Raglan Chronicle

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Whaingaroa news for you weekly

Nga Ripo o Whaingaroa

15th November 2018 - Issue #622

Dedicated to supporting our local community.

Community Cash

Raglan 16-18 Bow Street, Raglan. Open 7am – 9pm, 7 days. Phone: 825 8300.

Owned and operated by locals


The Long Pursuit


Garden Ramble


Gig Guide/What's on p15

Brand New Listing Clarry’s Cottage 4 Point Street (Lot1) Raglan

First 2019

• 3 bedroom home • Sustainable materials and off-grid poewer • Situated on 1500 sqm

Saturday 17 November 12pm - 349 Wainui Road 12pm - 73b Maungatawhiri Road 1pm - 2a Simon Road 2pm - 41 Lorenzen Bay Road

6:00pm Fri 11 January 2019

Sunday 18 November

Unless sold prior

12pm - 349 Wainui Road 1pm - 42 Kaitoke Street 1pm - 2a Simon Road 2pm - 1 Mahana Place 2pm - 61 Ferguson Road 2pm - 30 Main Road

Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282

Ray White Raglan I 21 Bow Street I Raglan I 07 825 8669 I rwraglan.co.nz

Raglan Couriers Raglan Couriers 3 times daily 3 times daily morning/midday/afternoon morning/midday/afternoon

Local Business Serving Raglan District Since 1996 Local Business Serving Raglan District Since 1996

Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

RAGLAN Chronicle 1

Cover Support our local eateries! Hours and specials below.


Friends of Wainui Reserve 25th Anniversary: Spade-wielding nonagenarian Betty Rawley – sporting a wide-brimmed sunhat and patterned gumboots – planted a flax firmly into the ground to mark the milestone, cheered on by a good turnout that included a few former ‘Friends’ who had envisioned the park back in November of 1993. Full story on page 4.


This space could be yours. Email the Chronicle for more details. info@raglanchronicle.co.nz

Turkish Kebabs on Plates & Pitas plus beverages & more

We need you to fill out the Raglan Naturally Community Survey!

10:30 to 9pm | 29 Bow St - 07 825 0202

(07) 825 8761

Phone orders welcome! *Fish & Chips* *Burgers* *Weekly Specials*

Open 9am - 7pm Wed - Sunday Closed Mon-Tues

The store with a lot more!

Fish n’ Chips Group Bookings Inside/Outside Seating 92 Wallis St - 07 825 7544

Te Kopua Camp Store, Marine Parade, Raglan

wa o k u l o d ge @ g m a i l .co m

Real Fruit Ice Cream Burritos - Wraps Soup - Salad Volcom Lane & Chilli Open 7 days from 11:30

248 Wainui Rd | 07 825 8233 Open 7 Days a Week From 9am

Breakfast/Lunch 7 Days



open seven days a week N O

1 9 B o w S t r e e t 07 8 2 5 0 0 2 7

Open 7 Days 8am - 4pm

Filling out the survey will help shape future direction and development including: housing, zoning, parking, youth, tourism, connectivity & roads, environment & water quality, and community & council relationships.

Open for Dinner Fri & Sat from 5:30pm

Open 7 Days From 9:30AM Mon-Fri and 9AM Sat and Sun 43 Rose St 07 825 0010

Fill it out online at raglannaturally.co.nz

Waterfront dining indoor and outdoor seating

You can also pick up surveys at the Library, Raglan Community House, Info Centre, Xtreme Zero Waste, Lions Op Shop, Te Uku Store, Schools: Raglan Area, Te Uku, Te Mata, and Waitetuna, and other stores in Raglan.

The Avatar®Course ‘‘The mantra of awareness is not Om; it is Aaah!”

Final day for submissions: 30 November

Nōu ko te rourou, nāku ko te rourou, ka ora ai te hapori — Together, your input & my input will strengthen and enhance the community

Harry Palmer author of the Avatar materials

For more information contact: Cam 021 529 765 camkay@xtra.co.nz www.theavatarcoursepacific.com

Avatar is a registered trademark Star’s Edge, Inc. All rights reserved.


For more info contact: Gabrielle Parson (Coordinator), raglannaturally@gmail.com Raglan Naturally includes: Raglan, Ruapuke, Te Mata, Te Uku, Ohautira, Waitetuna.



• •

This week's weather is sponsored by The Raglan Project.



10am - Family Service and Children’s Ministry Thursdays 3-5pm - 7C’s Bible Club for Children Visitors Cherished

3 Stewart St – 07St 825 8276 or 07 825 8028 3 Stewart - 07 825 8276

07 825 8064 0274 968 417 hawkenandco@hotmail.co.nz PO Box 130, Raglan

1 Wallis St | Ph 825 8881


WeatherMap - New Zealand weather forecasts

For all forecasts check out www.weathermap.co.nz




10am Raglan Area School 7pm Te Uku Church Pastor Roger Peart ph 07 825 5199


• quality new homes • alterations / fencing/ decks • plan service available 20+ years building in Raglan for free quotes & quality workmanship PHONEPH MARK 0274 912912 911911 A/HA/H 825 825 00690069 MARK 0274 ROB 027 550 6080 EE robthebuilder@xtra.co.nz PH ROB 027 550 6080 robthebuilder@xtra.co.nz

Raglan Ink Ltd home of the Raglan Chronicle Office Open Mon - Thurs 9.00am - 4.00pm, Wainui Rd, Raglan Ph: (07) 825-7076 Fax: (07) 825-7078 Post: P.O. Box 234, Raglan

Max temp (C)







Showers with clear spells


E 15 am N 5 pm



Mainly fine with possible showers


NE am 10 SW 5 pm



03:50 10:00 04:20 10:50

am am R 06:03 am pm S 08:06 pm pm


Sunny with some cloud


NW 5 am W 15 pm



05:00 11:00 05:30 11:50

am am R 06:02 am pm S 08:07 pm pm




N 5 am W 15 pm


H 06:10 am R 06:01 am L 12:10 pm S 08:09 pm H 06:40 pm


Showers with possible thunder storms



Cloudy with Showers



Cloudy with Showers


R 1.3


01:00 07:10 01:10 07:30

am am R 06:01 am pm S 08:10 pm pm

E 10 am E 15 pm



01:50 08:10 02:00 08:20

am am R 06:00 am pm S 08:11 pm pm

SE 20 am SE 10 pm


L 02:30 am R 05:59 am H 08:50 am S 08:12 pm L 02:50 pm

N 10 am NW pm 20

Email: info@raglanchronicle.co.nz

*Total significant wave height and *Tide times for Raglan Bar

Advertising & Articles The advertising and editorial content deadline will be Monday at 12pm week of issue.

©WeatherMap 2018. All rights reserved.

DISCLAIMER Opinions and views expressed in the Raglan Chronicle do not necessarily represent those held by the Editors or Publishers. Every care will be taken in the preparation and placement of submitted material but the Editors/Publishers shall not be liable for errors or omissions or subsequent effects due to the same. It is the submitters responsibility to ensure material is not libelous or defamatory. The Editors/Publishers reserve the right to abridge, alter or decline any material submitted to the Raglan Chronicle to meet the constraints of space and/or maintain a reasonable standard of language and decorum.

2 RAGLAN Chronicle


(High/Low) (Rise/Set) H 03:00 am L 09:00 am R 06:04 am H 03:20 pm S 08:05 pm L 09:50 pm

THE RAGLAN PROJECT Your local home and building project supplier. Call us on 825 8881 or drop in to see us at 1 Wallis St. Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm, Saturday 8m - 4pm, Sunday 9am - 1pm.

Rangitahi bridge linking peninsula to mainland Raglan opens soon

MORTGAGE BROKERS Murtaghs Dermot M. Murtagh


98a Greenslade Rd, Raglan Ph: (07) 825 8544 Mob: 0274 455 232 189 Collingwood St P.O. Box 1030, Hamilton Ph: (07) 838 3883 Web: murtaghs.co.nz

Email: murtaghs@xtra.co.nz

Over 30 years industry experience

free service

Also at H.G Webb House, Cnr Boundary & Victoria Streets, Hamilton

Asphalt surfacing and a pou designed by Kawharu Greensil will complete the Rangitahi bridge project, due to open early next year.


he bridge that leads to the Rangitahi project is due to open early next year with a karakia by local iwi. Awaiting asphalt surface and the installation of pou designed by Kawharu Greensill, Rangitahi Marketing and Communications manager Sophie Peacocke says the bridge opening is a huge milestone for the project. “It means the Raglan community and beyond will be able to access the peninsula, including people who have purchased land there, which is pretty exciting for the project. The landowners will be able to begin building their homes.” The pou represent turuturu – the pegs used to string the cloak across during the weaving process - and the zig zag pattern on the bridge represents the cloak and signifies the two pieces of land coming together. Sophie says the bridge was completed pretty much to schedule with only a onemonth delay while council and project contractors Fulton Hogan nutted out some of the finer details.

