Raglan Chronicle

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RaglanCHRONICLE Whaingaroa news for you weekly

14th June 2012 - Issue #298

Proudly brought to you by

art to wear p3

green fire islands p5

what’s on p10


Serving Raglan District Since 1996 Local Business supporting Local Business

Proud sponsor of Raglan Rugby

RAGLAN Chronicle 1

dining guide Aloha Market Place - Sushi Takeaway. 5 Bow Street..................................................... 825 7440

Burgershack. Takeaway. 35a Bow Street.................................................................... 825 8439

Jo’s Takeaways. Te Kopua Domain..................................................................................825 8761

Cover Art To Wear supreme award winner Susanne Prinz with her winning creation “Cumulus and Nimbus’ modelled by Wayne Lallu (L) and Bexie Towle (R) image: Nico Peschiutta - niospe@gmail.com Should you wish to aquire any images from this week’s Chronicle - please contact us on 825 7076 or email your request to info@raglanchronicle.co.nz

Message from the Mayor The Waikato District Council is looking at the issue of how we represent our community, and as with every potential change that affects our residents, we want to hear what you think.

Marlin Cafe & Grill. Dine in. On the Wharf.................................................................. 825 0010

I am referring to the representation review, our six-yearly look at the number of wards and councillors and the ward boundaries that make up the Waikato district. Namaste Kitchen. Eat in or takeaway. 31 Bow Street....................................................825 0300 After looking at the existing arrangements the council has proposed to reduce the number of wards by one, and the number of councillors Nannie’s Takeaways. 35 Bow Street............................................................................ 825 8842 by one. This would mean a change from 11 to 10 wards and from 14 to 13 councillors. For all the details visit one of our offices or libraries or go to our website www.waikatodistrict. The Shack. Dine in or Takeaway. 19 Bow Street...........................................................825 0027 govt.nz. The council believes the proposed changes best reflect our changing population, including the The Raglan Club. Dine in or Takeaway. 22-24 Bow Street............................................ 825 8278 northern part of the district which is undergoing rapid growth, but it’s important that you let us know what WeatherMap - New Zealand weather forecasts you think. Feedback on the proposed representation arrangements closes on Monday 2 July.

I want to touch quickly on an issue that is a bit of a personal bugbear – tagging. It’s a blight on our district and something that I would like to see stamped out. The best way we can do this is to take action as a community, so if you see any tagging, or especially if you see someone in the act of tagging, please report it. Let’s work together to keep the Waikato an attractive place. Finally, thanks to everyone who made a submission on the Long Term Plan. The plan is a crucial document for our future, and for us it’s vital to know what our community is thinking. From my perspective this process went well, and it’s a testament to the consultation work that was done earlier this year that meant most people who submitted felt that there were few surprises within the plan. Now we can now look to the future with a clear plan of how we will move forward as a district, and make the most of the opportunities in front of us. Allan Sanson Mayor Waikato District http://www.weathermap.co.nz/?p=raglan mayor@waidc.govt.nz

Weather Map

Raglan Weather & Tides

Check www.weathermap.co.nz for latest forecasts Forecasts Forecast generated on Wednesday 13 June Max Summary Wind Waves* Tides* Sun/Moon temp (C) (km/hr) (m) (High/Low) (Rise/Set)

1st, 3rd and 5th Saturdays in Raglan 2nd and 4th Saturdays in Te Mata Further information: Raglan 825 8135 Parish Priest Fr Anselm Aherne: Frankton 847 56 88




E 25 E 15

am pm



12:10 06:20 12:40 07:00

am am R 07:37 am pm S 05:04 pm pm


Sunny with some cloud


SE 15 am S 20 pm



01:00 07:10 01:30 07:40

am am R 07:38 am pm S 05:04 pm pm


Sunny and clear skies


S 20 S 10

am pm



01:50 07:50 02:10 08:20

am am R 07:38 am pm S 05:04 pm pm


Sunny with some cloud


E 15 am NE 20 pm



02:30 08:30 02:50 09:00

am am R 07:38 am pm S 05:04 pm pm




NE 30 am NE 20 pm



03:10 09:10 03:20 09:40

am am R 07:38 am pm S 05:04 pm pm


Sunny with some cloud


S 15 S 15

am pm



03:50 09:50 04:00 10:10

am am R 07:39 am pm S 05:05 pm pm


Sunny with some cloud


SE 10 am SE 10 pm



04:30 10:30 04:40 10:50

am am R 07:39 am pm S 05:05 pm pm

*Total significant wave height and *Tide times for Raglan Bar Raglan Ink Ltd home of the Raglan Chronicle Office Open Mon - Fri 9.00am - 4.00pm, Wainui Rd, Raglan Ph: (07) 825-7076 Fax: (07) 825-7078 Post: P.O. Box 234, Raglan


10am Raglan Area School 7pm Te Uku Church Pastor Roger Peart ph 07 825 5199


2 RAGLAN Chronicle

Email: raglan.chronicle@xtra.co.nz Advertising & Articles The Contact: Administrator Jan Mitchell ph 825 5122

advertising and editorial content deadline will be Monday at 12pm week of issue. DISCLAIMER

Opinions and views expressed in the Raglan Chronicle do not necessarily represent those held by the Editors or Publishers. Every care will be taken in the preparation and placement of submitted material but the Editors/Publishers shall not be liable for errors or omissions or subsequent effects due to the same. It is the submitters responsibility to ensure material is not libelous or defamatory. The Editors/Publishers reserve the right to abridge, alter or decline any material submitted to the Raglan Chronicle to meet the constraints of space and/or maintain a reasonable standard of language and decorum.

