NZ training has been highly beneficial when working on rally cars and this is his point of engineering difference. This year should be an exciting season for the team – they are hopeful that the car continues its reliable run and that Jack and Brenda keep it on the road. Brenda explains that the sport is a real leveller – “you can be on the road one minute and off the next. Although there have been a few near misses, the Swift has not sustained any panel damage to date, but you are only as good as your last corner”. In December 2016 Jack was extremely lucky to be invited to attend a special training course with Hayden Paddon and John Kennard at Hyundai Headquarters in Auckland. Hayden Paddon is New Zealand’s top rally driver and a strong contender in the (WRC) World Rally Championship. Jack says “this was an awesome experience to learn from the very best and I was privileged to have been part of it. Hayden and John are inspirational Kiwis who are both at the top of their game and I came away with some great advice”. This year’s championship kicks off with the Otago Rally this month, followed closely by the Whangarei Rally. For anyone who is interested in following Jack, Chrissport posts live stage results during each rally. While Jack has kept a low profile for the last two seasons while he built up experience, he is now intending to increase the team’s online presence this season by posting on board video footage and has recently started a facebook page “Jack Williamson Motorsport”. Jack is very grateful for the sponsorship he has received from Handy Rentals, WDE and Automotive Technicians. He is currently looking for additional sponsors for the 2017 season and would love to discuss this with anyone who may be interested. Jack’s contact details are 027 228 4964 or email Jack and his team are counting down the weeks until the Otago Rally and are extremely excited to be heading South again. The rally dates for the NZ Rally Championship are: • Rally of Otago – April 8-9 • Rally of Whangarei –April 29-30 • Lone Star Rally Canterbury – June 4 • Goldrush Rally of Coromandel – August 26 • Waitomo Rally – October 14 • Rally NZ Tauranga – November 25-26
Local business profile: Stendy Electrical
The Stendy Electrical team.
T Stendy electrical to see what
his week we caught up with
kinds of services they offer.
Tell us about your business: We are a Raglan based business consisting of myself, four tradesmen, our apprentice, supported by our great admin ladies in the office. How long have you been in the business and trade? I have been working in the electrical industry for around 17 years. I started Versatile Electrical when I moved to Raglan 4.5 years ago and bought Stendy Electrical off its previous owners just over two years ago. We now trade as Stendy Electrical. What do you specialise in? Across our staff's range of skills we have a few areas we specialise in as well as your normal residential, commercial, and rural work. We have Dale who has about 20 years experience in appliance repairs. Chris who has years of experience with solar power and is also our heatpump guy What new developments have
there been lately? Our new member of staff Indy the dog! Do you offer free quotes? We offer free quotes for most types of work, but do not offer free quotes for appliance repairs as it is not economically viable. What is the best thing about running your business? I am really grateful to the residents of Raglan to be able to have enough work to have a job here myself, and to be able to create good jobs for our staff. I like meeting the different people we deal with and getting to know them. My favourite types of jobs are the off-grid solar ones, it's really satisfying to go to a job and create their own power station from scratch. Best piece of advice you can offer customers: If you are unsure about the safety of electrical issues at your house give us a call. How can people contact you? You can call our office on 078250214 or email info@
Free event: Understanding your health When it comes to your health, finding what works for you and your body can feel a bit daunting at times. Whether you opt for all natural remedies, take a prescription or two, or have a mix of both, it’s all about knowing and understanding whatever it is that you choose. To help with that understanding and to share a bit of knowledge, Dr. Corin Storkey will be shining a light onto the big pharma and natural health worlds, next Wednesday April 19 at the Old School Arts Centre. With a PhD in medical chemistry from the University of Melbourne and the Heart Research Institute, he has over 15 years of academic and research experience specialising in cardiology and metabolic syndrome. He has spent time as a medical consultant in the pharmaceutical industry, but recently quit to start his own natural health company.
Corin will be presenting his research findings into the development of heart disease and the ways in which pharmaceutical companies and the food industry manipulate data to market their specific interests. He’ll be discussing heart disease and the war on fat, stress and inflammation and how it works, as well as pharmaceutical marketing, sharing an insiders guide, along with discussions around knowing your food and navigating your way through food industry manipulation and exploitation. Health and wellbeing is an ongoing conversation and it’s important to understand the process and measures you are taking to take care of yourself. Join Corin on Wednesday 19 April from 7pm - 8pm at the Old School Arts Centre, 5 Stewart St. Entry is free. To RSVP contact Corin on 0211822839.
Award-winning Scottish folk singer Claire Hastings to perform at Old School
ward-Winning Scottish Folk Singer Claire Hastings To Perform At The Old School Arts Centre
From joy to heartbreak, traditional to contemporary, long-forgotten Scottish history to experiences from her own life, the singing and songwriting of Claire Hastings is an intriguing blend of contrasts. The 2015 winner of BBC Radio Scotland’s Young Traditional Musician of the Year, Claire’s “natural, effortless Scots voice” has shared the stage with Lulu, Jamie Cullum and Deacon Blue for BBC Music Day, performed at Proms in the Park with the Scottish Symphony Orchestra, and sung for the First Minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon at London’s National Theatre.
