RaglanCHRONICLE Whaingaroa news for you weekly
9th February 2012 Issue #280
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RAGLAN Chronicle 1
dining guide
Rebecca and KerryAnne Moss get to meet All Black star Sonny Bill Williams at Ngarunui beach on Sunday 5th February. Image courtesy of Haydn Douglas. Should you wish to aquire any images from this week’s Chronicle ‐ please contact us on 825 7076 or email your request to info@raglanchronicle.co.nz
Burgershack. Takeaway. 35a Bow Street.................................................................... 825 8439
:';<23%='>)%?%@;2<<,%023)%23,%A3%BC)%DC';>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%456% EE9E
Aloha Market Place - Sushi Takeaway. 5 Bow Street..................................................... 825 7440
Letter to the Editor in response to the Waikato District Council’s Whaanga Coast Wastewater Plan…. A few years ago, up against the wall with a failing waste water system in place and another high volume season just around the corner, we invested an obscene amount of money, that we did not have, into building a relatively state of the art waste water system at Solscape. It’s been an ongoing process of understanding, but if I knew then what I know now I would have done things very differently… !"#$%&'#()*+'$,'-./)0.*(1'2(,$*('3#('405(034$0'$,'6.&#'3$47(3&8' processed Humanure made orchards and gardens grow everywhere. Even at the grandest of estates. Human waste, processed by tiger worms, does not smell nor look like what it started as. It is nutrient rich organic matter not unlike what you buy from the garden centre. How many of you like money? Who feels more at ease when they are not indebted? One of the cornerstone principles of Permaculture (permanent culture) is Waste = Food. This means that everything has value, every byproduct is a resource so there is no waste. This concept/ reality helps us to identify resources and directs us to design cyclic systems that close loops and do not allow resources to fall out of our systems. Or at least retain resources as long as possible maximizing gain while held. This thinking can apply to systems of any size or form. From a garden to a business to a household or a whole community.
9$' :(' #)5(' 4+(034;(+' 3#*((' 5)7.)<7(' *(&$.*=(&' 3#)3' 6$:' 3#*$.>#' us and are part of our systems, water, humanure and money. A permanent, zero waste culture says retain these resources, do not 6.&#'3#(/',*$/'$.*'&?&3(/&@
If the proposed waste water system goes ahead unnecessary quantities of money, water and nutrients will leave our systems with the pull of a chain. We are actually at a fork in the road here. Whatever infrastructure we invest in now will be in place for many years.
I implore all involved to not rush this process. To be open to unconventional solutions that may challenge our perceptions. To think beyond our personal comfort levels and to consider the fact that we’re steadily moving toward a lower energy future, where much of what we take for granted today may not be so accessible in WeatherMap - New Zealand weather forecasts http://www.weathermap.co.nz/?p=raglan the years to come. ( abridged ) Phil McCabe, Raglan
Weather Map
Raglan Weather & Tides
Check www.weathermap.co.nz for latest forecasts Forecasts Forecast generated on Wednesday 8 February Max Summary Wind Waves* Tides* Sun/Moon temp (C) (km/hr) (m) (High/Low) (Rise/Set)
UGH5&J-9&2(9&DH=&Y2H7-92TG&.(&82:;2( C(9&2(9&4H=&Y2H7-92TG&&.(&Q%&)2H2 ,7-H=%-&.("*-32H.*(>&82:;2(&BCD&BUJD <2-.G=&<-.%GH&,-&N(G%;3&N=%-(%>&,-2(VH*(&B4@&DE&BB
Mainly fine with possible showers
W5 W 25
am pm
L 06:00 am R 06:47 am H 12:10 pm S 08:22 pm L 06:30 pm
Mainly fine with possible showers
SW 10 am SW 25 pm
12:30 06:40 12:50 07:10
am am R 06:48 am pm S 08:21 pm pm
Sunny with some cloud
E 10 am SW 10 pm
01:10 07:30 01:40 08:00
am am R 06:49 am pm S 08:20 pm pm
Sunny and clear skies
E 20 am SW 15 pm
02:00 08:20 02:20 08:50
am am R 06:50 am pm S 08:18 pm pm
Sunny with some cloud
E 15 am SW 20 pm
02:50 09:10 03:20 09:40
am am R 06:51 am pm S 08:17 pm pm
Mainly fine with possible showers
NE 10 am NE 10 pm
03:50 10:10 04:20 10:50
am am R 06:52 am pm S 08:16 pm pm
Mainly fine with possible showers
NE 15 am NE 15 pm
H 05:00 am R 06:53 am L 11:20 am S 08:15 pm H 05:40 pm
*Total significant wave height and *Tide times for Raglan Bar
Raglan Ink Ltd home of the Raglan Chronicle !"#$%&!'%(&)*(&+&&,-.&&/01123&+&4011'35&62.(7.&895&82:;2( <=>&?1@A&BCD+@1@E&&&&,2F>&?1@A&BCD+@1@B&&&&<*GH>&<0!0&I*F&CJ45&82:;2(&&&&&&&&&&
10am Raglan Area School 7pm Te Uku Church Pastor Roger Peart ph 07 825 5199
2 RAGLAN Chronicle
K32.;>&-2:;2(0$=-*(.$;%LFH-20$*0(M N9O%-H.G.(:&P&N-H.$;%G Q=%&&29O%-H.G.(:&2(9&%9.H*-.2;&$*(H%(H&9%29;.(%&R.;;&S%&)*(92T&2H&UC'3&R%%V&*"&.GG7%0 WXYZ[NX)K8
Contact: Administrator Jan Mitchell ph 825 5122
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Raglan sisters set up !"#$%&'()"*'+,#'&-#)!
Water Tip #8
J& 5@0(50#%)& MN+'2%#& 0$& /4%& <'2L& '='#)& H& -5& '+50& -(>0+>%)& -(& /4%& 8#0"@& '5& ;0/4& '(& When it comes to learning how to surf, $0#&;%5/&#-)%D&;%5/&=-@%0"/&0#&,05/&-,@#0>%)& -(5/#"./0#&'()&#0+%&,0)%+B Raglanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sisterhood are doing it for ;0'#)#-)%#&%885&/4%&8-#+5&0(D&54%&'))5B themselves. 1%'(/-,%&/4%&8-#+5&'#%&$0."5%)&0(&4'>-(8& 9%//-(8& ,0#%& 8-#+5& 5"#*(8& '()& .0,-(8& /4#0"84& /4%& #'(F5D& @055-;+2& /0& .0,@%/-/-0(& +%>%+D&='5&/4%&,0/->'/-(8&$0#.%&;%4-()&5%//-(8& "@&/4%&.+";D&5'25&1'#2'((B&& O/& ='5& '$/%#& =0#F-(8& 0(& 4%#& 0=(& )0.",%(/'#2& ';0"/& =0,%(& -(& 5"#*(8& /4'/& 1'#2'((& ;%.',%& .0(>-(.%)& 0$& /4%& (%%)& /0& %(.0"#'8%& ,0#%& 8-#+5& =-/4-(& /4%& +0.'+& .0,,"(-/2&/0&/'F%&"@&/4%&5@0#/B
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Prepare for water meters! Come into WEC for water (and plant) saving advice on water conservation.
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EPG Plumbing & Solar Ltd !
Plumbing !Gas Fitting !Drainage Solar Energy Specialists !
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Running the tap? Use a bowl to save that water for a thirsty plant!Â
Chartered Accountants 13 Wallis Street, Raglan 07 825 7050 info@bizworx.co.nz
Friendly, efficient service,in your community Members of the Raglan Girls Surf Club gathered at Ngarunui Beach
."#'!"#+/#!',%'+,#0'12'31%45'615 Daniel Kereopa smashed his opponents out of the water to win his second event of the 2012 Hyundai Tour in the Stand Up Paddleboard Division held at Sandy Bay, Whangarei, over the weekend.
