Nga Ripo o Whaingaroa
EST. 1903
Whaingaroa news for you weekly
20th June 2019 - Issue #651
10th to 16th June 2019
kg Bananas
School Feature
Gig Guide/What's on p19
It comes down to choosing the right team! Saturday 22 June
Julie Hanna 027 441 8964
Yana Pemberton 021 183 0479
Sean Mills 027 562 4699
You know us, you trust us. We work for you. Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282
Ray White Raglan
12pm 12pm 1pm 1pm 2pm
52 Cross Street 669b Te Hutewai Road 8 Three Streams Road 16 Simon Road 56 Government Road
Sunday 23 June
Dave Hanna 0276 146 722
12pm 12pm 12pm 1pm 2pm
Raglan Couriers 3 times daily Raglan Couriers 3 times daily morning/midday/afternoon
Local Business Serving Raglan District Since 1996
8 Norrie Avenue 52 Cross Street 669b Te Hutewai Road 8 Three Streams Road 56 Government Road
Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)
Local Business Serving Raglan District Since 1996
Phone 027 221 5395
Cover Making Waves at te Papa Store: Supportour ourlocal localeateries! eateries! Support wa o k u l o d ge @ g m a i l .co m Local surfboard carver Jess Santorik has had her artwork chosen to be Hoursand andspecials specialsbelow. below. Hours displayed at Te Papa in Wellington during Matariki. Full story on page 3.
Aroha Sushi Raglan
Raglan’s original sushi shop since 2003
Open 6 Days. Wednesdays to
TurkishKebabs Kebabson onPlates Plates&&Pitas Pitas Turkish PH: 07 825&&7440 plusbeverages beverages more plus more
Open 7 Days SHACK Thisspace spacecould couldbe beyours. yours. This SERVING HONEST LOCAL AND GOOD FOOD o p e n Email 7 d a ythe s a Chronicle week N O
8am - 4pm
formore moredetails. details. Email the Chronicle for
19 Bow 07 825 002 7
10:30toto9pm 9pm| |29 29Bow BowStSt- -07 07825 8250202 0202 10:30
(07)825 8258761 8761 (07)
Open 9am Open 9am - -7pm Open 9am -7pm 7pm Wed Sunday Wed Sunday Wed - Sunday Closed Mon-Tues Closed Mon-Tues Closed Mon-Tues
Fishn’n’Chips Chips Fish Group Bookings Group Bookings Inside/OutsideSeating Seating Inside/Outside
Phoneorders orderswelcome! welcome! Phone Phone orders welcome! *Fish& &Chips* Chips* *Fish *Fish & Chips* *Burgers* *Burgers* *Burgers* *Weekly Specials* *Weekly Specials* *Weekly Specials* Thestore storewith witha alotlotmore! more! The The store with a lot more
KopuaCamp CampStore, Store,Marine MarineParade, Parade,Raglan Raglan TeTeKopua
RealFruit FruitIce IceCream Cream Real Burritos- -Wraps Wraps Burritos Express Lunch Mon-Fri Soup-$15 -Salad Salad Soup 3x courses VolcomLane Lane Volcom Open Morn Noon Nite & Chilli Open 7 days from 11:30 & Chilli Open 7 days from 11:30 43 Rose St 07 825 0010
7 days ph 825 0010
Raglan’s Phoenix palm trees to be pruned
92Wallis WallisStSt- 07 - 07825 8257544 7544 92
Openfor forDinner Dinner Open Fri&&Sat Sat Fri Open for5:30pm Dinner from from 5:30pm Fri & Sat 248Wainui WainuiRdRd| |0707825 8258233 8233 Breakfast/Lunch Breakfast/Lunch Days 248 66Days from 5:30pm Open7 7Days Daysa aWeek WeekFrom From9am 9am ClosedTuesday Tuesday Open Closed Breakfast/Lunch 6 Days 248 Wainui Rd | 07 825 8233 Closed Tuesday Open 7 Days a Week From 9am
Open77Days Days Open
From9:30AM 9:30AMMon-Fri Mon-Fri From Open 7Days Days SHACK Support our localOpen eateries! 7 SHACK and 9AM Sat and Sun and 9AM Sat and Sun S E SR EVRI VN IGN GH OHNOENS ET S, TL, OLCOACLA LA NADN DG OGOODO DF OFOODO D Waterfrontdining dining Waterfront For advertising enquiries email 8am--4pm 4pm St RoseSt 43Rose 8am 43 indoorand andoutdoor outdoorseating seating indoor 1 9 B o w S t r e e t 07 8 2 5 0 0 2 7 op e ns es v ev e nd d ay ek ek op en en ay s sa aww ee N N O O
1 9 B o w S t r e e t 07 8 2 5 0 0 2 7
0010 8250010 07825 07
• • •
Contact: Administrator Jan Mitchell ph 825 5122
10am - Family ServiceCherished and Children’s Ministry Visitors Thursdays 3-5pm - 7C’s Bible Club for Children
3 Stewart St – 07 825 8276 or 07 825 8028
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aikato District Council will be carrying out routine maintenance of Raglan’s Phoenix palm trees later this month. The palm trees, which are a prominent feature along Bow St, require maintenance every few years. The pruning work has been planned to be carried out between 24-
26 June (weather dependant). Trucks with cherry pickers will be used to do the work. They will be parked on the road so traffic management will be in place. Council apologises for any inconvenience and disruption that this work may cause to the daily traffic flow through Raglan’s town centre. Waikato District Council
for free quotes & quality workmanship
Avatar is a registered trademark Star’s Edge, Inc. All rights reserved.
PHONEPH MARK 0274 912912 911911 A/HA/H 825 825 00690069 MARK 0274 ROB 027 550 6080 EE PH ROB 027 550 6080
R 19/06/2019
WeatherMap - New Zealand weather forecasts
This week's weather is sponsored by The Raglan Project.
For all forecasts check out
1 Wallis St | Ph 825 8881
E 10 am E 5 pm
(High/Low) (Rise/Set) L 05:10 am H 11:20 am R 07:38 am L 05:20 pm S 05:04 pm H 11:40 pm
Sunny and clear skies
Showers with clear spells
E 15 am NE pm 15
L 05:50 am R 07:39 am H 12:00 pm S 05:04 pm L 06:00 pm
Cloudy with Showers
NE 5 am SW pm 10
12:20 06:30 12:40 06:40
am am R 07:39 am pm S 05:05 pm pm
Cloudy with Showers
SW 5 am SW pm 10
01:00 07:20 01:20 07:20
am am R 07:39 am pm S 05:05 pm pm
E 5 am E 10 pm
Raglan Ink Ltd home of the Raglan Chronicle Office Open Mon - Thurs 9.00am - 4.00pm, Wainui Rd, Raglan Ph: (07) 825-7076 Fax: (07) 825-7078 Post: P.O. Box 234, Raglan
01:40 08:00 02:00 08:10
am am R 07:39 am pm S 05:05 pm pm
Sunny with some cloud
E 15 am E 10 pm
02:30 08:50 03:00 09:00
am am R 07:39 am pm S 05:05 pm pm
E 10 am E 10 pm
03:20 09:40 03:50 10:00
am am R 07:39 am pm S 05:06 pm pm
10am Raglan Area School 7pm Te Uku Church Pastor Roger Peart ph 07 825 5199
Buying or Selling your house! Independent and locally owned Give us a call for a free quote.
Rhys Ellison 07 834 1248 & 021 2967 296 Or Kerron Sexton 07 834 1248 & 027 555 4842
Advertising & Articles The advertising and editorial content deadline will be Monday at 12pm week of issue. DISCLAIMER
Opinions and views expressed in the Raglan Chronicle do not necessarily represent those held by the Editors or Publishers. Every care will be taken in the preparation and placement of submitted material but the Editors/Publishers shall not be liable for errors or omissions or subsequent effects due to the same. It is the submitters responsibility to ensure material is not libelous or defamatory. The Editors/Publishers reserve the right to abridge, alter or decline any material submitted to the Raglan Chronicle to meet the constraints of space and/or maintain a reasonable standard of language and decorum.
2 RAGLAN Chronicle
Max temp (C)
*Total significant wave height and *Tide times for Raglan Bar
THE RAGLAN PROJECT ©WeatherMap 2019. All rights reserved. Supplying Raglan with everything you need for your home building project. Call us on 825 8881 or drop in to see us at 1 Wallis St. Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm, Saturday& Sunday 9am-5pm.
Surfboard carver Jess Santorik is making waves at Te Papa store
Also at H.G Webb House, Cnr Boundary & Victoria Streets, Hamilton
MORTGAGE BROKERS Murtaghs Dermot M. Murtagh Jess Santorik with her surfboad art piece outside Te Papa Museum in Wellington.
urfboard carver Jess Santorik’s first exhibition at Raglan Arts Weekend has paid dividends with an opportunity to show her work at Te Papa Store. Exhibiting out of her garage on Wallis St, she joined the 2019 arts weekend with some trepidation. “I really wasn’t sure at first if people would even come,” she says. She and partner Eligh transformed their garage into a gallery, got busy with signage and her first RAW exhibition was a great success with lots of visitors and sales of her Māori-inspired surfboard carvings. And to add to that success Jess was visited by the Te Papa Store buyer looking for artwork to match the store’s new Matariki theme. The piece chosen Nehutai /Sea Spray tells the story of Tangaroa, creator of waves and God of the sea - sending swells to the east and west coast of Aotearoa. “Each line represents a new swell barreling through the lineup, with each hand plaited braid symbolising the offshore sea spray blessing our shores.” More than a million people from around the world visit New Zealand’s national museum every year and the store is one of the first places they see when they step inside. “It’s so huge to have so many people going through and seeing my work,” she says. Jess draws her inspiration from her passion for the sea, surfing, culture and all things Māori, and each piece tells a story. The businesses and individuals advertising in the Raglan Chronicle are participating not only to promote their businesses, but to show their support for our community paper – so be sure to tell them you saw them in the Raglan Chronicle. Local businesses are the foundation of our community - and they make it possible for us to bring the Raglan Chronicle to you. ww
Using recycled raw polyurethane surfboards, Jess sources her materials from surfboard manufacturers from around New Zealand and overseas. As well as carving the larger traditional shaped surfboards, she also does smaller pieces using the broken bits of boards. A world-class surfer, Jess was inspired and taught by legendary surfboard carver Aaron Kereopa. “I’ve remember seeing him at a surf comp, I was so bored waiting for my heats so I would go and watch him work. I’ve always been really curious about art and carving and I was just an annoying little grommet asking him lots questions,” she says. That was 2004, and Aaron took the ‘annoying grommet’ under his wing, gave her some tips and sent her on her way. The former Raglan Area School student has been a keen artist for as long as she can
98a Greenslade Rd, Raglan Ph: (07) 825 8544 Mob: 0274 455 232 189 Collingwood St P.O. Box 1030, Hamilton Ph: (07) 838 3883
remember and says she had the best art teacher Web: Email: in Tania Mills. She now uses the painting skills she learned Over 30 years industry experience free service at school to add depth to her carvings. MP for Taranaki-King Country “I really like how painting really shows up A proud supporter of Rural the carving.” & Provincial New Zealand Over the years, Jess has dipped in and Inglewood Office Te Awamutu Office A 53 Mutu St, PO Box out of the carving – travelling for surfing A 80 Rata St, PO Box 124, Inglewood 4330 302, Te Awamutu 3800 competitions and then motherhood (she’s P 07 870 1005 P 06 756 6032 mum to three-year-old Katja) consumed a lot E Kuriger.Teawamutu@ E Kuriger.Inglewood@ of her time so it’s not until the last couple of years that she has committed 100 percent. “I decided after having Katja I felt like it was time to really follow my passion and see where it takes me. So, I slowly stepped into it and then the Raglan Arts Weekend really got me going.” Janine Jackson
Barbara Kuriger
Funded by the Parliamentary Service and authorised by Barbara Kuriger MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington.
