Raglan Chronicle

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RaglanCHRONICLE Whaingaroa news for you weekly

16th February 2012 ­ Issue #281

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RAGLAN Chronicle 1

dining guide

Cover: L to R: Marten Ten Broek, Mike Lee and Emily Johnson performing on the main stage at the ‘Boardies and Bikinis’ music festival, Ruapuke Camp Ground. image thanks to Tractor FM Should you wish to aquire any images from this week’s Chronicle ‐ please contact us on 825 7076 or email your request to info@raglanchronicle.co.nz


Aloha Market Place - Sushi Takeaway. 5 Bow Street..................................................... 825 7440

Dear Editor I think I now have a clearer understanding of Galileo’s Burgershack. Takeaway. 35a Bow Street.................................................................... 825 8439 problem with the inquisition; they interpreted the word of !"#$%&$&%'()*$+,-$-%.+,$/%&$0%+$%)#$)"$%1"2)+$"3$-4(#-)5-$ was good enough to show it wasn’t. We seem to have the same problem with members of the Waikato District Council, who !"#$%&'()'*'+$,%&)%-"./'%0"1'23,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,456%4789 believe Raglan is rich and we should pay for it through our rates. When Rodger Gallagher, and I went to Ngaruawahia recently to express our opposition to rate increases averaging :';<23%='>)%?%@;2<<,%023)%23,%A3%BC)%DC';>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%456%EE9E around 15%, which Raglan is about to face, we were met /(+,$#(&6-7(-38$#-&9(+-$2&()*$"3:5(%7$&+%+(&+(5&; <-)&2&$ :*2.-&$ &,"/$ =%*7%)$ +"$ 6-$ +,-$ &-5")#$ 9"".-&+$ town in the Waikato District (after Huntly West). I can only F'1'$B)%-2BGC)3,%H'B%23%";%B'()'*'+,%I9%J"*%KB;))B,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,456%EIEE think of two reasons for that. Either Raglan people tell more lies about their income than anyone else in Waikato District, ".$ +,-$ :*2.-&$ %.-$ +.2-;$ >$ 6-7(-4-$ /-$ ,%4-$ 1".-$ 9-"97-$ "3$ principle in Raglan than average and I know the appalling Nannies Takeaways. 35 Bow Street............................................................................. 825 8842 deprivation revealed when the Affordable Housing Trust did a survey, as well as the valuable work of the Food Bank. It therefore disappointed me that our councillor, Clint Baddeley, L'M<'3%D)$B%KB";),%&'()'*'+$,N6%D'23/2%LO,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,456%45PI didn’t offer support to either of us. Clint’s response to my evidence was to say he was offended that I drew attention to +,-$5-)&2&$:*2.-&$%)#$,-$#(#)?+$%55-9+$+,%+$=%*7%)$/%&$9"".; That was in distinct contrast to the support the Franklin &C)%KC'G(,%023)%23%";%&'()'*'+,%9P%J"*%KB;))B,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,456%EE57 councillor gave her voters. She asserted the Chief Executive was wrong in his explanation that rural properties in Franklin had had their rates subsidised by Pukekohe (now lost to &C)%L'M<'3%=</Q,%023)%23%";%&'()'*'+,%55R5N%J"*%KB;))B,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%456%4544 Auckland). I think he is right and that the Franklin towns subsidised their rural areas, just as Waikato is doing. The mayor and other councillors assured me that wasn’t so, despite graphs in their own report and a very clear, simple S';'M"T'%,%L)$B'/;'3B,%='>),%023)%23%?%&'()'*'+,%5I%J"*%KB,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,456%E5E5 graph Rodger showed them. It would appear our councillor has lost touch with the realities of Raglan. It seems he won’t listen to Rodger or me. The damage is probably done for this round and we are going to have to face that rates rise. However, it would be good to WeatherMap - New Zealand weather forecastshave the support of our councillor http://www.weathermap.co.nz/?p=raglan in future. Could you all have a word with him please? Regards John Lawson, Raglan Weather Map

Raglan Weather & Tides

Check www.weathermap.co.nz for latest forecasts Forecasts Forecast generated on Wednesday 15 February Max Summary Wind Waves* Tides* Sun/Moon temp (C) (km/hr) (m) (High/Low) (Rise/Set)

UH+6&J-:&0(:&E+>&Y0+8-:0TH&.(&90;<0( D(:&0(:&3+>&Y0+8-:0TH&&.(&Q%&)0+0 ,8-+>%-&.("*-10+.*(?&90;<0(&CDE&CUJE =0-.H>&=-.%H+&,-&N(H%<1&N>%-(%?&,-0(V+*(&C3A&EF&CC


Showers with possible thunder storms


E 10 am SW 20 pm



12:00 06:20 12:40 06:50

am am R 06:54 am pm S 08:14 pm pm


Mainly fine with possible showers


SE 0 am SW 25 pm



01:10 07:30 01:50 08:00

am am R 06:55 am pm S 08:12 pm pm


Sunny and clear skies


S 10 am SW 20 pm



02:10 08:30 02:50 09:00

am am R 06:57 am pm S 08:11 pm pm


Sunny with some cloud


NE 15 am W 15 pm



03:10 09:30 03:40 09:50

am am R 06:58 am pm S 08:10 pm pm


Mainly fine with possible showers


NE 15 am NW 20 pm



04:00 10:10 04:30 10:30

am am R 06:59 am pm S 08:09 pm pm


Showers with clear spells


N 20 N 20

am pm



04:40 10:50 05:10 11:10

am am R 07:00 am pm S 08:07 pm pm


Showers with clear spells


N 10 N 10

am pm


L 05:20 am R 07:01 am H 11:30 am S 08:06 pm L 05:50 pm

*Total significant wave height and *Tide times for Raglan Bar


10am Raglan Area School 7pm Te Uku Church Pastor Roger Peart ph 07 825 5199


2 RAGLAN Chronicle

Raglan Ink Ltd home of the Raglan Chronicle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


Craypots forgotten as navy boat comes close EPG Plumbing & Solar Ltd !

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Checking his craypots offshore at Manu Bay brought some unexpected excitement last week for Edrich Opperman and his young family !"#$%&%'&()#%$&*+%*#,,#'%-+.$)%/"#% 01%-&)%23''#4%32%&'56,/%&'6$),.4#% their boat and â€œanchored upâ€? for a while.


sons, she said, could hardly believe their eyes.Â

! ! ! !

Plumbing !Gas Fitting !Drainage Solar Energy Specialists

The patrol boat was in transit from Wellington back to Devonport Naval Base, â€œtaskingâ€? with 150/&60$ -#.$ 304"+("0$ &*31"+0$ &#$ !&-+.7$ 0-(.$ -$ RNZ Navy spokesperson.


