RaglanCHRONICLE Whaingaroa news for you weekly
13th October 2011 - Issue #265
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RAGLAN Chronicle 1
dining guide
Cover A message of support for the All Blacks at Ngaranui beach Should you wish to aquire any images from this week’s Chronicle - please contact us on 825 7076 or email your request to info@raglanchronicle.co.nz
Aloha Market Place - Sushi Takeaway. 5 Bow Street..................................................... 825 7440
Burgershack. Takeaway. 35a Bow Street.................................................................... 825 8439 Jo’s Takeaways. Te Kopua Domain...............................................................................825 8761 Harbour View Hotel. Dine in & Takeaway. 14 Bow Street..............................................825 8010 Marlin Cafe & Grill. Dine in. On the Wharf.................................................................. 825 0010
Namaste Kitchen. Eat in or takeaway. 31 Bow Street....................................................825 0300 Nannies Takeaways. 35 Bow Street............................................................................. 825 8842 Raglan West Store. Takeaways.45 Wainui Rd...............................................................825 8293 The Shack. Dine in or Takeaway. 19 Bow Street...........................................................825 0027 The Raglan Club. Dine in or Takeaway. 22-24 Bow Street............................................ 825 8288
Message from the Mayor The Rugby World Cup did what it promised. We have become a ‘stadium of 4 million people’ at a world class event where everyone is cheering. When you consider the potential media audience of over 4 billion people, it really is a ‘stadium of four billion’ as people from around the globe tune into an event that has showcased New Zealand to the world. Here in the Waikato, we’re counting more campervans than dairy cows, our Eftpos machines are humming and we’re feeling very proud of ourselves for good reason. I’ve lost count of the locals I’ve seen flying the flag on the car, on the mailbox and on fences. And when the games are over, we know it won’t end there. We will still see our new Rugby World Cups friends flying their flags off the wing mirror of a campervan for a few weeks to come.
Enthusiasm is critical and many of our tourism operators have this in spades. The successful ones have simply taken a great idea and turned it into reality. It’s easy to take a grass is greener approach until you see a tourist’s view of the place we call home. The new Waikato district DVD paints a stunning portrait of our landscape, our beaches, our people and our river and profiles many exciting tourism ventures within it. It can be viewed on the Waikato section of the council’s website waikatodistrict.govt.nz or purchased from any local I-Site.
The beauty of this district is breathtaking and the scope we have to attract visitors is huge. We’re already known for nature-based tourism, arguably the best left hand surf break in the world, underground adventure and off-the-beaten track experiences. Let’s build on that and consider what we have to attract our visitors to stay longer, spend more and share their good stories with those at home. Tourism is more than a cash cow. We need to take a fresh look from the outside, create unforgettable experiences and from there we will generate jobs, improve lifestyles and build our economy. http://www.weathermap.co.nz/?p=raglan Allan Sanson Waikato District Mayor
At the launch event for the new Waikato District Visitor Guide and Zaragoza . Restaurant. Cafe. Dine in & Takeaway. 23 Bow St.......................................825 0205 DVD at Woodlands last month Hamilton & Waikato Regional Tourism chief executive Kiri Goulter reminded us much of the tourism into the Waikato goes sight unseen if not forecasts directly connected with the WeatherMap - New Zealand we’re weather industry. The message from all who spoke that evening was clear, this is an industry with unlimited potential. We Welcome all enquiries and enrolments We welcome all enquiries and1 enrolments for children 2 for Children 2 /2 and over. 1/2 and over. We offer morning (8.30-12.30), afternoon We offer Morning or Afternoon sessions, (1-3) and ‘Kindergarten sessions (8.30-3.00). fully qualifiedday’ staff and a safe,We have Raglan Weather & Tides fully qualified stafflearning and a safe,environment. fun, learning environment. fun, Check www.weathermap.co.nz for latest forecasts
Raglan Kindergarten Using some of your child’s ‘20 free hours’ at Kindergarten could mean no fees for you!!
CALL IN ANYTIME AT: 9 STEWART STREET, RAGLAN or Phone us on 825 8674 Email raglan@kindergarten.org.nz
1st, 3rd and 5th Saturdays in Raglan 2nd and 4th Saturdays in Te Mata Further information: Raglan 825 8135 Parish Priest Fr Anselm Aherne: Frankton 847 56 88
10.30am Traditional Service
A warm welcome awaits you there
Opportunity Shop Saturday the Hall Kids Club: Mondays 3 - in 4.30pm - 11.30am Opportunity9am Shop, Saturday in the Hall 9-11am
CHURCH OFFICE Ph: 825 - 8276
Pastor: Jeanette Vink. email: jeanette.vink@yahoo.com
2 RAGLAN Chronicle
Forecast generated on Wednesday 12 October Max Summary Wind Waves* Tides* Sun/Moon temp (C) (km/hr) (m) (High/Low) (Rise/Set) Fri
W 25 W 30
am pm
05:30 11:40 05:50 11:50
am R 06:39 am S 07:33 pm MR 09:39 pm MS 07:18
am pm pm am
Cloudy with Showers
NW 20 am W 25 pm
06:38 L 06:00 am R S 07:34 H 12:10 pm MR L 06:20 pm MS 10:35 07:55
am pm pm am
Mainly fine with possible showers
NW 10 am NW 20 pm
12:20 06:30 12:40 07:00
am R 06:36 am S 07:35 pm MR 11:29 pm MS 08:36
am pm pm am
N 40 W 40
am pm
01:00 07:10 01:20 07:40
am R 06:35 am S 07:36 pm MR 12:20 pm MS 09:23
am pm am am
Showers with clear spells
SW 40 am SW 45 pm
01:40 07:50 02:10 08:30
am R 06:34 am am S 07:37 pm pm pm MS 10:15 am
Sunny with some cloud
SW 35 am SW 35 pm
02:30 08:50 03:00 09:30
am R 06:32 am S 07:38 pm MR 01:07 pm MS 11:12
am pm am am
Mainly fine with possible showers
SW 20 am SW 20 pm
06:31 H 03:30 am R S 07:39 L 09:50 am MR H 04:10 pm MS 01:51 12:13
am pm am pm
*Total significant wave height and *Tide times for Raglan Bar
* 8.45am 10am Contemporary - 11am Service * Communion every 4th Sunday (with children’s programme) * Kids Club: Mondays 3pm-4.30pm
Weather Map
10am Raglan Area School 7pm Te Uku Church Pastor Roger Peart ph 07 825 5199
Raglan Ink Ltd home of the Raglan Chronicle Office Open Mon to Fri 9am - 4.00pm, Wainui Rd, Raglan Ph: (07) 825-7076 Fax: (07) 825-7078 Post: P.O. Box 234, Raglan Email: raglan.chronicle@xtra.co.nz Advertising & Articles The
advertising and editorial content deadline will be Monday at 12pm week of issue. DISCLAIMER
Opinions and views expressed in the Raglan Chronicle do not necessarily represent those held by the Editors or Publishers. Every care will be taken in the preparation and placement of submitted material but the Editors/Publishers shall not be liable for errors or omissions or subsequent effects due to the same. It is the submitter’s responsibility to ensure material is not libelous or defamatory. The Editors/Publishers reserve the right to abridge, alter or decline any material submitted to the Raglan Chronicle to meet the constraints of space and/or maintain a reasonable standard of language and decorum.
