Raglan Chronicle

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Nga Ripo o Whaingaroa

EST. 1903

22th August 2019 - Issue #660

Whaingaroa news for you weekly

Bluebird Cheezels, Burger Rings, Twisties and Rashuns $1.00 each/120g pkt Raglan

Waitetuna Production


Junior Kapa Haka


Gig Guide/What's on p11

It comes down to choosing the right team! Saturday 24 August 1pm 30 Government Road 2pm 8a Government Road

Julie Hanna 027 441 8964

Yana Pemberton 021 183 0479

Sean Mills 027 562 4699

Ray White Raglan rwraglan.co.nz

Mulled Wine & Cheese

morning/midday/afternoon deliveries available

You know us, you trust us. We work for you. Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282

5pm 8 Norrie Avenue

Raglan Couriers Raglan Couriers travelling to 3 times daily Raglan Couriers Hamilton 3 times daily: 3 times daily morning/midday/afternoon morning, midday and afternoon

Sunday 25 August 1pm 1015 State Highway 23

Dave Hanna 0276 146 722

Local Business Serving Raglan District Since 1996

Local Business Serving Raglan District Since 1996

Phone 027 221 5395 Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

RAGLAN Chronicle 1



Supportour ourlocal localeateries! eateries! Support Hoursand andspecials specialsbelow. below. Hours

Te Kura-ā-rohe o Whaingaroa Junior Kapa Haka:

Winners of the junior section of the Central North Island Mana Ariki Kapa Haka competition held in Taumarunui.


Aroha Sushi Raglan

Raglan’s original sushi shop since 2003

Open 6 Days. Wednesdays to

TurkishKebabs Kebabson onPlates Plates&&Pitas Pitas Turkish PH: 07 825&&7440 plusbeverages beverages more plus more

Open 7 Days SHACK Thisspace spacecould couldbe beyours. yours. This SERVING HONEST LOCAL AND GOOD FOOD o p e n Email 7 d a ythe s a Chronicle week N O

8am - 4pm

formore moredetails. details. Email the Chronicle for

19 Bow Streetinfo@raglanchronicle.co.nz 07 825 002 7 info@raglanchronicle.co.nz

10:30toto9pm 9pm| |29 29Bow BowStSt- -07 07825 8250202 0202 10:30

(07)825 8258761 8761 (07)

Open 9am Open 9am - -7pm Open 9am -7pm 7pm Wed Sunday Wed Sunday Wed - Sunday Closed Mon-Tues Closed Mon-Tues Closed Mon-Tues

Fishn’n’Chips Chips Fish GroupBookings Bookings Group Inside/OutsideSeating Seating Inside/Outside

Phoneorders orderswelcome! welcome! Phone Phone orders welcome! *Fish& &Chips* Chips* *Fish *Fish & Chips* *Burgers* *Burgers* *Burgers* *Weekly Specials* *Weekly Specials* *Weekly Specials* Thestore storewith witha alotlotmore! more! The The store with a lot more

KopuaCamp CampStore, Store,Marine MarineParade, Parade,Raglan Raglan TeTeKopua

RealFruit FruitIce IceCream Cream Real Burritos Wraps The Wharf Kitchen and Burritos - -Wraps Bar are serving their New Soup Salad Soup Salad VolcomLane Lane Volcom Winter Menu. Chilliand Open77days daysfrom from11:30 11:30 Breakfast &&Chilli Lunch Open 43 Rose St 07 825 0010

Dinner Open 7 Days and Nights



Open77Days Days Open 8am--4pm 4pm 8am

92Wallis WallisStSt- 07 - 07825 8257544 7544 92

Openfor forDinner Dinner Open Fri&&Sat Sat Fri Open for5:30pm Dinner from from 5:30pm Fri & Sat 248Wainui WainuiRdRd| |0707825 8258233 8233 Breakfast/Lunch Breakfast/Lunch Days 248 66Days from 5:30pm Open7 7Days Daysa aWeek WeekFrom From9am 9am ClosedTuesday Tuesday Open Closed Breakfast/Lunch 6 Days

248 Wainui Rd | 07 825 8233 Open 7 Days a Week From 9am

s l a i c e p S y l k e e W


op e ns es v ev e nd d ay ek ek op en en ay s sa aww ee N N O O

t 07 8 28 52 5 0 00 02 72 7 1 91 9B oBwo wS tSrtereete07

St RoseSt 43Rose 43 0010 8250010 07825 07

Closed Tuesday

Open77Days Days Open From 9:30AM Mon-Fri From 9:30AM Mon-Fri and9AM 9AMSat Satand andSun Sun and Waterfrontdining dining Waterfront indoorand andoutdoor outdoorseating seating indoor

Mulligatawny Soup $9.5 Chicken Roti Roll $18.5

Spiced yoghurt marinade, fresh Asian slaw in grilled roti bread x2

Pork Belly $22

12 hour slow cooked, served with potato, bacon & parmesan gratin & sticky maple glaze GF

The MOO & BREW Burger & Beer Match “PIG’S IN PARADISE”

Sage crumb pork fillet, maple bacon, grilled pineapple, chilli plum sauce, cheese, pickled onion, lettuce & aioli

Burger & Tropical IPA beer match $22

2 Bow Street Raglan | 07 825 0565 | F @georgesbeachclubraglan

OPEN: Thursday 12pm - 9pm Friday 12pm - 9pm Saturday 10am - 9pm Sunday 10am - 8pm Please enquire about Christmas Functions or a get together with friends Email: ggeorgesbeachclub@gmail.com or give us a call Thursday-Sunday

Support our local eateries! For advertising enquiries email info@raglanchronicle.co.nz

Buying or Selling your house! Independent and locally owned Give us a call for a free quote. Rhys Ellison 07 834 1248 & 021 2967 296 Or Kerron Sexton 07 834 1248 & 027 555 4842

Waikato Police make arrest following homicide investigation


n Friday last week, it was reported that Waikato Police were investigating the death of a 33-year-old Australian tourist following a serious incident in Raglan. On Saturday, August 16, a 23-year-old man from Te Aroha was arrested in relation to the death. At 3.20am on Friday, August 15, Police were notified of an incident earlier in the morning on Whaanga Road, Raglan where a male offender has approached a van that was parked in the Te Toto Gorge track carpark. Two occupants, a man and a woman, were inside the campervan at the time and the male offender has fired a number of shots into the vehicle, injuring the man. The female victim has managed to escape from the van and flee the scene. The offender has stolen the vehicle, and driven off with the injured man inside.

Curried vegetable soup with rice & apple V GFl

Burger only $16.5

Image thanks to Kataraina Ranga. Full story on page 3.



Tues 8am

Wed 8am

Thurs 8am

Fri 8am

Close 7pm





Clarification: Please note that Raglan Artisan Bread is located opposite WOK in Electric Avenue on Wainui Rd and the iconic tiny bread shop next to Trade Aid on Bow St will still sell the freshly baked breads and other baked goodies. Article reference: Ruapuke bread gets name change but keeps same recipe for success. Published in last week's issue.

To contact the clinic, please phone:

07 825 0114

After hours contact:


10am Raglan Area School 7pm Te Uku Church Pastor Roger Peart ph 07 825 5199


Anglesea Clinic

07 957 4947


0800 611 116

SUPPORT OUR SUPPORTERS! The businesses and individuals advertising in the Raglan Chronicle are participating not only to promote their businesses, but to show their support for our community paper – so be sure to tell them you saw them in the Raglan Chronicle. Local businesses are the foundation of our community - and they make it possible for us to bring the Raglan Chronicle to you.

Raglan Ink Ltd home of the Raglan Chronicle Office Open Mon - Thurs 9.00am - 4.00pm, Wainui Rd, Raglan Ph: (07) 825-7076 Fax: (07) 825-7078 Post: P.O. Box 234, Raglan Email: info@raglanchronicle.co.nz Advertising & Articles The advertising and editorial content deadline will be Monday at 12pm week of issue. DISCLAIMER Opinions and views expressed in the Raglan Chronicle do not necessarily represent those held by the Editors or Publishers. Every care will be taken in the preparation and placement of submitted material but the Editors/Publishers shall not be liable for errors or omissions or subsequent effects due to the same. It is the submitters responsibility to ensure material is not libelous or defamatory. The Editors/Publishers reserve the right to abridge, alter or decline any material submitted to the Raglan Chronicle to meet the constraints of space and/or maintain a reasonable standard of language and decorum.

