Nga Ripo o Whaingaroa
EST. 1903
8th April 2021 - Issue #725
Whaingaroa news for you weekly
OpenNHomes obody does it better® Nobody does it better®
Nobody does it better®
Tthis hinweekend king of selling? So are we! ngo?f sSeollainreg?wSeo! are we! 1795 Whaanga Road | Sat 1111:30am | Kyle – 021 903 309
Raglan team 70+ years experience team 70+ years experience ears exp19eViolet riencStreet e | Sat / Sun @ 1220 Smith Street | Sat / Sun @ 1111:30pm | Robbie – 021 952 271 1pm | Natasha – 027 555 9994
7C Whaanga Road | Sat 1-1:30pm | Kyle – 021 903 Kyle L309 euthart Michelle O’Byrne Stephen O’Byrne
Chrissy Cox 027 287 1804
021 903 309
021 969 878
021 969 848 andra Bowditch Michelle O’Byrne Ge Sto ep h ee nO ’Boyy rne e s & RCoo bbL ieim Regintie erd 27MB ato tS weS et tm aR naglaSn r g B w , 021 751 759 021 969 878 021 969 848 021 952 271 021 624 826 Rentals S a n d r a B o w d i t c h Robbie Regnier Matt Sweetman 021r7a5g 1 7la MREINZ Licensed REAA 2008 27 Bo0w 21 9S5t2, 2R 71aglan 021 624 826 Rentals
Robbie Regnier 021 952 271
Matt Sweetman 021 624 826
07 825 7170
Sandra Bowditch 021 751 759 Rentals
MREINZ Lice ns ed REAA 2008
07 825 7170 25 7170
MREINZ Lice ns ed REAA 2008
Raglan Independent Courier Ph or text Michelle Cobham
027 325 4181
Daily trips to Hamilton Mon - Fri 8.30-12.30 Whaingaroa Weedbusters
Is this your next home?
... see you at the Open Home then!
Saturday 27 March 58 Government Road Auction 6:00pm Friday 9 April
Ray White Office (unless sold prior)
2:00pm 12:00pm 1:00pm
Raglan Couriers 10A Violet Street Raglan Couriers travelling to 3 times daily Raglan Couriers 58 Government Road Hamilton 3 times daily: 3 times daily morning/midday/afternoon morning, midday and afternoon 44A Upper Wainui Street
morning/midday/afternoon deliveries available
Sunday 28 March 11:00am 2:00pm 12:00pm
Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282
10A Violet Street Auction 6:00pm Friday 23 April Ray White Office (unless sold prior)
Ray White Raglan I 21 Bow Street I Raglan I 07 825 8669 I
40 Kaitoke Street
Local Business Serving Raglan District Since 1996
44A Upper Wainui Street
Local Business Serving Raglan District Since 1996
10A Violet Street
58 Government Road
19 Bay View Road
Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)
Phone 027 221 5395 RAGLAN Chronicle 1
Cover Great Golfing Mates:
Gordon Jowsey and Tom Wilson battle it out at the recent Myrle Robertson Memorial Annual Golf Shoot Out competition. Full story below.
Supportour ourlocal localeateries! eateries! Support Hours and specials below. Hours and specials below.
Support our local eateries! For advertising enquiries email RRAAGGLLAANN FFOOOODD && DDRRI INNKK
Aroha Sushi Raglan
Raglan’s original sushi shop since 2003
Open 6 Days. Wednesdays to
Open 7 Days couldbe beyours. yours. 8am - 4pm This space could
Golf Shoot Out!
SERVING HONEST LOCAL AND GOOD FOOD op en 7 day s a space week This
PH: 07 825 7440&&Pitas TurkishKebabs Kebabs on Plates Pitas Turkish on Plates plusbeverages beverages&&more more plus
19 BowEmail Street the 07 825 002 7 Email the Chronicle formore moredetails. details. Chronicle for
10:30toto9pm 9pm| |29 29Bow BowStSt- -07 07825 8250202 0202 10:30
Open Thurs to
(07)825 8258761 8761 (07)
Open 9am 7pm Open - -7pm Sun9am 10am-7pm. Wed Sunday WedClosed - Sunday Mon, Tues, Wed Closed Mon-Tues Closed Mon-Tues
Phoneorders orderswelcome! welcome! Phone Phone orders welcome! *Fish& &Chips* Chips* *Fish *Fish & Chips* *Burgers* *Burgers* *Burgers* *Weekly Specials* *Weekly Specials* *Weekly Specials* Thestore storewith witha alotlotmore! more! The The store with a lot more
PH: 825 8761
KopuaCamp CampStore, Store,Marine MarineParade, Parade,Raglan Raglan TeTeKopua
92Wallis WallisStSt- 07 - 07825 8257544 7544 92
RealFruit FruitIce IceCream Cream Real Burritos- -Wraps Wraps Burritos Open for Breakfast Soup- -Salad Salad Soup VolcomLane Lane and lunch Volcom & Chilli 248 Wainui Rd Open77days daysfrom from11:30 11:30 Closed & Chilli Tuesdays Open 07 825 8233 THE THE
Open77Days Days Open 8am--4pm 4pm 8am
o N O
248Wainui WainuiRdRd| |0707825 8258233 8233 248 Open7 7Days Daysa aWeek WeekFrom From9am 9am Open
op e ns es v ev e nd d ay ek ek p en en ay s sa aww ee N
t 07 8 28 52 5 0 00 02 72 7 1 O91 9B oBwo wS tSrtereete07
Open 7Chips days a Fishn’n’ Chips Fish Group Bookings week from Group Bookings Inside/Outside 10am till Seating 7Seating pm Inside/Outside Openfor forDinner Dinner Open Fri&&Sat Sat Fri Open from from5:30pm 5:30pm from Thursday to
Tuesday 9am - 11pm Ph : 021 198 7983
Breakfast/Lunch7 7Days Days Breakfast/Lunch
Open77Days Days Open From9:30AM 9:30AMMon-Fri Mon-Fri From and9AM 9AMSat Satand andSun Sun and Waterfrontdining dining Waterfront indoorand andoutdoor outdoorseating seating indoor
St RoseSt 43Rose 43 0010 8250010 07825 07
Communion service every Sunday 9.30am
Sunday Services
10am Raglan Area School 7pm Te Uku Church
Everyone is welcome
Pastor Roger & Cheryll Peart Starts From Wednesday 24 March 2021 For all forecasts check out
Max temp (C)
(High/Low) L 01:00 am H 07:30 am L 01:50 pm H 08:00 pm
SE 0 SW 15
Sunny with some cloud
Sunny with some cloud
E 10 am W 10 pm
02:10 08:30 02:40 09:00
am am pm pm
R 07:31 am S 07:21 pm
Sunny with some cloud
E 5 am W 10 pm
03:00 09:20 03:30 09:50
am am pm pm
R 07:32 am S 07:19 pm
Sunny with some cloud
03:50 10:10 04:20 10:30
am am pm pm
R 07:33 am S 07:18 pm
Cloudy with Showers
04:30 10:50 05:00 11:10
am am pm pm
R 07:34 am S 07:16 pm
Rain with possible thunder storms
NE 5 NW 10
05:10 11:30 05:40 11:50
am am pm pm
R 07:34 am S 07:15 pm
Cloudy with Showers
SW 5 am SW pm 10
L 05:50 am H 12:10 pm
R 07:35 am S 07:13 pm
NE 15 NE 10
am pm
E 10 am E 10 pm am pm
*Total significant wave height and *Tide times for Raglan Bar ©WeatherMap 2021. All rights reserved.
Raglan Ink Ltd home of the Raglan Chronicle Office open by appointment Post: P.O. Box 234, Raglan
Ph/text Email: Editor: Advertising & Articles The advertising and editorial content deadline will be Monday at 12pm week of issue.
DISCLAIMER Opinions and views expressed in the Raglan Chronicle do not necessarily represent those held by the Editors or Publishers. Every care will be taken in the preparation and placement of submitted material but the Editors/Publishers shall not be liable for errors or omissions or subsequent effects due to the same. It is the submitters responsibility to ensure material is not libelous or defamatory. The Editors/ Publishers reserve the right to abridge, alter or decline any material submitted to the Raglan Chronicle to meet the constraints of space and/or maintain a reasonable standard of language and decorum.
2 RAGLAN Chronicle
ordon Jowsey and Tom Wilson, great golfing mates, were out to shoot each other down in the recent Myrle Robertson Memorial Annual Golf Shoot Out competition, held at the Raglan Golf Club.
“Gordon was too good on the day, quipped Tom, “and deserved to win.”
With a field of fifteen, reduced to just two as holes were played, it was left to Gordon and Tom to hit for the coveted trophy. Both golfers took aim, fired for the pin and awaited the outcome.
Played annually in memory of Myrle Robertson, a club stalwart and club patron, this event is keenly contested amongst Raglan Golf Club members.
“I rode my luck a few times but in the end I shot a better round.” Remarked Gordon.
A message from the Raglan Police
R 07:30 am S 07:22 pm
n the last two weeks Raglan Police have reported 4 family harm incidents and 9 dishonesty related offences. On the 25th at about 11:30 pm a serious crash occurred on Bow Street in Raglan where four people were injured. The driver has been charged and will appear in court soon facing a raft of charges. On the 4th / 5th of April, young offenders have come into Raglan in the early hours of the morning and they have caused havoc, breaking into the Four Square, stealing a car, and breaking into at least three other cars. This is still under investigation and Police are hopefully to resolve this
case. To assist us and to prevent further victims - if you hear a car alarm go off, or see or hear something suspicious, please ring Police on 111 immediately. Finally, just a reminder how awesome of a community we live in. The Raglan Top Garage helped a victim of family violence, your support for this victim at a time in need is invaluable. Constantly we have found property being handed in and returned to owners, that is amazing and of note a significant sum of money was handed into the Police station, you know who you are, awesome stuff! Have a great week and remember to look out for one another! Senior Constable, Andrew Murphy and the Raglan Team
Walkers, dog owners on the outer in airfield safety plans The exact wording of the CAA warning isn’t detailed but clearly it’s been sufficient to spook Waikato District Council staff into engaging an aviation consultant to inspect and “audit” the Raglan airfield. Council open spaces team leader Duncan MacDougall acknowledged the ensuing safety proposals were “likely to be unpopular” but said the council must comply with the 1990 Civil Aviation Act and the 2015 Safety at Works Act.
No-go zone?: A dog walker negotiates one of the two sets of gates that access Raglan airfield. If Waikato District Council has its way, this entry point will become for plane users only.
he writing looks to be on the wall – or in a bureaucratic three-page report, to be specific – for all those Raglan walkers and dog owners who cross the local airfield each day. And though the Raglan Community Board’s been put on a short leash of three months to come up with some sort of compromise, Waikato District Council’s intention is clear: it wants people and their pooches gone for good from what has effectively become a popular recreational area for locals. No wall as such is envisaged in the council’s plan to prohibit the general public. Instead it intends to extend the existing 1.2 metre tall stock fence along the beach-side boundary of the airfield and to remove pedestrian access gates – effectively sealing off the facility to ratepayers and residents who directly or indirectly help fund its upkeep. It also plans signage along the lines of “Operational area: all unauthorised access prohibited”.
Raglan Holiday Park Papahua along behind the row of trees that typically shelter any parked planes then out onto the beach well west of the wartime concrete bunker. Raglan West residents would be in for a circuitous walk to get to the beach that way. At the same time, the current airfield access point near the holiday park entrance would be kept for access to and from planes only. As one member of the public cynically observed at last week’s meeting, Raglan is running out of recreational space already yet “Aucklanders are flying in for a latte”. The council proposals – which sparked a spirited debate at last week’s community board meeting and then a furore on social media – have come out of a fatal mid-air accident near Hood aerodrome in Masterton back in June 2019. The pilots of the two light aircraft involved both died but there was no wider public risk or involvement in
The report talks of retaining access to the beach beyond the airfield by providing a perimeter trail around the airfield.
the tragedy.
