Whaingaroa news for you weekly
Community Cash
Nga Ripo o Whaingaroa
1st November 2018 - Issue #620
Dedicated to supporting our local community.
Raglan 16-18 Bow Street, Raglan. Open 7am – 9pm, 7 days. Phone: 825 8300.
Owned and operated by locals
New eateries around town p8 Bee Club Workshop
Gig Guide/What's on p11
Brand New Listing
Section with house plans Four Bedrooms I Double Garage I 504m2 Section
1 Mahan aP viewing l Saturday 2:00pm
Saturday 3 November 12:00pm - 349 Wainui Road 1:00pm - 42 Kaitoke Street 2:00pm - 7 Cliff Street 2:00pm - 1 Mahana Place
Sunday 4 November
Sean Mills 027 562 4699
Ray White Raglan I 21 Bow Street I Raglan I 07 825 8669 I
Raglan Couriers Raglan Couriers 3 times daily 3 times daily morning/midday/afternoon morning/midday/afternoon
Local Business Serving Raglan District Since 1996 Local Business Serving Raglan District Since 1996
12:00pm - 349 Wainui Road 2:00pm - 61 Ferguson Road Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)
RAGLAN Chronicle 1
Cover Support our local eateries! Hours and specials below.
Raglan was the winner of the Keep New Zealand Beautiful, Most Beautiful Town Award. Pictured are members of Plastic Bag Free Raglan, Raglan Naturally, Whanigaroa Environment Centre, Xtreme Zero Waste, the Raglan Chamber of Commerce and Waikato District Council Raglan Service Centre. All of these groups are part of some of the initiatives recognised by the judges, including the award for Community Environmental Inititaive.
SH23 roadworks continue into summer 2019
This space could be yours. Email the Chronicle for more details.
Turkish Kebabs on Plates & Pitas plus beverages & more 10:30 to 9pm | 29 Bow St - 07 825 0202
(07) 825 8761
Phone orders welcome! *Fish & Chips* *Burgers* *Weekly Specials*
Open 9am - 7pm Wed - Sunday Closed Mon-Tues
The store with a lot more!
Fish n’ Chips Group Bookings Inside/Outside Seating 92 Wallis St - 07 825 7544
Te Kopua Camp Store, Marine Parade, Raglan
wa o k u l o d ge @ g m a i l .co m
Real Fruit Ice Cream Burritos - Wraps Soup - Salad Volcom Lane & Chilli Open 7 days from 11:30
248 Wainui Rd | 07 825 8233 Open 7 Days a Week From 9am
Open for Dinner Fri & Sat from 5:30pm Breakfast/Lunch 6 Days Closed Tuesday
open seven days a week N O
1 9 B o w S t r e e t 07 8 2 5 0 0 2 7
Open 7 Days 8am - 4pm
Open 7 Days From 9:30AM Mon-Fri and 9AM Sat and Sun 43 Rose St 07 825 0010
Waterfront dining indoor and outdoor seating
NZTA Waikato transport system manager Karen Boyt says construction is due to be completed on a slow vehicle bay on the Raglan side which will be sign posted shortly and they are continuing to explore other pullover areas between Waitetuna and Raglan. The safety improvements also include installing sections of road side barrier in some high-risk locations “Work is progressing well between Waitetuna and Raglan. We expect to be able to complete work in this section next year. We expect to release updates on the other sections when we have more information.” While not confirmed, at this stage NZTA expect to complete the following works over the coming months. • In the vicinity of Waitetuna Valley Road - improving the road surface on a significant curve on SH23 between Waitetuna Valley Road and the nearby bridge (by end of year)
‘‘The proper use of will-power is not conquest and subjugation, but the disciplined control of your own attention.” For more information Harry Palmer author of the Avatar materials contact: Cam 021 529 765
Avatar is a registered trademark Star’s Edge, Inc. All rights reserved.
HAWKEN & CO. Wally Hawken
10am - Family Service and Children’s Ministry Thursdays 3-5pm - 7C’s Bible Club for Children Visitors Cherished
3 Stewart St – 07St 825 8276 or 07 825 8028 3 Stewart - 07 825 8276
07 825 8064 0274 968 417 PO Box 130, Raglan
• •
WeatherMap - New Zealand weather forecasts
This week's weather is sponsored by The Raglan Project.
For all forecasts check out
1 Wallis St | Ph 825 8881
10am Raglan Area School 7pm Te Uku Church Pastor Roger Peart ph 07 825 5199
• quality new homes • alterations / fencing/ decks • plan service available 20+ years building in Raglan for free quotes & quality workmanship PHONEPH MARK 0274 912912 911911 A/HA/H 825 825 00690069 MARK 0274 ROB 027 550 6080 EE PH ROB 027 550 6080
Raglan Ink Ltd home of the Raglan Chronicle Office Open Mon - Thurs 9.00am - 4.00pm, Wainui Rd, Raglan Ph: (07) 825-7076 Fax: (07) 825-7078 Post: P.O. Box 234, Raglan Email: Advertising & Articles The advertising and editorial content deadline will be Monday at 12pm week of issue. DISCLAIMER
Opinions and views expressed in the Raglan Chronicle do not necessarily represent those held by the Editors or Publishers. Every care will be taken in the preparation and placement of submitted material but the Editors/Publishers shall not be liable for errors or omissions or subsequent effects due to the same. It is the submitters responsibility to ensure material is not libelous or defamatory. The Editors/Publishers reserve the right to abridge, alter or decline any material submitted to the Raglan Chronicle to meet the constraints of space and/or maintain a reasonable standard of language and decorum.