2 RAGLAN Chronicle

The woman, who fortunately was not injured in the incident, reached a nearby address and notified Police. At approximately 8am on Friday, the vehicle was located on Puke Road near the intersection of Gordonton Road, Gordonton. Sadly the body of the male victim was located inside the vehicle. "The 23-year-old Te Aroha man has been charged with a number of serious offences including Murder, Aggravated Robbery and Threatens to Kill and has appeared in the Hamilton District Court on the morning of Saturday, August 16." Said Detective Inspector Graham Pitkethley, Waikato District Crime Manager. If you would like to express your thoughts of support to the family of the Australian man, you can do so by visiting the information centre and writing in a book that has been set up for them or visit their givealittle page: https://givealittle.co.nz/cause/biancabuckley-fiance-of-australian-surfer

For all forecasts check out www.weathermap.co.nz


Max temp (C)







(High/Low) (Rise/Set) H 01:10 am L 07:30 am R 07:00 am H 01:30 pm S 05:46 pm L 07:40 pm


Cloudy with Showers


SW am 20 W 20 pm





W 20 am NW pm 20



01:50 08:10 02:20 08:30

am am R 06:59 am pm S 05:47 pm pm


Cloudy with Showers


N 15 am SW pm 10



02:40 09:00 03:10 09:20

am am R 06:57 am pm S 05:48 pm pm


Showers with clear spells


SW 5 am SW pm 25



03:30 10:00 04:10 10:30

am am R 06:56 am pm S 05:49 pm pm


Cloudy with Showers


W 25 am W 25 pm



04:40 11:00 05:30 11:40

am am R 06:55 am pm S 05:50 pm pm


Showers with clear spells


SW am 15 W 15 pm


H 06:00 am R 06:53 am L 12:10 pm S 05:50 pm H 06:40 pm


Showers with clear spells




SW 10 SW 20

am pm

12:50 07:10 01:20 07:40

am am R 06:52 am pm S 05:51 pm pm

*Total significant wave height and *Tide times for Raglan Bar ©WeatherMap 2019. All rights reserved.

Te Kura-a-rohe o Whaingaroa Junior Kapa Haka win at North Island competition


Also at H.G Webb House, Cnr Boundary & Victoria Streets, Hamilton

Te Kura-a-rohe o Whaingaroa Junior Kapa Haka performing in Taumaranui.


e Kura-ā-rohe o Whaingaroa Junior Kapa Haka took out top honours in the junior section at the Central North Island Mana Ariki Kapa Haka competition in Taumarunui. Led by Tawera Gray-Lord, 9, and Moana Ruawai Hira, 10, it’s the first time the group of 35 students - aged from 7-11-years old - have come under the spotlight in a competitive event. Kaiako Chanel Ruawai says the young performers spent the first two terms of the year preparing for the competition, which included noho (overnight weekend practices), day practices and dedicated time during the school holidays. “This kapa haka journey that we’ve been on this year has provided not only our tamariki but all those involved with a sense of belonging,” she says. Stunning kākahu (performance costume) were purchased by Raglan Area School and worn for the first time at Mana Ariki.

“The whānau as a whole collective have contributed to the success of our tamariki, from fundraising to sewing, to weaving, to poi and rākau making, cooking and of course, looking after all our tamariki at the marae as if they were your own.” Kapa haka has grown in popularity since the early 1970s with the advent of premier Māori performing arts competitions such as Matatini and Mana Ariki, and Chanel says it is a great platform for tamariki to feel confident and proud of knowing who they are and where they come from. “They have a growing a sense of pride in themselves which is evident in their performance when you see them on stage thriving and confident,” she says. Performers Nikau Rice-Edwards, Wai Ariki Tepania, Te Arahia Hira, Ngawai Rice-Edwards and Moana Ruawai Hira were surprised and thrilled with their win. "I’m happy because all our hard work paid off,” Nikau says. "I didn't expect to win cos Mana Ariki was our first comp and the fact we won was

pretty amazing, but mostly it was fun," Wai Ariki says. "I loved performing and I can't wait to do it again,” Te Arahia says. "It made me feel good and not shy,” Ngawai says. "It was hard because we had to practice all the time but it was worth it, our team is cool,” Moana says. Not only was there a strengthening of performance skills in the young entertainers but Chanel says whanaungatanga (sense of connection) has grown immensely through their shared experiences and learning to work together as a group. “I am just very grateful that the whānau support this kaupapa and I'm privileged that they let me be a part of their children’s journey in a kaupapa that I am passionate about,” Chanel says. The Mana Ariki Kapa Haka is a national event and is more than 30 years old. It celebrates unity and acknowledges the Māori prophetic movement.. Janine Jackson

Barbara Kuriger

MP for Taranaki-King Country A proud supporter of Rural & Provincial New Zealand A 80 Rata St, PO Box

Inglewood Office

Te Awamutu Office A 53 Mutu St, PO Box 302, Te Awamutu 3800

P 06 756 6032


07 870 1005


Kuriger.Teawamutu@ parliament.govt.nz

124, Inglewood 4330


Kuriger.Inglewood@ parliament.govt.nz

facebook.com/BarbaraKurigerMP barbarakuriger.co.nz

Funded by the Parliamentary Service and authorised by Barbara Kuriger MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington.

RAGLAN Chronicle 3

Opinion: Raglan housing shortage


n order to run an effective business you need certain things; a service or product that there is a need for within a population that produces enough demand to make the business viable; an appropriate premises to run the business and most importantly of all – staff that are qualified and passionate to be part of the business. In Raglan we have several businesses’ operating and many of these provide essential services to the community of Raglan. The threat to these businesses is lack of staff and the lack of affordable rental accommodation is a huge contributor to the number of staff willing to join the Raglan community. Stendy Electrical has recently been advertising for rental accommodation for one of their electricians and his family. Raglan Rest Home and Hospital has had one extremely talented Healthcare Assistant who has been a local for many years have to move out of Raglan as no accommodation was available. It was heart breaking to see her struggle, the applications and the hope, dashed as the few houses that do come up for rent disappear almost before anyone knows they are available.

Raglan Rest Home and Hospital has been recruiting for Registered Nurses – there is an international shortage of Registered Nurses and at Middlemore Hospital they currently have in the region of 240 vacancies. Attracting Registered Nurses to view advertisements for Raglan is not hard and many make contact. Then they look at the advertised accommodation and withdraw their applications always stating the same reason – accommodation. Do a search yourself, you will be lucky to find one or two vacancies at the most. These examples are likely to be the tip of the iceberg – so what can we do? If we want to continue to have services and products offered locally then the community needs to reevaluate its affair with Air BnB. Doing a quick search identifies in excess of 288 properties on Air BnB in Raglan. The owners of these properties may need to re-evaluate their priorities – does Raglan want to be a tourist destination with a lot of tourists and seasonal shops servicing their needs with services having to be accessed from Hamilton at a higher cost or totally unavailable within the local community? Or can we turn some of these Air BnB properties back into rentals for families who want to make a real contribution to the infrastructure of Raglan? Now is the time to act before these services are a “thing of the past”. Anonymous

Waitetuna School's Stunning Performance of The Lorax


ast week, our local community experienced a spectacular night performance at the Te Uku Hall of The Lorax, adapted from the story by Dr Suess. The story is based on the theme of sustainability and looking after our world. The general response

from friends and family was “a spectacular event with top class performances from all the children”. The student’s morale was high with all credit to the teachers for providing such expert support during rehearsals, back stage and for final performances. Overall a great team effort and an extremely successful event. Waitetuna School All images thanks to Amy Hanna

Family Ties

An occasional column featuring local family relationships.

Proud mother and son teaching tots together


aglan Area School students are using filmmaking and humour to inspire safe choices on the road. It’s little surprise local lad Joel Goodison grew up to become a kindergarten teacher – one way or another he’d always spent much of his early life in Raglan pre-schools, from playing and learning at the local kindy to later helping out at his parents’ childcare centres. Throughout it all Joel’s remained “in touch with his own (inner) kid”, says his mum Merren, clearly proud to have one of her sons now teaching alongside her at Matapihi KIndergarten just off Te Mata Rd. Joel’s transition from learning to working in education began when Merren and hubby Mike took the gamble back in the 90s and set up their first early childcare centre in a former bakery in downtown Wallis Street. “The boys all used to help out there after school and do their various jobs,” Merren explains. Those “boys” – now 30-somethings – are the couple’s own three children of whom Joel is the youngest. Their “jobs” included not only entertaining their young charges but also helping clean up at the end of each teaching day. “They became very good at both,” Merren recalls. A full-on

4 RAGLAN Chronicle

Goodison family commitment went into running Raglan’s first early childcare and education centre. Fast forward to the family’s second venture, Matapihi – where pre-schoolers play and learn in an idyllic eight acres of native bush – and Joel’s still around. He’s now fully trained, having worked there three days a week while completing his three-year ECE teaching degree through Wintec. He’s also undertaken a fiveweek teacher exchange at a Perth area school. He reckons there were only three or four males among the 90 students in his Wintec intake, but adds “we’re now definitely seeing an increase in males in the early childhood sector”. Joel’s passionate about teaching and says that growing up in the childcare environment “laid the foundations for where I am today, in this community especially”. “I’m pretty into the cleaning too,” he laughs. Joel – who these days sports something of a hipster look – reckons the close working relationship he shares with his mother has always been fine for him and that she is his role model as a teacher. “But he does a much better job than I do,” Merren interjects. Joel points out the teaching team at Matapihi has been of

benefit to him too, with most of its current staff members – like coowner/manager Angela Kimber and teacher Lindy Moir – having been around from way back. Merren says they’ve all been “very supportive … full of enthusiasm” and that Joel has in turn become a valued member of the teaching team. “I love working with him, he does a fantastic job.” Meantime back at the Goodison home in Upper Wainui Rd Joel’s oldest brother Jed works alongside their father, a draughtsman, further extending the familial ties. Jed also studied at Wintec and is now a qualified architectural draughtsman. While Mike used to do all the work himself on a drawing board from his home office he wasn’t too keen to become computer savvy, Merren explains. So Jed has now taken over that side of things while Mike liaises and organises the jobs. “They’re both happy in their roles.” Joel and Jed meanwhile have a family tie all their own: the pair decided four years ago to beat the predicted rise in Raglan prices by buying a house to share. However they return to the nest for family occasions which can include grandparents living close by at the local resthome and also their brother Sean, a board game designer back from overseas. There are also those odd jobs around the family home that have

Merren, left, with son, Joel.

got to be done, like moving a few piles of firewood. “We lend a hand

when needed,” says Joel. “It’s all part of living in a small town.” Edith Symes

Dust down your words for National Poetry Day

Local author and Inkspillers founder member, Wanda Barker, reading her poetry at the Raglan Town Hall.


hantom Billstickers National Poetry Day 2019 will be celebrated this Friday 23 August, including two community events in Raglan.