The bridge is two-lanes with pedestrian and cycle access. The footpaths are 2.5m wide and act as shared spaces to link to the walking tracks around the peninsula. “We wanted to encourage people to get out walking or cycling rather than using their cars, especially on the weekend they can walk or cycle into town,” she says. Work started on November 6 to upgrade Opotoru Rd and connect it to the bridge and this will continue through summer and is expected be completed in six-months. The intersection of Opotoru and Wainui Rd will also undergo a transformation with a median strip for turning, the addition of a 'pedestrian refuge’ for crossing safely, and the diagonal parking outside Raglan Roast Food Department will be reduced to two parallel parks and three parallel parks added to Tahuna Ave. “With the construction of the subdivision - earthworks, roading and landscaping - we are now into our second construction season due to delays mostly to do with wet weather. The construction resumed in October and will continue for approximately six-months over the summer. In five to six months’ time

the subdivision will be looking really awesome. We hope to get the landscaping completed during the planting season next year so that it will establish well.” As part of the consent conditions all subdivision construction vehicles must use Te Hutewai and Bensemen Rds for access, this does not include homebuilders, who will have access to the bridge. Stage one, comprising 88 sections, is sold and stage two - opposite the golf course -made up of 28 lots started selling in March with 12 lots already sold. Concerns surrounding the increased demands on the Wainui Rd one-lane bridge due to the Rangitahi development as well as increasing visitor numbers is being addressed by Waikato District Council in the Long Term Plan 2018-28 with a view to replace with a two-lane bridge. At this stage, an estimated replacement of this nature would cost in the region of $15 million. A decision on the bridge is due in 2021 with the design/construction scheduled to take place 2023-26. Janine Jackson

Barbara Kuriger

MP for Taranaki-King Country A proud supporter of Rural & Provincial New Zealand A 80 Rata St, PO Box

Inglewood Office

Te Awamutu Office A 53 Mutu St, PO Box 302, Te Awamutu 3800

P 06 756 6032


07 870 1005

E Kuriger.Inglewood@


Kuriger.Teawamutu@ parliament.govt.nz

124, Inglewood 4330


facebook.com/BarbaraKurigerMP barbarakuriger.co.nz

Funded by the Parliamentary Service and authorised by Barbara Kuriger MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington.

RAGLAN Chronicle 3

Panorama of Raglan 2019 calendar on sale


he ‘Panorama of Raglan calendar 2019’ is now in Raglan Bookshop on Bow St, Whaingaroa Organic Kai in Electric Lane, Bow St Gallery and Te Uku Store. The price is still $15, as it was when the 2009 calendar started off the publication.

The calendar again has 28, A4 pages of photos of Raglan from various angles and of the countryside around, most taken by Raglan Ramblers on their weekly walks. This year is different, in that it's the first year profits aren't going to Friends of Wainui Reserve. They decided to let another good cause benefit this year, so profits will be going to Kaiwhenua Organics Charitable Trust. Kaiwhenua has been helping people learn work skills and growing organic food for over a decade at their Whale Bay nursery. Their salads mainly go to The Shack and SuperValue and their book, 'Kaiwhenua Organics – A Guide for Organic Growing', is still on sale in several places.

Telephone: 825 0114 After hours: Anglesea Clinic Healthline

07 858 0800 0800 611 116

OPENING HOURS: Mon Open 8am Close 7pm

Tues 8am 7pm

Wed 8am 7pm

Thurs Fri 8am 8am 7pm 5pm


Hospital midwives at Waikato, Thames and Tokoroa hospitals who are members of the MERAS midwifery union have issued a notice to strike twice a day for two hours from Thursday 22 November until Wednesday 5 December.

Flax planting, reminiscences as bush park milestone celebrated A flax-planting ceremony at Wainui Bush Park on Monday morning celebrated the 25 years of hard work and dedication the ‘Friends of Wainui’ have put into making the idyllic native reserve – dubbed Raglan’s best-kept secret – what it is today.

Spade-wielding nonagenarian Betty Rawley – sporting a wide-brimmed sunhat and patterned gumboots – planted a flax firmly into the ground to mark the milestone, cheered on by a good turnout that included a few former ‘Friends’ who had envisioned the park back in November of 1993. Now, all up, 25 astelia or silver sword flaxes are planted beside the park pond to mark that quarter century it’s taken the ‘Friends’ – all of them volunteers – to fully develop the 10 hectare site. Betty was one of the first involved in transforming the once overgrown farmland, which had been destined for grazing if the then Raglan County Council had its way. She told the 30-odd ‘Friends’ and others seated near the pond and fountain that “one of my earliest memories is of the Maori’s huge potato plantation there (in the clearing),” adding how she must’ve been very young then. She remembered the first walking track being “at the top of the ridge” where flaxmill workers from Kopua Pa used to camp. A few other original volunteers reminisced on construction of the bush park back in the day. Felix Davy, now nearly 90 and living back in Hamilton, remembered designing the millennium pond and fountain. He recalled building it was a group effort: he did the stonework while former ‘Friends’ stalwarts Peter Weiss, Seth Silcock and Maurie Bowditch mixed the concrete. The quartet also built four bridges across the stream, dug out walking tracks and planted thousands of native trees. “We did a hell of a lot of work here,” Felix said proudly. The pond had been a swamp, a quagmire, he recalled. And rocks from the site were all dug up, wheelbarrowed and placed where they are today. Current ‘Friends’ member Kathy Gilbert – who visits the park every day, watering plants and the like – said the haven created reflected the nature of those who worked on it over the years. “You can feel a lot of love went into the planting.” By 2001 more than 13,000 trees had been planted by the volunteers.

Betty does the honours at the Bush Park.

‘Friends’ committee chairman John Lawson – a volunteer for the past decade, who turned up with the original minutes book in hand – reckoned there’s been “quite a lot” planted since then during fortnightly Monday morning work sessions. John thanked ‘Friends of Wainui’ members, past and present, for their commitment over the years along with that of others like environmental group A Rocha, which since 2009 has helped control predators in the park and surrounding reserves.

He also acknowledged the support of Waikato District Council, which was represented at the gathering by Raglan reserves team leader Noel Barber and open spaces team leader Duncan MacDougall from Ngaruawahia. “It’s only possible because you all help,” he said. Edith Symes * If interested in becoming a member of Friends of Wainui, the AGM will be held at the bush park gazebo on Monday November 26 at 10.30am.

This does not affect Lead Maternity Carers (LMCs). Our priority is the safety of women and infants and we have plans in place to ensure women can access the services they need and are kept safe during the strike. No women will be turned away from our delivery suite. We expect the main impact on our maternity services to be the postponement of some ante-natal clinics. We will contact those women directly. If you have concerns or questions please contact your midwife

4 RAGLAN Chronicle

Felix alongside the pond and fountain for which he did all the stonework, with current 'Friend' Walter Rapana (right) at Monday's gathering.

Wainui Reserve before it was transformed in to the Bush Park Reserve.