However an accompanying map appears to show that pedestrian access could be restricted to a short track running from somewhere near the main entrance to
the Civil Aviation Authority subsequently
There is mention however in the council report to the Raglan Community Board of issuing a notice to all aerodromes about the need for safety and complying with relevant legislation.
for friendly and proffesional advice email
also at HG Webb House, Cnr Boundary & Victoria Streets, Hamilton
“Health and safety is really important to the (council’s) executive leadership team. We have to, as far as reasonably practicable, stop people from crossing the airfield,” he added. Another senior council staffer at the community board meeting went so far as to talk of being liable to imprisonment if she did not make all efforts to comply with the legislation. Community board member Chris Rayner, who helped reshape the recommendations back to council, posted on Raglan Notice Board later that “they give us three months to educate the wider community who have been crossing the airstrip for years that we all now need to walk around the landing area and should no longer walk across the middle of the runway”.
He added, optimistically: “I hope we can together achieve a balance between plane and pedestrian users without the need for more fences and removing public access away from what has been a wellfunctioning space for many years.” The community board has also recommended to the infrastructure committee that further investigation is undertaken into the council’s legal obligations to own and operate the airfield. The council warns that if the community wishes to disestablish the airfield, it will be a long term process that could take years. This, it adds, is because of the “complicated way” the land was acquired (it was taken from local Maori under the Public Works Act for a wartime airstrip). AT
RAGLAN Chronicle 3
An Update from the team at Raglan Medical DOCTOR APPOINTMENTS
Please ensure that you book well in advance for regular medical needs and medications as at times we are experiencing two week wait times for your preferred doctor
Anglesea Clinic provide health services for our patients out of normal working hours, they are located at Corner Anglesea & Thackeray Streets in Hamilton and can be contacted 24 hours a day on 07 858 0800.
We continue to offer COVID-19 tests to make sure there are no undetected cases in our community. If you develop any respiratory symptoms: shortness of breath, sore throat, cough, fever or a runny nose, please call us to arrange a COVID swab & self-isolate immediately. Testing will help us to keep our community safe.
We encourage you to continue booking telephone consultations where possible and to sign up to our Manage My Health App which gives you more control to access results, book appointments and the ability to email your doctor directly.
Healthline can be contacted 24 hours a day on 0800 611 116 for free advice from registered nurses.
FLU VACCINE BOOKINGS FOR PATIENTS AGED 65 AND OVER Our vaccines have not arrived yet however, they’re scheduled to be here in two weeks and bookings can now be made from Monday 19th April.
Tirohia | Take a look at our proposals for an even better Waikato.
Choose what matters to you before 4pm, 30 April.
To find out more Scan to read all our proposals online. Call 0800 800 401 to request a copy of our consultation document or pick one up from your public library.
4 RAGLAN Chronicle
Weedbusters declare war on weeds in Whaingaroa
Animal Health Column Managing routine For + their G URaglan INE APeople PIGS A SPets PETS A N I M A L H E A LT H C O L U M N F O R changes R A G L A N P E O P L Efor A N D pets THEIR PETS
Rag the
Dental disease
From le Finn Ve
our kids might be teeth from excessive growth badgering you to or malocclusion is by means consider adopting of a varied, predominantly a pet into the family, and fresh fruit and vegetable diet, and access to good quality that can be a huge decision nexa vets have partnered grass andhay. as it is a mobile service can to make, and not one to with& dogs survived Veterinary ats for jaw. Many breeds now very occur youifhave anda your As onewherever can imagine an take lightly. If a dog, or decadesServices in the wild small jaw, and some also have a Behaviour NZ without to offer animal pet are most comfortable, or is housed on wire or even a catintervention, may seem likeso significantly short snout, causing any human behavioural consultations, netti ng constantly, guinea where we see the behaviours too big a responsibility teethcan to behave crowded in thewith mouth. This that means don’t from need our to pigs issues advice, and we training happening. and commitment athealth, this ‘bumble creates issues teethpads being out of consider theirDrdental foot’ with on the Veterinarian Lucy Scott. We will formulate a plan point, or for other reasons ofalignment or too together, and their paws if close not given right? WRONG! Veterinary that teeth involves environmental some are unable to grow good it may not work,Behaviour then a opportuniti es to spend Inguinea the wild, it’swas a simple case of management, Services NZ established intomore the jaw. behavioural pig may just be the tistrong me of roots softer, natural natural selection; old,mobile sick, injured or Because of theprograms crowded teeth last right year and service, modification and pet is forayour family. surfaces. debilitated animals will not survive. and lack of space, food material, covering the Waikato and Bay appropriate medication if Guinea pigs can be kept If not inGuinea good health, pigs and are otherwise placid, bacteria, and later plaque and tartar of Plenty, but based right here in indicated. You will receive a hutch, with constant unable to perform daily inwill gentle animals, normal rarely bite build up on the teeth. Once this to an report, outdoor as andwell as Raglan. a detailed functions such as and eat, drink, hunt access or scratch are very begins, it becomes a snowball effect. indoor area. The hutch does ongoing email support. Often sociable. They thrive much or find food then this does not bode continues to build up, pushing Behavioural consultations are Tartar need to be cleaned regularly bettthem. er withTimes a buddy, and are well for have changed; two to three follow up visits are back on the gums which causes suitable for all our companion to maintain hygiene and gum very easy animalsof toyears care for. over several thousands since recession, allowing access for bacteria needed, depending on your pets’ animals (mostly cats and dogs) prevent illness. Water should Nevertheless, it is important animals were first domesticated, there into the gums and weakening the issues. with behaviour problems, and sure be refreshed daily, bepossible! Not allto foods are created equal soand make your pet gets theand bestcan diet be well informed have been many changes in lifestyles periodontal attachment that holds the provided in a cage mounted Alongside help with As vets we cannot emphasise enough the importance of good nutrition your common issues addressed and prepared diets, andwhen moreconsidering importantly tooth in place. While all this for is going water dispenser. pet, to ensure good health. Diets need to be tailored to the specifi c needs of your behavioural problems, adopti ng any include: human selection fornew traitspet thatinto help on for your pet, you may only see very pet tothe ensure they lead aus. healthy life. family. Fresh grass hay should Veterinary Services them live alongside This signs, orBehaviour sometimes none at all, • Fear of noises or places has subtle always be also available, and created cats of sorts provide help and asNZ ourcan animals are particularly Guinea pig care; What doof consider There aredogs manyand reasons whyall you should feeding your pet with pet good food • Anxiety about certain small guinea different shapes and sizes, and also aattraining hidingamount pain or of discomfort until it purchased from your vet. I need to know? to prepare for veterinary situations being left alone pig specifitoo c pellets can tobe created potentialorhealth concerns. isvisits, simply unbearable withstand grooming and husbandry Guinea pigs are needs unablemay to change Advice: Your as they grow and age. Your vet/ vet off ered. to pet’s thesedietary changes, human atDue home. any longer, as this is simply a survival atfor all home. Co-operative care produce their own vitamin nurse can offer advice on the best nutrition life stages of your pet. intervention is often warranted, in technique. The bulk of their diets C, so it is essenti al to ensureas based, • Reactivity (expressed fear-free techniques mean order to Vet-Only give our pet animals full, along, What should you do youcare, are Range: food aoffers wide range of include special diets, such asiforal should fresh fruits they receive enough intowards their fear or aggression) these about do nottheneed toofbeyour hard on pain freeloss life. Whereas wild dogs once and unsure health pets’ weight and hairball control. vegetables, and can diet, usuallycars, predominantly other include; you or or your pet! had strangers, an average lifespan ofor 6-8 years, mouth, would like to know the Dark leafy greens in their Large-breed fresh fooddogs intake. Tailor-made: have different nutritional needs than smaller theyanimals. now can live up to a whopping such signsAs of issue? Book a FREE Vet asan broccoli/ a kale, qualified Veterinarian rabbits, guinea pigs alsodiet formulations. dogs Like and therefore need different Breed specifi c foods are 16 years (depending on breed and Nurse dental health consultation for collards, dandelion, and working towards Veterinary • Ohave b s e stoteeth s help i v e -control c o mconti poruprevent l nue s i v e some that formulated of the typical health problems of other to factors). Cats once only lived to the month of June only. Our nurses mustard greens (parti cularly grow, which pose to prescription Behaviourist status, Veterinary ascan repetitive eachdisorders, breed. Yourseen vet also has access diets designed for specific a mere 4 yearsalif living on their own, good will sources assess your pets’ mouth, talk of vitamin on-going health healthsubstanti conditions. Behaviour Services NZC),can take or self-trauma and patterns now may live up to 18+ years! youyou through options forering your pet if and can also try off concerns if preventati ve a holistic view of –your animals’ (usually licking!) Much less once mess to up: Quality food is highly digestible therefore less treatment is required, make a plan Dogs hadclean a reasonably capsicum, apples, and pears, measure are not exercised issues. They can help you mess and smell jaw when yourteeth petsuch goes to the toilet. forward going in order to prevent proportioned to ratio, berries, cucumbers, parsley • Toileting problems as daily. understand the medical future dental disease. meaning teeth were evenly spaced and basil. Approximately ¼ issues going inside when theymost Weight management: Obesity is used the most common form of malnutrition in the The easiest, The Anexa and able to be well-seated into the behind some of these behaviours ½ cup of fresh foods daily pets of today. Feeding pets an appropriate quantity of food is very important. Team High
Organics Yard operator Darren Brierly, Leanne Steel and Liz Stanway are on the warpath to rid the township of weeds.
ew initiative Whaingaroa Weedbusters is declaring a war on weeds in an effort to regenerate green spaces with native flora. Greenslade Road Weedbusters co-founder Leanne Steel and Xtreme Zero Waste Organics Yard team lead Liz Stanway launched the initiative at the recent Maui Dolphin Day enlisting neighbourhoods who want to get on top of their noxious weeds. “There has been a lot of interest from the community in support of a weed-free Whaingaroa and lots of people marked their weedy properties on our Raglan township map,” Leanne says. Funding from the Waikato Regional Council will make it possible for the group to run a Whaingaroa Weed Blitz and provide miniskips over weekends through late April, May and June for noxious weed collection around Raglan township. The township will be the focus for the group this year, including problem areas around Greenslade Rd, Kaitoke Walkway, Norrie Ave, Lily St and Rose St, and have their sights set on some common Raglan pests Woolly Nightshade, Wild Ginger, Wandering Willy, Climbing Asparagus, Chinese Privet, and Periwinkle. They are looking for property owners or groups of property owners who want to get rid of noxious plants that threaten our natural areas . “We’re calling on residents, or even better groups of residents, to sign up to this great opportunity so we can make sure everyone who is keen gets a chance to use this service and XZW can cope with the incoming weeds,” Liz says. Even better still, people who sign up will get a free property check from an ecologist who will give advice
on how to take out the weeds, what to put there instead and how to stop the nasties re-establishing. “There are lots of remnant natural habitats in Raglan township tucked away in gullies or on the coast which are a mix of private and reserve land but they have often been taken over by aggressive weeds that stop the native trees from growing and regenerating.,” Liz says. With a view to develop a long-term strategic approach, key players Waikato District and Waikato Regional Council alongside local groups Whaingaroa Environment Centre, Greenslade Weedbusters, Karioi Maunga Project, Xtreme Zero Waste and passionate locals Ross Henderson and Moira Cursey have been working behind the scenes since the beginning of 2020. Liz says the COVID lockdown saw an increase in locals getting out in the garden to get rid of the weeds and restore the native flora and fauna, but struggled with the challenge of how to safely dispose of the weeds. “Fortunately, over the last two years Xtreme Zero Waste has discovered that their hot foodwaste composting system easily destroys almost all noxious plants, even those in seed.,” Liz says. The group are determined to establish long term learning opportunities so everyone can recognise the noxious plants and get rid of them when they are small and easy to tackle. “We need more native trees planted instead of the weeds to help bring back our native birds and other fauna in town and compliment the great work Karioi Maunga project is doing with backyard predator and pest trapping,” Leanne says. For more information about the Whaingaroa Weed Blitz contact
Ryan Serie which Auck
Th played strong challe the fir
Th titles v Under (Mnt) Tao M Divisio for Ta as did Under and P title fo
Don’t Feed Your Pet Junk Food!