2 RAGLAN Chronicle
• Near Cogswell Road earthworks opposite Cogswell Road to allow for some road widening to provide recovery room (reducing run off road risk) and at the same time removing some unforgiving roadside hazards (trees, culvert) • Near Te Mata road - visibility improvements “We will do our best to minimise disruption to traffic. There will be no road works over the Christmas and New year period,” she says. A programme of improved speed management to provide a significant reduction in the number of people who are killed or seriously injured on our roads is being developed by NZTA, Boyt says “The Waikato Region programme will include a review of speed limits on State Highway 23 (including at Te Uku) and we expect this to occur in the next six months. The exact speed and any other measures associated with this will be confirmed during consultation.” A petition to reduce the speed limit collected by Te Uku residents was received by the NZTA at the end of July. Janine Jackson
The Avatar®Course
afety improvements will continue on the Waitetuna to Raglan section into summer
Max temp (C)
SW 5 am W 25 pm
(High/Low) (Rise/Set) H 03:20 am L 09:40 am R 06:17 am H 04:00 pm S 07:50 pm L 10:20 pm
Sunny with some cloud
Cloudy with Showers
SW 35 SW 30
Sunny and clear skies
SW 20 SW 30
Cloudy with Showers
W 20 am NW pm 30
12:40 07:00 01:10 07:30
am am R 06:14 am pm S 07:53 pm pm
Showers with clear spells
W 30 am W 30 pm
01:50 08:10 02:10 08:30
am am R 06:13 am pm S 07:55 pm pm
Showers with clear spells
W 35 am W 30 pm
02:50 09:00 03:10 09:20
am am R 06:12 am pm S 07:56 pm pm
Mainly fine with possible showers
W 15 am W 20 pm
L 03:40 am R 06:11 am H 09:50 am S 07:57 pm
04:30 10:40 05:10 11:30
am am R 06:16 am pm S 07:51 pm pm
H 05:50 am R 06:15 am L 12:00 pm S 07:52 pm H 06:20 pm
THE RAGLAN PROJECT *Total significant wave height and *Tide times for Raglan Bar Your local home©WeatherMap 2018. All rights reserved. and building project supplier. Call us on 825 8881 or drop in to see us at 1 Wallis St. Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm, Saturday 8m - 4pm, Sunday 9am - 1pm.
Raglan tops list of beautiful towns at Keep New Zealand Beautiful Awards
community beach cleans being organised
Dermot M. Murtagh
by the Whaingaroa Environment Centre and saw first-hand the successful work of Plastic
189 Collingwood St P.O. Box 1030, Hamilton Ph: (07) 838 3883
Bag Free Raglan. Raglan was awarded Most Beautiful Small Town, but during their visit, the
98a Greenslade Rd, Raglan Ph: (07) 825 8544 Mob: 0274 455 232
Over 30 years industry experience
free service
judges recognised Raglan’s ‘unprecedented commitment and efforts to beautifying the community’, as a result, Raglan was also awarded the Supreme Award for the evening. Plastic Bag Free Raglan won Best Community Environmental Initiative, an award that honours innovative projects that have achieved extraordinary environmental results
partnership. Councillor
Also at H.G Webb House, Cnr Boundary & Victoria Streets, Hamilton
Awards night on behalf of the Raglan community, and gave an inspiring korero to attendees, praising the work being done around the country, but also encouraging them to do more. Raglan is gaining a reputation around Aotearoa as one of the country’s most environmentally conscious and sustainable towns. Local community groups such as the Whaingaroa Environment Centre, Karioi Maunga ki te Moana, Plastic Bag Free Raglan, Raglan Upcyling Co-op, Raglan has been confirmed as New Zealand's Most Beautiful Town for our ‘unprecedented commitment and efforts to beautifying the community'.
Whaingaroa Harbour Care, Raglan Naturally, the Whaingaroa Raglan Affordable Housing Project and many others dedicate endless
Barbara Kuriger
aglan’s ongoing efforts to minimise waste and beautify our community were
businesses, schools, individuals and councils
volunteer hours to keep our environment
who are working to beautify and enhance a
pristine and clean in various ways.
acknowledged at this year’s Keep
Judging is based on efforts being made
will receive a customised community mural,
to minimise and prevent litter, community
designed and painted by renowned mural
A 80 Rata St, PO Box
beautification projects, recycling projects
artist, Flox.
Te Awamutu Office A 53 Mutu St, PO Box 302, Te Awamutu 3800
P 06 756 6032
07 870 1005
E Kuriger.Inglewood@
New Zealand Beautiful Awards. Raglan was in the running for Most Beautiful Small Town, along with Plastic
town’s environment.
and sustainable tourism attractions.
As the Supreme Award winner, Raglan
If you would like to learn more or get
Keep New Zealand Beautiful judges
involved in any of the local efforts going
visited Raglan in September and took a
on in the community to ‘Keep Raglan
tour of the community with Councillor
Beautiful’, get in touch with the Whaingaroa
Thomson. They learned about Raglan’s
Environment Centre, the Raglan Community
for-profit organisation dedicated to keeping
waste minimisation initiatives at Xtreme
House, the Raglan Chamber or Xtreme Zero
communities clean, safe and beautiful.
Zero Waste, the Council’s ‘3 P’s’ loo
The Awards celebrate community groups,
campaign, the local dune plantings and
Bag Free Raglan, which was nominated for Best Community Environmental Initiative. Keep New Zealand Beautiful is a not-
MP for Taranaki-King Country A proud supporter of Rural & Provincial New Zealand Inglewood Office
124, Inglewood 4330
Funded by the Parliamentary Service and authorised by Barbara Kuriger MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington.
Karamea Puriri
RAGLAN Chronicle 3
Kiteboarder 'foils' way into Coastal Classic history
Matt's triumph: Standing on the back of his support boat after the finish. He says he couldn't have attempted the Coastal Classic without the support of his crew on a 9m RIB - thanks to Morgan Coster (forefront), Jim Burcham and Luke Wigglesworth.
ou’ve got to hand it to Raglan daredevil Matt Taggart – he sure doesn’t do things by halves. Most yachties would be content enough skippering or crewing the 200odd boats that typically turn out at Labour Weekend for the PIC Coastal Classic from Auckland to Russell. But not Matt. Instead it was a “dream realised” the weekend before last when he unofficially completed the challenging 220km event kitesurfing with his race hydrofoil. It was a challenge that the 47 year old reckons had been on his bucket list since opening his Ozone store downtown and finally settling in Raglan just over a decade ago. Back in town last week he was still feeling stoked at having ticked off his latest feat and to have reached the finish line in the Bay of Islands nonstop in 6.45 hours – beating the iconic Kiwi race yacht the Frank Racing 60ft Trimaran (ex Vodafone) by 23 minutes.
