Local historian, Elizabeth Amoore, with her new book; 'The Stories Behind the HeadstonesRaglan Cemetry 1860-1940.'
Local historian, Elizabeth Amoore, with her new book; 'The Stories Behind the HeadstonesRaglan Cemetry 1860-1940.'
Local historian, Elizabeth Amoore, will launch her book
“The Stories Behind the Headstones - Raglan Cemetery 1860-1940”, on March 16, at the Raglan Museum.
Liz, a third generation Raglanite, professes to have always loved history, and she particularly enjoys researching the history of this area. She says that this is something she does in her “spare time”, but it is hard to believe this, given the size and comprehensive nature of her most recent book.
Over a period of more than two years, Liz has painstakingly researched the East Street cemetery in order to try and identify those buried there. This has not always been possible, as fewer than 50 per cent of the graves are named. Liz’s task was made even more difficult because records held by the Waikato District Council only date from 1906. So she had to resort to deciphering the names on an old map to identify people buried there from as early as 1862.
This is no dull tome of boring facts but an enlightening look at the lives of early settlers, through the telling of their stories and the use of numerous photographs. Liz believes that by reading about their lives we are better able to understand the social context of how individuals and communities experienced previous eras, as well as the impact events had on them.
Liz says some of those buried in the cemetery, particularly young children, died from conditions that are manageable today, such as pneumonia and starvation.
She cites, as an example, the experience of settlers in the New Zealand Land Wars. Many settlers were encouraged to leave their farms and seek safety in Auckland or the Raglan township, only to return later
to find buildings, crops, and belongings destroyed.
Liz says writing about the people buried in the cemetery was a way to honour Raglan settler pioneers, and record information before it is lost. It was encouraging that most of the photographs and information was provided by family members who were pleased to support Liz’s fact-finding efforts.
Liz believes that by writing about these people, they have become so much more than just a name on a headstone. She hopes readers enjoy finding out more about the everyday lives and struggles of the early settler residents of the Raglan area.
Liz’s love of people and their stories shines through and the wording at the beginning of her foreword says it all:
He aha te mea nui
He Tangata, he Tangata
What is the most important thing?
It is people, it is people.
The book can be purchased from the Museum for $40.
If you would like to attend the book launch from 5.30 pm on Thursday, 16 March, please RSVP to Karyn Willoughby at info@raglanmuseum.co.nz. The Museum and iHub will be open until 7pm.
Summary Max temp WindWaves*Tides*Sun (C)(km/hr)(m)(High/Low)(Rise/Set)
Contact person : Hazel 0221065990
Raglan Ink Ltd home of the Raglan Chronicle Office open by appointment. Post: P.O. Box 234, Raglan
Email: info@raglanchronicle.co.nz Editor: maki@raglanchronicle.co.nz
Advertising & Articles The advertising and editorial content deadline will be Monday at 12pm week of issue.
DISCLAIMER: Opinions and views expressed in the Raglan Chronicle do not necessarily represent those held by the Editors or Publishers. Every care will be taken in the preparation and placement of submitted material but the Editors/Publishers shall not be liable for errors or omissions or subsequent effects due to the same. It is the submitters responsibility to ensure material is not libelous or defamatory. The Editors/Publishers reserve the right to abridge, alter or decline any material submitted to the Raglan Chronicle to meet the constraints of space and/or maintain a reasonable standard of language and decorum.
The main route to Raglan is back open to traffic. Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, on Saturday March 25, opened a two-lane temporary diversion road skirting the serious under-slip that closed State Highway 23 on February 1.
“We are delighted to have restored road access for all traffic on this crucial link between Raglan and Hamilton, as we know how important it is to people in this community,” says Cara Lauder, Waka Kotahi System Manager for Waikato.
“It could not have been done without the generous co-operation of the landowners, nor without the herculean efforts of the work team, who put in many long hours to make this solution a reality.
“Within days of the initial slip, we were able to begin tree felling and the earthworks needed to construct the temporary diversion road.”
While SH23 was closed, Waka Kotahi contractors Fulton Hogan took the opportunity to bring forward some planned resurfacing work to a steep section of the highway further west. This was completed in time for the opening of the diversion road today, preventing further disruptions on the route.
The new temporary road is raised to protect fibre optic cable running under the site.
The diversion has a speed restriction of 60km/h but will add minimal extra time to the journey between Raglan and Whatawhata, compared to the lengthy
detour needed via Ngāruawāhia while the road was closed.
Ms Lauder says the under-slip is still active. “It continues to move, and geotechnical testing, including drilling and core penetration, is ongoing.
“We have not yet got the full picture of how Cyclone Gabrielle has impacted the site, and the ground was already saturated due to the unprecedented rainfall over January.’’
The under-slip significantly worsened after Cyclone Gabrielle; a section of the highway nearly 30m long dropped around 2.5m, and the slip crossed over the centreline.
"The temporary diversion road allows us the time we need to thoroughly investigate and plan the long-term restoration of SH23,” Ms Lauder says.
ThisMarch 18-19, the Rip Curl Pro Raglan returns for the 23rd edition of the iconic event at New Zealand’s most famous wave. The event has been the focal point of domestic surfing for over two decades with the perfect waves of Manu Bay matched by up to 100 of the best surfing talent in the country.
