Raglan Chronicle

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Supervalue winners


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19th December 2013 - Issue #374

Open Homes

Open Homes

Saturday 2pm - 9c East Street

Saturday 2pm - 9c East Street

Raglan Real Estate Ltd Licenced (REAARaglan 2008) Real Estate Ltd Licenced (REAA 2008)

Sun Valley Rd Wishing a2012 very Merry Christmas from the team atSt, Ray White - 69d Otonga21 AUCTION Fri 3rdeverybody February AUCTION - Fri 6pm 3rd Ray February White 2012 Office, - 6pm 21 Bow Ray White Raglan Office, Bow St, Raglan day 2pm

Dave Hanna 027 614 6722



Solid brick 3 brm family home in rural setting

Solid brick 3 brm family home in rural setting

Office & rumpus, single garage, internal access

Office & rumpus, single garage, internal access

Plumbed shed (potential ancillary unit), well planted garden

Plumbed shed (potential ancillary unit), well planted garden

3973m² fenced & ready for a new family

3973m² fenced & ready for a new family

Prior Auction offers considered.

Prior Auction offers considered.

OPEN HOME Saturday 11am

ID#RAG20938 Road Julie Blair 297 Te PapatapuTrish Hanna TOP SHELF PROPERTYFitzgerald Hanna living / Easy care garden952 452 0200family8282 027 441 8964 021Fabulous 021 3 dble brms + office, entertainers kitchen Sun drenched open plan living & decks

OPEN HOME Saturday 11am

INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY • 2 Storey House In 2 Legal Flats

• 2 Brm Flat Upstairs / 3 Brm Flat Downstairs • Panoramic Harbour & Mountain Views • 2 Acre + Lifestyle Block – Prime Location • Single Garage & Storage Shed Prior Auction offers considered. OPEN


ID#RAG20938 ID#RAG20952 297 Te Papatapu Road 335 Wainui Road Richard Michelle Stephen Thomson TOP SHELF PROPERTY O’Byrne O’Byrne STEP INTO THE MARKET Stylishly redecorated this tidy little home has Fabulous family living / EasyRural care gardenSpecialist 021 889 448 inside the 027 205 4073 all you need. With two bedrooms 3 dble brms + office, entertainers kitchen house and an additional room outside you 027 294 8625 will enjoy the open plan living and fully fenced Sun drenched open plan living & decks Saturday 12pm

section. Relax on the lovely decking while

Large paved entertainment area Large paved entertainment area enjoying the easy care section. Ray White Office, 21 Bow St Raglan ph: 07 825 8669. Ideal opportunity for you to enter the fastDouble garaging with internal access Double garaging with internal access Prior Auction offers considered


OPEN HOME Saturday 1pm 23a Violet Street

Prior Auction offers considered


OPEN HOME Saturday 1pm 23a Violet Street

growing market in Raglan! Prior Auction offers considered. OPEN



Saturday 1pm 6 Violet Street

Sunday 2pm - 69d Otonga Valley Rd


NEW• 2SERVICES! - VAN DELIVERIES Brm Flat Upstairs / 3 Brm Flat Downstairs • Panoramic Harbour Departing Returning/Arriving & Mountain Views Morning: 8.00am 11.00am • 2 Acre + Lifestyle Block – Prime Location Afternoon: 1.30pm 4.30pm • Single Garage & Storage Shed Prior Auction offers

Local Business Serving Raglan District Since 1996 considered.



Saturday 12pm 335 Wainui Road


Stylishly redecorated this tidy little home has all you need. With two bedrooms inside the house and an additional room outside you will enjoy the open plan living and fully fenced section. Relax on the lovely decking while enjoying the easy care section. Ideal opportunity for you to enter the fastgrowing market in Raglan! Prior Auction offers considered. OPEN HOME


Saturday 1pm 6 Violet Street

RAGLAN Chronicle 1

dining guide Banteay Srey Cambodian Restaurant. Dine in or takeaway. 23 Bow Street........825 0952

Jo’s Takeaways. Te Kopua Domain......................................................825 8761

Marlin Cafe & Grill. Dine in. On the Wharf...........................................825 0010

The Shack. Dine in or Takeaway. 19 Bow Street..................................825 0027

The Raglan Club. Dine in or Takeaway. 22-24 Bow Street.................. 825 8278

Shane Ardern MP

Cover Big and bold message to the oil men off Raglan's coast.

Two in three chance of oil ‘beaching’ from a blowout


f there’s a deep-sea well blowout off the likes of Raglan there’s a 66 per cent chance of oil ending up on our beaches, Texan oil giant Anadarko revealed in a massive information dump last Friday. The 1700-odd pages of annexes to Anadarko’s environmental impact assessment – released by Maritime NZ after Parliament closed for the year – also estimate a spill rate of between 12,000 and 18,000 barrels of oil a day, figures higher than contained in an earlier Greenpeace report which was attacked by the Government as “scaremongering”. The documents show, too, that there would be a long wait for relief. A capping stack could take 33 days to arrive, and there could be an 80-115 day wait for the nearest relief rig – in East Africa – to arrive and drill a relief well.

Green Party energy spokesperson Gareth Hughes says he shudders to think of the impact there’d be on animals, the ocean and the economy while New Zealand waited for help. He says the details in the information dump show New Zealanders have every right to be concerned about deep-sea oil drilling. Kiwis should have seen this information before drilling began, and the Environmental Protection Agency should have seen it before allowing Anadarko to drill off Raglan. Meanwhile Greenpeace has been arguing in the High Court that the EPA made an error in law by giving Anadarko the go-ahead without looking at the documents. Greenpeace chief policy adviser Nathan Argent has been quoted as saying that “the whole Government process around deep-sea oil drilling has swung between utter farce and total shambles”. Edith Symes


SuperValue colouring comp winners

L Supervalue ast

Wednesday Raglan held their Xmas Party and presented the winners of their kid’s colouring competition.