In total Matt kitesurfed 270km to complete the course due to a head wind for the first 65km. Two kiteboarders have completed the annual race previously but Matt and top Ozone racer Sam Bullock were the only ones this time to to battle it out, on hydrofoils powered by Ozone race kites. For Matt that meant beating into wind on a messy sea, wiping out now and again and getting “jelly legs”. “Once we rounded Kawau Island we could reach but being on one tack for 150km non-stop was pretty brutal,” he laughs. His average speed for the distance was 23 knots or 45kph. But he’s also returned from the race convinced that “foiling is the future” for kitesurfing enthusiasts. Adventure sports are nothing new for Matt. In fact they run in the family. His father was in the SAS and a hanggliding pioneer in England back in 1973.
“I was strapped to Dad’s back when I was five, those are my earliest memories,” Matt recalls. Growing up on the Isle of Wight, Matt says, he was always into watersports. Straight out of school from the age of 16 he swapped his textbooks for hang-gliding, windsurfing and sailing. He eschewed tertiary education and says life “was my university”. Matt also made sails for a living – a portent of things to come – and crossed oceans multiple times while working aboard both race and superyachts. Paragliding and yachting professionally for eight years followed, till Matt’s passion led ultimately to he and an associate co-founding Ozone Kites in the UK, with a shift soon after to a design office in the south of France. From there the brand’s gone global. It’s now in 85 countries all up, he reveals, and has had a presence in Raglan for the past 12 years. As might be expected Matt’s family are all avid kiters. Wife Rebecca “is a charger” on the freestyle side while
Matt, right, with Raglan's Ozone manager Morgan who fronts the Volcom Lane shop.
daughters Ruby, 11, and Milla, 10, are among more than a dozen or so local girls involved in the sport. Meantime he and the girls get their adrenaline fixes whenever they can – a tandem skydive in Taupo the latest venture. “Epic weekend … no fear … no holding back,” Matt posted proudly of his young daughters on Facebook. Matt’s done a lot of skydiving over the years but kiteboarding now rules his world. It’s a “really cool” community sport, he says, with the whole ocean at your feet. It’s not confined to one space. “You can go wherever you wish, powered by the wind.” He reckons he’s been addicted since a 1998 windsurfing holiday to the Hawaiian island of Maui, where he first saw big-wave surfer Laird Hamilton in action on a board with a basic kite. “I had to give it a go, the mix of watersports powered by a wing.”
The gear was very basic back then of course, he says, but the designs these days ensure kitesurfing is safe and easy to learn. Matt says the sport’s evolved to the point where it’s on track to become a full Olympic sailing event. Kitesurfing is set to debut at the 2024 Olympics in Paris, having already debuted at the 2018 Youth Olympic Games held recently in Buenos Aires. There’s also a huge opportunity to train up local youth, Matt adds, and this is where the focus now lies. “We have a pathway towards getting Raglan male and female riders up and ready to be selected for the 2022 Youth Olympics, and a male and female ready for selection for the NZ team come the 2024 Olympics. ” for the NZ team come the 2024 Olympics in Paris. ”
Edith Symes
On Call Engineering are the go-to guys for all your precision engineering needs
n Call Engineering has provided a mobile service specialising in welding of all metals in Whaingaroa for the past 13-years.
owner Rhys Gundry and 2IC Robin Wood can get the job done at a site convenient to you. They offer a precision machining service and can manufacture a wide range of components, which can be a huge benefit when working on old If it involves metal, including or obsolete machinery. stainless, aluminium, they can Welding jobs big or small, fabricate or fix it and, even better, from making and mending trailers, they can come to you. working on tractors and boats to If the tools needed for the job balustrades, stairs and landings, fit in the work vehicle and trailer Rhys says if it involves metal they can work on it. In the past they’ve also worked with real estate property managers to do repair jobs, even mending the good old rotary clothesline at a Telephone: 825 0114 rental property. After hours: “Don’t sweat the small stuff, we can Anglesea Clinic 07 858 0800 come around and Healthline 0800 611 116 get the job done,” Rhys says. With close to 35 years’ experience, Rhys OPENING HOURS: has engineering in Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri his blood. His father 8am 8am 8am 8am Open 8am was an engineering 7pm 7pm 7pm 5pm Close 7pm teacher who got him on the tools at as
4 RAGLAN Chronicle
soon as he could swing a hammer. He’s a fitter and turner by trade and also learnt automotive repairs from his dad, and brings those skills to the business as well. With years of fixing cars under his belt, Rhys has grown the business to include automotive and mechanical repairs. “It’s all just nuts and bolts,” he laughs. Robin’s been with On Call for the past three years, he’s a longtime Raglan local having worked for many years as a chef at Vinnies and more recently at Xtreme Zero Waste, and Rhys says he’s learnt a lot in his time at On Call. With the tiny house movement taking hold in New Zealand, Rhys has also moved into container modifications. Putting his skills to work refitting shipping containers with doors and windows. They’ll also do bespoke metal pieces designed to their customers specifications and recently completed a sheet metal tree bookshelf designed from a picture in a magazine. Registered to do WINZ quotes, Rhys is happy to have a chat with customers about what they might need to get the job done. The On Call team strive to provide a fast, efficient and costeffective service, every time.
On Call Engineering has been servicing Raglan for the last 13 years. They travel anywhere within the Waikato region, and have the capacity to operate in locations where power is not available. They offer a special flat rate for travel to their Raglan customers. Rhys says this is particularly convenient for larger boat owners who require aluminium repair work and they also repair outboard props and skegs. He’s worked on the Wahine Moe and other larger vessels and
says it’s no sweat jumping on board with his tools to do the job. The onsite workshop is kitted out with all the tools, including a steel mezzanine to increase storage space and the guys are particularly proud of the recently installed vehicle hoist. For quality service contact Rhys on 021 969 796 or check them out on Facebook or visit Janine Jackson
Whaingaroa Raglan Affordable Summer season Housing forum event this Sunday kicking off with new dining options in Raglan C ome along on Saturday morning and hear from a host of fabulous speakers about housing affordability in Raglan.