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Edrich â€“ with sons Chester, 3, and Performing border and Carter, 5, on board â€“ forgot momentarily about his catch and motored back to shore 304(#)$ 8+&/"1/(&#$ .5/("0$ to pick up wife Amy who caught the was standard procedure, she told the Chronicle. moment on her iPhone. It is unusual, however, â€œIt went viral on Facebook,â€? an excited to see a navy patrol boat so Amy told the Chronicle.  All she’d really !""#$%&&'(#)$*&+,-+.$/&$,-0$1+-2304$*&+$ close inshore as they patrol New Zealand’s 15,000 dinner that night. kilometre coastline and its Edrich, Chester, and Carter with the HMNZS Rotoiti The Upper Wainui Road couple reckon exclusive economic zone the 55­metre HMNZS Rotoiti couldn’t out to 200 nautical miles.  possibly have anchored any further in Besides patrolling they also The vessel’s no slouch and can hit to Manu Bay because the water was so undertake surveillance, search­and­rescue speeds of 46 kilometres an hour or 25 shallow. knots.  It can cover up to 7000 nautical work and disaster relief operations. miles without refuelling. It was â€œreally closeâ€?, said Edrich â€“ The Rotoiti, which has been in active just a few hundred metres offshore. â€œHow service since April 2009, typically The navy says comparing vessels often does that happen?â€? like the Rotoiti with New Zealand’s old operates with a 20­strong navy crew The crew were waving from the decks, -#.$*&5+$9&:"+#6"#/$-)"#12$&*31"+0$&#$ inshore patrol craft of the 1990s is â€œlike added Amy, who was overawed by the up­ board. It can also take up to a dozen others comparing a Ferrari with a Toyoto Hiluxâ€?. close­and­personal encounter.  Her young for general naval training or other duties.

Low tide is not the time to jump from the Kopua footbridge into the estuary, warns St John Ambulance after dealing with an incident last week that â€œcould’ve been avoidedâ€?.

He was in the orthopaedic ward recovering from spinal injuries after being airlifted to Waikato Hospital. Bush concedes people will continue to jump from the bridge but says they need to do it safely, which includes waiting for a â€œrespectableâ€? tide. Raglan harbourmaster Steve Soanes also warned at the time of the dangers of jumping off the footbridge. â€œI don’t want to stop kids having fun, but [they should] exercise some care and common sense. “Safety on the bridge is very important.â€?Â

;/$ ,-0$ /4"$ 3+0/$ 1-05-%/2$ *+&6$ /4"$ new bridge completed late last year, 1&#3+60$ %&1-%$ /"-6$ 6-#-)"+$ <=504>$ Barton. He says the young man â€“ visiting Raglan with a church group from Hamilton â€“ suffered mid­lumbar back pain after leaping into only about /,&$*&&/$&*$,-/"+7$!-1'0(."$3+0/? “He got up, walked a bit, collapsed and then vomited,â€? Bush says. â€œWe scooped him up and sent him through to hospital.â€? Edith Symes



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Low­tide leap the !"#$%&''()*+$% from new bridge

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RAGLAN Chronicle 3

Barrowloads of gear help garden of Eden Two young mums can now get on with creating paradise, thanks to a recent boost which will see them direct their energy into a community garden they’ve called Eden. Hayley Vink and friend Vickie Beeby are delighted with the donations that have come their way courtesy of hardware chain Bunnings after applying for a community grant late last year. A wheelbarrow, garden spade !"#$ %&'()$ *&+,$ -./*$ 0//."1+)$ 2!1+$ of compost and a “whole bunch of

seeds” mean the garden they got She wants to make good use going in October behind Raglan of the facilities, Hayley told the Union Church hall will continue to Chronicle.” It’s nice to see it being 3&4'.+*$5$-./*$*,67$%'&8$9&64"/,,'+$ used for more things.” and enthusiasts. Her mother­in­law Jeanette A blog page has attracted a Vink is pastor of the church on the few helpers, they say, and already corner of Stewart Street and Wainui they’ve had enough produce to be Road. able to supply the local community Keen or wannabe gardeners can house and the foodbank. meet there on Fridays, 9­11am, and It’s a way of using a spare patch /*,$ 0'+/$ :4"#!;$ &%$ ,9,';$ 8&"/*)$ of land to advantage, says Hayley, 3­5pm. who also organised four successful Edith Symes community sewing sessions in the church hall before Christmas.

Hayley Vink with some of the items kindly donated to the community garden by Bunnings hardware store

Artworks, mud pies and you! Artworks, mud pies and YOU – is there a connection? Certainly there is and it will become obvious if you make your way to the Clay Fiesta at the Old School Arts Centre this weekend – or just read on! At the Clay Fiesta you will see a gallery exhibition featuring some truly lovely artworks made by local ceramic artists, most of whom have, or have had, strong connections to Raglan’s community Clay Shed. Think Susan Flight, Merren Goodison, Robyn Lloyd, Clare Wimmer, Susanne Prinz, Lucretia Perkins to name just some of those whose work is known and loved. So what about the mud pies? Well, items made with raw clay are basically mud pies, however 7',//;)$ 4"/.6$ /*,;$ !',$ 0',#$ ."$ !$ kiln. And the Clay Shed kiln, which is available for a small fee to any member of the community

wishing to use it, needs replacing in the not too distant future. Which is why we are holding the Fiesta to fund raise for a new kiln. And that brings us to YOU, and possibly to your children or <*.6#',"$ ;&4$ ("&-$ 5$ 2,<!4+,$ !$ community kiln is a wonderful asset to Raglan, opening up to you and your kids the whole fascinating world of clay, or pottery or ceramics, or whatever you want to call it. So we’re asking you to come and help us raise funds for a new kiln this weekend, and have a whole lot of fun doing it. =&'$,>!876,$?*!9,$!$1&@@$5$1,/$ your hands dirty decorating tiles for a big installation to be erected outside the Clay Shed, enjoy the ,>*.2./.&")$ 8!'(,/$ +/!66)$ '!%3,+$ and silent auction, then relax at our on­site Mexican themed café. Open Saturday 18th and Sunday AB/*$%'&8$AC!8$5$D78E Judith Collins

Jodi Collins and Susanne Prinz preparing for this weekend’s Clay Fiesta

Printmaking for children

Another after school class at the Old School Arts Centre is about to start, with Ruth Ports class on printmaking on Wednesday afternoons, from 3.30 – 5.30pm, starting on 22 February.

