Raglan Chronicle

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Nga Ripo o Whaingaroa

EST. 1903

Whaingaroa news for you weekly

7th May 2020 - Issue #690

Online Watties Baked Beans shopping is and now live at: Spaghetti

https://raglan. 420g cans store.supervalue. 3 for $4 co.nz



Police report Level 3




Julie Hanna 027 441 8964

Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282

Yana Pemberton 021 183 0479

Sean Mills 027 562 4699

Are you wondering what someone is likely to pay for your property right now?

Raglan Couriers 3 times daily Raglan Couriers 3 times daily morning/midday/afternoon

The team at Ray White morning/midday/afternoon Raglan will happily give you a comprehensive Local Business Serving Raglan District Since 1996 Local Business Serving Raglan District Since 1996 and calculated idea. Give us a call. Dave Hanna 0276 146 722

Melanie Carroll 021 760 468

Ray White Raglan I 21 Bow Street I Raglan I 07 825 8669 I rwraglan.co.nz

Be strong Raglan, take care and remain healthy. Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

Phone 027 221 5395



* Fzreonz Fe o n oFdoso d s * G r*eGarte a t Va lVa u el u* eF r o O r gOarngi ac ns i c s * N a*tNuartaulr Saul nSsucnr sece rne e n * 5 0 *B5 u0 lBku Bl ikn Bs i n s * L o *cLaolc baal l bmasl m s a gr dOerrds e r sSupport Supportour ourlocal localeateries! eateries! * Ve *gVe e Bg ae gB O Hoursand andspecials specialsbelow. below. Hours


dining guide A A (26/Dec) (26/Dec)


t WOK, we tolikemake to make growing throughout t WOK, we like growing seasonseason throughout most most you at feel home. at home. you feel WOK WOK NZ. Then followed onetheof the of NZ.of Then followed one of (Whaingaroa Organic (Whaingaroa Organic Kai) Kai) est winters since records wettestwett winters since records began.began. RAGLAN FOOD & DRINK 10 ago years in a single startedstarted 10 years in ago a single garagegarage got deep mud as mudin as ITractors NAgot RLbogged AA GNLbogged Adeep N in ITractors N R G the outskirts of Raglan Township. on theon outskirts of Raglan Township. struggled the deluge. plants plants struggled in the in deluge. Potato,Potato, THE Hawaiian Poke bowls, Hawaiian Poke bowls, Aroha Sushi and broccoli increased kumarakumara and broccoli prices prices increased Now a successful family NowRaglan we’re we’re a successful * G r e a+tfamily Va l u* eF rwas * Fzr ntooFpersistent * G r e a t Va land u estorage o eontozdue Fe o doso d s Raglan’s original sushi shop since 2003 sashimi sets, sets sashimi sets, nigiri sets poor and storage was poor due persistent business this beauti ful + seaside business in thisin nigiri beauti ful seaside Closed sO N E S T LThis * N a t u r a l O rtogOarngi acS EnsR V iI N c * N a t u r a l S u nSonwide sucnr sece rne e n This space could be yours. Open 6 Days. Wednesdays space could be yours. G H O C A L A N D G O O D F O O D This reflected nati This refl ected in natiin onwide town. wide range of humidity. town. We’ve We’ve got a got widea range of humidity. more! more! Closed oupB eik nn 7B dn a ysthe s a Chronicle w e e k* L o *cfor * 5 0 B l i L o c a l b a l ms * 5 0 B u l k s a l b a l m s Email more details. TurkishKebabs Kebabson onPlates Plates & Pitas Email the Chronicle for more details. food prices. food prices. Turkish & Pitas organic, and que bouti que foods organic, naturalnatural and bouti foods N


Open 7 Days 8am - 4pm

NEW DINNER NEW DINNER our MENU FROM MENU FROM 10:30toto9pm 9pm| |29 29 Bow -07 07825 825 0202 sushi, onigiri etc. 10:30 Bow StSt -onigiri 0202 sushi, etc. organic fresh produce, organic fresh produce, meat meat and and community resilient by community more more resilient by chicken, dried breakfast chicken, dried fruits/nuts, supporti ngfood localnetworks food networks supporti ng local like thelike the Japanese fusion |breakfast Eat in Japanese fusion |fruits/nuts, Eat inDAY BOXING DAY BOXING and s. Bank foods, foods, dairy, dairy, frozenfrozen berriesberries and gift s. gift Seed and BankCommunity and Community Gardens. Seed Gardens. Street 07s e825 Lunch menu: O 19 menu: food, PH:Lunch 07 825 Ve a gcerti r r s002 7 *Hot Ve *gHot e Bgsource aefood, gBBow O r dO efiinfo@raglanchronicle.co.nz rd plusbeverages beverages more info@raglanchronicle.co.nz and groceries. We ed plus &&7440 more and groceries. We source certified in making We We believebelieve in making our

AA DINNER NEW DINNER or takeaway orNEW takeaway (26/Dec) (26/Dec) Open 9am 7pm Open 9am 7pm Open 9am - 7pm NEW DINNER NEW DINNER Hawaiian Poke bowls, 12pm-7.30pm. Hawaiian Poke bowls, Wed -07 GroupBookings Bookings Closed Phone: 07 825 7440 Wed Sunday Group Phone: 825 7440 Wed -Sunday Sunday MENU FROM MENU FROM sashimi sashimi sets,sets, nigirinigiri setssets + + Inside/OutsideSeating Seating Closed Mon-Tues Inside/Outside Closed Mon-Tues Closed Mon-Tues MENU FROM MENU FROM more! more! BOXING DAY BOXING DAY Lunch menu: food, Lunch menu: HotHot food, NEW DINNER NEW DINNER BOXING DAY BOXING DAY (26/Dec) sushi, onigiri etc. (26/Dec) sushi, onigiri etc. Give them a call to place an order: Real Fruit Ice Cream Real Fruit Ice Cream Japanese fusion | Eat in Japanese fusion | Eat in (26/Dec) (26/Dec) Hawaiian bowls, Burritos Wraps Hawaiian Poke bowls, Burritos - -Poke Wraps MENU FROM MENU FROM 07-8257544 NEW DINNER NEW DINNER or takeaway takeaway Soup -or Salad Hawaiian Poke bowls, Hawaiian Poke bowls, Soup -nigiri Salad sashimi sets, nigiri sashimi sets, setssets + + Collect at their window with Volcom Lane Volcom Lane Closed NEW DINNER NEW DINNER & Chilli Open 7 days from 11:30 & Chilli Phone: 07 7440 Phone: 07 825825 7440 BOXING sets, nigiri sets + FROM Open 7 dayssashimi fromsashimi 11:30more! BOXING DAY sets, nigiri sets +DAY more! contactless payment. MENU MENU FROM 43 Rose St (07)825 8258761 8761 (07)

Phoneorders orderswelcome! welcome! Phone Phone orders welcome! *Fish& &Chips* Chips* *Fish *Fish & Chips* *Burgers* *Burgers* *Burgers* *Weekly Specials* *Weekly Specials* *Weekly Specials* Thestore storewith witha alotlotmore! more! The The store with a lot more

t WOK, we tolikemake to make growing throughout t WOK, we like growing seasonseason throughout most most you at feel home. at home. you feel WOK WOK NZ. Then followed onetheof the of NZ.of Then followed one of (Whaingaroa Organic (Whaingaroa Organic Kai) Kai) est winters since records wettestwett winters since records began.began. started years ago in a single garage started 10names years ago a single garage Tractors got bogged deep mud as Tractors got fresh bogged deep in mudin as find familiar likein Raglan You’ll You’ll find familiar names like10Raglan This year we’ve had fresh produce This year we’ve had produce Open from Fish n’ Chips Fish n’ Chips on the outskirts of Pops Raglan Township. on theDr. outskirts of Raglan Township. struggled the deluge. plants plants struggled in the in deluge. Potato,Potato, Coconut Yogurt, Feelgood Ice

