The Raglan Chronicle

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Nga Ripo o Whaingaroa

EST. 1903

28th May 2020 - Issue #693

Whaingaroa news for you weekly

Shop Online Watties and be in Baked to win Beans 1 of 2and x $100 vouchers! Spaghetti

https://raglan. 420g cans store.supervalue. 3 for $4


ends May 31, 2020


NobodThis y does it better® Homes NobodyOpen d o e s i t b e t t e r® Saturday 30 May 2020:

Nobody does it better®

Thinking of selling? So are we! ll2-3:30pm ngo?f sSeo• 449 ainrOhautira eg?wSeo!Rd:are we!

aglan teaRd: m 70+ • 33a R Government team 70+11-11:30am years experience ears expe• 26 rienRose ce St: 12-12:45pm • 24 Endeavour Ave, Flagstaff: 12-12:30pm

years experience

Sandra Bowditch Stephen O’Byrne Robbie Regnier Matt Sweetman 021 751 759 021 969 848 021 952 271 021 624 826 Rentals Sandra Bowditch Michelle O’Byrne Ge Sto ep h e n O ’ B y r n e R o b b i e R e g n i e r M a t t S w e e t m a n r g e B o y e s & C o L i m i t e d 2 7 B o w S t , R a g l a n r a g l a n @ l j h . c o . n z MREINZ Lice ns ed REAA 2008 0 2 1 7 5 1 7 5 9 021 969 878 021 969 848 021 952 271 021 624 826 Rentals Sandra Bowditch Robbie Regnier Matt Sweetman 021r7a5g 1 7la MREINZ Licensed REAA 2008 27 Bo0w 21 9S5t2, 2R 71aglan 021 624 826 Rentals Chrissy Cox 027 287 1804

Kyle Leuthart 021 903 309

Michelle O’Byrne 021 969 878

07 825 7170

07 825 7170 25 7170

MREINZ Lice ns ed REAA 2008

Raglan Wharf upgrade




Understanding your home value is as important as ever. Give Yana a call, she is the right person to help you. Yana Pemberton 021 183 0479

Ray White Raglan I 21 Bow Street I Raglan I 07 825 8669 I

Saturday 30 May 11am 12pm 1pm 1pm 1pm 2pm 2pm

25 Taipari Avenue 1 Cross Street 35 Main Road 8 Pokohui Avenue 67 Dinsdale Road 75 Otonga Valley Road 7 Johnson Drive

Raglan Couriers Raglan Couriers travelling to 3 times daily Raglan Couriers Hamilton 3 times daily: 3 times daily morning/midday/afternoon morning, midday and afternoon

morning/midday/afternoon deliveries available

Sunday 31 May 12pm 1pm 2pm 2pm

106c Greenslade Road 55 Government Road Local 16a Long Street 7 Johnson Drive

Business Serving Raglan District Since 1996

Local Business Serving Raglan District Since 1996

Monday 1 June 12pm 2pm

106c Greenslade Road 7 Johnson Drive

Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

Phone 027 221 5395 RAGLAN Chronicle 1



Supportour ourlocal localeateries! eateries! Support Hoursand andspecials specialsbelow. below. Hours

A snapshot of the Whaingaroa community at Level 2: The Chronicle captured the town come back to life over the past two weeks as the country entered Level 2 on May 13, 2020.


Aroha Sushi Raglan

Raglan’s original sushi shop since 2003

Open 6 Days. Wednesdays to

TurkishKebabs Kebabson onPlates Plates&&Pitas Pitas Turkish PH: 07 825&&7440 plusbeverages beverages more plus more


Open 7 Days SHACK Thisspace spacecould couldbe beyours. yours. This SERVING HONEST LOCAL AND GOOD FOOD o p e n Email 7 d a ythe s a Chronicle week N O


Health in your Hands

8am - 4pm

formore moredetails. details. Email the Chronicle for Bow 07 825 002 7

A column connecting with senior citizens in our community.

10:30toto9pm 9pm| |29 29Bow BowStSt- -07 07825 8250202 0202 10:30

(07)825 8258761 8761 (07)

Open 9am Open 9am - -7pm Open 9am -7pm 7pm Wed Sunday Wed Sunday Wed - Sunday Closed Mon-Tues Closed Mon-Tues Closed Mon-Tues

Open from Fish Chips Fish n’n’Chips 12pm-7.30pm. GroupBookings Bookings Group

Phoneorders orderswelcome! welcome! Phone Phone orders welcome! *Fish& &Chips* Chips* *Fish *Fish & Chips* *Burgers* *Burgers* *Burgers* *Weekly Specials* *Weekly Specials* *Weekly Specials* Thestore storewith witha alotlotmore! more! The The store with a lot more

KopuaCamp CampStore, Store,Marine MarineParade, Parade,Raglan Raglan TeTeKopua

RealFruit FruitIce IceCream Cream Real Burritos Wraps Burritos - -Wraps Express Lunch Soup Salad Wed Fri Soup Salad VolcomLane Lane Volcom & Chilli Open 7 days from 11:30 & Chilli Open 7 days from 11:30 Closed Mon & Tues 43 Rose St 07 825 0010

Inside/OutsideSeating Seating Inside/Outside 92Wallis WallisStSt- 07 - 07825 8257544 7544 92

Openfor forDinner Dinner Open Fri&&Sat Sat Fri from5:30pm 5:30pm from 248Wainui WainuiRdRd| |0707825 8258233 8233 248 Open7 7Days Daysa aWeek WeekFrom From9am 9am Open

Breakfast/Lunch7 7Days Days Breakfast/Lunch

Open Morn Noon Nite



Open77Days Days Open From 9:30AM Mon-Fri From 9:30AM Mon-Fri and9AM 9AMSat Satand andSun Sun and

Open77Days Days Open

DF OFOODO D Support eateries! S E SR EVRI VN IGN GH OHNOENS ET S, TL, OLCOACour LA LA NADN DG OGOODOlocal Waterfrontdining dining Waterfront 8am--4pm 4pm St RoseSt 43Rose 8am 43 indoorand andoutdoor outdoorseating seating indoor For advertising enquiries email 07 8 2 5 0 0 2 7 1 9 B o w S t r e e t 1 9 B o w S t r e e t 07 8 2 5 0 0 2 7 0010 8250010 07825 07 op e ns es v ev e nd d ay ek ek op en en ay s sa aww ee N N O O


10am Raglannow Area School Services online: 7pm Te Uku Church Pastor Roger Peart ph 07 825 5199

• quality new homes • alterations / fencing/ decks • plan service available 20+ years building in Raglan for free quotes & quality workmanship PHONEPH MARK 0274 912912 911911 A/HA/H 825 825 00690069 MARK 0274 ROB 027 550 6080 EE PH ROB 027 550 6080

SUPPORT OUR SUPPORTERS! The businesses and individuals advertising in the Raglan Chronicle are participating not only to promote their businesses, but to show their support for our community paper – so be sure to tell them you saw them in the Raglan Chronicle. Local businesses are the foundation of our community - and they make it possible for us to bring the Raglan Chronicle to you. Raglan Ink Ltd home of the Raglan Chronicle Office 9am -4pm Tuesday to Thursday Ph: (07) 825-7075 Fax: (07) 825-7078 Post: P.O. Box 234, Raglan Email:


