Raglan Chronicle

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Nga Ripo o Whaingaroa

EST. 1903

Whaingaroa news for you weekly

25th April 2019 - Issue #643

Out of respect and in remembrance of those that served, we will be opening from 1pm on ANZAC Day.

“Lest we forget”

Community Cash

Dedicated to supporting our local community.

Raglan 16-18 Bow Street, Raglan. Open 7am – 9pm, 7 days. Phone: 825 8300.

Owned and operated by locals


ANZAC feature


Gig Guide/What's on p15

It comes down to choosing the right team! LISTED BY


Sean Mills 027 562 4699


1 Uenuku Avenue Raglan Auction: 3:00pm, Saturday 20 April

Yana Pemberton 021 183 0479

Ray White Raglan I 21 Bow Street I Raglan I 07 825 8669 I rwraglan.co.nz

Saturday 27 April 11am 12 Robertson Street 12pm 6b Tohora Close 12pm 67 Lorenzen Bay Road 12pm 1068a Old Mountain Road 1pm 22b Wallis Street

Raglan Couriers 3 times daily Raglan Couriers 3 times daily morning/midday/afternoon

Sunday 28 April 11am 12 Robertson Street 12pm 1068a Old Mountain Road Local 12pm 6b Tohora Close 12pm 41a Cemetery Road 1pm 1015 SHWY 23, Whatawhata 1pm 23 Seabreeze Way 2pm 4 Bankart Street 2pm 8 Norrie Avenue 3pm 67 Lorenzen Bay Rd - now $690K Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)


Business Serving Raglan District Since 1996

Local Business Serving Raglan District Since 1996

Phone 027 221 5395


Support our local eateries! Hours and specials below.


The ANZACS - we will remember them: Rex (left) and Whit Wright with Sherman tank. Image thanks to Raglan Museum.


Full story on page 5.

Aroha Sushi Raglan

This space could be yours. Email the Chronicle for more details. info@raglanchronicle.co.nz

Raglan’s original sushi shop since 2003

Turkish Open Kebabs onWednesdays Plates & Pitas 6 Days. to Mondays plus beverages & more 10:30 to 9pm 29825 Bow 7440 St - 07 825 0202 PH: |07

Open 9am - 7pm Wed - Sunday Closed Mon-Tues

(07) 825 8761

Phone orders welcome! *Fish & Chips* *Burgers* *Weekly Specials* The store with a lot more!

Fish n’ Chips Group Bookings Inside/Outside Seating

Real Fruit Ice Cream Burritos - Wraps Soup - Salad Volcom Lane & Chilli Open 7 days from 11:30


open seven days a week N O

1 9 B o w S t r e e t 07 8 2 5 0 0 2 7

Open 7 Days 8am - 4pm

8am on Monday 29 April to 8am on Saturday 4 May

Open for Dinner Fri & Sat from 5:30pm 248 Wainui Rd | 07 825 8233 Open 7 Days a Week From 9am



The union representing junior doctors has indicated its wa o k u l o d ge @ g m a i l .co m members will be going on strike from

92 Wallis St - 07 825 7544

Te Kopua Camp Store, Marine Parade, Raglan

Junior doctors strike for five days

Breakfast/Lunch 6 Days Closed Tuesday

Open 7 Days From 9:30AM Mon-Fri and 9AM Sat and Sun 43 Rose St 07 825 0010

Waterfront dining indoor and outdoor seating

This strike will affect our ability to carry out our services at Waikato Hospital and some services may be affected at some of the rural hospitals. To reduce the number of patients in hospital over the period leading up to and during the proposed industrial action we will be: • Rescheduling many appointments for surgery, treatments and outpatient appointments. • Giving priority to emergency, intensive care and maternity. All patients whose operations or clinical appointments are affected by the strike will be notified by telephone. Not all clinics are being deferred, so if you have not been notified please attend for your appointment. If you are unsure about your appointment call 0800 276 216.

Seeking medical help during the strike! Please keep our Emergency Department for Emergencies only.

Emergency for emergencies

Buying or Selling your house! Independent and locally owned Give us a call for a free quote. Rhys Ellison 07 834 1248 & 021 2967 296 Or Kerron Sexton 07 834 1248 & 027 555 4842

Contact: Administrator Jan Mitchell ph 825 5122

The Avatar®Course ‘‘Beliefs are seeds that will one day flower Into realities.”


If your illness or injury is not urgent, you may face long delays. • Go to your family doctor or local accident and medical centre. • Contact Healthline on 0800 611 611 for advice from a trained professional. • Need mental health support and someone to talk to? Free call or text 1737 any time, 24 hours a day. You’ll get to talk to (or text with) a trained counsellor. Should the strike notice be lifted services will resume.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience.


Harry Palmer author of the Avatar materials

For more information contact: Cam 021 529 765 camkay@xtra.co.nz



Avatar is a registered trademark Star’s Edge, Inc. All rights reserved.

10am - Family Service and Children’s Ministry Thursdays 3-5pm - 7C’s Bible Club for Children Visitors Cherished

3 Stewart St – 07 825 8276 or 07 825 8028


WeatherMap - New Zealand weather forecasts

This week's weather is sponsored by The Raglan Project.

1 Wallis St | Ph 825 8881

For all forecasts check out www.weathermap.co.nz



Sunny with some cloud



Mainly fine with possible showers



Cloud with possible showers



Mainly fine with possible showers






Sunny with rain



Mainly fine with possible showers



10am Raglan Area School 7pm Te Uku Church Pastor Roger Peart ph 07 825 5199


Raglan Ink Ltd home of the Raglan Chronicle Office Open Mon - Thurs 9.00am - 4.00pm, Wainui Rd, Raglan Ph: (07) 825-7076 Fax: (07) 825-7078 Post: P.O. Box 234, Raglan Email: info@raglanchronicle.co.nz Advertising & Articles The advertising and editorial content deadline will be Monday at 12pm week of issue. DISCLAIMER

Opinions and views expressed in the Raglan Chronicle do not necessarily represent those held by the Editors or Publishers. Every care will be taken in the preparation and placement of submitted material but the Editors/Publishers shall not be liable for errors or omissions or subsequent effects due to the same. It is the submitters responsibility to ensure material is not libelous or defamatory. The Editors/Publishers reserve the right to abridge, alter or decline any material submitted to the Raglan Chronicle to meet the constraints of space and/or maintain a reasonable standard of language and decorum.

2 RAGLAN Chronicle

Max temp (C)





S 10 am SW pm 20




(High/Low) (Rise/Set) H 01:00 am L 07:10 am R 06:58 am H 01:20 pm S 05:39 pm L 07:30 pm



01:50 08:00 02:10 08:20

am am R 06:59 am pm S 05:37 pm pm



02:40 09:00 03:10 09:20

am am R 06:59 am pm S 05:36 pm pm



03:50 10:10 04:20 10:30

am am R 07:00 am pm S 05:35 pm pm

SW 5 am W 15 pm



05:00 11:20 05:40 11:40

am am R 07:01 am pm S 05:34 pm pm

SW am 20 W 20 pm


H 06:10 am R 07:02 am L 12:30 pm S 05:33 pm H 06:50 pm


L 12:40 am R 07:03 am H 07:10 am S 05:31 pm L 01:20 pm

SE 5 am W 20 pm SW 20 SW 20

am pm

N 10 am NW pm 20

SW 25 SW 25

am pm

*Total significant wave height and *Tide times for Raglan Bar ©WeatherMap 2019. All rights reserved.

