13th December 2018 - Issue #626
Whaingaroa news for you weekly
Community Cash
Nga Ripo o Whaingaroa
Dedicated to supporting our local community.
Raglan 16-18 Bow Street, Raglan. Open 7am – 9pm, 7 days. Phone: 825 8300.
Owned and operated by locals
Raglan Karioi Trail
Sign of the Times
Gig Guide/What's on p15
AUCTION NOTICE: THIS Friday 14 December Auction 6:00pm Ray White Office
Saturday 15 December 11am - 41a Cemetery Road 12pm - 76 Wainui Road 1pm - 14a Taipari Avenue
41 Lorenzen Bay Road Raglan
7A Cliff Street Raglan
• Situated on 873sqm site. Elevated to make the most of views, sun and privacy • Nicely presented three bedroom home • Native timber flooring • Wood burner & heat pump • Large double garage
• Unique 400sqm site is situated in a popular location across the road from the water and boardwalk • Ideal flat site to build your townhouse or funky beach pad • Comes complete with a house truck
Julie Hanna 027 441 8964
Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282
Julie Hanna 027 441 8964
1pm - 4 Point Street 2pm - 31 Rose Street
Raglan Couriers Raglan Couriers 3 times daily 3 times daily morning/midday/afternoon morning/midday/afternoon
Local Business Serving Raglan District Since 1996 Local Business Serving Raglan District Since 1996
Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282
Ray White Raglan I 21 Bow Street I Raglan I 07 825 8669 I
Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)
RAGLAN Chronicle 1
Cover Support our local eateries! Hours and specials below.
Sign of the Times: Whaingaroa Youth Movement put on another breathtaking end of year peformanc last weekend. Review on page 10. Image thanks to Grant Tiplows.
Aroha Sushi Raglan
Summer safety message from the Raglan Police
This space could be yours. Email the Chronicle for more details.
Raglan’s original sushi shop since 2003
Turkish Sushi Kebabs Plates & Pitas platterson available for catering and events. Please order one day in advance plus beverages & more PH: 07 825 7440 | open 10-6 | Wed-Mon
10:30 to 9pm | 29 Bow St - 07 825 0202
Open 9am - 7pm Wed - Sunday Closed Mon-Tues
(07) 825 8761
Phone orders welcome! *Fish & Chips* *Burgers* *Weekly Specials* The store with a lot more!
Fish n’ Chips Group Bookings Inside/Outside Seating 92 Wallis St - 07 825 7544
Te Kopua Camp Store, Marine Parade, Raglan
wa o k u l o d ge @ g m a i l .co m
Real Fruit Ice Cream Burritos - Wraps Soup - Salad Volcom Lane & Chilli Open 7 days from 11:30
248 Wainui Rd | 07 825 8233 Open 7 Days a Week From 9am
open seven days a week N O
1 9 B o w S t r e e t 07 8 2 5 0 0 2 7
s temperatures soar and people are out and about enjoying the sunshine we would like to remind people to keep themselves and their belongings safe.
Open 7 Days 8am - 4pm
Open for Dinner Fri & Sat from 5:30pm
Open 7 Days From 9:30AM Mon-Fri and 9AM Sat and Sun Waterfront dining indoor and outdoor seating
The Avatar®Course ‘‘The mantra of awareness is not Om; it is Aaah!” Harry Palmer author of the Avatar materials
For more information contact: Cam 021 529 765
• quality new homes • alterations / fencing/ decks • plan service available 20+ years building in Raglan for free quotes & quality workmanship
Avatar is a registered trademark Star’s Edge, Inc. All rights reserved.
• •
Breakfast/Lunch 7 Days
43 Rose St 07 825 0010
For those on the roads, the conditions can change during the summer, so please drive safely. Put your phone away and always wear your seat belt. Remember that lots of other people are likely to have the same idea as you and want to drive to the beach. Therefore, the roads can be congested at this time of year. Allow plenty of time to get to your destination and be patient with other motorists. There’s nothing nicer than a cool alcoholic drink on a hot day. Just plan about where and when you are drinking and how you are going to get home. Look after your mates and when it’s full time that’s usually a good time to take a break from the drinking. If you intend to boat, fish, hunt or tramp, let someone know of your planned destination and when you think you will be home. Satellite communication is the best option to have with you as cell-phone coverage can’t be guaranteed in remote locations. Have a happy and safe Christmas - from the Raglan Police Team,
PHONEPH MARK 0274 912912 911911 A/HA/H 825 825 00690069 MARK 0274 ROB 027 550 6080 EE PH ROB 027 550 6080
If you are leaving your car in a carpark or at the beach, make sure it’s locked and your valuables are removed or out of sight. Try to park in busy, open and well-lit areas where possible. It takes a few extra seconds to make sure your vehicle is locked and valuables are removed, but it’s worth it. Opportunistic thieves can strike at any time and could be tempted by something as small as sunglasses or coins left in a centre console of a vehicle. It’s also important to keep your home secure. Even if you are leaving your home for less than five minutes, make sure all windows and doors are shut and locked. If you are going away for any extended period of time, let your neighbours know or get a friend or relative to check on your home regularly.
HAWKEN & CO. Wally Hawken
This week's weather is sponsored by The Raglan Project.
10am - Family Service and Children’s Ministry Thursdays 3-5pm - 7C’s Bible Club for Children Visitors Cherished
3 Stewart St – 07St 825 8276 or 07 825 8028 3 Stewart - 07 825 8276
07 825 8064 0274 968 417 PO Box 130, Raglan
1 Wallis St | Ph 825 8881
For all forecasts check out
10am Raglan Area School 7pm Te Uku Church Pastor Roger Peart ph 07 825 5199
Buying or Selling your house! Independent and locally owned Give us a call for a free quote. Rhys Ellison 07 834 1248 & 021 2967 296 Or Kerron Sexton 07 834 1248 & 027 555 4842
Raglan Ink Ltd home of the Raglan Chronicle Office Open Mon - Thurs 9.00am - 4.00pm, Wainui Rd, Raglan Ph: (07) 825-7076 Fax: (07) 825-7078 Post: P.O. Box 234, Raglan
Max temp (C)
Mainly fine with possible showers
W 5 am W 20 pm
Possible showers and thunder storms
NE 5 am W 10 pm
02:30 08:40 02:50 09:10
am am R 05:55 am pm S 08:33 pm pm
Showers with possible thunder storms
03:20 09:20 03:40 10:10
am am R 05:55 am pm S 08:34 pm pm
Showers with possible thunder storms
04:10 10:20 04:40 11:00
am am R 05:56 am pm S 08:35 pm pm
Mainly fine with possible showers
H 05:20 am R 05:56 am L 11:20 am S 08:35 pm H 05:40 pm
Sunny with some cloud
Sunny and clear skies
L 01:00 am R 05:57 am H 07:20 am S 08:37 pm L 01:20 pm
E 5 SW 10
am pm
E 10 am N 10 pm E 5 SW 15
am pm
N 5 am W 15 pm W 5 SW 20
am pm
12:00 06:20 12:20 06:40
am am R 05:56 am pm S 08:36 pm pm
*Total significant wave height and *Tide times for Raglan Bar
Advertising & Articles The advertising and editorial content deadline will be Monday at 12pm week of issue.
©WeatherMap 2018. All rights reserved.
Opinions and views expressed in the Raglan Chronicle do not necessarily represent those held by the Editors or Publishers. Every care will be taken in the preparation and placement of submitted material but the Editors/Publishers shall not be liable for errors or omissions or subsequent effects due to the same. It is the submitters responsibility to ensure material is not libelous or defamatory. The Editors/Publishers reserve the right to abridge, alter or decline any material submitted to the Raglan Chronicle to meet the constraints of space and/or maintain a reasonable standard of language and decorum.
2 RAGLAN Chronicle
(High/Low) (Rise/Set) H 01:50 am L 07:50 am R 05:55 am H 02:10 pm S 08:33 pm L 08:30 pm
THE RAGLAN PROJECT Your local home and building project supplier. Call us on 825 8881 or drop in to see us at 1 Wallis St. Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm, Saturday 8m - 4pm, Sunday 9am - 1pm.
UN show or workbook for local pupils: Raglan artist’s message remains same
MORTGAGE BROKERS Murtaghs Dermot M. Murtagh
98a Greenslade Rd, Raglan Ph: (07) 825 8544 Mob: 0274 455 232 189 Collingwood St P.O. Box 1030, Hamilton Ph: (07) 838 3883 Web:
Over 30 years industry experience
free service
Also at H.G Webb House, Cnr Boundary & Victoria Streets, Hamilton
Yaniv in New York with NZ's permanent representative to the UN, Craig Hawke. Behind him, Yaniv's acrylic 'Life Below Water' showing a healthy undersea environment
young Raglan artist’s recent solo exhibition at the United Nations Headquarters in New York looks set now to morph into a workbook to be used by local school pupils. It’s a novel and resourceful way in which Yaniv Janson – a painter with a strong social conscience – can use his art to help create a fairer and more sustainable world. The workbook will see his big, bold acrylic paintings – which reflect the UN’s sustainable development goals – downsized and reproduced in the curriculum workbook to stimulate children’s thinking and incite positive action. His art will complement and help explain the graphs, data and curves of the science on climate change. Yaniv’s ‘Life Below Water’ diptych for instance contrasts a polluted ocean with a healthy, well cared-for undersea environment which, he says, is relevant to
Raglan with its push to go plastic bag-free. In fact this work was reproduced as colourful labels for reusable coffee cups downtown during last year’s Plastic Free July. The new workbook initiative – a collaboration between the education sector and Health & Disability Services, which will fund it – comes after Yaniv’s ‘Please Do Touch’ exhibition in New York in June, which coincided with the annual UN meeting of the Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The convention was attended by 250 dignitaries worldwide including NZ’s permanent representative to the UN, Craig Hawke, and Minister for Disability Issues Carmel Sepuloni who also hosted the opening of Yaniv’s exhibition. The 26 year old artist lives with Asperger’s syndrome, but for more than a decade now has found an ability to communicate better through his work. “It’s important for me to show that disability is not a barrier to achieving,” he says.