Synchronicity: Queens Birthday Special from the Past by Virginia Gallagher


read with interest the article in a recent Chronicle about Patsy Zohs. Patsy lived in Raglan for some years before relocating to a retirement village in Hamilton.Â

Opinions and views expressed in the Raglan Chronicle do not necessarily represent those held by the Editors or Publishers. Every care will be taken in the preparation and placement of submitted material but the Editors/Publishers shall not be liable for errors or omissions or subsequent effects due to the same. It is the submitters responsibility to ensure material is not libelous or defamatory. The Editors/Publishers reserve the right to abridge, alter or decline any material submitted to the Raglan Chronicle to meet the constraints of space and/or maintain a reasonable standard of language and decorum.

and soon we were comparing our experiences in amateur dramatics.Â

• •

I mentioned that I had been involved in several plays when I lived in Feilding, where there was a thriving drama group. Patsy’s ears pricked up, “when The Chronicle article told was I in Feilding?â€? She had us that Patsy had recently also been involved with this died, and it reminded me of group. the first time I met Patsy. We soon worked out that In the early 2000s, long in 1960 we had both been before there were regular members of the Feilding movie screenings at the Old Community Players; she had School, a movie weekend was just arrived in the area, I was arranged at Queen’s birthday soon to leave. Although we weekend one year, held on the never appeared in the same building in Bow St that is now play together, we attended the the gym. same play readings, concerts, Several movies were and social gatherings many screened over the long times. weekend, and seating was Looking back over 60 years strictly BYO. now, it amazes me that pure A variety of camp chairs, chance brought us together bean bags, and cushions again. I was a member of the arrived with the moviegoers. Raglan Writers’ Group for some years, and still have an One afternoon, as we were assortment of my efforts at waiting for a movie to start, I writing on my computer. began chatting to the woman With a background in sitting next to me. journalism, Patsy encouraged This turned out to be many of us to persevere with Patsy, both of us were recent our writing and editing. I arrivals in Raglan and we know Patsy was keen to both commented on the many continue with a Writing Group things there are to do in when she moved to Hamilton. Raglan. I expressed surprise Farewell, Patsy, you are sorely that there was no drama group, missed.




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Advertising & Articles The advertising and editorial content deadline will be Monday at 12pm week of issue.



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2 RAGLAN Chronicle

$2.5m injected into Raglan Wharf a welcome boost

Also at H.G Webb House, Cnr Boundary & Victoria Streets, Hamilton

Stay home. Save Lives. COVID-19 information: The Raglan Wharf is one of the projects to be funded by the Provincial Growth Fund announced by Shane Jones last Sunday.


aikato District Council’s bid to attract significant funding for a key project in Raglan has been successful. Council applied to the Provincial Growth Fund earlier this year and over the weekend, Regional Economic Development Minister Shane Jones announced the application, which will help redevelop Raglan’s wharf, has been given the green light. Waikato District Mayor Allan Sanson says he’s thrilled the Government has chosen to grant this fund, to the tune of $2.5million, as it means Council can fast-track a major project in Whaingaroa/ Raglan and ratepayers can get more bang for their buck. “The tourist hot-spot has been hard hit by the implications of COVID-19, but having a financial boost like this will mean the whole community can soon be even prouder of this great asset. “When we applied to the fund we provided some details of what work needed to be done, but as the project now officially kicks off, we’re looking forward to continuing this work with the

community as we move into the design and construction phases. Everyone will have the opportunity to have their say on what they see happening at the wharf. “This project is a great example of what can be achieved when the community and Council work together.” The $2.5 million funding boost will enable Council to do a range of work at the wharf including: Structural improvements (piles and other remedial work under the wharf) to futureproof the wharf, protecting access for the businesses, user groups and the wider community that use the wharf; Safety and access improvements, including improved walkway connections between the wharf and Wallis Street. Installing extra berths utilising floating pontoons near the current dolphin pier. This will improve access and increase capacity for additional commercial, recreational and charter boats utilising the wharf. Raglan Ward Councillor Lisa Thomson couldn’t be happier with the Government’s decision to invest in her home town. “I’ve always been proud to call Whaingaroa home and the Raglan wharf

has long been an iconic feature of our seaside village. Having the chance to redevelop the wharf so it is safe and userfriendly for everyone will be an exciting project. I’m really looking forward to being involved.” Raglan Community Board Chair Gabrielle Parson is excited about the opportunity the project provides to work collaboratively with Council and the community. “As a community board, we’re always looking for ways to improve our way of working as a bridge between Council and the community, and getting this project off the ground thanks to Government funding means this much needed work at the wharf can happen much sooner than we thought. That does mean we have lots of collaborative work to do, but I can’t wait. I see this aligning well with our communityled planning through Raglan Naturally and with the Council's Raglan Blueprint plan. Our focus will be to make sure the co-design process is inclusive, strengthens relationships and that the end product suits all users of the wharf.” Waikato District Council or 0800 358 5453

Barbara Kuriger MP for Taranaki-King Country My team is still available: Inglewood Office 06 756 6032 Kuriger.Inglewood

Te Awamutu Office 07 870 1005 Kuriger.Teawamutu


Funded by the Parliamentary Service. Authorised by Barbara Kuriger MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington.


RAGLAN Chronicle 3

Museum set on portraying lockdown exactly as it was

Committee members Cynthia Tucker, left, and Barbara Day show off the museum's upcoming 'Toybox Treasures' exhibition.

Some images from the Raglan Museum's "Lockdown 2020 Raglan" collection.


hey say every picture tells a story and that’s exactly how the Raglan & District Museum plans to record for posterity what it was like to be holed up in town during the Covid-19 crisis – with an exhibition of photographs taken over the 50-odd days of lockdown.

He cited, as an example of the unprecedented




PhotoDesign prints of Manu Bay Some images from the Raglan Museum's "Lockdown 2020 Raglan" collection.

during lockdown which show the surf pumping but not a surfer in sight. Raglan might never be like that again, he said. In contrast at level 2 it was like turning on

Photos she’s collected from Facebook

three and four, said Kaz. She added that other

or been sent show anything from ‘Keep

small museums around the country – like

Safe’ signs painted on fences and teddy bears

those in Kaitaia, Waihi and Nelson – were

But it will be a display with a difference

a switch, he added, with surfers back riding

as the museum society is depending on locals

in household windows to Civil Defence

also capitalising on this defining time in

the waves and a steady stream of traffic to

to supply all or by far most of the snaps for

workers delivering learning packs to Raglan

history by collecting photos or memories.

and from town, beaches and surf breaks.

Area School students or Xtreme Zero

Meantime a new exhibition – ‘Toybox

Waste workers togged up in PPE gear at the

Treasures’ – is set to open at the Raglan

recycling depot.

museum within a fortnight. The exhibition,

the planned exhibition. The museum put out a public appeal for photos recently on its Facebook page – asking “What did you get up to during lockdown?” – but is hoping for a significantly larger response than it has so far attracted. “We want to see local projects, activities and happenings at alert levels 3 and 4 in particular,” society president Ken Soanes told the Chronicle as the museum prepared to re-open its doors on Tuesday.

Museum collections administrator Kaz Willoughby said she hoped to receive a wide range of photos showing what locals did or observed while at home and around Raglan during the seven or so weeks of the lockdown. If the response was as she hoped for, the best of the images would likely be displayed in similar fashion to an earlier exhibition entitled ‘At the Beach Raglan 1900s to 1970s’, which coincidentally is still on view to the public.

