The Raglan Chronicle - Magazine Issue

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1 August 2019

Whaingaroa news to you weekly KARIOI CLASSIC

Celebrating 10 years of the classic and the passionate team behind the event.


One of the rarest dolphins in the world needs your help.

ARTIST IN RESIDENCE A chat with local artist Toihoukura educated, Simon Te Whero.

Issue #657


ON THE COVER: Lisa Thomson and Dirk De Ruysscher, organisers of the Karioi Classic, celebrate their 10 year anniversary.


Open for Dinner Fri & Sat from 5:30pm Breakfast/Lunch 6 Days Closed Tuesday

248 Wainui Rd | 07 825 8233 Open 7 Days a Week From 9am


Aroha Sushi Raglan

Raglan’s original sushi shop since 2003

Open 6 Days. Wednesdays to

PH: 07 825 7440

Phone orders welcome! *Fish & Chips* *Burgers* *Weekly Specials* The store with a lot more

Open 9am - 7pm Wed - Sunday Closed Mon-Tues

Supportour ourlocal local eateries! Express Lunch Mon-Fri Support eateries! 3x courses $15 Hours and specials below. Hours and specials below. Open Morn Noon Nite


43 Rose St 07 825 0010



7 days ph 825 0010

CONTRIBUTORS Edith Symes / Janine Jackson / Ella Jungwirth / Karamea Puriri


7 Days Thisspace spacecould couldOpen beyours. yours. SHACK This be Email the Chronicle for more details.

Pitas &&Pitas ere

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25 0202 5 0202

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Fishn’n’Chips Chips Fish GroupBookings Bookings Group Inside/OutsideSeating Seating Inside/Outside

Raglan Ink Ltd home of the Raglan Chronicle & LOCAL RAG. Office Open Mon - Thurs 9.00am - 4.00pm, Wainui Rd, Raglan

92Wallis WallisStSt- 07 - 07825 8257544 7544 92

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Advertising & Articles The advertising and editorial content deadline will be Monday at 12pm week of issue.

tIce IceCream Cream SUPPORT OUR LOCAL os Wraps s - Wraps For advertising enquiries email p- -Salad Salad 248Wainui WainuiRdRd| |0707825 8258233 8233 Breakfast/Lunch Breakfast/Lunch66Days Days 248 Chilli Open7 7Days Daysa aWeek WeekFrom From9am 9am ClosedTuesday Tuesday Chilli Open Closed Openfor forDinner Dinner Open Fri&&Sat Sat Fri EATERIES! from5:30pm 5:30pm from

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EDITORIAL / DESIGN EDITORIAL / DESIGN Maki Nishiyama Geraldine Burns

DISCLAIMER Opinions and views expressed in the Raglan Chronicle do not necessarily represent those held by the Editors or Publishers. Every care will be taken in the preparation and placement of submitted material but the Editors/Publishers shall not be liable for errors or omissions or subsequent effects due to the same. It is the submitters responsibility to ensure material is not libelous or defamatory. The Editors/Publishers reserve the right to abridge, alter or decline any material submitted to the Raglan Chronicle to meet the constraints of space and/or maintain a reasonable standard of language and decorum.

Open77Days Days Open From9:30AM 9:30AMMon-Fri Mon-Fri From and9AM 9AMSat Satand andSun Sun and

Waterfrontdining dining Waterfront St 43 RoseSt indoor and outdoor M A 43 P S Rose O N S O R E D B Y Tindoor H E Rand A Noutdoor G I T A seating Hseating I PROJECT 0010 07 P825

07 825 0010





U N L I M I T E D PA R K I N G • Pap ah u a Re s e rve (ove r t h e wal k bri dg e) - 2 m i n s wal k to tow n ce ntre • Jam e s Stre et • Cros s Stre et (at th e r u g by g ro u n ds) - 5 m i n s wal k to tow n ce nt re , 1 0 m i n s wal k to t h e w h ar f • Stewar t Stre et • C l i f f St re et • Joyce Petch e l l Par k

T I M E D PA R K I N G • • • • • • 2 | Raglan Chronicle Magazine Issue August 2019

Bo w St re et W al l i s S t r e e t ( B o w S t e n d ) B an kart Stre et Wai n u i Ro a d to B an kar t St Rag l an W h ar f Th e Fi re Stati o n

CHRONICLE CONTENTS This week's weather is sponsored by The Raglan Project.