toeffecti go veoutside marking/ way to or prevent the
be offered. asandwell aswith thea smaller development quality food tends makeinthe feelshould full satisfi ed quantity. spraying of to urine theanimal home.
and learning involved. JunePromotion
Dental health: Dental problems are the second most common health problem • Age-related cognitive scientific, humane, and thatdisorders we see in our patients. Vet-Only have special features to help keep (Senility, anxiety) pet foods compassionate techniques to your pet’sBook mouth healthy. a FREE Vet Nurse dental health
help you and your animal. March Promotion
• Unwanted behaviours such
Taste: consultation Your pets will love it! for Vet-Only have a high rate among thediets month of acceptance June only. as barking, jumping up or To100%contact Veterinary pets. But for extra reassurance all our foods are guaranteed. If your pet Our on nurses will assess your pets’ mouth, pulling lead. Behaviour Services NZ, ask at doesn’t like it we will refund the purchase price.
talk you options collars for your pet if– $10 offthrough Seresto offer ends 31/3/2020
A between consultation can and take Anexa Vetandclinic for The link good nutrition health your is and well local proven in humans animals, treatment is required, make a them plan referral or check out between one and three hours so you want to feed the best food you can to your pets. We believe feeding a topat going prevent depending on forward your requirements quality veterinary diet will result in in a order andto better quality lifefuture for your pet. If dental you are in doubt about the quality of thedisease. diet your pet is receiving, come and see us. We can advise on the best diet for your pet’s health.
Anexa, 40 Bow Street, Raglan P: 07 825 8390
Janine Jackson 4 RAGLAN Chronicle
Eve Butlan in the been n nfys eventa of he fiRa n enterprise point Secon Raglan C than a The the gir up Lu aboutand their
businessBri is surfer peanut butt winnin “Iconvin like s whatawe10.6 m withth With girls in are sec ab finishi and crunch Ra Market at t his fir “I’ve a brides business. S finishe bestin uni studies Gisbo The pea 7.5 po smooth no and qu Initially Navry in foum and bang jars in ord taking two
RAGLAN Chronicle 5
6 RAGLAN Chronicle
Popular Arts Trail set for October’s Labour Weekend
The opening night of the Preview Exhibition (Image credit: Stuart Mackenzie)
aglan’s artist community is gearing up for the 13th annual Raglan Arts Weekend, with
key 2021 dates announced for keen Raglan artists as well as visiting art aficionados from across the country. Due to the success and popularity of last year’s event, it will again be held over Labour Weekend, 23-25 October 2021.
An official ‘Call for Registrations’ will be announced in April in the Chronicle, through an email from the Old School Arts Centre to all people who are interested in art news, as well as on the Raglan Noticeboard. This year, artists will be required to supply all the following information at the time of registration to complete registration:
Artist registration will open mid-April and the registrations will be capped at 42 artists. Last year 37 artists took part, so an addition of 5 artists brings the event to its biggest yet. The registration fee remains the same as last year. There will be an Early Bird registration fee of
A complete registration form The $179 Early bird or $200 Full Price entry fee A collage of RAW artists from last year A biography - max 200 words A one liner for the RAW brochure - max 20 words
$179 which will run for two weeks. After that, the
Four hi res pictures
full registration fee of $199 applies.
“It may seem some time away but it has a habit of
“Last year, we had to close registration two
creeping up on us so quickly!” Nicky says. “We’re
weeks early as we reached our maximum quota for
in the process of trying to obtain grant money and
participating artists,” says Nicky Brzeska, Raglan’s
will also be working with our amazing sponsors
RAW Co-ordinator, who has been handling the
again soon to try and drum up the funds we need to
Arts Weekend for the past 2 years. “We’re seeing
run the event. It’s not-for-profit and it’s expensive to
a renewed energy around the event, and it’s great
run, and so this initial phase is crucial for us in terms
that we’re drawing significant interest from artists
of determining what kind of event we can pull off.”
who are new to RAW – both emerging and well
If you would like to be kept informed about when
established. So, if you’re keen to enter, start getting
registration opens or are interested in becoming a
your material together now,” she urges.
sponsor please email
Brodie Reynolds’ oil paintings of mystical scenes had splashes of neon in 2020
Hot Deal 20kg STRONGCRETE 15 Minute Fast Set
Decking, fencing, retaining - home building projec ts • WE DELIV ER Phone 0800 484 667 or email by 12pm Wednesday for FREE Friday delivery within 10km radius of Raglan. (T & Cs apply)
W H A T A W H A T A RAGLAN Chronicle 7
RAGLAN AREA SCHOOL NEWS Artist Amazes Akonga Outdoor Education Option Courses Come to Raglan Area School
hat’s the key to creating spectacular artwork? It is not as easy as you think. Having an expert tell you the secrets of how this happens does help though.
Rātu, 18 o Here-Turi-Kōkā, theswimming local artist YearOn 9 and 10te students learning survival Miranda Jane Caird came to Raglan Area School techniques
to teach the classes D3 and E5 how to draw Mount Karioi and toin talk about being an artist. iving Whaingaroa, our natural “We can tell stories pictures withoutin using environment lendswith itself to learning the words,” Miranda told the students. “Put your special outdoors. story in your own picture.” While the students were provides listening,theMiranda The outdoor environment perfect demonstrated her techniques drawing Mount setting for students to developof their confidence, leadership, and resilience, as well as providing them with the pathway to pursue further study or careers in the outdoors. 2021 has seen Outdoor Education launched as an option for students in Years 7-11. Over the coming years, this will grow to include Years 12 and 13. Here is what the students have to say. Why did you choose to take Outdoor Education for Year 11? I chose outdoor education because I wanted to try something new, I believed that outdoor education was going to help me develop skills that could help me push outside of my comfort zone, in a way I was
Karioi. She inspired the students for their calendar art by telling them about her illustrations and showing them some of her own pictures. She talked about the foreground of pictures, the background of pictures, and how to include a story in your art. Occasionally, nature,fireanimals, Year 7-8Miranda studentsincludes learning about and and hercooking family ininthe heroutdoors. pictures of Mount Karioi because they are important to her. At the end of her visit, shetokindly shared some pictures and magnets unable do myself. I thought that it might be fun to with the akonga. After the visit, the students drew change it up. Megan Abrams - Year 11 Mount Karioi using Whaea Miranda’s techniques What has been your highlight so far this year? and telling their own stories. So farart it has to go be around Sea Kayaking. Learning from “Your might the world,” whispered each other (mostly Matua Liam) has been a major Miranda. highlight of these beginning weeks, I remember the E5 students, Year 2/3 first outing we had in our home town Rags when we all got our feet cut up on the limestone coast - I knew there was a reason we were supposed to bring booties! It’s been quite a ride from basics—how to get into a kayak, rock gardening, and weaving in and out of the rocky coastline—on our overnight camp in the Hauraki Gulf. Kaitawhiti Kereopa - Year 11 Massive thank you to The Southern Trust for providing funding to purchase all the gear needed to run this programme. Also a huge shout out to TJ Pemberton and David Williams for your support in getting this programme up and running.
Eke Panuku, Eke Tangaroa!
perform on is the aerial silks. Her best advice for us when performing was to make contact with the audience. She said, “It is important to connect”. Something we noticed was Jia and Jess's marvellous face expressions to help them do this. Circus is a powerful tool for us to the class, or outside, it’s not unusual learn to believe in ourselves. work as toasee Barney around inand team, buildbeing strongcarried relationships, the arms of other. a student, wrapped trust each We are excitedup to in take a jacket or having his custody fought part in the acrobatics, silks, balancing, over between the students. Not only juggling learning. We will show isand Barney teaching us about being the community what we can do empathetic, he is also setting us up for at thefuture. end ofSome Term students 2 by putting on a big the are natural performance. We are nervous parents, whereas others are about still it learning to care forexcited. Barney like a but we how are also really real baby. BarneyLucy, is awesome but & he Evie is By Alaia, Willa, Inēs not as good as the visits we have from D2with Class. baby Arwyn and baby Luciano. We are looking forward to watching the development of Arwyn and Luciano throughout the year. Rosa, Isa, Talaia, Jade, and Maia - Year 7/8
Qi Gong in Q2 at Raglan Area School
n Term 1, E1 ventured into the bush to find out about their native birds! Amazed at what we had found, we all picked a bird to write about. We compiled our paragraphs and paintings of the manu into a big book.
8 RAGLAN Chronicle
oots of Empathy’ - a2, hroughout Term 1 and programme teachesat the Year 4-6that students children to develop their Raglan Area School willempathy be doing - has come to our school. Research juggling, acrobatics, acrobalance, findings have shown that Roots of and aerialchildren silks with Jiashown and Jess Empathy have a from Freedom 2 Fly at the church decrease in aggressive behaviour, hallincrease on Bow Street. an in knowledge of how babies grow and develop, Earlier this year, Jia and Jess and more acceptance of people delivered an extravagant performance from different cultures and to show off their amazing skills. The backgrounds. joyful Jia pulled out his black leather Whaea Isabel and Matua Joe are suitcase and revealed a long stick, the two teacher instructors for the a bottle, and a colorful programme. Their job is tobook. teachNext, the he balanced the three objects in his students about human development mouth! The dance ofthey performed and the importance empathy for both ThankDuring you for the us baby was and trulyothers. amazing. tothe Whaea Isabel for taking out performance, Jess the alsotime danced of teaching kindy, and the mums, Thea using the silks. Jess’ favorite thing to and Renee, for volunteering their time and babies. Barney, the baby that isn't so real, has become an important member of our class since participating in the Roots of Empathy programme. Inside
te wiki tuarima i tae mai tētahi rōpū karetao, ko Robopa kia whakaako i o rātou pūkenga miharo rawa ki a mātou ngā tamariki o Te Rōpū Aroha ki te Reo.
For the Love of Nature; Memories from E1, 2020
From left, Waimarie, Awhitu, Flynn and Moana.