“People will remember this time for many

On the evidence of what she’s sighted

years to come,” he said. “It’s an important bit

so far, she is hopeful there will be plenty of

of our history.”

lockdown moments to choose from.

Freephone 0800 800 405 has recently been set up by Waikato Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group for anyone in our district struggling to get food, groceries, medication or other

Be kind. Check-in on the

4 RAGLAN Chronicle elderly or vulnerable. Make a difference by:

She also has a photo of the controversial if

featuring the toys and dolls from a bygone

not infamous ‘Don’t steal our flour’ message

era, was being prepared before lockdown and

– aimed at shoppers from across the divvy –

is now all but complete.

that made a brief appearance on the town’s

Many of the items come from longtime

electronic noticeboard alongside the water

resident Eileen Beach-Kelly’s collection,


including celluloid cake toppers from her

On a comical note there are images too

birthday cake as a five year old in 1938. There

from the Facebook page in which local dad

are also toys – including a first tricycle – that

Sean Lally dressed up as zany relieving

have been provided for display by current

teachers for each of the days his own children

museum committee members. Edith Symes

were off school. Photos like these encapsulated how different life was in the community at levels

household goods and services. The service is available between 7am and 7pm daily, but does not replace other government

*Please send your Lockdown photos to

helplines already in operation. These services are intended for those facing hardship and will particularly assist the disabled, at risk groups, and people without access to their own transport.

Sponsored by:

Community Volunteers

An occasional column featuring volunteers in our community.

Volunteers make sure community is fed during pandemic

Julie Hanna delivers groceries to local households during the lockdown period.


here’s nothing like a crisis to bring out the best in people and the COVID-19 pandemic has certainly seen so many awesome people rise to the occasion. Judging by the queues at the supermarkets around the country, buying food and other essentials was a number one priority; thankfully most Kiwis understood the country was not going to run out of toilet paper. There have been several people in Whaingaroa who jumped in and made sure our community was fed and care for. Margaret Dillon is well-recognised in Raglan, she’s a keen photographer and is the lady behind the lens at most community events. Margaret also runs Feed the Kids at Raglan Area School providing food packs for teachers to distribute, making free morning tea toast and delicious $1 lunches. During lockdown, Margaret was one of the first to begin organising food parcels. Delivered with love, she travelled

Margaret Dillon has been organising food parcels and blankets as well as keeping up with the Feed the Kids program.

as far as Te Mata and Waitetuna, dropping off food and other essential items, including Easter eggs and lollies. As the cooler weather approaches, Margaret has also organised blankets to be washed and delivered to her for families in need. Surfside Raglan Foodbank usually deliver around five food parcels a week but during the pandemic this rose to 20 -30 packs three times a week. The volunteers have gone from two hours twice a week to three full days a week to cope with the demand and this is expected to continue for a while yet. Two stand-out workers Fiona Cutmore and Marion Wright, kept the foodbank wheels in motion during lockdown. Fiona packed food parcels during her free time and even now that she is back at work she continues to give as much time as she can in this role. Foodbank coordinator Marion is paid for a few hours a week but the increase in demand has seen her offer many more hours coordinating the referrals from various groups and

Fiona Cutmore (pictured above) along with Marion Wright from the foodbank have also been instrumental in delivering food parcels to families.

agencies, organising the extra funding and the supply of food and other essential supplies. All this while being highly pregnant with her fourth child. Lockdown has meant a bit of quiet on the real estate front but Ray White agent Julie Hanna volunteered her time to delivered groceries for Supervalue during lockdown. This service meant vulnerable people in the community could still be assured of their weekly shop without having to leave their homes. Julie says loved delivering groceries to people in the community many of whom were over 70. “It was just nice to see a smile on their faces and they were all super grateful. I love giving back to the community that has supported my business for the last 23 years. Now that things are getting back to some sort of normal and Julie is able to sell houses again, she is missing her delivery round. Janine Jackson

The LOCAL RAG - Magazine edition of the Raglan Chronicle


Next issue due out first week of July 2020 SURFERS HEALING



Raglan was host to a significant Surfers Healing event.

Local carvers unveil the pou that have been commissioned for the newly opened Rangitahi Brdge

Local artists will be opening their studios for the Raglan Arts Weekend in April.

ISSUE #681


expressions of interest for advertising can be emailed to: RAGLAN Chronicle 5

Open Home

Open Home

8 Pokohui Avenue Raglan


75 Otonga Valley Road Raglan

We are delighted to introduce to the market this stunning home offering 4 spacious bedrooms – three upstairs and one down. The open plan lounge takes in peaceful water views and great indoor-outdoor flow onto a private covered deck, enabling you a magical alfresco dining and entertainment area. A single garage with large storage areas offers internal access to the house via a lift. Situated on 620sqm, the grounds are immaculate and very easily maintained. With a great location, close to the water for kayak and paddleboarding access and a flat easy walk to town, this property is quite possibly the dream home you have been waiting for. Safe and sound.

On site (unless sold prior)

This much-loved family home is located an easy 20-minute to Hamilton and 15 mins to Raglan. The pristine 1930s Californian bungalow is set in an idyllic location extending over 3.983 ha. An immaculate family home that combines character with modern living. There are 3 bedrooms; generous dining and living, with natural flow that opens onto an expansive decking. Three-metre bi-fold doors open from the second living area, providing yet another countryside aspect. The kitchen has beautiful granite benchtops and a large bay window. The land is divided into 7 paddocks, complete with a chook house, lots of mature trees, raised vege gardens and a legal water supply from a nearby dam for the stock.

3:00pm, Saturday 13 June


Saturday 1:00pm

Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282 Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

Section Lot 205 Rangitahi Peninsula Raglan Now is the time to invest for your future. A great place to build your dream home. Safe and sound, close to the water and all Raglan amenities. This 425m² section is possibly boasting one of the best views in stage 2 of the Rangitahi Peninsula subdivision. Enjoy the wonderful collage of views of the estuary and Raglan Golf Course. Glorious sunsets and views of Mount Karioi complete the picture. The Raglan hub, where your morning coffee is available is only a stroll away. Take the opportunity to build your dream home in this wonderful location.Covenants apply to protect your investment. Subject to legal Title. For further details see Rangitahi info: No access without prior approval. Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

6 RAGLAN Chronicle

For Sale

Price By Negotiation


Saturday 2:00pm

Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282 Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

Open Home For Sale


Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282

16a Long Street Raglan This 4 bedroom house maintains an original character and charm while being renovated to a very high standard. The lounge welcomes you into the property complete with a delightful wood burner and stained glass window. This is a cosy space to relax and enjoy the woody surroundings. The kitchen is modern and stylish and ensures ease of entertaining. Three bedrooms are located downstairs while the master is located upstairs complete with an en-suite and walk-in wardrobe and a beautiful stained glass window. Enjoy water views from the deck that opens through french doors from the bedroom. This home oozes old-world charm and enjoys the convenience of modern living. Situated on 432sqm. Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

For Sale



Sunday 2:00pm

Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282

Open Home

7 Johnson Drive Raglan


With a panoramic view like this and all-day sun from the north-facing aspect, it’s easy to see why you would immediately fall in love with the idea of living by the seaside in Raglan. Sit back and watch the show that is Raglan, with water sports, boating, and the famous Raglan harbour entrance right in front of your eyes. The 3 double bedrooms and thoughtfully planned house would make for easy living for a family, allowing privacy and solitude for everyone on a 895sqm elevated section. This unique property has a deck and different vista for each moment of the day, coupled with beautifully breezy and spacious light-filled living areas. Call Melanie to arrange a private viewing today.