Take control of your fitness and get active with Sofit T his week the Chronicle caught up with local personal trainer and fitness consultant, Sophie von Huben, to get some info about her popular fitness classes.. Tell us a little about yourself: My name is Sophie von Huben for those of you that don't know me I am a fully qualified Personal Trainer and Group Fitness consultant. It was the Raglan Surf Academy that brought me to Raglan nearly 19 years ago, and I have been a part of this amazing community ever since. For the last year I have been running my Personal Training and Group fitness business here in Raglan. Some of you may have seen me with my awesome Bootcampers down at the Kopua Domain for Sunrise or Sunset training sessions! Tell us about your fitness classes? When we are not training outdoors you will find us at my SOFIT studio on Wainui Rd (414 first driveway on the right after the beach turn off). We will be putting a sign up soon, so you can't miss us! There we run awesome Strength, HITT and Cardio circuit sessions, working on building overall muscle strength

Sophie's studio can be found

414 Wainui

Road. Image//Geraldine Burns

and endurance and improving your cardiovascular system. We have just released our BOXBABES sessions where parents can bring their little ones along, and our awesome BODYFORCE class hits our timetable next week. Are there other classes you offer? I have also collaborated with Bethany Lyons, fully qualified yoga teacher from The Space, and fully qualified Polestar Pilates trained and Physiotherapy Masters graduate Tessa von Huben to make our awesome Ying and Yang Trio collective sessions. I have also been very fortunate

to have had the opportunity to have worked alongside and be trained by Tom Wellby from Whale Bay Fitness. Tom is an exceptional athlete and trainer - Raglan is lucky to have someone with so much experience and knowledge and I loved all the amazing years of fitness classes in which I was introduced to the TRX suspension system that I now use in a lot of my training sessions. How can people take part in the classes? If you're interested in training with us for either personal training needs or to join a group fitness class or collective session, please

Sophie has a range of classes she runs from her studio. Image//Geraldine Burns

contact us on 0220447122 or via our Facebook page. We offer $7 Group Fitness Trial classes for first timers and we have

summer PT specials running. https://www.facebook.com/ sophvonhuben.fitness/ http://sofit.simplybook.me/v2/

Christmas cakes raise money for Old School Arts Centre new build S pread some Christmas joy in more ways than one with the Old School Arts Centre’s Christmas cake fundraiser for the new Creative Space building. Clay shed coordinator Susanne GiessenPrinz says the Christmas cakes are the gifts that keep on giving as friends and family will enjoy the delicious home-baked cakes in a beautifully crafted clay pot long after the cake is eaten. “This is a wonderful way for the community to get behind the new build and also they will have a beautiful gift to give this Christmas.” Handcrafted by local potters Sarah Bing and Hope Didsbury, the pots each have a unique design and come with a beeswax cover that can be reused. Construction has begun on the Creative Space building, which will provide additional capacity to meet the needs of Raglan’s growing community The new build is a two-level, multifunctional space with the second-level space nearly doubling the size of the current theatre

room to cater for meetings, drama, theatre, music and other physical art forms. The ground level will house a new space for the popular clay shed with a separate kiln room and a sorting and storage space for the Raglan Lions’ Op Shop. The total cost of the project is $488,000 and Susanne says thanks to a lot of hard work by volunteers, amazing support from the Raglan Whaingaroa community and donations from several community funders, including a $150,000 grant from the Lottery Grants Board they now have $375,000 towards the project. “Buying a Christmas cake is a great opportunity for the community to continue supporting the new build. The cakes and pots make beautiful gifts, especially for those tricky people you just don’t know what to buy.” Janine Jackson Orders in by Saturday, December 1 for pick-up or delivery by Wednesday, December 19 to sarah.marie.bing@gmail.com or 022 606 5220.

Sarah Bing, Cairo Bing and Susanne Giessen-Prinz are spreading some festive joy.

RAGLAN Chronicle 5

We’ve said goodbye to Single use plastic bags. #P LASTIC A INT M Y B AG Fresh NZ Beef Sirloin Steak



See in-store for details


$ 99


$ 00

$ 00

Schweppes Flavours Soft Drink 1.5L

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Check out our range of reusable bags, or feel free to bring your own bags.



$ 99



Alpine Mild/Colby/ Edam Cheese 1kg


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Owned & operated

by locals

SuperValue Raglan: 16-18 Bow Street. Ph 825 8300. Open 7am!–!9pm, 7 Days.

For inspiration visit

SuperValue.co.nz |

While stocks last at SuperValue Raglan only.

6 RAGLAN Chronicle

Please drink responsibly

as I have had some personal experience of how inflexibility and resistance to change can be destructive. I can understand people’s resistance to some of the changes he mentioned. As he says: “Not all of this is good”. None of us feels totally comfortable when our own safe little boats are rocked and we are challenged to think in different ways. I love Alan’s advice that we should “manage change so that we minimise the negative impacts of it and embrace AND leverage the positive aspects that change brings”. I certainly believe this and try to act in this way. And now I hear you ask: “How long has she lived here then?” It is only 2 years now, and there isn’t a day that goes by when I don’t feel grateful and privileged for the opportunity to be a part of this warm, embracing and (mostly) accepting community of residents-both short and longstanding ones. I am, by definition, a local already, but am happy to earn my stripes by engaging with the people and contributing to the community as much as possible, until I can truly call myself a local! Yours sincerely Robyn Riddle

Dear Editor Further to an article put in your paper earlier (not sure of date) about how properly trained council operators are in the use of chemical sprays. It would appear from the picture that they may be trained in pointing the spray gun and squeezing the trigger but it would appear they do not know what they are spraying. The lawn at the edge of the road was mowed regularly by me and kept

tidy, and now 80% is burnt off leaving just a scratchy bit to cross the road for and keep tidy. And just look at the mess behind the manicured lawn that they should have sprayed. What a waste; not only the petrol that I paid for out of my pension but in the spray that I paid for in my rates. Trained operators! They would be better training monkeys, who I think would do a better job anyway. Regards, C. Hobson.


12th to 18th November 2018

Dear Editor I would like to affirm and thank Alan Fink for his letter to the Editor, in the Chronicle of 8 November. I agree wholeheartedly with what he said. When I looked up the meaning of the noun ‘ a local’ in the dictionary, it defines it as “a person who lives in the particular small area that you are talking about”. This is a simple definition which does not imply a period of time that one has had to live in this area, or suggest that anyone who does live in this area for an extended period of time, is any better or has any more rights than one who has recently moved there. This is not to say that I don’t believe that people living in a certain place should love that place, and fully embrace it by contributing to the community in some positive ways. Ultimately, I would say that this behaviour is one that earns people the right to call themselves locals, rather than the time they reside in the community. (And yes, maybe the bridge-jump too-although that is not a sight I would want to subject anyone to, so possibly I won’t earn that badge!!) Alan’s comments about change really resonate with me

Popular garden ramble event sees White Ribbon: It’s locals open their gardens to public OK to ask for help


ll around New Zealand communities have been forming working groups of volunteers who are Champions for the National Message: Family Violence It’s Not OK Campaign. The National message also promotes It is OK to ask for Help (0880-456-450).

The Horticultural Society held their Garden Ramble event over the weekend.

Residents opened upo their gardens to be viewed by members of the public.

ver 100 visitors and locals spent last Saturday touring eight gardens that were open to the public.

A huge thank you to the gardeners from the Raglan Horticultural Society. The Raglan Horticultural Society is one of Raglan's longest running community groups, estimated to be about 116 years old. The society meets every third Tuesday of every month at the Union Church Hall, Stewart Street, Raglan at 1pm. All welcome.


The response from attendees was an overwhelming sense of joy for the variety of gardening that Raglan has to offer.

These champions are changing how people think about and react to family violence in their neighbourhood, workplaces, sports clubs and faith communities. Last year I was involved with the Cambridge Champions and their promotion of the White Ribbon Campaign. I moved to Raglan earlier this year- and would like to introduce the same concept in our community. Perhaps it is already here and I have just not

met the individuals doing this kind of work. The White Ribbon Campaign in New Zealand is the United Nations Individual Day for Elimination of Family Violence and is celebrated on November 25 each year. Family safety concerns everyone in our community and it is everyone's responsibility. The campaign aims to engage the community and raise awareness that Family Violence exists in our communities. It hopes to increase community discussion and knowledge about family violence-free messages, how to get help, how to help others and support services available. Please contact me if you have further questions or would like to get involved. Email at russells2468@gmail.com or call me on 021-046-1773.

RAGLAN Chronicle 7

Potential as far as the eye can see. This thriving iconic ecotourism business set on 10 acres, overlooks the world famous surf break Manu Bay and is for sale as a freehold going concern including land, buildings and business. Solscape is an established “turn-key” accommodation and accompanying services business with existing resource consent for measured expansion. With strong historic revenue flows and significant growth opportunities across all aspects of the business, this is an opportunity not to be missed. Based on eco-friendly principles, Solscape's core business centres on the varied accommodation options and has multiple income streams which include the Conscious Kitchen, Raglan's vegan café specialising in organic plant-based cuisine; surf lessons and rentals, yoga, massage and the increasingly popular venue hire for weddings and functions.

