Issue #741
14th October 2021
New Zealand Sign Language: Raglan
Raglan Independent Courier Ph or text Michelle Cobham
027 325 4181 Daily trips to Hamilton Mon - Fri 8.30-12.30
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Sandra Bowditch 021 751 759 Rentals
MREINZ Lice ns ed REAA 2008
34 Matakotea Road, Raglan
Saturday 16 October 12:00pm 1:00pm 1:00pm
6 John Street 15 Long Street 34 Matakotea Road
Sunday 17 October 1:00pm
• Ultimate Lifestyle and Income • Approx 10 acres • Beautiful main house plus several accommodation facilities Auction - 3:00pm, Saturday 13 November Ray White Raglan office (unless sold prior)
Yana Pemberton 021 183 0479
Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282
Ray White Raglan I 21 Bow Street I Raglan I 07 825 8669 I
34 Matakotea Road
NOTE: We will have Open Homes this weekend if we are in Covid-19 Level 2, otherwise please call the team for a private viewing. Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)
RAGLAN Chronicle 1
Raglan Junior Rugby Club president Rach Hudson with Wahine Toa Award winner Zara Wilson. Full results on page 12
Locals share why they chose to get vaccinated: Arna Rose Solomon-Banks: I chose to get vaccinated to protect our family, our Whakapapa. The influenza or Spanish Flu was deadly, massive deaths for Maaori in Waikato in particular. My great grand parents died from this and my grandfather Te Hira Hiwinui was left an orphan. Princess Te Puea Herangi adopted him and many others that were left homeless from the floods and the Influenza at Mangatawhiri, Te Paenga. She moved them to Ngaaruawaahia to build a new home and Marae together - Turangawaewae Marae. This is one of the reasons I vaccinate to protect my family my Whakapapa and to honour my ancestors who died from the influenza and those like my grandad.
Open from 9am for breakfast & lunch 7 days. Dinner Fri & Sat 5.30 - 9pm with snacks menu from 3pm. 248 Wainui Rd
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Aroha Sushi Raglan
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Tena Koutou Katoa E nga iwi o nga reo Rangatira o Whaingaroa Greetings to the people of the Raglan community. My name is Russell Riki. I am one of the local Māori Kaumatua, and advocate for Māori Philosophy. I have been asked by Raglan Medical Centre to share my views from a Māori perspective in regards to Covid-19 that has affected our community. Here’s my story…Over the last three years my health has declined. I suffer from many of the illnesses that typically affect our Māori people. Eventually I ended up in hospital a number of times. I was told that, because of all my illnesses, if I was to catch Covid I wouldn’t get sick… I would die. I was told that I would have a 97% chance of dying if I caught Covid. I got vaccinated. I was thinking about my loved ones; children, grandchildren, family, friends and my Māoritanga and Mike Rarere: how I still need to be in their lives. My purpose for telling you this story is not to tell you to vaccinate or not but to share with you my I got the vaccination to protect my experience and the reasons that it was the right choice for me. I’m whaanau. hearing over the news and TV that government and health officials Because my work includes meeting are saying how Māori people are not coming forward to receive with lots of people everyday, not their vaccination. I do understand that within our community just from Whaaingaroa/Raglan but Māori people have differing views on vaccination… some are for also visitors to our beautiful town, vaccination, some are against and some are sitting on the fence. I’m I got the vaccination to protect my not here to judge anyone or be judged myself. But what I want to say to my people is to listen to the news and find all the information mokopuna and whanau, and our that you need to make your decision so that you base your choice Raglan Community House whanau. on facts. I just want my people to have a say and encourage our Mauri ora people to research this thoroughly yourself by getting information - talking to people, listening to the news, talking to your friends, Muroki Pearsall: doctors, your tribal leaders/ kaumatua, marae gatherings and church leaders. The reason I got vaccinated is Where we sit as Māori, with all the health issues we already suffer because at this point it's our only from, we will be more vulnerable if Covid was to infect our families. option to get things more or less This is not to persuade you either way but rather to encourage you back to normal whilst preventing to seek more information based on facts so that you can make a people getting sick or dying. clear decision. This is my story. I encourage you all to talk about it I understand the uncertainty around as I have. vaccines, but when covid riddles the I would like to thank the Raglan Medical Centre Dr Mike Loten and country, which it will, it’s going to be his entire team for all the care that they have given me over all the years. something we have to adapt to live with. This virus can be unforgiving, it killed one of my family Also to Dr Fiona Bolden a heart felt thanks for her tireless and ongoing support to Māoridom. members who was young, our country has limited medical facilities. We can’t stay locked down forever. So to end Parting words; I believe that if you put your best foot forward and lockdown and stay out of hospital, I encourage you all to get find the information that you need, you will arrive at the right decision for you and your family. the vaccine and get back to the things we love. Mauri Ora. Russell. Stay safe!!
Waterfront dining indoor and outdoor seating
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2 RAGLAN Chronicle
Max temp (C)
For all forecasts check out
Showers with clear spells
W 15 am SW pm 15
Sunny with some cloud
S 10 am SW pm 20
Mainly fine with possible showers
SW am 10 W 15 pm
Cloud with possible showers
W 5 am W 10 pm
Cloudy with Showers
Cloudy with Showers
(High/Low) (Rise/Set) H 03:40 am L 09:50 am R 06:40 am H 04:20 pm S 07:32 pm L 10:40 pm H 04:50 am L 11:10 am H 05:40 pm
R 06:38 am S 07:33 pm
12:00 06:20 12:20 07:00
am am pm pm
R 06:37 am S 07:34 pm
01:10 07:30 01:40 08:00
am am pm pm
R 06:36 am S 07:35 pm
NE am 10 N 15 pm
02:20 08:40 02:40 09:00
am am pm pm
R 06:34 am S 07:36 pm
N 15 am NW pm 15
03:10 09:30 03:30 09:50
am am pm pm
R 06:33 am S 07:37 pm
NW am 10 W 10 pm
L 04:00 am H 10:10 am L 04:10 pm
R 06:32 am S 07:38 pm
*Total significant wave height and *Tide times for Raglan Bar ©WeatherMap 2021. All rights reserved.
Raglan Ink Ltd home of the Raglan Chronicle Office open by appointment. Post: P.O. Box 234, Raglan Email: Editor: Advertising & Articles The advertising and editorial content deadline will be Monday at 12pm week of issue. DISCLAIMER: Opinions and views expressed in the Raglan Chronicle do not necessarily represent those held by the Editors or Publishers. Every care will be taken in the preparation and placement of submitted material but the Editors/Publishers shall not be liable for errors or omissions or subsequent effects due to the same. It is the submitters responsibility to ensure material is not libelous or defamatory. The Editors/Publishers reserve the right to abridge, alter or decline any material submitted to the Raglan Chronicle to meet the constraints of space and/or maintain a reasonable standard of language and decorum.
Covid case puts Raglan businesses on the alert
RAGLAN MEDICAL VACCINATION NUMBERS Total eligible patients Raglan Medical: 4733
Community News
42% 2ND DOSE 1977 PATIENTS Total eligible Māori patients Raglan Medical: 901
Covid testing station at Raglan Rugby Grounds on Monday 2 October.
ith Raglan in the spotlight for COVID-19 cases, local businesses are grappling with the fallout as they shut the doors to school holiday trade. The two initial Waikato cases were reported nearly two weeks ago - one in Hamilton's eastern suburbs and one in Raglan - and that number continues to grow as more close contacts test positive for the virus and more locations of interest are confirmed. One of the first locations of interest was Aroha Sushi, where a staff member tested positive and all staff are being tested and are in 14-day isolation. They have all returned negative Day 1 and Day 5 results. Owner Maki Nishiyama says the cases in Raglan have been a wake-up call for her and the community. “This is a big kick up the arse for us. I was quite sensitive about it (COVID). I would always wear my mask. Then I would go to places and no-one was wearing one, and I would feel bad and take it off.” With the government’s moving away from its elimination strategy, Maki says, Covid is here to stay in New Zealand, and it is important for people to make mask wearing and contact tracing part of their daily routine. She hopes to have some guidance from government to help businesses determine how they could operate and what expectations there were for staff and customers in the coming months.
“Having some certainty about how to keep our staff and customers safe is important to us.” Hartys Fishing and Hardware owners Richard Hart and Wendy Macdiarmid are both currently in isolation after becoming a location of interest. The shop remains open, Richard says, thanks to friends temporarily taking over the helm. He says most of their customers have been masked up and they have masks to provide to people who forget to bring a mask. “We were in the Mount (Mt Maunganui) recently and we couldn’t believe the relaxed nature of cafes and restaurants. I understand masking up when you walk in until you’re seated but there were zero people even approaching the cafes wearing masks. And when we came back to Raglan it was the polar opposite, everyone was wearing masks. So as much as there’s a minority of people not masking up when they should be, I believe Raglan is doing pretty good.” Open for business since April, Richard says they were just beginning to find their feet when the Delta variant hit New Zealand and plunged the whole country into Level 4. “The level of trading is not where it was a couple of months back. We’d just got those one-off costs setting up a business behind us.” It was a close call for Xtreme Zero Waste with a staff member testing positive but not being at work when they were infectious.