More to know about Te Mauri Tau When representatives from Te Mauri Tau turned out at a board meeting recently to speak to their application for help from a council discretionary fund, none of the board’s members had heard of the educational, environmental and health organisation. But Katarina Mataira, who was one of its founders back in 1994, told the Chronicle this week she was not concerned about being “invisible” to the board. “The Maori community know we are here,” she says simply. And when she and co-founder Tuihana Bosch – both with a background in teaching – set up Te Mauri Tau as an educational option for Maori it was very much about being outside the mainstream of our
European-dominated system, she adds. “We are two quite distinct and unique cultures growing up together.” And while pushing for, promoting and modelling the Maori way of life and learning at Te Mauri Tau, Katarina suspects they were known more as “those wild hippies from Raglan” back then. But Te Mauri Tau has come of age, gaining charitable status in 1998 and becoming an incorporated society in 2000. It’s also a partner with the national Enviroschools programme with all the facilitated training coming through its doors, sometimes by the busload. “We support the national holistic approach (to education),” explains Katarina. And while holding on to some of the ways of being Maori, she says, it’s also balanced alongside Pakeha ways – a path in which Enviroschools is also finding its way. Te Mauri Tau has had huge funding
for Chronicle Readers
Take a weekend away before the crowds arrive
Ruben the runaway gives Raglan the run-around asking people if they’d seen him. But to no avail. So Aron got some posters made up and put them all over the place – Whale Bay, Manu Bay, Ngarunui Beach, the campground at the domain, the shops in town and even the new coffee shop at Te Uku. By Sunday there’d been a couple of sightings at Greenslade Road and the wharf but “nothing concrete”, says Aron.
Aron and Ruben reunited
You gotta hand it to Ruben – he’s a terrier for punishment. The terrified dog spent a harrowing 10 nights and 11 days on the run recently, despite the best efforts of seemingly half of Raglan to capture him and return him safely to his owner, Aron. No sooner was Ru the black and brown Welsh terrier – a Lotto dog lookalike – spotted in Greenslade Road, then the wharf, then Lorenzen Bay than he was off again up Hills Road and Cornwall Road … doggedly determined to evade his pursuers. He’d escaped from Aron’s room at Solscape eco-retreat when someone unwittingly let him out the door, and he was off down Earles Place and the bushtrack to the beach in search of his owner who was having a surf and blissfully unaware his pooch was on the loose. Aron’s search that Friday to find his “best friend” of more than 10 years was in vain. He reported his missing dog to the sympathetic council staff downtown, then spent the weekend scouring the beach and
By Monday, after checking at the pound and the SPCA for the microchipped – but unregistered – pooch, Aron placed ads in both the Chronicle and the Waikato Times offering a $500 reward. He went to the local library and made up flyers, distributing 1000 of them from Greenslade Road back through Lorenzen Bay following the coastline because, he says, Ru loves the water. Days went by, people helped, sightings were made but Ru the runaway terrier “freaked out” whenever anyone got near and bolted. “He’d never been out on his own before,” says Aron. He was finally corralled after a procession of cars with their lights on followed him down Bow Street and into Wainui Road where, as chance would have it, Aron coming from the opposite direction in his red Holden intercepted and did a u-turn near the new museum, finally managing to get his dog.
Free days & reduced rates for campervan rentals in Oct & Nov
over the years, points out Katarina – from the NZ Lottery Grants Board, the Ministry of Maori Development, Trust Waikato and Pinnacle Health. Her pet project this year however has been a collaboration with Te Ataarangi Education Trust in bringing recently to Raglan a series of workshops on nonviolent parenting, held both at Te Mauri Tau – located up a long driveway off the end of Cornwall Road – and at Poihakena Marae. The programme was launched at a meeting at the community house with invited guests, including board chairman Rodger Gallagher and ward councillor Clint Baddeley who came to know just what Te Mauri Tau is all about. Ironically, all Te Mauri Tau had gone to the community board for was enough money to buy itself a photocopier and a new fridge, and then nothing flash – possibly an old one through Trade Me. Edith Symes
Ru was very tired, says Aron, and had lost about a kilo in weight but was otherwise none the worse for wear. Ru and Aron have now headed to Australia for more adventures, having travelled only recently to New Zealand from their home in the UK. And what of the $500 reward? The SPCA got half of it and the local vets the other, to help with Raglan’s stray cats and dogs. Edith Symes
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It’s been busy doing good things in the community for 17 years now – but until last month Raglan Community Board apparently knew nothing of it.
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SEW-vember Community Project Karioi Clinic Raglan Janis Beet
32 Boundary Road, Hamilton Ph 07 854 8962 78 Upper Wainui Rd, Raglan Ph 07 825 8004 Mb 027 459 8547 Email janisbeet@gmail.com
For many families Christmas is a time of stress as budgets are juggled around increasing commercialism and the pressure to buy ever-more expensive and elaborate gifts. It won’t be long before we again see the annual Christmas decorations hanging in shopping malls bombarding us with messages to start buying. Here in Raglan several families with young families have chosen to not ‘buy-into’ the gift trap and instead look forward to making their own gifts, not just at Christmas time but for any special occasion. What is also special is that they make them out of the ordinary bits and pieces found in their homes. Vicky Beeby, the mother of two young girls, is from one of these families. They have been practising gift-making for many years now and she sees many benefits flowing from it. “It’s really special for my girls when they get something their grandparents have made for them”, she says.