THE RAGLAN PROJECT Supplying Raglan with everything you need for your home building project. Call us on 825 8881 or drop in to see us at 1 Wallis St. Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm, Saturday& Sunday 9am-5pm.

Chess club provides a battle of the minds for young players

Also at H.G Webb House, Cnr Boundary & Victoria Streets, Hamilton

MORTGAGE BROKERS Murtaghs Dermot M. Murtagh


98a Greenslade Rd, Raglan Ph: (07) 825 8544 Mob: 0274 455 232 189 Collingwood St P.O. Box 1030, Hamilton Ph: (07) 838 3883 Web: murtaghs.co.nz

Email: murtaghs@xtra.co.nz

Over 30 years industry experience

free service

Barbara Kuriger

MP for Taranaki-King Country

Lest we forget A 80 Rata St, PO Box

Inglewood Office

Te Awamutu Office A 53 Mutu St, PO Box 302, Te Awamutu 3800

P 06 756 6032


07 870 1005

E Kuriger.Inglewood@


Kuriger.Teawamutu@ parliament.govt.nz

124, Inglewood 4330

Chess Master Jules Danson is bringing the classic strategic board game to Raglan for budding young players.


hess master Jules Danson is hoping to switch young minds on to the wonders of the

classic strategic board game. She is running chess classes for young players of all levels – beginners to experienced – at the Old School Art Centre starting Friday, May 3 at 3.30pm – first class is free. Passionate about chess, Jules started playing as a five-year-old, taught by her chess master father who also learnt the game when he was five.

“Chess is good for emotional healing;

She taught chess to thousands of students

it teaches children not to react but to

at the American after school programme

take a breath and focus – it’s incredibly

Academic Chess where youngsters get one-

meditative.” Described as weightlifting for the mind, chess increases the ability to memorize, calculate and plan. As well as teaching problem solving and patience, Jules says the

master Richard Kasa, a player of exceptional

the mind.

repeat his moves backwards from the end

get into a beautiful flow.”

He was an avid collector of chess boards

found children recruited from a chess camp

and Jules fondly remembers numerous

improved in focusing attention and multi-

sets in her father’s collection, including a

tasking skills, suggesting chess instruction

mermaid, three musketeers and ivory sets.

has the potential to improve the ‘building blocks’ of complex cognitive skills.

Funded by the Parliamentary Service and authorised by Barbara Kuriger MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington.

Jules refined her chess skills under chess skills who could play blindfolded and

“Chess moves are like dance steps; you

facebook.com/BarbaraKurigerMP barbarakuriger.national.org.nz

masters in California.

game is also great for calming and focusing

A recent study at the University of Texas

Originally from Dana Point, California,

to-one mentorship by some of the top chess


of a game.


Chess dates back nearly 1500 years and is thought to have originated in India with a

Mon Open 8am

Tues 8am

Wed 8am

Thurs Fri 8am 8am

game called chaturanga. Chess players make

Close 7pm




up one of the largest communities in the world with over 600 million adults playing


To contact the clinic, please phone:

07 825 0114

After hours contact:

chess regularly. For more information about Children’s

Jules moved to Raglan a year ago and says

In the states, Jules says chess is taken

chess not only raises children’s IQ it has

very seriously and the best young players

Checkmate Chess Club contact Jules on 021

other far-reaching benefits for players in the

can win lucrative scholarships to colleges

0813 0777 or chessmasterjules@gmail.com.

popular battle of minds.

across the country.

Anglesea Clinic Healthline

07 858 0800 0800 611 116

Janine Jackson

RAGLAN Chronicle 3

Local teams compete at waka ama Long Distance Nationals 2019

Team Areare. Team Nekeneke at the 2019 waka ama Long Distance Nationals.


ver the Easter Weekend the waka ama 2019 Long Distance Nationals were held in Auckland. Three teams entered from Whāingaroa Whānau Hoe Waka, Adrian Kennedy in the W1 - Junior 16 Men (Ruddered) Division as well as Teams Nekeneke and Areare in the W6 - Open Mens Division. The event, held at the Hyundai Marine Sports centre in Ōrākei, is also a world championship

qualifying event with the results used to select the national teams that will be representing New Zealand at the 2019 World Distance Championships later this year. 2019 Long Distamce Nationals Results: W1 - Junior 16 Men (Ruddered): Aidan Kennedy - 2nd Place (1:19:37) W6 - Open Mens: Team Nekeneke - 3rd place (1:54:03) Team Areare - 14th place (2:06:38)

Young paddler Aidan Kennedy won second place in his division.

Raglan Arts Weekend 2019 in pictures:


aster was a very busy weekend as visitors came to town for Raglan's premier art event, the Raglan Arts Weekend.

The Raglan Writers’ Collective had a very successful Arts Exhibition.

Jess Santorik in her Wallis Street home studio.

4 RAGLAN Chronicle

Sam Mathers' new studio was a hit.

Megan Hockly and Geraldine Burns’ combined studio at the Raglan Old School Arts Centre

Jacqueline Anderson, Manager of the Raglan Old School Arts Centre and Nicky Brzeska, co-ordinator for the Raglan Arts Weekend.

The arts event celebrated its tenth year in 2019 with 37 artists participating from paintings to ceramics and perfomance art to the written word. Many elements of Raglan's creative talents were on display and artists reported hundreds of vistitors going through their studios over the entire weekend. Surely becoming a must-see event for art enthusiasts nationwide, this is the first arts weekend with new coordinator Nicky Brzeska at the helm, joining the passionate team at the Old School Arts Centre.

Annick Faubert’s amazing taxidermy at Studeo.

The Anzacs Cynthia never misses a parade, or chance to honour real trooper


ynthia Tucker was set to be at Raglan’s Anzac Day service at the cenotaph today, as always. “I go to every one,” she told the Chronicle. Except nowadays she takes the grandchildren along too. Raised with two sisters on an isolated Ruapuke farm but now living in Gilmour St, Cynthia attends the service to remember her late father Rex Tucker, a trooper in New Zealand’s 18th Armoured Regiment. Every year the now 64 year old reminds her family how lucky we are to live in this country. “We’ve got to remember them (the Anzacs),” she says. “They sacrificed a lot.” Cynthia and older sister Pauline – who also lives in Raglan, on the way out to Ngarunui beach – remember their father with pride and shared this week the way his two years as a young man serving in Italy, Egypt and the top of Africa affected him and shaped their family life. They recall how Anzac Day was one of the most important days of the year for Rex, certainly the only time this dyed-in-the-wool farmer dressed up and put on a tie. “All the farmers marched with such pride,” says Cynthia. “And they never missed the parade, even if they were sick.” Rex may have always made the parade – or its forerunner, the church service in Raglan Town Hall right after World War II – but wouldn’t ever wear his service medals, Cynthia reveals. Her father didn’t go to war for the medals. “He said he went because it was the right thing to do.” Even more precious to Rex than his medals were the two ‘dog tags’ he wore. The tags – so named because of their resemblance to those on dog collars – were stamped with soldiers’ regimental details, one to be left on casualties at all times for identification purposes. “But Dad came back with both,” says Cynthia sombrely. Almost as important as Anzac Day for Rex were the reunions he had with comrades for the rest of his life, the sisters agree. That’s where they gleaned more of an insight. They remember traipsing as far north as Kamo, Whangarei, as a family to visit their father’s wartime mates and – within the district – attending regular reunion picnics on Wright’s farm just east of Raglan. While Rex was both a flamethrower and driver in the tank corps, Pauline explains, local soldier Whit Wright was the sergeant.