“Disabled people can make a valuable contribution to society,” he insists. “I think I do.” Yaniv had long dreamed of exhibiting through the United Nations. His installations embrace five of its 17 sustainable development goals, which look at today’s worldwide social and environmental issues. Carmel Sepuloni told guests at the opening: “Yaniv is inviting others to see the world through his eyes and to understand and strive for a better, fairer and more sustainable world. “Yaniv would like everyone to work together to achieve this – to create a world that is good for all, now and in the future.” While he has a low profile locally Yaniv has won more than 18 awards, shown in 40-plus exhibitions and sold more than 160 paintings. He has also been a finalist in New Zealand’s Wallace Art Awards, the National Contemporary Arts Award and the National Youth Art Awards. Edith Symes
Barbara Kuriger
MP for Taranaki-King Country A proud supporter of Rural & Provincial New Zealand A 80 Rata St, PO Box
Inglewood Office
Te Awamutu Office A 53 Mutu St, PO Box 302, Te Awamutu 3800
P 06 756 6032
07 870 1005
E Kuriger.Inglewood@
124, Inglewood 4330
Funded by the Parliamentary Service and authorised by Barbara Kuriger MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington.
RAGLAN Chronicle 3
Long service award for Raglan Trade Aid volunteers
rade Aid Whaingaroa volunteers Ann Kingsbury and Len Swann were recognised at the Trade Aid conference in Christchurch recently with long service awards. The pair have nearly 50 years combined service as shop volunteers – Ann started in 1995 and shoulder-tapped her cousin Len to do the same three-months later. A former farm contractor, Len had had to give up physical work due to an accident so the timing was just right for him to volunteer at the shop. “I had never worked in retail before but after my accident I was getting bored and I was looking for something to do,” he says. Six-months later he was on the trust and in 2000 he became the treasurer a position he still holds today. When Len took over as treasurer the shop was in financial strife but under Len’s fiscal guidance the shop was making a healthy turnover two years on. Ann took over from a friend who could no longer volunteer, a craftsperson herself she had created batik goods for many years so it was a nice fit to work at Trade Aid and be surrounded by artisan products from around the world. “It makes me feel like I’m in touch with parts of the world I
Ann Kingsbury, left, and Len Swann were recognised for their volunteer work.
wouldn’t ordinarily have contact with and I get an understanding of some of the politics and issues our artisans face.” Happy just helping out at the shop, Ann was finally convinced to become a trustee in 2000 and quickly became chair – she is now the trust secretary. “I became chair because there wasn’t anybody else who was going to do it, so I said OK I will keep the seat warm. I was chair for nine years,” she laughs. The pair have a long history in Whaingaroa, Len was born and bred at Ruapuke on the Swann farm at Papanui and Ann moved permanently to Whaingaroa 45-years ago and bought the piece of land she lives on in Ruapuke off Len in 1989. Their great-grandparents were the Bakers who ran the Harbour View Hotel and they were the proprietors during the 1901 fire. Their mothers were sisters - Len’s mother Kathleen married a Swann and raised her family of seven at the Ruapuke farm, while Ann’s mother Margaret married a South Islander who had moved north for work during the depression and settled in Hamilton where Ann was raised. Ann spent many holidays at the Ruapuke farm and it was the fond memories of a simple life in a beautiful location that was instrumental in her move to Whaingaroa.
Ruapuke was very remote when Len and Ann were children, the roads were rough and some not even accessible by motorbike or they were non-existent. The Whaanga Rd by Te Toto Gorge was mostly impassable and riding horses was more often than not the main form of transport. Len and his siblings were taught by correspondence although there had been a school at Ruapuke it had closed by 1954. He says he didn’t graduate his three compulsory years at high school until he was 18 because they were always getting behind in their schoolwork. For a long period of time his mother was in Wellington with his sister who was receiving skin grafts due to a burn which meant there was no-one at home to crack the whip. Both in their 70s now, the longtime Trade Aid volunteers are happy to continue with their roles as long as their health allows. “As l get older the time the distance travelling gets tiring some days,” Len says. “The best thing about volunteering at Trade Aid is being surrounded by such beautifully hand-crafted objects and fine foodstuffs; the fact that they are fairly traded is a bonus. I also really value the interaction with colleagues and customers,” Ann says. Janine Jackson
Update from Whaingaroa Raglan Affordable Housing Project Telephone: 825 0114 After hours: Anglesea Clinic Healthline
07 858 0800 0800 611 116
OPENING HOURS: Mon Open 8am Close 7pm
Tues 8am 7pm
Wed 8am 7pm
Thurs Fri 8am 8am 7pm 5pm
ousing is a big buzz word these days – everyone’s talking about how to make housing more affordable and in
Raglan our local group WRAP (Whaingaroa Raglan Affordable Housing Project) have been busy this year researching the impact of the rising cost of housing on the Raglan community.
Additional space with a premium designer feel. The ideal portable office, studio/ workshop, sleep out, retail or living space, these buildings are only 10m2 so can be sited without consent but feel much, much bigger. The curved roof allows for more headroom for the bunk sized sleeping platform and loft options - extra windows and doors provide a light airy space. Attention to detail and top quality finishes makes these buildings a valuable asset with great re-sale value. We custom make to your needs – contact us:
4 RAGLAN Chronicle
027 688 9754
The results of the study were presented at a successful housing forum at the Town Hall on the 3rd of November. The all-day event was attend by a steady 80 -85 people with about 120 at the peak. Speakers focussed on how to make your existing home more affordable, what you can (and can’t) do with a 10m2 building, the story of building tiny homes – both living in one with 2 pre-schoolers and how to build to the building and transport codes. Nic Greene from Habitat from Humanity shared how his organisation support those needing access to affordable homes. Since then the team have been busy in the background seeking funding for 2019 so the project can
progress. Project Lead Fiona McNabb will be preparing applications over the holiday period to submit in the early new year. Waikato District Council and WEL Energy Trust have been very supportive of the project this year and jointly sponsored the research work. The final report is available on the Waikato District Council website – search for Raglan Housing Study. The second report related to the householder survey which focused on the personal and financial impact of housing costs and shortage will be available in the early new year. The plan going forward is to embark on a community consultation process in March/April 2019 and then move into designing solutions for increasing availability of housing that could be afforded by all. The WRAP steering committee would like thank everyone who has contributed to the project this year, everyone who completed on of the housing surveys and to wish everyone a very Merry Xmas. Watch this space of news of the new housing projects in 2019. WRAP
Get your dancing shoes on for the Music and Dance Festival 2018
The annual Music and Dance Festival is a well attended event.
or the third year running the Music and Dance Festival will get you on your feet at the Kopua Domain on Saturday, December 15 from 5-8.30pm. Organised by Raglan Area School mathematics teacher Logan Nathan, the festival is a familyfriendly, free event and will feature local acts Parabola West, the Raglan junior kapa haka group and will be hosted by the school’s head boy
Joel Newport and year 11 student Sasha Kirkwood. Other Waikato acts include dance groups Waikato African Drumming, the Society Dance Company, University of Waikato Pacific Dance Group and Imprnt Dance Group, and bands The Lioness, Funk Therapy and Half Eaten Pie. There will also be food stalls, free Face-painting, rides, slides and a bouncy castle. “We want all the whanau to come along and enjoy the talent and
Local music and dance groups will be performing at the festival.
soak up the atmosphere,” Logan says. Passionate about supporting local musicians, the founder of the Waikato Rocks Trust says the trust organises events like the Music and Dance festival to elevate music and dance, and was instrumental in setting up Christmas at the Lake in Hamilton. They also run a weekly radio show promoting Waikato music on Free FM and Raglan Community Radio.
More than 3000 people have already expressed interest in the event on the Facebook page and Logan says this builds on the nearly 2000 who attended last year. “It’s great to see it grow in popularity and not only with the Raglan audience but also with people from around the Waikato.” The trust is due to launch a website and an App called The Tunes of Waikato, similar to Spotify with the sole purpose of creating an archive of Waikato music.