“It's great to have the Rip Curl Pro back in the water at Manu Bay” commented Rip Curl New Zealand general manager Leon Parkin. “We couldn’t run the event for two of the past three years, so we’re looking forward to putting on a good event and giving surfers something to celebrate after some terrible weather events of late.”
Traditionally the event has played host to some of the biggest domestic showdowns in the history of the sport. 2023 will be no different with Dune Kennings (Piha) and Pia Rogers looking to carry on their impressive start to the season after securing national titles at Piha in January.
Kennings will be searching for his first finals berth at Raglan and will come up against some tough competition from the likes of local surfers Caleb Cutmore who won the NZ Surf Series in 2022 and defending event champion (2021) Taylor Hutchison who will lead the way for Raglan.
Several top Kiwi surfers will be absent from the event while competing on the WSL Australia / Oceania Qualifying Series including four-time champion Billy Stairmand, Kehu Butler (Mnt), Ricardo Christie (Gis) and Daniel Farr (Tara).
17-year-old Pia Rogers has only competed at the Rip Curl Pro Raglan on one previous occasion in 2021. This year she will be joined by a strong showing of young female surfers who are expected to push the boundaries against their older counterparts. The National Championships was filled with youth talent and this years Rip Curl Pro Raglan will be no different with the likes of Natasha Gouldsbury (Tara), the Groube sisters Chloe and Lola (Pau), Alani Morse (Rag) and Leia Millar (Piha) joining the established names
of Brie Bennett (Rag), Elin Tawharu (Mnt) and Aimee Brown (Grt Barrier).
The Rip Curl Pro Raglan is the third event of the New Zealand Surf Series with $8,000
prize money on offer. The series heads south after Raglan with events at Dunedin and Christchurch in the next month before returning to Raglan to conclude the season.
Whenit comes to garden art there’s one Raglan resident who clearly isn’t a man to do things by halves – in fact you could say he’s gone the whole nine yards.
A monumental stone sculpture last week manoeuvred by crane into place on the front lawn of a new build at Rangitahi is not only around nine metres high but weighs in at a staggering seven-plus tonnes.
It represents to the house owner, Marek, “a unique and magnificent artist expressing himself in stone”.
The artist is local sculptor Richard Page, another of whose works can be seen – alongside that of Tai Meuli –flanking the entranceway to the campground at Papahua domain.
“His (Richard’s) process fascinates me,” Marek says. To create such a shape – understood by the Chronicle to be a double helix – from a massive piece of stone without even marking it up is incredible, he adds.
The work has been a year in the making, Marek reveals, with the sculptor often putting in 12-hour days to complete it.
Marek – a Raglan resident for 15 years now – describes himself simply as the “facilitator” of the artwork. He says he decided even before he’d bought his property overlooking the new bridge to Rangitahi to commission something on a grand scale.
“It’s a great place for a piece of civic art,” he reckons. Richard
Enter the magical world of reading as the Old School gallery space transforms into a pop-up bookshop showcasing Raglan’s talent.
Open weekdays and on scheduled weekends, local authors, illustrators and publishers will have their books on display to browse and buy.
There will also be readings, talks and opportunities to connect with the creators to discuss books, illustration and writing projects – theirs or your own.
Different writers will take up residency during March for you to meet and learn about their creative journey.
Saturday 11 March, Susan Flight with her book 'Taking Flight' - a journal of the people, events, and objects that Susan has loved, taught, experienced and made in a lifetime of joyful creative exploration.
Wednesday 15 March, Dyana Wells, author of a semi-autobiographical sailing trilogya woman’s search for meaning on an ocean wave.
Saturday 18 March, Bernadette Gavin’s book 'By the light of the Moon' is a story that weaves the high seas sailing adventure and a journey of self-discovery.
Saturday 25 March, Sarah Johnson, author of numerous children’s stories and books, will be available to chat and answer questions about writing and publishing, whether for children or otherwise.
The event opened on March 4 with Wanda Barker, featuring her book 'All Her Dark Pretty Thoughts', a gripping poetry novel asking us to consider whose truth prevails.
She was followed by local chef and author Colin Chung, who shared insights into his book 'Kana Vinaka', a cook book offering practical knowledge and tasty island cuisine.
Author Tracey Cooper recently talked about his journey writing 'Mokolife', which delves into the moko kauae practice of East Coast artist Joni Brooking, the wāhine who have received their moko kauae from Joni, along with other leaders in the revival of moko kauae, particularly throughout Ngāti Porou and Te Whānau-a-Apanui.
Offerings from other local authors:
Lance King | Failing Well
Matt Kambic | Everest Rising
Latesha Randall | Abigail Knightly
Rata Gordon | Second Person
Ann Neville | Publisher and author
Come along to the Raglan pop-up bookshop and support Whaingaroa local talent!
Saturday 4 March – Saturday 25 March
Open weekdays 10am – 2pm and on scheduled weekends
While the factors driving the housing market activity have shifted with the seasons, there’s one thing you can count on. With a unique blend of expertise, international networks and a suite of innovative marketing tools, Bayleys is the agency for all your property needs.