Rex (left) and Whit Wright with Sherman tank. Image thanks to Raglan Museum. “They had all lived together and had a lot of fun (in downtime) but the fighting was traumatic,” she says. Other locals like Reg White and Sam Kereopa in the Maori Battalion – for which the 18th Battalion provided armoured support – became like family to their Dad and in turn to them. “The bond was there right to the end of their lives,” Cynthia says of these brothers in arms. They’d all gone to war from Ruapuke and Te Mata, the pair recall, thinking of it as a big adventure. But Rex never talked to them personally about his experiences there until later in life. “And Mum said not to talk about it,” Cynthia recalls. They know however he suffered from shrapnel injuries in the back of his neck, and from nightmares soon after the war. In one incident involving shrapnel, Cynthia recalls, their father was apparently slumped but struggled to sit up when he overheard a directive to “throw him over”. That story may have been embellished, she suggests now, but all the same it was a “ruthless, shocking world”.

Cynthia arranges memorabilia from her father's wartime days including his wallet, discharge papers and 'dog tags'. Another near-miss came after he and

The sisters remember too how their father

comrades fled their stalled tank for safety back

used to take them up the back of the farm to be

in the trenches, only to be told to return to get their maps before the enemy did. Apparently bullets came from every direction and Rex was relieved when the stalled tank started and he could make his escape.

on the lookout for Japanese forces, as rumours were circulating at the time of an imminent invasion and landing in Ruapuke. Edith Symes

RAGLAN Chronicle 5

ANZAC Day: Thursday 25 April 2019 Parade lines up on Wainui Rd - 10.30am Anzac Remembrance Service at cenotaph - 11.00am

Order of Service God save our gracious Queen Long live our noble Queen God save our Queen Send her victorious Happy and glorious Long to reign over us God save our Queen


Wreath laying:

Before the hills in order stood, Or earth received her fame, From everlasting thou art God, To endless years the same.

MC calls for organisations individually to lay wreaths inister: Greater love hath no man than this, M That a man lay down his life for his friends The Last Post:

(Isaac watts, 1674-1748)

Address The offering: in support of RSA veterans and the elderly who require help during the year

A Silence : A silence is observed for a time ……….. The Ode: Minister: Let us pray

National Anthems:

Minister: We are here to remember People: We are here to remember all those who gave their lives in the service of their country during the wars of our times Minister: We are here to give thanks People: We are here to give thanks for the courage and self-sacrifice Minister: We are here to worship People: We are here to worship God from whom we receive forgiveness, love and peace Minister: Let us pray THE LORD’S PRAYER: People: Our Father Who Art in Heaven...

Scripture reading Hymn:

O God, our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come, Our shelter from the stormy blast, And our eternal home.

Under the shadow of thy throne, Thy saints have dwelt secure, Sufficient is thine arm alone, And our defence is sure.

Hymn: O lord my God, when I in awesome wonder, Consider all the works thy hands have made, Australian I see the stars, I hear the mighty thunder, Australians all let us rejoice Thy power throughout the universe For we are young and free displayed. We’ve golden soil and wealth for toil Our home is girt by sea Then sings my soul, my saviour God to thee; Our land abounds in nature’s gift How great thou art, how great thou art! Of beauty rich and rare Then sings my soul, my saviour God to thee; In history’s page let every stage How great thou art, how great thou art! Advance Australia fair Whakaaria mai tōu Rīpeka ki a au; In joyful strains then let us sing Tiaho mai rā roto i te pō: Advance Australia fair Ki konā au titiro atu ai: Ora, mate, hei a au koe noho ai. Whakaaria mai tōu Rīpeka ki a au; Tiaho mia rā roto i te pō: Ki konā au titiro atu ai: Ora, mate, hei a au koe noho ai. Minister: Let us dedicate ourselves anew to the unfinished task People: In remembrance of those who make the Great sacrifice. O God make us better men and women, And give us peace in our time; Through Jesus Christ, your son, our saviour. Amen.

4 Bow Street 07 825 0919 www.raglanbakery.co.nz

Paling | Post & Rail Picket | Pool Fencing Gates | Retaining Walls | Decks

Jeff Fagan Ph 022 020 1610

12 Wallis 13 WallisStSt 07 825 Ph: 8250114 7050 info@bizworx.co.nz

3 Wainui Rd 07 825 8988 www.raglansurf.com

Luke Mathers 0274 559 647 ragscaf@gmail.com

Raglan Club Open Anzac Day All Welcome 07 825 8288 www.raglanclub.co.nz

Raglan Community Arts Council Ph: 825 0023

email: patandbob@xtra.co.nz


6 RAGLAN Chronicle

Brian Elmes


/ Exterior FreePainting Quotes PhInterior . 825 8419 or 0274 837 571 825 8419 or 0274 837 571

825 8419 or 0274 837 571

God defend our free land Guard Pacific’s triple star From the shafts of strife and war Make her praises heard afar God defend New Zealand

since 1996

Luke Mathers 0274 559 647 mathersbuilders@gmail.com

hOUse BUiLDer anD renOVatOrs

God of nations at thy feet In the bounds of love we meet Hear our voices we entreat

organic food store and clinic

Christie Carpentry

Ph: 07 825 8366 Paul paul & robyn Christie 021 1880447 tel: (07) 825 8366 Robyn paul: 021 188 0447 - robyn: 021 177 5201 021 5201 199c te177 papatapu road, rD2 te Mata, raglan

Kia hua ko te pai Kia tau tō atawhai Manaakitia mai Aotearoa

The Herbal Dispensary REAL ESTATE 25-27 Bow Street Raglan Ph:07 8257170 Email: raglan@ljh.co.nz Web: raglan.ljhooker.co.nz

6 Wallis St, Raglan 825 7444 theherbaldispensaryraglan.co.nz

07 825 8306 021 619 960 27-29 Manukau Rd

Me aroha noa

The public to remain until ‘The Parade’ has marched off.

‘Where you belong’

27– 29 Manukau Road, Raglan / 07 825 8306 / 021 619 960

E Ihowa Atua O ngā iwi mātao rā Ata whakarangona

The Benediction.

27– 29 Manukau Road, Raglan / 07 825 8306 / 021 619 960

21 Bow Street, Raglan P: 07 825 8669 www.rwraglan.co.nz

New Zealand

Builders Mix Cement Compost Potting Mix Mushroom Compost Decoratoive Stones Lime Chip Red Chip Bark Mulch Shell GAP 20 GAP 40 Crushed Dust Culvert pipes Playground Chip Layers Pallets Firewood Drainage Metals PVC Pipe Novaflo Pea Metal Sand Pavers Compost Fertiliser store Pea Straw Hay Bales Mulch Chook Chow Top soil Railway Sleepers

140 Te Mata Rd 07 825 0577 or 021 400 106


HIRE EQUIPMENT: Compacter Concrete Mixer Post Hole Borer Temp Fencing Hire


We also offer: Truck Deliveries FREE cutomer loan trailers

10am Raglan Area School 7pm Te Uku Church Pastor Roger Peart ph 07 825 5199

Ph: 825 5199www.surfside.co.nz www.surfside.co.nz

love yourself





The Shack 19 Bow St 825 0027


Cultural Night 2018

Richard Thomson 027 294 8625

9 Bow St 07 282 0018 raglansurfemporium.com


The team at Four Square Raglan invite you to attend their Indian Cultural Night on Friday 15th June! The fun, family-friendly event will be held in the carpark from 7:30pm.