Billowing clouds reign at fine Art To Wear show

This months young gardeners giveaway is ten punnets of six silver beet plants. Easy to grow. The leaves are great in quiches. Rush down and get them from the Chronicle office.

made from just some of the 80 billion disposable chopsticks thrown out worldwide each year. The chopsticks had been sterilized and chopped into small pieces, then coloured using natural and plant dyes. “Wow! Who needs Wellington when we’ve got Whaingaroa?” asked Art To Wear organiser Jean Carbon at the awards presentation. She told the Chronicle she was impressed yet again at the unheralded effort and inspiration of the many people behind the show, both on and offstage. The event is organised by an Art To Wear team which is part of Raglan Community Arts Council. It is funded by Creative Communities Waikato and sponsored by local businesses and organisations which provide funds and prizes. Edith Symes. Image: Nico Peschiutta - niospe@gmail.com

They say every cloud has a silver lining – and it was two clouds, Cumulus and Nimbus, which reigned at Raglan’s iconic Art To Wear show in the Town Hall on Saturday. Raglan clay artist Susanne Prinz’s billowing black and white creations, modelled by Bexie Towle and Wayne Lallu, blew away the competition to be named supreme or overall winners after earlier taking out the Wind Warriors category in a show that attracted record entries and two full houses. In the spirit of the biennial event, victory came cheap too – compere Athene Jensen, or AJ, revealed that Susanne spent just $5 to make her outstanding creations, which were inspired by the cloud patterns of Whaingaroa. Hers wasn’t the only entry in the popular Wind Warriors category to wow audiences at both the matinee and evening sessions. Young filmmaker Turanga Kereopa took both second prize and the people’s choice award for his stunning creation Bird Woman, modelled by statuesque Renee Davenport. Resplendent in a gown made mostly from soft, feathery toe toe – but with a bodice of bird and pumpkin seed – Renee in turn won the top model award, while a pride of contestants from Matapihi Kindergarten near Te Mata were named the junior top models. Cute and cat-like in their colourfully dyed costumes, The Crazy Rainbow


Jade Feller modelling ‘Rainbow Delight’ created by the Raglan Knitting Circle

Chartered Accountants 13 Wallis Street, Raglan 07 825 7050 info@bizworx.co.nz

Friendly, efficient service in your community

Creatures earlier clutched each other’s tails in a long line up and down the catwalk to win a highly commended in the show’s Rainbow category. But it was Little Miss Jade who – complete with handcrafted parasol – won first prize in the Rainbow section for Raglan Knitting Circle. She flounced about on stage with all the confidence of a professional model, showing off the multi-coloured hand knitted and crocheted creation named Rainbow Delight. Children galore got to show off their own wacky creations in the show’s Dr Seuss category for the under-13s. And judged wackiest of all was Madeleine Thompson’s Elephant Bird from the story Horton Hatches the Egg. Maddy made her elephant bird’s eggshell from papier mache adding chicken wire , bubble-wrap, felt, fluff and feathers to create a curious halfhatched creature which strutted in ungainly fashion along the catwalk. Perhaps even wackier though was The Thing with Wings which won Art To Wear’s Myths & Legends category to loud applause. The large llama-like entry with toe toe wings – created by Libby Wallace and Ariana Livingstone - cavorted on stage with its back hooves dancing to a different beat than its front in hilarious fashion. The Reduce-Reuse-Recycle category saw Liz Hosking – the people’s choice award winner from the last Art To Wear in 2010 – take first prize for Can’t See the Trees for the Wood. Her teen model, Kate Sandwell, cut an elegant figure in a stylish creation

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Raglan Club Entertainment Guide

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Don’t forget it’s Happy Hour at the Club - Tuesdays 6pm - 7pm Monday-- Cards (500) 1.pm Tuesday -- Texas Hold’em 6.30pm Wednesday -- Fun Quiz 6.45pm

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Phone: 825 8288

RAGLAN Chronicle 3

Councillor’s Column: by Clint Baddeley Council has recently completed its hearings and deliberations on the Long Term Plan (LTP). The LTP is reviewed every three years and provides an opportunity for ratepayers to submit opinions and suggestions on Council’s budgets. Personally I find it a difficult process as there are so many worthwhile submissions but equally there are numerous ideas to reduce rates. I am sure you will agree that these two positions tend not to be compatible. Council has taken a position of maintaining what we have and that, for Raglan, means significant investment in infrastructure – i.e. water, stormwater and wastewater upgrades including the Whaanga Coast Scheme.

I would encourage affected Whaanga Coast ratepayers who have not done so to sign up to the scheme. Much of the infrastructure that Council and ratepayers invest in every year is below ground and is not as visible as recent developments like the bridge or museum but it is equally expensive and important and needs our constant attention. Council will formalise the LTP on 26th June 2012. Council has also started the consultation process in the review of Wards and Community Boards. This proposal will see the Raglan Ward expand slightly but the Community

We have moved to Matapihi Gallery 34 Bow Street Raglan


To make an appointment please call 07 847 8042

Board boundary will move out to incorporate parts of Ruapuke, Te Mata and Te Uku. This has been done at my suggestion given the expanded interest of these communities with Raglan. For further details please visit the Council office or www.waikatodistrict.co.nz. Consultation closes at 4pm on 2nd July 2012. Recently Council has undertaken a review of the Wainui Reserve Management Plan which provides guidance on the development, the management and the future use of Wainui Reserve. This reserve is a significant asset to Raglan, to the district and to New Zealand. Council has last week approved the appointment of members of the Raglan Coastal Reserves Advisory Committee as Beach Rangers. With the increased use of our beaches there is a need to monitor and advise beachgoers of their responsibilities. Many of you will be aware that central government plans to introduce changes to the way in which local government operates with greater emphasis on infrastructure and keeping rate rises and

debt under control. There is also speculation about potential amalgamations of councils. I have raised this matter before with very little feedback. Again I stress that we need to consider this important matter and I would be very interested in your input. In closing, I would like to congratulate those in our community who organise events that support the volunteer groups in Raglan. Recently the longestablished emergency services benefited from a great fundraiser held at the Raglan Club. I take my hat off to all the volunteers who have provided years of consistent and reliable service to our community. We all need to consider where Raglan would be without these vital services. Thank you each and every one. Remember that all Council agendas and minutes are on the WDC website - www.waikatodistrict.co.nz. If you would like to discuss council issues with me please contact me through the council office on 825 8129 or my mobile phone 021 155 3778 or email me clint.baddeley@waidc.govt.nz Clint Baddeley, District Councillor