Coconut Yogurt, Dr. Feelgood Ice Pops from around from around 25backyard local backyard growers 25 local growers and broccoli kumarakumara and broccoli prices prices Now we’re a Visit successful family Now we’reChicken. a Visit successful family and Bostocks Organic in our popular fruit and vegetable bags.increased and Bostocks Organic Chicken. in our popular fruit and vegetable bags.increased and storage wasdue poor to persistent and storage was poor todue persistent business inbest thisprices beauti ful seaside business in the beauti ful seaside ourbulk 50+bins bulk bins for $180K has to gone to suppliers local suppliers in our 50+ for the bestthisprices $180K has gone local in This reflected nationwide humidity. This refl ected in natiin onwide a- 07 wide range of humidity. town. town. We’ve We’ve got a got wide of 92Wallis Wallis St -range 07825 825 7544 92 St 7544 for around! miles around! Weknown are known for lastthe last twoprices. years. Circular economy in for miles We are for the two years. Circular economy in food prices. food organic, and que boutifoods que foods organic, naturalnatural and bouti carefully procuring our products for on.are We arecplasti bagatfree at our carefully procuring on.acti We plasti bag cfree our andproducts groceries. We acti source certi fied andour groceries. We for source certi fied in making We We believebelieve in making our our high quality andethics. good ethics. Those on meat checkout and encourage you useby by high quality and good Those onproduce, checkout encourage you toDinner usetoresilient Open for Dinner organic fresh and organic fresh produce, meat and and community more Open for community more resilient Fri & Satbins. our pre-loved bags at our bulk a limited diet willachicken, fiwide nd a array wide array of our pre-loved bagssupporti at our bulk a limited diet will find of dried fruits/nuts, breakfast chicken, dried fruits/nuts, breakfast ng local food networks supporti ng local food networks like thelike the Fri &bins. Sat from 5:30pm and gift s. pop dairy, dairy, frozenfrozen berriesberries and gift s. options. foods, foods, Seed Bank and Community options. Seed Bank and Community from 5:30pm You can in to order a vegeGardens. bag,Gardens. You can pop in to order a vege bag, find familiar like Raglan You’ll You’ll find familiar namesnames like Raglan This we’ve year we’ve had fresh produce This year had fresh produce 248 Wainui Rd| |07 07or 825 8233 us07-282-1590. on 07-282-1590. All has this itshaschallenges. its challenges. Last or call uscall on www. www. All this Last 248 Wainui Rd 825 8233 Breakfast/Lunch 7Days Daysgrowers Coconut Dr. Feelgood Ice Pops Coconut Yogurt,Yogurt, Dr. Feelgood Ice Pops from around 25backyard local backyard from around 25 local growers Breakfast/Lunch 7 Open Morn Noon Nite Open 7 Days a Week From 9am Open 7 Days a Week From 9am facebook.com/wokraglan summer was anotgood a good facebook.com/wokraglan year’s year’s summer was not


As we head in to our second week of Level 3, make sure to support our local businesses! Photos thanks to Geraldine Burns www.g-design.co.nz @g.design_photo Whether you want a quick and easy breakfast or a long and languid dinner The Wharf Kitchen and Bar know a thing or three how to get your experience just right.

Residents urged to lock cars at night after spate of thefts We pride ourselves on preparing your food from scratch and do noy rely on cabinets for appeal. Our menu is more than just filling up plates. Food is authentic and a great setting to meet people and gather.


aglan police have appealed toand lunch It options is unknown this stage if the The very popular all day breakfast or theat Seafood Platter residents to be more vigilant incidents related. by gender are enjoyed alongside the panoramic view.two Food does not are discriminate offender, a ingredients Raglan resident, about home andyou vehicle security. or their age but where can leave experiencingThe indigenous fresh for Whether you want a quick and easy breakfast or aappear long andinlanguid dinner The District was to the Hamilton everyone.... anytime.

The Wharf plea Kitchen comesand after an incident Bar know a thing or three how tothis get your experience right. Court week on six just charges. KopuaCamp CampStore, Store,Marine MarineParade, Parade,Raglan Raglan TeTeKopua • Breakfast /Lunch menu all day • Dinner from 5pm around 3.45WeWednesday morning when pride ourselves on preparing your food from scratch noy rely on Police say and thedovehicles in the two Licensed premises • Seafood specialties a male•was seen to steal cabinets for attempting appeal. Our menu is moreathanincidents just filling up plates. Food is authentic had both been left unlocked, Openand Morning, Noon to and Night. Treat call 07left 825inside 0010.the vehicles. a great setting meet people andyourself gather. vehicle from Sunshine Rise, Raglan. with and the keys The veryby popular all day breakfast options on or the Seafood Earlier, March 6, Platter a local male He was thwarted the vehicle owner and lunch enjoyed alongside the FoodAt does discriminate by gender was arrested for- 93stealing property HOURS 10am tilla 11pm 7 days thenotWharf Wallis Street who OPENING hadarebeen awakened bypanoramic noiseview. age but\where you can0010 fresh ingredients fromindigenous at least seven vehiclesforparked in and Bostocks Organic Chicken. in our popular fruit and vegetable and Bostocks Organic Chicken. Visit Visit in our popular fruit and vegetable bags. bags. and sawor Raglan p 07light 825 \ w www.thewharfkitchenbar.co.nz the outside onleave in experiencing the 7 days ph 825 0010 our 50+bins bulkfor bins theprices best prices everyone.... anytime. has to gone to suppliers local suppliers in 50+ bulk thefor best $180K$180K has gone local in more! driveways at night. Each and every Lunch menu: Hot food, Lunch menu: Hotour food, 0010 07 825more! (26/Dec) (26/Dec) for around! miles around! Weknown are known for lastthe last two years. Circular economy in driveway. The male offender fled on for miles We are for the two years. Circular economy in THE • Breakfast /Lunch menu all day • Dinner from 5pm vehicle had been left unlocked. Open 7 Days THE Lunch menu: Hot food, Open Days Lunch menu: Hot food, sushi, onigiri etc. sushi, onigiri etc. carefully procuring our products for on.acti We are7 cfree bagatfree carefully procuring our products for acti Weon.are plasti cplasti bag our at our foot. Hawaiian Poke bowls, Hawaiian Poke bowls, • Licensed premises • Seafood specialties From 9:30AM Mon-Fri Police say there is still a substantial From Mon-Fri high quality andethics. ethics. on checkout and encourage high quality and good Those Those on checkout and 9:30AM encourage you toyou useto use (26/Dec) Open 7(26/Dec) Days sushi, onigiri etc. sushi, onigiri etc. A couple of hours later, a vehicle Open 7nigiri Days Japanese fusion |sets Eat inwillgood Japanese fusion | Eat in sashimi sets, nigiri + Open Morning, Noon and Night. Treat yourself and call 07 property 825 0010. at the Raglan sashimi sets, + and 9AM Sat and Sun our pre-loved bags at ourbins. bulk bins. a limited diet nd a array wide of arrayour of pre-loved bags at ourand bulk a sets limited diet will find a fiwide amount of and 9AM Sat Sun S E R V I N G H O N E S T , L O C A L A N D G O O D F O O D Support eateries! (26/Dec) S E R V I N G H O N E S T , L O C Aour L A N D G O O D local FOOD (26/Dec) Hawaiian Poke bowls, Hawaiian Poke bowls, Waterfrontdining dining stolen from Main Road, Raglan, op e ns es v ev e ndJapanese d ay aww ek e kor takeaway opti ons. fusion | Eat in opti ons. Waterfront fusion | Eat in 8am 4pm op en en ay s saJapanese ee or takeaway St You can RoseSt 43Rose Youpop caninpop in to order vege bag, to order a vegea bag, 8am - 4pm Police Station that was seized off this more! 43 indoor andoutdoor outdoorseating seating N N 1 9 advertising Hawaiian Poke bowls, Hawaiian Poke bowls, sashimi nigiri sets + sashimi sets, nigiri sets +825 For email 02 72 7 enquiries t 07 8 28 52 5more! 0 00 takeaway us07-282-1590. on 07-282-1590. O 1 O9 B oB wo w S tSrtereete07 Allinfo@raglanchronicle.co.nz this has its challenges. by police in 10am Huntly. The 7 days or callorindoor uscallonand www. www. was chased 0010 07 All sets, this has its challenges. Last Last 0010 825 07 offender. Please the station if OPENING HOURS till 11pm At the Wharf - 93contact Wallis Street or or takeaway Lunch menu: Hot food, Lunch menu: Hot825 food, Phone: 07 7440 Phone: 07 825 7440 facebook.com/wokraglan year’s summer was a good facebook.com/wokraglan sashimi sets, nigiri sets + anotgood year’s summer was sashimi sets, nigiri sets + not more! more! offender dumped ran Raglan \and p 07 825from 0010 the \ w www.thewharfkitchenbar.co.nz you believe some of your property may We are now We are now sushi, onigiri etc. Phone: 07 825 7440 sushi, onigiri etc. Phone: 07 825 7440 more! more! Lunch menu: food, Lunch menu: HotHot food, (26/Dec) vehicle but was located nearby and have been stolen out of your vehicle (26/Dec) offering offering both both Lunch menu: Hot food, Lunch menu: Hot food, sushi, sushi, onigiri Japanese fusion |etc. Eat inbowls, Japanese fusion | onigiri Eat inetc. white AND white AND about this time. Hawaiian Poke arrested. Hawaiian Poke bowls,


