Raglan Chronicle

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Nga Ripo o Whaingaroa

EST. 1903

Whaingaroa news for you weekly

Community Cash

4th July 2019 - Issue #653

Dedicated to supporting our local community.

Raglan 16-18 Bow Street, Raglan. Open 7am – 9pm, 7 days. Phone: 825 8300.

Owned and operated by locals


Junior Rugby


Gig Guide/What's on p15

Seeking rental properties to manage in Raglan & surroundings Ray White Property Management is renowned for a personalised approach. Over the years, we’ve learned a thing or two about property management and in response to the needs and expectations of our clients we have systems, processes and procedures in place. At Ray White Raglan, our approach is very much proactive as opposed to reactive. We understand that each landlord’s needs are different and tailor a specific solution to suit your requirements. Our pursuit for excellence is foremost in the minds of the highly trained and motivated property management team at Ray White. Give us a call or pop by the office for a chat, we’ll make sure your most valuable asset is looked after with care and diligence. Ray White Raglan Rentals 07 825 8640 I rentals.raglan@raywhite.com

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Saturday 6 July 12pm 1pm 2pm 3pm 3pm

9c East Street 8 Three Streams Road 56 Government Road 2c Puka Place 16 Simon Road

Sunday 7 July 11am 1pm 1pm 2pm

Raglan Couriers 3 times daily Raglan Couriers 3 times daily morning/midday/afternoon


Local Business Serving Raglan District Since 1996

9c East Street 8 Three Streams Road 1015 State Highway 23 56 Government Road

Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

Local Business Serving Raglan District Since 1996

Phone 027 221 5395


Cover Raglan Junior Rugby: Supportour ourlocal localeateries! eateries! Support wa o k u l o d ge @ g m a i l .co m The kids that play in the 7th grade team range in age Hoursand andspecials specialsbelow. below. Hours from 4 to 7 years old Full story on page 12.


Raglan’s original sushi shop since 2003

Open 6 Days. Wednesdays to

TurkishKebabs Kebabson onPlates Plates&&Pitas Pitas Turkish PH: 07 825&&7440 plusbeverages beverages more plus more


Open 7 Days SHACK couldbe beyours. yours. S E R V I N G H O N E S T LThis OThis C A L A Nspace Dspace G O O D F O O Dcould o p e n Email 7 d a ythe s a Chronicle week 8am -details. 4pm for moredetails. Email the Chronicle for more N O

19 Bow Streetinfo@raglanchronicle.co.nz 07 825 002 7 info@raglanchronicle.co.nz

10:30toto9pm 9pm| |29 29Bow BowStSt- -07 07825 8250202 0202 10:30

(07)825 8258761 8761 (07)

Open 9am Open 9am - -7pm Open 9am -7pm 7pm Wed Sunday Wed Sunday Wed - Sunday Closed Mon-Tues Closed Mon-Tues Closed Mon-Tues

Fishn’n’Chips Chips Fish Group Bookings Group Bookings Inside/OutsideSeating Seating Inside/Outside

Phoneorders orderswelcome! welcome! Phone Phone orders welcome! *Fish& &Chips* Chips* *Fish *Fish & Chips* *Burgers* *Burgers* *Burgers* *Weekly Specials* *Weekly Specials* *Weekly Specials* Thestore storewith witha alotlotmore! more! The The store with a lot more

KopuaCamp CampStore, Store,Marine MarineParade, Parade,Raglan Raglan TeTeKopua

RealFruit FruitIce IceCream Cream Real Burritos- -Wraps Wraps Burritos Express Lunch Mon-Fri Soup-$15 -Salad Salad Soup 3x courses VolcomLane Lane Volcom Open Morn Noon Nite & Chilli Open 7 days from 11:30 & Chilli Open 7 days from 11:30 43 Rose St 07 825 0010

7 days ph 825 0010


92Wallis WallisStSt- 07 - 07825 8257544 7544 92

Openfor forDinner Dinner Open Fri&&Sat Sat Fri Open for5:30pm Dinner from from 5:30pm Fri & Sat 248Wainui WainuiRdRd| |0707825 8258233 8233 248 from 5:30pm Breakfast/Lunch Days 7 7Days Open7 7Days Daysa aWeek WeekFrom From9am 9am Breakfast/Lunch Open Breakfast/Lunch 6 Days 248 Wainui Rd | 07 825 8233 Closed Tuesday Open 7 Days a Week From 9am

Open77Days Days Open

From9:30AM 9:30AMMon-Fri Mon-Fri From Open 7Days Days SHACK Support our localOpen eateries! 7 SHACK and 9AM Sat and Sun and 9AM Sat and Sun S E SR EVRI VN IGN GH OHNOENS ET S, TL, OLCOACLA LA NADN DG OGOODO DF OFOODO D Waterfrontdining dining Waterfront For advertising enquiries email info@raglanchronicle.co.nz 8am--4pm 4pm St RoseSt 43Rose 8am 43 indoorand andoutdoor outdoorseating seating indoor 1 9 B o w S t r e e t 07 8 2 5 0 0 2 7 op e ns es v ev e nd d ay ek ek op en en ay s sa aww ee N N O O

1 9 B o w S t r e e t 07 8 2 5 0 0 2 7

0010 8250010 07825 07



Contact: Administrator Jan Mitchell ph 825 5122

10am - Family ServiceCherished and Children’s Ministry Visitors Thursdays 3-5pm - 7C’s Bible Club for Children

3 Stewart St – 07 825 8276 or 07 825 8028

The Avatar®Course ‘‘Knowing is another word for believing without doubt that you are right.” Harry Palmer author of the Avatar materials

For more information contact: Cam 021 529 765 camkay@xtra.co.nz

Dear Editor Recently Waikato District Council announced they would not implement a proposed targeted rate for the Raglan kerbside food waste collection. The decision was in response to over 770 submissions received following consultation in March and April, where the majority (over 60%) supported the service but only 40% were willing to pay a targeted rate of $79.29 per year for it to continue. The Raglan Community Board rejects Councils decision to not fund the service and will be actively working with Xtreme Zero Waste to raise the necessary $120k to ensure the kerbside food waste collection continues. The community board is meeting next Tuesday to discuss how we can support Xtreme Zero Wastes efforts to raise funds and will consider funding through our discretionary fund. We encourage the community to donate to Xtreme’s crowdfunding campaign .Raglan Lions have already committed $2500, Raglan we can do this!’ This is a great example of our community

digging deep to support the continuation of a valued service by our community enterprise – Xtreme Zero Waste. Our Raglan Area School students have challenged us as adults to work hard to avert climate crisis. They are asking us to be bold and work with haste. If there was one thing every household could do it would be to reduce and divert food waste from landfill and therefore minimise damaging climate change gases. The food waste collection is a first for New Zealand and we should be proud that our community continues to lead in the waste minimisation space. The collection is also a great example of a ‘closed loop system’ that provides compost, jobs and money back into our community. Can you all please get in behind this community fundraising venture by donating through the give-a-little campaign, donating into Xtreme’s bank account or a koha at the Centre. If you run a business in town please help keep this outstanding service going – give generously. Bob Macleod Community Board Chair


Aroha Sushi Raglan


Avatar is a registered trademark Star’s Edge, Inc. All rights reserved.

This week's weather is sponsored by The Raglan Project.

For all forecasts check out www.weathermap.co.nz

1 Wallis St | Ph 825 8881







Cloudy with Showers


NE 10 NE 10


Cloudy with Showers


W 0 SW 10


Cloudy with Showers



Sunny with some cloud



Raglan Ink Ltd home of the Raglan Chronicle Office Open Mon - Thurs 9.00am - 4.00pm, Wainui Rd, Raglan Ph: (07) 825-7076 Fax: (07) 825-7078 Post: P.O. Box 234, Raglan

Mainly fine with possible showers


Email: info@raglanchronicle.co.nz



10am Raglan Area School 7pm Te Uku Church Pastor Roger Peart ph 07 825 5199

Buying or Selling your house! Independent and locally owned Give us a call for a free quote.


Rhys Ellison 07 834 1248 & 021 2967 296 Or Kerron Sexton 07 834 1248 & 027 555 4842

Advertising & Articles The advertising and editorial content deadline will be Monday at 12pm week of issue. DISCLAIMER

Opinions and views expressed in the Raglan Chronicle do not necessarily represent those held by the Editors or Publishers. Every care will be taken in the preparation and placement of submitted material but the Editors/Publishers shall not be liable for errors or omissions or subsequent effects due to the same. It is the submitters responsibility to ensure material is not libelous or defamatory. The Editors/Publishers reserve the right to abridge, alter or decline any material submitted to the Raglan Chronicle to meet the constraints of space and/or maintain a reasonable standard of language and decorum.

2 RAGLAN Chronicle

Max temp (C)

am pm




(High/Low) (Rise/Set) L 04:00 am H 10:10 am R 07:39 am L 04:20 pm S 05:09 pm H 10:40 pm 04:50 11:00 05:10 11:20



am am pm pm

R 07:39 am S 05:10 pm


L 05:40 am H 11:50 am L 05:50 pm

R 07:39 am S 05:10 pm

S 15 am SW pm 15



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R 07:39 am S 05:11 pm


E 5 am NW 5 pm



01:00 07:20 01:30 07:30

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R 07:39 am S 05:11 pm

Cloudy with Showers


SW am 15 W 20 pm



01:50 08:10 02:20 08:30

am am pm pm

R 07:38 am S 05:12 pm

Cloudy with Showers


SW am 10 W 15 pm


H 02:50 am L 09:10 am

R 07:38 am S 05:12 pm

am pm

S 10 am S 15 pm

*Total significant wave height and *Tide times for Raglan Bar

THE RAGLAN PROJECT ©WeatherMap 2019. All rights reserved. Supplying Raglan with everything you need for your home building project. Call us on 825 8881 or drop in to see us at 1 Wallis St. Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm, Saturday& Sunday 9am-5pm.

