RaglanCHRONICLE Whaingaroa news for you weekly
5th July 2012 - Issue #301
Proudly brought to you by
sewage cleanup p3
rough road p5
whats on p11 Open Homes
Open Homes
Saturday 2pm - 9c East Street
Saturday 2pm - 9c East Street
Raglan Real Estate Ltd Licenced (REAARaglan 2008) Real Estate Ltd Licenced (REAA 2008)
Sunday 2pm
Ray WhiteFri proudly announces the the new subdivision inWhite Lorenzen Bay. Valley Rd Otonga21 - 69d AUCTION 3rd February AUCTION 2012to - Fri 6pm 3rdmarket Ray February White 2012 Office, - 6pm 21 Bow RaySt, Raglan Office, Bow St, Raglan NEW BEGINNINGS Solid brick 3 brm family home in rural setting Office & rumpus, single garage, internal access Plumbed shed (potential ancillary unit), well planted garden 3973m² fenced & ready for a new family Prior Auction offers considered.
OPEN HOME Saturday 11am 297 Te Papatapu Road
TOP SHELF PROPERTY Fabulous family living / Easy care garden 3 dble brms + office, entertainers kitchen Sun drenched open plan living & decks
RayBEGINNINGS White will be NEW
the Sole Agent for this subdiviINVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY sion that has been developed by Sandra and • 2 Storey House In 2 Legal Flats Garth Elmers. The subdivision will Office & rumpus, single garage, • 2 Brmcapture Flat Upstairs /and 3 Brm Flat Downstairs internal access focus on native planting and substantial land• Panoramic Harbour & Mountain Views Plumbed shed (potential ancillary unit), scaping. The first stage will offer• 2 21 Acre +sections Lifestyle Block –and Prime Location well planted garden • Single Garage & Storage Shed adjoins bush reserve.The subdivision 3973m² fenced &the readynative for a new family Auction offers Prior offers isAuction expected to be completed byPrior Labour weekend considered. HOME - Sandraconsidered. OPEN and is stillOPEN toSaturday be named and Garth are HOME 11am Saturday 12pm ID#RAG20938 ID#RAG20952 297 Te Papatapu Road 335 Wainui Road inviting the community for suggestions. Phone the Team at Ray White for draft covenants TOP SHELF PROPERTY STEP INTO THE MARKET and family arrange forcareone of the TeamStylishly to show you redecorated this tidy little home has Fabulous living / Easy garden all you need. With two bedrooms inside the over subdivision. 3 dble brms the + office, entertainers kitchen house and an additional room outside you Solid brick 3 brm family home in rural setting
Sun drenched open plan living & decks
will enjoy the open plan living and fully fenced section. Relax on the lovely decking while enjoying the easy care section. Ideal opportunity for you to enter the fastgrowing market in Raglan! Prior Auction offers considered. OPEN HOME
Ray White Office - 21 Bow St Raglan, ph: (07) 825 8669 Double garaging with internal access Double garaging with internal access Large paved entertainment area
Large paved entertainment area
Prior Auction offers considered
Prior Auction offers considered
OPEN HOME Saturday 1pm 23a Violet Street
OPEN HOME Saturday 1pm 23a Violet Street
Saturday 1pm 6 Violet Street
Sunday 2pm - 69d Otonga Valley Rd
• 2 Brm Flat Upstairs / 3 Brm Flat Downstairs • Panoramic Harbour & Mountain Views
Serving Raglan District Since 1996 • 2 Acre + Lifestyle Block – Prime Location • Single Garage & Storage Shed Local Business supporting Local Business Auction offers ProudPrior sponsor of Raglan Rugby considered.
Saturday 12pm 335 Wainui Road
Stylishly redecorated this tidy little home has all you need. With two bedrooms inside the house and an additional room outside you will enjoy the open plan living and fully fenced section. Relax on the lovely decking while enjoying the easy care section. Ideal opportunity for you to enter the fastgrowing market in Raglan! Prior Auction offers considered. OPEN HOME
Saturday 1pm 6 Violet Street
RAGLAN Chronicle 1
dining guide
Cover : Clouds form over Mt Karioi on a winters morning image: Nico Peschiutta - niospe@gmail.com Should you wish to aquire any images from this week’s Chronicle please contact us on 825 7076 or email your request to info@raglanchronicle.co.nz
Burgershack. Takeaway. 35a Bow Street.................................................................... 825 8439
Jo’s Takeaways. Te Kopua Domain...............................................................................825 8761
Marlin Cafe & Grill. Dine in. On the Wharf.................................................................. 825 0010
Aloha Market Place - Sushi Takeaway. 5 Bow Street..................................................... 825 7440
Namaste Kitchen. Eat in or takeaway. 31 Bow Street....................................................825 0300
Nannies Takeaways. 35 Bow Street............................................................................. 825 8842
The Shack. Dine in or Takeaway. 19 Bow Street...........................................................825 0027
The Raglan Club. Dine in or Takeaway. 22-24 Bow Street............................................ 825 8288
Concerning last week’s letter to the Chronicle about Xtreme Waste. Costings were presented to the community board clearly showing that Raglan residents are paying more for the disposal of rubbish than any other region in the Waikato.
If Raglan people are not sending as much waste to landfill that must mean a lower cost and if they are recycling more, then that must mean an income from the recycling. So why is it costing more when there should be a saving? Why are the costs not being passed on to the people of Raglan? I’m not saying that recycling is a bad thing, its good for the planet, the people and resources, but if it costs more, then some thing is seriously wrong and needs to be looked at.
community board that is WeatherMap - New Zealand weatherAforecasts
1st, 3rd and 5th Saturdays in Raglan 2nd and 4th Saturdays in Te Mata Further information: Raglan 825 8135 Parish Priest Fr Anselm Aherne: Frankton 847 56 88
questioning a cost to the community is a board that is doing its job for people of Raglan during these times
when people are finding the cost of living high. Also the statement in last weeks letter that said “An Xtreme Waste representative was present earlier in the meeting but was not invited to stay for additional discussion” is an untrue statement. The matter was in fact brought up at the start of the meeting in the public forum as concerns from the public and not the board’s idea, a time when members of the public can bring up their concerns to the board. The board did not say it wanted to get rid off Xtreme Waste and untrue statements like this do not help anything. There are many people in Raglan who are questioning the costs and rightly so. Why shouldn’t Xtreme Waste tender like every body else has to and the people of Raglan get the best deal. If the board is truly anti Xtreme Waste, why was it that the latest ideas presented at the meeting on reducing waste even further, were taken positively by the same board members?
