RaglanCHRONICLE Whaingaroa news for you weekly
3rd May 2012 Issue #292
Proudly brought to you by
unique fundraiser idea p3
anzac pics p7
what’s on p11
Raglan Real Estate Ltd Licenced (REAA 2008)
10 CALVERT ROAD First time to the market in thirty years. A once in a lifetime chance to purchase. 1141 m² with iconic Raglan Bach and picturebook setting. Prior Auction offers considered.
Serving Raglan District Since 1996 Local Business supporting Local Business
Proud sponsor of Raglan Rugby
OPEN HOME Saturday 12pm 10 Calvert Rd
AUCTION !"#$%&'(")*+",-./"01)0"!"2'("34%+/"5678/ RAGLAN Chronicle 1
dining guide
Cover ANZAC service, Bow Street, Raglan. 27.4.2012 Image courtesy of Nico Peschiutta niospe@gmail.com Should you wish to aquire any images from this week’s Chronicle ‐ please contact us on 825 7076 or email your request to info@raglanchronicle.co.nz
Burgershack. Takeaway. 35a Bow Street.................................................................... 825 8439
:';<23%='>)%?%@;2<<,%023)%23,%A3%BC)%DC';>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%456% EE9E
Aloha Market Place - Sushi Takeaway. 5 Bow Street..................................................... 825 7440
Dear Editor It’s time to protect our reserves, especially Mt. Karioi. In the last couple of years, I have noticed hacking of our bush (kawa kawa etc.) especially under pungha trees. This is illegal. Whoever is doing this in our reserves (especially Upper Wainui, Bryant Home), stop it. This is for our native birds (kiwi’s, fantails, insects and especially us.) And what makes our ecosystem, if you keep hacking away, we have lost. Please let’s protect our reserves for birds and future generations to enjoy. The mountain is all we have left. Raglan stop this rape. Protect this last piece of beautiful bush on Mt. Karioi and all reserves in NZ. Let’s replant our bush please. IJ Regnier, Raglan
F'332)#$%&'()'*'+$,%I6%J"*%KB;))B,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%456%44L5 Dear Editor Large numbers of people turned up to attend the Anzac Remembrance Service which included the time honoured wreath laying, the Last Post, the Reveille and the welcome presence of members of the161 Battery.
Sadly, the speeches were completely marred by a !"#$%&'()*&)&+,-*%&.,-/-(0!1,23)-,)-,&*(,(30,45-(,()!0,(3)-, &C)%N'O<'3%=</P,%023)%23%";%&'()'*'+,%55Q5L%J"*%KB;))B,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%456%4574 has occured. Surely this can be remedied by some one in the community in time for next year. A loud hailer would have been preferable to the almost total loss of words. The highlights for me were the mounted horses and the donkey. They didn’t have speeches. WeatherMap - New Zealand weather forecasts http://www.weathermap.co.nz/?p=raglanc Patsy Zohs, Raglan
Weather Map
Raglan Weather & Tides
Check www.weathermap.co.nz for latest forecasts Forecasts Forecast generated on Wednesday 2 May Max Summary Wind Waves* Tides* Sun/Moon temp (C) (km/hr) (m) (High/Low) (Rise/Set)
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04:20 10:40 04:40 11:00
am am R 07:10 am pm S 05:23 pm pm
Cloudy with Showers
NE 35 am NE 25 pm
05:10 11:20 05:30 11:50
am am R 07:11 am pm S 05:22 pm pm
Sunny with some cloud
W 10 W 10
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L 06:00 am R 07:12 am H 12:10 pm S 05:21 pm L 06:20 pm
Sunny with some cloud
SW 10 am SW 10 pm
Sunny and clear skies
Sunny and clear skies
E 15 E5
Sunny and clear skies
E 20 E 15
E 10 am SW 10 pm
12:30 06:50 01:00 07:00
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*Total significant wave height and *Tide times for Raglan Bar
Raglan Ink Ltd home of the Raglan Chronicle !"#$%&!'%(&)*(&+&&,-.&&/01123&+&4011'35&62.(7.&895&82:;2( <=>&?1@A&BCD+@1@E&&&&,2F>&?1@A&BCD+@1@B&&&&<*GH>&<0!0&I*F&CJ45&82:;2(&&&&&&&&&&
10am Raglan Area School 7pm Te Uku Church Pastor Roger Peart ph 07 825 5199
2 RAGLAN Chronicle
K32.;>&-2:;2(0$=-*(.$;%LFH-20$*0(M N9O%-H.G.(:&P&N-H.$;%G Q=%&&29O%-H.G.(:&2(9&%9.H*-.2;&$*(H%(H&9%29;.(%&R.;;&S%&)*(92T&2H&UC'3&R%%V&*"&.GG7%0 WXYZ[NX)K8
Contact: Administrator Jan Mitchell ph 825 5122
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Raglan commuter intent on driving a message home And TradeMe is the vehicle by which Renee BoyerÂWillisson â&#x20AC;&#x201C; desperate to give back to Hamiltonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Topperwien family, who supported her recently through her daughterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s brush with cancer â&#x20AC;&#x201C; is offering the whole of the Cube as a â&#x20AC;&#x153;travelling advertisementâ&#x20AC;? for the successful bidder. As manager of academic admin at Waikato University, Renee not only commutes daily between Raglan and Hamilton but also travels frequently to Auckland and other parts of the North Island so thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s plenty of potential exposure, she says. Her plain grey Cubeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s unusual shape â&#x20AC;&#x201C; itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a match with the Raglan Clubâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s courtesy car â&#x20AC;&#x201C; means â&#x20AC;&#x153;it catches peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s eye anywayâ&#x20AC;? so itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a golden opportunity for an advertiser whichever way you look at it, she reckons.
Renee admits thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not been a lot of movement on the Trade Me site yet but sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hoping a bit more publicity will create the interest. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I hope to raise at least $5000 for the family.â&#x20AC;? The Topperwiens hit the headlines recently when they were !"#$%&'("')*'("'+",&",'-.(/'(/#%%0 yearÂold Chace in a bid to save him from a rare and aggressive form of Advertising space: Reneeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Nissan Cube as seen on Trademe leukemia heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s battled now for more than a year. CHACE tÂshirts now printed and being sold in both His parents found a promising adults and kids sizes. new drug trial in Britain which Chace was due home last week in between the drug Chace was accepted onto in the treatments his parents are hoping will work a miracle. hope it would keep him alive long *The link for the unusual TradeMe auction enough for a second bone marrow is: http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing. transplant. aspx?id=464015539           Edith Symes But itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;hugely expensiveâ&#x20AC;?, explains Renee on Trade Me. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are trying to raise the money for the Topperwiens so they can concentrate on Chace and the trial without added stress.â&#x20AC;? Reneeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s own daughter Ember â&#x20AC;&#x201C; whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d been in the universityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 15pk Stubbies Campus Creche with Chace â&#x20AC;&#x201C;also suffered late last year from cancer and had to have her right eye removed. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ironically this was just a couple of weeks after I had shaved my head as a fundraiser for Chace,â&#x20AC;? 1&&2' 3%,%%4' 5+6$7.8*' /%#' (69"6#' was contained within the eye so she hasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t had to have chemotherapy or radiation therapy. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Topperwiens were amazing and gave me lots of support when Ember was diagnosed and I met up with them again while we were at Starship last year. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d really like to be able to do something else for them.â&#x20AC;? An extra fundraiser organised by the crèche the two children have 00 99 .,' $"99",' 1#%' (/%' :;' +<=;'
Chartered Accountants 7147948AA
A quirky little Nissan Cube and a desire to help a family in distress are the driving forces behind a Raglan residentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s plan to raise $5000 by auctioning advertising space on her car.