“There’s a real value in this that has nothing to do with money.” Vicky has found that Christmas has become an easier time of celebration away from the hype attached with buying. “It also means we’re not just adding more ‘stuff’ into the world”. Now an opportunity opens for anyone interested in making simple and special home-made gifts to get some help and inspiration. Beginning on the first Thursday in November and continuing every Thursday that month the Raglan Union Church hall will become the focus for ‘SEW-vember’. SEW-vember is about making NOT buying and Vicky hopes the workshops will give participants confidence to made gifts they can be proud of as well as reduce, re-use and recycle ‘stuff’ they already have at home. “We want to give parents an opportunity to reconnect with their creative self and to be more deliberate about what they do with Christmas”, she says.
Sewing machines will be set up to use with an expert on using them available to give some tips. A budget advisor will also be on hand to give tips on budgeting and an area will be set up each Thursday for young children to be looked after. “We have loosely themed the days. Fellow organiser, Hayley Vink and I hope parents will just rock-up and either do their own thing or join in one of our workshops”, says Vicky, adding she also hopes SEW-vember will become an annual thing. Vicky welcomes those interested in helping out or leading a mini-workshop to contact her. There is no need to book in to be in a workshop. “Just come along on the day. We’ll do it the Raglan way where things just fall into place.” To contact Vicky Ph: 825-8048, vixnz@hotmail.com. SEW-vember starts Thursday November 3 at the Union Church Hall in Stewart Street. A koha is requested from participants to help with costs. Sue Russell
Holiday fun for the kids School holidays – and the programme for kids starting on Monday 17th at the Old School looks so much fun that you’ll want to be there even if you’re not a kid. Starting on Monday with ‘Painting at the Beach’ with landscape artist Patricia Turner, the menu of great activities includes making jewellery-decorated clay hearts on Tuesday, planting spring seeds on Wednesday, and learning how to frame art using beachcombing materials on Thursday. As usual Friday is cooking day, and this time around it is ‘Surprise Baking’. Aside from the main items, leaders Chris Mitchell and Yann Bordier organise plenty of other activities indoors and out for children of primary school age. All materials are provided. $17 for half a day, $29 a day or $140 for the whole week. Sessions from 9am – 3pm daily, 17 – 21 October. Subsidies may be available, please ask at the Old School. Bookings are advised as the OSCAR sponsored programme has limited places.
Kids getting stuck into thier holiday programme Register at the Old School Arts Centre 825 0023 or email info@ raglanartscentre.co.nz And there’s more! On Saturday 22 October children between 8 and 12 years are invited to join a kids’ art and craft workshop ‘Creatures of the Deep’, to make softies and underwater collage. Time for the workshop, which will be led by Jodi Collins – 10am-2pm at the Old School. Enquiries to Jodi 825 7319 or miss_popinjay@yahoo.com Judith Collins
Weekend movies at the Old School Three good movies this weekend if school holidays are wearing you out or you really want to watch something that isn’t rugby. On Friday night there is another opportunity to see Operation 8, the feature documentary on the 2007 police raids in New Zealand – how did the so-called ‘war on terror’ become a global witch hunt of political dissenters even in the South Pacific? Those who missed Incendies last month, or want to see it again, come along at 4.30pm on Saturday 15th. This is a stunning film, beautifully crafted and with a powerful story of a family caught up in the tangled politics of the Middle East. Saturday night and Sunday afternoon features Bill Cunningham New York, ‘a captivating and moving portrait of a singular man.’
Dr Oliver Russell Dr Gill Brady Dr Marcia Mitchley 10 Bankart Street, Raglan
4 RAGLAN Chronicle
A licensed bar, hot and cold drinks are on sale, with homemade snacks also available. Adults $11 on the door, children $6, phone 825 0023 to reserve seats.
Raglan pays tribute to realtor who was sold on enjoying life to full Hundreds packed the Raglan Club last Friday for the funeral of longtime resident and realtor Margaret Kerapa, while the doors of Century Margaret Kerapa 21 where she’d been branch manager until recently remained shut until 2pm as a mark of respect. A note on the door said Margaret had been “a valued work colleague and friend” while Century 21 director Greg Metcalfe, of the Hamilton office, told the Chronicle she’d been an inspiration as a salesperson, mentoring those at the Raglan branch. Margaret’s son Tony – in a tribute to his mother at the service led by Reverend Bob Short – also told of her passion for real
estate in which she went from strength to strength, winning an award some years ago as salesperson of the year for the Waikato, Bay of Plenty and Gisborne regions. He said he appreciated the “amazing turnout” at the club for his mother who was “heaps of fun”, and stubborn too, when it came to getting what she wanted. A daughter spoke of her mother as an inspiration back in her days as a social worker before real estate took over. She told of her mother’s many friends and the strength of her whanau which would remain strong. And a grand-daughter told of Margaret’s place in Raglan when it was just a “small, sleepy town” from where she would become one of the country’s top land agents. Raglan identity Andre Te Whero also alluded to Margaret’s support of many, both within and outside her whanau, and spoke of her six children all as “the seeds of her life”. “We’re still a whanau, still tight and we’ll
still grumble and carry on as we do,” he said. Reverend Short reinforced Margaret’s support and love for her family through good times and bad. He spoke of a woman “with grit, guts and considerable courage” in a life spanning just over 70 years. He spoke too of her business acumen and of a life that had no dull moments for this “woman of enterprise”. She was feisty, generous of spirit, enjoyed a tipple and loved dressing up for big occasions, he said. “She lived well, laughed often and loved incredibly deeply.” Margaret, who died suddenly in Waikato Hospital, is survived by her husband Peter, their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. She was buried at Rakaunui Marae Cemetery in Oparau, Kawhia.