Ocean, harbour and mountain views

8 RAGLAN Chronicle

Eco-lodgings nestled amongst nature in a peaceful environment provide a diverse range of upcycled dwellings to contemporary lodgings suited to all budgets. Self-contained options feature private facilities for couples, families or small groups. Shared facilities include recycled railway cabooses and earth domes, while glamping in the Garden Belles or Tipi Forest add further dimensions to the Solscape experience.

With strong historic revenue flows and significant growth opportunities across all aspects of the business, this is an opportunity not to be missed. Over 16 years of operation, Solscape has developed a strong brand identity and holds a key position within the flourishing Raglan tourism sector. Its unique appeal and fast growing social following attracts diverse domestic and international markets.

One of 12 rooms in converted railway cottages

Raglan is the Waikato's prime visitor destination and has recently been awarded New Zealand's 'Best Looking Town' by Lonely Planet guidebook. By all accounts the future for tourism businesses in Raglan looks very positive. Without a doubt Solscape presents as a one of kind opportunity and solid investment, both in the immediate and long term. Please contact us today for an Information Memorandum or viewing.

For sale by deadline private treaty: Closing Friday 7 December 2018 (unless sold prior) Mark Frost 022 150 2244 Rebecca Bruce 021 063 5165 SUCCESS REALTY LTD, BAYLEYS, LICENSED UNDER THE REA ACT 2008



One of six self-contained units

Manu Bay hosts Waikato Tainui games


he surfing aspect of the annually held Waikato-Tainui Games was held over the last weekend of October at Manu Bay. The full results from the surfing competition can be found below: Under 16s 5th Arikitauri (Te Kooraha) 4th Tua Kereopa (Poihakena) 3rd Kaitawhiti Kereopa (Poihakena) 2nd Pipiri Kelly (Oomaeroa) 1st Josef (Maungatautari) Under 18s 5th Kaitawhiti Kereopa (Poihakena) 4th Tua Kereopa (Poihakena) 3rd Arikitauri (Te Kooraha) 2nd Pipiri Kelly (Oomaeroa) 1st Josef (Maungatautari) Boogie board 4th Whenua (Taupiri) 3rd Paulie (Tuurangawaewae) 2nd Stan Rotorangi (Te Awamaarahi) 1st Che (Te Awamaarahi) Longboard 4th Tare Kereopa (Poihakena) 3rd Chris Banks (Kai a te mata) 2nd Pere Matenga (Waingaro) 1st Quinn Matenga (Waingaro) Open Women’s 4th Natasha (Te Awamaarahi) 3rd Arna Rose (Tuurangawaewae) 2nd Nia Kereopa (Poihakena) 1st Jess Santorik (Mootakotako) Over 45s 5th Marty Matenga (Waingaro) 4th Frankie D (Te Papatapu) 3rd Aaron Kereopa (Poihakena) 2nd Waihora Bluegum (Tuurangawaewae) 1st Delmon Kaukau (Raungaiti)

Open Men’s 4th Pere Matenga (Waingaro) 3rd Maioha Kelly (Oomaeroa) 2nd Ryan Morgan (Te Papatapu) 1st Jess Santorik (Mootakotako) Waikato Tainui Games 2018 ‘pa eke Ngaru, surfing’ would like to thank our local community, kaumatua Sean Ellison and the Aunties, Poihakena Marae whaanau, all the Waikato Tainui Marae

that participated, all our Volunteers, Te Mania, Rochelle, Angelina, our Judges Andy, Micky, Maioha, Ian, MC Kiri, Rock for the kiddie corner boards and wetsuits, Lou for the water slide, CB support, Raglan Surf Emporium, Raglan Surf Co, Raglan Board riders, Reuben from Volcom, Leston from Santa Cruz, Vince from Raglan Tattoo, Mark from Water Safety New Zealand, St Johns. Also thanks to The Manu Bay Reserve

Committee. Highlight of the weekend event showcasing our young up and coming surfers and our kiddie corner session! Lovely to see our local community come and join in and enjoy the atmosphere. NGA mihi Moana ki a koutou whaanau. Paimarire. See you all again in 2020. Na Arna Rose Banks and Harley Muru (Surf Coordinators).

We need you to fill out the Raglan Naturally Community Survey! Filling out the survey will help shape future direction and development including: housing, zoning, parking, youth, tourism, connectivity & roads, environment & water quality, and community & council relationships. Fill it out online at raglannaturally.co.nz You can also pick up surveys at the Library, Raglan Community House, Info Centre, Xtreme Zero Waste, Lions Op Shop, Te Uku Store, Schools: Raglan Area, Te Uku, Te Mata, and Waitetuna, and other stores in Raglan. Final day for submissions: 30 November

Nōu ko te rourou, nāku ko te rourou, ka ora ai te hapori — Together, your input & my input will strengthen and enhance the community

For more info contact: Gabrielle Parson (Coordinator), raglannaturally@gmail.com Raglan Naturally includes: Raglan, Ruapuke, Te Mata, Te Uku, Ohautira, Waitetuna.

RAGLAN Chronicle 9

SH23 resurfacing repairs continue until December


lease be aware that Stop/Go traffic management will be in place at various locations on SH23 while resurfacing repairs are carried out between Hamilton and Raglan. There are several sites located as follows: · SH23 Whatawhata – between Cemetery Road and Mason Road · SH23 Glentui – between Glentui Lane and Heddon Road · SH23 Waitetuna – between Otonga Valley Road and Wrights Road The work weather dependent, however is

expected to take place between 12 November and 2 December. All work will be entered on TREIS, which can be viewed at the NZTA Traffic Info website: http://www. nzta.govt.nz/traffic When we have finished chipsealing, you will notice loose sealing chip. This is normal as it takes time for the surfacing to bed in. Take care when travelling to make sure chip is not transferred through vehicle movements. All resurfacing will be followed with the reinstatement of road marking. Fulton Hogan

Elevate your Asana

Aerial yoga classes were held at the Raglan Yoga Loft a few weeks ago. Images//Geraldine Burns


he Raglan Yoga Loft recently hosted a one day series of aerial yoga classes - a new and unique yoga experience soon to join Raglan’s vibrant yoga community.

experiencing yoga using a hammock

way that allows the spine to lengthen

as a prop, allowing the body to get

& de-compress, and the body and

deeper into postures while partially

mind a host of benefits!

This fun and innovative form of yoga was developed 10 years ago as a way of offering worn-out athletes a gentler and more restorative workout. It has evolved into a way of

playful and child-like feeling to the

or fully supporting body weight.

From December on, come and

Feeling the support and cocoon-like

discover the practice and play of

nature of the hammock brings a fun,

aerial yoga at the Raglan Yoga Loft. Classes




practice, while building strength and

restorative to stronger dynamic

flexibility. A part of every aerial class

practices. For more information

is the opportunity to experience an

contact Lou - raglanaerialyoga@

inversion - hanging upside down in a

gmail.com/021 188 2994.

PROMOTE YOUR EVENT OR BUSINESS OVER THE BUSY SUMMER PERIOD Each year the Raglan Chronicle team has provided an opportunity for the business community to connect directly with tourists and locals over the Christmas/New Year period through our ‘Raglan Summer Holiday Guide’ publication. Essentially we get the chance to showcase all Raglan has to offer to the ‘biggest audience’ of the year - given that visitor numbers swell significantly during this time. Shelf life: 20th December to end of summer – The ‘Guide’ will contain all relevant local and visitor information around all the activities, events, gigs, local services, church services etc. over that period.

10 RAGLAN Chronicle

5500 copies printed: Deposited in prime locations: we will be leaving several newspaper stands filled with copies in key positions around town to make it easier for visitors to grab a copy. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity as the ‘Summer Holiday Guide’ comes but once a year!

Call 825 7076 or email info@raglanchronicle.co.nz today! Confirmation required by November 23.

1 Mahana Place Raglan

2A Simon Road Raglan

Lorenzen Bay Sunny Section with House Plans

Best Buying at the Bay

• Great location

• Elevated north-facing deck

• 504sqm freehold section

• Tidy two-bedroom home

• Building plans

• Low maintenance section • Half share of 812sqm

For Sale Price By Negotiation

Auction 11:00am Sat 24 November Ray White Raglan Office. Unless sold prior

View Saturday & Sunday 1:00pm - 1:45pm

View Sunday 2:00pm - 2:45pm Sean Mills 027 562 4699

Open Home

41 Lorenzen Bay Road Raglan

Sean Mills 027 562 4699

Open Home

7A Cliff Street Raglan A Lively Location on Cliff Street

Top Quality Living Close to the Bay!