National Poetry Day is an annual nationwide celebration of all things poetic. Coordinated by the New Zealand Book Awards Trust, the day is an eclectic mix of events, workshops and competitions, featuring acclaimed poets, new voices, young writers and poetry enthusiasts. From slam poetry to sonnets, stages to pavements, people will be creating and enjoying poetry in a myriad of venues around the country: cafes, bars, schools, university campuses, community centres, retirement villages, marae, libraries and theatres – even on trains! In Raglan, we are starting the celebrations early with a Youth Poetry and Spoken Word Slam at the Old School Arts Centre on the evening of Thursday 22 August. Anyone under 18 is welcome to come along and read their own, or another’s work, to an appreciative audience. The second event is at the Raglan Club on Friday 23 August, and again is open to all. Poetry, prose, song, rap, flash fiction, hip-hop and everything in between, this is

Community keen for action on climate crisis


ast Sunday over 70 people came together for the Climate Crisis: Time to Take Action workshop at Poihākena Marae. The workshop was spearheaded by passionate local and Raglan Ward Councillor, Lisa Thomson, with support from many other individuals and organisations. “This day is about community connecting, sharing korero, looking at what we are already doing and what more we can do to adapt to the climate crisis,” said Lisa. Speakers included inspiring climate students Timi Barbaras from Hamilton and Nikau Hansen from here in Raglan, who both urged adults to wake up and start taking serious action. Timi invited us all to join the Global Climate Strike on September 27 to send a message to our politicians that we take this issue seriously. “We need to look at the ways we use energy, water, agriculture and transport and make different choices.”Nikau added. Taruke Thomson provided a hapū perspective on the issue of climate change and warned us that we are entering an age of scarcity – that we need to stop the devastation and reconnect to what is important. Dallas Butler followed with an overview of Xtreme Zero Waste and the steps we all need to take to reduce our waste: refuse, reduce, reuse, repair/repurpose, recycle. We’re doing well in terms of diverting waste from landfill here in Raglan but Dallas encouraged us all to put some more thought into the waste we are creating through our shopping habits. After lunch Dr Mike Joy spoke about the biophysical limits to growth and the future of water and food. Dr Joy emphasised how everything around us is dependent on fossil fuel and that we need serious system changes to uncouple from this dependence – not only because of climate change but

because these fossil fuels are also running out. He highlighted how our agricultural system powered by fossil fuels (particularly in production of nitrogen fertilisers) has supported unsustainable population growth and contaminated our lands and waterways. He urged us to consider vegetarian diets which are more environmentally friendly than some standard meat-farming practices. The last speaker, Lauren McLean from Extinction Rebellion Kirikiriroa told us it’s important to pick your battles within the climate movement. Lauren emphasised the need for hope and connection and said that: “Building community is the key to resilience and adaptation. Kindness and resilience go hand in hand – connecting to each other will help our environment heal.” The day ended with the group reviewing some of the amazing initiatives happening in Whāingaroa already and discussing how we could build on these foundations to do more. There were some exciting suggestions for what we more we could be doing here in Whāingaroa with an over arching theme of building local connection, selfsustaining systems and resilience within our community and our environment. Finally the group declared a climate emergency via a resounding vote, this declaration will be presented to the Raglan Community Board and passed on to the Waikato District Council for their consideration. The Whāingaroa Environment Centre will be working with Raglan Naturally and any individuals keen to be involved to pull together a Community Climate Action Plan. We have an opportunity to build resilience, reduce our greenhouse gases and adapt for climate change if we act now – and we will all need to act in all sorts of ways. A Whāingaroa/Raglan Climate Action facebook group has been created to continue the momentum and conversations in this space – please join as we all work to adapt to the climate crisis together. Whaingaroa Environment Centre

an open mic night, where everyone can take to the stage to share their favourite words. Both events kick off at 7pm, and both are entry by koha. Register on the night by adding your name to the board. The events are being run by Inkspillers – a recently established writers and illustrators collective based out of Raglan. Inkspillers’ purpose fits well with National Poetry Day. We’re all about bringing words – in their many glorious forms – to the people, and bringing people together to enjoy the creativity of words. One of our motivations in establishing the collective was to raise the profile of words and books in our community. Raglan is a very creative place, but writers tend to be reclusive, and we felt people may be unaware of the

many wonderful works that are being written and published here. Our members include poets, novelists, memoirists, professional and inspirational writers, and children’s book writers and illustrators. In the past couple of months, we’ve had two book launches, with another couple on the horizon. One member has finished a novel, another is in the final stages of editing the final volume in a trilogy, and two books for children are on the boat from the printer in China, ready for release next month. Oh, and one of us has been shortlisted for a national prize. We hope you’ll join us for this years’ National Poetry Day celebrations. To check out the full calendar of events see: http://www.nzbookawards.nz/nationalpoetry-day/calendar-of-events/ Sarah Johnson

Introducing Marcus Culley: Your Raglan Community Board Candidate



ia ora Raglan. I’m a fifth generation local on my mum’s side who was a Bates and can whakapapa back to the Billington’s. Schooled here, lived on Green Street and spent my pocket money at the Duck Inn. Army 13 years, various degrees, tours in Bosnia and Sierra Leone. Fifteen years in the UN headquartered in New York but based in country working for the Department of Safety and Security as a Country Advisor. Lagos Nigeria, Lokichoggio Kenya, Juba South Sudan, Dili Timor-Leste, Benghazi then Tripoli Libya, Manilla Phillipines and finally Mogadishu Somalia. Finished late 2016 at 48 after a wake up call earlier that year. Returned Wallis Street full-time beside the old dairy factory with my partner from Iraq. Spent time on a trawler working with some of Raglan’s characters then established a small business sustainably targeting flounder in Kawhia and Raglan harbours for the local market. Too busy on Wallis Street, cat being run over final straw prompting move to small bush block overlooking Takapanui near to original homestead – feels right. New place almost under control after renovation and upgrades to stormwater, waste water, more trees and less possums. Asparagus weed next. All twos - grown up children, grandchildren and marriages but never tried local government. Given experience in failed states thought I might be useful. No illusions what can be achieved but I respect people like Lisa Thompson, Bob McCleod and Gabrielle Parson keeping our council in check - but they need support.

Raglan is changing and many believe the town we knew as children is gone. This is true but I will do my best to be a voice in the supper room shaping common sense outcomes helping to save what is left that makes our town unique. Our more vulnerable community members need affordable access to the essentials. Fred has helped to sort runoff but we need more than just Maori land to stem the invasion of our harbour and coastline. I have opinions on many things. The absence of complete decentralized, community and land based waste water treatment systems here despite coastal settlements in East Africa having these thousands of years ago. Large scale property developments on the harbours edge marketed as being socially, culturally and ecologically friendly. The use of low flying rotary wing aircraft by property developers to visit these. Lack of access to affordable housing and BnB’s. Out-the-gate prices for groceries and fuel in Raglan. Chain stores. Red tape and compliance costs impacting normal people - small business owners - farmers and fisherman. Speed limits, traffic control and parking. Serious crime but especially sex offenders. Jetskis. And passing on Gillett’s Hill at 140 before stopping at Raglan Roast when commuting. More than happy to share more detail if asked but at the very least if elected I will be contactable, responsive and alongside – in the knowledge that any decision taken by council however small impacts someone or something. Authorised by Marcus Culley 4189C SH23 RD1, Raglan 02102741715 patikingaround@yahoo.com


Marcus Culley Raglan Community Board contactable responsive alongside Authorised by Marcus Culley 4189C SH23 RD1, Raglan 02102741715 patikingaround@yahoo.com

RAGLAN Chronicle 5

Even if you are not thinking of selling... I’d be pleased to give you an idea of how much someone is likely to pay for your property in this market. If you are interested give me a call. Then, if you ever do decide to sell, I can put together a comprehensive strategy and campaign that is proven to get you a great result.

577 Te Akau Wharf Road Raglan This is your chance to purchase your own slice of paradise in Te Akau, just a short ride across the harbour from Raglan. Set on 812sqm of native bush, the sound of the birds here is amazing. Limestone formations at the bottom of the section will allow a landscaper’s imagination to run wild. Swimming, kayaking, paddle boarding and fishing all on the doorstep with water access from the nearby reserve. Call Sean Mills on 027 562 4699 for more information or to book a viewing.