Wainui Road abuzz with bees A large swarm of bees buzzed past startled onlookers on Wainui Rd, near Raglan’s CBD on Tuesday morning, before taking up residence on a small conifer less than a metre from the pedestrian footpath. Jacqueline Anderson and Cally Brown from the Whaingaroa Bee Club were called on to collect the swarm. This was the first time that Jacqueline and Cally had moved a swarm and both were pleased the operation went smoothly. The bees were moved to Jacqueline’s lifestyle block where she keeps several other hives.
Edith Symes
Nau Mai flaxscreening project While driving along SH 23 past Nau Mai Business Park near Okete Rd motorists might be wondering what the earth-moving work is all about. They might also catch a glimpse of someone on a tractor working the soil into a raised mound. That person is likely to be Bob Carter, owner and developer of the business park. Bob is building a landscape bund – a raised buffer of land between the road and the industrial spaces behind. The purpose of the bund is to create a sightscreen for motorists. To achieve this it will be planted over in flax. The bund shape and planting height have been designed to exact specifications and are one of many consent activities over the 36 hectare site that have occupied Bob’s time for the last few years. “When the flax is established on the bund all motorists will see is the area up the back behind the front sites. We’ll be planting the flax next winter”, says Bob.
Not far behind the bund is a large pond bordered with native plants. It’s a significant part of the stringent storm-water management systems developed to control water-flow over the site. “We have to ensure that no extra water leaves the property than enters it and the pond acts as a storage reservoir. It’s also a final reservoir for the fire-service to use”. It has taken more than five years and over $1 million to work through the consent applications which have included substantial work on the stretch of road next to the business farm. Improvements to SH 23 now extend some 500m opening up the view from the property. “Our sight-lines from the entrance are better than any intersection on the whole state highway. We know this, we’ve checked them all out”, Bob says with a grin. Work on developing the landscape bund had to wait for a land swap with the crown and subsequent boundary shift. The New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) needed the land so that it can eventually
change the shape of the notorious Okete corner. The bund is located entirely on Bob’s land and is his responsibility to build and plant. The property is home to 6,500 trees running mainly along the waterways and in the blocks of protected bush through the property. Eventually a quarter of the total land area will be covered in native vegetation. “We still have another 2,500 trees to go in. Karioi Nurseries have managed the planting and all the seed used is locally sourced”, says Bob. Consent conditions require that 10m either side of the stream traversing the property must be planted out. The vision behind this is to eventually create the feel and look of a second terrace in a small river valley. The property is much more extensive than can be appreciated from the road. Landscaping work extends way back to elevated life-style blocks. Cutting across
Bob Carter working the soil the site plan is an XY line – an absolute buffer between the business park and the elevated life-style blocks up behind. Motorists will also see the familiar profile of sections of the old Raglan footbridge which have recently found a less-watery resting space on the site. They are available for sale and already one farmer has purchased a section. “It’s good to think some of the old bridge will get a new lease of life out and about on land in this district”, Bob says. Thinking back on the time it has taken to establish the business park, Bob says he would never have thought it could have taken the years it has. Now, as he ticks the final boxes there is definitely a feeling of light at the end of the tunnel. “When we bought the property we had no water, no power, no truck access or even boundary fences. The land felt uncared for. Like wasteland”, he says. There were times, Bob acknowledges, when his patience was exercised. Had he known all that was ahead when he bought the property he would have thought seriously about not taking the massive project on but support for the development from locals, including iwi as well as elected Councillors have helped keep his vision alive. “I’ll just be glad to see locals employed out here. I can imagine a hundred workers here no problem”.
Looking over the business park from a hillside site
Sue Russell
RAGLAN Chronicle 5
Raglan Raglan Boys Boys and and Girls Girls Agricultural Agricultural Club Club Group Group Day Day Champions Champions for for 2011 2011 â&#x20AC;&#x153;We had an absolutely wonderful day. We are really lucky to live in a community where so many people are so willing to continue with these sorts of event opportunities for our children.â&#x20AC;? Pam Quirke, Principal Te Mata School
Champion o f Champions Calf Katie Quirke with Abby (T e Mata Scho ol)
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IMAGES: thanks to Linda Holmes and Pam Quirke
Community Christmas lunch Christmas time can be ‘testing’ for many who may find themselves, for whatever reason, without a family or community of friends to share the day with.
For Raglan People + their Pets
Blood Suckers Hit Town Come spring and summer the dreaded FLEA and WORM population explodes and these little critters become a real issue. THERE ARE ONLY EVER 1-5% OF FLEAS ON THE ANIMAL…… THE REMAINING 95-99% ARE IN THE ENVIRONMENT.
Knowing this and remembering just how special last years community Christmas lunch was has spurred organisers Sue Oliver and her friend chef Colin Chung, to go there again this year.
The stage at which fleas are found on animals, particularly Dogs & Cats is when the fleas are actually adults which have already produced eggs. The eggs fall off the coat and into your environment (carpets, bedding, shrubbery etc.) then hatch into larvae, which then become pupae. When mature, the pupae hatch into adult fleas. When the vibration of a passing animal stimulates them, the flea then jumps aboard and the cycle begins all over again!
With all the food the community provided last year Colin created a superb lunch shared by well over 100 people. Music, singing and of course a Christmas tree complete with gifts added the perfect special touches. Sue’s attitude is very much that nobody has to be on their own on Christmas Day and she doesn’t want money or cost to come into the equation.
Animal Health Column
WHAT FLEAS CAN DO TO YOUR PET: Flea Allergy Dermatitis – An intensely itchy skin disease caused by hypersensitivity to flea saliva. This causes dogs to look mangy and cats to appear bald, especially around the rump and hind legs. The Raglan Town Hall all set up for the Community Christmas lunch last year
“We had many elderly folk and couples come along last year and mix in with visitors to the town. It just worked perfectly”, says Sue. Sue puts it down to a ‘fabulous and giving Raglan community’ who got in behind the Christmas lunch in all sorts of way. One of the best things about it was it gave people a chance to help out in ways they wanted to. “That was the real contribution”, she says. Sue remembers a man from Matamata who saw an article about the lunch in the Waikato Times and decided to come over and be part of it. “He was the last to leave and had a really nice day, getting to know some people he would not normally have met. I hope he’ll be back again this year”, says Sue. Another special memory she carries was when a group of backpackers were ‘directed’ to the town hall by local policeman Dean McMillan. The group came to Dean’s attention because they were drinking out on the street during the annual liquor ban. Having sorted that matter out Dean brought them to the town hall.