I am a member of the public that attends http://www.weathermap.co.nz/?p=ragla the monthly board meetings and was present for the whole meeting. J Cole, Raglan
Caring for the ones you love
Raglan Weather & Tides
27 - 29 Manukau Road Ph. 07 825 8306 Fax: 07 825 8855 Email: raglantrust@xtra.co.nz
Check www.weathermap.co.nz for latest forecasts Forecasts Forecast generated on Wednesday 4 July Max Summary Wind Waves* Tides* Sun/Moon temp (C) (km/hr) (m) (High/Low) (Rise/Set)
Weather Map
Sunny with some cloud
SE 15 am S 15 pm
05:10 11:10 05:20 11:30
am am R 07:39 am pm S 05:11 pm pm
Sunny and clear skies
S 15 S 20
am pm
L 05:50 am R 07:38 am H 12:00 pm S 05:12 pm L 06:10 pm
Sunny and clear skies
S 15 S 20
am pm
12:20 06:40 12:40 06:50
am am R 07:38 am pm S 05:12 pm pm
Sunny and clear skies
E 15 SW 5
am pm
01:00 07:20 01:30 07:40
am am R 07:38 am pm S 05:13 pm pm
Sunny and clear skies
E 15 E5
am pm
01:50 08:10 02:20 08:30
am am R 07:38 am pm S 05:13 pm pm
Sunny with some cloud
E5 E5
am pm
02:40 09:00 03:10 09:20
am am R 07:37 am pm S 05:14 pm pm
Sunny with some cloud
SE 5 SE 5
am pm
03:30 10:00 04:10 10:20
am am R 07:37 am pm S 05:15 pm pm
*Total significant wave height and *Tide times for Raglan Bar
Raglan Ink Ltd home of the Raglan Chronicle Office Open Mon to Fri 9am - 4.00pm, Wainui Rd, Raglan Ph: (07) 825-7076 Fax: (07) 825-7078 Post: P.O. Box 234, Raglan Email: raglan.chronicle@xtra.co.nz Advertising & Articles The
advertising and editorial content deadline will be Monday at 12pm week of issue. DISCLAIMER
Opinions and views expressed in the Raglan Chronicle do not necessarily represent those held by the Editors or Publishers. Every care will be taken in the preparation and placement of submitted material but the Editors/Publishers shall not be liable for errors or omissions or subsequent effects due to the same. It is the submitter’s responsibility to ensure material is not libelous or defamatory. The Editors/Publishers reserve the right to abridge, alter or decline any material submitted to the Raglan Chronicle to meet the constraints of space and/or maintain a reasonable standard of language and decorum.
2 RAGLAN Chronicle
Rates hikes for Raglan – but some relief too Waikato District Council last week upped its general rate by 2.32 percent – but for Raglan residents that will translate to average rates hikes of between 3.8 and 10 percent for the year that began 1 July once targeted rates and the recent property revaluations are taken into account.
in his words, “other rates including the water rate have gone up by much more than this”. He says the council announcement of the rate rise also failed to mention a new community board rate that Raglan residents – along with other areas with community boards – will have to pay. The council went with the $18.20 charge despite wide opposition. Figures supplied to the Chronicle this The end result, Rodger says, are rates week by council chief executive Gavin increases well above the index that the Ion show a residential property owner Government has asked all councils to stick with an old CV of $125,000 will pay 3.8 to. He believes some residents whose CVs percent or $72.90 a year more, an owner with an old CV of $250,000 5.6 percent or shot up in the revaluation process could be $120.69 more, an owner with an old CV paying up to 30 per cent more in rates. The uniform annual general charge, of $500,000 8.2 per cent or $216.25 more however, is down by just over $80 this and an owner with an old CV of $750,000 year. a whopping 10 percent or $311.82 more. And there The figures is good news however are only for Raglan in a a guide as they’re based on the average Work out your rates bill for the year that new automatic rates remission one per cent drop in began this 1 July with three simple steps: • Using a calculator work out your general scheme that Raglan residential rate cost – 0.0023437 in each dollar of stands to lessen capital values, and your CV. many properties’ • Add in the uniform annual general the blow for many of those charge of $403. values here rose or fell by much greater • Add in the targeted rates – $15 for facing big hikes community facilities, $86.52 for solid in rates. percentages. waste, $18.20 for community board, The oneAnd the average $194.26 for stormwater, $576.30 for off, two-year one percent fall wastewater and $399.84 for water. transitional itself has represented policy is no rates relief for Raglan ratepayers as the average drop in designed in part to lessen the effect of what residential valuations across the Waikato the council calls the “property revaluation alignment charges” and Mr Ion says district was much more. As Raglan Community Board chairman qualifying properties in the Raglan ward Rodger Gallagher implies on his website will account for the majority of residential the 2.32 percent rise in the council’s remissions at 60 percent. In contrast non-residential properties general rate – pared back by councillors from 2.4 percent – is misleading because, here will qualify for only 4 per cent of total
Work out your bill
Manu Bay Bible Camp only remaining sewage worry Waikato Regional Council has faith the Bryant Trust-owned Children’s Bible Camp above Manu Bay, with its help, can clean up its environmental act and get out of the poo.
Council spokesman Stephen Ward says bacteria levels downstream of the camp are still too high and “we will continue to work closely with the camp to ensure the wastewater system there is upgraded or replaced in the near future to bring its environmental performance back into line”. The situation with the big four accommodation providers in Manu and Whale Bays has been revealed to the Chronicle in the wake of local residents’ complaints they could be among the biggest polluters on the Whaanga Coast yet were excluded from the big push to link Coast properties into Raglan town’s sewage treatment system. The regional council says following community concerns, staff undertook site inspections of the four facilities’ wastewater treatment systems in April – then followed up in May with water quality testing upstream and downstream of their discharge points.
“Two of them received a clean bill of health in terms of the impact their systems were having on waterways,” Stephen said. “But the testing concerning two – the Bible Camp and Raglan Surf School [at Karioi Lodge] – indicated that very high levels of bacteria, many times over the applicable standards, were getting into nearby streams from their sewage systems.” The council says it took enforcement action to ensure these treatment systems were repaired immediately, as any excess bacteria has the potential to harm human and animal health. The sampling was then repeated last month (June) and showed bacteria levels were no longer a concern downstream of the surf school. Bacteria levels had also dropped dramatically downstream of the bible camp, but were still too high for contact recreational standards. Ironically it is understood the bible camp asked recently to join in the link-up to Raglan’s sewage treatment system but was told by Waikato District Council the scheme was for residential properties only. Edith Symes
council remissions in that category. Minimum thresholds for the scheme – in the residential sector – are that a ratepayer must be facing a hike of at least $300 a year, coupled with a percentage change of at least 10 percent. The maximum remission has been set at $300. But Mr Ion emphasises the policy doesn’t apply where rates have spiralled simply because of additional capital improvements and development. The scheme will cost the council $204,515 in the first year but only $23,257 in the second, and Mr Ion says it will be funded from interest earnings. A.T
Registered Valuers Property Consultants
Hawken & Co. L.W. HAWKEN Dip. VFM; Val; Prof. Urban, ANZIV. SPINZ
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The only place in Raglan to have your LPG gas bottles filled 9KG Bottles $30 Hosts: Mary and Rob Clark Address: Marine Parade,
Raglan Phone: (07) 825 8283 Email: stay@raglanholidaypark.co.nz
www.raglanholidaypark.co.nz RAGLAN Chronicle 3
Underdogs to reign supreme at skate comp While competition will be the name of the game at Raglan’s first ever Grom Jam held this Saturday, organisers Stephen Reid and Juan Duazo say that it’s “all about the fun and participation,” with special awards reserved for the kids that give it their all. “This Grom Jam is for all levels of skateboarders. A lot of kids can be competitive, but some are a bit shy so we really want the emphasis to be on fun and giving it a go,” said Stephen. With three divisions, 10 & Under, 13 & Under and 16 & Under, the competition itself will involve 20-minute jams first on the street park then later moving onto the bowl. “Having both street and bowl keeps it fair so the competition is based on your overall abilities. While one is going the other will be free too so skaters won’t be waiting around very long for turns,” said Stephen. Along with the skaters, five of Raglan’s keen young photographers and film-makers will also be flocking to the Grom Jam in a “Photo Shoot Out” to capture some of the best shots of the day. “The Photo Shoot Out showcases some of the creative roles that exist around sports like skating. Photographers and film-makers are important in documenting that culture,” said Juan. An idea initiated by Maryann Tuao of local production company Groundswell Media, the top three photos - judged by professionals B.Rex and members of Groundswell Media - will be featured in the Chronicle as well as B.Rex’s photography studio in the weeks following the competition. “We wanted the youth to be involved as much as possible, if they help with the organisation then they can have a sense of ownership over the event. Hopefully that will feed the fire with the youth to create and maintain a culture among themselves,” said Stephen.
home based child care
Available in Raglan • Babies to 5 years • Flexible hours • 20 ECE hrs for 3 & 4 year olds • WINZ Subsidies available We are also seeking motivated educarers to provide care in their own homes
With support from local businesses as well as the wider skate community there will be heaps of prizes up for grabs including everything from skate gear to clothes to food vouchers, with the organisers saying, “We would like every participant to walk away with something, even if it’s something small.”