Dr Oliver Russell Dr Gill Brady Dr Marcia Mitchley 10 Bankart Street, Raglan

The class will include vegetable and leaf prints, PVA prints, cardboard and lino prints, a magical process which can be a much more satisfying for some children than having to draw or paint images free hand. Prints can be used for cards and wrapping papers as well as in making beautiful, original artworks. Ruth is herself an experienced teacher, artist and weaver, so this is an opportunity not to be missed by children who would like to explore a different way of working with colours and shapes. Ring the Old School 825 0023 to book for this class as places are limited. Judith Collins

4 RAGLAN Chronicle

Stone sculptures at Wainui Reserve approach 10­year anniversary Atop the hill looking down on Wainui Beach !"#$%&'()&*!+&!$,&-!$,./!0),&%!1,)$.&.2'.&'()& 3#41& 521)/'2#$.& 6/4-0'41).& 7& 8#41& ./4-0'41).& /!19),&#4'&#8&:2$4)1!&.'#$)&7&!$,&;<=;&"!1>.& ')$& ?)!1.& .2$/)& '()& ./4-0'41).& @)1)& 0-!/),& !'& '()&1).)19)&2$&A!$4!1?&;<<;B

image thanks to Stuart MacKenzie

A project that was originally coordinated by Deborah Fenton along with Jenny Rhodes, Andre Te Wheoro and Wayne Morris from the Raglan Community Board, the sculptures were born out of the Community Employment Group’s initiative to provide opportunities for unemployed people in Raglan. Te Aturangi Clamp, a Maori sculptor who has received accolades for his carvings both in New Zealand and overseas, primarily tutored the group as well as serving as an inspiration.

The sculpture represents different directions with each carving representing north, east, south and west. What some may not know is that underneath these sculptures lie four crystals, buried before the sculptures were placed – an extra guitar lies under the ‘North’ stone, buried there by Brian Ruawai, who took part in the course. Ten years on, the sculptures are still standing strong if not a little weathered by the elements and the people that were involved in the course have also moved on to see various successes.

One of the ‘Four Directions’ sculptures looking over Wainui Beach

Tai Meuli, who participated in the course has gone on to become a much acclaimed stone carver, commissioned to produce work for the Vero Excellence in Business Awards and the winner’s trophy for the V8 Supercars.

“I guess the main inspiration was my love for the Revisiting the stone sculpture site Deborah technical skills, Deborah says that the ideas for the Four area, quite oddly the idea came from a dream actually says, “After all these years it’s so nice to watch Directions themselves arose from a brainstorm the group had and working with Te Aturangi – it just seemed like the right people enjoying the sculptures. Its crazy to think that we discussing their perceptions of direction and their experiences thing to do,” says Deborah. created them not realizing what a huge impact they’d have ­ I living in Raglan. feel very proud.” Maki Nishiyama While the tutors were there on hand to teach the necessary

Tattoo Expo auctions art !"#$%&'()*+,%,-(").( Raglan Museum & for good cause 3#--#@2$%& -!.'& ?)!1C.& .4//)..D& '()& E$')1$!'2#$!-& F!''##& !$,& G1'& H+0#& @2--& I)& 1)'41$2$%& '#& '()&J-!4,)-!$,.C&H9)$'&J)$'1)& 2$& :!"2-'#$& '(2.& @))>)$,D& I12$%2$%&?#4&'()&I).'&#8&41I!$& .'1))'&/4-'41)&!$,&.(#@2$%&!&I2'& #8&'()21&.)$.2'29)&.2,)&'##B A weekend packed full of things to see and do, including access to some of the best domestic and international tattoo artists, this year the expo will be auctioning off art to raise money for 10­year­old boy Nicholas Brockelbank, who has muscular dystrophy and needs funds for special equipment. Expo organizer Chris Preece works at a specialist learning school in Hamilton when not busy organizing the expo and has previously helped the school raise funds for special equipment. “Nico crossed my path through one of the team involved in the Expo. He is a great kid and is in need of new equipment to make day­to­day living easier. So here we are working with the family to help a very deserving wee man,” says Chris. The ten­year­old boy from Cambridge was born with muscular dystrophy – a disorder that attacks the body’s muscles and progressively leads to muscle loss. Despite these setbacks early in his life, Nico has never let them hold him back. !"# $%$&'# (&# )*+"&# (%,# -*,"# cookbook to raise money for the Christchurch Earthquake Relief

Fund and has also won the New Zealand Kids Cook Off on the Good Morning television show. Unsurprisingly, Nico was nominated .,# .# -$./%,"# 0+*# 12345,# !""%"67&# Awards for his efforts. Nico will be selling his own art and cookbooks at the Expo as well as select pieces of donated art from participants. Adding a Raglan touch to the event, local surfboard artist Kaya Rayner will be doing a surfboard painting demo, showcasing his ,%8$."6*&#".""++#.$7#,"*&&"#%$96&$:&7# style. And we may also be seeing some heavily tattooed people around town if the artists return to stay in Raglan after the event. “The feedback from last year has been excellent with many of the international artists returning. We took the artists to relax at the tranquil Solscape and that amazing experience left the artists wanting to return to New Zealand,” says Chris. After many attended last year’s expo, this year’s event is set to be bigger with some of the entertainment lined up including the world’s best ;+7<# =.%$"&*,'# ".""++# .$7# 8*.0-"%# artists, skateboarding demos, Mixed Marshall Arts (MMA) competitions and a live roller derby bout. “There have been a few more challenges this year but there’s a lot more going on so that’s to be expected. It makes it all the more worth while when it comes together and you see thousands of people having a great time,” says Chris

Information Centre

F()&$)@&K!%-!$&!$,&52.'12/'&L4.)4"&MF)&N(!1)&F!#$%!& #&N(!2$%!1#!O&!$,&K!%-!$&E$8#1"!'2#$&J)$'1)&MF)&P4$!& Q##1)1#&#&N(!2$%!1#!O&#$&N!2$42&K#!,D&&@2--&I)&#8R/2!--?& #0)$),&#$&L#$,!?&;<&3)I14!1?&;<=;&I?&N!2>!'#&,2.'12/'& "!?#1D&G--!$&6!$.#$B The invitation­only event follows a community open day, blessing and karakia on 12 November 2011, when the taonga )&*&#-*,"#?+@&7#%$"+#"(&#$&)#?6,&6?A

Nicholas Brockelbank

The weekend will also see performances by musicians and tattoo enthusiasts Tiki Taane and I Am Giant as well as Raglan punk group The Illicit Wawas playing the +0-:%./# .*"%,"5,# .0"&*=.*"<# (&/7# +$# Sunday at Flow Bar. With artists from the USA, Norway, England, Russia, Japan, China, South Africa and Australia as well as crowd favourites, Dr. Rev the Bloodpainter, MMA and Muay 1(.%#-8("&*,#.$7#"(&#;6*/&,>6&#8%*/,# attending, the International Tattoo and Art Expo is looking to be a great weekend. The International Tattoo and Art Expo will be on at Claudelands Event Centre in Hamilton from the 25th to 26th of February, tickets available from ticketek.com or from the venue on the day. Maki Nishiyama. Image thanks to Waikato Independent.