Despite this, general manager Dallas Butler says all staff were advised to be tested and have all come back with negative results. The site will stay closed until Alert Level 2, and rubbish and food waste collections will be at a minimum of two a week. “We’re minimising our contact times for staff and that will be regardless of if we drop a level.” Dr Mike Loten from Raglan Medical emphasised the impact the outbreak has had on the local health centre as well. “We have had up to eight staff away on some days due to illness or selfisolation, meaning many of us are forced to work from home to continue providing a service," he said. Waikato District Council Raglan councillor Lisa Thomson, who has been on site at the vaccination and testing sites, is pleased with the response from the community so far. “We’ve got a fantastic opportunity on our doorstep to be vaccinated and tested without judgement by fantastic teams of people. I really encourage everyone to take advantage of the opportunity to be vaccinated not only for yourself but for your whānau and your community, so over time we can get back to some semblance of normality.” Vaccinations available on Friday 15 and Saturday 16, 10am-3pm at the Raglan Rugby Grounds. No booking required.
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First home buyer, investing, refinancing? If you need some advice on your current home loan situation, we’re here to help. We work for you, not the bank.
Live the dream Sections now selling RAGLAN Chronicle 3
This information has been put together by local health professional Dr. Robin Youngson, supported by Dr Mike Loten from Raglan Medical. Dr Robin Youngson brings a broad perspective to these issues as a doctor (retired anaesthetist), a trauma therapist here in Raglan (Havening Clinic), and a former healthcare leader that helped create the national frameworks for healthcare quality and safety in NZ.
KEY INFORMATION about COVID-19 COVID WILL LIKELY SPREAD to every corner of our nation in the next few months
DELTA SPREADS FAST: Victoria went from 57 cases/day to 1427 cases/day in just six weeks – despite lockdown (Victoria population 6.6million, COVID daily cases from Aug 18th to Sept 29th)
IMMUNITY FROM VACCINATION IS SLOW: if you have a first dose tomorrow, it will take five weeks to get full immunity (two weeks after second dose)
WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THE HEALTHCARE SYSTEM IS OVERWHELMED? HOSPITALS WILL BE OVERFLOWING, IN CRISIS, and many other conditions will be untreated ICU BEDS WILL BE UNAVAILABLE for patients who get severely ill or injured THOUSANDS OF HEALTH PROFESSIONALS WILL BE SICK or in isolation leading to severe staffing shortages
YOUNG ADULTS GET SICK: 42% of people admitted to NZ hospitals with COVID are age 20-49 (126/297 cases) *
NZ ONLY HAS 284 FULLY STAFFED ICU BEDS KIDS RARELY GET SICK, only 2% of hospital admissions are age 0-9 (6/297) and those are mostly kids with preexisting disease
COVID IS A NASTY ILLNESS: one third of adults who get COVID will still have symptoms six months later
THE PFIZER VACCINE WILL REDUCE YOUR CHANCE OF GETTING SERIOUSLY ILL or being admitted to hospital by 90% for at least six months after vaccination; long COVID is less severe
DELTA WILL SPREAD RAPIDLY and the disease will be more severe in communities where there is poverty, crowded housing, poor access to healthcare, and low vaccination rates – we need to act swiftly to prevent this tragedy.
WE WILL BE IN LOCKDOWN until the vaccination rates are much higher than present
* Official Ministry of Health statistics, updated regularly * Victoria Health Official data * Medsafe COVID vaccine safety report
4 RAGLAN Chronicle
WHY CAN WE BE CONFIDENT THE PFIZER VACCINE IS SAFE? NZ HAS A WORLD-LEADING SYSTEM for collecting and openly reporting all adverse events in healthcare – led by fully independent clinicians
MORE THAN 5 MILLION DOSES OF THE VACCINE HAVE BEEN ADMINISTERED IN NZ ‘ADVERSE EVENTS’ ARE REPORTED AND CAREFULLY ANALYSED ON A WEEKLY BASIS – no new safety concerns have been reported ‘ADVERSE EVENTS’ INCLUDE ALL THOSE WHO GET SICK OR DIE IN THE DAYS AFTER A VACCINE, almost all unrelated to the vaccine. ON AVERAGE 109 PEOPLE DIE, AND 3,300 ARE ADMITTED TO HOSPITAL EACH DAY IN NZ FOR ILLNESS OR INJURY; by chance, many will have just received a vaccine dose and are reported as ‘adverse events’ THE MEDICINE IN THE VACCINE IS ELIMINATED FROM THE BODY WITHIN HOURS (half is gone within 8-10 hours) – only the immune response remains
Community news
Community responds to Delta outbreak in Whāingaroa BY RAGLAN CHRONICLE
The Nga Miro Health team at the Raglan Rugby Grounds on Sunday from left, Tini Parete-Simon, Pare Kaihau, Glenda Raumati, Te Akauroa Koroheke and Hariata White.
Local community members stepping up to volunteer from left, Dr Te Aramoana Waiti, Arna Rose Solomon-Banks and Claudine Waitere.
n Sunday 3 October, Whāingaroa residents were alerted that there was a positive covid case in our town. Many shops in the CBD started to close as more information became available about the outbreak. With the entire region in Level 3 until at least 11.59pm Monday 18 October, community leaders and local health providers have responded to the outbreak with testing and vaccination centres popping up immediately. “This past week has been busy but people have certainly been stepping up and there’s been a steady stream of people coming through,” said Cr Lisa Thomson who is working with the Waikato DHB to help coordinate the response. Nga Miro health have been the primary health provider with nurses from their organisation and the DHB managing both the
testing and vaccination centres that have been running in Whāingaroa over the past week. “The roading staff in the background last week, operating the road closure. There were another group of young women doing the pick ups of chairs. It’s not just the front facing locals in this with our community, it’s also those doing the mahi, front, middle and background - it’s massive when I think about the coordination,” said Lisa. Over the weekend a number of local volunteers also stepped up to lend a hand at the testing centre. Arna-Rose Solomon, who had been helping in other ways including supplying lunches to local businesses wanted to help on the frontlines – to help those who have been working all week. “Apart from Whāingaroa being our home, our children’s playground, I wanted to help out Nga Miro Health Clinic and our Paa - Ko Turangawaewae Paa - toku Marae.”
“At first my role was connecting with local businesses to supply daily lunches for the teams. Lisa Thomson was support for that network as well. By the end of the week it became more hands-on to help over the weekend with screening, as the teams were getting tired from big days of testing.” “They didn’t have to ask twice; doing mahi for our Whaingaroa community and my Marae is a privilege to me really. Our town and our people needed help, pretty simple,” says Arna Rose. Since the outbreak started on Sunday, there has been a steady stream of positive cases popping up in Raglan with the Ministry of Health reporting total Raglan active case number at 18 (as of Wednesday 13 October). Dr Jordan Te Aramoana Waiti, senior lecturer at Te Huataki Waiora: School of Health at Waikato University, also volunteered on Saturday and Sunday at the testing centre. “Just doing my little bit for our hapori. As a Māori, I have responsibilities and obligations that go beyond my own personal rights. These obligations and responsibilities are an ode to my ancestors, and recognise the importance of the hapori as a whole – Māori mai, Pākehā mai,” said Jordan. “The general vibe has been positive. Whilst some people were understandably anxious, overall they acknowledged how important it is to get tested. It has been great to see people turn up as soon as a new location of interest has been listed on the Ministry of Health website and the Raglan Notice Board,” he said. Those involved have been incredibly grateful for the services provided by the team at Nga Miro Health, Waikato DHB, Raglan Medical and Waikato Tainui. “Shoutout to the lovely women from Nga Miro Healthcare in Ngāruawāhia, and the DHB nurses who have all come out to help keep our community safe. Shoutout also to everyone who has been coming to get tested, and those who have been getting their vaccination,” said Jordan. “Thanks to Waikato Tainui for mobilising their Covid response strategy quickly; providing testing and vaccination stations, food packages, petrol vouchers, cultural
health teams, Marae support networks and promoting well-being during Covid for all communities,” said Arna-Rose. Our local health centre, Raglan Medical have also been vaccinating three days a week since August 4 and providing Covid-19 testing services to the community throughout this time. “Our team have been working closely with Nga Miro and the DHB teams providing staff, logistic help and communication,” said Dr. Mike Loten. “From next week, it's likely we will be the sole vaccination and swab provider in Raglan.” Working in the area of health promotion, Dr Jordan added the importance of following instructions from health professionals including using the contact tracing app, wearing masks and social distancing. “Many of these people have been working in Public Health for decades, and have drawn upon the comprehensive evidence in developing these recommendations. Māori Doctors and Māori Public Health Registrars have also endorsed these recommendations, based on their own decades of work within this area.” “We also need to consider the importance of getting vaccinated, especially to ensure the health and wellbeing of our mokopuna and kaumatua, and those who cannot get vaccinated due to medical reasons,” he said. Local health professional Dr. Robin Youngson agrees. A former healthcare leader that helped create the national frameworks for healthcare quality and safety in New Zealand, he says, “The Pfizer vaccine will reduce your chance of getting seriously ill or being admitted to hospital by 90% for at least six months after vaccination.” “Our healthcare system will be rapidly overwhelmed if vaccination rates are not 90% or above. Victoria currently has 609 patients in hospital, 126 in ICU.” “Immunity from vaccination is slow. If you have a first dose tomorrow, it will take five weeks to get full immunity (two weeks after second dose).” says Dr. Robin, adding that the best way to protect your whanau is to get vaccinated today.
SUPER SATURDAY: IT'S NOT TOO LATE TO VACCINATE!! Saturday 16 October Raglan Rugby Grounds, 10am - 3pm Local community members stepping up to Gareth Bellamy from the Waikato volunteer from left, Amy Hanna, Ruchele Jungwirth District Council. and Cr Lisa Thomson.
Spot prizes, sausage sizzle, coffee vouchers, come along, all welcome!