• Unique 400sqm site • Popular location across the road from the water

• Views, sun and privacy • Three bedroom character home with timber floors • large double garage

Auction 6:00pm Fri 14 December Ray White Raglan Office. Unless sold prior

Auction 6:00pm Fri 14 December Ray White Raglan Office. Unless sold prior

View Saturday 2:00pm - 2:45pm

View Saturday 1:00pm - 1:45pm

Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282

Julie Hanna 027 441 8964

Open Home

Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282

42 Kaitoke Street Raglan

30 Main Road Raglan

Sunshine in the Morning

Welcome Home to Sunshine and Water Views

• Amazing water & mountain views

• Fabulous water views

• Estuary frontage property of approx 608sqm

• Immaculately presented home

• Native bush-lined boardwalk just across the road

• Three double bedrooms

Auction 11:00am Sat 24 November Ray White Raglan Office. Unless sold prior

Auction 6:00pm Fri 14 December Ray White Raglan Office. Unless sold prior

View Sunday 1:00pm - 1:45pm

View Sunday 2:00pm - 2:45pm

• Native timber polished flooring

Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282

Open Home

Julie Hanna 027 441 8964

Open Home

Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282

Open Home RAGLAN Chronicle 11



New Zealand’s leading rural real estate company RURAL

ay 19 & 26


ay 19 & 26

son 5




son 5


NTMENT pm, Friday Raglan


day 19 & 26

son 5



son 5


) NTMENT pm, Friday Raglan


day 19 & 26

mson 25





FOLLOW Richard Thomson Real Estate Consultant for New Listings, updates & Open Homes

New Zealand’s leading rural real estate company RURAL



Rare Opportunity In Raglan




106C Greenslade Road

Lifestyler's Dream

AUCTION Set on the highest point in Greenslade Rd this timeless (Unless Sold Prior), 4.00pm, Friday art decoAUCTION style four bedroom plus office home has views AUCTION Six bedrooms 8 December, 23 Bow St, Raglan that are•simply breathtaking! Watch the boats and VIEW 3.30-4.30pm, Sunday 19 & 26 • Twotheliving areas yachts cruise harbour and on special occasions the November orca from your deck. Set on 1315m² of landscaped • Two bathrooms grounds, fully fenced with access for trailer boat and • Massive outdoor living areas with pool good parking for guests. The dining and kitchen areas 1ha ofmaking land plenty of room dream. for livestock or gardens flow to •the deck this an entertainers Elevated• views whilemidway being private and sheltered. Thisand Hamilton Located between Raglan property is truly like no other so dont miss out! 4




Build Now


AUCTION 580C Waitetuna Valley Road • 1.3ha rural lifestyle • Large 84m² constructed shed • 3 water tanks on site & septic system • Elevated building site • Build your dream home

$890,000 GST Inclusive VIEW 12-12.45pm, Sat 17 & Sun 25 Nov

Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625

Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625

pggwre.co.nz/HAM26978 pggwre.co.nz/HAM29349



Prime on Primrose



11 Primrose Street • 631m² • Elevated section • Excellent views of the Harbour • Lifestyle Bare land pggwre.co.nz/HAM29280

Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625


Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625


New Zealand’s leading rural real estate company


NTMENT pm, Friday Raglan




pm, Friday Raglan





Rural and Harbour Views Raglan Private Beach RetreatRaglan 199A Road In Raglan RareCheckley Opportunity



$450,000 A rare opportunity to purchase a 1.46ha section in a premier Road 106C Greenslade Road 541 Wainui GST Inclusive location. Incredible rural and harbour in athe very quietfor spot AUCTION First views time on market thisAUCTION substantial home set Set on the highest point in Greenslade Rd this timeless VIEW BY APPOINTMENT (Unless Raglan with Te Uku school and a great coffee shop approx 3km away. Sold Prior), 4.00pm, Friday on the edge of the Wainui reserve in Raglan and is4.00pm, truly Friday (Unless Sold Prior), art deco style four bedroom plus office home has views AUCTION Has power to the site and an easy near flat building platform. AUCTION 8 December, 23 Bow St, Raglan 8 December, 23 Bow St, Raglan like the no other. concrete, timber Whaanga that are26 simply breathtaking! Road Watch boats With and the use of poured Good fishing, flounder and whitebait nearby. Anfeeling easy commute VIEW 3.30-4.30pm, Sunday 19 & 26 VIEW 2.00-3.00pm, and glass the of a tropical paradise has been yachts cruise harbour features and on special the 2 bathroom, 2 living area $1.9M Sunday 19 & 26 This the property a 4 occasions bedroom, to Hamilton November November created. Three of the four bedroom open out to the orca from your deck. Set on 1315m² landscaped Thomson GST Inclusive home with all day sunofand huge ocean views. ForRichard guests or8625 pggwre.co.nz/HAM26504 grounds. dining M 027 294and grounds, fully fenced with accesslandscaped for trailer boat and The open plan living, VIEW By Appointment richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz holiday accommodation isareas atoone bedroom unit with kitchen areas flow the huge deck with views to the good parking for guests. The dining andthere kitchen ocean andThis Mount Karioi.isThe surf bungalow is greatto for flow to internal the deck making this an entertainers dream. garage/workshop. really a rare opportunity friends, family andThis the lucrative accommodation Elevated views while being private and sheltered. secure a large parcel of land in a very sought after spot. market. Dont property is truly like no other so dont miss out!miss this special piece of paradise!

Privacy, Surf & Sun!







Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625

pggwre.co.nz/HAM26977 pggwre.co.nz/HAM26978 pggwre.co.nz/HAM29102


Richard Thomson B 07 Richard 858 5325 Thomson M 027M294 8625 027 294 8625 richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz


Rare Opportunity In Raglan


106C Greenslade Road

Be In For Summer!

AUCTION Set on the highest point in Greenslade Rd this timeless (Unless Sold Prior), 4.00pm, Friday art deco style four bedroom plus office home has views AUCTION 8 December, 23 Bow St, Raglan hasWatch so much to and like! The 4 bedroom home with that are This simplyproperty breathtaking! the boats VIEW 3.30-4.30pm, Sunday 19 & 26 yachts cruise harbour on special occasions the ruralthe and bushand views, generous decks, 2 sheds one of which (the November orca from your deck. Set on 1315m² of landscaped old woolshed) has a rustic man cave/bar to entertain in. All set on grounds, fully fenced with access for trailer boat and 5700sqm withThenatural native plantings, stock water from a stream good parking for guests. dining and kitchen areas flow to the deck making this entertainers dream. and pond and 5 an small paddocks for a few sheep or a pony Elevatedpossibly. views whileLocated being private and sheltered. This midway between Raglan and Hamilton. property is truly like no other so dont miss out! 4




Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625

pggwre.co.nz/HAM26978 pggwre.co.nz/HAM29352


Raglan $590,000 VIEW 1.15-2.00pm, Saturday 17 & Sunday 25 November

Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625


NEW LISTING As Good As It Gets


2 Maungatawhiri Road • Absolute waterfront with epic views • 27ha easy rolling contour land • Two titles, close to Raglan • Quality grazing, well fenced RURAL • Either build your dream home, land bank, develop A Lot To Likeor do all Rural and Harbour Views three!