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Friendly, efficient service in your community
Steinlager Classic
12pk Stubbies
Lion Red
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Ember BoyerÂWillisson modelling t-shirt
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A private hideaway, just 2 minutes walk to the beach, peace & tranquillity at its best. Tents, campervans or caravans, backpackers, cabins or motel units. Hosts: Mary and Rob Clark Address: Marine Parade,
Raglan Phone: (07) 825 8283 Email: stay@raglanholidaypark.co.nz
Raglan Club Entertainment Guide
4O\Qg bVS ]RR UO[S ]T ^]]Z-
Friday 18th May. Band â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Ignitionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;7.30pm till late Sat 19th May. Mudsharks. Fundraiser. Doors open @ 6.30pm. Tickets $20 from Westpac Bank eee QZcPa\h Q] \h www.raglanclub.co.nz
Phone: 825 8288 G=C 2=<¸B 8CAB 8=7< / 1:C0 G=C 03:=<5 RAGLAN Chronicle 3
Newbie book illustrator draws on her childhood experiences Marge has illustrated in black ink and watercolour her sister Latent artistic talent has come to light at last for Raglan Jenny Somervell’s storybook for schoolage children which teacher Margery O’Connell, who returned from Christchurch on Sunday night still heady from the launch of a children’s is based on their own ‘70s upbringing on a farm at Takapau in southern Hawke’s Bay. book she illustrated. !"#$%#&'()*+&,%"#-$+../$,%$0"#$12%0$,3$43$,30#3-#-$%#2,#%$#30,0&#-$ “What a blast,” the Waitetuna School deputy principal said of ‘Tales from the Farm’. the experience – though she might equally have been referring to Marge, 48, vividly remembers the day her “farmerinventor” the book, which is entitled ‘The Day Dad Blew up the Cowshed’. father really did blow up the old milking shed, blasting the concrete structure to smithereens with gelignite.
Midwife Karen Walker
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The only problem was they forgot to tell the neighbours. Such was the boom, explains the story, the small farming community thought their world had ended. “It’s quite a historical, culturalbased book,” says Marge, recalling growing up with a tribe of siblings
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We have moved to Matapihi Gallery 34 Bow Street Raglan
To make an appointment please call 07 847 8042
RAGLAN TRUST HOSPITAL Caring for the ones you love 27 29 Manukau Road Ph. 07 825 8306 Fax: 07 825 8855 Email: raglantrust@xtra.co.nz
Te Kohao Health Your Medical Clinic
– their mother a writer, their father a storyteller full of fun and adventure back in the day. Now Marge is eagerly working on illustrating the second and third books in the series, one about pet pig ‘Josephine’, the other about the muchloved ‘Old Truck’ from their childhood. A brother has in fact restored the 1921 Republic 02*5/6$ 4--%$ 7428#6$ 43-$ 029$ 4%$ "#$ :,8"0$ 543;0$ 13-$ another the same anywhere. Marge meanwhile is trying to draw the truck – which will take on a personality of its own – exactly as the Republics really were. She admits she’s quite excited about the task. “It’s local, it’s energising, it’s positive.” It will bring rumbling back to life another piece of the past which both she and her sister can share with young readers in honour of their parents. Edith Symes
Could you be a Barnardos KidStart educator? You’ll work in your own home providing care and education for up to four children !"#$%&'($&)$*%+,*"#&-$.&.%*/"/"-&*"#& -%$*.&0"-0/"-&+!110%.2 30&+.*%.&)0!%&4*%$$%&*+&*&5*%"*%#0+& 6/#7.*%.&$#!4*.0%,&4*88&9$::/$&0"& ;<&=><?;==&$@.&AAB,&0%&$C*/8& #$::/$2+*:*D:*%"*%#0+20%-2"E2
Nau Mai Haere Mai All Welcome
Raglan, Poihakena Marae 216 Wainui Rd, Raglan Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9.00am 4.30pm Free after hours telephone triage service Phone: (07) 825 0197 Fax: (07) 825 0956 Email: admin@tekohaohealth.co.nz
Dr Oliver Russell Dr Gill Brady Dr Marcia Mitchley 10 Bankart Street, Raglan
Te Kohao Health 180 Dey St, Hamilton Monday Friday 8.30 5.00pm Saturday 8.30 12.00pm Free after hours telephone triage service Phone: (07) 856 1211 Dedicated in the memory of Dr Tom Ellison
Raglan Kindergarten We Welcome all enquiries and enrolments We welcome all enquiries and enrolments for children 2 for Children 21/2 and over. 1/2 and over. We offer morning (8.30-12.30), afternoon We offer Morning or Afternoon sessions, (1-3) and ‘Kindergarten day’ sessions (8.30-3.00). We have !"##$%&"'#()*+%,-'!!%'.+%'%,'!*/% !"##$%&"'#()*+%,-'!!%'.+%'%,'!*/%!"./%#*'0.(.1%*.2(03.4*.-5 fun, learning environment. !"#$%&"'()&'*&+',-&./#012"&345&*-))&/',-"2&67& 8#$1)-%6-7)$&.',01&()6$&$'&*))"&*'-&+',99
CALL IN ANYTIME AT: 9 STEWART STREET, RAGLAN or Phone&,"&'$&:4;&:<=>&&Email&-6%06$?@#$1)-%6-7)$A'-%A$B
Water Tip #20 can’t It Probably Won’t Heal In keep Time up? www.raglanphysio.co.nz
Place a bucket in your shower to catch water for use in the garden! Why not try it? We’d love to hear your tip!
wenvc@kol.co.nz (07)825 0480 4 RAGLAN Chronicle
All female triathlon a winning formula
Chamber of Commerce /#0"'1$)'0*!*-"2'$)3'4"(!*-". Go to www.raglanchamber.co.nz
7##$.%(3,'(($-,8$,"091"&9!&"/0$"&6-,3(-03",($-&'$:'#)"2'$0"$;"3,< Contact us on email info@raglanchamber.co.nz
A Collective Approach to Tourism Marketing As the last few weeks have shown, when the weather’s right, Raglan transforms into a tourist mecca. But, as the earlier “summer” season has shown, we would be unwise to rely solely on the weather to attract visitors and customers to our businesses. To change the traditionally slow periods over the winter months we need to think differently.
Girl Power: All smiles before the race
Last Sunday, a small contingent of nine Raglan women traveled to Auckland to compete in the Contact TriWomen All Female Triathlon Series held at Point Chevalier. Starting out as a new year’s resolution for !"#$%&' ()"*+,' -.' /0,-' 1.2&30' "34' 5-' "0"&367' -8,' triathlon involved a 300m swim, 7.6km bike followed by a 3km run. “I found the website for the TriWomen series and I thought it looked nice and not so intimidating being an allgirls triathlon,” says Jacqui. Recruiting a group of likeminded women who were also recent mothers like herself, Jacqui and the women trained for around 3 months prior to the event. Waking up at 5:30 in the morning, six days a week, the women trained hard and were rewarded by achieving what they set out to do. “Just being able to set a goal and achieve it and
being able to achieve it with other women was a highlight, “ said participant Celeste Duston, “It proved that we could do it.” With many of the group having had children in the past few years, it was a huge motivation for them to get back into the routine of getting their bodies really moving and working up a sweat. /' 9-:;' 4&<5#%)-' -.' =%-' >.%*;,)<' 5*;-' ?8,3' >.%' have kids so it was quite nice to just do it instead of making excuses. I really enjoyed training and getting out of bed every morning and getting into a routine I think the other girls pushed themselves pretty hard too,” says Jacqui. Now that the triathlon is done and dusted, some of the women are looking for another challenge with some of the girls setting their sights on the grueling Karioi Classic in July. A big congratulations go out to Celeste, Rachel, Charlene, Angela, Jacqui, Tanya, Fiona, Tracey and Renee for their efforts at the Contact TriWomen Triathlon. Maki Nishiyama
Kick up your heels at Te Mata’s prom night Get on your glad rags – it’s time to party at ‘The Prom Night’ in Te Mata. The “feelgood” community event promises lots of fun and dancing to the sound of Hamilton covers band Kicking Mary, says Te Mata School PTA member Sue Steedman who’s helping organise the local shindig. “People love dressing up,” she reckons, and anything goes whether it’s ’50s, ’60s or nowadays gear. It can be fancy dress or something more serious, she says. The venue, Te Mata Hall, will hold up to 130 and supper’s provided courtesy of the PTA.
WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN The Chronicle has a ‘Prom Night’ double pass to giveaway. To be in to win simply email info@raglanchronicle.co.nz with your contact details and “Prom Night” in the subject line. Entries close 3.00pm Monday 7th May. Winner will drawn and contacted same day. *The BYO event is Saturday May 12, from 7pm till midnight. Tickets, $20, available at the school or phone Robyn Christie on 825 8366
What can we do to smooth over these choppy and !"#!$%#&' ()!*%"!!' +),-)#-*$%!. It’s easy to shrug your shoulders and concede that you can’t control the weather and submit to the inevitable downturn. However, the Raglan Chamber and it’s members believe we can make a difference by engaging in some time proven, collective marketing activities. Rather than each business spending extraordinary amounts of money on advertising, we can !""#$"%&$&'("%&)'($("$'*'&+",'$)-,$.','/0$1&"2$-,$'11')03*'$ marketing campaign that costs very little to operate. Our new i-deal promotion is a cooperative initiative which focuses on low cost, often unconventional and creative marketing strategies. This type of marketing relies on time, energy and imagination rather than a big marketing budget. The Chamber is now developing a cohesive marketing strategy that will promote Raglan in engaging ways that expand our traditional visitor markets domestically and internationally. We are very fortunate to have a brand new i-site located in Raglan and an i-site located in Huntly on the busiest roadway in our region, SH 1.$ 4%&$ /&(0$ )"##')03*'$ 2-&5'03,6$ effort utilises the i-sites and is the launching of the Discover Raglan i-deal campaign. The goal of the promotion is to leverage the locations and the staff expertise of the 2 Waikato Enterprise Agency backed i-sites to give visitors to the region an incentive to Discover Raglan during the traditionally quieter trading months of June -September. The incentive for travellers will be a value added Raglan Business i-deal card offering promotions and off season discounts from a wide range of participating Raglan businesses i.e. accommodation, eateries, shops, activities and studios. Businesses marketing collectively through the i-deal card will create a substantial enticement for a visitor to come to Raglan and to “stay and play” longer. This campaign will be run on a shared low cost basis - only $30 for participating businesses. A typical i-Deal business promotion can take the form of a straight % discount or an added value feature such as, ‘buy 1 get one free’ etc. You are encouraged to be creative to enhance the spend and stay of these new customers. For more information on this promotion or CoC membership go to our website at www.raglanchamber.co.nz. Please contact Anthea at Raglan’s i-site 825-0556 or by Email anthea@raglan.org.nz with your i-deal. Act NOW! We need your i-deal information by 11 May.
Raglan Chamber of Commerce Kicking Mar y will be rocking out at the Te Mata prom night
RAGLAN Chronicle 5
!"#$%&'"()*+&*,"-&.($/#,0*&"1+ Since taking over Lilypot Florist at the beginning of April Margaret Boggiss has stamped the colourful little shop with her own mark, introducing a cute array of homecrafts and toys as well as local art for sale.
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feedback from customers about them. >*/%'$('<+;/,'(+';)$%()$%$%&'1+2/#,')('*+;/' Margaret has the following advice:
It was your typical Raglan Anzac Day service, an odd mix of formality and anything goes in a town where casual reigns.
?' @*)%&/'2)(/#'/8/#6'(2+'!)6,')%! make sure the vase is clean. ?' A//B'+"('+0'!$#/<(',"%.$&*('),'(*$, will cause the water to turn green. ?' C",(')',B.),*'+0'C)%+.)'*/.B,'3//B, the water bacteriafree. ?' 50')%')##)%&/;/%('$,'$%')%'+),$,D make sure it is kept moist. ?' @"('./)8/,'+00',(/;,',+'(*/6')#/ not in vase water.
E*/' 1/!&.$%&' F)&.)%' G$B/' H)%!' resplendent in their tartans, two mounted soldiers in full uniform preceding the Red @#+,,'!+%3/6D'(*/'8/(/#)%,'I';/!).,'2+#%' B#+"!.6'I'!#/,,/!'0+#'(*/',+./;%$(6'+0'(*/' day. Representatives of 161 Battery of the Royal New Zealand Artillery and the Navy in full formal dress.
Margaret has made most of the craft items herself at home so they are really well priced. A special line of merino baby knitting ‘Tazzy Babywear’ is also proving popular with locals. They are made by Margaret’s sister in Otorohanga. “Making the toys and homeware items keeps my hands busy at home and they make ideal little gifts”, she says. Lilypot Florist is open 6 days each week, Meanwhile her hands are kept busy including a halfday on Saturday. !"#$%&' (#)!$%&' *+"#,' -..$%&' +#!/#,' 0+#' 1+#).' Sue Russell arrangements, gift baskets and potted plants, something Margaret gets a great deal of pleasure from. “People have got used to being able to just 2).3' $%' )%!' &/(' 0#/,*' 1+2/#,4' ' 5' #/)..6' /%7+6' creating exactly what the customer wants from (*/'2$!/'#)%&/'+0'1+2/#,'5'*)8/'$%',(+#/49 A few days before Anzac Day Margaret was gearing up for the array of wreaths she makes each year for Raglan organisations represented at the community service. The wreath building process begins with soaking oasis rings and crosses in her bath at home before attaching the 1+2/#,')%!'0+.$)&/4'' “They need a good soak so it’s much easier to do this at home. Each wreath then takes me ):+"(')%'*+"#'(+';)3/'+%</'5=;'"%!/#2)649 Paintings by Jenny Rhodes and Mary Roberts have found space on Lilypot’s walls along with an impressive stitched wallhanging by Anita Seddon. A range of lavender products from Te Awamutu called ‘Our Patch’ have Margaret Boggiss at work in Lilypot been introduced and Margaret is keen to have
a scripture reading, an address shared turnabout by Raglan Area School’s head girl and boy, the offering, a hymn, the dedication, wreathlaying, the Last Post, the reveille, another prayer and so on. The crowd had to listen and watch particularly closely this year because the sound system kept cutting out, leaving them to guess at some words or passages. 50'B)#(,'+0'(*/',/#8$</',//;/!')'.$((./'.$3/' ,+;/(*$%&' +"(' +0' E*/' A$%&=,' JB//<*D' %+' one was saying on so sombre an occasion.