RAGLAN Chronicle 5
Council to fence off airfield landing strip
PGG Wrightson Real Estate (Hamilton) Wrightson Real Estate, PO Box 461 Phone Email
aikato District Council’s plans to fence the landing strip at the Raglan Aerodrome due to safety concerns have some in the community up in arms. A majority of councillors voted to install a 1.2m fence to create a trail around the airfield to the beach, which would keep people off the aerodrome’s operational area. Taking to the Raglan Notice Board, many locals are asking for the Council to move the airfield, and some are saying the land should be returned to local iwi. The aerodrome was originally part of 88ha of land owned by local iwi (a smaller part of the airfield is still owned
Richard Thomson
by Ngāti Mahanga), but it was claimed by Basically, at the moment it’s just one big The report recommended a number of Before entering real estate, Richard had been farming all his life. He has farmed most soil types from cla the Government in 1941 for an emergency paddock and the operational area (for planes) actions to reduce the risk of an accident pumice and will many fromthan all grass zero grazing, completing 16 yearsÕ successful 50 landing airfield under special public works be systems much smaller that.” to intensive happening, including reviewing the sharemilking and finishing up with 800 registered pedigree Jersey cows. provisions provided for defence purposes. Gabrielle says the community board operational area and reducing the runway Local iwi are currently working with the identified in the beginning that the Council width to about 40 metres and fencing a result, Richard has a good understanding and a real passion for the rural sector and thethe people in Crown to settle treaty claims thatAsincludes wasn’t following a great process. perimeter of the revised operational arealifestyle of knowledge in farming to help accurately market and sell rural properties big and small, from and returning a portion of the aerodrome land. “Our job is to make sure the Council the airfield. and beef to dairy In addition, Waikato District Council generalsheep manager processes arefarms. working properly, he andwants it is to help buyers find exactly what they are looking fo Waikato District Council will need to possible. service delivery Roger MacCulloch says transparent, and we have the right information, the Council has been working with the that there has been an opportunity to look at temporarily suspend operations at Raglan ondraft a drystock near Raglan with his wife,for Christine and of three Jack, Libb Raglan Community Board, localRichard iwi andlivesthe (safety property report) and feed into that. airfield a short period timechildren, to implement Rose. Interests than real to estate diving, surfing, breeding cows, motorbikes, spendi key stakeholders to clarify the safety issues We other are just trying makeinclude sure that the fishing, safety recommendations. associated with the airfield and obtain and community gets them the opportunity to input, his family encouraging to follow their passions.The Be itexact horselength riding,ofrugby, learning to surf time that this will or cat specialist advice on how to rectify these that we have the information to hand. That’s first fish, he gets a thrill out of being present at those moments. take is not currently known and the current issues. where we have done our work and we need to Covid-19 situation in Raglan and the wider “As operators of the airfield, we Richard need to dohascontinue to do that.” a community spirit, a strong work ethic and competitive nature. That combined with suppo Waikato area contributes to this uncertainty. all we can to keep all users of the space The CouncilReal commissioned an independent teamsafe.” at PGG Wrightson Estate, Richard looks forward to working with you in your real estate need But the plan is to start this work before Raglan Community Board chairexceeding Gabrielle your report after the Civil Aviation expectations in a real estateAuthority salesperson Parson says the board’s job is to ensure the directed all aerodrome operators to review Christmas and Council will advise the best possible outcome for the community. safety amidIÕm concerns raised Give me a call today, here to helpwhen two planes community closer to the time. Look out for the follow up story in the “If it (the fence) goes ahead it won’t be collided mid-air in Masterton in 2019, killing stopping access to the beach for people. two people. next edition of the Raglan Chronicle.
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Whaanga Road
RAGLAN Whaanga Road Impressive Site! 13ha Site! 13ha Possibly Raglan's lastImpressive large undeveloped coastal block is
88 Wallis Street
Plus GST (if any) (Unless Sold Prior) AUCTION Wallis Street RAGLAN A Trophy Property with real88'WOW' Factor 1.00pm, Saturday 15 February Plus GST (if any) (Unless Sold Prior) A Trophy Property with An opportunity to own a trophy property like no real other'WOW' in 1.00pm, Saturday 15 February VIEW
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TE AKAU 1129 Te Akau South Road 'Dairy support Cropping Finishing' 739 Waitetuna Valley Road WAITETUNA 739 Waitetuna Valley Road WAITETUNA Versatile block, Ideal location $1.495m This property is a highly productive dairy support and
Buyer enquiry is strong and demand for Prepared by Richard Thomson lifestyle/rural property PGG Wrightson Real Estate (Hamilton) leading up to Christmas will be stronger. For a free confidential appraisal contact Richard today.
Wrightson Real Estate, PO Box 461 Phone Email
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RAGLAN 561 and 523 Ruapuke Road 2 $2.7M RAGLAN Two Dwellings, Two Titles 561 and 523 Ruapuke Road 4 2 $1.495M Plus GST (if any) block, Ideal location $1.495m Twotitles Dwellings, Two Titles Come and enjoy theVersatile location, expansive views and With modern • 17ha 6ha and 11ha cropping farm ready for its next owner. over Plus GST (if any) VIEW $1.495M home on this attractive 73ha block. The 2014 built three • Two houses Come and enjoy the location, expansive views and modern • 17ha - 6ha and 11ha titles Plus GST (if any) 148ha (more or less) productive land, this block is VIEW bedroom plus officehome homeon is athis great family home with large • Multiple useful sheds attractive 73ha block. The 2014 built three View By Appointment • Two houses By Appointment VIEW equally suitable for finishing sheep and beef. open plan kitchen, dining, lounge onto decks • Gravity fed spring bedroom plus area officeleading home is a great family home with large • water Multiple useful sheds By Appointment The contour varies from flats to easyon rolling used for Richard with views over the wholeplan, Infrastructure this area • Amazing views • Gravity fed spring water open dining, lounge leading onto decks Thomson maizeisand production towhole medium hill property also silage nearwith new including system with a and some M views over water the farm. Infrastructure on 027 this 294 8625 Richard Thomson • Amazing views E trough in each paddock, stockiscountry and yards. property alsosheep near used new including water The system with a M 027 294 8625 steeper areas, all clean for grazing. E trough include in each paddock, stock and sheep yards. farm improvements a woolshed, hay shed, an implement shed and cattle yards. With this property you are never far from excellent views of Te Akau and the ocean, with access to Raglan Richard Thomson Harbour a short distance down the road. M 027 294 8625 E 4
Page 4 of 20
Closes 4pm, Wed 12 February Plus GST (if any) (Unless Sold Prior) Closes 4pm, Wed 12 February VIEW
Saturday, 18 and 25 January, VIEW 3-4pm Saturday, 18 and 25 January, 3-4pm
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Animal Health Column WITH ANEXA VETS
Pets can get seasonal allergies just like us too
From left - Alonso Mason (TPK), Paul Sheeran (Sheeran Associates), Robert MacBeth (TPK), Jaqueline Poto, Angela Jackson, Monika Newton-Karekare, Leeanna Newton, Kataraina Clarke, David Huti Waitere and Patricia Nathan (TPK).
Community News
Papakāinga project breathes life into whenua BY JANINE JACKSON
henua Māori on Wainui Road, sitting idle for decades, will be home for 22 whānau, both local and those living as far away as Australia and beyond. The papakāinga (village) project received a boost of $3.2 million from Te Puni Kōkiri (TPK) and the first houses will be available by the middle of 2022.
Like much of whenua Māori, parts of the Rākaunui block were sold or acquired by dubious means when the Pākehā-controlled Native Land Court, converted customary titles to land to individual titles. The Raglan County Council vigorously and aggressively set out to obtain parts of Rākaunui which were then used for the local rubbish dump and quarry, and the water
Dozens of whānau from the Rākaunui 1B Ahuwhenua
supply owned by Riki whānau was sold on the condition
Trust recently gathered to bless the whenua and mark
that whānau would continue to have free access to water
construction of their papakāinga that has been more than
from the Riki spring.
15 years in the making.
Another Rākaunui block belonging to Tutira Waretini
Trust chair Monika Newton-Karekare says many years
was ‘acquired’ by the use of the Public Works Act when
of frustration and attempts to care for the whenua within
the town needed a new sewerage system. The oxidation
the complex barriers of multiple-ownership set the project
ponds were placed on the sacred site of Te Rua o Te Ata,
in motion.