The guest list for Monday includes sponsors and funders, individuals and organisations involved with the project, community representatives, Ngaati Maahanga, and members of the Raglan Museum Society. “The new museum is the culmination of efforts by the Raglan and District Museum Society, Waikato District Council, and many other parties, and we certainly wouldn’t have this facility if it was not for the sponsors and funders,” said Raglan resident and councillor Clint Baddeley. Cr Baddeley has been a key advocate in the long­running campaign for a new building to house Raglan’s museum. B!;+6"#,&@&$#<&.*,#.8+#"(&#?6,&6?#).,#/+:."&7#%$#"(&#+/7#-*&# station building on Wainui Road but it was far from adequate,” said Cr Baddeley. “The museum committee wanted a new building and I took an interest in the project on the basis a new building would be multi­ use, and showcase both historic and cultural aspects that make Raglan special and unique.” After Cr Baddeley went to Wellington to meet with the then­ Minister for Arts and Culture Judith Tizard, Mrs Tizard visited Raglan to see the old museum. She agreed to lend her support to the campaign for a new building. Cr Baddeley said this was at a time when Raglan was rapidly growing in popularity, both as a tourist destination and as a place to live. He said it made sense to also have the information centre in the same building as the museum. “The idea was to build something different for Raglan and to show Raglan life. The new museum is a distinctly Raglan feature.”

RAGLAN Chronicle 5

boardies and bikinis Tractor FM 88.2 wishes to thank all the artists, helpers, staff, volunteers, Ruapuke camp ground and all who attended for making our annual fundraising event - Boardies and Bikinis such a great success.

<-:-/;' -/' @#;<#/' #/9' A8"8' =&/&5"89' %&' =#:8' .&48'&0'%=84'18"0&"4'#%'B&#"9-8.+

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tay tuned for up and coming, fun events from $&/%-/58' %&' 78' #4#?89' 76' %=8' 45.-$#<' %#<8/%' the Tractor Crew

, 16-18 Bow St, Raglan. Phone: 825 8300

Open 7.30am to 7.00pm, 7 Days a week.

Raglan Foursquare General Manager Shane Temata with the winner of the Sol Beer surfboard competition, Bruce Gabites. Raglan Foursquare would like to give a huge thanks to all the local people who supported the competition.

Summer beach toys In store now






6 RAGLAN Chronicle

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Sit on the large deck above the forest canopy, gaze out to the coast and be amazed! bedroom, 2 bathroom, office, carport, outdoor shower plus ample storage means size is not a problem. All set on a private 1368m2 native bush section ensuring peace and tranquility. Walk to Indicators and only a few minutes drive to the Kyle Leuthart surf of Whale Bay. One of a kind property! B 07 825 7170

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Approximately 14.74Ha (36.3 acres) predominantly easy hay country bordered by flowing Waitetuna stream. Well fenced and troughed with 2 hay barns, small stockyards and 2.5 Skyline workshop. Modern 90’s, 4 bedroom home, master with garaging. Well tracked and own water ensuite and internal access supply. This little unit has the ability to make excellent income from Kyle Leuthart Pete Barry grazing and hay. B 07 825 7170

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DESIGNER BUNGALOW $365,000 JUST LIKE NEW FOR YOU $425,000 OPEN HOME 21 Totara Grove, Raglan 12pm Saturday 18th February 2012 $339,000 Classy well presented 3 bedroom character home with 3 roomy bedrooms perfect for a family, first home buyer LUSH PRIVATE SANCTUARY $545,000 nothing to complete. Lean over and pick grapes from the or holiday getaway. Recently renovated to a high sheltered and private rear deck. Open plan modern standard by an accredited master builder with total Enter through the gates of this character lifestyle property with established trees and kitchen and dining area, large lounge with woodburner. interior and exterior refurbishment. Classy new kitchen Beautifully presented. with open plan living leading onto sunny deck perfect park-like gardens to a spacious 1990’s 3 bedroom plus rumpus single level Kyle Leuthart for BBQ’s. Approx: 875m2 flat site. home with lovely contemporary feeling which exudes rustic charm. B 07 825 7170 Flat and attractive 1.3Ha (3.2 acres) M 021 903 309 Kyle Leuthart Kyle Leuthart Kyle Leuthart www.century21.co.nz B 07 825 7170 B 07 825 7170 B 07 825 7170 www.century21.co.nz www.century21.co.nz ID# TG754 M 021 903 309 M 021 903 309 M 021 903 309 ID# CR748 ID# CR748

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www.century21.co.nz RAGLAN Chronicle 7

Raglan calendars half price

Panorama of Raglan calendars are now selling for $7.50 in Raglan Bookshop and Trade Aid. Sales this year have been lower than last and the Friends of Wainui Reserve group is hoping that the lower price will aid sales of the remaining 100 calendars. The calendar has a main picture for each month, together with the calendar, srrounded with smaller photos and information about local plants and features.

Acrylics warn on water pollution Less than two weeks remain to catch the month­long Why oh Wai exhibition of new and existing artworks by contemporary Maori artist Regan Balzer.

larger, more dramatic works of art – draw attention to the Rena disaster on the east coast and highlight the importance of clean water for a healthy environment. Regan is a multi­disciplinary artist working in New Zealand and Australia, On display at Matapihi Art Gallery in predominantly as a painter, and last year Bow Street, the eight acrylics on canvas – her work featured at the Legato exhibition ranging from small sets of three to much "#+?)*%:(+

Regan Balzer

Matapihi specialises in all New Zealand art, says director Ardre Foote who set the gallery up three years ago and depends for success on word­of­mouth rather than advertising. Half of Matapihi’s artists come from Raglan while the rest are from all over the country, she adds. Edith Symes