Electorate office: 25 Roche Street, Te Awamutu p 07 825 0263 (Freephone) e ShaneArdernMP@xtra.co.nz

Under 5 years: 1. Riley 2. Eana 3. Esme 5 to 8 years 1. Jayla 2. Arie 3. Zara http://www.weathermap.co.nz/?p=ragla 9 years and over 1. Jahzara 2. Ayden 3. Waiehu

There were a huge number of entries so the competition was tough WeatherMap - New Zealand weather forecasts but the results were:


Weather Map

Raglan Weather & Tides

Check www.weathermap.co.nz for latest forecasts Forecasts Forecast generated on Wednesday 18 December Max Summary Wind Waves* Tides* Sun temp (C) (km/hr) (m) (High/Low) (Rise/Set)

SUNDAY SERVICE: New time 9:30am - Sunday WorshipService Service with children’s program

Pastor Jeanette Vink ph: 07 825 8330 or 021 265 3683

RAGLAN TRUST HOSPITAL Caring for the ones you love 27 - 29 Manukau Road Ph. 07 825 8306 Fax: 07 825 8855 Email: raglantrust@xtra.co.nz

CHRISTMAS MASS 7pm on Christmas Eve (Tues.24th Dec) No Mass in Raglan at midnight or Christmas Day Mass from Christmas till the end of January will be in the Raglan church on Saturday evenings at 5 pm. Further information: Phone 825 8135 Fr Anselm Aherne: Frankton 847 5688

Raglan Ink Ltd home of the Raglan Chronicle Office Open Mon to Thursday 9am - 4.00pm, Wainui Rd, Raglan Ph: (07) 825-7076 Fax: (07) 825-7078 Post: P.O. Box 234, Raglan


Sunny and clear skies


S 15 am SW 25 pm



12:30 06:30 12:50 07:00

am am R 05:57 am pm S 08:38 pm pm


Sunny and clear skies


SW 25 am W 30 pm



01:00 07:10 01:20 07:40

am am R 05:58 am pm S 08:38 pm pm


Sunny and clear skies


W 30 W 30

am pm



01:40 07:40 02:00 08:20

am am R 05:58 am pm S 08:39 pm pm


Sunny and clear skies


SW 20 am SW 30 pm



02:20 08:30 02:40 09:00

am am R 05:59 am pm S 08:39 pm pm


Sunny and clear skies


SW 20 am SW 30 pm



03:00 09:10 03:30 09:50

am am R 06:00 am pm S 08:40 pm pm




NW 20 am NW 20 pm



04:00 10:00 04:20 10:40

am am R 06:00 am pm S 08:40 pm pm


Mainly fine with possible showers


W 15 W 15


H 05:00 am R 06:01 am L 11:00 am S 08:40 pm H 05:20 pm

am pm

*Total significant wave height and *Tide times for Raglan Bar



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Local businesses are the foundation of our community - and they make it possible for us to bring the Raglan Chronicle to you.

Email: info@raglanchronicle.co.nz Advertising & Articles The

2 RAGLAN Chronicle

advertising and editorial content deadline will be Monday at 12pm week of issue.

Life’s a beach as the kudos keeps coming


aitetuna teen Jessica Reilly will see more of Ngarunui Beach this summer than most, not only as a volunteer and regional lifeguard of Raglan Surf Life Saving Club but as its head instructor putting both “bronzies” – or aspiring lifeguards – and other instructors through their paces. And while she can’t think of a better way to spend the summer before heading off to university next year to study medicine, the 18-year-old was last week thrilled to be recognised for her commitment to the club in an awards ceremony at Wintec for positive leadership of young people. She was one of 46 nominees for the Hamilton Youth Council’s Recognyz Youth Awards, which recognise the contributions under-25s make to their communities. The six award categories celebrate performers, environmentalists, those who have triumphed over adversity, inventors, leaders and volunteers. Jess was a finalist in, and won, the Manaakitanga Award for “active community involvement in voluntary surf lifesaving”. She was recommended for the award by St Paul’s Collegiate where she’s been head girl this year, and recently rewarded for academic excellence by the offer of a $50,000 scholarship to study at Auckland University next year. Jess is excited now at the summer ahead, not only as a volunteer lifeguard at Ngarunui come the weekends but also as a paid lifeguard during the week for six weeks where she gets to live at the clubhouse with other regional lifeguards. Another two weeks paid lifeguard work on Auckland’s west coast at Karioitahi Surf Life Saving Club – voted for five seasons as best-patrolled beach in the northern region – will top off the summer experience for Jess, who’s also just achieved her IRB driver’s licence. “I enjoy lifeguarding so much I just want others to enjoy it too,” she told the


Also at H.G Webb House, Cnr Boundary & Victoria Streets, Hamilton

Jess involved in training sessions at Ngarunui Beach Chronicle on the beach last Saturday during a training session which, coincidentally, included Raglan surfer Daniel Kereopa doing a bit of a refresher course. The club’s a big part of Jess’s social life too, she admits, and has been since

she worked her way up from “bronzie” four years ago. Working with like-minded people and doing rescues with fellow lifeguards creates strong bonds between club members, she says. Edith Symes

SuperValue looks set to‘host’ closing PostShop

R mid-February, to be replaced by

aglan’s PostShop will close in

an agency that’s expected to operate out of the SuperValue supermarket.

The move – which takes Raglan back 120 years to when early post offices were last run as an adjunct to local businesses – is being blamed by New Zealand Post on its discovery the current premises are an earthquake risk and its failure to find a new site. The news has come as a bombshell not only to customers , many of whom appear to see it as a retrograde step for a growing town, but also to current staff of the Bow Street PostShop. While they are not allowed to talk to the media about the impending closure, they clearly fear for their livelihoods even though New Zealand Post insists it is "talking with them about future options”. New Zealand Post’s official line is that it’s moving out of the premises “because the building does not meet our current seismic standards”. Its spokesperson added: “We learned of the seismic issues in January this year and since then we have tried unsuccessfully to secure a new site for the PostShop.” There was brief speculation about town that the PostShop might be going – albeit

as an agency -- into the new Four Square under construction a stone’s throw away in Bankart Street. The timing seemed about right, and there is a precedent in the Wairarapa where the Greytown Four Square has recently absorbed the town’s PostShop. But the New Zealand Post spokesperson put the kibosh on that, revealing to the Chronicle they were “talking with the Raglan SuperValue supermarket about hosting New Zealand Post and Kiwibank services from February”. “It’s looking very promising,” he said. The spokesperson also defended the move, pointing out there were currently 140 PostShops throughout New Zealand which used the type of agency model planned for Raglan. New Zealand Post has undertaken “to inform the community as soon as we can when we know the outcome of the discussions with SuperValue”. Meantime locals are wondering how SuperValue will be able to accommodate a PostShop agency in a building already tight on space, and whether the mooted mezzanine floor might now be built to avoid any added pressure. R T Vernon’s Raglan history indicates Raglan’s first stand-alone Post Office was one opened in March 1894 in premises on the corner of Nera (sic) and Bow Streets.

PostShop on the move The premises were leased from the then Raglan County Council. Previous Raglan’s post offices were typically in premises attached to or in a corner of various early traders’ shops. Edwin Davey, a Raglan trader and also a surveyor, is described in the Vernon history as “the first postmaster in the township”.

RAGLAN Chronicle 3

Karioi Trail race proves Raglan runners a hardy breed

Cat killer signs a ‘peaceful protest’

R there with the best of them


aglan runners were up

in last weekend’s inaugural Karioi Trail race which saw 69 competitors – including one from Austria and another from the US – traverse the mountain twice for a total distance of 25 kilometres and an 1850-metre all-up ascent. Whale Bay personal trainer Tom Welby completed the course in 3hr 26min 11sec to come third overall in the endurance event which saw first and second placegetters Chris Morrissey from Tauranga and Stephan Wagner from Hamilton home in 3:15:22 and 3:25:21 respectively.