Originally from Dumfries, Claire graduated with a first class honours degree in Scottish Music from the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland in 2011, before spending 18 months travelling the world with her ukulele. Her debut solo album Between River and Railway was described as one of the best 2016 Scottish releases in any musical genre. Claire will perform an acoustic set at the Raglan Old School Arts Centre on Thursday 13 April as part of a nationwide New Zealand tour. Doors open 7.30pm, concert starts 8pm. Tickets $15, available on the door or book online: Cash bar and refreshments available. The Old School Arts Centre
Free lessons offer basics in te reo Maori
ree te reo Māori lessons for absolute are being held at the Raglan Library on Wednesday nights.
F beginners
Organiser Michael Edmonds says he will be helping teacher Lucy Haru to deliver short and fun lessons that are designed to give students the absolute basics of te reo. The half-hour lessons at the library, between 6pm and 8pm, will give people a taste of te reo to see if they want to take their learning further, he says. “This is basic, basic.” Students will learn numbers, colours and basic sentence structure. Michael says there is nowhere in Raglan where you can go to learn basic Māori words.
He says the Te Ataarangi lessons held at the marae don’t allow students to speak English and can be challenging for many people starting out. Michael says he learned Māori that way and struggled not being able to speak English. There will be a maximum of eight students per lesson to “ensure everyone has a voice”. Anyone who is interested in learning the absolute basics of te reo Māori can contact Lucy Haru on 022 694 1594 or Michael Edmonds, ph 027 673 7827 or email Michael. Inger Vos
Easter Greetings from the West Coast Health Team Extended hours and Doctor update: We are now open until 7pm on Wednesdays. The arrivals of Drs Ilias de Graaf, Madeleine Wells and Hamish Seton during the last year means we now have four extended clinics to 7pm each week – this has increasingly important as our lives seem to get
busier and busier. Dr Mike Loten has returned from his one-year sabbatical to Canada. He feels humbled by the kind welcome back he’s received from the Whaingaroa community and after an initial frenetic rush getting settled, Mike and his family are again loving the special lifestyle only Raglan can offer. Dr Fiona
Bolden, who increased her hours while Dr Mike was on sabbatical, has decided to remain full time as she has relished the increased patient contact. Dr Michael Becker, who has been with us for 18 months, has enjoyed himself so much he has committed to stay on as one of our long-term doctors.
Continuity of care – the reasons why you should pick two doctors to look after you: We are aware of the potential disruption to healthcare when staff changes occur – most of us prefer to see the same doctor when possible. With holidays, study time, family commitments and maternity leave,
its likely your preferred doctor will not be available at times – so we encourage you to identify two doctors as your main "go to" people as we know that continuity of care is beneficial for your health and it also saves you time in explaining your other close family members who
We take privacy very seriously therefore we ask that patients sign a release of patient information form (RPI) when they have a carer actively involved in their healthcare. This also applies to spouses and
need to obtain information on your behalf. Without this documentation we are unable to discuss or release your health information.
New premises update: We remain on track to have
12 Wallis Street
medical history to someone new. If possible, please book in advance to ensure you see one of your two “go to” doctors. However, in urgent situations you will need to see the nurse and if necessary the first available doctor. a new building by end of 2018 – more updates will follow in coming months.
Flu vaccines: Last but definitely not least – don’t forget to get your flu vaccine before the weather gets really cold!
Ph: 07 825 0114
Easter opening hours: Good Friday: Easter Monday:
Closed Closed
After Hours & Public Holiday Care Arrangements: Anglesea Clinic provide health services for our patients out of normal working hours, they are located at Corner Anglesea & Thackeray Streets in Hamilton and can be contacted 24 hours a day on 07 858 0800 Healthline can be contacted 24 hours a day on 0800 611 116 for free advice from trained registered nurses.