An opportunity for whanau to discuss: social media, gaming and technology.
Keeping your child safe in cyber space
A solutions focused forum.
RAGLAN Chronicle 3
Community Board Monthly Update
Upcoming school production 'Love of a Nightingale'
A monthly column that covers key issues and happenings from the monthly Raglan Community Board meetings. From the Public Forum Road safety and cycle friendly. Issues highlighted again were safety issues at Hills Road intersection, Greenslade and Manukau main road intersections. Concern around Info Centre closure at end of June. There is a tender process underway with WDC. Wallis Street/Wharf area – walkway construction scheduled to commence in June. CBD Gardens. Staff clarified this is funded by general rates out of the Parks and Reserves. Main Agenda Items discussed Wastewater Consent Renewal – a presentation was given by WDC staff and the Beca Consultant regarding the consent renewal in Raglan for 2021. They are initiating engagement with the community moving forward. Stakeholder meeting, Wednesday 26th June, Raglan Town Hall, 7:45pm. Food Kerbside Collection – Xtreme Zero Waste gave an update on their position and their intended crowdfunding drive. They asked for support from the community board. The community board agreed to support Xtreme Zero Waste with the continuation of the Kerbside Food Waste Collection and their crowdfunding. It was resolved ‘THAT the Raglan Community Board rejects Council’s decision to disestablish the foodwaste kerbside collection’ (unanimous). Manu Bay Breakwater – Ken Barry spoke on behalf of Raglan Sportsfishing Club. The community board requested
earing the councillor hat is a 24/7 job, whether I’m at the supermarket, on the sideline at Saturday sports or in the office on Bow Street, there is never a dull moment. Lately there have been some higher profile happenings in town; the unplanting and replanting of our Bow St gardens. To clarify, the money for the upgrade comes from general rates, these are rates collected from ratepayers across the district. I saw Freddie, his team and Kim from WDC working in the gardens and planting. Good timing with the rain coming down this week. Consultation results on the proposed Raglan Food Waste Targeted Rate, resolved THAT Council does not implement the proposed targeted rate and the Raglan kerbside food waste collection discontinue being funded by Council as of the 30 June 2019.
that staff provide any other options and a definitive timeline for action. Public Forum – from August this will change to first item on agenda so council staff are present to answer questions Raglan Naturally Update Next steps to finalising our community plan: Process community feedback on draft plan. Work with Iwi and hapu on the Iwi/hapu chapter and their input into the final plan. Create an action plan for the community aspirations and ideas. Works coming up Warihi Park – entranceway will be widened to 3m for maintenance vehicles. Woodchip and safety surrounds to be replaced. Gilmour Street, work in progress and work will commence when weather is better. Did you know? WDC have an online Request for Service (also know as a CRM). Need to raise an issue for council service? Go to the council website home page and click on the red box ‘Request It’. You can read community board agenda and minutes online for more info. community-boards-and-committees/ raglan-community-board The community board and ward councillor will provide a monthly update in the Raglan Chronicle. Next Community Board meeting: Tues, 9th July, 7-9pm, Supper Room, Town Hall. Raglan Naturally workshop.
AND THAT the Council engage with Xtreme Zero Waste to enable Xtreme Zero Waste to continue providing the kerbside food waste collection service, if they so wish and at their cost, from the 1st July 2019. Xtreme Zero Waste has shown great leadership in their decision to continue our kerbside food waste collection. Come on Raglan we can do this! As a community it is time to take action, not just in supporting the food waste but in calling a ‘Climate Emergency’ for Raglan. We must do this! Watch this space for more information on how you can be involved. Local body elections are fast approaching and nominations open on Friday 19th July; you can stand for Mayor, Ward Councillor or for our local Community Board. If you are interested go online to or alternatively contact me or one of our local Community Board members for a chat or to answer any questions you might have.
Lisa Thomson Raglan Ward Councillor Phone: 07 825 8451 Email: Mobile: 021 179 8256
4 RAGLAN Chronicle
Sequoia is pictured (left) with budding actors Ryan Dingle as Tereus (centre) and Sasha Kirkwood as Procne (right) who both plan to seek careers in performing arts when they leave school.
ear 13 drama student, Sequoia GavinMcCabe, answers questions about Raglan Area School's upcoming senior drama class production 'Love of a Nightingale', directed by drama teacher & Director Ruth Hare How long have you been acting and what has been your most enjoyable role/s to play so far and why? I am proud to say that this will be my sixth year performing in one of Ruth’s productions. All of my roles have been uniquely special in their own way but I would have to say that the most enjoyable so far would be Dorothy in ‘Oz’ three years ago because it was such an amazing experience to work with so many people of different ages and be able to watch it all come together. Plus Dorothy was such a loveable character to embody and playing her really gave me a lot of confidence in my own acting. Tell us about your role in Love of a Nightingale? I play one of the leads, Philomele, in Love of a Nightingale. I’m super excited about this role because it is definitely my most challenging so far and I feel like it has given me the space and opportunity to grow in such a mature production. What can the audience expect from Love of a Nightingale?
Love of a Nightingale by Timberlake Wertenbaker is a deeply moving modern day adaptation of a Greek myth set in Athens and Thrace that explores themes that are still as relevant today as they were 2000 years ago: feminism, being silenced, abuse, power, death, love and war. We have also managed to incorporate some song and dance elements, too. It does contain mature themes so is not suited for children. What message do you want the audience to take away from seeing the play? I think that the messages in the play will speak to each audience member differently but one that will definitely be in the forefront of everybody’s mind is that the themes we are exploring are ones that need to be talked about. They shouldn't be tiptoed around and treated as taboo and even if you feel as though you, too, have been silenced, there is still a way for your voice to be heard. What are your plans next year and will performing have a role to play in your future? Next year I hope to go travelling and then hit the books at uni where I will definitely pursue my love of performing arts. Catch Sequoia in Love of a Nightingale which runs for one night only; Friday 21st June, 7pm at the Raglan Town Hall. Adults $6. High School Students $4.
s l a i c e p S y l k Wee Specials s l y l a i k c e e e Weekly Sp W Broccoli & Blue Cheese Soup $9.5 Served with garlic ciabatta V GF
Calamari $12.5 Broccoli & Blue Cheese Soup $9.5 Fried in a light spice and polenta crumb w a chilli lime dip GF Served with garlic ciabatta V GF Beef N Bean Nachos $18.5Soup $9.5 Broccoli & Blue Cheese Calamari $12.5 Spiced beef, rich tomato chilli, Served with garlic ciabatta V GFbeans served on corn chips w Fried in a light spice and polenta jalapenos & sour cream GF crumb w a chilli lime dip GF Calamari $12.5 Beef Pork Nin Bean Nachos $18.5 BBQ Ribs$22 Fried a light spice and polenta crumb w a chilli lime dip GF Spiced beef, rich chilli, served beans served on corn chips w Slow braised in itstomato juicy sauce over chips & more sauce!! Beef N Bean Nachos $18.5 GF jalapenos & sour cream Spiced beef, rich tomato chilli, beans served on corn chips w BBQ Pork &Ribs$22 jalapenos sour cream GF 2 Bow Street | 07 825 0565 | F @georgesbeachclubraglan Slow braised in Raglan its juicy sauce served over chips & more sauce!! BBQ Pork Ribs$22 Slow braised in its juicy sauce over12pm chips & more sauce!! OPEN: Thursday 12pm -served 9pm Friday - 9pm Saturday - 9pm Sunday 10am - 8pm 2 Bow Street Raglan 10am | 07 825 0565 | F @georgesbeachclubraglan 2 Bow Street Raglan | 07 825 0565 | F @georgesbeachclubraglan
Outdoor education a hit with Raglan Area School students
Raglan Area Students in the Manaaki Ao programme.
aglan Area School students have been getting outdoors and getting academic results with Karioi Project’s NCEA Manaaki Ao programme. The programme, which was piloted at the school in 2017, is inspiring the young conservationists future career choices and helping them grow in confidence and develop leadership and work-ready skills. Year 11 students Brandon Gannaway, Keylin Walker-Pitman and Sienna Hanson, all 15, say one of the best things about the programme is getting out of the traditional classroom setting.
“It’s something different from school and it’s been really fun,” Sienna says. “It’s pretty cool exploring the community around us,” Keylin says. They hope the skills they gain on the programme will provide opportunities for further study and future career choices. “I hope it helps me to get a job, something around biology, diving, field work,” Keylin says. “Getting outdoors has helped inspire my photography,” Brandon says. “I’ve always wanted to do something outdoors with animals,” Sienna says. Tutors Annie Lorenzen, Amber Jones, Bex Eivers and Kristel van Houte have been
Students learn essential skills about conservation and being outdoors. working on marine and freshwater themes, and this included a trip over the harbour to Te Akau, which was a hit with the students. “I really enjoyed going over the harbour in the boat. We went on the beach and lit a fire and cooked some food,” Sienna says. Annie says the students of all levels thrived on the activity-based experiential learning, which encourages them to value their environment. “It was great to see students display the knowledge, abilities and skills they have and that they don't normally get to show. One student was able to discuss traditional methods of catching tuna (eel). He was stoked to be able to teach the teacher and realise the
value of that traditional knowledge in today’s environmentally sustainable world.” Manaaki Ao is run in partnership with the school, Papa Taiao Earthcare and A Rocha Aotearoa New Zealand and aims to develop NCEA students’ skills in sustainable and ecological actions and enable them to earn NCEA credits through hands-on practical conservation activities. In the outdoor classroom the students are introduced to a variety of local environmental issues and initiate and develop sustainable solution to address the issues facing their generation. Janine Jackson
LOVE OF A NIGHTINGALE By Timberlake Wertenbaker Directed by Ruth Hare
PLEASE NOTE: This modern adaption of Greek theatre contains MATURE THEMES. Not suitable for children.