Council to host Raglan community meeting to discuss wastewater discharge consent


wo community information sessions will be held in Raglan next week to discuss the upcoming re-consenting process for the Raglan Wastewater Treatment Plant discharge permit. Waikato District Council will be applying to Waikato Regional Council for consent

to discharge wastewater in November 2019. “We want to involve the community in this process and so will be holding two community information sessions next week to kick-start this project. These information sessions will give the Raglan community the opportunity to hear about the discharge options that are available to us,” Waikato District Council

Waters Manager Karl Pavlovich says. Key stakeholders and iwi have had meetings on this topic in recent weeks and will continue to be involved as Council works towards submitting its application for consent later in the year. The first community information session will be held at the Raglan Town Hall on Wednesday 10 July from 4pm-7pm.

If you can’t make that time, staff will then be at the Raglan Office and Library on Saturday 13 July from 10am-12pm. Both of these sessions will be drop-in style. Pop in at a time that suits you to speak with staff and the project experts to learn more about what is planned and how you can get involved. More information about the consent retrieved from www.waikatodistrict.govt.nz/ raglanwastewater below:

Also at H.G Webb House, Cnr Boundary & Victoria Streets, Hamilton

Raglan wastewater discharge consent?


aglan’s wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) discharge consent expires in February 2020. Waikato District Council as the asset owner is now working on its application to Waikato Regional Council, who is the regulatory body that issues resource consents. What Waikato District Council are doing about he consent:


Membrane treatment Membrane systems – the wastewater flows through membrane modules (micro filtration) which allow only the smaller particles to pass through. Membranes have the added benefit of also removing some pathogens.

Assessing the options available to us makes up a large part of the investigations required for the consent application process. Therefore, council has engaged planning, environmental and engineering experts Beca to assist us in putting together our resource consent application, along with other specialist sub-consultants to help with land suitability, marine modelling, public health and coastal ecology investigations and assessments. Council are now seeking to engage with iwi, stakeholders

and the public. Initial discussions have been held with local iwi and the community board. Stakeholders that are identified as having an interest will be directly communicated with soon as we work through this process. Background: 1999 consent application – proposal to extend outfall into the harbour by approx. 140m Outfall was opposed- land application of wastewater then investigated through a working party. 2002 revised consent application – land application

of wastewater was too difficult to implement, instead applied for upgraded treatment plant with existing discharge location. Appealed by WaikatoTainuisubsequent Environment Court decision (2005 for 15 year consent). The current consent application is due to expire in February 2020. WDC need to apply for a new consent by November 2019 (3 months prior). Some options being explored in the council project plan are below:




Land treatment

Constructed habitat wetlands attempt to mimic natural wetlands by directing water to flow through flooded beds of emergent aquatic plants. Like natural wetlands they can store, assimilate, and transform contaminants before they reach waterways.


New ocean outfall

Reuse of treated wastewater for activities such as a plant nursery or golf course irrigation could be considered as a sub-option but are unlikely to take significant volumes or provide year round takes. Improved treatment such as the addition of a tertiary membrane plant would be required to avoid public health impacts.

A coastal discharge is one of the disposal options. This would require the construction of an overland pipeline and ocean outfall structure. The distance is approximately 1.3km. It would be slightly longer by the time geographical obstacles are considered. The Raglan coast is a very high energy environment and is likely to be very costly. Coastal discharge may not be supported by iwi / TMOTW.


Sixty-one percent of submitters said they value the service but only 46% said they were currently using the service. Forty percent said they would be willing to pay a targeted rate of $79.29 p.a. whereas 58% said they were not willing. On this basis our Council voted on the 10th June unanimously against continuation of this service from the 30th June. The next day at the Community Board Meeting I moved a motion to ‘reject’ the Council’s decision. That was also passed unanimously. One of my frustrations is that there was not a question asking householders if they would pay a smaller targeted rate and if so how much.

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Funded by the Parliamentary Service and authorised by Barbara Kuriger MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington.

SUPPORT OUR SUPPORTERS The businesses and individuals advertising in the Raglan Chronicle are participating not only to promote their businesses, but to show their support for our community paper – so be sure to tell them you saw them in the Raglan Chronicle. Local businesses are the foundation of our community - and they make it possible for us to bring the Raglan Chronicle to you.

letters continued Dear Editor Thanks to Xtreme Zero Waste (XZW) the kerbside food collection continues unabated without Waikato District Funding. As a Community Board member I want to cheer lead XZW and thank them for their incredible commitment. I hope many of us can give them some financial support. I want to offer a brief explanation to how this situation has arisen if you haven’t followed this saga. Between March 27 and April 26, 2019, the ‘consultation’ period was open. Seven hundred and seventy four (out of 2000 householders in Raglan or 39%) submitted a response of which 500 were owner/ occupiers.

Barbara Kuriger

So now we have a conundrum. The Council said ‘Yes’ to discontinue the service and CB said ‘No’. But guess what, our decision has no formal weight, none. Not a speck. But that is a whole other issue. So that means no more Council funding for now. This service will be considered in the district wide Solid Waste Review later this year. As many of you know these Review’s take a very long time. Finally, I would like to invite our Ward Councillor, Lisa Thomson to offer her own explanation. Alan Vink

s l a i c e p S y l k e We ecials

p S s l y l a i k c e e e Weekly Sp W

Disclaimer. This is my personal view and does not represent the view of either WDC or RCB.

Cauliflower & Blue Cheese Soup $9.5 Served with garlic ciabatta V Can be GF

Broccoli Blue Cheese GBC Roti&Rolls $16.5 Soup $9.5 Served with garlic ciabatta V GF Chicken & marinated in spiced yoghurt w fresh Asian slaw served Broccoli Blue Cheese Soupcurry $9.5 in Roti bread Calamari $12.5 Served with garlic ciabatta V GF Fried in a of light spice $18.5 and polenta crumb w a chilli lime dip GF Bucket Prawns Calamari $12.5 Whole served chilled w thousand dressing GFGF Beef Nin Bean Nachos $18.5 Fried aprawns light spice and polenta crumb wisland a chilli lime dip Spiced beef, rich tomato chilli, beans served on corn chips w Confit Duck Legs $25 Beef N Bean Nachos $18.5 GF jalapenos & sour cream W currant citrus cous cous jus Spiced beef,&rich tomato chilli,&beans served on corn chips w BBQ Pork Ribs$22 jalapenos & sour cream GF 2 Bow Street | 07 825served 0565 | F over @georgesbeachclubraglan Slow braised in its Raglan juicy sauce chips & more sauce!! BBQ Pork Ribs$22 Slow braised in OPEN: its juicy sauce12pm served over chips & -more Thursday - 9pm Friday 12pm 9pm sauce!! Saturday 10am - 9pm Sunday 10am - 8pm 2 Bow Street Raglan | 07 825 0565 | F @georgesbeachclubraglan 2 Bow Street Raglan | 07 825 0565 | F @georgesbeachclubraglan

RAGLAN Chronicle 3

Animal Health Column For Raglan People + their Pets

Animal Health Column Dental For Raglandisease People + their Pets

Raglan girls are nuts about their small business Film Awards reeling in local filmmakers

Cat behaviour


he Raglan Arts Film Festival Awards is celebrating 10 years this year of exceptional local filmmaking talent.


ats & dogs survived for decades in the wild without n ancient cats were any human times intervention, so domesticated purely as pest that means we don’t need to control, but over the years have consider health, grown into atheir much dental loved family pet. right? WRONG! However living along side us can

jaw. Many breeds now have a very small jaw, and some also have a • Environmental changes: significantly short snout, causing Moving house, house teeth to be crowded in the mouth. This renovations etc. creates issues with teeth being out of • New additions to the family alignment or toobaby close and (animal, ortogether, new partner) some• teeth unable to grow Newarecats coming intogood their causeInthem stress, this can the wild, it’sand a simple caselead of strong roots into the jaw. territory to unwanted behaviors. natural selection; old, sick, injured or Because of the crowded teeth You can help eliminate stress by: debilitated animals will not survive. Cats are territorial animals. and • Keeping cat food numbers lack of space, material,in Territory sizehealth, varies, If not in good and dependent otherwise bacteria,households minimum – take and later to plaque and tartar on gender and de-sexing unable to perform normal status. daily will build noteup of on whether the teeth.your Once cat this is Territories are marked rubbing, witha other catseffect. in the functions such as eat, by drink, hunt begins, happy it becomes snowball scratching and spraying. household, or whether this or find food then this does not bode Tartar continues to build up, pushing Cats use scent and smells as a causes them unnecessary stress well for them. Times have changed; back on the gums which causes gum • Making sure inside litter trays means of communicationtheysince have over several thousands of years recession, access for bacteria areallowing always clean scent glands in the digits in their animals were first domesticated, there into the gums and weakening the • Use ofthethe synthetic cat paws, around their anal area and base sure your Not allbeen foods are created so make pet gets best that diet possible! have many changesequal in lifestyles periodontal attachment holds the pheromones (Feliway Diffuser) of tail and around their face. As vetsdiets, we cannot enough the tooth importance of good nutrition for your and and emphasise more importantly incan place. all thisstress is going helpWhile to relieve and Small changes within the territory pet, to ensure good health. Diets need to be tailored to the specifi c needs of your human selection for traits that help anxiety on for your pet, you may only see very can cause stress and can lead to pet to ensure they lead aus. healthy them live alongside This life. has subtle• signs, Keeping the cat in a at regular or sometimes none all, behavioral problems- commonly routinee.g. feeding times, created dogs and cats of all sorts of as our animals are particularly There are many why inside you should feeding your pet with pet good food spraying and reasons toileting or consider keeping litter the sameuntil etc. it different andhiding. sizes, and also at hiding pain or discomfort uncharacteristically purchasedshapes from your vet. • Cats to hidemake sure created potential concerns. If your cathealth suddenly begins is simply too like unbearable to withstand they have somewhere ‘safe’ Advice: Your pet’s dietary needs may change as they grow and age. Your vet/ veti.e. Dueinside to these human toileting in oddchanges, places, you may any longer, as this is simply a survival an enclosed bed orpet. boxes etc. nurse can offer advice on the best nutrition for all life stages of your think your catis isoften just being naughty. intervention warranted, in technique. Prevention is also keyIn actual fact,our there can be a number order to Vet-Only give animals aoffers full, What should doasiforal you are Range: pet food along, wide range of special diets, such socialization foryou kittens iscare, very of reasons why this behaviour pain freeloss life. Whereas wild dogsstarts. once unsure aboutand the can health of your weight and hairball control. important affect howpets’ they reasons can include: hadThese an average lifespan of 6-8 years, mouth, or would like to know the deal with stressful situations and Tailor-made: Large-breed dogs (stress have different nutritional needs than smaller Idiopathic they• now can live upcystitis to a whopping signs adaptoftoan changes life. Vet issue? later Bookona in FREE dogs and therefore need different diet formulations. Breed specific foods are related inflammation of and the The socialization period for 16 years (depending on breed Nurse dental health consultation for a formulated to help control or prevent some of the typical2 health problems of bladder and urinary tract which kitten is from to 7 weeks of age. other factors). Cats once only lived to the month of June only. Our nurses each breed. Your vet also has access to prescription diets designed for specifi c can lead to infection) It is important in this time to expose a mere 4 years if living on their own, will assess your pets’ mouth, talk health conditions. • Pain due to arthritis; Older them to as many different people and now may live up to 18+ years! you through options for your pet if cats often find it increasingly and animals, and a range of different Much less once mess to clean up: Quality food is highly digestible and – therefore less is required, make a plan Dogs had a reasonably difficult or can feel vulnerable treatment smells, sounds and places. mess and smell jaw when to yourteeth pet goes to thegoing toilet. forward in order to prevent proportioned ratio, toileting outdoors due to Any Questions? Give one of your future dental disease. meaning teeth were evenly Anexa vetform nurses a call arthritis Weight management: Obesity spaced is the most common of malnutrition in the Anexa Team and able to be well-seated into the pets of today. Feeding pets an appropriate quantity of food is veryThe important. High