1 Wallis St | Ph 825 8881

Nga Ripo o Whaingaroa

EST. 1903

Whaingaroa news for you weekly

For all forecasts check out


10th to 16th June

Max temp 2019(C)


Showers with clear spells



Showers with clear spells



Cloudy with Showers



Cloudy with Showers






W 10 am W 15 pm




(High/Low) (Rise/Set) L 03:00 am H 09:10 am R 07:24 am L 03:20 pm S 05:29 pm H 09:40 pm



03:50 10:00 04:10 10:30

am am R 07:23 am pm S 05:29 pm pm

W 25 am W 35 pm



04:40 10:50 04:50 11:10

am am R 07:22 am pm S 05:30 pm pm


SW am 25 W 25 pm


L 05:20 am R 07:21 am H 11:30 am S 05:31 pm L 05:40 pm

Cloudy with Showers


SW am 20 W 25 pm



12:00 06:10 12:20 06:20

am am R 07:20 am pm S 05:32 pm pm


CloudyBananas with Showers




12:40 07:00 01:10 07:10

am am R 07:19 am pm S 05:33 pm pm


Showers with clear spells




01:30 07:50 02:00 08:00

am am R 07:18 am pm S 05:34 pm pm



S 5 SW 15

SW 25 SW 25

am pm

am pm

W 10 am W 15 pm





9 - 11


40 Hour Famine

Raglan Junior Soccer



Seed Pilates Farewell to our local pharmacist



16 - 19

Come in-store to see some great bacon specials

June Penn - Environmental advocate & community volunteer Maui Dolphins Threat Managament Plan Submissions


©WeatherMap 2019. All rights reserved.

Bacon Hocks $5.95

10 Years Karioi Classic


*Total significant wave height and *Tide times for Raglan Bar

THE RAGLAN PROJECT Your local home and building project supplier. Call us on 825 8881 or drop in to see us at 1 Wallis St. Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm, Saturday & Sunday 9am - 4pm.

13th June 2019 - Issue #650

Not Climbing Everest - Raglan woman desperate to keep both sherpa and orphanage safe

Local artist Simon Te Wheoro tells the story of Whaingaroa through toi Māori


Interview with Conor McLennan by good friend Ella Jungwirth Shralper Gang




WHAT’S ON / GIG GUIDE What’s happening in our community





Local Trades Directory


Gig Guide/What's on p15

16 Simon Road - Living Made Easy Seeking rental properties to manage in Raglan, Whatawhata & surroundings Ray White Property Management is renowned for a personalised Saturday 15 June approach. Over the years, we’ve learned a thing or two about property 11am 2 Pokohui Avenue Saturday 3 August management and in response to the needs and expectations of our 12pm 30 Government Road 12:00pm 30 Government Road 12pm 52 Cross Street clients we have systems, processes and procedures in place.

4 MainMemorial Road 1pm 139 1:00pm Riria Kereopa Drive

At Ray White Raglan, our approach is very much proactive as opposed 1pm 8 Three Streams Road 1pm 16 Simon Road to reactive. We understand that each landlord’s needs are different 2pm 56 Government Road Sunday 4 August and tailor a specific solution to suit your requirements.