There will be a free Indian buffet dinner with vegetarian and non-vegetarian options, free Henna for ladies, and amazing live Indian performances! There will also be awards for best dressed in the Indian theme, with $100 Four Square vouchers up for grabs for the best-dressed male and female, and 6 months supply of milk for the best dressed family!


Note that there will be no parking on-site during the event, and in case of bad weather, the event will be postponed to Saturday 16th June.

Wainui Road Ph 825 7076


07 825 5011 info@goodnoze.co.nz

Raglan Office 07 825 7947 0274 929 921

raglanchamber.co.nz info@raglanchamber.co.nz


Cultural Night

2018 We’ll look forward to seeing you there!

39 Bow St

INVITED! 8292 m 825YOU’RE Fro07

The team at Four Square Raglan invite you to attend their Indian Cultural Night on Friday 15th June! The fun, family-friendly event will be held in the carpark from 7:30pm.


There will be a free Indian buffet dinner with vegetarian and non-vegetarian options, free Henna for ladies, and amazing live Indian performances! There will also be awards for best dressed in the Indian theme, with $100 Four Square vouchers up for grabs for the best-dressed male and female, and 6 months supply of milk for the best dressed family! Note that there will be no parking on-site during the event, and in case of bad weather, the event will be postponed to Saturday 16th June. We’ll look forward to seeing you there!



40 Bow Street Raglan P: 07 825 8390 F: 07 825 8901

Jono Hutson

12 Wallis St Ph: 825 0114 admin@ westcoasthealth.co.nz

Residential/Lifestyle specialist M 021 488 766 jono.hutson@pggwrightson.co.nz

021 684 395 metamorphosis.co.nz

Jono Hutson Residential & Lifestyle Specialist Ph: 021 488 766

3 Bankart Street Raglan P: 07 825 0467

RAGLAN ENGINEERING LTD Joel Connor Ph 825 0528

www.mgsl.co.nz Ph 825 6817

For all your Welding and Peter Williams Metalwork needs, as well as Hydraulic Hoses and Fittings, 07 825 8486 pay a visitDrive to Peter at 2 Park Raglan Engineering. Contact Peter on 825-8486 or see him 8am-5pm at 2 Park Drive, Raglan

DirectTech advertising Monday, 26 March 2012 2:42:28 p.m.

RaglanEngineeringAd.indd 1

Raglan Pharmacy 8 Bow Street 07 825 8164

5B Whaanga Rd Ph 825 7873 raglansurfingschool.co.nz

Freddy Limbert Ph 825 8515

0800 668 833

027 433 3338 or 07 823 6500

4/10/07 3:17:13 PM

rsc@xtra.co.nz 0274 374 467

Norrie Ave Ph 021 1874 796

rsc@xtra.co.nz Ph 0274 374 467


P L U M B I N G & G A S LT D


Janet Murphy


BSC (Hons) Podiatry NZ registered

Wildcoast Ruapuke Ph: 07 825 0059 wildcoast.co.nz

HOME VISITS ·Foot pain ·Diabetic footcare ·Corns and callus ·Cracked heels ·Problem nails ·Ingrown nails

Phone 825 8303 Ph: 0707825 8303 E-mail janet@inlinepodiatry.com M: 021 212 7922 janet@inlinepodiatry.com

• LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED Offering a reliable, friendly service combined with quality workmanship.

58 Wallis St 0210 244 2248 raglanyogaloft.co.nz

Ruapuke Motor Camp 391 Cogswell Rd ph: 07 825 5864 waitetunaretreat.co.nz


Bringing footcare in line with your needs

Grant Mathis 07 825 0523 or 027 222 0156 grantmathis.gm@gmail.com


1510 Whaanga Rd ph: 07 825 6800 ruapukemotorcamp.co.nz

Julls Klenner Ph 027 287 2365

Thanks... We’d like to thank the businesses who have supported this ANZAC feature and made it possible. The Raglan Chronicle will donate 20% of the revenue raised from your support to the Raglan Returned Services Association.

RAGLAN Chronicle 7

Open Home 8 Norrie Avenue Raglan If you are looking for serious 180 degree views of Raglan out to the Bar, harbour and town, this spectacular 3 bedroom home has it all. An amazing home with panoramic million dollar views located in popular Norrie Avenue and just a quick walk to town. The house offers 3 spacious double bedrooms plus a double garage and an extra room off the garage. The kitchen is centrally located with separate lounge and dining areas all enjoying those grandstand views. Situated on 1143 sqm with easy, flat access to the main house. Enjoy Raglan’s stunning sunsets. No need to ever go on holiday again when this is home!


Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

For Sale $1,275,000 View Sunday 2:00pm - 2:45pm

Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282

Open Home 4 Bankart Street Raglan Located in the Raglan Business Overlay Area, take advantage of securing one of a few properties in prime, town centre location. The house is solid and well presented. The upstairs area has 4 large bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and is extremely well heated – ideal for family living. Downstairs is a self-contained flat which is fully permitted as a separate unit with the required fire rating between top and bottom level. The property is currently rented upstairs and down. Situated on 807 sqm. This is an opportunity to own a property close to town – also ideal as a retail location. Call Julie or Blair to view!


Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

8 RAGLAN Chronicle

For Sale $875,000 View Sunday 2:00pm - 2:45pm

Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282

Final Notice

Auction this Friday

5A Cross Street Raglan We are delighted to present to the market this immaculate 2 bedroom home offering character and class. The house boasts the charming qualities of yesteryear combined with today’s high standards of compliance. Gorgeous native timber flooring says “welcome home” and leads the way to the spacious open plan kitchen and lounge area. Two sunny, double bedrooms with built in wardrobes are a plus and repeat the light, spacious and airy theme of the house. Take advantage of this flat 585sqm Freehold section. A great amount of planting has been done, leading

Auction 6:00pm, Friday 26 April Ray White Office (unless sold prior)

the way for you to continue to place your own mark on the landscaping. The property is within walking distance to town, parks and beaches. A must to view!

Julie Hanna 027 441 8964


Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282

Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

Open Home 22B Wallis Street Raglan


This tidy, 2 bedroom home is the ideal easy-care beach retreat or rental investment property. The flat, low maintenance section is a bonus, being 1/2 share in 1237 square metres. Take the clean slate, providing you the opportunity to further develop and realise the full potential. Selling fully furnished. Just a very short walk to the cafes and hub of Raglan’s town centre and all amenities. Tucked away and providing the peace and privacy you desire when you spend time at the beach! Call Julie or Blair to view.