“They were just blown away because this cop approached them about the drinking thing and then made their day by inviting them to join us at the town hall. They couldn’t believe we worked like this here.” The business community also gave hugely toward the day. “We just asked for small contributions from the businesses. No great expectations at all.” Sue knows times are tough for many and the reality of affording a nice Christmas meal can be tough for some. “This lunch is a place to come and enjoy the company of being part of a community. The mix of people makes it work”, says Sue. So, for those who may be without family or friends this Christmas and who would like to enjoy the company of a mixed-bag of locals and visitors please put a circle on your calendar for Christmas day lunch at noon. It is important to let Sue know if you want to attend, be a helper on the day or would like ideas about what sorts of things to give. Please phone Sue - 825 7906. Sue Russell
Anaemia – Fleas are blood sucking parasites and the blood loss experienced is quite capable of killing kittens and puppies. Tapeworms – Fleas are carriers of tapeworm larvae which cause a mature tapeworm infestation in cats and dogs. Flea Bites – Humans can also be bitten by fleas as generally speaking they’re not fussy where their next meal comes from. Flea bites on children can easily become infected and be quite painful. WHAT YOU CAN DO TO THE FLEAS: Many companies that manufacture “ effective” flea treatments have chosen to market them as vet only products. This ensures that you have a ready source of advice and back up. There are many different brands available which offer added benefits eg; ear mite control, tick control and demodectic/sarcoptic mange control, as well as worm control (excluding tape worms). Please call into our clinic and discuss which product will best suit your pet’s needs.
packets of Advocate, Advantage and Frontline flea treatments on presentation of this voucher. Valid till 28th October Filling the town hall with song - Dave Maybee and community choir
Anexa, 40 Bow Street, Raglan P: 07 825 8390
RAGLAN Chronicle 7
Mischief with Anika Moa and Barnaby Weir Not needing an introduction, Anika Moa had most of the crowd at the YOT Club in fits of laughter when she came to Raglan as part of her 2011 Acoustic Tour with Barnaby Weir, frontman of The Black Seeds. This is the first time these artists have collaborated on a tour and the result is a light hearted and mischievous show. The banter between them was very amusing with Anika making hilarious sexual innuendoes towards Barnaby. What a crack up. All this in stark contrast to Anikaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s angelic voice which captivated the whole room. She threw in her classics as well as material from her latest album Love in Motion.
Barnaby Weir warmed up a receptive Raglan crowd, performing songs from his debut solo album Tarot Card Rock which was released in February of this year. He also covered Bruce Springsteenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Atlantic City and AC/DCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a Long Way to the Top (If You Wanna Rock â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;nâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Roll). Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m not a big fan of original acts performing covers unless they make it their own and this is exactly what Anika Moa did when she sang I Will Always Love You. She actually managed to immitate Dolly Parton and Whitney Houston simultaneously! If you like your music with a twist of comedy, catch Anika Moa and Barnaby Weir on The Acoustic Tour 2011. Anika and Barnaby entertaining Raglan
Lucy Cioffi, Music Reporter.
Raglan Surf Life Saving Club The Trust Waikato Raglan Surf Life Saving Club (TWRSLSC) is celebrating the success of ten of their newest members qualifying as Surf Life Guards. The beach is set to be a safer place this summer with this boost in volunteers overseeing the safety of Ngarunui Beach goers. Chief Instructor, Colette Withers congratulated all of the new lifeguards and encouraged them, saying â&#x20AC;&#x153;this is just the beginning of your life guard journey; there are so many rewards and opportunities for further development in Surf Life Savingâ&#x20AC;?.
The new members of Raglan Surf Life Saving Club
WIN! WIN! WIN! WIN! WIN! WIN! Once again we are running a competition for young Raglanites 8-14yrs to come up with an original artwork for the cover of the new Directory.
The surf conditions on Saturday were â&#x20AC;&#x153;rough and a good challenge for the new life guards to be tested inâ&#x20AC;? said Caroline Cave, Senior Life Guard. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are very proud of the achievements of these young men and womenâ&#x20AC;?, added Caroline. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Qualifying so many new surf life guards is
Members mid-test a great step towards accomplishing one of our targets for the season aheadâ&#x20AC;? said Brent Phillips, TWRSLSC Chairperson. Brent and the new club leaders are â&#x20AC;&#x153;excited at the progress we are makingâ&#x20AC;? having only been together as a team for less than two months. The TWRSLSC welcomes anyone interested in becoming a surf life guard or supporter. For more information visit www.raglansurflifesaving.org.nz or come and see us at Raglanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Wainui Reserve.
Raglanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Great Annual Art sale - support for our local arts community This year 2011, The Old School in Raglan will be hosting the inaugural Raglan Arts Sale: to be held on Sunday 20th November from 10.00am- 2.00pm.
All local artists (all media) are invited to purchase a stall space for the princely sum of $15. This space will be designated as yours- to sell or display your surplus or ready-to-be-released arts treasures to the public at a hugely discounted price.
Your design can be original artwork or a photo you have taken, and must be portrait format.
Artists-bring a table, or whatever else you need for display and be prepared to barter. All those lovely old sketches in pencil or charcoal, prints at the back of the wardrobe, canvases in the shed, pottery artifacts, photographs, cards, hand crafted, knitted, embroidered, tapestry cushion coversâ&#x20AC;Śall out the door.
Entries need to be dropped !""# $!# $%&# '%(!)*+,&# !"-+&# by Monday 31st October. Please include your name, age and phone number.