Telephone: 825 0114 After hours: Anglesea Clinic Healthline
07 825 0800 0800 611 116
OPENING HOURS: Mon Open 8am Close 7pm
Tues 8am 7pm
Wed 8am 7pm
Thurs Fri 8am 8am 7pm 5pm
Fax: 07 825 0104 RAGLAN Chronicle 13
Gordons 1L
Jamesons 1L OR Chivas 12YO 700ml
Billy Maverick 250ml Cans 12pk
19 .99
Coruba & Cola 7% Cans 12pk
Homestead Range 2 for
Mt Difficulty Roaring Meg Pinot Noir $
24 .99
Wither Hills Whites and Rose Range
2 for
19 .99
330ml Bots 12pk
20 .99
Steinlager Tokyo Dry 330ml Bots 12s
Carlsberg Bots 15s
10 .99
Te Whare Ra Toru OR Sauv Blanc
2 for
Codys 7% 250ml Cans 12pk
Cruiser 5% $ .99 275ml Bots 12pk 20
King Series Chard, Sauv, Pinot Gris
OR Woodstock
Jim Beam Gold 7% 355ml Cans 4pk
Gordons G&T Bots 4pk $
Long White Bots 10pk OR Mist Wood Gin Bots 10pk $
Kahlua OR Malibu 700ml
Woodstock Extra 7% 250ml $ .99 29 Cans 18s
Smirnoff Ice Bots 10pk $ 22 .99
Jim Beam OR Canadian Club 1L
Jack Daniel’s & Cola 375ml Cans 10pk $23.99
BlackHeart 1L
Makers Mark 700ml
Baileys 700ml
St Remy Brandy VSOP 1L
Appletons 1L
3 .99ea
Jack Daniel’s 1L
Absolut OR Beefeater 1L
Stil Vodka 1L
Jagermeister 700ml
Orchard Thieves 500ml Bots Range
Jose Cuervo Especial 700ml
Wolf Blass Yellow Label $
19 .90ea
Church Road Chard OR Stoneleigh Wild Valley Pinot Noir $
14 .99
DB Draught, Export Gold, $ 33 .99ea Tui EIPA Bots 24s
Jim Beam OR Canadian Club Dry 330ml Cans 10pk Lion Red, Speights, Waikato Bots 15s
Prices Valid Thurs 13th April 2017 to Mon 17th April 2017
4 Wainui Road Ph. 07 825 0080
Corona Bots 12s $
25 .99
Raglan Liquor Centre Prices valid Thurs 13th – Wed 19th April 2017
14 RAGLAN Chronicle
Heineken Bots 15s $
Open 7 Days
Export 33 OR Export Dry Bots 15s
23 .99
New wave of Raglan bus services coming
Mayor Allan Sanson outside the Raglan bus. The new bus service will kick off from Tuesday April 18. Raglan residents are set to catch a new wave of upgraded bus services from Tuesday next week. Waikato Regional Council has contracted Go Bus to provide the improved services. They involve brand new, larger silver and blue buses on the current Raglan, Raglan Assist and Whatawhata routes. The new buses will be fully air-conditioned, and have free Wi-Fi, USB charging points, bike racks and increased luggage space on board. All buses will also have CCTV for added security. The timetable will also be improved, with service now on Sundays and public holidays,
and an extra return service on weekdays. The new weekday service will leave Raglan at 9.30am and return at 12.15pm. The Sunday and public holiday services will be at the same times as the Saturday timetable. The regional council’s public transport operations manager, Andrew Wilson, said the boosted Raglan buses were part of a new wave of improved regional services. “It’s great to have worked with the community board, Waikato District Council, New Zealand Transport Agency and Go Bus to get these new operations in place,” said Mr Wilson. Bob McLeod, chair of the Raglan
Community Board said: “We look forward to implementation of upcoming improvements and continuing to work with the regional council to identify and implement further enhancements informed by community feedback.” Waikato District Council Raglan Ward councillor Lisa Thomson said: “Our community is looking forward to the new bus service for Raglan. The greater capacity, weekend services, new timetable, comfy seating, combined with the ability to have bikes or surfboards on board, will certainly appeal to more people and will hopefully encourage more to use the service.” The Transport Agency’s Waikato and Bay of Plenty regional director, Parekawhia McLean, said: “We are excited to have worked with our partners at the councils to bring a new level of service to the people. “We would also like to congratulate Go Bus for coming up with a solution for public transport users that not only shows value for money but also gives these communities a high quality transport option.” Go Bus said it was delighted to have been awarded the contract to operate buses between Hamilton and Raglan. “Having operated services in the region for a number of years we’ve got to know the community well and our drivers will be especially happy to have the opportunity to continue getting people to and from these iconic Waikato towns,” Go Bus managing director Calum Haslop said. “We are also pleased to be introducing brand new EURO 5 low emission buses to the routes, which are equipped with not only USB charging ports, free Wi-Fi and cycle racks, but also coach-style seating and a five camera CCTV system for added passenger safety.” WRC
Caution urged in wider Waikato region as weather sets in Waikato region residents are being urged to exercise caution on the roads, be aware of the potential for flooding hazards and move stock to higher ground where necessary, given the wild weather setting in further this week. Ex-tropical Cyclone Cook is continuing to head towards New Zealand. It is currently tracking further west than what was projected on Tuesday. This means that it may affect the Waikato region more than predicted on Tuesday, said Waikato Regional Council hazards team leader Rick Liefting. “We urge people to stay up to date with weather warnings and take precautions to protect themselves, their families, pets and property if the situation deteriorates markedly.” The following heavy rain and severe wind warnings are in place for Waikato and Waitomo: - 100 to 150 mm in 33 hours from midday Wednesday to 9pm Thursday; and wind of up to 140km/hour or more possible from Thursday afternoon until midnight Friday Meanwhile, Lake Taupo’s level and the Waikato River system are being closely monitored by the regional hazards team and Mercury. The hazards team and the council’s flood response team are monitoring the situation closely and will provide updates as required. WRC
This week's Auction Programme Results
7b Violet St - SOLD Salesperson Graham Rope
2 Waikowhai Place - SOLD Salesperson Graham Rope 18 Nihinihi Avenue - Under Contract Salesperson David Gray Raglan Real Estate Ray White WINNER of the the Market share award. The highest Market share of any Ray White company for their zone.
