Raglan Chronicle

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Nga Ripo o Whaingaroa

EST. 1903

27th August 2020 - Issue #703

Whaingaroa news for you weekly

Online Watties

Baked Beans Shopping and available:

Spaghetti https://raglan. 420g cans store.supervalue. co.nz 3 for $4



Nobody does it better® Open Homes Nobody does it better® Sunday 30th August

Nobody does it better®

Thinking of selling? So are we! Seo! are we! ngo?f sSe• 11-11.45am oll10ainMarine reg?wParade

Raglan team 70+ years experience team 7• 0+13yeLorenzen ars expBay erieRoad nce ears exp12-12.30pm erience • 4 Robertson Street 1-130pm

Sandra Bowditch Stephen O’Byrne Robbie Regnier Matt Sweetman 021 751 759 021 969 848 021 952 271 021 624 826 Rentals Sandra Bowditch Michelle O’Byrne Ge Sto ep h e n O ’ B y r n e R o b b i e R e g n i e r M a t t S w e e t m a n r g e B o y e s & C o L i m i t e d 2 7 B o w S t , R a g l a n r a g l a n @ l j h . c o . n z MREINZ Lice ns ed REAA 2008 0 2 1 7 5 1 7 5 9 021 969 878 021 969 848 021 952 271 021 624 826 Rentals Sandra Bowditch Robbie Regnier Matt Sweetman 021r7a5g 1 7la 59n@ljh.co.nz MREINZ Licensed REAA 2008 27 Bo0w 21 9S5t2, 2R 71aglan 021 624 826 Rentals Chrissy Cox 027 287 1804

Kyle Leuthart 021 903 309

Michelle O’Byrne 021 969 878

07 825 7170

07 825 7170 25 7170 raglan@ljh.co.nz

MREINZ Lice ns ed REAA 2008

WEC Makeover



p15 Jo Sweeney from Zinnia, along with a number of locals are sewing a range of mask.

You list it... We will sell it! Simple.

Julie Hanna 027 441 8964

Saturday 29 August 12pm 53 Wainui Road 1pm 23 Wallis Street 2pm 16a Long Street

Sunday 30 August

Raglan Couriers Raglan Couriers travelling to 3 times daily Raglan Couriers Hamilton 3 times daily: 3 times daily morning/midday/afternoon morning, midday and afternoon

morning/midday/afternoon deliveries available

Local Business Serving Raglan District Since 1996

Local Business Serving Raglan District Since 1996

12pm 16a Smith Street 1pm 23 Wallis Street Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282

Ray White Raglan I 21 Bow Street I Raglan I 07 825 8669 I rwraglan.co.nz

Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

Phone 027 221 5395 RAGLAN Chronicle 1



Supportour ourlocal localeateries! eateries! Support Hoursand andspecials specialsbelow. below. Hours

Local sewists get together to make reusable masks: Jo Sweeney, captured at Zinnia, along with a number of locals are sewing a range of masks. Full story on page 3.


Aroha Sushi Raglan

Raglan’s original sushi shop since 2003

Open 6 Days. Wednesdays to

TurkishKebabs Kebabson onPlates Plates&&Pitas Pitas Turkish PH: 07 825&&7440 plusbeverages beverages more plus more


Open 7 Days SHACK Thisspace spacecould couldbe beyours. yours. This SERVING HONEST LOCAL AND GOOD FOOD o p e n Email 7 d a ythe s a Chronicle week N O

8am - 4pm

formore moredetails. details. Email the Chronicle for

19 Bow Streetinfo@raglanchronicle.co.nz 07 825 002 7 info@raglanchronicle.co.nz

10:30toto9pm 9pm| |29 29Bow BowStSt- -07 07825 8250202 0202 10:30

(07)825 8258761 8761 (07)

Open Thurs to

Open 9am- -7pm 7pm Open Sun9am 10am-7pm. Wed Sunday Wed - -Sunday Closed Mon, Closed Mon-Tues Tues, Wed Closed Mon-Tues

Open from Fish Chips Fish n’n’Chips 12pm-7.30pm. GroupBookings Bookings Group Inside/OutsideSeating Seating Inside/Outside

Phoneorders orderswelcome! welcome! Phone Phone orders welcome! *Fish& &Chips* Chips* *Fish *Fish & Chips* *Burgers* *Burgers* *Burgers* *Weekly Specials* *Weekly Specials* *Weekly Specials* Thestore storewith witha alotlotmore! more! The The store with a lot more

KopuaCamp CampStore, Store,Marine MarineParade, Parade,Raglan Raglan TeTeKopua

PH: 825 8761

RealFruit FruitIce IceCream Cream Real Burritos Wraps Burritos - -Wraps Express Lunch Soup Salad Wed Fri Soup Salad VolcomLane Lane Volcom & Chilli Open 7 days from 11:30 & Chilli Open 7 days from 11:30 Closed Mon & Tues 43 Rose St 07 825 0010



op e ns es v ev e nd d ay ek ek op en en ay s sa aww ee N N O O

92Wallis WallisStSt- 07 - 07825 8257544 7544 92

Openfor forDinner Dinner Open Fri&&Sat Sat Fri from5:30pm 5:30pm from

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Open for Breakfast

and lunch Breakfast/Lunch Days Breakfast/Lunch 7 7Days Closed Tuesdays

Open77Days Days Open From9:30AM 9:30AMMon-Fri Mon-Fri From and9AM 9AMSat Satand andSun Sun and Waterfrontdining dining Waterfront indoorand andoutdoor outdoorseating seating indoor

An occasional opinion column with Aaron Mooar, Station Manager of Raglan Community Radio and the host of the Morning Show.


he phrase conspiracy theory is usually used to discredit the argument of someone who doesn’t hold mainstream views but lately people seem quite happy to claim there are conspiracies everywhere. I want to go back to basics with this question; “is it likely that people would conspire to increase their wealth and/or power?” The answer is obviously yes. I would add however, that not everything is a conspiracy and we need to figure out how to tell the difference. Mainstream news outlets are in a tizz right now about the growth of conspiracy theories on social media, but I suspect their tendency to uncritically publish the views of powerful people has a lot to do with people losing faith in their reporting. One obvious example: We all know now that US claims about Iraq’s Weapons of Mass Destruction in the early 2000s were false. UN weapons inspectors were actually trying to tell us this at the time and while we reported it on Raglan Community Radio, mainstream media just went along with the US government line - with devastating results for the people of Iraq. More recently our media’s tendency to trumpet our rock star economy while the divide between rich and poor has been steadily expanding hasn’t exactly helped their credibility either. I always thought this stuff would cause people to lose their trust in mainstream news but I’m kind of surprised about where they’ve chosen to put their faith instead. I interviewed Billy Te Kahika a few weeks ago and while he is good at articulating how a lot of people feel I thought his theory about communists taking over the UN was pretty weak. It’s a conspiracy theory that has been around for decades but in a world awash in actual corporate

conspiracies and utterly dominated by capitalism I’ve never found it very convincing. I don’t do hard hitting interviews so I just let Billy have his say and mistakenly assumed that everyone else would interpret it the way I had. His description of how the UN would influence our local governments was completely lacking in concrete detail and his need to reference a youtube video in the middle of the discussion suggested a very shallow understanding. Despite that, the general feeling he articulates, that “something is going on” is very real and quite valid, for the reasons I outlined above. I just don’t know why it has all blown up now. There have been far more devious efforts to curb our freedoms by the previous National and Labour governments and to me our current leadership looks much more like a group of people who are barely coping with a rolling crisis. This is both because events have moved so quickly, and because of the chronic under-resourcing of the public service (something we should be angry about). If people want to see how to prove a conspiracy to the point where it becomes accepted fact then they could read some of Nicky Hager’s books. If they want to know why it feels like things are stacked against them they could do what working class people used to do and read up on how class and power structures work. It’s way better than facebook memes, trust me. Mostly though I reckon we should take some time away from all this. Even if the media we consume is 100% accurate, dwelling on that level of negativity distorts our view of the world and makes us feel powerless. There are way more uplifting things we could be doing. Aaron Mooar

• •


Everyone Welcome

Sunday 10am - 12 noon 18 Manukau Rd Raglan

Enquiries 027 447 3413

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Barbara Kuriger MP for Taranaki-King Country Inglewood Office 80 Rata St, PO Box 124, Inglewood 4330 06 756 6032 Kuriger.Inglewood@parliament.govt.nz

Raglan Ink Ltd home of the Raglan Chronicle Office open by appointment Post: P.O. Box 234, Raglan

Email: info@raglanchronicle.co.nz

Te Awamutu Office 53 Mutu St, PO Box 302, Te Awamutu 3800 07 870 1005 Kuriger.Teawamutu@parliament.govt.nz

Editor: maki@raglanchronicle.co.nz

Advertising & Articles The advertising and editorial content deadline will be Monday at 12pm week of issue.

DISCLAIMER Opinions and views expressed in the Raglan Chronicle do not necessarily represent those held by the Editors or Publishers. Every care will be taken in the preparation and placement of submitted material but the Editors/Publishers shall not be liable for errors or omissions or subsequent effects due to the same. It is the submitters responsibility to ensure material is not libelous or defamatory. The Editors/Publishers reserve the right to abridge, alter or decline any material submitted to the Raglan Chronicle to meet the constraints of space and/or maintain a reasonable standard of language and decorum.

2 RAGLAN Chronicle

Funded by the Parliamentary Service. Authorised by Barbara Kuriger MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington.

‘Buzz’ of creativity as sewists turn hands to reusable masks

Also at H.G Webb House, Cnr Boundary & Victoria Streets, Hamilton

Left image: Chloe Swarbrick, Auckland Candidate for the Green Party wearing a Sew Love mask. Right image: More of colourful offerings from the Sew Love mask range


hey say every cloud has a silver lining but in Raglan’s case it’s more a colourful fabric lining. With the re-emergence of coronavirus, fabrics of many hues and patterns are being whipped up by sewing-machine into double-thickness, reusable face masks – spawning a whole new cottage industry in town. It’s a phenomenon that Sarah Lancaster, the Raglan based owner-operator of upcycling business ‘Sew Love’, described recently as “the reusable face mask buzz”. She and Jo Sweeney from Zinnia are just two of the locals sewing into the night to keep up with demand. Both told the Chronicle they’ve even got their mothers helping out – stitching for family and friends at least – while they fulfil orders from the wider community. Jo, who’s known for her own line of bags and belts, says the aesthetic with her face masks is “colourful and crazy”. But classic black is popular too, she adds. She spent five hours perfecting a pattern after the Covid-19 alert levels were raised a fortnight ago – and then it was all on. Her daily stocks of face masks have been flying out the door at Zinnia and she can hardly keep up. “I’ve been sewing for up to 10 hours a day on top of (full-time) work,” she says. “It’s the craziest thing … I never expected it.”