I te ata i āwhina mātou ki te whakarite i ngā tēpu, i ngā tūru, i ētahi pouaka maramara karetao. Kāore i roa i whakatau i ngā manuwhiri, taro kau iho i whakarōpū i a mātou, ā, i whakaingoatia tērā atu ngā wikikaiako i waimarie mātou ngā tauira ngā rōpu, i hanga ringa hoki, kau ana o Matariki me āTawera, kuamutu tūwhera i tei karakia, i puta atu ki waho mōo tetekai.Mātātoa. He kaupapa whakahirahira I te wā māori, i hoki mai te mahi pārekareka kaupapa hei timata kaupapa hauora me ko te te hangahanga i ngā karetao, roa kau ake kua tata whakapakari tīnana. E whā ngā tūmomo mahi. mutu ngā karetao, ā, kua tae ki te wā ki te whakamutu Ko haumaru wai,i homai ngā mahi paihikara, tei i ngātekaretao, nā reira ngā kaiwhakahaere omaoma roa me ngā tikanga o ngā waka. Ko tētahi raumamao ki ia rōpū, i whakakaa ngā karetao, Matua Matua Cruz ngā kaiako ā, i putaRodney ki wahorāua ki te ko whakataetae. I pā mai te hiikaka i te wā i kite mātou te maha mō tēnei wānanga, haumarutanga o te wai. o ngā koeko me te ahuatanga o te whakataetae. I a E toru ngā rāana, o tei wānanga. Kuakaiwhakahaere tūtuki pai ngā mātou e timata te kōrero ngā tauira katoa ki te whiu i te peke taura whiu, te hoe e pā ana ki ngā pūkenga, ā, e whanatu anakimātou. tahi mā runga te papatūhoe. I tūtuki anō hoki Ki tāku nei rongo he tino miharo ngā pai whakataetae, mātou ki te takahi wai, me te mānu tika i roto ka pa mai te ihiihi ki te mahi i ngā momo meai ngā me te karetao. pare mānu hei oranga mā mātou. Inaianei e ahei ana
‘Roots Year 4of - 6Empathy’ Raglan Area School isStudents at Raglan Areaand School "Free Flying"
mātou te kaukau me te peke i te pīriti i runga i te mōhiotanga o te haumaruwai, ā, e kore e mātou I toromi. a Matua Rodney i itētehi he I whakaako te rā tuarua i whakamutua ngā ngeri, karetao, waihoki i whakaritea e ngā kaiwhakahaere i ētahi haka me ngā nekehanga o ngā hoe. "Manawa taki, reihi, i ētahi kēmuatu hoki, kāoreo itaku roa hoe, i pākauria mai tete manawa taki. Toro te kakau hiamo kia whakahaerehia ngā karetao. Roa kau rau i a anō Tangaroa e." ake He i whakamārama ngā kaiwhakahaere i ngā ture, i mahi mīharo hoki te nohotahi, mahi ngā whainga o te kēmu. whānaungatanga tātou i a tātou i waho i te kura. Ki ōku nei whakaaro kāore he mahi māmā, nā I ērā rā e toru, i ako mātou ngā mea mīharo rawa te mea me haere pōturi, me tino whai whakaaro kia atu. tutuki Nā tei te kaupapa tino whainga.matua o te wānanga ko te whakapakari tīnana ko tētehi ngā tino Nā reira i te mutunga iho, oehara taku mahi mahi ia i tete rā ko takitahi, te whātoro atu ohengā uaua o te tīnana. mahi engari mahi takitini! Na Waimarie Forbes, Flynn Nikau Nā Isabella Wynyard, Tiaari Pemberton, Gibson, Wetekia Rickard - Year 7/8 Rice-Edwards.
We had a week of learning about hut building in Term 2. We all went down to the bush track to find our spots. Then we designed and built little models to find out the best way to do it. A couple of days later, we started is Qi Then Gong? ‘Qi’ buildinghat our structures. we added (pronounced means other materials like deadChi) fern fronds, twigs, branches, and mud to make it energy and ‘Gong’ means to grow waterproof. It was fun because we got so ‘Chi Gong’ is growing our to play and learn outside. energy. You can use Qi Gong when you are angry, upset ormudflats hurt to In Term 3, we went to the down. what lies beneath our tocalm discover estuary. We put a one-meter square In down Q2 atonRaglan Area frame the mud andSchool, took Whaea Kate and Whaea Karin came four core samples from the corners, into our classroom and taught and counted the creatures, plants,us Qi Gong. To grow and seaweeds that your were energy, living you in the These moving are someyour people’s startsquare. by slowly hands favourite parts of like our study: close together there is a ball
Miwa - “I liked taking core samples.” Maia - “Belly flopping in the mud.” Nyah - “Finding sea creatures.” Keisha - “I liked my group and the squishy mud.” Rita - “I liked going to see all the sea creatures.” Felix - “It was really exciting.” Louis - “Getting muddy.” Van - “I liked running through the mud.” It was fun because we got muddy, wet, and smelly! We saw creatures that between them. Then once you feel it, you normally don't get to see. you can grow it bigger shower Coco, Rosa, Luca, and Felix, Evie, it over William yourself. Whaea Karin and Caetano - Yearhad 5/6 an instrument called a Kushi that helped calm us down and grow our energy. The Kushi sounded like a soft wind chime. Amazingly, you can pass the energy ball to your friend to make them feel happy and calmer. When we practice Qi Gong it makes us feel calm, happy, and relaxed. Written by - Louisa, Bille, Clara, Ava, Johannes, Gabrielle, Louenn & Q2 class.
RAGLAN Chronicle 9
TE UKU SCHOOL NEWS Friday Fun Our Skate Park in the Horse Paddock
Te Uku Seniors Sista Smash CricketAdventures Continue area. It is called the Horse Paddock because years ago it used to be where children who rode horses to school tied them up for the day.
n Thursday 5th March, we were invited to the first ever cricket event called Sista Smash! Sista Smash is a day out playing cricket and having the most fun you possibly can. Te Uku School made up two teams, all of us girls, with little or no cricket experience. All of us were pumped to be part of the Te Uku School cricket team. We had some experience working with a coach from Northern Districts Cricket who came to school prior to the event to teach us skills and games - then our day had come.
We very arrived at the famous Seddon Park inwith Hamilton. Friday, if it’s not pouring rain, The park was a sea of pink and music was the Junior Discovery goes downpumping to the outHorse of thePaddock. sound system. made our way up to the ThisWe is our school native bush ‘welcoming tent’. We were then laden with gifts. Our packs had chocolates, a bright green cricket bucket hat, an explanation booklet all about cricket and many more interesting little trinkets that were cricket related. There were a variety of gazebos with things such as temporary tattoos, food and a competition to win a red cricket ball. Also on display was the famous Women’s World Cup. It was super shiny.
e Uku School senior students have planned an adventurous year of epic outdoor experiences from whitewater rafting, to skiing and surfing. Last Friday, we ventured into the ancient Te Pahu caves.
This is our time to play, explore, try new things and challenge ourselves in nature. There is a stream running through it that some of the kids like to clean out and play with the sticks. This can get very muddy. Others learn how to look after nature by picking up any rubbish that they find there. We say it’s good to learn about nature by playing! Everyone was prepared for a cold We get to go up to the school garden where there are lemons and apples growing that we can eat, and experience, wearing thermal clothes a huge magnolia tree to climb. Some kids like to and raincoats. Harry, from Raglan build huts and make and eat imaginary ice-creams! Rock, was continually informing us The Junior Discovery even find avocados. We of the challenges we were about to like how it’s big and how it’s got lots of places to face as we entered. Entering the cave, explore. The andready shady We set uptrees underand bigbushes trees inare thecool shade to to dive with stories of moa bones found and hearts play under. We bags like how have briefed adventures into our goodie only you to becan quickly on the recent collapsing n Friday caves, Marchour26, it was with exhilaration and exploring the horse paddock! Sometimes it can first game.inThere were tons of pink wickets set up all were pumping the skate park opening day. get windy and the birds singRotations beautifuland songs. We we couldn’t wait to get deeper in. around the huge cricket field. organisation Miss Mears and our J Beaudry opened We were trudging sloppy shoes find epic treasure in the horse paddock! We plant were key for the day. We barely got back to the goodie the skate park. J and some of his different types plants way and too learnmuch howfun. to take care through water most of the time and We had a fascinating time, seeing so bags as we wereofhaving Everybody stepping over rocks of all different friends made our park, and it took of them. We love the native trees and plants and many glow worms and big stalagmites played really well, with a lot of giggles along the way. learnt all sorts so often hear the birds chirping around theand shapes quiteanda sizes. while.We They worked and stalactites, which grow one Amazingly, throughout the dayas wewe gotwalk so much better of facts as we went further into the centimetre every 100 years. There was track. managed to win two of our games. The lunch provided by hard. Some of the kids met with It is aDistricts special place us because that manyfor ancient limestone caves. We learnt even a room called “the auditorium” Northern Crickettowas amazing.not They catered J last year bentonite, to help plan about calcium whichthe is askate schools have a Horse Paddock like ours! which was huge, we sang our hearts everyone's dietary needs and it really filled our bellies. park, and we had been looking By Remy Grant, Emma Marshall and Olive silky mud that is really good for your out. We were so loud it sounded like Soon enough, everybody was back on the field forward to using it. in J it.and - so we covered our faces So his Duirs (Year 4) skin there were 100 of us underground. I for their last game. This was definitely the hottest part many peoplehave challenged friends been themselves, making skate would 100% do this again, so would of the day. Everyone was sweating so much, the zinc even though they had20fears of tightThey people used skateboards. Aria won the parks for over years. our class! on our faces was starting to melt! Plus, none of us had spaces and creepy crawlies. first t-shirt sheRoughton was awesome Writtenbecause by Emma made it the perfect size. J showed much energy left after four forty-five minute games of cricket. We all had an amazing day at Sista Smash 2021 us how it works. He is the best at skating. Diego got the second t-shirt and Trixie, Riley and Nikau won shirts and we learnt so much more about cricket. The next day, skater that we have seen. too. everybody came to school complaining how much their Thank you J and friends for The skate park was so much fun. bodies were hurting! Bring on Sista Smash 2022. building our skate park. You are Reporter: Satori Van Staden It was a sunny day and lots of children amazing. got to use it. We took turns so there By Malakai, Jack, Myles, Ayda, weren’t too many people on at once. Cole and Joe Joe (Year 2 and 3) Some people used scooters and some
What do children think about climate change?
Learning at Te Uku
Te Uku School Rockstars Inter-School Swimming Sports
Frankie: “Human actions have changed the weather and I am angry.” Katie: “I think it's sad because polar bears die!” Ivy, Jade,atBonnie & Giorgia: of earning Te Uku School “The is lotscurrent of funrate and climate change is bad and we sure shouldthat takeit's action to the teachers all make way try and stop it.” reading, maths and writing! more than just Havana: “I think it is sad because animals and We have skatepark, pool, playground, garden and people are alosing their homes.” the Horse can learn At Paddock, Te Uku where Schoolchildren this term, we things have about been lifelearning outside that you can’t learn in a classroom. all about what it means to live The and Horse work Paddock is a bigTo piece of bush with lots ofthis different sustainably. help us understand bettertypes we of have trees and We get to hutsNations and playGlobal lots of beena creek. investigating thebuild United Goals for Sustainable Development. games down there with other people in our class. Thewe yearare 5 &a 6s have been focusing predominantly Since country school we have a lot of land Climate Action,learning. by challenging themselves to to on do heaps of outside Also the farm owner who think canschool do onlets an individual level owns theabout farm what next they to our us do our cross and what country there.effect each action and decision they make
Although learning about reading, writing and maths are important, many different skills can be learnt from being outside and Te Uku school makes sure we get that quality time.