New Zealand’s leading(Unless rural estate company Sold real Prior), Closes |


Raglan VIEW BY APPOINTMENT Raglan Thomson 3207 ShwyBeach 23 Raglan 199A Road In Raglan Private RetreatRaglanRichard RareCheckley Opportunity pggwre.co.nz/HAM27008 027 294 $1.25M wellsection locatedin12ha lifestyle property M oozing with8625 appeal. The $450,000 A rare opportunity to purchase aThis 1.46ha a premier richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz 541 Wainui Road 106C Greenslade Road threeviews Plus GST (if any) bedroom homequiet has been spot. GSTperfect Inclusive location. Incredible rural and harbour in a very spot built in the First time onday the market for this substantial home set south andAUCTION Mata - all38 hectares AUCTION VIEW BY APPOINTMENT Set on Te the highest pointFarmlet in Greenslade Rd this timeless VIEW BY to APPOINTMENT Sheltered, sun, private creek, native trees the

Raglan with Te Uku school and a great coffee shop approx 3km away. (Unless Sold Prior), 4.00pm, Friday on the edge of the Wainui reserve in Raglan and is4.00pm, truly (Unless Sold Prior), Friday AUCTION artpower decoAUCTION style four plus office home has views fertile soils make this a sort after property. Just down the road is Has to the sitebedroom and an easy near flat building platform. 300 Ruapuke Road 8commute December, Bow St, Raglan 8 December, 23 Bow St, Raglan noand other. With the use of poured concrete, timber that fishing, are simply breathtaking! Watch the boats Telike Uku great coffee. An easy to23 Hamilton. Good flounder and whitebait nearby. Anand easy commute VIEW 3.30-4.30pm, Sunday 19 & 26 VIEW$990,000 2.00-3.00pm, Sunday 19 & 26 and glass theclose feeling a tropical paradise has been •cruise Large or on small farm toofbeach thelifestyle harbour and special occasions the toyachts Hamilton November 3of landscaped 2 November Richard created. Three2of the four out toThomson the Richard orca from your deck. Set on 1315m² Plus GST Thomson (if any) • Strong farming area with good rainfall bedroom open M 027 294 8625 pggwre.co.nz/HAM26504 M 027 294 and 8625 landscaped grounds. dining pggwre.co.nz/HAM25740 grounds, fully fenced with access for trailer boat and The open plan living, richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz • Two titles, 23 paddocks, reliable water supply kitchen areas flow to the huge deck with views to the good parking for guests. The dining and kitchen areas ocean and Mount The surf bungalow is great for Recently refurbished skyline two Karioi. bedroom home flow to•the deck making this an entertainers dream. friends, family andThis the lucrative accommodation Elevated views while being private and sheltered. market. Dont 2 like no other 1 so dont property is truly miss out!miss this special piece of paradise!


NEW LISTING 4 4 pggwre.co.nz/HAM28273 2 2


As Good As It Gets 2 Maungatawhiri Road




Private Bush Retreat 151 Cogswell Road

Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625


Richard Thomson B 07Richard 858 5325 Thomson M294 027 294 8625 M 027 8625

richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz



• 11.2849ha - 90% in bush with two paddocks for grazing DEADLINE PRIVATE • Absolute waterfront with epic views two living areas and TREATY • 27ha easy rolling contour land • Three bedroom, sunny home with ensuite, expansive decks with bush views (Unless Sold Prior), Closes • Two titles, close to Raglan • Large farm shed and chook house 4pm, Fri 15 Dec, PGGWRE, • Quality grazing, well fenced • Located half way between Hamilton and Raglan Hamilton • Either build your dream home, land bank,about develop A Lot To Likeor do all Rural VIEW BY APPOINTMENT Raglan three! and Harbour Views pggwre.co.nz/HAM26446

Private Beach 3207 Shwy 23 RetreatRaglanRichard Thomson Rare Opportunity In Raglan

$750,000 GST Inclusive

Raglan RaglanRichard Thomson

199A Checkley Road M 027 294 8625 pggwre.co.nz/HAM27008 M 027 294 8625 $1.25M richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz well locatedin 12ha lifestyle propertyrichard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz oozing with appeal. The $450,000 541 Wainui Road A106C rare opportunity to purchase 1.46ha section a premier Greenslade Road aThis Plus GST (if any) three bedroom home hasfor been built in the spot. GSTperfect Inclusive AUCTION First time on market thisAUCTION substantial home set location. Incredible rural and harbour views in the atimeless very quiet spot Set on the highest point in Greenslade Rd this VIEWPrior), BY APPOINTMENT Raglan VIEW BY APPOINTMENT Sheltered, all day sun, private creek, native trees to the south and (Unless Sold 4.00pm, Friday on the edge of the Wainui reserve in Raglan and is4.00pm, truly Friday with Te Uku school and a great coffee shop approx 3km away. (Unless Sold Prior), art deco style four bedroom plus office home has views fertile make this a use sort of after property. Just the road is8 December, 23 Bow St, Raglan 8 December, 23 down Bow St, Raglan like nosoils other. With poured concrete, timber Has to the site and an easy near flat building platform. Te Papatapu Road thatpower are989 simply breathtaking! Watch the boats and the Te Uku andthe great coffee. An easy commute to Hamilton. VIEW 3.30-4.30pm, Sunday 19 & 26 VIEW 2.00-3.00pm, Sunday 19 & 26 and glass feeling of a tropical paradise has been Good fishing, flounder and whitebait nearby. An easy commute yachts cruise the harbour on special occasionsoff-grid the $830,000 Looking for anand escape? A totally retreat in the middle of November November created. Three of four2bedroom open out to the to Hamilton orca from your deck. Set on 1315m² of3landscaped 2 the Richard Thomson VIEW By Appointment Richard Thomson 9.6ha overlooking Aotea Harbour. Equally suitable asdining a lifestyle landscaped grounds. The open plan living, and grounds, fully fenced with access for trailer boat and M 027 294 8625 pggwre.co.nz/HAM26504 M 027 294 8625 pggwre.co.nz/HAM25740 richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz kitchen flow to the huge deck with views to the and property or weekend holiday retreat. Established native bush richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz good parking for guests. The dining and areas kitchen areas oceanfor andgrazing. Mount The surf bungalow is great for flow to pasture the deck making an entertainers dream.Karioi. that isthis suitable Recreational kayaking, friends, family and the lucrative accommodation Elevated views while being private and sheltered. This boating, horse riding, fishing are all available at you door step. market. Dont property is truly like no other so dont miss out!miss this special piece of paradise!

Enjoy the good life!

PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under REAA 2008 pggwre.co.nz






pggwre.co.nz/HAM26977 pggwre.co.nz/HAM26978 pggwre.co.nz/HAM28731

Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625


Richard Thomson B 07Richard 858 5325 Thomson M 027 8625 M294 027 294 8625 richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz


Rural and Harbour Views

Raglan 199A Road In Raglan Raglan RareCheckley Opportunity $450,000 A rare opportunity to purchase a 1.46ha section in a premier 106C Greenslade Road GST Inclusive location. Incredible rural and harbour views in a very quiet spot AUCTION Set Te onUku the highest point in Greenslade Rd approx this timeless VIEW BY APPOINTMENT with school and a great coffee shop 3km away. artpower decoAUCTION style four plusnear officeflat home has views Has to the sitebedroom and an easy building platform. Ruapuke Road that fishing, are645 simply breathtaking! Watch the boats Good flounder and whitebait nearby. Anand easy commute yachts cruise the harbour and on special occasions the • Set on a 5180m² section to Hamilton orca from your deck. Set on 1315m² of landscaped • 3 bedrooms + sleep out pggwre.co.nz/HAM26504 grounds, fully fenced with access for trailer boat and • Decks Fire The pit dining for entertaining good parking for & guests. and kitchen areas flow to •the deck making Ocean viewsthis an entertainers dream. Elevated views while being private and sheltered. This property is truly 3 like no other 2 so dont miss out! NEW LISTING

4 pggwre.co.nz/HAM29427 2 2

(Unless Sold Prior), 4.00pm, Friday 8 December, 23 Bow St, Raglan VIEW 3.30-4.30pm, Sunday 19 & 26 November Richard Thomson

M 027 294 8625


Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625



As Good As It Gets • Absolute waterfront with epic views • 27ha easy rolling contour land • Two titles, close to Raglan • Quality grazing, well fenced • Either build your dream home, land bank, develop or do all Rural three! and Harbour Views

Rare Opportunity In Raglan

Productive Desirable Farm

supply grounds,• Reliable fully fencedwater with access for trailer boat and pggwre.co.nz/HAM26504 good parking for guests. Thecontour dining and kitchen areas • Gentle rolling flow to the deck making this an entertainers dream. • 1930s 4 bedroom home plus office Elevated views while being private and sheltered. This Flexible date property• is truly like settlement no other so dont miss out! 2


2 Maungatawhiri Road

Private Bush Retreat 151 Cogswell Road


• 11.2849ha - 90% in bush with two paddocks for grazing DEADLINE PRIVATE • Absolute waterfront with epic views • Three bedroom, sunny home with ensuite, two living areas and