A great event for kids during the school holidays, Stephen and Juan say they are still on the lookout for people to help on the day and encourages all the parents, brothers and sisters, friends and older generation of skaters to come out and support the groms. Maki Nishiyama
GROM JAM 2012 @ TE KOPUA SKATE PARK, RAGLAN For skate comp enquiries contact Steve Or Juan: driftwoodlocalent@yahoo.com For “Photo Shoot Out” enquiries and entry information contact Groundswell Media: 0212514676 – groundswellmedialtd@gmail.com Alternatively, visit the Facebook page: Raglan Grom Jam 2012. Saturday 7th July, 11am registration, 11:30am start.
Traditional Gaelic gig comes to town
This Saturday night 7th July there is a CEILIDH in the Raglan Town Hall.
This is a family night, with entertainers lining up to give the people of Raglan an experience not seen here for many years. There will be dancing for all (beginners and seasoned participants alike) live acts, interspersed through the evening, the
theatre of a Haggis ceremony and supper at the two thirds mark.
During winter, the Ceilidh circuit does the rounds , and this year the Raglan and District Highland Pipe Band are putting on a CEILIDH with the help of a number of people who are keen to support our efforts . So come along on Saturday night, dressed up and ready to join in. Tickets
are $15.00 or $40.00 family (two adults and two kids). Pre-purchase from Raglan information centre Wainui Road or $20.00 on the door. Remember all ticket holders are welcome at the Town Hall on Friday 6th at 7pm for free dance lessons with Stan and Lyn for the Saturday night. Its easy and fun. We would love to see you there. Raglan and Districts Highland Pipe Band.
Phone 0800 jemmas
Te Kohao Health Your Medical Clinic Nau Mai Haere Mai
All Welcome
Raglan, Poihakena Marae 216 Wainui Rd, Raglan Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9.00am - 4.30pm Free after hours telephone triage service Phone: (07) 825 0197 Fax: (07) 825 0956 Email: admin@tekohaohealth.co.nz
Dr Oliver Russell Dr Gill Brady Dr Marcia Mitchley 10 Bankart Street, Raglan
Te Kohao Health 180 Dey St, Hamilton Monday - Friday 8.30 - 5.00pm Saturday 8.30 - 12.00pm Free after hours telephone triage service Phone: (07) 856 1211 Dedicated in the memory of Dr Tom Ellison
4 RAGLAN Chronicle
Staff polish up training to match new i-SITE Raglan’s professional-looking new information centre – in the foyer of the $1 million museum building opened recently – has now been mirrored behind the counter with certification in tourism for two of its fulltime staff. Both Te Aronui Reweti and centre manager Anthea Jackson have recently received national qualifications, bringing an extra edge of know-how to an i-SITE previously staffed almost entirely voluntarily by capable and knowledgeable locals. Te Aronui – better known about town simply as T – certainly has “no regrets” now at stepping outside her comfort zone and off the dole two years ago when she got the opportunity to front up at the info centre with Winz’s last intake of youth on the Community Max job creation scheme. Now she’s set to move on from her level three certificate, the basic qualification for an i-SITE, to level four which covers optional strands of learning specific to visitor information including Maori tourism. Anthea will now progress her own qualification to management level as T continues to train and put into practise the skills she is developing. Both have achieved their National Certificate in Tourism by distance learning through the Aviation, Travel and Tourism Organisation (ATTO).
Divvy seal to undergo further repairs With the wetter weather and icy mornings, commuters and other drivers may have noticed the deteriorating condition of the chip seal covering parts of the recently re-sealed deviation. While the smooth new surface covering the more treacherous, winding western side was a much-needed upgrade to the road, the rougher, chip sealed areas on either side have been a cause for concern. The road quality can be described as patchy and rough at best with parts of the chip giving way and the road splitting into ruts, making the road uneven and slippery in areas. The New Zealand Transport Agency who booked the contractors for the work is well aware of these issues with repairs already underway on some parts of the road. NZTA State Highways operations manager Karen Boyt told the Waikato Times that sections of concern were predominantly in areas of “shade” and “high stress.” She explained that re-sealing was heavily dependent on weather conditions with work carried out on the Deviation coinciding with some of the first frosts of the season, which lead to chip loss in some areas. Remedial work will continue in the next couple of weeks as weather permits, “when the ground temperatures and direct sunlight are favourable,” with contractors footing the bill for the failed seal. Maki Nishiyama
enjoy music with your
Your local mainly music
When: Mondays & Wednesdays 9.30am Where : Te Uku Church Hall When : $3.00 per family Contact : Surfside Christian Life Centre
Phone 825 5199
Park Drive Panel B Park Drive Panel Beaters Collision Repairs
Te Aronui Reweti and centre manager Anthea Jackson with their tourism certificates Tourism is one of the big employers in Raglan, Anthea points out, and it’s good to acknowledge that by training our young people. She believes other employers in our community like Waikato District Council, which runs Kopua Holiday Park, need to look at the entry level qualifications on offer for their own staff and help promote Raglan as a tourist town too.
T is a “real asset” to the info centre, Anthea adds, as is Veliste Barnes who works weekends. She also took the opportunity to train and upskill there through the same Winz scheme as T and now has her sights set firmly on the tourist industry. Veliste is currently training at Wintec and hopes for a career in corporate travel. Te Aronui,23, and Veliste,22, are both former Raglan Area School students. Edith Symes
General Panel Beatin Collision Repairs Private & Insurance W General Panel Beating WOF Rust Repairs Private & Insurance Work Restoration WOF Rust Repairs Restoration Phone Craig (07) 825 0 Fax (07) 825 8302 Phone Craig (07) 825 0302 2 Park Drive, Raglan Fax (07) 825 8302 2 Park Drive, Raglan
Raglan Kindergarten We Welcome all enquiries and enrolments We welcome all enquiries and enrolments for children 2 for Children 21/2 and over. 1/2 and over. We offer morning (8.30-12.30), afternoon We offer Morning or Afternoon sessions, (1-3) and ‘Kindergarten sessions (8.30-3.00). fully qualifiedday’ staff and a safe,We have fully qualified stafflearning and a safe,environment. fun, learning environment. fun, Using some of your child’s ‘20 free hours’ at Kindergarten could mean no fees for you!!