Jo says she’d wrongly thought at first that the market was saturated and was “hesitant” to begin making her washand-wear masks, which come with filter pockets. But now she’s chuffed that people are buying and wearing locally made products. Sarah too is going all out to supply vibrant, patterned masks for the likes of community “teams” such as Xtreme Zero Waste and Para Kore. “I’ve been working non-stop, it’s really intense,” she says, adding she’s grateful for those who’ve helped out with deliveries or kept her going by bringing around meals. “This is exactly what care and community is all about.” Sarah points out that other sewists – the name coined for people who sew works of art – are supplying masks through the likes of Timebank Raglan, while Di Jennings and Maureen Dellow from Raglan Upcycling Co-op have also taken up the challenge.

also turned her hand to making face masks from home, her biggest order to date from Raglan Rest Home and Hospital which has been in the required level 4 lockdown. Then there’s Shelley Wilson, owner and founder of ‘In My Kitchen’ – a zero waste online retail store – along with others in the community who are industriously answering the call for more masks. Meantime it’s been an unexpectedly productive time of quite a different kind recently for Raglan artist and children’s book author Astrid Conjaerts Schepel, who’s been in managed quarantine at Rydges Auckland after a trip back to the Netherlands to see her father before he died.


Astrid was able to put her fortnight in isolation to good use by ordering in and setting up an easel in her hotel room – then losing herself in the painting process. “That saved me I think.”

“Oh gosh I’m sewing in my sleep at the moment,” says Di. The pair’s supplies of masks have been quickly selling out on Saturdays from the new Kai and Craft initiative at the former tiny bread shop in Bow St.

Besides completing three paintings from printed-out photos of Raglan in her first week, she also worked on a new Mind-traveller book – this time set in New Zealand – and hopes to have it published by the end of the year.

They’ve also dropped batches of their masks at the local community house, to be sold on a koha basis or given away for free. “We feel we’ve done our bit now,” says a satisfied Di.

While some returnees have broken out of quarantine facilities, Astrid says her experience was of obliging staff who “did everything to help us and make things as nice as possible”.

Longtime local Katy McNamara has

Edith Symes

RAGLAN Chronicle 3

Lockdown makeover brings new lease of life to WEC after lockdown provided the team the time to get to work without interrupting their core business.

such as Timebank, the Community Gardens,

“We started the makeover in Level 2 when we felt it was safe enough for our team.”

Mahi Māra (gardening in schools).

Established in 2000, WEC has been located in the front of the town hall for 20 years. There have been a few different versions of WEC but it was in dire need of an uplift.

people to come and learn about the projects

The team set to work plastering in the cracks and holes in the plasterwork and a slap of light-coloured paint over once green walls has freshened the interior.

initiative with XZW to tackle Raglan’s

In a move towards being a paperless office, a touchscreen TV has replaced much of the information pamphlets of old. “It’s great because we are not creating as much waste and visitors can now access a broader range of information on the spot,” Jasmine says.

WEC coordinator Jasmine Hunter loves the new look at the centre.


post lockdown makeover has brought in a fresh, new look to the



Centre coordinator Jasmine Hunter says the makeover had been on the agenda for a


office at the Raglan Town Hall.

while with a budget set aside, but the weeks

The Centre Hub is an information provider for many local conservation and sustainable organisations, including the Karioi Project, Xtreme Zero Waste, Plastic Free Raglan and Coastcare. WEC also runs its own projects

the Tool Library, Māui Dolphin Day and Conservation, Science Nights and Tamariki “We see ourselves as the physical place for and work streams of all the organisations that we align with.” As well as the makeover, there are new projects on the horizon including a joint noxious weeds. The seed library is about to get a boost of new seeds for busy gardeners wanting to get planting for spring. Plus, the Tool Library is fully up and running again after a much-needed cash injection. For a small fee, members get unlimited hire of tools for landscaping, gardening, maintenance, building and DIY. The Whāingaroa Environment Centre’s Hub at the Raglan Town Hall is open to the public Tuesday to Friday from 12-4pm and on Saturday from 10am-12pm.

Artisan & Merchant


or this week's column we spoke to owner of Artisan & Merchant, Gretchen Hamilton.

SUPPORT LOCAL An occasional post-covid column featuring the faces behind local businesses in our community.

This column is made possible thanks to sponsorship from Raglan Four Square


What initial impact did Covid have on you ? For me personally, as I imagine it was for everyone, it was a strange and uncertain time. When something so unprecedented happens and the media goes crazy with all the doom and gloom, it’s hard to not be concerned about what the outcome will be both for our day to day lives and our businesses (But also secretly, I was a little excited about some enforced down time) What did you learn from the experience about your business? Well I certainly had plenty of time to reflect on my business and make plans for the worst case scenario during lockdown! However, I was really fortunate that I had an already established online store...and I got approved to sell winter essential clothing after the first week of lockdown. So online sales went crazy...I guess people were at home with time to kill and wanted to treat themselves. The fact that I have all my clothing range made locally in the Waikato has always been a huge selling point for my label and with COVID that definitely became more pronounced. Did you change anything in response ?

In the first weeks of lockdown I definitely sat down and wrote up buying plans for the next couple of years, a few different variations depending on how business goes post COVID. But mostly I’ve always made decisions for my business based on my instinct, so even though I have plans on paper, knowing me I’ll probably ignore them all and just roll with it and see how things unfold and make decisions accordingly. What are the future plans for the business? For the moment, with such uncertain times, it’s about being super cautious and careful to make sure I keep my business going. I have targets and goals set out that I am working

towards and things are looking good so far, but I’m aware that things may well take a huge downturn any moment with the recession they are predicting. I’m wholesaling my label to other stores now and my focus at the moment is to concentrate on growing that side of the business. But you never know what is coming, so I am constantly thinking of new ideas and concepts to keep things evolving. Time will tell. Artisan & Merchant 1B Wainui Road Raglan Waikato 3225 Tel 07 825 8250 Mob 0204 018 2783

WHĀINGAROA Royal Gala Apples



Bluebird chips 140g-150g range



4 RAGLAN Chronicle


99 ea

Morning Harvest Kiwi Soft S6 cage tray 24 rolls 20pk


07 825 0467

99 ea



WEEKLY SPECIALS 24/08/2020 to 30/08/2020


Wine & Beer only available at stores with an off licence. Wine & Beer purchases restricted to persons aged 18 years old and over. Liquor may only be sold during the hours specified in the store licence.

Raglan Karioi Trail 2020


his week the Chronicle caught up with Francois Mazet, organiser of the Raglan Karioi Trail, (RKT) to see what his plans were for the 2020 event. Tell us a little about the history of the event and what is the plan for RKT this year. The Raglan Karioi Trail was created in 2013 and has always been the second Saturday of December. This is the eighth edition this year on Saturday 12 December. At the start, I created the event because I always have so much fun running on Karioi Maunga so I wanted to share the experience. The event has now become an iconic mountain trail running event in New Zealand. Who doe the event generally appeal to? Everyone. We offer different type of distances. The main thing of the event is to discover Mount Karioi and challenge yourself if you are doing the 24km. This is a community event designed to give the opportunity to families and friends to share a day of exercise together. You can also challenge yourself against some of the best trail runners in New Zealand and meet fellow runners

during the after race. What options are there for competitors? There is 3 distance option: the 24km which necessitates some training prior to the event. This trail one of the most challenging mountain runs in New Zealand for that distance. The 10km that you can run or walk. This is typically a distance done for every one to enjoy the Karioi Maunga and be part of the event. Attention, there are some amazing trail runners on that distance too so come and check how fast you are. No worries, if you are not too much of a competitor and want to be part of the Raglan Karioi Trail 2020 you can still give it a go. Then we have the family trail run of 5km. We often have family members who are sprayed on all the distances and then catch around the BBQ after the finish line while waiting for the price giving. Are there any changes for the 2020 event ? No change! The Raglan Karioi Trail is now an established event and we are happy with the distance option we are offering. Our attention is to improve the way we look after our participants every year. We are really taking care to offer them an unforgettable experience: All details are important! This is why the tracks will be ready for you. The water will wait for you at the top of the ridge and the sausages will be ready when you cross the finish line! We have vegan option too! We will again limited the number of entries this year to keep the event a community event size!! How do people find out more and get involved. You can find all details on our website www.raglankarioitrail.co.nz Early bird price until mid October As we are trying to improve the way we look after our participant, we are looking for extra volunteers this year. It’s a fun day for every one! Please contact us on francois@ raglankarioitrail.co.nz

Best Fest street performance

at George's Beach Club


aglan Old School Arts Centre hosted a Whaingaroa-inspired Best Fest street performance event at George’s Beach Club. The Waikato-wide celebration of performing arts and public space was organised by Creative Waikato as a Covid-19 response to enhance the wellbeing of towns and encourage people back into public spaces.


aglan is famous for recreational fishing from snapper to marlin and more. To get out to sea from Raglan there are only two viable options; launch at the Manu Bay Boat Ramp or navigate the Raglan Harbour Bar. The area is very popular and a great many people have to tow their boats quite a distance to participate. All too often they get to Raglan to find the bar is breaking and dangerous and/or the Manu Bay ramp is unusable due to swell and conditions. With investment of time, money and effort already made, the pressure to "give it a go" often over-rides common sense. There's been an unimpressive record of damage, injuries and rescues (and worse) over the years.Â

performed to an enthusiastic audience of visitors and locals on a lovely sunny day. Performers included musicians Jayde P, duo Teresa Michels and Arapera, storyteller Athene Jensen and live art by Aambroo Art. Janine Jackason

Raglan Local Energy - a new electricity retailer that provides an easy way for your community to buy, sell (and eventually gift) clean, local energy - is launching. It’s locals helping locals to bring about a more aordable and sustainable energy future for all. Support even greater uptake of solar in the community (WhÄ ingaroa / Raglan is already a NZ leader), get aordable power and play your part in a local revolution.

Live Streaming Cameras for Bar and Boat Ramp The committee of the Raglan Sport Fishing Club knew that live-streaming cameras would help boaties assess conditions before they leave home base. The right (and safe) decision can be made far earlier... perhaps throw the golf clubs in the back of the SUV instead of hooking up the boat on bad days. With the help of the Southern Trust and cooperation of the Raglan Surf Lifesaving Club, live streaming cameras have just been made available through the Raglan Sportfishing Club website. There is a view of the Raglan Bar and another camera shows Manu Bay and that view does capture the boat ramp. Consideration is being given to upgrading this camera to give a more defined view of the ramp. In the interests of safe boating for everyone, the Raglan Sport Fishing Club is making this camera facility freely available to everyone including Coastguard and the emergency services with the message, "Use it. If you're planning a trip or you're already out at sea and returning from a trip, this is a live representation of the conditions." Raglan Sport Fishing Club

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Become a local energy producer Your local Raglan solar installers have joined the Raglan Local Energy project to help drive the uptake of clean, local solar energy generation.