MENU FROM MENU FROM sushi, onigiri etc. sushi, onigiri etc. Japanese fusion |sets Eat Japanese fusion |sets Eat in +in or takeaway sashimi sets, nigiri or takeaway sashimi sets, nigiri + Useful Numbers BOXING DAY Japanese fusion | Eat in BOXING DAY Japanese fusion | Eat in or takeaway or takeaway more! more! Phone: 07 825 7440 Phone: 07 825 7440 orLunch takeaway or takeaway (26/Dec) Lunch menu: food, menu: HotHot food,

(26/Dec) Phone: 825 7440 Phone: 07 07 825 7440 Raglan Medical NEW DINNER NEW DINNER sushi, onigiri etc. Phone: 07 825 7440 Hawaiian Poke bowls, sushi, onigiri etc. Phone: 07 825 7440 Hawaiian Poke bowls, Raglan Pharmacy

brownbrown rice forrice for all on items on all items hot food the hotthe food menu!menu!

07 825 0114 We are now We are now 07 825 8164 offeringoffering both both Japanese fusion | Eat in Japanese fusion | Eat in sashimi sets, nigiri sets + white sashimi sets, nigiri sets + white AND AND MENU FROM MENU FROM Raglan Community House 07 825 8500 brownbrown SUNDAY SERVICES rice forrice for or takeaway or takeaway more! more! all on items on all items 10am Raglannow Area School Services online: BOXING DAY BOXING DAY Raglan SuperValue 07 825 8300 the hotthefood hot food Lunch menu: Hot food, Lunch menu: Hot food, Phone: 07 825 7440 Phone: 07 825 7440 www.surfside.co.nz menu!menu! 7pm Te Uku (26/Dec) Church (26/Dec) Raglan FourSquare 07 825 0467 sushi, onigiri sushi, onigiri etc.etc. Hawaiian Poke bowls,Line Hawaiian Poke bowls, Coronavirus 0800 2585 453 Japanese fusion | in Eat in Japanese fusion |sets, Eat Pastor Roger Peart sashimi sets, sashimi nigirinigiri sets sets + + 0800 611 116 orphtakeaway or takeaway 07 825 5199 more! Healthline more! Anxiety NZ 0800 269 4389 Lunch menu: Hot food, menu: Hot food, Phone: 07 825 7440 Phone: 07Lunch 825 7440 We are now We are now www.surfside.co.nz sushi, onigiri etc. sushi, onigiri etc. offering offering both both Family Violence Helpline 0800 456 450 We are now We are now white AND white AND Japanese fusion | in Eat in Japanese fusion | Eat offering both offering bothbrown Depression Helpline 0800 111 757 brown rice forrice for or takeaway white AND or takeaway white AND all on items on all items Need to talk?Free txt/call 1737 rice for brownbrown rice hot food the for hotthe food Phone: 07 825 7440 Phone: 07 825 7440 all on items We on We are now all items are now menu! menu! Women’s Refuge Crisis 0800 733 843 offering both both the hot food the hot food We areoffering now We are now We are AND now AND We are now white white menu! menu! offering both offering bothbrown Alcohol Drug Helpline 0800 787 797 offering both offering both brown rice forrice for white AND white white AND all on items on AND all items white AND brown rice for brown rice for Lifeline 0800 543 354 the hot the for hot food brown rice for food brown rice all on items on all items menu! menu!on all items all on the hot food theitems hot food Government Helpline 0800 779 997 We are now We are now the hot food the hot food menu! menu! offering offering both both menu! Rural Support 0800 787menu! 254 white AND white AND brownbrown rice forrice for Temporarily held at Church Hall Asian Family Services 0800 862 342 all on items on all items 44 Bow St, from 9.30am hot food the hotthe food LGBTQAI+ Support 0800 688 5463 menu!menu! Work and Income NZ 0800 009 are now We 559 areWe now offering both offering both Contact: Administrator Hazel ph 0221065990 Te Waka Business Support 07 857 0538 white AND white AND We cater for group group bookings, livemusic, music, inside We can for cater for group booking’s, live music, inside &outside outside seating. Wecan can cater booking’s, live inside & and outside brown brown rice forrice for Drystock Farmers 0800 233 352 are now We areWe now Individual fishmeals meals with side salad. allon items on all items seating and individual fish meals with side salad’s. seating and individual fish with side salad’s. offering offering both both hot food the hotthe food Dairy Farmers 0800 4324 7969 white AND white AND Raglan Fish 92 Wallis St, Raglan Raglan Fish 92 Wallis St, Raglan menu! We can cater for group group bookings, livemusic, music, inside menu!brown We canFish cater for 92 group booking’s, live music, inside &outside outside seating. brown We can cater for booking’s, live inside & and outside Raglan Fish 92 Wallis St, Raglan rice forrice for Raglan Wallis St, Raglan

Individual fish meals with salad. seating and individual fish meals with side salad’s. 92 Wallis Street Raglan \ side p 07 825 7544 seating and individual fish meals with side salad’s. INFO.RAGLANSEAFOODS@GMAIL.COM tel (+64 7) 7544 825 7544 info@raglanfish.co.nz INFO.RAGLANSEAFOODS@GMAIL.COM telRaglan (+64 7) 825 info@raglanfish.co.nz Fish 92 Wallis St, Raglan Fish 92 Wallis St, Raglan tel (+64 7) 825 7544 info@raglanfish.co.nz telRaglan (+64 7) 825 7544 info@raglanfish.co.nz e Raglan info.raglanseafoods@gmail.com \ f @raglanfishshop Raglan Fish 92 Wallis St, Raglan Fish 92 Wallis St, Raglan facebook.com/raglanfishshop facebook.com/raglanfishshop 92 Wallis Street Raglan \ p 07 825 7544 facebook.com/raglanfishshop INFO.RAGLANSEAFOODS@GMAIL.COM tel (+64 7) 7544 825 7544 info@raglanfish.co.nz INFO.RAGLANSEAFOODS@GMAIL.COM tel facebook.com/raglanfishshop (+64 7) 825 info@raglanfish.co.nz tel (+64 7) 7544 825 7544 info@raglanfish.co.nz tel (+64 7) 825 info@raglanfish.co.nz e info.raglanseafoods@gmail.com \ f @raglanfishshop

allon items on all items hot food the hotthe food menu! menu!