78i Greenslade Road - Under Contract Sales people Julie Hanna & Blair Hanna Ray White Auctioneer raises money for Ronald McDonald House at Starship Hospital at the National Charity Auction held at Sky City raising $82,000
We are happy to offer our auctioneer to raise money for your particular charity. Phone Julie Hanna 027 441 8964
21 Bow St, Raglan Phone: 07 825 8669 Fax: 07 825 7410
Website: Email:
RAGLAN Chronicle 15
News from your local Coastguard A special report from the Raglan Volunteer Coastguard
t’s widely acknowledged that discharging a flare incorrectly, at the wrong time or in the wrong place could deem the act entirely hopeless and quite dangerous. When using a flare as a maritime distress signal, the user has to be physically competent in its discharge in any situation and have strong confidence that it will work. I’ve worked with many recreational mariners who proudly attest to keeping flares on their vessel, and it is extremely positive that the flare continues to be valued as a distress and signalling device. However, storing them in plastic bags with condensation, not checking expiry dates and not knowing how to use a flare correctly cancels out every good intention.
two people on board. The 1.5m sea was confused, cloud was low and visibility was reduced to approximately 200m. A 30-35 knot offshore wind was blowing, gusting 50 knots at times. Between the wind and turning ebb spring tide, the stricken vessel travelled at least 2.5 nautical miles offshore from their initial distress position in just under 40 minutes. Spotting the vessel was a challenge. However, VHF communication was clear and consistent. Good local knowledge from the skipper supported us to establish that we were close by. Air search support was out of the question considering the poor visibility, so the skipper of the distressed vessel was asked if he had any flares on board. It was anticipated that if he did, he would be able to use. Fortuitously, and in minutes, we set eyes on the tiny grey cork just before the need to light a flare arose. Safely on-board the Gallagher Rescue, the vessel’s skipper suggested he and his son didn’t have long before being swamped or tossed overboard. Considering the physical and mental exertion of holding on for dear life in such conditions, the request to discharge a flare may have been asking the impossible. The move would have required someone to enter the cuddy to retrieve, open the container, read the instructions and keep upright long enough to set off. The skipper admitted he couldn’t manage a crouch to grab his mobile phone, which if he’d had it switched on may also have supported position accuracy. Further, our request could have placed the skipper and his son at greater risk by assuming their flares were accessible, functional and that the skipper was fluent in their use.
First-hand experience tells me that these types of pyrotechnics can be compromised by moisture (beyond the instruction label curling off) and that they can fail to fire if used past their expiry date. Discharging a flare isn’t necessarily easy either. There is some kickback that can give the novice user a fright – enough to let it go overboard – and the casing on hand-held devices heats up enough to cause severe burns. Factor in vessel instability and the challenge of staying upright, and we must seriously consider that using a flare requires sufficient mock rehearsal to ensure that if required it will be discharged effectively and safely. One such example was highlighted during a recent maritime rescue. In the early stages of a nasty sub-tropical storm, I was tasked with a crew to retrieve a 5.2-metre aluminium vessel with steering failure and
Calm a n ep
Drink Responsibly. i Yo u r L
16 RAGLAN Chronicle
Easter Specials!
2 FOR $20
35 Bow Street 07 825 0955 Ask about Loyalty Card Benefits & Gift Vouchers
Like any piece of equipment, flares have advantages and limitations. From a marine SAR perspective, I consider them invaluable for situations as described – but only if it does not increase the risk to people and their craft. If you carry them, check them as frequently as every other piece of equipment on your vessel. Assess each device for integrity and always know where your flare kit is stored. Tell passengers the location of all safety equipment every time you set to sea, and dry run the flare discharge procedure regularly. The more you prepare, the greater your confidence if you’re ever caught out. Raglan Volunteer Coastguard can take expired flares for suitable disposal. Note, it is a criminal offence to discharge flares other than in a maritime distress or emergency. For further information, please email Viv
$6.99ea ‘LIKE’us on Facebook Indicates there is a ‘Walk-through Video’
Open Home
New Listing
Open Home
New Listing
3 Sunshine Rise
6 Cross Street
Refreshed, Rejuvenated and Ready For You Elevated and sunny this 3 bedroom home has new carpet and paint and is all ready for you to move in. The dining area opens onto a large deck extending your living space. There is a separate single garage and under house storage. Quietly located in a cul-de-sac yet less than 5 minutes walk to lovely Lorenzen Bay. If you’ve been on the hunt for a very tidy, easily maintained rental property, or a great first home in a popular area, come and see what is on offer here. Call or email Chrissy for more information or come along to an Open Home.
Hidden Treasure Fall in love with this ‘cute as they come’ 2 bedroom cottage. Elevated and hidden away by the trees it offers total privacy. Open plan living is extended by a large covered deck and enjoys lovely Harbour views. The landscaped section features some established fruit trees and veggie gardens. Fantastic under house storage for the toys and easy walking distance to town, beach and school. This gorgeous property is priced to sell so don’t delay!
For Sale Contact Email View
Open Home
For Sale $455,000 Contact Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Email View Saturday 1 - 1:30pm
$489,000 Chrissy Cox - 027 287 1804 Saturday 2 - 2:30pm
Open Home
120 Greenslade Road
18 Bay View Road
Slice of Heaven Do you yearn for the simplicity of yesteryear? ‘Kowhai Cottage’ will bring back childhood memories of those never ending summer holidays at the beach, the long days swimming and sunbathing, the twilight beach walks, the backyard games and bbqs. It is the ultimate kiwi bach: retro and quirky but also quiet, sunny, warm and comfortable with extensive views and its own harbour access, so you can keep your kayaks close to the water! Full of history but with the modern upgrades you would expect while still retaining its retro vibe. The furnishings are included so just bring your togs and relax.