Raglan 12 Robertson Street Modern, sun-filled, superb views - must be sold! Immaculate, modern and sophisticated home perfectly designed with easy living in mind for you and your family in the magnetic town of Raglan. Entertaining with friends and family will be relaxing in the expansive light filled open plan living / kitchen and dining area that flow seamlessly onto the large decks and private rear garden.
For Sale by Deadline Private Treaty (unless sold prior)
11am, Thu 11 Jul 2019 96 Ulster Street, Hamilton View Sat 1-2pm & Sun 1-1.45pm Mark Frost 022 150 2244 SUCCESS REALTY LTD, BAYLEYS, LICENSED REAA 2008
This stunning home has to be sold to make way for our vendors future plans!
RAGLAN Chronicle 5
& local health and wellbeing
news, products and services
D I R E C T O R Y Art Of Change Therapy : Etai Gilad AROMATHERAPY Diane Davies Massage & Aromatherapy... .... ...........................................................021 969 929 web:...........................................www.ddma.
CELEBRANT Robyn Riddle, Weddings and Funerals .......... .........................................................0275560438
COUNSELLING Etai Gilad DHypPsych (UK)........................ Brief
hypnotherapist .....................+64 275 080 577
HERBAL HEALTH The Herbal Dispensary.................07 825 7444 Private Herbal/Naturopathic consultations
HOMEOPATHY Janis Beet Homeopath.................07 825 8004
MASSAGE Diane Davies Massage & Aromatherapy. . ........ ...........................................................021 969 929
YOGA Raglan Yoga Loft.........................021 02442248 Yoga at ‘The Space’...........Above the Yot Club
Classical Homeopath Janis Beet Dip. Hom (NZ) R.C Hom
Karioi Clinic of Homeopathy
78 Upper Wainui Rd, Raglan Phone: (07) 825 8004 Cell: 027 459 8547 email:
Tues 8am
Wed 8am
Thurs Fri 8am 8am
Close 7pm
To contact the clinic, please phone:
07 825 0114
After hours contact: Anglesea Clinic
07 957 4947
0800 611 116
ffering face-to-face sessions as well as online options and occasional workshops, Etai brings over 10 years of experience in counselling/ hypnotherapy to Whaingaroa. Etai’s intention as a therapist is to create a lasting positive change in people’s lives and empower them to continue on their path to happy, free and healthy lives. Etai was born and raised in Israel. After compulsory army service he worked in sound engineering in the music industry. His life changed in his 30’s while journeying with two Israeli mates across Australia on bicycle. Riding 12,000km across the Australian expanse was a pivotal point. Riding in the sun, carrying everything on them, tenting it in the outback surrounded by red earth and
eucalypts. Meeting the land and her people. The explorer-freedom-seeker in him was ignited. There was no turning back. He’s since travelled the world, from the Himalayas and Europe to the lakes of Guatemala and beaches of Mexico. He’s feeling at home now in Raglan, loving the veggie gardens, awesome community and kitesurfing. Etai received his diploma in Hypnotherapy from UncommonKnowledge at Brighton University, England. He’s continually inspired by the science of psychology and it’s progression in recent times, including effective new approaches such as positive psychology, solution-focused therapy, CBT, NLP and the Human Givens. New findings give us a better understanding of the principles of change. Interestingly, this modern knowledge also weaves well with wisdom from ancient traditions.
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6 RAGLAN Chronicle
As a therapist Etai specialises in counselling people to create positive change. This includes helping with depression, anxiety, trauma (PTSD) or any other pressing issue. Each session is different and tailored to meet the client’s own needs. Recently Etai launched a Koha Tuesday initiative. He’s part of a group of local therapists from a different discipline who are aware that in a diverse population like Raglan not everyone can afford full price sessions. They dedicate a day a week to assisting those residents. If you would like to find out more please visit his website : https://artofchangetherapy. com facebook page https://www.facebook. com/ArtofChangeTherapy/ Phone 0275080577.
Exhibition: Dream Time Motion
Dreamy photography from Lenoie Anholts will also feature.
Armin Schmidt with one of his art pieces.
love of Raglan and art has inspired artists Armin Schmidt and Leonie Anholts to share their work in Dream Tide Motion exhibition at the Old School Arts Centre. Running from July 1-31, the exhibition opening night is on June 30 at the Old School from 6pm, with music by Joe Wilson, nibbles and a raffle.
The creative pair describe the exhibition as an ‘exploration of the space and motion that connects us...between dream and consciousness, wave and shore, real and imagined, you and me.’ A photographer and former design student, Leonie captures moments in the surf and surrounds of Whaingaroa. A keen surfer herself, she uses digital and film photography and especially loves the
challenge of only having 36 images on a roll of film to make the moments count. “Using film really slows you down. Everything changes when you are in the surf the waves change, light changes, the surfers are moving – it makes film really interesting and challenging. Then you send the film away and it’s always a surprise when you get it back.” An engineer and community volunteer, Armin paints images inspired by Polynesian and Aboriginal Australians’ art. “Everything and anything that inspires. My trip to Australia gave me the spark that I needed after my parents didn’t really support my creativity. I draw from positive people, skateboarding, surfing, mixed martial arts, yoga or whatever moves me in the moment,” he says. Using acrylic paint on plywood, old skateboards, surfboards, canvas or whatever he can get his hands on, the creative process for Armin is something he needs to release in one time. He sometimes spends hours getting
it right and he can’t leave the work until its complete. “It all has to happen in that moment. As soon as I start a project I will keep going until it’s finished. The trick is knowing when it’s done and when is the time to put the paintbrush down.” The artistic friends say the exhibition is a great way to not only share their work but also to thank people who have supported them and the wider community that influences the direction they have taken with their work. “This is about bringing people together. It not only gives us a platform to follow this dream to have an exhibition but to thank people for the support and encouragement,” Leonie says. The community-minded pair are donating 100% of their raffle earnings from the exhibition to the Kairoi Project and there will be Plastic Free Raglan t-shirts for sale – a collaboration initiated by passionate environmentalist Armin, local graphic designer Ezra André and Luke Hughes from Raglan Surf Co. Janine Jackson
A column connecting with senior citizens in our community. This column is sponsored by Raglan Rest Home and Hospital. Manukau Road, Raglan.
Health in your Hands Winter Solstice Tomorrow is the shortest day and we are almost half way through 2019 and Mother nature has provided Raglan with lots of fine days to brighten up the winter. Even the night skies have been full of celestial light. This year the June Full Moon was seen for three nights called the Strawberry Moon it is named after the short strawberry season in the Northern Hemisphere. Coming from England I embrace the idea of people gathering together during the winter months. Time to celebrate. Matariki is the Māori name of large star which is a part of a Pleiades Star Cluster, known as the Seven Sisters, Their reappearance signals the start of the Māori New Year. The Matariki is a movable festival, due to the appearance of Pleiades in the southern skies. This year it can be seen on the shoulder of Taurus the Bull Constellation from 25 to 28 June, when Matariki will re-appear in the dawn sky. With the Matariki Celebrations in full swing it’s a time to remember those who have passed on, honour the earth and commemorate the Maori New Year. There is a Maori New Year Market on Saturday
the 29th June at the Kokiri Centre 10 until 4 0clock. Winter Harvest The fortnightly Crop Swap has been well supported with lots of produce being shared as well as gardening tips and ideas. The local community has made good use of the abundance of winter fruit and vegetables and for the last three Tuesdays a group of Raglan ladies have made a selection of soups and provided an opportunity for locals to gather together and share a meal, at the same time raising funds to help complete the new building at the Old School. The Horticultural Society also enjoyed a selection of homemade soups for their winter shared lunch. Care and Craft opted for fish and chips for their midwinter lunch, while The Raglan Support Group plan a roast meal for their midyear dinner. Timebank celebrates the Winter Solstices on Friday 21st June with a pot luck dinner. Raglan Community House has their Annual General Meeting at 7 pm Wednesday 26th June, in the RCH Basement Room. Pizzas from 6.45 pm. All welcome.
Phone: 07 825 8306
Street Hall.
Every Thursday Senior Technology 2pm at Raglan Community House
The Knitting Circle meets every Wednesday morning at the Orca Restaurant.
Saturday Club Raglan, at The Raglan Community House 9am
Nia Dance every Wednesday, 9.30 at the Town Hall, first session free.
Crop Swap Sunday 6th Wednesday 10th June Lunch Group, Raglan July and 20th July, at the Bowling Club 9.30 Hospital and Rest home 11am Every Monday Care Light Exercise Monday and Craft, 9.30 at the and Thursday 10 -11 Bowling Club Anglican Youth Hall Raglan Community Horticultural Society Support Group Wednesday 2nd July Tuesday 16th July 11.00 at Stewart Stewart Street Hall RAGLAN Chronicle 7
RAGLAN 16 Cornwall Road Past, Present & Future This recently renovated bungalow is set on over 1.5ha, with stunning views overlooking Raglan. A lifestyle retreat, full of history and character, the house is move in ready and future potential is endless. The sunset views from this home are spectacular! It is rare to find large blocks of land so close to town, like this one. A large portion of this land is set away from the main house, via a second driveway. The views from the top of the section are outstanding, with expansive ocean and harbour vistas from the Bar to Okete. There is also a large implement shed, bore water and fruit trees.
VIEW 12.00-12.30pm, Sunday 23 June
Jono Hutson M 021 488 766 E
RAGLAN 420 Phillips Road Ocean & Orchard This magnificent 225m², five bedroom, executive home, is set on 5.3ha, offering views overlooking the countryside, Aotea Harbour and Schnackenburg Beach. The house, built in 2010, offers all day sun and views from every room, while also providing year round comfort with double glazing, insulation and wet-back fireplace. With extensive plantings of various mature fruit/nut trees (600+) including, macadamia, feijoa, olives, avocados, apples, and citrus trees. The water is supplied through four water tanks, with over 135,000 litre capacity.