View Saturdy, Sunday & Monday 2:00pm

10am, Saturday 20 June On site (unless sold prior)

Melanie Carroll 021 760 468

Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)



8 Te Whare Hauora Place Raglan 8 Te Whare Hauora is set in the beautiful Flax Cove subdivision. This rare site boasts fantastic views of both the inner harbour and Mount Karioi. The section sits on 610m2 with a very gentle slope, building your dream home here will be a breeze. The Kaitoke Walkway is only a stone’s throw away, a scenic bush walk which follows the harbour’s edge. Raglan’s town centre is also a short walk away allowing you to take full advantage of the relaxed lifestyle it offers. For more information or to book a viewing call Sean on 027 562 4699. Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

Lot 161 Rangitahi Peninsula Raglan For Sale


Sean Mills 027 562 4699

Imagine living in beautiful Raglan - being part of a happy, caring and fun community all the while being completely surrounded by nature at its finest. Life doesn’t get much better than this. Build your dream home here to enjoy uninterrupted waterfront and mountain views from the comfort of your lounge room, bedrooms and living areas. Sit back with friends on your deck and soak up the sunny blue skies, fresh air and golden sunsets. Walk the beach and the bush tracks and linger in the local cafes only a short stroll away for a delicious meal or aperitif. This 508 sqm (more or less) north-west facing low maintenance section offers all of the above. Covenants apply to protect your investment. Subject to title.

For Sale $430,000 No access without prior approval. Please make an appointment with Melanie to view.

Melanie Carroll 021 760 468

Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

RAGLAN Chronicle 7

Conservation during Covid-19 with Karioi Project


he Karioi Project relies on a huge volunteer effort to restore biodiversity on 2,500 hectares on Karioi Maunga and surrounding private land. As a result of sustained, effective predator control in the past four years, we’ve enabled a remnant population of seabirds, Oi to breed successfully. This is a massive indication of the success of our multi-species predator control. Currently we employ 16 part-time staff or 5.1 FTE. Our team consists of community and biodiversity rangers and education facilitators that are passionate about their contribution to the project. Thanks to the Government’s recent wage subsidy, all our team are cared for – although only some of

REFUSE DAYS FOR THE NEXT 4 WEEKS: Kākāriki Green = TUESDAY Māwhero Pink = TUESDAY Karaka Orange = WEDNESDAY Kōwhai Yellow = THURSDAY THERE WILL BE NO COLLECTIONS ON MONDAYS OR FRIDAYS. And remember to remove your lids, wash ‘n’ squash! If you have missed a day please bring your recycling or pre paid bags up to site, we are open 7 days 12.30-5pm weekdays 10-5pm weekends.

8 RAGLAN Chronicle

the team has been able to work during Alert Levels 4 and 3. With the country in lockdown, we realised that our traps would have to go unchecked. We have 100+ regular volunteers (and up to 300 casual) participating each year, contributing thousands of hours to the project. Volunteers have been itching to go back to their trap lines, which we can do when we drop from Alert Level 3 to 2. Local families also contribute an incredible amount to the project. Hundreds of families have signed up to our “Backyard Trapping Hub”, aiming to create a Predator Free Raglan. During the lockdown, we were inundated with requests for traps – as people realised the pest problem in their backyard. The Backyard Hub inspires everyone to do their bit as a community, while also helping to restore vital ecosystems. Feel free to

contact us if you need a trap or want us to provide a commercial pest control service on your property The Karioi Project runs an NCEA-level “Education for Sustainability” program in Raglan Area School and popular afterschool environmental programs, Karioi Kids and Karioi Rangers for students aged 7-12 years. All “in school” education programs will resume as school restarts and we will consider running our popular after school programs in the coming weeks. While we were in lockdown, the first Oi came flying in for the breeding season. Locals living close to the coast reported hearing their piercing calls. Staff have checked and Oi have excavated their breeding burrows and they are already ripe with pungent seabird smells.

Oi, form strong pair bonds and may live for 30 years or longer, returning every year to the same place to breed and raise one chick. Parents share incubation duties equally, one of them remaining on the nest while the other ranges over the ocean and dives underwater for krill, squid and fish and returns to the burrow to feed its hungry chick. Chicks fledge in December and need the protection of our traps to ensure their survival. As we rebuild our community after the COVID-19 crisis, there is an opportunity to create a greener, more resilient and sustainable economy, that restores and sustains both people and the ecosystems we rely on for a healthy and thriving community. We invite you to join us – as we work together to restore this beautiful landscape we all love! Karioi Project

business, he bought another couple of hives and started again. Bevan now has around 50-60 hives set up around Ruapuke and Karioi producing several varieties

to Rivet on Wallis St or Zinnia on Wainui Rd. Refillable honey will be sold at Rivet soon. Janine Jackson

Anglesea Clinic

07 957 4947


0800 611 116


SUPPORT OUR SUPPORTERS The businesses and individuals advertising in the Raglan Chronicle are participating not only to promote their businesses, but to show their support for our community paper – so be sure to tell them you saw them in the Raglan Chronicle. Local businesses are AROMATHERAPY the foundation of our Diane Davies & Aromatherapy... .......... community - andMassage they ........................................................021 969 929 make it possible for us to bring the Raglan CELEBRANT Chronicle to you.- WEDDINGS AND FUNERALS

news, products and services

back &back neck& pain professional adviceadvice | professional neck |pain ante and post natal care

ante and post natal care post operative rehabilitation post operative rehabilitation


Etai Gilad Hypnotherapy.................027 5080577 web: ..........................


The Herbal Dispensary.....................07 825 7444 Private Herbal/Naturopathic consultations


Janis Beet Homeopath.....................07 825 8004



Robyn Riddle...................................027 5560438


pilates | headaches | home visits visits pilates | headaches | home acupuncture analysis | postural acupuncture analysis | postural

local health and wellbeing

12 Wallis Street, Raglan 12 Wallis Street, Raglan



need to manipul results. Our body/bra years of evolutio move well. Wth s yoga, pilates, contemporary dance, not able to do th in the wa is to help The b move, so we move brain. Ne is the na work wit Dr. Richard Zhu informati BDS Otago informati moving. what is a Resident Hygienist • Dental Implants The p Orthodontics/Braces • Dentures the brain pattern – to sign o 12 WALLIS ST PH: 07 825 8788 injured a how to c Hamilton Clinic: Victoria Dentist pattern o 270 Victoria St After the brain older par tive unco The patte

78 Upper Wainui Rd, Raglan here are many different kinds of Phone: (07) 825 8004 movement and exercise classes Cell: 027 459 8547 offemail: ered in Raglan. I have come across

ph (07) 825 0123 ph (07) 825 0123 Diane Davies Massage & Aromatherapy. . ............. ......................................................021 969 929 Start your recovery today ~ talk to us at

StartPhysiotherapy your recoveryiftoday ~ talk to us at Whaingaroa you are in pain

Whaingaroa Physiotherapy if you are in pain SPEECH LANGUAGE THERAPIST

Melissa Delaux .................... ..................... 6 RAGLAN Chronicle Therapist and Mindfulness Teacher.........021 1105588


RAGLAN Chronicle 7


Raglan Yoga Loft.............................021 02442248 Yoga at ‘The Space’...........Above the Yot Club

Classical Homeopath Janis Beet Dip. Hom (NZ) R.C Hom

Karioi Clinic of Homeopathy

78 Upper Wainui Rd, Raglan Phone: (07) 825 8004 Cell: 027 459 8547 email:




36 Norrie Ave

Vendors Moving East Auction 13.06.20 at 2pm on site Contact Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848



This property has it all! Enjoy impressive views of Mt Karioi and right over the Raglan Bar from this desirable Norrie Ave address. Conveniently located close to the main village, harbour, walkways and school. The substantial home comprises of spacious and sunny living areas, 3 bedrooms, bathrooms

income or extended families. The property features double glazing, gas heating and a DVS system to keep you warm and comfortable all year round. Michelle O'Byrne - 021 969 878 Situated on a large site of 1149m2 there’s plenty of off street parking, a lawn area for the kids to play and beautiful established trees and gardens. This one sure ticks all the boxes! Contact Steve or Michelle to view today.