$1000 up front Available to the ďŹ rst 20 Raglan Local Energy sign ups* *T&C’s apply

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RAGLAN Chronicle 5

New Listing 16a Smith Street Raglan This is the opportunity you have been waiting for. A one-bedroom basic bach. Take advantage of this ideal location situated within walking distance to beaches, school, and on the bus route. Coffee and pizza at the end of the street. The golf course is just a good swing away. A great level section to site your caravan, park your motorhome or pitch a tent. Develop a simple dwelling on site or rebuild here. Land bank now for the future! Situated on half share in 1052 square metres.

Open Home For Sale

Price By Negotiation


Sunday 12:00pm

Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282

rwraglan.co.nz/RAG23254 Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

23 Wallis Street Raglan Soak up the sunshine from this north-facing little beaut. Situated on one of the most sought-after locations in Raglan. A tidy house offering three double bedrooms. You will enjoy the open-plan dining and living which opens onto the north facing sun-drenched decking. A double garage at the rear provides great potential to develop further. Room for the boat at this property is important with the boat ramp just down the road. A superb, lush green, flat 817 sqm site is a very attractive feature of this property. Located on the bus route and just a very short walk to town, beach and all Raglan amenities. An excellent family home/beach home/rental investment or the ideal sun-drenched place to call home in your retirement.


12:00pm, Saturday 5 September On site (unless sold prior)


Saturday & Sunday 1:00pm

Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282

rwraglan.co.nz/RAG23251 Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

Open home Lot 95 Rangitahi Peninsula Raglan Enjoy estuary and rural views from this 537 sqm site located close to the golf course, surf beaches, harbour and all town amenities. Build your dream home in Raglan’s newest, tastefully developed subdivision. Those who know Rangitahi know that this is a very beautiful subdivision. All services are to the property. Building covenants apply. Make an appointment to view with Julie or Blair.

53 Wainui Road Raglan

For Sale


Julie Hanna 027 441 8964

rwraglan.co.nz/RAG23250 Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

6 RAGLAN Chronicle

Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282

An amazing location! This property consists of a two bedroom open-plan home. You will love the funky stone shower cubicle, plus a very comfortable, separate studio. A central garden courtyard lends itself to entertaining - wonderfully landscaped with a definite rustic theme. The building to the front of the property is currently operating as Raglan Photo Gallery and houses Jwan Milek’s photography business. There is huge potential to redevelop this area to suit your needs - the possibilities are endless. A short walk to the beach, town, and on the bus route. Our vendor is relocating so this is seriously for sale. Situated on 460sqm. Explore the opportunities! rwraglan.co.nz/RAG23245 Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

For Sale

$850,000 + GST if any


Saturday 12:00pm

Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282

An Update from the team at Raglan Medical Kia Orana, my name is Roimata. I've been working at Raglan Medical since June 2018 and will be returning from maternity leave next week. I’m looking forward to returning to work though I’ll reduce my hours to three days so I’ve still plenty of time with my son, Ezer. I'm originally from Rarotonga, and moved to NZ to attend university after high school, and graduated from Auckland medical school in 2016. After a couple of years working at Waikato hospital, I made the decision to transition into primary health care and have no regrets. I enjoy different aspects of medicine hence the decision to become a GP, in particular womens and young peoples health. Hamilton is my home away from home for now and in my bubble, we have my husband, 4 month old son Ezer, and my youngest brother.

Sadly, Dr Madeleine Wells will be leaving the clinic at the end of next week, this will be a great loss to the clinic but we’re hopeful that she will return in the years to come. Thanks for all your hard work Madeleine and for taking such good care of patients in our community.

Animal Health Column For Raglan People + their Pets


To the Raglan Community, After working as a GP at Raglan Medical for the past 2 years, I have decided to take a break. I have found the role incredibly stimulating and rewarding and I will miss it. However, I have chosen to take a pause from my career to spend more time with my young family. To those people who I saw as patients, thank you for sharing your stories, successes and troubles with me. Going forward, I know that you will be very well supported by the rest of the team at Raglan Medical. Thank you to the team for being such an engaged, supportive and kind group of colleagues. Keep up the amazing work during these unpredictable times. Warmest wishes, Madeleine

Practice Nurses and Medical Receptionists poised to strike on Thursday 3rd September



or the first time ever, practice nurses and medical receptionists around the country have voted to go on strike for one working day.

very year Raglan has the Raglan Medical and primary care employers pleasure of seeing a handful around the country support pay parity they can’t afford to bridge the 10.6 per cent pay gap. of fur seal pups and adults visit

The strike is a result of nine months of fruitless union negotiations as primary health care workers have sought pay parity with district health board (DHB, hospital) colleagues. While

Female fur seals birth their pups during December and January, and nurse them until July or August. This means from August onward we see the newly weaned pups on our beaches and in surf breaks or hanging around the wharf looking for an easy meal. Despite their disarmingly cute big eyes, curious glances and seemingly relaxed nature, they are wild animals. They have large, pointed teeth similar to a dog, and powerful jaws for crushing and chewing their prey. Seals can be unpredictable and will charge and bite if they feel threatened. Their mouths are full of bacteria and bite wounds fester quickly- if you get bitten please seek medical attention ASAP! Please do not feed them as they become humanized very quickly, and it is an important development stage for pups – if interfered with, they may never learn to hunt for themselves. Keep children and dogs away for their own safety as well as the seals, and keep bystanders to a minimum to ensure the seal doesn’t get stressed.

COVID-19 SURVEILLANCE TESTING We will continue to offer COVID-19 tests to make sure there are no undetected cases in our community, if you wish to have a test please call the clinic and a medical professional will discuss the options available to you.

As a result of the strike action on Thursday rd 3 September there will be limited nursing staff available at Raglan Medical, it will however be business as usual with no compromise to services for those in need.

our shores.

It is an offence under the Marine Mammals Protection Act 1978 to disturb, harass, harm, injure or kill a seal. A dog owner whose dog attacks a seal could face prosecution. While we receive numerous phone calls from concerned members of the public about the seals welfare, unless they are injured DOC recommends they be left alone. Often they may have low body condition and are still adjusting to hunting for themselves, however please don’t feed them as they may then become reliant on humans for food. DOC will intervene only if seals are in poor condition, in immediate danger, tangled in debris, are blocking roads or being harassed. Some normal behaviors we don’t intervene with include; sneezing, coughing, weepy eyes, drifting in the waves, flapping flippers as if stranded, fighting or pups that are alone. If you see a seal and are concerned about its health we advise you to assess its condition from a safe distance, take note of any injuries on its body or flippers and it’s overall body condition, then call and advise the department of conservation (07-858-1000). DOC will contact us if intervention is required.

RAGLAN Chronicle 7




FOLLOW Richard Thomson Real Estate Consultant for New Listings, updates & Open Homes Check out properties on the Raglan App


RURAL | LIFESTYLERAGLAN | RESIDENTIAL 35 Long Street Sunsets, Harbour Views This substantial property set on 1012sqm has a lot to offer. Perfectly situated within easy walking distance to Raglans shops and cafe's yet far enough away to be peaceful and quiet. Hours can be spent marvelling at the view of the Raglan Harbour and the bar, watching the boats, paddle boarders, kayaker's and kite surfers all from this property.




RURAL | L RAGLAN Road Road RAGLAN 1549 Whaanga RAGLANWhaanga

Possibly Raglan's last large undeveloped coastal block is Situated at Ruapuke near Raglan are these four amazing now available for you to create your dream property. lifestyle sections ranging in size from 8000m2 to 1.1ha, all Located less than 4km to Whale Bay, Raglan, this really is have incredible ocean and mountain views. Within walking surfer paradise. There are several easy potential building distance to Ruapuke beach very few properties ever come to sites on this property all with uninterrupted north facing the market. Take your pick of the sites available now and ocean views that will take your breath away. start planning your dream build.

pggwre.co.nz/HAM31305 pggwre.co.nz/HAM32446




ENQUIRIES OVER $940,000 883.5ha Wallis Street An opportunity to purchase thisMatakatea close to the Rd 105 GST Inclusive 8 $475,000 5 GST Inclusive Raglan town boundary doesn't happen very often. The A Trophy Property with real 'WOW' Factor VIEW OPEN HOME Only By Appointment VIEW Best the Best! contour of the land is flatof to gentle rolling with many PRICE BY NEGOTIATION By Appointment Only suitable potential building sites. Mature trees on about An opportunity to own a trophy property like no other in Plus GST (if any) VIEW Fancy Slice of Country with your coffee! RAGLAN 2B Maungatawhiri Road 60%of theNew property makeathis a landscapers Zealand with real 'wow'dream, factor! The attention to detail By Appointment quality also. lifestyle section could be ideal forOne permaculture The property haswith a flat sunny building site. VIEW Can't Beat Location and Quality! in remodeling this iconic Raglan landmark has to be seen to a natural spring feed stream running throughin it. Te A cute Conveniently located Uku close to Te Uku Primary By AppointmentLooking for a quality home close to Raglan with privacy, bebedroom, believed modern finishes but an industrial feel. Two 1950's two onewith bathroom, 119m2 home with then look no further. Three bedroom, two bathroom home School, Raglan Roast Coffee Shop and General Store with a large upstairs area currently usedhave as a bedroom with 1960's cement silos been converted into five high end Richard Thomson Richard Thomson with large living areas that have picturesque harbour views. pumps. This 9,645m2 Richard Thomson Richard Thomson a divider creatingfuel a separate lounge/relaxing space.approx. section has beautiful rural Set on approx 8,000sqm (2acres) there is plenty of room for luxury apartments. The main three bedroom apartment M 027 294 8625 M 027 294 8625 Large two bay carviews shed atto the house also. Richard Thomson the North. M 027 294 8625 M 027 294 8625 a pony, chickens and a few sheep. Suitable for cattle also, E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz boasts two bathrooms and open plan 185m2 living. M 027 294 8625 the 4 paddocks have water and good fences. E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz RAGLAN 35 Long Street


Impressive Site! 13ha Sections Four Prime Lifestyle


Location and Potential BEO $940,000

Plus GST (if any) (Unless Sold Prior) GST Inclusive 1.00pm, Saturday 15 February VIEW By Appointment Only


Sunsets, Harbour Views

pggwre.co.nz/HAM30556 pggwre.co.nz/HAM30758

pggwre.co.nz/HAM29962 This substantial property set on 1012sqm has a lot to offer. Perfectly situated within easy walking distance to Raglans shops and cafe's yet far enough away to be peaceful and quiet. Hours can be spent marvelling at the view of the Raglan Harbour and the bar, watching the boats, paddle boarders, kayaker's and kite surfers all from this property. pggwre.co.nz/HAM30355


RURAL | Street LIFESTYLE 57 Wallis RAGLAN WAITETUNA 739 Waitetuna Valley Road 52 Jervois Street $1.495m KAWHIA Versatile block, Ideal location NEW LISTING Holiday Home Income Come and enjoy the & location, expansive views and modern home on this attractive 73ha block. The 2014 built three • 143sqm approx. Commercially Zoned bedroom plus office • Tenanted Cafehome is a great family home with large open kitchen,Bach/Holiday dining, lounge area leading onto decks • plan 2 Bedroom Home with views over the whole farm. Infrastructure on this • Well known local cafe property is also near new including water system with a trough in each paddock, stock and sheep yards.