Raglan Couriers Raglan Couriers travelling to 3 times daily Raglan Couriers Hamilton 3 times daily: 3 times daily morning/midday/afternoon morning, midday and afternoon


deliveries available 12:00pm Neatly presentedOur and the perfect of location and For Sale minds of the highly Sunday 16 June 8 Norrie Avenue pursuit forpackage excellence is foremost in the quality, this 3-bedroom home on 954sqm is absolutely 11am 2 Pokohui Avenue Price By Negotiation 1:00pm 1015 State Highway 23 andeasy motivated management team at Ray White. Local Business Serving Raglan District Since 1996 deal. Buyers thattrained are seeking living in aproperty great setting 12pm 30 Government 1:00pm 139Road Riria Kereopa Memorial Drive View Local Business Serving Raglan District Since 1996 will love this smart and tidy home. Splendid open-plan 12pm 8 Norrie Avenue Give us a call or pop by the office for aSaturday chat, we’ll make sure your most 1:00pm - 1:45pm kitchen, dining and living area. Seamless outdoor flow to 12pm 52 Cross Street valuable looked afterdouble with care and diligence. the large deck and alfresco asset dining is area. This three 1pm 8 Three Streams Road bedroom home is naturally warm with double-glazing and 1pm 1068a Old Mountain Road Yana Pemberton Ray White heat pump. Double garage hasRaglan internalRentals access and laundry. 1pm 1015 State Highway 23 021 183 0479 07 825 8640 I 2pm 56 Government Road

Ray White Raglan I 21 Bow Street I Raglan I 07 825 8669 I

Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

Phone 027 221 5395

Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

RAGLANChronicle Chronicle |13 Magazine Issue August 2019 Raglan

Karioi Classic 10 year Anniversary Record numbers of cyclists hit the gravel for Karioi Classic’s 10th birthday Janine Jackson


ecord numbers donned their lycra and hit the road for the Karioi Classic’s 10th birthday bash, with close to 400 cyclists pedalling round the mountain. And this year the weather gods put on a fine display for Raglan’s premier endurance road cycling race. Organisers Lisa Thomson and Dirk De Ruysscher are thrilled with the turnout and say they couldn’t have asked for a nicer day and nicer competitors. “We love hosting the Classic, it’s about showcasing not only our beautiful backyard, but our awesome community as well,” Lisa says. Special trophies were designed and made by Doug Ford for the decade celebration and each competitor received a ceramic medallion handcrafted by Karla Stevenson and Hayley Hamilton from The Monster Company. It’s also the eighth year the popular winter cycling event has been as close to zero waste as possible and is something organisers Lisa and Dirk are enormously proud to support. They have eliminated single use plastic and use flax cable ties instead of the traditional cable tie which are the norm at most events. “It’s really neat when people come in to pick up their plate numbers and we give them their flax ties and they walk away stoked. Some even say, we’ve heard about these. They appreciate the thought that has gone into the event and the quirky but affective solutions we have come up with,” she says. The race came to life in 2010 after

4 | Raglan Chronicle Magazine Issue August 2019

Dirk and Lisa had run a number of sporting events, which included the Sea to Sand Triathlon series and Off Road challenges which took place at the Kokiri Centre. “We wanted to focus our energies on growing mountain biking and the Classic seemed like a great option. We made the decision to host the event in winter to bring visitors to town in the quieter months and also to have less of an impact on the community and the environment,” she says. Ironically, the first event winner in 2010 came across the finish line riding Dirk’s old Cyclocross bike, which was a great surprise to the pair. “It seemed a good omen and ever since we’ve hosted the ride on the last Sunday of July.” Over the past decade their sports trust has sponsored Raglan Area School sports, including waka ama, basketball, soccer, rugby, triathlon participation and this year they are giving $1000 toward the Raglan Area Schools’ sport hardship grant. Lisa and Dirk are grateful to local businesses who provided spot prizes, funding, accommodation packages, upcycled bags and more. “We also couldn’t do an event like this without the support of our volunteers who are an integral part of our event, they are out in the rain, hail and sunshine with smiles, words of support and genuine warmth that is much appreciated by our competitors.” The three different distance events - The Classic 43km, The Classic XL 57k, The Enduro 85km – offered riding options for cyclists of all ages and fitness levels.