Be in to win a
voucher from Warehouse Stationery!
postal> PO Box 234 Raglan office> Wainui Rd, Raglan ph 825 7076 fax 835 7078 info@raglanchronicle.co.nz
8 RAGLAN Chronicle
! e l Sa
There will be nothing over $50 in the sale and many of the objects or articles will be considerably less. Artists need to register their interest with Susan Flight, phone 07 210 3000 or Wanda 825 8502 or with Jacqueline at the Old School, 825 0023 or email info@raglanartscentre.co.nz This will be a great event, lots of fun, come and support our local artists, share the buzz and many wonderful arts bargains. All proceeds from the sale go into the pockets of our hard working artists! Wanda Barker
OPINION: A Raglan Rumination The Giant Panda is rapidly overtaking the Sloth for my vote in the race for the “Coolest Animal on the Planet” Mister Sloth is full of jungle chic and exudes an air of utter disdain for father time and his constant constraints. However Mister Panda is rapidly morphing into the “king of the camellion.” A previous Albert piece portrayed Giant Pandas appearing very human in their endeavours. Now take a little peek at this photo. Five little somethings lying in a nursery in China. In my opinion looking a tad spooky and ominous. With the dark foreboding eyes and strange comb-over black locks they could be modelled on Munchkin’s painting “The Scream.” If I was a hungry cougar, looking for a tasty starter before scoffing down that lazy sloth as a main, I would worry about those black eyes. So there we are. Mister Sloth is starting to look a bit one dimensional. A bit of a one trick pony. Mister
Panda is continuing to impress with his ability to evolve and take his game to a new level.............. Sorry about ending on such a horrific cliché but in my defence I have been watching copious amounts of rugby on the tele. Gotta go. They are now doing an expert panel analysis on the water carrying trainers of the World Cup and whether they should be allowed to jump in the lineouts.
OPINION: Strategic Giving A recent 60 minutes item, fronted by Hilary Barry, gave us a distressing look at the famine and refugee situation in the Horn of Africa. The refugees had walked up to 1000 kilometers or more to the camp. Many children looked on the verge of death, mothers distraught, but despite all the suffering a few mothers who had lost children on the trek still seemed to have retained a look of optimism and hope. According to UNICEF the biggest refugee camp at Dadaab, once a small Kenyan village, is now home to 380,000 people. New Zealanders have a good reputation as individuals for their willingness to contribute to other people in need around the world. This is not always true of our politicians or perhaps the bureaucrats who advise them. The international bench mark for aid is 0.7% of Gross National Income. For years we have been running at nearer to 0.3%, and only a handful of developed nations are worse than us. The present government looks likely to be even less generous in its approach to
by Albert Einsteinlager
by Ian McKissack
the duty of care for humanity. For instance, in an early stage of the famine crisis the government promised $1,000,000 each to the major charities giving aid. But nobody i n NZ got round to actually dispensing the agreed aid for weeks, until the media got onto the problem. Australia had sent its contribution promptly. Our Minister responsible was Murray McCully and he was probably too busy shoveling much larger sums into Rugby Cup preparations. Since coming to power this government has been signaling more hard-nosed attitudes to giving aid. But that is to be expected when the money men are in power. The only way to defeat them is to give as much as you can manage yourself and make sure you claim your tax rebate at the end of the financial year. That way they have to indirectly give half as much as us in addition to the miserly amount they do directly.
read the raglan chronicle online local news updates coming events, gigs and reviews competitions, giveaways, free CDs, books and tickets check out images from past Chronicles... are you there?
Showcase your business worldwide on www.raglan.net.nz RAGLAN Chronicle 9
Concrete Cutter Windows • Doorways • Hole Drilling Decorative Cutting • Expansion Joints Kerb Crossings • Cowshed Alterations Removal of Concrete Structures etc Floor Sawing and Grinding
Phone Rob Short 0274 846 124 or A/H 825 0246 BOBCAT SERVICES
FENCING • • • •
Contact for FREE QUOTE
RAGLAN AUTOGATES autogates@live.com phone 825 8084 mobile 021 263 8698
ELECTRICIANS For a Swiss Quality Job • New Homes • Renovations (plans available)
• Decks
Reliable quality service Locally owned and operated
• Fences
Eric Harder
Qualified Carpenter/ Builder
• Chunky Wooden Outdoor Furniture
Mob. 027 376 7272
• Free Quotes
PHONE ROSS 021 782 280 07 825 8678
Locally Owned and Operated Domestic Tank Fills
Wash Down Services
Tank Cleaning
Raglan and Surrounds
Prompt 7 Day Service Ph 825 7882 or 0274 933 576
PROPERTY MAINTENANCE & IMPROVEMENTS • Concreting/ Pathways etc • Garden Fences • Landscaping • Garden Tidy Ups • Gates
• Tree Work Felling & Planting • Decking • Retaining Walls • Painting • General Repairs
Cliff Hosking Mob: 027 631 8677
10 RAGLAN Chronicle
If you become a regular advertiser... This space could be yours on 07 825 7076 or info@raglanchronicle.co.nz
ZUMBA! TE UKU HALL. Monday 9.30am Tuesdays 6-7.30pm and Wednesdays 11am. Waitetuna School Wednesdays 6pm. All welcome. Sarah T 8255844. TUESDAYS @ Raglan Club -- Texas Hold’em 6.30pm. HEALING ROOMS. 1st and 3rd THURS. 11-12pm. Plunket Rooms. RAGLAN LIGHT EXERCISE GROUP. Meets Mon, Wed & Thurs 10-11am @ the Old Gospel Hall, Raglan West. THURS 13 OCT @ THE RAGLAN CLUB. Euchre. All welcome. 6pm. SUN 16 OCT @ Te Uku Church, service 7pm. MAINLY MUSIC. Monday & Wednesday 9:30am @ Te Uku Church. MON 17 OCT @ THE RAGLAN CLUB. 500 cards, 1pm.
FRI 14 OCT @ ORCA. Twisted Timber.Covers band. Free entry.
WED 19 OCT, RAGLAN RAMBLERS. Whale Bay – a short walk over the rocks at low tide. WED 19 OCT @ BLACKSAND CAFÉ. Knitting Circle from 9.30am. All welcome! WED @ THE RAGLAN CLUB. 60’s Music ‘n’ Mingles. 11am. Enquiries Geoff Meek 825 0488. THURS 20 OCT @ TE UKU HALL. Yoga. 8.00am THURSDAYS @ Raglan Community House 10 - 1pm CV Writing Assistance. FREE. All welcome. Appts required. Ph 825 8142.