Perfectly Positioned RAGLAN




$860,000 2 1 1 This charming home has an ambiance that simply cant be An idealic peaceful section located on the Aotea Harbour, 523 Ruapuke Road GST Inclusive Location and Potential561 BEOand $940,000 3 1 can launch your dinghy, kayak or paddle board from the easily created in a modern home. Recently renovated, you ENQUIRIES OVER $940,000 VIEW An opportunity toDwellings, purchase 3.5ha this close toWaitetuna the 739 Valley Road retaining the charm of yesteryear but with all the modern section and experience all the Aotea Harbour has to offer. GST Two Two Titles ByInclusive Appointment Only 2 1 4 2 for snapper, flounder, mullet due to no Raglan town boundary doesn't often.fully The $1.495M OPEN HOME DEADLINE PRIVATE TREATY conveniences we are used to, andhappen can be very available Amazing fishing Versatile block, Ideal locationVIEW $1.495m 6ha and 11ha contour of• the 17ha land is -flat to gentle rollingtitles with many furnished. fishing in the harbour. At 1.2ha there is plenty of Richard Thomson Plus GST (if any) GST Inclusive Plus GST (if any) commercial (Unless Sold By Appointment Only $440,000 $1.495M and a fewPrior) suitable potential building sites. Mature trees on about M 027 294 8625 • Two houses Closes 4pm, Wedroom 12 February different natural levels suitable to build on. • make Attractive 73ha block VIEW Plus GST (if any) 2Brural, Maungatawhiri Roadviews. E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz RAGLAN 60%of the property this a landscapers dream, All with great bush and water VIEW • Multiple useful3sheds Modern home By Appointment VIEW could be ideal for•permaculture also.bedroom The property has plus office Can't Beat Location and Quality! By Appointment Only VIEW • Gravity fed spring water a natural spring feed through it. A cute pggwre.co.nz/HAM30408 pggwre.co.nz/HAM30083 Saturday, 18 andLooking 25 January, 3-4pm • stream 4 bayrunning Implement/Calf rearing shed for aOnly quality home close to Raglan with privacy, By Appointment 1950's two• bedroom, one bathroom, 119m2 home with Amazing views Richard Thomson then look no further. Three bedroom, two bathroom home • Stock and sheep yards a large upstairs area currently used as a bedroom with M 027 294 8625 Richard Thomson with large living areas that have picturesque harbour views. • 3 bay lockable work shop Richard Thomson Richard Thomson LISTING E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz a divider creating a separate lounge/relaxing space. SetNEW on approx 8,000sqm (2acres) there is plenty of room for M 027 294 8625 Large two bay car shed at the house also. M 027 294 8625 M 027a pony, 294 chickens 8625 and a few sheep. Suitable for cattle also, Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625 E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz the 4 paddocks have water and good fences. richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz E pggwre.co.nz/HAM31725 RAGLAN 35 Long Street




Sunsets, Harbour Views





pggwre.co.nz/HAM31535 $1.2M pggwre.co.nz/HAM30758

This substantial property set on 1012sqm has a lot to offer. GST Inclusive Perfectly situated within easy walking distance to Raglans VIEW shops and cafe's yet far enough away to be peaceful and 1.00-1.45pm, Sunday 25 August quiet. Hours can be spent marvelling at the view of the Raglan Harbour and the bar, watching the boats, paddle Richard Thomson boarders, kayaker's and kite surfers all from this property. M 027 294 8625 4C Cambrae Road RAGLAN 3 2 E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz Amazing Bay Views PRICE BY NEGOTIATION If you are into water sports including fishing, kayaking, SUPGST Inclusive pggwre.co.nz/HAM30355 ing, sailing, this is a truly ideal location with easy access to VIEW Lorenzen Bay from the section. Moor your boat/yacht in the By Appointment Only Bay and keep an eye on it from the deck. This sunny home OPEN DAY offers 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 living areas and a two car Richard Thomson internal access garage. M 027 294 8625 E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz RAGLAN 57 Wallis Street 2 1 2




652 Kawhia Road

Location and Potential BEO $940,000




Small Farm and Large Lifestyle!ENQUIRIES OVER $940,000


An opportunity to purchase 3.5ha this to the 777close Waitetuna ValleyGST Road Inclusive 652 Kawhia currently run as part of a large Raglan town boundary doesn't Road happenisvery often. The VIEW Waitetuna Section contour of the land is flat to gentle rolling traditional sheep andwith beefmany farm. Located in Te Mata By Appointment Onlynear suitable potential building sites. on Raglan this is Mature becoming anabout increasingly popular lifestyle • 1.25 ha (moretrees or less) 60%of the property make this a landscapers dream, location access property to the recreational activities • Flatwith building set amazing in could be ideal for permaculture also. Thesite hasidyllic rural bliss hasrunning to offer. On one of the boundaries to this 95ha a natural spring Raglan feed stream through it. A cute 1950's two bedroom, bathroom, home withBridal Veil Falls reserve. blockone (subject to 119m2 survey) is the a large upstairs area currently used as a bedroom with a divider creating a separate lounge/relaxing space. Large two bay car shed at the house also. Richard Thomson pggwre.co.nz/HAM31660 M 027 294 8625 E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz

Perfectly Positioned



4337 State Highway 23

perfect for entertaining, huge well-appointed M 027 294chickens 8625 and a few sheep. Suitable for cattle also,living areas a pony, Richard Thomson pggwre.co.nz/HAM30355 E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz kitchen,M2027 bathrooms the 4 paddocks have water and good fences. 294 8625 and 12 bedrooms. RAGLAN

35 Long Street

Sunsets, Harbour Views




Absolute Water Front



996 Te Papatapu

1 Water 1Front Absolute

M 027 294 8625

E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz RAGLAN 35 Long Street

E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz 4 2 2

pggwre.co.nz/HAM32384 $1.2M pggwre.co.nz/HAM29962 This substantial property set on 1012sqm has a lot to offer. GST Inclusive Perfectly situated within easy walking distance to Raglans VIEW shops and cafe's yet far enough away to be peaceful and 1.00-1.45pm, Sunday 25 August quiet. Hours can be spent marvelling at the view of the Raglan Harbour and the bar, watching the boats, paddle Richard Thomson boarders, kayaker's and kite surfers allRAGLAN from this property. M 027 294 8625 4C Cambrae Road


Located in Te Mata near Raglan, this very well presented 120ha dairy farm milking 320 cows is a must to view if you are looking for a farm that is consistently performing. With a 5 year average of 115,000kg ms (best 124,000kg ms) in an above average rain fall area, excellent modern improvements including 3 homes, 32 ashb farm dairy with Te Papatapu RAGLAN meal feeding996 system, near new milk cooling system.

VIEW E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz with large living areas that have picturesque harbour views. building2.00-2.45pm, of this era can25provide. The dwelling boasts 3 large Sunday August Richard Thomson RichardNEW Thomson LISTING Set on approx 8,000sqm (2acres) there is plenty of room for



119 Waimaori Road

quiet. Morrinsville Hours can beHotel) spenthas marvelling at the view of thecreating an been tastefully restored Can't Beat Location and Quality! VIEW $1.25M Raglanincredible Harbour and the bar, watching thethe boats, paddle Richard Thomson Richard Thomson pggwre.co.nz/HAM30408 pggwre.co.nz/HAM30083 spacious home with all modern conveniences Looking for a quality home close to Raglan with privacy, By Appointment Only GST Inclusive boarders, kayaker's and kite surfers alland from this property. M 027 294 8625 while retaining the ambiance atmosphere that only a M 027 294 8625 then look no further. Three bedroom, two bathroom home


Perfectly Positioned RAGLAN


Consistently strong production 120ha


Amazing Bay Views

57 Wallis Street


$860,000 pggwre.co.nz/HAM3039235 Long Street pggwre.co.nz/HAM30823 4 2 idealic peaceful 2 section located on the Aotea Harbour, This charming home has an ambiance that simply cant be An GST Inclusive Sunsets, Harbour Views easily created in a modern home. Recently renovated, you can launch your dinghy, kayak or paddle board from the PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under REAA 2008 VIEW $1.3M $1.15M $440,000 6 Bush View Drive retaining the charm of yesteryear but with all the modern section and experience all the Aotea Harbour has to offer. By Appointment Only 12 2 for snapper, flounder, mullet due to no This property set onfully 1012sqm has a lot to offer. Plus GST (if any) GST Inclusive Amazing conveniences wesubstantial are used to, and can be available Inclusive OPEN HOME OPENfishing HOME Classic Timeless Charm! situated within easy walking distance to Raglans furnished. Perfectly commercial fishing in the harbour. At 1.2ha there is plenty of Richard Thomson PRICE BY NEGOTIATION VIEW VIEW VIEW By Appointment Only room and a few different natural levels suitable to build on. M 027 294 8625 shopsOnce and cafe's yet far enough away to be420m2 peaceful and (ex in a lifetime opportunity. The home GST Inclusive By Appointmen By Appointment E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz RAGLAN 2B Maungatawhiri Road All with great rural, bush and water views. 3 2


pggwre.co.nz/HAM30456 pggwre.co.nz/HAM30758


996 Te Papatapu

Absolute Water Front

E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz

If you are into water sports including fishing, kayaking, SUPing, sailing, this is a truly ideal location with easy access to Lorenzen Bay from the section. Moor your boat/yacht in the Bay and keep an eye on it from the deck. This sunny home offers 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 living areas and a two car internal access garage. $330,000


This substantial property set on 1012sqm has a lot to offer. Perfectly situated within easy walking distance to Raglans shops and cafe's yet far enough away to be peaceful and quiet. Hours can be spent marvelling at the view of the Raglan Harbour and the bar, watching the boats, paddle boarders, kayaker's and kiteRoad surfers all from this property. 119 Waimaori RAGLAN


Consistently strong production 120ha


VIEW By Appointment Only

Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625

E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz

501 Waitetuna Valley Road WAITETUNA GST Inclusive

RAGLAN pggwre.co.nz/HAM30392

Sunsets, Harbour Views


Located in Te Mata near Raglan, this very well presented pggwre.co.nz/HAM30355 120ha dairy farm milking 320 cows is a must to view if you are looking for a farm that is consistently performing. With a 5 year average of 115,000kg ms (best 124,000kg ms) in an OPEN DAY above average rain fall area, excellent modern improvements including 3 homes, 32 ashb farm dairy with meal feeding system, near new milk cooling system.