The results of the recent research undertaken by the Whaingaroa Raglan Affordable Housing Project (WRAP) will be shared for the first time, Ian Mayes will share his expertise on how to live better and more affordably in your existing home, Danica and Nathan will share their experiences building and living in tiny homes, Nic Greene from Habitat for Humanity will speak about their work and what H4H are getting involved with next and Nathan will explain Landshare and there’ll also be a bit about what you can and can’t do with a 10 m2 building. So register online or just show up any time during the day – registration is free and there’ll be tea, coffee and cake available too. WRAP
Some of the new eateries that have popped up around town recently.
aglan is heating up this summer with new cafes and bars offering locals and tourists new taste sensations. The three new cafes are either open for business or close to it, and will provide more dining options as the town heads into the busy season. Dining stalwart The Raglan Club will also hit summer with old favourites and new flavours on the menu, and a brand-new look. First off the starting blocks, Isobar opened its doors in August under the wing of Te Kowhai-based Pilot Brewery. Director Dan Readman, a commercial pilot by day and beer enthusiast and brewer by night, is also founding member of Pilot and a Raglan local. The day-to-day running of Isobar is in the hands of general manager Rachele Honcharik and restaurant manager Nelly Conway, and a crew of familiar and new faces front of house. Open Monday to Wednesday, 8am to 4pm, Thursday to Saturday, 8am to 11pm and Sunday 8am to 5pm, serving breakfast, brunch, lunch and sophisticated finger food at night. There’s Pilot beer on tap, of course, plus a couple of other local craft brews - Catalyst and Rifle Ranger from Three Fat Pigs and a changing tap from Brewracracy. Thirsty Thursday has become popular with locals with live music and happy hour, the Isobar are keen to hear from musicallyinclined locals looking to play to an appreciative audience. Expect more from Isobar as the outdoor sandpit area makes way for a garden bar and the menu gets a makeover as well. Raglan Roast Food Department will be bringing their perfected pizza slices, worldrenown Raglan Roast coffee, gelato and quick and easy breakfast and lunch menu to the sweet little spot on the corner of Wainui Rd and Bow St, which was once Black Sands. With a larger space and minutes’ walk from the harbour the town version of Raglan Roast Food Department will be the quickest and easiest value for money to bring the whole whanau down for their daily coffee and croissant or breakfast wrap. There’s also plenty of tasty options available for vegetarians and vegans. Prop up by the window with a tasty meal and catch up with passers-by or get it takeaway on the way to work or the surf. Open 7am-6pm, Monday to Sunday, it’s perfect for all the pre-work coffee fixes and
into the evening for a post-surf refuel. Due to open the second week of November, with a great staff of locals and long term Raglanites, great tunes and surf inspired décor, and you can’t go past their coffee perfection. Keep an eye out for the opening of George’s Beach Club as former Bow Street Depot gets a new lease of life. New owners Dean and Tracey Teddy are gearing up for a relaxed beach vibe with the new refit and hope to be up-and-running mid to late-November. Carrying the Good George brand, there will be a plenty of the iconic Waikato beers and ciders available along with a complement of wines to sup in the new look garden bar. Diners will be greeted by the aromas wafting from the purpose-built wood fired pizza oven in the outside kitchen and as well as delicious pizzas there will be the usual menu suspects, shared food and snacks. What will set them apart is the everchanging blackboard menu, which chef Dean says will provide lots of delicious surprises every night using fresh, seasonal and local produce. Open Monday to Sunday, 11am till late and ideal for those afternoon drinks and nibbles or sunset dining with family and friends. Many will have noticed the developments happening at the front of the Raglan Club and there’s also a heap of work going on inside and out back – with the stage moved, general spruce up inside and out, and a children’s playground and acoustic fence in the garden bar. President Debbie Dalbeth says members and the executive have generously volunteered time and materials to the revamp and they look forward to opening the new deck out front by Christmas. Keep an eye out for new flavour developments on the Left Hand Break menu as the team trial summer specials throughout the coming months – a kawakawa boil-up ravioli was a huge hit on the special’s menu recently. The kitchen is open Wednesday to Saturday from 5.30-9.30pm, Sunday 122pm and 5.30-9.30pm, and can cater for events, cakes for all occasions and take-away deliveries. Janine Jackson
Raglan Naturally Update We have been revitalising our community plan for the Raglan Ward and we want your input. Thanks to all who attended the rural and town hall events. Raglan Naturally is open for community input for another few weeks. You are welcome to share your ideas and be a part of planning for our future. View the Focus Group Snapshot reports and let us know what we have missed.
TO LEARN MORE & CONTRIBUTE YOU CAN: • visit • visit the library and the Raglan Naturally display in the quiet room • survey coming soon—keep an eye on the Chronicle and Raglan Naturally website for updates • drop-in sessions at the library with Gabrielle (project coordinator): – Tuesday 7th November, 10am–12midday – Wednesday 8th November, 5:30–7:30pm
For more info contact:, 021 844 785,
Share your ideas, insights and aspirations. What does it look like when this place is thriving (economic, environment, sociocultural, political)? He aha ō tātou wawata e eke ai tātou ki ngā taumata (ā-ohaoha, ā-taiao, ā-whaioranga, ā-tōrangapū)?
RAGLAN Chronicle 5
Raglan Sailing Club to launch season with traditional Have a Go Day 29th October to 4th November 2018
IIf your bag w wears out, w replace we’ll FREE!
Fresh NZ Brinks Skinless Chicken Breast Fillets
$ 99
Sweet Juicy Strawberries 250g
Raglan Sailing Club flagship, the traditional Sea Scout cutter, Wakatere.
$ 79
WW Salted Butter 500g
fter the raruraru involving the Regional Council and long standing moorings at Lorenzen Bay, a number of people have expressed their concerns about the future of the sailing Club.
$ 99 ea
Keri Original Juice/ Drink 3L/Premium Juice 2.4L
$ 49
(Excludes Mixers)
Export Gold/Tui 24 x 330ml Bottles
99 pk
Schweppes Sparkling Soft Drink 1.5L
Whittaker’s Artisan Collection Chocolate 100g
3 for
99 ea
The Ned
(Excludes Pinot Noir)/
Allan Scott
(Excludes Pinot Noir/Sparkling) svrc0111
Owned & operated
by locals
SuperValue Raglan: 16-18 Bow Street. Ph 825 8300. Open 7am�–�9pm, 7 Days.
For inspiration visit |
While stocks last at SuperValue Raglan only.