$1.249M GST Inclusive VIEW By Appointment Only
Jono Hutson M 021 488 766 E
398 Ruapuke Road
Family Lifestyle Haven This beautiful, four bedroom/two bathroom, 157sqm home is set on a generous 6.1ha. The property is also complimented by a one bedroom self-contained studio, outdoor pool, mature orchard and vege garden. Only 15 minutes on the sealed road from Raglan, you'll find this lifestyle retreat will suit all your needs
$870,000 VIEW By Appointment Only
Jono Hutson M 021 488 766 E
RAGLAN 13 Main Road Raglan Classic • 812m² freehold section, fully fenced • Fully insulated, fireplace + HRV • Mature fruit trees • LIM available A perfect opportunity for both first home buyers and investors
$625,000 GST Inclusive VIEW 1.00-1.30pm, Sunday 23 June
10 Government Road
Detonate or Renovate
This property was sold following a successful three week marketing campaign. First home buyers and local investors were all competing for the property at Auction.
Jono Hutson M 021 488 766 E PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under REAA 2008
8 RAGLAN Chronicle
If you're considering selling - Call me first !!
Jono Hutson M 021 488 766 E Helping grow the country
Regatta Caps a Year of Milestones for Raglan Sailing Club
hen we find ourselves starting to take our beautiful harbour and community for granted it can be eye-opening to see Whaingaroa through the lens of someone else's appreciation. This was the experience of the sailing club recently when sailors from Waikato-Thames, Hamilton and Ngaroto Sailing Clubs came to compete in the Raglan Sailing Club inaugural Regatta. They were completely blown away by the beautiful environment and the friendly welcoming tone of both the regatta the Sailing Club itself. Admittedly the weekend was picturesque, the winds were very light and sails in the drifting fog made for beautiful images that are indelible in the memories of the visitors. Their only disappointment was that they didn't see any orcas. Despite the light winds the regatta was a great success and the Sailing Club is grateful for the support of chief sponsor Burns Co but also would really like to thank the other organisations that supported it including the Yot Club, Top Cut Meats, Soul Shoes, Trek-n-Travel, Karioi Lodge/ Raglan Surf School, Harley Davidson and Raglan Roast. As most Raglan folk will know the Sailing Club has been around for many years located by the foreshore in the safe and sheltered tidal environment of Lorenzen Bay. This provides an ideal haven for the young (and old) to learn to sail but also gives easy access to the shifting winds and tides of the rest of the harbour for the regular sail days and events such as the regatta. That mooring issue Many readers will remember coverage of the Lorenzen Bay and Whaingaroa mooring issue in the Chronicle last year. This has now been resolved in a way that supports the sustainability of the Sailing Club and the bay itself. The club would particularly like to acknowledge the support and encouragement it received from Tainui Hapu o Tainui Waka, Ngati Mahanga and the Regional Council in resolving these issues. Central to the resolution has been the Sailing Club’s long standing commitment to similarly act as kaitiaki and commitment to keep the use of Lorenzen Bay moorings accessible to the local community rather than be taken over by absentee property owners as has happened in many other places. A great year Membership of the club has been on the increase and this has been greatly contributed to by the numbers of young people and adults coming to the learn to sail program throughout the season. Quality coaching at a fraction of the cost of other centres coupled with the availability of the club sail boats is part of the kaupapa of the club which is about making sailing
accessible to everyone in the Raglan community. The learn-to-sail program has especially benefited from the leadership of Raglan/Te Akau new local, Kirsten Moratz. Kirsten is a highly soughtafter professional sailing coach, trained in Canada and having a wide experience coaching in New Zealand including as head coach in Tauranga. In addition to Kirsten the club would like to thank Commodore, Chris Mitchell for his tireless contributions and acknowledge also the support of Gordon Wallis, Race Officer and Director of Waikato Thames Yachting Association Youth Development. Complimenting the club’s collection of 12 Optimas and a bevy of other sail boats the club has, thanks to Gordon, benefited from the presence of the high performance Open Bic sailboats which everyone describes as being “really, really good fun to sail”. Winter activities The Sailing Club has plenty of projects to keep members busy over winter including upgrading moorings, building sheltered racks for the sailboats, fundraising and the usual maintenance of the sailing, support and safety equipment. If you have an interest in helping out with some of the chores get in touch and we will let you know what’s happening Next seasons program Next year promises to be even more successful with revamped learn-to-sail programmes to better target to age and skill levels and, of course, increased numbers for sailing activities. The annual regatta will be held earlier in the season to ensure more consistent wind and warmer temperatures though of course autumn temperatures this year were astonishingly and unseasonably warm. You’re invited to check us out If you or your kids think you might like to join the Raglan Sailing Club or the Learn-to-Sail programme next season you can come down to Lorenzen Bay and check it out at 11.30, Saturday 22nd June (last sail day) or 11.30 on Sunday, 23rd June (last learn-to-sail day). While you are there you can give us your contact details and we will keep you in the loop for next season. Thanks heaps for the support Finally the Sailing Club committee would again like to acknowledge and thank all the helpers, supporters and sponsors including of course Andy of the Yotty, Peter from Raglan Engineering, Tom from Te Mata Quarries, Meridian Energy and Burns Co. Contact Check out Raglan Sailing Club though these links: h t t p s : / / w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / groups/167132310098841/about and Ross Henderson
Issac Raynor enjoys getting the most out of one of the club's Optima class sailoats in light winds.
When the sailing is over there's still plenty to do but there's nowhere members would rather be.
Sailing Club Commodore Chris Mitchell and Coach Kirsten Moratz spend some downtime checking VHF equipment.
Harry Carter very much at home in an Open-Bic.
RAGLAN Chronicle 9
Open Home Top Location, Immaculate Home! - 56 Government Road Raglan
Impressive home - priceless views. This elevated, stunning home boasts the most amazing bird’s-eye views of the ocean and harbour and is a definite north-facing sun trap. The kitchen and living are located upstairs and are light and bright with a spectacular outlook complemented by the Tasmanian Oak timber floors. An extremely warm house with the added bonus of a gas fire to add to the ambiance. Three spacious double bedrooms are located on the first level. The master enjoys the same glorious outlook, complete with ensuite. A large extra room downstairs is complete with a kitchenette and outside bath. Potential accommodation for guests or to be developed for an extra income opportunity. If you are looking for a very low maintenance property with that absolute X-factor this is it. Ample parking and room for the boat. Situated on 546 sqm and just a short walk to Lorenzen Bay and ideal swimming and kayaking spot. All the boxes are ticked here. Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)
4 Bankart Street Raglan
5a Cross Street Raglan 10 RAGLAN Chronicle
View Sat & Sun 2:00pm - 2:45pm
Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282
22b Wallis Street Raglan
6:00pm, Friday 12 July Ray White Office (unless sold prior)
The cold weather is settling in but the market is getting hotter! Give us a call... we are selling away!
Julie Hanna
027 441 8964
Blair Hanna
021 0200 8282
25F Violet Street Raglan
30 Government Rd (Lot 3) Raglan
2 East Street Raglan
Open Home Oasis in Town! – 52 Cross Street Raglan
For Sale
Walk to town in minutes from this fantastic 3 bedroom property. Set on a very private 961sqm section, your very own oasis awaits. A large deck at the front of the home captures the morning sun and looks out over the reserve. In the afternoon, head to the backyard and impress your guests with the well planned entertaining area. Set on two levels, there are two bedrooms, laundry and bathroom on the first floor. Upstairs, the large kitchen and living area is open plan and well suited to family living. The lounge leads off to the master bedroom complete with ensuite. A covered carport and storage area ensure you have plenty of room for all of your toys. To complete the property, a large front yard and raised garden beds give the family plenty of room to explore.
Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)
New Listing Are you looking to escape to a great rural setting and make that lifestyle change you have been dreaming of? This property offers fabulous views of the ocean, Mount Karioi and Raglan’s iconic windmills. A 7817sqm site provides that perfect building site in a quiet rural setting only a 12 minute drive to Raglan’s cafes and all amenities, with the bonus of the Golf Course just down the road. Enjoy the best of both worlds, being part of a vibrant village community and the paradise of rural living. Our committed owner is on the move and requires a sale. Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)
View Saturday & Sunday 12:00pm - 12:45pm
Sean Mills 027 526 4699
669b Te Hutewai Road Raglan
New Listing For Sale
30 Government Road (Lot 1 & 2) Raglan
Lot 1 – North Facing with Water Views A great north facing section comprising 1275sqm. No restrictive covenants. Subject to title.
Price By Negotiation
Saturday & Sunday 12:00pm - 12:45pm
Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282
Lot 2 – Views and Family Living Elevated in a stand-out position with spectacular views right across the harbour. This is what you have been waiting for! Split over two levels with 2 bedrooms upstairs and 1 bedroom downstairs complete with its own living facilities. The main living area upstairs has commanding views of the harbour and opens out onto a deck overlooking the garden. Subject to title. Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)
For Sale
Lot 1 – $430,000 Lot 2 – $850,000
View By Appointment
Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282
RAGLAN Chronicle 11
T E M ATA S C H O O L N E W S Te Mata School Cross Country
Young Emily Gaustad came first in her year.
his term Te Mata School had their annual cross country event on the 16th of May 2019, and it was a huge success. All the kids ran their hardest and tried their best to win.
There was a great turn out of parents, friends and family that came to support all of the children and watch them race. At first the weather was a bit miserable but the year 7 and 8’s still ran. Once they had run their race the weather started to look up so the junior school came out and ran their races. The 5 and 6 year olds ran one lap of Mr Lester Adams field located next to the school down Church Lane. 7,8,9 and 10 year olds ran two laps of the field and the 11 and 12 year olds had the hard task of running 3 laps. On Friday 24 May 2019 a selected group of runners from Te Mata School went to Waitetuna School, along with Waitetuna School, Raglan Area school, Te Uku School, Rotokauri School and Horotiu School, to compete in the inter school cross country. Special thanks to Mr Mark Macleod, Mrs Linda Holmes, Emma Snowden who made the day possible and to Amy Hanna who managed to produce some amazing face paint. Overall we had an amazing day and can’t wait to come back next year! Special mention to the 4 Te Mata girls that got a place in the inter schools, Jayla Waitere 2st, Abi Meyer 3rd, Emily Gaustad 1st and Milla Taggart 2nd. Written By Abi Meyer
Te Mata’s amazing new staff member, Tessa Randrup
his term Te Mata has an amazing new addition to our staff, Tessa Randrup. Tessa is currently working on Monday’s & Friday’s with some of our special needs students in Ruma Whai.