$860,000 2 1 1 2 1 1 VIEW 90ha - $1.95m pggwre.co.nz/HAM30823 Location and Potential BEO Future Proofed This charming home has an ambiance that simply cant be $940,000 An idealic peaceful section located on the Aotea Harbour, GST Inclusive Appointment Only Location and Potential BEO $940,000 Location and Potential By BEO $940,000 ENQUIRIES $940,000 $1.95M easily created in a modern home. Recently renovated, you OVER can launch your dinghy, kayak or paddle board from the ENQUIRIES OVER $940,000 ENQUIRIES OVER $940,000 An opportunity to purchase 3.5ha this close to the Raglan This is a property that has been farmed with pride and PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under REAA 2008 VIEW GST Inclusive Plus GST (if any) 5710 Highway 22GST Road An opportunity toofpurchase 3.5ha tomodern the An opportunity to purchase 3.5ha 84 thisMaungatawhiri close to the retaining the charm yesteryear but this withclose all the section all1the Aotea Harbour has to offer. Inclusive Only GST Inclusive 1 and experience 1 1 1 By Appointment town boundary happen The contour of environmental consciousness forThe decades. All water ways Raglan townwe boundary doesn't very often. town doesn't happen very often. conveniences are used to, and happen candoesn't be available fullyThe very often. Amazing fishing for snapper, flounder, Raglan mullet due toboundary no VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW Lifestyle Starts Here Raglan At Its Best contour of the the land land is flat is to flat gentle with many with many contour of the land is flat to gentle rolling with many furnished. commercial fishing in the harbour. At 1.2ha there is plenty of torolling gentle rolling suitable potential including springs, the Waitetuna river and water ways Richard Thomson Richard Thomson By Appointment Only By Appointment Only $499,000 Plus GST (if any) $2.15M Plus GST (if any) By Appointment By Appointment suitable potentialThis building sites.peaceful Mature trees on about is a must building M Mature trees on about room and a few different natural levelssuitable suitable potential toleading build on. M 027 294 027 294 8625 idyllic property view, with Waterfront opportunities located to Raglan, building sites. Mature trees on about 60%of the8625 property to thesites. river have been fenced offclose and planted in North 2B Maungatawhiri Road 2B Maungatawhiri Road E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz VIEWAll E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz RAGLAN 60%of the property make this a landscapers dream, 60%of the property make this a landscapers dream, with great rural, bush and water views. By Appointment Only VIEWRAGLAN 3 2 (50 acres, with multiple easyshelter, potential building sites, privacy Richard Thomson this a landscapers dream, could beapprox.) ideal forwith 2/3 natives. These plantings shade for stock and Richard Thomson could be ideal make forapproximately permaculture also.20 Thehectares property has could be ideal for facing permaculture also. Thecreate property has Can't BeatOnly Location and Quality! Can't Beat Location and Quality! By Appointment $1.25M also. The property has a natural spring feed home to diverse bird life. The of easy rolling country M 027 294 8625 M 027 294 8625 grazing 1/3through native is a well-positioned and amazing water views are very hard to come by. This is a a natural springpermaculture feed streamand running it.bush. A cuteThere a natural spring feed stream running through it.40ha A cute pggwre.co.nz/HAM30408 pggwre.co.nz/HAM30083 Looking for a quality home close to Raglan with privacy, Looking for a quality home close to Raglan with privacy, GST Inclusive 1950's two bedroom, one bathroom, 119m2 1950's twoand bedroom, bathroom, 119m2 home E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz stream running through it. with river flats are farmed organically. transportable off gridhome bach (not certified) on the property veryone special property withwith direct harbour access, suitable toE richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz then look no further. Three bedroom, two bathroom home then look no further. Three bedroom, two bathroom home VIEW a large upstairs area currently used as a bedroom with a large upstairs area currently used as a bedroom with withThomson large living areas that have picturesque harbour views. withThomson large living areas that have picturesque harbour views. gas califont and solar a2.00-2.45pm, small boat/kayak/paddleboard. Enjoy catching Richard Richard Sunday 25 August a divider creatingwith a separate lounge/relaxing space. power. Whether you graze sheep, a divider creating launch a separate lounge/relaxing space. NEW LISTING on approx 8,000sqm (2acres) there is plenty pggwre.co.nz/HAM31412 of room for Set on approx 8,000sqm (2acres) there is plenty of room for there is plenty of room and lots of natural flounder and whitebait from the inlet in front of the M 027Set 294 8625 M 027 294 8625 Large two bay pggwre.co.nz/HAM30758 carcattle shed ator thehorses house also. Large two bay car shed at the house also. Richard Thomson Richard Thomson a pony, chickens and a few sheep. Suitable for cattle also, a pony, chickens and a few sheep. Suitable for cattle also, Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625 M 027 294 8625 E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz water running through the property. property.M 027 294 8625 the 4 paddocks have water and good fences. the 4 paddocks have water and good fences. richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz E E PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under REAA 2008 E richard.thomson@pggwrightson.co.nz Helping grow the country








Helping grow the country

PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under REAA 2008


4C Cambrae Road

8 RAGLAN Chronicle

Amazing Bay Views

If you are into water sports including fishing, kayaking, SUPing, sailing, this is a truly ideal location with easy access to






119 Waimaori Road

Consistently strong production 120ha Located in Te Mata near Raglan, this very well presented 120ha dairy farm milking 320 cows is a must to view if you





FOLLOW Jono Hutson - Real Estate on Facebook for New Listings, updates & Open Homes



RAGLAN 16B Uenuku Avenue


West is Best • • • • • • • •




Bright & Sunny Fully Fenced Private Backyard Boat / Caravan parking Stroll to beach and town 5kms approx. to surf beaches Perfect Home, Bach or Lock & Leave Its all about your easy living lifestyle here! Call Jono for more information

GST Inclusive

VIEW 12-12.30pm Saturday 29 August

Jono Hutson M 021 488 766 E jono.hutson@pggwrightson.co.nz pggwre.co.nz/HAM30811

RAGLAN 333A Houchen Road On top of the world This is your very own sustainable country retreat. Located on one hectare of prime, north facing land at the end of a peaceful country lane, this is right where you want to be. Solar panels provide power for all your household needs. The gravity fed Naturalflow eco wastewater system operates with very minimal maintenance. There are 2 double bedrooms, the master bedroom opens out to the front deck, making for stunning views from your bed. The open plan living area, flow out onto the large north facing deck. A charming, self-contained studio completes the picture. Viewing is highly encouraged



VIEW 1.15-1.45pm Saturday 29 August

Price By Negotiation

Jono Hutson M 021 488 766 E jono.hutson@pggwrightson.co.nz



RAGLAN 420 Phillips Road


Idyllic Lifestyle Sanctuary This magnificent 225m², five bedroom, executive home, is set on 5.3ha, offering views overlooking the countryside, Aotea Harbour and Schnackenburg Beach. The house, built in 2010, offers all day sun and views from every room, while also providing year round comfort with double glazing, insulation and wet-back fireplace. With extensive plantings of various mature fruit/nut trees (600+) including, macadamia, feijoa, olives, avocados, apples, and citrus trees. A fantastic lifestyle is on offer here, and what's more it's seriously for sale, so come look - and fall in love.

pggwre.co.nz/HAM30334 PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under REAA 2008




GST Inclusive


By Appointment Only

Jono Hutson M 021 488 766 E jono.hutson@pggwrightson.co.nz

RAGLAN 44 Cross Street Harbour View Lookout Thoughtfully built and lovingly maintained by the current owners of over 25 years. The large open plan living area is ideal for entertaining. Bi-fold windows in the kitchen capture the stunning harbour views and a traditional wetback, wood burner stove adds warmth and charm. The view from the sunny north facing deck is even more impressive. Both bedrooms are generous in size and offer built-in wardrobes. Conveniently located between the wharf and the town centre, you are in the heart of Raglan and yet it is still peaceful and secluded enough to escape it all. Viewing is encouraged!



VIEW By Appointment

Price By Negotiation

Jono Hutson M 021 488 766 E jono.hutson@pggwrightson.co.nz



Helping grow the country

RAGLAN Chronicle 9

Y local health and wellbeing


news, products and services

py... .... 69 929 ddma.



5 7444 tions 8004

. ........ 69 929 .co.nz

42248 .co.nz t Club .com

& Dyana Wells somatics

JUNIOR sports RESULTS news, products and services


yana Wells moved to Raglan a year ago to be near her children AROMATHERAPY –Diane Laura, Madeleine and most recently Davies Massage & Aromatherapy... .......... Sebasti an and their families, which ........................................................021 969 929 means seven grandchildren! web:.......................................www.ddma.co.nz