As with last year, the service was ()3/%'7+$%(.6':6'F/8'A)(*.//%'M)8$%')%!' kaumatua Sean Ellison, who forewarned of one change in this year’s format: the singing at the end of the ceremony of not only our but also the Australian national Our surf lifesavers also scrubbed up anthem. for the occasion, even if the odd jandal That move reinforces on this side of wearer served as a reminder this is now the Tasman that Anzac Day honours the B#/!+;$%)%(.6' )' :/)<*' )%!' ,"#-%&' (+2%4'' M)..$B+.$' <);B)$&%,' +0' (#++B,' 0#+;' :+(*' K<#+,,'0#+;'(*/'@/%+()B*D'$%'0#+%('+0'(*/' (+2%' .$:#)#6D' ,)(' +0-<$).' &"/,(,' $%' (*/$#' countries, however odd it felt to be singing ‘Advance Australia Fair’ in downtown Wednesday best. Raglan. As with Anzac Day services around the The anthems and benediction over, the country these days, there was no doubting parade marched off to morning tea in the the continuing revival of community interest and recognition here of New F)&.)%'@.":'I'<+"#(/,6'+0'(*/'<+;;"%$(6' :+)#!'I')%!'(*/%D'%+('"%.$3/')'1),*';+:D'(*/' L/).)%!=,'2)#($;/'#+./,')%!',)<#$-</,4 crowd dispersed into another sunny Raglan Some complained later about !)64''E*/'<+8/#'+0'(*/'+#!/#'+0',/#8$</'./)1/(' distracting chatter but most of those handed out among the crowd said “lest we crowded into a rough square around forget” but well over 90 years on from (*/' @/%+()B*' 0+..+2/!' $%(/%(.6' ),' (*/' M)..$B+.$'(*/#/')BB/)#,'%+'!)%&/#'+0'(*)(4 remembrance service marched on through A.T its order of welcome, the Lord’s prayer, F)&.)%=,' /,,/%($).' ,/#8$</,D' (++' I' (*/' -#/-&*(/#,D'J('C+*%'K;:".)%</'+0-</#,D'(*/' @+),(&")#!D'/8/%'.+<).'B+.$</'I'$%'0+#;).' getup many locals have only rarely, if ever, seen them in.
, 16-18 Bow St, Raglan. Phone: 825 8300
Open 7.30am to 7.00pm, 7 Days a week.
Lambskin Rugs
99 ea
White Wine Special on selected range
9 99 ea
Bouton D’or Cheese Range
Pepsi ea Mountain Dew and 7up 1.5ltr
3 79
M Ch a e th r ty ck is ’s o w of ut ee fe k! rs
2 00
Buttercup Pumpkins
2 for
6 RAGLAN Chronicle
10 49
NZ Beef Blade Steak & Roast 1kg
NZ Chicken Breast Boneless/Skinless 1kg
13 99
Wednesday 25th April 2012
TOPCUT BUTCHERY TRADING HOURS: Mon Friday 7am 5pm Saturday 7am 2pm.
This is the first of our new monthly ‘Topcut’ columns. We aim to offer you the best deals we can on a variety of products we have in store. Check out the great specials below we have for you this month. In the coming months we will post some tasty winter recipes, advice on how to get the best out of your cuts, and cooking tips as well. At Topcut we like to ‘ham it up’ from time to time – so in the interest of keeping it fun we plan to have a different theme each month and even run a competition or two. So watch this space and thanks for supporting our local butchery. Go the Chief’s! The Team @ Topcut Butchery.
This months ‘Specials’ Top Quality 90/kg Blade Steak
Images courtesy of Nico Peschiutta niospe@gmail.com
95/kg Meaty Pork Back Bones
Seasoned Beef Olives
For any advice on special cuts or if you wish to make an order please call on Richard and the friendly team at: 2 Wallis Street
825 8647 RAGLAN Chronicle 7
Permaculture enthusiasts relish opportunity to share ideas K"#$& *+#& 34*4')& -2+((/& +(/,03%-& 3& 8$(4>& (7& L38/3)M,*#-& 2()"#$8#0& 1,*+& ACJN& (*+#$& >#$'324/*4$#& #)*+4-,3-*-& ,)&F4$3)8,&*(&*3/O&36(4*&+(1&*(&+3"#&3& +,8+&P43/,*%&(7&/,7#&1,*+(4*&,*&2(-*,)8&*+#& #3$*+Q
permaculture featuring 4 days of speakers, workshops and openspace offerings. 4,"+$%&$5*)'"6/7+/)*8$$9$+*)'$3)&+$6(%-*:$ in the 1970’s by Australian environmentalists Bill Mollison and David Holmgren for a conscious design approach that models itself on natural ecosystems, which has since then The 11th Australasian Permaculture grown into a popular worldwide movement Convergence, a community gathering of for empowering practical localised solutions to ecological thinkers, was a learning, sharing global issues. Embodying a philosophy of earth and networking experience on everything care, people care and fair share, the culture motivates cooperation and positivity for successful living. It is most well known for its productive organic food growing systems but encompasses everything from resource/waste management, Interested in becoming an Educarer community development, architecture for Bizzy Buddyz? and town planning to economic systems Do you want to work from home? Are you a parent and land access strategies. wanting more social interaction for your preschooler? Do enjoy working with and along side children? Why Permaculture offers communities, not become an educarer with Bizzy Buddyz Home Based Childcare. businesses and local authorities a means We offer a competitive payment rate with an extensive of engaging positively and realistically toy library, training provisions, medical insurance and on with the challenges of the 21st century going support. the end of cheap oil, the effects of climate Please enquire now! change and the loss of community 0800 084 314 or (07) 960 9040 culture and resilience. Asking what drew her to the convergence, attendee Emily Stanford May said “ I wanted to hear what current leading thinkers had to say about ‘where we are at’, what is possible and how it can be done. People have been working hard to help steer the human collective onto a )*2*-*)"+%;*$5"+,$"-:$<$="-+*:$+($>*$377*:$
!!!!"#$%!&$'()!"#*)+!,)#-)$.! !!!!"#$%!&$'()!"#*)+!,)#-)$.!
Raglan’s permaculture enthusiasts gather in Turangi
with hope and motivation. The convergence )*"77#$:%:$2%;*$'*$+,%&0$$<$3-:$%+$)*"77#$*?6%+%-2$ to engage with the process of shifting away from current unecological living. Permaculture has embodied the deep inner desires of humans to reconnect with the earth and all living beings in a meaningful way”. Here in Raglan we have a trailblazing permaculture community, with wellestablished food producers, home gardeners, business and community initiatives, like Trash Footwear, Oram Park Food Forest and TimeBanking. There have been several Permaculture Design @*)+%36"+*$ 6(/)&*&$ ,*7:$ ,*)*$ (;*)$ +,*$ #*")&$ and currently Solscape offers P.D.Cs in Spring and Autumn. We have also hosted national Permaculture in New Zealand (PiNZ) Hui’s. Many local ‘permies’ believe that the A"27"-$6(''/-%+#$6(/7:$*?5*)%*-6*$&%2-%36"-+$
NZ Music Month begins this week
Bowler sponsors acknowledged
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!"#$%&$'()*$+,"-$./&+$"-(+,*)$'(-+,0$1($'"-#$!"#$&%2-%3*&$&('*+,%-2$ special and something that is uniquely kiwi for it is NZ Music Month – a month completely and utterly dedicated to our local music and musicians. May 2012 plays host to a huge array of gigs, showcases, record releases, open days, seminars, exhibitions, promotions and competitions around the country, all to celebrate our local music and those folk that create it. =#$#&3$#&-('#&#"#)*-&+3>>#),)8&,)&3)0&3$(4)0&%(4$&3$#3&*+,-& 93%? @$,5&A&93%? dDub ‘Send it on Back Tour’ at Flow, Hamilton B3*5&C&93%? The Moa Live at The Yot Club, Raglan B3*5&DE&93%? Soulsystem NZ Tour at The Yot Club, Raglan F+45&DG&93%? Shihad Beautiful Machine Documentary opens in cinemas F+45&EA&93%? Autozamm, November Zulu & Invader Cain at Diggers Bar, Hamilton B4)5&EG&93%? Waikato Smokefree Rockquest heats H#05&IJ&93%? The Black Seeds ‘Dust & Dirt’ album release tour at Altitude, Hamilton F+45&ID&93%? Hook, Line & Singalong in schools nationwide
This is a day when we, as a club, gather together to provide an afternoon of fun bowls and other activities, along with some socialising and time to relax and talk with our sponsors. Fortunately the weather was 3-*$+,%&$#*")$&($=*$6(/7:$&*+$/5$&*;*)"7$>(=7&$6,"77*-2*&$+($+*&+$(-*&$ skills. One was a mini ‘Corner to Corner’ set up with a round target mat at +,*$(+,*)$*-:B$%-&%:*$+,*$6*-+)*$(C$+,%&$+")2*+$'"+$="&$"$3;*$:(77")$-(+*D$ if you managed to land your bowl on the note then that is what you won! Another challenge was a square target mat that looked a bit like a ‘noughts and crosses’ design. In some of the squares were some tins of fruit, again, if your bowl ended up in that square, then you won the fruit. There were other such challenges to try your skills at also, and the idea was to rotate around all the challenges to give them a go. This proved very poplar with our sponsors and players. The afternoon was rounded off with a BBQ meal and more relaxing times. We wish to acknowledge and thank our sponsors for their continued support of our club; we really do appreciate your help.