SUPPORT OUR SUPPORTERS | Raglan Summer Holiday 16 | 16 Raglan Summer Holiday GuideGuide

facebook.com/raglanfishshop facebook.com/raglanfishshop facebook.com/raglanfishshop facebook.com/raglanfishshop

| Raglan Summer Holiday 16 | 16 Raglan Summer Holiday GuideGuide

The businesses and individuals advertising in the Raglan Chronicle are participating not only to promote their businesses, but to show their support for our community paper – so be sure to tell them you saw them in the Raglan Chronicle. Local businesses are the foundation of our community - and they make it possible for us to bring the Raglan Chronicle to you.

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Advertising & Articles The advertising and editorial content deadline will be Monday at 12pm week of issue.







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DISCLAIMER Opinions and views expressed in the Raglan Chronicle do not necessarily represent those held by the Editors or Publishers. Every care will be taken in the preparation and placement of submitted material but the Editors/Publishers shall not be liable for errors or omissions or subsequent effects due to the same. It is the submitters responsibility to ensure material is not libelous or defamatory. The Editors/Publishers reserve the right to abridge, alter or decline any material submitted to the Raglan Chronicle to meet the constraints of space and/or maintain a reasonable standard of language and decorum.

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Raglan Ink Ltd home of the Raglan Chronicle

Office Closed, Wainui Rd, Raglan Ph: 021 085 16079 Post: P.O. Box 234, Raglan Email: info@raglanchronicle.co.nz

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2 RAGLAN Chronicle


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Beaches busy but police happy that ‘majority’ playing the game

Senior Constable Stevenson reminds everyone to think of the continuing restrictions as a team effort.


ocal beaches were noticeably busy last week after the country’s Covid-19 restrictions were relaxed slightly but the majority of beachgoers are still “doing what’s required”, say Raglan Police. Ninety parked cars were observed at Manu Bay – with an equivalent number of surfers in the water – on the Wednesday afternoon following Tuesday’s shift back to alert level 3. However Senior Constable Raewyn Stevenson told the Chronicle that the people police spoke to coming and going from the surf were all locals observing the two-metre social distancing rule.

“Those in the water were also keeping apart,” she said. But she also issued a reminder that everyone should think of the continuing restrictions as a team effort. “We’ve all got to comply … let’s do it and get out of alert level 3 quicker.” The combination of good surf and weather on Saturday also saw swarms of people out surfing or fishing from the shore, both in Raglan and further south at Ruapuke where police described the beach and car-parks as “jam-packed”. No arrests were made. Senior Constable Stevenson said that at both alert levels 3 and 4, police checkpoints at Whatawhata had been helpful in monitoring people’s movements. However

“relatively few” vehicles had been forced to turn back – for instance only three out of 52 cars stopped at one point during level 4 lockdown. And while level 3 meant there were now more cars on the road, this was in line with the relaxed regulations, she added. “People can exercise at parks or beaches within their region but the closer to home the better. Activities must be safe – keep two metres away from anyone not in your bubble. And make minimal trips.” Senior Constable Stevenson said a graduated response was used in Covid-19 policing, which relies on powers invoked by the Government under health and civil defence emergency management legislation. However, the essential role of the police had not changed whatever the alert level. They worked with the public through a four-step process: engage, educate, encourage and “if absolutely necessary” enforcements such as warnings or arrests. Encouragingly, there had been no arrests in the Raglan area to date, although there have been verbal and written warnings issued. Outside of the strictly Covid-19 policing in Raglan, however, there had been a slight increase in domestic abuse. The Senior Constable said these were “mostly verbal disagreements involving families we normally wouldn’t deal with for such things,” and attributed the rise in cases to cabin fever brought on by being cooped up together for so long. Meantime Senior Constable Stevenson praised the efforts of local businesses that have either stayed open throughout or re-opened recently – maintaining safe, contactless sales. “We’ve all got to stick this out,” she reinforced. “Keep the ball up, don’t let it drop.” Edith Symes

Stay home. Save Lives. COVID-19 information:

www.covid19.govt.nz or 0800 358 5453

Barbara Kuriger MP for Taranaki-King Country My team is still available: Inglewood Office 06 756 6032 Kuriger.Inglewood parliament.govt.nz

Te Awamutu Office 07 870 1005 Kuriger.Teawamutu parliament.govt.nz

barbarakurigermp barbarakuriger.co.nz

Funded by the Parliamentary Service. Authorised by Barbara Kuriger MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington.

Also at H.G Webb House, Cnr Boundary & Victoria Streets, Hamilton

A new way of operating at Raglan Bakery which re-opened on Monday with contactless pickup and delivery.

RAGLAN Chronicle 3

Celebratory meal a near death experience

A picture of the poisonous deathcap mushroom.


celebratory meal turned into a medical emergency for public health doctor and medical sexual assault doctor Anna Whitehead. This is a cautionary tale; one she hopes will warn people off collecting and cooking wild mushrooms. Taking a Good Friday walk along to the wharf from Cox’s Bay, Anna spied a couple of mushrooms under an ancient oak tree near the rebuilt boardwalk, which she picked and put in her jacket pocket. It wasn’t until the next day that she found the mushrooms, washed them, and left them to dry. She noticed they had turned inky black and thought to identify them on Google, but got busy working in her public health role, working to minimise the impact of COVID-19 issues on Māori and Pacific Island people. A few days later she settled in to watch the Ashely Bloomfield and Jacinda Ardern daily update with a meal of fresh fish, rice and the mushrooms to celebrate New Zealand’s COVID-19 successes to date. “They (the mushrooms) tasted nice, and I thought that this maybe was the taste of ‘real’ mushroom, rather than commercially grown ones.”

Anna Whitehead spent time at Waiklato Hospital after ingesting the poisonous mushroom.

She continued with the rest of her work that day and felt completely fine. It was a different story 14-hours later when she woke at 3am vomiting bile and expelling watery diarrhea, which continued every half hour until 8am when she decided she needed to do some mushroom research. “I staggered upstairs, kneeled on the floor and Googled ‘poisonous mushrooms NZ’ and immediately a picture of deathcap mushroom flashed up. I recognised it instantly as the type of mushroom I had picked and eaten. It came with a description of how even eating a single mushroom can be fatal, with liver transplant as the only treatment.” She proceeded to message her partner in France alerting him to her predicament before ringing an ambulance. “After doing all my checks the lovely paramedic asked what kind of mushroom I’d eaten, as she had been told I’d eaten a ‘magic mushroom’. I reassured her that I believed I’d eaten a deathcap mushroom – and was unfortunately not hallucinating.” Anna was taken to Raglan Medical and given medication to stop the vomiting and diarrhea, and the National Poison Centre was contacted.