with the pipeline running through Te Kopua papakāinga
“The little humble whare that stands strong still today has been the home and shelter for many many whānau over the years and is an iconic monument that the whānau would love to see restored and shared within the papakāinga and whānau katoa (all family).” The project dates back to 2006, when whānau were motivated to see something positive happen on the whenua (land), called a hui at Poihakena Mārae. The trust obtained funding from TPK to undertake a feasibility study and earlier this year funding was approved for the papakāinga, including both collectivelyowned affordable rental homes and whānau-owned homes. The 14-acre Rākaunui 1B was once part of a larger 1000acre whenua block. It is now one of only a small number of the blocks left in Māori ownership in Whāingaroa. Many whānau once lived in this block, filling their
to the moana entrance to discharge in the vicinity of Pipirua, the main kutai (mussel) reef. “It has become quite apparent on our journey of whānau reconnecting, not only with their tūrangawaewae but with each other, that it illustrates clearly that the division and carving up of the whenua into individual titles has
Skin takes all the wear and tear that nature has to offer, not only to us but to our beloved pets. With spring underway, allergies are on the rise too. In our pets, seasonal allergies can come from contact with environmental factors, such as; pollens, grass, dust mites or fleas. Our pets contract allergies differently than to us humans; they absorb airborne allergens mainly through their skin. Rolling in freshly cut grass or walking along a bushy path can kick-start your pets itch. A cut or tear in the surface of the skin, such as from scratching can also allow allergens to enter their system. Whatever the factor, allergens cause different symptoms and usually affects their eyes, ears, skin and paws. The most common symptom we see in our patients is intense itchiness either by scratching or biting at affected areas. Other symptoms include: • Inflammation • Shaking head • Obsessive grooming (loss of fur) • Gunky discharge • Strong odour As the weather warms up, fleas become more of an issue as well, causing flea allergy dermatitis. Certain pets can have sensitive skin and become allergic to the fleas bite. When the fleas feed on our pets blood, a small amount of salvia is injected into the skin causing an allergic response. As the spring season rolls through, seasonal allergies can be prevented by strengthening our pets skin. Specific veterinary diets contain a patented mix of ingredients to support healthy skin. These diets boost the skin barrier function, improve skin healing ability, reduce inflammation and decreases the passage of allergens through the skin. Maintaining good flea treatment protocols will also prevent flea infestations and flea allergy dermatitis. If your pet needs a visit to the vets for seasonal allergies, these allergies can be managed with a combination of medications, medicated washes, environmental changes, and diet. Don't leave it till it's too late, imagine if you were constantly itchy and in pain! If you're concerned your pet has an allergy contact the Raglan Anexa vet clinic on 07 825 8390 for advice or to book a consult.
whenua but from each other,” Monika says. A communal area will be the heart of the papakāinga, providing space for whānau to holiday, and for hui and wānanga (educational workshops) to be held. Alongside this will be large communal marā kai, fruit trees and a playground. “Our expectation is for whānau to form a strong connection with our mārae Poihakena; we will have a connecting pathway through to the mārae from the papakāinga. This is to encourage whānau to participate
maunga Karioi. Timber felling, wheat growing and a
and contribute in any and all ways that they wish and are
flour and flax mill were some of the economic activities
able to.”
id you know the skin is the largest organ in the body?
facilitated the alienation of whānau, not only from the
kai basket from large māra kai (gardens), the moana and
undertaken by whānau on the Rākaunui block in the
The first stage begins soon with Heartland Homes building four affordable rentals for whānau.
Call Anexa on 07 825 8390.
Anexa, 40 Bow Street, Raglan P: 07 825 8390 RAGLAN Chronicle 7
Te Pokapū Taiao o Whāingaroa
The Whāingaroa Environment Centre
@wec.raglan | Centre Hub opening hours: Wed, Thu & Fri 12 - 4pm, Sat 10am - 12pm (Level 1 only) | Raglan Town Hall
to our monthly newsletter and keep up to date with events and news!
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You can enjoy growing and eating these awesome crops fresh from your own garden! Find out:
A practical workshop
HOW TO PLANT KŪMARA AND POTATO 10am - 12pm Sunday 31 October Whāingaroa Community Gardens
• what varieties thrive in Whāingaroa, • the most successful ways to grow kūmara and potato • tips on how to keep those plants healthy and producing an abundant crop Meet some of the varieties (seed potatoes and kūmara tipu available) Cost: $5-$15 per person / Or 2 TimeBank Credits *This workshop will go ahead at Alert level 2 or lower. Please register by emailing
Xtreme Zero Waste wishes to thank everyone for their continued efforts during the return to Alert level 3. This time round we have experienced that beautiful Raglan community we know and love; patient with changes and reduced collections, kind and considerate of others in our community, especially those suffering from Covid-19. While the recycling is stockpiling up again at home, we wanted to share some ideas to upcycle and repurpose, turning packaging into pretty cool fun for the whole flat/family. It just takes a few cardboard boxes... See DIY homeware ideas via #notcardbored on IG
Good Ne ws! We are welcoming in a new alternative to takeaway cups at The Hut. These fab double walled cups can be anyone’s to borrow for a loan fee of $10 which is refunded on return. Perfect for the car or for anyone going far (but coming back!) The Hut also has real cups for sitting in, an ugly mug library for walking back to building site and keep cups for sale. It’s been almost a year since opening and not 1 single use throwaway cup in sight. Proving that it is so possible! We are so proud of Emma! And so grateful for everyone on the peninsula jumping on board the reusable kaupapa so easily.
Keep an eye on our website news page and socials pages: @xtremezerowaste for regular updates and announcements. Please share our posts with your neighbours and whanau if you can.
Thanks to our EnviroMatters sponsors:
8 RAGLAN Chronicle
Join the REFILLUTION with us online at @the_hut_rangitahi
Supreme Court win in fight against seabed mining ENVIRONMENT
International Seabed Authority map of deep seabed mining exploration permits.
over 18 months, focussing on the Pacific region as
levels that the ocean is our greatest climate
part of a global campaign. We're working to stop
regulator & carbon sink and the most powerful
massive scale deep sea mining before it starts.
driver in limiting warming to 1.5 degrees. So a
There's a 1.3 million sq km area in international
healthy fully functioning ocean is 100% necessary
waters of the Pacific ocean between Hawaii and
for our survival. And seabed mining's inescapably
Mexico that's as wide as the continental United
destructive nature just undermines all those efforts
States. A UN body is in the process of opening this
to restore ocean health. To me it's just a no go.
area up to wannabe miners and mining may start
What is the best way that we as a community
in 2023/24. New Zealand is currently supporting
can support the ongoing fight against seabed
that process and we're trying to get them to stand
Duncan Currie, KASM's lawyer since 2013 and international lawyer for the DSCC, and Phil McCabe, right, after talking with New Zealand officials about international seabed mining in July
in alignment with our track record at home. The
Sign the petition calling on Jacinda Ardern to
scale of this makes the TTR proposal seem tiny
ban seabed mining in Aotearoa New Zealand and
in comparison and the deep ocean ecosystems are
write to politicians encouraging New Zealand
n Thursday 30 September, the Supreme Court ruled that the Environmental Protection Authority were wrong in granting consent to Trans Tasman Resources in 2017 to mine the South Taranaki seabed.
super delicate and sensitive and the damage would
to lead the world in calling for a moratorium on
be permanent in human time-scales. So again, it's
seabed mining in international waters. https://bit.
just wrong.
The Raglan community and Kiwis Against Seabed Mining have been involved in this fight against seabed mining for nearly two decades. The Chronicle caught up with exKASM chair Phil McCabe about the latest court decision. What does the recent Supreme Court decision mean for Seabed Mining in Aotearoa? I guess it means that after more than 15 years of seabed miners attempting to strip mine our seabed and three applications where the activity was really intensely scrutinised against our laws, it's all failed. And also the intention of previous governments to enable a seabed mining industry in NZ waters, has also failed. It's inappropriate and it's time to put it to bed. What is the general feeling among those involved after many years of campaigning to reach this point in the fight? Everyone's super stoked. A lot of emotions, relief, a sense of redemption. Effectively, the highest court in the land agreed with us ocean loving people who intuitively knew this wasn't ok and that's why we stood
up against it. So it feels good to have this confirmation. We know it's been hugely stressful for a lot of people, particularly communities in South Taranaki that were facing this activity directly off their shores. What groups or people were instrumental in this journey? Just so many people and groups, but I'm going to point to the staunch, unflinching people of Ngati Ruanui and Nga Rauru Kiitahi. Ten years ago the entire coast was up for grabs and the first application could have been anywhere but happened to land on their doorstep. They led the defence and we all backed them up. It was a coast wide effort. Do you think that TTR will reapply for more consents? They could. They're saying that they will and this is the problem. The Supreme Court decision is a crystal clear win. It says that it is illegal for humans to "cause material harm" to the environment and seabed mining can't be done without breaking stuff .But the fact is that they could start the process of reapplication tomorrow and drag us through more processes taking years & causing serious trauma. So this is really why we need to call on Jacinda Ardern to ban the activity in our waters. You are the Pacific liaison for the Deep Sea Conservation Coalition. What's going on with seabed mining internationally that people need to pay attention to? Yeah, I've been in this role for a little
The good news is that the pushback is building
Any final words or thoughts:
momentum but we really need New Zealand to
A heartfelt thanks and congratulations to the
support our call for a moratorium in international
many people who stood up on this in whatever
way. Together, we done good and we just need
And how does it relate to climate change?
one last nudge to get our government to do the
Well it's been well recognized at the highest
right thing.
A silent protest organised by KASM in 2012 to confront TTR management as they visited Whaingaroa.