Te Mata woman Marion Millward was second home (4:09:13) in a field of 14 females, finishing between winner Kovo Kowalewski from Taupiri (3:44:48) and Jess Brown from Rotorua (4:53:04). Local GP Mike Loten, who’s building an impressive track record in Raglan events, placed 10th overall while wife Joan finished sixth in the women’s field. Local organiser Francois Mazet was delighted with the success of the event and the support from 20odd volunteers who helped out on the day. He plans to include a “mini Karioi” race at next year’s event to attract kids to the startline. E Symes

Competitors get under way in the inaugural Karioi Trail race

Top 5 ‘must dos’ for safe summer boating


aikato Regional Council’s harbourmasters will be out on some of our busiest waterways over the festive season and have put together the top five safe boating ‘must dos’ for summer. “While you’re enjoying the holiday season, our harbourmasters will be on the job patrolling our inland and coastal waterways,” said navigation safety programme manager, Nicole Botherway. “Harbourmasters will be focusing on spreading the word about the new lifejacket rules which are aimed at keeping everyone safe when out on the water. “In a boat, the skipper is responsible for the safety of everyone on board, which includes making sure lifejackets are being worn. “If you’re in a vessel that is six metres or less and you are not at anchor, everyone on board needs to put on a lifejacket that is a good fit for them. This rule applies to all types of vessels, including power

4 RAGLAN Chronicle

boats, kayaks, dinghies, yachts and jet skis,” Mrs Botherway said. The following are the top five safety tips from the council’s harbourmasters for people on the water over summer: Wear a lifejacket – make sure it is a good fit and securely fastened. Carry communication devices – check for coverage and make sure they are waterproof so you can get help when you need to. Avoid alcohol and boating – save it until you’re back on dry land. Check the weather, tides and swell before you head out – it’s better to know what is happening than playing roulette with people’s lives. Use the 1/3 - 1/3 - 1/3 rule with your fuel – a 1/3 for your trip out, a 1/3 for the trip home and a 1/3 just in case. Mrs Botherway also encouraged water users to download the new MarineMate app so they can access critical information from the palm of their hand. The app is available free from the app store for any iPhone or Android device. WRC

ocals and visitors alike may be wondering about the red cat signs that have popped up around town recently. Part of an ongoing saga, the signs represent a peaceful awareness campaign sparked by residents of Raglan West. Back in August, the Waikato Times ran a story about the possibility of cat killings taking place around Rakaunui Street and Wainui Road. Julia Hill, who has lived on Wainui Road for the past three and a half years, has had six cats go missing since moving to the neighbourhood. “The first cat that vanished I’d had since he was a little kitten. I’d take him traveling with me and even to festivals and he was never a wanderer so when he went missing I was really suspicious,” said Julia. Two more of her cats went missing in July this year and after some door knocking and a tip-off from another neighbor, she found one of her cats dead and frozen in another neighbours rubbish bag. An autopsy confirmed the body to be her pet cat Max. After talking to both the police and SPCA, the alleged offenders were approached but nothing could be done without hard evidence that proved they killed Julia’s cat. Another neighbour, Amy Pugh, also had her cat go missing around the same time. The mother of a son who has special needs, Amy moved to Raglan five months ago. “Looking after my son’s needs has been full on and I was at a low point in my life. I came out to Raglan a lot when I was younger and I thought it would be a good place to rest and recover,” said Amy. Amy’s cat Roxy went missing after being in Raglan only a week. Roxy was actually waiting to be re-homed, as Amy’s landlord didn’t want pets on the property. Julia and Amy’s cats aren’t the only ones that have gone missing. Over the past year, the Raglan vets have reported a total of 15 cats missing from the same area. “The red banners symbolise the

Beware cat owners: Signs placed around town and Raglan West notorious cat killings happening in Raglan West,” explained Julia. “Don’t move here, especially Rakaunui, if you have a cat – ever.” “People need to realise that this is happening and that this is real for the people that are living there,” said Amy. “We can’t stop them doing what they’re doing but we can raise a bit of awareness about what’s happening in Raglan West,” said Julia. Along with the banners, a YouTube video has also been created to outline the cat killing situation and also to highlight the ecological issues that have arisen from the decline in the area’s cat population. The video claims that the regular disappearance of pet cats has had unintended consequences for the suburb’s bird population. According to residents of Raglan West, the alleged cat killers are well-known bird enthusiasts who have taken it upon themselves to eradicate domestic cats to save the native bird population. Earlier this year prominent businessman and economist Gareth Morgan launched a controversial anti-cat campaign to eradicate domestic cats with the claim that they were a danger to native birds. While the alleged cat killers

may have taken a Gareth Morganesque stance on cats, ironically, the disappearance of cats from the Raglan West neighbourhood has lead to an increase in the area’s rat population. Adrienne Livingston, an ecologist, who moved to Raglan West in 2006, is alarmed at the number of half eaten eggs and chicks she is finding in her backyard. “As an ecologist, I am now observing the effect the marked absence of cats is having on this suburban ecosystem. Whilst there is no doubt that domestic and feral cats are highly effective predators, they alone cannot be blamed for the loss of native bird species,” says Adrienne. “As nesting season is now in full swing, the increasing rat population has been having an eggnog festival. Eggs preyed on by rats have jagged shell edges, which I have been finding regularly. This seasons breeding success rate for the native and introduced birds around here is not looking too good. Cats don’t get bored with killing rodents; humans can and do”. M Nishiyama The Youtube video can be viewed online: http://www. youtube.com/ search - Stop Raglan Cat Killer.

New Years Eve fireworks display back on

T display

he New Years fireworks is back on! The Chronicle recently reported that the event had been cancelled due to lack of funding. Sayer's Landscape Supplies and Nursery have now stepped up and will kindly sponsor the New Years fireworks display. They see it as an iconic annual Raglan event and too good to lose

due to the previous sponsor pulling out. The Raglan Community thanks Sayers and looks forward to a bigger, better display this year. Obviously, to thank Sayers we encourage people to support Rebecca at the new bigger Landscape Supplies and Nursery in Te Mata Rd. It is looking great and even has a coffee shop. Event: Midnight New Years Eve at Te Kopua Domain

Another board shop takes Raglan Records set for launch shape on edges of town


ark Camezind loves to make surfboards – and now he can show them off too thanks to a small shop taking shape amid large, established pine trees just out of Raglan off SH23. He’s been based there a few years now, turning out custom-made boards to sell privately and downtown at Raglan Surf Co. The business started in just two containers placed on a piece of property he’d cleared specially, but now there’s an extra room or two built from locally sourced recycled materials. The additions mean Mark can show potential buyers a selection of his boards and get it right when designing what they want for themselves. A smart, orange resin board with marbled effect awaited pick up by local surfer Kelly Clarkson when the Chronicle called last week. “There’s definitely a bit of an art to it (making boards),” says Mark. At times it can be repetitive, he adds, but creating a board someone’s happy with is the ultimate in job satisfaction. The dust and the chemicals from shaping, glassing, sanding and finishing a board – often with two or three on the go at once – are the down side. Mark “pretty much learned to surf here” but arrived permanently around 2000. He and his family now enjoy a lifestyle on the same two-and-a-half acre, pine-clad block – looking towards the upper reaches of the harbour and Mt Karioi – where Mark works.