After a day on a drip to keep her hydrated, the vomiting and diarrhea had ceased, and a test on her liver came back at nearly normal levels. Anna was sent home. This is known as the honeymoon period, when there are few effects but the poison is attacking the liver. A few hours later she had a recurrence of profuse diarrhea and vomiting. “I Googled again, to find what medical science could now offer in terms of treatments. I talked with my mum in Australia, who sent a text to my brother, a doctor who is trained as a Rural GP anaesthetist in Cairns. He contacted me to find out more of the story and immediately researched Amanita Phalloides poisoning. He also discussed with his wife, a GP, and a friend, a Gastroenterologist, who were all very concerned about the high risk of fatality or need for liver transplant, and advised for me to re-attend hospital as soon as possible.” She vomited again, and a third of the kitchen sink was full of green, transparent fluid. “I realised I needed to go to Waikato Hospital. I had not been keen to go there as I knew there were COVID-19 cases in Hamilton, but it is important to be in an appropriate setting to get the correct medical care.”

At the hospital the National Poison Center was contacted once again. They advised to start IV fluids, give oral activated charcoal and an IV treatment to protect the liver, which is also used for paracetamol overdose. “This time the blood test came back showing signs of dehydration and liver damage,” she says. Some of the toxin travels to the kidneys, which gets removed with the urine. If the kidneys are severely stressed by the massive fluid loss, they can become poisoned by the toxin. It was then 34-hours after ingestion. Anna managed to keep down some of the black charcoal liquid and was transferred to a hospital ward. The treatment continued for the next day. Discussion was being held with the Liver Transplant Unit in Auckland and by that evening she was transferred to the High Dependency Unit. With ongoing severe fluid loss, Anna was put on a cardiac monitor, oxygen saturation, respiration monitor and IV fluids. After two nights in HDU, her liver results started to come back to normal. She was finally released back on to the ward and then to her son’s in Hamilton before finally making it back home to Raglan a week later. Still feeling pretty rough, Anna only just managed a short walk a couple of days ago. Her main concern now is to let people know that they should never eat foraged mushrooms, even if they think that they are safe, as it can be extremely difficult to tell whether a mushroom is poisonous or not. “I have a friend who studied mycology (mushrooms) and then medicine, and she says even with her amount of experience she wouldn’t pick wild mushrooms for eating purposes.” The National Poison Centre informed Anna that the last person in NZ to die from mushroom poisoning was 15-years ago and have identified the mushrooms Anna ate as Amanaita Phalloides, deathcap mushroom. Anna has since found more mushrooms in the same spot and will contact the council to see what can be done to prevent others finding and eating the deathcaps that are likely to grow in the same spot. Seek urgent medical advice if you think you have eaten poisonous mushrooms. Janine Jackson

Lockdown Q and A with Raglan Computer Services T his week we caught up with local computer guru Jake Fyalka about some of his experiences operating as an essential service during both Level 4 and Level 3.

Raglan Computer Services owner Jake Fyalka.

4 RAGLAN Chronicle

Wanna and Skinny have amazing offers, Jason at Wanna has bent over backwards for everyone in the Raglan community and should be thanked when this is all over. His network has helped thousands of kiwis that wouldn’t be As we go into week 2 of Level 3, access to able to get net otherwise. technology and the web is incredibly important Skinny's 5 dollar a month modem is a as a means of staying connected to the rest of godsend for some families and means that almost the community, and the world.As an essential everyone has a chance to get online. Five dollars service provider, what kinds of issues have isn’t free but its as close as you get. you fixed over the past couple of weeks during Do you think there needs to be more action lockdown? taken to address the digital divide? Yes. During Level 4 we helped businesses Yes. I think that internet has become a human get back online and work remotely. We set up right. I think everyone should have the ability multiple office 365 domains and a couple gsuites to connect to the internet somehow. But, with as well. To be honest helping businesses has the five dollar skinny setup, the free unlimited been pretty seamless. Everyone that we have data caps from providers, and people like Jason worked with has been patient, understanding and at Wann, we are close. receptive to new ideas. I think as a country we have done an amazing We had a couple of close calls, like BP’s job at getting the best out of what we have. internet going down which we fixed remotely, Top 5 binge watch shows to cure lockdown but for the most part it was business as usual. boredom: 

 Also, we gave out over a thousand dollars in Survivor: I have watched five seasons of cabling to companies and users that needed it survivor while on lockdown. I love the dynamics for connectivity without charge as getting people of it.

 back up and running as soon as possible is in our The Last Dance: Best sports documentary best interests at Raglan Computer Services. I’ve ever seen. If you haven’t watched it and Are you aware of anyone providing free you like basketball at all - its worth it. There’s access to the internet for vulnerable members nothing like it

 of our society? Westworld: Season 3 is nuts, the storytelling is up there with Game of Thrones

The Wire: Best cop show ever made. I've been rewatching it from the start.

 Beastie Boys Story: Apple did a doco on the Beastie Boys and it's so damn good. If you love old hip hop, this is a behind-the-scenes look at the Beastie Boys. A GEM of a doco.

Animal Health Column For Raglan People + their Pets

An insight in to retail under Level 3 with Atamira

Rag the

Animal Health Column Dental For Raglandisease People + their Pets

Easing back to work- prevention of separation anxiety in your dogs


ats & dogs survived for

jaw. aMany have your a very great breeds tool fornow allowing dog smallspace jaw, toand some also have a rest from the family while significantly short snout, causing teaching them to be independent, teeth however to be crowded the mouth. should This alonein time/crating creates issues with teeth being out consider their dental health, be introduced gradually, of and With the increased contact our dogs alignment orbetoo close together, andfor should a pleasant experience right? WRONG! are having with humans at the moment, somethe teeth grow good is dog.are Setunable up the to crate so there they In aretheat wild, higher of developing it’srisk a simple case of strong roots into the jaw. a comfortable bed, and give them anxiety when weold, go sick, backinjured to work. natural selection; or Because of the crowded teeth food puzzles/ toys to occupy them. Luckily, there are simple we debilitated animals will strategies not survive. and lackupofa toileting space, food material, 5. Set schedule so that can use to prevent this happening. If not in good health, and otherwise bacteria, and later plaque and tartar there is a routineoften it is easiest 1. Creating a routine of gettingdaily up at unable to perform normal will build up on the teeth. Once this when home to leave the door open the same time every day, exercising functions such as eat, drink, hunt begins, and let the dog wander in and out it becomes a snowball effect. and feeding your dog and most or find food then this does not bode Tartartocontinues do their business, but if they to build up, pushing importantly during lockdownwell for them. Times have changed; back are used to this they maygum have on the gums which causes have some time away from your overdog, several thousands of years since accidents when we return to work. every day. Even if that means recession, allowing access for bacteria animals there 6. Don’t makeand a fuss about leaving the gums weakening the they were are first out domesticated, in the garden or into Not allbeen foods are created equal so make sure your pet gets the best diet possible! and greet your dog calmly when have many changes in lifestyles periodontal attachment that holds the another part of the house. As vetsdiets, we cannot enough the importance good your getof home. calm and and emphasise more in place. Whilenutrition allReinforce this for is going 2. Encouragement of importantly independent toothyou pet, to ensure good health. Diets need to be tailored to the specifi c needs of your behaviour with attention and human for traits thatscatter help on for your pet, you may only see very playselection is important. Food pet to ensure they lead a healthy life. ignore any frantic jumping themgames, live puzzles alongside Thiscanhas andus. kongs be subtle signs, or sometimes none at all,or created cats of allyou sorts of introduced during lockdown so consider as ourlicking! animals are particularly There aredogs manyand reasons why should feeding your pet with pet good food Keeppain up with the exerciseuntil routinedifferent shapes and sizes, and also you can help your dog figure out at7. hiding or discomfort it purchased from your vet. if you’ve increased your dogs the puzzle if needed, and then start is simply created potential health concerns. too unbearable to withstand lockdown, Advice: Your pet’s dietary needshuman maydog change asexercise they growduring and age. Your vet/ don’t vet toDue give when leaving the tothem these changes, any longer, as this is simply a survival when you nurse advice onwarranted, the best nutrition for drastically all life stagesreduce of youritpet. to can keepoffer hisismind intervention oftenoccupied. in technique. return to work. Try and find a 3. Departure cues (putting on your order to Vet-Only give our pet animals full, along, should you doasiforal youcare, are Range: food aoffers wide rangeWhat of special diets, such new balance that works for you shoes, picking up the keys, pain freeloss life. Whereas wild dogskissing once unsure about the health of your pets’ weight and hairball control. andoryour dog.like to know the significant other goodbye) had your an average lifespan of 6-8 years, mouth, would Tailor-made: Large-breed dogsyou have different nutritional needs than ease smaller 8. These things will help your can be red flags for dogscan they now can live up to a whopping signs of an issue? Book a FREE Vet dogspractise and therefore needthroughout different the diet formulations. Breed specifi c foods areand dog back into his usual routine doing these 16 years (depending on breed and Nurse dental health consultation for formulated the typical of help health preventproblems any anxiety day so to thehelp dog control learns or youprevent aren’t some ofshould other factors). Cats once only lived to the month of June only. Our nurses eachnecessarily breed. Your vet also has access to prescription for but specifi c about diets beingdesigned left alone, every leaving. a mere 4 years if living on their own, will assess your pets’ mouth, talk health conditions. dog is different so contact us if you 4. Don’t confine your animal when and now may live up to 18+ years! you through options for your pet if you go back to work unless they and your dog need any more help Much less once mess to clean up: Quality food is highly digestible and – therefore less Dogs had a reasonably are used to being confined- this treatment with is therequired, process. make a plan mess and smell jaw when to yourteeth pet goes to thegoing toilet. forward in order to prevent proportioned ratio, can be really scary! Crating can be The Anexa Team future dental disease. meaning teeth were evenly Weight management: Obesity spaced is the most common form of malnutrition in the Anexa Team and able to be well-seated into the quantity of food is veryThe pets of today. Feeding pets an appropriate important. High eparation anxiety occurs when a decades in the wild without dog shows physical, physiological any human intervention, so or behavioural signs of distress in the that means we don’t need to absence of people or a person.