Along with the website and App, each year the trust will choose three original youth bands from the Waikato to receive an opportunity to record four songs in a top Hamilton studio, a mentorship with t professional musician and 30 gigs around the Waikato. Get your dancing shoes on for the Music and Dance Festival at the Kopua Domain on Saturday, December 15 from 5-8.30pm. Janine Jackson
OLD4NEW is back to save lives this summer
The Old4New Lifejacket Upgrade Crew will be visting Raglan Fire Station on Sunday 16 December from 2pm-5pm.
iwi boaties across the Upgrade campaign back country will have the again this summer.
opportunity to check and upgrade their lifejackets thanks Old4New
to Coastguard’s Lifejacket
From 1 December, the Old4New van will visit popular boat ramps and key locations all over the country, giving boaties the chance to bring in their old, damaged or out-of-date lifejackets for a great
discount on brand-new, quality Hutchwilco lifejackets. “Lifejackets save lives, but old lifejackets are no good in an emergency,” says Coastguard CEO Patrick Holmes. “Lifejackets that are over ten years old should be replaced even if they look OK to the eye. Seawater,
sun and general wear and tear impact how effective they are and many old lifejackets won’t even float, which is a serious concern in an emergency. “Worryingly, many people are also still using lifejackets filled with kapok – a fluffy plant fibre similar to cotton which can absorb water. These lifejackets are extremely dangerous, so if you have one, destroy it immediately and replace it with a new, modern one.” This year the Old4New van will reach a number of new locations, including the Taranaki region and Haast, Franz Josef and Hokitika on the west coast of the South Island, meaning even more Kiwis can check their lifejackets and stay safe on the water. “The Old4New Lifejacket Upgrade campaign provides an easy and accessible way for people to check their lifejacket is up to scratch, and replace them if they aren’t,” says Mr. Holmes. Sue Tucker, Old4New Community Ambassador agrees, “Each year we have people come to the Old4New van with lifejackets that are 30, 40 and even 50 years old. New Zealanders need to be aware that lifejackets don’t last a lifetime. “Lifejackets, including inflatable versions, need to be checked each year. If you’re in any doubt as to how to check your lifejacket, visit the Old4new van
and we’ll show you exactly what you need to do and look out for.” “The more old, damaged and dangerous lifejackets that are removed from the community the better,” adds Mr Holmes. “We encourage every boatie who is unsure about the quality of their lifejacket to head down to the Old4New van when it’s in their area.” For those who aren’t able to come to the Old4New van, retailer Boating and Outdoors are once again supporting the initiative by offering the Old4New trade in deal at their stores nationwide during specific weeks of the campaign. Since the inception of Old4New, over 10,000 old or damaged lifejackets have been traded in and upgraded, meaning thousands of Kiwis are now safer out on the water. The Old4New Lifejacket Upgrade is delivered with generous funding from Maritime New Zealand and support from the Southern Trust in partnership with Kiwi companies Hutchwilco and the Giltrap Group. The Old4New Lifejacket Upgrade Crew will be visting Raglan Fire Station on Sunday 16 December from 2pm-5pm. For a full location schedule visit or contact Coastguard on 0800 BOATIE (262 843).
RAGLAN Chronicle 5
Councils move to Water Alert Level 1 in most areas of the wider Waikato
Just what you need for
amilton City, Waikato district, Te Awamutu and Pirongia will move to Water Alert Level 1 from December 1.
10th to 16th December 2018
super deal
$ 99
(Excludes Free Range)
super deal
Fresh NZ Pork Leg Roast
super deal
$ 49
WW Salted Butter 500g
super deal
$ 79
Water Alert Level 1 means using a sprinkler between 6am to 8am and 6pm to 8pm or hand-held hosing at any time. Even though we’ve experienced rain in recent weeks, it’s important we all conserve water now as we prepare for a long, dry summer ahead. Hamilton City Council’s City Waters Manager Maire Porter said over the past month we have seen a significant increase in water demand. “Despite the recent rain, historical trends indicate that with improving weather, water use will continue to increase throughout December.” Waikato District Council Waters Manager Karl Pavlovich says warmer weather always leads to an increase in water consumption. “Everyone has been doing well so far and as we move towards summer Level 1 is a reminder to keep on top of our water usage. “It has generally been a damp year so far, but the community can play their part by using water wisely ahead of what could be a long, dry summer. There are lots of ways to conserve water, taking shorter showers, watering the garden by hand, or washing your car on a piece of lawn which needs
Sweet Juicy Strawberries 250g Punnet
$ 99
watering can save hundreds of litres a day,” says Mr Pavlovich. Waipa District Council Water Services Manager Tony Hale said demand has “crept up” during November across the district, but low-levels in the stream that supplies Te Awamutu and Pirongia means water conservation measures are necessary in the towns. “Te Awamutu and Pirongia’s water comes from the Mangauika Stream. In the summer months, the stream struggles to keep up with demand. Despite rainfall in town in the past week, we haven’t seen enough rain near the stream’s catchment and it’s already looking low for this time of year.” “While the rest of the Waipā district are not on water alerts yet, we’re in for a long, hot summer and we all need to consider how much water we are using.” Smart Water has an e-newsletter to let you know when your alert level changes. Sign up to receive it at A list of frequently asked questions is also available at faqs. The Smart Water Starts With You! subregional summer campaign aims to make long-term change to how we use water and is a joint venture between Hamilton City Council, Waikato District Council and Waipa District Council. Smart Water
Meadow Fresh Yoghurt 1kg
(Excludes Greek)
3 for
super deal
6 - 8am & 6 - 8pm Hand-held hosing any time
$ 79
Schweppes Sparkling Soft Drink 1.5L
Doritos Corn Chips 150-170g
(Excludes Mixers)
super deal
Holiday Art Workshops Holiday Art Workshops Old School Arts Centre Where: The Old School Art Centre, Dec 2018 Raglan. - 17th, 19th, 21st When: Week before Christmas: ForWhere: School KidArt Centre, The Aged Old School
super deal
Kreative Kids Holiday Art Workshops
Heineken 12 x 330ml Bottles
Kreative Kids
1199 ea
Mon 17th/19th/21st December.
Vidal White Label 750ml
End of January:
HalfWhen: dayth 8.30 12.30pm $40/4 hrs Week–before Christmas: 14 /16th/18th th st Full day 8.30 –172.30pm hrs Mon /19th/21$60/6 December. Who: School ages kids!
(Excludes Reserve) or
Peter Yealands 750ml
Don’t forget to pre-order your Owned & operated
by locals
Christmas Turkey
SuperValue Raglan: 16-18 Bow Street. Ph 825 8300. Open 7am�–�9pm, 7 Days.
For inspiration visit |
While stocks last at SuperValue Raglan only.
6 RAGLAN Chronicle
(Excludes Pinot Noir, Sparkling, Reserve or Syrah)
Please drink responsibly
End of January: Book in for the week: $140/3days Affordable, fun, educational 14th/16th/18th All materials included. Who: School ages kids! Please bring morning Half day 8.30 – 12.30pm tea $40 4and hrs lunch. Full day 8.30 – 2.30pm $60 022 6 hrs 134 5607 To book in: Phone Megan Book in for the week (x3 days) $140 3 days Email: Affordable, fun, educational All materials included. Does not include morning tea or lunch. FB: Kreative Kids Half day 8.30 – 12.30pm $40 4 hrs
To book in: Phone Megan 022 134 5607
Full day 8.30 – 2.30pm $60 Email:
6 hrs
Book in for the week (x3 days) $140 3 days
Another successful Karioi Trail wraps up for 2018
RESULTS: In the 24km: Bobby Dean from Te Puke took the win again in 2:50:26 after setting the record of the race last year. Muddy condition didn’t help him to bet his previous record (2:42:31). Local Rodrigo Jaca Gonzalez finished again second after same place last year. Second place was Raglan man, Manu Legouais, our local Ostheopath and long time volunteer of the RKT. In the women's division the win is going to new competitor, Ali Wilson from Tauranga, in 3:27:54. Local woman Marion Millward took the title in her age division and Joan Loten finished her fifth RKT in less than 5 hours. In the 24km team event we saw a strong field of teams from Rotorua, all dressed up for the occasion and the win went to the pair Sue Crowley/Mike Jolie in 3:34:30. Following on from last year, young local boys Ngakau Benseman and Cory Hartgill won their division in 3:38:00 - 3 minutes faster than last year. In the 10km, we saw a new course record with Carl Fisher
from Otorohanga crossing the line nine minutes faster than last year's record with a time of 1:20:35. On the podium in third place was Raglan runner Reuben Kendall with a time of 1:30:59. Martin Carroll from Raglan won his division and finished fifth overall just in front of young local boy Txema Mazet Brown winning the U18 division at 12-year's old with a time of 1:38:50 and followed closely by another younger Raglan athlete Riley Hartgill, age 10, with a finish time of 1:49:42. This year we had a new 5km family run with a very good turn out of 60 finishers. Lots of local families took part which saw some dads racing against their children! Victory went to open female runner Shanaye Tissingh from Morrinsville just in front young girl Bessie Vincent, who is only 9 year's old, and her dad Lou. The Leuthart family, finished very well on 6th, 7th and 8th position. All results can be find on See you next year the Saturday 14 December 2018.
Thanks to our sponsors Raglan Karioi Trail is extremely grateful to this year’s supporters. It all went very well because of you!
he Raglan Karioi Trail 2018 was another successful event with the west coast offering us an amazing summer day after a week of nasty weather. After six months of closure due to Myrtle rust treatment,
Karioi Maunga gave us her best on the day of the event. All the competitors were conscious of the opportunity they have to run or walk on the special maunga and to treat it with respect. The organisers made sure that all the competitors had clean shoes to run the track.
We had lots of feedback about the amazing views and everybody agreed that the trail is both brutal and beautiful. More than 300 runners took part on Saturday and we are happy to report that once again, no one was injured and every body returned home safe.
We thank our volunteers and main sponsors: Rangitahi, Trek ‘n’ Travel, Pilot Brewery, The Raglan Chronicle, Kyle Leuthart from LJ Hooker, Ozone, MacPac, Raglan Super Value, Studio 368, WahineMoe, Sweet As, Tail Wind, I Generate and Swell Map without which the event would not be possible, as well as Timber Trail Lodge, Trade Aid, Surf Emporium, Mama’s Brew Shop, Wild Coast Yoga, Kiwi Trail running, Salsa Brava Raglan, Merkaba NZ, Raglan Cruiser, Karioi Maunga and Raglan Rock, for their generous contributions. Thanks also to the Swann family, Raglan Kindergarten, Chris, Pete, Nathan and Kaumatuas Sean and Russell, the local iwi and community that they represent and who hold Karioi Maunga in their heart.