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Raglan Club Entertainment Guide
4O\Qg bVS 4O\Qg O _cWSb R`W\Y ]RR UO[S ]T ^]]ZeWbV bVS [ObSa-
Thursday Night Roasts: Thursday Night Roasts are back! Choice of three meats plus vegetables -$10. Dessert for only $6.00 Friday February 17th: 7.30pm â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;til late. Michael & Ashley. Fresh from success at Nashville Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t forget itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Happy Hour at the Club - Tuesdays 6pm - 7pm
Check out the Raglan Club Ph:Â 825Â 8288
Phone: 825 8288
eee QZcPa\h Q] \h eee QZcPa\h Q] \h G=C 2=<¸B 8CAB 8=7< / 1:C0 G=C 03:=<5 G=C 2=<¸B 8CAB 8=7< / 1:C0 G=C 03:=<5 RAGLAN Chronicle 3
Storybook world for this year’s ArtoWear The call has gone out for creative Raglan groups and individuals to get planning for this year’s ArtoWear awards, which will again transform the local town hall into a weird and wonderful world of fashion.
around – should give ample opportunity for the childcare and school groups in town to dream up “crazy creations”, says local fabric artist Jean Carbon who heads the ArtoWear committee of volunteers.
one of this year’s four open categories: “Windwarriors”, “Rainbow”, “Reduce ReuseRecycle” and “Myths & Legends”.
The biennial show, presented by Raglan Community Arts Council, opens ”We had visions of kids reading Dr up possibilities too for weekly groups And “The World of Dr Seuss” – the Seuss, getting that whole buzz thing going such as the Wednesdays Knitting Circle to theme for the children’s category this time really,” she says. think outside the square, adds arts council Jean says the committee agonise stalwart Virginia Gallagher. every ArtoWear year over whether The event is deliberately planned for to make the event bigger – which winter to attract visitors to town when it’s !"#$%& '()*& +*%,*-& )*"./(0& 1(*#(& 2& quiet, although originally it was the grand or “contain” it as in 2006, 2008 and +*)$(& ."& ./(& )**#)$& )0.345"6#3(%& 3#''(0& Karioi Clinic Raglan 2010 to keep it enjoyable both for schools based at the Old School Arts Centre organisers and entrants who range in in Stewart Street. Janis Beet age from the very young to the elderly. CLASSICAL HOMEOPATH Previous shows have attracted a large Cert. N.T, Dip. Hom(NZ) She recalls the huge effort last number of entries, mostly from Raglan but time round by the Waitetuna Wild 32 Boundary Road, Hamilton Ph 07 854 8962 Things – led of course by Max – also from Hamilton and the greater Waikato. 78 Upper Wainui Rd, Raglan Ph 07 825 8004 Mb 027 459 8547 Email janisbeet@gmail.com
which seemingly involved almost the whole school. Meanwhile she’s encouraging community organisations like Raglan Trust Hospital to exhibit again in
“We also get fantastic sponsorship from the local (business) community,” says Jean The awards run on a budget of about who is about to start work on funding again. $9000, and funding comes from both *ArtoWear will be held in Raglan Creative Communities – a branch of Town Hall on Saturday June 9. Creative NZ – and Raglan Community Edith Symes Board.
Solo show gets artist weaving I t ’ s !"# $%&# '()"# *)+,-+# .&+/# 01)+# ,-# 6"5+#7""%= meant at weaving works of art like never “It’s a biggie,” she says of the event times taking ("21)"3# 21)# /")# ')-+# -141# "5/,(,+,16# which has kept her busy all summer in the herself away 7/,8/#19"6-#*+#:)+-01-+#,6#;*<,4+16#
hope that about 16 pieces can be on show from the for the monthlong exhibition. “I’ll distractions be going to the last minute.” of the family Suspended pieces, a cloak, home in some wall hangings and hue or Okete Road gourds that have been woven to develop Fibre artist around make up the collection. Ruth Port her artform. “They have been woven out The work "5& )$$& 3"0.3& "5& +70(& 7#.& '),*$8& is dedicated to Papatuanuku or Mother /)0(9(9(&:;)<=>?&3)83&@#./A& Earth, she says. B./(0& +70(3& ,*6$#%(& C,*-)">& Ruth is kairaranga or weaving tutor at kiekie, neinei and houhere or the Old School Arts Centre and a committee lacebark. member of local weaving group Nga Hua o Ruth says it’s been “a self te Rito. She was also recently voted onto journey” to see what she could the national weavers’ organisation Te actually do. “I learnt things I could Roopu Raranga Whatu o Aotearoa. do with harekeke that I couldn’t do Edith Symes before”.
Dr Oliver Russell Dr Gill Brady Dr Marcia Mitchley 10 Bankart Street, Raglan
can’t It Probably Won’t Heal In keep Time up? www.raglanphysio.co.nz
4 RAGLAN Chronicle
!"#$%#&'$("") *'$*$+,-""#.$/0112"He may be out of public sight beavering away in his father’s mainstreet workshop behind Soul Shoes, but Ben Galloway’s far from out of mind. A bearded and bereted Ben – looking every bit the artisan shoemaker – is quietly making a name for himself producing what’s called Trash Footwear out of mostly recycled materials. He uses anything from motorbike tyres and used clothing to lino, old tarpaulins and cushion covers. FG23'/$%3'8'5$$H'&23'/$%3'8'-)+I:'!*4!' the 28yearold Raglan native, as he was described in a recent arts magazine. But it’s rolls of cast off conveyor belts stored on a rudimentary shelf in the workshop that have got Ben really enthused of late. “I like getting a conveyor belt with a bristly texture and putting it together with *')(.3'6()&*,3'"#2$5!&3%4'!*/#537: From such unlikely materials come F!&4533:I'.$/04'!2$3!'$%'J*)+*5!'()'12(.2' some well known people are now stepping out – among them Kiwi musician Tiki Taane, who appeared on Facebook wearing &23/I'',(6(),'*)'F()!&*)&:'!#()$00'&$'K3)L!' own Facebook page. Such is the power of today’s social media, says Ben – it’s good for business. But working with rolls of conveyor belts from which soles are cut is not without its challenges. The rolls have to be waterblasted and the soles sanitised with bleach for 24 hours before use. Ben admits he’s not that keen about using bleach in the process to produce his ecofriendly 0$$&13*%'9"&'-,"%3!'(&L!'!&(55'53!!'3)3%,4'M'*' lighter footprint – than buying new. The ethos behind his craft is important &$' K3)7' N$1=(/#*.&' %3"!3' $0' F1*!&3:' materials – transforming them into comfortable and unusual footwear – rather &2*)' #%$+".(),' F)31:' *55' &23' &(/3' *55$1!' Ben to keep true to his ideologies while still making use of his skills as a cobbler. He laughs that he can now call himself creative like the rest of the family, who are mostly artists and designers. Ben grew up in Hills Road where his father Rob started Soul Shoes –
Councillor’s Column 2012 is well underway at Waikato District Council. This year will be busier than most as we set the Long Term Plan including the 2012 – 2013 annual budget. Raglan had had some excellent coverage in the press including positive comments about Raglan as a holiday destination. It is this sort of publicity that underlines the vibrant and positive aspects of our town and encourages tourists to visit us. The Whaanga Coast wastewater reticulation system is working through a process that I hope is understood by residents in the area. It is clear that the biggest issue is cost and I am grateful that my colleagues at Council !"##$%&'"!'()'*++(),'*'!(,)(-.*)&'*/$")&'$0' general rate into the project.
Ben Galloway in his workshop
now a 38yearold Raglan institution. Shoemaking wouldn’t have happened for Ben without that background, he believes. O3' "!3+' &$' F/".H' *%$")+:' /*H(),' whips and nunchucks back then and later made leather shoes and bags at Soul Shoes during school and university holidays, with a year fulltime in the workshop between secondary and tertiary education.