View Saturday 1:00pm - 1:45pm


Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

6:00pm, Friday 10 May Ray White Office (unless sold prior)

Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282

RAGLAN Chronicle 9

RURAL | LIFESTYLE | RESIDENTIAL FOLLOW Jono Hutson Real Estate for New Listings and Community Updates


RAGLAN 420 Phillips Road




TENDER GST Inclusive

Ocean & Orchard This magnificent 5 bedroom executive home sprawls over a huge 225sqm. It is set on 5.3575 ha, with expansive views overlooking beautiful secluded countryside, Tasman Sea and the ever changing vista of Aotea harbour. The house is well appointed, with all day sun and fantastic views from every room. It was purpose built in 2010 and provides year round comfort and efficiency utilising quality materials and features including, double glazing, full insulation, an HRV system & wet back fireplace. The kitchen and living areas are spacious and filled with light. Bi-fold doors lead to a generous deck, ideal for entertaining. Offering five double bedrooms all with wardrobes, including a generous master with ensuite and walk-in-robe. There is

also an office and internal access double garage to complete the home. One of the most charming features of this lifestyle property is the Kahikatea Log Cabin .. It is full of rustic charm! Beside it stands a large 100sqm consented implement shed, complete with flush toilet, laundry, shower and claw foot bath. The possibility for additional income presents itself here. With extensive plantings of various mature fruit/nut trees (600+). Seeing is believing, come along to the open homes or contact Jono for your private viewing, you won't be disappointed.

(Unless Sold Prior) Closes 4pm, Wed 15 May PGGWRE Cnr Rostrevor Vialou Sts, Hamilton


3.30-4.15pm, Sunday 28 April

Jono Hutson M 021 488 766 E jono.hutson@pggwrightson.co.nz



398 Ruapuke Road

Lifestyle Bliss An exceptional lifestyle property that has it all! A 4 bedroom 2 bathroom home, plus a self-contained unit complete this beautiful property. Set on a 6.1 hectares, this idyllic location is only 15 mins to Raglan with Ruapuke Beach and Te Mata school just minutes away. Relax by the pool, ride the horse or enjoy the mature orchard and garden produce.



PRICE BY NEGOTIATION VIEW 2.15-2.45pm, Sunday 28 April

Jono Hutson M 021 488 766 E jono.hutson@pggwrightson.co.nz


RAGLAN 58 Government Road


The Lookout


• • • • • •


Four Bedroom / Two bathroom Polished Tallowwood Floors Double Internal Access Garaging Views of Harbour, Bar & Mt Karioi Luxurious Private Spa Pool Situated on 840sqm section



GST Inclusive 1.00-1.30pm, Sunday 28 April



Jono Hutson M 021 488 766 E jono.hutson@pggwrightson.co.nz

pggwre.co.nz/HAM30224 PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under REAA 2008

10 RAGLAN Chronicle

52B Lorenzen Bay Road

Sitting only a stone's throw away from the water's edge in Lorenzen Bay, this one is a charmer! This classic three bedroom 1950's character bungalow has so much to offer. Polished timber floors are a feature throughout the home. The fully fenced, low maintenance section is a dream. There is also a garage with generous off street parking.



$569,000 GST Inclusive

VIEW By Appointment Only

Jono Hutson M 021 488 766 E jono.hutson@pggwrightson.co.nz

pggwre.co.nz/HAM30280 Helping grow the country

& local health and wellbeing

news, products and services

Raglan Rest Home and Hospital celebrates one year


welve months ago, a Registered Nurse in her mid-fifties purchased a small stand-alone Rest Home and Hospital in a coastal village in the Waikato. The purchase was something that she had dreamt of for many years but had never been in a position or found the courage (or stupidity) to make the move. It was a now or never situation and the purchase was made. There were several stories floating around about small aged care facilities closing, abuse and lack of care (even in Hamilton) no staff etc. The Registered Nurse was not going to allow this to happen in this Facility – when she went into this building that was built in 1953, with views of the sea on three sides, sun shining in, she felt that this could be a place of peace, love, friendship and family – a good place for people to come and live when living on their own was no longer the best option for them; or if they or their carers needed a break from their daily struggles. Of course, there were fears and anxieties – was she good enough to carry this off? Was she just a dreamer? Would it be able to survive financially? Would she make through audit without feeling despondent and beaten? Would the community like her – she wasn’t a “true” local after all? Twelve months on and it was the third of April 2019 and Raglan Rest Home and Hospital was ready to celebrate its first birthday - it was a quiet celebration with the Staff on duty and a time of reflection; the year had been a journey – there have been many challenges with highs and lows, as was expected. The Registered Nurse discovered that maybe she could do this thing, the greatest achievement had been to see the residents, staff and families flourish and work together

to create an environment that is family orientated, comfortable and safe. All the hard work had resulted in getting a 100% achievement in the Ministry of Health Audit and the ultimate achievement of 4 years certification (certification can be granted for 1,2,3 or 4 years). This is the first time Raglan Rest Home and Hospital has had such a great audit outcome and the Registered Nurse had survived this time – now she needed to make sure that the team could continue to improve and do it again in four years’ time! Throughout the year the changes never stopped happening, the satisfaction of seeing the residents, families, staff, volunteers, GPs, Pharmacy and the wider community taking the Facility into their hearts and working so hard has been awesome. There have been so many changes that it is hard to pick out which ones are more significant than others – it seems that all the improvements, small, medium and large, have culminated in a massive quality improvement. To give an overview of the types of changes made, here is a short list: • Cleaning the Facility from top to bottom • Painting and upgrading bedrooms one-byone • Replacing linen, cutlery, crockery, cooking equipment, dishwashers and medical equipment • Buying new bedroom furniture, replacing chairs • Introducing cats and fish to the facility and having dogs visit every week The volunteer gardeners, donated pot plants and plants. • Outdoor gazebo – utilised for parties, lunch and afternoon teas • The increase in the range of activities from Mums and Babies, Kindergarten and

School exchanges, the amazing Thursday afternoon “happy hours” with local Whanau entertaining us so well, music and crafts, trips and BBQ’s and most of all love and laughter • Staff training and team building • Volunteers who donate their time and services • Communication – emails, texts, open doors, Facebook, brochures and talking • Community involvement – volunteers, opening ceremony, memorial service, harvest festival, Mid-winter feast, Christmas Party, morning teas, Meals-onWheels • Changes to policies and procedures – streamlining and clarifying The team got together and a new Logo and Philosophy were formed – Loving Hearts and Caring Hands became the guide and from this point a mission statement has grown. There is dedication demonstrated every day to ensuring that Raglan rest Home and Hospital live up to the name and the ideals that it stands for. There has been an increase in resident numbers, however, there is still room to grow and next year the focus is on continuing to improve and demonstrate that the Registered Nurse was not just a dreamer hoping to save what she saw as a jewel in the community. All the time there is an awareness of how many physical things there are that require replacing or upgrading, included in this list are: • Carpet needs replacing • Mobility van that can transport people in electric wheelchairs as well as manual wheelchairs and can cater for the wider community • Exterior and roof paint • New electric beds in some rooms • More paint. • New telephone system • New call bell system • New sanitiser • More gardening • More radiator heating to be added to the system and the boiler upgraded to cater for new radiators • More outdoor furniture So, what will the next year bring – there is hope that resident numbers will increase, that nothing else will break down and that love and caring will prevail and Raglan Rest Home and Hospital will take another step forward into the future. RRHH

AROMATHERAPY Diane Davies Massage & Aromatherapy... .... ...........................................................021 969 929 web:...........................................www.ddma. co.nz

CELEBRANT Robyn Riddle, Weddings and Funerals .......... .........................................................0275560438

HERBAL HEALTH The Herbal Dispensary.................07 825 7444 Private Herbal/Naturopathic consultations

HOMEOPATHY Janis Beet Homeopath.................07 825 8004

MASSAGE Diane Davies Massage & Aromatherapy. . ........ ...........................................................021 969 929 web:........................................www.ddma.co.nz

YOGA Raglan Yoga Loft.........................021 02442248 web:..................................raglanyogaloft.co.nz Yoga at ‘The Space’...........Above the Yot Club web:......................www.thespaceraglan.com

Classical Homeopath Janis Beet Dip. Hom (NZ) R.C Hom

Karioi Clinic of Homeopathy

78 Upper Wainui Rd, Raglan Phone: (07) 825 8004 Cell: 027 459 8547 email: janisbeet@gmail.com

RAGLAN DENTAL BDS Otago Advertise your health and wellbeing based business on this page. For pricing info contact us at: info@ raglanchronicle. co.nz or call 07 825 7076.