RAGLAN Chronicle 7
Open Home 76 Wainui Road Raglan Offering a lifestyle of supreme convenience, proximity and singlelevel living. This fabulous three bedroom character weatherboard home has a quaint farm-style kitchen. The lounge flows onto an expansive, sunny north-facing deck. Entertaining here is easy. Located close to Raglan’s fabulous beaches, cafes, the local school and on the bus route. The Raglan golf course is just up the road. A double garage is at your back door plus an extra storage room. The property is fully-fenced and has a double entrance from two roads. You will be impressed by the spacious open grounds, offering great space and sunshine for the family. This is a solid slice of Raglan Real Estate where the living is easy.
Open Home Auction
6:00pm, Saturday 11 January Ray White Raglan Office Unless sold prior
Saturday 12:00pm - 12:45pm
Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282
Julie Hanna 027 441 8964
Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)
Open Home 4 Point Street (Lot 1) Raglan Elevated and sitting pretty in Akito Inlet. There is no other quite like this three-bedroom character gem, constructed with healthy, sustainable building materials and to the “living building challenge” standard. The native wood floors are gorgeous. The interior is crisp, white and light, creating a calm and relaxing atmosphere of spotless silence. Take in the beautiful rural vista through the wooden framed picture windows. Cooking connoisseurs will love the large gas oven and hobs. The water is infinity gas for your convenience. The open plan living leads to a romantic wrap around verandah. Enjoy a self-sufficient lifestyle with off-grid power and a communal garden to be developed. Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)
8 RAGLAN Chronicle
31 Rose Street Raglan Do views and location matter? This is indeed the right place for you! This two bedroom iconic RAGLAN BEACH BACH is your step in the right direction. A new kitchen and bathroom and a lounge opening on to north-facing deck to take in the sights of beach and boating activity. The views are what living in Raglan is about. A very short stroll and you are at the water’s edge, the wharf, cafe and shops. Situated on 753 square metres.
6:00pm, Saturday 11 January Ray White Raglan Office Unless sold prior
Saturday 2:00pm - 2:45pm
Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282
Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)
Open Home Auction
6:00pm, Friday 11 January 2019 Ray White Raglan Office Unless sold prior
Saturday 1:00pm - 1:45pm
Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282
Julie Hanna 027 441 8964
14A Taipari Avenue Raglan Good things come in small packages! It will be difficult to find an equal to this gem. This two bedroom fairytale cottage has a separate garage which houses the laundry and extra area for workshop activity. The main bedroom and lounge are north facing – enabling you to enjoy both sunshine and seclusion - style all snuggled up in one. The property is cocooned within a bushy facade. While being so close to the beach and town amenities it remains a private sanctuary offering peace and tranquility. The mature pohutukawa at the front of the property is a home for bird-life. Situated in popular Taipari Ave, Raglan West, close to the beach, shops, all town amenities and bus route. Situated on half share 806 sqm. Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)
6:00pm, Friday 11 January 2019 Ray White Raglan Office Unless sold prior
Saturday 1:00pm - 1:45pm
Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282
Julie Hanna 027 441 8964
Open Home 41A Cemetery Road Whatawhata A country canvas of 8920 sqm. You won’t be disappointed when you view this fairytale character cottage, offering three spacious bedrooms and quaint, farm-style kitchen. Fall in love with gorgeous, warm rimu flooring. A spacious lounge complete with a log fire with wetback adds to the cosiness of this home. Soak up the sun from the north-facing decking flowing from the dining room. An impressive 148sqm barn has three-phase power and an additional area which could be developed as extra family accommodation, home-based business or just a haven for the home handyman. The property is fully fenced. The water supply is ample. Great parking for boats or the motorhome. Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)
4:00pm, Saturday 12 January Village Cafe, Whatawhata Unless sold prior
Saturday 11:00am - 11:45am
Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282
Julie Hanna 027 441 8964
9 Langley Place Raglan This 4 bedroom family home is privately tucked away on 926sqm. Upstairs there are 2 bedrooms, a bathroom, a remodelled kitchen and a cosy lounge opening onto private decking – elevated into the trees and the tuis. This upstairs level has its own entrance. The downstairs area has two more bedrooms, a bathroom and lounge area. An ideal home providing the opportunity for extra income or separate family living. A double garage with power is an added advantage – a great place for a workshop. This property provides an opportunity to reap the rewards of further development. This is ideal if you are looking for something close to the beach and a private oasis to call home. Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)
For Sale
Price By Negotiation
By Appointment
Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282
Julie Hanna 027 441 8964
Everybody deserves to smile this Christmas This Christmas, Ray White Raglan will continue its popular tradition of giving with ‘A Little Ray of Giving’. The Ray White team are calling on the local community to embrace the giving season and dig deep for kiwi families who need it most. All you need to do is purchase a gift for a child, then pop the gift under the tree in our Ray White office. Tell our team if the gift is for a boy or girl and their age and your gift will be delivered by Surfside Church to a local family who will appreciate the support this festive season.
and more... Christmas Cake Competition Bring your Christmas cake to Ray White Raglan office for judging by very special judges on Wednesday 19 December by 4:00pm and be in to win one of 3 prizes. Cakes will be donated to the Foodbank – ‘Tis the season to be jolly! Thank you & Merry Christmas from the Ray White team! RAGLAN Chronicle 9
Review: Sign of the Times a performance by Whaingaroa Youth Movement
Image // Grant Triplows
Image // Grant Triplows
here’s something happening here...” sang a barefooted girl with a guitar at the start of a journey through the eras at last week’s dance performance Sign of the Times. Sign of the Times – the sixteenth annual show by Whaingaroa Youth Movement – was inspired by the dancers themselves. The theme was suggested years ago by Sequoia McCabe, the barefooted girl who started the show, and this year it was brought to the stage by Patti Mitchley, producer and director. WYM was established in 2003 and has been doing annual shows since then, alternating between inside theatre shows and outside performances. For some of the dancers, including Sequoia, this
10 RAGLAN Chronicle
was their fourteenth year and their last year performing with WYM before they move into their next era in life. Some come back. Several ex-dancers were stage managing and running the show from behind. “They grow and come back and give back,” says Patti. The 65 dancers aged 5 to 18 cocreated a journey through the eras with dance, music, costumes and powerful messaging. The dancers showed not only what was popular in each era, but the experience of youth in these iconic times, sometimes turbulent, other times jubilant, and always determined and open-eyed. “The Future is Ours”, “Make Good Choices”, “Dance it Out!” slogans punctuated the performance on a backdrop designed by Molly McCabe, ex-WYM dancer. Patti
worked with Molly, her daughter, to choose the mottos, which were also seen on performers’ costumes, styled with Patti’s son Conor. “I was inspired about a story I saw about artists creating good messages into billboards,” said Patti. “We make the choreo together using all kinds of stimuli: words, colours, emotions, memories. The kids make dance phrases, I make some phrases and together we collect/offer movement - I craft the work and we keep the creative process quite open and fluid until the choreo settles into a performance piece.” The dancers created a kaleidoscope of feeling. At times the movements were explosive, and at other times deliberate and delicate, hands and fingers, a gaze in one direction, revealing the
rhythm of life through the decades. Dancers joined and separated, drawn together and apart by unseen forces, pushed and pulled by the times. ‘Do You Know the Way to San Jose’ was a joyful piece, performed by some of the younger pigtailed dancers who executed a tricky move - a costume change into 60’s style dresses right there on-stage. Elvis’ ‘Stuck on You’ made us reflect on our plastic addiction, and how it affects the creatures around us. Funk was a fun time, cartwheels and ‘Working at the Car Wash’. Movement sometimes followed the flow of a yoga sequence (Patti is also a yoga teacher at The Space) and at other times, for example in the 90’s Grunge era, the movements were full of angst, stomping and thrashing. Skateboards made an
awesome accessory to dance; because girls just want to have fun! The Spice Girls medley had everyone clapping and ‘Shape Up’ to Devo’s ‘Whip-It’ (as well as having some amazing costuming) made the audience want to jump up and join in. The keynote piece, danced to Madonna’s ‘Frozen’ was evocative and spellbinding; a beautiful piece to end the show. The finale brought all the dancers together, creating a patchwork of different costumes and eras, making it apparent just how many young lives this performance touches. Thanks to Patti Mitchley, whose passion and dedication brought it all together. Raglan is very lucky to have her to support creativity, positivity and youth in our community! Bexie Towle
New Zealand’s leading rural real estate company RURAL
New Zealand’s leading rural real estate company RURAL
FOLLOW Richard Thomson Real Estate Consultant for New Listings, updates & Open Homes
New Zealand’s leading rural real estate company RURAL
Private Beach Retreat First time on the market for this substantial home set AUCTION on the edge of the Wainui reserve in Raglan and is truly like no other. With the use of poured concrete, timber and glass the feeling of a tropical paradise has been created. Three of the four bedroom open out to the landscaped grounds. The open plan living, dining and kitchen areas flow to the huge deck with views to the ocean and Mount Karioi. The surf bungalow is great for friends, family and the lucrative accommodation market. Dont miss this special piece of paradise!