Club hosts multiple events for bowlers Congratulations to the winners in all events. January 28th was a sad day for our bowlers as we learned of the passing of Graham Business House Bowls is in full swing with 16 teams giving it a go... good to see new players (Mouse) Stephens. Also on Jan 28th we hosted the Waikato 5 Years and Under Men’s Champion of Champions !"#$%&'(((!)*#+ ,-*#."'+ /0*%"1&2+ "#)3+ )4&+ '&.3#2+ round. Sue Russell played the Women’s event in Te Awamutu and was runner­up. W.D. On February 11/12th we hosted the Waikato 5 Years & Under Women’s Champion of Champions Pairs event. Beti Broome & Pim Blair represented 30-+ .%05+ "#+ )4"'+ &6&#)+ 50)+ $3)+ 5&*)&#+ "#+ )4&+ 1-')+ round. February 4/5th saw our Open Grade Singles being challenged for. Three Women played Round Robin games, with Sue Russell being the overall winner and Queenie Tukiri being Runner­up. There were about 17 entries in the Men’s event and some really good challenges along the way. 738&6&-+)4&+1#*%+8*'+9%*:&2+5&)8&&#+;"<+=3$$"''+ and Terry Green with Terry being the victor.

coming along and joining in. Grants Corner to Corner bowls is ticking along too, with the last three week’s winners being Bill Chugg, John Taylor and Terry Green. We only have two weeks left so come and have a try for a bottle of Grants Whiskey, 3pm Sundays. The Te Urikore Crake Memorial Trophy was re­ introduced into our programmes this year and 22 players were drawn into teams that played 2x4x2 Mixed Pairs...well... we were left wondering which one of the winners was going to wear the skirt... Des Bishop or Jim Boggiss! Congratulations. Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th February will see our Veterans Mixed Singles being played for. So good luck there. Rollups are on Wednesdays 12.45pm sharp! Happy Bowling Eileen

Terry Green releasing his bowl, watched nervously by Jim Boggiss

Poulter named in New Zealand Raglan Lions – Best Youth Activity !"#$%&'("&)#*'+,-. Project 2010 ­ 2011 Raglan Lions Club was presented with the Brian Hudson Award at the Lions District Convention on Saturday 11th February. The award is open to all Lions and Lioness Clubs in District 202L to encourage vigorous involvement, and friendly competition, in the youth activities covered by the portfolios of the District Youth Chairman. This includes; >+?#8*-2'+@30)4+&A.4*#$&

standing and on­going projects '0.4+ *'+ '0993-)"#$+ )4&+ !0-1#$+ Academy encouraging Raglan youth to compete in competitions, and the partnership with the Raglan Surf Lifesaving Club. More recently the Pirates came to Raglan with the assistance of Lions to assist with the launch of the campaign for a community youth van. There have also been many other one­off sponsorships to assist the youth in the town to develop and achieve in their .43'&#+1&%2(

?)+ 8*'+ #3)&2+ 5:+ )4&+ D*')+ District Governor that the Raglan Club was a leader in forming >+?#)&-#*)"3#*%+@30)4+C*<9 community partnerships with >+D&*.&+D3')&-+C3<9&)")"3# major on­going projects, like the support to the Raglan Community >+@30#$+!9&&.4<*E&Trust Vehicle, Raglan Community >+!93#'3-+F&3'+C%05'( Patrol Vehicle Trust and the Raglan Lions Club won the Raglan Operational Support Unit award outright by involving youth of the Raglan Volunteer Fire in all its projects. This includes the Brigade. annual New Year’s Eve Parade, Raglan Lions in attendance opportunity shop catering for the were Lillian Bond , Genny Wilson youth of Raglan and other long and President Bob MacLeod 8 RAGLAN Chronicle

!"#$%&' ()*' +),-,%.' /,0' %,1).' 2*)-3)' surfers, including Raglan’s own Ben 45"-2)#6' ,0' 7,#2' 58' 2/)' 9:7' ;"#-' ()*' +),-,%.' <"%:5#' !"#$%&' =),16' */:>/' *:--' #)7#)0)%2'()*'+),-,%.',2'2/)'?@A?'B,C:%)' D!E' F5#-.' <"%:5#' !"#$%&' ;/,17:5%0/:7G' The championship takes place in Panama during April 2012.

Waikato, Coromandel, Bay of Plenty, Gisborne and Christchurch. The team will now begin preparations for the event with a nine week lead in where they will run through their individual training programs as well as meeting up as a team at the end of March for a combined training camp. The twelve surfers also have several major national events to attend over the next two months as they hone their skills for international competition. The team includes surfers from six regions !"#$%&'() throughout New Zealand ­ Northland, Auckland,

images: PhotoCPL



University generates millions for the Waikato D/0#@E"*10#66,&$ F&,4#'',&$ G,;$ The University of Waikato and its students generated $770 million in Crawford says that the economic impact the Waikato economy last year – study again underlines the crucial 4.5% of the region’s annual revenue. partnership between the University and the In a newly released report commissioned by the University, independent economist

wider Waikato region. “Economists



OPINION: Getting a Quote.

Getting a job done without some sort of It has puzzled me for years, and I estimate is rather like handing out a blank have discussed the problem with others but am still guessing about the cheque, not a good idea. I doubt if people would put up with this no price approach issue. Contractors in Raglan seem very reluctant to give quotes. On a number of occasions when I’ve asked for some idea of costs the contractor was never seen *7*/18$ 9$ +*662*&)$ %73&#$ .,36-$ "*:#$ +##1$ good enough. In one case I rang a secretary once a week for 5 weeks in the hope of a response. Nothing. I can see that it is time consuming to give a quote and annoying when someone else gets the job. But even just up the road in Hamilton I never ran into this problem.

Dr Warren Hughes analysed the University’s H0,5531/:#&'/(;I$@$("#$2*&(1#&'"/2$*0(/:/(;$ contribution to the region and the country. The study shows that spending by the University generated $836 million in the =#.$>#*6*1-$#0,1,5;$,:#&*668$$$!"*($%73&#$ includes direct spending, including by '(3-#1('?$*'$.#66$*'$("#$<,.@,1$#44#0($/1(,$ other sectors, including retail, transport,

between universities and their home cities – and clearly it is to our mutual advantage that

The University contributes 4.4% to the economy of the core Waikato region which takes in Hamilton, Raglan, Cambridge, Te Awamutu, Huntly and Ngaruawahia.

jobs in the rest of New Zealand – 88% of them in the core Waikato economy.

The idea is that if you ask the price of an item they can put their snooty noses in the air and reply, ‘if you have to ask you can’t afford it.’ Similarly, perhaps there is ',$ 530"$ 5,1#;$ <,*(/17$ *&,31-$ ("/'$ (,.1$ that enough work comes in anyway. For those of us living on the edge, dreading the insurance premium and rates rises probable this year, budgeting is essential and that includes getting quotes.


the economic, as well as the teaching and


&#'#*&0"$ +#1#%('$ ("*($ ("#$ 31/:#&'/(;$ *1-$

Dear Editor

other tertiary institutes bring,” he says.