Tessa is unique, bubbly and dynamic, she interacts and works well with all of our students. Q. What are your hobbies and interests? A Being in the ocean, surfing, creating with friends and I also love Yoga, it makes me feel really peaceful. Q. What are your goals? A. To continue to learn so that I can be true to myself and be able to help others, and to fly like Jonathan Livingston! Q. Would you like to become a teacher one day? A. Yeah! At the moment I’m experiencing different environments to see where feels good. Q. What is it like working at Te Mata? Te Mata is this incredible intimate space, I get to meet all these beautiful friendly children. They are themselves. 12 RAGLAN Chronicle
Te Mata Students attend the New Zealand Young Leaders Day
Our young leaders standing outside Claudelands Events centre!
elcome back Whaingaroa, this term I will be speaking about the New Zealand young leaders day, a day-long event which inspires, motivates and encourages younger children to be whoever and whatever they want to be.
Our school sent 5 students ( Emma Gott, Maia Holland Smith, Maria Grilli, Bella Storie Palmer and Isaac Limbert) and a teacher aide ( Emma Snowden.) We finished off the day with a breathtaking performance by New Zealand rapper Kings! Let's have a listen to what some of our young leaders have to say about this inspiring day! Q. Who was your favourite speaker and why? Maia: Ronnie Taulafo, I liked him because he was funny, and he travelled quite a distance to inspire and motivate us.
Emma: I think Ronnie Taulafo was my favourite because he had this amazing element of fun and it was really interesting because he came from a really rough background. Bella: Ronnie Taulafo was my favourite speaker because he was so inspiring and his life was really hard but he picked himself up and he made the most of it. Q. Did you learn anything new and who from? Maia: I learnt from Hana Tapiata that you don't need to worry so much about what people think of you, and that we are stronger together! Emma: I learnt from Dr Lehan Stemmet that when you can see all these little particles shining through the window in the sunlight that it is all dead skin. Humans shed 1 layer a month. Bella: I learnt from Christian Gallen that you should never eat dog roll even when you think it is luncheon. Written by Maria Grilli
Taylor Hanna’s Cancer Relay
ur very own Taylor Hanna has agreed to participate in a Cancer Relay. Last term she raised an estimate of $260 by selling Cillipo mini ice blocks to the students at Te Mata school and little more from busking.
They remind me how joyful life can be. Learning so much from them and the amazing teachers. Q. When you were intermediate age who did you look up to? The people I would meet out in the ocean. Q. Who inspired you to be a teacher/ teacher aide? A. I think nature inspired me, I get so much appreciation of life and I just really feel like I needed to share this experience with Tamariki. By Femka Wylie
Taylor is doing a cancer awareness campaign called Relay For Life. She is such a great role model for our younger students. She had planned to raise all the money for 2 months . “ My mum ( Amy Hanna) said we should join relay for life because she was already doing it with her friends and she was wondering if we wanted to join, so Cass and I agreed ” Taylor recounts. Cancer is such a deadly illness, we are so grateful that we can help those in need . Taylor is an inspiration to everyone, and that just proves to everyone out there in Raglan, that the smallest thing can make the biggest difference to those in need. We can only imagine how many people Taylor, Cassidy and Amy Hanna are helping, and they couldn’t have done it without the motivating support and donation of all the anonymous and identified donations. Written By Nina George
Waitetuna's senior class camp.
ast term Waitetuna school - senior class went on a wonderful class camp. It was a 3 day camp. We stayed at Papamoa Pacific Holiday camp.
Experimenting With Amazement
- warm=cold. Then we were free to do whatever we wanted for one hour. We had lots of fun on the activities. After the activities we went to do team building exercises. Then we retreated back to our camp. Day 3: We travelled back to the water park. They taught us Waka Ama. We floated down the river, but due to our unorganized paddling we got stuck in some trees and bushes hanging over the edge. We finally paddled back up the river and made it to the dock. After that we got to choose any of the water activities. Georgie was nearly sent flying into space on the Blob. We were all sad to leave. But it was a camp we’ll all remember! By Naomi & Orion.
Waitetuna students enjoy the science road show.
Street school. Scientists mixed certain chemicals together to make cool reactions.
On the first day we went to Mt Maungatautari mountain sanctuary. The bush is surrounded by a 47 km pest proof fence. The whole class climbed up to a tower in the sky. It wasn’t literally in the sky, but it was as high as the tree’s in the top canopy, so the birds were flying around us, which was pretty cool. Once we got back down we were greeted by seven Kaka. We even got to see a family of Takahe, and we went looking for Tuatara. We found three - two older ones and one baby Tuatara. Day 2: We went to the Waimarino Water Park. We started of with a swim test to make sure that we could swim well enough for the river. Then we had a lecture about safety and things we could not do, including banned “swear” words - cold, freezing and can’t. So we just used our newly learnt code
Inspiration For Young Leaders
entre for National Young Leaders Day. The theme of the day was “ He Aha Te Kai A Te Rangatira, He Korero He Korero He Korero” What is the food of a leader? It is conversions.
National Young Leaders Day.
There were many inspiring speakers like - Ronnie Taulafo, Hana Tapiata, Christian Gallen, Dr Lehan Stemmet and Kings. All spoke at some level on that topic. In our opinion the most informative speakers were Hana Tapiata and Dr Lehan Stemmet. Hana taught us to listen to our inner voices, the good ones - not the bad ones. Dr Lehan Stemmet is a psychologist. He told us that there is no we in me but there is a me in we. In other words, the leader is part of a team. The most entertaining was Ronnie Taulafo. He told us about his life and how he became a host on the TV show What Now. He basically walked us through his life - moving to Australia, being in foster care going to a detention camp, then moving to New Zealand! He also showed us a video from when he went back to Samoa and a funny parody he filmed in What Now. He Aha Te Kai A Te Rangatira? He Koreo He Koreo He Koreo. What is the food of a leader? It is Conversions. By Cyra, Naomi, Shannon, Katie, Georgie and Orion.
n Thursday 2nd of May, the senior class went to Rhode
Our favorite experiment was when they mixed powder into a liquid and it foamed up like elephant toothpaste. It was bright pink and blue and really foamy. There was also lots of little stations around the hall, that you could go play with and learn about. There was a bed of nails, that you could lie down on. Even our teacher tried it out. And there was also a very cool large bubble maker, where you can stand in a small baby pool and a person makes a giant bubble around you. We had lots of fun and learnt a lot of new things about science. By Katie and Georgia
New Playing Court
ver the first term of 2019, Waitetuna School has fundraised money to resurface and re-line our Tennis, Basketball and Netball court.
We think Waitetuna may have made their first court before 1960. About 10 years ago the old court was last relined, and now in 2019, we have decided to resurface and reline our courts.
We couldn't have done it without Meridian, Waikato District Council and The Waitetuna Wind Farm Trail Run. We fundraised so much money to supply our school with this new court. The Wind Farm fun run has really helped our school with painting and putting new lines in our pool and now our courts. Over the last few days all the children have loved playing on our new court!
RAGLAN Chronicle 13
Curious Minds take Students on Zoo Trip to Explore Zoology
Students checking out virtual reality goggles at Kihikihi Space Centre.
ecently, E2 and I2 went to the Kihikihi Space Centre to learn more about their space from enthusiast Dave Owens. Dave started by showing us inside of the space centre and viewing a few small clips about living in space. Then he started to talk about the moon landing. One person was a moon landing conspiracy theorist, but fortunately, Dave had a few facts up his sleeve. When the presentation came to an end, one group stayed behind to test out the Virtual Reality goggles. "It looked so real, and when you looked behind you, space was all around you, not just in front of you. It was actually quite freaky," said student Isabella Waitere. They also tried completing activities while wearing space gloves,
like screwing a bolt into a nut. "It was impossible to do anything because they were so thick that it was hard to actually move your hand," commented Isobel Peart. In the main centre, it was time to explore the space museum. A row of computers loaded with games and space facts were swarmed by students. In the back room, a TV sat in the corner screening videos about space. A long line of children clustered around a small, rocking, space shuttle. A collection of space items were displayed against the walls, such as space suits from various countries. It is definitely worth going to visit Dave at the Space Centre, the Year 5 and 6 students learnt a lot from this experience. Sol O’Loughlin
Sea Dogs
Raglan Area School year 9-10 Hamilton Zoo visit.
n Friday the 7th of June, the Curious Minds team took the Year 9-10 students to the Hamilton Zoo.
There were three classes from RAS attending this trip in total, all scheduled for different days. Whaea Ari's class was the first class to depart to Hamilton last week, then Matua Joe’s, then Matua Te Whaiwhaia’s. The group met at class for roll call and karakia, and then gathered outside the office where their ride to Hamilton - Raglan Shuttle - were waiting. After a reasonably short ride to Hamilton, the senior class made their way out of the shuttles and through the doors to the Zoo. We were then led by a Curious Minds member into a small classroom decorated with bizarre and interesting things - ranging from snake skins to baby turtles. A member of staff introduced us to the Zoo and the conservation work they were doing there.
The Sea Dogs crew at Ngarunui Beach.
very Wednesday, a few brave teachers take a small group of Year 7 to 10s down to the beach to carve up some waves. Sea dogs is a pretty chill group of kids who go down to the beach every Wednesday to have a fun time surfing. Before we leave, we have to choose a surfboard and pack it in the van. Given that there are only about 10 surfboards, and on a sunny day we have about 20 kids, it often leads to arguments. When we arrive at the beach, the kids pile out of the van and into the changing room - or should I say the chatting rooms because everybody chats so much! Once everybody is in the wet suits we start the long descent from the car
14 RAGLAN Chronicle
park all the way down the huge hill to the beach. Out there in the waves, it is awesome, all the kids from your school surfing with you and the best part is that there are almost always some pretty gnarly waves. Almost every week, when there have been good waves, someone inevitably breaks a board or snaps a leggy. As you come back up the hill to the car park it is torture, and when you finally make it back to the van, everyone is tired and ready to go home. The chat on the way back is always a lot more tired than when we started because we're worn out from our great time surfing. Harper Peart
E1 students making robots.