“It’s nice to be able to work amid the trees and not bother anyone,” he says of the home-based business a stone’s throw from their villa. Mark doesn’t want to let the business get too big as he still likes to surf “as much as possible”. His specialty, he says, is the “personalised” board. And with help this summer from Brit Andy Gale who’s into resin tints – and a “good artist” – there’s a new dimension to Camezind boards, he says. He’s also got Jimmy McGuire back glassing boards, as he has done the past three summers. Mark’s board-making background goes back not only as far as Raglan Surf Co and Hughesy’s factory across the causeway on Rangitahi Peninsula; it stretches to a time when Matt Holl, Raglan’s one-time ward councillor, shaped boards for the nowdefunct Town & Country brand. Matt introduced Mark to the art of surfboard shaping, and Mark then honed his skills during eight years’ work at factories in Australia before returning to Raglan to work alongside Hughesy for well over a decade. Now, coming into summer, he does “heaps” of ding repairs and has many boards to shape whereas wintertime sees him shaping on average just two boards per week. But “that’s enough”, he reckons, as the surf’s invariably better and more consistent come wintertime. E Symes

Mark Reynolds and Frank Bellerby are stepping into the music industry

W Reynolds were late starters in the

hile Frank Bellerby and Mark

music game, their passion for creating music has spurred them to launch a Raglan record label as a platform to promote musicians both in Raglan and around the country. Set to officially launch in April next year, the pair are excited to get the message out to the community and especially to artists out there that are keen to get their music heard. “We wanted to create a website that’s a collaboration of people and where we can promote musicians that may not know how to go about promoting their music to a larger audience,” said Mark. Having worked on the label for over a year now, Raglan Records has currently signed around 11 artists including Lynne Wilkins, Dave Maybee and Peter Skandera, Koda, OneLung and heavy metal band, Dogs of Babylon.

“We have artists ranging from dance music to easy listening to a bit of harder rock so there’s something for everyone,” said Frank. The best part is that there’s really no cost for the artist to get a page on the website with a short bio and links to any music and videos. On the production side, the pair can also put musicians in touch with contacts that can help to produce their music to a professional standard. Raglan Records will be at the twilight markets at the Old School this Saturday promoting the label and also selling music, t-shirts and stickers. If you’re a musician, make sure to go say hello or simply drop them an email through their website. Everybody that sends in an email will go into the draw to win a free Raglan Records hoodie. Maki Nishiyama Raglan Records launch, April 5th @ Valentes. Visit www.raglanrecords.com for more info.


www.letsgrow.net.nz Mark Camezind in his new boardroom space

Waikato District Council charged over spill Waikato District Council has been formally charged in relation to June’s overflow of partially treated wastewater into Raglan Harbour. Following the incident, Waikato Regional Council completed a full investigation and as a result, a single charge of discharging a contaminant into the environment under the

Resource Management Act 1991 has been filed in the Hamilton District Court. Waikato District Council Chief Executive Gavin Ion says “This was an extremely regrettable incident and we have given the investigators our full co-operation to ensure this matter is addressed in an appropriate manner”. Court proceedings are likely to take place in the new year.

Ages 3 months - 5 years

RAGLAN Chronicle 5

New owner at helm of YOT Club Sea scouts boat resurfaces

as sailing club ‘mothership’


fter six years carving up a nightlife culture in Raglan, former owner Peter Coddington has handed over the reigns to new owner, Andy Meek. “It’s been one big blur of highlights seeing so much amazing live music. Seeing everybody having a good time and dancing is always a great feeling,” said Pete. During Pete’s time at the helm, the YOT club was nominated by the Music Managers' Forum as one of the top venues in the country for musicians. Hosting some big national and international acts over the years he has been instrumental in turning the YOT Club into a bit of a Raglan institution. Officially handing over the torch earlier in December, Pete received a huge send off at Sunday Sessions supported by the many DJs and musicians that he has hosted at the YOT Club over the years. New owner Andy has over 11 years experience working in the nightclub scene as owner of K Road mainstays Ink Bar and sister club, Coherent. Hosting many of the country’s up and coming artists as well as a number of international acts, Ink/Coherent has been a favourite for revellers wanting a not-quitecommercial dance sound. While still owner of Ink Bar, taking over the YOT Club was part of a lifestyle change for Andy. Having made the move from Auckland to Raglan with his family last week, things have been “pretty hectic’ with the changeover but with a better lifestyle in mind Andy hopes to

A clinker half

century-old kauri sailing boat formerly used by local sea scouts is back on the water again following a “tidyup” over the past 2-3 years by Raglan Sailing Club enthusiasts. After having its hull and interior painted and stained and a new sail fitted – work helped along by a recent fundraiser at Raglan Club - the 17-foot Wakatere was relaunched the Saturday before last at Lorenzen Bay, where it will remain over summer. “The wind picked up so it was quite a good day,” says club committee member Craig Purcell. “We had one or two teething problems with the sail and mast but got it all sorted.” He says quite a few locals will have memories of rowing or sailing the Wakatere on the harbour, and the boat will be returned to its shed

behind the sea scouts hall in Cliff Street each winter. “We’re just looking after it but meantime it’s a great asset for our club. It’s like our mothership.” Craig says the boat was delivered here back in 1959, one of two brought up to the Waikato from Wellington (the other went to Hamilton). “It’s got a tag which says Wilson Boatbuilders but we can’t find any more information,” he says. Raglan Sailing Club has been going about five years now and has 40-50 members ranging from kids to old salts in their 70s. Craig adds that club membership at $50 a year for a family and $20 for an individual is “so cheap it’s ridiculous”, especially considering that covers use of the club’s yachts and all safety equipment. “Sailing days” are at Lorenzen Bay at high tide every second Saturday. This Saturday will be the club’s last of the year. Edith Symes

Andy Meek and former owner Pete Coddington “keep the YOT Club going as a place for people to come and have a good time.” With a big lineup of events planned over the Christmas and New Year’s period Andy will be busy running the bar and settling into Raglan life. For Pete, he has “no plans except to

maybe work on the house,” and will be taking a well-deserved break over the summer. Maki Nishiyama To check out what’s on at the YOT Club over the next couple of week’s check out the gig guide on the back page of the 'Raglan Summer Holiday Guide pullout'.

Craig, left, and fellow club members Phil and Di prepare the done-up Wakatere for launch at Lorenzen Bay.