I have recently moved to Raglan with my son and am very disappointed at the amount of theft that has happened to my sons personal posessions whilst meeting locals at the beach and the skate park since we arrived only three weeks ago. Raglan appears to be a pleasant place, but with a dark side which is unwelcoming!

“Waikato University is committed to and ensuring our teaching programmes and research are led by the needs and priorities of the region. Our ongoing focus on enhancing our reputation nationally and internationally is at least partially driven

by the advantages to the region of having a Waikato University has approximately world class university at its doorstep.” 13,000 students and 1500 staff. Every J*5/6(,1@+*'#-$ '(3-#1('$ '2#1($ *1$ dollar generated by its operations resulted estimated $130 million in addition to their /1$*1,("#&$AB8CC$,4$<,.@,1$&#:#13#$*0&,''$ university fees and accommodation. the core Waikato economy while every job at the University generates another 0.65

when out shopping. I guess there are some up market vendors who do not put prices on.

we continue to work together to maximise

energy, sport and recreation and personal working with local businesses and industries and community services.

By Ian McKissack

Whoever stole my sons brand new skate boards from the local skate park, please return them! !"#$%&'($')*(#$+,*&-$."/0"$.*'$+&*1-$1#.$*1-$23&0"*'#-$4&,5$("#$6,0*6$'3&4$'",2$"#&#$ in Raglan, was a present from his father. This was pinched from under a tree around the 31st Jan/2nd Feb, where my son had left it along with his clothes, to go and have a swim as it was a very hot day. On his return, the board and his clothes were gone! On Saturday 11th Feb, my son took his long board to the park which was a Christmas present from me and also a new board, and whilst sitting chatting to some new friends that he had recently made, leaving this board at the end of the bowl, still in view of my son, the second he looked away, it was quickly pinched from under his nose! He or his friends did not see who took this. Someone must have seen who has pinched these boards or know who has and we would like you to let the police know as we have reported both these incidents to the local police. So if you have them or know who has them, please drop the boards into the local police station. Thank you Hazel & Luke Eldridge, Raglan

raglans tourism and community website

Plan your holiday in Raglan Everything you need to know about accommodation options, recreational activities, local events, exhibitions and gigs, shopping, pampering, dining options, walks and much more.

Planning a wedding in Raglan? Check out the wedding section Don’t forget to check out these pages as well:

make it your homepage this summer!

Free Stuff ­ lots of cool free stuff ­ tickets to gigs, ­ CD, DVD and book giveaways. Feature videos Photo Galleries






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Raglan and Surrounds

Prompt 7 Day Service Ph 825 7882 or 0274 933 576 10 RAGLAN Chronicle

THURS 8.00AM TE UKU BEGINNERS YOGA CLASS @ THE TE UKU HALL - opposite the Te Uku 4-Square. All welcome.

TUESDAYS @ Raglan Club -- Texas Hold’em 6.30pm.

WED 22 FEB RAGLAN RAMBLERS - Raglan Ramblers will be the Nikau HEALING ROOMS. 1st visiting and 3rd THURS. 11- Caves and walking up 12pm. Plunket Rooms. to a waterfall. The cost for the cave visit will be THURS @ Raglan $35. Community House 10 - 1pm CV Writing WED 22 FEB @ Assistance. FREE. BLACKSAND CAFÉ. All welcome. Appts Knitting Circle from required. Ph 825 8142. 9.30am. All welcome! SAT & SUN 18-19 FEB @ Old School Arts Centre. Clay Fiesta. See under public notices. MAINLY MUSIC. Monday & Wednesday 9.30am@ Te Uku Church. RAGLAN LIGHT EXERCISE GROUP. Meets Mon & Thurs 1011am @ the Old Gospel Hall, Raglan West. MONDAYS @ THE RAGLAN CLUB. 500 cards, 1pm.

Improve your @ WEDNESDAYS paddle power! Raglan Club, Fun Quiz 6:45pm. U/'0+&%/,1(41&/,0%'#"!& +0"(#(#:&C&1!"%%,%V&

ARTS FOR ARTS +."+&2'1>%&'#&%+0,#:+.&C& SAKE. Monthly meeting 1"0)('5 for artists, painters or anyoneWhale interested. Bay Starting Tues March Fitness Studio 6thD"!!&W'7X&QRI&NYNY - 12.30 till whenever at the Old School ***5*."!,-"Z4+#,%%51'7 Art Centre. Work on own projects with own materials. Easels available. Guaranteed encouragement and fun. Ph Ro 0274 847985 or just turn up.

Courses, classes & workshops YOGA AT THE SCOUT HALL with !"#$%&"'( )*"+,-#( Yoga teacher. Yoga for body, mind and soul. Wednesday 6pm and Thursday THURS 8am TE UKU 9am. Contact corry. BEGINNERS YOGA yoga@gmail.com

ZUMBA! @ Te Uku hall Monday 9.30am, Wednesday 6.30pm - ring/txt Sarah T for more info 8255844 or 0272106784

CLASS @ the Te Uku Hall opposite the Te GROUP FITNESS Uku 4-Square. All CLASSES @ welcome. Raglan Gym. PUMP: A full body workout using weights. TRX Circuit RE-BALANCE: Reveal mixture your of Pilates, yoga and Classes inner abs! Taichi focusing on core ;#,&.'>0&1"0)('[%+0,#:+.&2'1>%5 strength=,0%'#"!&+0"(#(#:& <'#\W.>0%X&S\O/7 %,%%('#%&+."+&2'1>%& SPIN: High intensity, low ]0(X&HH"7\HR '#&1'0,&%+0,#:+.5 impact cycling class. <>%+&=0,\G''9X&7"A&J&/,0& Whale Bay 1!"%%5 For times and bookings Fitness Studio Whale Bay contact Raglan Gym Fitness Studio D"!!&W'7X&QRI&NYNY on 825 0079 or visit the website www. D"!!&W'7X&QRI&NYNY ***5*."!,-"Z4+#,%%51'7 raglangym .co.nz ***5*."!,-"Z4+#,%%51'7

For Sale

To Let

ONE SINGLE TRUNDLE BED (no matt/s); 2 Queen beds w matt/s (one with drawers); 1 3/4bed w matt; 2 single sofa beds (suit den or bach). Other items include side tables; bakers stand; single bike rack etc. All in good condition. Offers ph 8256838.