“I like getting a conveyor belt with a bristly texture and putting it together with a nice vintage "#2$5!&3%4'!*/#537:
F%3*!$)*954',$$+:7 On his return to Raglan Ben started experimenting with shoemaking in a F,%33):' H()+' $0' 1*4I' 1(&2' &23' 235#' $0' *)' enterprise grant for startup costs and an allied allowance for four months. He gets all his materials for free – lino samples from Raglan Flooring, fabric from an upholsterer in Hamilton, other stuff from op shops and Xtreme Waste. Heavy plastic curtains used to stop salt spray on the Wahinemoe harbour cruiser recently came his way too. “So I sew carry bags out $0'&2*&7: Ben, who has enrolled for the year in the Graduate Diploma in Sustainable Practice about to start at Solscape, now wants to develop his footwear into a viable business and expand its exposure in the marketplace. He’s got a small blurb in the latest issue of ecomagazine Good and features too in arts magazine Extra Curricular. Ben’s also looking forward to a twoandahalf minute !#$&'$)'&23'-%!&'3#(!$+3'$0'GRSTEL!')31' Heart in Crafts series starting next month, which recently took an intensive day’s -5/(),'()'U*,5*)7
After completing a degree in Social Science, Ben embarked on his OE for a few years – but not before making himself a pair of backless sandals, the straps sewn from the faded denim of his old jeans. “I wore &23/' 363%4123%3' P*.%$!!' -63' .$)&()3)&!Q' *)+',$&'*'5$&'$0'#$!(&(63'.$//3)&!7: They’re still going today, the soles all but worn through, the straps intact and Edith Symes
3&4"-)5'5#,$5#$*$&5,5)*2$60-2& It’s no secret that the media landscape – particularly news media has been dealing with a crisis these past few years. The proliferation of high speed Internet and the huge increase in the numbers of people accessing the World Wide Web has completely changed the way we consume information.
Finding information on the web however is a bit like orienteering, one page takes you to another page, which takes you to the page that you actually want. Having a website is a great way to start communicating about your business but unless your customers know &$'5$$H'0$%'4$"'!#3.(-.*554I'&234L%3')$&',$(),'&$'6(!(&'4$"%'!(&3'!&%*(,2&' away. V39!(&3!'5(H3'$"%'$1)'U*,5*)'S3&'*%3'*',%3*&'$#&($)'&$'*+63%&(!3' with for a cheap rate, you can make a listing that is easily found by potential customers. Using just your own website may not rank very .%3+(954'()'&23';$$,53'%*&(),!I'9"&'5(!&(),'$)'*'!(&3'5(H3'U*,5*)'S3&'1(55' get your information at the top of the list. [$%' 3X*/#53I' 123)' !3*%.2(),' \%*,5*)' *..$//$+*&($)L' &23' -%!&' three websites on the results list are raglan.net.nz, holidayhouses. co.nz and the Raglan Kopua Holiday Park. Again when searching \%*,5*)'*.&(6(&(3!L'$%'!(/#54'\%*,5*)IL''%*,5*)7)3&7)]'(!'&23'-%!&'139!(&3' to be listed. For less than a dollar a day you can potentially double your web reach so why not try it today? Email maki@raglanchronicle.co.nz for more information.
V2(53' &23!3' .2*),3!' 2*63' +3-)(&354' /*+3' $"%' 5(63!' /$%3' 30-.(3)&I' 1(&2' ()0$%/*&($)' "!"*554' *' W"(.H' ;$$,53' *1*4I' &23' )31' media environment presents a whole different slew of problems for businesses. In the 21st century, if your business can’t be Googled it pretty /".2'+$3!)L&'3X(!&I'9"&'1(&2'&23'8)&3%)3&'93(),'*'6*!&'!#*.3'-553+'1(&2' so much information, the problem then is how you compete in such a noisy environment. Raglan has recently received quite a bit of national and international /3+(*' *&&3)&($)' 1(&2' &23' Y*%($(' <"%0' Z*/#' /*H(),' *' ZSS' 5(!&' 0$%' &$#' &3)' *.&(6(&(3!' ()' ST' *!' 1355' *!' U*,5*)' 93(),' &23' )"/93%' &2%33' +3!&()*&($)'()'ST'&2(!'!"//3%'P0%$/'K$$H*9*.2Q7 As one of the country’s top holiday destinations, Raglan businesses Maki Nishiyama can leverage their web marketing to reach a wider target audience.
I am also aware that projects like this are having an impact on other communities around the country. The system proposed is used in other small communities and even with previous government subsidies now 1(&2+%*1)' &234' !&(55' 2*63' *' !(,)(-.*)&' .$!&' *!'13557''8'*/'*."&354'*1*%3'$0'&23'-)*).(*5' implications for some residents and I would urge those wanting to join the system to contact the Project Leader, Grant Tregidga on 824 8633 to discuss a way forward. I am heartened that residents understand that a solution is environmentally important and doing nothing is simply not an option. It is now important that design and implementation can get underway. All Whaanga Coast residents in the living zone will receive a letter from Council shortly. Please respond. Another issue that has received a lot of attention is the districtwide property revaluation (Government Valuation). Coupled with that has been a review of the rating system which Council is required to carry out. Although these are two separate issues, each impinges on the other. The .$)0"!($)'&2(!'2*!'.*"!3+'2*!'933)'*'+(0-."5&' concept for some. As I indicated in my last column, property values in the living zone of Raglan have generally stayed stable. However some have dropped and I hope that residents who disagree with their new valuation will have lodged their objections with Quotable Values. Council is still deliberating on the Rating Review which, apart from changing the way storm water is charged as a targeted rate, is basically the same as before. It is this storm water capital charge that I object to (as do a number of other Raglan submitters). I am hopeful we can improve this situation. I accept that there should be some target rates, but they should be minimal. My guiding principal in regard to the longterm plan process is “Maintain what we have and -)(!2'12*&'13'!&*%&3+: In closing I would like to pass on congratulations to David Shilton who will %3.3(63' *' ;$5+' <&*%' *1*%+' 0$%' &13)&4=-63' years service to the Raglan Volunteer Fire Brigade. Well done David and sincere thanks from the community to you and all your Fire Service colleagues. If you would like to discuss council issues with me please contact me through the .$").(5' $0-.3' $)' >?@>A?B' $%' /4' /$9(53' #2$)3' C?A' A@@' DEE>' $%' 3/*(5' /3' .5()&7 baddeley@waidc.govt.nz Clint Baddeley District Councillor
RAGLAN Chronicle 5
!""#$%&'()*'+',"-$'.)'/+01+) Emma Donaldson (28) from Devon, Today is a great day in Raglan; in fact she’s a pearler. With azure sky and England and Aynsley Rope (23) from topaz sea – it’s a day when one feels Auckland, are relatively new to the area, that life is not just a little enchanted. having arrived as WWoofers. WWOOF I have had the very good fortune to call Whaingaroa home for the last 17 years, which has me wondering what sort of impact a day like today would have on visitors.
New Zealand is part of a worldwide community that promotes awareness of ecological farming practices by providing volunteers with the opportunity to live and learn on organic properties.
1. Surf Last Paradise at the movies, and thought she might want to learn how to surf. She 2. Sit at Raglan Roast reading went straight home, googled surf lessons the Chronicle and engaging in and with a friend immediately booked a random banter with locals 4day package at Raglan Surf School. She 3. Drinking red wine on the deck of arrived here in the middle of winter “like Karioi Lodge discussing life literally” on one of the most awful days imaginable, gale force winds and hail. Surf 4. Yotty!! especially Sunday Sessions instructor, Zennor Wernham, stuck with the 5. Sunset Cruise on the Wahine Moe. girls however and coaxed them through ,-+'*& .+*/& #*(,& (0*1& +23+*'+$4+5& 6-+$& ,-+& conditions could have easily put them off Stray Bus headed for Raglan. Although not for life. sure what to expect, as soon as she arrived On arrival back in Auckland, Aynsley Emma knew, just knew, she had ‘arrived’. thought, “this is not where I want to be”, As the bus pulled up at Karioi Lodge the and said to her Mum “I’m going to move .+*/&#*(,&3+*("$&(-+&()6&6)(&B"&C)?+5&(0*1& to Raglan.” She hasn’t looked back since. instructor, from Cornwall. Neither had any She is manager of the WWoofers at Karioi idea the other was coming.