Karioi Classic results – for more full results visit results. The Enduro 85km 1st Male Logan Griffin 2:47:33 1st Female Alice Coombes 3:23:42 The Classic XL 57km 1st Male and new record holder Alex Fierro 1:55:50 1st Female Sammy Maxwell 2:05:20 The Classic 43km 1st Male Luke Kivell 1:29:57 1st Female Amber Johnston 1:47:17 Special Awards Oldest competitor - Garry Humpherson 83 years old 43km - 2:26:59 ‘Best Mullet Award’ went to local Dughall Eadie.

This year the Karioi Classic had the Karioi Project involved in their event. The Karioi Project is a local community conservation project and their organisation are also celebrating their 10 year anniversary. Race entrants were encouraged to raise funds for this amazing project to help the group restore our beautiful Maunga, Karioi. A number of entrants sponsored their race with proceeds being donated to the Karioi Project.

Organisers, Dirk De Ruysscher, left, and Lisa Thompson.

Cyclists kicking off for the 10th annual Karioi Classic. Image by Ken Hansen Photographer Instagram: @kenhansenphotographer Magazine Issue August 2019 Raglan Chronicle | 5

The Plastic Free Raglan campaign, formerly, Plastic bag Free Raglan, celebrating Raglan Four Square’s switch to Plastic Bag Free. From left: Rakaipaka Puriri, June Penn, Sonia Mariano and Karamea Puriri. 6 | Raglan Chronicle Magazine Issue August 2019

JUNE PENN Environmental advocate and community volunteer, June is often behind the scenes of some of the high-profile environmental campaigns to come out of Raglan recently including Plastic Free Raglan Interview and foreword by Karamea Puriri


n July of 2016, the Whaingaroa Environment Centre launched Plastic Bag Free Raglan / Pēke Kirihou Kore Whāingaroa (PBFR). A key driver in the moving the project forward was then WEC Operations Manager, June Penn. Her work with Plastic Bag Free Raglan was instrumental in helping the Raglan business community not only learn about the harm single-use plastic bags are causing to our environment, but her dedication, time and energy, aided our local businesses in eliminating single-use plastic carry bags from their stores. June, along with the Plastic Bag Free Raglan team and countless WEC volunteers spent two and a half years educating the wider community on single-use plastic waste, shining a spotlight on single-use plastic carry bags. Within a year of the launch of PBFR, over 50 of our local Raglan businesses were

certified plastic bag free. In December of 2018, the Associate Minister for the Environment announced a nationwide ban on single-use plastic bags from July of 2019. With that announcement, so began the evolution of Plastic Bag Free Raglan, to what is now known as Plastic Free Raglan. At the beginning of June, the team of Plastic Bag Free Raglan published a how-to guide, funded by Hamilton City Council, that can be utilised as a free resource for any community group, from anywhere in the world, to start their very own change project, using the steps the PBFR team followed themselves. The Chronicle spoke with PBFR Project Manager, June Penn, to learn more about her role and recently published guide, A Case Study, A How-to Guide – A Purposeful Project.

Hi June, please introduce yourself and your role with Plastic Bag Free Raglan: Kia ora! I grew up on low land by the sea, the daughter of an experienced sailor. As a youngster we played with crabs and seabirds and sailed with Hector’s dolphins. When the earthquakes took our whanau land, we moved to Whāingaroa and feel at home here. In 2014 I was fortunate to be able to bring my experience from business roles to the important work that the Whāingaroa Environment Centre (WEC) undertakes, and join the awesome team working in local environmental education and sustainability; eventually moving into the project management of PBFR. How did you get involved in Plastic Bag Free Raglan? One winters day Danielle Hart and I were at work at WEC, looking out at all the people coming out of the supermarket with hands full of plastic carry bags, wondering how we could better engage people in Plastic Free July. We knew it was urgent, this plastic pollution issue that is consuming our planet. We struck on the idea of tackling the problem one plastic product at a time, one that would make a big difference, one that people could easily do without. So we picked on what was right in front of us - the plethora of single-use plastic carry bags. We engaged with some wonderful people from the Raglan Business Chamber, Xtreme Zero Waste, Para Kore and the Raglan Community Board,