CALL IN ANYTIME AT: 9 STEWART STREET, RAGLAN or Phone us on 825 8674 Email raglan@kindergarten.org.nz
Warmer homes in Raglan: a new partnership Thanks to Chrissy Hodkinson and the Raglan Community Network meetings, a new partnership has been agreed between Whaingaroa Environment Centre (WEC) and Whaingaroa Affordable Housing Trust (WAHT). The two groups found they had several aims in common; warmer homes in Raglan, and care for local people and the environment. Now that winter has closed in, making homes warmer is an important undertaking. The Whaingaroa Affordable Housing Trust is continuing to make homes warmer with free carpets and firewood, and still has supplies available. Julia Brown, of the Housing Trust, has done three years of hard work, putting up curtains to make more than thirty Raglan homes warmer, and is now ready to take a break and move on to something else. From July 1st, the Environment Centre will take over coordinating the free curtains for cold homes, although the Housing Trust will continue to be involved. It is hoped to set up a team of volunteers, perhaps to do one or two houses each, so the work is shared. Free curtains are available, and help with how to go about it. Or if you want to make your own curtains, the Environment Centre can show you how. They can also
show you how to make your own draft stoppers and baby nappies. Meanwhile, Whaingaroa Affordable Housing Trust is pleased that progress is being made on the first Habitat for Humanity House in Raglan. Painting of the interior is underway, and they could do with volunteers over the next two weeks. If you can spare a day or a half day, please do your bit to help out a great family. Meanwhile the Whaingaroa Affordable Housing Trust continues to look for more ways to make accommodation warmer and more affordable in our town. Here’s who to contact to help make Raglan warmer, or to ask for help. •
To donate curtains, to help put them up, or to learn how, or if you need curtains yourself, phone Bexie or Anna, at WEC, 825-0480.
To donate carpets, or if you need carpets, phone John, at WAHT, on 825-7866.
To donate firewood, to help with cutting, or if you need firewood, phone Vin, at WAHT on 825-0235.
To help with painting, phone Carma at Habitat for Humanity on 027-6710110.
To find out more about the Whaingaroa Affordable Housing Trust phone Mike on 825-0306 or John on 825-7866. Vin Glynn
Electorate office: 25 Roche Street, Te Awamutu p 07 825 0263 (Freephone) e ShaneArdernMP@xtra.co.nz
RAGLAN Chronicle 5
All Blacks signup over lunch
All Black fans: Riley Hartgill, Michael Copland and William Parker with their signed rugby ball
A couple of weeks ago, members of the All Blacks forward pack made a trip out to Raglan to lunch at the Harbour View Hotel.
three-test win against Ireland in the Steinlager Series are now preparing for the 2012 Investec Rugby Championships. This year’s championships will be the seventeenth annual rugby union series between the national rugby union teams of New Zealand, Australia and South Africa, and will be the first championships where we see the addition of the Argentinian Pumas. Maki Nishiyama
The boys do lunch with the All Blacks
Three lucky lads from The Raglan Childcare and Michael Copland say hello. Richie and the team all signed the kids’ rugby ball - leaving them an awesome token to remember the moment. The All Blacks come off the back of a recent Education Centre, Riley Hartgill, and William Parker sat down to
Raglan ‘Fight Night’
On Saturday we are having our Sports Jiu- towards the purchase of equipment for our dojo. Our jitsu competition with Martial Art students Kiaido Ryu students from Raglan are stepping up to competing from all around the country right take on dojos from across the nation so come and cheer them on! here in Raglan! Date: Saturday 7th July 2012 Our goal is to raise funds for our dojo and we Place: Raglan School Hall need your help! As well as awesome Jiu-jitsu action, Time: 10.30am till finish we will be selling sausages, steak sandwiches, fizzy Cost: Gold coin entry drinks, tea & coffee. On sale will be our custom “Everyone welcome, family friendly”
Dean Message
Raglan K.R.M.A Thames Gradings
T-shirts and Hoodies with all proceeds going
Hi everyone, once again our brilliant students from Raglan made the trip to the east coast in Thames for their next level in gradings.
YELLOW –ORANGE BELT Elena Carroll ORANGE-BLUE BELT Congratulations on your huge Looking ahead, Jake Child we have achievements young Padawans, heaps more work ahead of us Liam Rumble your hard work has really paid and I know you’re up for the PURPLE-GREEN off! challenge. Dai Sempai Dean. Sam Solomon
OPEN HOME this SUNDAY 1:00 to 1:30pm
6 RAGLAN Chronicle
3 Bedroom Family Home
Large Rumpus Room
Internal Garage with Workshop
Separate Garage/ Boat Shed
Large 943 sqm Section
www.century21.co.nz ID: NlH790
Fish From The Jetty
• 31 Nihinihi Ave All offers to be received at Century Pete Barry 21, 37 Bow, Raglan M. 021 363 465 July 2012 by 18th E. pete@shoreline.net.nz unless sold prior
Toy Library receives a boost
TOPCUT BUTCHERY TRADING HOURS: Mon - Friday 7am - 5pm Saturday 7am - 2pm.
Heather Dalbeth is the lucky winner of a 1/2 COOKED HAM ON THE BONE! Congratulations
CHECK THIS OUT... If the Chief’s make the Super 15 Rugby Final we pledge to put our famous BEEF SAUSAGES on special for a WHOLE MONTH!* *Special would start on 6th August L to R: Ruth Blackwell, on behalf of the Raglan Knitting Circle, presenting a $300 cheque to Charlotte Hartstone and Rebecca Hishon of the Whaingaroa Toy Library
Last week the Raglan Knitting Circle very kindly donated $300 of their prize winnings from the Raglan Art to Wear show to the Whaingaroa Toy Library to spend on new toys. Committee members Charlotte Hartstone and Rebecca Hishon, who say they have already got
a number of great new toys in mind, are very appreciative of this boost in funds. The toy library is located at the Te Uku Memorial Hall and is open every Monday 10.3012noon. They cater to all children 0-5yrs and have membership space available. If interested call Charlotte on 825 7332 for more information.
Here are our July ‘Specials’ Tasty Pork Belly or strips
‘Colour Me Happy’ fashion show This Saturday Matapihi Art Gallery plans to show off it’s collection.
just what we need to chase away the winter blues. There will be spot prizes too.
The show will include pieces from the MozArt winter collection for the ladies and Moko ’kiwi to the core’ mens wear.
Matapihi Sat 7th July. Doors open at 7pm.
This is going to be a fun and colourful night,
Cost $15. Tickets limited, so be in quick! Ticket includes a glass of wine and nibbles.