Resident Hygienist • Dental Implants Orthodontics/Braces • Dentures

12 WALLIS ST | PH: 07 825 8788 Hamilton Clinic: Victoria Dentist 270 Victoria St www.victoriadentist.co.nz

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ante and post natal care post operative rehabilitation post operative rehabilitation


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12 Wallis Street, Raglan 12 Wallis Street, Raglan admin@raglanphysio.co.nz admin@raglanphysio.co.nz

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RAGLAN Chronicle 11

Health in your Hands

Cheap-Cheap Prices this Easter

by Pauline Abrahams

A column connecting with older people in our community. This column is sponsored by Raglan Rest Home and Hospital. Manukau Road, Raglan. Phone: 07 825 8306

8th to 14th April 2019

Fresh NZ Beef Sirloin Steak






$ 99 ea


$ 99



Chilean Red or Green Seedless Grapes 500g


WW Mild, Colby or Edam Cheese 1kg


The Voluntary Aid Detachment his column features news and event details for older Nurses members of our community. The Voluntary Aid Detachment


Copper Kettle Chips 150g



$ 99

$ 00

Nestlé Chocolate Block 140-200g

Golden Circle Fruit Juice 1L or Kiwi Blue Still Water 1.5L





DB, Export Gold, Citrus, Extra Low Carb or Tui 12 x 330ml Bottles/Cans






SuperValue Raglan: 16-18 Bow Street. Ph 825 8300. Open 7am�–�9pm, 7 Days.

For inspiration visit

SuperValue.co.nz |

While stocks last at SuperValue Raglan only.

12 RAGLAN Chronicle

ANZAC Thursday 25th April

Saturday Club Raglan, at The Community House 9am

The Role Women during the War


by locals

Service (VADS) began in the First World War and were mostly women who tended the sick and wounded under the Red Cross and The order of St John. Often despised by regular trained nurses, because of their lack of training and cosseted background. Many ended up on the frontline running field hospitals and lost their lives in the line of duty. They were known as ‘the Roses of no- mansland’ and brought great comfort to the injured and dying soldiers. The Italians called them ‘columbine ‘ a term of endearment from the Latin ‘white dove’ meaning ‘love’ and the columbine flower is a symbol gentleness and peace.

On a more sombre note this day we remember the men and women who gave their so much so that we can live in peace.

Old Coach Road 750ml

Owned & operated

Raglan township was buzzing last weekend as the Art Trail went into in full swing. Hundreds of people supported this wonderful event show casing some of the amazing artistic talent in the area. Meanwhile Raglan West had its fair share of visitors with three artists opening up their Studios in Nihinihi Street. I introduced Encaustic Wax Art to over 200 visitors in Uenuko Avenue in my new studio appropriately called ‘Rainbow Studios’ (Uenuku, Māori meaning rainbows). I talked to people from all over New Zealand and abroad, as well as some of my neighbours who I had never met! A big thank you to the Old School Art Centre and all the support crews that made the event such huge success. Six months in the planning it was the beautiful weather that finally helped to make the 10th Raglan Arts Weekend one to remember.

Please drink responsibly

As well as soldiers there were those on the home front who replaced the men mobilized in the military. Many women worked in ammunition factories, volunteered as air raid wardens, ambulance drivers and land-girls. Women also were allowed to join the forces. Along with education it changed the role of women in society for ever.

WHAT’S ON Every Thursday Technology 2pm at Community House

Senior Raglan

Next Crop Swap Sunday 5th May, at the Bowling Club 9.30 Every Monday Care and Craft, 9.30 at the Bowling Club Wednesday 1st May Raglan Community Support Group, 11.00 at Stewart Street Hall. Nia Dance 1st May Wednesday, 9.30 at the Town Hall, first session free. Wednesday 8th May Lunch Group, Raglan Hospital and Rest home 11am

EnviroMatters www.whaingaroa.org.nz ▬▬


The Whaingaroa Environment Centre ▬▬▬ (07) 825-0480 ▬▬▬ find us in the Town Hall, Bow Street

Youth “on board”

The Marine Matters team have enjoyed a busy summer with all the festivities for Māui dolphin Day, their advocacy work at the boat ramps and educating local children about this very special endemic species. Gemma, Janzelle and Mike took the dolphin show on the road and presented to all the students at Te Mata and Te Uku schools. 220 children learnt about Māui dolphin behaviour, biology and the threats the species face. The hugely engaged audiences came up with lots of ways to help save the species from extinction and it was clear there were many budding conservationists in the room. It was wonderful to bump into the same children at Māui dolphin Day and watch them battle their way through the obstacle course and answer so many questions correctly during the Māui dolphin quiz on the stage.

One of the drawings the Te Mata School junior class were inspired to make after seeing the team’s presentation

Working together to save Māui dolphins

WEC’s Marine Matters summer advocacy programme at the boat ramps has now reached over 1,500 people! The team have been chatting with the general public about the critical status of the Māui dolphin population and handing out collateral to encourage all sightings to be reported to the Department of Conservation (0800 DOC HOT). This type of citizen science assists DOC in tracking the population and their habitat preferences. This information shapes conservation measures put in place to save the species from extinction. Fishermen and boat users are our ‘eyes and ears’ out on the ocean and are a crucial resource in the conservation effort. Over 750 boat users were surveyed this summer and it was discovered that whilst over half of the respondents could identify a Māui dolphin, on average only 23% knew to report sightings to DOC. These findings illustrate the need for awareness projects of this kind. We are proud that the advocacy programme has been successful in reaching so many people through Māui dolphin Day, the boat ramp surveys and the school presentations. Every five years the Government reviews it’s Threat Management Plan (TMP) for Māui dolphins and this year you can have your say on what this plan should include. The TMP aims to ensure that the long-term viability of Māui dolphins is not threatened by human activities; and to further reduce impacts of these activities. The review includes a public consultation period where individuals will be able to make submissions on the various TMP options put forward. This consultation period will begin in late May for six weeks. Gemma from the Marine Matters team will assist DOC in delivering this in the Raglan area. To prepare the community to have their say in the TMP we will be holding a Māui dolphin themed Science Night on 23rd May at Orca Bar. Turn up at 6.30pm for your dose of marine mammal science from two renowned Māui dolphin scientists Wendi Roe (Massey University) and Rochelle Constantine (Auckland University).