WWOOF originally stood for “Working Weekends on Organic Farms” and began in England in 1971, but the name has morphed into World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms also known as Willing Workers on Organic Outdoor Centre and loves the complete change in lifestyle. Farms. It was also a desire to surf that brought Essentially what is Emma, mortgage advisor from Devon, involved is an exchange of knowledge and skills to Raglan, although in a slightly more for accommodation serendipitous way. Approx 1.5 years ago, and labour. Great fed up with life in the rat race, Emma stuff indeed, the barter 7*+)8+7& )9"0,& ,-+& 1*++7"8& "1& (0*#$%5& system alive and well. so booked in a week long intensive surf !""#$%& '(& )& %*+),& program at Cornwall, on the South West way to travel the world coast of England. Her surf instructor Jo and meet likeminded Hale was so so passionate about the sport people. Not just the that Emma was hooked instantly. Emma Donaldson (28) from Devon, England and Aynsley Rope (23) from Auckland,
Woofer’s Woofer’s Top Top 55 Things Things to to do do in in Raglan Raglan
So what is involved in the day of the life as a Wwoofer? Each property or situation is different, however at Karioi Lodge they volunteer work around the camp in exchange for accommodation. This involves cleaning, cooking and tending the freerange chooks, beehives and abundant garden that provides food for Wwoofer’s and guests at the camp alike.
The girls describe the Wwoofers and staff at Karioi Camp as one big family, every one looks out for each other and Aynsley says “we hook people up hard out” if we see they are without food or need for world, mind you, but Deciding to travel but not sure where, anything. your own back yard. :88)& 9"";+7& <'%-,(& )$7& %",& -+*& .'()& ,"& Aynsley, a nanny =+6&>+)?)$7&6',-'$&,6"&6++;(@&&A(&(0*#$%& Brenda Rae Kidd from Auckland, saw was the motivator she found herself on the
Is your home cold and damp? You may qualify for a WEL Energy Trust Healthier Homes upgrade
A programme to make homes healthier The WEL Energy Trust Healthier Homes Programme is managed by WEL Networks and supported by the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority, SkyCity Hamilton Community Trust, Hamilton City Council and D.V. Bryant Trust Board. The programme is helping people in need or on low incomes who have health issues. It is delivering considerable benefits to the local community by ensuring inadequately insulated predominantly pre-2000 homes are brought up to today’s building insulation standards. The home retrofit improvements included within the programme are: ceiling insulation, under floor insulation, ground moisture barrier, hot water cylinder wraps, and weather proofing on doors.
Health benefits There are important health benefits from home insulation. Living in a warm, insulated home can significantly reduce respiratory illness. This can mean less visits to the doctor, fewer hospital admissions for respiratory illness and less sick days off school or work.
Do you qualify for the programme? 6 6 6 6 6 6
Your home must be pre-2000 and be un-insulated. You must have a community services card. Your home must be in the WEL Networks distribution area. Your home must be either privately owned or rented. Does not cover Housing Corporation homes. Home owner contribution of $115 for privately owned homes and $575 inclusive of GST for tenanted properties.
For more information, phone 07 850 3196, email connect@wel.co.nz, or visit www.wel.co.nz
6 RAGLAN Chronicle
Raglan 07 825 7170
George Boyes & Co.
Sunny, low maintenance 3 bedroom home with good garaging. Heat pump and woodburner for a cosy winter. Quiet location close to town. Ideal retirement (ramp access), holiday Chrissy Cox or permanent living. B 07 825 7170 M 027 287 1804 Email:chrissyc21@clear.net.nz
Relax and unwind in this well presented low maintenance 2 bedroom bach with lovely kitchen and sunny sheltered deck. Enjoy glimpses of the estuary which is just metres away. Plenty of Chrissy Cox under house storage for kayaks B 07 825 7170 etc. Close to walking track. M 027 287 1804 Email:chrissyc21@clear.net.nz
www.century21.co.nz ID# T747
www.century21.co.nz ID# K806
Chrissy Cox Kyle Leuthart 7170 B 07B 07 825825 7170 M 027 2871804 M 021 903 309
www.century21.co.nz ID# B753
Open Home SUN 12 Feb 11.30PM 2 Pokohui Ave
TENDERS CLOSE 4pm 1st March 2012
BUSINESS ZONED SITE WITH PLANS TENDER 1 Bankart Street, Raglan Easy contoured business zoned site of 565m2. Top location with good profile and traffic visibility. Mountain views and potential water views from a 2nd/3rd storey. Resource consent has been granted to construct a mixed use 3 level (plus basement carpark) retail and apartment building. Some plans available. Viewings by appointment. Call Kyle for a comprehensive brochure
www.century21.co.nz ID# W742
Lovingly cared for classic bach featuring good sized living space, great decks, 2 bedrooms plus a retro caravan for guests and a double garage. Large fenced, flat and private section in a quiet area close to the beach. Chrissy Cox B 07 825 7170 Email:chrissyc21@clear.net.nz M 027 287 1804
Cute 2 bedroom Cape Cod style home with loft on 808m2 Approx. established trees, privacy and nice sunny deck. Single garage/workshop. Situated midway between the surf and the beach. Kyle Leuthart B 07 825 7170 M 021 903 309
www.century21.co.nz ID# POK736
www.century21.co.nz ID# U841 www.century21.co.nz ID# W804
Modern, low maintenance 3 bedroom home with internal access double garage. Fully fenced with great decks and close to town, park and beach. Redecorate to your own taste and add value here. Email:chrissyc21@clear.net.nz
Chrissy Cox B 07 825 7170 M 027 287 1804
www.century21.co.nz ID#
www.century21.co.nz ID# CR748
www.century21.co.nz ID# ROB733
www.century21.co.nz ID# TG754
George Boyes & Company Limited
$339,000 OCEAN VIEWS, POOL AND INCOME $499,000 LUSH PRIVATE SANCTUARY $545,000 Enter through the gates of this character lifestyle property with established trees and park-like gardens to a spacious 1990’s 3 bedroom plus Kyle Leuthart rumpus single level home with lovely contemporary feeling which B 07 825 7170 exudes rustic charm. Flat and M 021 903 309 attractive 1.3Ha (3.2 acres)
Pete Barry B 07 825 7170 M 021 363 465
HIDDEN CHARM $385,000 This 4 bedroom home is tucked away in a quiet area close to the estuary and bush walkways. It has a unique ambience with polished floors and beautiful wooden joinery. A large front Chrissy Cox deck extends the living area and B 07 825 7170 gives rural and estuary views. M 027 287 1804 Email:chrissyc21@clear.net.nz
Email: pete@shoreline.net.nz www.century21.co.nz ID# G895
CLASSIC COTTAGE CLOSE TO TOWN $299,000 Cool cottage with classic lines on 872m2. 2 double bedrooms plus office, separate kitchen and lounge, carport, flat lawn and fruit trees Kyle Leuthart Kyle Leuthart with covered entertainment area. B 07 825 7170 825 7170 Polished Matai floors complete the B 07 M 021 903 309 package. Priced well below CV. M 021 903 309
A prestigious location with big views, walk to the beach. North facing, 2 storied, 5 bedroom, 3 toilets, 2 bathroom, ensuite and walk in robe. Large modern kitchen, spacious open plan lounge/dining area, timber sarking, raking ceilings and heat pump. rumpus room, huge basement garaging, large decks. Excellent!!