Rare Opportunity In Raglan
541 Wainui Road
AUCTION (Unless Sold Prior), 4.00pm, Friday 8 December, 23 Bow St, Raglan VIEW 2.00-3.00pm, Sunday 19 & 26 November
S e a s a n d G re eti n g s
Richard Have a CRAY z good Xmas & awesome New Year! Thank you Thomson for your support in 4 1 2 B 07 858 5325 2018 and may your tent pegs stay in, lines hook up and glasses be8625 full. I'm thankful in M 027 294 abundance always. Richard & Christine.
106C Greenslade Road
Privacy, Surf & Sun!
AUCTION Set on the highest point in Greenslade Rd this timeless (Unless Sold Prior), 4.00pm, Friday art decoAUCTION style four bedroom plus office home has views Whaanga Roadthe boats and 8 December, 23 Bow St, Raglan that are26 simply breathtaking! Watch VIEW 3.30-4.30pm, Sunday 19 & 26 yachts cruise harbour features and on special the 2 bathroom, This the property a 4occasions bedroom, 2 living area November orca from your deck. 1315m² landscaped home withSet allonday sunofand huge ocean views. For guests or grounds, fully fenced with access for trailer boat and holiday accommodation there is a one bedroom unit with good parking for guests. The dining and kitchen areas internal garage/workshop. really is a rare opportunity to flow to the deck making this an entertainersThis dream. Elevatedsecure views while beingparcel private and sheltered. a large of land in a This very sought after spot. property is truly like no other so dont miss out! 4
Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625
Raglan $1.9M GST Inclusive VIEW By Appointment Only
Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625
New Zealand’s leading rural real estate company RURAL
A Lot To Like Private Beach Rare Opportunity In Raglan 3207 Shwy 23 RetreatRaglan
$1.25M This locatedRoad 12ha lifestyle property oozing with appeal. The 541well Wainui Plus GST (if any) AUCTION three bedroom home hasfor been built in the perfect spot. First time on the market thisAUCTION substantial home set Set on the highest point in Greenslade Rd this timeless Waitetuna VIEWPrior), BY APPOINTMENT (Unless Sold 4.00pm, Friday all of day sun, private creek, the and on the home edge the Wainui reserve innative Raglan andto is4.00pm, trulysouth (Unless Soldtrees Prior), Friday art deco style four bedroom plusSheltered, office has views AUCTION AUCTION Six bedrooms fertile make a sort after Just the road is8 December, 23 Bow St, Raglan 8 property. December, 23 down Bow St, Raglan like the nosoils other. With the use of poured concrete, timber that are•simply breathtaking! Watch boats andthis VIEW 3.30-4.30pm, Sunday 19 & 26 Uku and great coffee. easy commute to Hamilton. VIEW 2.00-3.00pm, Sunday 19 & 26 and glass the feeling tropical paradise has been • Twotheliving areas yachts cruise harbour and onTe special occasions theof aAn $890,000 November November created. Three of the four bedroom open out to the orca from your deck. Set on 1315m² of landscaped • Two bathrooms 3 2 2 GST Inclusive Richard Thomson grounds. grounds, fully fenced with accesslandscaped for trailer boat and The open plan living, dining and M 027 294 8625 • Massive outdoor living areas with kitchen flow to pool the huge deck with views to the VIEW good parking for guests. The dining and areas kitchen areas ocean and Mount Karioi. Theor surfgardens bungalow is great for 1ha ofmaking land plenty of room for livestock flow to •the deck this an entertainers dream. By Appointment Only friends, family andThis the lucrative accommodation Elevated• views whilemidway being private and sheltered. Located between Raglan and Hamilton market. Dont property is truly like no other so dont miss out!miss this special piece of paradise! 106C Greenslade Road
Friday glan
19 & 26
Lifestyler's Dream
Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625
Richard Thomson B 07 Richard 858 5325 Thomson M 027M294 8625 027 294 8625
Rural and Harbour Views Rare Checkley Opportunity 199A Road In Raglan
$450,000 A106C rare opportunity to purchase Greenslade Road a 1.46ha section in a premier GST Inclusive location. Incredible rural and harbour views in atimeless very quiet spot AUCTION Set on the highest point in Greenslade Rd this VIEWPrior), BY APPOINTMENT 4.00pm, Friday with Te Uku school and a great coffee approx 3km away. (Unless Sold art deco style four bedroom plus officeshop home has views AUCTION Has to the sitePapatapu and an easy near flat building thatpower are 989 simply breathtaking! Watch the boats and platform. 8 December, 23 Bow St, Raglan Te Road Good whitebait nearby. An easy commute VIEW 3.30-4.30pm, Sunday 19 & 26 yachtsfishing, cruise flounder the harbour on special the Looking forand anand escape? A occasions totally off-grid retreat in the middle of November to Hamilton orca from your deck. Set on 1315m² of landscaped Richard Thomson 9.6ha overlooking Aotea Harbour. Equally suitable as a lifestyle grounds, fully fenced with access for trailer boat and M 027 294 8625 property or weekend retreat. native bush and good parking for guests. The dining holiday and kitchen areas Established flow to the deck making thissuitable an entertainers dream. Recreational kayaking, pasture that is for grazing. Elevated views while being private and sheltered. This boating, horse riding, fishing are all available at you door step. property is truly like no other so dont miss out!
Enjoy the good life!
Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625
Raglan $830,000 GST Inclusive VIEW By Appointment Only
Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625
NEW LISTING Private Bush Retreat
151 Cogswell Road
• 11.2849ha - 90% in bush with two paddocks for grazing
GST Inclusive
• Three bedroom, sunny home with ensuite, two living areas and New Zealand’s leading rural real estate company expansive decks with bush views
MENT , Friday glan 19 & 26
Friday 08 glan
19 & 26
• Large farm shedRURAL and chook house | LIFESTYLE | RESIDENTIAL • Located about half way between Hamilton and Raglan A Lot To Like Rural and Harbour Views Raglan Raglan 3207 ShwyBeach 23 Richard Thomson Raglan 199A Checkley Road Private Retreat Raglan Rare Opportunity In Raglan $1.25M M 027 294 8625 wellsection locatedin12ha lifestyle property $450,000 oozing with appeal. The A rare opportunity to purchase aThis 1.46ha a premier 541 Wainui Road 106C Greenslade Road Plus GST (if any) threeviews bedroom homequiet has been spot. GSTperfect Inclusive location. Incredible rural and harbour in a very spot built in the AUCTION First time on the market for this substantial home set AUCTION VIEW BY APPOINTMENT Set on the highest point in Greenslade Rd this timeless VIEW BY to APPOINTMENT Sheltered, day sun, trees the south and Waingaro with Te Uku school and a great coffee shopall approx 3kmprivate away. creek, native (Unless Sold Prior), 4.00pm, Friday on the edge of the Wainui reserve in Raglan and is4.00pm, truly (Unless Sold Prior), Friday AUCTION artpower decoAUCTION style four bedroom plus office home has views fertile soils make this a sort after property. Just down the road is Has to the site and an easy near flat building platform. 5812 breathtaking! HighwayWatch 22Ukuthe 8commute December, Bow St, Raglan 8 December, 23 Bow St, Raglan noand other. With the use of poured concrete, timber that fishing, are simply boats Telike great coffee. An easy to23 Hamilton. Good flounder and whitebait nearby. Anand easy commute VIEW 3.30-4.30pm, Sunday 19 & 26 VIEW$980,000 2.00-3.00pm, Sunday 19 & 26 glassoccasions the feeling paradise has been •cruise 5 bedroom, bathrooms the harbour2and onand special theof a tropical toyachts Hamilton November 3of landscaped 2 bedroom November Richard Thomson created. Three2of the four open out toThomson the Richard orca from your deck. Set onand 1315m² • 15 ha grazing beautiful native bush VIEW M 027 294 8625 M 027 294 and 8625 landscaped grounds. dining grounds, fully fenced with access for trailer boat and The open plan living, • Excellent sheds, 2 bay workshop, 2x open bays, chicken coop Appointment Only kitchen flow to the huge deck with views to the good parking for guests. The dining and areas kitchen areas ocean and Mount Karioi. The surf bungalow is great for Stunningly lifestyle property flow to•the deck makingpresented this an entertainers dream. friends, family andThis the lucrative accommodation Elevated views while being private and sheltered. market. Dont 5 like no other 2 so dont property is truly miss out!miss this special piece of paradise!