8th Orcas
Our sponsors this year have been: Anexa Total Veterinary Solutions, Century 21, DSigns, Garret Automotive, Raglan Pharmacy, Marlin Café & Grill, Seddon Park Funeral Home, Raglan Caterers, Warren Banks Electrician, Raglan Dentist, DB Breweries, IGT Gaming, Clubs NZ, RESULT PLAYERS OF THE DAY Raglan Club Inc., Norman & Trish Curtis, Warehouse Building Supplies, Won 41 Ethan Oetzel Top Cut Butchery, Lilypot Florist, Won 42 N/A Nannies Takeaways, Jo’s Takeaways, Bow Street Motors, Essence Hair Won 76 Txema Mazet Brown & Beauty, PGG Wrightsons – Lost 38 Jordan Chris Leuthart, Blacksand Café, Whaingaroa Physiotherapy, Raglan Lost 13 Travis Stoddart Excavations, Raglan Foursquare and Won 63 Jacob Kenyon Cherie Boggiss.
8th Sharks
Lost 34
Ngakau Bensemen
Kane Roberts, Jakob HeskethDowd
9th Manta Rays
Lost 17
Duran Wipani
Lost 031
Keaton Neels
10th Seasnakes
Lost 015 Jackson Armstrong Mayes
Lost 045
Cory Gillett & Reiki Ruawai
11th Bull Sharks Lost 03
6th Black
Lost 3035 Jackson Fellowes
6th Green Win 3530
Aria McLachlan, Jasmine Single
Lost 7075 Darryl Patterson, Hudson Bidois
Draw 5050 Rowan McLachlan
Lost 3040 Lucy Single
8 RAGLAN Chronicle
positive outcomes if the design approach was embraced more widely by residents and council decision makers. This Sunday, May 6th, Raglan is celebrating International Permaculture Day with local activities for everyone interested in learning more and connecting. 9.30am 11.30am: There will be a tour of Liz Stanway and Rick Thorpe’s land, where they grow all that divine basil which goes into making their famous market pesto. 5pm: Solscape is hosting a Shared Potluck :%--*)$"-:$:(6/'*-+")#$37'$&6)**-%-20 All are Welcome. Bookings essential. Contact Solscape on 8258268 or info@ solscape.co.nz. Koha will be appreciated. Emily SandfordMay
Lost 545
Hunter Reily, Jake Ellison
Won 445
12th 13th
5th Kingies 6th Stingrays 6th Penguins 7th Dolphins 7th Snappers
Shay Cornes
Once again we show our appreciation with grateful thanks and look forward to next year’s ‘Sponsor’s Day.’ Happy bowling, Eileen Stephens
Opinion: Democracy and protest by Ian McKissack
Registered Valuers Property Consultants
With a hikoi travelling down the North Island to protest against asset sales and other ventures like seabed exploration and drilling it becomes clear that the Government is out of line with many in the electorate. This seems odd since it is not long since we had an election with National getting back in with a substantial majority over any other party. Asset sales were clearly in the policy outline and none of the seabed issues are particularly new. One comment has been that poor voter turnout was
an important factor in the election result, so perhaps we are now suffering the effects of apathy. In addition, John Key has developed such a positive persona that people feel he is a pair of safe political hands in %'+.%.7"%$$*'(4&54$1.(':)&$8;'?(' is certainly worth considering whether our democracy is in a safe state if too much emphasis is placed on a leader, based on his public persona. The path from popular leader to tyrant is the policy of the people we a welltrodden one. elected. A better way to look It might be argued that at it is like a warning to the the hikoi is anti democratic present government that since it is essentially opposing the electorate is waking up
Hawken & Co. L.W. HAWKEN Dip. VFM; Val; Prof. Urban, ANZIV. SPINZ
P.O. Box 130 Raglan
p. 07 825 8064 fx. 07 825 8559 m 0274 968 417
enjoy music with your
from a bit of doze, no longer complacent about selling off their land above or below the low water mark.
Green technology works for ‘What does it mean to be Green’ meeting An audience of almost 20 at the Old School on Stewart St interacted with Green MP, Eugenie Sage, for nearly an hour on Monday evening discussing the Green <%&(*=,'1.2"&).#1.('>)$"7*;'?.'@%/$%.=,'+&,(' use of Skype for a political meeting Eugenie was able to sit at home near Christchurch
and answer questions with only occasional breaks in the internet connection. Organiser, Karen Marshall, said she was pleased with the way the meeting went and looked forward to hearing Catherine Delahunty speak on education and mining on Monday 7th at 7pm.