3 bedrooms, fully furnished, just move in!! Large deck, boasting indoor/outdoor living, private, walk to town, harbour views, well maintained, north facing and close to the sports grounds with all the action!! Email: pete@shoreline.net.nz Pete Barry B 07 825 7170 M 021 363 465 www.century21.co.nz ID#CR729
ABOVE THE REST WALLIS STREET LOCATION $349,000 SUNNY, CENTRAL AND PRIVATE $359,000 Located at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac this little beaut awaits. Elevated 2 bedroom open plan home with huge north facing decking for outdoor living and even a hint of a harbour view. Single garage/workshop and fully fenced section. Kyle Leuthart A great, tidy starter or bach in a sought after area. B 07 825 7170 M 021 903 309 www.century21.co.nz ID# UC741
Lic ensed Real Estate Agent ( REA A 2008) REI NZ
If ocean views, a swimming pool, a self contained flat, ample living space with lounge, sunroom, rumpus and 3+ bedrooms with double garaging are in your buying spec phone Pete Barry Pete Barry B 07 825 7170 today for an appointment to view.
Email: pete@shoreline.net.nz
www.century21.co.nz ID# GOV737
M 021 363 465
RAGLAN Chronicle 7
Whaingaroa a century ago - 1912 Continuing our occasional history forward to was the steamer from Onehunga. series, we look this week at Whaingaroa Anxious eyes watched as it made its way over the treacherous bar at the heads. Many a century ago 1912
ships and lives have been lost on the bar over This 1912 photo (right) shows a well the years.” loaded Ngaruawahia to Waingaro Landing >+,,(F&$)(*$()*('&6!/+<&(H#%,#$(#6(D&/E( mail coach at the Landing, where passengers 64#,,( #$'=( I+,,-4+$#)&'( <E( 3&/*6&$&( ,#4:6( !"#$%&'()*(#$(*+,(,#-$!"(.*/()"&(0$#,(1234( on lamp posts. Each evening the lamp to Raglan. lighter did his rounds, cleverly balancing 5$( "+6( 78..( )"&( 9"&&:;6( <#!3;( <**3=( >+,,( his ladder on his shoulder and rarely having Richards, who had arrived in the area just to touch it with his hand. He also had to #.)&/( )"&( 1?1@( A#+"+( %*,'4+$&/6;( 6)/+3&=( light the two beacons, used to guide the described the alternatives, “There was always ships over the bar.” Along Cliff St, “was excitement when the coach arrived from J#,D#$;6( >,#!364+)"( 9"*:C( A&( -6&'( )*( B#4+,)*$C(5()"+$3()"&('/+D&/(4-6)("#D&(<&&$( enjoy seeing the horses being shod, and a showman as he always heralded his arrival F#)!"+$%()"&(6:#/36(!*4+$%(./*4()"&(.*/%&( <E(!/#!3+$%("+6(F"+:(#$'('/+D+$%("+6("*/6&6(#)( as he made horse shoes. His yard was always a gallop through the town. After the mail and full of horses of every description and passengers were unloaded, the horses would !*,*-/K( :*$+&6=( "#!36=( "#/$&66( "*/6&6( #$'( be stabled and the coach made ready for the draughts, plus gigs, buggies, drays, ploughs, return trip to Hamilton the next morning. swingletrees and other farm implements that That was a journey of 12 hours, depending $&&'&'( /&:#+/+$%C( C( C( *$( )"&( L&( G3#-( 6+'&( on the time of year and the condition of the *.( )"&( "#/<*-/( )"&E( F*-,'( ,+%")( #( 0/&( #$'( /*#'C(G$*)"&/(&D&$)()"#)(F#6(&#%&/,E(,**3&'( throw on green brushwood that would send -:( D*,-4&6( *.( 64*3&C( L"+6( F#6( )"&( recognised signal for a boat to be sent *D&/C( J#,D#$=( )"&( <,#!364+)"=( F#6( #,6*( the ferryman.” The importance of boats was recognised with the Raglan Regatta, which had been run at New Year since #)( ,&#6)( 1M?2( #$'( !*$)+$-&'( <E( )"&( Carnival Club formed in August, 1912.
1912 was also the start of a fortnightly $+%")( 6*+,( 6&/D+!&C( >*<( N&/$*$( +$( "+6( history of Raglan says, “Complaints were frequent, as also were refunds to ratepayers who complained that their privies had been emptied only a few times in the last 6 months. L"+6(#,6*(F#6(#(O*<($*<*'E(3&:)(.*/(,*$%C(8$&( !*$)/#!)*/( '+'( 4#3&( 4*$&E( *$( )"&( 6+'&( <E( growing and selling marvellous vegetables. This service was discontinued after a few E&#/6(#$'(.*,3("#'()*('+%()"&+/(*F$("*,&6(-$)+,( )"&(P*-$)E(P*-$!+,()**3(*D&/(+$()"&(,#)&(QR6C( A new service was organised with a motor )/-!3(+$6)&#'(*.(#("*/6&(#$'(!#/)CS
1M?Q( <-+,'+$%( T<&,*FU( 6*,'( )*( )"&( L*F$( >*#/'( .*/( VWQXC( L"+6( <-/$)( '*F$( +$( 1?@Y( and was replaced by the present Town Hall +$(1?Q1C(
A 1912 meeting of the Chamber of P*44&/!&( +$( )"&( L*F$( B#,,=( #63&'( .*/( #( survey of the routes from Huntly to Raglan, #$'(#,6*(./*4(Z/#$3)*$=(.*/(#(/#+,F#EC(5$(1?1R( #(%*D&/$4&$)(/&:*/)("#'(6-%%&6)&'(#(@2(4+,&( /#+,F#E( ./*4( [%#/-#F#"+#( .*/( V@2R=RRRC( Raglan Light Railway League campaigned -$)+,=(#<*-)(1?@R=()"&(%*D&/$4&$)(:/*4+6&'( /*#'( +4:/*D&4&$)6( F+)"+$( 2( E&#/6C( 5)( )**3( *D&/( QR( E&#/6( )*( +4:,&4&$)( )"&4C( 9*4&( 1912 saw the Raglan Town Hall Co’s things don’t change! John Lawson [photo from Price Collection, Alexander Turnbull Library]
enjoy music with your
Your local mainly music
!!!!"#$%!&$'()!"#*)+!,)#-)$.! !!!!"#$%!&$'()!"#*)+!,)#-)$.! Dear Editor
When: Mondays & Wednesdays 9.30am Where : Te Uku Church Hall When : $3.00 per family Contact : Surfside Christian Life Centre
Phone 825 5199
Raglan Kindergarten We Welcome all enquiries and enrolments We welcome all enquiries and enrolments for children 2 for Children 21/2 and over. 1/2 and over. We offer morning (8.30-12.30), afternoon We offer Morning or Afternoon sessions, (1-3) and ‘Kindergarten day’ sessions (8.30-3.00). We have !"##$%&"'#()*+%,-'!!%'.+%'%,'!*/% !"##$%&"'#()*+%,-'!!%'.+%'%,'!*/%!"./%#*'0.(.1%*.2(03.4*.-5 fun, learning environment. !"#$%&"'()&'*&+',-&./#012"&345&*-))&/',-"2&67& 8#$1)-%6-7)$&.',01&()6$&$'&*))"&*'-&+',99
CALL IN ANYTIME AT: 9 STEWART STREET, RAGLAN or Phone&,"&'$&:4;&:<=>&&Email&-6%06$?@#$1)-%6-7)$A'-%A$B
8 RAGLAN Chronicle
LB\]>9( ^8A[( )*( )"&( 7,*F( ,+.&;( F"*( </*3&( +$)*( 4E( '#-%")&/;6( ,*!3&'( D&"+!,&( :#/3&'( <E( )"&( 6-/.( !,-<( #)( [%#/-$-+( >&#!"( L-&6'#E( &D&$+$%( _#$( Q16)C( They stole her cellphone and hard earned cash out of her wallet. She was down at the beach at the )+4&( )/#+$+$%( "#/'( )*( 3&&:( people on the beach safe in the water (maybe the same people that stole from her would expect her to save them while swimming *-)6+'&( )"&( `#%6aaU( P8]b( ON. Please return to her via the Raglan Chronicle *.0!&C c( N&/E( #$$*E&'( .#4+,E( members of the Trust A#+3#)*( H#%,#$( 9-/.( Lifesaving Club. Megan Clenance, Mike Reilly, Jess Reilly, Raglan
Opinion: Occupation Protests by Ian McKissack Occupying public spaces around the world has been going on for sometime. The aim is to draw attention to the vast inequalities of wealth and in particular ‘corporate greed’. This refers to vast salaries and other payments made to those at the top of corporations in comparison to basic living wages earned by the workers. We +00% -)7+()% &)/&"#"&)6% #5% #$"&% -,% #$)% ./+/7"+0% 7*"&"&% caused in American banking. In that case the greed actually caused collapse of the system.
excesses in wealth accumulation does not mean that this is a fair society. It has developed much larger 6"88)*)/7)&% "/% +8:')/7)% 54)*% #$)% 1+&#% #$"*#,% ,)+*&% than had been the case previously. Some international research in recent years has found evidence that the greater the inequality of wealth in a society the more social unrest or problems. As we struggle with issues like child poverty and violence there seems to be little focus on reducing inequalities as part of the solution. As to why a higher level of social problems is associated with greater social inequality, my personal opinion would be that it feels unfair for those who have not done well, whatever the actual reasons for this situation.