Midwinter feast and firing

If you enjoyed the summer Clay Fiesta at the Old School Arts Centre’s Clay Shed – or if you missed it! – come and join us for a midwinter potluck meal and firing using a raku kiln. This is an exciting process where clay pieces, which have already been bisque fired, are glazed and then heated very rapidly to white hot. They are then taken, still glowing, from the kiln and cooled quickly with cold water with much hissing and clouds of steem. It’s a magical process, not only to watch, but because the heat reacts in amazing ways on the glazes so there is often an element of surprise when the pieces cool down. Members warmly welcome anyone who would like to come along – bring a dish of some delicious winter food and dress warmly – the fire and water show all happens outside, but we will eat inside while the kiln heats up. This is a chance to share ideas for our community pottery, already so popular among the children of Raglan, and a wonderful resource for all potters who don’t have their own kilns, or those keen to learn to work with clay. We are also celebrating the

good news that we have almost reached our target funding for a new kiln, thanks to a $5000 grant from the St. Lazarus Trust. That summer fiesta netted us well over $4000. So come and join us at the Clay Shed on Wednesday 20 June, around 6pm, earlier if you want to see the kiln set up. If you have any nottoo-large bisque fired items that you would like to include in the firing, please contact Susanne on 825 8800. Any other questions about the evening, call Judith on 825 0550 or Susanne. Judith Collins

The magic of a raku firing

Karioi Clinic Raglan Janis Beet


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Raglan, Poihakena Marae 216 Wainui Rd, Raglan Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9.00am - 4.30pm Free after hours telephone triage service Phone: (07) 825 0197 Fax: (07) 825 0956 Email: admin@tekohaohealth.co.nz Te Kohao Health 180 Dey St, Hamilton Monday - Friday 8.30 - 5.00pm Saturday 8.30 - 12.00pm Free after hours telephone triage service Phone: (07) 856 1211 Dedicated in the memory of Dr Tom Ellison

4 RAGLAN Chronicle

32 Boundary Road, Hamilton Ph 07 854 8962 78 Upper Wainui Rd, Raglan Ph 07 825 8004 Mb 027 459 8547 Email janisbeet@gmail.com

and from world cup matches in Hamilton on the 16 18 September andinthe 2ndfinal of October. Raglan-bornandshow preparations for Olympics th

A show which debuted in Raglan four years ago and went on to tour the North Island to critical acclaim is now set to go global with a performance next month at London’s curtainraiser for the Olympic Games – the only New Zealand show to feature among 92 acts from around the world. Creative producer Bronwen Christianos – who lived and breathed Green Fire Islands in Raglan while putting together the collaborative story of two cultures, Maori and Irish – is working “ridiculous hours” to finalise the organisational details for the tour by the 34-strong troupe, which appears first in Dublin’s Helix Theatre before hitting the stage in Greenwich, London, two days later. The Kiwi contingent, she says, makes up about half the troupe’s numbers and includes Raglan kaumatua Sean Ellison who has advised on tikanga Maori and also on a spiritual level since the show’s inception several years ago. Sean describes Bronwen’s work in getting Green Fire Islands off the ground – first in New Zealand and now on the world stage – as a “brave vision”. His part and that of revered Rotorua kaumatua Joe Malcolm, who’s also accompanying the troupe overseas, is to ensure the show holds onto its cultural integrity. Joe will also be leading the kapa haka element of Green Fire Islands. A special Irish welcome awaits the Kiwi half of the troupe soon after their arrival in Dublin in a month. It offsets the Maori welcome for the Irish contingent on their arrival here early in 2008 before the dress rehearsal in Raglan Town Hall which kickstarted a North Island tour to Wellington, New Plymouth and Auckland. Sean sees the welcome as an integral part of Green Fire Islands’ journey as it’s launched into its new production overseas. “It can’t go to the world stage before placing itself in Ireland and the two (cultures) stand as equals,” he insists. Bronwen was excited to learn, after the invitation

to perform in the River of Music Festival along the Thames as part of the Cultural Olympiad, that the show occupies the Oceania Stage – “one of the best (venues)” – for the weekend and plays early on the Sunday evening. “I couldn’t have hoped for anything better,” she says. The festival is staged the weekend before the Games begin, in the grounds of the Royal Naval College which can take a capacity audience of 10,000. Funding permitting the show is also set to play in Vienna, Austria, soon after London’s pre-Olympic event.

in 2008 – shown in the town hall 18 months later – and what will occur now at rehearsals in Annamakerrig in Ireland. To witness the “uncorking” of so much creative energy, he adds, is a phenomenon. “Given the established interest in Irish music and culture and the growing curiosity in tikanga Maori, I believe we have here an opportunity to capture an experience which will resonate with audiences worldwide.” Crowd funding – a way to raise money via financial pledges – has been introduced online in the hope it will go viral and help with the filming of the “exciting adventure Green fire Islands is about to embark upon”, say Bronwen and the team behind her. They are grateful for generous funding from Creative New Zealand, and additional New Zealand supporters include the Gallaghers charitable arm and The Tindall Foundation, while Culture Ireland is supporting the venture from the other side of the globe. Bronwen and her daughter Rachel, who is also involved in the production, are currently based in Auckland but regard themselves still as Raglan residents. And the entire project works through the Raglan-based Whiti Te Ra Hou Trust which was set up even before the first production got off the ground, encouraging positive and creative ways to raise self-esteem and improve mental health in New Zealand. *Crowd funding sites are h t t p s : / / w w w. p l e d g e m e . c o . n z / Crowd/Details/209 and http://www. kickstarter.com/projects/379638437/ green-fire-islands-from-grass-rootsto-the-world-s Edith Symes

Come in for a delicious meal and

“Given the established interest in Irish music and culture and the growing curiosity in tikanga Maori, I believe we have here an opportunity to capture an experience which will resonate with audiences worldwide.” Alun Bollinger

drink before the game.

Hassel free parking and a ride

Meanwhile the group of leading Celtic and Maori musicians, reuniting for the first time in four years, get a week in Ireland to fine-tune the show at rehearsals in the renowned Tyrone Guthrie Centre – an artists’ retreat – in Annamakerrig. Celebrated NZ cinematographer Alun Bollinger, who has worked with just about every significant Kiwi director including Peter Jackson, will for the second time film the event from the rehearsal perspective for the production of a feature-length documentary for the big screen. It will be interesting, he says, to see the contrast between what was recorded during rehearsals in Raglan

to and from the match.