Residential, commercial, rural and lifestyle – we deliver the best results. Get in touch:
Mark Frost 022 150 2244 mark.frost@bayleys.co.nz
Graham Rope 021 222 7427 graham.rope@bayleys.co.nz
Michelle O’Byrne 021 969 878 michelle.obyrne@bayleys.co.nz
Stephen O’Byrne 021 969 848 stephen.obyrne@bayleys.co.nz
from the Raglan Golf Club
from Raglan Football Club
This week I caught up with long standing men’s club captain Steve Hanham and asked questions about the club’s involvement and development within the Waikato Pennants Golf programme.
What is Pennants Golf?
An inter-club golf competition played between Waikato Golf Clubs.
How has the Raglan Golf Club developed teams over the last 5 years and how many teams participate in the Pennants Competition?
The Waikato Region has 42 Golf Clubs where they all have teams in the Pennants Competition. There are multiple divisions with 8-10 teams per division. Raglan has gone from having 1 team competing in Championship Pennants (off the stick) Division 5, and 1 Handicap Pennants team. The teams are made up of 6 Players, where 4 players played in both competitions 5 Years ago. This Year Raglan will be having 2 x Championship Pennant Teams: Division 2 & Division 4 plus the Handicap Pennant team, made up of 18 players in total with a couple of reserves for each team.
How is a team member chosen for a particular team?
The Raglan Golf Club runs a Pennant Trials competition during the Club Day Sundays through January ahead of the competition starting in February.
Describe the attributes needed to compete at Pennants level.
Competitive competition takes commitment (you need to be available every second Sunday
and play in whatever the weather presents on the day). A can-do attitude with camaraderie and a team supporting vibe are what we look for. It not only represents the golf club but also Raglan.
Having teams playing in this competition brings what rewards for Raglan Golf Club?
Raglan gets its name on the map in the mighty Waikato. The club representatives do all of Raglan proud with their friendly and generous attitudes, always promoting the Golf Course, and inviting players to visit with their family and friends. Hosting tournaments at the Raglan Golf Club has seen many of the Waikato Pennant Players attend, with Raglan’s legendary hospitality ensuring they come back.
Teams are playing for what trophies?
Each Championship Division has its own trophy to play for. Winning a championship division trophy means the Club will move up into the next division. It is a great accomplishment for the Raglan Golf Club to have a team in the Championship Divisions 2 and 4. The handicap pennants have round robin matches and the finalist winners move on to the Waikato Regional Finals to play for the Trophy.
What’s your vision around Pennants Golf for Raglan Golf Club?
We are hoping to enter another Handicap Pennants Team in the ‘24 season. With our membership steadily growing and the Sunday Club Day allowing us to create fun competitions, we can get a larger pool of players to encourage to try out and select from. off the tee...Pete Aim.
Raglan Junior Football registrations for the new season are now open.
All of us here at Raglan Football Club would like to point you towards the poster announcing this years registration. John has done an incredible job moving the club to a new registration platform which is smooth sailing. Please get registered
asap. Scholarship places are available, so if finances are a barrier to your child playing soccer this year, please don’t hestitate to get in contact with us.
DATE FOR YOUR DIARY: Muster –Kit Bag Check 10am at the Soccer Fields/ Jo’s on Saturday April 15th
For more dates and the season calendar please go to www.raglanfootball.nz
If you have a story idea or would like to advertise, contact us at info@raglanchronicle.co.nz
At Meridian, we only generate from 100% renewable resources: wind, water, and sun. We’re committed to doing good things with our energy. That means good for people, and good for the environment.
We’re proud to back local projects in the communities around our wind farms and hydro stations with our Power Up fund.
With Power Up, your community has a say on what initiatives we support and fund. Managed by a panel of locals and Meridian staff, we’re working together to build strong, sustainable communities.
Power Up Te Uku provides grants for projects in Raglan, Te Mata, Te Uku, and Waitetuna.
Refix or refinance? If your low rate is coming to an end then you should probably look more closely at your options.
If you're about to come off a low fixed rate in the next few months and are worried at the thought of the higher repayments, then refinancing might be a good option.
At the moment banks are offering some nice incentives when it comes to refinancing, such as cashbacks or cash contributions.
Some of the main banks are offering up to 1% of the loan amount as a cash incentive to switch your lending over to them, so for example, if you have a home loan of $600,000 then you could be looking at a cashback of $6,000. They all have a minimum loan and equity amount to qualify for the cash back but they are hungry for new business.
How does a cashback help you if you are facing higher repayments? Let’s say you get a $6,000 cashback when you switch your lending to a new bank. You could utilise this money to go towards quite a few months worth of covering those extra repayments which would allow you enough time to hopefully find some savings in your budget to offset the increase going forward.
So if you are at crunch time and having to decide what rate to refix for - why not go one step further and see what extra benefits you can obtain to help lessen the blow of increased mortgage payments.
If the prospect of higher payments is a major concern, other things you can look at to ease the pressure include consolidating high interest rate debt into your mortgage to further save on interest costs, and extending your loan term to minimise repayments. You also have the chance to make sure that the loan structure is going to serve you while on the higher rate so thinking about whether to have a portion on interest only for a while could be an option to consider.