We can cater for group booking’s, live music,inside & outside seating and individual fish meals with side salad’s. For all enquiries contact Mark on 027 4935144 Raglan Fish 92 Wallis St, Raglan tel (+64 7) 825 7544 info@raglanfish.co.nz facebook.com/raglanfishshop

6 RAGLAN Chronicle

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8 RAGLAN Chronicle





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RAGLAN Chronicle 9

Extreme Waste

10 RAGLAN Chronicle

Extreme Waste

RAGLAN Chronicle 11

Cover image turns into a winner

Being swept up by Christmas busyness?


hristmas in 2013 looks quite different than the holiday did around half a century ago. Ipads and Angry Birds have replaced Etch-A-Sketch and toy trolls under the tree. Meanwhile, price tags have risen exponentially.

Raglan Business Directory cover image winners - L to R : Reece Jesson and Flynn Bellerby

T Area

wo year 9 students from Raglan School photographed the Raglan themed mural on the old changing sheds in the Kopua Domain and decided to submit the photo as a potential cover for the 'Raglan Business Directory.' At Raglan Ink we were impressed with the image and could see that it would work as a cover design representing an important aspect of Raglan. Reece Jesson and Flynn Bellerby were stoked to win the cover design competition open to Raglan Area Senior School. It's cool because the graffiti style is pretty popular and it was done by kids from our school." says Reece." It represents the youth of Raglan' adds Flynn. "We were going to put art over the top or create a montage but

we decided to keep it how it was, keep it simple, it looked better that way" explained Reece. They both enjoy taking photos and decided to use a photographic image in their design to bring something different to the table. Jeanette McDonnell-Rata, art teacher at Raglan Area School got the students involved in the competition despite the busy time of the year. She was pleased with the result and presented the pair with the winning $100 voucher for Warehouse Stationary. When Reece and Flynn were asked what they like about living in Raglan they had lots to say. "It's safe to come downtown with your friends' cause in some places you can't do that" says Reece. "I like how it's a small community and how you know lots of people. Everybody is really friendly and they help you out," commented Flynn.

• Table decorations and bouquets • Order flowers for loved ones out of town or overseas • Plants and Christmas gifts

For many, Christmas is the most hectic time of the year when it comes to managing finances. According to recent research done by Mastercard, roughly half the New Zealand population will be feeling financial stress due to additional expenses over the holiday period. Apparently, today’s holiday gift tab is six times that of 1961’s, roughly 35 per cent of the amount funded with credit cards. In asking Raglan elders to reflect on the changes to the Christmas season, the responses were of one voice. They are critical of the commercialization and the lack of appreciation for gifts given. They all look back fondly to simpler times and less expectations. 97 – year old Raglan resident Elila Ean Browning, one of the first women working in the New Zealand court system, said that through her lifetime the world changed in front of her eyes, including Christmas. When asked about Christmas traditions, childhood memories came alive. As an only child, she grew up with her mother and father on a farm in the Waikato region. “Christmas when you were a farmer back in the day was quite isolated… it took a couple of hours by horse to get to Hamilton,” she said. “Christmas was busy times, hay making season, and school holiday which meant more work for me.” Browning said that they always had a proper traditional Christmas meal. “Fresh peas, new potatoes, lamb roast on the bone and mother’s cake of course.” When it came to gift giving, helpful gifts were the norm back then. And a Christmas tree or a visit from Santa was unheard of, according to Browning. “I went to Hamilton to see Santa once,” she said. “He gave me a lemon soap but I remember wanting a toy pistol.” “The last 50 years have gone on at a tremendous pace and we got lost half way through… the true meaning of Christmas

has been lost,” the discerning elder said. “Nowadays, it’s all entertainment and what you can get out of it, not what you can give… It’s a different ballgame altogether.” Erleen Davy, 82, said she thinks Christmas has changed dramatically over the centuries but the holiday season still brings joy to her heart. “It used to be all about the family get together, eating good food and then the fathers and uncles used to play hide and seek with us,” she said. “It was celebrated in a small way but it was special, almost magical.” Davy, the mother of 12 children, said that she did not get many Christmas gifts as a child. “Couple of nuts and lollies and if we were lucky we would get a whole orange.” Although, they did eat a lot of Christmas pudding back in the day, Davy said. “If you were fortunate you would get 2 shillings hidden inside your pudding,” she explained. “It was believed that the money inside the pudding would bring wealth and good luck in the following year.” Averil Seper, 63, said that she thinks gifts have become the main focus of the holiday season. “We need to bring children’s expectations to a realistic level,” she stated. “Talk to your children and explain to them what Christmas is all about... about being together.” Avil said that as a child she was always mindful of what Christmas meant. “It's not the gifts but what's behind them that's important, the spirit of giving.” Remembering her childhood, she said her father did not like the idea of chopping down trees. “We rarely had a Christmas tree,” she explained. “We usually got one orange, some popcorn, a book and some clothes...we did not expect much.” Christmas did not need to be extravagant, just all right. Beyond the commercials, shopping lists, and crowded stores – another Christmas Day will come and go next week. For a time there will be the same warm feeling that enfolds our hearts and our homes as we remember what the holidays are really about. Merry Christmas. Charlotte Marten

Summer: are you prepared?

A summer holidays, it is a good idea s we all look forward to the

to re-organize your first aid kit, or if you don’t have one, get one organized.

2 Wallis St, Raglan Ph: 07 825 6847 www.lilypotflorist.co.nz

Shane Ardern MP Taranaki-King Country

I wish you all a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year The electorate office will be closed from Tuesday 24th December and will re-open on Monday 20th January 2014. p 07 825 0263 e shaneardernmp@xtra.co.nz f facebook.com/shane.ardernmp 12 RAGLAN Chronicle


We have suggested a few products that you could include in yours below. Burn cream: A really good cream that we have used both on serious burns and also sunburn is Mebo Burn Cream. It is extremely soothing and healing, this cream is also used in hospitals and has undergone many clinical trials. First aid cream: Our healing blend cream has been a favourite for the last 15 years. It really is a multi-purpose cream that can be used on minor scratches, wounds, eczema and insect bites for example. Digestive support: in case of a stomach upset, koromiko drops work extremely well. Insect repellent: A must for any summer holiday, make sure you have some before you need it! We often see people in the shop who are driven mad with itchy bites. If this is the case our chickweed and/or plantain creams work well. Lastly, we would like to thank both our regular customers and seasonal visitors for your custom and support during the year. We really do enjoy seeing and talking to you all. It is this ongoing support throughout the year that helps keep the Raglan businesses

Great summer essentials from the Herbal Dispensary operational and gives Raglan that unique vibe that is so special to all of us! Merry Christmas and safe holidays. From Bronwyn and Geoff The Herbal Dispensary - 825 7444

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14 RAGLAN Chronicle

Letter writer wins 'The Shack' voucher.

Raglan’s aspiring soccer boys hit the capital


he final score may have been fairly predicable, but it was anything but a predicable experience for our budding open grade soccer lads who we recently took to Wellington to witness the second leg of the intercontinental World Cup playoff between the All Whites and Mexico at the Westpac Stadium. The capital was buzzing with All White fever. A sea of white flooded the streets as tens of thousands of people danced and chanted their way into the stadium grounds.