Nominations are now open to all ages – all you need is your imagination and a device for filming. Old School Arts Centre manager Jacqueline Anderson says the RAFFAs were created to recognise the extraordinary talent of local actors, screenwriters, editors, producers and directors interested in making movies. “It’s always a great pleasure for the RAFFA judges to view the films that are entered and we seem to have more entrants each year and the calibre of the films keeps improving.” Up-and-coming talent will also have the opportunity to attend a filmmaking workshop held at the Old School Arts Centre to learn new movie making skills.

“We are really lucky to have a wealth of filmmaking knowledge in our community willing to share their skills to our new talent,” she says. The film must be associated with Raglan Whaingaroa - either the filmmakers, production crew or actors, or part of the film must have been shot or edited in Raglan. Awards and prizes - including cash and vouchers - will be presented at a Red Carpet Awards night on Saturday, September 28 at the Raglan Town Hall. Enter at facebook.com/ creativeraglanfilmfestival, www.raglanartscentre. co.nz or contact us at the Old School Arts Centre in Stewart Street, 07 825 0023 or info@ raglanartscentre.co.nz for more details. Deadline for nominations is Friday, August 9. Keep up-to date with the 2019 Raglan Film Festival by following Creative Raglan – Film Festival on Facebook. Old School Arts Centre

Don’t Feed Your Pet Junk Food!

July Promotion JunePromotion

quality food tends to make the animal feel full and satisfied with a smaller quantity. Dental health: Dental problems are the second most common health problem that we see in our patients. Vet-Only pet foods have special features to help keep 10% off Advocate your pet’sBook mouth healthy. a FREE Vet Nurse dental health

Drontal worm Taste:and Your pets will love it! for Vet-Only have a high rate among consultation thediets month of acceptance June only. pets. But for extra reassurance all our foods your are 100% guaranteed. If your pet Our nurses willfor assess treatments theprice. pets’ mouth, doesn’t like it we will refund the purchase talk you through options for your pet if

The linktreatment between good nutrition and health is and well proven in humans and animals, month of July! is required, make a plan so you want to feed the best food you can to your pets. We believe feeding a top prevent qualitygoing veterinary forward diet will result in in a order longer andto better quality lifefuture for your pet. If Cut out the above special in order to redeem in clinic dental you are in doubt about the quality of thedisease. diet your pet is receiving, come and see (Raglan only) us. We can advise on the best diet for your pet’s health.

Anexa, 40 Bow Street, Raglan P: 07 825 8390 4 RAGLAN RAGLAN Chronicle 4 Chronicle

Peanut Butter girls, Enfys, left, and Alaia, launched their business at the Old School creative markets during May.


nfys and Alaia Hewitt are the creators of Raglan’s very first peanut butter

enterprise successfully launched at May’s Raglan Creative Market. The girls - Enfys, 10 and Alaia, 8 - are nuts about their product and say the best part of the business is sharing their PB23 journey with local peanut butter lovers. “I like selling at the market and speaking about what we make to people,” Alaia says. With their dad Mett Hewitt mentoring them, the girls are about to sell their second batch of smooth and crunchy peanut butter at this Sunday’s Creative Market at the Raglan Old School Arts Centre. “I’ve always wanted the girls to have a little business. Something they could use to fund their uni studies,” Matt says. The peanut butter journey hasn’t always been smooth and some jobs were very labour intensive. Initially the sisters had been doing the shake and bang method to remove air pockets from the jars in order to fill them to capacity, which was taking two minutes per jar.

Matt enlisted a technically-savvy friend and some number eight wire mentality to design an agitator to help the peanut butter settle in the jar. The pair adapted an orbital sander which reduced the time it took to seven seconds. Both girls say the agitator is one of the jobs they love the most in the whole peanut butter process. Matt has helped the girls in the various ventures they have undertaken and with every little setback they have not lost their desire to run their own business. “They’ve tried woodworking, making bangles and other things but as soon as we have to make a large quantity the quality wasn’t so good,” Matt says. With the PB23 peanut butter the sisters can guarantee they use nothing but 100 percent peanuts and the quality is the same in every jar. The girls are big fans of using their peanut butter in cooking and have created fudge, cookies, dog treats and bird feeders with PB23. Check them out at the Raglan Creative Market this Sunday, June 9 from 10am-2pm and get some peanut butter tips from the experts. Janine Jackson

Footprints offers pest control options


t's that time of the year where we need to be aware of rodents trying to make their way inside. What service and solutions do you offer Raglan residents? We offer all pest control services from rodent control, cockroaches fumigation, ant & fly control, we deal with all household pests. What other tips can you give to prevent rodent problems? Keep hedges/trees or branches at least two metres clear from your roof tops. This stops access. Put rubbish out only on pick up day if using compost bins - keep them sealed. Have a monitored bait station any areas rats or mice and known to be present It's also that time of the

Celebrating 65 Years of the Raglan Volunteer Fire Brigade: A monthly column profiling local volunteer fire fighters who dedicate themselves to keeping the community safe. This column is proudly sponsored by Raglan Four Square.

year where you start thinking about having a good clean up at home. What other services do you offer through Footprints? Do you do house washes and gutter clearing? We do exterior house washing, gutter cleaning, lichen and moss treatments, path and deck cleaning. We don’t charge mileage costs to Raglan. Patrick & Nicole Footprints : Ph 854 6420 or 027 498 2185 footprints.co.nz footprintswash.co.nz nzpestfree.co.nz

“FOOTPRINTS WASH” & NZ PEST FREE LTD complies with the Health and Safety in the Workplace Act 2015. A registered copy of our hazard management plan, health and safety policy is available on request. Advertorial

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Raglan 80A Greenslade Road


Feel Good Home with Stunning Views This 3 bedroom property on 2 levels has everything you want in a Raglan home: Water access, bay views, north aspect, tranquility yet only minutes away from Raglan Township and a quick commute to Hamilton. Take in the glorious scenery from the massive master bedroom with its panoramic outlook in 3 directions, the cosy living room featuring wooden beams and chapel ceiling, or the deck providing plenty of sunlight - the choice is yours! Ask for an info pack now: 027 245 2040

Thursday 11 July 2019 at 2.00pm at 85 Rostrevor St, Hamilton (unless sold prior) View Saturday 12.00 - 1.00pm Sunday 11.00 - 12.00pm harcourts.co.nz/GV4407 Sarah Schwarz M 027 245 2040 P 843 3099 sarah.schwarz@harcourts.co.nz Monarch Real Estate Limited Licenced Agent REAA 2008

Volunteer firefighter combines business, family and fighting fires C ombining business, family and fighting fires is all in a day’s work for Raglan Volunteer Fire Brigade’s senior firefighter Stephen O’Byrne.