Small fortunes were being made by bankers who were essentially doing a high level form of gambling. Then, when the bankers were bailed out, they returned to very similar systems leaving many people lower down the pecking order still in trouble, There has been a tendency to put down and with foreclosed mortgages and so on. criticise the occupation movements, perhaps because We haven’t had such an extreme crisis down they also attract some people who are more interested here in New Zealand and that is probably why the in causing trouble than the core philosophy. But it occupations of public spaces have received relatively would be a mistake to lose sight of the validity of little attention, until local and city councils started drawing attention to the negative effects of wealth evictions. The fact that we haven’t had such blatant inequality.
Summer deals at Dinsdale Hammer Hardware Dinsdale Hammer Hardware is a store with a difference its owned by a Hamilton family and is the only Hammer Hardware in the city. Warryn, Debbie and Vanessa have run the family business now for 9 years. We pride ourselves on giving the best advice and service to our customers. We are running specials on butane 4 packs ideal for camping and now the lawns are growing every week we have a good supply of Masport motormowers on display – you will like the prices. !"#$%&'(()*%(+,-)%./+00,%$)*)%#$)%#)(1)*+#'*)%"&%*"&"/23%!)%$+4)%+%2556%&)0)7#"5/%58%8+/&%"/%&#5*)%+/6% pools, pool chemicals, air pumps and waterslides to help cope with those muggy days. Maybe you want a beach bivovac or sun umbrella to keep the young ones safe from the sun’s rays this summer. With the summer season comes the longer evenings with barbeques and outdoor living and we have all of those essentials for those summer days ahead. During the weekdays we stay open until 5.30pm and maybe this is useful for Raglanders who commute daily for that last minute item. Seed potatoes are not available anywhere from what we understand. Gardening has been on going with many well and truly into their second round of planting. Our vege seedlings are top quality and our customers #)00%'&%$59%2556%#$)%.*&#% lot were. Don’t forget the greens broccoli, cauli, cabbage and of course the herb plants. We have a large and varied range of seed raising mix, composts and potting mixes up to 40 litre bags. Also the smaller bags of Black Magic seed raising mix. Don’t forget your Rootblast! Dinsdale Hammer Hardware accept Grey Power, Gold card and AA Smartfuel loyalty cards. All credit cards are accepted including Farmers Trading Company, Q Card and Farmacard.
Animal Health Column For Raglan People + their Pets
Female kitten requirements assessed Q: We have recently acquired a female kitten which is approximately 8 weeks old. What should we do to ensure that she stays healthy?
FEED HER!" #" $%&'()*" +," -)." /0-" 1*'" ,++-" 23*4%54/66." designed for kittens as it contains the necessary ingredients 17%47"3)+$+'*"7*/6'7"8"9%'/6%'.!":/'"$%6;"%2"50*<"7+1*9*)"/9+%-" 4+1=2" $%6;" /2" $+2'" 4/'2" /)*" 6/4'+2*" %0'+6*)/0'!" >*$*$?*)" /0." 47/0@*"%0"-%*'"A(06*22"%0')+-(4*-"26+16.B"$/.")*2(6'"%0".+()";%''*0" getting diarrhea. WORM HER!"#66"4/'2"/0-";%''*02"7/9*"@/2')+%0'*2'%0/6"1+)$2" 2(47"/2")+(0-1+)$2<"7++;1+)$2"/0-"'/3*1+)$2"(06*22"')*/'*-" )*@(6/)6.!"C%''*02"27+(6-"?*"1+)$*-"/'"D"1**;"%0'*)9/62<"(0'%6"'7*." /)*"EF"1**;2"+6-<"'7*0"*9*)."GHI$+0'72",+)"'7*"-()/'%+0"+,"'7*%)" 6%9*2! VACCINATE HER!" #@/%02'" 2(47" 0/2'%*2" /2" ,*6%0*" 3/)9+9%)(2<" 4/'"J("8"7*)3*2"9%)(2!"K7*"1%66"0**-"E"%0%'%/6"9/44%0/'%+0<"/0-"/" ?++2'*)"9/44%0/'%+0"E"$+0'7"6/'*)!"L7*0"%'"?*4+$*2"/0"/00(/6" 9/44%0/'%+0",+)"'7*"-()/'%+0"+,"7*)"6%,*!" FLEA TREAT HER!"M6*/2"/)*"?6++-"2(4;%0@"3/)/2%'*2<"'7*"?6++-" 6+22"*&3*)%*04*-"%0"(0')*/'*-";%''*02"4/0"N(%'*"*/2%6.";%66"'7*$!" M6*/" ?%'*2" +0" O($/02" 4/0" +,'*0" ?*4+$*" %0,*4'*-" /0-" 9*)." 3/%0,(6! DESEX HER!""C%''*02"/)*"4/3/?6*"+,")*3)+-(4%0@"/2"*/)6."/2" EP1**;2" +," /@*!" " Q+" '7*" )*23+02%?6*" '7%0@" /0-" 7/9*" .+()" 4/'" 23*.*-"/2"2++0"/2"3+22%?6*<"1*"/)*"/?6*"'+"3*),+)$"'7%2")*6/'%9*6." 2%$36*"+3*)/'%+0<"+04*"'7*";%''*0"1*%@72"+9*)"E;@! SPEND time with her!"R)+9%-*"7*)"1%'7"36*0'."+,"%0'*)/4'%9*"'+.2" 17%47"1%66";**3"7*)"2'%$(6/'*-<"'7*2*"0**-"0+'"?*"*&3*02%9*"%0" ,/4'"7+$*"$/-*"'+.2"/)*"(2(/66.S'7*"'+.2"+,"47+%4*T!
WE NEED YOUR HELP! IF YOU HAVE BORROWED ONE OF OUR CAT Don’t Feed Your Pet Junk Food! Not all foods are created equal so make sure your pet gets the best diet possible! CAGES OR CAT TRAPS PLEASE RETURN IT TO US As vets we cannot emphasise enough the importance of good nutrition for your pet, to ensure good health. Diets need to be tailored to the specific needs of your AS SOON AS POSSIBLE pet to ensure they lead a healthy life. ThereU,"1*"-+"0+'")*4*%9*"/"3+2%'%9*")*23+02*"1*" are many reasons why you should consider feeding your pet with pet food purchased from your vet.
$/."7/9*"'+"-%24+0'%0(*"6+/0%0@"4/@*2"+('"'+" Advice: Your pet’s dietary needs may change as they grow and age. Your vet/ vet nurse can offer advice on the best nutrition for all life stages of your pet. 46%*0'2"V"2+"-+0='"23+%6"%'",+)"*9*).+0*"V"-+"'7*"
Range: Vet-Only pet food offers a wide range of special diets, such as oral care, weight loss and hairball control. )%@7'"'7%0@"/0-")*'()0"'7*$!"W9*0"%,".+("6*/9*" Tailor-made: Large-breed dogs have different nutritional needs than smaller '7*$"/'"'7*"?/4;"-++)"/,'*)"7+()2XX! dogs and therefore need different diet formulations. Breed specific foods are formulated to help control or prevent some of the typical health problems of each breed. Your vet also has access to prescription diets designed for specific health conditions. Much less mess to clean up: Quality food is highly digestible – therefore less mess and smell when your pet goes to the toilet.