One final thing to consider when switching banks is the amount of paperwork and negotiations that
go into a loan application these days. Since the new regulations came into effect last year, there are a few more hoops to jump through. That's why it pays to use a Mortgage Adviser. We take care of all the legwork for you and are seasoned negotiators when it comes to getting the best deal out of the banks!
021 913 302
TheNZ Civil Defence catch phrase is “Get Ready”. I think we all need to accept that we need to get ready for our way of life to change. New Zealand will continue to have more severe weather events, and we may not be so lucky in Whaingaroa next time.
We have all probably thought about what we can do at home – three days of bottled water and supplies, transistor radios, meeting points with loved ones but have we got plans in our workplaces that everyone understands?
Every business should have an Emergency Plan and a Business Continuity Plan. Business.govt. nz has excellent resources and templates to help you make these plans for your business.
Emergency Plan:
This plan should be designed with staff and lets everyone know what to do in an emergency.
We are asking questions and coming up with a range of options to keep people safe. Ask questions such as: What if there is a Tsunami warning during business hours? What if we are warned of a state of emergency due to cyclone – when do staff know they need to close the business and go home for their own safety? How do we keep our team, clients, and customers safe in an emergency?
Staff need to know what to do even if the owner or manager is not available. The plan needs to be easily accessible, on paper, and should include the following:
• Emergency procedures including:
• An effective response plan for a range of emergency situations, which identifies risks and provides options.
• Evacuation procedures, assembly points.
• Procedures for contacting owners, managers, emergency services. How to contact staff, suppliers, clients, neighbours, landlords and insurance providers.
• A personal workplace emergency plan for all staff so they know how to get home
• A floor plan showing emergency equipment, first aid stations and utilities.
• Information, training and instruction for all staff regularly.
Many small businesses struggle to re-open after a disaster. Planning improves the likelihood that our businesses will survive. A business continuity plan (BCP) pinpoints the most important parts of your business, identifies potential risks to these critical pieces and prepares you to recover as quick and easy as possible.
Contingency planning is a crucial part of continuity planning — it means having a backup if your original plan no longer works. It’s your plan B. As you go through each step, consider:
• Your particular risks if something goes wrong.
• How you might get back to business-as-usual as quickly and smoothly as possible.
• What the options are if you can’t get back to business-asusual.
It’s important to think of different options rather than absolutes.
A good continuity plan can be used for all situations, not just a natural disaster or pandemic, it is helpful to have to hand for any major changes or interruption to the way you run your business. Business.govt.nz ask you to consider these steps in detail to create your plan B for running your business:
Step 1. Identify key products or services.
Step 2. Identify key internal people.
Step 3. Identify key connections.
Step 4. Identify essential equipment and supplies.
Step 5. Consider relocation options.
Step 6. Consider insurance options.
Step 7. Identify who can run the business in your absence.
Step 8. Keep contact details handy.
Step 9. Back up important data.
Step 10. Put it into practice. There are templates and questions with more detail on www.business.govt.nz.
We are also available to help, and if anyone is interested in the Business Mentor programme we are offering we still have a spot available. Contact info@ raglanchamber.co.nz
Financial advice and mortgage management tips with local mortgage advisors, Loan MarketThe Loan Market crew are made up of a knowledgeable team of seven. One of Loan Market's advisors, Brendan Brits.
The Little Raglan Business Book is the new iteration of the Raglan Business Directory. After a one-year hiatus, the new book will re-launch in early 2023 and feature local business contacts as well as essential information about our community.
If you are a local business wanting to advertise, or a community group with information you would like published, email us at: info@raglandirectory.co.nz.
Please note that we will not be including residential listings in the 2023 book.
RAGLAN 3578 State Highway 23
Pretty Productive 38ha
Quality, easy contour, fertile, beautiful, practical, productive and versatile are all words that accurately describe this 38ha+ property. Located only 6km from Raglan, this property can grow almost anything; quality pasture and horticulture with established avocados and citrus orchards nearby to name a few, making this farm suitable for all sorts of opportunities.
3 1 2
(Unless Sold Prior) Closes 4.00pm, Thursday 6 April
VIEW By Appointment Only
Richard Thomson
M 027 294 8625
E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz
WAITETUNA 881b Old Mountain Road
Spectacular Lifestyle
Lifestyle properties of this quality don't come along everyday. This modern, comfortable family home had a lot of thought go into it - the layout works exceptionally well with multiple inside and outside areas to enjoy time alone or with family and guests.
4 2 2
$1.45M GST Inclusive
VIEW By Appointment Only
Richard Thomson
M 027 294 8625
E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz
RAGLAN 214 Cogswell Road
Dream Spot
If privacy, quiet, bush, birdlife and streams make your heart sing then look no further.
This 8,352m2 (more or less) property conveniently located on a quiet no-exit road midway between Hamilton and Raglan has a very special feel about it. The property features a well cared for three bedroom 1950's home with native flooring.