Whole Fresh Size 14 Chicken
Lately the market has been flooded with special offers on hobby glasses, but be aware that to ensure the wellbeing of your eyes you will need a thorough eye examination by a qualified Optometrist. Because specs can be replaced easily, but eyes can’t. That’s why at Paterson Burn Optometrists you’ll get the very best eye care and assessment first, and we’ve done so in the Waikato region since 1925. Trust us to make sure that the glasses you wear not only look good, but are perfectly suited to your particular requirements at very competitive prices. FREE $40 Gift Vouchers are available from Raglan Community House (45 Bow St) ph 07 825 8142
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Tender Lean Beef Schnitzel
Plain or Crumbed For any advice on special cuts or if you wish to make an order please call on Richard and the friendly team at: 2 Wallis Street
825 8647 Your family Optometrists since 1925
RAGLAN Chronicle 7
Ray White recognised for Letters marketing excellence The pinnacle of Ray White’s awards program, their annual national conference and awards evening held at Auckland in March recognised and celebrated the achievements of members. Raglan real estate principal Julie Hanna received a well-deserved Marketing Excellence Salesperson Award, one of only five awarded in the country. A glitzy black tie affair, the awards night was held at Sky City with over 650 Ray White members in attendance. “The award given to the Ray White Team clearly demonstrates the high level of service they provide to their clients and their skills in being able to achieve results for local property owners,” said Carey Smith Chief Executive of Ray White New Zealand The Raglan branch also winning the Central North Island Market Share Award, Julie said, “David and I are absolutely delighted to win the awards and I attribute any success to purely having an amazing team working with me. Blair, Trish and Steve are all diligent and hardworking salespeople.” This is the fourth year running in which the Raglan Ray White team have achieved one of the highest market shares by a Ray White group member in their trade area. With an innovative marketing program in place, Julie says their online videos of properties, which can be viewed on YouTube, have been particularly successful with direct sales resulting from video enquiries. Having experienced “tremendous” sales in the first half of the year Ray White Raglan are
Julie Hanna receiving her Marketing Excellence Salesperson award from a member of the White Family at the 2012 Ray White awards night currently seeking new listings to fill the many gaps in their inventory. These conditions reflect wider national trends with realestate. co.nz reporting that the number of homes for sale in New Zealand has dropped to its lowest point since January 2008. With both Ray White Raglan’s auction and fixed price programs achieving very good results, Julie says it is a great time to think about putting your house on the market. Contact the Ray White team today for a free appraisal – (07) 825 8669.
Night of gritty rock at the YOT Club
Saturday sees a line-up of three bands including Auckland 5-piece rock ‘n’ rollers ‘the Dirty Sweets’ whose primitive, irony-free take on rock n’ metal has memorably been described by New Zealand Musician Magazine as being akin to ‘The Munsters at an Acca Dacca convention’.
“Expectations should be for a huge night of dynamic live music delivered in a raw and real style,” says Daniel ‘Pic’ O’Neill of the Illicit Wah Wahz, adding, “If we’re putting our name out there to bring acts to our town then we’re only into dealing with those we think bring a real integrity to their work, and are obviously great at what they do!” We will also see the return of ex-Raglanite Renee Leishman as front woman of Radiotherapy. A talented and hard-working musician, she says her band’s sound is “ something a little different,” with an unmistakable “high-energy rock ‘n’ roll feel with some definite punk undertones.” With a night of raucous music planned, make sure you head down this Saturday 7th July to catch the trio of rock bands bring their unique brand of sonic attack to the YOT Club. Entry: $10 before 10pm, $15 after.
Explosive local act, the Illicit Wah Wahz, are once again bringing inte-GRIT-y rock ‘n’ roll to their local - the YOT Club – this Saturday. A night for the brave, these guys have a reputation for putting on a top-class night of cutting edge, power rock ‘n’ roll!
5 Kingies
Won 4 - 0
Aari Glover
6 Black Won 75 - 70 William Parker & Riley Hartgill
6 Stingrays
Loss 0 - 2 Harrison Meek
6th Penguins
Loss 3 - 6 Tawhia Welby
7 Dolphins
Loss 1 - 4 Luka Willaims
7th Snappers
Loss 0 - 2 Eli Hughes
8th Orcas
Win 5 - 1
8th Sharks
Win 3 - 0 Jarvis Camezind & Maxy Greene
th th
Connor Marquand
6th Green Draw 35 - 35 Reef Staheli & Jasmine Single 7th 8th 9th
Won 90 - 85
Oliver Wallace & George Loten
Draw 35 - 35 Maru Maniapoto-Whitiora & Peatariki Patterson Won 70 - 25 Manunui Rainey & Lucy Single
Won 46 - 5 Kyden Waitere & Ned Pene
10th Seasnakes Draw 2 - 2 Jack Kirkwood
Drew 10 - 10 Keith Macdonald & Sam Robertson
11th Bull Sharks Lost 1 - 5 Rudi Regnier
Lost 15 - 35 Deken Rooks & Amaziah Lelievre
9th Manta Rays
Win 5 - 1
8 RAGLAN Chronicle
The team
Sir, The Chronicle’s incomplete item on a discussion at the June Community Board meeting and the follow-up letter in the last issue require some explanation. Prior to the commencement of the formal part of every Community Board meeting there is an informal community forum. The purpose of the forum is to allow residents to have their say on any topic without going through the formal meeting process. It is not possible for the Board to pass resolutions during the forum. At the forum before the June meeting a number of residents and some board members spoke about the charges for the services provided by Xtreme Waste. Some considered charges to be low but most considered them to be high. In the
minutes, this discussion is recorded as, ‘Refuse charges are reported to be the highest in the Waikato region. A request was made for the Board to ensure that the contract for refuse, recycling and transfer station operation be let by means of the public tender process in future’. As this discussion took place during the forum, no resolution was passed on this topic. The current contract with Xtreme Waste has some time to run. No doubt a few months before the contract ends, the Board will discuss this formally and consider all of the costs, approaches, and benefits and do its best to decide on what is right for our community.
Dear Editor, We wrote a ‘Letter to the Editor’ a month ago about six abandoned horses who needed help. We had a heart lifting response. 18 people came out. The feet all got done – a bit of a challenge. The horses
were gently handled and float trained and all that needed homes have found them. Thank you for your support, for sharing your skills so freely and thank you for providing homes to these lovely animals. Tau Pakaua, Pat Turner, Raglan
Rodger Gallagher, Chairperson, Raglan Community Board
We have winter. As a result we have garden with a garden fork or cultivator to to contend with the cold, frosts, wind and aerate the soil and eliminate weeds. Onion excess rain – so it’s very wet. It is not an seeds, shallot and garlic bulbs can be planted easy time for our gardens. But plants are now along with further cabbage, cauliflower resilient. They are waiting for a bit of broccoli, silver beet and spinach. Winter warmth, then buds will form, bulbs will flower plants can still go in such as pansies, push through the ground, seedlings will violas, primulas, iceland poppies, sweet pea. come up and the weeds will grow. Don’t The garden centres have lots of punnets of force plants with fertilizer. They just need flowers that are well forward and ready to compost and mulch. show and go. Speaking of which, I have been out Stored potatoes need to be checked for and about doing a sprouts. Just rub them few pruning jobs, off. Same with stored and was amazed pumpkins - turn them to see how well and check for soft spots. gardens have been Tip: Organic doing thanks to summer spray. In a bags of seedling, kitchen whiz, mulch up potting, or compost some chopped lemon mixes (which have grass, a couple of dessert a slow release spoons of cloves, some fertilizer mixed chilli, garlic if available with it). Great! It and a liberal amount of is a good product vegetable oil. The finer and produces good you can get it the better. results but you The oil is the sticking don’t need to add agent. Store in container Har vesting potatoes further blood and with added water. Just bone, urea or super etc, as it is already there. spray it on the plants. It can be used as an You end up just creating more green matter, insect repellant. Why tell you now? Because roses making a lot of wood, flowers not you need to plant the lemon grass seeds now forming etc. so you can make this spray in the summer. Raglan already has a good soil structure All the best, it’s just started to rain and climate that basically will grow again. everything - with the addition of garden Raglan Wharf Seagull compost, a bit of lime in the autumn and weed maintenance. Plants know how to do it, just let them do their thing. Tip: Sometimes at this time of year the broccoli and cauliflower can be a bit slow in forming good size The Chronicle has eight bags of three ‘desiree’ (red) heads. Using a sharp knife pierce seed potatoes to give away. They need a sheltered garden spot with good sunlig the stem vertically right through for ht. Place them just below the ground surface with a bit about an inch, then leave, this will of garden compost. A garden trowel of fire ash (untreated force the plant along. wood) around the potato will help. Once up, mound Pruning should be completed by them every ten days. They should be ready in Octob now on fruit trees, roses, grapes and er. the trimming of bushes and hedges. Roses, grape vines and fruit trees can be sprayed with winter oil or lime sulphur before buds start forming. This gets rid of scale, mites and fungi. During fine spells go over the
Raglan Book Surfers Club Book club started out of the desire to connect with friends on an intellectual level - not that I didn’t love catching up with my friends at the pub, gigs at the Yot club or at the beach with the kids. I was inspired by a Hamilton librarian who had set up her own book club and said to me“Why don’t you do it in Raglan?” and raglanbooksurfers was born! As proud residents of Raglan,
discussing likes and dislikes, writing styles and perspectives on the stories. The host puts on nibbles or a feast to their fancy, the others bring the wine and $10 towards that months selection of books. We each have a turn hosting and buying the books, which we get to keep after they have been in the book club library for 12 months. We now have over 100 books in our shared library, with many appearing on the Whitcoulls Top 100 book list!