Afterwards, the students were free to explore and observe the objects and animals the room contained. Then the proper exploration began. Everyone filed out of the classroom and started to look around the zoo itself. They were wowed by everything, from the tiny monkeys and birds to the huge and dominating tigers. Photos were taken and the students laughed as the animals showed off their stunts and tricks. After a thorough look-around, everyone assembled near the cafe to be split into two groups for the most exciting activity - the animal encounters. One group went down to feed the gibbons, while the other group went over to the rhinos. It was truly an amazing experience to pat something as big as a rhinoceros. This trip was both entertaining and fun, and the encounters were completely unexpected and a great addition to the trip. Ayla Standley (photo and writing)
tudents from E1 have recently been learning time management by making robots with Whaea Aroha. Whaea Aroha told us to go home and collect all the junk from our bins and Kaahu’s Nest then bring it back into school. A whole bunch of things were brought back the next day, everything from old jars, computer parts, kitchen utensils, medicine bottles... you name it, we had it! We started making our robots with bright ideas and a bunch of hot glue guns. It took around two sessions. We started on a plan with our parts in front of us, then stuck them together with blue tack. The next day we got into work. There were a lot of burnt fingers, but everyone enjoyed it. When we were done, they all looked so cool and we were all really proud of our work. After we constructed our robots, Whaea Aroha challenged us to go further, like making a diagram in te reo Maaori, accurately measuring the weight, height, and length of the robot and creating a 15-second video of our robot. Some people got all of them done, others got stuck on the first one….time management sure is a challenge! Isabella Waitere and Ayla Lindfield (photo and writing)
TE UKU SCHOOL NEWS Te Uku Seniors Adventures Continue Friday Fun area. It is called the Horse Paddock because years ago it used to be where children who rode horses to school tied them up for the day.
Te Uku Senior Camp caving.
very Friday, if it’s not pouring with rain, the Junior Discovery goes down to the Horse Paddock. This is our school native bush
This is our time to play, explore, try new things and challenge ourselves in nature. There is a stream running through it that some of the kids like to clean out and play with the sticks. This can get very muddy. Others learn how to look after nature by picking up any rubbish that they find there. We say it’s good to learn about nature by playing! We get to go up to the school garden where there are lemons and apples growing that we can eat, and a huge magnolia tree to climb. Some kids like to build huts and make and eat imaginary ice-creams! The Junior Discovery even find avocados. We like how it’s big and how it’s got lots of places to explore. The trees and bushes are cool and shady to play under. We like how you can have adventures exploring in the horse paddock! Sometimes it can get windy and the birds sing beautiful songs. We find epic treasure in the horse paddock! We plant different types of plants and learn how to take care of them. We love the native trees and plants and often hear the birds chirping as we walk around the track. It is a special place to us because not that many schools have a Horse Paddock like ours! By Remy Grant, Emma Marshall and Olive Duirs (Year 4)
What do children think about climate change?
in the Horse Paddock
e Uku School senior students have planned an adventurous year of epic outdoor experiences from whitewater rafting, to skiing and surfing. Last Friday, we ventured into the ancient Te Pahu caves. Everyone was prepared for a cold experience, wearing thermal clothes and raincoats. Harry, from Raglan Rock, was continually informing us of the challenges we were about to face as we entered. Entering the cave, with stories of moa bones found and recent collapsing caves, our hearts were pumping with exhilaration and we couldn’t wait to get deeper in. We were trudging our sloppy shoes through water most of the time and stepping over rocks of all different shapes and sizes. We learnt all sorts of facts as we went further into the ancient limestone caves. We learnt about calcium bentonite, which is a silky mud that is really good for your skin - so we covered our faces in it. So many people challenged themselves, even though they had fears of tight spaces and creepy crawlies.
We had a fascinating time, seeing so many glow worms and big stalagmites and stalactites, which grow one centimetre every 100 years. There was even a room called “the auditorium” which was huge, we sang our hearts out. We were so loud it sounded like there were 100 of us underground. I would 100% do this again, so would our class! Written by Emma Roughton
Te Uku School Rockstars
Band practise at Te Uku School
Te Uku Students talk climate change. Frankie: “Human actions have changed the weather and I am angry.” Katie: “I think it's sad because polar bears die!” Ivy, Jade, Bonnie & Giorgia: “The current rate of climate change is bad and we should take action to try and stop it.” Havana: “I think it is sad because animals and people are losing their homes.” At Te Uku School this term, we have been learning all about what it means to live and work sustainably. To help us understand this better we have been investigating the United Nations Global Goals for Sustainable Development. The year 5 & 6s have been focusing predominantly on Climate Action, by challenging themselves to think about what they can do on an individual level and what effect each action and decision they make
can have on our climate. Some students have chosen to limit their use of plastic products this term, while others are investigating their use of fossil fuels to explore the concept of thinking globally and acting locally. During this investigation, we have learnt lots about many wonderful people such as Greta Thunberg, a Swedish teen who spoke at the UN about our need for climate action. At 15 years old she marched on parliament to illustrate the immediate action necessary to combat climate change. We felt inspired by her courage to stand up and take action, we hope that together we can inspire others to take action too. Written in collaboration with Indi Ruka, Ava Wood, Havana Field, Satori Van Staden and Kiri Banks Year 5 & 6
uring Friday lunch times, some students from Te Uku School go down to the hall to do band practice. The band currently has five members; Nadia on lead vocals, Diego on electric guitar, Finn on bass, Rya on keyboard and Conor keeps the beat on the drums.
We found that being part of a band had more challenges than just learning songs. Rya found that it was difficult to play while listening to Nadia sing. For Nadia it was challenging to project her voice so that she and the other band members could hear it. Diego worked hard to stay in time with everyone else and Finn tried his best to not look at his bass.
When the band got better and better, they practised more often. Mr Johnson was very helpful to give up his lunch time to teach us the song ‘Sunday Morning’ by Maroon 5. When Mr Johnson saw that we were ready to show an audience, he organised for us to play it at a school assembly. People gave us lots of comments like, “Nadia you could of sang louder”, “Great job, your band is growing a personality of its own”, “I liked the whole thing just I couldn’t hear everything clearly”. We really enjoy playing together as a band and can’t wait to learn a new song and perform again. By Rya Ruka and Nadia Lennon (Year 4)
RAGLAN Chronicle 15
Coworking space Raglan HQ turns one!
Raglan Bowls winter tournament
avourable weather bought a full field for our second winter tournament.
aglan HQ, the high-end coworking space at 13A Wallis St, recently celebrated its first year in business. Workers at the shared office have enjoyed building an inclusive, dynamic culture in this bright and open space. It has become the perfect hub for freelancers, small business owners and employees wanting to cut the commute. Within this network of over 20 diverse colleagues, business collaborations, ride-shares and spontaneous fruit-picking all coexist in one place. The eclectic group of people who share the space range from financial advisors to fencing businesses, from lawyers to auditors and researchers to excavation specialists. Raglan HQ owner and manager Hayley Willers says starting up the shared office in Raglan has hugely benefited the work, life balance she struggled to achieve when she was commuting to Hamilton. “Avoiding the commute two days a week gives me extra family time, plus the opportunity to go for that morning run that I can never fit in (or hit snooze a few more times). The unintentional networking that comes from working in a shared space has been an added bonus” Hayley laughs. Rag;an HQ marketing manager Francesca Dodd says her productivity has increased tenfold since starting work at the coworking space.
3.Fritz Team (Pirongia) 3 wins We are still holding regular roll ups on Wednesdays and
Results were: 1. Laurie Roycroft (Te Awamutu) 4 wins, 55 points for 2. Dennis Menuing Team (Frankton Railway) 4 wins, 48 points for
Saturdays starting at 1pm. Small fee applies. Darryl Hawkins, Sectretary Raglan Bowling
A look inside Raglan's co-working space, Raglan HQ, located on Wallis St.
GinWeek Club
MACS RANGE 330ml Bots 6pk
JIM BEAM OR CANADIAN CLUB 4.8% 440ml Cans 4pk
WOODSTOCK EXTRA 7% 250ml Cans 18pk
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16 RAGLAN Chronicle
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CARLSBERG 330ml Bots 15s
If you’re wondering what all the fuss is about, come and try out this diverse community of workers, all enjoying the flexibility that the HQ’s shared office-space offers, with options ranging from a casual desk a day a week, through to a more permanent space you can call your own full time. Prices start from just $35 a day for a fully serviced office space, including meeting room access, internet and printing, tea and coffee and so much more. Email to book a free trial day. Raglan HQ
“The camaraderie that comes from working in a shared space, alongside the productivity that comes from having a dedicated working space entirely separate from home - is hard to beat,” Francesca says. Lucretia Bird uses it as an office to complete her saves her from having to travel in to the University of Waikato. “I love the HQ, it’s upbeat, social and quiet all at the same time, we are spoilt for choice for lunch retreats and I arrive home to my family with a warm feeling, knowing I got all of my tasks done without leaving my seaside paradise,” she says.
PRICES VALID MON 17TH – SUN 30TH JUNE 2019. All specials may not be available in some stores. No Trade Sales.
WOODSTOCK BLACK 7% 330ml Cans 10pk
$ 99
4699 $2599
DIESEL 7% 250ml Cans 18pk
Opinion: What about a brain work out ?
n this new technology-driven world, we are surrounded by fast information that requires minimal concentration. The popularity of books has decreased over the years as other forms of digital leisure entered into people’s life.