from single-use plastic carry bags, I thought, “Yeah, yaah, they know we are here, making a big noise - people in high places are listening!” Tell us more about the howto guide you have created: Responding to the community groups asking “what are you doing?” “how did you start?” “what have you learned?” “what could we do?” – I found myself saying the same things, and spending time reiterating and trying to help others. So we thought, perhaps we should write this up! Happily, the new government stepped up and finally planned to implement a ban on the single-use bags. Job done–for bags, anyway. Then we realised – actually the methodology, the steps we took, the lessons we learned – all that intellectual property – it applies to some extent to whatever environmentally focused community-led project people want to engage in! The guide is positioned around how to undertake a project with a purpose; how to get started and keep moving, with insights that are important considerations in any successful communityled project. Pēke Kirihou Kore Whāingaroa is used as a real-life illustration, a topical case study, showing what each step in the journey can look like. Can anyone utilise the guide to start their own change project? Yes, absolutely, thanks to Valerie Bianchi, Hamilton City Council supported the write up of the Plastic Bag Free Raglan guide

set a vision and some KPI’s, became partners, and the project was born. What inspired you to take such a big lead in the project? Yeah … well, once I knew how big the problem was, how much plastic waste was entering the natural environment, how much wildlife it was killing, that it was in our food supply (fish), how long every single piece of plastic is going to last (circa 1000 years), I couldn’t unknow that. I was inspired; by the importance of the work, by the excellent people I was working with, by this beautiful place we call home and felt a responsibility to do something concrete about it. Do you think the work of Plastic Bag Free Raglan helped to inspire the Governments upcoming ban on single-use plastic bags? Honestly, yes, I do. I think this because as the project started to gain traction, we started to get headlines way outside of Raglan. The project was published in North and South magazine, the Waikato Times, showcased at the biannual World Chambers Conference in Sydney; I was getting queries from all over New Zealand from similar community groups asking, ‘Wow what are you doing in Raglan?’. Thanks to Marketing Manager, Karamea Puriri, our online and social media presence was consistently of a high standard, regularly updated and very engaging. When the senior management of Countdown NZ emailed us prior to their media release advising their commitment to move away

for community use. It is ‘open source’ and can be found on the WEC website, under projects, at: http:// Plastic Bag Free Raglan recently evolved into Plastic Free Raglan, can you tell us more about that? There is a voluntary collaborative Steering Committee behind the scenes of these local plastic projects, made up of the original partners of PBFR. This has enabled the continuity of the journey to plastic-free. Led now by Xtreme Zero Waste, the project is managed by Amanda Moxley, Plastic Free Raglan nz/plastic-free-raglan/ have picked up the baton and are working on the mission to create a takeaway single-use free Raglan-Whāingaroa. Please continue to support them! Plastic Free July has been gaining popularity and with July now past, any tips for us to continue? Look out your window. Walk by the harbour. Watch the surfers at Manu. Fish (sustainably) from the ocean. Paddle in the shallows. Would you like to leave this place free from plastic pollution for your grandchildren? If you would like to leave the legacy of an ocean free from plastic soup, think before you go shopping; ‘What can I take with me today, so I won’t need to buy single-use plastic?’.

Magazine Issue August 2019 Raglan Chronicle | 7

Māui dolphins Have your say and protect the future of Māui dolphins Janine Jackson


haingaroa Environment Centre manager Stacey Hill is urging locals to have their say about the future of Māui dolphins. Submissions to the Department of Conservation close on Monday, August 19 and Stacey says by submitting to the Māui and Hector Dolphins Threat Management Plan will be a step towards supporting a healthy marine environment. “We need to voice our thoughts on how best to protect these taonga species - we must act now to tell our government we want to ensure the survival of these rare dolphins.” With an estimated population of around 60, Māui dolphins are classified as nationally critical and face a real threat of extinction. Whaingaroa catchment flows into the west coast waters which are home to the Popoto or Māui dolphin, the smallest and rarest dolphin in the world.