Please contact us if you are keen to get onboard: 847 4474

Animal Health Column V E T M O N T H LY For Raglan People + their Pets

Your Pet’s Winter Coat


Thousands of years ago when cats and dogs roamed free in their natural form, they were quite capable of looking after their own fur and hygiene. Since then many breeds of both cats and dogs have been created, which have unnaturally long or thick coats, to the extent that often the animal is unable to properly groom themselves on their own. It is important to groom your pet yourself in order to keep it looking healthy and prevent tangled hair. Tangled clumps allow a build up of dirt and provide a hiding place for fleas and lice as well as causing damage to the underlying skin. Brushing long haired animals will remove knots and excess hair, reducing the chances of further knotting, and reducing shedding around the home. You will notice that some animals prefer different kinds of brushes, and you may need to try a couple of different types until you find one your pet prefers.

Don’t Feed Your Pet Junk Food!

Not all foods are so make yourbetween pet gets the best dietand possible! Tolerance to created being equal brushed willsure vary animals, it is to get puppies andthekittens usedof to groomed Asimportant vets we cannot emphasise enough importance goodbeing nutrition for your at a young age to make life easier for you later on. pet, to ensure good health. Diets need to be tailored to the specific needs of your Cats are generally quite good at keeping themselves clean, but pet to ensure they lead a healthy life. dogs seem to actually enjoy smelling bad, regular bathing can keep them smelling nice and help sooth itchy skin. There are many reasons why you should consider feeding your pet with pet food In somefrom extreme situations animals get such badly knotted fur purchased your vet.

that they have to be brought in to us for clipping. This can be avoided to as coat home. Advice: Yourwith pet’ssome dietary regular needs maycare change theyhealth grow andatage. Your vet/ vet Diet can also an nutrition important in coat nurse offerplays advice quite on the best for allrole life stages of yourcondition. pet.

Premium pet foods often contain higher quality ingredients such as Omega 3 fatty that of will helpdiets, to such improve Range: Vet-Only pet food offers acids a wide range special as oral skin care, condition and coat shine. Many clients have commented to weight loss and hairball control. us that their animal looks shinier and feels smoother to touch after a change in diet. If you think your animal is looking a bit Tailor-made: Large-breed dogs have different nutritional needs than smaller dull despite your grooming efforts, maybe a change in diet dogs andhelp. therefore need different diet formulations. Breed specific foods are could

formulated to help control or prevent some of the typical health problems of each breed. Your vet also has access to prescription diets designed for specific health conditions. Much less mess to clean up: Quality food is highly digestible – therefore less mess and smell when your pet goes to the toilet. Weight management: Obesity is the most common form of malnutrition in the pets of today. Feeding pets an appropriate quantity of food is very important. High quality food tends to make the animal feel full and satisfied with a smaller quantity. Dental health: Dental problems are the second most common health problem that we see in our patients. Vet-Only pet foods have special features to help keep your pet’s mouth healthy.

TDO The Dinsdale Office)isisrunning running a FREE bus to TDO( (The Dinsdale Office) a FREE bus to and

th from Blacks Vs matches Ireland test in Hamilton on and the fromAllworld cup in match Hamilton on the 16 the 23rd June. band before and2nd afterofthe match and 18th Live September and the October.

Come in for a delicious meal and drink before the game. Hassel free parking and a ride to and from the match. Please contact us if you are keen to get onboard: 847 4474



Taste: Your pets will love it! Vet-Only diets have a high acceptance rate among pets. But for extra reassurance all our foods are 100% guaranteed. If your pet doesn’t like it we will refund the purchase price.

Grooming brushes and winter jackets

The link between good nutrition and health is well proven in humans and animals, so you want to feed the best food you can to your pets. We believe feeding a top quality veterinary diet will result in a longer and better quality life for your pet. If you* are in doubt about the quality of15th the dietJune your pet is receiving, come and see Offer expires Friday 30th us. We can advise on the best diet for your pet’s health. 25 Moorhouse St, Morrinsville Rewi St, Aroha Anexa, 40 Bow Street,60Raglan P: 07Te825 8390 0800 2 THE VET anexa.co.nz RAGLAN Chronicle 5

Op shop wins lion’s share

FILM: The Most Fun You Can Have Dying (R16): Preview by Susan Guenther If you were told you were going to die, what would you do? This moving Kiwi film will leave you contemplating this question, with a smile on your face. The title puts us in the picture. Filmed partly in Raglan, this is not at all a gloomy tale, but rather one of hope and chance and directing your own life story. The NZ Film Guide describes this movie as ‘A moving New Zealand drama with top-notch acting, some enchanting locations and at its heart a rollercoaster story posing the question what would you do if you were told you were going to die?’ Easy-going Kiwi bloke Michael (Matt Whelan) is suddenly thrown into a turmoil of emotions when he learns terminal cancer leaves him only months to live. Unwilling to suffer the misery of painful hospital treatments in the vain hope of an unlikely cure, Michael makes the decision to take control of his own life’s finale, and live his final moments to the full. In this quest for the ultimate ending, Michael takes charge of the $200,000 raised by the community for his treatment, buying a one-way ticket to Europe, aiming to ‘go out’ in wild style. As in most of our lives, the unexpected interrupts plans. Michael’s world suddenly changes again when he meets and falls in love with Sylvie (Roxane Mesquida) a beautiful, mysterious French woman. Grayson Gilmour’s cleverly arranged New Zealand soundtrack supports the excellent acting, and enhances some magnificent settings. Adapted from Steven Gannaway’s novel ‘Seraphim Blues’ This engaging Kiwi drama will have you thinking about the meaning and balance of your own life, about frustration and helplessness, the unexpected and optimism. Highly recommended viewing. Raglan Old School Arts Centre in Stewart St, 8.00pm June 16th and 4.30pm June 17th. Reserves Ph 825 0023 or Email info@raglanartscentre.co.nz

825 8300

Raglan Lions Op Shop has stepped up this year to take first place in the town’s Fieldays window display competition, winning $500 to plough back into the community.