No Open Homes, all viewings by appointment only

Michelle O’Byrne

Stephen O’Byrne





021 969 878

021 969 848

RAGLAN Chronicle 9



stamped | colored | exposed aggregate | footpaths driveways | retaining skate ramps

CALL JAY: 022 106 4318

Concrete Cutter



Builders Mix • Cement • Firewood Drainage Metals • PVC Pipe • Novaflo Pea Metal • Sand • Pavers • Compost Fertiliser store • Pea Straw • Hay Bales Barks • Mulch • Chook Chow TOPSOIL • RAILWAY SLEEPERS Plant Nursery • Truck Deliveries Free Customer Loan Trailers HIRE EQUIPMENT: Compacter Concrete Mixer • Post Hole Borer find us on facebook!

Play it safe You have more freedom of movement at Alert Level 2, but it’s up to each one of us to keep the rest of New Zealand safe. These are the most important things that you can remember and do: • • •

Windows • Doorways • Hole Drilling Decorative Cutting • Expansion Joints Kerb Crossings • Cowshed Alterations Removal of Concrete Structures etc Floor Sawing and Grinding


Phone Rob Short 0274 846 124 or A/H 825 0246


Raglan Independent Courier

Ph or text Michelle Cobham


027 325 4181

Daily trips to Hamilton Mon - Fri 8.30-12.30




Monday - Friday 12.30pm – 5.00pm Saturday & Sunday 10.00am – 5.00pm No drop offs after 4.30pm please



Paling | Post & Rail Picket | Pool Fencing Gates | Retaining Walls | Decks


Life at Alert Level 2 Life at Alert Level 2 means you can resume many of your everyday activities — but you have to do so safely. •


• •



• OPEN 7 DAYS Area 51 Naumai Industrial Park

10 RAGLAN Chronicle

COVID-19 is still out there. Play it safe. Keep your distance from other people in public. If you’re sick, stay home. Don’t go to work or school. Don’t socialise. If you have symptoms of cold or flu call your doctor or Healthline and get advice about being tested. Wash your hands. Wash your hands. Wash your hands. Sneeze and cough into your elbow, regularly disinfect surfaces. If you have been told to self-isolate you must do so immediately. Keep a track of where you’ve been and who you’ve seen.

All businesses can open to customers if they can do it safely. This will help to get people back to work. You can go in-store at businesses. Tertiary education facilities, schools and Early Learning Centres will be open for all ages. You can travel between regions. Initially, gatherings like weddings, religious ceremonies and social gatherings can have up to 10 people. You can safely connect and socialise with close friends and family, in groups of 10. You can visit local cafes, restaurants, bars and pubs to have a meal. You can return to your regular recreation activities, at first keeping to 10 people.

F I R E W O O D DRY, DELIVERED Tr a i l e r l o a d : Pine $180 / Macrocarpa $190 Ph 021 0771524 In My Good Books Quality 2nd hand books Open Thurs - Sun from 10am 2 Wallis St Books wanted.

Services Offered FRUIT TREES NEED PRUNING? Dean is back in town, 1 month only so be quick!. Call Dean 0212174491 FLUE CLEANING & LOG FIRE INSPECTION $115. All ue and log ďŹ re repairs including new ďŹ re installations. Please phone Mark on 07 8298-103 / 021457342

DO YOU WANT YOUR HOUSE Repiled, Relocated, Repositioned or Removed? Call now 07 847 1760

Situations Vacant RAGLAN EXCAVATIONS ROB POOLTON; are currently seeking an experienced class 5 driver for the position within the company. Work includes on site work and cartage of metal and sand. The position would suit a person who has; Good communication skills Flexible with working hours Punctual and reliable. Please contact Rob 021957745 / Matt 021550067

To Let 2 BEDROOM COTTAGE with water views, access to beach, Greenslade Road, working professional/s only, No pets, $380per week. Must have references available. PHONE 021489818 Public Notices


WED 10JUNE 9AM from James St near Wallis St A 3.8km Section 101 walkaround Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 HamiltonLake, plus Wharf Bar and Bistro Ltd, 37 Wainui Road, Raglan part of the Western has made an application to the District Licensing Trail. Lake Committee at Ngaruawahia for the issueRail of an Rotorua on-licence in respect of the premises situated at is one of 73 Wallis Street, Raglan and known asWaikato’s The Wharf shallow Kitchen and Bar. peat lakes. The house built The general nature of the business tooldest be conducted under the licence is: Restaurant / Bar. near The days it was built in on which and the hours during which1872 alcohol is occupied and intended to be sold under the licence are: byMonday Hamilton’s – Sunday, 8am – 1am following day. ďŹ rst Mayor - bring The application may be inspected during ordinary lunch. office hours at the office of the Waikato District

Council, District Licensing Committee, 15 Galileo WED 17 JUNE Street, Ngaruawahia. 9AM from James Any person who is entitled to object and Stwho near Wallis St wishes to object to the issue of the licence may, Aotea Harbour not later than 15 working days after the- date of the about 4km first publication of this notice, file a notice in writingeach way along the of the objection with the Secretary of the District Licensing Committee at Waikato District Council, beach in this Private Bag 544, Ngaruawahia 3742. tranquil corner of No objection to the issue of a licencethe mayharbour be made looking in relation to a matter other than a matter atspecified many rock in section 105(1) of the Sale and Supply offormations. Alcohol Act 2012. This is the first publication of this notice.

Commercial to Let WORK SPACE TO LET

If you can’t (or don’t want to) work at work and Home is just too hard, there is an unoccupied, 14sq meter ofďŹ ce available at 13 Wallis Street. Unlimited WiďŹ , a car park and nicely refurbished. You could comfortably ďŹ t up to 3 desks in there, close the door and get on with your work life. If you’re interested please call: Michael on 0274 828 688

CLASSIFIEDS ADVERTISING: Minimum ads start from $8. Call us on: 825 7076 or email: classiďŹ

Public Notices

Q U E E N ’ S B I RT H D AY W E E K E N D HOURS Saturday 30th May: Open 10.00am – 5.00pm Sunday 31st May: Open 10.00am – 5.00pm Monday 1st June (Queens Birthday): CLOSED Section 101 Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 Kiwi Capital Hospitality Limited has made application to the Waikato District Licensing Committee at Ngaruawahia for the renewal of an on-licence in respect of the premises situated at 2 Bow Street, Raglan and known as George’s Beach Club. The general nature of the business to be conducted under the licence is Restaurant The days and hours during which alcohol is sold under the licence are Monday to Sunday 8.00am - 1.00am. The application may be inspected during ordinary office hours at the office of the Waikato District Council, District Licensing Committee, 15 Galileo Street, Ngaruawahia. Any person who is entitled to object and who wishes to object to the issue of the licence may, not later than 15 working days after the date of the first publication of this notice, file a notice in writing of the objection with the Secretary of the District Licensing Committee at Waikato District Council, Private Bag 544, Ngaruawahia 3742. No objection to the issue of a licence may be made in relation to a matter other than a matter specified in section 105(1) of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. This is the first publication of this notice.