With eight-years service under his belt, he has seen it all and he gets huge satisfaction from knowing the team played their part in helping in a local emergency. “The sense of achievement you get from doing a good job and getting a good result is one of the best parts of the job. No single person saves the life of another when it comes to responding to an incident, it’s the team that brings that positive outcome.” The Raglan crew are fighting less fires these days but the number of call outs have increased and most for medical nowadays. “One of the biggest issues we face today is the changing nature of the work, the changing nature of the volunteer and the need to do more with fewer resources.” Modern technology might be claiming fire sirens in some regional towns but he is sure the Raglan siren is here to stay and says it is still essential as modern technology can fail. “With multi-alerts there are three systems to alert the crew just in case one of them fails.” The self-employed LJ Hooker real estate agent says he’s fortunate he can drop what he’s doing and head out to an emergency. “When the siren goes off, the pager and phone signal what type of emergency we will be heading to. If the siren goes again for a second round it generally means we are short crewed, turnout is generally under four minutes,” he says. This might just be for a couple of hours but Stephen says in cases like the Wainui Bush Reserve fire the crew could be away from home for a couple of days. It helps that wife and business partner Michelle comes from a family who volunteered for the

Raglan brigade – her uncle Wayne Robbs served for 25-years (a gold star recipient and lifetime member) and cousin Hayden Robbs for 11-years. It’s because of Michelle and her long-term family connections to the area that Irish-born Stephen is living in Raglan. They met in London where Michelle was riding horses for the London Metropolitan Police and he was back from having worked as an underwater cameraman overseas. A decision was made to move to Raglan in 2006 and the couple are raising their two daughters Ocean, 9, and Stella, 7, in the town where Michelle grew up. Stephen says the girls are clued up to the work he does with the brigade and they are quick to bring him the pager if they hear it go off. “They used to love riding the big red truck, but the novelty has worn off now,” he laughs. “I would like to thank my girls, having a supportive family makes it all easier, after all they pick up the pieces. Behind every firefighter there has to be a supportive family.” He reckons the country would be a better place if everybody committed some time to volunteer work. “It’s just a fundamentally decent thing to do, it’s about making a commitment to your community. It’s not about me it’s about us and we are all trying to get from A to B in life.” Raglan is an urban brigade with 20 operational volunteer firefighters and four operational support established in 1954, the brigade celebrates 65 years this year. The Raglan Fire Brigade would love to have a permanent display detailing its history. If anyone has any stories, photographs or items of interest that they wish to donate please contact Stephen on 021 969 848 or sobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz. Janine Jackson


Ceres tomatoes Crown pumpkin Queen apples








49 ea











Wine & Beer only available at stores with an off licence. Wine & Beer purchases restricted to persons aged 18 years old and over. Liquor may only be sold during the hours specified in the store licence.

RAGLAN Chronicle 5


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Wow, the whole family. Raglan is in the to focus on a moving body easier deep part of Dyana’s heart as her father than a still one. It is more interesting. Lindsay Peart grew up on the Rangitahi farm. Dyana’s childhood was full of Raglan The mind becomes curious and Grandma’s sticky brown bread and Christmas and our experience can puddings, launching off the footbridgeengaged into strong currents, uncovering adzes anddeepen coral quite dramatically. in the dunes, and erecting shimmering black We start to realise that our direct sandcastles.… She has moved back from Auckland and experience of the body is very a career which included teaching Human different from the ideas we have Anatomy and Physiology, Chemistry, Yoga about and Meditation. She established the 200 and it, and that this experience 300 hour Yoga Teacher Training Program at is valuable. The mind lets go of Kawaipurapura and the Contemporary Yoga tensions melt away and Teachers Training Program in Remueracontrol, and is now looking forward to offering all her skills the body heals – it wakes up. very accessible to anyone who is curious. to the Raglan community. She has set up a Because Somati the cs movements are are gentle attenti ve exercises teaching space – Open Ground – at her home designed to help the brain reprogram in Lily Street. done very slowly with attention, all the w we move. They are very effective in releasin Starting 25th June she will be running benefipain, ts oftension somati movement andcrestricti on. The results can weekly classes in Somatics, Kum Nye,the Meditabe startling and are suitable tion, Creative VIsualisation and Buddhist apply. The brain will release andforre-older peopl yoga students and everyone in-between. Philosophy. ern areasKum of the that have Some of these names may sound patt new and Nye, body which comes from the Tibetan exotic but she assures us that the classes are tradition, consists of slow become chronically tense andmoving stiff. meditatio

Also because we are focusing on pure sensation, the mind learns to discriminate greater Niawith dance and precision. gentle exercises seniors. It is then able to directly experience cs is aenergy relatively body new brand, and h of the have been a student of Kum Nye for spacious heart. However, it is not the qualitiesSomati become extremely popular around the worl over thirty years, and I still love the easy – the mind is very tricky and and also the space which these It grew out ofin Feldenkrais, and developed simplicity and effectiveness of this alongside new research into neuromuscular fi ner sensati ons arise. tends to carry us away all over the reprogramming. Many yoga studios in Austr practice. It comes from Tibet and was Accessing this space as lia now offer classes in Somatics as a comple planet and back before we realise. brought to the west by Tarthang Tulku peaceful, ment radiant and awake can to yoga. We can become agitated rather in the 1970’s.CLINIC OPENING HOURS: Somatics is based on the principle of ne feel like coming home. So if you Mon Tues Wed Thurs than Fri calm. Kum Nye is meditation, roplasticity – the understanding that the bra It Open has 8am never 8am become are interested in meditati is continually remodellingon, itselfin in response 8am widely 8am in8am the sense that we are training the new informati on and experience. Movemen popular, which is a mystery to exploring the mind and healing the 7pm 7pm 7pm 5pm Close 7pm limitati ons creati ng tension and pain are no mind to settle, focus and recognise me, because it is such a beautiful body, I would highly recommend permanent, however old we are. To contact the clinic, please phone: The term comesreal from ‘soma’ ForSomati me cs their practice. I think we all understand itself. Here the focus is on the these practices. 07 825 0114 which means to understand the body as an sensati on of movement, very slow gift is in telligent, how eff ective, veliving they are The bod some of the benefits of meditation. sensiti organism. After hoursthese contact: is not a mechanical insensate that diff erent levels, all machine at I will be writing about at a movement done with awareness. at so many need to manipulate and control in order to c movement, once.ofAndresults. they are very easy and later date.Anglesea Clinic 07 957 4947 This is somatihere are manybut diffwith erent kinds Healthline 0800mind 611 116Kum Nye wemovement are highlighti pure pleasurable Ourdo. body/brain has millions o andngexercise classes to This isorganism why I am Meditati on quietens the years of evolution behind it. It knows how to rather than focussing ll a keenmove student of Kum Nye. and allows us to experience the sensation,off ered in Raglan. I haveon comestiacross well. Wth somatics we find out why it We findWells out what is getti Dyana present moment with an open body parts, such as ribs, spine, or dance, not able to do this. yoga, pilates, contemporary

What is Somatics?

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6 RAGLAN Chronicle

6 RAGLAN Chronicle

in the way. The job of somatic exerc is to help the brain do its job proper The brain controls the way we move, so if we want to change the w we move we need to work with the brain. Neuromuscular reprogrammi is the name given to this approach. work with the brain by feeding it ne information, which in this case is information about how we are actu moving. We wake the brain up to what is actually going on. The problem for us is that when the brain learns a new movement pattern – eg how to ride a bike, how to sign one’s name, how to protect injured arm, how to not be noticed, how to cope – it may be a healthy pattern or not. After a few weeks of repetition the brain sends the pattern code to older parts of the brain, for repetitive unconscious reflex activation. The pattern becomes an unconsciou

Ahoy collective is looking for new home

Some of Ahoy's creative crew - from left Jodi Collins, Juliana May Prinz, Gila Cohen, and Elsa Lye). Image: Tracie Heasman


hoy Gallery on Bankart Street is looking for a new home after being notified their lease won’t be renewed. The quirky little gallery located in a converted garage joins Matapihi Art Gallery, which shut shop a couple of months back. Ahoy Gallery artist Elsa Lye says the galleries aren’t closing because the artists want out and they are still keen to have a vibrant art space showing local artwork. “Artists from both galleries are still actively producing and selling work and desperately seeking a new space to exhibit and sell their handmade crafts,” she says. It will come as no surprise to Raglan locals that available shop space on the main street is in short supply. Local artist Gila Cohen says Raglans’ identity as an artistic hub is under threat

as commercial real estate availability and pricing pushes artists out. “Back in the times of DaVinci there was patronage of the arts. Cities and towns experiencing growth valued creativity, fostering clever people and ideas, ensuring towns were full of culture and beauty, patronage was the answer back then. Perhaps Raglan needs to consider who it wants to be.” Not looking for a handout, the artists are keen to hear from locals for their ideas about how they can provide a quality space that adds to Raglan's eclectic identity and makes it a cool place with a unique artistic experience. “Local creativity on display is important in Raglan - it’s part of our character and part of the appeal drawing people here. Visitors come for more than just surfing lessons,” Gila says.

Ahoy’s longest serving artist with eight years at the gallery Jodi Collins says Raglan residents are invited to come and meet the Ahoy artists and offer any ideas they may have on keeping the arts alive in the town. “We also just want to celebrate how far we’ve come, the space has been a gallery and studio for 10 years, originally set up by Amanda Watson and Glen Mossong in 2009 as ‘Artist Studios’, renamed ‘Hello Studios’ in 2013 then ‘Ahoy Creative Crew’ in 2015.” Described by her fellow artist Kiri Jones as an absolute Ahoy stalwart, Jodi has managed the space through some rocky times and major highs. “We have 10 creatives at present. Not to mention we know of many more in Raglan who would benefit from a space to showcase their creations and have a presence in the village. There is a great demand! I feel more and more creatives have been moving to Raglan... hopefully we keep them here,” Jodi says. Current artists are Gila Cohen (Forage) - paintings/clothing/ kokedama, Sarah Aitchison - (Fierce clothing), Amy Budd - (Baboo) - caby and children’s ware, Elsa Lye - painter and sculptor, Doug Ford – painter, Lin Van Craenenbroeck (Moz-art) - mosaics, bags, wearable art, Daniel Leishman- (Merkaba NZ) - hjemp products, Jodi Collins - ( Happy Bones Art) - painting, assemblage art, clay, Karin Bettley - pottery and clay sculpture, Kiri Jones - painter and wood cuts. Check out the 20% off sale at Ahoy Gallery and Studios, 11 Bankart Street, Raglan every Monday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday until the end of July or the team can be contacted on facebook @ Ahoycreativecrew. The Ahoy crew extend an invitation to celebrate 10 years as a 'Creative Space' on Saturday, July 20 from 5 -8 pm with wine and nibbles or come for a cup of tea during open hours 10 - 3 pm Sat/Sun or Mon/Fri 10 -1 pm. Kiri Jones


We’re fundraising for the Raglan Creative Space, & bringing back Patrick, Whoopi, and Demi by popular request!