Pretty As A Picture
PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under REAA 2008
As Good As It Gets 2 Maungatawhiri Road
Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625
Private Bush Retreat
Richard Thomson B 07Richard 858 5325 Thomson M294 027 294 8625 M 027 8625
151 Cogswell Road
• 11.2849ha - 90% in bush with two paddocks for grazing DEADLINE PRIVATE • Absolute waterfront with epic views two living areas and TREATY • 27ha easy rolling contour land • Three bedroom, sunny home with ensuite, expansive decks with bush views (Unless Sold Prior), Closes • Two titles, close to Raglan • Large farm shed and chook house 4pm, Fri 15 Dec, PGGWRE, • Quality grazing, well fenced • Located halforway Hamilton and Raglan Hamilton • Either build your dream home, land bank,about develop do between all A Lot To Like Rural VIEW BY APPOINTMENT Raglan three! and Harbour Views
Private Beach 3207 Shwy 23 RetreatRaglanRichard Thomson Rare Opportunity In Raglan
$750,000 GST Inclusive
Raglan RaglanRichard Thomson
199A Checkley Road M 027 294 8625 M 027 294 8625 $1.25M well locatedin 12ha lifestyle oozing with appeal. The $450,000 541 Wainui Road A106C rare opportunity to purchase 1.46ha section a premier Greenslade Road aThis Plus GST (if any) three bedroom home hasfor been built in the perfect spot. GST Inclusive AUCTION First time on the market this substantial home set location. Incredible rural and harbour views in a very quiet spot AUCTION Set on the highest point in Greenslade Rd this timeless VIEWPrior), BY APPOINTMENT Raglan VIEW BY to APPOINTMENT Sheltered, all day sun, private creek, trees the south and (Unless Sold 4.00pm, Friday on the edge of the Wainui reserve innative Raglan and is4.00pm, truly with Te Uku school and a great coffee shop approx 3km away. (Unless Sold Prior), Friday art deco style four bedroom plus office home has views fertile make this a use sort of after property. Just the road is8 December, 23 Bow St, Raglan 8 December, 23 down Bow St, Raglan like nosoils other. With poured concrete, timber Has to the site and an easy near flat building platform. Ruapuke Road thatpower are300 simply breathtaking! Watch the boats and the Te Uku andthe great coffee. easy commute to Hamilton. VIEW 3.30-4.30pm, Sunday 19 & 26 VIEW $990,000 2.00-3.00pm, Sunday 19 & 26 and glass feeling of aAn tropical paradise has been Good flounder andand whitebait nearby. An easy commute yachtsfishing, cruise the harbour special occasions the • Large lifestyle oron small farm close to beach November November created. Three of the four2bedroom open out to the to Hamilton orca from your deck. Set on 1315m² of3landscaped 2 Richard Thomson Plus GST (if any) Richard Thomson • Strong farming areaforwith good rainfall grounds. dining and grounds, fully fenced with accesslandscaped trailer boat and The open plan living, M 027 294 8625 M 027 294 8625 kitchen areas flow to the huge deck with views to the • Two titles, 23 paddocks, reliable water supply VIEW good parking for guests. The dining and kitchen areas ocean and Mount The surfhome bungalow is great for flow to •the deck making this an entertainers dream. By Appointment Only Recently refurbished skyline twoKarioi. bedroom friends, family andThis the lucrative accommodation Elevated views while being private and sheltered. market. Dont miss this special piece of paradise! property is truly 2 like no other 1 so dont miss out!
Te Mata Farmlet - 38 hectares
PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under REAA 2008
Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625
Richard Thomson B 07Richard 858 5325 Thomson M 027 8625 M294 027 294 8625
As Good As It Gets
2 Maungatawhiri Road
• Absolute waterfront with epic views • 27ha easy rolling contour land • Two titles, close to Raglan • Quality grazing, well fenced • Either build dream home, land bank, develop or do all Rural andyour Harbour Views three!
(Unless Sold Prior), Closes 4pm, Fri 15 Dec, PGGWRE, Hamilton Raglan VIEW BY APPOINTMENT
199A Road In Raglan RaglanRichard Thomson RareCheckley Opportunity $450,000 M 027 294 8625 A rare opportunity to purchase a 1.46ha section in a premier 106C Greenslade Road GST Inclusive location. Incredible rural and harbour views in a very quiet spot AUCTION Set on the highest point in Greenslade Rd this timeless VIEW BY APPOINTMENT with Te Uku school and a great coffee shop approx 3km away. artpower decoAUCTION style four plusnear officeflat home has views Has to the sitebedroom and an easy building platform. Ruapuke Road that fishing, are645 simply breathtaking! Watch the boats Good flounder and whitebait nearby. Anand easy commute yachts cruise the harbour and on special occasions the • Set on a 5180m² to Hamilton orca from your deck. Set on 1315m² of landscaped • 3 bedrooms + sleep out grounds, fully fenced with access for trailer boat and • Decks Fire The pit dining for entertaining good parking for & guests. and kitchen areas flow to •the deck making Ocean viewsthis an entertainers dream. Elevated views while being private and sheltered. This property is truly 3 like no other 2 so dont miss out! NEW LISTING
4 2 2
M 027 294 8625
Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625
As Good As It Gets
Rare Opportunity In Raglan
2 Maungatawhiri Road
Private Bush Retreat 151 Cogswell Road
Richardbe Thomson finishing farm, with a level of infrastructure that cannot
• 11.2849ha - 90% in bush with two paddocks for grazing DEADLINE PRIVATE • Absolute waterfront with epic views
As Good As It Gets
• Absolute waterfront with epic views
GST Inclusive
2 Maungatawhiri Road Te Akau
Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625
580C Waitetuna Valley Road PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under REAASOLD 2008| 11 Primrose Road SOLD | 4189c State Highway 23 SOLD As Good As It Gets
Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625
RaglanRichard Thomson
grounds, fully fenced with access for trailer boat and M 027 294 8625 faulted. Subdivided into 130 paddocks all fed off a well good parking for guests. The dining andapprox kitchen areas flow to the deck making this ansystem. entertainers thought out race Thedream. property has four dwellings. Elevated views while being private and sheltered. This property is truly 6 like no other4 so dont miss 2 out!
VIEW By Appointment Only
(Unless Sold Prior), Closes 4pm, Fri 15 Dec, PGGWRE, Hamilton VIEW BY APPOINTMENT Raglan
Coastal Trophy Cattle Country
GST Inclusive
199A Checkley Road M 027 294 8625 $450,000 A106C rare opportunity to purchase Greenslade Road a 1.46ha section in a premier GST Inclusive location. Incredible rural and harbour views in atimeless very quiet spot AUCTION Set on the highest point in Greenslade Rd this VIEWPrior), BY APPOINTMENT with Te Uku school and a great coffee approx 3km away. (Unless Sold 4.00pm, Friday art deco style four bedroom plus officeshop home has views December,property, 23 Bow St, Raglan Has to the site an easy building atand Kauri Flat,near Te Akau, 790platform. hectare 8(approx) an thatpower areLocated simply breathtaking! Watch theflat boats and VIEW 3.30-4.30pm, Sunday 19 & 26 Good flounder and whitebait nearby. Analong! easy yachtsfishing, cruise the harbour and on special occasions thecommute opportunity that rarely comes Currently large scale beef November to Hamilton orca from your deck. Set on 1315m² of landscaped
2 Maungatawhiri Road • Absolute waterfront with epic views • 27ha easy rolling contour land • Two titles, close to Raglan • Quality grazing, well fenced • Either build your dream home, land bank, develop or do all Rural three! and Harbour Views
(Unless Sold Prior), 4.00pm, Friday 8 December, 23 Bow St, Raglan VIEW 3.30-4.30pm, Sunday 19 & 26 November Richard Thomson
PRICE BY NEGOTIATION Plus GST (if any) VIEW By Appointment Only
Richard Thomson M 027 294 8625 RAGLAN Chronicle 11
Stairmand and Vette take wins in Hawkes Bay
Q&A with Green Stratos
Billy Stairmand - Col /
he Chronicle caught ip with local muso's Ash Knox and Glen Campbell to chat about their new band, Green Stratos.
fast-paced day in Hawkes Bay saw the Backdoor BayBash surfed through to completion at Waimarama Beach today with Billy Stairmand (Rag) defending his title in the Open Men’s Division while Saffi Vette (Gis) claimed her first ever win in the Open Women’s Division.
How would you describe the music and the vibe? Our vibe is definitely rooted in funk, but with modern production values. We have an eclectic mix of grooves and tempos and like to keep the energy coming from the live sources. We hear you are joining up with local DJ Cian. How did this idea come about? When is it happening? Yeah, we are so stoked to have Cian in Raglan. Glenn and I are massive fans and have listened to his shows on George FM for many years - he plays the best tunes. We feel honoured to be invited to be part of Cian's night ‘Earshot’. He’s been doing regular Thursdays at the Yot club from 9pm holding down the soul/funk goodness. From this week on we will be performing every other Thursday. How can we find out more? Check out - we've recently uploaded a video and we are working on new material and videos to release in the near future.
Tell us about Green Stratos. Who's involved? When did you get together? Green Stratos was conceived by Glenn Campbell and myself (Ash Knox) two years ago. After producing a series’ remix’s for fun we decided to put together a set featuring live drums/ bass with sampled elements. More recently we’ve been including local talented vocalists Maida Barker/Iri Richie and saxophonist Nathan Koretz. What's the history with you guys? How long have you been playing together pre-Green Stratos? Glenn and I have a long history of performing music together going back 20 years. We were in the Raglan band Fuse and which was part of the Cause Celebre scene in Auckland that spawned great NZ Artists such as Nathan Haines and Marc De Clive Lowe.
Stairmand lived up to his favourite tag with precision surfing all day including the final which he dominated from start to finish, enabling him to defend his event title and in doing so, leap frog Zen Wallis (Piha) to reclaim the year end number one ranking. “It’s good to finish the year on a high, it’s a good Christmas present” proclaimed Stairmand. “I didn’t have a good year competing internationally but to win the final event of the year here in New Zealand is good and my earlier win in the Rip Curl Pro has
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helped me defend my overall New Zealand Surf Series title so that is something to take into next year as I gear up for another shot at the Australian leg of the WQS” added Stairmand. “I knew the final was going to be hard, Levi surfs those conditions really well and Caleb has been in good form plus I have watched Jack Lee improve so much surfing at the Academy this year. But when I got that first good wave, that gave me a boost and the confidence to wait for the best waves for the rest of the final.” Stairmand finished with a 14.10 point total in the final, attributing his win to the finding the right waves and having new boards from Sharp Eye which has pumped him up to compete in small waves. Finishing second in the final was Caleb Cutmore (Ham) who took one last swing at Stairmand with an air reverse on his last wave but came up short of the required score.