For Sale


Section 101 Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012

Kiwi Capital Hospitality Limited has made application to the Waikato District Licensing Committee at Ngaruawahia for the renewal of an on-licence in respect of the premises situated at 2 Bow Street, Raglan and known as George’s Beach Club. general nature bexmconducted jklmknmjomkpqkrThe lsmtum jnjvowppxm my m‡m{of „| }mthe †jlbusiness Â?{Â?}rk…Šx to p p| |x ko jv|qrk|xmpm{|rkjp | pqrkk„kjn{rll„v | mp€ jvozmmqpm{|rkxj }mpxjkmojkjlicence v~mrq mv} krvlmv|{rvqmkmv{mÂŒm mqÂ? ÂŽjlzsm thours |xmt omksmt umjnjvoyry„nj| rvjvor„k The days andk p|rk mp€x ~xn ~x|under during v~|xmp|mthe jwhich o ykr~kmpalcohol p umisjnjRestaurant voxj pk „vq r kq j k lm k pn r r ‚ v~q r klr m |kjo v~yjk|vmkpjvo{rvp„lmkpÂ… is„ysold thev|jlicence |xmpm{|rk plj‚ v~rvmv} krvlmv|jnljvƒ xmny|rp yrk|~runder romv} krvlm nljvj~mƒ are‰† v{m‘’’“|xmkmxjpzmmvjkmljk‚jznm j~mlmv| pp„mpÂ… Monday to Sunday lmv| rv |xm k- q1.00am. jklp…Šxm rk~jv pj| rv ”r„kvm rqmv} krvlmv|jnykr~kmpp…†xmmyjvo † ‡| q }mqjklmkpqkrljkr„vo|xm{r„v|k v{km8.00am jpmo |p{jyjz n | t |xpm}mvq„nnƒ| lm zmmqqjklmkpxj}mok }mvlj”rkmqq { mv{ tmkm vˆmnn v~|rvn j p |lr v| x| ro p { „p p p | j q qp „y y r k | v~q j k lmkp€ v{during n„o v~jo}r {j{ ~j vp• v{kmjp v~njlz v~ymk{mv|j~mpz Â–— application may be inspected ordinary v | j| }mp|r lykr}mmThe v} krvlm v|jnymkqrat klƒ rv office pp„mpkmnjof| v~| rmv} krvlmv|jnlj vj~mƒ ymk{mv|€jvo|xmnjlztm ~x|tmjvmoz mtmp office the Waikato District jv{mjvopym{ q {jnn | rmvxjv{hours m{j|{xlmv|thelmv| Â… z Â’˜ymk{mv|€‹xmpj oÂ… r„|{rlmpÂ… Â?kÂ?{Â?}rkp j oqjklmkp„vomk15 p|jvo| xj| ‰ˆxj|wplrkm lykmpp }m p|xj|qjklmkp Council, District Licensing Committee, Galileo ‰Šxrpmj||xm{rvq m k m v{ mtm k mp r lmr q lj vj ~ v~| xmm v} k r vlm v| p‚m  | r| xm k xj}mj{x m}mo|x pt |x–˜ymk{mv|nmppnjvoÂ… Street, smt umjnjvowp lrp|m v} krvlmNgaruawahia. v|jnn ykrƒ z„p vmppjvo‚vrt|xm jkm{„p|ro jvprq|xm ˆmmp| lj|m|xj|jzr„|rvml nn rvxjrq j{| }mqjklmkpjvo|xmAny  kmykmperson pmv||xmlrlm vƒ isnjvoentitled Â… p|mmymk{r„v|k pm |xmkkm| kmorkynjv|mo v who to object and who |„l ~j|xmk v~ t |x qjklmkp j{krpp |xm ‰Šxm jnprj{{my||xmkmjkmmv} krvlmv|jn |kmmptx nmjq„k|xmkl nn rvxjrqx ~x™„jn | {r„v|k Â€Â‹pj oÂŒmmqÂ?ÂŽj lzsmtumtojnjvo{ x mq to {xjnnthe mv~mpj voq vo of v~pthe rn„| rvp pjp lyrmay, k|ƒ njvoxjpzmmv{rv}mk|mo|roj k Â…ˆ |x|x p wishes object issue licence >? not later than 15 working days after the date of the@ABCDEFGHEIJKLMGNOLP first publication of this notice, file a notice in writing of the objection with the Secretary of the District Licensing Committee at Waikato District Council, Private Bag 544, Ngaruawahia 3742. Notumobjection the ark|xmp licence jklmknmjomkpqkrlsm jnjvowppxmmy m‡m{„| }m to †jl Â?{ Â?}rk…Šx issue p p|xm |x koofjv|q m{|rkjp | pqrkk„kmay jn{rll„v | be mp€ mqqmade { mv{ ok }m |wpmp| lj|mo|xj|~kmmvxr„pm jvozmmqpm{|rkxj}mpxjkmojkjv~mrq mv} krvlmv|{rvqmkmv{mÂŒmmqÂ? ÂŽjlzsmt |xmt omksmt umjnjvoyry„nj| rvjvor„k ~jpml pp rvpqkrl|xmpxmmyjvozmmqpm{|rk p|rk mp€x ~xn ~x| v~|xmp |mjo ykr~kmpp umjto njvoxja pk„vq rkqjklmkpnrr‚ v~q rklrkm |kjo than v~yjk|vmkpjvo{rvp „lmkpÂ… xjpom{kmjpmoz Â‘Â’ymk{mv|…‹ matter other |xmpm{|rk plj‚ v~rin vmv} relation krvlmv|jnljvƒ xmny| rp„yyrk|~ rromv} krvlmv|jnlj vj~mƒ ‰† v{m‘’’“|xma kmxjmatter pzmmvjkmljk‚jznspecified m Â?kÂ?{Â?}rkpj o tx nmpxmmy jvo zmmq j~mlmv| pp„mpÂ… in sectionlm105(1) v| rv |xm k qjklp…Šxm rk~jv pj| rv ”r„kand vm rqmv} krvlmv|jnykr~kmpp…†xm myjvo qjklmkpjkmqr{„pmorvzm v~ykrq |jznmjvo the † ‡| q }mqjklmkpqkrljkr„vo|xm{r„v|k v{kmjpmo |p{jyjz n |of  t |xp m}mvq„nnSale ƒ| lm zmmqqjklmkpxjSupply }mok }mvlj”rkmof qq { mv{Alcohol  {rvq omv|jzr„||xmq„|„km€|xm jkmjnpr tmkm vˆmnn v~|rvnjp|lrv|x|ro p{„pp p|jqqp„yyrk| v~qjklmkp€ v{n„o v~jo}r{j{ ~j vp• v{kmjp v~njlz v~ymk{mv|j~mpz Â–— qr{„pmorvlmm| v~kmpyrvp z n | mp|r|xmnjvo v | j| }mp|r lykr}mmAct v} krvlmv|2012. jnymkqrklƒ rv pp„mpkmnj| v~|rmv} krvlm v|jnljvj~mƒ ymk{mv| €jvo|xmnjlztm ~x|tmjvmoz mtmp jvo{rll„v | Â… Public Notices ‰ˆmwkmz„ no v~|rrnp jv{mjvopym{ q {jnn |rmvxjv{m{j|{xlmv| lmv|Â… z Â’˜ymk{mv|€‹xmpj oÂ… r„|{rlmpÂ… Â?kÂ?{Â?}rkpj oqjklmkp„vomkp|jvo|xj| ‰ˆxj|wplrkm lykmpp }m p|xj|qjklmkp jvokmpr„k{mp|rp„yyrk| |xml t |xmv} krvlmvƒ ‰Šxrpmj||xm{rvqThis mkmv{mtmkmp rlmrq ljsecond vj~ v~|xmmv} krvlmv| p‚m |r|xm k xj}mj{x m}mo|this x pt |x–˜ymk{mv|nmppnjvoÂ… This of smt umjnjvowp lrp|m v} krvlmv|is jnn the ykrƒ z„p vmppjvo‚vrt|xm jpublication km{„p|ro jvprq|xm ˆmmp| lj |m|xj|jzr„|rnotice. vml nn rvxjrq |jn ljvj~mlmv|€ j{| }mqjklmkpjvo|xm kmykmpmv||xmlrlmvƒ njvoÂ… p|mmymk{r„v|k pm |xmkkm| kmorkynjv|mo v lmjp„kmlmv| jvo |„l ~j|xmk v~ t |xnotice qjklmkp j{krpp |xm ‰Šxm  jnprj{{published my||xmkmjkmmv} krvlmv|jnon |kmmptx nmjq„k |xmkl nn rvxjr qx ~x™„jn | kmyrk| v~€tx nm|j‚ v~ 28 May 2020. {r„v|k Â€Â‹pj oÂŒmmqÂ?ÂŽjlzsmtumjnjvo{was x mq {xjnnmfirst v~mpjvoq vo v~prn„| rvp pjp lyrk|ƒ njvoxj pzmmv{ rv}mk|mo|ro j k Â…ˆ |x|x p v|rj{{r„v||xmljvÂ