Community Coastal Clean Ups

This summer WEC’s Marine Matters team coordinated two coastal cleans ups with the awesome Whaingaroa Community. On the 5th of January, 48 people worked to pick up 5,697 pieces! nearly 0.75 m3 weighing around 40 kgs. Last month, over 45 volunteers picked up 3,250 pieces (~1 m3, weighing 75.62 kgs) in the Inner Harbour. That’s a lot of rubbish removed from our marine environment! Keep an eye out for the next clean up to come in July.

Janzelle and Mike collecting rubbish around Te Toto Gorge

Thanks to local EnviroMatters sponsors:

RAGLAN Chronicle 13

QUICKFIND Directory: your local trades guide CONCRETE SERVICES

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Specialising in New Builds, Maintenance and Drainlaying. Nick Heasman Phone: 021 058 2140 Email: onpointraglan@gmail.com onpointplumbing.co.nz



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Builders Mix • Cement • Firewood Drainage Metals • PVC Pipe • Novaflo Pea Metal • Sand • Pavers • Compost Fertiliser store • Pea Straw • Hay Bales Barks • Mulch • Chook Chow TOPSOIL • RAILWAY SLEEPERS Plant Nursery • Truck Deliveries Free Customer Loan Trailers HIRE EQUIPMENT: Compacter Concrete Mixer • Post Hole Borer

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14 RAGLAN Chronicle



MOVIES AT THE OLD SCHOOL IN APRIL | GREEN DOOR (M)Sat 27 April – 8.30, Sunday 28 April - 4.30 | COLETTE (M) Sat 27 April – 6.00 | MARY POPPINS RETURNS (G) Sat 27 April – 3.00 | Door sales 30 mins prior.

FRI 26 APRIL ************* MUSIC AT THE OLD SCHOOL Joanne Slagel, acoustic singer songwriter. Doors open 7pm, $15 cash / $16.50 eftpos. ************* WED 1 MAY R A G L A N RAMBLERS 9am from James St near Wallis St - Hakarimata cascades to Ngaruawahia – bring lunch.

RAGLAN BADMINTON CLUB Every Wed from May 1st. 7-9pm RAS Hall. Celia Risbridger 027 763 694


Show Off NZ

21 YEARS! Celebration & Easter 2 Bow St Sale!

Opening Easter Saturday 20 - 28 April Rosemary Pritchard Oil Paintings 20% off ‘NUDE’ Pounamu Jewellery & Crystals 30-50% off Open Daily - 2 Bow Street Exhibition P 07 825 7962 E showoffnz@hotmail.com FB @newzealangreenstone Opening IG @show_off_new_zealand

THURS 25 APRIL @ THE YOT CLUB: Earshot with Cian DJing from 9. Vinyl only, hip hop funk soul. Free pool. Free entry, outside fire, food from ULO’s.




Straight Leg, wide leg & classic skinny denim - we can help you into new styles for your body shape!

In My Good Books Quality 2nd hand books Open Thurs - Sun from 10am 2 Wallis St Books wanted.

Services Offered O V E R G R O W N B A C K Y A R D SPECIALIST Pruning, Spraying etc. Phone RAGLAN BACKYARD 027 7599 475

Thursday 25th April 2019

10.30am - Parade lines up,

SAT 27 APRIL @ THE YOT CLUB: Two piece NoiseMerchants Skinny Hobos joined by local favourites Cheshire Grimm and 5 Girls. Tickets $15 from Under the radar. Start time 8pm.

Wainui Rd.

11.00am - Civic Service at

the Cenotaph, Bow St.

Courses, classes & workshops Brrrr, chill out with...THE RAGLAN LIGHT EXERCISE GROUP SESSIONS Monday & Thursday. 10am to 11am. St Peters Hall. Everybody is most welcome to attend. *Sponsored by RC Commercial to Let

Public Notices



Contact Gary Kite

4005 SH23, Raglan Ph: (07) 825 6560 Mob: 022 622 9005 raglanstorage@gmail.com

THE WINTER? Manukau Road Depot has a space available: 1.8m x 4.3m, $34.50+GST p/w. Phone Brendan 021 262 7735

Public Notices a ta m i ra . c o. n z

@ THE YOT CLUB: DJ SWEEP. Free before 10pm

For free pickup & dropoff, text this number: 0 2 7 - Y O T- E E E E (027 968 3333)

Easter Saturday NEED EXTRA Photos of Aotearoa, NZ by Steve WinterSTORAGE OVER For Sale 10.30am Services Offered Opening Labour Weekend from10.30am Saturday 21 October F I 2RBow E Street W O Raglan, O D Phone FLUE 07 825 CLEANING 7962 DRY - DELIVERED & LOG FIRE Pine $180 2m x 2m INSPECTION $115 Phone 021 077 1524 I also do all flue, log F I R E W O O D fire repairs and new Phone $100 Trailer load installations. Mark on 07-8298103 Phone 022 075 6849 /Cell 021457342


RUAPUKE MOTOR CAMP - Peace & tranquility - Surfing, fishing, bush walks - Cabins, powered sites, tent sites PH 07 825 6800

RAGLAN NATURALLY - OUR COMMUNITY PLAN What’s your ideas for Raglan’s future? Sign up for monthly newsletter visit us on Facebook email: raglannaturally@ gmail.com Gabrielle Parson 021 844 785

CLASSIFIEDS ADVERTISING IN THE RAGLAN CHRONICLE: Ads on this page are an affordable way to get something out to the community. Min. ads start from $8. Call us on: 825 7076 or email: classifieds@raglanchronicle.co.nz

Public Notice of availability of summary of decisions requested on Proposed Waikato District Plan – Stage 1 Waikato District Council has prepared a summary of decisions requested by persons making submissions on the Proposed Waikato District Plan – Stage 1. The availability of this summary is being publicly notified in accordance with clause 7 of Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991.

Join the Raglan Community Patrol and help keep Whaingaroa Raglan Safe.

The summary of decisions requested and original submissions can be inspected from 29 April 2019 at: • Council’s consultation page: www.waikatodistrict.govt.nz/your-council/public-consultations;

Contact Narina Hurst 07 825 8473

• Council office in Ngaruawahia (15 Galileo Street), Huntly office and library (142 Main Street), Raglan office and library (7 Bow Street) and Tuakau office (2 Dominion Road) during normal opening hours; • Council libraries in Ngaruawahia (4 Jesmond Street); Te Kauwhata (1 Main Road,) and Tuakau (72 George Street) during normal opening hours.

Situations Vacant

MEDIA SUPERVISOR RAGLAN (SMALL PART-TIME ROLL) If you live in Raglan enjoy flexible working hours incl. working from home, have a reliable vehicle along with excellent computer skills then NZ’s leading distribution company needs you. Call Peter 021664132.

The following persons may make a further submission in support or opposition to an original submission:

V A C A N C Y AT THE RAGLAN OLD SCHOOL ARTS CENTRE PART TIME ARTS A D M I N I S T R AT O R For a job description please contact Rodger Gallagher on email rodger@ raglanartscentre.co.nz Applications due by 5pm Friday 3rd May.