Raglan $750,000



GST Inclusive

As Good As It Gets 2 Maungatawhiri Road • Absolute waterfront with epic views • 27ha easy rolling contour land

Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625


(Unless Sold Prior), Closes 4pm, Fri 15 Dec, PGGWRE, Hamilton VIEW BY APPOINTMENT Raglan

RaglanRichard Thomson

pggwre.co.nz Raglan

Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625

$2.45M Plus GST (if any)


set in mature grounds Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625


580C Waitetuna Valley Road PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under REAASOLD 2008| 11 Primrose Road SOLD | 4189c State Highway 23 SOLD As Good As It Gets 12 RAGLAN Chronicle

GST Inclusive VIEW 3.00 - 3.45pm, Saturday 17 November


199A Checkley Road pggwre.co.nz/HAM27008 M 027 294 8625 $450,000 richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz A106C rare opportunity to purchase Greenslade Road a 1.46ha section in a premier GST Inclusive location. Incredible rural and harbour views in atimeless very quiet spot AUCTION Set on the highest point in Greenslade Rd this VIEWPrior), BY APPOINTMENT with Te Uku school and a great coffee shop approx 3km away. (Unless Sold 4.00pm, Friday art deco style four bedroom plus office home has views Has toMata the site and an easy near building thatpower areTe simply breathtaking! Watch theflat boats and platform. 8 December, 23 Bow St, Raglan Good flounder andand whitebait nearby. An easy yachtsfishing, cruise the harbour on special occasions thecommute VIEW 3.30-4.30pm, Sunday 19 & 26 • Productive 83 ha grazing/finishing block November to Hamilton orca from your deck. Set on 1315m² of landscaped




2 Maungatawhiri Road




Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625



Catching the Raglan vibe in short film

Sam is a scr en and stage design student at Toi Whakaari.

Sam Small filming her short documentary in Raglan.


wo screenings of a short documentary about Raglan by Toi Whakaari design student Sam Small will play at the Old School

Arts Centre on Wednesday, November 21 at 7pm and 8pm. A Long Pursuit explores the essence of Whaingaroa through image, sound, and words, and

raglan.ljhooker.co.nz Open Homes

features the musings of Whaingaroa locals such as Zak Stanway-Thorpe, Anaru Wilson and Lisa Thomson. Sam says the film started life as a visual expression of Raglan but she soon realised the people were

working in Raglan. Like many young visitors to Raglan she was in town for the weekend and ended up getting a job at The Depot first and then Orca, and stayed for two years. While living in Raglan Sam enrolled in a Bachelor of Design (Stage and Screen) at Toi Whakaari: New Zealand Drama School in Wellington and is coming to the end of her degree this year. Janine Jackson Check out A Long Pursuit at the Old School Arts Centre on Wednesday, November 21 at 7pm and 8pm.

an important component of the town. “Without the people in Raglan it wouldn’t be the place that it is.” Capturing the values of the community and their influence on their environment became an important part of the filming project. “The community is so rich in Raglan and giving something back to it is really fulfilling for the people who live there,” she says. The documentary spans a summer, autumn, winter and spring and was filmed around four years ago when Sam was living and

‘LIKE’us on Facebook Indicates there is a ‘Walk-through Video’

New Listing

Open Home 2



100c Greenslade Road Your Haven Enjoy spectacular harbour views from this warm and welcoming home. ‘The Chalet’ has two living areas and dual decks for relaxed outdoor living and entertaining and is the perfect retreat from the stresses of everyday life. You will love the peacefulness of the bush setting and the sheltered micro climate it provides. Wake to birdsong, breathe in the fresh sea air and enjoy the natural tranquillity of the gentle lap of the tides. Positioned adjacent to the walkway access to Moonlight Bay you can be at the water’s edge in less than a minute. It is a sanctuary for busy professionals or a wonderful holiday home. Call now and secure it for summer! For Sale Contact Email View

$699,000 Chrissy Cox - 027 287 1804 ccox.raglan@ljh.co.nz Saturday 1 - 1:30pm ljhooker.co.nz/237HFG

Open Home 2



7 Park Drive 4



39 Whaanga Road

Something Special Deadline 05.12.18 Unless sold prior

Contact Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878


sobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz mobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz


Sat & Sunday 2 - 2:45pm ljhooker.co.nz/ 259HFG

Welcome to this Whale Bay wonderland. A private native bush clad sanctuary of 4047m². Meander the paths over the bridges and relax to the sound of the bird song and the flowing stream. This timeless rustic home is of quality build, offering 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and spacious open plan kitchen, dining and lounge + lovely indoor outdoor flow. Downstairs is currently set up as a media room & spare bedroom, ideal for guests. Enjoy the ocean and up-close bush views, wrap around decks and even a pizza oven. A very large shed features a self contained flat, double garage and more. To top it off the world class surf of Whale Bay is just a few minutes walk away.

Drive On Up A Surprise Awaits Many gems on offer with this north facing originally 3 bedroom now 2 bedroom brick home. Downstairs is a games room/ teenager’s area. There’s space to park your boat and a smoke house which will ensure your catch is enjoyed by all. Live off the land on the fully fenced property & utilise the chook house, fruit trees & planter boxes to start you off on your journey to organic sustainability. Walk everywhere as this property is in the heart of Raglan. Call Robbie for more information 021 952 271. For Sale Contact Email View

$849,000 Robbie Regnier 021 952 271 robbie.raglan@ljh.co.nz Sunday 1 - 1:45pm ljhooker.co.nz/22CHFG

RAGLAN Chronicle 13

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14 RAGLAN Chronicle

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** MOVIES AT THE OLD SCHOOL IN NOVEMBER ** | MAMA MIA HERE WE GO AGAIN (PG) Sat 17 - 6.00 | AMERICAN ANIMALS (M) Sat 17 - 8.30, Sun 18 - 4.30 | Door sales 30 mins prior. SUN 18 NOV CROP S WA P 9.30-10.30am, **CHANGE OF VENUE** SCOUT HALL, CLIFF ST. Bring anything from garden or kitchen to swap. All welcome.


RAGLAN HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Next meeting Tues 20 Nov at 1pm in the Church Hall, Stewart St. Guest speakers: Dreamview Dairy. Floral art, roses, interest table, handheld mirror, normal competitions, display table, Sales, Tea and biscuits. Come and meet fellow gardeners. *Sponsored by RC

WED 21 NOV R A G L A N R A M B L E R S 9am from James St near Wallis St Wairēinga Falls from Newton Rd - bring lunch.

For Sale ROOFING, MEMBRANE & CLADDING Your local professional Roofing Company • Commercial and residential • Re-roof and New roofs • Metal, membrane, insulated panel, exterior cladding • Fascia and spouting 07 846 7244 | admin@wtcroofing.co.nz


FRI 30 NOV COMEDY AT THE CLUBHOUSE Raglan Golf Club presents these legends for a night of laughter. Cori Gonzales-Macuer and Luke Cederman. Doors open 7pm. Tickets selling fast at $25. Call Tim (027 593 4676) to get yours. SATURDAY 1 DEC & SUN 2 DEC Raglan Theatre Academy presents ‘ALICE IN WONDERLAND’ Raglan Town Hall Sat: 1pm & 7pm Sun: 11am & 3pm Buy tickets online @

www.trybooking.com ADULTS (17y +) $11 KIDS (2-16y) $7

SATURDAY 8 DEC & SUN 9 DEC Whaingaroa Youth Movement presents ‘SIGN OF THE TIMES’ ....a children’s community dance theatre project. Raglan Town Hall. Sat 1pm & 7pm, Sun 1pm. Door sales only - no bookings, no pre sales: Adults $10 Kids $5

Services Offered

a ta m i ra . c o. n z Tigerlily swim Denim shorts Brixton hats Summer dresses ...as always, only one per size!

THU 15 NOV @ THE YOT CLUB: Earshot with Cian DJing from 9. Vinyl only, hip hop funk soul. Free pool. Free entry, outside fire, food from Ulo’s Kitchen. FRI 16 NOV @ THE YOT CLUB: Club classics, remixes, bassline bangers and seriously good vibes from one of Raglan’s finest selectors SWEEP... get ready to get sweaty! SAT 17 NOV @ THE YOT CLUB: Surrey Boudit Super skanking ska rocksteady band from Auckland. Past Yotty favourites. $10

SUN 18 NOV @ THE YOT CLUB: > > > S U N D AY SESSIONS<<< Matisse (acoustic), Dubsonic and Frano outside. From 10pm, inside with duo So&So on the tribal house and tech bass tip with live percussions from Izak Chad. Free from 4.20, $10 after 7pm. Food from Ulo’s Kitchen.