3 1 1
$895,000 GST Inclusive
VIEW By Appointment Only
Richard Thomson
M 027 294 8625
E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz
WAINGARO 1859 Waingaro Road
Work Hard, Play Hard 1859 Waingaro Road is a private 7ha (more or less) block set amongst native bush and rolling rural countryside. This property has a lovely pocket of native bush and natural springs that could be utilised for stock water. The two bedroom home is nicely positioned in a sunny elevated spot on the property.
2 1 2
$850,000 GST Inclusive
VIEW By Appointment Only
Richard Thomson
M 027 294 8625
E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz
National Science-Technology Roadshow Trust provide quality interactive learning experiences in science, technology and innovation to Aotearoa, New Zealand.
Seeing what we hear on a giant gas BBQ is just one of the things set to amaze students at this year’s Science Roadshow. The Roadshow seeks to inspire and make interactive science experiences accessible to students from all corners of the country by enlivening the science curriculum.
The Science Roadshow is open to all schools that have booked and is being hosted by Raglan Area School on Wednesday 15 March.
The “sound wave” BBQ is part of the “Sounding Out Waves” show that examines concepts to do with sound such as vibration, frequency and amplitude. Another show, “Mighty Materials”, looks at the physical and chemical properties of some different substances like metals and fabrics and how these are put to everyday use.
In between the two shows, there are over 60 interactive exhibits to explore, aimed to broaden student knowledge and experience of science and the world around them. The exhibits are grouped into key themes – Earth Science, Helping the Senses, Light, Movement, Observations and Inferences, Pressure.
Esther Cullen, Manager of the Science Roadshow, says “Being able to get your hands on things and try them out, while having fun, is a great way for students to start a life time engagement with science.” Visitors
can try their hand at anything from stepping inside a wind tunnel and experiencing gale force winds to using the plastic moulding exhibit to create a personalised plaque – all part of some unique and memorable learning experiences that makes science more accessible and fun. The Science Roadshow also provides classroom ready resources for teachers.
An annual national event since 1990, the Science Roadshow is currently touring over 115 locations throughout New Zealand in both remote rural areas and city venues. Over 46,000 students from more than 450 schools are expected to visit the Science Roadshow this year.
“We want all students to connect, and remain connected, with science and technology throughout their lives,” says Ian Kennedy, Roadshow Director. “Every person needs knowledge of how scientific processes work and to have some level of scientific literacy so that they can participate in the many science-related decisions that society must take. And it all starts with children!”
For further information or to find out when the Science Roadshow will be in your town go to www. roadshow.org or contact:
Maureen Jones (maureen@roadshow.org)
The National Science-Technology Roadshow Trust Tel: (04) 499 7865
London-based future-soul collective 10:32 have today released their new single + video ‘Coffee Shop Girl’ and announced their return to Aotearoa in March!
Releasing it off the back of opening for Aotearoa legends SIX60 at their sold-out London show, ‘Coffee Shop Girl’ takes you on a 10:32 magic-making groove party. Inspired by a band member’s crush on someone at their local coffee shop, ‘Coffee Shop Girl’ then grew into a song about “falling in love with the possibility of things being better.”
10:32’s sound draws on influences from jazz, hip hop, breakbeat, house, RnB, and the use of analogue synth, effect-drenched vocals, grooves and breakdowns - think Hiatus Kaiyote, D’Angelo and Erykah Badu - and ‘Coffee Shop Girl’ is no different. Made with the support of NZ On Air, lead vocalist and Aotearoa original, Bridget Walsh says, “a coffee is what you drink in the morning to get you started - it’s full of potential - a spark, an energy of looking forward to seizing the day.
‘Coffee Shop Girl’ is our first release from when we escaped to a farm in rural Oxfordshire in 2021 to conjure up a new record. It feels right to start this new 10:32 chapter with that same fresh energy"
While the group are London-based, Aotearoa audiences are going to be treated to ‘Coffee Shop Girl’ live, along with a preview of what’s to come, when 10:32 return to NZ for their tour in March. They’ve also teamed up with Peoples Coffee for special 10:32 Limited Edition beans, available at their shows.
Event details: 10:32 (w/ TeamSquad + Marmalade) live at The Yard, Friday, March 17, tickets from https://www.undertheradar.co.nz/
This single level, private end unit is set back from the road and is perfectly positioned to capture the sun. The location is prime, just an easy stroll to the town centre, waters edge, fishing, wharf and many other Raglan attractions. Being so convenient and easy care, this unit is versatile and would be ideal for an investor / first home buyer or retired couple, looking for a no fuss lifestyle by the sea. With recent upgrades including a new kitchen, bathroom and paint, this tidy home will appeal to many and is perfect for both permanent or holiday living.
1 2 1
Deadline Sale closes Tuesday 4th April, 2023 at 12.00pm, (unless sold prior)
View Sat 11 Mar 2.00 - 2.30pm Web pb.co.nz/RGU111728
Jono Hutson
M 021 488 766
Open Home
This gorgeous home feels brand new! Situated superbly, enjoying all day sun, this home is fresh and light. Fully fenced and surrounded by beautiful greenery, you get the sense of being in a private world of your own. Stepping up onto the charming front porch and through a large ranch slider, one immediately gets a sense of space and tranquility. There is a cosy wood burner set against a brick feature wall, as well as a heat pump to keep you cool in the summer months. The generous open plan living area then flows into a stunning new kitchen, with clean modern lines. So much more.