are available from Raglan Community House 45 Bow St P 07 825 8142
0800 OPTOMETRIST (0800 678 663) 387 Anglesea St, Hamilton & Lynden Court, Chartwell www.patersonburn.co.nz
MAINTENANCE MAY. Gardening in all seasons is full on what you do in one season effects the results you get in future seasons. After gardening for years, your mind has a diary of events or jobs to do. It is like every new moon starts another month of events in the garden. !"#"$%&' ()' #*' +,-"./0' "(' ",' the season, weather, size and time of the tide. Gardening is no different. It is not a rush of blood in the spring to get it all going, it is something you keep working on throughout the whole year. May usually means the trimming of hedges, bushes and fruit trees (as the leaves are lost) and letting more winter light and warmth into the garden. Use the leaves and cuttings as compost and mulch. Empty your compost bins and dig in to soil plus don’t forget to add a bit of garden lime. Large potted plants need the same, repot with fresh soil/compost. Trim all your herbs and lavenders to stop them growing woody and encourage fresh new growth. If you choose to spray, now is the time for double strength winter oil, copper and sulphur sprays on roses and fruit trees but it is a personal choice. We have heaps of praying mantises around now doing excellent work and you would not want to destroy these helpful insects. Cover crops of oats, lupines and mustard is advantageous at this time and needs to be dug in by October. Divide up your strawberry plants and replant all with black plastic or heaps of mulch. The new moon is late every month on the 21st. Seed planting is up to the 7th of each month. Plan for the shortest day, (22nd June) that is garlic and shallot planting day and
preschooler! Your local mainly music When: Mondays & Wednesdays 9.30am Where : Te Uku Church Hall When : $3.00 per family Contact : Surfside Christian Life Centre
Phone 825 5199
the real start of winter weather. Vege gardens: we are still harvesting beans, lettuce, capsicums, chiles, eggplants and the last of the tomatoes and butternuts. Pumpkins will be coming in for dry storage and always test their skins with a +./1&.%"$0'121.'"3'*)4'%'54*"./' at the fruit shop. Seeds or plants of silver beet, NZ spinach, broad bean, carrot, cabbage, broccoli, cauli’s, lettuce mix and the herb rocket can all be planted successfully. Try some mini 21/1(%5$1,'$"61'(-1'7%55%/1'%.8'7%4$"9):1&0'%,'(-1*' are slightly quicker in maturing, take up less space and feed enough for two or more. Flowers: we do have the last of our autumn show. Save your marigold seeds. Again dig over your beds and plant whatever, stocks, primulas, pansies, violas, polyanthus, poppies, lobelias and cinerarias. Look at the Hamilton City gardens roundabouts to give you "81%,'3)&'%',-):')3'9):1&,; Tip of the month: if you have a rabbit problem, plant those marigold seeds in beds and amongst your vege’s – as rabbits do not like marigolds scent. The Raglan Wharf Seagull
The new Raglan Business and Residential Directory website
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Brett Soanes Interior Plasterer / Gib Stopper !! skim coating !! cove !! square stop !! renovations or new homes
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HARLEY FIELD Greenslade Rd, Raglan PH: 021 127 5486 EMAIL: DRIPFREE@XTRA.CO.NZ
! Concreting/ Pathways etc ! Garden Fences ! Landscaping ! Garden Tidy Ups ! GatesÂ
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Cliff Hosking Mob: 027 631 8677
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!"#$%&'#()*+,'-.")/)0#&1%%."2))3.42)5"#6(+#7." New Housing Alterations Drainlaying Solar Installations Gas Appliance Servicing Maintenance
10 RAGLAN Chronicle
Phone: 07 825 5251 Damon: 027 666 1318 Matt: 027 493 9502 PO Box 15477, Dinsdale, Hamilon
THURS @ Raglan Community House 10 - 1pm CV Writing Assistance. FREE. All welcome. Appts required. Ph 825 8142. THURS @ THE RAGLAN CLUB. Euchre. All welcome. 6pm. SUNDAYS @ Te Uku Church, evening service 7pm. MAINLY MUSIC. Monday & Wednesday 9.30am@ Te Uku Church. MON @ THE RAGLAN CLUB. 500 cards, 1pm. TUES @ Raglan Club -Texas Hold’em 6.30pm. WED @ Raglan Club, Fun Quiz 6:45pm. RAGLAN RAMBLERS WED 09 MAY: Raglan Ramblers 9am from Wainui Rd car park next to ,1') &-') +,#,%/*) 2) 31#-4) ,/) Greenslade Rd – 6km along the beaches with harbour views.
WEDNESDAYS @ BLACKSAND CAFÉ. Knitting Circle from 9.30am. Beginners welcome. THURS@ the Old School Arts Centre. Spinners and weavers. 10am – 2pm. New members welcome. WHAT DOES IT MEAN to Be Green Hear Catherine Delahunty, Green MP, speak on Education & Mining. Monday 7th May, 7pm @ Old School Arts Centre. !"#$%&"'#()*% +#(),"%&-,,-"#,%%
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FRI 4th MAY @ YOT Club, LATINO NIGHT CARECASELECTOR, Latin Grooves, Live Percussion, $5 , Ladies Free Before 11pm SAT 5th MAY @ YOT Club, THE MOA, Live Original Funk, 9pm-$5
For Sale
SAT 19th MAY RAGLAN @ RAGLAN CLUB Volunteer Rescue Services Fundraiser 2012 featuring great food, auctions & the legendary mud sharks. Doors open 6:30pm, tickets $20.
For Sale
Flowers Lilypot Florist !""#$%&'"()*%$& !""+%,-"()*%$& !"".)//%-"012,/& 07 021825 4486847 104 2 Wallis Street
Love Brooke Tyson’s !""#$%&'()$*&+,)-. & Lace Tunics… ...its time to get warm!
DRY EX LOUNGE carpet & underlay ok condition, 7mX5m any offers considered. Ph Lynley 0274695162. DRY MANUKA heaped trailer load $125. Delivered in Raglan. Dave 8257270. FIREWOOD 6x6 load pine $100, macrocarpa $110 delivered. Ph 0210771524. MANUKA FIREWOOD $100 per m3, $140 per m3 delivered, 8250522. RAGLAN GOLF CLUB &-'0//() 4"*(-#%+'-56) ."575) dry split pine delivered, $70 up to 10 km. Ph: Alex 825 0997, or Garry 825 6875. DINGHY WALKER BAY 84,) 9:5;7<) &=-'>$#++) 0%,1) oars, anchor, white with blue seats, can take sail or motor, gd condition $500 ph 8255755, 021796240 GREAT LEAD REIN or keen 2nd pony 22yr, 13.2hh bay mare, ex pony club, does it all, $1500 ph 8258428.
Courses, classes & workshops ZUMBA! @ Te Uku hall Monday 9.30am, Wednesday 6.30pm - ring/txt Sarah T for more info 825 55844 or 0272106784.
TAROT INTRODUCTORY CLASS, 10 wks, $10 per class. Evening or Saturday to be determined depending on group. Please register interest with Chrissy 8256793 or text/ph 0276644261.
RAGLAN GYM Group Fitness Classes @ Raglan Gym: !"#$%SPIN&'$($)*+,",-.$/,"0,-1&$($.*2+34$53(..$5(2 6-"2$641/442$788$9:88$5(3,"*4.;$$$ ! Tuesdays<$=(>$/*1?$@(-"*4 ! Wednesdays<$A(>$/*1?$B("41? ! Thursdays<$C(>$/*1?$@(-"*4$D$C<E8F>$/*1?$ B("41? ! Fridays: A(>$/*1?$B("41? !,$6,,0$($53(..$1,G(#$F?,24 825 0079.
For Sale
WESTERN SADDLE – TOP RELIEF MILKER & CALF CONDITION 0273270800. REARER needed through FROSTPLY YACHT spring. Ph Daryl 078255033 – top condition 11” 10’ ph or 0276836839. 0273270800. CAREGIVER REQUIRED FOR disabled young DOUBLE BED FOR SALE !"#$%&'(()(*"(&+(%$(*"%&,-%./*(0&10(%23&+#*(*"(4& woman, must have rimu headboard, inner Raglan Area School Te Puawaitanga sprung mattress –42 Norrie Avenue, Raglan. very tidy drivers license & ability condition $120 Ph 8257194, to swim.078250545 or 5466(2&7($/-8(9&:$)&'(9;&Consultation feedback on the draft 0212528741. must collect.
!"#$%!%&'#()*%+!&",)-&(./0)#'$)012."+%&')!&)+%!0+)&3)+%4'%52#'2e. For Hire LOST 7/*8(9&<$)&'(9;& =6466&(2&Preparations for hearing. F L=466>2&6*#%'4#"&#)7#"8&")9(.+!0")7.%)3&"):#%'.%;):#/#%'.<=)#'$) OORSANDING KITTEN 1YR OLD Burmese EQUIPMENT for hire.>4?!%)@##*#'4#A Ph (Siamese colouring) last
RaglanFor apologies or for a copy of the full programme, email: Flooring 825 8777. seen Saturday 21st April, ?82%*%3$-($%@*&'(*("A-&B; BOUNCY CASTLE, Great Norrie Ave area. Any entertainment for the kids, info ph 8257842 or text $(%*/%(C)%-@$-/3$B)@$2(%04D@2 call Vicki 8257575. @-&E6FG&HI:&6I:5&@-&'%-@2%-@&@*&6I=&JI=&6J= 0220781569.