RAGLAN Chronicle 9
Local Music
rotests play an important role in our democracy, not just in raising voices and ensuring they are heard, but also to bring like minds together in solidarity. One important matter to be considered by those who organise a protest is, once we all head home, what next? Adjusting to the reality of having Delta arrive in Waikato has been hard. But our community has consistently shown over the last year that we’re willing to pitch in as part of our team of five million and confront the COVID-19 challenge head-on. This time around, as well as making sure that everyone is safe, has food and financial support, we also need to get tested and most importantly, get vaccinated. We will keep stamping out COVID-19 cases through testing and contact tracing. But the individual armour of the vaccine means we can continue to do that with fewer disruptions to our everyday lives, if we can keep vaccine rates going up. When I chat to my neighbours about why they haven’t had their first dose, it is often simply that they haven’t gotten around to it. It can be a hassle to get to town to a vaccination clinic, especially at such a busy time of the year on the farm. Also, our isolation has traditionally meant that we have been able to avoid trouble when we want to - we are a long way from Queen Street. Unfortunately, the virus is finding its way into rural areas and finding unvaccinated people - distance is no longer a barrier. We can no longer afford to wait. So we’re asking everyone to contribute to a big, nationwide push for vaccination with a Super Saturday, National Day of Action for Vaccination on Saturday 16 October when we will have vaccine clinics open throughout Aotearoa all day and into the evening. Find your nearest vaccination site for Saturday (for bookings or walk-in) and go. If you are already vaccinated, you still have a job to do - talk to your whanau and your mates. There is a lot of great information on the Covid-19 website to answer all those valid questions that make us uncertain, there will be transport available for those who need it, and a lot more walk-in sites to make it as simple as possible. Support your loved ones to get their first dose on Saturday. Let’s vaccinate. Advertorial
Angela Roberts
List MP based in Taranaki New Plymouth office 06 757 5662 78 Gill St, New Plymouth 4310
Authorised by Angela Roberts MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington.
Orchestras Central Trust presents OCT Ensemble in 'Orchestra by the Sea' and 'Orchestra on Tour' AT THE OLD SCHOOL ARTS CENTRE
ake a moment out of your Labour Weekend to enjoy Orchestras Centrals' professional orchestra OCT Ensemble on tour, in your very own community. Featuring music by Handel and Mozart with outstanding young tenor, Aidan Phillips and members of the ensemble as soloists. Not often do you get to see two of New Zealand's top bassoonists performing together as soloists the programme includes the virtuosic Vanhal Concerto for two bassoons. The evocative "Waipoua" for Clarinet and Strings by distinguished New Zealand composer Gareth Farr is performed by Justus Rozemond and enjoy the wellknown "Oblivion" by Piazzolla performed on the marimba by exponent Yoshiko Tsuruta. Now more than ever before, help support the arts to survive and thrive. Come and hear these professional New Zealand musicians perform an hour of easy listening classical music right on your doorstep. ENTRY BY KOHA CONCERT DETAILS RAGLAN: Orchestra by the Sea 7.00pm Sunday 24 October 2021, Raglan Town Hall. Please note this event will only go ahead under Alert Level 2.
Todd Gibson-Cornish (bassoon).
Museum Post Office Exhibition A
new exhibition now running at the Raglan Museum documents a time when the Post Office and telephone exchange was at the heart of every community – no matter how small. In a time far removed from the internet and mobile phones, it was not unusual for village residents to call the exchange operator to tell them they would be away from home for a few hours, should anyone wish to know. Raglan resident Eileen Stephens, who worked for the Post Office throughout the Waikato from 1965 until she retired in Raglan in 1997, says people may be surprised to hear Ruapuke and Aotea both had their own Post Offices, as did Te Mata and Te Uku. Eileen, who was behind the counter when the Te Mata Post Office finally shut its doors in 1988 has, along with fellow Post Office workers Steve Soanes and Diane Gilmour, donated memorabilia, including uniforms, date stamps, and a telephone exchange, to the exhibition. In the very early days, mail in Raglan was received and distributed by the Rev. James Wallis, the first missionary to settle in Whaingaroa, in 1835. In those days, mail came by sea and overland. Māori mail runners, using single tribal coastal paths, ran the route from
Onehunga - Waiuku - Waikato Heads - Raglan - Aotea Kawhia - Mokau - New Plymouth. Post offices appeared in the Waikato region in the late 1860s, and by 1883 Raglan had a regular horse-drawn weekly mail, with the first telephone connected the year after. Motorised deliveries started in 1914 while Raglan’s first, and only, airmail delivery took place in 1920 when a seaplane landed in the harbour. The Raglan and District Museum appreciates the support of its members, as well as its community of visitors, to keep it running and to have the ability to curate exhibitions such as this one highlighted above. Membership is $15 for families and $10 for individuals, and offers free entry for the year. We will be holding our Annual General Meeting on Monday 1 November 2021 at 10am at 15 Wainui Road, Raglan(Subject to alert levels) and welcome both existing Members and anyone who has an interest in all things historical, and who might wish to become a Member, to attend. Our Museum is open 7 days a week, from 10am-3pm. Admission is $2 for adults and $1 for children.
100% Real Estate, 100% Raglan. As locals, the Bayleys Team in Raglan understand the appeal of the Raglan lifestyle. Thinking of buying or selling? Let’s talk. Stephen O’Byrne 021 969 848
Michelle O’Byrne 021 969 878
Graham Rope 021 222 7427
Mark Frost 022 150 2244
Residential / Commercial / Rural / Property Services
10 RAGLAN Chronicle
Local Music
Live and Local
Mooar to Say
n exciting new series of monthly concerts at the Raglan Old School Arts Centre the next event is set for Sunday October 17 (if Waikato downgrades to Level 2 on Thursday night) . “Live & Local” is an initiative arising from the Ministry of Social Development’s Covid Resilience Funding.
s someone who has mixed feelings about the Pharmaceutical industry, and has spent the last 20 years banging on about alterative viewpoints, it’s pretty strange to find myself helping to promote a government run vaccine program.
Each concert will feature sets from three outstanding local acts. Check out this weekend's performers: TEIA KENNEDY Combining rich tones, soulful lyrics, original styling and a pure energy, Teia Kennedy is an emerging singer-songwriter who consistently captivates audiences with 'storytelling' performances that are well beyond her years. Inspired by the words and world around her, the 24-yearold acoustic artist recorded and released her first professional EP “Stranger Tides” in 2018 and has proudly launched Teia Kennedy Music, an ethical brand established to embrace the arts, grow live performance and foster kindness. MARTEN TEN BROEK Marten Ten Broek has no single moment in actual silence. Hearing damage has cicadas zipping as they do in summer, even in the midst of the stillest winter night. The cicadas never stop, never. The only way to drown them is with guitars THE RAGTIMERS Ragtimers' leader Brian Wilson says “The group started when one of the ladies at Pilates expressed a desire to learn the ukulele. Delwyn said that I could teach her. It was a bit one on one. Word got out, and others joined in and a group emerged. Mostly ladies, with a few blokes. The group grew, and now there are up to 20 at any session. The key goal is to have some fun.”
It took a while for me to get my head around the issues but I can’t see any other option right now other than mass vaccination. I wouldn’t exactly say I’m in love with the idea but it seems to be the best option we have at this point, especially when we consider the impact an outbreak would have on our health system. Maybe the government could have done things differently – they should have started expanding the country’s ICU capacity a lot sooner for instance – but those options aren’t open to us anymore. The virus clearly can’t be contained and vaccines are the only game in town. Resisting what the government is trying to do because we think they made the wrong decision will hurt vulnerable members of the community far more than it will hurt the leaders we’re angry with. I’m someone who likes to understand the details and doesn’t like the simplified and often paternalistic approach to vaccine messaging coming from the government. The difficulty of discovering hard-tocome-by nuggets of information when the government and media are working in unison, as they are with the pro-vaccine message, can give the impression information is being kept from us. For instance, when I discovered that the percentage of people dying from Covid with zero co-morbidities was very small I thought to myself: “Aha! Covid isn’t as dangerous as they say it is!” Once that moment had died down though I realised it also meant people with co-morbidities were actually in more danger – and I knew lots of people in that situation. Should the government give us more detail about this sort of thing or are they right that people will just get confused? I don’t really know. I have to admit I’m not comfortable with the vaccine passports either – I’d prefer it if they were immunity passports for one thing – but I can see why they’re rolling the system out in a massive rush. If the aim is to get past 90% vaccination rates before the virus gets out of control it’s a pretty effective mechanism for getting the job done. There are obvious civil liberty issues with the passport but trying to fight it right now is probably futile given how frightened the government is of Covid and how much public support they have for the concept. There might come a time when we have to take our civil liberties back but it will have to wait for a day when most of the country is no longer living in fear. Not everyone is comfortable with those of us who are asking questions so I’d like to thank Dr Robin Youngson who lives locally for being prepared to answer those questions. If you want to hear an in-depth discussion about Covid and the safety of the vaccines, you can check out our podcasts with him; otherwise tune in at 8:30am for our daily Raglan Covid reports - on 98.1FM and
Waikato No 1 Residential Salesperson NZ No 3 Residential Salesperson Top Lifestyle Region - Waikato
Together We
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PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under the REAA 2008.
Jono Hutson
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I would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to the Raglan community. I have been humbled by your kindness and support. I look forward to a great year ahead! Thinking of buying or selling? Call Jono today! RAGLAN Chronicle 11
Raglan Junior Rugby Prizegiving 2021 Raglan Junior Rugby 12th Grade team.