2 1 1 1
Deadline Sale closes Tuesday 4th April, 2023 at 12.00pm, (unless sold prior)
View Sat 11 Mar 12.00 - 12.30pm Web pb.co.nz/RGU115901
Jono Hutson M 021 488 766
Located at the end of a private country road, this well-presented lifestyle property enjoys expansive views out to Aotea & Kawhia harbours, Taharoa Peninsula and the Tasman Sea. This contemporary brick home (200 sqm) is cleverly designed to enhance family living. A modern 6X9m two bay workshop is ideal for those farm essentials. A real bonus, offering additional income options, is the stylish off-grid rustic barn, and The 'Shepherds Hut' selfcontained unit which has proven to be very popular on Airbnb. Viewing is highly recommended to appreciate this lifestyle gem.
Flax Cove retreat
4 2 1 2
Deadline Sale closes Wednesday 15th March, 2023 at 12.00pm, (unless sold prior)
View Sun 12 Mar 2.30 - 3.15pm
Web pb.co.nz/RGL116377
Ideally situated to capture the stunning view of Mt Karioi, this modern residence is now ready for a new chapter. The contemporary exterior is elegant and understated, contrasted by a vibrant and colourful interior. A generous open plan kitchen/living area is at the heart of this home. Large glass ranchsliders open out onto the front deck, framing the breathtaking views over the water towards Mt Karioi. A no fuss and efficient pallet burning fireplace ensures you're kept nice and toasty throughout the winter months, while the HRV system provides year round ventilation for a healthy home.
This warm and sunny 3-bedroom home with 2 bathrooms is looking for new owners. With 2 bedrooms in the main home there is also an attached, semi self-contained single bedroom with its own bathroom and access point which has been well utilised as an Air BnB and produces a tidy supplementary income. 5 Snowden place is an extension of Upper Cross Street just minutes walk from Raglan town centre. Secluded and tucked away down a private ROW with a generous 1083m2 section there is the possibility to subdivide, however if you just enjoy having space around you then the well treed section is private and calming. There is also a 6 x 6m shed with smooth concrete floor and power for the tinkerer, hoarder or even a work from home workshop or studio. Twist your own arm and come and take a look, there is plenty to see here!
3 2 1
For Sale $879,000
View Sat 11 Mar 12.00 - 1.00pm Web pb.co.nz/RGU115447
Mark Crarer
M 027 433 6083 E mark.crarer@pb.co.nz
Debbie Crarer
M 027 253 6344 E debbie.crarer@pb.co.nz
Looking for a decent shed to work from, store your toys in AND with potential to live on site? Well here at 745 Te Mata Road all three are possible. Buildings on the property consists of
1. A solid 17m x 7m (105m2) shed with concrete floor and 3 phase power.
2. Off the side and rear walls there is an additional 78m2 of lean-to shelters
3. There is a 6.7m2 ablution block with toilet and shower
The main shed was built in 1989, the lean-to's shortly after whilst in 2016 a professionally designed and Council permitted sewerage system was installed. The owner has indicated he will meet the market so follow your dreams and call for a viewing time today. CV is $350,000
Deadline Sale closes Friday 17th March, 2023 at 4.00pm, (unless sold prior)
View Sat 11 Mar 10.00 - 10.30am Web pb.co.nz/RGL115763
Mark Crarer
M 027 433 6083 E mark.crarer@pb.co.nz
Stewart Street is a boutique development of 11 townhouses. Designed by Award Winning Byrne & Enright Architecture offering attention to design; putting all bedrooms and living spaces to the outer walls, maximizing light and views and across from the road from the Raglan Harbour. This modern townhouse features 3 large bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, plus an ensuite, with a 2.7m ceiling throughout the ground floor. Large double garaging. The owners are open to 3 couples renting the house. Sorry pets are not allowed.
FOR RENT $730 per week
$2,4190 Bond
Available Thursday 13 April
The house is available semi-furnished for an initial 12 months on a fixed-term contract. rwraglan.co.nz/RAG30237
You know that a good real estate salesperson can help you navigate the selling process and get your home in front of as many potential buyers as possible. You know that utilizing various marketing channels to promote your home gives you the right exposure and further reach. You know that high-quality professional photos and videos can make your home stand out among other listings. You know our professionalism and expertise. You know us.
If you are thinking of selling give any of the team a call. We can help you.
CROP SWAP. FIRST AND THIRD SUNDAYS of the month. 9.30 -10.30am at Bowling Club, James Street. Bring anything from kitchen or garden to swap – seedlings, plants, produce, preserves, baking. It’s not direct swapping, we share abundance, and everyone gets a bit of everything! All welcome
PAPAHUA RESERVE (beside Jo’s Takeaways)
A fun morning run/ walk with (or without) a dog/s to fund raise for the Stray Animals and Wildlife Fund at the local Vets. For more information and registration for the event - www.ragdogmuster. com
RAMBLERS 9am from James St near Wallis St - Kaitoke Walkway & pot luck lunch
RAGLAN RAMBLERS 9am from James St near Wallis StWaitetuna Trail walkbring lunch
27TH. Join us for a whole lot of Climate Action and be inspired by the amazing stories from environmental activist Peggy Oki and maritime ecologist Kristel van Houte (Karioi Project). March 27th, 6pm, Kokeri Centre. Free entrance. Snacks provided.