Inside the bowl was about as exciting and alive as any international sports event gets…brilliant! From all of us, the parents and children that attended the game, we would like to raise our glass in appreciation and toast the Raglan community for the generous support demonstrated at the cake stall, car wash, clothes swap and raffle that raised nearly $1000 towards the cost of the trip. An inspiring opportunity for our young soccer players and a great time all round! Thanks a million, Whaingaroa! Charlotte Pearsall

Hayley Willers LLB 07 834 6253 or 021 868 950 Living locally and available to see clients in Raglan by appointment

Justin from The Shack with winner Barry Ashby

O Chronicle, with the support of the ver the past 6 months the Raglan

The Shack, has been encouraging readers to submit letters to the editor and articles of interest. Every month those who have contributed have gone into a draw for a $50 voucher kindly provided by The Shack. The last voucher for the year has been won by Barry Ashby who has had a regular voice in the Chronicle over the years. We wish Barry a Merry Christmas and thank him for taking the time to voice his opinion on the key issues facing our community.

Message from West Coast Health Clinic


taff at West Coast Health Clinic wish all our patients a very merry Christmas and a safe and prosperous New Year. We will be closed on the 25th & 26th December and the 1st & 2nd January, normal opening hours apply to the rest of the holidays. We would advise patients to make essential bookings in advance as the annual influx of visitors will have a big impact on the number of appointments available. Patients can contact the clinic to order repeat scripts via email: nurse@westcoasthealth.co.nz or by leaving a detailed message on the nurse answer phone. Please be sure to clearly state your full name, telephone number and the list of medications that you need. Please be mindful that prescriptions may take up to 48 hours to process over this busy period and that same day repeat prescriptions will incur an extra fee. See our 'normal opening hours' in our full ad below.

Dr. Fiona Bolden Dr. Rebekah Doran Dr. Mike Loten

12 Wallis St PO Box 164 RAGLAN

Cabe Kereopa-Hartstone and Rudy Regnier at the big game

Whaingaroa Physiotherapy end of year message

I since we last updated you with

t has been a couple of months

all that has been happening in our clinic so with Xmas and New Year coming up we thought it was the perfect time. We will be open every day (except the stats) over this period. Please remember to book your appointments ahead of time because as usual with the great influx of holiday makers we could be busy. We have had an exciting couple of months with the launch of our new website. If you haven’t seen it please check it out www.raglanphysio.co.nz. On this website you will find out anything and everything you ever wished to know about our clinic, staff, hours, what physiotherapy can do for you, Pilates classes etc. Speaking of Pilates we have just started our 5th Pilates class. We are now running 5 classes per week:

Monday mornings and evenings, Tuesday mornings and evenings and one on Thursday evenings. Bookings are essential so give us a call if you are keen to start phone 8250123. You will all be seeing a new face behind the reception desk come the New Year. We are sad to say goodbye to Jula Komene who has been with the Clinic for the last 20 months and wish Jula well in her next venture – and we welcome Lyndsay Hyde to our team. Lyndsay is not moving far – she has been with the Raglan Dentist as a Dental Assistant for the past 3 years. From the beginning of 2014 our business hours will be extended to better service the community. Reception will be open from 8:00am – 6:00pm. So from all of us here at Whaingaroa Physiotherapy, we wish each and every one of you a lovely Christmas and a safe New Year. Whaingaroa Physiotherapy Team

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy .. to promote and support well-being

James Wallace : 07 825 5396

Ph: 825 0114 Fax: 825 0104 A/H: free nurse telephone advice 24 hours a day - on 8250114 NORMAL OPENING HOURS: Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Open 8am 8am 8am 8am 8am Close 7pm 5pm 5pm 7pm 5pm

Dr Oliver Russell, Dr. Damian Kitcheman, Dr. Marcia Mitchley 10 Bankart Street, Raglan

RAGLAN Chronicle 15

Wishing a Merry Christmas to all from your local Supervalue

Riverstone 750ml


Fresh NZ Lamb Shoulder Chops


New Season Apricots



$ 99


Stella Artois Bottles 330ml

Cadbury Chocolate Block 210-220g



(Excludes Bubbly/Mousse)


99 kg

Coke/Sprite/ Lift/L&P 1.5L





99 pack



2 for


$ 89



Check out our great range of Christmas Hams &Turkeys Fresh Tegel NZ Festive Whole Chickens

Hothouse Tomatoes 700g

Cadbury Roses 225g/Favourites 300g

No 24


15 99



Steinlager Pure Bottles 330ml




19 99 p pack


Purex Toilet Tissue

Fanta 1.5L

(Excludes Mega Roll)







2 for




$ 79

$ 00 each


Next SuperGold Day, Tuesday, 31st December, 2013. 5% discount for Seniors on presentation of yourr


5% discount when you spend $10 or more. Restricted items tems are excluded. exclud

Local, convenient & friendly Store Location: 16-18 Bow Street, Raglan. Phone 825 8300. Open 7.30am - 8pm, 7 Days. Specials available from Thursday, 19th December until Sunday, 22nd December 2013 or while stocks last. We reserve the right to limit quantities. All limits speciďŹ ed apply per customer per day. Trade not supplied. Prepared meals are serving suggestions only. Props not included. Certain products may not be available in all stores. Proprietary brands not for resale. Customer Support Freephone 0800 40 40 40. *Price shown already includes discount of half price or more and is based on a non-promotional price that may vary between stores.

16 RAGLAN Chronicle

Next week’s specials available to view from 12 noon each Sunday @

Save on fuel

At all our SuperValue Supermarkets Petrol discount vouchers available instore. Conditions apply. At participating stores.

See customer service for excluded items and further details.


Phone 825 0080 OPEN 7 DAYS 4 Wainui Rd RAGLAN Woodstock 6% 4pk 420ml cans

Cody’s 12pk 7% cans

Cody’s 15pk 5% cans




Vodka Cruiser 12pk bottles & cans

Cruiser Naturals

Blackheart 1L




Canterbury Cream 2 for $20

Kentucky Blue & Kristov 1L

Baileys 700ml






Waikato & Lion Red 15pk

Corona 18pk



Grants 1L

$37.99 Jack Daniels 10pk cans


Jack Daniels 1L

Jagermeister 1L

$59.99 $54.99

Jules Taylor Sauvignon Blanc & Rose

Jack Daniels Honey 700ml



Prices are valid until Sunday 29th December While stocks last

RAGLAN Chronicle 17




Talk to the Experts: This week we talk to Hayden and Jolene of 'Raglan Earthmovers' pictured with their children Kase and Ella




Briefly tell us about your business?



We have two diggers and a truck. We do anything from farm drainage and race work to house sites and contouring, including retaining walls etc. How long have you been in business? About 8 years. How did you become involved in excavation? I guess boys like to play with trucks and diggers when they’re younger so it was kind of a natural progression into big boys toys. Do you provide free quotes? Yes, we do but it can be difficult to be exact without being able to see below the surface.