We often find ourselves scrolling down a social Media page with not much interest however a need to be connected to this world. The imaginary has taken a step back as we have let ourselves drown into this brimming notification’s network. People have been seduced by these fast-paced ways to get information that comforts the mind however limits a too deep reassessment. With the rising popularity of digital media, another tendency appeared in the modern world; Life has become a busy multitasking environment, filled with a precipitated need to achieve everything in the briefest lapse of time. The soothing feeling of reading literature brings the mind to a vivid state. Devoting time
like Charlotte Brontë, Herman Hesse, Jane Austen, William Somerset Maugham; And yet we keep discovering new masterpieces brought by modern authors like Toni Morrisson, Yuval Noah Harari, Stephen King and J.K Rowling. Books may reflect a generation and a culture, a moment in history, an important scientific discovery or may be a work-ofimagination designed by the creative mind. In addition to expend our creativity, the knowledge of words acquired by reading books is a prodigious tool to express ourselves lucidly in a world where communication is omnipresent. Books have been empowering people with knowledge and ideas for centuries and have Makos allowed D 1-1 & L 0-5 Paige Browne children and adults around the globe 6th Grade 30-25 Neels, Te Aio Puru, Georgia Walker. Spratz L 0-1& W2-0 Dallah Shade towinescape intoWillisthe astounding and inestimable Squids L 0-1& L 0-4 Rion Weston-Arnold 7th Grade win 70-55 Zoe Marshall, Leo Peacocke, Francis. imaginary EvenMcleod with Grayson all the benefits Karioi Kahawai W 4-2 &world. D1-1 Taylah and attention to longer and deeper content Seahorses & L Kasidy 0-8 Furnace, Indie Heasman literature reading isBaylin notBell. always the 8th Grade draw 45L 1-5 allprovided, Baylin Bell, exhibits profound neurological effects. Stingrays D 1-1 & L 1-4 MacCallum Ongley favored occupation. Reading anything that fills our mind and 9th Grade win 65-5 L 4-6Hunter Tonga-munns, Hammerheads Zaviah EyreKaiden Rossiter, Zara Wilson Omnipresent technology remarkably exposes you to new words appears10th to Grade have Morays D 4-4 Vincent Renfree loss10-95 Jai Waterhouse, Flynn Pemberton. distracts people from devoting time to read a Great Whites W 6-0 No PoD lots of mental benefits. The mesmerizing Mermaidsbook. L1-2 Tayne Warren, Chanelle Davidson-Small 11th Grade win 29-0 Chaz Whyte,recent Brae Wilson. Smartphones are quite in society world of words provides us with the ability Snappers L1-2 Oscar McGowan and therefore it explains the lack of research 12th Grade loss 0-60 Kade, Tua, Reef. to step outside ourselves, to be submerged in Whale Tails L0-8 Matilda Hodgson & Sydney Duston on their effect term. Kinas L 0-9 on the Ezralong Cheesman somebody else's mind for a moment; increasing Threasher Shark L 5-6 studies No PoD The few on the matter concluded empathy and emotional intelligence. Maui Dolphins W 3-0 RJ Rendle with similar outcomes; cautioning extensive Regular readers may see improvements Orcas D 2-2 Ella Rawley & Hariana Williams-Hutchins screen time, especially for children. So what in their capacity to retain and process Seastars L 1-2 Grace McGregor & Meila Clarke Tsunamisabout weL 1-3 Harry our Carter smartphones, close put down information and, in the long term, prevent certain brain illnesses like Alzheimer. Studies our laptops, shut off the television and rest our show that reading books also helps reduces eyes from the numerous screens that surround stress allowing your muscles to relax and us. Let’s pick up that book sitting on the shelf slows down your breathing. Books are indeed the best remedy against waiting to be read. Let ‘s allow ourselves to insomnia: Calming the body and distracting disconnect from technology for a little while the mind from any worries. However, let’s and reconnect to that wonderful way of not get fooled by its relaxing effects; Reading feeding the mind with words, knowledge and has been proven to be more neurologically imaginary. “The more that you read, the more things challenging than speaking or processing you will know. The more that you learn, the images, being an excellent brain work-out. We have been privileged with the more places you’ll go.” — Dr. Seuss existence of great writers throughout history, Gabrielle Dumberry
D 1-1 & L 0-5
L 0-1& L 0-4
L 0-1& W2-0
Karioi Kahawai
W 4-2 & D1-1
L 1-5 & L 0-8
D 1-1 & L 1-4
L 4-6
Paige Browne Dallah Shade
Rion Weston-Arnold Taylah Mcleod
Indie Heasman
MacCallum Ongley
Zaviah Eyre
D 4-4
Vincent Renfree
Chanelle Davidson-Small
Great Whites
W 6-0
Whale Tails
Oscar McGowan
Threasher Shark Maui Dolphins Orcas
Matilda Hodgson & Sydney Duston
L 0-9
L 5-6
W 3-0 D 2-2
L 1-2
L 1-3
No PoD
Ezra Cheesman
No PoD
RJ Rendle
Ella Rawley & Hariana Williams-Hutchins
Grace McGregor & Meila Clarke Harry Carter
6th grade
35 - 30 win
7th grade,
70 - 80 loss
8th grade
60 - 30 win
9th grade
25 -15 win
Te Aorangi Simon, Tod Max Murphy,Te Aorangi Simon.
10th grade
85 - 10 loss
Blake Pemberton, Jai Waterhouse, Jai Waterhouse
11th grade
12 - 24 loss
67 - 10 win
POD/TOD/ROD/OppPOD Ollie Jackson, Jack Bourke,Georgia Walker. Keiran O'Brien, Harry Jackson, Cody Smith. Jamie Moss, Keith Bird, WillIiam Walker
Rapata McRoberts-Maihi, Max Parrott, Riley Hartgill x 2
Reef, Benny, Tupuna, Manaaki, Crosbie.
Karioi Dolphins
loss 17-22
Karioi Tuis
won 21-11
Karioi Ferns
loss 4-33
Karioi Orcas
loss 15-17
Karioi Mini Ferns
won 10-8
Karioi Rangatahi
won 25-31
Karioi mini stars
won 18-11
Karioi Maunga Wahine
loss 23-29
Karioi Hine Moana
loss 16-41
RAGLAN Chronicle 17
QUICKFIND Directory: your local trades guide CONCRETE SERVICES
Concrete Cutter
• Felling & removal • Fully insured • Hedge trimming • Pruning, shaping, thinning • Stump grinding
Windows • Doorways • Hole Drilling Decorative Cutting • Expansion Joints Kerb Crossings • Cowshed Alterations Removal of Concrete Structures etc Floor Sawing and Grinding
Phone Rob Short 0274 846 124 or A/H 825 0246
FENCING • • • •
Contact for FREE QUOTE
mobile 021 263 8698
RAGLAN ENGINEERING LTD Agents for: Honda Power Equipment Ryco Hydraulics/Fittings Kumho/Hankook/Cooper & other tyres BOC gas
Specialising in New Builds, Maintenance and Drainlaying. Nick Heasman Phone: 021 058 2140 Email:
NATE’S RATES ON ALL HOME MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS, INCLUDING: Aluminium windows, doors & hardware Glass • Decks and alterations
027 767 5379
Contact Peter on 825-8486 or see him 8am-5pm at 2 Park Drive, Raglan
Monday - Friday 12.30pm – 5.00pm Saturday & Sunday 10.00am – 5.00pm
RaglanEngineeringAd.indd 1
4/10/07 3:17:13 PM
No drop offs after 4.30pm please
Christie Carpentry
hOUse BUiLDer anD renOVatOrs
paul & robyn Christie
tel: (07) 825 8366 paul: 021 188 0447 - robyn: 021 177 DIG5201 199c te papatapu road, rD2 te Mata,PREP raglan email: LAY Driveways/ Landscaping Concrete foundations Silo/feed pads • Concrete cutting Small digger hire/excavation
021 734 356 |
027 4979 116 or 07 825 0214
Builders Mix • Cement • Firewood Drainage Metals • PVC Pipe • Novaflo Pea Metal • Sand • Pavers • Compost Fertiliser store • Pea Straw • Hay Bales Barks • Mulch • Chook Chow TOPSOIL • RAILWAY SLEEPERS Plant Nursery • Truck Deliveries Free Customer Loan Trailers HIRE EQUIPMENT: Compacter Concrete Mixer • Post Hole Borer fin d u s on facebook!
SUPPORT OUR SUPPORTERS! The businesses and individuals advertising in the Raglan Chronicle are participating not only to promote their businesses, but to show their support for our community paper – so be sure to tell them you saw them in the Raglan Chronicle. Local businesses are the foundation of our community and they make it possible for us to bring the Raglan Chronicle to you.
18 RAGLAN Chronicle
What's On WED 26 JUNE - RAGLAN RAMBLERS 9am from James St near Wallis St - beach walk.
Courses, classes & workshops PEGGY LEE P A I N T I N G C L A S S E S Come and have fun learning to paint in my studio. My current students are all beginners and have progressed well with my tuition. I am a qualified teacher and practicing artist. Classes are Monday afternoon and Wednesday evening. But I am open to other dates and times if you prefer. Text / phone 022 370 6586.
Brrrr, chill out with...THE RAGLAN LIGHT E X E R C I S E G R O U P S E S S I O N S Monday & T h u r s d a y . 10am to 11am. St Peters Hall. Everybody is most welcome to attend. *Sponsored by RC * * * * * * * S O M AT I C S , KUM NYE, M E D I TAT I O N & BUDDHIST P H I L O S O P H Y. Starting June 25th Classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. All welcome.
Situations Vacant
Gig Guide THUR 20 JUNE @ THE YOT CLUB: Earshot with Cian DJing from 9. Vinyl only, hip hop funk soul. Free pool. Free entry, outside fire, food from ULO’s. FRI 21 JUNE @ THE YOT CLUB: Closed
SAT 22 JUNE @ THE YOT CLUB: Sh.t Hot Punk Rock - Local legends The Clap - support Dogbox, Silver Surfer, Tusk. Huge night, maximum underground Rock n Roll $15. Free pickup & dropoff 0279683333
Commercial to Let
Public Notices
Contact Gary Kite
4005 SH23, Raglan Ph: (07) 825 6560 Mob: 022 622 9005
- Peace & tranquility - Surfing, fishing, bush walks - Cabins, powered sites, tent sites PH 07 825 6800
Do you love being really busy at work; utilising your exceptional clinical skills; making a real difference and working with a great team that values a sense of humour and flexibility as we do? Raglan Rest Home and Hospital is a 34-bed, privatelyowned facility that holds a wide variety of contracts. Our first audit under new management returned a full compliance result with four years certification – we plan on maintaining this high standard. Raglan Rest home and Hospital is small enough to be able to adapt to the changing needs that arise but large enough to keep busy. We have great links with the Community resulting in a variety of people coming in and out of our family home style facility. We are seeking a Registered Nurse with a real passion for aged care and all the variety and challenges that this sector offers and can embrace our motto of “Loving Hearts, Caring Hands” It doesn’t matter whether you are a night-owl wanting to work night shifts either full or part-time or a Registered Nurse who will work on a rotating roster across all shifts. If you would like to discuss this exciting role then please do not hesitate to contact Maree on 021619960;07 8258306;
PART-TIME ADMINISTRATOR To cover 4 months maternity leave. Two set days per week with flexibility to cover other days if needed. Email: or call Lyn at 07 825 0123 for more information. RAGLAN ROOFING LTD IS SEEKING A FULL TIME ROOFER. Must have a min 3 years relevant experience, full set of own tools, full drivers license and vehicle. For a job description please email: or 0211351801. Closes July 7.