Raglan Old School Arts Centre Saturday 5th July Pottery demo and tarot 6:30 Screens 7:30 Entry by donation (suggested $10 (or more!) no reserves Tarot readings by Joyful

Photo booth your very own ghost moment

Popcorn, mulled wine and treats for sale!


he Clay Shed brings you Ghost, the classic tale of love, double-dealing, spirits, pottery wheels and physics on Friday 5 July. The movie night fundraiser for the Creative Space building starts at 6:30pm with a pottery throwing demonstration and the opportunity to have a go and have a photo taken of your own Ghost moment. There will also be tarot readings, mulled wine, fresh home baking and freshly made popcorn. The foyer bar will be open. Described as ‘one of the finest (and weepiest) love stories ever to hit the big screen’. Sam Wheat (Patrick Swayze) a banker, Molly Jensen (Demi Moore) an artist are madly in love. When Sam is murdered by friend and corrupt business partner Carl over a shady business deal, he roams the earth as a powerless spirit. Sam seeks the help of psychic Oda Mae Brown (Whoopi Goldberg) to set things right and protect Molly from Carl and his goons. Friday July 5th Screens 7:30pmPottery and tarot from 6:30Entry by donation (suggested $10)

- OPENING MONDAY 8 JULY Under new ownership.



PH: 825 8790 RAGLAN Chronicle 7

Open Home Top Location, Immaculate Home! - 56 Government Road Raglan Impressive home - priceless views. This elevated, stunning home boasts the most amazing bird’s-eye views of the ocean and harbour and is a definite north-facing sun trap. The kitchen and living are located upstairs and are light and bright with a spectacular outlook complemented by the Tasmanian Oak timber floors. An extremely warm house with the added bonus of a gas fire to add to the ambiance. Three spacious double bedrooms are located on the first level. The master enjoys the same glorious outlook, complete with ensuite. A large extra room downstairs is complete with a kitchenette and outside bath. Potential accommodation for guests or to be developed for an extra income opportunity. If you are looking for a very low maintenance property with that absolute X-factor this is it. Ample parking and room for the boat. Situated on 546 sqm and just a short walk to Lorenzen Bay and ideal swimming and kayaking spot. All the boxes are ticked here.

rwraglan.co.nz/RAG23088 Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

Auction 6:00pm, Friday 12 July Ray White Office (unless sold prior) View Sat & Sun 2:00pm - 2:45pm

Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282

New Listing Must Be Sold! – 9c East Street Raglan A two bedroom first home buyer’s delight. You will be impressed with this very easy-care property. It may also be just the place to call your retirement home. Open plan, bright and airy with great rural views. Just drive in and take advantage of the easy access from the carport conveniently located at your front door. Situated within walking distance to Raglan’s town centre and amenities. The bus stop is just at the top of the road. Situated on 1/8 share in 4613 square metres.

Auction 10:30am, Saturday 13 July On site (unless sold prior) View Saturday 12:00pm - 12:45pm Sunday 11:00am - 11:45am

Julie Hanna 027 441 8964


Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

8 RAGLAN Chronicle

Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282

Te Kauwhata Lifestyle Sections Also Available STAGE 1 121 Vineyard Road – Lot 5


STAGE 2 81 Vineyard Road - Lot 1 $410,000

73 Vineyard Road – Lot 3 $410,000

31 Old Vintners Close – Lot 10


35 Old Vintners Close – Lot 11


34 Old Vintners Close – Lot 15


20 Old Vintners Close – Lot 18


Last One Left Here! - 80 Clark Road (Lot 2) Ngaruawahia City Living in the Country. Exciting new lifestyle development on Clark Road. Only 12 minutes drive north of Te Rapa or Chartwell these sites give you the best of both worlds. Lot 2 is a 5750sqm block situated amongst trees and has a small pond nestled at the bottom of the property. To add to the charm a large storage shed is positioned on site. Clark Road Estate has been designed to help you escape the stress of city living and give you a tranquil place to call home. Protective and unrestrictive covenants are in place to ensure that your investment will remain secure. Please call or email for a full information pack.

Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

Open Home Neatly presented and the perfect package of location and quality, this 3-bedroom home on 954sqm is absolutely ideal. Buyers that are seeking easy living in a great setting will love this smart and tidy home. Settled within the heart of the home is a splendid openplan kitchen, dining and living area. The seamless outdoor flow to the large deck and alfresco dining area means that the options are abundant whatever the weather or occasion. This 152sqm home is naturally warm with double-glazing, insulation throughout and a heat pump. The double garage has internal access and laundry, plus additional parking just outside for the boat, trailer or camper. This superb home is expected to attract considerable interest with its popular location. rwraglan.co.nz/RAG23100 Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)


Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282 Sean Mills 027 526 4699


16 Simon Road Raglan

For Sale

Open Home For Sale Price By Negotiation View

Saturday 3:00pm - 3:45pm

Yana Pemberton 021 183 0479

8 Three Streams Road Raglan Idyllic rural living. Design, comfort and style are the outstanding features of this family lifestyle property. Offering 4 double bedrooms, the master has an ensuite opening onto a private spa and sauna area. Entertain from the highly spec’d kitchen which flows to the spacious family living and dining. You are drawn through the bi-fold doors to the outside lounge courtyard from which you will enjoy picturesque rural and estuary views. A spacious double garage offers internal access. The house is structured with potential for extra family living or Airbnb. One of the large double bedrooms is complete with a kitchenette, bi-folding doors and a private courtyard taking in the estuary and rural views. The house is situated on 5002sqm. rwraglan.co.nz/RAG23082 Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

Auction 3:00pm, Saturday 27 July On Site - Unless Sold Prior View

Saturday & Sunday 1:00pm - 1:45pm

Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282

RAGLAN Chronicle 9



RAGLAN 13 Main Road Raglan Classic Centrally located, only a few minutes stroll to the town centre - this property is the perfect opportunity for both first home buyers and investors. Lovely polished timber floors greet you in the living room, then flow into a well situated kitchen and dining area. The master bedroom has a special view, looking out towards Mt Karioi, two bedrooms and a family bathroom complete the picture. There is also a cute covered patio area at the front of the house. HRV, heatpump and fireplace complete this beauty.




$625,000 GST Inclusive VIEW 1.00-1.30pm, Sunday 7 July

Jono Hutson M 021 488 766 E jono.hutson@pggwrightson.co.nz pggwre.co.nz/HAM30476

RAGLAN 420 Phillips Road Ocean & Orchard This magnificent 225m², five bedroom, executive home, is set on 5.3ha, offering views overlooking the countryside, Aotea Harbour and Schnackenburg Beach. The house, built in 2010, offers all day sun and views from every room, while also providing year round comfort with double glazing, insulation and wet-back fireplace. With extensive plantings of various mature fruit/nut trees (600+) including, macadamia, feijoa, olives, avocados, apples, and citrus trees. The water is supplied through four water tanks, with over 135,000 litre capacity.




$1.249M GST Inclusive VIEW By Appointment Only

Jono Hutson M 021 488 766 E jono.hutson@pggwrightson.co.nz



RAGLAN 398 Ruapuke Road Family Lifestyle Haven This beautiful, four bedroom/two bathroom, 157sqm home is family lifestyle living at it’s best! Set on a generous 6.1 hectares, with several individual paddocks, there's plenty of space for the ponies, horses, beefies + more. A mature orchard, vege garden & chicken run compliment this stunning property. It's an entertainers dream with a well situated family pool, expansive decking and open plan living. Entertaining family and friends here is a breeze. A bonus is a selfcontained, one bedroom studio that could be utilised by visitors, extended family or Air BnB. Seeing is believing.

pggwre.co.nz/HAM29094 PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under REAA 2008

10 RAGLAN Chronicle




$870,000 VIEW

By Appointment Only

Jono Hutson M 021 488 766 E jono.hutson@pggwrightson.co.nz

RAGLAN 16 Cornwall Road Past, Present & Future This recently renovated bungalow is set on over 1.5ha, with stunning views overlooking Raglan. A lifestyle retreat, full of history and character, the house is move in ready and future potential is endless. The sunset views from this home are spectacular! It is rare to find large blocks of land so close to town, like this one. A large portion of this land is set away from the main house, via a second driveway. The views from the top of the section are outstanding, with expansive ocean and harbour vistas from the Bar to Okete. There is also a large implement shed, bore water and fruit trees.





VIEW 2.00-2.30pm, Sunday 7 July

Jono Hutson M 021 488 766 E jono.hutson@pggwrightson.co.nz

pggwre.co.nz/HAM30512 Helping grow the country



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www.pggwre.co.nz PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under the REAA 2008 PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under REAA 2008

Helping grow the country Helping grow the country

RAGLAN Chronicle 11

Karioi Project after school care program starting Term 3

7th grade rugby


hile you’re working, you want to know that your kids are having an awesome time and being cared for after school hours. Parents can now relax, with the start of a new After School Care program at Raglan Area School, starting in Term 3. The program, run by the Karioi Project team, is based on a free play philosophy – meaning kids get to do what they love – play as they like, for as long as they like, in an unstructured environment. Amber Jones, a trained teacher with 15 years’ experience in early childhood and outdoor based education is the program leader. She says that while there is no set program, there will be many opportunities for students

to explore the school grounds, unwind and be creative, participate in activities or use the time to get homework done or read a book. The program will run each day from 2.30 to 6 pm for students aged 5 – 14 years. Pick-ups will be available from the Te Uku and Te Mata School bus drop off at Raglan Area School at 3.30 pm too. Parents can pick up their kids anytime. Bookings can be made on a set or casual basis. The cost for each session is between $27 - $32 and includes a light snack. Parents can book online and register at https://www.karioiproject.co.nz/karioi-afterschool-program For more information, please contact Amber – karioi.education@arocha.org


aglan Junior Rugby Club are so proud of our 7th grade team, made up of a mix of players new to the game and those who have been playing for a couple of years, ranging in ages from 4 to 7 years old. Each child has brought their own strengths and skills which they are building on season by season. As with most kids sports we rely on our volunteers to make the team work whether it is setting up the field beforehand a game, teaching players how to rip or run towards an oncoming team (daunting at any age) or brining the water and oranges. With the hard work of our coaches Tom and Nick supported by numerous

parents trainings, our fun filled trainings are bringing our team on leaps and bounds in skills, enthusiasm and self belief. By learning to work together and support each other both on and off the field they are getting to be a great team. To a supporter on the sidelines there is nothing better that seeing the grin on a players face when they get that rip, pull off a pass or make a try that they struggled to do the week before. It is a joy to watch our kids discover new talents and develop their abilities, growing into the confident little rugby players they are becoming Lizzie Browne

6th grade rugby


ow where to start with this wonderful 6th grade team. They keep me on my toes that is for sure.