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Raglan Liquor Centre 4 Wainui Road, Raglan Gift Cards Available
Prices valid Mon 10th – Mon 31st Dec 2018. All specials may not be available in some stores. Specials only available at Liquor Centre Stores detailed above. No Trade Sales.
12 RAGLAN Chronicle
Jameson 1L OR Chivas 12YO 700ml
6 for $
Raglan middle-aged mens bowls competition 2018
This event would not be he eighth annual event possible without the generosity of of the Middle Aged our sponsors Mens Lawn Bowls was MENS BOWLS SPONSOR held at the Raglan Bowls LIST MAIN SPONSOR: Jwan Club last Friday. With 32 competitors battling for the highly regarded trophy, which was proudly won by Mike B and Silas! It was, as always, a very enjoyable evening held at the Raglan Bowls Club (thanks to the bar lady Deborah!) which continued on into the night at the one and only Yot Club. Organised by Damo A and Piripi who will be handing over his role to Toad for next years event.
Milek Raglan Photo Gallery MAIN SPONSOR: Ozone New Zealand Cyclery Raglan Harbour View Hotel In My Good Books J&P Fagan Contracting Jenny Watts Physiotherapy Jono Hutson Real Estate Kre8ive Construction Orca Restaurant & Bar Raglan Barber Raglan Boat ChartersWahinemoe
Raglan Book & Gift Centre Raglan Chronicle Raglan Club Inc Raglan Fresh Fish Raglan Harbour Cruises Raglan Kayak & Paddleboard Raglan Liqour Center Raglan Pharmacy 2005 Ltd Raglan Shuttle Ltd Raglan Super Value Raglan Surf Co. Ltd Raglan Surf Emporium Raglan Tattoo Rock-it Kitchen Raglan The Shack Tonic Hairdressing Top Cut Butchery Westcoast Health Yot Club Phil Meek
A column connecting with senior citizens in our community.
Health in your Hands
This column is sponsored by Raglan Rest Home and Hospital. Manukau Road, Raglan.
News Letter Raglan Golden Hearts
Phone: 07 825 8306
Whether you dig up a ver 40 members of of the Hall Hire. We had a culture has samples of dolls mangle. The process was the Raglan Senior session of ballroom dancing that are made of a variety repeated for the rinse cycle. real fir tree or dig out the
Community attended a and the Nia Dance Group of materials. ‘Corn dollies’ Sometimes
artificial one from the loft,
luncheon. There were did a demonstration. Belinda were made to celebrate the added. The items were hung have a lovely festive season representatives
has recently qualified as an harvest festival. Scraps of on out on the washing line and keep safe, instructor to help people fabric were used to create then finally ironed! Pauline Abrahams
over a dozen voluntary with Parkinson’s. Raglan a simple doll, while more organisations. is hosting a Nia Dance Jam elaborate ones were made Several groups have been running for many years. The Horticultural Society started over a hundred years ago, while the Crop Swap and the Saturday Club have recently celebrated their first birthday. $113.00
at the Kokiri Stage this from lace hankies. Sunday 16 December for
“What’s a hankie?”
$10.00 entry - proceeds to
Parkinson’s Waikato.
The hall was decorated handkerchief,”
by the Golden Salisbury but she was none the wiser. Doves, a group that started Tissues, handy-towels, wetat the Community House, wipes, paper serviettes and and everyone received an disposable-nappies
donated angel for their Christmas replaced many reusable by different groups and tree. These were inspired items. These were washed $1.00 was left over towards by Church Dolls which in boiling water heated in the Golden Hearts’ next were given to little children a “copper”, agitated in a event! Thank you to all to keep them quiet during “galvanised dolly-tub” using those who donated food long sermons, sometimes
a copper or wooden “posher”
and contributed to the cost called Pew Babies. Every and then put through a
What's On • Nia Dance Jam at festive season at the Community House. the Kokiri Stage, Riria Kereopa Memorial • The Community House Drive, Sunday 16 will close on Friday Dec December 11.00 am till 21 2018 and reopen noon. Entry fee $10.00. Monday Jan 14 2019. Proceeds donated to • Raglan Community Parkinson’s Waikato. Christmas Feast 12 Come and dance pm Tuesday Dec 25 at and join in the fun. the Town Hall. All welcome. Contact • The Crop Swap Sunday Belinda Goodwin December 16, 9.30 0275407422. am has a temporary change of venue at • Care and Craft had the Scout Hall on Cliff its final meeting of Street. Bring a Plate for the year. However, the a shared morning tea. Saturday Club will continue through the
RAGLAN Chronicle 13
QUICKFIND Directory: your local trades guide
Specialising in New Builds, Maintenance and Drainlaying.
stamped | colored | exposed aggregate | footpaths driveways | retaining skate ramps
Nick Heasman Phone: 021 058 2140 Email:
CALL JAY: 022 106 4318
Concrete Cutter Windows • Doorways • Hole Drilling Decorative Cutting • Expansion Joints Kerb Crossings • Cowshed Alterations Removal of Concrete Structures etc Floor Sawing and Grinding
Steel Art Trends 027 4979 116 or 07 825 0214
Raglan NZ
Full design and install of custom made: - Steel signs - Gates - Fences
Phone Rob Short 0274 846 124 or A/H 825 0246
- Privacy - Screens - Walls - Nameplates + more
Maurice Pruden: 027 2333 112
BIG IMPACT Builders Mix • Cement • Firewood Drainage Metals • PVC Pipe • Novaflo Pea Metal • Sand • Pavers • Compost Fertiliser store • Pea Straw • Hay Bales Barks • Mulch • Chook Chow TOPSOIL • RAILWAY SLEEPERS Plant Nursery • Truck Deliveries Free Customer Loan Trailers HIRE EQUIPMENT: Compacter Concrete Mixer • Post Hole Borer
Call Andrew M: 022 327 8922
14 RAGLAN Chronicle
find us on facebook!
Grant Mathis 07 825 0523 or 027 222 0156 • CERTIFIED PLUMBER • CERTIFIED GAS FITTER • MAINTENANCE, NEW BUILDS, LIGHT COMMERCIAL • LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED Offering a reliable, friendly service combined with quality workmanship.
Small footprint...
P L U M B I N G & G A S LT D
Monday - Friday 12.30pm – 5.00pm Saturday & Sunday 10.00am – 5.00pm No drop offs after 4.30pm please
ROOFING Paling | Post & Rail Picket | Pool Fencing Gates | Retaining Walls | Decks
QUICKFIND Directory: your local trades guide continued...
TE MATA SCHOOL FEATURE Issue #624 29.11.18
SUNDAY 16 DEC END OF YEAR ** CROP SWAP ** C E L E B R AT I O N 9.30am-11am Scout Hall. Bring anything from garden or kitchen to swap and plate of food to share afterwards. Special Christmas theme. All welcome. WED 19 DEC R A G L A N R A M B L E R S 9am from James St near Wallis St - Ruapuke south beach and BBQ bring lunch.
ROOFING, MEMBRANE & CLADDING Your local professional Roofing Company • Commercial and residential • Re-roof and New roofs • Metal, membrane, insulated panel, exterior cladding • Fascia and spouting 07 846 7244 |
Classifieds Services Offered
a ta m i ra . c o. n z MENs SHIRTs SHORTs & HATs Brixton, TCSS, Deus, Rollas Christmas Gift Ideas with Us
Call now 07 847 1760
Apologies to the school editors at Te Mata School as we know you spend valuable time on this project and work very hard to report the news from your school community. We look forward to reading your news updates in 2020. The Chronicle team
All services over summer will be at the Raglan Union Church, at 3 Stewart St.
Public Notices West Coast Health Charitable Trust (WCHCT)
THU 13 DEC @ THE YOT CLUB: Cian, Green Stratos. Free and happy hour to 10pm $5 after. FRI 14 DEC@ THE YOT CLUB: Local bands Cloak Bay & Masaya (featuring Reiki & Kaea Ruawai) $10. 2 homegrown funky trains that don’t stop grooving...
SAT @ THE Mighty BRex. band & sale.
Notice is given that the Annual General Meeting of the WCHCT will be held at West Coast Health Clinic, 12 Wallis St, Raglan, on Tuesday 18 December 2018, commencing at 1800 hours.
15 DEC YOT CLUB: Mighty plus Local funk DJ. $10 pre
The agenda for this meeting is available on request at West Coast Health Clinic reception; and will also be available on the night of the meeting.
SUN 16 DEC @ THE YOT CLUB: > > > S U N D AY SESSIONS<<< Featuring Jamin-i & Dubsonic w special guests. Free from 4.20, $10 after 7pm. Food - Ulo’s Kitchen. Good vibes all night.