“Our community has a special affinity for this endemic and critically endangered dolphin,” Stacey says. “Māui dolphins live close to our shores and despite their decline they are still swimming in our coastal waters. They are part of our community and it’s up to us to look after them.” The Threat Management Plan (TMP) is used by the Department of Conservation and Ministry for Primary Industries to guide management of human-related threats impacting Māui and Hectors dolphins. A consultation document outlining proposals to update the TMP sets out options to protect the Hector’s and Māui dolphins from fishing-related threats, disease, seismic surveying, seabed mining and tourism. Stacey says to ensure the long-term survival of these species, many in Whaingaroa

community are asking for a ban on net fishing, oil exploration, drilling and seabed mining out to 100m depth contour within the dolphin habitat. “Historically we’ve treated our oceans pretty badly, dumping rubbish and wastewater compounded by runoff from the land, and we still have a long way to go to really care for our seas.” In the 1970s, Maui Dolphin numbered around 1800 and the decline of these species likely indicates a decline in the health of the marine ecosystem as a whole. WEC recommends emailing DOC directly at dolphintmp@ Find the community created TMP Submission Guide for some recommended wording for your submission at or visit WEC at the town hall. Please share throughout your networks - together we can save the world’s rarest dolphins!

Local Business directory and supporters of the Raglan Chronicle

Barbara Kuriger

MP for Taranaki-King Country A proud supporter of Rural & Provincial New Zealand A 80 Rata St, PO Box

Inglewood Office

Te Awamutu Office A 53 Mutu St, PO Box 302, Te Awamutu 3800

P 06 756 6032


07 870 1005

E Kuriger.Inglewood@



124, Inglewood 4330

Also at H.G Webb House, Cnr Boundary & Victoria Streets, Hamilton

8 | Raglan Chronicle Magazine Issue August 2019

Funded by the Parliamentary Service and authorised by Barbara Kuriger MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington.

DIRECTORY local health and wellbeing



Diane Davies Massage & Aromatherapy... .... ...........................................................021 969 929 web:...........................................www.ddma.


local health and wellbeing

Robyn Riddle, Weddings and Funerals .......... .........................................................0275560438


Seed pilates

The Herbal Dispensary.................07 825 7444 Private Herbal/Naturopathic consultations


Janis Beet Homeopath.................07 825 8004


Diane Davies Massage & Aromatherapy. . ........ ...........................................................021 969 929


Raglan Yoga Loft.........................021 02442248 Yoga at ‘The Space’...........Above the Yot Club

Classical Homeopath Janis Beet Dip. Hom (NZ) R.C Hom

Karioi Clinic of Homeopathy

78 Upper Wainui Rd, Raglan Phone: (07) 825 8004 Cell: 027 459 8547 email:


Dyana Wells somatic

Dnews, products and services

yana Wells moved to Raglan a year ago to be near her children – Laura, Madeleine and most recently Sebastian and their families, which means seven grandchildren!