we all love living on the wild west coast and enjoy the relaxed lifestyle and inspirational place that Raglan is
known for. It is the perfect backdrop for immersing yourself in books that inform, amuse, inspire, give us chills, make us reflect, think, cry and love. Book club has become a monthly ritual. There is a lot of chatter, laughter
I am thrilled I made the effort to
we have read. With twelve of us in the book club,
everyone has a different
perspective so it is really interesting
Book Review: Justice and Utu
bring an awesome group of intelligent, funny, insightful and random women
Justice and Utu is the fourth book of the “Aotearoa” series, a fantasy written by New Zealand author David Hair for young adults ,but like “Harry Potter”, can be enjoyed by all ages. The main character is a young Maori-Irish boy named Matiu “Mat” Douglas, who ventures to the parrallel world of Aotearoa where ghosts of the past live and exist in an alternate world. In “Justice and Utu” the Treaty of Waitangi has been taken by an evil Makutu, and must be returned to save Aotearoa from evil. ”Mat spun around as a dozen colonial soldiers, clad in rough black breeches and coats clutching bayoneted muskets, appeared all around them. One man held a smoking musket, having discharged the warning shot. A sergeant came forward, confronting Wiri. ‘Who are you,
together to connect and discuss stories of people, history, vampires, crime, murder, love, life and laughter. We all love book club and highly recommend this to anyone who shares the same love of good food, wine, company and damn fine books.
and banter, which is all part of the fun. Each month we review the books that
Members of the Raglan Book Surfers Club at their monthly gathering
To view our library and get more information on how the book club works check out our blog raglanbooksurfers. wordpress.com.
Lee Marchioni
sir? What are you doing here?’ His voice was thoroughly English. Then his eyes flickered around the group, took in Donna Kyle’s pale face with its distinctive moko on the chin, and went pale. ‘My God lads, it’s the White Witch!’ If you enjoy fantasy, adventure, history and mythology I highly reccomend this book. The first in the series is “The Bone Tiki”, and it’s sequels are “The Taniwha’s Tears” and “The Lost Tohunga”. The books are written as a series but can be enjoyed as stand alone reads as well. To win a copy of “Justice and Utu” email info@raglanchronicle.co.nz the answer to the following question; What is Utu? The Raglan Book Surfer
Distillation workshop promises to spice up your winter Jill & Charlie from Alembics NZ are returning to the HerbsNZ café, Whatawhata, to hold a practical hands on demonstration on the distillation of essential oils, aromatic hydrosol and spirits for cosmetic, culinary and therapeutic use, using traditional copper alembic stills. This will be of special interest to those who love growing and working with aromatic herbs, flowers and spices, herbalists, aromatherapists, crafts people, brewers and wine makers or you just like the idea! The theme will be winter distillations, a warming spice, something for coughs and colds, and a taste of some warming winter spirits!
STENDY ELECTRICAL For all your electrical requirements and appliance servicing requirements
Authorised Service Centre prompt, professional, reliable service. NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL
phone 021 0824 4012 - 07 825 0214 F: 07 825 0215 PO Box 79 Raglan El: stendynz@actrix.co.nz
You may like to try making a fruit liquor: 200ml Of Eau de Vie 3 oranges 1 clove 1 cinnamon stick Roast the oranges until they are soft. Tip into a clean bowl and mash. Transfer to a clean glass jar with a lid. Add the clove and cinnamon stick. Cover with the Eau de Vie, leave to macerate for 3 weeks. After 3 weeks, pour the mix through a strainer. Strain again through a coffee filter or fine muslin. Add honey to taste, pour into a glass decanter and enjoy as an after dinner liquor or add to a cocktail. The Workshop covers: •
Types of alembic stills, setting up, cleaning & care.
• • • • •
Demonstration of hydro-distillation for aromatic &therapeutic. Hydrosol, storage & application. l x demonstration of steam distillation for essential oil. Basic process and practice of distilling for alcohol. Demonstration of distilling alcohol using wine to Eau de Vie.
An information packet is provided to all workshop attendees.
Alembics Distillation Workshop Saturday 14th July 10.30-3.00. Herbs NZ Café Whatawhata Cost: $120 per person (coffee, tea and lunch included) Maximum 15 persons per workshop Discount for couple and groups. * 5% discount on stills purchased on the day or freight free for orders
• • • • •
Registered Electrician Domestic. Commercial Rural From small repairs to full installations
Mark Milner - 027sparky5 0277727595 after hours 07 825 0915 electrician1@rocketmail.com
Plumbing ●Gas Fitting ●Drainage Solar Energy Specialists The specialists servicing Raglan PH: Justin mills
Office 0800 solar1 (765271) .