Afte r School Program

12 RAGLAN Chronicle

This magnificent 6th grade team is made up of 14 children, including 12 boys and 2 girls. There is a mixed bag of ages right from 3 years old all the way up to 6 year olds. For some of the team this is their first ever introduction to team sports and playing rugby. Others have watched siblings from the sidelines waiting for their turn to play. For a handful of the teams members this is there second year playing rippa. The 6th grade is the first grade in junior rugby. They play a type of rugby called rippa, there is no tackling in rippa only the use of a Velcro belt with two tags on it. To tackle in rippa the child must rip the tag. Our trainings are full of short drills, laughing and a few random stoppages to

look at planes or like wise. For most if not all of the children their favourite part of training and the game is the lolly at the end. I, Emma Snowden, have been fortunate enough to take 6th grade for Thursday trainings but would like to say thank you to Callum Bourke, Tawera Riki, Keith Marshall, James and Sarah Glenn for their help on Saturdays. It has been a real team effort from both the children and the parents. It has been an extremely successful season so far for our team with winning all of our games but one in the grading games which we only lost by one try. There is some very talented players who you can see will go far with their rugby. It is amazing to see how much every member of the 6th grade has improved already this season. Best of luck and enjoy the rest of the season. Emma Snowden

This week we feature the achievements of the Raglan Junior Rugby teams at the Hopu Hopu Tournament held over the weekend.

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Trying times to top of table for Raglan rugby team ol!

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Raglan Rugby 12th Grade team getting some rest and recuperation up the Mount.

aglan Rugby 12th grade team started the season with no coach, several players out with injuries and overseas, and now they are sitting at the top of the table for their division. The team now have coaches Piripi Meek, Matt Meek and Ryan Phillips-Morgan taking care of business, and the individual and team skills they are developing is paying dividends. “It’s really rewarding when they win a game and they are winning as a team,” Matt says. Despite the team being full of newbies, the men say many of them are showing flair on the field. “We struggled to get a team together for grading and we had a lot of new players,” Piripi says. “They are turning into some of our strongest players,” Ryan adds.

ird Original, The three are all former rugby playersBluThebick or Thinly 0-150g coaches and Ryan played for Raglan seniors last year.Cut Chips 14The

Piripi started his rugby life at Nawton and graduated to Fraser Tech before heading to Raglan seniors to play a few seasons. Matt and Ryan both came up the ranks at Raglan Rugby and they also played American football for Hamilton Hawks. Piripi’s son Harrisson is in the team but Matt and Ryan came on board in their words ‘to give back to Raglan Rugby’. “I have had coaches in the past who haven’t had kids in the team. We had the likes of Noel Barber who was a great coach and so knowledgeable,” Matt says. “For me, just watching the growth of their performance and knowing your coaching has paid off is awesome,” Ryan says. Piripi says it’s a great time to be coaching this team, many of whom have been together since kindy, as this will be the last time they

Cadbury ck Chocolate Blo 150-190g

from left, Matt Meek, Piripi Meek and Ryan Phillips-Morgan.

are all together before they head off to high sues Raglan. schools in Hamilton and Purex Toilet Tis hite Mega Long W or 99skills “It’s a good 6/time $ life 12 Packto teach them ea 0 5 $to be ready for the big wide world,” he says. pk The three coaches agree that the team has come along way and team bonding has played a big part in their development. uity h’n Froutside “Piripi makes sure they haveFres fun Yoghurt 1kg ek) of rugby,” Matt says. (Excludes Gre The team went to Mount Maunganui last weekend on the Raglan Shuttle bus to hit the pools and watch Matt’s brother Josef play a game for Tauranga Rugby and Sports Club. The three coaches work well together 99of with no-one pulling rank – Ryan takes $ care ea 9 has an eye on the whole team the$backs,9Matt pk and Piripi concentrates on the forwards.



Raglan Area School Under 15 team Speight’s Gold Medal Ale or Summit Ultra es 12 x 330ml Bottl



Wither Hills 750ml

Piripi reckons he’ll head into retirement at the end of this season having coached his boys in soccer and rugby for many years. He says he’s enjoyed co-coaching with the younger men as they have added to his coaching skills. “It’s been awesome coaching with these two, they are the new modern coaches. Rugby has changed so much and they know the new techniques.” Piripi, Matt and Ryan say they have had awesome management assistance from Nenya Chapman and they are grateful to The Rangitahi Project for sponsoring the team hoodies, Ryan’s business Pro Range Roofing and Piripi’s Raglan Shuttles for providing financial backing. Janine Jackson

What do you most enjoy about the season? Being on the field with all the boys, we are all brothers. Playing in front of our 00. et. Ph 825 83 whanau. There is always a laugh, something Bow Stre -18 16 n: gla Ra SuperValue 7 Days. funny always happens. en 7am�–�9pm, | Op z o.n erated visit SuperValue.c Owned & op What doclosyou like about team sports? For inspiration Raglan only. e 09/06/19. . Entries ls a c alue vices for details erV lo Sup at by Customer Ser See You get to know each other and build ly While stocks last app ’s ck-out. T&C * Enter at the che whakawhanaungatanga Is it all about winning? No. Its about working as a team, sportsmanship and poutama! If the team had a goal for the season what would it be? We want to make the finals of the Waikato Secondary School Rugby Competition. Coming out of the comp knowing we have done our best! Do you have some shout outs to those attitude that gets better and better and our who support the team? players keep improving. Our community is really supportive of What training is involved? RAS Rugby. Two trainings: Tuesday and ThursdayAll our whanau that support and our Focusing on fitness, technique and team sponsors. It uplifts our motivation knowing work. We work on improving from the we have the community behind us. A massive previous game and preparing for our next thank you to Ray White Raglan, Raglan game. Its lots of fun and we have a great turn Butchers, Raglan Lions and Southern Trust. out! ot Noi (Excludes Pin



$ 9kg9

(Excludes Fre


s Loose Seedles arins Satsuma Mand


Please drink responsibly

Raglan Area School U15 rugby team.


nterview with Tommy Ford KearnsWestrupp and Jay Anderson, co-captains of RAS U15 rugby team: What team are you currently captain of? Raglan U15 Who is your coach and manager? Coach Barlow is an awesome coach he always has something up his sleeve. He is

really motivating. He also does a lot in his own time for the boys. Matua Joe is our manager who makes sure everything is organised behind the scenes. How is the season going so far? Awesome we have had some good wins vs Morrisville, Putararu and a close loss vs Hamilton Boys. The team have a positive

RAGLAN Chronicle 13

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3:17:13 PM 3:17:13 PM

Contact Peter on 825-8486 Peter on 825-8486 orContact see him 8am-5pm at or see him 8am-5pm 2 Park Drive, Raglan at 2 Park Drive, Raglan E:raglanengineering@xtra.co.nz


Authorised Service Centre

Christie Carpentry Carpentry Christie hOUse BUiLDer anD renOVatOrs

hOUse BUiLDer anD renOVatOrs

paul && robyn robyn Christie Christie paul


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18 RAGLAN ChronicleDriveways/ Landscaping foundations 18 RAGLAN ChronicleConcrete Driveways/ Landscaping

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14 RAGLAN Chronicle

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Specialising in New Builds, Specialising and in New Builds, Maintenance Drainlaying. Maintenance and Drainlaying. Nick Heasman Nick 021 Heasman Phone: 058 2140 021 058 2140 Email:Phone: onpointraglan@gmail.com Email:onpointplumbing.co.nz onpointraglan@gmail.com onpointplumbing.co.nz


NATE’S RATESin ONNew ALL HOME Specialising Builds, NATE’S RATES ON HOME MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS, INCLUDING: Specialising in ALL New Builds, Maintenance and Drainlaying. Specialising in New Builds, MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS, INCLUDING: Aluminium windows, doors & hardware Maintenance and Drainlaying. Nick Heasman Maintenance and Drainlaying. Aluminium doors & hardware Glass •windows, Decks and alterations Nick021 Heasman 058 2140 GlassPhone: • Decks and alterations Nick Heasman 021 058 2140 Email: Phone: onpointraglan@gmail.com Phone: 021 058 2140 027 767 5379 Email: onpointraglan@gmail.com onpointplumbing.co.nz 767 5379 Email:027 onpointraglan@gmail.com onpointplumbing.co.nz nate@skilledmaintenance.co.nz onpointplumbing.co.nz nate@skilledmaintenance.co.nz www.skilledmaintenance.co.nz PROPERTY www.skilledmaintenance.co.nz


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Monday - –Friday 12.30pm& 5.00pm Saturday Sunday 12.30pm – 5.00pm 10.00am 5.00pm Saturday– & Sunday Saturday 10.00am&–Sunday 5.00pm 10.00am – 5.00pm No drop offs after 4.30pm please No drop offs after No drop offs after 4.30pm please 4.30pm please



The businesses and individuals The businesses and individuals advertising in the Raglan Chronicle advertising in the Raglan Chronicle are participating not only to are participating not only to promote their businesses, but promote their businesses, but to show their support for our to show their support for our community paper – so be sure community paper – so be sure to tell them you saw them in the to tell them you saw them in the Raglan Chronicle. Raglan Chronicle. Local businesses are the Local businesses are the foundation of our community foundation of our community and they make it possible for us to and they make it possible for us to bring the Raglan Chronicle to you. bring the Raglan Chronicle to you. The businesses and individuals The businesses individuals adverti sing in theand Raglan Chronicle adverti sing in the Raglan Chronicle are participating not only to are parti cipati ng not only to promote their businesses, but theirsupport businesses, but topromote show their for our to show their support for our community paper – so be sure paper – them so be in sure tocommunity tell them you saw the to tell them you saw them in the



10 JULY R A G L A N RAMBLERS 9am from James St near Wallis St - rat tunnel construction.

For Sale F I R E W O O D DRY - DELIVERED Pine $180 2m x 2m Phone 021 077 1524

a ta m i ra . c o. n z ALL WATCHES FIDDLER CAPS 40% OFF !! Nature Baby Restocked

In My Good Books Quality 2nd hand books Open Thurs - Sun from 10am 2 Wallis St Books wanted.