Wow, the whole family. Raglan is in the CELEBRANT deep part of Dyana’s heart as her father Robyn Riddle...................................027 5560438 Lindsay Peart grew up on the Rangitahi COUNSELLING farm. Dyana’s childhood was full of Raglan Etai Gilad sti Hypnotherapy.................027 Grandma’s cky brown bread and Christmas5080577 puddings, launching off theartofchangetherapy.com footbridge into web: .......................... strong currents, uncovering adzes and coral HERBAL HEALTH in the dunes, and erecting shimmering black The Herbal Dispensary.....................07 825 7444 sandcastles.… Private Herbal/Naturopathic consultati She has moved back from Auckland and ons aHOMEOPATHY career which included teaching Human Anatomy andHomeopath.....................07 Physiology, Chemistry, Yoga 825 8004 Janis Beet and Meditation. She established the 200 and Week 22-8-2020 MASSAGE 6th Grade 300 hour Yoga Teacher Training Program at Diane Davies Massage & Aromatherapy. . ............. Raglan vs Marist, Win 45-40 Kawaipurapura and the Contemporary Yoga ......................................................021 POD Ollie Jackson, William Glenn Teachers Training Program in Remuera and is969 929 ROD Taylor Francis web:.......................................www.ddma.co.nz now looking forward to offering all her skills OPP allow POD Billie den focused on sensing. They the van mind toBemd very accessible to anyone who is curious. to the Raglan community. She has set up a YOGA calm down so the body can heal. There will teaching spaceLoft.............................021 – Open Ground – at her home Raglan Yoga 02442248Somatics are gentle attentive exercises also be classes in Meditati on starting with designed to help the brain reprogram the way in Lily Street. 7th Grade web:..................................raglanyogaloft.co.nz Dip. R.C Hom mindfulness practices, and Buddhist Philosowe move. They are very effHom ective(NZ) in releasing Starting 25th June she will be running Raglan vs Melville Win 100- 50 Yoga atclasses ‘The Space’...........Above Yot Clubpain, tension and restriction. The results can phy, which is an opportunity to Skerman ask questions weekly in Somatics, Kum Nye, the MeditaPOD Cade and probe the mystery of our minds. be startling andKarioi are suitable for older people, tiweb:......................www.thespaceraglan.com on, Creative VIsualisation and Buddhist ROD Kieran O'brien Clinic of Homeopathy OPP POD Jackson Munns and Jesse Check out the classes on her website www. yoga students and everyone in-between. Philosophy. Peacocks dyanwells.com or email her at dyanawells@ Some of these names may sound new and Kum Nye, which comes from the Tibetan exotic but she assures us that the classes are gmail.com and try them out. tradition, consists of slow moving meditations 8th Grade 78 Upper Wainui Rd, Raglan Raglan vs Te Rapa Loss 30-40 Phone: (07) 825 8004 POD Dallah-Shade & Harry Jackson Cell: 027 459 8547 TOD Oscar Rowe OPP POD Tommy email: parts of theRowe brain Nia dance andjanisbeet@gmail.com gentle exercises for habit. This frees the upper for new learning. What is now a restricti ve and seniors. maybe painful movement was, at the time it Somatics is a relatively new brand, and has was learned, the best response possible to the become extremely popular around the world. circumstances. It may not serve us well now. It AROMATHERAPY It grew out of Feldenkrais, and developed may be crippling us. How do we change? alongsideDiane new research neuromuscular Slow movement done with awareness Davies into Massage & Aromatherapy... ........... reprogramming. Many yoga studios in Austraallows the brain to wake up again –to what is lia now off.......................................................021 er classes in Somatics as a comple969 929 actually going on. It can then automatically ment to yoga. reorganise our movement to become smooth Somatiweb:.......................................www.ddma.co.nz cs is based on the principle of neuand easy. It will tell the tight muscles to relax roplasticity – the understanding that the brain and it will integrate movement throughout the Classical Homeopath is continually CELEBRANT AND remodelling- WEDDINGS itself in response to FUNERALS whole body. The circumstances are now differJanis Beet new information and experience. Movement ent.5560438 We just need to alert the brain to this. Robyn Riddle...................................027 limitations creating tension and pain are not Score Score Dip. Hom (NZ) R.C Hom Somatic exercisesTeam are Sharks disarmingly simple, Bull 1-2 L 3-0 permanent, however old we are. COUNSELLING extremely effective and very enjoyable.2-0 There W 0-1 Makos The term Somatics comes from ‘soma’ Karioi Clinic of Homeopathy Spratz 1-1only D 1-1 is no requirement to be flexible or fit. The which means understand the body as an inKarioi Kahawai D 5-0 Etaito Gilad Hypnotherapy.................027 5080577 is to be curious requirement and attenti0-0 ve. Seahorses 5-3 W 2-1 telligent, sensitive, living organism. The body Everyone can benefitHammerheads from the exercises. 1-4I have L is not a mechanical insensate machine that we web: .......................... artofchangetherapy.com found them immensely valuable, even aft Morays 3-2er a W need to manipulate and control in order to get 78 Upper Wainui Rd, Raglan Greatbelieve Whites how 10-1 W lifetime of yoga. I couldn’t they HERBAL HEALTH here are many diff erent kinds of results. Snappers Phone: (07) 825 8004 freed up my body. Results happen very 2-4 quickly L Tsunamis 2-5 L Our body/brain organism has millions of movement and exercise classes Cell: 027 459 8547 and can7444 bring a greater freedom to whatever The Herbal Dispensary.....................07 825 Thresher Sharks 4-1 W years of evoluti on behind it. It knows how to janisbeet@gmail.com activities we enjoy, eg: gardening, walking, offemail: ered in Raglan. I have come across move well. Wth somatics we find out why it is 1-3 L Private Herbal/Naturopathic consultations cycling, surfing, yoga,Orcas dancing, swimming. not able to do this. We fi nd out what is getti ng yoga, pilates, contemporary dance, Maui Dolphins 8-0 W ‘Our sensory motor systems continually inHOMEOPATHY the way. The job of somatic exercise Seastars 3-1 W respond to daily stresses and traumas with is to help the brain do its job properly. specific muscular reflexes. These reflexes TheBeet brainHomeopath.....................07 controls the way we Janis 825 8004 move, so if we want to change the way create habitual muscular contractions, which we cannot voluntarily relax. The result is MASSAGE we move we need to work with the Team Score stiffness, soreness and a restricted range of WLD Score brain. Neuromuscular reprogramming Bull Sharks movement…. Somati c exercises are a direct Diane Davies Massage & Aromatherapy. . .............. Makos 1-4 L is the name given to this approach. We way to reprogram the sensory-motor system… Kinas 0-2 L 0-7 work with the brain by feeding it new Dr. Richard Zhu Spratz 2-2 D 4-1 .....................................................021 969 929 and reverse this process. Bodily (limitati on) information, which in this case is Karioi Kahawai 0-0 D 1-1 myth of aging is not BDS Otago information about how we are actually presumed under theSeahorses 3-0inevi-W 4-0 web:.......................................www.ddma.co.nz table. It is, by and large, both avoidable and Morays moving. We wake the brain up to Great Whites D reversible.’ Thomas Hanna, Somatics. 1-1 what is actually going on. Resident Hygienist • Dental Implants SPEECH LANGUAGE THERAPIST ‘When acti vity is freed of tension and The problem for us is that when Orthodontics/Braces • Dentures Whale 5-0 W superfluous effort the resultiTails ng ease makes the brain learns a new movement Snappers 4-3 W Melissa Delaux .................... ..................... for greater sensitivityTsunamis and better discriminapattern – eg how to ride a bike, how tion, which makes forThresher greater ease in acSharks 10-2 W toTherapist sign one’sand name, how to protect an Mindfulness Teacher.........021 1105588 12 WALLIS ST PH: 07 825 8788 Mermaids 1-1 D tion.’ Moshe Feldenkrais. Awareness through injured arm, how to not be noticed, Orcas 6-2 W Movement how to cope – it may be a healthy Maui Dolphins 3-1 W Hamilton Clinic: Victoria Dentist YOGA ‘You have to consciously pattern or not. Seastarsbecome aware 270 Victoria St of your entire body and how it feels and After a few weeks of repetition Raglan Yoga Loft.............................021 02442248 www.victoriadentist.co.nz moves….. Then, when you have the brain the brain sends the pattern code to perceiving differences and integrating more older parts of the brain, for repetiweb:..................................raglanyogaloft.co.nz tive unconscious reflex activation. parts of yourself, the improvement is fast and The pattern becomes an unconscious transformational.’ Anat Baniel

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Classical Homeopath Janis Beet


What is Somatics?

Fri 8am 5pm



9th Grade Raglan vs Melville Win 70-20 POD Jamie Moss and William Walker TOD Monty Rowe OPP POD Louis Hendrix Bidois 10th Grade Green Raglan vs HOB Win 65-5 POD Jai Waterhouse and Zara Wilson OPP POD Ruby Wilson 10th Grade Black 12th Grade Raglan vs Fraser Tech Blue Loss 7-31 POD - Rapata McRoberts-Maihi and Marlon Whyte TOD Bobby Neels OPP POD Bobby Neels






10 RAGLAN Chronicle

RAGLAN Chronicle 7

Player Of Day Carlos Cabo Elliott Wilson Bailey Martin Evie Watt Lucia Quilter & Isabelle Bailey Dylan Quilter Torin Eadie & Lenny Bailey Wairere Tepania Ryder Langlands Harry Carter Noam Friedrich Ivy Brunskill & Luna Petzold De La Cruz Whole Team Meila Clarke


Player Of Day


Jimmy Wernham ??? Evie Malpass Samars Field & Sofia Pearson ??? Sianna Bower & Amelia Schnuriger ??? Leonardo Henderson Evie Hunter & Coco Wilson Ella Rawley Bella Wynyard

Our Sister School in China

Rainbow’s End Police Experience



his term, four students from Te Uku School had an online video call with some students from a Chinese school named Anyang Bridge Primary. The purpose of this collaboration was to create friendships with others that live far away, develop technology skills, improve language skills and have an insight into what it is like to live in a different country. We showed them a tour of our native bush area, and then they showed us around their school. Our schools look very different from each other. For example, we have nature and the countryside, whereas at Anyang Bridge they don’t have much nature at all! Instead of having a green grass field they have a football turf. An unusual fact that we found out about the school was that they have very different times that they start and finish the day. They attend school from 8.00am-11.00pm, and then go home at lunch time to have a nap! They then come back at 2.00 and finish at 5.00. The school had very decorative walls. For example, walls held art, certificates and even

weapons and swords. The rest of our school got to watch the videos during assembly. Many people found the swords displayed on the walls very interesting considering the children could just pick them up and hold them.. We also interviewed a few Year 1-3 students and this is what they said: Ayda and Tiki: I really liked the soccer field because I like to play soccer and win. Noah and Joshua: I found the weapons on the wall quite interesting. I really liked the soccer turf because I want to play there. Joey and Trixie: I found it interesting that they had swords and weapons on the walls that you could just pick up. I really liked the big soccer turf and the cool statue in the entrance. I think it would be cool for them to have a sandpit like ours at their school. Over the next few months, we will have more opportunities to connect with our sister school, learn about life in China and share our New Zealand culture with them. Written by Emma and Conor

Te Uku School Welcomes Miss McNabb!


e Uku School has a new teacher! Her name is Cynthia McNabb and she has been here for four weeks. She is teaching in the Middle Discovery with year 4, 5 and 6 students.

Miss McNabb has heaps of things that you would like to know about her. She does jazz and ballet and loves cats. She has two cats of her own and she plays 3 sports: soccer, netball and hockey. Before she came to Te Uku School she used to work at Horotiu School. Miss McNabb teaches in a way that every kid can understand. When she teaches, she doesn't give the answers away. You can understand her when she explains something to you. Miss McNabb doesn't just give you a book or worksheet, she reads it and helps you until you get the hang of it. We do lots of art, quizzes, inquiries and games with her. Miss McNabb likes to teach a lot of different things, but there are a couple of things that she loves to teach. One of them is Te Reo Māori. Most kids would agree that it seems like her first language. She also loves teaching reading and has good taste in books. She enjoys getting outdoors and teaching P.E. We play lots of games with her. Here are what some of our class have to say: Bonnie: “She is sweet, funny and she doesn't force you to do hard work. She is fun and she lets you pick your own books.” Ellie: “She is helpful, fun, caring and funny.” Cameron: “Miss McNabb is pretty chill and understands children.” Te Uku School is keen to get to know her more. Written by Kimmy, Sophie and Jade

ur seniors were invited to attend a day out with our community police to Rainbow’s End in March. Sadly, this was cancelled. However, a few weeks after our country's big lockdown went back to level 2, our local community constable and Blue Light charity made this event possible for our seniors once again. This day out was funded by the Blue Light charity that works in partnership with the police to deliver an extensive range of youth programmes and activities. It has been running for 30 years encouraging better relations between the police, young people, their parents, and the community. We had the whole amusement park just about to ourselves. Here is what some of our seniors had to share about the day. Ivy: It was a wet dreary day. Not exactly perfect weather for heading to a theme park. But despite our doubts as we drove on towards Auckland, the clouds cleared and the sun was almost visible. By this time everyone was bouncing off the walls, and we hadn’t even had any sugar yet. We distracted ourselves by staring out the windows dreamily, playing eye-spy. But soon all the obvious ones were used up: grass, trees, sky, cows, and awesome police officers who were taking us to Rainbows End. But it didn’t matter.