For Sale

Sean Mills 027 526 4699 sean.mills@raywhite.com


Sean Mills 027 526 4699

rwraglan.co.nz/RAG23125 Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

Open Home 1015 State Highway 23 Whatawhata A well positioned lifestyle within a quick commute to Hamilton and Raglan. The best of all worlds. Situated with a peaceful backdrop of views of Mt Pirongia. This 3 double bedroom house offers great open plan space ideal for family living. A large rumpus room and a spacious double garage with internal access to the house is a bonus. 5.6721 ha of easy land. A stand of gum trees just waiting to be this year’s wood supply for the fire. Seeking all families, retiring farmers or just lifestyle buyers.

rwraglan.co.nz/RAG23081 Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

6 RAGLAN Chronicle

For Sale

Price By Negotiation

View Sunday 1:00pm

Dave Hanna 0276 146 722 Julie Hanna 027 441 8964

18 Upper Bow Street Raglan A rare opportunity to own this much-loved home, offered to the market for the first time in 27 years! This elevated north-facing home is well positioned for all day sun and views as far as the eye can see! Ready to be lived in and loved now. The layout is set over two levels. The top floor has living, kitchen, dining, master bedroom, separate laundry, bathroom and extra toilet. Downstairs has a bathroom and kitchenette with one very large room that could be made into a bedroom and living area. There is potential for extra income as it is fully self-contained with its own access. Situated on 1012sqm with raised veggie gardens and numerous fruit trees. The spectacular outlook is an ever-changing panorama that will never cease to amaze. rwraglan.co.nz/RAG23103 Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

For Sale

Price By Negotiation

Yana Pemberton 021 183 0479

New Listing 8a Government Road Raglan Is location important? Take advantage of this opportunity to own a humble, iconic kiwi bach offering two bedrooms. The native timber flooring adds to the rustic charm of the property. Lounge windows line the living room and frame the amazing view of the legendary Raglan Bar. The updated bathroom is a bonus. Just a walk to the swimming beach, wharf, boat ramp and all town facilities. A perfect holiday hideout. Explore the opportunity of future development. Situated on a half share of 1130 square metres.

Auction Auction

11:00am, Saturday 21 September On site (unless sold prior)

View Saturday 2:00pm

Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 027 441 8964

rwraglan.co.nz/RAG23142 Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

Elevated in a stand-out position with spectacular views right across the harbour - this is what you have been waiting for! Split over two levels with 2 bedrooms upstairs and 1 bedroom downstairs complete with its own living facilities. The main living area upstairs has commanding views of the harbour and opens out onto a deck overlooking the garden, perfect for watching the kids play. The shoreline at sunrise is simply beautiful. Situated on 1930sqm section providing an ideal grassy playground. An ideal beach home; work from home opportunity or artist’s retreat. Close to town, wharf and on the bus route. Subject to title. Call Julie or Blair to view. rwraglan.co.nz/RAG22786 Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

If you are looking for serious 180 degree views of Raglan out to the Bar, harbour and town, this spectacular four bedroom home has it all! An amazing home with panoramic million dollar views located in popular Norrie Ave and just a quick walk to town. The house offers 3 spacious double bedrooms plus a single garage and double carport with an extra room off the garage. The kitchen is centrally located with separate lounge and dining areas all enjoying those grandstand views. Situated on 1143 sqm with easy, flat access to the main house.


2:00pm, Saturday 21 September On site (unless sold prior)

Julie Hanna 027 441 8964

Special Open Home this Saturday 5:00pm, Mulled Wine & Cheese Evening

Blair Hanna 027 441 8964

rwraglan.co.nz/RAG23072 Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

Auction 30 Government Road (Lot 2) Raglan

8 Norrie Avenue Raglan

Auction Auction

6:00pm, Thursday 29 August Ray White Office (unless sold prior)

View Saturday 1:00pm

23 Cliff Street (Lot 2) Raglan This section will be popular due to the features it offers of supreme location. You will appreciate the convenience and proximity to Raglan’s town centre and situated just across the road from the water. A flat, easy building site with the potential to build up and take advantage of even greater views.


12:00pm, Saturday 7 September On site (unless sold prior)

557sqm site - including access way (subject to title).

Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 027 441 8964

Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 rwraglan.co.nz/RAG23133

Blair Hanna 027 441 8964

Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

RAGLAN Chronicle 7

FOLLOW Richard Thomson Real Estate Consultant RURAL | updates LIFESTYLE RESIDENTIAL for New Listings, & Open|Homes






57 Wallis Street



RAGLAN 35 Long Street Sunsets, Harbour Views NEW LISTING 35 Long Street RAGLAN This substantial property set on 1012sqm has a lot to offer.


Perfectly Positioned

AUCTION (Unless Sold Prior)

This charming home has an ambiance that simply cant be easily created in a modern home. Recently renovated, retaining the charm of yesteryear but with all the modern conveniences we are used to, and can be available fully furnished.

VIEW 2.00-2.45pm, Saturday 4 May

Perfectly situated within easy walking distance to Raglans shops andHarbour cafe's yet far enough away to be peaceful and Sunsets, Views quiet. Hours can be spent marvelling at the view of the This substantial property set on 1012sqm has a lot to offer. Raglan Harbour and the bar, watching the boats, paddle Perfectly situated within easy walking distance to Raglans boarders, kayaker's and kite surfers all from this property. shops and cafe's yet far enough away to be peaceful and quiet. Hours can be spent marvelling at the view of the Raglan Harbour and the bar, watching the boats, paddle pggwre.co.nz/HAM30355 boarders, kayaker's and kite surfers all from this property.

11.00am, Friday 31 May

Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625 E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz





2 GST4 Inclusive




1.00-1.45pm, (Unless Sold Prior)Sunday 25 August 11.00am, Wednesday 8 May PGGWRE 87 Duke St Cambridge Richard Thomson

M 027 294 8625 3.00-3.45pm, Saturday 4 May VIEW

E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz

Richard RAGLAN Thomson 35 Long Street M 027 294 8625 Harbour Views Sunsets, E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz This substantial property set on 1012sqm has a lot to offer. Perfectly situated within easy walking distance to Raglans shops and cafe's yet far enough away to be peaceful and quiet. Hours can be spent marvelling at the view of the Raglan Harbour and the bar, watching the boats, paddle boarders, kayaker's and kite surfers all from this property.









Location and Potential BEO $940,000



An opportunity to purchase 3.5ha this close to the Raglan town boundary doesn't happen very often. The contour of the land is flat to gentle rolling with many suitable potential building sites. Mature trees on about 60%of the property make this a landscapers dream, could be ideal for permaculture also. The property has a natural spring feed stream running through it. A cute Road RAGLAN 4C Cambrae 1950's two bedroom, one bathroom, 119m2 home with a large upstairs area currently used as a bedroom with Bay Views aAmazing divider creating a separate lounge/relaxing space. If you are sports including Large twointo baywater car shed at the housefishing, also. kayaking, SUPing, sailing, this is a truly ideal location with easy access to Lorenzen Bay from the section. Moor your boat/yacht in the Bay and keep an eye on it from the deck. This sunny home offers 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 living areas and a two car pggwre.co.nz/HAM30758 internal access garage.






GST Inclusive



By Appointment Only


Location and Potential BEO $940,000



ENQUIRIES OVER $940,000 An opportunity to purchase 3.5ha close to the 2Bthis Maungatawhiri Road GST Inclusive Raglan town boundary doesn't happen very often. The VIEW Can't Location contour of the land is flatBeat to gentle rolling withand many Quality! By Appointment Only suitable potential building sites. Mature trees on about 35 Hauroto Bay Road Looking for a quality home close to Raglan with privacy, 3 2 60%of the property make this a landscapers dream, then look no also. further. Threehas bedroom, two bathroom home could be ideal for permaculture The property $1.17M GST Inclusive a natural springwith feed stream running throughthat it. A cute large living areas have picturesque harbour views. Rural Harbour Views 35 Long4 May Street RAGLANSaturday 1950's two bedroom, one bathroom, 119m2 with VIEW 4.00-4.30pm, 4 home 2 2 is plenty of room for Set on approx 8,000sqm (2acres) there a large upstairsThis area currently as opportunity a bedroom withto secure a great property in is a veryused rare Harbour Views RichardSunsets, Thomson a pony, chickens and a few Suitable for cattle also, a divider creating a separate lounge/relaxing space.sheep. $1.2M the super sought after Okete area in Te Uku, Raglan. Located M 027 294 This8625 substantial property set on 1012sqm hasbay a lot to Large two car shed at the houseGST also. the 4offer. paddocks have water and good fences. Inclusive Richard Thomson E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz 7mins from Raglan on the Hamilton side. Perfectly situated within easy walking distance toabout Raglans M 027 294 8625This 4 VIEW richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz E bedroom home has a huge living area linking with a large shops and cafe's yet far enough away to be peaceful and Richard Thomson 1.00-1.45pm, Sunday 25 August


Hours can be spent marvelling at the viewdeck, of theperfect for families and entertaining. Set on 6,170m2 M 027quiet. 294 8625 pggwre.co.nz/HAM30758 Raglan Harbour and the bar, watching the boats,pggwre.co.nz/HAM29962 paddle Richard Thomson E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz boarders, kayaker's and kite surfers all from this property. M 027 294 8625

3 $1.25M

1 GST4 Inclusive 2B Maungatawhiri Road RAGLAN Beat Location and Quality! VIEW Can't GST Inclusive $870,000 LookingSunday for a quality close to Raglan with privacy, 2.00-2.45pm, 25 home August Appointment Only Three bedroom, two bathroom home VIEW Bythen look no further. with large living areas that have picturesque harbour views. Richard Thomson Set on approx 8,000sqm (2acres) there is plenty of room for M 027a pony, 294 8625 chickens and a few sheep. Suitable for cattle also,

E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz the 4 paddocks have water and good fences.

Richard Thomson RAGLAN 35 Long Street M 027 294 8625 Harbour Views Sunsets, pggwre.co.nz/HAM29962 E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz This substantial property set on 1012sqm has a lot to offer. Perfectly situated within easy walking distance to Raglans shops and cafe's yet far enough away to be peaceful and quiet. Hours can be spent marvelling at the view of the Raglan Harbour and the bar, watching the boats, paddle boarders, kayaker's and kite surfers all from this property.

E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz




pggwre.co.nz/HAM30393 pggwre.co.nz/HAM30355




N and Potential BEO $940,000






unity to purchase 3.5ha this close to the GST Inclusive wn boundary doesn't happen very often. The VIEW 57 Wallis RAGLAN the land is flat to gentle rolling with many Street By Appointment Only otential building sites. Mature trees on about Perfectly Positioned NEW LISTING property make this a landscapers dream, 2B Maungatawhiri Road that simply cant be This charming home has an ambiance RAGLAN deal for permaculture also. The property has pring feed stream easily running throughinit.aAmodern cute created home. Recently renovated, o bedroom, one bathroom, home with retaining the charm of yesteryear but with all the modern Can't 119m2 Beat Location and Quality! stairs area currentlyconveniences used as a bedroom with we are used to, and can be available fully Looking for a quality reating a separate lounge/relaxing space. home close to Raglan with privacy, furnished. two bathroom home bay car shed at thethen houselook also.no further. Three bedroom, Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625 harbour views. with large living areas that have picturesque E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz

Set on approx 8,000sqm (2acres) there is plenty of room for a pony, chickens and a few sheep. Suitable for cattle also, o.nz/HAM30758 pggwre.co.nz/HAM30408 the 4 paddocks have water and good fences.





996 Te Papatapu


Absolute Water Front

RAGLAN $860,000 2 1 1 This charming home has an ambiance that simply cant be An idealic peaceful section located on the Aotea Harbour, GST Inclusive Location Potential BEORecently $940,000 easily createdand in a modern home. renovated, you can launch your dinghy, kayak or paddle board from the ENQUIRIES OVER $940,000 VIEW $330,000 996 Teclose Papatapu retaining the charm yesteryear butthis with all the section and experience all the Aotea Harbour has to offer. An opportunity toof purchase 3.5ha tomodern the GST Inclusive By Appointment Only 2 1 2 conveniences are useddoesn't to, and happen can be available fullyThe Amazing for snapper, flounder, mullet due to no GST Inclusive Raglan townwe boundary very often. OPENfishing HOME OPEN HOME VIEW Absolute Water Front furnished. commercial fishing in the harbour. At 1.2ha there is plenty of Richard Thomson RAGLAN 2B Maungatawhiri Roadcontour of the land is flat to gentle rolling3 with many By Appointment Only $860,000 VIEW 2 room and a few different natural levels suitable to build on. M 027 294 8625 suitable potential Mature trees on about 989 Te Papatapu Road onE the An building idealicsites. peaceful section located Aotea Harbour, 3 Can't2Beat Location and Quality! 3 All 1 greatOnly GST Inclusive richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nzBy Appointment with rural, bush and water views. 2B Maungatawhiri Road RAGLAN 60%of the property make this a landscapers dream, $1.25M you can launch your dinghy,has kayak or paddle board from the bewith idealprivacy, for permaculture also. The property Looking for a quality home close to could Raglan Can't Beat Location and Quality! VIEW GST Inclusive GST Inclusive GST Inclusive $1.25M $830,000 pggwre.co.nz/HAM30408 pggwre.co.nz/HAM30083 section andrunning experience a natural spring feed stream through it. Athe cuteAotea Harbour has to offer. Enjoy the good life! all then look no further. Three bedroom, two bathroom home Looking for a quality home close to Raglan with privacy, By Appointment Only Appointment Only Only 1950's two bedroom, one bathroom, 119m2 home with VIEW By VIEW By Appointment Amazing fishingVIEW for snapper, flounder, mullet due to no with large living areas that have picturesque harbour views. then look no further. Three bedroom, two bathroom home 2.00-2.45pm, Sunday Augustis a totally off-grid This old a large upstairs areaone-year currently used asthree-bedroom a bedroom with 25home with large living areas that have picturesque harbour views. Set Thomson on approx 8,000sqm (2acres) there is plenty of room for fishing in the harbour. At 1.2ha there is plenty of commercial Richard Richard Thomson NEW LISTING a divider creating a separate lounge/relaxing space. overlooking Aotea Harbour. retreat in the middle of 9.6ha on approx 8,000sqm (2acres) there is plenty of room for chickens and a few sheep. Suitable forbay cattle also, Richard room and a few different natural levels suitable to build on. M 027a pony, 294 8625 M 027Set 294 8625 Large two car shed at the house also. Thomson Thomson a pony, chickens and a few sheep. Suitable for cattle also, Equally suitable M as 027 a lifestyle propertyRichard or weekend holiday the 4 paddocks have water and good fences. 294 8625 M 027 294 8625 E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz All with great rural, bush and water views. the 4 paddocks have water and good fences. richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz E E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz retreat this home was built to enjoy mother nature at its RAGLAN RichardRAGLAN Thomson35 Long Street Richard Thomson 35 Long Street


4 2 2 best with amazing views over Aotea Harbour. M 027 Sunsets, 294 8625Harbour Views pggwre.co.nz/HAM30083 $1.2M pggwre.co.nz/HAM29962 E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz This substantial property set on 1012sqmpggwre.co.nz/HAM30758 has a lot to offer. GST Inclusive

Sunsets, M 027 294 8625 Harbour Views pggwre.co.nz/HAM29962 E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz This substantial property set on 1012sqm has a lot to offer.

Perfectly situated within easy walking distance to Raglans VIEW shops and cafe's yet far enough away to be peaceful and 1.00-1.45pm, Sunday 25 August quiet. Hours can be spent marvelling at the view of the pggwre.co.nz/HAM28731 Raglan Harbour and the bar, watching the boats, paddle Richard Thomson 4C Cambrae Road boarders, kayaker's and kite surfers all from this property. M 027 294 8625 RAGLAN 3 2 Amazing Bay Views E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz PRICE BY NEGOTIATION If you are into water sports including fishing, kayaking, SUPGST Inclusive pggwre.co.nz/HAM30355 ing, sailing, this is a truly ideal location with easy access to VIEW Lorenzen Bay from the section. Moor your boat/yacht in the By Appointment Only Bay and keep an eye on it from the deck. This sunny home OPEN DAY offers 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 living areas and a two car Richard Thomson internal access garage. M 027 294 8625 E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz 57 Wallis Street RAGLAN




Perfectly Positioned



Perfectly Positioned RAGLAN



Perfectly situated within easy walking distance to Raglans shops and cafe's yet far enough away to be peaceful and quiet. Hours can be spent marvelling at the view of the Raglan Harbour and the bar, watching the boats, paddle boarders, kayaker's and kiteRoad surfers all from this property. 119 Waimaori RAGLAN

Consistently strong production 120ha Located in Te Mata near Raglan, this very well presented pggwre.co.nz/HAM30355 120ha dairy farm milking 320 cows is a must to view if you are looking for a farm that is consistently performing. With a 5 year average of 115,000kg ms (best 124,000kg ms) in an OPEN DAY above average rain fall area, excellent modern improvements including 3 homes, 32 ashb farm dairy with meal feeding system, near new milk cooling system. 996 Te Papatapu RAGLAN

Absolute Water Front

2 1 1 pggwre.co.nz/HAM30392 pggwre.co.nz/HAM30823 $860,000 $330,000 2 1 2 This charming has an BEO ambiance that simply cant be An idealic peaceful section located on the Aotea Harbour, GST Inclusive Location andhome Potential $940,000 GST Inclusive ENQUIRIES OVER $940,000 easily created in a modern home. Recently renovated, you can launch your dinghy, kayak or paddle board from the Positioned Absolute Water Front ENQUIRIES OVER $940,000 PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under REAA 2008 VIEW An opportunity to purchase 3.5ha this close to the An opportunity to purchase 3.5ha this close to the 4C Cambrae Road $860,000 Waimaori Road GST Inclusive VIEW retaining the charm of yesteryear119 but with all the modern section and3experience3 all the Aotea Harbour has to offer. GST Inclusive 3An idealic peaceful 2 3 By Appointment Only ng home has an ambiance that simply section located Raglan on thetown Aotea Harbour, boundary doesn't happen very often. The Raglan town boundary doesn't happencant verybe often. The GST Inclusive Bybe Appointment Only conveniences we are used to, and can available fully Amazing fishing for snapper, flounder, mullet due to no VIEW VIEW Amazing Bayrolling Views Consistently strong production 120ha of the land is flat to gentle rolling with many ed in contour a modern home. Recently renovated, you can launch your dinghy, kayak contour or paddle board from the of the land is flat to gentle with many furnished. commercial fishing in the harbour. At 1.2ha there is plenty of By Appointment Only Richard Thomson VIEWBy Appointment Only PRICEsection BY NEGOTIATION PRICE BY NEGOTIATION suitable potential sites. Mature trees on about suitable potential building sites. trees on about he charm of yesteryear butare with all Mature the modern and experience all the Aotea Harbour hasLocated tobuilding offer. in a few different natural levels suitable to build on. M 027 294presented 8625 $465,000room GST and Inclusive 26 Whaanga 55 Rangitahi Peninsula If you into water sportsRoad including fishing,Only kayaking, SUPTeLot Mata near Raglan, this very well By Appointment 4 Amazing 2 fishing 2 for snapper,Road GST Inclusive Plus GST (ifwith any) 2Brural, Maungatawhiri Roadviews. RAGLAN 60%of the property dream, 2B Maungatawhiri RAGLAN the property makebe this a landscapers E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz es we60%of are used to, and can available fully dream, flounder, mullet due to make no this a3landscapers All great bush and water 2 Appointment Only VIEW ByCan't ing, sailing, this a truly ideal with easy access to 120ha dairy farm milking 320 be ideal for The property has cows is a must to view if you could be ideal for permaculture also.isThe property has location Beat Location and Quality! Can't Beat Location commercial fishing inand the Quality! harbour. could At 1.2ha there ispermaculture plenty of also.Richard Richard Thomson Thomson VIEW VIEW GST Inclusive $1.9M $1.25M apggwre.co.nz/HAM30408 natural springare feedlooking stream running it. A is cute a natural springLorenzen feed streamBay running it. A cute Moor your boat/yacht in the from the section. for aMthrough farm that consistently performing. With a pggwre.co.nz/HAM30083 Looking for aOnly quality home close to Raglan with privacy, Privacy, Surf &through Sun! Raglan Site room and different natural levels suitable to build on.Dream M 027 294 8625 027 294 8625 Looking foraOnly a few quality home close to Raglan with privacy, By Appointment By Appointment Inclusive 1950's two bedroom, one GST bathroom, 119m2 home with 1950's two bedroom, one bathroom, 119m2 home with Appointment OnlyThree bedroom, two VIEW By then look no further. Three bedroom, two bathroom home Bay and keep an eye on it from Ethe deck. This sunny home 5area year average of 115,000kg ms (best 124,000kg ms) in an then lookgreat no further. bathroom home richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz All with rural, bush and wateraviews. large upstairs currently used as a bedroom with VIEW a large upstairs area currently used as a bedroom with If privacy, amazing views, bird life, an easy walk to the surf, Here is your opportunity to purchase one of the biggest and with large living areas that have picturesque harbour views. with large living areas that have picturesque harbour views. offers 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 living areas and a two car above average rain fall25space. area, 2.00-2.45pm, Sunday Augustexcellent modern Richard Thomson Richard Thomson a divider creating a separate lounge/relaxing a divider creating a separate lounge/relaxing space. income LISTING Set NEW on approx 8,000sqm (2acres) there is plenty of room for beach/bush walks, multiple streams, or growing you Set on approx 8,000sqm (2acres) there is plenty of roombest for sections in the hugely popular stage one Rangitahi .nz/HAM30408 pggwre.co.nz/HAM30083 Large two bay car shed at the house also. Large two bay car shed at access the house also. internal garage. improvements including 3 homes, 32 ashb farm dairy with M 027 294 8625 M 027 294 8625 Richard Thomson Richard Thomson a pony, chickens and a few sheep. Suitable for cattle also, a pony, chickens and a few sheep. Suitable for cattle also, Richard Thomson own fruit & veges is something youMwould Peninsular, Raglan. This section has good elevation which M 027 294 8625 027 294live 8625to find in a E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz the 4 paddocks have water and good fences. meal feeding system, system. the 4 paddocks have water and good fences. M 027 294 8625 near new milk cooling richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz property then look no further!! creates great views to the north andEwestern inlets of the

57 Wallis Street Location and Potential BEO $940,000





996 Te Papatapu





This property features a 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom,2 living pggwre.co.nz/HAM30392 pggwre.co.nz/HAM30758 area home with all day sun and huge ocean views.

E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz Richard Thomson NEW Raglan Harbour and the Raglan golf course. M 027 294 8625LISTING pggwre.co.nz/HAM30823 pggwre.co.nz/HAM30758 pggwre.co.nz/HAM29962 E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz

PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under REAA 2008


Helping grow the country


SOLD: 2 Enclave Lane

PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under REAA 2008

SOLD:RAGLAN 12 Ohautira Road 4C Cambrae Road Amazing Bay Views

8 RAGLAN Chronicle 4C Cambrae Road

Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625 pggwre.co.nz/HAM29962 E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz


119 Waimaori Road

SOLD: 306 Phillips Road 2

If you are into water sports including fishing, kayaking, SUPing, sailing, this is a truly ideal location with easy access to Lorenzen Bay from the section. Moor your boat/yacht in the Bay and keep an eye on it from the deck. This sunny home


VIEW By Appointment Only

119 Waimaori RAGLAN Helping growRoad the country

Consistently strong production 120ha Located in Te Mata near Raglan, this very well presented 120ha dairy farm milking 320 cows is a must to view if you are looking for a farm that is consistently performing. With a 5 year average of 115,000kg ms (best 124,000kg ms) in an

This week we feature the achievements of the Raglan Junior Rugby teams at the Hopu Hopu Tournament held over the weekend.

This page is made possible thanks to our sponsors:

Mechanical | WOF | Tyres PH: 07 825 0528

27 May to 2 June 7 2019 Open 7am-9pm, days th

Raglan Netball Club W elcome back to the championship rounds of Hamilton City Netball. With the season nearing an end we, the Raglan Netball Club Inc, are very proud to yet again deliver another season of competitive netball to all our players ranging from the ages of 8 year olds to 40 year olds. Many hands go into making this all possible. Firstly our sponsors; Raglan Lions Club, Raglan FourSquare, Tyre Tracks and Raglan Lawns. A Special thanks to our volunteer coaches and managers for all your


PH: 027 825 8159 www.raglanshuttle.co.nz

ee Energy for 3 prizes of Fr * won. Winter to be

ol! tireless effort, giving up your time and energy August 24: Karioi Orcas Karioi Date: 15th of September 2019 . Time: at’s co Now thand in supporting Raglan netball. Rangatahi 11.30am -2.30pm The 2019 netball season has been a roller August 29: Karioi Mini Ferns and Karioi less Venue: (TBC) Loose Seed coaster for many of our teams but we are Mini Stars arins Important note: Your dress is expected ast Satsuma Mand Ro g Le rk Po Fresh NZ Fre e Range) managing to rein it in and get back on track August (Excludes 31: Karioi Dolphins, Karioi Ferns to be returned also on this day. Cash refunds $ 9kg9 to finish strong toward the end of the season. 9 and Karioi Tui’s will be given. No dress no refund. 9 We would love to give recognition to$our kg Team photos: Muster 2020: two intermediate teams Karioi Dolphins and Where: Raglan Rugby Club These dates will be tentatively booked at Karioi Tui’s who entered the year 7-8 Netball Who: All teams must be present unless our AGM meeting held on the above date. tournament held in Hamilton earlier this year. taken already. Lastly huge thank you to all you beautiful Great dedication and skills were shown on When: 6th August. . Time: 4-6pm wahine who have contributed with our RNCI this day! Karioi Dolphins placed 1st Karioi Please wear correct shoes and netball article for the Chronicle this year you are all Tui’s placed second . dress IMPORTANT DATES Prize giving and AGM 2020 will be held a huge asset to our club. End of season dates for all teams: on the same day: RNCI Komiti 2019



2 Karioi Tuis manager: Adele Van $ 00 Weerden 5 $ 9ea9

3 for

the girls hard to gain their individual confidence and potential. I come to the weekly training sessions where Sarah and y Cadburthat I share ideas and resolve any problems ck RAGLAN JUNIOR NETBALL Chocolate Blo nal, igi Or ird eb Blu have arisen. may 150-190g RESULTS // 17 August 2019 ick or Thinly ThAs manager I let parents know when 50g Cut Chips 140-1 Team Score the upcoming games are on the Saturday, who is not able to play if sick or injured and Karioi Dolphins Draw 15-15 overall support for our coach. I love going Karioi Ferns Loss 12-13 to the games on Saturday and would have t Tissues Karioi Orcas Win 21-18 ile To rex Pu to say it is one of the highlights of my week White or Mega Long 9 9 Karioi Mini Ferns Loss 0-4 $ through the winter! I have particularly ck Pa 50 all6/12the girls grow andea loved $ watching Karioi mini stars Win 6-4 pk develop in their positions and in their stage of life. I love seeing their smiles when there has been some great play but also like encouraging when someone is having a not Fresh’n Fruity so great day of netball. RAGLAN JUNIOR RUGBY Yoghurt 1kg Makos W & L 8-0 & 1-3 Whole Team The Tuis had a rough start to the season, ek) (Excludes Gre RESULTS // 17 August 2019 Spratz L & W 1-5 & 4-0 losing all three of the grading games but Squids D & D 1-1 & 2-2 Rion Weston-Arnold Team Score meant that the team was placed into POD/TOD/ROD/ but unfortunately ruptured my archillesKarioi this Kahawai W & D 2-1 & 0-0 Trixie Kroon a grade L that was more suitable for their OppPOD 1-2 NA tendon and obviously couldn’t continue toSeahorses skill level. Since they have won all Stingrays D & L 0-0 & 0-1 then Thore Kabo Naoh Holdaway-Perkins, Rod Willis play. 6th grade win, 50-35 Neels, Opp Pod TeAio Puru. L 1-3 and if Elithey Fisher have another win their games I absolutely love netball as it teachesHammerheads Morays W 3-2 Koby Copson Lee Waitere, Rod Keiran week, we could have a real chance of 7th grade win, 90-65 Ricky our children to work as a team and thatGreat this O’Brien, Opp Pod Tommy Rowe. Whites Lthe 1-3 grade with Wairerethe Tepania 9 winning last game on the 9 $ every position and part of the team isMermaids Kylem Callaghan, Luca Stuckery, Tod W 1-0 Team ea 8th grade win 90-30 Noah Thompson, Jamie Moss Opp 31st August! 99 Whole important for the game to work. It is greatSnappers $ W 4-2 Ryder Langlands Pod Naoh Thompson. pk Netball Club is always The Raglan L 0-3 NA for fitness and relationship building too. Whale Tails Zara Wilson. TOD & OPD Tamati 9th grade loss 25-15 toNAstep up and help and Gray-Lord. 0-10 Our team, the Karioi Tuis has developedKinas needingL parents Shark W 5-1a manager None of the team your becoming Zane O'Shea and William Seaville Tod immensely over the season thanks to ourThresher Stafford Opp Pod Jai Maui Dolphins W 1-0 Paisnel 10th grade loss 10-50 Corsyn is playingMia in is a great way of Waterhouse wonderful coach, Sarah King. She has aOrcas daughterW 3-2 Ava Wood er Hills doing this. I have done it for two years now ith W Dusty Ferguson, Chaz White, Tod L 0-1 Whole Team wealth of knowledge around developingSeastars ld 750ml r) 11th grade win 34 - 22, Latrell Tipene, Opp pod Riley Hartgill. eight’s Goenjoy Sp5-0 W Cormag and thoroughly it!Eadie ot Noi all areas of netball skills and has workedTsunamis (Excludes Pin dal Ale



i, my name is Adele Van Weerden and I am the manager of a group of lovely young women playing netball for the Raglan Netball Club. I have two 13 year old daughters at home who are in their third year of playing netball in this club. They are my inspiration and motivation for getting involved as well as my older daughter who also played netball. I too played secondary school netball and began playing again in my 40s



Me or Summit Ultra es 12 x 330ml Bottl

Karioi Ferns coach: Holly Kereopa Who do you coach and what age and stage are they? This is my first season coaching Karioi Ferns years 7&8 How has the team progressed this season? Karioi Ferns have worked hard as a team collectively on and off the court, watching new friendships emerge too is very rewarding What are the strengths of the team? Our team is our strength, the more we learn and listen to each other the stronger we become What do you like about the coaching experience? This is my first time ever coaching so Im learning from our Ferns. We have a strong sense of whanau within our team so being their coach is a privilege. What is the goal you hope to achieve with the team? Naturally our goal is to win as I have learnt our Ferns are quite the



Marvin Daniel, Jesse Fraser, Theo Pease


Owned & op

by locals

12th grade win 47-26.

8300. Street. Ph 825 glan: 16-18 Bow SuperValue Ra , 7 Days. | Open 7am�–�9pm SOCCER alue.co.nz JUNIOR visit SuperVRAGLAN For inspiration Raglan only. 09/06/19. RESULTS // 17 2019 closeAugust details. Entries Please drink responsibly

s for at SuperValue tomer Ser vice While stocks last apply - See Cus ck-out. T&C’s * Enter at the che


Thank you for the drop offs and pick ups on training days, for withstanding those early/cold and sometimes wet and windy Saturday morning games but most importantly thank you for the continuous love and support you show for our team. Super proud of our Karioi Ferns, they are all amazing!



Makos Spratz

W & L 8-0 & 1-3 L & W 1-5 & 4-0

Karioi Kahawai

W & D 2-1 & 0-0 Trixie Kroon

Seahorses Stingrays Hammerheads

L 1-2 D & L 0-0 & 0-1 L 1-3


competitive bunch but I hoped to have built a relationship with them that they feel they've put in 100% and can come away from a loss with their head held high. A strong team win or lose. Any shout outs to those who support the team? I would like to express my gratitude to the whanau of our Karioi Ferns.

Alby Sharples and Conor Reevs, TOD Manaaki Rikki, pod opp Tupuna Tahukura

D & D 1-1 & 2-2

Whole Team Marvin Daniel, Jesse Fraser, Theo Pease

Rion Weston-Arnold NA Thore Kabo Eli Fisher


W 3-2

Koby Copson

Great Whites Mermaids

L 1-3 W 1-0

Wairere Tepania Whole Team

Snappers Whale Tails

W 4-2 L 0-3

Ryder Langlands NA

Thresher Shark Maui Dolphins Orcas

W 5-1 W 1-0 W 3-2

None Mia Paisnel Ava Wood


Seastars Tsunamis

L 0-10

L 0-1 W 5-0


Whole Team Cormag Eadie

RAGLAN Chronicle 9

QUICKFIND Directory: your local trades guide ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNERS




P L U M B I N G & G A S LT D Grant Mathis 07 825Mobile: 0523 or 027 222 0156 grantmathis.gm@gmail.com


Builders Mix • Cement • Firewood Drainage Metals • PVC Pipe • Novaflo Pea Metal • Sand • Pavers • Compost Fertiliser store • Pea Straw • Hay Bales Barks • Mulch • Chook Chow TOPSOIL • RAILWAY SLEEPERS Plant Nursery • Truck Deliveries Free Customer Loan Trailers HIRE EQUIPMENT: Compacter Concrete Mixer • Post Hole Borer find us on facebook!



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OPEN 7 DAYS Area 51 Naumai Industrial Park


Specialising in New Builds, Maintenance and Drainlaying. Nick Heasman Phone: 021 058 2140 Email: onpointraglan@gmail.com onpointplumbing.co.nz


The businesses and individuals advertising in the Raglan Chronicle are participating not only to promote their businesses, but to show their support for our community paper – so be sure to tell them you saw them in the Raglan Chronicle. Local businesses are the foundation of our community - and they make it possible for us to bring the Raglan Chronicle to you.

10 RAGLAN Chronicle


nate@skilledmaintenance.co.nz www.skilledmaintenance.co.nz

stamped | colored | exposed aggregate | footpaths driveways | retaining skate ramps



Rick: 0274 683 474 Troy: 022 321 1076

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What's On 22


Inkspillers presents...

YOUTH SLAM & POETRY EVENT (under 18) at the Old School, Stewart St. 7-9pm Koha / gold coin entry. FRI



Inkspillers presents...

SPOKEN WORD & OPEN MIC NIGHT For NZ poetry day at the Raglan Club 7-10pm Koha / gold coin entry. SAT 24 AUG MOVIE NIGHT FUNDRAISER ‘Last Paradise’ Raglan Town Hall 6.30pm Entry: $10 (incl popcorn and spot prizes). Door sales 6pm. Presales at Info Centre. See the WHAT’S ON on page

20 of the LOCAL

RAG MAGAZINE for more info of what’s on in Raglan for the next few months...

SAT 24 AUG DAVE UPFOLD COMEDY STAGE HYPNOTIST S H O W A Te Uku Pony Club Fundraiser @ Raglan Bowling Club. TICKETS: $50 (incl.dinner) Phone 021 969 878 More info to right > WED 28 AUG R A G L A N RAMBLERS 9am from James St near Wallis St manuka planting Te Uku. * * * * * * * * * * M U S I C AT THE OLD S C H O O L * * * * * * * * * * FRI 30 AUG KRISSY JACKSON & FRIENDS A C O U S T I C E V E N I N G Amazing Fiddle playing, folk of all types. Doors Open 7pm - Show 7.30pm Door sales $20.

Services Offered

For Sale F I R E W O O D DRY - DELIVERED Pine $180 trailer load Phone 021 077 1524

THUR 22 AUG SAT 24 AUG @ THE YOT CLUB: @ THE YOT CLUB: Closed. Cheap Disco Funky FRI 23 AUG House Bombs feat @ THE YOT CLUB: B Rex $5.

Public Notices

Light of the night feat DJ Finn Carrington. See the GIG GUIDE on page 21 of the LOCAL RAG

MAGAZINE for some of the Yotty gigs for the next few months... For free pickup & dropoff, text to this number: 0 2 7 - Y O T- E E E E (027 968 3333)

Courses, classes & workshops Hibernating this Winter? OH NO! Come along to...THE RAGLAN LIGHT EXERCISE GROUP SESSIONS Mon & Thurs. 10 - 11am. St Peters Hall. Everybody is most welcome to attend.

*Sponsored by RC

Public Notices RAGLAN SAILING CLUB AGM Notice is given that the AGM of the Raglan Sailing Club will be held at the supper room of the Raglan Town Hall at 10:30am on Sunday the 25th of August.

POIHĀKENA MARAE AGM Sunday 1st of September 220 Wainui Road, Poihākena Marae, Whāingaroa. Raglan 10am-12noon AGENDA Mihimihi/Karakia 1. Chairman’s Report 2. Minutes of previous AGM – 5 August 2018 3. Audited Financial Report 4. Election of new trustees - 2x Vacancies 5. Marae Charter Review 6. Special Resolutions a) To approve and endorse the Tainui Hapu Plan (28/04/19) 7. General Business Karakia Mutunga – Kai tahi

a ta m i ra . c o. n z Be Inspired by SPRING arrivals Beautiful scents Mindful books & Eclectic Style (RAINS Jackets too!)

In My Good Books Quality 2nd hand books Open Thurs - Sun from 10am 2 Wallis St Books wanted.

Contact: poihakenamarae@gmail.com for any queries.

Notice of Meeting Raglan Community Board

Services Offered FRUIT TREES NEED PRUNING? Pip, Stone, Citrus. 20 Public Notices years experience. Call TE MATA SOCIAL Dean 021 217 4491 CLUB AGM Thursday TRUCK & DIGGER 26th September 2019 HIRE owner and 7.30pm at the Te operator Mata Club. PH: 0210624166 PARENTS VISITING OVER FROM THE UK OFFER HOUSE SITTING in and around Raglan. From 10 Dec to 20 Feb. References available. Contact : rogerpic@hotmail.com

Situations Vacant R A G L A N PLAYCENTRE IS LOOKING FOR A VOLUNTEER to help us keep our Playcentre sessions running smoothly 9am 12/1pm Wednesday mornings, term time. Would include making playdough, managing supplies, dishes. Could suit exPlaycentre parent/ someone who enjoys working with young children and their parents. For more information email raglan@playcentre.org.nz

RUAPUKE MOTOR CAMP - Peace & tranquility - Surfing, fishing, bush walks - Cabins, powered sites, tent sites PH 07 825 6800

CLASSIFIEDS ADVERTISING IN THE RAGLAN CHRONICLE: Ads on this page are an affordable way to get something out to the community. Min. ads start from $8. Call us on: 825 7076 or email: classifieds@raglanchronicle.co.nz

Garage Sale

Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Raglan Community Board will be held in the Supper Room, Town Hall, Bow Street, Raglan on Tuesday 10 September commencing at 1.30pm. A public forum will be held at the commencement of the meeting.


Note: In the event that the business of any Committee is not concluded on the advertised date, the meeting may be continued on a later date scheduled by the Committee prior to adjournment. Agendas and minutes for meetings are available at www.waikatodistrict.govt.nz/your-council.

6 Opotoru Road - Saturday 24th August Selling selling selling

This notice is given under section 46 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.

Proposed Amendment to the Cemeteries Bylaw 2016

PEGGY LEE paintings, garden sculptures, drawings & art books. Quilting resources Silk painting resources & dyes At very reduced prices. Some may be free. GARAGE SALE : includes 1930s dressing table set; 1920s cabinet; CD racks and CDs; small stereo; assorted tools; antique mirror; vacuum cleaner; Chairs; plants; Woman’s clothing size Xplus dresses, jackets, and dress tops (All excellent condition) Books (children and adult) Book shelves, Ornaments (other artists and from overseas) Artificial Christmas tree and decorations bench top dishwasher. Couch. Table and chairs, cane garden chairs. PLUS MORE. I AM LEAVING RAGLAN SO EVERYTHING MUST GO.

Waikato District Council is seeking feedback on the proposed amendments to the Cemeteries Bylaw 2016. Proposed changes to the Bylaw are: • Amend clause 6.2 to allow plots to be pre-purchased at any time. For further information go to www.waikatodistrict.govt.nz/cemeteriesbylaw Have your say by 5pm, 22 September 2019. Tell us what you think about what we’re proposing. Make a submission by: • entering it online at www.waikatodistrict.govt.nz/sayit • emailing it to consult@waidc.govt.nz • posting it to Waikato District Council, 15 Galileo Street, Ngaruawahia 3720 • delivering it to any Council Office or library. G J Ion Chief Executive




Gig Guide

0800 492 452 www.waikatodistrict.govt.nz www.facebook.com/WaikatoDistrictCouncil

RAGLAN Chronicle 11


Open Home

Open Home




1 Puriri Street Buy Right, Buy LOCATION! It’s first time on the market in 32 years for this absolute gem. Perfectly positioned with the beach a stones throw away and the wharf and cafes within an easy stroll. The well presented warm home was built in 1991 by the current owners and is set on a flat attractive 731m2 corner site enjoying great views of the harbour. What an ideal retirement choice or an amazing family holiday home providing endless summers of swimming, fishing or simply enjoying picnics on the beach. Buy right, buy LOCATION and reap the rewards. Prior auction offers considered. Auction Contact Email View


31.08.19 Unless sold prior Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 kleuthart.raglan@ljh.co.nz Saturday 3 - 3:30pm ljhooker.co.nz/2EPHFG



497b Wainui Road 1


Unrivalled Coastal Design & Simplicity The waiting is finally over for a truly premium property to come available near the world class Raglan surf & popular Ngarunui Beach. This 2017 home ‘that dreams are made of’ was designed by award winning architect Tane Cox of Red Architecture, and has a spacious living area with high stud ceilings, 4 bdrms, 3 bthrms and an internal access double garage over a generous 273m² of floor area. Expansive views over Raglan and the Tasman Sea stream invitingly through the double glazed sliders across a large deck with a magnificent backdrop against Mt Karioi. All the hard work has been done for a lucky new owner to ‘just move in’.


5b Violet Street

Nest, Rest or Invest Auction 1pm 14.09.19 unless sold prior Contact Chrissy Cox - 027 287 1804 Email



Sunday 11 - 11:30am ljhooker.co.nz/ 2EXHFG

Whether you are starting out or slowing down don’t miss this opportunity. Late 90’s built ‘Gottage’ in tidy condition and with the freshly painted interior a blank canvas for your style input. Elevated and sunny on a large, rear, crossed leased section and close to the harbour with the Daisy Street beach access just a stroll away. Plenty of room to park the boat and the wharf and boat ramp are close too. This very affordable retreat is perfect for a fisherman, retiree, investor or even as a first home and a step on the property ladder. To be auctioned at 1pm on 14th Sept at L J Hooker, 25 Bow Street, Raglan.




For Sale Contact Email View



Unit 1, 12 Nau Mai Road Live and Work the Raglan Dream - Architecturally designed live and work industrial property - Located on the outskirts of Raglan and only 30 minutes to Hamilton - 210m² (more or less) warehouse, 47m² (more or less) showroom/office - 50m² 1 bedroom apartment - 3 phase power, secure yard, drive through access and fibre internet - Explore the options of leasing the premises in its entirety, or for it to be split

12 Wainui Road North Facing Central Location Development For those who value a location with a sense of community and town-fringe amenities, 12 Wainui Road is the ideal place to call home. Located on the corner of Wainui Road & Stewart Street is a boutique development of 11 town houses with 9 available selling off the plan. Designed by Award Winning Byrne & Enright Architecture offering attention to design; putting all bedrooms and living spaces to the outer walls, maximising light and views and across the road from the Raglan Harbour. These modern townhouses feature 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, plus ensuite. Floor areas range from 148 sqm to 168 sqm. You have a choice of units to decide upon so call Steve today for an information pack. For Sale Contact Email View

Price Reduction

Lease $45,286 P/A + GST Contact Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Email sobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz ljhooker.co.nz/2AGHFG View

$1,150,000 - $1,290,000 Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 sobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz ljhooker.co.nz/2ETHFG

Land for Sale


22 Te Tuhi Road

1 Wallis Street

For Sale $375,000 Contact Chrissy Cox - 027 287 1804 Email ccox.raglan@ljh.co.nz ljhooker.co.nz/ 27BHFG View

For Sale Bring in Offers Contact Robbie Regnier 021 952 271 Email robbie.raglan@ljh.co.nz ljhooker.co.nz/ 23KHFG View

Te Tuhi Road Opportunity If you are a surfer you need to see this. It is the last section in Te Tuhi Road. Sunny, sheltered and elevated yet surrounded by native bush this large, 1529m² section, has a formed driveway and flat building platform. The partially covered deck is in need of a tidy up but is a great outdoor space for camping or caravanning. Some covenants apply.

By Negotiation Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 kleuthart.raglan@ljh.co.nz ljhooker.co.nz/2EEHFG

10a Nau Mai Road Investors’ Alert - Opportunity! That’s right ‘Opportunity’ 10a Nau Mai Road is a must see for any investor. This light Industrial zoned section of 2400m² offers excellent advertising profile from the state highway and a 1000m² effectively dead flat engineered building platform. Nau Mai Business Park is the only large scale light industrial zone in the Raglan area with a mixed use development currently operating and more on the way. A generational change is forcing astute buyers to consider a lifestyle choice of operating their businesses in coastal towns. So act today and define your future. Call Steve 021 969 848 today for more information.

Retail Business - Ready to Sell! Vendor’s instructions are that all offers are to be considered. Located in prime Raglan CBD, The Raglan Project is a one stop shop retailing a variety of hardware, homeware and building supplies to a loyal established customer base of tradies and DIYers. With Raglan’s increasing population, the success of this highly desirable business will continue to grow.

For Sale $330,000 Contact Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Email sobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz ljhooker.co.nz/2E2HFG View

Chrissy Cox

Kyle Leuthart

Michelle O’Byrne

Stephen O’Byrne

Robbie Regnier

Matt Sweetman

Natasha Metcalfe-Black

027 287 1804

021 903 309

021 969 878

021 969 848

021 952 271

021 624 826

027 555 9994

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Raglan Property Manager

*NB Boundary lines on photos are approximate & merely a guide. All information contained herein is gathered from sources we deem reliable. However we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely upon their own enquiries.

LJ Hooker Raglan (07) 825 7170 • 12 RAGLAN Chronicle

25-27 Bow Street , Raglan • George Boyes & Co Limited Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008

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