SUN 7 JULY CROP SWAP 9.30 - 10.30am at 19 James St, Raglan Bowling Club. Bring anything from kitchen or garden to swap, not direct swapping, super easy, everyone gets a bit of everything! All welcome.


Hammerheads W 5-1 , text Callum Ball Free pickup & dropoff to Moraysthis number:

L 0-2 Ryley Shaw 027-YOT-EEEE Great Whites L 0-4 Lola Paisnel 027 968 3333


e x h i b i t i o n by Armin Schmidt & Leonie Anholts at Raglan Old School Arts Centre, 5 Stewart Street. Featuring contemporary art & photography (analog+digital)

THUR 4 JULY SAT 6 JULY @ THE YOT CLUB: @ THE YOT CLUB: Earshot with Cian Racing (ex Checks) DJing from 9. Vinyl Sous and The only, hip hop funkN/A Manshees. Silver Barracudas N/A N/A Free pool.N/A Surfer. Musselssoul. L5-9 Callum SealionsFree entry, N/A N/Aoutside N/A Martin. Maximum fire, food fromN/A guitar grooves from Bull Sharks W 4-1 TutarasULO’s. W 9-5 & L 1-4 Emily Gaustad a Yotty favourite. Makos W 1-0 & L & 0-8 Ethan Stulen $20 presale. FRI 5 JULY Spratz L 1-9 & W 4-1 Theo Pease 8.30pm Squids @ THE YOT L 0-1 & LCLUB: 2-1 Vincent Rendele doors. Karioi Kahawai & W 3-1 ResidentW 5-2 DJs. FreeTrixie Kroon & Olive Duirs Seahorses N/A N/A entry, freeN/Apool. Stingrays L 4-3 & L 3-1 Dougal MacGregor


L 10-0

Olivia Gaustad


W 3-0

Ramone Regnier

Whale Tails

L 0-5

Caitlin Palmer


L 1-6


Thresher Shark

W 6-1


Maui Dolphins

D 1-1

Pru Teddy

Courses, classes & workshops

Orcas Seastars Tsunamis Makos

L 0-7 L 0-1 3-2 L 0-3 & LW 0-3

Ivy Brunskill Jade Camenzind Joshua Xavier Kite Johnson & Israel Wright

Brrrr, chill out PEGGY W 3-0 & W 3-1 LEE Baily Martin & Olly David with...THE P A LI1-2N& WT2-1I NNelson G Wright Karioi Kahawai Furniss RAGLAN LIGHT C L WA4-0 &SW 3-0 S EIris S Seahorses L 0-3 & W3-0 Aria Miller Come and have E X E R C I S E Stingrays L 5-1 Metua Herbert G R O U P fun W 3-2 learning Services OfferedHammerheads Whole Team S E S S I O N S to paint in my Morays W 4-1 Cruz Leuthart & Great Whitesstudio. L 0-7My current Ngaawai Monday Rice Edwards WAIKATO T h u r s d a y . are Coco allWilson Mermaids students D 1-1 DOMESTIC Snappers L 1-4 Ngaaru Wynyard 10am to 11am. beginners and WATER Whale Tails haveL 0-8progressed Lauren Hartstone St Peters Hall. DELIVERIESKinas L 2-5 Wai Ariki Tepania Everybody is well with my Thresher Shark L 1-5 No PoD most welcome to tuition. I am a Maui Dolphins W 4-1 Natalia Meek *Sponsored by RC qualifi ed teacher Orcas D 0-0 Micheala attend. Adams Seastars and D 0-0 practicing Milla Taggart & Mika Kereopa CLEAN DOMESTIC WATER Tsunamis artist.L 0-7Classes Kamron are McKinlay * * * * * * * • Household supply Monday afternoon S O M AT I C S , • Swimming pools and Wednesday NYE, evening. But I K U M • Spas M E D I T A T ION am open to other CALL US FOR ALL & BUDDHIST dates and times YOUR WATER NEEDS if you prefer. P H I L O S O P H Y. Ph: 027 355 8499 on Text / phone Classes Tuesdays and 022 370 6586. Thursdays. All welcome. www.dyanawells.com

Open daily during July Spratz from 10am to 2pm. Squids

Garage Sale 31 LILY ST, RAGLAN SATURDAY 6TH JULY AT 8AM. Household lot including: Fridge Freezer, large chest freezer, Washing machine, Microwave, outdoor tables, cane seating, cane coffee table, China cabinets, Tall china storage unit, Bedroom draws and dressing tables, Motor mowers, PotsPans- crockery- cake baking tins, preserving jars,collectables and much more.

* * * * * * *

Commercial to Let

Services Offered


FRUIT TREES NEED PRUNING? Pip, Stone, Citrus. 20 years experience. Call Dean 021 217 4491

4005 SH23, Raglan Ph: (07) 825 6560 Mob: 022 622 9005 raglanstorage@gmail.com

Contact Gary Kite

Situations Vacant

Situations Vacant

RAGLAN ROOFING LTD IS SEEKING A FULL TIME ROOFER. Must have a min 3 years relevant experience, full set of own tools, full drivers license and vehicle. For a job description please email: bradod@ outlook.co.nz or 0211351801. Closes July 7.

TEACHER’S AIDE - 30+ hours p/week. Must have 1 year minimum experience in a childcare centre setting, be available to work between 7am-6pm M-F and through the school holidays. We look forward to hearing from teacher’s aide’s who understand and are passionate about respectful practice and have a holistic teaching approach. NZ permanent residents only please. Applications close 19th July. Email cover letter and C.V to info@ karioikinderroom.co.nz

ASSISTANT COOK & FULL-TIME FISH CUTTER required at Raglan Fish on the wharf. Experience preferred. Phone Mark 0274935144

CLASSIFIEDS ADVERTISING IN THE RAGLAN CHRONICLE: Ads on this page are an affordable way to get something out to the community. Min. ads start from $8. Call us on: 825 7076 or email: classifieds@raglanchronicle.co.nz

Aerial circ


TeamRESULTS Score POD // 4 May 2019 Makos

Team Spratz Squids

L 0-3 & L 0-3

Xavier Kite & Israel Wright

L 1-2 & W 2-1

Nelson Wright

W 4-0 & W 3-0

Iris Furniss

Score W 3-0 & W 3-1POD/TOD Baily Martin & Olly David

6th Grade

30-20 win

7th Grade Seahorses

50-70 Grayson Francis, Jackson Munns L 0-3loss & W3-0 Aria Miller

Stingrays 8th Grade

L 5-1win 60-20

Noah Thompson, Blake Waitere

45-5 win

Monty Rowe, Tawera Gray-Lord

Karioi Kahawai


9th Grade


10th Grade Great Whites Mermaids

W 3-2 W 4-1

20-70 L 0-7loss D 1-1

William Glenn, Ollie Jackson, Ihimaera Puru

Metua Herbert

Whole Team

Cruz Leuthart

Corsyn Stafford, BlakeRice Pemberton, Louis Duirs Ngaawai Edwards

Coco Wilson

11th Grade

52-0 win

Cody Swan, Bobby Neels, Luca Parrot.

12th Grade Whale Tails

49-0 L 0-8loss

Maanaki, Alby, Maanaki.

Snappers Kinas

L 1-4

Ngaaru Wynyard

Lauren Hartstone

L 2-5

Wai Ariki Tepania

Thresher Shark JUNIOR L 1-5 SOCCER No PoD RAGLAN Maui Dolphins RESULTS //W44-1 May 2019 Natalia Meek Orcas

Team Seastars

Barracudas Tsunamis Mussels

D 0-0

Micheala Adams

LN/A 0-7N/A

N/A Kamron McKinlay

Score D 0-0

POD Milla Taggart & Mika Kereopa




W 9-5 & L 1-4

N/A RAGLAN JUNIOR RUGBY Bull Sharks W 4-1 N/A RESULTS // 29 June 2019

Emily Gaustad


W 1-0 & L & 0-8 Ethan Stulen Score POD/TOD/ROD/OppPOD

6th grade

60-40 win L 0-1 & L 2-1

Makos Spratz


Karioi Kahawai

L 1-9 & W 4-1

Theo Pease

Alastair Rushton, ROD Kaiwaka Riki, Vincent Rendele Opp POD Will Marshall

W 5-2 & W 3-1

Trixie Kroon & Olive Duirs



7th grade

70-60 loss

Harry Jackson, ROD Zoe Marshall

8th grade Stingrays

60-35 L 4-3win & L 3-1

William Walker, TOD Kylem Callaghan, Dougal MacGregor Opp POD Rome Holdaway



9th grade


W 5-1

11th grade Snappers

0-67 loss W 3-0

Whale Tails

L 0-4 loss

L 10-0

(Thur 27 June)

L 0-5

11th grade

29-0 win

Thresher Shark 12th grade



Maui Dolphins

Tawera Gray-Lord, TOD Ryley & Opp Shaw POD Max Murphy

L 0-2



Callum Ball

25-20 win

Great 10th Whites grade

W 6-1 D 1-1

Lola PaisnelTOD Caleb Walker, Hayden Sherlock, Opp POD Sherlock OliviaHayden Gaustad