Local Lions president Bob McLeod told the Chronicle he was delighted with the efforts of the volunteers who staff the Wallis Street shop, which on Monday – the day competition winners were announced – was still proudly displaying its runner-up certificate from 2011. The cash, Bob said, would “certainly go back into the community”, on an as yet-to-be decided project which would most likely involve the town’s youth. The Big Little Town theme this time around was to reflect the changing face of farming, and the op shop has a windowful of iconic Kiwi items on display including a couple of mannikins which looked like they’d just stepped out of a farmyard or farmhouse of old. Second prize of $250 went to Bow Street Gallery, which featured in its shop window an ancient-looking cream can and an innovative letterbox made from an old vacuum pump. Owner David Yorston perhaps got more than he’d expected, telling the Chronicle he entered the competition both this and last year only in the hope of scoring the odd ticket to the Fieldays, which is now on at Mystery Creek. Third place from the town’s 10 participating retailers went to last year’s winners, Rob Galloway and Marie de Jong of Soul Shoes, with Donna a comical pink pig or two staring out from the shop window and a farmer in his swanni reading the Fieldays Focus. The couple won $50 and a bottle of wine. Including the event’s newspaper in the display was one of the criteria set for the competition which covered eight regional towns, all contributing to Fieldays by showing their community spirit to visitors. Competition co-ordinator Jacqui Cooper said Fieldays

Pairama in front of the ‘Fieldays’ window display at the Lions Opportunity shop

depends on “the support and hard work of staff in local visitor information centres who liaise with retailers in each town ... It goes to show the nature of the people in our Waikato towns, and exactly why we are proud to say that Waikato Big Little Towns are at the heart of Fieldays.” Edith Symes



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6 RAGLAN Chronicle




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RAGLAN Chronicle 7

2012 Art to Wear award winners Section Winners: WIND WARRIORS 1. ‘Cumulus and Nimbus’ by Susanne Prinz 2. ‘Bird Women’ by Turanga Kereopa 3. ‘The Kea Takes Flight’ by Sven Seddon Highly recommended: • ‘Celestial Tempest’ by Luka Benseman • ‘Flying Wind Turbine Warrior’ by Cory Hartgill RAINBOW 1. ‘Rainbow Delight’ by Raglan Knitting Circle 2. ‘Lollies O Lollies’ by Helena Silich and Abbie Hanson 3. ‘Three Friends Rainbow Dreams’ by Emily Stockton, Abby Cranfield, Isabelle Stockton Highly Recommended: • ‘Crazy Rainbow Creatures’ by The Children of Matapihi REDUCE-REUSE-RECYCLE 1. ‘Can,t see the Trees for the Wood’ by Liz Hosking 2. ‘Off the Wall’ by Tash McCowan 3. ‘All Scarved Up’ by Tracy Brown Highly recommended: • ‘Milky Way’ by Ranga and Dillon Whanau • ‘Ninja Tube’ by Lennox Reynolds • ‘The Milkmaid’ by Portia Matthews MYTHS & LEGENDS 1. ‘The Thing with Wings’ by Ariana Livingstone and Libby Wallace 2. ‘Rona’ by Ranga Whanau 3. ‘The Chinese Dragon’ by pupils of Waitetuna School Highly Recommended: • ‘Tawhirimatea’ by Rowan Mc Lachlan THE WORLD OF DR SUESS 1. ‘The Elephant Bird’ by Madeleine Thompson 2. ‘Benseman Thing 3’ and ‘Thing 4’ by Ngakau and Georgie Benseman 3. ‘The Last One’ by Salvador Cotterill- Nagels and ‘The Once ler’ by Ronan Thompson Highly Recommended: • ‘The Lorax’ by Zane Macdonald SUPREME AWARDS 1. ‘Cumulus and Nimbus’ by Susanne Prinz 2. ‘Can’t see the Wood for the Trees’ by Liz Hosking 3. ‘Rainbow Delight’ by Raglan Knitting Circle PEOPLE’S CHOICE • ‘Bird Women’ by Turanga Kereopa TOP MODELS: • Children: The children of Matapihi • Adult: Renee Davenport CHILDRENS SUPREME AWARD • ‘The Ninja Tube’ By Lennox Reynolds

8 RAGLAN Chronicle

image: Nico Peschiutta - niospe@gmail.com




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RAGLAN Chronicle 9

St John calls on people in Raglan for support The St John Annual Appeal 2012 (June 18-24) is a time for people in Raglan to show their support for the charity so it can be there for the community says St John Raglan Team Manager Bush Barton. “Many people don’t realise St John is a charity. We are calling for donations now so we can be there for you when you need us most. It’s that simple,” says Bush. The Appeal focuses on raising funds so St John can continue to provide the range of services it does, including; saving lives and taking very sick or critically injured people to hospital (St John Ambulance service), helping with first aid at events (St John Volunteers); improving the health and wellbeing of people in need (Caring Caller, Friends of the Emergency Department) and teaching people what to do in an emergency and preparing them with vital life

skills (First Aid Training and St John Youth Cadets). Mark says demand for ambulance services in Raglan continues to grow. Last year St John responded to almost 800 callouts and in the first three months of 2012 St John has responded to more than 36000 callouts throughout the Central region. Nationally demand for ambulance services is expected to rise 4.4% this year. “As winter is our busiest time of the year we’re expecting a slight increase on these figures for the Raglan area,” says Bush. St John staff and volunteers will also be out with collecting buckets throughout appeal week or you can donate anytime by calling 0800 ST JOHN (0800 785 646), going online at www.stjohnappeal.org.nz or donating at any ASB branch.

Teens on mission to fundraise for trip Raglan Area School students are on a mission to raise money to help pay for a sports trip to Dunedin.