Little Bach, BIG Views! This 1940’s 2 bedroom home has loads of character and is cute & funky, reminiscent of the classic Kiwi Bach. Elevated & sunny it sits on a good old ¼ acre section (1017m²). Stunning Harbour views and just a short walk to either Cox’s Bay or Lorenzen Bay for safe swimming and other water activities. A garage/ workshop provides dry & lockable storage for the toys. Develop or just enjoy it as is! This wee gem is sure to impress so you better get in quick! Deadline 26.4.17 (unless sold prior) Contact Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 Email View Saturday 12 - 12:30pm
Deadline Contact Email View
Open Home
2.5.17 (unless sold prior) Chrissy Cox - 027 287 1804 Saturday 1 - 1:30pm
Open Home
57 Hills Road
51 Bow Street
Space, Location & Huge Views Don’t delay viewing this prime lifestyle property within a few minutes drive to the beaches and cafes of Raglan. Set to take advantage of all day sun and huge panoramic rural and harbour views. Outside the kids will love the large flat lawn and entertaining is complimented with an outdoor fireplace and courtyard BBQ area. Grow your own vegetables in the raised garden bed area and pick a variety of fruit from the established orchard. The stand alone large shed with 3 bay garage/ workshop has plenty of room for vehicles.
The Total Package! Location, views, a good quality 3 bedroom home, great garaging with sleepout and ensuite on a freehold 733m² section, this one has it all! Located practically in town; conveniences, cafes, clubs, pubs the water and more are just an easy stroll away. The additional outside room and ensuite bathroom is always appealing for extra guests or potential for holiday accommodation.
For Sale Contact Email View
Open Home
Deadline 26.4.17 (unless sold prior) Contact Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 Email View Saturday 2 - 2:45pm
$945,000 Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 Saturday 11 - 11:45am
Open Home
6 Manukau Road
1250 Ohautira Road
Sun Soaked with Sea Views Feel right at home in this comfortable, elevated and North facing 3 bdrm home. Previously renovated it still looks immaculate! Decking on 3 sides allows you to enjoy the gorgeous views of the Harbour & Mountain whatever the wind direction. Landscaped, low maintenance gardens and a short walk to town and the water just add to the appeal. This fantastic property is ideal for permanent or holiday living. One thing’s for sure... It won’t last long!
The Good Life! So much more than just a lifestyle block! This solid brick 1970’s home is spacious with open plan living areas and 4 bdrms, a woodburner & heatpump will ensure warmth through the winter. Offering 6 acres of good contoured land there are many options to explore. Garage and sleepout with ensuite plus a massive farm shed is another bonus. Located approx 20 mins to Raglan, 30 mins to Hamilton and an hour to South Auckland.
For Sale $525,000 Contact Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Email View Saturday 1 - 1:30pm
Deadline 26.4.17 (unless sold prior) Contact Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Email View Saturday 11 - 11:30am
Chrissy Cox
Matt Sweetman
Kyle Leuthart
Michelle O’Byrne
Stephen O’Byrne
Sandra Bowditch
027 287 1804
021 624 826
021 903 309
021 969 878
021 969 848
021 751 759
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Raglan Property Manager
*NB Boundary lines on photos are approximate & merely a guide. All information contained herein is gathered from sources we deem reliable. However we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely upon their own enquiries.
LJ Hooker Raglan (07) 825 7170 •
25-27 Bow Street , Raglan • George Boyes & Co Limited Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008
RAGLAN Chronicle 17
Your local tree specialist WESTSIDE PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Stefan Frew 0800 LIVE NOW 0800 5483 669
• Small Building Jobs • House Maintenance • Landscaping
Commercial Residential Rural / Farming
• Fencing & Decks • Garden Tidy-Up • Lawnmowing
Andy Fels Ph 07 825 7489 or 0274 939 765
Christie Carpentry
hOUse BUiLDer anD renOVatOrs
paul & robyn Christie COURIERS
tel: (07) 825 8366 paul: 021 188 0447 - robyn: 021 177 5201 199c te papatapu road, rD2 te Mata, raglan email: Pick ups and Deliveries Servicing Raglan Monday to Saturday 6 days a week
P L U M B I N G & G A S LT D Grant Mathis 07 825 0523 or 027 222 0156
ph 07 847 8210 DRAINAGE / EXCAVATION
• • • •
Contact for FREE QUOTE
mobile 021 263 8698
• Service and Sales - Air Conditioning and Refrigeration • 24 hours - 7 days • Fujitsu heat pumps • All Farm Vat Refrigeration Richard 027 4460 361 Glenn 027 4809 765 a/hrs ph 825 2640 fax 825 2122
• LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED Offering a reliable, friendly service combined with quality workmanship.