6 RAGLAN Chronicle
Please drink responsibly
I am happy to report that the Club is alive and well and thriving on a surge of interest and activity. The Club is about to begin the season with an open day aptly called the ‘Have a Go Day. “The Have a Go Day gives everyone a chance to come along and experience the magic of sailing,” says club Commodore, Chris Mitchell. “A big emphasis of the club has always been the Learn to Sail Programme and the Have a Go Day is an invitation to all the Raglan community to give it a try.” The Sailing club is located in picturesque Lorenzen Bay where the sheltered tidal shallows and easy access to the upper harbour provide a safe learning environment for all ability levels. New faces at the club this year include coach Kirsten Moratz. Kirsten is a professionally trained and qualified sailing coach who has been running the popular and successful Learn to Sail Programmes for Tauranga Yacht Club as well as further afield in her country of origin, Canada. “Having Kirsten on board is a real bonus for the club and for Raglan,” says Chris. “She brings a wealth of international knowledge and experience and is the perfect person to run the Learn to Sail Programme.” Kirsten and team will the there on Have a Go Day to talk about the Learn to Sail Programme as well as help out with the day’s activities. Chris says the Club Committee is grateful for all the support the club gets from so many people, including the Waikato Regional Council who have acknowledged the important role the club plays in the community and is supporting the club sort out club moorings and markers. Other support comes from local business people such as Ross Cameron of Next Level Roofing, who has contributed the materials and installation of a new roof on
Kirsten Moratz professionally trained and qualified with a real passion and talent for coaching.
Club Commodore and veteran sailor, Chris Mitchell, participating in the Learn to Sail prgramme. "There's no warmer, safer environemtn than Lorenzen Bay. It's just awesome."
the equipment storage facility. “The club has a lot of equipment to maintain including a fleet of ten optimist sailing dinghies and the chase (safety) boats, so every contribution is important to us.” Ross Henderson *Raglan Sailing Club: Have a Go Day 11:30am on Saturday, November 10. All welcome - come down and check it out. *Raglan Sailing Club: Fund Raiser Activity Fun Day down at Lorenzen Bay, Sunday, November 25. Watch this space!
60 Wallis Street Raglan • • • • • • • •
Steps down to the water. Ideal for swimming / paddle boarding Three bedrooms, master with ensuite and walk-in wardrobe Impressive galley style kitchen Open plan lounge and dining - beckoning you to north facing decking flowing across the grass and stepping down to the water Watch the whales and boating activity Garaging cleverly designed to accommodate 6 vehicles & boats Very short walk to cafe and town centre and on the bus route Situated on about 708m2
6:00pm, Friday 26 October Ray White Raglan office
Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282
Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)
5 Earles Place Manu Bay, Raglan
Stunning ocean views make this three storey house a real cliff top paradise. You can drink in those views from almost every room, as well as from decks and balconies on three sides. At street level you find the main dwelling, and even before you go inside there’s a large verandah-style lounge to enjoy. Light floods the interior, with its kitchen, dining, lounge, bathroom and separate laundry. The most elevated level boasts four bedrooms and two bathrooms, all with superb American white oak flooring. The garden level is a two bedroom, self-contained apartment, and the property has its own driveway with more than enough parking for cars and boats.
12:00pm, Saturday 27 October On site. Unless sold prior
Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282 Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)
Open Home 8 Karekare Avenue Raglan You can almost smell the scones cooking in the retro kitchen of this classic Kiwi cottage in popular Raglan West. It’s in a great location, close to beach, town and school, with a northerly aspect.
42 Kaitoke Street Raglan SECTION • • • •
Open Home 349 Wainui Road Raglan One impressive property, four outstanding dwellings, a tranquil garden setting with bridges and paths, surrounded by native bush. Less than 5 minutes’ drive from New Zealand’s premier surf spots, next to Wainui Bush Reserve, and within walking distance of Main (Ngarunui) Beach. Eden House is a lovely three-bedroom cottage, with lounge, full kitchen and a wood-fire burner. Aroha Chalet sleeps four, with mezzanine floor, timber features and a log burner. Serenity Chalet has two private balconies, a gazebo overlooking the stream, timber features and a log burner. Solitude Studio is open-plan, with kitchenette, balcony and private rear deck. Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)
Right on the water! Estuary frontage property on 608sqm (approx) site Situated in a private cul-de-sac Development potential
For Sale
7A Cliff Street Raglan
Price by Negotiation Saturday & Sunday 12:00pm - 12:45pm
Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282
Julie Hanna 027 441 8964
Auction 6pm, Friday 26 October Unless sold prior Ray White Office, 21 Bow Street
Julie Hanna 027 441 8964
New Listing / Open Home Auction 6:00pm Friday 14 December Unless sold prior
Saturday 1:00pm - 1:45pm
Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282
New Listing / Open Home
• • • •
Saturday 2:00pm - 2:45pm
Across the road from the water 400sqm just waiting to be built on House bus available with purchase This section has to be a keeper!
6:00pm Friday 14 December Unless sold prior
Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282
RAGLAN Chronicle 7
New Zealand’s leading rural real estate company RURAL
FOLLOW Richard Thomson Real Estate Consultant for New Listings, updates & Open Homes
Enjoy the good life! 989 Te Papatapu Road Looking for an escape? A totally off-grid retreat in the middle of 9.6ha overlooking Aotea Harbour. Equally suitable as a lifestyle property or weekend holiday retreat. Established native bush and pasture that is suitable for grazing. Recreational kayaking, boating, horse riding, fishing are all available at you door step.
Privacy, Surf & Sun! If privacy, amazing views, bird life, an easy walk to the surf, beach/bush walks, multiple income streams, or growing you own fruit & veges is something you would love to find in a property then look no further! On top of all of that, Whale Bay Raglan, has proven to be a very sound investment due to the popularity of the location. Featuring a 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 2 living area home with all day sun and huge ocean views. A one bedroom unit with internal garage/workshop great for guests or holiday accommodation plus a one bedroom sleep-out. A rare opportunity to secure a large parcel of land.