Entries are invited for the following section: Colour - Kaleidoscope, Time in Motion, Children’s – Wing It, Kaitiakitanga – Forest Flora, Upcycled – Suit Yourself. For further details, important dates and online entry, go to our website www. raglanartscentre.co.nz.
POP-UP BOOK SHOP – TILL 24 MARCH Featuring Raglan authors – open weekdays 10-2 and writers in residence available to chat and answer questions on scheduled days also 10am – 2pm 11th/ Susan Flight, 15th/Dyana Wells, 18th/Bernadette Gavin, 25th/Sarah Johnson Books for sale from other local authors: Lance King, Matt Kambic, Latesha Randall and Tracey Cooper. Website for further detailswww.raglanartscentre.co.nz.
9 MARCH Miles Jackson presents A Night in the Gardens of Spain – flamenco and classical guitar. 7.30pm, doors open 7pm. Tickets through Eventfinda or on the door, $25 full price, $15 concession. Licensed bar & café open.
LIVE AND LOCAL – FRIDAY 10 MARCH A showcase for local performers, from songwriters to comedy – this month featuring Rata Gordon, Wiremu McCarthy & Sandri Tapia. 7.30-9.30pm, doors open 7pm. Koha entry. Licensed bar and café open.
& Thursday. 10am to 11am. St Peters Hall Everybody is most welcome to attend.
Defibrillators can save lives in the event of an accident or medical emergency. Here is where they are located in Raglan.
St John Raglan (11 Wainui Road)
Raglan Club (22 Bow Street)
Raglan Holiday Park (61 Marine Parade)
The Institute of Awesome (5B Whaanga Road)
Raglan Surf Life Saving Club (Ngarunui Beach)outside wall of the club (downstairs) that public can access 24/7 when they phone 111 for the lock combination.
Raglan Gym (32 Bow Street)
Raglan Medical Centre (9 Wallis Street)
Raglan Police (3 Wi Neera Street)
Xtreme Zero Waste (186 Te Hutewai Road)
Raglan Surf Life Saving Club (Ngarunui Beach)
Raglan Coastguard (Raglan Wharf)
Camp Raglan (578 Wainui Road)
e-Coast Marine Consulting (18 Calvert Road)
Poihākena Marae - Yellow Cabinet (222 Wainui Road)
This info can be found on https://aedlocations.co.nz/ or the AED app. You can download it for free on your phone.
• Low Cost Counselling
• Free Budget Service
• Drop-in Lounge
• OpShop
• Rooms for Hire
• Justice of the Peace
• Alcohol & Drug Services
• Youth Programs
• Information Technology Support
Please contact us for more information
Ph: 825 8142
info@raglancommunityhouse.org.nz www.raglancommunityhouse.org.nz
10am – 2pm at the Old School Arts Centre on Stewart St. For more info - www.raglanmarket.com
– SUNDAY 26 MAR This themed market returns in force with the full roster of special stall-holders to celebrate all things retro! 10am – 2pm at the Old School Arts Centre on Stewart St. For more infowww.raglanmarket.com
THE BOY WITH WINGS – SUNDAY 2 APRIL www.raglanartscentre.co.nz.
Ragtimers Ukulele Group Weekly on Wed, 4pm
Clay Shed Members’ Night Weekly on Wed, 5-7pm
Karioi Quilters Monthly on 2nd Thurs, 10.30am
Raglan Art Group Monthly on 1st Fri, 10am Backgammon Club Monthly on last Fri, 5pm
Mens’ Group Wed 8 Feb then every other week, 7pm Board Games Meet-up, monthly on 1st Friday, 6pm
EATING OUR WAY TO EXTINCTION (exempt | 120 mins)
Sun 12 Mar 5pm
WEC Community Screening, entry by koha
Trailerload: Pine $200 / Blackwood $205/ Gum $210 Ph: 021 0771524
For Hire
DINGO DIGGER AND CAGED TRAILER FOR hire Operator on request, free quotes. Ph 02108793805.
Situations Vacant
SOMEONE TO ASSIST with light gardening and housework. Phone Lorna 07 8258124
Services Offered PAINTER Tradesman. All work undertaken. Small jobs a specialty. Peter 0274711190
PASSRITE DRIVER TRAINING. Get the best quality training for safe driving With an experienced, calm and local instructor. Contact Russell on 0211260284. russsallis@yahoo. co.nz
Houses Wanted for removal
Great prices offered
Call today: 07 847 1760
Notice of Meetings - March 2023
Waikato District Council
Monday, 13 March, 9:30am
Infrastructure Wednesday, 1 March 2023, 9.30am
Policy & Regulatory
Audit & Risk
Proposed District Plan
**Public Excluded**
Performance & Strategy
Sustainability & Wellbeing
GROUND SWELL (exempt | 81 mins)
Sat 18 Mar 5pm Sat 18 Mar 7pm
AFTERSUN (M | 101 mins)
Sun 19 Mar 4.30pm
subject to availability of key team check website to confirm Masks are recommended for all movie sessions.