We were finally there, at Rainbow’s End. Olivia: Some of us went on scary rides, others went on more calm ones. Some of the scary rides had surprising moments when they would lunge and jerk into a different direction that would be unexpected, this would make us jump and shake. We were split into groups of threes and fours. We used all our collaboration and negotiation skills because we all had to agree where to go first and what we should do next. This was a total theme park adventure like no other. The Invader was similar to being on a saucer that feels like it’s going to go off the edge while it’s spinning. Lots of us went to the gift shop to get sweets and toys, then we were back to the rides. I went on the Fear of Fall and I was ‘full of fear’ both before I got on and after. We started going up slowly, which added to the fear of the unexpected, then without warning it plummeted to the ground. I lost my appetite. It was a quieter ride in the minivans back to school even with all the sugar! A big thanks to the community police and the Blue Light charity for sponsoring, transporting, and organizing our amazing trip to Rainbow’s End. You truly meet your mission statement of ‘Empowering young people nationwide to be better New Zealanders through quality experiences’. We had a great quality experience with you.

Te Uku School Dune Planting


n Wednesday the 5th of August, all of Te Uku School grabbed their shovels and made the trip down to Raglan Beach. Luckily it was a warm day with the sun high in the sky. There we met a lady from Waikato Coast Care called Stacey, who told us all about the sand dunes and why they are important to us. Sand dunes help protect the beach from being washed away by massive storms and are the home to lots of birds, lizards and insects. It was our job to dig holes and put special plants in to help keep the dunes strong. It was hard to dig the holes in some places. We put special fertiliser that looked like berries into the holes to help the plants grow.

By the end of our time there, we must have put in hundreds of plants to protect our sand dunes. After the planting was done we were exhausted. Written by Hannah and Maia (Year 3)

RAGLAN Chronicle 11

Te Mata School Chronicle Team


i ora Whaingaroa, a warm welcome to our Te Mata Chronicle team 2020. Our team includes: (left to right) Ava Bower, Milly Shearer, Nina George and Abigail Meyer. This term we will be bringing you news on events, celebrations and the latest gossip. We hope you enjoy reading our articles, so stay tuned Raglan!

Rippa Rugby at Te Mata School

So far we have had a year full of Sports events such as Ki-o-rahi, Rippa Rugby and Cross country. So enjoy being kept up to date with upcoming events from the Te Mata school Disco to Athletics day next term. Year 5,6,7 and 8 getting ready for their next game. This term has been uncertain during the covid-19 pandemic. Due to n Friday 7th August Te Mata School held referees, everybody worked together not leaving the gathering limits many events have their annual Rippa Rugby tournament anybody out. It really helped the day go ahead been cancelled or postponed. at the Raglan Rugby Grounds. Despite the without a hitch. So keep up to date with our articles! Rippa Rugby is a big deal at Te Mata School . Due initial bad weather the day still proceeded as Ava Bower. planned. All of the schools participated and to the often bad weather Rippa Rugby is normally tried their hardest, everyone displayed good cancelled, but luckily this year it went ahead, with sportspersonship while playing whether they the sun even shining for a little bit. And of course we can not forget to thank Ms had won or lost. Kathy Briant & Emma Snowden, without their We have to give a big thank you to all of the constant support and guidance the tournament amazing referees from Raglan Area School, they would have never happened. She remained calm and helped make the day run smoothly and prevented helpful throughout the day, she didn't hesitate to help any misshapes or arguments. All of the kids, whether anyone who came to her. year 5/6 or 7/8 cooperated with the other teams and By Abi Meyer


Te Mata Schools Year 8 Hoodies

Farewell Celeste


very year our very fortunate year 8 students receive their Te Mata hoodies, with the Te Mata logo on the front as well as our surnames on the back.

These Te Mata hoodies are a reward for how hard we have all worked throughout these many school years with our Te Mata Whanau. A massive thank you to Richard and Christine Thomson from PGG Wrightson for sponsoring us with the Year 8 hoodies. All the Year 8s are very pleased with this kind gesture. Every one of our Year 8 students have been provided with a Year 8 hoodie. Back row is Kingston Smith, Molly Connell-Hodgkinson, Lucille Jowsey, Abigail Meyer, Sunny

Te Mata Chronicle Sponsor 12 RAGLAN Chronicle

Leuthart. Middle row Alex Gott, Milly Shearer, Nina George, Star Knuiman, Shane Jonas. Front row Taylor Hanna, Ava Bower and Meila Clarke. All of these remarkable students will forever cherish these incredible memories we've had at Te Mata. We stand tall when we wear our Te Mata hoodies, especially at inter school events or outside of school. The Te Mata hoodies also make us want to try our best to show our support for our school and community. Sydney Duston, Celeste Duston and J.D Duston All the year 8s are going to miss Te Mata a lot as they move forth to his year we have a long time member of their high schools. However, Te Mata our Te Mata whanau leaving us. She is the will forever hold a special place in all one and only Cleste Duston, our office lady of our hearts. 7 years. Written by: Milly Shearer


A warm welcome to our 2020 Chronicle Sponsor ‘LJ Hooker Raglan’. A BIG THANK YOU! to all of your team for helping us! This article would not be possible without you

We are so happy that she came to this school and we will cherish the many memories we have made with her. For the year 8s personally we have known Mrs Duston for as long as we have been going to this school. She has put her heart and soul into this school. It is so sad to see her go. We love you. Q. Where are you from and how long have you been living in New Zealand ? A. I am from Sydney, Australia and I have lived in NZ for the past 16 yrs. Q. When did you decide to come to Te Mata? A.I decided to come to Te Mata in 2014 . Q. What are your goals for the rest of this year? A. To learn as much as I can and to give 110 percent effort into everything that I do . Q. What is your new job going to be ? A.I am going to work for Raglan Roast which is going back to the type of work I used to do before I came to Te Mata, I worked in the surf industry for about 15 yrs . Q.What are your words of advice for our senior students. A. My words of advice are pay attention, study hard, get a good job so you can afford to live a good life, travel and become worldly.

and your help is much appreciated by all of us at Te Mata School and our Raglan community. A few words from the LJHooker Team: We are proud to support Te Mata School and sponsor this year's Chronicle article and we hope this year is a fantastic learning journey

for you all. Good luck for the future and remember to ‘Be the best you can Be’ All the best from Greig, Tash, Kyle, Steve, Michelle, Chrissy, Graham, Teresa, Matt, Chris & Tracie. Ava Bower

Waitomo trip

Learning to Lead


e walked into pitch black darkness, taking our breath away. The spiral pathway lit up layer by layer, guiding us to the bottom of the path. The drips from the ceiling splattered onto us. The pipe echoed as we waited for the doors to creak open. As we wandered through the entrance we all gasped and said ‘Wow’. Our eyes spotted many stalactites and the incredible sheet created over million resembling a ‘curtain’ The booming waterfall rang in our ears only to find out it was only 1 and a half metres tall. As we exited the caves, unexpected steady rain fell unbeknownst to us and we were taken away to a different world. The warmth of the second cave took us by surprise as a steady temperature of 16 degrees celsius compared to the outside temperature. Walking through the second cave made us even more aware of how extraordinary the caves were and the overwhelming sense of awe we felt as our tour guide Aroha took us through. We climbed into the narrow boat that was taking us into the glow worm abyss. Everyone gasped and then was silent as they took in the site of millions of glow worms. That was the incredible experience of the Ruakuri and Glow worm caves at Waitomo. Year 7 and 8 shared writing piece.

Putting the Try in Triathlon


n the 5th March the whole school participated in our school’s annual triathlon. The

juniors - year 1 and 2 started it off, with some biking around the courts and some challenging themselves on the field. With the dry weather this was hard.

We all started with biking followed by running and then finished with a refreshing swim. Seniors had a long 10 minutes per event to complete as many laps as they could. The middle room had 7 minutes per event and juniors had 6 minutes which is amazing for 5 year olds! It was really busy for the teachers as there was biking, running and swimming events being held simultaneously and they were checking to see if students were beating their personal best(PB) goals. By the time we got to the swim we needed it because it was boiling hot. Our school triathlon is not about winning, instead we try our best to achieve our personal goals. Some of us found this really hard but we all preserved and tried our best. We started to get fit at the beginning of the term by running laps of the field and swimming everyday. The week before our triathlon we brought our bikes to school so we can train for the bike section. Our parents came along to cheer us on. Everyone showed determination and our feelings ranged from being nervous to excited, but everyone had fun. We really enjoyed the challenge and felt proud to reach our goals. We celebrated our great efforts with a yummy, delicious, icy cold Juicy(thanks PTA. By Riley, Taiporo, Marlon, Khobie The end

Inspiring Leadership

Energizing Leadership

Leadership Day 2020


eamwork was the name of the game when the Waitetuna school Year 7 & 8 leaders headed to the Leadership day at the Hamilton Marist Rugby Club grounds with 14 other schools from around the Waikato. Each school represented a country from the Olympics and Waitetuna had Greece as their country. We dressed in blue and white and wore tutus which was fun and a little bit embarrassing for the boys. Some of the amazing team games included ‘Parachute’ where we used a slingshot to fire balls into a large parachute. There was archery and a pentathlon event and

our class really enjoyed sit down volleyball(not sure of the name). It was a real challenge having to listen carefully and support each other to try and win the games. Whaea Amanda took us to the event and supported us throughout the day. We were developing teamwork through friendship, communication and co-operaton. We had to work together as a team and share leadership responsibilities. We also had to show resilience and persevere with some difficult tasks throughout the entire day. It was a great day for our seniors to attend. Later in the year we are going to use these skills to set up an Olympics day at school for the other students to participate in.

Waitetuna’s Perfect Principal


haea Amanda is our new principal and we love her already. We enjoy having her teach one day a week in the senior room. She is a lovely teacher and principal, and we all believe that she will bring lots of good ideas to our small school in the future. Whaea Amanda is very busy remodelling three classrooms which is very exciting. Interviewing Whaea Amanda: Where do you think you will be in 10 years' time? In ten years I think I'll most likely be a principal and where that

might be I do not know and I hope that I have completed my masters qualification. What are some future ideas for this school? One of my passions is environmental issues and I would love to see Waitetuna school become an official enviro school one day. What do you like about Waitetuna school? I love the small rural community and the staff, children and being in this new role, learning new things. So what do students think about their new principal?