We’re a small, locally owned and operated business so we care about client satisfaction as we live in the community that we work in. Also, if you need someone to think outside the square or to provide a bit of inspiration, Hayden is the best person for the job.

AL DRAINAGE CENTR AND PLUMBING LTD Covering all aspects of Drainage and Plumbing Digger Work Water Mains Digger Hire Available

What’s your favourite thing to do outside of work?


Ph Dean 027 482 3130 or 07 825 8132 central-drainage@hotmail.com


Get it done right the first time. Talk to as many people as you can to get recommendations and the cheapest option isn’t always the best option.


18 RAGLAN Chronicle

Best way to contact you?



Spending time with our kids and getting involved with their sports and recreation activities and enjoying the paradise that we live in. What’s the best piece of advice you give your customers?



What’s the best thing about your business?

Either call us on our landline or mobile: 07 825 8023 or 027 449 0185. Make sure you leave us a message because a lot of the time we can’t get to the phone if we’re out on the diggers.



In My Good Books Quality 2nd hand books Open Thurs - Sun from 10am 2 Wallis St Books wanted.

Services Offered

EXPERIENCED RELIEF MILKER AVAILABLE: sole charge or assist. Phone Chris 027 6005656

Situations Vacant HOUSEKEEPER OCCASIONAL part time position available for immediate start. Please phone 021118-7355 To Let

3 DOUBLE BDRMS, 1 NURSERY, large house, amazing views, garage, large gardens. $400p/w ph 027 5524 019.

SUNNY 3BDRM HOME, easy-care section. Close to town, $330pw, inquiries to dzna@ paradise.net.nz Public Notices

THE `SHARING THE LOVE` Raffle was drawn on Sunday 15th Dec. Flowers A huge thank you Lilypot Florist to the Sponsors:M. * Fresh flowers Caird, M. Goodison, * Send flowers * Potted plants Husk, H. Hamilton, S. 07 825 6847 Carter, Palm Prints, 2 Wallis Street B/Rex, J. Lankshear, www.lilypotflorist.co.nz Soul Shoes, Volcom, Skoot, Kanuka, L. Von Huben, United Aroha and blessings for the festive season Sweets, Trade Aid, & 2014 New Year! Raglan Surf Co. enjoy Frocking Gorgeous, xx A t a m i r a Scintilla, T. Sly Pottery, M. Brunton, Open 10am - 5 pm daily ...fresh & Raglan Traders, eclectic style Raglan Bar Soap, C. Meek, Raglan Roast, Zinnia, Mozart, RUMA, Herbal For Hire Dispensary and Preserve Makers. BOUNCY CASTLE: great entertainment Congratulations to for the kids, call Vicki all the winners! 8257575 RESULTS OF XMAS GIFT BASKETS Garage Sale RAFFLE FOR SAT 21 & SUN 22 @ 8 MNDA DRAWN Karioi Cres from 8am 3RD DECEMBER WERE: 1ST PRIZE 35 GOVT RD, Sat Jeanette McPherson. 21st of Dec, Working dishwasher/furniture/ 2ND PRIZE- Jane Thank crockery &cutlery/ Lorenzen. you to all for your jewellery/ clothing/ support. Also a big ornaments/ antique thank you to Julie china/paintings / & Dave Hanna & artwork/ and more. the team at Ray Services Offered White for running an HOUSE SITTER auction & raffle for AVAILABLE after 11th MND at their Xmas January 2014. Semi Party. You are just retired professional awesome! woman, trustworthy, RAGLAN LIONS r e s p o n s i b l e , a n d CLUB RAFFLE reliable with police R E S U L T S : check and references. 1. O. Liddle, 2. A. Please phone 0274 Ware, 3. Kathryn. 302502.

Public Notices RAGLAN KARIOI TRAIL: Big thanks to all the Volunteers, M a s s e u r s , the Swanns, Kaumatuas Sean and Russell, Chris Banks, Phil Meek (trophies), DOC, Local iwi, those who lent us gazebos, BBQ & transport. Our main product sponsors: S u p e r Va l u e (runner’s supplies) & Raglan Roast (t-shirts & spot prizes). Metocean, Karioi Lodge, Bing King, Raglan Golf Club and all the other generous spot prize donations: Nosh Hamilton, RnR, Volcom, Raglan Butchers, WineDealer, Mobile Massage, RLine. See you next year! STOLEN FROM HOME, bass guitar, electric guitar, amp and ipod belonging to 12-year-old Muroki. He has worked hard and saved to purchase these items so please come forward if you have any info about the whereabouts of these items. Please take any info to the Police or if you’ve got the items, please drop them off to the house, no questions asked. Ph 021 780 889.

Can you help? Raglan Area School are currently looking for families that would be interested in home hosting a Surfing Academy Student for 2014. If you are interested or would like further information please contact the school at 825 8140 or Wayne at 022 6042251

Open Xmas & New Year

Public Notices

Public Notices


The last issue of the Raglan Chronicle for 2013 is out today (Thursday 19th December). The first issue for 2014 will be out on Thursday 9th January. The deadline for classifieds, editorial or print ready ads: 12.00pm Monday 6th January. The Raglan Chronicle office will close from 4.00pm Thursday 19th December and reopen 9.00am Monday 6th January 2014. The Raglan Chronicle team wish you and your family all the very best over the Christmas and New Year period and thank you for your continued support.

Public Notices

Public Notices

Read the Chronicle online at...


Raglan Violence Prevention and Awareness

Temporary Road Closure Bow Street Notice is hereby given that the Waikato District Council, for the purpose of the New Years Parade, will close the Road to ordinary vehicular traffic on the date and between the hours listed below. Alternative routes will be identified and forwarded to Emergency Services. Road:

Bow Street from the intersection of Bow/Wainui and Bow/Wallis Street


31 December 2013

Time: 6.00pm – 9.00pm This notice is given pursuant to the Tenth Schedule of the Local Government Act 1974. G J Ion Chief Executive



For Sale THE WOODYARD: DIY? Looking for something quirky? Recycled timber & upcycled items @ Xtreme Waste 186 Te Hutewai Rd C O M P O S T : Condition your soil – Quality nutrients for your garden. Bulk $35m3 and Bagged $7 @ Xtreme Waste 8250017 C L A S S I Q U E CERAMIC fourelement stove top, plug in, near new, $75. Ph 825 7524. PORT-A-COT AND FOAM mattress, excellent cond. $45. Ph Barbara 825 7244. 1X PROTEUS MTM4500 treadmill, $475 ono. Ph 825 0996 or 0276015873. PRELOVED F&P FRIDGE for sale $80 ono can be seen at 20 Wainui Rd can call me on 825 8395.