Productive Desirable Farm Te Mata • Productive 83 ha grazing/finishing block • Reliable water supply • Gentle rolling contour • 1930s 4 bedroom home plus office set in mature grounds • Flexible settlement date
Raglan $830,000 VIEW By Appointment Only
Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625
A Lot To Like
Raglan AUCTION GST Inclusive (Unless Sold Prior) 11.00am, Wednesday 7 November 87 Duke Street Cambdrige VIEW 11.00-12.00pm, Sunday 4 November
Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625
Raglan $2.45M Plus GST (if any)
3207 Shwy 23 12ha lifestyle property oozing with appeal. Three bedroom home has been built in the perfect spot. Sheltered, all day sun, private creek, native trees to the south and fertile soils make this a sort after property. Just down the road is Te Uku and great coffee. An easy commute to Hamilton.
$1.25M Plus GST (if any) VIEW By Appointment Only
Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625
Lifestyle Starts Here
Hamilton West
• Idyllic 20ha block approx 2/3 grazing 1/3 native bush • An opportunity to make a positive move to the country • Excellent location near Waingaro Hot Springs • Easy commute to Hamilton
$440,000 Plus GST (if any)
Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625
Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625
Te Mata Farmlet - 38 hectares 300 Ruapuke Road • Large lifestyle or small farm close to beach • Strong farming area with good rainfall • Two titles, 23 paddocks, reliable water supply • Recently refurbished skyline two bedroom home
Raglan $990,000 Plus GST (if any)
Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625
Rural and Harbour Views 199A Checkley Road A rare opportunity to purchase a 1.46ha section in a premier location. Incredible rural and harbour views in a very quiet spot with Te Uku school and a great coffee shop approx 3km away. Has power to the site and an easy near flat building platform. Good fishing, flounder and whitebait nearby. An easy commute to Hamilton
Raglan $399,000 GST Inclusive VIEW By Appointment Only
Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625
UpperLimited, Wainui Road SOLDunder | 40ha REAA Sanson Road SOLD | 15ha Whaanga Road SOLD | 205ha & 330ha Te Akau SOLD PGG Wrightson Real 81 Estate licensed 2008
8 RAGLAN Chronicle
Workshop with the Whaingaroa Bee Club
Animal Health Column For Raglan People + their Pets
Your animals need sunscreen too!
ummer is coming so it is time to slip slop, wrap and
bring out the sunscreen not only for yourself but for our furry friends too.
Michael Becker catching a swarm of bees.
he beautiful spring weather has prompted a wonderful flurry of activity and our honey bees have been foraging throughout the Whaingaroa/Raglan area, with precision and grace. With November just around the corner the Whaingaroa Bee Club is holding their monthly meet and a bee workshop. November's workshop will be covering practical knowledge of wasp eradication, initiatives on how the community can benefit from bees, and guidance around swarm season. Bee keper Jane Easton will also be bringing her wonderful packaged 'bee bomb' annual seeds, which can be purchased on the night. We welcome all new members from the Whaingaroa / Raglan area who have a genuine
interest and enthusiasm for the humble bees. Our evening get-togethers are informal and fun, allowing for sharing of information, items of interest, photos, and an opportunity to ask beekeeping related questions. So if you are a hobbyist bee keeper or simply have a love for bees, come along to our next gathering where we are running an informal workshop, Thursday the 8th of November 2018 at 7:30 - 9 pm at Raglan Old School Arts Centre, 5 Stewart Street Workshop cost is $5. Thereafter, our Whaingaroa Bee Club meet on the second Thursday of every month 7.30pm in Raglan. $2 gold coin koha entry. Note - venue to be advised each month. Check our FB page out to keep up to date each month for location and confirmation of or bee meets. Ush de la Croix
First tournament a success five local teams, to have a full house on both greens.
Participants in the optional triples tournament.
e had a great gathering for this event with entries from Te Kuiti, Rewa, Tokoroa, Putaruru, Morrinsville, Frankton Junction, Frankton Railway, Hillcrest, Claudelands, Taupiri, Huntly, Te Awamutu, Cambridge, and
What a fantastic day. The weather was changeable, causing us to stop play a few times, but there was not enough precipitation to cancel the day. At the completion of the day there were several teams having a nervous wait for the results as there were five teams all with four wins. With this happening it came down to who had gained most points during all four games. The top team was Dennis Meinging’s team from Frankton Railway with 79 points. Second was Dawn Small’s Team from Te Awamutu with 63 points. Terry Green’s composite team were third with 58 points and in fourth place was Ross Turner, Blue and Eileen Stephens form Raglan with 55 points. The unfortunate team was Annette Shiltons’ Team from Te Awamutu having 48 points. Many thanks go to our sponsors, Ray White Real Estate’s Julie and Blair Hanna. Without such continued support our tournament would be very different. Patrons certainly were spoilt with our usually high standard of afternoon tea. TWILIGHT BOWLS: Yes, it is now about to happen, starting on Tuesday November 13 with a report in time of 5.30pm for this first week. Teams of three persons can enter at$15 per person for the full 5 weeks of competition. Flat soled shoes are a MUST and we suggest a warm jacket/sweatshirt as it can get a bit cool. Contact Bob 021 825869 for entries and any queries. Happy bowling,, Eileen Stephens
Yes that’s right our animals need protection from the sun too just like us, especially if you own a white cat or dog! You will know by your own experience how painful sunburn can be and we are seeing a higher number of skin related cancers due to sunburn. Is your cat or dog a sunbathing enthusiast? Most commonly we see
There are many other ways to protect your dog this summer, you can buy sun suits which are especially useful for white cats and dogs, and don’t shave your long haired dogs’ hair too short. Always allow your dog to be able to move out of the sun into the shade. We would just like to address the issue of picking up your dog poo when out and about! We held a fundraising event at the Raglan dog park last weekend and it was very unfortunate to see the amount of poo
issues at the back of their legs, tummy
that had been left behind, so we had
and muzzle. In cats we often see
to clean up before starting.
issues on their pink noses and ears.
This does not only happen here
You don’t need to cover your whole
but on the side of foot paths and at
animal in sunscreen just the areas
the beach. Please be reasonable
with less hair or that are exposed to
and pick your dogs stools! We sell
the sun.
biodegradable doggy bags here at the
Do you plan to hit the beach
clinic that can be just tied to your lead
this summer or spend time outdoor
or placed in one in of your pockets to
camping? When packing your own
dispose of in a bin later.
sunscreen remember to pack the
We are very fortunate to have
dogs too. Please don’t use human
these public areas where we can run
sunscreen on your pets as they can be
and walk our dogs so please, help
allergic to zinc oxide if ingested. You
keep our community clean.
can buy safe animal sunscreen from
Shannon Waitere
the clinic or good pet stores.