Do you enjoy having Whaea Amanda in the class on Friday? Finn: Yes, because she does fun things with us. Seren: I like her teaching us art and softball practice. Do you enjoy having Whaea Amanda as our principal? Ridley: Of course! She’s really nice and fun! Layla and Emma: I like her big happy smile and how she always looks out for us, she is funny, kind and helpful. Isla: She is kind and f2un, she helps people.

RAGLAN Chronicle 13




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Situations Vacant EXPERIENCED FRY COOK + FRONT OF HOUSE STAFF needed for Fish at the Wharf. Ph 07 825 7544 or bring your CV into

Services Offered FLUE CLEANING & LOG FIRE INSPECTION $115. All flue and log fire repairs including new fire installations. Please phone Mark on 07 8298-103 / 021457342 Public Notices

FRUIT TREES NEED PRUNING? Pip, Stone, Citrus. 20 years experience. Here for pruning season and beyond. Call Dean RAGLAN SAILING 0212174491 CLUB AGM The Commercial to Let Raglan Sailing Club are holding their SELF STORAGE AGM on Sunday Contact Gary Kite 30th August at 3.00 pm in the Lazarus 4005 SH23, Raglan Room behind the Ph: (07) 825 6560 Old School Art's Mob: 022 622 9005 Centre, Stewart raglanstorage@gmail.com St. Raglan. All welcome. TO LET: A standalone near new modern office in Raglan.

RAGLAN BEAUTY IS LOOKING FOR Beauty Professionals Electricity and Internet to join the team (Fibre), one on-site coming into our carpark and access to second busy high bathroom. season. Salon is Will consider short or located Raglan long term. Available CBD. All enquires now. welcome, email Hope Rent $85 pw + gst & at raglanbeautynz@ outgoings gmail.com Call Alan Vink 021 562 743

THUR 27 AUG @ THE YOT CLUB: THe Beths Silver Surfer SAT 28 AUG @ THE YOT CLUB: Jamin-i Bass Music

SAT 29 AUG @ THE YOT CLUB: Star DDisco Techno Chimpster and Osey (lo fi Auckland) SAT 5 SEPT @ THE YOT CLUB: Trei and Guests

Public Notices

the shop.

a ta m i ra . c o. n z

Gigs & music

Public Notices

AGM RAGLAN COMMUNITY ARTS COUNCIL 7pm, 8th September, Old School Arts Centre. Members and community w e l c o m e . Nominations for committee are now open. For info phone Rodger 825 7443. R A G L A N VOLUNTEER FIRE BRIGADE AGM Wednesday 2 September 7.30pm @ Fire Station

NOTICE OF APPLICATION TE TURE WHENUA MĀORI ACT 1993, SECTION 326(1) In the Māori Land Court Of New Zealand Waikato-Maniapto District TAKE NOTICE that Mario Gatt on behalf of himself and the Te Tuhi Subdivision Owners has applied to the Māori Land Court at Hamilton for an order under s 326(1) of Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 to have their interests in the Whaanga 1D1D Roadway comprised in CFR 437052 confirmed and registered. A full copy of the application may be obtained from Level 6, 586 Victoria Street Hamilton or via email at kuru.ketu@mccawlewis.co.nz or alternatively the Māori Land Court Hamilton office, Level 2, BNZ Centre, 354 Victoria Street, Hamilton. Any person that wishes to be heard at any hearing of this application and join this proceeding as an interested party should contact the Hamilton Māori Land Court and file a Notice of Intention to Appear, by no later than 4pm, 25 September 2020. A copy of that notice should be served/ sent to: kuru.ketu@mccawlewis.co.nz or Level 6, 586 Victoria Street, Hamilton; and Māori Land Court Hamilton office, Level 2, BNZ Centre, 354 Victoria Street, Hamilton. Phone 07-957 7880

Raglan Naturally News!

Nominations are now open for the Raglan Naturally Community Trust, until 18th Sept. Visit RN website at www.raglannaturally. co.nz to find out more and to apply. Or call in and speak with us at our Drop in Sessions: Saturday 5th Sept, 9:30-12:30, Raglan Library Monday 7th Sept, 101pm, Raglan Info Centre. Contact Gabrielle Parson for more information Phone: 021 844 785 or email: raglannaturally@gmail.com

Brrrr, chill out with...THE RAGLAN LIGHT EXERCISE GROUP SESSIONS Monday & Thursday. 10am to 11am. St Peters Hall. Everybody is most welcome to attend.

CLASSIFIEDS ADVERTISING IN THE RAGLAN CHRONICLE: Ads on this page are an affordable way to get something out to the community. Min. ads start from $8. Call us on: 825 7076 or email: classifieds@raglanchronicle.co.nz UPCOMING PUBLICATION SCHEDULE FOR THE RAGLAN CHRONICLE AND LOCAL RAG: AUGUST: 13th August - Chronicle 20th August - Break 27th August -Chronicle SEPTEMBER: 3rd September - Local Rag issue 10th September - Chronicle 17th September - Break 24th September - Chronicle


What's On

Courses, classes & workshops

OCTOBER: 1st October - Local Rag issue 8th October - Chronicle 15th October - Break 22nd October - Chronicle 29th October - Break NOVEMBER: 5th November - Local Rag issue 12th November - Chronicle 19th November - Break 26th November - Chronicle DECEMBER: 3rd December - Break 10th December -Chronicle 17th December -Summer Holiday Guide 24th December - Chronicle


Sunday 6th of September 2020 220 Wainui Road, Poihākena Marae, Whāingaroa. Raglan 10am-12noon. AGENDA Mihimihi/Karakia 1. Chairman’s Report 2. Minutes of previous AGM – 1st September 2019 3. Reviewed Financial Report 4. Te Whakakitenga Marae rep elections 5. Review and Update of Marae Charter 6. Review and Update Marae Charges 7. General Business Karakia Mutunga – Kai tahi Contact: poihakenamarae@gmail.com for any queries.

RAGLAN Chronicle 15








10 Marine Parade


13 Lorenzen Bay Rd

It’s all about LOCATION! DLS



Fantastic for Families

09.09.20 at 1pm

Contact Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 Email



SUN 11-11:45 ljhooker.co.nz/ 2XVHFG

Nestled privately and close to the harbour in a rarely available location, this delightfully cute 2 bedroom seaside beach bungalow (plus large sleepout) enjoys a light filled sunny north aspect and lush gardens. Polished Matai timber floors radiate throughout and the frosted glass entry door with palm tree scene and classic logburner further accentuate the charm and character. Enjoy a view of the harbour situated only 75m2 away making it so easy to access the water. Stroll into town via the walkbridge or nearby is the ‘Food Dept Cafe’ with its famous pizza and coffee. Retirement, permanent or holiday living, this really ticks all the boxes!



17.09.20 at 12pm

Contact Chrissy Cox - 027 287 1804 Email



SUN 12-12:30 ljhooker.co.nz/ 2XZHFG

This well maintained 3 bedroom weatherboard cottage has plenty of charm and character with its polished timber flooring and distinctive decor. The kitchen has good storage and feature tiles and is open to the dining and living. There is a wood burner for those cooler days and when the sun is shining 2 sets of timber French doors make access to the deck easy for outdoor living. The retro styled bathroom features a pedestal basin, tiling and under floor heating. And it is family friendly with a fully fenced, large, flat section- a rare find in Raglan! Located close to Lorenzen Bay and with easy access to buses and SH23 for commuting to Hamilton.






58 Munns Rd

4 Robertson Street

Start up your new lifestyle Enjoy rural views & the majestic Mt Karioi as your backdrop from this charming character home. Featuring 3 bdrms + an office, new kitchen & a stylish tiled bathroom plus the original native timber floors have been retained. Includes a large woodburner & huge sun soaked deck. Elevated & perfectly positioned on the approx 2 acres of land there is also an 8m x 11m Spantech shed with a concrete floor. Located on a quiet no exit road in popular Te Mata.

Grandstand Views This home stands out above the rest. Its elevated position commands panoramic views of the estuary mountain and countryside. The lower level has generous open plan living with polished timber flooring opening to decking through bi fold doors, a kitchen with an extra storage area and a bathroom. And a sheltered, sunny courtyard for your morning coffee. The upper level has 3 good sized bedrooms, all with views, and a family sized bathroom. Warm, light, bright and homely this is a home that will surprise and delight. Call Chrissy for more information or to arrange a time to view or come along to an Open Home. To be sold by deadline at 12 noon on 9th September.

For Sale Contact Email View


DLS Contact Email View

$679,000 Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 sobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz ljhooker.co.nz/2VTHFG



09.09.20 at 12pm Chrissy Cox - 027 287 1804 ccox.raglan@ljh.co.nz SUN 1-1:30PM ljhooker.co.nz/2XMHFG



14 Puka Place

6 Upper Wainui Rd

Big Is Better With limited sections available, this one has by far got size and views to boot! Last of the few remaining bare sections in the popular Waikowhai subdivision. Elevated section of 1085m² enjoying beautiful Raglan Harbour views, and sheltered from the prevailing wind. Tired of looking for a house to suit your needs? Thinking of building to your own plans? Here you have plenty of room to build your dream home and feature landscaped gardens. The services are at the boundary making for a stress free build. Covenants apply. Contact Stephen: 021 969 848

Raglan Memory Maker Enjoying stunning ocean views the main living area is spacious & open plan, boasting a brand new kitchen and generous sun soaked deck. Three bdrms, separate bthrm, shower & internal access garage + laundry complete the upper level. Downstairs is a large self contained flat plus dble garage & workshop. Situated on just over a 1/4 acre the section and located in Upper Wainui Rd you enjoy the benefits of being so close to the beaches yet only minutes to town. Viewings by appointment only.

For Sale Contact Email View

For Sale Contact Email View

$379,000 Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 sobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz ljhooker.co.nz/28GHFG

$1,400,000 Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 sobyrne.raglan@ljh.co.nz ljhooker.co.nz/2RMHFG

Chrissy Cox

Kyle Leuthart

Michelle O’Byrne

Stephen O’Byrne

Robbie Regnier

Matt Sweetman

Graham Rope

Natasha Metcalfe-Black

027 287 1804

021 903 309

021 969 878

021 969 848

021 952 271

021 624 826

021 222 7427

027 555 9994

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Raglan Property Manager

*NB Boundary lines on photos are approximate & merely a guide. All information contained herein is gathered from sources we deem reliable. However we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely upon their own enquiries.

LJ Hooker Raglan (07) 825 7170 • 16 RAGLAN Chronicle

25-27 Bow Street , Raglan • George Boyes & Co Limited Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008

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