To Let !(/&2(%&K(A-A&2(% Situations Vacant
1 BEDROOM FLAT semi furnished $160.00 includes power. Wallis St. Aval now. No pets. 078255713/0212429818 WHALE BAY S/C studio, furnished. Clean and tidy with nice view and patio. $140pw + power. Includes broadband. Ph 8258333 or 021350845 S/C BEDSIT UNIT, rustic feel, own courtyard $130pw inc. power. Ph/text 0220267383. 2/3 BDRM SUNNY bach $280 pw ph 0272440371.
Public Notices SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING NOTICE. Attention ALL Financial Members a Special General Meeting of the Raglan Club Incorporated will be held in the clubrooms 22/24 Bow Street Raglan on Sunday May 6th, 2012 at 10am. SENIOR CITIZENS ASSOCIATION Next meeting will be held on Thursday 10th May at the Fire Brigade Hall at 11am. Guest speaker will be Ann Carter-Jones on her overseas travel. We welcome members, visitors and friends. ?%>1,) $"*.1'/*) #*() -#4@') available. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE Raglan Playcentre A#+,'-)B#4@')3%**'-+C)6+,) Lucy Howkin, 2nd Peggy King, 3rd Hayley Vink, 4th Erin Crawford and 5th Emily Hunter. Thanks to everyone who supported us, and extra warm wishes the kind gentleman who sponsored a digger! +K?L!M?NO?& K?NPOQN&1RQ7,SN&KQL 7/*8(9&<$)&'(9&I6=I 1.00pm. Raglan Area School – Te Puawaitanga. Norrie Avenue, Raglan. ,(%*/%&?C)%-@&,-/3$ B>4?!%):#/#%'.<=;))>4?!%) @##*#'4#;):#%'.%CA) 1. Update on claims. 2. Review research and legal team catch up. T@-&(*9&U/-$)A-&A*V/%-%A3&$@ ?82%*%3$-($%@*&'(*("A-;& $(%*/%(C)%-@$-/3$&B)@$2(%0 4D@2&@-&E6FG&HI:&6I:54
PUMP/PILATES/SPIN/ YOGA/INSTRUCTOR wanted @ Raglan Gym. Temporary cover required for 3 weeks May/June, 6 classes p/w with on call possibilities for the future. !"#$%&'()%*+,-".,/-)0#*,'() with experience. Ph Amber 8250079 or 0272946949.
SAT 5th MAY@ 121 Maungatawhiri Road, 9am12pm. SAT 5th & SUN 6th MAY@ 53 Bow Street from 8am. Something for everyone. 11 UENUKU AVE, Sat 5th May from 9am to 12pm. SUN 6th MAY @ 541 Wainui Rd. 8:30am-10am. GARAGE SALE @ 224 OKETE RD Sun 6th May from 9:30am – 3pm. Everything from kid’s clothes, toys to motoX gear, furniture & house goods.
Located on the shores of the West Coast with endless summer breezes, the Raglan Kopua Camp is looking for a highly motivated and friendly person to join their team to assist with duties as Camp Cleaner and Receptionist. This position will be on a casual basis (as and when required) over the winter period with potential to become more permanent in the busy summer season. Your key responsibilities for cleaning will include: •
Cleaning and servicing of facilities at the camp
Cleaning and servicing of the camp cabins and bunk hall
Assisting the laundering facilities of the camp
Assisting guests with any queries whilst staying at the camp
Your key responsibilities for reception will include: •
Providing prompt and effective service to all visitors to the camp
Checking in guests with our computer reservation system
Answering general enquiries
Administrative office duties
Based in Raglan, both positions require you to have: •
Excellent interpersonal and customer service skills
The ability to communicate with a wide and diverse range of people
The ability to work well as a part of a team
Previous experience in cleaning either commercially or within a hospitality environment
Basic understanding of operating a computer
Applications close: Friday, 11th May 2012.
If this opportunity sounds like you then send your CV and covering letter to: Rob Clark, Raglan Kopua Holiday Park, Marine Parade, Raglan.
SITUATIONS VACANT Science/Horticulture Teacher Short Term Vacancy !"#$%"#&''()*+#,'%#$#-.$&)/"0#12)"*2"34'%5)2.&5.%"#5"$26"%#,'%#$#7"8"*#9""(#:"%)'0#75$%5)*+# ;<#=$>#?@;?A##B,#56)7#:'7)5)'*#9'.&0#7.)5#>'.C# :&"$7"#2'*5$25#56"#D%)*2):$&C#=$&2'&E#F'GC#'*H# 825 8140; 027 488 9421 or email: malcolm_cox@raglanarea.school.nz
Public Notices
PARENTING THROUGH SEPARATION PROGRAMME. The number given in last week’s edition of the The Chronicle to register for the ParentCOMMERCIAL/RETAIL ing through Separation programme was incorrect. SHOP PREMISES The programme will run Raglan CBD, 84 SQM TWO available on Tuesday 22nd May and Tuesday 29th May from 7 Ph 021 363465 or - 9pm at Raglan Communiadmin@shoreline.net.nz tyHouse. To book a place COMMERCIAL BUILDING please phone Hamilton – Raglan Storage and 8393267. Industrial Park Ltd. Ph 8256560.
Garage Sale
Te Uku School Vacancy Teacher Aide - Fixed Term Position !"#$%&'#()(*$+,--"#.$'(/$"012&$'/3)()+.#'.)"($/,.)&+4$'--#"5)3'.&%6$78$9",#+$-&#$:&&;4$+.'#.)(*$/'.&$<7$='6$<87<>$$ ?9)+$-"+).)"($)+$+,).'@%&$0"#$'$-&#+"($:9"$%);&+$."$+,--"#.$ 29)%/#&($:).9$%&'#()(*$(&&/+$'(/$2'($:"#;$)(/&-&(/&(.%6$."$ 2"3-%&.&$'/3)()+.#'.)A&$.'+;+>$$B%&'+&$2"(.'2.$.9&$-#)(2)-'%$ )0$(&&/)(*$0,#.9&#$)(0"#3'.)"(>$$C0$6",$'#&$)(.&#&+.&/$)($'--%6)(*D$-%&'+&$0"#:'#/$'$EF$'(/$'$%&..&#$"0$'--%)2'.)"($."G$ The Principal, Te Uku School, C/- Te Uku Store, Te Uku PDC 3266 or principal@teuku.schoolzone.net.nz. Te Uku School’s Phone No: 8255815.
BYO (wine only) nt u o disc e-in Bring a bottle of % 0 wine when you 1 r din e! dine-in u with us and o off u pric we will give you men 10% off your total dining bill.
Enjoy our delicious curry this winter with your favourite wine. Ph: (07) 825 0300, 31 Bow St, Raglan Opening hours: Tuesdays through to Sundays Lunch: 11:30am - 3:30pm Dinner: 5pm - 9:30pm
Promotion valid until 30th May 2012.
Applications close on Thursday 10 May 2012.
Ng!ti Maahanga Waitangi Tribunal Claims W!nanga. Raglan Area School - Te Puawaitanga 42 Norrie Avenue, Raglan. 9.00am Saturday 5th May: Consultation feedback on the draft !"#$%!%&'#()*%+!&",)-&(./0)#'$)012."+%&')!&)+%!0+)&3)+%4'%52#'2e. Sunday 6th May: 10.00 am Preparations for hearing. 1.00pm Whaingaroa Harbor Cluster Hui for Tainui, Tamainup! and Ng"ti Maahanga.