The Anexa Team
Bring this voucher in to the clinic to get 5% off all sunscreen for the November
RAGLAN Chronicle 9
QUICKFIND Directory: your local trades guide BUILDERS
Paling | Post & Rail Picket | Pool Fencing Gates | Retaining Walls | Decks
Property Maintenance Services • Landscaping • Construction • Qualified builders • Fully insured
• Rental Cleans • Carpet Cleans • Lawn Care • Garden Care • Water Blasting
Specialising in New Builds, Maintenance and Drainlaying.
ELECTRICIANS stamped | colored | exposed aggregate | footpaths driveways | retaining skate ramps
Steel Art Trends
CALL JAY: 022 106 4318
Full design and install of custom made: - Steel signs - Gates - Fences
Windows • Doorways • Hole Drilling Decorative Cutting • Expansion Joints Kerb Crossings • Cowshed Alterations Removal of Concrete Structures etc Floor Sawing and Grinding
For advertising inquiries: Contact the Raglan Chronicle on 07 825 7076 or email us at
- Privacy - Screens - Walls - Nameplates + more
Maurice Pruden: 027 2333 112
027 4979 116 or 07 825 0214
Builders Mix • Cement • Firewood Drainage Metals • PVC Pipe • Novaflo Pea Metal • Sand • Pavers • Compost Fertiliser store • Pea Straw • Hay Bales Barks • Mulch • Chook Chow TOPSOIL • RAILWAY SLEEPERS Plant Nursery • Truck Deliveries Free Customer Loan Trailers HIRE EQUIPMENT: Compacter Concrete Mixer • Post Hole Borer find us on facebook!
10 RAGLAN Chronicle
Raglan NZ
Concrete Cutter Phone Rob Short 0274 846 124 or A/H 825 0246
Nick Heasman Phone: 021 058 2140 Email:
• LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED Offering a reliable, friendly service combined with quality workmanship.
MOVIES @ THE OLD SCHOOL IN NOVEMBER | SHE SHEARS (Doc) Sat 3 - 4.00 | MAMA MIA HERE WE GO AGAIN (PG) Sat 3 - 8.30, Sun 4 4.30 | BORN RACER (M) Sat 3 - 6.10, Sun 4 7.00 | Door sales 30 mins prior. MUSIC @ THE OLD SCHOOL Frank John Trio with WilkieMac. Fri 2 Nov. Doors open 7pm $15. SUN 4 NOV CROP S WA P 9.30-10.30am, Raglan Bowling Club. Bring anything from garden or kitchen to swap. All welcome.
For Sale
a ta m i ra . c o. n z Get Summer Ready Salt Water Sandals Kids + New Olive & Mustard Men’s Store Looks FRESH
In My Good Books ROOFING, MEMBRANE & CLADDING Your local professional Roofing Company • Commercial and residential • Re-roof and New roofs • Metal, membrane, insulated panel, exterior cladding • Fascia and spouting 07 846 7244 |
For advertising inquiries: Contact the Raglan Chronicle on 07 825 7076 or email us at
Quality 2nd hand books Open Thurs - Sun from 10am 2 Wallis St Books wanted.
Commercial to Let
MANUKAU ROAD DEPOT has a range of great storage and workspace options available for rent.These are reasonably priced, well equipped and in a central location. Please Contact Brendan Vink to discuss. 021 2627 735
WED 7 NOV R A G L A N R A M B L E R S 9am from James St near Wallis St south Hamilton river walk - bring lunch. SAT 10 NOV R A G L A N HORTICULTURAL S O C I E T Y GARDEN RAMBLE 10.00am 4.00pm Details at the library, i-Site and the Community House. FRI 30 NOV COMEDY AT THE CLUBHOUSE Raglan Golf Club presents these legends for a night of laughter. Cori Gonzales-Macuer and Luke Cederman. Doors open 7pm. Tickets selling fast at $25. Call Tim (027 593 4676) to get yours.
To Let
C A R AVA N AT RUAPUKE BEACH 500m from water, $120pw Phone Terry 07 825 0522
For Hire
TRACTOR FOR HIRE 100Hp with bucket if required, with or without driver. Ph Terry 07 825 0522
Services Offered
THU 1 NOV @ THE YOT CLUB: Earshot with Cian DJing from 9. Vi n y l only, hip hop funk soul. Free pool. Free entry, outside fire, food from Ulo’s Kitchen. FRI 2 NOV @ THE YOT CLUB: Sonic Delusion guitar based. Feat Sev Thiebaut (Fr) bass/keys. Pre sale $10 on Eventfinda. $15 on the door.
SAT 3 NOV @ THE YOT CLUB: House Techno Mexican Cookies plus Rayner in support. Dress SUN 4 NOV @ THE YOT CLUB: > > > S U N D AY SESSIONS<<< DJs & special guests Free from 4.20, $10 after 7pm. Drink specials 5-7. Food from Ulo’s Kitchen. Coming up >>>> SUN 11 NOV Mad Professor.
Yotty free pickup & dropoff, text this no: 021 1034 156
FRIDAY 2 NOVEMBER - **ROCK-IT’S ANNUAL SPOOKFEST** HALLOWEEN BASH - DJs spinning tunes 8.30pm 1am. Shuttle ride back to town incl. in ticket price. One way door from midnight. Limited presale tickets $10 from Rock-it Kitchen. $15 on the door (if available).
Courses, classes & workshops ***Put a spring in your step with THE RAGLAN LIGHT EXERCISE GROUP Sessions Monday and
Thursday. 10am to 11am. St Peters Hall. Everybody is most welcome to attend.
*Sponsored by RC
Public Notices WHAINGAROA ENVIRONMENT CENTRE AGM Monday 12 November, 5:30pm @ WEC, Town Hall, Bow Street. RAGLAN GOLF CLUB AGM will be held Sunday 25 November, 9.00am at the Raglan Golf Club, Te Hutewai Road. Club President Peter Aim.