6th Black Lost 45-55 Riley Hartgill & Paige Waitere

5th Kingies

Lost 2 - 4 Flynn McGregor

6th Green Won 30-20 Arnika Mete & Jasmine Single

6 Stingrays

Won 3 - 1 Harrison Meek

6th Penguins

Draw 3 - 3 Jack McGregor

7th Dolphins

Draw 2 - 2 Caitlin Black

7 Snappers

Draw 1 - 1 Eli Hughes

8th Orcas

Won 5 -1 Navryn Meddings Malone

8th Sharks

Lost 1 - 3 Kaitlyn Collier





Won 85-55 Mark Westrupp-Rukuwai & Ephrem Cox


Won 45-35 Devon Parrott




Won 40-25 Opal Rainey & Lucy Single


Lost 5-40

Tommy Ford Westrupp & Hunter Reily


Won 51-0

Hikairo Rapana-Tengu & Ariki Riki-Wahanga


Lost 12-15 Kaea Taylor & Keaton Neels

10th Seasnakes Lost 0 - 5 JJ Balinski


Lost 5 - 25 Karioi Williams-Hutchins & Ted Kiel

11th Bull Sharks Lost 0 - 3 Zara Anne Hyde





10 RAGLAN Chronicle

For Sale

Classic Service

This Sunday 10.0am

Speakers: Ken & Julia Brown ‘The fear of man’ RaglanCommunityChurch See page 2 for details

THURS @ Raglan C o m m u n i t y House 10 - 1pm CV Writing Assistance. FREE. All welcome. Appts required. Ph 825 8142.

9th Manta Rays N/A


SUNDAYS @ Te Uku Church, Evening service 7pm.

MON @ THE RAGLAN CLUB. 500 cards, 1pm.

TUES @ Raglan Club -Texas Hold’em 6.30pm.

MOVIES at the Old School

The Most Fun You Can Have Dying (2012 - R16)

Filmed partly in Raglan, this is not a gloomy tale, but one of hope and chance and directing your own life story. NZ Herald: 'Knockout local drama' Starring Matt Whelan and Roxane Mesquida

Sat 16 8.00pm Sun 17 4.30pm

Reserves ph 825 0023


WED @ Raglan Club, Fun Quiz Matariki Festival 6:45pm. of Healing RAGLAN LIGHT E X E R C I S E GROUP. Meets Mon & Thurs 1011am @ the Old Gospel Hall, Raglan West.

W E D N E S D AY S @ BLACKSAND CAFÉ. Knitting Circle from 9.30am. Beginners welcome.

June 23 & 24, Raglan Town Hall Gold coin entry • Tarot • Massage • Clairvoyant • Reiki Contact Moana 0220396617 for more info.

KASM AGM @ Community House, 19 June from 7pm.

INGLESIDE What is it? Coming to the Raglan Town Hall 7th July. Family fun.

For Sale

For Sale


BOOKSHELF, black 1 0 6 c m H - 9 1 c m W29cmD, good condition, $30, ph 825 0992.

Lilypot Florist * Fresh flowers * Send flowers * Potted plants

07 825 6847

2 Wallis Street

Womad 2012, The Black Seeds -New, The Civil Wars, Feist, Bon Iver, The Best of Conscious Roots… New Music Instore!

2X SINGLE BEDS (matching). Very good condition, $100, ph 8256875. In My Good Books Quality 2nd hand books Open Fri, Sat & Sun from 10am 2 Wallis St

To Let COMMERCIAL/RETAIL SHOP PREMISES Raglan CBD, 84 SQM TWO available Ph 021 363465 or admin@shoreline.net.nz

R A G L A N R A M B L E R S WEDNESDAY 20 JUNE: Raglan Ramblers 9am from Wainui Rd car park next to the fire station - Paritata Peninsula (bring lunch and boat fare) - the best views of the harbour are from the centre on this 10km walk at the end of the peninsula and a look at the remains of an old minesweeper.

THURS @ THE RAGLAN CLUB. Euchre. All welcome. 6pm. RALLY OF NEW R U A P U K E ZEALAND, Friday B E A C H C A R E 22nd June, leg 1, PLANTING - south of Auckland Sunday 17 June (Raglan/Te Akau) 2.30pm (Rain, hail, remote service at snow or shine). Raglan Airfield. Please meet at the South End SNOW ON THE (Ruapuke Beach BEACH - mid winter Access Road) at swim @ Kopua (beach), 2.30pm. Bring Domain 12 noon, Saturday spade, gumboots and food to share 23rd June. Heaps for cup of tea of prizes up for grabs. afterwards.

MAINLY MUSIC. Monday & W e d n e s d a y 9.30am@ Te Uku Church.

Recently Herewini Barlow and Maddison Geros along with 5 other students; Brenden De Ruysscher, James Robert, Jade Burns, Rangi Rongo and Jahcey Ngahere Maddison Geros and Herewini Barlow from Raglan Area School teams that go to Dunedin in School travelled to the University of Waikato for three the July holidays. Both are now busy days of sports training and trialing. juggling their school commitments The sports they were in involved and fundraising where they can. They in included Basketball, Rugby and hope that the Raglan community will Volleyball. All participated well and get behind them and assist them in enjoyed meeting students from other their plans to represent Whaingaroa. Please contact Carla Eyre schools around the North Island who (Sportfit co-ordinator, at school also attend Area Schools. In the end it was Herewini 8258140) should you wish to support/ Barlow (Rugby) and Maddison Geros make a contribution to their trip. We (Volleyball) who managed to secure a at Raglan Area School are planning place in the Central North Island Area fundraisers, please support us.


Public Notices

DRY MANUKA heaped trailer load $125. Delivered in Raglan. Dave 8257270. FIREWOOD DRY 6x6 load pine $100, delivered. Ph CHANGES TO RAGLAN 0210771524. BUS SERVICE M A N U K A June 2012 FIREWOOD $100 Important notice for per m3, $140 per m3 Raglan bus users. delivered, 8250522. 4.9 WASHING As of Tuesday 5th MACHINE brand June: new $350 contact The Sunday and public 0273813759. holiday bus services Lost will be discontinued. FRIENDLY BLACKGREY tabby kitten, As of Monday 11th June: Simon Road area, The current service ph 02102417967. departing Raglan at For Hire 10am will move to a FLOORSANDING new departure time of EQUIPMENT for 11:20am. hire. Ph Raglan Flooring 825 8777. The current service BOUNCY CASTLE, departing Hamilton at Great entertainment 8:30am will also move for the kids, call Vicki to a new departure 8257575. time of 10:15am. Flatmate Wanted 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, heat pump & fireplace $125 per wk includes power, net, board & some house hold items. Ph 027 2946949. To Let 2 BEDROOM D O W N S TA I R S unit, fully furnished, Raglan West, close to shop and beach ph 825 0154. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE polished floors, garage, one back from Lorenzen Bay, $280p/w ph 07 828 4950. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE furnished or unfurnished, available until December, heat pump, large deck, $300pw ph 825 8333 or 021 350 845. COMMERCIAL BUILDING – Raglan Storage and Industrial Park Ltd. Ph 8256560.