Weight management: Obesity is the most common form of malnutrition in the pets of today. Feeding pets an appropriate quantity of food is very important. High quality food tends to make the animal feel full and satisfied with a smaller quantity. Dental health: Dental problems are the second most common health problem that we see in our patients. Vet-Only pet foods have special features to help keep your pet’s mouth healthy.
Taste: Your pets will love it! Vet-Only diets have a high acceptance rate among pets. But for extra reassurance all our foods are 100% guaranteed. If your pet doesn’t like it we will refund the purchase price.
The link between good nutrition and health is well proven in humans and animals, so you want to feed the best food you can to your pets. We believe feeding a top quality veterinary diet will result in a longer and better quality life for your pet. If you are in doubt about the quality of the diet your pet is receiving, come and see us. We can advise on the best diet for your pet’s health.
Contact CAROL @ the Clinic for details or ph: 8255388
Anexa, 40 Bow Street, Raglan P: 07 825 8390
RAGLAN Chronicle 9
Authorised Service Centre
NÂ EXCAVATIO A L G N RA Ph 825 6828 or 021 957 745
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Registered Electrician Domestic. Commercial Rural From small repairs to full installations
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ph 021 0824 4012
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for free quotes & quality workmanship
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PROPERTY MAINTENANCE & IMPROVEMENTS ! Concreting/ Pathways etc ! Garden Fences ! Landscaping ! Garden Tidy Ups ! GatesÂ
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RAGLAN APPLIANCE SERVICING For advertising inquiries: Contact the Raglan Chronicle on 07 825 7076 or email us at: info@raglanchronicle.co.nz
Authorised Service Centre
Reliable quality service Locally owned and operated PHONE ROSS 021 782 280 07 825 8678
this space could be yours STENDY ELECTRICAL 021 40 44 50 - 07 825 0214 fax: 07 825 0215 PO Box 79 Raglan email: stendynz@actrix.co.nz
10 RAGLAN Chronicle
THURS 8.00AM TE UKU BEGINNERS YOGA CLASS @ THE TE UKU HALL - opposite the Te Uku 4-Square. All welcome.
MONDAYS @ THE RAGLAN CLUB. 500 cards, 1pm. TUESDAYS @ Raglan Club -- Texas Hold’em 6.30pm.
THURS @ Raglan Community House 10 - 1pm CV Writing Assistance. FREE. All welcome. Appts required. Ph 825 8142.
THURS 9th Feb @ YOT Club, SUPERMODEL with 1566789:' *(:1,' Psychedelic Rockers from Wellington, 9pm, $10.
SAT 11th Feb @ YOT Club, DJ SMV, Funky Soul and HipHop, 9pm, $5.
SUNDAY SESSIONS 12 Feb @ YOT Club yard @A."'*B'B%?A$C8' FRI 10th Feb @ YOT & special guest JClub, DOMESTIC STAR. Free entry CUPILL, HipHop, from 4pm, drink *&;1./<,' *$=,' ><?,' special til 6pm. $5.
For Sale
For Sale
Loving Lychee Flower Hand-cream & Sorbet Lip balm this Summer! I'JKLJ'*A%)A/M'NKO'3HH'
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07 825 5812
NOW OPEN MONDAY FRIDAY 9am 4pm 3205 SH23, Te Uku www.mirofeeds.co.nz sales@mirofeeds.co.nz
Flowers Lilypot Florist !""#$%&'"()*%$& !""+%,-"()*%$& !"".)//%-"012,/& 021 448 104 2 Wallis Street
LARGE SUITCASE - $50, 3-seater couch (folds out to bed) $100. Ph 8258482. NICE MEDIUM NATIVE veneer wall unit, new condition. 27-inch TV & unit – unmarked. 2 x nice lounge chairs. Just offers. Ph 078461466.
ZUMBA! @ Te Uku hall Monday 9.30am, Wednesday 6.30pm - ring/txt Sarah T for more info 8255844 or 0272106784 YOGA AT THE SCOUT HALL with 2/).AD/0'8+/$E%)'F3E%' ./%2"/)G' F3E%' H3)' body, mind and soul. Wednesday 6pm and Thursday 9am. Contact corry.yoga@ gmail.com THURS 8am TE UKU BEGINNERS YOGA CLASS @ the Te Uku Hall opposite the Te Uku 4-Square. All welcome.
Cars For Sale
N L P PRACTITIONER TRAINING: Gain an internationally r e c o g n i s e d S&%-AD2%.A3$' %M' %$' NLP Practitioner right here in Raglan! Training starts Monday 5 March. Get the early bird rate until 12 February. See www. metamorphosis. co.nz for more details or phone Steph on 825-6743. MEDIC FIRST AID CLASSES. !3)T<-%2/' D)M.' %A0G' Ph 027 231 8805.
To Let
NISSAN LUCINO, COMMERCIAL/RETAIL v. tidy condition, 4 SHOP PREMISES new tyres, wof & reg, replacement motor 18 In Raglans CBD. mnths ago – hardly TWO available used since then. Ph 021 363465 or $2500 o.n.o., ph 021 admin@shoreline.net. 186 7176. Garage Sale WHALE BAY 2bdrm house. Sunny bush 10 STEWART ST setting, large deck, Sat 11 & Sun 12 Feb, private beach/Indies 10am - 2pm. access. Available 28 15 TUTCHEN AVE, Feb no smokers/pets. not before 9am-2pm. $280 pw 021620262. Sunday 12 Feb. Wanted to Rent 22 POINT ST from 8am no earlier on 2+ BEDROOMS, Saturday 11 Feb. water views, modern / tidy. Prof couple For Hire working in ham. Ex FLOORSANDING tenants, great ref’s. EQUIPMENT for PH James 021 421 hire. Ph Raglan 455 or 825 0147. Flooring 825 8777. UNFURNISHED to rent BOUNCY CASTLE, HOUSE beginning early Great entertainment for the kids, call Vicki March 2012 on long term contract. Pet 8257575. friendly desired. Tel Lost 062783575. BLACK CAT has Wanted white triangle on tummy. Much loved, if found please ring 825 NEW HAY wanted, 6-8 bales ph 0168. 8257529. To Let WOODEN PUSH OUT WINDOW LOFT APARTMENT 660W x 990H mm water and bush views, or can be 660W private situation fully x 1130H mm, furnished, all services ph 8256799 or included in rent. $220 0276100667. per week Available now. 8258904 or Situations Vacant 0226042251. 3 BEDROOM house, sunny decks, private, long-term, references, ph 0275407422. S/C STUDIO FLAT SITUATIONS VACANT 5 mins walk to Following growing town $160 p/w inc demand we’d like to extend our broadband.Contact service to provide 0212091800Available dinner foods & 2 from 14 Feb. full time cooks are needed. The job 1 BED + SLEEPOUT includes, baking c/port-no gge.No and cooking dogs. Refs reqd.$190/ Cambodian wk + bond.Ring Jock foods. Please 825.7266 contact by phone or by person to TENANTS WANTED Blacksand Café. FOR 3 BEDROOM Ph 0210443608 home please call or 07 8258588. 8256587.