MOBILE 0212 464 264
Plumbing & Solar FENCING
Plumbing • Gas Fitting • Drainage Solar Energy Specialists The specialists servicing Raglan PH: Justin Mills Office 0800 solar1 (765271) MOBILE 0212 464 264 www.epgsolar.co.nz
HARLEY FIELD Greenslade Rd, Raglan PH: 021 127 5486 EMAIL: DRIPFREE@XTRA.CO.NZ
10 RAGLAN Chronicle
For advertising inquiries: Contact the Raglan Chronicle on 07 825 7076 or email us at: info@raglanchronicle.co.nz
Courses, classes & workshops
MAINLY MUSIC. $@?52J Te Uku 92== Need new TRX Circuit Reveal your . 6 5 ? 6 D 5 2 J $@?52J 2> inspiration for your Classes paddle power! 2> +6 ,<F .inner 6 5 abs! ? 6 D 5 2 J 9FC49
' "(.+ + #( ,-+ '!-" ( ., +,(' % -+ #'#'! ' )(+- ,) #3 ) +,(' % A> C:?8 EIE +,(' % -+ #'#'! .,#'! % ,, , -" - ( ., (' (+ -+ #'#'! % ,, , *2C29 + 7@C >@C6 TUES @ Raglan (' ".+, )& ((% *.#)& '- ,-+ '!-" ' + #( :?7@ @C Club +# & -+6I2D -" - ( ., (' ,-+ '!-" " +(,,(/ + -+ #' +, (+ %% ! , 3-' ,, % / %,
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.,- + (($ & 1 ) + + #( Â % ' ( + , ' %%, % ,, Whale Bay THURS@ the Whale Bay@ Raglan WED @ Raglan THURS Whale Bay Whale F? Bay Club, (F:K Old School Arts Fitness Studio Fitness Studio House Community Fitness Studio Fitness Studio 6?EC6 *A:??6CD A> %% (& 10 - 1pm CV Writing %% (& 2?5 H62G6CD %% (& %% (& LIGHT Assistance. ) RAGLAN 2> L A> 000 0" % 23-' ,, (& 000 0" % 23-' ,, (& 000 0" % 23-' ,, (& 000 0" % 23-' ,, (& E X E R C I S E == H6=4@>6 AAED %6H >6>36CD C6BF:C65 '9 GROUP. $66ED $@? H6=4@>6
+9FCD 2>
THURS @ THE .65 A> E96 &=5 RAGLAN CLUB @DA6= 2== )28=2? Group Fitness Classes @ Raglan Gym: F49C6 == .6DE
W E D N E S D AY S try â&#x20AC;&#x153;PUMPâ&#x20AC;? today H6=4@>6 A>
@ BLACKSAND RAGLAN GROM Pump is a high calorie-burning resistance training class, using light to "?:EE:?8 JAM 2012 *49@@= CAFĂ&#x2030; moderate weights, on a changeable barbell .A full body work out mov :C4=6 7C@> 9@=:52J D<2E6 4@>A 2> 68:??6CD ing through various exercises such as squats, lunges, chest press and 962AD @7 AC:K6D FA H6=4@>6 much more. Resistance training is great for, building strength to support 7@C 8C23D *2EFC52J joints and also for improving bone density, and of course for toning up! R A G L A N !F=J 2> R A M B L E R S C68:DEC2E:@? +6 Tuesdays: 6am with Laurie @ Raglan Gym "@AF2 D<2E6 A2C< W E D N E S D A Y 11 JULY: )28=2? Thursdays: 5:15pm with Laurie @ Raglan Gym R U A P U K E )2>3=6CD 2> B E A C H C A R E 7C@> .2:?F: )5 42C To book a class today phone 825 0079. PLANTING *F?52J A2C< ?6IE E@ E96 MC6 !F=J A> )2:? DE2E:@? 2>:=E@? 92:= D?@H @C D9:?6 1@@ L 2 =@E @7 A2E9D For Sale To Let '=62D6 >66E 2E E96 E@ H2=< 2C@F?5 2?5 %&)+ % 42C 2 49@:46 @7 7@@5 E@ A2C< *H2?? 446DD 62E H9:=6 =@@<:?8 2E M E R I N O TWO+ BEDROOM upstairs U N D E R W E A R , HOUSE, )@25 2E A> E96 2?:>2=D
N2E DF??J =2C86 O C2DD $@?<6JP C:?8 DA256 C@@>D =2H?D 8F>3@@ED
INGLESIDE BF2=:EJ % 1 >256 5@F3=6 What is it? M?6 >6C:?@ =@?8 :?4=F565 SUNDAYS @ Te Uku 82C286 A H Coming to the ;@9?D D:?8=6ED Church, G6?:?8 Raglan Town E D9:CED =@?8 %@ A6ED D@CCJ ?@E D6CG:46 A> Hall D=66G6 2?5 D9@CE DF:E23=6 7@C 49:=5C6? MON @ THE 7th July. D=66G6 .2E6C =@?8 E6C> '9 RAGLAN CLUB. Family fun. )67D C6D:DE2?E ?@ :E49 @C
42C5D A> C6BF:C65
@5@FC :D 5FC23=6 H2E6C C6A6==6?E WHALE BAY S/C 7FC?:D965 3C62E923=6 H:?5 DEF5:@ 2?5 MC6 C6D:DE2?E 2?5 =62? 2?5 E:5J H:E9 >249:?6 H2D923=6 ?:46 G:6H 2?5 A2E:@ THUR 5 JULY @ SAT 7 JULY @ ):89E ,A $J ==6J AH A@H6C YOT Club, #0 Raglan Town Hall, -@=4@> #2?6 9EEA ?4=F56D 3C@2532?5 '9 @C &# $6 $@@? # +:4<6ED HHH CF>2 4@ ?K +@FC H:E9 +&$ ?7@ 6?EC6
2>:=J 25F=ED # )"
2 BEDROOM SAT 7 JULY @ YOT F ? 7 F C ? : D 9 6 5 Club, + )+0 RAGLAN SUNDAY 4=@D6 E@ E@H? 2?5 *. +* ) & LOUNGE SESSION 92C3@FC AC676C + ) '0 + 8 JULY@ YOT Club Juicing is Back! =@?8 E6C> E6?2?E ## + . . 1 @DJ 2E>@DA96C6 Organic Juices A=62D6 367@C6 H2C> 362ED =:G6 Made fresh just for you AH C:?8 @C !D 7C66 7C@> A> 27E6C
Liver tonic 5C:?< DA64:2=D
Cold Buster COMMERCIAL Rev Up BUILDING â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Raglan Herbal Healer For Sale For Sale Storage 2?5 Juicing Fruit is ?5FDEC:2= '2C< #E5 also available for '9
Flowers purchase
! Improve your
Lilypot Florist
07 825 6847
.2==:D *EC66E
Come hunt thru our Winter SALE alot of great
FIREWOOD DRY 6x6 =@25 A:?6
56=:G6C65 '9
A6C > A6C > 56=:G6C65
The Herbal Dispensary 6 Wallis St 825 7444 For Hire
COMMERCIAL/RETAIL SHOP PREMISES Raglan CBD, 84 SQM TWO available Ph 021 363465 or admin@shoreline.net.nz
FLOORSANDING EQUIPMENT 7@C Wanted 9:C6 '9 )28=2? =@@C:?8
ANY UTE, VAN, 4WD BOUNCY CASTLE, @C ECF4< H2?E65 ?J 5@6D?PE C62E 6?E6CE2:?>6?E 4@?5:E:@? 92G6 E@ 8@ @C 92G6 7@C E96 <:5D 42== -:4<: =:G6 C68@ 2D9 A2:5
H:== A:4< FA '9 EIE Flatmate Wanted
Lost 3 BEDROOM HOUSE 962E AF>A SET OF METAL MC6A=246 A6C 4@H =:7E6CD 6EH66? H< :?4=F56D A@H6C )F2AF<6 )@25 2?5 ?6E 3@2C5 D@>6 .2==:D *EC66E )28=2? 9@FD6 9@=5 :E6>D '9 +9FCD52J DE
!F?6 2C@F?5 A> )6H2C5 @776C65 A9@?6
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SKINNY GREY & WHITE 42E ?@ E2:= >:DD:?8 7C@> E@H? D:56 @7 E96 @?6 H2J 3C:586 )6DA@?5D E@ O J=2P %665D 96C >65:42E:@? '9
Services Offered
COMMERCIAL C O N C R E T E C L E A N I N G . & . * 4@?4C6E6 4=62?:?8 ?@H 2G2:=23=6 =D@ ) - . 0* "* 6E4 2?5 /+ ) &) &,* . * % '9@?6 C:2? @C
Public Notices
72463@@< 4@> )28=2? 9C@?:4=6 Raglan Community House
Bargain Basement
Winter Hours
Starting Mon 9th July Mon â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Closed
Tue â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Fri 10am â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 3pm
In Memorial
IN MEMORY OF MY 562C A2CE?6C =2? )@36CE ":?8 H9@ A2DD65 2H2J @? E96 E9 @7 !F=J
*25 :D >J 962CE E92E =@G6D J@F D:=6?E 2C6 E96 E62CD E92E 72== =:G:?8 >J =:76 H:E9@FE J@F :D E96 92C56DE E9:?8 @7 2== @C6G6C :? >J 962CE 2H? )@36CED
SAM & AMY MILLAR: *2> 2?5 >JPD 72>:=J H@F=5 =:<6 E@ E92?< 6G6CJ@?6 7@C E96:C =@G6 2?5 DFAA@CE 5FC:?8 E96 C646?E 562E9 @7 *2> 2?5 >J '=62D6 2446AE E9:D 2D @FC A6CD@?2= E92?<D DA64:2= E92?<D E@ 2== E96 DE277 2E )28=2? +CFDE @DA:E2= 7@C E96:C =@G6 2?5 42C6 @7 *2> 2?5 >J
Public Notices
FUNDRAISER R A G L A N HOSPITAL C64:A6 3@@< L E9@D6 :?E6C6DE65 :? @776C:?8 C64:A6D A=62D6 6>2:= E@ @7M46
4@ ?K 3J E96 6?5 @7 F8FDE
NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING Notice  is  hereby  given  that  a  Special  Meeting  of  the WEL  Energy  Trust  will  be  held  at  the  Trustâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  offices, 1st  Floor,  Norris  Ward  McKinnon  House, Cnr  Victoria  &  London  Streets,  Hamilton  on Tuesday, 10 July 2012 at 9.15am. The  purpose  of  the  meeting  is  to  adopt  the  Trustâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 2012  Annual  Report. Members  of  the  public  are  welcome  to  attend. David Cowley Acting Manager Ph:  (07)  838  0093  Fax:  (07)  838  0070 Email: admin@welenergytrust.co.nz Web: www.welenergytrust.co.nz
SENIOR CITIZENS ASSOCIATION %6IE >66E:?8 @7 E96 *6?:@C :E:K6?D :D +9FCD52J E9 !F=J 2E E96 :C6 *E2E:@? 2> 8F6DE DA62<6C :D "6G:? @F8 #F?49 2G2:=23=6 =@@< 7@CH2C5 E@ D66:?8 J@F 2== H6=4@>6
RAGLAN RAGLANChronicle Chronicle11 11
Raglan Real Estate Ltd Licenced (REAA 2008)
FINAL NOTICE: AUCTION - FRIDAY 6th July 2012 - 6pm Ray White Office, 21 Bow St, Raglan NORTH FACING / GREAT WATER VIEWS $625,000
Motivated vendor – make an appointment to view any time! • Immaculately presented 3 bedroom home, master with ensuite plus office area • Highly spect • Double garage with internal access • Electric gate to property entrance • Great views of the harbour and wharf • Situated on 650m² OPEN HOME • Fully fenced Saturday 12pm ID#RAG21058
Entry level opportunity!! This original 1940’s weatherboard home occupying a 423sqm free hold site. With the preferred northern aspect, the elevated site is bathed in sunshine and has views out to Mt Karioi. This character home offers two bedrooms, spacious kitchen/dining, separate cosy lounge, and wooden floors throughout. There is a large entertaining deck at the front, lots of off street parking and to the rear of the property is a 2 level grassed back yard. Prior auction offers considered.
118 Greenslade Road
This gorgeous cottage is idyllically located in Raglan on a north facing cliff taking in stunning views of the Harbour & Te Akau. This is a very private 1265sqm waterfront section and is currently operating as a sought after short stay holiday let. This delightful home hosts 2 bedrooms with an open plan living space to relax in. From the north facing deck you can enjoy the unobstructed view of boats, beach, birds and harbour activity, a truly picturesque vista. There is a large flat rear garden for the children to play, park the boat or further extend the house, the opportunities are endless. Beach access is only 3 doors down the street, easy walk to Raglan Town to the cafes, and shops. A cozy and tastefully decorated classic 2 bedroom kiwi bach.
Step into this delightful character cottage and be charmed!! A perfect holiday home - a short stay holidays business already operating. 2 bedrooms, large open plan living that flows out through 2 sets of french doors onto a wrap around deck. The bonus is the delightful, romantic, caravan tucked off the deck! Privacy and tranquillity, easy walk to the wharf, parks, beach and town. Prior auction offers considered.
• Waterfront Property • 1940’s 2 bedroom Kiwi bach • Views of wharf & harbour • Large single garage under house • Sleepout / studio • Elevated section 1568m²
7. 12
Whether you are looking for a superb holiday getaway or an excellent permanent home, you must view this property! Located at the end of a cul-desac, boarding the Estuary, looking out to the sea this property offers privacy and sun. This generous sized home has open plan living, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, second lounge and decks facing north and the views. Prior auction offers considered.
• Short walk to Cox Bay
ID#RAG20957 HOME JAMES By Negotiation
Located only minutes walk to town centre, - 1 title, 2 houses on section 931m2. FRONT HOUSE: 1940’s 3 double bedroom, large open plan design, office, heaps of character plus basement storage. BACK HOUSE: Modern 2 double bedroom home on a flat site. Both properties command a good rental return. Raglan Club and Bowling club close by - this property is truly “Home James”. OPEN HOME
37B TAIPARI AVENUE Sunday 2pm 37b Taipari Aveenue
LEASEHOLD PROPERTY. You don’t have to be a millionaire to own your dream home. This wonderfully sunny, open plan 2 bedroom bach has just been given a new lease on life, nothing left to do but enjoy the incredible surroundings. Feel the sand beneath your feet the second you arrive and of course, a view to die for! But wait, there’s more… A caravan outside and ablution block with shower for the many guests you will have knocking on the door. It doesn’t take long to realise there really is no better place to be!! Prior auction offers considered.
12 7. 6.
The location is perfect. Easy walk to town, beach, parks, just minutes to the Kaitoke walking track, peek of the estuary and great views of Mt Karioi from the lounge and deck. Very low maintenance, two double bedroom home and carport with nicely planted out grounds. There is also the added bonus of great dry storage under the house. This is a sunny warm little house, a dream starter in a great location. Prior auction offers considered.
This 1950’s home has a slightly European feeling as you arrive at the wrought iron grates. Walk onto the deck, take in the water views and look out at native bush. This property offers open plan living upstairs and a large master bedroom and a further 2 bedrooms downstairs. This home is located in a popular road and on a free hold title of 640m². This is your chance to purchase a great little house that has been used as a very successful rental, permanent home or holiday home, the choice is yours.
auct o t r o i r p
Sunday 1pm 16 James Street
RENTAL OF THE WEEK This well maintained home has everything you need and at a great price. 3 bedrooms, a lounge with polished wooden floors, bath and single lockup garage. Fully insulated with pot belly fire in lounge. Lawns maintained by contractor, only small gardens to maintain. Available long term. Sorry no dogs, cats OK.
OPEN HOMES this weekend 7th & 8th July Seeking new listings to replace the many properties we have SOLD. Contact the Team for a free appraisal!!!
Saturday 12pm – 118 Greenslade
Sunday 11am – 21B Long St
Saturday 1pm – 64 Wainui Rd
Sunday 12pm – 44a Cross Street
Saturday 2pm – 13 Puka Place
Sunday 1pm – 16 James Street
21 Bow St, Raglan Phone: 07 825 8669 Fax: 07 825 7410 Website: www.rwraglan.co.nz Email: raglan.nz@raywhite.com 12 RAGLAN Chronicle