Q R S TU V R WV S X Y Z [ \X V WZ ]V ]^ _ S Z ]T i Q R S TU V R WV S X Y Z [ \X V WZ ]V ]^ _ S Z ]TV ]` i


Section 101 Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 Wharf Bar and Bistro Ltd, 37 Wainui Road, Raglan has made an application to the District Licensing Committee at Ngaruawahia for the issue of an on-licence in respect of the premises situated at 73 Wallis Street, Raglan and known as The Wharf Kitchen and Bar. The general nature of the business to be conducted under the licence is: Restaurant / Bar. The days on which and the hours during which alcohol is intended to be sold under the licence are: Monday – Sunday, 8am – 1am following day. The application may be inspected during ordinary office hours at the office of the Waikato District Council, District Licensing Committee, 15 Galileo Street, Ngaruawahia. Any person who is entitled to object and who wishes to object to the issue of the licence may, not later than 15 working days after the date of the first publication of this notice, file a notice in writing of the objection with the Secretary of the District Licensing Committee at Waikato District Council, Private Bag 544, Ngaruawahia 3742. No objection to the issue of a licence may be made in relation to a matter other than a matter specified in section 105(1) of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. This is the second publication of this notice. This notice was first published on 21st May 2020.

mv} krvlmv|jn pp„mp |xj| jkm pym{ q { |r qjklp€{j|{xlmv|pjvo km~ rvp…‹ ÂŒmmqÂ? ÂŽjlz smt umjnjvo mv} krvlmv| ykr~kjllm ljvj~mk abccdefgh Â?j||šjk{rlzmpj o|xm {rvqmkmv{mtjpjzr„|{rv| v„ v~ |rz„ no nmjomkpx y {jyjz n | jvo {jyj{ | v |xm pm{|rkÂ… ‰ˆmwkm z„ no v~ lrlmv|„l |xkr„~x {rvvm{| v~|xmmnmlmv|prqp„{{mppq„nykr”m{|p j{krpp|xm{r„v|k |xj|jkmlj‚ v~jkmjn o qqmkmv{m|r|xmtj qjklpjvo qjklmkp v|mkj{|t |x r„k mv} krvlmv|…‹ ›vr|xmk lmppj~mtjp|xm lyrk|jv{mrqkm|j v v~|xm Âœpr{ jnn {mv{mw|rqjkl•|xmy„zn {ymk{my| rv |xj|jnnrtpjv vo„p|k |rrymkj|mÂ… ‰Šxmkmjkmprlm v{kmo znmymrynmor v~ jljÂ? v~|x v~pj{krpp|xm{r„v|k jvo|xj|wpj ~kmj|p|rk |xj|qjklmkppxr„nozmykr„orqÂ… Šxmkm pjntj plrkm|rorjvotmvmmo|r trk‚xjko|r~m|xmk|r„vomkp|jvotxj||xm m‡ym{|j| rvprqsmt umjnjvomkpjkm€txmkm r„kyk rk | mpjkmjvo|rmvp„kmtmxj}m|xm k ~x| vqrklj| rvjvok ~x|kmpr„k{mp v|xm k ~x| ynj{mp |r lj‚m ~rro nrv~ƒ|mkl om{ p rvp€‹Â?kšjk{rlzmpj oÂ…


žÂ&#x;  ¥¢£ ÂŚÂ&#x;§§Â&#x;¨Š Œ¨¨Œª¤¼ ÂŤÂŹ s


Stripping’s Soft Brown - $4.80/TN Brown Rock - $9.80/TN jmtum jnjvowpkmolmj|pm{|rkxjp|j‚mv vr|xmkp|my|rtjkopyrp | rv v~smt umjnjvozmmqjvonjlzjpjykml „l Blue Brown Rock - $10.50/TN qrro{xr {m~nrzjnn Â… Â?rkm|xjv­Â“ymrynm v{n„o v~qjklmkp€ lmj|m‡yrk|mkpjvo ~r}mkvlmv|yjk|vmkp€ Crushed AP 100 - $15.50/TN xj}mzmmvlmm| v~|rjo}jv{m|xmykr”m{||xj| 012 34556789 8 6 8 93 9

87 9 89

np„yyrk|zm||mkpm{|rkykrq |jz n | … Œmmq�Žjlzsmtumjnjvo{x mqm‡m{„| }m 8 6 89735 Crushed 8 9 9 8 7 4 t †jnl�{ AP 65 - $17.00/TN �}rkpj o|xmpm{|rkxjozmmvtrk‚ v~ |r~m|xmkqrk‘–lrv|xp€omp ~v v~ jvmt 389 466 ! 863 8 8 Crushed 68 6 866 8 AP 8 8 40 - 989