1 BED + SLEEPOUT c/ port-no gge. Unfurnished, refs reqd.$190/wk + bond. Ring Jock 825.7266. S/C STUDIO FLAT 5 mins walk to town $160 p/w inc broadband. Contact 0212091800. Available now.

Garage Sale FRI 17 FEB @ YOT Club, DOUBLE BROWN DOUBLE TROUBLE, Dance Beats, 9pm, $5.


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M A N U K A FIREWOOD $100 per m3, $140 per m3 delivered ph 825 0522.

For Sale INSIGHT MENS Summer on sale SABRE uni-sex Sunglasses

Flowers Lilypot Florist !""#$%&'"()*%$& !""+%,-"()*%$& !"".)//%-"012,/& 021 448 104 2 Wallis Street

ANTIQUE PINE CORNER CUPBOARD. Right Up My Alley, Volcom Lane. www. ruma.co.nz MANUKA FIREWOOD $100 per m3, $140 per m3 delivered ph 825 0522. ALLI BOAT 15FT 50 HP Johnstone power trim etc, galv trailer, $3500 o.n.o. ph 8258582. LOCAL REWA REWA HONEY. New season’s $12 per kg. Ph 8250558 or 0277676434. FREE - KID’S SWING SET. Ph to view 8255745.

2/335 WAINUI RD on Sat 25 Feb, 9am-12pm. Furniture, TV’s, kitchen equipment, children’s gear, washing machine etc. 14 TAHUNA AVE, Sat 18 Feb, 9am to 2pm.

For Hire

Public Notices

Public Notices

HOUSE WANTED - 2+ bedrooms, water views, modern / tidy. Prof couple working in ham. Ex tenants, great ref’s. PH James 021 421 455 or 825 0147.

RAGLAN GOLF CLUB &#".//'( 01+'#-%2"#34( cu.m. dry split pine delivered, $70 up to 10 km. Ph: Alex 825 0997, or Garry 825 6875.

BLACK CAT with white triangle on tummy who was lost last week has been found. Thanks to all who looked.

Public Notices WHAINGAROA KOHANGA REO AGM will be held at Whaingaroa TKR at 94 Riria Kereopa Memorial Drive. 6pmMonday 20 February 2012. Nau Mai, Haere Mai.

Need new inspiration for your !"#$%%&'()*%+ =,0%'#"!&+0"(#(#:&>%(#:& 1''!&,^>(/7,#+V&W_6&C& D0'%%'@,0&+0"(#,0%X& -"!"#1,&-'"0)%&"#)&-"!!%5

Whale Bay

Fitness Studio D"!!&W'7X&QRI&NYNY ***5*."!,-"Z4+#,%%51'7

Do you want to work from home? Are you a parent wanting more social interaction for your preschooler? Do enjoy working with and along side children? Why not become an educarer with Bizzy Buddyz Home Based Childcare. We offer a competitive payment rate with an extensive toy library, training provisions, medical insurance and on going support. Please enquire now!

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TOPDead CASH PAID or Alive

COMMERCIAL/RETAIL SHOP PREMISES In Raglans CBD. TWO available Ph 021 363465 or admin@shoreline.net.nz

FLOORSANDING EQUIPMENT for hire. Ph Raglan Flooring 825 Wanted to Rent 8777. BOUNCY CASTLE, Great WORKING SINGLE entertainment for the kids, DAD with baby daughter call Vicki 8257575. looking for 2-3 bedroom house. Ph 8250094 Wanted evenings or email SQUARE/RECTANGLE manoueleg@voila.fr DINING SUITE (4), coffee table and outdoor wooden U N F U R N I S H E D furniture (4). Please HOUSE to rent beginning contact 027-287-2365. early March 2012 on long term contract, pet Found friendly desired. Tel A KITEBOARD on 062783575. Raglan Harbour. Phone with board description to LOOKING FOR 1, 2 & claim. ph/text Frank 021 3 bedroom houses in 740311. Raglan or surrounding Flatmate Wanted rural area. Quality rentals properties for ROOM AVAILABLE excellent tenants with $100 per week, includes wireless broadband, ph references – minimum 6 month terms, 0210519616. both furnished and To Let unfurnished properties – commencing March WHALE BAY 2BDRM HOUSE. Sunny bush - April. Please phone setting, large deck, Rob. 0278 200 011. private beach/Indies 1 BEDROOM NEAR access. Available 28 NEW apartment/house Feb no smokers/pets. available from April til $280 pw 021620262. end of October. Fully furnished, incl. power, House For Sale Sky tv, king size bed, LORENZEN BAY. 3bdrm en suite, laundry. $195 home. Good location weekly neg. Call Thomas close to harbour. Decks 07 8256519. for outdoor living. New carpet throughout. Ph 021 141 2441.

Interested in becoming an Educarer for Bizzy Buddyz?


FREE removal Same day service


FRI 17 FEB @ Raglan Club, Michael & Ashley, fresh from success at Nashville, 7.30 ‘til late.

SUN 19 FEB, SUNDAY SESSION @ YOT Club yard, Dj JAMIN-I & GUESTS, 4pm - 9pm. Free Entry. SUN 19 FEB @ YOT Club, THE BARONS OF TANG, Live Australian Gypsy Music With a Twist Of Deathcore.9pm , $10.

Wanted to Rent

Hiace Hilux Landcruiser Corolla Townace Liteace Trucks 4WD’s Big Trucks

From $250 - $10,000 CALL NOW

Tiger or Ray 0800 668 833 027 433 3338 or 07 823 6500

0800 700 180 Situations Vacant

Situations Vacant

Operations Manager Situations Vacant EXPERIENCED, PART-TIME FISH FILLETOR needed in Hamilton. Ph 078705016 after 7pm.

Raglan Walkers! <=",>%?$@*A/$%1"+,7%-/"7$% 0"%1"#$ <B$/*:$,%C%-"//$-0%DEFGDHF% -&0&/"4+$7%8I. <!&,J%81"'$J%*'0$,'$0%C% -1$$,9+/%7#*/$%,$K+*,$(

Xtreme Waste is a community organisation, who manages Rag­ !"#$%&%'!()&*"%+,&-"%,)&'#&+.,&/0(#1(/!,%&'2&3,0'&*"%+,&+'&!"#)4!!5&& 6+0,7,&8"%+,&(%&!''9(#:&2'0&"#&;/,0"+('#%&<"#":,05&&=!,"%,& 1'#+"1+&>%&2'0&"&?'-&),%10(/+('#&'0&@(,*&'#!(#,&***5A+0,7,*"%+,5 '0:5#3&&B//!(1"+('#%&C&DE&1"#&-,&%,#+&+'F Human Resources Xtreme Waste =;&G'A&HIJ Raglan K7"(!F&0(19LA+0,7,*"%+,5'0:5#3 =.'#,F&MNOP&QRI&SINT Applications Mon 13 ­ Mon 27 Feb 2012

L$$8%30%&'(%0+,'%M"+,%78&,$% 0*#$%*'0"%!NOP5

Aged 16-25yrs? Physically Fit? Hardworking? Reliable?