When the band got better and uring Friday lunch times, some students from Te Uku better, they practised more often. Mr n Thursday the hall 18th to of do March, School did to well andup everyone Johnson Te wasUku very helpful give School go down to the worked really hard to do their best. Lots some students from Te Uku time to teach us the song practice. The band currently his lunch of our students got 1st, 2nd or 3rd in the can have on our climate. Some students have chosen band School participated in the inter‘Sunday Morning’ by Maroon 5. When finals - that meant they had to win or do to limit their use of plastic products this term, while has five members; Nadia on lead school swimming competition Mr at Johnson saw that we were ready to really well in their heats, before swimming others are investigating their use of fossil fuels to vocals, Diego on electric guitar, Ngaruawahia pools. We swam against race against the fastest an audience, he organised forpeople us from explore concept of thinking globally and acting Eachthe class has different and unique teachers, and allFinn on bass, Rya on keyboard show another seven other schools; Te Mata, Raglan the other heats. Our students who got places locally. classes have different activities for their children. Ourand Conor keeps the beat on the to play it at a school assembly. People were: Ellie Tucker - 3rd 25m freestyle, Area, Te Kowhai, Whatawhata, During this investigation, we have learnt gave us lots of comments like, “Nadia Year 1 teacher knows that her children have just come Chanelle Davidson - 1st 50m backstroke, lots about many wonderful people such as Greta drums. Horotiu, Waitetuna, and Rotokauri.
you could of sang louder”, from kindergarten and that coming to a place where you 3rd 50m freestyle, 3rd“Great 25m job, backstroke, Thunberg, a Swedish teen who spoke at the UN We Itfound that being part day of a and bandwe sat was a really sunny your band is growing a personality of Iris Furniss - 3rd 25m backstroke, 1st just do work is really hard. So, at Te Uku we've made an about our need for climate action. At 15 years old she had more challenges than just learning under the trees while we waited for our 25m breaststroke, Ava Wood 2nd 25m its own”, “I liked the whole thing just activity called Tinkering Time, this is when in the marched on parliament to illustrate the students immediate songs. RyaThere foundwas thata it wasstand difficult races. food with lots backstroke, Havana clearly”. Field - We 3rd 50m I couldn’t hear everything Junior Discovery to use the sandpit, do woodwork, action necessary get to combat climate change. We felt to play while listening to Nadia sing. of yummy food. They sold ice-blocks, backstroke, 1st 50m breaststroke, Samara enjoy- playing together as a band inspired her draw, courage stand take action, role play,by paint, andtouse toys up andand imaginary play toForcupcakes, sausages, juicetoand water really to Field Nadia it was challenging project 2nd 25m backstroke, Soul Clark we hope together can inspire othersmore to take and can’t wait to learn a newCassidy song and assist theirthat learning. Thiswe makes school heaps fun! her make sure we had enough energy to swim - 3rd 25m backstroke, Furniss voice so that she and the other band action our best. perform again. 2nd 25m breaststroke, 2nd 25m freestyle. In too. the Middle Discovery and Senior Discoverymembers could hear it. Diego worked Written in collaboration with Indi Ruka, Ava were 25 students have lots of opportunities to participate in inter-hard to The stay incompetitions time with everyone elsemetre Congratulations to all of them! Wood, Havana Field, Satori Van Staden and Kiri freestyle, backstroke and breaststroke, you and to everyone who made the By Thank Rya Ruka Nadia Lennon Finn tried his best to not look at school sports activities. Camps and trips to exciting places Banks Year 5 & 6 and50 metre freestyle, backstroke and inter-school competition happen, we really his breaststroke bass. 4) such a in our local community happen lots during the year. and there was a freestyle relay appreciate your hard work(Year to make We love learning at Te Uku School because everyone helps each other and our playground is an exciting, friendly place to be. Especially our new skatepark!
at the end. 25 metres was one lap of the pool and 50 metres was two laps of the pool. Doing 50 metres was really hard!
wonderful day! We are soChronicle excited for RAGLAN 15interschool’s next year! by Olive Duirs
RAGLAN Chronicle 9
T E M ATA S C H O O L N E W S Te Mata School OCross Country Sista Smash
n Friday the 25th of March Te Mata School’s year 5-8 girls There was a great turn out of went to Seddon Park in Hamilton parents, friends and family that came to participate in a girls only cricket to support all of festival. the children and watch them race. Te Mata had entered three teams At first the weather was a bit of eight which were named: Te Mata miserable but the year 7 and 8’s still T-Rex’s, Te Mata Tomatoes and The Te ran. Once Mata Tigers. Te Mata did very well. The Te had run their race the weather Tethey Mata Tomatoes Mata T- Rex’s won two and lost two. The started to look up so the junior school Te Mata Tomatoes won two and lost one, came out and ran their races.The 5 and and the Te Mata Tiger’s won 3 and drew 6 year olds ran one lap of Mr Lester one. The Te Mata teams really stood out Adams field located next to the school amongst other much bigger schools with down Church Lane. 7,8,9 and 10 year great hand eye coordination and excellent olds ran two laps of the field and the 11 sportspersonship. We can attribute this to and 12 year olds had the hard task of being really active at our school and going running 3 laps. out for PE every day. On Friday 24 May 2019 a selected This was a fun time away from group of runners from Te Mata School school filled with excitement. This went to Waitetuna School to compete event's purpose was to encourage more in the inter school cross country. girls to play cricket, as some girls are Te Mata Tigers Special thanks to Mr Mark Macleod, less interested than others. This was a Mrs Linda Holmes, Emma Snowden pleasant experience and fun for others to who made the day possible and to try out for their first time or to play it once Amy Hanna who managed to produce again. On the weekend after Sista Smash some amazing face paint. Along with the Blackcaps were playing Bangladesh on the exact same field.Some children's Waitetuna School, Raglan Area school, favourite activities of the day were Te Uku School, Rotokauri School and Young Emily Gaustad came Horotiu School. Overall we had an dressing up,first playing in hertogether year. and the amazing day and can’t wait to come hotdogs that they provided for free. his term Te Mata School had By Coco Wilson and Sophie Haine back next year! Special mention to the 4 Te Mata their annual cross country girls that got a place in the inter event on the 16th of May 2019, and Te Mata T-Rex's schools, Jayla Waitere 2st, Abi Meyer it was a huge success. All the kids 3rd, Emily Gaustad 1st and Milla ran their hardest and tried their Taggart 2nd. Written By Abi Meyer best to win.
Science of Reading
Te Mata’s amazing new staff member, Tessa Randrup
his term Te Mata has an amazing new addition to our staff, Tessa Randrup. Tessa is currently working on Monday’s & Friday’s with some of our special needs students in Ruma Whai.
Te Mata Students attend the New Hāngi Zealand Young Leaders Day
help with digging the hole that was needed for the preparation of the Hāngi. The way it works is that each classroom will his term the Te Mata School community be donating a type of food, and the cost will be has decided that we are going to have a $12 for an adult serving and the meals will be Community Hāngi on Wednesday the 14th big enough for adults and children. If you would like to come, book early so we can prepare this of April. We areleaders hosting this Hāngi outside because Claudelands Our young standing Events centre! delicious feast for everyone. If you would like we are raising funds for a Waharoa (Maori to pay online you can call Te Mata school at entranceway) at Te Mata school's Emma: I think Ronnie Taulafo was my favourite elcome back Whaingaroa, this termentrance I 07 825 6870 or you could email us at admin@ way. We knowabout thatthe there beenbecause a he had this amazing element of fun and it will be speaking Newhasn’t Zealand, Or you could pay on was really interesting because he came from a really Hāngi in recent years, definitely not in the young leaders day, a day-long event which the day in cash. rough background. last 15 years, So we are extremely excited inspires,tomotivates and encourages younger Here are some was of our Bella: Ronnie Taulafo myamazing favouritehelpers speaker that start this tikanga again here at Te Mata. had volunteered to help dig out the hole needed children to be whoever and whatever they because he was so inspiring and his life was really At the moment we are looking for people for the Hāngi preparation. Kyle Leuthart, hard but he picked himself up and he made the mostTipi want to be. to help with the preparation on the day before of it. Welsh, Roy O’Brien, Seth Bloom, and Jason the Hāngi also to help tidy up after it,Q. Did Waitere. Our school sentand 5 students ( Emma Gott, you learn anything new and who from? however, we have some amazingMaia: I learnt from By Torrie andyou Janae Quax Maia Holland Smith, Mariaalready Grilli, had Bella Storie HanaStephens Tapiata that don't Palmer and Isaac Limbert) and a teacher aide ( need to worry so much about what people think of Emma Snowden.) We finished off the day with a you, and that we are stronger together! Emma: I learnt from Dr Lehan Stemmet that breathtaking performance by New Zealand rapper when you can see all these little particles shining Kings! Let's have a listen to what some of our young through the window in the sunlight that is all dead leaders have to say about this inspiring day! skin, humans shed 1 layer a month. Q. Who was your favourite speaker and why? Bella: I learnt from Christian Gallen that you Maia: Ronnie Taulafo, I liked him because should never eat dog roll even when you think it is he was funny, and he travelled quite a distance to luncheon. Written by Maria Grilli inspire and motivate us.
Easter Raffle
Taylor Hanna’s Cancer Relay
Tessa is unique, bubbly and dynamic, she interacts and works well with all of our students. Q. What are your hobbies and interests? ecently Whaea Trina, Matua The teachers are all involved in year long A Being in the ocean, surfing, Mark, Whaea Lucy and Whaea professional learning which we students creating with friends and I also love Jacqui up me with excellent idea benefit from. Te Mata has also started a Yoga,came it makes feelan really peaceful. Q. money What are your goals? Reading to raise for decodable new after school Parent Workshop which A. To continue to learn so that I they remind me how joyful life can be. Books. They decided on a raffle, and can be true to myself and be able to Learning is something thatfrom Whaea so much themTrina and is thehosting. helpraised others,over and $6000. to fly like it has TheJonathan Board of amazing teachers. It is for parents to learn more effective Livingston! Q. When you were intermediate Trustees have also contributed a lot of ways help their children learn to read. Q. Would you like to become a age whotodid you look up to? money to one helpday? Te Mata School be able teacher Last week the teachers a The people I would meet outallin attended the A. lots Yeah! At the tomoment to buy of books supportI’m our ocean. two day course with Liz Kane. This has experiencing different environments Q. Who inspired you to be a new Structured Literacy approach. furtherteacher grown aide? their understanding of the to see where feels good. teacher/ Q. What it like working at have Te A. I think nature inspired me,best I getto apply Science of Reading and how These four is passionate teachers Mata? so much appreciation of life and I just Structured Literacy. They are all buzzing found Te a way ALL students learn really Matatoishelp this incredible intimate feel like I needed to share this to applywith theirTamariki. new learning with their to space, read. This approach to beautiful reading is experience I get new to meet all these By Femka Wylie friendly children. They are themselves, based on decades of research and studies, students!
12 RAGLAN Chronicle and is incredibly exciting for our school.
10 RAGLAN Chronicle
By Olivia Gaustad and Isla Limbert
ur very own Taylor Hanna has agreed to participate in a Cancer Relay, last term The most outstanding Second place Thirdan place. she raised estimate of $260 by selling Cillipo n Monday the 29th of mini ice blocksto to the the students at Te Mata Congratulations March Te Mata School following school and little more from busking. top sellers:
had an Easter raffle to help fundraise for new books at our school. We had a goal to fundraise at least $2000 but with the help of all the Te Mata students and parents we were able to fundraise over $6000, altogether we sold a total of 248 tickets. The Board of Trustees also contributed a lot of money to help the school buy books as well. There were special prizes for the first, second and third students who sold the most raffle tickets.
1st=MiaTaylor Meadows is doing a cancer awareness campaign 2nd=Jackson Munns called Relay For Life. She is such a great role model for our&younger 3rd=Paige Brookestudents. Curley She had planned to raise all the money for 2 months . For their efforts they received “ My mum ( Amy Hanna) said we should join a 1kg easter egg! relay for life because she was already doing it with There herwere friendsalso andprizes she wasforwondering if we wanted to outstanding sellers. join, ticket so Cass and I agreed ” Taylor recounts. Cancer The iswhole of thewe are so grateful that we such a purpose deadly illness, can help in need .for easter raffle wasthose to fundraise is an which inspiration the ScienceTaylor of Reading is to everyone, and that just proves to everyone out there in Raglan, that being led by Whea Trina. the smallest thing can make the biggest difference We to arethose so proud of We all our in need. can only imagine how many studentspeople & acknowledge what an Taylor, Cassidy and Amy Hanna are helping, they couldn’t haveindone it without the motivating amazingand community we live support and donation of all the anonymous and By the Te Mata Chronicle identified donations. Team: Mika Kereopa, Olivia Written By Nina George Gaustad, Sophie Haine, Janae Quax, Isla LImbert
First place.