PROPERTY MAINTENANCE House & Garden • Project Management • Landscaping • Construction • Meth Decontamination • Painting & Decorating • Flooring Supply & Install • Property Maintenance Services
For all your Welding and Metalwork needs, as well as Hydraulic Hoses and Fittings, pay a visit to Peter at Raglan Engineering. Contact Peter on 825-8486 or see him 8am-5pm at 2 Park Drive, Raglan
18 RAGLAN Chronicle
Richard, Trish and Glenn Flower
RaglanEngineeringAd.indd 1
commeRcial RefRiGeRation ltd
4/10/07 3:17:13 PM
• Carpet Cleans • Rental Cleans • Water Blasting • Chipping • Lawnmowing • Chainsaw Work • Qualified Builder
Ph 07 825 6886 or 027 425 6886
For advertising inquiries: Contact the Raglan Chronicle on 07 825 7076 or email us at: info@raglanchronicle.
Public Notices
THUR 14 APR @ YOT CLUB Raglan favourite, Jonah Lake. Acoustic surf reggae, $5. Shuts at midnight.
GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE 10am, Union Church, 3 Stewart St. All welcome. THUR 13 APR MUSIC AT THE OLD SCHOOL: Claire Hastings – 2015 BBC winner Radio Scotland’s young traditional musician performs an acoustic evening Thu 13 Mar doors open 7.30pm for 8pm start. FRI 14 APR @ RAGLAN CLUB INC Good Friday: LHB Restaurant - No Mains Over $10 - Seafood night!
Raglan MOVIES at the Old School
MUSIC OF STRANGERS SILK ROAD ENSEMBLE NZ Film Festival selection 96 mins. Doc. Exempt.
Saturday 8.00 Sunday 16th 4.30
LOVING 2017 OSCAR nominee
123 mins. PG Coarse Lang.
Saturday 15th 5.00 Sunday 16th 7.00
Reserve on our website or phone 825 0023
For Sale F I R E W O O D D R Y - 2 M - 2 M : Pine $160, Native $190, Gum $190. Delivered, ph. 0210771524. UPRIGHT PIANO Lovely old upright piano with stool. $500. Phone 07 825 0280.
In My Good Books Quality 2nd hand books Open Thurs - Sun from 10am 2 Wallis St Books wanted.
a ta m i ra . c o. n z
Beat the winter blues.. by staying warm in style Beautiful knits & new denim, boots, merino layers instore
The Herbal Dispensary FOOD-A-RAMA EASTER WEEKEND Food Tastings Volare Hot Cross Buns Sourdough Breads Organic Cheeses Ice Creams Maca Smoothies Coconut Yoghurt True Food Granola 6 Wallis Street 825 7444
Services Offered
FLUE SERVICES & log fire inspection $100 and all flue and log fire repairs ph mark 021457342 or 078298103.
WED 19 APR RAGLAN RAMBLERS 9am from Wainui Rd car park - Te Uku Landing - bring lunch. TAROT READINGS AVAILABLE. $60. Bookings essential. Ph or txt Chrissy on 027 6644261. JOIN THE RAGLAN CLUB $25 per year $500 accumulating draw every Friday Live entertainment most Fridays Left Hand Break Restaurant – Excellent meals at reasonable prices (group bookings welcome). Pool, darts, snooker gaming, indoor/ outdoor bowls & TAB Family Friendly plus BBQ area Big Screen Courtesy Vans Wed to Sun from 4pm.
Commercial To Let
BUILDING FOR LEASE 100 sq metres. High stud. Secure. Ph Ray 07 282 1824 or 027 202 2575. SECURE METALLED YARD FOR LEASE 1500m2, ready now at Nau Mai Business Park. HIAB & Trailer friendly access. Other sizes available for Sale or Lease. Ph Bob Carter 021 825 869, or 07 825 8690 TASMAN LANDS Ltd
SAT 16 APR @ YOT CLUB Aotearoa Dub Club featuring Jamin-I, Subsonic, Dub Terminator and MC Tux, $5 before 10pm, $10 after. Shuts at midnight.
Courses, classes & workshops H I B E R N AT I N G THIS WINTER? No! Then come along to the Raglan Light Exercise Group. Our exercise programs are formulated for people in our Community who are in their twilight years, or need medical rehabilitation. St. Peters Hall, Monday and Thursday at 10am. Everybody is most welcome.
FREE BUDGET SERVICE AND CAREER-TREE CV WRITING SERVICE. Raglan Community House @ 45 Bow St. Nau mai Haere mai. For appt. Ph: 07-8258142 Email: info@theraglanhouse.*Sponsored by RC
Situations Vacant
*Sponsored by RC
LOST: SAT 8TH APRIL AT WAINUI BUSH PARK Russian triple wedding ring, yellow, rose and white gold. If found please take to Raglan Police Station.
RAGLAN BOWLING CLUB: Raglan Bowling Club are looking for a caterer for their Tournaments. This is not a full-time position as it is usually only one day Garage Sales a month either Saturday or Thursday. Light duties SAT 15 APRIL preparing and serving 21 KAITOKE ST from food for the players. All 9am. enquiries to phone 027 SAT 15 APRIL 206 3171 or 07 825 7142. 78D GREENSLADE RD LET’S GROW - EARLY 9am - 2pm. LEARNING CENTRE: To Let We are looking for experienced early 3 B/R , fully furnished, childhood relievers. ensuite with bath/toilet/ shower, 2nd separate Please send your C.V w/c and shower, dble to garage, Raglan West, Must be available to work available long term 8am-5pm weekdays @ $450pw. Bond and references required. and through the school Suit couple / small holidays. Both qualified family. No smoking or & unqualified. Permanent dogs. Ph. 0274926440 residents only please. or 8467835.