0800 492 452 www.waikatodistrict.govt.nz www.facebook.com/WaikatoDistrictCouncil

surf shop

taste . surf . sound . coffee open daily for Raglan Roast coffee & tasty treats surf shop & surfboard hire 248 wainui rd (on the way to the beach) 07 825 8233 facebook.com/rockitraglan

Situations Vacant

Situations Vacant

RAGLAN HOUSE MANAGER • Do you relish leading a team? • Are you an administration superstar? • Comfortable with multi-tasking? • Seeking a Raglan based role where you can add value? • 35 hours per week We are looking for a House Manager at the Raglan Community House to run day to day operations. This is a management position based within the Raglan Community House and includes responsibility for the day to day operations, ‘front of house’ customer service, leading and coordinating the team ensuring effective service delivery and continued support of existing services to the Raglan Community. The role also has strong liaison with the Public Relations Advisor to ensure the House is well represented in the wider community. You’ll be the ‘face’ of the House with a friendly welcoming smile and someone that can handle interruptions yet still achieve results. You’ll be in your element managing staff and volunteers and getting the best from the whole team. Flexibility and strong communication will be key requirements along with proven management and administration experience. Your management skills will help build a team that excels and provides real value to the community. We’re not looking for someone who just enjoys ‘front of house’ and administration, we’re looking for someone with drive, passion and the ability to think outside the square, who ‘thrives on challenges’ and can add value to our organisation. If you want to work ‘local’, make a difference and have value to add to an important community group then please send a CV, application form and covering letter to P.O. Box 171 Raglan 3225. A copy of the position description and application form can be accessed on our website www.rch. org.nz. You can also contact us on Ph: 07 825 8142 or email r_ch@xtra.co.nz Note that the House will be closed from midday 24 December until Monday 6 January. A Police check is required for the successful candidate. Applications close on 13 January 2014.

IMPORTANT NOTICE Work and Income would like to inform the community of the closure dates for the Raglan Satellite Site over the Christmas and New Year period. These dates are: Closing 17 December 2013 and re-opening 14 January 2014 We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. If you do require any assistance during this time you can contact us using our general enquiry number 0800 559 009 or visit our website www.workandincome.govt.nz.

To the shareholders and beneficial owners of TE KOPUA 2B3 INCORPORATION Whaingaroa (Raglan) is a pretty beautiful piece of paradise and one we are lucky to call home and within this paradise, is a piece of the Te Kopua land block puzzle that binds us together. The world is changing quickly and your help is needed to shape the future of the incorporation so that your mokopuna will thrive in an ever changing environment. Something as important as designing tomorrow can’t be left to five board members alone – it’s success begins with a plan grounded in the collective aspiration of the people. So your contribution and input, wisdom and experience would be hugely appreciated at the incorporation wananga to be held at the Kokiri Centre, Riria Kereopa Memorial Drive commencing on Friday 17 January 2014 at 5.30pm. For catering and accommodation purposes, please provide numbers of attendees to Aubrey Te Kanawa on (07) 825 8830 or email tekopua2b3@gmail.com by Friday 12 January 2014. We look forward to seeing you there Te Kopua 2B3 Incorporation

RAGLAN Chronicle 19

Raglan Real Estate Ltd Licenced (REAA 2008)

Any children’s Xmas presents to be distributed by charity groups can be left in the box at the Ray White Office FORTHCOMING AUCTION 31.1.14 - 51 Wallis Street Open Home: Saturday 1pm - 4th January


• Large Disabled Bathroom

• 2 Double Bedrooms

• Lock-Up Garage with 2nd Bathroom

• Open Plan Living - plus office area

• Low Maintenance, fully fenced

ID#RAG21753 Open Home: Sat & Sun 12pm every week - 19 Tutchen Ave

FORTHCOMING AUCTION 31.1.14 - 36 Kaitoke Street Open Home: Sunday 12pm - 5th January


Quietly hidden down a waterfront street with great views of the Estuary and Mt Karioi is this lovely 2 storey home. The home is currently being used as one house but can easily be 2 flats, upstairs with open plan living and double bedroom, conservatory and water views. Downstairs open plan living, 2

bedrooms and sunny north facing deck. 812m² section with carport and off street parking. There is a boardwalk that you can walk all the way to the local school and easy walk to town. Not many like this, make your appointment to view this property today. Prior Auction offers considered.



A STONE THROW FROM THE WATER Launch your family’s holidays from this wonderfully located property in Raglan or move in permanently. Strategically located super close to the water’s edge forsun. paddle boardingisand kayaking. Close by islined the The location excellent – close to bush ENJOY LIFE ION boat ramp,THE beach,GOOD playground andRIGHT the village. 4 doubleboard bedrooms, large sunny open planaccess, living/dining, walk, estuary for close kayak walking $410,000 2TOWN bathrooms, double garaging and water views. The flatdistance sectiontooffers parking for the town off andstreet school. A veryand wellroom planted Tucked away is thisoffers qualityconsidered. built, excellently boat. Prior Auction 1413m2 site. maintained 3 bedroom home. Drive up the driveway and be impressed. The living area opens out to sun ID#RAG21717 drenched decking, capturing morning and afternoon



Elevated views and direct access to the sea for swimming, boating, kayaking... Great north facing 1290 m2 section. The property offers two distinct living units, one directly above the other, each with its own kitchen, bathroom, dining and living areas, and extensive decking. The

units can also be combined to be used as one house, totaling 3 bedrooms (one ensuite.) Detached double garage has attic space for storage, a workshop, large sports equipment/tool storage area and a new hobby room. The property is superbly located 35 minutes to Hamilton and 5 minutes to Raglan town centre. A slice of true Raglan paradise, too good to miss. Prior Auction offers considered.


AUCTION: NEW YEAR’S EVE - AFTER THE PARADE Outside Ray White office: Kids Playhouse Made by Raglan Area School (proceeds to Raglan Area School) NEW LISTING


A tucked away family oasis. Modern 3 bedroom home, with en-suite in master bedroom. Great north facing deck leading on to flat grassed area and brick B.B.Q. Single garage PLUS! a separate self-contained unit and extra rustic sheds (artist’s delight). A secret retreat with huge potential for further development situated on 1446 m². Just a walk to recreational grounds, tennis courts, town, beach and wharf. Bring the family.


SECTION: 16a Long Street

PRICED TO SELL $110,000 •

North facing site, 432m2 section.

Great location close to town, services onsite, no covenants.

This one won’t last long, on Long Street.


RURAL HEART $255,000 NEG Located in a lovely rural setting enjoying views of the surrounding countryside and Mt Karioi. This 6 acre (approx) property has some good grazing pasture, ponds, wetland area with numerous paddocks and some farm buildings.

Ray White Rentals would like to wish all our Tenants and Owners:

‘Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year’ ID#RAG21511 21 Bow St, Raglan Phone: 07 825 8669 Fax: 07 825 7410 Website: www.rwraglan.co.nz Email: raglan.nz@raywhite.com 20 RAGLAN Chronicle

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