his week we spoke to Nadine from Atamira about how her retail business Atamira has been impacted by COVID-19. How did you find the level 4 lockdown phase? Lockdown was initially a surprise, then shock, it happened so fast. Think I was in a daze those first few weeks: confusion, curiousity, and emotions that often were opposites in a short space - really enjoying the slow spaciousness, opposite worry about the reality. But straight away, we were able to work from home focussing on getting our online shop up to date, organising and tidying up our systems online. Being a small business with all our systems online has meant we could adapt quickly to working from home and doing what we could. We had a few facebook meetings to keep us connected. The wage subsidy response was very fast and has been a lifesaver. You just had to figure it out as you went which I guess was what the government was doing, we all are doing. Were you able to sell any goods? Not initially but in week 3 or 4 we applied to MBIE to sell winter essentials - knitwear, shoes. Living so close to the store and also being able to get orders ready for courier pick up by myself without staff, meant total social distancing was easy and safe. What did you need to do to prepare for level 3? Set up contact less payments, clear information about click and collect procedures, hand sanitiser in store, maintaining the 2m distance. What is Atamira able to offer at this level? We are able to sell everything at level 3 online and staff can be in-store to work again - we are instore Monday - Friday 10am - 4pm. We offer free contactless ‘pick up’ in-store of online shopping or 'pop your head in the door’ shopping for locals. We have added our Gift Vouchers online too for ISO birthdays etc.It seems safe to maintain the social distancing rules for a smaller business when it is just Raglan locals at level 3, which I hope will mean level 2 is functional for all of us in Raglan too. What has been the most difficult aspect for you over this period? Having to face the sudden reality of doors shut and know that future months/ winter could be difficult

to get through - that the year you thought you were moving through suddenly changed overnight and it's an unknown. A lot of which you can you do nothing about. A paradox as it’s both difficult and refreshing and has potential. It means a balance of surrendering to a new way and thoughtful adaption with it. The amount of effort needed to suddenly adapt to so much in these times can be exhausting too. Has there been opportunities to learn how your business might be able to function differently? Yes, this experience has shown we could become more online orientated and that maybe it is a necessity to expand your base in case things like this happen again, that we also do things differently from most retailers which has a value - maybe we aren't just retail. It also makes you become more refined in whats working and what's not and who you want to continue to work with (brands, distributors) and why Why are you doing this, why are you doing that? Strangely online has become about connection for us at this time. The online support from customers NZ wide and locals has been heart warming, and really a glimmer or hope. Supporting local NZ small business is real. Do you feel optimistic about the future - both short and long term? Yes, but also know that it will take perseverance. We don’t know what the next 6-8 months will bring but I do feel optimistic that we can become clearer, more resilient and that by focusing on our strengths and what we do well we could thrive in a more aligned way and it has catapulted that process. Quality over quantity. Would love to see NZ become more locally focused, in what we make, in community, in creativity, supporting NZ ideas and business - less overseas/ global outlooks or buying. Local markets, Friday night late night shopping, quality over quantity, driving our cars less, growing more of our own food, I loved walking the streets of Raglan with virtually no traffic on them …just bikes and people. What are you most looking forward to when things return to normal, well a new normal… Friends/ human contact … live music - but that might be a while.

Don’t Feed Your Pet Junk Food!

quality food tends to make the animal feel full and satisfied with a smaller quantity.


Dental health: Dental problems are the second most common health problem that we see in our patients. Vet-Only pet foods have special features to help keep your pet’sBook mouth healthy. a FREE Vet Nurse dental health Taste: consultation Your pets will love it! for Vet-Only have a high rate among thediets month of acceptance June only. pets. But for extra reassurance our foods your are 100% guaranteed. If your pet Our nurses will allassess pets’ mouth, doesn’t like it we will refund the purchase price.

talk you through options for your pet if

The linktreatment between good nutrition and health is and well proven in humans and animals, is required, make a plan so you want to feed the best food you can to your pets. We believe feeding a top prevent qualitygoing veterinary forward diet will result in in a order longer andto better quality lifefuture for your pet. If dental disease. you are in doubt about the quality of the diet your pet is receiving, come and see us. We can advise on the best diet for your pet’s health.

Anexa, 40 Bow Street, Raglan P: 07 825 8390

4 RAGLAN Chronicle


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RAGLAN Chronicle 5

Babysitters Club wants to gift priceless time to families who need it most

Raglan girl and founder of The Babysitters Club, Georgia Meek, is keen to gift free time to essential worker parents once the threat of COVID-19 has eased.