SAT 15 OCT @ YOT CLUB. Rugby and B-Rex
For Sale
For Sale
**New Products** Organic Chicken Layer Pellets Kitty Kibble Cat Food Box 1 Dog Food Calf Salts ** Local Favourites** Calf Milkpowder Anlamb Lamb Milk Calf Pellets Horse Meal & Chaff Layer Pellets Pig Grower Pellets Chook Chow Scotties Dog Biscuits Rabbit Pellets Wild Bird & Aviary Mix EFTPOS AVAILABLE
07 825 5812
NOW OPEN MONDAY FRIDAY 9am 4pm 3205 SH23, Te Uku www.mirofeeds.co.nz sales@mirofeeds.co.nz
Flowers Lilypot Florist * Fresh flowers * Send flowers * Potted plants 021 448 104 2 Wallis Street
FIREWOOD Dry 6 x 6 trailer load. Pine for $90, delivered. 0210771524.
Moth Orchids $20 Emerging Lily of the Valley $5 Cut Flowers
TE UKU YOGA CLASS @ the Te Uku Hall opposite the Te Uku 4-Square. THURSDAYS 8.00AM SAT 15 OCT. Magpie Trapping Workshop @ Xtreme Waste, 186 Te Hutewai Road. 10.0011.30am. Basic trapping and bird handling skills. Bookings 825 0480. Cost $5. YOGA AND MEDITATION for wellbeing of body, mind and spirit. Classes in Raglan and at Parito Yoga Retreat, Ruapuke. T4 starts 18/19 October. Contact Atmavidya (Accredited
For Sale IMPRESSIVE INDIAN SIDEBOARD with extensive decoration, consisting of tiles,reverse glass painted landscape & diety panels. Right up My Alley, Volcom Lane. www.ruma.co.nz
78 Alison St Hamilton 839 5446 love magic hope... perfect jewellery to give Zoe & Morgan
LIBTECH T.RICE SERIES SNOWBOARD. Size 159. Goodwood Award Winner 2010. Can email pics. Mint condition. Offers. 825574 BURTON CARTEL BINDINGS. Great condition. Can email pics. Offers. 825 5745
MEDIC FIRST AID CLASSES. Workplace first aid. Ph 027 231 8805.
Struggling in the surf? Sport specific personal training sessions; surf, rugby, cycling and more.
Whale Bay Fitness Studio Call Tom, 825 0404 www.whalebayfitness.com
Interested in becoming an Educarer for Bizzy Buddyz? Do you want to work from home? Are you a parent wanting more social interaction for your preschooler? Do enjoy working with and along side children? Why not become an educarer with Bizzy Buddyz Home Based Childcare. We offer a competitive payment rate with an extensive toy library, training provisions, medical insurance and on going support. Please enquire now!
0800 084 314 or (07) 960 9040
Full-Time Customer Service Representative position now available at Westpac Raglan. Please apply online at www.westpac.co.nz
Situations Vacant LOVE COSMETICS? Want to earn extra $$$? Ph or txt Nadine 027 4067451 to see how you can become a Mary Kay Beauty Consultant today.
Westpac New Zealand Limited
ANTIQUE DISCUS, wood WANTED and brass x 2. Right Up CARAVAN Dec 23-27th. My Alley, Volcom Lane. from Put on section for Ph:8257004 extra accommodation. Ph 021 268 4455. To Let
RETAIL SHOP Available for lease. High foot traffic. Prime location In Raglans CBD Ph 021 363465
SHOP TO LEASE Premises situated at 13 Bow St. (current premises of Scintilla), available from 1 November 2011. All enquires to: Dawn Brock Ph 07 834 311 dawn.brock@jonwebb.co.nz
THE PLANT PLACE Good Value Garden Centre
and Affiliated Satyananda Yoga Teacher) p a r i t o @ c l e a r. n e t . nz/8258993/www.parito. co.nz
Courses, classes & workshops
SELF CONTAINED studio available from 14th Oct to 21st December. Ph 8250154
Situations Vacant
RAY OR TIGER 0800 668 833 027 433 3338 07 823 6500
For Hire
Educarer required to care FLOORSANDING EQUIPMENT for children in your own for hire. Ph Raglan Flooring home. Children ready and 825 8777. waiting. Phone Vicki on Garage Sale 0800Jemmas SATURDAY 22 OCT @ 1A LILY ST. From 10.00am
Park Drive Panel Beaters Park Drive Panel Beaters
FRIDGE FREEZER, small $150 ono Ph 021 241 7301. QUEEN BED. Wood + wrought iron, firm. $150 Ph 021 241 7301. FREE TV: 9y old Thomson TV. To be picked up. Ph evenings 825 7219
RAGLAN RAGLAN Chronicle Chronicle 11
Raglan Real Estate Ltd Licenced (REAA 2008)
AUCTION 6pm Friday 11th November 2011 !"#$%&'()$*+,-).$/0$123$4(.$!"56"7 6pm ber "56"7 m e v ! 1 No 4(.$ Fri 1 $123$ 0 .$/ +,-)
A"U#$%C&'()$* !
6pm ber "56"7 m e v ! 1 No 4(.$ Fri 1 $123$ 0 .$/ +,-)
SIZE IS NOT A PROBLEM 4 bedroom home with endless options Wonderful family home, modern new kitchen Large double garaging and workshop Large shade houses with irrigation throughout 1212m² of land Prior Auction offers considered.
ULTIMATE WATERFRONT RESIDENCE U0!/&>&/8%"1(;%!6#(+0*2(3%;%"1(/0!/()( large entertainer’s deck 3 double bedrooms, 2 bathrooms Fabulous composite topped kitchen Q*$?3!(1/0/1!'(>/0?*$0(/--!##(( Situated on 1324m² Prior Auction offers considered.
A"U#$%C&'()$* !
OPEN HOME 4@7;"#$/?= QQ$R2E)<7=)7($!;$
6pm ber "56"7 m e v ! 1 No 4(.$ Fri 1 $123$ .$/0 +,-)
A"U#$%&'() !
ID#RAG20886 m r 6p 7 mbe $!"56" e v o 1 N 4(. Fri 1 $123$ 0 / .$ +,-)
A"U#$%&'() !