F I R E W O O D DRY - DELIVERED Pine $180 2m x 2m Phone 021 077 1524
FLUE CLEANING & LOG FIRE INSPECTION $115 I also do all flue, log fire repairs and new installations. Phone Mark on 07-8298103 / Cell 021457342
a ta m i ra . c o. n z Women’s Knitwear S. A. L. E. + Denim Jeans added to Sale Rack Just Another Fisherman MENS merino knitwear
In My Good Books Quality 2nd hand books Open Thurs - Sun from 10am 2 Wallis St Books wanted.
Services Offered
MASSAGE THERAPY WITH BELINDA EHRLENBACH at the Albatross Collective from Saturday 1st June. Ph: 027 356 3656 SPECIAL FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE: Winter Warmer Foot Bliss 30 minutes | $30
• Household supply • Swimming pools • Spas
Waikato District Council has prepared a summary of decisions requested by persons making submissions on the Proposed Waikato District Plan – Stage 1 for five additional submissions that were omitted in the first set of summary of decisions requested (which was publicly notified on 29 April 2019). The availability of the summary of the five additional submissions is being publicly notified in accordance with clause 7 of Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991.
Situations Vacant ASSISTANT COOK & FULL-TIME FISH CUTTER required at Raglan Fish on the wharf. Experience preferred. Phone Mark 0274935144
The additional summary of decisions relate to the following submitters and submitter numbers: • Mark Fendall [122]; • KiwiRail [986]; • Koch Farms Limited [985]; • Turangawaewae Trust Board [984]; • Waikato-Tainui [286].
Are you our real estate weekend receptionist star?
Corrections Corrections have also been made to the summary of decisions requested as notified on 29 April 2019. To see a list of the specific submission points where the summary of submissions have been corrected, and for details of the nature of the corrections made to the summary, please go to
Ray White Raglan is looking for a weekend reception/ administrator superstar. Our perfect person would:
The availability of the corrected summary of the submissions is being publicly notified in accordance with clause 7 of Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991. The corrected summary of submissions can be found on Council’s website and at Council’s offices and libraries listed below.
4 be a great all-round communicator, and have first class customer service to our office visitors and team members as their primary focus
Closing date for all further submissions now extended
4 have a good level of competency when it comes to all things computers and standard software packages
Consequently, the timeframe for receiving all further submissions on the Proposed District Plan – Stage 1 is extended. Further submissions must be received by Council no later than 9am on 16 July 2019.
4 enjoy being busy doing a wide range of office tasks – and learning a whole lot of new things along the way
The summary of all decisions requested, including the additional and corrected summaries, and all original submissions (including the five additional submissions) can be inspected from 18 June 2019 at: • Council’s consultation page:; • Council office in Ngaruawahia (15 Galileo Street), Huntly office and library (142 Main Street), Raglan office and library (7 Bow Street) and Tuakau office (2 Dominion Road) during normal opening hours; • Council libraries in Ngaruawahia (4 Jesmond Street); Te Kauwhata (1 Main Road,) and Tuakau (72 George Street) during normal opening hours.
4 be happy to work on your own and maintain a proactive approach We are looking for someone who can work weekends and public holidays, with some flexibility around your working hours and days to suit changing demands. We offer a fun work environment with good remuneration for the right person. Please send a cover letter and your CV to
The following persons may make a further submission in support or opposition to an original submission: • Any person representing a relevant aspect of the public interest, and • Any person that has an interest in the Proposed Waikato District plan – Stage 1 greater than the interest that the general public has; and • The local authority itself.
The Cancer Society is appealing to the community for an enthusiastic and organised volunteer to coordinate the Daffodil Day street collection in Raglan. The area coordinator will need to be available on Friday 30 August and commit 20-40 hours in the weeks leading up to the event to help promote Daffodil Day in the local community. The role could be held by an individual or shared by a group or club. Volunteers will receive full training and support. If you, or anyone you know, are interested in coordinating the Daffodil Day appeal in Raglan, email: or call 0800 22 77 44.
NEXT GAME: Saturday 22 June Raglan vs Te Awamutu Marist Kickoff: 2:45pm at Castleton Park - Field 1
Summary of five additional submissions
Further submissions must be in writing and include all information contained in Form 6. Further submissions can be made online at Alternatively, the further submission form can be obtained from any of the Waikato District Council offices or libraries listed above or downloaded at Further submissions can be lodged at one of the following addresses for service: • Online via: • By email to: • By post to: Waikato District Council, Private Bag 544, Ngaruawahia 3742 • By delivery to: Any of the Waikato District Council offices or libraries listed above. Any person who lodges a further submission with Council must, within 5 working days of doing so, serve a copy of the further submission on the person(s) who made the original submission(s). This notice is given under clause 7 of Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991 on 18 June 2019. G J Ion Chief Executive
Services Offered
RESULT OF LAST GAME: Saturday 15 June Raglan vs Whatawhata Loss 66 - 19
Public Notice of availability of additional summary of decisions requested on Proposed Waikato District Plan – Stage 1 and extension of time for all further submissions on Stage 1
Situations Vacant
* * * * * * * For Sale
0800 492 452
RAGLAN Chronicle 19
Open Home
Open Home
Open Home
Open Home
10 Kaitoke Street
5 Puriri Street
Cute & Sunny & Near the Harbour Get ready to love this cosy and very tidy 2 bedroom beach bach or ideal first home which is conveniently located right next to the native bush track around scenic Kaitoke Bay with easy access for kayaking and paddleboarding just a hop, skip and a jump away. The well maintained home has fully fenced grounds, a sunny deck and a light filled lounge as well as a modern well equipped kitchen. An under house storage area caters for the kayaks and watersports toys, lawnmower and tools. If you have mid to late $500,000’s to spend then it’s a ‘must’ to view this property. Call Kyle today!
‘Classic Charm’ meets ‘Modern Seaside Design’ Stunning is what comes to mind when you see this charming character 3 bedroom bungalow located a few steps to the water which has been stylishly modernised and features an ultra modern kitchen, polished heart Rimu flooring throughout, double glazing and full insulation. The water views across to Aroaro Bay are just simply divine and the rear entertaining and BBQ area is something out of the design books with its large deck, covered dining area and industrial riverstone outdoor fireplace. The garage has a cosy sleepout serving as a 4th bedroom perfect for guests. Properties like this seldom become available. Buy right and buy location.
Deadline Contact Email View
Auction Contact Email View
12pm 3rd July 2019 Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 Sunday 1 - 1:30pm
1pm 22 June 2019 on site Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 Saturday 12:30 -1pm
Open Time
189 Pond Road
30b Cambrae Road
Peace, Privacy & Park-like Grounds In the same family for 47 years this property is just stunning and spans over a flat 5.48 acres which is beautifully presented and offers an absolute haven for bird life. The grounds have been lovingly planted with a huge variety of colourful specimen and amenity trees, established shrubs and flowering plants along with a few original mature Rimu and Kahikatea. The country home features a 3 bedroom, 2000 built Initial home which enjoys views of the park-like grounds. There’s a double garage for the tools and ride-on mower too. Potentially a buyer may wish to explore using the beauty of this property for weddings and functions.
Large Section with NO Covenants This large residential section of 1424m² with NO land or building covenants to restrict your plans is a MUST VIEW! The sheltered and near level valley site has a concrete driveway access with some established trees and could suit a variety of uses whether your plan is for a place to park your holiday caravan or perhaps build your first home or even a place to park that special tiny house project. Electricity, telephone and town water are conveniently installed at the boundary for easy connection. Located very close to the Lorenzen Bay just a 5 minute walk away for safe swimming & beachwalks.
Deadline Contact Email View
Deadline Contact Email View
1pm 3rd July 2019 Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 Sunday 2 - 2:30pm
10.07.19 Unless sold prior Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 Sunday 12 - 12:30pm
61b Government Road
31b Government Road
A Position in Government Conveniently located, this north facing home is well presented. With three bedrooms & one bathroom the modern kitchen is fully equipped for functionality. An open plan style offers indoor/outdoor flow to the large deck featuring a stylish pergola. Low maintenance established grounds provide privacy. Cox’s Bay is just a stroll away for safe swimming via Daisy Street. With a single garage & carport this property sits on a fully fenced ½ share of 1214m².
Ideal First Home or Investment Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to enter the Raglan property market! This tidy 3 bedroom home will tick a lot of boxes, featuring a private courtyard, great under house storage and insulated to comply with the new regulations. The 524m² (approx) section is fully fenced, low maintenance with potential for further landscaping and includes good off street parking, even enough room for a boat. There’s a bus stop very close by and it’s walking distance to the wharf, harbour and town. We haven’t had properties at this level for a while and this is excellent buying! So don’t delay in contacting Stephen or Michelle to view.
For Sale Contact Email View
Open Home
$599,000 Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Saturday 12 - 12:30pm
For Sale Contact Email View
$529,000 Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848
19 Simon Road
31b-2 Government Road
Kiwi Quarter Acre Dream This well cared for home is a rare find with its large, 1009m² section. It features open plan living flowing out to a good sized deck for outdoor relaxing and entertaining. The bedrooms are both doubles with wardrobes and the master has access to the deck also. The section has plenty of flat lawn for kids to play plus attractive established trees at the rear with a small stream providing a haven for bird life and plenty of scope for the keen gardener. Come along to an Open Home or call Chrissy to arrange a private viewing.
Step into the Market with Character First home buyers and investors make sure this super property is top of your list to view. The cute 3 bedroom home includes character features with polished timber floors and high ceilings giving you an extra feeling of space. Perfectly situated in an elevated position on the section and featuring a generous, partially covered deck area to extend your living. The land area of 428m² is low maintenance and provides great off street parking for cars, trailers and a boat. Ample under house storage is perfect for the kayaks, surfboards and general gardening tools. There’s a bus stop very close by and it’s walking distance to the wharf, harbour and town.
For Sale Contact Email View
$629,000 Chrissy Cox - 027 287 1804 Sunday 1 - 1:30pm
For Sale Contact Email View
$539,000 Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848
Chrissy Cox
Kyle Leuthart
Michelle O’Byrne
Stephen O’Byrne
Robbie Regnier
Matt Sweetman
Natasha Metcalfe-Black
027 287 1804
021 903 309
021 969 878
021 969 848
021 952 271
021 624 826
027 555 9994
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Raglan Property Manager
*NB Boundary lines on photos are approximate & merely a guide. All information contained herein is gathered from sources we deem reliable. However we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely upon their own enquiries.
LJ Hooker Raglan (07) 825 7170 • 20 RAGLAN Chronicle
25-27 Bow Street , Raglan • George Boyes & Co Limited Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008