****************** Yot Club - free pickup and dropoff, text to this number: 0211034156

Situations Vacant

TE MATA SCHOOL Board of Trustees Casual Vacancy for an elected trustee A casual vacancy has occurred on the board of trustees for an elected parent representative. The board has resolved under section 105 of the Education Act 1989 to fill the vacancy by selection. If ten percent or more of eligible voters on the school roll ask the board, within 28 days of this notice being published, to hold a by-election to fill the vacancy, then a by-election will be held. Any eligible voter who wishes to ask the board to hold a by-election should write to: Chairperson, Board of Trustees 778 Te Mata Road, RD 2 Raglan or via email kylel@temataraglan.school.nz by 20th December 2018.

Public Notices

See you soon! x

In My Good Books Quality 2nd hand books Open Thurs - Sun from 10am 2 Wallis St Books wanted.

Services Offered R A G L A N H A N D Y M A N S E R V I C E S For those small jobs in and around the house. John 021 08 24 0111

For advertising inquiries: Contact the Raglan Chronicle on 07 825 7076 or email us at info@raglanchronicle.co.nz


Public Notices


We’ll pay you in cash! Call now 07 847 1760

- Peace & tranquility - Surfing, fishing, bush walks - Cabins, powered sites, tent sites PH 07 825 6800


QUICKFIND Directory: your local trades guide continued...

Public Notices

RAGLAN COMMUNITY XMAS Thank you to the people who have offered their time to help out with the Raglan Community Xmas Function. Unfortunately, Colin has lost some of the contacts, so if you are interested in volunteering on the day or in any other capacity please contact Colin on 07 825 8289. To RSVP for the Xmas function itself, please contact Mike Rarere at the Community House so that we know numbers on the day, on 07 825 8142.

CLASSIFIEDS ADVERTISING IN THE RAGLAN CHRONICLE: Ads on this page are an affordable way to get something out to the community. Min. ads start from $8. Call us on: 825 7076 or email: classifieds@raglanchronicle.co.nz

RAGLAN Chronicle 15

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raglan.ljhooker.co.nz Open Home

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New Listing 2


Open Home


New Listing

116e Greenslade Road Hidden Gem In Greenslade Road This classic kiwi Lockwood it has been in the same extended family since new and has been well maintained but the inside will take you back in time. You can enjoy the warmth and beauty of natural timber or choose to give it a more contemporary look. With easy access to the harbour the tranquil bush setting of this lovely property will captivate you if you can take your eyes off the stunning harbour views. And you will love the private, north facing, deck that is just waiting for you to enjoy. Whether it’s relaxing quietly or entertaining with family and friends there are lots of special memories ready to be created here. Deadline Contact Email View

Open Home

28.11.18 Unless sold prior Chrissy Cox - 027 287 1804 ccox.raglan@ljh.co.nz Saturday 12 - 12:30pm ljhooker.co.nz/242HFG

New Listing 3



11 Mangakino Road Your Complete Lifestyle Wish List This stunning, 2017 built home has everything you could want including a stylish kitchen with scullery, open plan living with large areas of glass to enjoy the bush backdrop. The master has a dual aspect for the sun and views plus ensuite and walk in wardrobe. There are two more bedrooms and a generous family bathroom. Plus a lined internal access double garage with large laundry/office and third bathroom. And if this is not enough there is a huge 120m² shed. All set on 3.4 acres of good grazing land. Perfectly located approx. 10 mins to Raglan, an easy commute to Hamilton and close to the Te Uku store and Roast Office coffee. Deadline Contact Email View

Open Home




526 Waitetuna Valley Road Welcome to ‘The Good Life’ For Sale $795,000 Contact Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 Email



Saturday 11 - 11:30am ljhooker.co.nz/ 24JHFG

28.11.18 Unless sold prior Chrissy Cox - 027 287 1804 ccox.raglan@ljh.co.nz Sunday 12 - 12:30pm ljhooker.co.nz/23YHFG

New Listing

Open Time 4


New Listing


30 Nihinihi Avenue

182 Ohautira Road

Timeless Splendour This inspirational cedar masterpiece by Architect Tim Dorrington is situated in popular Raglan West. Walk through the front door and the light of the double height entry way welcomes you. Two bedrooms, bathroom and internal garage are on this level. A staircase leads up to the main living space where the kitchen, dining and sunken lounge share views of the harbour. Two separate decks enable all year outdoor relaxation. The master bedroom and 4th bedroom have light streaming through large slider doors that open up from a glazed hallway. Park your boat on this flat 809m² section, stroll to the beach and town. Call to view this unique home.

Landscape Like Lord of the Rings When you see the dozens of amazing limestone formations that are scattered around the block you would think it was a film set from Peter Jackson’s ‘Lord of the Rings’. 7.4 hectares (18.5 acres) of land with so much to offer, Kahikitea groves to wetland areas, a natural spring fed pond and other species of woodlots. There is a spring water supply via a pump which is such an asset providing ample water. A rustic off-grid cabin with an open plan layout provides simple accommodation with peaceful views over the valley. No building covenants means there’s no restrictions in terms of creating your dream home here. 5 mins to Raglan Roast Te Uku & 25 to Hamilton.

For Sale Contact Email View

Deadline Contact Email View

$1,400,000 Robbie Regnier 021 952 271 robbie.raglan@ljh.co.nz Saturday 1 - 1:45pm ljhooker.co.nz/23UHFG

Open Homes



Massive Views & Potential +++ Such a rare and exciting find is this 5 acre (approx) property, located just a few minutes to town and offering spectacular ocean and rural views. A modern and rustic 2 bedroom cottage is nestled amongst the trees and enjoys total privacy and those views! An additional cabin/sleepout is always a bonus. The land is mostly planted in mature pines and features two flattened platforms providing options for additional accommodation, parking or sheds etc. This unique property is a must see to fully discover the many opportunities on offer so call for more info today. LIM report available on request. For Sale Contact Email View

$780,000 Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 mobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz Sat & Sunday 12 - 12:45pm ljhooker.co.nz/23BHFG

Chrissy Cox

Kyle Leuthart

Michelle O’Byrne

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

027 287 1804

021 903 309

021 969 878

28.11.18 Unless sold prior Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 kleuthart.raglan@ljh.co.nz Saturday tour 1pm SHARP ljhooker.co.nz/24EHFG

1 Wallis Street Established Retail Business CBD Be in for Summer. For family reasons this high growth business is reluctantly offered for sale. Located in prime Raglan CBD, The Raglan Project is a one stop shop retailing a variety of hardware, homeware and building supplies to a loyal established customer base of tradies and DIYers. The business includes stock, a strong long term lease, established supply lines and management systems, large enclosed retail area and an exterior concreted yard space. With Raglan’s increasing population, the success of this highly desirable business will continue to grow. NB: PRICE INCLUDES STOCK

72 Maungatawhiri Road

Licensed Salesperson

Located within 15 minutes of Raglan and 20 minutes to the city, this tidy contemporary home enjoys a sunny aspect and is set on an easy 8984m² (2.21 acres). The 175m² GJ Gardener home was constructed by in 2010 and boasts a large kitchen and living area for entertaining. The logburner has an oven and a stove top for baking and cooking as well as a wetback. 3 paddocks have spring fed stock water and there’s neat landscaping around the house with a variety of trees, an orchard and a chicken run. A bonus is the 110m², 3 bay American barn for the boat, motorhome and DIY projects too. Step on up and start enjoying ‘the good life’.

For Sale $399,000 + gst (if any) Contact Robbie Regnier 021 952 271 Email robbie.raglan@ljh.co.nz ljhooker.co.nz/23KHFG View

Stephen O’Byrne Licensed Salesperson

021 969 848

Robbie Regnier

Matt Sweetman

Sandra Bowditch

021 952 271

021 624 826

021 751 759

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Raglan Property Manager

*NB Boundary lines on photos are approximate & merely a guide. All information contained herein is gathered from sources we deem reliable. However we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely upon their own enquiries.

LJ Hooker Raglan (07) 825 7170 • 16 RAGLAN Chronicle

25-27 Bow Street , Raglan • George Boyes & Co Limited Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008

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