Open Home
Situations Vacant
OPEN HOME OVER EASTER WEEKEND 22 East St open over Easter Weekend: Friday 12.30 to 1.30, Saturday 12.30 to 2.00, Sunday 12 to 2 and Monday 1.00 to 2.30. For viewing at other times call Jen on 021 274 9737
SENIOR RETAIL BUYER The Senior Retail Buyer is responsible for all international and local buying, planning, developing product from concept to market, and implementing a buying and ranging strategy that focuses on engaging the target customer. You will be enhancing business direction and delivering maximum profitability for future growth.
Death Notices MARION CLARK LOCKER, passed away peacefully on the 8th April, beloved wife of Owen and Mother to Ruth, David, Elizabeth, Esther, Andrew and Timothy. Rest in Peace Sportie. Service at Surfside Church Te Uku on Thursday 13th April at 2pm.
The role: *Forecasting trends to establish a buying plan within company budgets *Negotiating with local and international wholesalers *Providing costings, implementing pricing and marketing strategies *Monitoring and analysing sales data *Managing stock levels *Research, design and development of footwear, apparel & accessories *Ongoing collaboration with the Director Your skills: *3-5 years experience buying for a men’s clothing or footwear retailer *In depth knowledge and understanding of key NZ and Australian markets, International knowledge is a bonus *Design and product development *Current working relationships with relevant New Zealand and Australian wholesalers *Current working relationships with footwear and leather goods manufactures in Indian/China *Marketing, promotions and styling experience for online retail *Experience planning, merchandising and management of bricks and mortar retail *In-depth understanding and experience analysing margin, gross profit, and sales data *Photoshop - Intermediate level required *Working knowledge of CIN7 inventory management system *Working knowledge of the Magento e-Commerce platform *Sound understanding of social media platforms and trends *Top level negotiating skills *Works autonomously to strict deadlines You must be: *Based at the business headquarters in Raglan, New Zealand *Prepared to travel within New Zealand and Internationally *Have a relevant clean drivers licence Your strong business acumen, planning and negotiating skills are required for this fast paced online & bricks and mortar retailer. We look forward to hearing what you can bring to this dynamic role. Applicants for this position should have NZ residency or a valid NZ work visa. Send CV and covering letter before 30th April to roleapplications@
RAGLAN BADMINTON CLUB: next meeting Tuesday 18th April at 1:00pm in the Church Hall, Stewart Street, Raglan. Guest Speaker, Isa Hulena-Leslie, Veterinary Nurse at Anexa Raglan. Floral Art A Duo (2 Vases Linked), Interest Table Meaningful Memento. Normal competition programme, plus new monthly prize. Display table, sales table. New members and visitors very welcome to share your gardening knowledge.
RAGLAN BADMINTON CLUB: Starts Weds 3 May, Raglan Area School Hall, 7-9pm. Contact: Celia Risbridger Ph 8258808 or 027 763 6974 (evenings only).
- Peace and tranquility -Surfing, fishing, bush walks - Cabins, powered sites, tent sites
I, Rosemary Matthews wish to notify all whanau/shareholders of Whaanga 1D1B2, that the hearing for my Application to Occupy will be held at: COURT: Māori Land Court, Level 2, BNZ Centre, 354358 Victoria Street, Hamilton DATE: Thursday, 27 April 2017 TIME: 11:15AM Tena Koutou Katoa
PH 07 825 6800
Till time! Put your friendly face to work, support your local community, and add valuable skills to your CV at the same time. Sort and present goods for sale, stock the shelves and assist customers. Quality time Even if you only have time for a quick cuppa, you can add some sunshine to someone’s day. Spend time with an elderly or socially isolated member of the community and see them smile. Beep, beep Help this valued organisation to provide transport to health providers in Hamilton. Drive their late model, wheelchair friendly mini-bus, on a rostered basis. Be part of a great team! A fair go... Outgoing, enthusiastic people are needed to help make a difference to those in need by working in a beautiful shop supporting fair trade . Gain experience in all aspects of retail. To find out more about these and other volunteering opportunities in the Raglan area, phone 07 839 3191 or visit: Proudly supported by:
Library Co-ordinator •
Permanent & Full Time – Raglan
Do you believe that libraries are hubs that nurture community participation? Do you have a passion for all that is literary and learning? Does living and working in a community that encourages creativity and celebrates diversity sound like a dream? Then we have an amazing opportunity for you. An opportunity has arisen for a Library Co-ordinator based in Raglan. This library is representative of our community and has been nurtured into what it is by a wonderful team that is committed to delivering outstanding service across both Council and library functions. The Raglan Library Co-ordinator is responsible for ensuring the needs of our library members are met in a way that tailors every interaction. Well supported by the wider team, this role is the driving force to support innovative and creative conversation to evolve our services and our space. Although the role is based in Raglan the successful applicant will be part of our district wide Library Leadership Group and be expected to support strategic thinking by contributing to business and long term planning activities. Libraries are changing globally and we are looking for someone who understands global trends and wants to be a part of co-designing the journey that we are on. A key focus of this role is community engagement and an ability to work in a changing, challenging, fast-paced environment is a must. You will be an ambassador for the Waikato District for the many visitors that walk through our doors. No two days are the same in Raglan! To be successful in this role you will have: •
a minimum of two years library work experience, preferably in local government;
a library qualification, preferably at Diploma level;
proven experience coordinating work flow in a customer driven environment;
strong communication, resource and budget management skills.