t has always been our mission at Babysitters Club to create a positive difference in the lives of others. Parents, children, and sitters - we value connection, we value community, we value support. We have been thinking of parents in the frontline and parents who own small businesses that have been largely impacted by COVID-19. Parents who may not have had a choice to stay home with their families. Parents who are nurses, supermarket workers, police officers. Parents who may be fearful about placing food on the table for their families in the coming months. We have been thinking of parents who have had to place a brave face on our nation or for their children, who may have been stressed, but have had to place their own needs behind the needs of others. Parents who have desperately needed and deserved a break but have had to push through, because that’s what life is at the moment. In this time, more than ever, the gift of time is priceless for any parent. Babysitters Club is committed to helping those who need

us most. We need your support to make this happen! *Babysitters Club is putting 100 percent of money donated directly towards supporting families in need. Yes we are a small business, but we believe in paying it forward and this is our chance to do so. We will return to our regular service once our nation is a safer place for both families and sitters. HOW WE WILL MAKE A POSITIVE DIFFERENCE IN THE LIVES OF OUR FRONTLINE WORKERS AND SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS WHO ARE HEAVILY IMPACTED? Once the virus is no longer a threat to our country, and we can be in close contact with one another again, our frontline workers and small business owners will be able to redeem their Babysitters Club voucher. This will enable each family to have a sitter come to their home and care for their children. This will occur once the country enters into level two at a minimum. In addition to providing free babysitting, the wonderful Blank Canvas Catering and WineFriend are gifting 80 deserving families with a home cooked family meal and a bottle

of wine to match it. That’s time, great food and wine. It’s like giving these families a hug without giving a hug! All money raised over and above will be provided directly as babysitting hours. We operate in Auckland, Tauranga, Wellington, Christchurch and Hamilton, therefore will provide services to families in these regions. OUR GOAL Our goal is to raise $5000 to provide 220 hours of babysitting to frontline workers and small business owners across New Zealand. Every dollar counts so lets come together as a nation. Let's support those who are struggling, and those who have been New Zealand’s champions. Let's provide these families with the world’s greatest gift - time. We will be in touch directly with the frontline services to provide our assistance. However, should you wish to nominate a struggling small business owner

please feel free to contact us at hello@ babysittersclub.co.nz, otherwise visit the link below for their givealittle page https://givealittle.co.nz/cause/thepriceless-gift-of-time

Residents of Raglan object to the World Rally Championship being held on local roads in September T he World Rally Championship has applied to Waikato District Council to temporarily close a number of roads in the Raglan region for a partial day on 1 September for reconnaissance and a full day on 4 September for the live race.

Prior to this application, in February of this year due to growing concern at the possibility of another rally, 42 residents and ratepayers of Whaanga, Ruapuke and Te Tuhi Roads signed and a letter addressed to the Mayor and Councillors of Waikato District Council objecting to the road closure with clear reasons for their objection stated. There was no response to this letter. Now that the official notification has been published, Raglan residents who object to the closure are seeking support from other Raglan locals to also lodge an official objection. It is feared that without a large number of residents objecting to the closure, the rally will be given the green light as it is every year without due consideration of its detrimental effects. Residents state the the key reasons for objection are: The use of this road by the rally of New Zealand and other motor vehicle races causes disruption to business, significant damage to the road that takes months to repair, danger to stock, costs to residents in tyres, wheel alignments and other car repairs, damage to the environment, negative impact of

6 RAGLAN Chronicle

helicopters and drones and significant safety concerns. The fact that Whaanga Road remains unsealed, despite less busy roads in the District being sealed since the 1980s, is evidence of the needs of the rallies being prioritised over those of residents, tourists and the many other users. This is evidenced by the following quote from Waikato Alliance when asked for the reason for the continued poor condition of Whaanga Road: 

"Moving forwards, I was hoping to continue with the unsealed stabilising works on Whaanga Rd in autumn of this year to provide a long term solution to the corrugations that appear regularly in places on this road but am understandably reluctant knowing that the World Rally may be using Whaanga Road again as part of its NZ / Raglan stage of the event. The damage done to the road surface by such an event would eliminate any benefits provided by the stabilising works so it would not be financially prudent to invest a significant amount of ratepayers money for what could ultimately result in no benefit. I am hoping to find out what Councils decision is regarding the Rally in the coming weeks as it is a Council decision and not one made by the Alliance." Further to this, residents believe that a motor rally should not be permitted on Whaanga Road because:

Rally contradicts rural road safety messages, including the Council’s own safety campaign. There are serious health and safety threats from vehicles, spectators and helicopters causing distress and possible injury to stock. Rally encourages trespassers and freedom campers and creates personal safety concerns for residents Rally damages rare and delicate plants and aquatic life via sediment thrown off road. Rally exceeds permitted noise limits for the area Rally places a heavy toll of stress on rural residents at a busy farming time of year Rally disrupts the running of farms and other businesses Rally risks damage to fences and farm structures adjacent to the road. Rally causes serious damage to the road with an estimated repair cost of $100,000 Large volumes of road surface removed by rally cars in one day should require a resource consent by WDC rules (estimated at 100 to 400 cubic metres of material over 10 km). Rally prevents many locals and visitors from going about daily businessDirect and indirect to costs to residents and visitors to area. No evidence of benefit to local Raglan businesses or the community as a whole.

The road is not currently maintained to a reasonable standard and has not been restored to a reasonable standard after previous rallies. The fact is that the road is already dangerous enough from occasional vehicles driving too fast. And, logically, this use of the road condones this type of driving and sets a benchmark for the many “wanna-be” race drivers who already race along the road. Residents report increased bad driving in the weeks before the event with incidents of people “practising”, as well as cars racing on the road after the event. While this is not sanctioned by the governing body, they and the Council are powerless to stop it happening. The residents of Whaanga, Ruapuke and Te Tuhi Roads who oppose the closure of the roads for the World Rally Championship would sincerely appreciate support by other local residents. If you would like to object to the proposal please lodge your feedback by email to tmc@ waikatoalliance.co.nz by 5pm, 29 May 2020, or in writing to: World Rally Championship Proposed Road Closures, Waikato District Council, Private Bag 544, Ngaruawahia, 3742. You can also give your feedback to our local Councillor Lisa Thomson; mobile 021 179 8256 or email: Lisa.Thomson@ waidc.govt.nz.





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4/10/07 3:17:13 PM

Michael Carter CMEngNZ (PEngGeol) Ph 07 825 7314 or 0274 419 477 RaglanEngineeringAd.indd 1 4/10/07 ELECTRICIANS/HEATING michael.carter@xtra.co.nz



Contact 027 325 Peter 4181on 825-8486 or see him 8am-5pm at Daily trips to Hamilton 2 Park 8.30-12.30 Drive, Raglan Mon - Fri Agents for: E:raglanengineering@xtra.co.nz ELECTRICIANS/HEATING ragindecourier@gmail.com Honda Power Equipment

RaglanEngineeringAd.indd 1


Contact for FREE QUOTE


tel: (07) 825 8366 hOUse renOVatOrs paul: BUiLDer 021 188 0447anD - robyn: 021 177 DIG5201


• • • •

Honda Power Equipment Phone Rob Short Ryco Hydraulics/Fittings 0274 846 124 or or A/H A/H 825 0246 Kumho/Hankook/Cooper COURIER & other tyres BOC gasENGINEERING Agents for: Honda Power Equipment Contact Peter on 825-8486 Ryco Hydraulics/Fittings Raglan or see him 8am-5pm at Kumho/Hankook/Cooper Independent Parktyres Drive, RaglanCourier &2other E:raglanengineering@xtra.co.nz BOC gastext Michelle Cobham Ph or

RaglanEngineeringAd.indd 1

Christie Carpentry



Ryco Hydraulics/Fittings Kumho/Hankook/Cooper ENGINEERING & other tyres BOC gas



mobile 021 263 8698

Windows • • Doorways Doorways • • Hole Hole Drilling Drilling Windows Decorative Cutting Cutting • • Expansion Expansion Joints Joints Decorative Kerb Crossings Crossings • • Cowshed Cowshed Alterations Alterations Kerb Removal of of Concrete Concrete Structures Structures etc etc Removal Agents for:Sawing Floor Sawing and and Grinding Grinding Floor

• Felling & removal removal Felling & • • NEW DESIGNS, ALTERATIONS & ADD-ONS 07 8255 875 • Fully Fully insured insured • • RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL 021 333 374 • Hedge Hedge trimming trimming • • • DRAFTING Pruning,SERVICES shaping, thinning thinning DANIEL@DFDESIGN.CO.NZ • Pruning, shaping, • Stump Stump grinding grinding •