QUICKFIND Directory: your local trades guide continued...
Public Notices
- Peace & tranquility - Surfing, fishing, bush walks - Cabins, powered sites, tent sites PH 07 825 6800
NEED THOSE SMALL JOBS DONE in and around the house? Call John on 021 082 40111
We’ll pay you in cash! Call now 07 847 1760
To Let 1 B E D R O O M F U R N I S H E D C O T T A G E for rent from late November to mid February. Possiblility of longer tenancy. Suit single professional person or couple. $260 per week. References please. Phone 07 825 7180
RAGLAN Chronicle 11
‘LIKE’us on Facebook Open Home
Final Notice
Indicates there is a ‘Walk-through Video’
Open Home
Auction Final Notice
100c Greenslade Road Your Haven Enjoy spectacular harbour views from this warm and welcoming home. ‘The Chalet’ has two living areas and dual decks for relaxed outdoor living and entertaining and is the perfect retreat from the stresses of everyday life. You will love the peacefulness of the bush setting and the sheltered micro climate it provides. Wake to birdsong, breathe in the fresh sea air and enjoy the natural tranquillity of the gentle lap of the tides. Positioned adjacent to the walkway access to Moonlight Bay you can be at the water’s edge in less than a minute. It is a sanctuary for busy professionals or a wonderful holiday home. Call now and secure it for summer! Deadline Contact Email View
Open Homes
Final Notice
12pm 7.11.18 Unless sold prior Chrissy Cox - 027 287 1804 Sunday 1 - 1:30pm
5 Cambrae Road Views and Income! Don’t miss this outstanding opportunity to purchase a multi-purpose Raglan home. Offering stunning water views and sensational sunrises over Lorenzen Bay plus very close water access too. Currently configured into 2 separate self contained 2 bedroom flats but can easily be converted back to one big family home. Many improvements have been completed including a new roof, repainted, landscaped and even a sleepout/studio. Single lock up garage and plenty of off street parking. To be sold with tenants in place on a fixed term tenancy until May 2020 providing a guaranteed return of $650 per week. Viewing is through the open homes only. Deadline Contact Email View
Open Homes
Final Notice
80 Wallis Street
Quintessential Kiwi Harbourfront Bach Auction 1pm 3rd November 2018 Contact Chrissy Cox - 027 287 1804 Email
Pre Auction 12-12:30pm 22ZHFG
1pm 7.11.18 Unless sold prior Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Sat & Sunday 11 - 11:45am
Open Home
After around 80 years and several generations of family memories the owners have decided to sell. Imagine sitting on the deck or under the overhanging pohutakawa with the tide lapping below, your children playing happily and safely in the harbour while you watch in comfort. See the boats coming and going, the paddle boarders and kayakers passing by, the seabirds and occasionally the orcas in the harbour. Or take advantage of your own boat shed & boat ramp to catch your evening meal. This is the perfect place to recharge your batteries and enjoy a slower pace of life. AUCTION 1pm Sat 3rd Nov LJ Hooker, 25 Bow St, Raglan.
72 Maungatawhiri Road
14 Cambrae Road
Massive Views & Potential +++ Such a rare and exciting find is this 5 acre (approx) property, located just a few minutes to town and offering spectacular ocean and rural views. A modern and rustic 2 bedroom cottage is nestled amongst the trees and enjoys total privacy and those views! An additional cabin/sleepout is always a bonus. The land is mostly planted in mature pines and features two flattened platforms providing options for additional accommodation, parking or sheds etc. This unique property is a must see to fully discover the many opportunities on offer so call for more info today. LIM report available on request.
Character Bach on Cambrae Located down a quiet lane next to the waterfront access path to Lorenzen Bay, this seaside cottage is so warm and inviting and has retained the character features of the era. A bright and breezy open plan lounge has rimu polished floors and opens out to a sheltered covered sunny entertaining deck enjoying a harbour view out to the bay. Featuring 3 bedrooms, a modernised kitchen and bathroom, a classic open fireplace as well as 2 heat-pumps. It also has a carport big enough for a boat and offstreet parking for 2 cars. All this set on a freehold title of 806m2. Character bach lovers.. this is your ticket for a classic getaway, be quick.
Deadline Contact Email View
Deadline Contact Email View
2pm 6.11.18 Unless sold prior Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 Sat & Sunday 1 - 1:45pm
1 Wallis Street
Established Retail Business CBD Be in for Summer. For family reasons this high growth business is reluctantly offered for sale. Located in prime Raglan CBD, The Raglan Project is a one stop shop retailing a variety of hardware, homeware and building supplies to a loyal established customer base of tradies and DIYers. The business includes stock, a strong long term lease, established supply lines and management systems, large enclosed retail area and an exterior concreted yard space. With Raglan’s increasing population, the success of this highly desirable business will continue to grow. NB: PRICE INCLUDES STOCK
12pm 8.11.18 Unless sold prior Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 Saturday 2 - 2:30pm
144 Maungatawhiri Road Your Ticket to Spacious Living This exceptional 5 acre lifestyle property enjoys views out to Mount Karioi & the ocean on the horizon. Built in the mid-2000’s the spacious home features 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, a designer kitchen with scullery & 2 living areas. Underfloor heating is supplied to all bathrooms, the kitchen & the spa pool room. The deck is absolutely made for entertaining while taking in the fantastic views. There is an internal access double garage, a workshop & another separate double garage has a self contained unit. The big views and privacy make this property seem like it’s miles away from anywhere, but it’s only 5 minutes to seaside Raglan. For Sale Contact Email View
For Sale $399,000 + gst (if any) Contact Robbie Regnier 021 952 271 Email View
$1,350,000 Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309
Chrissy Cox
Kyle Leuthart
Michelle O’Byrne
Stephen O’Byrne
Robbie Regnier
Matt Sweetman
Sandra Bowditch
027 287 1804
021 903 309
021 969 878
021 969 848
021 952 271
021 624 826
021 751 759
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Raglan Property Manager
*NB Boundary lines on photos are approximate & merely a guide. All information contained herein is gathered from sources we deem reliable. However we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely upon their own enquiries.
LJ Hooker Raglan (07) 825 7170 • 12 RAGLAN Chronicle
25-27 Bow Street , Raglan • George Boyes & Co Limited Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008