If this sounds like an opportunity you would enjoy, we would love to hear from you. Application closing date: Friday, 21 April 2017.
To apply online for this job, please go to our job site and enter the job code 216PP.
RAGLAN Chronicle 19
Raglan 1B Point Street Auction
4A2F2I You Can’t Go Wrong • Four bedroom, modern home. • Just a short walk to town. • Indoor/outdoor flow with estuary views and the majestic Mt Karioi as a backdrop. • Double garage, internal access. • Room for the boat and make use of the smokehouse - it’s yours! • Prior auction offers considered.
Raglan 20A Violet Street - $419,000
WINE & CHEESE OPEN HOME: 12:00pm, Saturday 15 April 2017
Sea it, Love it, Live it - Motivated Vendor • Cool little Bach with great harbour views and private deck. • Perfect for a holiday rental or lock-up and leave. • Fully furnished, with double bedroom, lounge and kitchen. • Sleep-out fits two singles or a double bed. • Easy-care grounds - no lawns to mow!
Auction 6:00pm, Friday 28 April 2017 LICENSED (REAA 2008)
Raglan 4189C State Highway 23 - Waitui Exclusive
2 A 1 F 2 I WAITUI - A Haven of Peacefulness $2,050,000 • Architecturally designed two bedroom home capturing sun and stunning views. • Situated on three acres of headland with water on three sides of the Opotoru Estuary. • Open plan, two levels, log burner and wide-opening French doors to a covered deck. OPEN HOME: 2:00pm, Saturday 15 April 2017
Sole Agent
Often Sought, Seldom Found In Surf Zone • Situated close to the surf club at Ngarunui beach, • Near beautiful native bush walks around Mt Karioi. • Create your dream build here on 5318m² more or less. • Completed Geo-tech report and covenants available. • Prior Auction offers considered. OPEN HOME: 1:00pm, Saturday 15 April 2017
4A2F2I Little Miss Sunshine • Situated in the quiet cul-de-sac of Puka Place • 4 bedrooms, separate formal lounge and private dining area. • Internal access garage to the immaculate kitchen and bathrooms. • Prior Auction offers considered.
For Sale $419,000 View By appointment Graham Rope 021 222 7427
Raglan 447 Wainui Road - AUCTION 6pm, Friday 28 April 2017
For Sale $2,050,000 View Appointment Only Julie Hanna 0274 418 964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282
Raglan 6 Puka Place
2 A 1 F 2 I
Auction 6:00pm, Friday 28 April 2017 View by appointment Graham Rope 021 222 7427 Raglan Real Estate Ltd
OPEN HOME: 2:00pm, Saturday 15 April 2017
Auction 6:00pm, Friday 28 April 2017 Ray White Office, 21 Bow Street Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282 Julie Hanna 0274 418 964 LICENSED (REAA 2008)
Raglan 14 Upper Wainui Road - $850,000 Vendor Calls Time! • 2 Bedrooms plus office upstairs • Self-contained living downstairs • Amazing ocean views • Enjoy the lights of town and inner harbour OPEN HOME: 1:00pm, Sunday 16 April 2017
For Sale $850,000 View By Appointment Julie Hanna 0274 418 964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282 LICENSED (REAA 2008)
Raglan 484 Okete Road
Situated on the shores of Raglan Harbour, this north-facing property is rarely available on the market and will attract the discerning buyer of premium coastal real estate. A desirable 4 bedroom home and extra accommodation. Only accessible by a private right of way and only 10 minutes from the vibrant seaside town of Raglan with all its amenities. Simply stroll across the front section and bathe in the sea in total privacy, tranquility and peace. Fishing, floundering, mussels and water sports at your beckon. Be quick as this property will soon disappear from the market for another 20 years!
By Negotiation David Gray 027 224 1228
OPEN HOME: 1:00pm, Saturday 15 April 2017
For Sale
OPEN HOMES 15th & 16th April:
Saturday 12pm - 23F Violet St | Saturday 12pm - 1B Point St | Saturday 1pm - 106A Greenslade Rd | Saturday 1pm - 484 Okete Rd Saturday 1pm - 447 Wainui Rd | Saturday 2pm - 4189C State Highway 23 | Saturday 2pm - 6 Puka Pl Sunday 12pm - 611 Wainui Rd - Solscape | Sunday 1pm - 14 Upper Wainui Rd 21 Bow St, Raglan Phone: 07 825 8669 Fax: 07 825 7410
20 RAGLAN Chronicle
Website: Email: