Raglan Chronicle

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Nga Ripo o Whaingaroa

EST. 1903

Whaingaroa news for you weekly

Community Cash

14th February 2019 - Issue #633

Dedicated to supporting our local community.

Raglan 16-18 Bow Street, Raglan. Open 7am – 9pm, 7 days. Phone: 825 8300.

Owned and operated by locals




Gig Guide/What's on p11

Saturday 16 February

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NEW LISTING - 25E Violet Street, Raglan. Call me to view Ray White Raglan I 21 Bow Street I Raglan I 07 825 8669 I rwraglan.co.nz

11am 11am 12pm 1pm 2pm 3pm

23 Seabreeze Way 25e Violet Street 44 Cross Street 45a Wallis Street 4 Te Hutewai Road 32 John Street

Sunday 17 February 11am 12pm 12pm 1pm 2pm

Raglan Couriers Carriers has sold and is 3 Raglan times daily Raglan Couriers now under new ownership. 3 times daily morning/midday/afternoon A huge thank you to the


community for all of the support Local Business Serving District Since 1996 overRaglan the last 23 years. Local Business Serving Raglan District Since 1996

41a Cemetery Rd Whatawhata 1015 State Highway 23 Whatawhata 44 Cross Street 67 Lorenzen Bay Road 141 Waitetuna Valley Road

- Mike and the team.

Phone 027 221 5395

Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

RAGLAN Chronicle 1


Support our local eateries! Hours and specials below.


A Slip of the Tongue:

Slip of the Tongue theatre company brought their Shakespeare production the ‘Pericles Prince of Tyre’ to Whale Bay on Saturday night.


Aroha Sushi Raglan

Raglan’s original sushi shop since 2003

Turkish We Kebabs on on Plates &24, Pitas will be closed December 25 and 26. Open 7 days, 10-late, & from December 27. plus beverages more PH: |07 10:30 to 9pm 29825 Bow 7440 St - 07 825 0202

Full story below

This space could be yours. Email the Chronicle for more details. info@raglanchronicle.co.nz

Open 9am - 7pm Wed - Sunday Closed Mon-Tues

(07) 825 8761

Phone orders welcome! *Fish & Chips* *Burgers* *Weekly Specials* The store with a lot more!

Fish n’ Chips Group Bookings Inside/Outside Seating 92 Wallis St - 07 825 7544

Te Kopua Camp Store, Marine Parade, Raglan

Real Fruit Ice Cream Burritos - Wraps Soup - Salad Volcom Lane & Chilli Open 7 days from 11:30


open seven days a week N O

1 9 B o w S t r e e t 07 8 2 5 0 0 2 7

Open 7 Days 8am - 4pm

wa o k u l o d ge @ g m a i l .co m Open for Dinner Fri & Sat from 5:30pm

248 Wainui Rd | 07 825 8233 Open 7 Days a Week From 9am



A Slip of the Tongue performs inspirational live theatre at Whale Bay

Breakfast/Lunch 7 Days

Open 7 Days From 9:30AM Mon-Fri and 9AM Sat and Sun 43 Rose St 07 825 0010

Waterfront dining indoor and outdoor seating

Buying or Selling your house! Independent and locally owned Give us a call for a free quote. Rhys Ellison 07 834 1248 & 021 2967 296 Or Kerron Sexton 07 834 1248 & 027 555 4842

Contact: Administrator Jan Mitchell ph 825 5122

The Avatar®Course ‘‘Beliefs are seeds that will one day flower Into realities.”


Harry Palmer author of the Avatar materials

For more information contact: Cam 021 529 765 camkay@xtra.co.nz


lip of the Tongue theatre company brought their Shakespeare production the ‘Pericles Prince of Tyre’ to Whale Bay on Saturday night.

to 60 people attended the performance on a balmy Whaingaroa evening. The picturesque views combined with William Shakespeare and George Wilkins fairy tale filled with romance, an adventure story, a tale where good triumphs somewhat mysteriously over evil to provide an entertaining evening of outdoor theatre.

The Hamilton based company were invited by Karioi Lodge’s new owners Vaughan Fergusson and Zoe Timbrell to perform at Inspiration Point and close



Avatar is a registered trademark Star’s Edge, Inc. All rights reserved.

10am - Family Service and Children’s Ministry Thursdays 3-5pm - 7C’s Bible Club for Children Visitors Cherished

This week's weather is sponsored by The Raglan Project.

3 Stewart St – 07 825 8276 or 07 825 8028

1 Wallis St | Ph 825 8881

For all forecasts check out www.weathermap.co.nz

Now Inn Ragla


Stephen Sandwell Licensed Salesperson (REAA 2008)


10am Raglan Area School 7pm Te Uku Church Pastor Roger Peart ph 07 825 5199

Your local Raglan Rep

Low commission rate - Free marketing/advertising -Free property appraisals 027 601 7080


07 825 8977 a/h



Raglan Ink Ltd home of the Raglan Chronicle Office Open Mon - Fri 9.00am - 4.00pm, Wainui Rd, Raglan Ph: (07) 825-7076 Fax: (07) 825-7078 Post: P.O. Box 234, Raglan Email: info@raglanchronicle.co.nz

Max temp (C)





SW 15 SW 20




Sunny with some cloud



Sunny with some cloud


SE 0 am W 15 pm


H 05:50 am R 06:51 am L 12:00 pm S 08:17 pm H 06:20 pm


Mainly fine with possible showers


SW 0 am SW pm 20



12:40 07:00 01:10 07:30

am am R 06:52 am pm S 08:16 pm pm


Sunny and clear skies




01:40 08:10 02:20 08:30

am am R 06:54 am pm S 08:14 pm pm


Sunny with some cloud


E 10 am W 15 pm



02:40 09:10 03:20 09:30

am am R 06:55 am pm S 08:13 pm pm


Sunny with some cloud


S 0 am W 20 pm



03:40 10:00 04:10 10:20

am am R 06:56 am pm S 08:12 pm pm


Mainly fine with possible showers


E 10 am W 15 pm


L 04:30 am R 06:57 am H 10:50 am S 08:11 pm L 05:00 pm

SW 15 SW 25


am pm


Advertising & Articles The advertising and editorial content deadline will be Monday at 12pm week of issue.

*Total significant wave height and *Tide times for Raglan Bar


©WeatherMap 2019. All rights reserved.

Opinions and views expressed in the Raglan Chronicle do not necessarily represent those held by the Editors or Publishers. Every care will be taken in the preparation and placement of submitted material but the Editors/Publishers shall not be liable for errors or omissions or subsequent effects due to the same. It is the submitters responsibility to ensure material is not libelous or defamatory. The Editors/Publishers reserve the right to abridge, alter or decline any material submitted to the Raglan Chronicle to meet the constraints of space and/or maintain a reasonable standard of language and decorum.

2 RAGLAN Chronicle


(High/Low) (Rise/Set) H 04:40 am L 10:50 am R 06:50 am H 05:10 pm S 08:18 pm L 11:30 pm

THE RAGLAN PROJECT Supplying Raglan with everything you need for your home building project. Call us on 825 8881 or drop in to see us at 1 Wallis St. Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm, Saturday& Sunday 9am-5pm.

Karioi technological Raglan Lodge tops listgets of beautiful towns at reboot with environmental twist Keep New Zealand Beautiful Awards


community beach cleans being organised

Dermot M. Murtagh

98a Greenslade Rd, Raglan Ph: (07) 825 8544 Mob: 0274 455 232

by the Whaingaroa Environment Centre and saw first-hand the successful work of Plastic

189 Collingwood St P.O. Box 1030, Hamilton Ph: (07) 838 3883

Bag Free Raglan. Raglan was awarded Most Beautiful Small Town, but during their visit, the


Web: murtaghs.co.nz Email: murtaghs@xtra.co.nz Also at H.G Webb House, Cnr Boundary & Victoria Streets, Hamilton

Over 30 years industry experience

free service

judges recognised Raglan’s ‘unprecedented commitment and efforts to beautifying the community’, as a result, Raglan was also awarded the Supreme Award for the evening. Plastic Bag Free Raglan won Best Community Environmental Initiative, an award that honours innovative projects that have achieved extraordinary environmental results






partnership. Councillor




Also at H.G Webb House, Cnr Boundary & Victoria Streets, Hamilton

Awards night on behalf of the Raglan community, and gave an inspiring korero


attendees, Vaughan Fergusson and Zoe Timbrell have found thetoideal spot praising the work being done to combine technology and the environment at the Karioi aroundLodge. the country, but also encouraging

ounder of Vend and OMG Tech! Vaughan Fergusson and his partner Zoe Timbrell are the new owners of Karioi Lodge.

project turning a former Huntly open cast pit mine it into a recreational lake - providing employment opportunities for local people. This means a new lease of life for the Karioi Lodge as an enviro-tech camp Their friends said they were crazy with the couple planning to develop the buying a 100-acre bush clad property and questioned why they weren’t buying a bach property by adding classrooms and other in Matakana, but the philanthropic duo have infrastructure. The "Institute for Awesome” will cater a plan to combine technology and nature at to schools, businesses, teachers and the the outdoor education centre. wider community to explore the interplay As Vaughan says in a recent Stuff between technology and nature. opinion piece, ‘the best innovation is not Raglan has been confirmed as New Zealand's Most Beautiful Town for our “Parents worry that technology is just exclusively a byproduct of big cities. Good ‘unprecedented commitment and efforts to beautifying the community'. ideas happen everywhere, and to turn ideas about their kids sitting over their keyboards into reality you need inspiration and smart in dark rooms. We’re taking tech back out to Zoe says. people.’ aglan’s ongoing efforts to nature,” businesses, schools, councils The couple say individuals the lodge, and which sits For the past 17-years Charlie Young minimise waste and beautify amongst pristine native bush at the base who are working to beautify and enhance a and his wife Erin Rogers have run their Karioi, is the ideal place to show how ourand accommodation community business were of surf school town’s environment. from the sprawling property which can technology is not just about kids being acknowledged at this year’s Keep gluedJudging based onbut efforts being to theiris devices can be usedmade to accommodate over 100 people, and they benefi t the environment. will continue operate Awards. at Karioi and to minimise and prevent litter, community New Zealand to Beautiful “Technology has to exist in the collaborate with Vaughan and Zoe. beautification Vaughan projects,says. recycling projects environment,” It’s an ideal blend for the two businesses, Raglan was in the running for Most the tourism "Institute for Awesome”, sustainable attractions. as the tourists head out of town the schools andThrough Beautiful Town, along with Plastic the couple will provide the tech resources will take upSmall residence at the lodge. Keep New Zealand Beautiful judges started lifewas in nominated the 70s asfor a for young minds to develop solutions to the BagThe Freelodge Raglan, which visited Raglanissues in September and took facing the world today a school camp set up by the Huntly Karioi environmental Best Community Environmental in the future. Outdoor Trust who were looking Initiative. to sell the and tour of the community with Councillor “They (young people) never stop property. Keep New Zealand Beautiful is a not- Thomson. They learned about Raglan’s “The trust was conscious of handing it dreaming about saving the planet we will the tools toinitiatives dream crazily big,” for-profi t organisation dedicated to keeping give to the right people,” Vaughan says. wastethem minimisation at Xtreme Turns out Vaughan and Zoe were those Zoe says. communities clean, safe and beautiful. Zero Waste, the Council’s ‘3 P’s’ loo The couple also run the Pam Fergusson people; a deal was struck with the trust investing the celebrate money from the salegroups, in a Charitable charity Vaughan set upand in campaign,Trust, the alocal dune plantings The Awards community


them to do more. his mother's name and through OMGTech! it aims to bridge the gapa between industry Raglan is gaining reputation around and education by bringing passionate tech Aotearoa as one of the country’s most professionals into classrooms. environmentally consciousone and of sustainable Vaughan’s founded New Zealand’s fastest growing and successful towns. Local community groups such technology start-ups Vend which makes as the Whaingaroa Environment Centre, cloud based retail software and he credits his mother with kihiste success. A single Karioi Maunga Moana, Plastic Bag parent and paraplegic, she had insight Free Raglan, Raglan Upcyling Co-op, into the importance of technology buying Care, Raglan Naturally, a Whaingaroa computer Harbour for Vaughan and his two brothers in the 80s whenAffordable computersHousing were the Whaingaroa Raglan cumbersome, complicated and expensive. Project many others dedicate endless With and Vaughan’s tech nous and Zoe’s event management previous volunteer hours toskills keepfrom our aenvironment career, and their combined connections and pristine and clean in various ways. networks with the technology and education As the Award Raglan sector, the Supreme "Institute forwinner, Awesome” promises to be a powerhouse innovation will receive a customised community mural, and creativity. designed and painted And they want to takeby therenowned communitymural on the rideFlox. and hope to build connections with artist, Whaingaroa organisations that will benefi t If you would like to learn more or get from what they are doing but also add value involved any of the local efforts going and ideas tointhe institute. “We want the community to knowRaglan that on in the community to ‘Keep we have this incredible gift and you are Beautiful’, get in touch with the Whaingaroa welcome to share,” Zoe says. Environment the Raglan Community Check out Centre, www.inawe.co.nz for more information about the Institute of Awesome House, the Raglan Chamber or Xtreme Zero and to find out about the community open Waste. day in March. Janine Jackson Karamea Puriri

MORTGAGE BROKERS Murtaghs Dermot M. Murtagh


98a Greenslade Rd, Raglan Ph: (07) 825 8544 Mob: 0274 455 232 189 Collingwood St P.O. Box 1030, Hamilton Ph: (07) 838 3883 Web: murtaghs.co.nz

Email: murtaghs@xtra.co.nz

Over 30 years industry experience

free service

Barbara BarbaraKuriger Kuriger

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by the Parliamentary FundedFunded by the Parliamentary and authorised by ServiceService and authorised by Barbara MP, Parliament Barbara KurigerKuriger MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington. Buildings, Wellington.

RAGLAN Chronicle RAGLAN Chronicle 33


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Stingray encounter not so Vanderful for Africa initiative

Raglan Area school PTA has restarted


ast year, a group of parents and staff got together to restart the Raglan Area School Parent Teacher Association, which had not been operating for a number of years.

Federico's brother pictured with an alaia surfboard.

Federico at Lazy Stayz before returning to Italy.


ederico Gigli came to Raglan both for a break and to promote a surfing-themed African humanitarian project called Vanderful – but ended up incapacitated by a stingray attack. The 23-year-old biologist/surfer had planned to spend the last 10 days of his six-month New Zealand visit “relaxing and surfing”, and doing a little networking, in Raglan. But a trip across to Mt Maunganui on Waitangi Day, where he lacerated three tendons in his lower left leg in an encounter with a stingray, curtailed his lazy days at Wallis St backpackers hostel Lazy Stayz. Instead he found himself admitted to Tauranga Hospital for a few nights as medical staff made sure the stingray’s barb hadn’t caused any permanent damage or poisoned him. Back in Raglan last Saturday, Federico was counting his blessings. “I’m very lucky really, 3mm more and I could’ve lost the nerve, vein or the whole foot,” he told the Chronicle. Federico then had to forego this week’s flight to Africa in favour of an unscheduled return home to Italy, for six weeks’ recovery and another three of rehabilitation. “There’s no-one here to take care of me,” he explained. But all was not lost as the Africa trip would still take some time to organise. “We also have to make sure our van is fully prepared,” he said. “The trip doesn’t

start until mid April running through to August 2020 … we are very excited.” The “we” are Federico’s brother and his girlfriend, who have been teaching in Namibia, and another couple of “idealists”. The group will travel the Atlantic African coast in a Volkswagon Kombi, staying in every country for a month – “though maybe not the republic of Congo, it’s too dangerous”. They have a programme at various schools to teach the children and adults in the community how to build alaia surfboards – ridden in pre-2oth century Hawaii – which are “more pure” than fibreglass boards and use no toxic materials. Alaia boards are made of wood – “Africa is very rich with wood,” Federico points out – and have natural oils to make them hydro-repellent. They are shaped in a different way to today’s boards – round-nosed, squaretailed – and have no fins. Federico said west Africa was incredibly good for surfing, getting all the swell from the south and southwest and also from the north. But it was not generally popular because it was difficult to reach and travel in, and was a poor area of the world. Their Vanderful project will be run and funded under the non-profit organisation Seeds of Hope. The aim: to empower people who may soon face a fast rise of coastal tourism.

The three-week programme in schools will not only teach children how to make their own boards, but how to swim and be safe in the water. Drama workshops will also run to build confidence and independence. “We want the children to have fun and to bring some happiness to them.” The environmentally friendly programme will include both cleaning the beaches of plastic and making surfboard accessories – like leashes and surfing bags – from the recycled materials. Ultimately, participants will be able to build their own sustainable work or businesses in the future. Fuel use will also be offset. “We tried to find a way not to use gasoline but it was too difficult and too expensive, so when we’ve finished the trip we will calculate our CO2 use and plant that equivalent in trees (through other organisations),” said Federico. He added that the more followers they have online, including at vanderful_ adventures on Instagram, the better chance they have of ongoing funding. Surf4Children in Italy will help in parts like Sierra Leone, and they already have funding contacts in other countries like Liberia and Morocco. Meanwhile a five-day fundraising campaign is about to start: www.vanderful. org Edith Symes

RAGLAN DENTAL Dr. Richard Zhu BDS Otago

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With all the changes in the school it felt like a good time to kick start another way for parents and teachers to get in behind the school and contribute to making it a success. The RASPTA currently has four main objectives, but these may change to accommodate new ideas as it grows. Some of the current objectives of the PTA are to raise funds to provide greater opportunities for the Raglan kids in their education. So far we have done some small fundraising events from providing food at the regional school cricket day, to running a First Aid Workshop and a Beach Rubbish Clean after the Sound Splash event. One of the areas we will be looking at in the near future will be how best to distribute these funds to support the kids’ education. Some of the other objectives are to increase the discussion between the students, parents/caregivers and the school, as well as help get parents and caregivers involved in the education of their children. The last objective is to work towards improving school faculties. What we really need is for more parents to get involved. At the moment we have people who have been involved in lots of these types of endeavours through to people who, for them, it is the first time, so it’s open to people of all experiences and skills. Coming up, we have the AGM where all the positions on the PTA board will be appointed. The AGM is on Monday February 18 at 7pm at RAS staff room. If you can’t make that and are still interested, then we will be posting future events on the Raglan Area School PTA Facebook Page. Co-treasurer, Cam Kay.

Master's Games


he 2019 Downer New Zealand Masters Games were held during the first ten days of February in Whanganui. As per previous years, Raglan swimmer Peter Aim entered in a handful of swimming events, eturning home with a medal haul of 11, with five of them being gold medals. "If i can inspire one person to get off the couch and give it a go then I've done my job," said Peter. The Masters Games is for competitors aged 25 years and over with a history that dates back to 1989. If you are intereted in swimming in Raglan make sure to contact the Raglan Swimming Club who will be running Learn to Swim classes from February 18. For more info visit: http://www.sporty.co.nz/ raglanswimclub/HOME

RAGLAN Chronicle 5

Open Home 32 John Street Raglan This is a keeper!!! Retro and ready to go, fully furnished featuring 3 spacious bedrooms with wardrobes. The large open plan lounge and dining with water views just beckons family living. A retro style kitchen also faces out to Pururi Bay. Two bathrooms is always a plus and a bath! Yes, it does have a large single garage, an absolute bonus. There is ample room to park the boat as well, which is great with the wharf just down the road. This property is to be sold fully furnished enabling you to move in and enjoy. The location is superb. Just a very short walk to town and all amenities. The property you have been waiting for! NOW is the time.


6:00pm, Friday 22 February Ray White Raglan office Unless sold prior


Saturday 3:00pm - 3:45pm

Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282

rwraglan.co.nz/RAG23024 Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

Open Home 67 Lorenzen Bay Road Raglan Do you want to be close to the water to enjoy swimming, kayaking and fishing? This is the one!!! Located in a top spot, elevated to make the most of sunshine, water views and privacy. This northfacing two bedroom home is light and spacious, and has an extra hobby room downstairs plus a single garage. The kitchen provides good working space open planned with the lounge which leads to a covered deck where you can sit all day, soak up the sun and entertain with your friends. The deck has been constructed to allow for further development. A conservatory at the front of the property is a suntrap to relax, entertain or space to expand when extra guests arrive. Situated on 807 sqm. rwraglan.co.nz/RAG23029 Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

6 RAGLAN Chronicle


6:00pm, Friday 1 March Ray White Raglan office Unless sold prior


Sunday 1:00pm - 1:45pm

Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282

Open Home 45A Wallis Street Raglan You will love the retro features of this north-facing home situated in the very popular Wallis Street. Delightful polished floors welcome you and flow through to two double bedrooms - the master with water views. Make the most of the near-new sleep-out at the rear of the house also with water views and access to its own bathroom and courtyard. A carport to store the boat and a single garage to lock up your toys are what you will need being so close to the wharf. An appealing property and just a walk to town, cafes and shops and across the road for swimming and kayaking. A home that will appeal to a wide market including first home buyers or retirees.


6:00pm, Friday 22 February Ray White Raglan office Unless sold prior

View Saturday 1:00pm - 1:45pm

Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282

Julie Hanna 027 441 8964

rwraglan.co.nz/RAG23033 Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

Open Home 4 Te Hutewai Road Raglan Take a walk back into the wonderful years of yesteryear. Stop! You can almost smell Grandma’s cookies baking. A wee one bedroom Raglan cottage singing the old songs of days gone by. The floor in the main part of the house is native heart Rimu. If you can part with the original Axminster carpet! The house is extremely well maintained with attention to the small detail. The front of the house has had the windows replaced with double glazing. A downstairs workshop is fully equipped. Spacious double garage, wendy house type building, housing a single bed. Native trees and an assortment of flora beckon you to the bottom of the 814 sqm section. rwraglan.co.nz/RAG23032 Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)


6:00pm, Friday 1 March Ray White Raglan office Unless sold prior

View Saturday 2:00pm - 2:45pm

Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282

Julie Hanna 027 441 8964

6B Tohora Close Raglan The whales are wonderful, of course, but so is this place! So close to the world-famous surf break. Set on 1141 sqm right on the coast, you get two houses. The main house is a three-bedroom ocean view residence with decks to lounge on and a stunning wooden interior with a beautiful open plan dining/entertainer’s kitchen. Everywhere you look you have uninterrupted views of the surf. Set back a little further from the ocean is a two-bedroom studio. Rent it out or invite friends over. This is what amazing property in New Zealand is all about! rwraglan.co.nz/RAG23000 Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)


2:00pm, Saturday 30 March On site. Unless sold prior

View By Appointment

Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282

Open Home 23 Seabreeze Way Raglan A discreet front entrance leads you to this charming home offering three spacious double bedrooms all with wardrobes - master with ensuite. A great kitchen to perform in at your best, ideal for dinner parties. The lounge and dining are dedicated to family living and both flow onto the very expansive north-facing deck from where the eye is drawn to the harbor views. Relax, entertain and enjoy the outlook. The section provides the opportunity for further development. Either plant it with natives to converge with the reserve at the bottom of your garden, plant fruit trees or your vege plot. The great space beneath the house beckons further development. An immaculately presented home. You will be delighted! Situated on 609 sqm.

For Sale



Saturday 11;00am - 11:45am

Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282

rwraglan.co.nz/RAG23035 Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

Seeking rental properties to manage in Raglan, Whatawhata & surroundings Ray White Property Management is renowned for a personalised approach. Over the years, we’ve learned a thing or two about property management and in response to the needs and expectations of our clients we have systems, processes and procedures in place. At Ray White Raglan, our approach is very much proactive as opposed to reactive. We understand that each landlord’s needs are different and tailor a specific solution to suit your requirements. Our pursuit for excellence is foremost in the minds of the highly trained and motivated property management team at Ray White. Give us a call or pop by the office for a chat, we’ll make sure your most valuable asset is looked after with care and diligence. Ray White Raglan Rentals

Open Home 1015 State Highway 23 Whatawhata A well positioned lifestyle within a quick commute to Hamilton and Raglan. The best of all worlds. Situated with a peaceful backdrop of views of Mt Pirongia. This 3 double bedroom house offers great open plan space ideal for family living. A large rumpus room and a spacious double garage with internal access to the house is a bonus. 5.6721 ha of easy land. A stand of gum trees just waiting to be this year’s wood supply for the fire. Seeking all families, retiring farmers or just lifestyle buyers.

(07) 825 8640 I rentals.raglan@raywhite.com raglanrentals.com



4:00pm, Saturday 16 March The Village Cafe, 1 Rothwell Lane, Whatawhata Unless sold prior

View Sunday 12:00pm - 12:45pm

Dave Hanna 0276 146 722

Julie Hanna 027 441 8964

Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

RAGLAN Chronicle 7




From Listed to Sold in TWO WEEKS! RAGLAN

Call me NOW to find out what I can do for YOU.

Jono Hutson

Residential/Lifestyle Specialist M 021 488 766 jono.hutson@pggwrightson.co.nz Jono Hutson Real Estate


$475,000 VIEW By Appointment Only

Opportunity Knocks Land of this quality and strategic value are rare to find in this market, This unique property comprises of 3 dwellings on a quarter acre. From the immaculately presented 1950’s Bach, one bedroom self-contained unit and four bedroom family home.

RAGLAN Lifestyle At It's Best

In the sought after Whale Bay, this 1012m² North facing section has no covenants. There is a nice easy contour to the land, surrounded by pristine nature and bird life, and only minutes from one of the world's best surf spots-this is a rare opportunity!

Looking to down-size from the farm? Secure this property offering the ultimate 6.1ha lifestyle block. The generous 157m2 home offers 4 double bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, with open plan living areas flowing into a modern kitchen.



$1.08M VIEW By Appointment Only

Jono Hutson M 021 488 766 E jono.hutson@pggwrightson.co.nz



$889,000 VIEW 1.30 - 2.00pm, Saturday 2 February

Jono Hutson M 021 488 766 E jono.hutson@pggwrightson.co.nz

pggwre.co.nz/HAM29094 Helping grow the country

PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under REAA 2008

8 RAGLAN Chronicle



Sea The Opportunity

Jono Hutson M 021 488 766 E jono.hutson@pggwrightson.co.nz



Animal Health Column For Raglan People + their Pets

Starting ‘em early!

New Raglan Coconut Yoghurt flavour hits shelves aglan Coconut Yoghurt have just released a new flavour to join their

popular vegan yoghurt range! Made with juicy Tasman Bay boysenberries,


: e m p owe




ri ng


a spoon of this fruity, dairy-free yoghurt will take

you back to the days of Grandma's home-made jam on scones. A new take on a Kiwi classic, it's a winner on just about everything from your breakfast granola, to baking or drizzled on fruit. Available in all the Raglan stores and supermarkets nationwide. www. raglancoconutyoghurt.co.nz

m m u niti



ave you recently welcomed a new canine into the family, or are you thinking about doing so?

When should you start training your new puppy? From the very day you adopt them into your family, they should be beginning to learn the types of As with kids, puppies gain a behaviors that are acceptable and not massive amount of information – every day is a learning experience, from their environment and the just as with kids! interactions they experience, whether If you would like help and that be positive or negative, and guidance in your training and daythis information has the potential to-day care of your puppy, as well to manifest as long-term behaviors. as the opportunity for your puppy to For this very reason, it is crucial that experience positive interactions and during this important developmental socialization with other people and and learning period their experiences puppies, then puppy classes may be and interactions are positive. In for you! Please call our clinic and ask to order to achieve such results, we Not all foods are created equal so make sure your gets the diet details possible! speak topet a nurse forbest further or must be proactive and create as As vets we cannot emphasise enough the importance of good nutrition for your to sign up. many experiences as possible in a pet, to ensure Diets need to the specifi c needs of your Next start date: 18th February! controlled andgood safehealth. environment. Into be tailored pet to ensure they lead a healthy life. Feeling the heat? order to do so, it is important to have So feeding are the aThere basic of how dogs consider areunderstanding many reasons why you should your animals! pet with petPlease food remember to consider your canine purchased from your vet.we can guide think and learn, so that and feline friends on hot days, and see them correctly. Advice: Your pet’s dietary needs may change as clever they grow and age. vet/ vet what ways you canYour conjure up In can addition to this, crucial nurse offer advice on it theisbest nutrition for all life stages of your pet. to cool them down! that puppies of all shapes, sizes and ideas,diets, at nosuch cost! Range: Vet-Only pet food a wide rangeEasy of special as oral care, breeds are taught goodoffers manners • Kids’ plastic paddling pool, +/weighttheloss and hairball control. future from beginning, to prevent toys! problem behaviours (when it ishave no different Tailor-made: Large-breed dogs nutritional needs than veggies smaller • Biscuits, treats, chunky longer ‘cute’ when your adult dog dogs and therefore need different diet formulations. Breed specificinfoods are etc. frozen in water a plastic bites, jumpstoonhelp strangers, on some ofcontainer formulated controlororsleeps prevent the typical problems of (in health the shade) the eachbed!). breed. Your vet also has access to prescription diets in designed specifi c • Ice cubes water for bowl and It isconditions. important that when teaching health much more, just get creative! your puppy new commands or Avoid Much less mess to clean up: Quality food is highly digestible – therefore less shaping their behavior to create good • Hot cars mess and smell when your pet goes to the toilet. manners, you are considering that • Paws on hot sand and pavements Weightasmanagement: the The AnexainTeam puppy an adult dog. Obesity is the most common form of malnutrition pets of today. Feeding pets an appropriate quantity of food is very important. High quality food tends to make the animal feel full and satisfied with a smaller quantity.

Don’t Feed Your Pet Junk Food!

Meridian Power Up Community Fund Meridian recognises the importance of local communities to our hydro and wind operations. Meridian’s Power Up gives your community a say on what local initiatives are supported and funded by Meridian. The Fund, managed by a panel of community members and Meridian staff, is about working together to build strong communities. Power Up is for the communities of Raglan, Te Mata, Waitetuna and Te Uku.

TO APPLY FOR FUNDING The next closing date for applications is 24 March 2019.

Dental health: Dental problems are the second most common health problem that we see in our patients. Vet-Only pet foods have special features to help keep your pet’s mouth healthy.

February Promotion

For more information on Power Up or to submit an application online,

anwillAdvocate or have Advantage flea/ Taste:Buy Your pets love it! Vet-Only diets a high acceptance rate among pets. But for extra reassurance all our foods are 100% guaranteed. worm treatment for your pet andIf your pet doesn’t like it we will refund the purchase price.

please visit meridian.co.nz/powerup or email community.fund@meridianenergy.co.nz

receive a FREE material reusable tote

You can also call us on 04 803 2507.



The link between good nutrition and health is well proven in humans and animals, 2best designs choose from! so you wantbag to feed -the food you canto to your pets. We believe feeding a top quality veterinary diet will result in a longer and better quality life for your pet. If *While stocks last!* you are in doubt about the quality of the diet your pet is receiving, come and see us. We can advise on the best diet for your pet’s health.

Anexa, 40 Bow Street, Raglan P: 07 825 8390 RAGLAN Chronicle 9

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10 RAGLAN Chronicle

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Gig Guide


at's On

Situations Vacant

OFFICE PERSON / INVENTORY PERSON WANTED A part-time position is open at Aeronavics, AT THE THURS 07 JAN SAT 09 FEB SUN 10 FEB a specialist technology company in OOL IN @ THE YOT CLUB: @ THE YOT CLUB: Raglan. Ideally, this person is a Raglan Y | A R A G L A N Green Stratos & DJ Sticky Filth & resident or long term traveler staying in ORN (M) C R E AT I V E Cian Free pool. Free Supersuckers (US) for at least 6 months (work permit 6.00, Fri entry, outside fire, THURS Punk Rock,14Rock 'n' SAT Raglan **MARKETS** FEB 16 FEBposition requires excellent IS US // required).The Sun 17 - MOVIES @ THE // THIS food from Ulo’s. Roll, $20 presales This Sunday @ THE YOT CLUB: @ THE YOT CLUB: SCHOOL ART EXHIBITION computer skills for administration tasks Acknowledgements HEMIAN OLD and door sales. 10am 2pm at OZ ounk / pub DJ Sweep, free knowledge with Inventory FRIDAY 08 FEB FEBRUARY Open daily, 10amand some prior Y (M) IN the Old School rockers The Chats before 10pm. @ THE YOT CLUB: systems preferable. You’ll to be kind, A need very special Thank You to our Sponsors and Community 30, Sun A STAR IS BORN 2pm. Old School SUNDAY 10 FEB Miss for supporting Hamilton plus Gallery. Fri 15Centre. - 7.00, Arts Soulfej considerate, task-focused and willing to and helping to make our Inaugural Sun 3 (M)Arts @ THEsupport YOT CLUB: SUNDAY FEB Day Commemoration 2019 possible. Reggae Band single June w w . 17 -w 4.30 work 17 within a dynamic team Waitangi to achieve Door Sun > > > S U NShaun’s D A Y @ THE YOT CLUB: Birthday. $20 on release party $10 BOHEMIAN RAGLAN Please contact either Linda MInistry or for Culture and Heritage ns prior. | raglanmarket.com S E S S I O N S < < < > > > results. S U on N D Y door. must Raglan Chronicle entry. RHAPSODY (M) HORTICULTURAL Rob 07A8255058 or 0278200011 and JSTAR Minors (UK), Deep I O Nyour S<< < to corporate@aeronavics. Raglan Community Radio be accompanied by S E S S FEB Sat 16 - 8.30, Sun SOCIETY send CV Fried Dub (Aus), Jafa Four Square DJs Aza, Dylan parent. L A N 17 - 7.30, Sun Art 3 Next THIS IS US Mafia, King Macka & Brown,com. Super Value Fanga and L E R S Mar 4.30 | Door exhibition open meeting: Raglan Butchers Jinja Cat. Free FRIDAY 15 from FEB Jamin-I. House Tuesday James sales prior. Big Poppa Popcorn daily, 30 mins 10am-2pm 4.20pm, $10CLUB: after music in the yard @ THE YOT llis St - Old School Arts 19th Raglan Naturally 7pm. Food from Tunes of I, Lost Tribe with Aza. Techno February Xtreme Zero Waste o Taitua SUN 17 FEB STORE MANAGER Gallery. ULO’s Kitchen. at 1.00pm in Aotearoa, Cloak Bay in the club with Raglan - bring CROP SWAP the Church We are looking for a store manager for Ward Councillor - Lisa Thomson $20. Situations Vacant Pare Kore - Jacqui Forbes Dylan Ali’s Brown. FREE 9.30am-10.30am Hall, Stewart Turkish Kebab in raglan. Must hold - Officiating the formalities of the day Sean Ellison from 420, $10 after Guest Bring anything from Street. a business qualification with at least 4 Kimo Moko - Wero For free OFFICE PERSON / INVENTORY Lisapickup & dropoff, text to this number: 7pm. years Foodwork from garden or kitchen Speaker, experience in retail/customer And to all the wonderful, respectfulPERSON families,WANTED locals and visitors and 0 2 7 Y O TE E E E ( 0 2 7 9 6 8 3 3 3 3 ) Thompson (District ULO’sservice Kitchen.industry and volunteers ale Offered to Services swap. At the Councillor). Floral at least 4 years Thank you for making this event 'real'! forward to A part-time positionLook is open at Aeronavics, MOVIES AT THE 07 seeing JAN SAT 09 next you again year. Ka kite anotechnology au i a koutou. SUN 10 more FEB provenTHURS Raglan Bowling Art, Basket of Fruit experience in managerial or FEB a specialist company in OLD SCHOOL IN @ THE YOT CLUB: @ THE YOT CLUB: Raglan. Ideally, this person is a Raglan Club. All welcome. role. FEBRUARY | A & Veg, Interest R A G L leadership A N Green Stratos & DJ Sticky Filth & resident or long term traveler staying in STAR IS BORN (M)& dropoff Table Candlestick. C R ,Etext A T Familiarity ItoV this E number: or Turkish (US) Supersuckers Cianexperience Free pool. Freewith nz For free pickup Raglan for at least 6 months (work permit Sun 10 - 6.00, Fri WED 20 FEB Normal competition Public Notices entry, outside fi re, Punk Rock, Rock 'n' cuisine, food, hygiene, health and safety 0 2 7 - Y O T- E E E E **MARKETS** (027 968 3333) . required).The position requires excellent 15 - 7.00, Sun 17 R A G L A N programme display food from Roll, along $20 presales This Sunday practises would be Ulo’s. advantageous computer skills for administration tasks 4.30 | BOHEMIAN table raffle, sakes abel and door sales. R A M B L E R S 10am - 2pm at a willingness ar FRIDAYto work 08RAGLAN FEB with public holidays and some prior knowledge with Inventory NATURALLY - OUR COMMUNITY PLAN RHAPSODY (M) table, tea and hrills the Old School 9am from James biscuits. Come @ THE YOT CLUB: SUNDAY 10 FEB systems preferable. You’ll need to be kind, Sat 16 - 8.30, Sun and weekends. ssic What’s your ideas for Raglan’s future? The heat Arts Centre. Soulfej Hamilton @ THE YOT CLUB: dies St near Wallis St - and meet considerate, task-focused and willing to - 7.30, SunLIGHT 3 fellowis on...THE17RAGLAN May be subject to NZ drug test andforNZ up monthly newsletter visit us on Facebook Reggae Band singleSign w w w . work within a dynamic team to achieve Mar 4.30 SESSIONS | Door EXERCISE GROUP Karioi from Ruapuke gardeners. > > > S U N D A Y police check. email: raglannaturally@gmail.com release party $10 raglanmarket.com results. Please contact either Linda or 30 mins SESSIONS<<< *Sponsored by RC Monday & Thursday.sales 10am toprior. 11am. Books - bring lunch. Gabrielle ParsonRob 021 785 or 0278200011 and If you are interested in theseJSTAR positions entry. on844 07 8255058 (UK), Deep St Peters Hall. Everybody is most WED 13 FEB send your CV to corporate@aeronavics. please emaiol Vel your interest together d books Fried Dub (Aus), Jafa L A N THIS IS US Art com. welcome to attend. R A G *Sponsored Mafi a, King Macka & Sun with any work referenmce credentials to: RAGLAN LIGHT For Sale Services Offered RThe A Mheat B L EisRon...THE Sby RCexhibition open Jinja Cat. Free from m anatturk@gmail.com 9am from James EXERCISE GROUP SESSIONS daily, 10am-2pm 4.20pm, $10 after St T H E R A P E U T I C St near Wallis St - Old School Arts 7pm. Food from Monday & Thursday. 10am to 11am. ted. STORE MANAGER MASSAGE with Walsh Rd to Taitua Gallery. ULO’s Kitchen. St Peters Hall. Everybody is most a ta m i ra . c o. n z Arboretum bring We are looking for a store manager for Public Notices Belinda Ehrlenbach lunch Ali’s Turkish Kebab in raglan. Must hold welcome to attend. Thrills Co. - DO now available *Sponsored by RC YOU CARE ABOUTin a business qualification with at least 4 Tigerlily For free pickup & dropoff, text to this number: Offered Assembly Label Raglan on Saturdays years work experience in retail/customer YOUR COMMUNITY? 0 2 7 - Y O T- E E E E (027 968 3333) Swimwear For Sale Services Offered at Matapihi Art Gallery. service industry and at least 4 years TCSS, Deus, Thrills EUTIC Situations Vacant Retro & Classic the Raglan proven experience in managerial or Ph: Join 027 356 3656 Men’s Boardies am more with leadership pm role. rlenbach Familiarity or experience with Turkish aSTORE ta m i ra . c o.MANAGER nz DOCommunity YOU WANT cuisine, food, hygiene, health and safety lable in In My Good Books Patrol help Thrills Co. We are looking for a Store Manager for AN OLDand HOUSE Tigerlily practises would be advantageous along aturdays Assembly Label Quality 2nd hand books Ali’s Turkish Kebab in Raglan. Must hold a keep Swimwear with a willingness to work public holidays REMOVED? t Gallery. TCSS, Deus, Thrills Open Thurs - Sun Public Notices business qualification with at least 4 years and weekends. Whaingaroa Raglan Retro & Classic We’ll pay you in cash! The heat is on...THE RAGLAN LIGHT Men’s Boardies from 10am 3656 May be subject to NZ drug test and NZ work experience in retail/customer service EXERCISE GROUP SESSIONS Call nowSafe. 07 847 1760 2 Wallis St police check. industry and at least 4 years more proven RUAPUKE Monday & Thursday. 10am to 11am. L A N Books wanted. In My Good Books If you are interested in these positions Contact Narina experience in managerial or leadership role. MOTOR CAMP St Peters Hall. Everybody is most M A N emaiol Vel your interest together Quality 2nd hand books Situationsplease Vacant Familiarity welcome to attend. Open Thurs - Sun or experience with Turkish with any work referenmce credentials to: C E S - Peace & tranquility *Sponsored by RC Hurst 07 825 8473 from 10am cuisine, food, hygiene, health and safety anatturk@gmail.com all jobs in - Surfing, fishing, 2 Wallis St Public Notices practises would be advantageous along bush walks e house. Books wanted. with a willingness to work public holidays - Cabins, powered 24 0111 R A Public Notices S P TA A G M sites, tent sites and weekends. RAGLAN DO YOU CARE ABOUT Monday 18 February PH 07 825 6800 Get on Board with Go Bus Transport be Offered subject to NZ drug test and NZ Services WANT 7pm All Welcome - NATURALLY - OUR May YOUR COMMUNITY? police check. and make a change in your life. COMMUNITY PLAN T H ERAPEUTIC OUSE RAS Staffroom. Join the Raglan If you are with interested in this position, MASSAGE What’s your ideas for ED? please Ehrlenbach email your interest togetherCommunity Belinda AGM for We have a permanent part -time position available for a in cash! Raglan’s future? - with now any available Patrol and help workin reference credentials to: Raglan School Bus driver based in the Raglan area. Sign up for monthly Raglan on Saturdays 847 1760 keep anatturk@gmail.com Community We offer ongoing training, career progression, competitive newsletter visit us on at Matapihi Art Gallery. Public Notices Whaingaroa Raglan Patrol will be Ph: 027 356 3656 remuneration and a supporting work environment. Facebook Safe. held at the RUAPUKE email: R A G L A N You will need: Contact Narina Raglan Fire MOTOR CAMP H A N D National Y M A N raglannaturally@ Class 1 drivers’ licence (must have held for 2+years). Station on S E RAdministrator V I C E S - Peace & tranquility Hurst 07 825 8473 gmail.com Excellent customer service and communication skills For those in - Surfing, fishing, Para small Kore jobs is seeking Saturday the Gabrielle Parson bush walks Positive attitude and teamwork and around the house. an experienced 23rd February, 021 844 785 John ace 021 Administrator 08 24 0111 - Cabins, powered Desirable but not essential:

What's On

Gig Guide

What's On

Courses, Classes & Workshops

Courses, classes & workshops


Gig Guide



6-8 & 6-8 Courses, Classes Hand-held hosing & Workshops any time


11.30 a.m

sites, tent sites

RAGLANClass 2 licence (we can assist you in obtaining this) to join our team. PH 07 825 6800 NATURALLY - OUR DO YOU WANT include managing the office Responsibilities IfPLAN you want to be part of our special Raglan team or want to ANprocesses, OLD HOUSE data, equipment and reports COMMUNITY & RUAPUKE What’s your ideas for more, then we want to hear from you! providing support for the management team REMOVED? know AGM for We’ll pay you in cash! and Kaiārahi. Raglan’s future? MOTOR CAMP Our recruitment process includes a Drug and Alcohol Test Raglan The Chronicle is seeking sponsors forThis one role of our monthly columns: a high level of computerSign up for monthly Call now 07 847requires 1760 and Ministry of Justice Check. Community - Peace & tranquility ‘FIRE SERVICE SERIES’ proficiency, great communication skills,newsletter visit us on Patrol will be - Surfi ng, fishing, Don’t letcontent. this role drive by! o know our local volunteer firefighters. Align your business with community values and build goodwill by supporting community-based Facebook and sound knowledge of tikanga Māori. Te held the owned walks today! g a communitybush content sponsor is a great way to communicate corporatereo social responsibility. As aat locally paper, we aim email: Apply Māori is an advantage. Based in the and published Raglan - Cabins, poweredthe acheivements SELF STORAGE ht relevant issues and celebrate in our community. By supportingNational community columns, you help raglannaturally@ to extend the longevity of the Whaingaroa Offi ce thisFire role is 16-20 Apply by emailing Joanne Burman Station on gmail.com sites, tent siteson the support per week. Contact Kite Interested in findinghours newspaper that is dependent of localGary businesses. out more, or have a column idea of yourJoanne.burman@gobus.co.nz own? Get in touch Saturday the letter to: Gabrielle Parson apply by sending CV & cover PH 07 825 6800 and let’s discuss thePlease possibilities. Or call 07-828-7037 23rd February, 021 844 785 admin@parakore.maori.nz by 21st Feb. 4005 SH23, Raglan 11.30 a.m Ph: (07) 825 6560 Mob: 022 622 9005 Services Offered IEDS ADVERTISING IN THE RAGLAN CHRONICLE: Ads on this page are an affordable way to get something raglanstorage@gmail.com Wanted: Community Column Sponsors

Wanted: Community Column Sponsors

The Chronicle is seeking sponsors for one of our monthly columns: R A GMin. L ads A start N the community. from $8. Call us on: 825 7076 or email: classifi eds@raglanchronicle.co.nz ‘FIRE SERVICE SERIES’ H A N D Y M A N Getting to know our local volunteer firefighters. Align your business with community values and build goodwill by supporting community-based content. S E R V I C E S Becoming a community content sponsor is a great way to communicate corporate social responsibility. As a locally owned and published paper, we aim RAGLAN 11 to highlight relevant issues and celebrate the acheivements in our community. By supporting community columns,Chronicle you help to extend the longevity of the For those small jobs in community newspaper that is dependent on the support of local businesses. Interested in fi nding out more, or have a column idea of your own? Get in touch and around the house. and let’s discuss the possibilities. John 021 08 24 0111

CLASSIFIEDS ADVERTISING IN THE RAGLAN CHRONICLE: Ads on this page are an affordable way to RAGLAN get something Chronicle out to the community. Min. ads start from $8. Call us on: 825 7076 or email: classifieds@raglanchronicle.co.nz


Open Home


New Listing

Open Home



3 Lorenzen Bay

Contact Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Email



Saturday 12 - 12:45pm ljhooker.co.nz/ 277HFG

Hard to find, Easy to love!

If you have been looking for a large family home you need to see this property. The interior has been tastefully renovated & offers generous proportions making it ideal for larger or extended families. The huge open plan living enjoys a harbour view, is north facing & extended by decks on 2 sides. Spacious master bdrm features a walk-in wardrobe & its own fireplace. There are a further 4 dble bdrms, 2 bthrms, large laundry & basement storage. A fantastic asset is the newly developed self contained flat, with its own private access it’s perfect for holiday accommodation or guests. Full size, fully fenced, flat section suits the whole family.

Open Home


7 Mahana Place

Huge Family Home and Income Deadline 12pm 6.3.19 Unless sold prior


New Listing



Deadline 12pm 5.3.19 Unless sold prior Contact Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Email



Saturday 1 - 1:45pm ljhooker.co.nz/ 279HFG

This immaculate near new home is sure to impress & will appeal to many. Thoughtfully designed for privacy & sun with open plan living areas looking out to the planted reserve in front & a harbour view to the left, the outlook is stunning! 3 double bdrms, master includes an ensuite, walk in wardrobe & opens onto the deck. Situated on an 862m2 partially landscaped section with internal access garage, off street parking & under house storage. Tucked away at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac & Lorenzen Bay within easy walking distance. New homes are in high demand & with this one easy & comfortable living is assured.



New Listing

1046 Te Hutewai Road Mountain View Cottage & BnB You’ll say WOW when you set eyes on this 2009 built architecturally designed eco-home positioned for all day sun & the striking view of Mt Karioi. Clad in macrocarpa, the home boasts 70m² of covered decking for entertaining & features a stunning custom made rimu kitchen with gas hob. Polished concrete floors provide passive heating and there’s solar hot water, woollen insulation, double glazing and an energy efficient wood burner with wetback. A myriad of fruit & native trees have been planted & the standalone garage has been converted to a 1 bedroom unit that provides a steady income through AirBNB. Prepare to be impressed! Auction Contact Email View

Price Reduced



1pm 23.02.19 Unless sold prior Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 kleuthart.raglan@ljh.co.nz Sunday 2 - 2:30pm ljhooker.co.nz/26THFG



8c Harakeke Place Ready & Waiting Your Dream Home Situated in an elevated position overlooking Flax Cove you can build to capture the sun & simply stunning estuary & Mt Karioi views. The partially developed site has a large berm on the roadside boundary with the legal access driveway from Harakeke Place. The freehold section of 700m² is mostly gently sloping and fairly good contour by Raglan standards! Handy location to estuary, town, school, bus stop and walkways. Covenants apply. House plans are available.

22 Te Tuhi Rd

Te Tuhi Road Opportunity Deadline 2pm 6.3.19 Unless sold prior Contact Chrissy Cox - 027 287 1804 Email



ljhooker.co.nz/ 27BHFG

For Sale $339,000 Contact Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 Email sobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz mobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz View ljhooker.co.nz/22RHFG

If you are a surfer you need to see this. It is the last section in Te Tuhi Road. Sunny, sheltered and elevated yet surrounded by native bush this large, 1529m2 section, has a formed driveway and flat building platform. The partially covered deck is in need of a tidy up but is a great outdoor space for camping or caravanning. Wake to the birdsong, head to the ocean for a surf and relax in your own piece of paradise while planning your dream home. Some covenants apply. N.B Boundary lines on photos are approximate and meant as a guide only.

Chrissy Cox

Kyle Leuthart

Michelle O’Byrne

Stephen O’Byrne

Robbie Regnier

Matt Sweetman

Sandra Bowditch

027 287 1804

021 903 309

021 969 878

021 969 848

021 952 271

021 624 826

021 751 759

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Raglan Property Manager

*NB Boundary lines on photos are approximate & merely a guide. All information contained herein is gathered from sources we deem reliable. However we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely upon their own enquiries.

LJ Hooker Raglan (07) 825 7170 • 12 RAGLAN Chronicle

25-27 Bow Street , Raglan • George Boyes & Co Limited Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008

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