Chairperson – Mike Loten
Waikato District Council intends to review the following reserve management plans and invites written suggestions from the public:
For free pickup and dropoff, text: 0 2 7 - Y O T- E E E E (027 968 3333)
Situations Vacant ASSISTANT COOK & FULL-TIME FISH CUTTER required at Raglan Fish on the wharf. Experience preferred. Phone Mark 0274935144
THANK YOU RAGLAN for your support and contribution towards the Foodbank Food Drive this year; we appreciate your kindness and generosity. We had 5 teams out visiting homes between 9:30 & 12:30, easily identifiable in our blue Surfside Church T-shirts. We covered the majority of the town, although ran out of time and didn't quite reach everyone. If you were waiting for us and we missed you, very sorry. You can still donate to us by calling in during the Foodbank open hours (Mon & Fri between 1 & 3pm) or leaving items in the Foodbank collection bin at the SuperValue store, near the checkouts. Thanks once again! Much love, THE FOODBANK TEAM
Intention to Review and to Prepare Reserve Management Plans in Raglan • Wainui Reserve Management Plan 2011 • Manu Bay Reserve Management Plan 1996 Waikato District Council also intends to prepare a reserve management plan for the following reserve and invites written suggestions from the public: • Papahua / Te Kopua (Raglan Domain)
DO YOU CARE ABOUT YOUR COMMUNITY? Join the Raglan Community Patrol and help keep Whaingaroa Raglan Safe.
These activities follow on from the General Reserve Policies Management Plan adopted by Council in 2015, and are carried out under section 41 of the Reserves Act 1977. Have your say by 5pm 1 February 2019 The submissions period opens at 9am 12 December 2018. Let us know your suggestions for these Raglan reserve management plans by 5pm 1 February 2019. This can be done in the following ways:
Contact Narina Hurst 07 825 8473
• entering it online at • posting it to Waikato District Council, Private Bag 544, Ngaruawahia 3742 attn: Corporate Planner
Situations Vacant
• faxing it to (07) 824 8091
Part Time Data Collector Fisheries Team
• delivering it to any Council office or library. Suggestions should clearly include your name, address, telephone number and email address. All suggestions will be considered for inclusion when these reserve management plans are prepared or reviewed.
Raglan NIWA is New Zealand’s leading environmental research institute and key provider of atmospheric, freshwater and marine research and consultancy services in New Zealand.
Services Offered
We’ll pay you in cash!
* * * SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SERVICES * * * @ 7pm on Christmas Eve and 9am on Christmas Day.
• emailing it to
Quality 2nd hand books Open Thurs - Sun from 10am 2 Wallis St Books wanted.
Activate Church & Union Church C o m b i n e d Church Services for Summer....
In My Good Books
R A G L A N H A N D Y M A N S E R V I C E S For those small jobs in and around the house. John 021 08 24 0111
The Chronicle would like to inform readers that there was an error with our file and as a result Te Mata’s School Feature Page displayed some errors and did not print up as it was presented.
Further Information If you would like further information or copies of the current reserve management plans, you can visit or any Council office or library.
We are seeking an enthusiastic and reliable data collector to conduct surveys at the Raglan boat ramp. The role involves interviewing recreational fishers and recording data about the types and volumes of fish.
Public Notices
- Peace & tranquility - Surfing, fishing, bush walks - Cabins, powered sites, tent sites PH 07 825 6800
The interviewer will conduct work on the boat ramp on 40 preset days between January 11th and September 2019. Shifts are 4 hours in length and are worked in the afternoon. Our successful applicant will enjoy working unsupervised, have good verbal communication skills, and the ability to accurately record data. Own transport is essential. In return you will receive a competitive hourly rate and the opportunity to work outdoors! To apply, please send a copy of your cover letter and CV to Nicola Rush via Applications close 1pm, December 19th 2018.
G J Ion Chief Executive M7488-9
For Sale
0800 492 452
THE RAGLAN CHRONICLE will be closing down again for the Christmas and New Year period. Our close down dates are: Thursday 20th December 2018 - Monday 7th January 2019
RAGLAN Chronicle 15
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Indicates there is a ‘Walk-through Video’
Open Home
Open Home
New Listing
526 Waitetuna Valley Road Welcome to ‘The Good Life’ Located within 15 minutes of Raglan and 20 minutes to the city, this tidy contemporary home enjoys a sunny aspect and is set on an easy 8984m2 (2.21 acres). The 175m² GJ Gardener home was constructed in 2008 and boasts a large kitchen and living area for entertaining. The logburner has an oven and a stove top for baking and cooking as well as a wetback. 3 paddocks have spring fed stock water and there’s neat landscaping around the house with a variety of trees, an orchard and a chicken run. A bonus is the 110m², 3 bay American barn for the boat, motorhome and DIY projects too. Step on up and start enjoying the ‘good life’. For Sale Contact Email View
Open Home
$795,000 Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 Sunday 11 - 11:30am
Open Home
24a Cogswell Road This is the Lifestyle! 100c Greenslade Road
Your Haven Enjoy spectacular harbour views from this warm and welcoming home. You will love the peacefulness of the bush setting and the sheltered micro climate it provides. Positioned adjacent to the walkway access to Moonlight Bay you can be at the water’s edge in less than a minute. For Sale $699,000 Contact Chrissy Cox - 027 287 1804 Email Saturday 1 - 1:30pm View 237HFG
For Sale $819,000
56c Bush View Drive
NOW AVAILABLE - CONTRACT FALLEN In immaculate condition this beautiful large home will accommodate the whole family with 4 bdrms, office, 2 bthrms & internal access dble garage + a s/c flat downstairs. The extensively landscaped 5974m² features vege gardens, fruit trees, chicken coop and paddocks.
Contact Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Email
Sat & Sunday 11-11:30am 25YHFG
For Sale $849,000 Contact Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Email Sunday 12 - 12:30pm View 20THFG
Open Home
Open Home
Open Home
This fantastic 5 bedroom + office lifestyle property has all the essential ingredients for happiness; presented in as new condition it’s modern & stylish with beautiful rural vistas from every window. The central hub of the home features an open plan kitchen & dining, island bench, polished concrete floors & living areas either side. Internal access double garage + workshop & plenty of off street parking. Totally private, sheltered and sunny the 7465m² of land is well fenced and easy contour. The section around the house is flat and spacious. Located midway between Raglan & Hamilton it’s easy to enjoy the benefits of both worlds.
72 Maungatawhiri Road
11 Mangakino Road
30 Nihinihi Avenue
For Sale $995,000 Contact Chrissy Cox - 027 287 1804 Email Sunday 1 - 1:30pm View 23YHFG
For Sale $1,400,000 Contact Robbie Regnier 021 952 271 Email Saturday 1 - 1.30pm View 23UHFG
Your Complete Lifestyle Wish List This stunning, 2017 built home has everything you could want including stylish kitchen with scullery, open plan living with views of the bush backdrop, 3 bedrooms, internal access double garage plus a 120m² shed. All set on 3.4 acres of good grazing land.
Massive Views & Potential +++ Such a rare and exciting find is this approx 5 acre property, located just a few minutes to town and offering spectacular ocean and rural views. A modern and rustic 2 bedroom cottage is nestled amongst the trees and enjoys total privacy and those views! An additional cabin/ sleepout is always a bonus. The land is mostly planted in mature Pines and features two flattened platforms providing options for additional accommodation, parking or sheds etc. This unique property is a must see to fully discover the many opportunities on offer. LIM report available on request.
Timeless Splendour An architecturally designed home in Raglan West with harbour and bar views. 4 double bedrooms, open plan living, indoor outdoor flow with 2 separate decks enables you to enjoy the outdoors all year round. Easy walk to beach and town.
For Sale Contact Email View
$749,000 Michelle O’Byrne - 021 969 878 Saturday & Sunday 1-1:30pm
Open Time
182 Ohautira Road
1 Wallis Street
78m Greenslade Road
For Sale $399,000 + gst (if any) Contact Robbie Regnier 021 952 271 Email 23KHFG View
For Sale $299,000 Contact Robbie Regnier 021 952 271 Email 25HHFG View
Established Retail Supply Business CBD Be in for Summer. For family reasons this high growth business is reluctantly offered for sale. Located in prime Raglan CBD, The Raglan Project is a one stop shop retailing a variety of hardware, homeware and building supplies to a loyal established customer base of tradies and DIYers. NB: PRICE INCLUDES STOCK
A Purely Unique 18.5 Acres When you see the dozens of amazing limestone formations that are scattered around the block you would think it was a film set from Peter Jackson’s ‘Lord of the Rings’. 7.4 hectares (18.5 acres) of land with so much to offer, Kahikitea groves to wetland areas, a natural spring fed pond and other species of woodlots. There is a spring water supply via a pump which is such an asset providing ample water. A rustic off-grid cabin with an open plan layout provides simple accommodation with peaceful views over the valley. No building covenants means there’s no restrictions in terms of creating your dream home here. 5 mins to Raglan Roast Te Uku & 25 to Hamilton.
Peaceful Serenity - Moonlight Bay Sunrise and moonrise over the harbour where the peaceful views and native birds are mesmerising. This peacefulness and more can be yours to enjoy now as there are no covenants in place. This property is a cross lease section 1/2 int in 2569m², north/east facing and is waiting for the discerning buyer. A short walk to Moonlight Bay, house plans are available with resource consent in place.
For Sale Contact Email View
$670,000 incl gst Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 Sunday tour 12pm SHARP
Chrissy Cox
Kyle Leuthart
Michelle O’Byrne
Stephen O’Byrne
Robbie Regnier
Matt Sweetman
Sandra Bowditch
027 287 1804
021 903 309
021 969 878
021 969 848
021 952 271
021 624 826
021 751 759
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Raglan Property Manager
*NB Boundary lines on photos are approximate & merely a guide. All information contained herein is gathered from sources we deem reliable. However we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely upon their own enquiries.
LJ Hooker Raglan (07) 825 7170 • 16 RAGLAN Chronicle
25-27 Bow Street , Raglan • George Boyes & Co Limited Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008