Sportsmanship Award: Sophie Haine
Wahine Toa Award Zara Wilson
Team Awards 6th GRADE Sponsored by Four Winds Flowers, Stanpeto Farms & Foxy Spaces Raglan Junior Rugby Club 2021 Most Improved 6th Grade McKenzie Shaw Raglan Junior Rugby Club 2021 Best Ripper 6th Grade Ernest Gordon Raglan Junior Rugby Club 2021 Coaches Award 6th Grade Buster Schnuriger Raglan Junior Rugby Club 2021 Sportsmanship Award 6th Grade Levi Goodwin 7th GRADE Sponsored by GreenMount Advisory Raglan Junior Rugby Club 2021 Most Improved 7th Grade Ayda Allen Raglan Junior Rugby Club 2021 Best Attacker 7th Grade Cole Horton Raglan Junior Rugby Club 2021 Best Ripper 7th Grade Louenn Arnaud Raglan Junior Rugby Club 2021 Supporter’s Choice 7th Grade William Glenn 8th GRADE Sponsored by MD Builders & J&P Fagan Contracting Raglan Junior Rugby Club 2021 Best Attacker 8th Grade Ihimaera Puru Raglan Junior Rugby Club 2021 Best Defender 8th Grade Jack Bourke Raglan Junior Rugby Club 2021 Supporter’s Choice 8th Grade Cade Skerman Raglan Junior Rugby Club 2021 Most Improved 8th Grade Te Aio Puru 9th GRADE Sponsored by Diesel & Trax Ltd & Courier Sharpening Raglan Junior Rugby Club 2021 Best Attacker 9th Grade Oscar Rowe Raglan Junior Rugby Club 2021 Best Defender 9th Grade Tommy Rowe Raglan Junior Rugby Club 2021 Most Improved 9th Grade Ridge Skerman Raglan Junior Rugby Club 2021 Sportsmanship Award 9th Grade Grayson Francis 10th GRADE Sponsored by Evolve Flooring and Construction Raglan Junior Rugby Club 2021 Forward of the Year 10th Grade Izayah WoolstonWereta Raglan Junior Rugby Club 2021 Back of the Year 10th Grade Conor Allen Raglan Junior Rugby Club 2021 Most Improved 10th Grade Jamie Moss Raglan Junior Rugby Club 2021 Coaches Award 10th Grade Cassidy Furniss 11th GRADE Sponsored by Fence it Munnsy & Waterford Birth Centre Raglan Junior Rugby Club 2021 Best Forward 11th Grade Raglan Junior Rugby Club 2021 Best Back 11th Grade Zara Wilson Raglan Junior Rugby Club 2021 Most Improved 11th Grade Finn Bateman Raglan Junior Rugby Club 2021 Supporter’s Choice 11th Grade Eli Smith-Fisher 12th GRADE Sponsored by Ray White Julie Hanna Raglan Junior Rugby Club 2021 Best Forward 12th Grade Layton Fitch-Waitere Raglan Junior Rugby Club 2021 Best Back 12th Grade Rapata McRoberts Maihi Raglan Junior Rugby Club 2021 Best All Rounder 12th Grade Maz Connor Raglan Junior Rugby Club 2021 Most Improved 12th Grade Cooper Jesson
TROPHIES Sponsored by Alpha Interiors RAGLAN JUNIOR RUGBY CLUB 2021 Representative Player Louis-Hendrix Bidois RAGLAN JUNIOR RUGBY CLUB 2021 Representative Player Louis Duirs RAGLAN JUNIOR RUGBY CLUB 2021 Representative Player Max Murphy RAGLAN JUNIOR RUGBY CLUB 2021 Representative Player Jethro Neels RAGLAN JUNIOR RUGBY CLUB 2021 Representative Player Canyon Overton RAGLAN JUNIOR RUGBY CLUB 2021 Representative Player Monty Rowe RAGLAN JUNIOR RUGBY CLUB 2021 Representative Player Zara Wilson CLUB AWARD 2021 Hudson/Bidios FamilyAward MVP of the Year Rapata McRoberts Maihi Milward Shield Most Promising Player Maz Connor Wilfred Neil Trophy Sportsmanship Award Sophie Haine Robbs FamilyAward -Performance and FairplayAward Kieran O’Brien Wahine Toa Award Zara Wilson AwardS MANAAWARD Sponsored by Raglan Surf Emporium Raglan Junior Rugby Club Mana Award 6th Grade Vaelin Venter Raglan Junior Rugby Club Mana Award 7th Grade Will Marshall Raglan Junior Rugby Club Mana Award 8th Grade Kieran O'Brien Raglan Junior Rugby Club Mana Award 9th Grade Zac Murphy Raglan Junior Rugby Club Mana Award 10th Grade Remy Grant Raglan Junior Rugby Club Mana Award 11th Grade Kaiden Rossiter Raglan Junior Rugby Club Mana Award 12th Grade Caleb Walker
Most Promising Player Maz Connor
12 RAGLAN Chronicle
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18 RAGLAN Chronicle
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� AND BOAT PARKyour homeware, The businesses individuals Come and store alland kayaks, Commercial / light boats,sing bikes and hidden treasures with us ... adverti in the Raglan Chronicle Come and store all your homeware, kayaks, industrial space available • Locally owned and operated • Various shed sizes available are•boats, partieasy cipati not only towith andng hidden treasures us ... • Long or short term stays Fantasticbikes location from • Electronic gate, security • 24 hours 7 day access December promote their businesses, but • Locally owned and operated systems • Various shed sizes available • Long or short term stays Fantastic easy location 5m size: x for 14m to ••show support oursecurity • Electronic gate, 24 hours 7their day access 7 Nau Mai Road - 5 min, 5 km from Raglan systems community paper – so be sure Gary Kite: {07) 825 6560 Mob: {022) 622 9005 Email: 7 Nau Mai Road 5 min, 5 km from to tell them you saw them in Raglan the Gary Kite: {07) 825 6560 Mob: {022) 622 9005 Raglan Chronicle. Email:
Local businesses are the foundation of our community and they make it possible for us to bring the Raglan Chronicle to you.
RAGLAN Chronicle 13
classifieds. email:
ver the last two weeks – there have been four family harm incidents reported, two theft’s and three assaults. It appears that the Covid-19 situation is still on a knife edge here in Raglan and we all need to keep being super vigilant. For those who are self-isolating, it’s not unappreciated, thank you – you are doing the community a great service and are helping us all keep safe! Safer travels – That first rain after a long dry spell can be incredibly dangerous, it can make the roads slick for a time being before it washes off, drive to the conditions, and check your tires regularly. Please note the following support service for Family Harm victims: National victim support services Family Violence Information Line - 0800 456 450 - Shine National Helpline - 0508 744 633 Womens Refuge - 0800 REFUGE, 0800 733 843 - Victim Support - 0800 VICTIM, 0800 842 846 - Oranga Tamariki - Ministry for Children 0508 326 459 - Shakti - Support for Women/Children of Asia, Africa and the Middle East - 0800 742 584 - shakti-nz/ Victim's Information for people affected by crime - Finally, be safe, be kind and remember to look out for one another.
Letters to the Editor Radio Station
e enjoyed a few days holiday in Raglan last week and just want to give a big shout-out to your local radio station 98.1. Loved the local content and music, and the indepth conversations on the morning show. Cheers to Raglan, Nick and Bruce.
ensioners and Politicians, I have been writing on a weekly basis to Jacinda Ardern, our Prime Minister, for almost 2 years about how our pension does not meet our basic every day needs and she has not, I repeat not, replied to a single letter.
In accordance with our Constitution, Notice is hereby given that the 2021 Annual General Meeting for Raglan Volunteer Coastguard Inc will be held on November 16. 2021 at 1900 hours at the Perry Lounge, Gallagher Coastguard Base, Raglan Wharf.
Services Offered
• Welcome • Annual Reports • Election of Officers • General Business We warmly invite members and interested parties to attend. Brigid Green Secretary
FLUE CLEANING and log fire inspection $125 and all flue and log fire For Sale repairs. I also do new fireplace installations. F I R E W O O D DELIVERED Phone Mark on 8298- DRY, Trailerload: Pine $190 / 103 or 021 457342. Phone 021 0771524
5 Stewart St, Raglan
AFTER-SCHOOL MULTIMEDIA ART CLASSES 8-week programme for 5-12yo with Karyn Moon, theme ‘Life in the Garden’ | Mon 18 Oct – 13 Dec, Thurs 21 Aug – 9 Dec | 3.30-5pm | $95 first child in family, $85 sibling rate | All materials and firing included | Bookings essential www. CLAYTIME PLUS HAND-BUILDING FOR ADULTS 4-week programme with Merren Goodison | Mon 15 Nov – 6 Dec | 6pm – 8pm | $120 RCAC+Clay members $140 RCAC members $160 non-members | Membership, 3kg clay + bisque firing included, glaze firing extra | Bookings essential www. RAW PREVIEW EXHIBITION – 1 – 25 OCTOBER ‘…And Then We Paused…Reflections of a Covid World’. Open daily 10am – 2pm LIVE AND LOCAL – SUNDAY 17 OCTOBER A showcase for local performers, from songwriters to comedy. 7-9pm, doors open 6.30pm. Koha entry. Licensed bar and café open. LITTLE FOOD FEST – SATURDAY 24 OCT & SUNDAY 25 OCTOBER Beat the queues in town during RAW! Authentic kai, craft beer, and much more. Open daily 10am – 3pm SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS – CALL FOR MAKERS AND ARTISTS Seeking local makers and artists in all media for our preChristmas fund-raising arts and crafts sale 27 Nov – 11 Dec. Places limited. Entry fee and commission apply. For more details email
REGULAR EVENTS: Clay Shed Members’ Night weekly Wed 5-7pm Raglan Filmmakers’ Club 1st Tues of every month, koha entry Raglan Ukulele Group every Wed 4 – 5.30pm
Karioi Quilters 2nd Thurs of every month Raglan Art Group 1st Friday of every month, 9am-12pm Backgammon last Friday of every month, 6.15- 8.15pm Live and Local 3rd Sunday of every month, 7-9pm
The minister for pensioners, Carmel Sepuloni, has Contact 825 0023 | | sent me 2 letters, one telling me how the pension is worked out and the second telling me that I am getting that amount, neither of which addressed the issue I raised and that the pension is grossly inadequate. I have therefore taken it upon myself to raise a petition to present to parliament to have the pension increased to a more The Minister for the Environment has granted Waikato District Council a four-month extension of time to give a decision on the Proposed Waikato District Plan (PDP), under realistic amount. If there are clause 10A(4)(a) of Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act. This means that the others who feel the same as I decision must be made on or before 17 January 2022. do then you can go to the site The Minister for the Environment has given reasons for his decision, including that granting this extension provides a clear statutory basis for Waikato District Council to below where you can register make a decision on the PDP after 17 September 2021 and by 17 January 2022. While the your support for that petition. four-month delay will result in some additional uncertainty for some stakeholders, the benefits of a well-integrated decision on the PDP that incorporates national direction will I thank you, Clive Hobson.