NOTICE OF SGM AND AGM for Raglan Community Radio Incorporated, to be held consecutively on Wednesday 27th of June at 7pm at the Community House.

FREE EAR CLINIC service for children @ Raglan Area School, Friday 22 June. 9:30am2:30pm. Grommet check, glue ear, etc. All children must be accompanied by parent. Enquires ph (07)858 1068. THE RAGLAN GOLF CLUB has now sold out of dry firewood. Grateful thanks to all who have purchased wood this year and supported this fundraising venture. We hope to have increased stocks available in 2013.

Public Notices

Public Notices SAT 16 JUN @ YOT Club, THESE AUTOMATIC CHANGERS, Sell Your Soul For Rock’n’Roll, 9pm, $10.

Public Notices

On 22 May 2012 Waikato District Council reviewed its representation arrangements, and resolved that the following proposal apply for the Council and its Community Boards for the elections to be held on 12 October 2013: Council Representation It is proposed that the Council comprise 13 members elected from 10 wards, and the Mayor. The 10 wards reflect the following identified communities of interest:

Hua Parakore Wananga (One-day course) Tues 26 June The day will consist of learning about growing commercially, organically and sustainably. All welcome. Ph 07 825 0250 or afterhours, 825 8536.

Public Notices

KARIOI CLASSIC FUNDRAISER – “Doing it for the Elephants and Rhinos” are searching for help in constructing an elephant costume to be worn by a participant during the race. We are also still recruiting members of our fundraising team. Please contact Sarah Jones 8257386 or tuskandhorn@ gmail.com if you would like to help with the costume or join our fun team. R A G L A N Services Offered H O R T I C U LT U R A L SOCIETY. Our next COMMERCIAL meeting will be held CONCRETE at the Union Church CLEANING Hall on 19th June at 12 noon. This will be our C o w s h e d winter lunch meeting. c o n c r e t e Please bring a plate to cleaning now share. Interest Table: available. Travel Memorabilia, Also, driveways/ Floral Art, Candledecks etc. and lit Supper Table exterior house Centrepiece. The cleaning. theme will be travel and people will be asked to Phone Brian 027 relate their overseas 4837 571 or 07 experiences. New 825 8419. members welcome.

Communities of interest:

Awaroa ki Tuakau

Tuakau, Pokeno, Mercer, Harrisville, Aka Aka, Whiriwhiri and Otaua

Onewhero–Te Akau

Glen Murray, Lake Whangape, Matira, Waimai, Te Akau, Ruakiwi, Dunmore, Waingaro, Naike, Waikaretu, Pukekawa, Wairamarama, Onewhero and Port Waikato


Mangatangi, Miranda, Maramarua, Kopuku, Meremere, Mangatawhiri, Island Block, Whangamarino, Te Kauwhata and Rangiriri


Huntly, Pukekapia, Rotongaro, Ohinewai, Ruawaro, Rotowaro, Glen Afton and Pukemiro

Hukanui – Waerenga

Waerenga, Taniwha, Matahuru, Waiterimu, Te Hoe, Orini, Netherby, Gordonton, Whitikahu, Tauhei and Horsham Downs


Ngaruawahia, Horotiu, Hopuhopu and Taupiri


Okete, Te Uku, Te Hutewai, Te Mata, Ruapuke, Te Papatapu, Makomako, Aramiro and Ranui


Te Kowhai, Rotokauri, Karakariki, Whatawhata and Whatawhata Research Station


Eureka, Puketaha, Newstead, Matangi, Tauwhare and Scotsman Valley






Population per member 5,375

(June 2011 Stats NZ est.)

Awaroa ki Tuakau



Onewhero–Te Akau




































In accordance with section 19V(2) of the Local Electoral Act 2001 the population that each member represents must be within the range of 4,943 +/- 10% (4,450 to 5,440), unless particular community of interest considerations justify otherwise. Community Board representation It is proposed that five community boards be elected. The five community boards will be: Community Board

Area of community


Waikaretu, Woodleigh, Naike, Glen Murray, Pukekawa, Wairamarama Tuakau, Te Kohanga and Port Waikato


Huntly, Puketirini and Kimihia


Taupiri Village


Hopuhopu, Horotiu and Ngaruawahia


Raglan, Whale Bay, Three Streams, Te Hutewai and parts of Te Mata, Te Uku and Ruapuke

The Onewhero–Tuakau, Huntly, Raglan, Taupiri and Ngaruawahia Boards will each elect six members. They will not be subdivided for electoral purposes. There will be a mixture of one and two appointed members as follows:

Situations Vacant

Community Board:

Elected Member:


One member appointed from the Awaroa ki Tuakau ward and one member appointed from the Onewhero–Te Akau ward


Two members appointed from the Huntly ward


One member appointed from the Raglan ward


Two members from the Ngaruawahia ward


Two members from the Ngaruawahia ward

Further information Further details on the proposed representation arrangements and maps of the proposed boundaries are available for inspection at the Council offices and libraries in Ngaruawahia, Huntly, Raglan, Te Kauwhata and Tuakau. This information can also be accessed on line from our website at www. waikatodc.govt.nz

Work on own and as part of a team Assist customers during the sales process Confidently liaise with builders, architects, suppliers, etc. Flair for design and an eye for detail Customer Service and sales skills Self motivated Positive attitude Customer focused Training will be given to the right applicant

Submissions Any interested person or organisation may lodge a written submission to the above proposal. Submissions should be addressed to: Corporate Planner, Waikato District Council, 15 Galileo Street, Ngaruawahia, Private Bag 544, fax 07 8248091, or email corporateplanner@waidc.govt.nz Submissions should clearly state your name, address, telephone number and email address (if you have one) and should reach the Council no later than 4pm on Monday 2 July 2012. G J Ion Chief Executive M19771

Please forward all enquiries to:

Andy Harlow, Ph: 07 825 8777 Email: raglan@flooringxtra.co.nz


The population that each member will represent is as follows:

Part time/Full time Sales Assistant • • • • • • • • •

Public Notices

Review of Representation Arrangements for the 2013 Local Elections

MID WINTER PLUNKET SALE – Saturday 16th June 2012, 10am to 2pm @ Raglan Town Hall. All welcome – find a bargain! Book a table and earn some cash by selling your own or new or used goods. $20 to book a table for your second hand goods. Please contact Charlotte ph: 8257332. Pre-loved nursery equipment, adults/baby/children’s clothes, books, puzzles, toys etc. We look forward to seeing you there!