FOLLOW Richard Thomson Real Estate Consultant for New Listings, updates & Open Homes Check out properties on the Raglan App
Whaanga Road
Impressive Site! 13ha
RAGLAN Possibly Raglan'sWhaanga last large Road undeveloped coastal block is nowImpressive available for Site! you to13ha create your dream property. Located less than 4km to Whale Bay, Raglan, this really is Possibly Raglan's last large undeveloped coastal block is surfer paradise. There are several easy potential building now available for you to create your dream property. sites on this property all with uninterrupted north facing Located less than 4km to Whale Bay, Raglan, this really is ocean views that will take your breath away. surfer paradise. There are several easy potential building sites on this property all with uninterrupted north facing ocean views that will take your breath away.
Plus GST (if any) (Unless Sold Prior) 1.00pm, Saturday 15 February
88 Wallis Street
A Trophy Property with real 'WOW' Factor
88own Wallis Street property like no other in RAGLAN to An opportunity a trophy Plus GST (if8any) 5 NewAZealand real 'wow' factor! attention to detail Trophywith Property with realThe 'WOW' Factor 7 Park Drive VIEW RAGLAN-WAIKATO PRICE BY NEGOTIATION 3 1 in remodeling this iconic Raglan landmark has to be seen to By Appointment An opportunity to own a trophy property like no other in Plus GST (if any) be believed with modernYour finishesChance but an industrial feel. Two to Move to Raglan! New Zealand with real 'wow' factor! The attention to detail $1.15M 1960's cement silos have been converted into five high end VIEWThomson Richard in remodeling this iconic has property to be seen close to • Raglan Great landmark residential toBythe beach and Raglan GST Inclusive Appointment luxury apartments. The main three bedroom apartment M 027 294 8625 be believed with modern town finishescentre. but an industrial feel. Two E boasts two bathrooms and open plan 185m2 living. VIEW 1960's cement silos have been converted into five high end Richard Thomson • Large functional kitchen with plenty of storage By Appointment luxury apartments. The main three bedroom apartment M 027 294 8625 • 1166sqm (approx) Large parking area on site (good for E boasts two bathrooms and open plan 185m2 living.
AUCTION VIEW Plus GST (if any) (Unless Sold Prior) By Appointment 1.00pm, Saturday 15 February
VIEW By Appointment Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625
Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625
boats or motorhome)
Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625
• Sound like the perfect home for you?
Call Richard to book an appointment to view!
739 Waitetuna Valley Road WAITETUNA 846 Old Mountain Rd WAITETUNA
Versatile block, Ideal location $1.495m
Country Character 739 Waitetuna Valley Road WAITETUNA Come and enjoy the location, expansive views and modern
2 3
561 and 523 Ruapuke Road
Two Dwellings, Two Titles
56111ha and titles 523 Ruapuke Road • RAGLAN 17ha - 6ha and Plus GST (if4any) Plus GST (if3any) (Unless 2 1 Sold Prior) $850,000 home onthe thissimplicity attractive 73ha block.tastefully The $1.495m 2014 built three • Two Two houses Enjoy of this renovated 3 Closes 4pm, Wed 12 February Versatile block, Ideal location Dwellings, Two Titles GST Inclusive VIEW $1.495M DEADLINE PRIVATE TREATY bedroom plus office home is a great familyspot homelocated with large • Multiple useful sheds bedroom in alocation, picturesque just By Appointment VIEW Come andhome enjoy the expansive views and modern • 17ha - 6ha and 11ha titles Plus GST VIEW (if any) Plus GST (if any) (Unless Sold Prior) open plan kitchen, dining, lounge area leading onto decks • Gravity fed spring water Saturday, 18 and 25 January, 3-4pm homeapprox on this attractive 73ha block. The 2014 built three • Two houses 20km from Whatawhata and handy to Raglan. VIEW Closes 4pm, Wed 12 February with views over the whole farm. Infrastructure on this 1.30-2.15pm, Sunday 28 March • Amazing views Richard Thomson bedroom plus officehome home is a greatthree family home with large • Multiple useful sheds Inside, this sunny boasts bedrooms, 2 By Appointment VIEWThomson property is also near new including water system with a M 027 294 8625 Richard open plan kitchen, dining, lounge area leading onto decks • Gravity fed spring water Saturday, 18 and 25 January, 3-4pm Road M 027 294 8625 good-sized bathrooms a great open plan living E TE AKAU-WAIKATO 1033 Mangiti trough in each paddock, stockand and sheep yards. with views over the whole farm. Infrastructure on this • Amazing views Richard Thomson area. The home opens ontowater extensive decking. Prime Te Akau Farm property is also near new out including system with a M 027 294 8625 Richard Thomson Recent have given this home M 027 294 8625 troughrenovations in each paddock, stock and sheep yards. a fresh look E
while retaining its original character. With 4.0910ha (more or less) of land at your disposal there’s room to farm a few sheep or cattle, or perhaps some horticulture. Come along to an open home or call Richard today to arrange a private viewing
Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625 E
Situated in Te Akau, an area renowned for its farming history, sits all 205.4284 hectares (more or less), in two titles that 1033 Mangiti Road has to offer. Traditionally this farm has been used for sheep and beef breeding but recently has been used for bull grazing and cropping. It's mostly easy rolling contour with approx. 40ha crop able ash over clay loam soil allow for many farming options.
652 Kawhia Road
Small Farm and Large Lifestyle!
Kawhia run Road MATA 652TE Kawhia Road 652 is currently as part of a large traditional farm. Located in Te Mata near Small sheep Farm and andbeef Large Lifestyle! Raglan this is becoming an increasingly popular lifestyle 652 Kawhia Road is currently run as part of a large location with access to the amazing recreational activities traditional sheep and beef farm. Located in Te Mata near Raglan has to offer. On one of the boundaries to this 95ha Raglan this is becoming an increasingly popular lifestyle block (subject to survey) is the Bridal Veil Falls reserve. location with access to the amazing recreational activities Raglan has to offer. On one of the boundaries to this 95ha block (subject to survey) is the Bridal Veil Falls reserve.
4 Plus GST (if4any)
4337 State Highway 23
4337 State Highway RAGLAN to An opportunity purchase 3.5ha this23close to the Raglan town boundaryand doesn't happenBEO very often. The contour of Location Potential $940,000 the land is flat to gentle rolling with many suitable potential An opportunity to purchase 3.5ha this close to the Raglan building sites. Mature trees on about 60%of the property town boundary doesn't happen very often. The contour of make this a landscapers dream, could be ideal for the land is flat to gentle rolling with many suitable potential permaculture also. The property has a natural spring feed building sites. Mature trees on about 60%of the property stream running through it. make this a landscapers dream, could be ideal for permaculture also. The property has a natural spring feed stream running through it.
35 Long Street ThisRAGLAN substantial property set on 1012sqm has a lot to offer. Perfectly situated within easy walking distance to Raglans Sunsets, Harbour Views shops and cafe's yet far enough away to be peaceful and This substantial property set on 1012sqm has a lot to offer. quiet. Hours can be spent marvelling at the view of the Perfectly situated within easy walking distance to Raglans Raglan Harbour and the bar, watching the boats, paddle shops and cafe's yet far enough away to be peaceful and boarders, kayaker's and kite surfers all from this property. quiet. Hours can be spent marvelling at the view of the Raglan Harbour and the bar, watching the boats, paddle boarders, kayaker's and kite surfers all from this property.
By Appointmen Plus GST (if any)
VIEWThomson Richard By Appointmen M 027 294 8625
Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625
VIEW By Appointment Only
Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625
GST Inclusive 2
By Appointment GST Inclusive
VIEWThomson Richard By Appointment M 027 294 8625
Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625
This 27 ha (more or less) block would suit those looking for a quiet rural setting with land to farm. The farm features a large 4 stand wool shed which could be useful for calf rearing, as a workshop, for storage, accommodation or the obvious shearing of sheep if you ran a small flock on the property. The farm has both sheep and cattle yards and fencing.
GST Inclusive 4
2 2
VIEW $1.15M
By Appointment GST Inclusive
VIEWThomson Richard By Appointment M 027 294 8625
Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625
Valley ThisWAITETUNA is a property that501 has Waitetuna been farmed withRoad pride and Plus GST (if4any) 3 2 environmental consciousness decades. All water ways Future Proofed 90ha -for $1.95m VIEW $1.95M including springs, the Waitetuna river and water ways By Appointment This is a property that has been farmed with pride and Plus GST (if any) leading to the river have been fenced off and planted in environmental consciousness for decades. All water ways natives. These plantings create shelter, shade for stock and VIEWThomson Richard including springs, the Waitetuna river and water ways By Appointment home to diverse bird life. The 40ha of easy rolling country M 027 294 8625 leading to the river have been fenced off and planted in E and river flats are farmed organically. natives. These plantings create shelter, shade for stock and371 Maungatawhiri Richard Thomson Road 4 home to diverse bird life. The 40ha of easy rolling country M 027 294 8625 48ha Views & Location E and river flats are farmed organically.
Rural Bliss
501 Waitetuna Valley Road
Future Proofed 90ha - $1.95m
826 Ruakiwi Road
4 $1.15M
$1.7M Located just a short drive from Raglan this 48haHelping approx grow the country Plus GST (if any) property has a lot to like about it. The comfortable VIEW sunny 4 bedroom home is perfect for family and Helping grow the country As Advertised or By Appointment entertaining. Decks on both sides of the house provide sunny outdoor living opportunities no matter the time of day. Amazing 360deg views can be enjoyed year round, the ocean, mountain and sunset view fill the lounge in the afternoon. Currently running 60 Breeding cows this block is well set up for grazing cattle, 26 paddocks all with water fed from the reliable spring on the property. Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625 E
PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under REAA 2008
PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under REAA 2008
Plus GST (if any)
Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625
VIEW By Appointment Only
PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under REAA 2008
GST Inclusive
Situated at Ruapuke near Raglan are these four amazing lifestyle sections ranging in size from 8000m2 to 1.1ha, all have incredible ocean and mountain views. Within walking distance to Ruapuke beach very few properties ever come to the market. Take your pick of the sites available now and start planning your dream build.
35 Long Street
Sunsets, Harbour Views
VIEW $1.3M
Four Prime Lifestyle Sections
1549 Whaanga Road RAGLAN Location and Potential BEO $940,000
$950,000 GST Inclusive
VIEW By Appointment Only
Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625
E Helping grow the country
RAGLAN Chronicle 11
COMMUNITY We’re on a journey to enable better access to local community health and wellbeing. Come along and share your knowledge and experience as we work together on this.
AUCTION 40 Kaitoke Street Raglan This stunning 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom property tucked away in Kaitoke Bay invites relaxation and family fun. Well-presented and elevated with ample inner-harbour views, this beach house boasts a large entertaining deck overlooking the water and the famous magical Raglan sunsets over Mount Karioi. Watch from the lounge room as the kids swim and kayak out the front, catch a few flounder or simply walk across and launch your paddleboard right at the front door. Immerse yourself in nature and take an easy and scenic stroll along the pretty Kaitoke Walkway to school, and into the vibrant cafes and shopping. Currently being run as a holiday accommodation business, this property is being sold fully furnished. Situated on 597sqm with a large double garage and parking for the boat.