Public Notices
Public Notices
Public Notices
RAGLAN GOLF CLUB firewood Going away? fundraiser.1 cu.m. dry split pine Read the Raglan Chronicle delivered, $70 up online at... to 10 km. Ph: Alex 825 0997, or Garry 825 6875. RAGLAN JR SOCCER CLUB AGM on Thursday And don’t forget to like the 16th Feb, 7pm Raglan Net Facebook page to stay updated on more news and at the Harbour competitions! View Hotel. New committee members needed for season to run for 2012. All welcome. WHAINGAROA KOHANGA REO Dead or Alive AGM will be held at Whaingaroa FREE removal TKR at 94 Riria Same day service Kereopa Memorial *)AP/G' Q<?R3$0%+' Hiace Hilux Landcruiser Corolla Townace 20 February 2012. Liteace Trucks 4WD’s Big Trucks Nau Mai, Haere Mai. R A G L A N HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. The first meeting for 2012 will be held weather permitting on 21st February at the Wainui Bush Park Raglan.We suggest Interested in becoming an Educarer that you car pool at for Bizzy Buddyz? the Union Church Do you want to work from home? Are you a parent Hall at 12.45 pm. wanting more social interaction for your preschooler? In the case of rain Do enjoy working with and along side children? Why altering our plans not become an educarer with Bizzy Buddyz Home Based Childcare. the meeting will take place in the We offer a competitive payment rate with an extensive medical insurance and on hall as usual at toy library, training provisions, going support. 1pm.We would like Please enquire now! our members to 0800 084 314 or (07) 960 9040 bring a small plate of food for afternoon tea,a flask of hot water and your own chair. A trip to the TeKuiti region is being SPECIALIST IN planned for March. PLUMBING, ROOFING Morris hopes to have the details AND DRAINLAYING. ready for this meeting. We are looking HARLEY FIELD forward to seeing all Greenslade Rd, Raglan our friends again. New members are PH: 021 127 5486 most welcome EMAIL: DRIPFREE@XTRA.CO.NZ ThereOPEN will not be any XMAS competitions & if we go to the park.
WED 8 FEB RAGLAN RAMBLERS Aotea Harbour – a chance to see some of the amazing rock formations along the MAINLY MUSIC. beach and walk in Monday & Wednesday regenerating bush for 9.30am@ Te Uku about 7km on the south side of the harbour. Church. Bring lunch. FRI 10 Feb @ Poihakena Marae, WED 15 FEB @ !"#$%&' ()%' *%+,' %--' BLACKSAND CAFÉ. Knitting Circle from day. 9.30am. All welcome! SUN 12 FEB Raglan @ Creative Market @ WEDNESDAYS ."/' (-0' 12"33-' 4/$.)/,' Raglan Club, Fun Quiz 6:45pm. 9am-2pm.
Courses, classes & workshops
From $250 - $10,000
0800 700 180
Tiger or Ray 0800 668 833 027 433 3338 or 07 823 6500
RAGLAN Chronicle 11
Raglan Real Estate Ltd Licenced (REAA 2008)
AUCTION Fri 9th March 2012 !"#$%"&'(")*+,-"./01-2"34"567"8,2"&'9:'; ALL THE HARD WORKS BEEN DONE
Drive through the banana palms move in and reap the rewards. This 3 double bedroom home has it all – privacy, large north facing decking, walking distance to town and beach. A great safe family home/holiday home/ investment home. Prior Auction offers considered.
5 bedroom home with large 100m² shed with 3 phase power. (Ideal workshop or homebased business) Located 5 minutes to Raglan. Private living – offering the best of both worlds, country living and so close to town centre. Prior Auction offers considered. OPEN HOME
OPEN HOME Saturday 1pm 3 Cross Street
4'#-.&5"6*)$7&8"-&9%6-*')&,*-.&$#%"-&01*!/*)$& platform, (Approx 3950m²). Views of Mt Karioi and a peek of the inner harbour. :')+%)*%)-!;&!'6"-%/&-'&!'6"!&0%"6.7&$#%"-&29.*)$& <&91#2)$3& Subject to title, full consents in place, services on the boundary Covenants may apply Prior Auction offers OPEN HOME considered.
This lifestyle block is 5085m² and enjoys panoramic views. Great building platform. Prior Auction offers considered. Make an appointment to view.
153 Hills Road
This contemporary twostorey house has 4 0#=97&")&'526%7&-,'&0"-.#''=9&>*)6!1/*)$& spa bath), separate laundry, dining room & lounge plus double access garage & additional parking bays. Enjoy the complete privacy of the 1.5 acres of native bush, mature, park like gardens & lawns. 15 mins from Raglan, 25 mins from Hamilton. OPEN HOME
A slice of Raglan’s best real estate nestled into native bush surrounds near Whale Bay. Master bdrm has its own private decking & huge views. 2nd room/ storage/ laundry/ studio. Open plan living with cosy wood burner + wet back & sun drenched decking enjoying gorgeous ocean & bush views. Hide away, holiday ambiance. Situated on 1258m². Prior Auction offers OPEN HOME considered. Saturday 11am 150 Whaanga Rd
If it’s quality of lifestyle and a special environment for the children you are seeking, this is the one. This near new family home offers, 4 double bdrms, 2 bthrms, large open plan living, dble garage on 8619m² land. Located only a couple of kms away, is the well established little country school, Waitetuna Primary, and roughly 25 minutes to Hamilton. OPEN HOME
stunning bar views from its spacious upstairs living area. Master has walkinrobe & ensuite, and there’s a second bthrm downstairs for the kids’ rooms. Single garage with internal access and a 2nd garage has been converted to a huge rumpus room for kids to play or family to stay. Situated on approx 1135m2 section approx. 10 mins walk to town & OPEN HOME school. Sunday 12pm 31 Norrie Avenue
The owner of this lovely family home has enjoyed over 20yrs here. By day watch the activity of the bar, kite boarders, and boats in the inner harbour. By night see the wonderful sunsets from your living room & the twinkling lights of town. 3 dble bdrms, !"#$%&'(%)&(!")&!*+*)$&,*-.&,''/&01#)*)$&2#%3 Single garage, room for the boat and the trampoline. For all discerning buyers, this is a must to view! Prior Auction offers considered. OPEN HOME
18 Sat Nor 10 M rive ar Ave ch nue 6pm
2 bedrooms plus single garage Quiet, idyllic, culdesac location Just a few minutes walk to town Call the team to view this delightful home anytime.
Sunday 1pm 18 Norrie Avenue
Prior Auction offers considered
This newly refurbished Raglan kiwi beach bach is situated in a premium location, directly across the #'"/&5#'=&-.*9&="$)*26%)-&0%"6.3&>?(#@&ABB=C3 3 bdrms & 1 bthrm & dble garage. Large 1194m2 site, with separate Caboose sleepout, with separate toilet & shower. North facing decks with ample space for tents, caravans & vehicles. Escape the hassles of city life, kick back, breathe the fresh air & forget about time and watch the OPEN HOME boats go by! Saturday & Sunday 11am
5 Government Rd
6 Violet Street
19 Manukau Rd
297 Te Papatapu Rd
FINAL OPEN HOME Saturday 11am 7 Tidd Drive
Open Homes Saturday 11am 7 Tidd Drive Saturday 11am 143 Riria Kereopa Mem Dr Saturday 11am 150 Whaanga Rd Saturday 12pm 13b Bushview Dr Saturday 12pm 56c Bushview Dr Saturday 1pm 3 Cross Street Saturday 2pm 151 Hills Road
Sunday 11am 143 Riria Kereopa Mem Drive Sunday 11am 21b Long Street Sunday 11am 381 Wainui Road Sunday 12pm 18 Norrie Avenue Sunday 1pm 31 Norrie Avenue Sunday 2pm 8 Uenuku Road Sunday 2pm 69d Otonga Valley Rd
21 Bow St, Raglan Phone: 07 825 8669 Fax: 07 825 7410 Website: www.rwraglan.co.nz Email: raglan.nz@raywhite.com
12 RAGLAN Chronicle
5 ry
a bru e F 1 rive t 1 Sa idd D T 7
Ne O TI Sit
143 Riria Kereopa Mem Dr
Saturday 12pm 13b Bush View Drive
Saturday 12pm 56c Bush View Drive
FABULOUS FAMILY LIVING CLOSE TO TOWN This 3 bdrm family home enjoys
Sunday 11am 381 Wainui Road
Saturdays 2pm 151 Hills Road