Situations Vacant

Public Notices

The following Waikato District Council public notice was scheduled to appear in the Raglan Chronicle on Friday 25 May, 2012. However, inadvertently publication was delayed, and we would like to apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused.

SAT 23 JUN @ YOT Club, UPPER HUTT POSSE. Aotearoa HipHop. tickets $10 from eventfinder.co.nz

Courses, classes & workshops ZUMBA! @ Te Uku hall Monday 9.30am, W e d n e s d a y 6.30pm - ring/txt Sarah T for more info 825 55844 or 0272106784. SCHOOL HOLIDAY ADVERTISING FEATURE - Do you have an event, program or business to promote over the school break? Call 8257076 now to book a space.

Public Notices

0800 492 452 www.waikatodistrict.govt.nz

RAGLAN RAGLANChronicle Chronicle11 11

Raglan Real Estate Ltd Licenced (REAA 2008)

AUCTION - Fri 6th July 2012 - 6pm Ray White Office, 21 Bow St, Raglan Enter the Auction property address in either YouTube or Google for video. R IO N R O P D CTI L S OO A U T



The location is perfect. Easy walk to town, beach, parks, just minutes to the Kaitoke walking track, peek of the estuary and great views of Mt Karioi from the lounge and deck. Very low maintenance, two double bedroom home and carport with nicely planted out grounds. There is also the added bonus of great dry storage under the house. This is a sunny warm little house, a dream starter in a great location. Prior auction offers considered Hamilton.


Step into this delightful character cottage and be charmed!! A perfect holiday home - a short stay holidays business already operating. 2 bedrooms, large open plan living that flows out through 2 sets of french doors onto a wrap around deck. The bonus is the delightful, romantic, caravan tucked off the deck! Privacy and tranquillity, easy walk to the wharf, parks, beach and town. Prior auction offers considered.














Saturday 12pm 10B Wainamu Road


Whether you are looking for a superb holiday getaway or an excellent permanent home, you must view this property! Located at the end of a cul-de-sac, boarding the Estuary, looking out to the sea this property offers privacy and sun. This generous sized home has open plan living, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, second lounge and decks facing north and the views. Prior auction offers considered.






Entry level opportunity!! This original 1940’s weatherboard home occupying a 423sqm free hold site. With the preferred northern aspect, the elevated site is bathed in sunshine and has views out to Mt Karioi. This character home offers two bedrooms, spacious kitchen/dining, separate cosy lounge, and wooden floors throughout. There is a large entertaining deck at the front, lots of off street parking and to the rear of the property is a 2 level grassed back yard. Prior auction offers considered.









Saturday 2pm 22 Government Road



Saturday 12pm 26A Main Road



A blank canvas of over 3 acres (14,135m2) in a lovely lifestyle setting enjoying views of the inner harbour, surrounding countryside and majestic Mt Karioi. This fully fenced property has great views. So close, within walking distance to the beach and surf - you’ve got nature’s playground on the doorstep!



OPEN HOMES this weekend 16th & 17th June Saturday 12pm – 10b Wainamu Road

Sunday 11am - 21b long Street

Saturday 12pm – 26a Main Road

Sunday 12pm – 22b Uenuku Avenue

Saturday 2pm – 16a Lily Street

Sunday 2pm – 37b Taipari Avenue

Saturday 2pm – 22 Government


21 Bow St, Raglan Phone: 07 825 8669 Fax: 07 825 7410 Website: www.rwraglan.co.nz Email: raglan.nz@raywhite.com

12 RAGLAN Chronicle

Sunday 12pm 22B Uenuku Avenue

* Immaculately presented 3 bedroom home, master with ensuite plus office area * Highly spect * Double garage with internal access * Electric gate to property entrance * Fully fenced * Great views of the harbour and wharf * Situated on 650m² Motivated vendor - make an appointment to view any time!!!


Sunday 11pm 21B Long Street


* North facing, flat section with great building platform (approx 3950m²). * Views of Mt Karioi and a peek of the inner harbour. * Conveniently located to local beach, great fishing & surfing. * Subject to title, full consents in place, services on the boundary * Covenants may apply



This lovely little cottage is ideal for first time buyers, retirees, holiday home, rental and small families. The property has recently been decorated throughout; there are 2 double bedrooms both with double wardrobe, open plan living with north facing deck. This property is low maintenance with no lawns to mow, veggie garden, carport and lock up single garage. Conveniently local, just a short walk to the local dairy, beach, parks, shops and local school.

AMAZING!!! $199,000


Sunday 2pm 37B Taipari Avenue


This immaculate 2 bedroom home has a single garage plus a separate studio. Large fully fenced section with established fruit trees. A must to inspect as there is more then meets the eye with this classy number!



Location, lifestyle, luxury, space for the kids and great views over the harbour and out to the bar. This desirable 3 double bedroom, 2 bathroom home has recently under gone decorating inside and out with modern colours. Extra features are wrap around deck, private BBQ area, veggie garden and massive double garaging. Located just a short stroll away from the Raglan cafes, school, shops, and safe swimming.







Saturday 2pm 16A Lily Street



LEASEHOLD PROPERTY. You don’t have to be a millionaire to own your dream home. This wonderfully sunny, open plan 2 bedroom bach has just been given a new lease on life, nothing left to do but enjoy the incredible surroundings. Feel the sand beneath your feet the second you arrive and of course, a view to die for! But wait, there’s more… A caravan outside and ablution block with shower for the many guests you will have knocking on the door. It doesn’t take long to realise there really is no better place to be!! Prior auction offers considered. OPEN HOME



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