LatrellRamone Tipene, Riley Hartgill, Regnier TOD Maz Connor, Opp POD Luca Parrott

Caitlin Palmer

L 1-6

Bobby Neels, Claralyce Locke, TOD Dusty N/A Opp POD Bobby Neels. Ferguson,


Pru Teddy

Orcas L 0-7 Ivy Brunskill Seastars L 0-1 Jade Camenzind RAGLAN JUNIOR NETBALL Tsunamis W 3-2 2019 Joshua Johnson RESULTS // 29 June




Karioi Dolphins

win 27-3

Jade Waitere

Karioi Tuis

win 14-3

Georgia Wilson

Karioi Orcas

loss 10-35

Karioi Mini Ferns

loss 17-3

Karioi Rangatahi

loss 64-4

Karioi Mini Stars

win 0-16

Karioi Maunga Wahine loss 11-38 Karioi Hine Moana

loss 37-18

Karioi Ferns

loss 13-48

All inPublic a Notices day's work WHAINGAROA ENVIRONMENT CENTRE SGM Thursday 11th July 2019, 5:30pm @ WEC, Town Hall, Bow Street

RUAPUKE MOTOR CAMP - Peace & tranquility - Surfing, fishing, bush walks - Cabins, powered sites, tent sites PH 07 825 6800



What’s your ideas for Raglan’s future? Sign up for monthly newsletter visit us on Facebook or email: raglannaturally@ gmail.com Gabrielle Parson 021 844 785

Top i





Gig Guide

What's On * * * * * * * * * * M O V I E S AT THE OLD SCHOOL IN JULY * * * * * * * * * * * GHOST (M) Fri 5 – 6.30 for 7.30 Clay Shed Fundraiser - koha * FIGHTING WITH MY FAMILY (M) Viol. Sex Refs. Off. Lang. Sat 6 – 6.00 * DAFFODILS (Doc), Sat 6 - 8.15 * THE CHILLS (M), Sun 7 - 4.30 Door sales 30 mins prior.

Sports Results

he circus came to tow Jair and Jessica decided to settle in Raglan their Freedom2Fly class them.

The couple are aerialists (a experts) - strap ends are wrapp hands and wrists to enable perfor holds, twists, rolls and manoeuvr to men’s rings in gymnastics – a classes are awesome for strengt flexibility, balance, wellbeing, co spatial awareness and left and function. “People don’t realise how mu they are using when they are ha Jessica says. Born in Colombia in the 1980 from the family friendly coastal l couple enjoy in Raglan, Jair disc Wanted love of acrobatics as a kid growin the Bogotá slums; street performa MALEwas & FEMALE circus a way out of that world


WeAn are currently looking column f occasional for a good looking male and female new faces for magazines, catalogues, I wasTVjust always around music. commercials, family TVloved so there was al shows,music billboards, posters, and film/TV lots playing weextras, would often go o and Music Videos. performances of one kind or another¬ This is an amazing singingopportunity developed as a part of just lo for anyone to give a go at music wanting - who can resist singing along? orinstruments wanting Do modelling you play as well? to develop their Yes -modelling badly! I've tried my hand at career. No Experience Needed. of instruments over the years but sin No Height Restrictions. has always the thing that has No Sizebeen Restriction. and that expressed who I am Ageshas frombest 18 accepted. musician. Please forward your application application Tell me about your opera experien to hybridagency@ That'sconsultant.com a big question... Opera is r

only one small part of the world of clas singing, although it's the thing that (RAGLAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE INC) people recognise as your job title. NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING people outside classical music, "o singer" means classical singer. For pe To be held on inside classical music, "opera singer" m Friday 26 July 2019 singing in theatrical productions of o at Rockit Kitchen, Green Room, 6:00pm (as well as opera gala concerts). In re All members welcome. his week the Chronicle had a quick classical singing careers can consist of chat to opera singer, Sarah Court. RSVP to info@ RESULT OF LAST opera, some NEXTconcert, GAME:some religious m raglanchamber.co.nz GAME: 29 June sometimes bei song repertoire, When did you first discover you had a some Saturday Saturday 22 June soloist Raglan Jaradites being in a ch and vs sometimes Meeting agenda voice? Raglan vs Kickoff: 2:45pm available, email info@ And more and more, clas I've always sung - I can't rememberMarist a or choir. Te Awamutu at Raglan Sports raglanchamber.co.nz are working time when I didn't. We have a photo of me singersGround Win 33-24 - Fieldas1 crossover artists singing Christmas carols with my Mum at genres like jazz or pop (commonly c "popera"). RAGLAN My own opera15 experien Chronicle the piano when I was about 3 or 4. What did you get involved in to develop really only a very small part of my li



Open Home





Open Home

19 Simon Road Kiwi Quarter Acre Dream This well cared for home is a rare find with its large, 1009m² section. It features open plan living flowing out to a good sized deck for outdoor relaxing and entertaining. The bedrooms are both doubles with wardrobes and the master has access to the deck also. The section has plenty of flat lawn for kids to play plus attractive established trees at the rear with a small stream providing a haven for bird life and plenty of scope for the keen gardener. Come along to an Open Home or call Chrissy to arrange a private viewing. For Sale Contact Email View

Open Home


$629,000 Chrissy Cox - 027 287 1804 ccox.raglan@ljh.co.nz Sunday 1 - 1:30pm ljhooker.co.nz/2BQHFG



61b Government Road A Position in Government Conveniently located, this north facing home is well presented. With three bedrooms & one bathroom the modern kitchen is fully equipped for functionality. An open plan style offers indoor/outdoor flow to the large deck featuring a stylish pergola. Low maintenance established grounds provide privacy. Cox’s Bay is just a stroll away for safe swimming via Daisy Street. With a single garage & carport this property sits on a fully fenced ½ share of 1214m². For Sale Contact Email View

Open Home






120 Maungatawhiri Road

Seriously Motivated $80,000 under G.V. For Sale $920,000 Contact Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 Email



Sunday 11 - 11:30am ljhooker.co.nz/ 29DHFG

$599,000 Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 sobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz Sunday 1 - 1:30pm ljhooker.co.nz/284HFG

On the market for the first time in 22 years, this property is located in one of the best locations Raglan has to offer, featuring stunning harbour, ocean and rural views from NOT ONE.... BUT TWO homes . The main dwelling is a charming chalet styled 2 bedroom 2 bathroom home with a large deck and the 2nd home is a 2 bedroom cottage with it’s own driveway access and privacy, currently returning rental income. The 2.8 acres lies to the north and there are no covenants and the bonus of a legal right to spring water on the title. There is SO MUCH potential!

Open Time


31b Government Road

30b Cambrae Road

Ideal First Home or Investment Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to enter the Raglan property market! This tidy 3 bedroom home will tick a lot of boxes, featuring a private courtyard, great under house storage and insulated to comply with the new regulations. The 524m² (approx) section is fully fenced, low maintenance with potential for further landscaping and includes good off street parking, even enough room for a boat. There’s a bus stop very close by and it’s walking distance to the wharf, harbour and town. We haven’t had properties at this level for a while and this is excellent buying! So don’t delay in contacting Stephen or Michelle to view.

Large Section with NO Covenants This large residential section of 1424m² with NO land or building covenants to restrict your plans is a MUST VIEW! The sheltered and near level valley site has a concrete driveway access with some established trees and could suit a variety of uses whether your plan is for a place to park your holiday caravan or perhaps build your first home or even a place to park that special tiny house project. Electricity, telephone and town water are conveniently installed at the boundary for easy connection. Located very close to the Lorenzen Bay just a 5 minute walk away for safe swimming & beachwalks.

For Sale Contact Email View

Deadline Contact Email View

$529,000 Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 sobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz Sunday 2 - 2:30pm ljhooker.co.nz/290HFG


Unit 2 12 Nau Mai Road

10.07.19 Unless sold prior Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 kleuthart.raglan@ljh.co.nz Sunday 1 - 1:30pm ljhooker.co.nz/2CXHFG

22 Te Tuhi Rd

Architecturally Designed Warehouse & Showroom • Architecturally designed live and work industrial property • Located on the outskirts of Raglan and only 30 minutes to Hamilton • 210m² (more or less) warehouse, 47m² (more or less) showroom/office • 50m², 1-bedroom apartment • 3 phase power, secure yard, drive through access and fibre internet • Explore the options of leasing the premises in its entirety, or for it to be split • Unit 1 also available – 242m² (more or less) warehouse, 39m² (more or less) showroom/ office

Te Tuhi Road Opportunity If you are a surfer you need to see this. It is the last section in Te Tuhi Road. Sunny, sheltered and elevated yet surrounded by native bush this large, 1529m2 section, has a formed driveway and flat building platform. The partially covered deck is in need of a tidy up but is a great outdoor space for camping or caravanning. Wake to the birdsong, head to the ocean for a surf and relax in your own piece of paradise while planning your dream home. Some covenants apply. N.B Boundary lines on photos are approximate and meant as a guide only.

Lease By Negotiation Contact Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Email sobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz ljhooker.co.nz/2ACHFG View

For Sale $399,000 Contact Chrissy Cox - 027 287 1804 Email ccox.raglan@ljh.co.nz ljhooker.co.nz/27BHFG View

Chrissy Cox

Kyle Leuthart

Michelle O’Byrne

Stephen O’Byrne

Robbie Regnier

Matt Sweetman

Natasha Metcalfe-Black

027 287 1804

021 903 309

021 969 878

021 969 848

021 952 271

021 624 826

027 555 9994

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Raglan Property Manager

*NB Boundary lines on photos are approximate & merely a guide. All information contained herein is gathered from sources we deem reliable. However we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely upon their own enquiries.

LJ Hooker Raglan (07) 825 7170 • 16 RAGLAN Chronicle

25-27 Bow Street , Raglan • George Boyes & Co Limited Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008

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