Q*$.%01$%:*($"%&0 ...;1"#$-&,$(*,$-0;-";'R% 01$'%&88/M%"'/*'$%",%81I0@0% FED%DEE%DSTSIFU%THS%HETD

!"#$%&'(%)"*'%"+,%-,$.%&'(%/$&,'%01$%2""3'4%0,&($5 !Must have full car license !6,&'78",0%9,"#%2&4/&'%8,":*($(; !Three month trial period applies For more information call: Ross 021 782 280 or 07 825 8678

RAGLAN RAGLANChronicle Chronicle11 11

Raglan Real Estate Ltd Licenced (REAA 2008)

AUCTION Fri 9th March 2012 !"#$%"&'(")*+,-"./01-2"34"567"8,2"&'9:'; CONTEMPORARY COUNTRY LIVING


This contemporary two­storey house has 4 4"5(2&$,&*6'7#2&%-*&4$%/"**5(&8.,7)+9.,!& spa bath), separate laundry, dining room & lounge plus double access garage & additional parking bays. Enjoy the complete privacy of the 1.5 acres of native bush, mature, park like gardens & lawns. 15 mins from Raglan, 25 mins from Hamilton.


Drive through the banana palms ­ move in and reap the rewards. This 3 double bedroom home has it all – privacy, large north facing decking, walking distance to town and beach. A great safe family home/holiday home/investment home. Prior Auction offers considered. OPEN HOME

OPEN HOME Saturday 12pm 56c Bush View Drive



A slice of Raglan’s best real estate nestled into native bush surrounds near Whale Bay. Master bdrm has its own private decking & huge views. 2nd rm/ storage/ laundry/ studio. Open plan living with cosy wood burner with wet back & sun drenched decking enjoying gorgeous ocean & bush views. Hide away, holiday ambiance. Situated on 1258m². Prior Auction offers considered. OPEN HOME

5 bedroom home with large 100m² shed with 3 phase power. (Ideal workshop or home­based business) Located 5 minutes to Raglan. Private living – offering the best of both worlds, country living and so close to town centre. Prior Auction offers OPEN HOME considered.


Saturdays 2pm 151 Hills Road


Saturday 1pm 3 Cross Street


Saturday 2pm 150 Whaanga Road

FABULOUS FAMILY LIVING CLOSE TO TOWN This 3 bdrm family home enjoys


stunning bar views from its spacious upstairs living area. Master has walk­in­robe and ensuite, and there’s a 2nd bthrm downstairs for the kids’ rooms. Sgle garage with internal access & a 2nd garage has been converted to a huge rumpus room for kids to play or family to stay. Situated on approx 1135m2 section approx. 10 mins walk to town & OPEN HOME school.

This lifestyle block is 5085m² and enjoys panoramic views. Great building platform. Prior Auction offers considered. Make an appointment to view.





:*"%/&6$7.,!2&;$%&(#7%.*,&-.%/&!"#$%&4+.)9.,!& platform, (Approx 3950m²). <.#-(&*6&=%&0$".*.&$,9&$&3##>&*6&%/#&.,,#"& harbour. Conveniently located to local 4#$7/2&!"#$%&'(/.,!&?&(+"',!@& Subject to title, full consents in place, services on the boundary. Covenants may apply Prior Auction offers OPEN HOME considered.

The owner of this lovely family home has enjoyed over 20yrs here.

Sunday 11am 381 Wainui Road



C O TI n s

ON ­ 1 6pm


8 N Sa orr t 10 ie thM Av a e rch

Sunday 1pm 31 Norrie Ave

COME & JOIN US AT OUR TWILIGHT OPEN HOME Prior Auction offers considered.


OPEN HOME Saturday 7pm 18 Norrie Ave


RUSTIC CHARMER $399,000 This 3 bedroom rustic charmer will capture your heart. Enter this home through a cosy !"#$%&'"(%&)*+,!#&-.%/&0#,%&(%1)#&'"#2&(%#33.,!& up to a second living area. The home also offers a single garage and double carport. Large outside entertainment area with gazebo. Walk to the beach and corner dairy.



If it’s quality of lifestyle and a special environment for the children you are seeking, this is the one. This near new family home offers, 4 double bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, large open plan living, double garage on 8619m² land. Located only a couple of kms away, is the well established little country school, Waitetuna Primary and roughly 25mins to Hamilton. OPEN HOME Saturday 12pm 13b Bush View Drive


A warm & welcoming 3 dble bdrm, character, family home featuring a spacious kitchen, masport woodburner & dual exchange unit, large living area, garage with workshop area. Well presented grounds + vege garden. Added bonus ­ titled share in a large tennis & swimming pool complex. Enjoy living peacefully & rurally apprx 20mins to Hamilton/20 mins to the Raglan beaches and cafes. Situated on 7644m². The very best of all worlds

Master With Ensuite / Massive Garaging Off Street Parking / Wrap Around Decking


OPEN HOME Sunday 2pm 21b Long Street

CEDAR COTTAGE 2 bedrooms plus single garage


Quiet, idyllic, cul­de­sac location Just a few minutes walk to town

Under the hammer!

Call the team to view this delightful home anytime. Prior Auction offers considered



OPEN HOMES this weekend 18th & 19th Feb Saturday 12pm ­ 13b Bushview Dr Saturday 12pm ­ 56c Bushview Dr Saturday 1pm ­ 3 Cross Street Saturday 2pm ­ 151 Hills Road Saturday 2pm ­ 9c East Street Saturday 2pm ­ 150 Whaanga Road

Twilight Open Home ­ Saturday 7pm – 18 Norrie Avenue Sunday 11am ­ 381 Wainui Road Sunday 12pm ­ 8 Uenuku Road Sunday 1pm ­ 31 Norrie Avenue Sunday 2pm ­ 21b Long Street Sunday 2pm ­ 69d Otonga Valley Rd

21 Bow St, Raglan Phone: 07 825 8669 Fax: 07 825 7410 Website: www.rwraglan.co.nz Email: raglan.nz@raywhite.com 12 RAGLAN Chronicle

Sunday 12pm 8 Uenuku Road


Big Family Home / 3 Double Bedroom

BBQ Courtyard / Stunning Views


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