6:00pm, Friday 23 April Ray White Raglan office (unless sold prior)
Saturday & Sunday 11:00am or call for a private viewing
SHERRY COULSON Melanie Carroll 021 760 468
AUCTION Community Health Forum AUCTION 44A Upper Wainui Road Raglan Tuesday 13 April: Noon - 2pm 6:00pm, Friday 9 April This a home that you will love returning home to. Imagine being at one with Raglan Arts Centre, 5 Stewart St, Raglan Ray White Raglan office
nature and living the lifestyle that goes along with it. Wake to a symphony of birdsong and the babble of the nearby stream, wander down the track to the beach or bask in the sun on the back deck. This lovely little 2 bedroom property is nicely located sitting on the shoulder of Karioi only minutes from town. The cosy light-filled living area, with open plan dining and family kitchen, opens out onto the deck with a view over the back yard framed in native planting. There is gas heating, a modernised bathroom and separate laundry. A pretty wooden sleep out surrounded by fruit trees is great as an extra bedroom or serene office space to work from home. Offering a flat dwelling and garage/shed space plus a decent sized backyard.
(unless sold prior)
Saturday & Sunday 2:00pm or call for a private viewing
People at heart Melanie Carroll Te iwi Ngakaunui
RAGLAN COUNSELLING Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)
021 760 468
Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)
Raglan Backpackers & Water Front Lodge
AUCTION 6 Wi Neera Street Raglan 4 Strong 2020 sales, popular with domestic tourism 4 Excellent return on investment 4 Sale includes a thriving water sports equipment rental business plus surf school 4 Great potential for further development
For Sale
Please call Julie or Mel for an appointment
4 One of only a few commercially zoned waterfront properties in Raglan
Julie Hanna 027 441 8964
Melanie Carroll 021 760 468
Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)
12 RAGLAN Chronicle
19 Bay View Road Raglan You are about to be wowed!!! On all three levels!!!!! High imposing ceilings upstairs are a feature of the large open plan, light-filled lounge, living, dining and kitchen. A generous family living area to say the least. You will imagine you are on top of the world in this space. Enjoy water, mountain and rural views wherever you look and they are amazing! The second level has four superbly presented bedrooms. Three double and a single plus bathroom and separate shower. Walk downstairs to the self-contained unit which has three bedrooms and again, you will be delighted by the presentation. A large deck flowing from the cozy lounge offering privacy and tranquility with views. The property is to be sold fully furnished. Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)
6:00pm, Friday 9 April Ray White Raglan office (unless sold prior)
Sunday 1:00pm or call for a private viewing
Julie Hanna 027 441 8964
to the kering ways in his
What is Somatics?
Cell: 027 459 8547 email:
Nia dance and gentle exercises for seniors.
g on a e shed. ourced
ch has with foodie e and crafted
d get a y head nia on will be
Raglan apiarist Bevan Pike with the fruits of his labour CLINIC OPENING HOURS: Mon Open 8am
Tues 8am
Wed 8am
Thurs 8am
Fri 8am
Close 7pm
To contact the clinic, please phone:
07 825 0114
Classical Homeopath After hours contact: Janis Beet
Anglesea Clinic 07 957 Dip. Hom (NZ) R.C Hom4947 Healthline 0800 611 116
Karioi Clinic of Homeopathy
78 Upper Wainui Rd, Raglan Phone: (07) 825 8004 Cell: 027 459 8547 email:
pilates | headaches | home visits visits pilates | headaches | home acupuncture analysis | postural acupuncture analysis | postural back &back neck& pain professional adviceadvice | professional neck |pain ante and post natal care
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p here and be
habit. This frees the upper parts of the br for new learning. What is now a restrictiv maybe painful movement was, at the tim Somatics is a relatively new brand, and has was learned, the best response possible t become extremely popular around the world. circumstances. It may not serve us well no It grew out of Feldenkrais, and developed may be crippling us. How do we change? alongside new research into neuromuscular Slow movement done with awarenes reprogramming. Many yoga studios in Austraallows the brain to wake up again –to wha lia now offer classes in Somatics as a compleactually going on. It can then automatical ment to yoga. reorganise our movement to become smo Somatics is based on the principle of neuand easy. It will tell the tight muscles to r city – the understanding that the brain and it will integrate movement throughou Classical Homeopath roplasti is continually remodelling itself in response to whole body. The circumstances are now d Janis Beet new information and experience. Movement ent. We just need to alert the brain to thi limitations creating tension and pain are not Dip. Hom (NZ) R.C Hom Somatic exercises are disarmingly sim permanent, however old we are. extremely effective and very enjoyable. T The term Somatics comes from ‘soma’ Karioi Clinic of Homeopathy is no requirement to be flexible or fit. The which means to understand the body as an inrequirement is to be curious and attentive telligent, sensitive, living organism. The body Everyone can benefit from the exercises. is not a mechanical insensate machine that we found them immensely valuable, even aft need to manipulate and control in order to get 78 Upper Wainui Rd, Raglan lifetime of yoga. I couldn’t believe how th here are many diff erent kinds of results. Phone: (07) 825 8004 freed up my body. Results happen very qu Our body/brain organism has millions of movement and exercise classes Cell: 027 459 8547 and can bring a greater freedom to whate years of evolution behind it. It knows how to AROMATHERAPY activities we enjoy, eg: gardening, walking offemail: ered in Raglan. I have come across move well. Wth somatics we find out why it is surfing, yoga,....... dancing, swimming Diane Davies Massage &cycling, Aromatherapy... not able to do this. We fi nd out what is getti ng yoga, pilates, contemporary dance, ‘Our sensory motor systems continua in the way. The job of somatic exercise ....................................................021 969 929 and traumas wit respond to daily stresses is to help the brain do its job properly. specific muscular reflexes. These reflexes The brain controls the way we move, so if we want to change the way create habitual muscular contractions, wh HERBAL we cannot voluntarily relax. The result is we move we need to workHEALTH with the stiffness, soreness and a restricted range brain. Neuromuscular reprogramming The Herbal Dispensary..................07 825 7444 is the name given to this approach. We movement…. Somatic exercises are a dire way toconsultations reprogram the sensory-motor syst Private Herbal/Naturopathic work with the brain by feeding it new Dr. Richard Zhu and reverse this process. Bodily (limitatio information, which in this case is HOMEOPATHY BDS Otago information about how we are actually presumed under the myth of aging is not table. It is, by and moving. We wake theBeet brainHomeopath..................07 up to Janis 825large, 8004both avoidable a reversible.’ Thomas Hanna, Somatics. what is actually going on. Resident Hygienist • Dental Implants ‘When activity is freed of tension and The problemMASSAGE for us is that when Orthodontics/Braces • Dentures superfluous effort the resulting ease mak the brain learns a new movement Diane Davies Massage & Aromatherapy. .......... for greater sensiti. vity and better discrimin pattern – eg how to ride a bike, how ti on, which makes for greater ease in acto sign one’s name, how to protect an .....................................................021 969 929 12 WALLIS ST PH: 07 825 8788 tion.’ Moshe Feldenkrais. Awareness thro injured arm, how to not be noticed, Movement how to cope – may be a healthy Hamilton Clinic: Victoria Dentist ‘You have to consciously become awa pattern or not. 270 Victoria St YOGAof repetition of your entire body and how it feels and After a few weeks moves….. Then, when you have the brain the brain sends the pattern code to Raglan Yoga Loft.........................021 02442248 perceiving differences and integrating mo older parts of the brain, for repetitive reflex activation. parts of yourself, the improvement is fast The pattern becomes an unconscious transformational.’ Anat Baniel
12 Wallis Street, Raglan 12 Wallis Street, Raglan
ph (07) 825 0123 ph (07) 825 0123 Start your recovery today ~ talk to us at StartPhysiotherapy your recoveryiftoday ~ talk to us at Whaingaroa you are in pain Whaingaroa Physiotherapy if you are in pain
6 RAGLAN Chronicle FOLLOW Jono Hutson - Real Estate on Facebook for New Listings, updates & Open Homes
RAGLAN Chronicle 7
AT AUCTION - CAMPAIGN 3 WEEK CAMPAIGN SOLD ATSOLD AUCTION 3 WEEK Thank you to all who attended the auctions, it was a beautiful day with fantastic results Thank you to all who attended the auctions, it was a beautiful day with fantastic results
81 Lorenzen Bay Rd
RAGLAN 4 Snowden Place Family Wonderland Enjoy family living at it’s finest, with this superb threebedroom, two bathroom + study home. Only a short stroll from town, the privacy of this well located two-storey home will appeal to many. The layout offers different zones for relaxing, entertaining and enjoying family life. Set on a magical 846sqm freehold section, it’s a veritable playground for young and old, with tree houses, huts, meandering paths + more. Call Jono for more information – 021488766 PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under REAA 2008
(Unless Sold Prior) 11.00am, Wednesday 31 March PGGWRE, 87 Duke Street, Cambridge
12.00-12.30pm, Saturday 27 March
Jono Hutson M 021 488 766 E
81 Lorenzen Bay Rd
11 Park Drive
11 Park Drive
RAGLAN-WAIKATO 23 Main Road Take Another Look Invoking a sense of yesteryear, this grand old dame features high ceilings and polished native timber flooring throughout imbuing a rich warmth into this stunning property. Light, airy and tastefully decorated throughout, this spacious home boasts five dreamy bedrooms and two bathrooms. Situated on a 921sqm corner site, with dual access, the hard work has been done with a recently painted exterior, rewiring and replumbing. Don’t delay in viewing!
By appointment
Jono Hutson M 021 488 766 E Helping grow the country
RAGLAN Chronicle 13
Contact Peter on 825-8486 or see him 8am-5pm at 2 Park Drive, Raglan
• Felling & removal • Fully insured • Hedge trimming • Pruning, shaping, thinning • Stump grinding
Christie Carpentry Carpentry Christie hOUse BUiLDer anD renOVatOrs
hOUse BUiLDer anD renOVatOrs
027 4979 116 or 07 825 0214
Monday - Friday 12.30pm – 5.00pm Saturday & Sunday 10.00am – 5.00pm 3:17:13 PM
Builders Mix • Cement • Firewood Drainage Metals • PVC Pipe • Novaflo Pea Metal • Sand • Pavers • Compost Fertiliser store • Pea Straw • Hay Bales OPEN 7 DAYS Barks • Mulch • Chook Chow Area 51 Naumai Industrial Park TOPSOIL • RAILWAY SLEEPERS Plant Nursery • Truck Deliveries Free Customer Loan Trailers LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES HIRE EQUIPMENT: Compacter Concrete Mixer • Post Hole Borer
021 734 356 |
No drop offs after 4.30pm please
find us on facebook!