Extension of Time granted for the Proposed Waikato District Plan (Stages I and 2) pb/petitions/documents/ PET_115698/petition-ofclive-hobson-increasepension-for-pensioners
lead to greater plan certainty for all parties. The Minister’s decision can be viewed on the council website at plans/waikato-district-plan/district-plan-review/timeline
14 RAGLAN Chronicle
NOTICE OF AGM ANNUAL GENERAL FOR RAGLAN & M E E T I N G , DISTRICT MUSEUM RAGLAN POINT Monday 1 November B O A R D R I D E R S 2021 at 10am at 15 CLUB , 26th October Wainui Road, Raglan 2021 at 6.30pm. Garden (Subject to alert levels) Bar, Harbour View Hotel. All welcome to attend All welcome
Public Notices RAGLAN FOOTBALL CLUB 2021 AGM Thursday 21st October 7.00 pm at Town Hall Supper Room .All welcome. R A G L A N H O R T I C U LT U R A L SOCIETY next meeting on Tuesday 19th October will be cancelled. This is due to the continuing Covid 19 restrictions.
The Future Proof Strategy is a 30 year growth management and implementation plan for the Hamilton, Waipā and Waikato sub-region. The Strategy is essential to managing growth in a staged and co-ordinated way while addressing complex planning issues. An updated Future Proof Strategy has been developed and is now open for public comment. The updated Strategy retains the core elements of the 2009 and 2017 Strategy but also incorporates the Hamilton to Auckland (H2A) Corridor Plan and the Hamilton-Waikato Metropolitan Spatial Plan. It also factors in key national documents and initiatives such as the National Policy Statement on Urban Development (NPS-UD) and the Government’s Urban Growth Agenda. The Strategy incorporates seven transformational moves for change: •
Iwi aspirations: enhancing the health and wellbeing of the Waikato River in accordance with Te Ture Whaimana, the Vision and Strategy, and iwi place-based aspirations.
Putting the Waikato River at the heart of planning.
A radical transport shift to a multi-modal transport network shaped around where and how communities will grow.
A vibrant metro core and lively metropolitan centres.
A strong and productive economic corridor at the heart of the metro area.
Thriving communities and neighbourhoods including quality, denser housing options that allow natural and built environments to co-exist and increase housing affordability and choice.
Growing and fostering water-wise communities through a radical shift in urban water planning, ensuring urban water management is sensitive to natural hydrological and ecological processes.
All events listed are subject to Raglan being at covid alert level 2
Public Notices
Future Proof partners are now seeking feedback on the updated Strategy. To read the Strategy and make a submission, please go to Submissions close at 5pm on Friday 12 November 2021. Future Proof partners include Waikato District Council, Waipā District Council, Hamilton City Council, Waikato Regional Council, tangata whenua, central government partners and Tamaki Makaurau partners (iwi and Auckland Council).
Notice of herbicide spraying Waikato Regional Council advises that under Resource Consent 124871 spraying of pest plants growing in aquatic and semi-aquatic locations will continue over the next three months. Pest plants to be sprayed are listed in the Regional Pest Management Plan and include (but are not limited to): alligator weed, Manchurian wild rice, sagittaria, Senegal tea, spartina and yellow flag iris. Herbicides to be used are haloxyfop, imazapyr, metsulfuron-methyl and triclopyr. Application method is location dependent and may be by helicopter, gun and hose, mistblower or knapsack. Operational areas are spread throughout the region and include (but are not limited to): • Lakes Whangape and Waikare • Te Otamanui Lagoon • Waihou, Piako and Ohinemuri rivers • Waikato River (from Horotiu to Port Waikato) • Whangamarino and Maramarua rivers • numerous smaller urban and rural sites. Spraying is weather dependent and will occur during daylight hours on any day, including weekends but excluding public holidays. For more information or to request to be notified visit or call Waikato Regional Council’s biosecurity pest plants team on 0800 800 401. Occupiers who have already requested to be notified will be contacted prior to spraying.
G J Ion Chief Executive
CDA McLay Chief Executive
0800 492 452
A Message From the Raglan Police
Public Notices
Waikato District Council 2021 Representation Review Final Proposal Please be notified that the appeals/objections period for the Waikato District Council 2021 Representation Review Final Proposal opens on 1 October 2021 and will close at 5.00pm on 3 November 2021. Submissions
iv. there be 32 community board members elected from six community boards, these being: Community Board
Geographic Reference
Huntly community board
The Huntly community board area was extended in the initial proposal to incorporate a mesh block in the north west
Ngaruawahia community board
Ngaruawahia and Horotiu
The current Ngaruawahia community board area with slight boundary adjustments to incorporate new development at River Road and reinstate the Horotiu section of the board area
Raglan community board, with rural and urban subdivisions
Raglan, Okete, Te Mata and Whale Bay.
With extended boundaries to incorporate three neighbouring mesh blocks
Rural and Port Waikato community board, with north and south subdivisions
Port Waikato, Onewhero, Pukekawa, The rural districts south of the river to Naike and across to Glen Murray, Naike and Waikaretu Waikaretu
Taupiri community board
The current Taupiri community board area
Tuakau community board
The current Tuakau township
As required by the Local Electoral Act 2001 (LEA), the Waikato District Council has considered submissions it received on its Initial Proposal regarding representation arrangements that will apply for at least the 2022 triennial local elections. In summary, of the 240 submissions received: • 25 submitters indicated their support of the Initial Proposal; • 175 submitters indicated that they did not support the Initial Proposal; • 13 submitters gave no indication (or it was not clear to determine) if they did or did not support the Initial Proposal; • 56 submitters indicated that they wished to speak at the hearing for the Initial Proposal
vi. the number of elected and appointed members for each community board be as follows:
(of which 37 submitters spoke at the scheduled hearing). Final Proposal At its meeting on 28 September 2021 the Council resolved, in accordance with section 19N(1)(b) of the Local Electoral Act 2001 and having considered the 240 submissions received on the 2021 Representation Review Initial Proposal, to amend its Initial Proposal to the following 2021 Representation Review Final Proposal for at least the 2022 triennial local elections: The Waikato District Council to comprise of: i. the Mayor elected at large (by the whole district); ii. 13 councillors, comprising two Maaori ward councillors and 11 general ward councillors elected from 10 wards; and that iii. Waikato District Council be divided into 10 wards, these being: Ward and number of councillors
Communities of interest
Geographic Reference
Te Raki o te Takiwaa Maaori ward One (1) Maaori ward councillor
Aka Aka, Buckland, Glen Afton, Glen Murray, Hampton Downs, Hunua Ranges (portion), Huntly, Karioitahi, Mangatawhiri, Mangatangi, Maramarua, Mercer, Meremere, Miranda, Naike, Ohinewai, Onewhero, Otaua Pokeno, Port Waikato, Pukemiro, Rangiriri, Te Kauwhata, Tuakau Waerenga, Waiterimu-Matahuru and Whangamarino
The northern part of the Waikato district, from the east and west of Huntly up to the Auckland boundary in the North and Hauraki and Matamata-Piako districts in the East.
Eureka, Gordonton, Glen Massey, Hautapu, Horsham Downs, Koromatua, Makomako, Matangi, Okete, Ngaruawahia, Newstead, Puketaha, Pukemoremore, Raglan, Rotokauri, Rotongaro, Rotowaru, Ruapuke, Tamahere, Tauhei, Taupiri, Tauwhare, Te Akau, Te Kowhai, Te Mata, Te Uku, Waingaro, Whatawhata and Whitikahu
The southern part of the Waikato district, from the east of Taupiri along the Mangawara Stream and west of Taupiri to the Coast, down to the southern boundaries of the district bordering Matamata-Piako and Waipa Districts and Hamilton City
Awaroa-Maramarua general ward One (1) general ward councillor
Aka Aka, Hunua Ranges (portion) Mangatawhiri, Mangatangi, Maramarua, Miranda, Otaua and Waiuku-Karioitahi
The rural communities in the northeast and west of the district, bordering Auckland Council in the north and Hauraki District in the east
Huntly general ward One (1) general ward councillor
Huntly and Ohinewai
The Huntly township and surrounds
Newcastle-Ngaruawahia general ward Two (2) general ward councillors
Hopuhopu, Horotiu, Horsham Downs, Ngaruawahia, Rotokauri, Taupiri, Te Kowhai and Whatawhata
The areas along the Waipa River and the portion of the Waikato River between Taupiri and Hamilton City
Tamahere-Woodlands general ward Two (2) general ward councillors
Eureka, Gordonton, Hautapu, Koromatua, Matangi, Newstead, Puketaha, Pukemoremore, Tamahere and Tauwhare
The southeastern part of the district bordering Matamata-Piako and Waipa Districts and Hamilton City Council in the west/ south/east
Tuakau-Pokeno general ward Two (2) general ward councillors
Harrisville, Kellyville, Mercer, Pokeno, Tuakau and Whangarata.