For apologies or for a copy of the full programme, email: Administration Manager @: tainuiawhirotrust@hotmail.com or (07) 825 0259 or Miromiro on 021 421 041 Nau mai Haere mai
RAGLANChronicle Chronicle11 11 RAGLAN
WHA HARBOUR Sunday 1.00pm School – T Norrie Av Tainui (Ng"ti Ta Maaha 1. Upda 2. Review legal te For any fur Administr tainuiawhi .com or
Raglan Real Estate Ltd Licenced (REAA 2008)
AUCTION - Fri 1st June 2012 !"#$%"&'(")*+,-"./01-2"34"567"8,2"&'9:';
SECTIONS Register now and get excited these sections will be someones good luck story!
4S"F$3%"B%'&&%P"@)%". Relocaters Dream """""46"+9M$"+C$H& """"""""""4I"B&$?'&&e&"#$""""""""""""""".1"B;7)*"W)$6 """""""""""""""""""""4.":;)C&%"B%'&&% """""""""""""""""""""""""""I?"#$;M)<=$;"+C$H& CONTEMPORARY COUNTRY LIVING
IO 6.
Sunday 11am 56c Bush View Drive
R=;3" H)*%&7,)'$'-" %<)\3%)'&-" =)93&" =$3" 0" ?'73P"$*")(UH&P"%<)"?$%='))73"`;*HC96;*A"3,$" ?$%=bP"3&,$'$%&"C$9*6'-P"6;*;*A"'))7">"C)9*A&" ,C93" 6)9?C&" $HH&33" A$'$A&" >" $66;%;)*$C" ,$'M;*A"?$-3Q F*f)-"%=&"H)7,C&%&",';G$H-")("%=&".QI"$H'&3" )("*$%;G&"?93=P"7$%9'&P",$'M"C;M&"A$'6&*3">" C$<*3Q".I"7;*3"(')7"W$AC$*P 4I"7;*3"(')7 8$7;C%)*Q" OPEN HOME
];'3%"%;7&"%)"%=&"7$'M&%";*"%=;'%-"-&$'3Q X")*H&";*"$"C;(&%;7&"H=$*H&"%)",9'H=$3&Q ..0."7L"<;%=";H)*;H"W$AC$*"5$H="$*6 ,;H%9'&?))M"3&%%;*AQ" +';)'"X9H%;)*")((&'3 H)*3;6&'&6Q OPEN HOME
1. ID#RAG21054
Saturday 1pm 37 Taipari Avenue
g)9"<;CC"?&";7,'&33&6"?-"%=&"3,$H;)93*&33")(" %=;3"%;6-P"('&3=C-",$;*%&6"$*6"*&<C-"H$',&%&6" S"?&6'))7"=)7&Q"]&$%9';*A"C$'A&"),&*",C$*" C;G;*A" $'&$" <;%=" '$M;*A" %;7?&'" H&;C;*A3" $*6" ,)C;3=&6" d))'3" $6f$H&*%" %)" <&CC" &T9;,,&6" A$CC&-" 3%-C&" M;%H=&*E6;*;*A" '))7Q" h&<" (9CC" C&*A%="%;7?&'"6&HM";3"$HH&33&6"?-"7)3%"'))73" ;*"%=&"=)93&"\"&OH&CC&*%";*6))'E)9%6))'"d)<Q `J1174"3&H%;)*bQ
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Saturday 12pm 10 Calvert Road
OPEN HOME Saturday 11am 1a Cross Street
CT AU N 6 1. 2 .1
R=;3"=)7&"<)9C6"?&"%=&";6&$C"=)C;6$-"'&%'&$%Q c((&';*A"4"6)9?C&"?&6'))73P"4"?$%='))73P" *$%;G&"%;7?&'"d))';*AP"3;*AC&"A$'$A&"$*6"39*" 6'&*H=&6"6&HM;*A"%)"H$,%9'&")*&")("%=&"?&3%" )H&$*"$*6";**&'"=$'?)9'"G;&<3";*"W$AC$*Q #$CM"%)"%)<*P"?&$H="$*6"3H=))CQ D&*&')93"/117L"3&H%;)*Q +';)'"X9H%;)*")((&'3 H)*3;6&'&6Q OPEN HOME
Sunday 2pm 24 Norrie Avenue
DRAMATIC! Ocean, Harbour, Estuary, Mountain, ViewsQ"R=;3"3%9**;*A"0"?6'7"
,'),&'%-"3;%3",')96C-"&C&G$%&6";*"?&$9%;(9CC-" C$*63H$,&6"A')9*63"%$M;*A";*"9*?')M&*"G;&<3"(')7" Z%"[$';);"%)"Z))*C;A=%"5$-"\"?'&$%=%$M;*AY"]&$%9';*A^" @$'A&"),&*",C$*"C)9*A&E6;*;*AP"$"<&CC"$,,);*%&6" A'$*;%&"M;%H=&*">"<))6"?9'*;*A"U'&Q"FO%'$3^"3)C$'" <$%&'"=&$%;*AP"=&$%",97,P"3,$",))C";*"7$3%&'" &*39;%&P"C$'A&"_=)??-"3=&62"`.47"O"a7"<;%="$"4Qa7" 3%96b"6)9?C&"A$'$A&"$*6 $7,C&",$'M;*A OPEN HOME ()'"G;3;%)'3Q
Saturday 23pm 49b Hills Road
@)H$%;)*P"C;(&3%-C&P"C9O9'-P"3,$H&"()'"%=&"M;63" $*6" A'&$%" G;&<3" )G&'" %=&" =$'?)9'" $*6" )9%" %)"%=&"?$'Q R=;3" 6&3;'$?C&P" S" ?&6'))7" =)7&" ;3" T9;&%" $*6"'&C$O;*A"<;%="$"<))6"U'&P",';G$%&"55V" $'&$" $*6" 6)9?C&" A$'$A&" $*6" )*C-" $" 3=)'%" 3%')CC"$<$-"(')7"%=&"W$AC$*"H$(&3P"3H=))CP" 3=),3P"$*6"3$(&"3<;77;*AQ"X"793%"%)"G;&<P 3&&"-)9"$%"%=& ),&*"=)7&Y OPEN HOME
Sunday 11am 21b Long Street
AT D !" B7$CC"BC&&,)9%"E"B%96;) CE 00 I !" FC&G$%&6"3&H%;)*")(".IJK7L PR 5,0 !" B=)'%"<$CM"%)"N)O"5$W 8 ID#RAG20957 NO $5
HARBOUR THE LASTING IMPRESSION !" #$%&'(')*%"+'),&'%!" ./0123"4"5&6'))7"8)93& !" :;&<3")("#=$'(">"8$'?)9' !" @$'A&"B;*AC&"D$'$A&"9*6&'"=)93&
OPEN HOMES this weekend 5th & 6th May Saturday 11am 1a Cross Street
Sunday 11am 56c Bush View Drive
Saturday 12pm 10 Calvert Road
Sunday 11am 21b Long Street
Saturday 1pm 37 Taipari Avenue
Sunday 2pm 24 Norrie Avenue
Saturday 2pm 3pm 49b Hills Rd
21 Bow St, Raglan Phone: 07 825 8669 Fax: 07 825 7410 Website: www.rwraglan.co.nz Email: raglan.nz@raywhite.com
12 RAGLAN Chronicle