• Any person representing a relevant aspect of the public interest, and • Any person that has an interest in the Proposed Waikato District plan – Stage 1 greater than the interest that the general public has; and • The local authority itself. Further submissions must be in writing and include all information contained in Form 6. Further submissions can be made online at www.waikatodistrict.govt.nz/your-council/ public-consultations. Alternatively, the further submission form can be obtained from any of the Waikato District Council offices or libraries listed above or downloaded at www.waikatodistrict.govt.nz/pdp. Further submissions must be received by Council no later than 9am on Monday 27 May 2019 at one of the following addresses for service: Online via:


By email to:


By post to:

Waikato District Council, Private Bag 544, Ngaruawahia 3742

By delivery to: Any of the Waikato District Council offices or libraries listed above. Any person who lodges a further submission with Council must, within 5 working days of doing so, serve a copy of the further submission on the person(s) who made the original submission(s). This notice is given under clause 7 of Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991 on 29 April 2019. G J Ion Chief Executive


THUR 25 APRIL R A G L A N ANZAC D AY S E R V I C E All Welcome. More info and times to right >>>

Gig Guide


What's On

Public Notices

0800 492 452 www.waikatodistrict.govt.nz www.facebook.com/WaikatoDistrictCouncil

XTREME EASTER & ANZAC SITE HOURS: Good Friday (19 April) Saturday 20 April Sunday 21 April Easter Monday (22 April) Tuesday 23rd April

Site closed Site open 10.00am – 5.00pm Site open 10.00am – 5.00pm Site open 12.30pm – 5.00pm Normal Hours resume

ANZAC Day – Thurs 25 April

Site open 12.30pm – 5.00pm

Christmas and New Year Hours KERBSIDE COLLECTIONS: The18 Xmas and New Year Holidays will change the days of Thursday April Collections for Thursday our kerbside foodwaste collection. (orange) and Friday (yellow) areas To help you manage your foodwaste over the Xmas and

Friday New 19 April No collection Year’s period,

Zero Waste is accepting foodwaste drop off at the ANZACXtreme Day – Thurs 25 April centre on: Thursdays collections will be in the afternoon Friday 22nd December to Friday 5th January. Please ensure your foodwaste is contained in the official XZW Compostable bags. RAGLAN Chronicle 15 We will provide a wheelie bin near Kaahu’s Nest for collections.

Open Home

Open Home

New Listing




13b Bushview Drive Views, Sunshine and Peaceful Living Enjoy stunning rural vistas & all day sun from this beautifully elevated position in Waitetuna Valley. The modern 4 bdrm, 2 bthrm home offers spacious open plan living with fantastic indoor/ outdoor flow. The section around the house features many established trees including a variety of fruit trees. There’s a dble garage with a lean to and ample parking for a boat, float and trailers. Situated on 8619m² there’s plenty of space to keep some livestock, chickens or maybe a horse. With something for the whole family this is one you don’t want to miss! For Sale Contact Email View

Open Home


$778,000 Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 sobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz Saturday 12 - 12:30 pm ljhooker.co.nz/282HFG



299 Okete Road 4


What You’ve been Waiting for !! Set on 2.5 acres of flat land, this 1990’s built potential filled home has 5 bdrms, 3 bthrms, established grounds with some mature trees, several paddocks for stock or pets completing the perfect lifestyle picture. The rustic home has spacious open plan & a large deck extending your living space as well as a private tranquil outlook to the Raglan harbour. 2 of the bdrms have their own living space with a kitchenette which lends itself nicely to a home & income situation. A carport & double garage offer plenty of room for storing the vehicles & toys. Conveniently located 3km from Te Uku and it’s popular coffee shop.


120 Maungatawhiri Road

A GEM that is SURE TO SHINE! AUCTION 18.05.19 1pm Contact Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 Email



Saturday 12 - 12.30pm ljhooker.co.nz/ 29DHFG

On the market for the first time in 22 years, this property is located in one of the best locations Raglan has to offer, featuring stunning harbour, ocean and rural views from NOT ONE.... BUT TWO homes . The main dwelling is a charming chalet styled 2 bedroom 2 bathroom home with a large deck and the 2nd home is a 2 bedroom cottage with it’s own driveway access and privacy, currently returning rental income. The 2.8 acres lies to the north and there are no covenants and the bonus of a legal right to spring water on the title. There is SO MUCH potential!

Open Home


Open Home


For Sale Contact Email View

Open Home


New Listing


759,000 Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 kleuthart.raglan@ljh.co.nz Saturday 2 - 2:30pm ljhooker.co.nz/27YHFG



61b Government Road

91a Greenslade Road

A Position in Government! Conveniently located, this north facing home is well presented. With three bedrooms & one bathroom the modern kitchen is fully equipped for functionality. An open plan style offers indoor/outdoor flow to the large deck featuring a stylish pergola. Low maintenance, established grounds, provides privacy. Cox’s Bay is just a stroll away for safe swimming via Daisy Street. With a single garage & carport this property sits on a fully fenced ½ share of 1214m². For Sale $620,000 Contact Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 Email sobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz mobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz Saturday 1 - 1:30pm View ljhooker.co.nz/284HFG

Space, Location, Seaside Lifestyle Set on a large residentially zoned section of just over an 1 acre (4217m2), the solid 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom home is spacious and well presented with the added bonus of being extensively renovated a few years ago including double glazing, a new kitchen and bathrooms. There’s fruit trees, a grazing paddock, a large chicken coop and a tranquil pond in the valley below is great for BBQs. The internal access basement garage also has an office and storage area for all the tools and toys. A perfect combination of a location near the water and lifestyle living.



For Sale Contact Email View

New Listing



845,000 Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 kleuthart.raglan@ljh.co.nz Saturday 1-1.30pm ljhooker.co.nz/299HFG



573 Maungatawhiri Road

61a Lorenzen Bay Road

Simplicity, Views & Style Built in 2013 to take in the panoramic views of the surrounding rolling hills and countryside. The home boasts a sleek kitchen with central island set within a spacious high stud living area which opens out through large double glazed sliders to a covered deck for sheltered entertaining. The bathroom doubles as an ensuite and is designed as a fully tiled ‘wetroom’. Located 10 minutes drive to Raglan on 2 acres (8684m²) with just under half in flat lawns. A standalone double garage is built in the same style of the dwelling and there’s plenty of parking as well as room for the future swimming pool!

Lorenzen Bay Rental Investment Built in 2006 with a modern and unique seaside design, this home represents great buying near the Lorenzen Bay waterfront which is an easy 200m stroll away. 3 bedrooms and open plan living complement a modern kitchen with gas cooking. Wrap around covered decking soaks up the sunshine and enjoys views out to the harbour. Full insulation, gas heating and a DVS system guarantee winter warmth. Double carport, lock-up storage area and fully fenced section. The current excellent fixed term tenants are paying $460 per week until May 2020 providing security for a new landlord owner with rental income paid immediately from settlement day.

For Sale Contact Email View

For Sale $685,000 Contact Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 Email kleuthart.raglan@ljh.co.nz View ljhooker.co.nz/29HHFG

$749,000 Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 kleuthart.raglan@ljh.co.nz Saturday 11 - 11:30am ljhooker.co.nz/26GHFG

Chrissy Cox

Kyle Leuthart

Michelle O’Byrne

Stephen O’Byrne

Robbie Regnier

Matt Sweetman

Natasha Metcalfe-Black

027 287 1804

021 903 309

021 969 878

021 969 848

021 952 271

021 624 826

027 555 9994

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Raglan Property Manager

*NB Boundary lines on photos are approximate & merely a guide. All information contained herein is gathered from sources we deem reliable. However we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely upon their own enquiries.

LJ Hooker Raglan (07) 825 7170 • 16 RAGLAN Chronicle

25-27 Bow Street , Raglan • George Boyes & Co Limited Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008

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