The northern part of the district, the Pokeno and Tuakau townships and surrounds bordering Auckland Council in the north
Waerenga-Hukanui general ward One (1) general ward councillor
Hampton Downs, Meremere, Orini-Tauhei, Rangiriri, Te Hoe, Te Kauwhata, Waerenga, Waiterimu-Matahuru and Whangamarino
The eastern part of the district bordering Hauraki and Matamata-Piako Districts Council to the east
Western Districts general ward One (1) general ward councillor
Glen Afton, Glen Murray, Matira, Naike, Onewhero, Port Waikato, Pukemiro, Pukekawa-Opuatia, Rotongaro, Rotowaru, Renown, Ruawaro, Te Akau, Te Kohanga, Waikaretu, Waingaro and Waikowai
The northwestern part of the district from Whaaingaroa Harbour up to the Waikato River
Whaaingaroa general ward One (1) general ward councillor
Makomako, Okete, Pakoka Landing, Raglan, Ruapuke, Te Mata, Te Uku, Waitetuna and Whale Bay.
The southwestern part of the district, on the Southern side of Whaaingaroa Harbour to the boundaries of Waipa District Council in the southeast and Otorohanga District Council in the south
Te Tonga o te Takiwaa Maaori ward One (1) Maaori ward councillor
iv. the population of each ward be as follows: Fits Rule
% Variation
Community Board
Elected Members
Appointed Members
Huntly community board
1 Huntly general ward councillor and 1 Te Raki o te Takiwaa Maaori ward councillor
Ngaruawahia community board
1 Newcastle- Ngaruawahia general ward councillor and 1 Te Tonga o te Takiwaa Maaori ward councillor
Rural and Port Waikato community board consisting of two subdivisions, being: • North subdivision • South subdivision
4 in total
1 Western Districts general ward councillor and 1 Te Raki o te Takiwaa Maaori ward councillor
Raglan community board consisting of two subdivisions, being: • Urban subdivision • Rural subdivision
6 in total 4 2
1 Whaaingaroa general ward councillor and 1 Te Tonga o te Takiwaa Maaori ward councillor
Taupiri community board
1 Newcastle-Ngaruawahia general ward councillor and 1 Te Tonga o te Takiwaa Maaori ward councillor
Tuakau community board
1 Tuakau-Pokeno general ward councillor and 1 Te Raki o te Takiwaa Maaori ward councillor
2 2
vii. the population and names of each subdivision be as follows: Community Board
Fits Rule
Rural and Port Waikato North subdivision
% Variation +8.1%
Rural and Port Waikato South subdivision
Raglan Urban subdivision
Raglan Rural subdivision
In accordance with section 19V(2) of the Local Electoral Act 2001, the population that each councillor represents must be within the population range of 5,544-6,777 (in general wards) and 6,813-8,327 (in Maaori wards) plus or minus 10% (being the total general electoral population of 67,780 divided between 11 general ward councillors and the total Maaori electoral population of 15,140 divided between two Maaori ward councillors). Similarly, the population that each community board member represents where a community board is subdivided, must be within the population range of 804-982 (for the Raglan community board) and 1,023-1,250 (for the Rural and Port Waikato community board). It is noted the Western Districts general ward and the Raglan community board (Rural subdivision) will deviate from the +/-10% fair representation rule as set out in the Local Electoral Act 2001. Accordingly this will be an automatic appeal under section 19V(5) of the Local Electoral Act 2001 and the Final Proposal must be referred to the Local Government Commission for determination after the close of the appeal/objection period. Reasons Reasons for amendments to the Initial Proposal are to: i. split the Te Takiwaa Maaori ward into a northern and southern ward to ensure fair representation for Maaori (ensuring both representatives do not come from one area as supported by submissions); ii. alter the general ward boundaries and names to ensure: • retention/increased representation for the rural communities of interest; • ensure the reduction of splits in communities of interest that were split by mesh blocks in the Initial Proposal; • retain, where possible multi-councillor wards; and • adhere to the +/-10% margin for communities to ensure fair and effective representation (number of objections to splitting of communities by mesh blocks in the Initial Proposal rather than focussing on communities of interest as identified in pre-consultation material); iii. create a new Rural and Port Waikato community board with two subdivisions (submissions supported creation of a rural community board if the status quo could not be retained and subdivisions created to ensure fair representation across the board area); iv. extend the Raglan community board area to include the communities of Okete and Te Mata (submissions received supporting the community board request in these areas, but in doing so to ensure retention of a rural voice at all levels of governance, subdivisions being created for the urban and rural areas); and v. reduce the number of elected members to four (currently six) on the Taupiri community board (feedback received from submitters regarding over representation in small urban communities, yet minimal representation for rural communities).
Awaroa-Maramarua general ward
Notice of appeal and objection process
Huntly general ward
Newcastle-Ngaruawahia general ward
Tamahere-Woodlands general ward
Any person who made a submission on the Waikato District Council 2021 Representation Review Initial Proposal may lodge an appeal against the Council’s Final Proposal in accordance with section 19O of the Local Electoral Act 2001. The appeal must contain issues/matters raised in the appellant’s submission on the Initial Proposal. As the Council has chosen to amend its Initial Proposal, any person who is opposed to the Final Proposal may lodge an objection against it in accordance with section 19P of the Local Electoral Act 2001. The objection lodged must identify the matters to which it relates. Appeals and objections must be made in writing to the Waikato District Council by 5pm 3 November 2021 and must include your name and contact details. Appeals and objections are to be: Emailed to: Subject line: Representation Review - Final Proposal
Te Raki o te Takiwaa Maaori ward
Te Tonga o te Takiwaa Maaori ward
6.00% -4.65%
Waerenga-Hukanui general ward
Tuakau-Pokeno general ward
Western Districts general ward
Whaaingaroa general ward
1. (67,780/11 general ward councillors = 6,161 +/- 10% = 5,544 - 6,777) 2. (15,140/2 Maaori ward councillors = 7,570 +/- 10% = 6,813 - 8,327) Note: This work is based on/includes customised Stats NZ’s data which is licensed by Stats NZ for re-use under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence.
The Council has not rejected any submissions received on the Initial Proposal.
Posted to:
ATTN: Corporate Planning, Waikato District Council, Private Bag 54, Ngaruawahia 3742
Delivered to:
Any Council office or Library
If you have any queries/require further information about this notice, please contact Gaylene Kanawa on 0800 492 452 or visit the consultation page on Council’s website
1 October 2021 G J Ion, Chief Executive 0800 492 452
RAGLAN Chronicle 15
10 Upper Wainui Rd
Sought After Coastal Location Auction
30.10.21 at 1pm
Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309
SAT 1-1:45 - Call to Book 3B6HFG
Welcome to 10 Upper Wainui Rd. This prime position is one of Raglan’s most sought after locations renown for sublime coastal and mountain views and nearby access to beaches and scenic bush walks. Featuring a 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom contemporary home with north facing decks off the living areas and master bedroom which soak in the excellent ocean views on offer. Along with full double glazing the classic interior timber sarking radiates warmth and the recently installed designer kitchen boasts a pyrolytic induction hob and an impressive spacious scullery. Also near new is the walk-in wardrobe and large tiled wetroom ensuite bathroom off the master bedroom. On the lower level there is a semi self contained unit perfect for extended family, guests or holiday income as well as a 3rd living area or 4th bedroom which conveniently opens out to a covered spa pool area. The outdoor living spaces are well catered for and there’s parking for vehicles and a large boat or motorhome. Invest in this quality location for your family and be assured of having the opportunity to enjoy a fantastic lifestyle here.
D L SO 2
5 Te Whare Hauora Place
77 Cornes Road
Welcome to the Stables
A Magical Block with Majestic Rimus
FOR SALE $885,000
If you love the charm of character cottages and the use of warm native timbers, then this little cutey is definitely worth your inspection. Originally a horse stable building in it’s former life and converted to living quarters by previous owners in years gone by, the home has a beautiful feeling within it. The layout comprises one large double bedroom and a separate living area currently used as a 2nd bedroom. The kitchen soaks up the morning sun and has plenty bench space. A real bonus here is the high stud 2 bay barn shed where the options are endless.
Contact Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 Email
FOR SALE $495,000 Contact Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 Email
Sitting elevated on a quiet no exit road and overlooking rural views to the horizon sits this sunny 1.43 hectare (3.52 acre) lifestyle block opportunity. Located in Te Mata within 15 minutes drive from Raglan, you would think you are a world away with the peace and tranquillity this property offers. The easy contoured site features an amazing view of Mount Karioi and has beautiful stand of mature Rimu trees which add charm. This is an ‘off the grid’ lifestyle block so would suit alternative power generation options such as solar. This property is in zone for popular Te Mata school and relaxed building covenants apply for your sustainable dream home.
Greig Metcalfe
Chrissy Cox
Kyle Leuthart
Robbie Regnier
Matt Sweetman
Natasha Metcalfe-Black
Vanessa Keith
Jenni Stephens
021 995 071
027 287 1804
021 903 309
021 952 271
021 624 826
027 555 9994
027 621 3619
07 825 7170
Licenced Salesperson Managing Director
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson Manager, Rental Dpt
Accounts Manager
Business Systems Operator
*NB Boundary lines on photos are approximate & merely a guide. All information contained herein is gathered from sources we deem reliable. However we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely upon their own enquiries.
LJ Hooker Raglan (07) 825 7170 • 16 RAGLAN Chronicle
25-27 Bow Street , Raglan • George Boyes & Co Limited Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008