6pm ber "56"7 m e v ! 1 No 4(.$ Fri 1 $123$ .$/0 +,-)
WHAT WOULD YOU PAY? 1950’s 3 bedroom character bungalow New single garage + off street parking <=/-%*$#(3%;%"1(/0!/#(6%&>(/(6**7(?$0"%"1(,0!( Ready & waiting for you to add your own personal touches @"(/(5/&(+0!!>*37(-*0"!0(#%&!(ABC2D Prior Auction offers considered.
A"U#$%&'() !
OPEN HOME 4"(@<;"#$0?= 12 Seabreeze Way
m r 6p 7 mbe $!"56" e v o 1 N 4(. Fri 1 $123$ 0 / .$ +,-)
‘ON TOP OF OTONGA’ Great family home to add your touch to! Modern 3 double bedroom, master with !"#$%&!'()(*+,-!( Low maintenance 9,547m² (Over 2 Acres) fully fenced section All round elevated rural views Located within easy access to Raglan & Hamilton Prior Auction offers considered.
A"U#$%&'() !
OPEN HOME 4@7;"#$0?= 2 Smith Street
ID#RAG20894 6pm ber "56"7 m e v ! 1 No 4(.$ Fri 1 $123$ .$/0 +,-)
N O I T UC '()$*
A"#$%& !
SUPERB STARTER Sundrenched, light & bright two bedroom home Central location for swimming & walk to town Freshly painted inside & out with modern colours Fully insulated and with a great new deck Great little starter or solid investment Prior Auction offers considered.
OPEN HOME 4"(@<;"#$0?= /I"$4'=27$!2";
OPEN HOME 4@7;"#$0?= SO$%"'7@'$!;
CUTE AS THEY COME COTTAGE Gorgeous 2 double bedroom character cottage Veranda front entrance, high stud & =*3%#>!7(5**0?*/07#( New modern kitchen with a dining area Good size lounge that catches all day sun New double garage ABB2D(5/&(#!-&%*" Prior Auction offers considered.
OPEN HOME 4"(@<;"#$/?= JUV$R<))7>6";)$!;$
MAKE ME YOUR OWN – I’M RATHER SPECIAL! Four double bedroom home on 625m² Two large living areas, 2 ½ bathrooms Fantastic designer kitchen, entertainer’s oven ./01!(+/2%34(/0!/(5*6#(*$&(&*(#$""4(7!-8(+*0( alfresco dining 93*0%*$#(:&"(;%!6#'(2/1"%,-!"&(#$"#!&# & a glimpse of the harbour. Prior Auction offers considered.
Licenced Auctioneer Julie Hanna
4"(@<;"#$F$4@7;"#$00"= SI$*(275"$T"66)#$!;
Open Homes Saturday 11am 69d Otonga Valley Rd
Sunday 11am 69d Otonga Valley Rd
Saturday 1pm – 12 Seabreeze Way
Sunday 1pm – 2 Smith Street
Saturday 1pm – 29a Simon Road
Sunday 1pm – 64 Wainui Road Sunday 2pm – 54 Wallis Street
Saturday 2pm – 78j Greenslade Rd
Sunday 2pm – 55 Government Rd
Saturday 2pm – 67 Lorenzen Bay Rd
Sunday 2pm – 67 Lorenzen Bay Rd
AUCTION RESULTS Friday 7th October AUCTION RESULTS SEAVIEW IN YOUR SIGHTS E(F*#!(<&(G(H>/&(/(3*-/&%*"I E(<*3%7(J(?!70**2(>*2! E(K*3%#>!7(5**0#'(C(1/0/1!# E(<$""4(3/01!(*=!"(=3/"(3%;%"1 E(<=!-&/-$3/0(;%!6# E(<%&$/&!7(*"(LMC2D Prior Auction offers considered.
THE CUTEST COTTAGE!! ∙ Lovely 3 brm character cottage V(W$334(+!"-!7'(3/01!'(5/&(#!-&%*"(XLLO2DY ∙ Woodburner, single garage & separate workshop ∙ Close to town, shops, waters edge V(Z7!/3(,0#&(>*2!(*0(?!/->(>*$#! V(U0%"1(4*$0(!"!014[(/77(=!0#*"/3(#&43! & further value. Prior Auction offers considered.
ID#RAG20883 16 Rose Street
E((U$%37ing site in popular Waikowhai subdivision E((Covenants apply to ensure standards & protect wetland E((Walk to town, beach, parks and public transport. E((Waikowhai Lot 10 725m²
E((Q!3%1>&+$3("/&%;!(?$#>(#!&&%"1( E((C(?!70**2#'(#%"13!(1/0/1! E((H/38(&*(R*S()(.*0!"T!"(U/4#
ID#RAG20889 20 Simon Rd Viewing by appointment, contact the Team!
/O$P"=:<")$!2"; FOR THE LOVERS OF NATIVE TIMBER 8$ 9$:);<22=>$?6@>$>'756)$5"<"5) 8$ A7'B@)$2?)7C?6"7$?26)$&2@>)$"<-&'()-(@<) 8$ D<'E"()$-2@<($#"<;$3'(&$>@7$F$7"('E)$:'<;>$ 8$ G)3$<'=@$H'(-&)7$"7;$:);<22=$;)-H'75$ 8$ 4'(@"();$27$IJK=L 8$ 4"+)$>3'=='75$"($(&)$)7;$2+$(&)$<2";M D<'2<$N@-('27$2++)<>$-27>';)<);M
Set your sights on an Island Cruise for two, or w.e. in Auckland! ALL* Sole Agency LISTINGS and all PURCHASERS, will go into a draw to win a Tropical Island Cruise for 2 (up to the value of $5,000) 2nd draw – weekend for 2 at Skycity Casino (up to the value of $500) Draw will be on December 9th 2011 at 8pm in the Ray White Office, 21 Bow Street, Raglan *Just list your property as a SOLE AGENCY or PURCHASE a property between 25th August & 8th December 2011 & you’re in the draw! (Includes current Sole Agency listings) Conditions apply.
21 Bow St, Raglan Phone: 07 825 8669 Fax: 07 825 7410 Website: www.rwraglan.co.nz Email: raglan.nz@raywhite.com
12 RAGLAN Chronicle