Concrete Cutter ENGINEERING



Contact for FREE QUOTE

Phone Rob Short 0274 846 124 or A/H 825 0246

newleaftreeservices.co.nz matt@newleaftreeservices.co.nz


• POOL FENCES autogates@live.com • AUTOMATICGATES mobile 021 263 8698 • SECURITY FENCE • BALUSTRADES

Windows • Doorways • Hole Drilling or A/H Decorative Cutting • Expansion Joints Kerb Crossings • Cowshed Alterations Removal of Concrete Structures etc CONCRETE SERVICES Floor Sawing and Grinding ENGINEERING

• Felling & removal newleaftreeservices.co.nz • Fully insured matt@newleaftreeservices.co.nz • Hedge trimming • Pruning, shaping, thinning • Stump grinding


Contact for FREE QUOTE



nate@skilledmaintenance.co.nz 12.30pm – 5.00pm www.skilledmaintenance.co.nz Saturday & Sunday 10.00am – 5.00pm

RECYCLING/MINISKIPS ROOFING No drop offs after 4.30pm please

What if I need some repair work done at home? HOURS ROOFING

Monday - Friday

12.30pmdo – 5.00pm If you are able to safely this Saturday & Sunday repair work yourself, you can do 10.00am – 5.00pm so at any alert level. No drop offs after 4.30pm please

If you need to get supplies from a hardware store, you can do this at Alert Levels 1, 2 and 3. At Alert Level 3, you won’t be able SUPPORT OUR ROOFING to physically go into a hardware store. You will instead need SUPPORTERS! to order by phone/online and have your supplies delivered, The businesses and individuals or collect them (e.g. through a adverti sing in theOUR Raglan Chronicle SUPPORT drive-through system). are participating not only to


promote their businesses, but can getsupport tradespeople toYou show their for ourto come to your home to any The businesses and individuals community paper – so be do sure repair work at Alert Levels 2 adverti sing in the Raglan to tell them you saw themChronicle in 1, the and 3. However, you and your are parti cipating not only to Raglan Chronicle. tradespeople need to ensure promote their businesses, but Local businesses are the relevant public health tothe show their support for our foundati on ofatour community measures each alert community paper – so be level sure are and they make it possiblephysical for us to tomet. tell This themincludes you saw the them in the bring the Raglan Chronicle toatyou. distancing requirements Raglan Chronicle.

SUPPORT OUR SUPPORTERS! Alert Levels 2 and 3.

Local businesses are the The businesses andcommunity individualsfoundati on of our At Alert Level 4, tradespeople adverti singmake in the Raglan Chronicle and they it possible for us to can only dong work on your are parti cipati not only toto you. bring the Raglan Chronicle property that is immediately promote their businesses, but needed to maintain human to show their support for our health and safety or be avoid community paper – so sure significant environmental to tell them you saw them in the harm.Chronicle. The relevant public Raglan

health measures at Alert Level

Local businesses 4 must be met.are the foundation of our community and they make it will possible forto us to Tradespeople be able bring the Raglan Chronicle to get supplies they need you. for

any such work at Alert Levels 1 through 4.

18 RAGLAN Chronicle

RAGLAN Chronicle 7

For Sale

Services Offered

F I R E W O O D DRY, DELIVERED Trailerload: Pine $180 / Gum $200 Phone 021 0771524


. c o. n z

Free Raglan ‘Click & Collect’ Visit us Online Women’s + Men’s + Homewares + Kids + Gift Vouchers too It’s a whole new world! Take care x Stay inspired

Repiled, Relocated, Repositioned or Removed?

Call now 09 846 4108


Services Offered FLUE CLEANING & LOG FIRE INSPECTION $115. All flue and log fire repairs including new fire installations. Please phone Mark on 07 8298103 / 021457342 FRUIT TREES NEED PRUNING? Pip, Stone, Citrus. 20 years experience. Call Dean 0212174491

Public Notices Section 101 Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012

Classifieds Public Notices

Workshop Brewing Ltd has made an application to the District Licensing Committee at Ngaruawahia for the issue of an off-licence in respect of the premises situated at 2 Park Drive, Raglan, New Zealand and known as Workshop Brewing Company. The general nature of the business to be conducted under the licence is: Sale and Supply of Alcohol that is Manufactured on the premise. The days on which and the hours during which alcohol is intended to be sold under the licence are: Monday – Sunday 7.30am – 6.30pm. The application may be inspected during ordinary office hours at the office of the Waikato District Council, District Licensing Committee, 15 Galileo Street, Ngaruawahia. Any person who is entitled to object and who wishes to object to the issue of the licence may, not later than 15 working days after the date of the first publication of this notice, file a notice in writing of the objection with the Secretary of the District Licensing Committee at Waikato District Council, Private Bag 544, Ngaruawahia 3742. No objection to the issue of a licence may be made in relation to a matter other than a matter specified in section 105(1) of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. This is the first publication of this notice.


Contact Gary Kite

4005 SH23, Raglan Ph: (07) 825 6560 Mob: 022 622 9005 raglanstorage@gmail.com

LOCAL / SMALL BUSINESSES... Advertise your business on our CLASSIFIEDS PAGE - let the community know any info they need to know. Reach a big audience in a cost effective way. Text ads start at just 80c per word. Email: classifieds@ raglanchronicle. co.nz



Kerbside collections: ~ Wed & Fri service will include collection of clean & flattened Aluminium cans (fizzy drinks), Tin cans (baked beans etc), Cardboard & Paper – (NO glass or plastic). • Please put these items out for collection in 4 separate containers/ boxes –it is XTREMELY important to separate all your recyclables incl your paper & cardboard please. Please note: crates with glass or plastic products will be left behind. We are minimising our teams contact with products. Rural Residents ~ thanks for being so awesome on Thursday with the glass & plastic collections! We are doing it all again NEXT THURS same time same places: Te Uku & Te Mata drop off spots 10-1pm. But this time, please bring your clean & flattened Aluminium cans, Tin cans, Cardboard & Paper. We will not be accepting any Glass or Plastics. The rural sea freight containers will reopen once we’re at level 2.

8 RAGLAN Chronicle

HOME LEARNING TV - The Ministry of Education is partnering with TVNZ to deliver entertaining educational programming for our tamariki, including teacher-led lessons and featuring Suzy Cato, Karen O’Leary, Jordan Vandermade and Nathan Wallis. Available live weekdays 9am-3pm on Freeview 7, Sky 502, Vodafone TV 502, and simulcast on TVNZ. www.tvnz.co.nz/shows/home-learning-tv GOODNIGHT KIWI - The beloved Goodnight Kiwi and Cat are joined by celebrity storytellers to bring the magic of New Zealand bedtime story books to life! www.tvnz.co.nz/shows/goodnight-kiwi


THANKING OUR HEALTH WORKERS - Our healthcare workers have been doing an incredible job for the last few months, saving lives and putting themselves at risk. We want to say thank you with some special offers from New Zealand businesses. www.thankyouhealthcare.co.nz SOS SUPPORT OUR SMALL BUSINESSES - Buy a voucher now, redeem from your local later. A not-for-profit initiative supporting local businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. www.sosbusiness.nz


Free call or text 1737 any time for support from a trained counsellor Lifeline - 0800 543 354 (0800 LIFELINE) or free text 4357 (HELP) Suicide Crisis Helpline - 0508 828 865 (0508 TAUTOKO) Depression and Anxiety Helpline - 0800 111 757 or free text 4202 Samaritans - 0800 726 666 Waikato Welfare Helpline - 0800 800 405 OUTLine NZ - available evenings 6pm - 9pm 0800 688 5463 THE CHRONICLE OFFICE IS CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE CLASSIFIEDS ADVERTISING: Get your message out to our community. Affordable rates start at 80c per word email: classifieds@raglanchronicle.co.nz Editor contact: maki@raglanchronicle.co.nz


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