Door sales 30min prior raglanmovies.co.nz
Contact 825 0023 | info@raglanartscentre.co.nz | https://www.raglanartscentre.co.nz/
MEETING Tuesday 21st March at 1-00pm in the Church Hall, Stewart Street. This is the AGM and prize giving. Sustainability Month 2 Guest Speakers, Susan Hall My Field and Harry Kitiona talking about the permaculture garden at the camp.
PUBLICATION SCHEDULE: March 9/3 Chronicle 23/3 Chronicle April 6/4 Local Rag 13/4 Chronicle 27/4 Chronicle May 4/5 Local Rag 11/5 Chronicle 25/5 Chronicle
Tuesday, 7 March 2023, 9.30am
Wednesday, 15 March 2023, 9.30am
Thursday, 23 March 2023, 9.00am
Monday, 27 March 2023, 9.30am
Wednesday, 5 April 2023, 9.30am
Te Kauwhata
Wednesday, 1 March 2023, 7.00pm
Community Committee St John Hall, 4 Baird Ave, Te Kauwhata
Thursday, 16 March 2023, 7.00pm
Community Committee Community Hall, Heather Green Ave, Meremere
Tuakau Community Board
Raglan Community Board
Tuesday, 21 March 2023, 6.00pm
Tuakau Memorial Hall, George Street, Tuakau
Wednesday, 22 March 2023, 1.30pm
The Supper Room, Raglan Town Hall, Bow Street, Raglan
Monday, 27 March 2023, 7.00pm
Community Committee Pokeno Community Hall, Cnr Great South Road and Market Street, Pokeno
Tuesday, 28 March 2023, 6.00pm
Community Board Committee Room 1 and 2, 15 Galileo Street, Ngaruawahia
Rural-Port Waikato
Thursday, 30 March 2023, 6.30pm
Community Board Naike Hall, Highway 22, Naike
Taupiri Community Board
Huntly Community Board
Monday, 3 April 2023, 6.00pm War Memorial Hall, Greenlane Road, Taupiri
Tuesday, 4 April 2023, 6.00pm
Waahi Marae, 177C Harris Street, Huntly West
Wednesday, 29 March 2023, 10am Committee Rooms 1 and 2
Note: In the event that the business is not concluded on the advertised date, the meeting may be continued on a later scheduled date.
Agendas and minutes for meetings are available at www.waikatodistrict.govt.nz/your-council.
This notice is given under section 46 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.
M11672 G J Ion Chief Executive 0800 492 452 www.waikatodistrict.govt.nz www.facebook.com/WaikatoDistrictCouncil
Absolute water views from this premium section
Price reduction - motivated vendor
A rare opportunity to secure arguably the best section available on the Rangitahi Peninsula Development. With unobstructed views of the estuary, Mount Karioi and Golf course this 525m2 section is the perfect spot to design and build your dream home - Protective covenants in place. Being so close to the water and in Stage 1, most of the surrounding homes have already been completed. Realistic vendor will consider all offers. Should you sign a Registered Master Builders Contract with Anthem Homes to build your home on this site, you will be entitled to a $50,000.00 discount.
This home is designed to enable you to enjoy the coastal lifestyle you have always dreamt of on the beautiful Rangitahi Peninsular. Integrating effortlessly with its surroundings and low-care landscaping, enquire today about making this masterpiece your own.
Featuring three bedrooms, two bathrooms and two-car garaging, quality Bosch appliances in a designer kitchen, including a scullery, convenient separate WC.
Best buy - nearly completed!
This cleverly designed 3-bedroom Anthem Home is quickly nearing completion. Painters are due to tackle the interior any day so come along and check out the design, layout and unobstructed view over the mountain. With polished concrete floors in the living areas and entrance, Cedar clad gables, front wall and entrance as well as solid plaster over the rest of the exterior, this home or lock up and go would be hard to build for the money. Decks, driveway and landscaping will be included. This home will be a bargain for someone and that someone should be viewing ASAP.
This home has it all!
This house has it all! Four bedrooms, two living areas, two bathrooms, and a stunning designer kitchen complete with a scullery. The package also includes ducted heating and 29sqm of Kwila decking, perfect for entertaining or simply soaking in the stunning surroundings of the Rangitahi Peninsula. Plus, there's even room to park the boat/motorhome. What more could you want?
Featuring, four bedrooms, two bathrooms and a convenient separate WC, two car garaging, room for the boat/motorhome, 2.7m stud throughout (2.4m stud to scullery and store room).
3 2 2
For Sale $1,130,000
View By appointment Web pb.co.nz/RGU114224
Mark Crarer
M 027 433 6083
Jono Hutson
M 021 488 766
Escape to Rangitahi
This beautiful coastal home is designed for both relaxation and entertaining. All three bedrooms enjoy indoor-outdoor flow to embrace the beautiful location, while an open plan entertainers kitchen, dining and lounge open out to a large sun-soaked deck. Featuring three bedrooms, two bathrooms, two-car garaging, entertainers kitchen complete with scullery and quality Bosch appliances, indoor-outdoor flow from all three bedrooms, extensive 53sqm hardwood decking.