$17.00/TN ljk‚m|om}mnrylmv|ynjv€jvo|xmq kp|y m{mrq pomq v v~|xmpm{|rkwpp|rk Â… 8 8 8 Drainage 9 989 60/40 - $25.00/TN |tjŠxmtr k‚pxry v{n„omoÂ? ‚mÂŽmm€{x mq m{„| }mrq|xmsmtÂŽrk‚ƒzjpmoqrroomp ~v " 8935 9 8 8 68 6 7 4 8 9 #4 5 9 $ mjmv{‡vo vvr}j| rvj~mv{ Â†|„o rÂ?vo„p|k mptxr r„kj~moyjk| { yjv|p|rq vo|xm kj„|xmv| { 8 8 9Cleanfill 789 3 68 Disposal 86 3 - $5/m3 loose qrrop|rk Â…

012 34556789 8 6 8 93 9 87 9 89

8 6 89735 8 9 9 8 7 4 % 86

389 466 $&86 ! 86 3 8 8 68 6 8 86 6 8 8 8 989

67 4 % 6 3 $ 6 '

9 689 %8 9

3 8

8 8 989

8 866 012 7 4 %8 (46 )8 8 *5 86 3 Earthmoving, Contouring, Site Preparation, Accessways " and 8935

+,-./ 9 8 8 68 6 Races 7 4 8

9 #4 5Works 9 $ +01234 52 67./and Roading, Driveways, Farm Drainage 89: 98 8 and 8 9

789 3 6 8 86 3 .= Construction % 8667 4 % 6 3 $ 6 Pond /;< $&86 ' 9 689 %8 8 3 8 86 6 012 7 4 %8

(46 )8 8 *5 86 3 Supply and Delivery Quotations please contact Chris on: ‰†|rk mpjkmtxj|{rvvm{|ymrynmjvopr jv p|rk jzr„|qrro pj{|„jnn jx„ljvp|rk Â• jzr„||xm~krtmkpjvoqjklmkpjvotxmkm jvoxrt|xm ykro„{mqrroÂ… ‰irro |roj p vr nrv~mk ”„p|jzr„| p„p|mvjv{mÂ…Â?|wp v|k vp {jnn n v‚mot |xpr{ jn zrvopjvoymkprvjn}jn„mpÂ… ‰Šxmqrro{rvp„lmkpmj|pj pprlm|x v~ jzr„|xrt|xm tjv||xmtrkno|rzm€pr v mppmv{mymrynmjkmmj| v~|xm k}jn„mpjvo |xmpm v{n„om|xmtj jv ljnpjkmqjklmo• jn|xr„~xqrrojnprvmmop|romn }mkrv|jp|m…‹ Â?kÂ?{Â?}rkpj osmtumjnjvowpkmolmj| ykro„{mkp‚vmt |xm krtvp|rk tr„nozm zr„vo v|xmk {xvmpprqqjkl v~qjl n mp€ nrr‚ v~jq|mk|xmnjvo€vr„k px v~jvokmpym{|ƒ v~ |xm k jv ljnp jvo {jk v~ jzr„||xm {rvp„lmkm‡ymk mv{mÂ… ‰Šxmpm|xmlmpjkmj~kmj|qr„voj| rvjn zjpmqkrltx {x|rq„k|xmk„v{r}mk|xmx oomv mtmnp|xj|t nnqrklr„kp|r984 k Â… ” or phone 021 489 ‰Â? ‚m{xj nnmv~mo„p|r| x v‚jzr„|txj| tmlj {rvp omkl„vojvmjpj{|„jnn ykrƒ qr„voqrkr„k{„p|rlmkp…‹ Â?kÂ?{Â?}rkpj ojv lyrk|jv|yjk|rq|xm p|rk t Richard nnzm|r v|mk|t vm|xm}mk q {j| rv Bulk Order Quotations please contact p p|mlp|xj|ykr}msmt umjnjvozon: mmqjvo njlz prq|xmx ~xmp|™„jn | jvotxmv rvp„lmkpz„ |€ |wpj{xr {m|xm lj‚m or phone z{021 m{j„pm|xm {0222 jkmjzr„||xm~rr1869 oxmjn|xrq |xm kqjl n jvo|xmynjvm|Â…

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89: 98


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19 Te Tuhi Rd

Contact Robbie Regnier 021 952 271 Email



26 Rose Street

Don’t just dream it... own it!

Bush Retreat, Whale Bay DLS 01.07.20 at 1pm



After more than 40 years this 1341m2 native bush property with ocean views is on the market. The Rustic 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom home with surrounding decks fire place and high beams requires some TLC ,the potential is in your hands. Walk across the gangway to the games room /office with mezzanine floor, bathroom and kitchenette which has its own entry and deck. A double carport and workshop sits below with ample parking. The original 1 bedroom dwelling sits high amongst the trees and has views over the Tasman Sea. Dont miss out call Robbie now 021952271




24.06.20 at 12pm

Contact Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 Email Sat 12 - 12:45 2U1HFG


Beautifully presented, featuring 2 bedrooms and light filled, sunny living areas that flow through French doors onto a very generous deck. Enjoy spectacular uninterrupted harbour views from almost everywhere on the property and the water so close it feels as if you can reach out and touch it! This extremely desirable Rose Street location is hard to beat with the bustling wharf just steps away. This quintessential kiwi holiday home sits on a freehold site of 535m2 and will appeal to a range of buyers for either permanent or holiday living.




79a Newton Road Paradise Found This character home is totally charming and impossible not to fall in love with! Warm and inviting with a log burner and rustic timber features throughout. Loads of extras including a sleep out, garage, chicken coop, vege gardens and calf rearing shed. Enough grazing land to grow your own meat, keep a horse and live a self sufficient lifestyle. Te Mata School and stunning Bridal Veil Falls just a short drive away + you have a choice of Raglan, Aotea and Ruapuke beaches. DLS 03.06.20 at 12pm Contact Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 Email View




6 Upper Wainui Rd Raglan Memory Maker THis home has a brand new kitchen and generous sun soaked deck. Three bdrms, separate bthrm, shower & internal access garage complete the upper level. Downstairs is a large self contained flat plus dble garage & workshop. Situated on just over a 1/4 acre the section includes mature fruit trees, vege gardens and more! Enjoy the benefits of being so close to the beaches and bays yet only minutes to town. No Open Homes, all viewings by appointment only DLS 17.06.20 at 12pm Contact Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 Email View




33a Government

Snap me up!

Deadline Sale 24.06.20 at 2pm Contact Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 Email


SAT 11-11:30am 2TXHFG

Are you looking for entry level into the Raglan market? Whether it be your first, last or holiday home you won’t find better than this one! Recent renovations include new carpet, curtains & paint meaning you can move straight in. The low maintenance, sunny home offers easy care living with 3 bdrms, family bthrm, separate toilet & laundry plus under house storage. The section is on 2 levels & features a carport, good off street parking and a flat, fully fenced backyard. Easy access to public transport, and the wharf, harbour and main village are within easy walking distance. This super property is super affordable and won’t last!

Chrissy Cox

Kyle Leuthart

Michelle O’Byrne

Stephen O’Byrne

Robbie Regnier

Matt Sweetman

Graham Rope

Natasha Metcalfe-Black

027 287 1804

021 903 309

021 969 878

021 969 848

021 952 271

021 624 826

021 222 7427

027 555 9994

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Raglan Property Manager

*NB Boundary lines on photos are approximate & merely a guide. All information contained herein is gathered from sources we deem reliable. However we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely upon their own enquiries.

LJ Hooker Raglan (07) 825 7170 • 12 RAGLAN Chronicle

25-27 Bow Street , Raglan • George Boyes & Co Limited Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008

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