paul: (07) 021 825 188 8366 0447 - robyn: 021 177 5201 tel: 199c te papatapu road,- robyn: rD2 te021 Mata, raglan paul: 021 188 0447 177 5201 DIG 199c papatapu road, rD2 te Mata,PREP raglan email: LAY Driveways/ Landscaping Concrete foundations Silo/feed pads • Concrete cutting Small digger hire/excavation
027 767 5379
Quickfind Directory
Agents for: Honda Power Equipment Ryco Hydraulics/Fittings Kumho/Hankook/Cooper & other tyres DIGGERS/EARTHWORKS BOC gas
paul & robyn Christie paul & robyn Christie tel: (07) 825 8366
MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS, INCLUDING: Aluminium windows, doors & hardware Glass • Decks and alterations
Builders Mixbusinesses • Cement • Firewood The and individuals Drainageadverti Metals •sing PVC Pipe • Novaflo in the Raglan Chronicl Pea Metal • Sand • Pavers • Compost are parti cipati not only to Fertiliser store • Pea Strawng • Hay Bales promote their businesses, but Barks • Mulch • Chook Chow TOPSOIL • RAILWAY SLEEPERS to show their support for our Plant Nursery • Truckpaper Deliveries community – so be sure Free Customer Loan Trailers to tell them you saw them in the HIRE EQUIPMENT: Compacter Raglan Chronicle. Concrete Mixer • Post Hole Borer
Local f i n d ubusinesses s o n f a c e b o o k ! are the foundation of our community and they make it possible for us to bring the Raglan Chronicle to you. PLUMBING
stamped | coloured QUICKFIND Directory: your local trades guide exposed | aggregate 18 RAGLAN Chronicle
footpaths | driveways retaining | skate ramps ARBORISTS CALL JAY: 022 106 4318
Concrete Cutter
• Felling & removal • Fully insured Windows • Doorways • Hole Drilling • Hedge trimming Decorative • Pruning, shaping, thinning Cutting • Expansion Joints • Stump grinding Kerb Crossings • Cowshed Alterations
Removal of Concrete Structures etc Floor Sawing and Grinding
Phone Rob Short 0274 846 124 or A/H 825 0246
Raglan Independent Courier Ph or text Michelle Cobham NEW DESIGNS, ALTERATIONS & ADD-ONS 07 8255 875
027 325 4181
Daily trips to Hamilton Mon - Fri 8.30-12.30
Paling | Post & Rail Picket | Pool Fencing Gates | Retaining Walls | Decks
Concrete Cutter Windows • Doorways • Hole Drilling Decorative Cutting • Expansion Joints Kerb Crossings • Cowshed Alterations Removal of Concrete Structures etc Floor Sawing and Grinding
Phone Rob Short 0274 846 124 or A/H 825 0246
ENGINEERING • Geotechnical investigations (Subdivisions, Building)
FENCING The Gate and Fence Co. Ltd • and POOL FENCES Locally owned operated. • AUTOMATICGATES Made to order gates • SECURITY FENCE Wood Steel and Aluminium fencing • BALUSTRADES Retaining | Automation
Contact for FREE QUOTE
Phone John on 021 2638698 RAGLAN AUTOGATES
mobile 021 263 8698
• On-site wastewater system design • Slope stability analysis • Environmental impact reports • Soil productivity classification for subdivisions • Ground water exploration • Wind, seismic, slope and flooding hazard analysis
RAGLAN ENGINEERING LTD Contact Peter on 825-8486 or see him 8am-5pm at 2 Park Drive, Raglan
Specialising in New Builds, Maintenance and Drainlaying. Nick Heasman
PLUMB ING & GAS LTD Phone: 021 058 2140 Email:
Grant Mathis PROPERTY 027 222 0156 MAINTENANCE
Michael Carter CMEngNZ (PEngGeol) Ph 07 825 7314 or 0274 419 477
Agents for: Honda Power Equipment Ryco Hydraulics/Fittings Kumho/Hankook/Cooper & other tyres BOC gas
027 767 5379 combined with quality workmanship.
Monday - Friday
Classifieds HOURS
Monday - Friday 12.30pm – 5.00pm Saturday & Sunday 10.00am – 5.00pm No drop offs after 4.30pm please
For Sale COLLIDESCOPE R A G L A N A R T Exhibition Opening will be on the evening of Thursday 1st April, 5:30pm to 7:30pm. We will be closed on Good Friday, then open every day from Saturday 3rd through to Thursday 29th, 10am to 4pm. at the Old School Arts Centre.
M A T A P I H I K I N D E R G A RT E N OPEN DAY. , 390 Te Mata Rd. Sunday 11th April 10-12. All welcome. WED 14 APR R A G L A N RAMBLERS 9am from James St near Wallis St - Walk or paddle to Rocket on high tide WED 21 APR Raglan Ramblers 9am from James St near Wallis St - Daffodil planting
P U M P K I N FESTIVAL AND CROP SWAP, sunday 18th April 9am-11am. 8 categories incl; pumpkin art, baking, biggest, smallest, wierdest Prizes for kids. All welcome, gold coin entry. Normal crop swap on too. Pumpkin entries by 9am please. Raglan Bowling club, 19 James St. Brrr....Chill Out with THE RAGLAN LIGHT EXERCISE GROUP SESSIONS Monday & Thursday. 10am to 11am. St Peters Hall. Everybody is most welcome to attend.
Public Notices
F I R E W O O D DRY, DELIVERED Trailerload: Pine $185 / Gum - $200 / Native - $200 / Phone 021 0771524
Services Offered FLUE CLEANING and log fire inspection $125 and all flue and log fire repairs. I also do new fireplace installations. Phone Mark on 8298103 or 021 457342.
Downtown Raglan CBD, self-contained 1st floor, including carpark Email:
WHEEL WORKSHOP STARTING MAY 6-week course with Sarah Bing. Thursdays | 20 May to 24 June | 7-9.30pm | $280 including all materials, firing and membership | Bookings essential by Friday 14 May
• Locally owned and operated • Various shed sizes available • Long or short term stays • Fantastic easy location • Electronic gate, security • 24 hours 7 day access systems
7 Nau Mai Road - 5 min, 5 km from Raglan
AFTER-SCHOOL ART CLASSES TERM 2 Theme - ‘Matariki’. 8-week programme with Karyn Moon | Mon 10 May – 5 July, Wed 12 May – 30 June | 3.30pm – 5pm | $95 first child/$85 sibling | All materials included | Bookings essential by Friday 30 April
5PM ONWARDS Instore professional wetsuit repairs And leash replacement parts 7 day service Phone Stu
0 2 1 2 3 2 9 4 1 35 Bow street Raglan
YOT CLU B G IG G U IDE FRI 9 APR @ YOT CLUB: DMTH..Rayner and guests
5 star export quality surf leashees Made here in Raglan 2 year warranty 5 Bow street Raglan
CLAYTIME PLUS CLASSES STARTING MAY 6-week course with Heather. Tuesdays | 4 May to 8 June | 6-8pm | $190 including 5kg clay, bisque firing and membership | Bookings essential by Friday 30 April
Come and store all your homeware, kayaks, boats, bikes and hidden treasures with us ...
HOURS NOW EXTENDED Monday to Thursday: 9am—4.30pm Phone: 825 8142 or email
5 Stewart St, Raglan
Gary Kite: {07) 825 6560 Mob: {022) 622 9005 Email:
Public Notices
BUILD YOUR FINANCIAL CAPABILITY Learn to make and follow a budget, reduce debt and increase your income.
SAT 10 APR@ YOT CLUB: RACEY LACEY/ FLIRTY 30 Multi Genre Mashup Sarah Marshall, jamin-i, Hi jenkz and more tbc
RAGLAN HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY next meeting, Tuesday April 20th at 1-00pm In the Church Hall, Stewart Street. Guest Speaker, Sean Mills Mushrooms by the Sea. Floral Art A Duo ( 2 vases linked) Normal Competitions, Display Table, Garden Vibes, Raffle, Tea and Biscuits. All welcome.
RAGLAN ART COLLECTIVE EXHIBITION – Sat 3 April – Thurs 29 April. Raglan Art open daily 10am – 4pm.
DEATH NOTICE VANDY, ERIC GREENWELL Passed away peacefully after a sudden illness at North Shore hospital on 3rd April, aged 79yrs. Dearly loved husband of Verna (and ofMargaret deceased). Much loved Dad, Grandpa, and Poppa. Good mate and friend to many. A celebration of Eric's life will be held at Congregational church, Wainui Rd, Raglan at 1pmon Saturday 17th April I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
EMMA GALLOWAY BOOK LAUNCH – FRIDAY 9 APRIL 7pm – 8.30pm Join Emma for the launch of her new cookbook ‘Every Day’. Enjoy samples, buy a signed book and hear Emma’s Q&A session. RAGLAN CREATIVE MARKET – SUNDAY 11 APRIL 2nd Sunday of the month 9am – 2pm at the Old School Arts Centre. www.raglanmarket. com RAGLAN ARTS FILM FESTIVAL AWARDS 2021 – CALL FOR ENTRIES Awards and prizes for films associated with Raglan will be presented at a Red Carpet Awards night in September. Closing date Friday July 2. For more information or to enter visit RAGLAN ART TO WEAR 2021 – CALL FOR ENTRIES Live shows and exhibition June 2021. Closing date for entries 21 May 2021. For more information or to enter visit www.
Contact 825 0023 | |
MOVIES AT THE OLD SCHOOL - 5 Stewar t St, Raglan THE FATHER (M, Off. lang. | 97 mins) Sat 17 Apr 8pm Sun 18 Apr 4.30pm
(G | 86 mins) Sun 18 Apr 2.30pm
(PG, Off. lang. | 95 mins) Sat 17 Apr 5.45pm
Door sales 30 mins prior Reserve
RAGLAN Chronicle 15
20 Smith Street
31.03.21 at 12pm
Sat - Sun @ 11-11:30am 37EHFG
Vogue On Violet
Perfectly located in Raglan West this cozy 2 bedroom cottage plus study sits on a flat 814m2 section. The private backyard has the morning sun pouring into the main bedroom and dining area which brings warmth to the colours of the native flooring throughout. Enjoy the old charm feel of the kitchen where once again the potential is there to extend and make it your own. The lounge and front deck provides a majestic view of Mount Karioi a nice place to cozy up and enjoy time.. call Robbie to view 021952271
Contact Robbie Regnier 021 952 271
19 Violet Street
Cozy Cottage - Cozy Cul De Sac DLS
Auction 24-04-21 @ 1pm Contact Natasha Black - 027 555 9994 Email
Sat - Sun @ 12-1pm 37JHFG
This wonderful 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom family home is situated on popular Violet Street. The kitchen opens onto the dining & living areas with external access to the deck. Main bedroom features a walk-in wardrobe, ensuite and double doors onto the covered area. Double garage with remote access. This low maintenance brick and tile profile home is a must see for families, professional couples or retirees.
7C Whaanga Rd, Raglan
Sat @ 1-1:30pm 37AHFG
Fish, Surf, Ride & Play at Ruapuke Beach
This is your chance to secure a position in Raglan’s famous Whale Bay and it’s world class surf breaks which are an easy walk from this fantastic property. The classic split level dwelling with solid pole construction has a picture perfect view of the prime surf break of ‘Indicators’ so you can watch the groomed waves roll in anytime of the day. Featuring 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a mezzanine for an office or yoga space, the interior has warm tongue and groove NZ native timbers and the 893m2 section has a tropical ambience and an array of producing fruit trees.
Contact Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 Email
1795 Whaanga Rd, Raglan
Only a Surfer Knows the Feeling For Sale 1,950,000
For Sale Enquiries Over $595,000 Contact Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 Email
Sat @ 11-11:30am 36FHFG
If you are looking for a property to enjoy all scenic Ruapuke beach has to offer then this must be considered. Located walking distance to the beach is a cute 2 bedroom beach getaway currently used as popular holiday income and you can see why the guests love staying here with the quaint classic Kiwi bach charm. The 4 acres of land has the potential to build a new home, plant out in trees or just graze a few cattle or a horse or 2. Ruapuke Beach with it’s beautiful west coast wildness seems like it’s miles from anywhere, yet seaside Raglan is only 25 minutes drive away.
Greig Metcalfe
Chrissy Cox
Kyle Leuthart
Robbie Regnier
Matt Sweetman
Natasha Metcalfe-Black
Vanessa Keith
Jenni Stephens
021 995 071
027 287 1804
021 903 309
021 952 271
021 624 826
027 555 9994
027 621 3619
07 825 7170
Licenced Salesperson Managing Director
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson Manager, Rental Dpt
Accounts Manager
Business Systems Operator
*NB Boundary lines on photos are approximate & merely a guide. All information contained herein is gathered from sources we deem reliable. However we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely upon their own enquiries.
LJ Hooker Raglan (07) 825 7170 • 16 RAGLAN Chronicle
25-27 Bow Street , Raglan • George Boyes & Co Limited Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008