Wow, the whole family. Raglan is in the deep part of Dyana’s heart as her father Lindsay Peart grew up on the Rangitahi farm. Dyana’s childhood was full of Raglan Grandma’s sticky brown bread and Christmas puddings, launching off the footbridge into AROMATHERAPY strongDiane currents, uncovering adzes and coral Davies Massage & Aromatherapy... .... in the dunes, and erecting shimmering black ...........................................................021 969 929 sandcastles.… She has moved back from Auckland and a career which included teaching Human COUNSELLING Anatomy and Physiology, Chemistry, Yoga Etai Gilad - ...................................................... and Meditati on. She established the 200 and 300 hour Yoga Teacher Training Program at Kawaipurapura and the Contemporary Yoga .....................................................02-75-080-577 Teachers Training Program in Remuera and is HERBAL HEALTH now looking forward to offering all her skills very7444 accessible to anyone to theThe Raglan community. She has set up a Herbal Dispensary.................07 825 Somati teaching space – Open Ground – at her home Private Herbal/Naturopathic consultations cs are gentle a designed to help the brain in Lily Street. HOMEOPATHY we move. They are very e Starti ng 25th June she will be running pain,8004 tension and restricti weeklyJanis classes in Somati cs, Kum Nye, Medita- 825 Beet Homeopath.................07 be startling and are suitab tion, Creati ve VIsualisati on and Buddhist MASSAGE yoga students and everyo Philosophy. Diane Davies Massage & Aromatherapy. .Kum ........Nye, which come Some of these names may sound new and exotic...........................................................021 but she assures us that the classes are 969 929 traditi on, consists of slow


YOGA What is Somatics? Raglan Yoga Loft.........................021 02442248

Nia dance and gen seniors. Yoga at ‘The Space’...........Above the Yot Club Somatics is a relativel become extremely popula

It grew out of Feldenkrais alongside new research in reprogramming. Many yo Seated left to right are: Physiotherapist and nutritionist Katie Richardson, studio owner and Pilates lia now offer classes in So Instructor Lisa Laity & Pilates student Molly Mundell. ment to yoga. CLINIC OPENING HOURS: Somatics is based on A certified PolestarMon Pilates ust outside the town centre, nestled efficiency a special Tues movement Wed Thurs Fri and an experience Personalised Nutrition. Katie hasroplasti city – the understa among the Nikau Palms lies Seed Comprehensive Studio Instructor, Group that leaves them able to get out and enjoy interest in women’s health parictularly pre is conti nually remodelling 8am 8am 8am 8am Open 8am Pilates, a boutique studio offering Fitness Instructor and firmly in on and exp Anatomy and the things they love doing, be it in the surf, and post-natal issues and believesnew informati 7pm10 years 7pm bush 7pmor just7pm for injury Closeover running5pm around after the kids. a holistic approach, using Pilateslimitati Reformer, mat and studio Pilates. Physiology graduate with ons creating tensio rehabilitation. permanent, however old experience in the fi tness industry, Lisa says is an extremely active Owned and operated by Lisa Laity, To contact the clinic,Raglan please phone: term Somatics co She is also a qualified Pilates andThe Yoga Seed Pilates offers something unique from community and we feel really lucky that Seed Pilates was Raglan’s first Pilates 07 825 0114choose to spend a part of their Instructor. which means to understa its peaceful and exclusively private setting. people studio, opening its doors in June 2018. telligent, Seed Pilates off ers private 1:1 and 2:1sensitive, living week moving with us and love being a part “At Seed we are commited to healthy, After hours contact: is not aand mechanical insen Since then, the business has expandad functional movement and fostering a of peoples journey into Pilates for the first Reformer sessions, group Reformer need to manipulate and c and is now home to Flux Fitness, offering greater understanding of the mat classes and free fitness screenings and Anglesea 07 957 says 4947 Lisa. principlesClinic of time,” here are consultations many different kinds of results. for all new clients. group fitness classes and Whole Heath; Pilates. It’s not just about the time spent Earlier611 this116 year the studio welcomed Healthline 0800 Our body/brain organ movement and exercise classes Physiotherapy and Nutrition services by in the studio, but also what clients take Katie Richardson, a Physiotherapist with years of evolution behind ered ininRaglan. I have come across move well. Wth somatics Katie Richardson. away with them; greater body awareness, over 10 years experience and off a Masters yoga, pilates, contemporary dance, not able to do this. We fin in the way. The jo is to help the brai The brain con move, so if we wa we move we need brain. Neuromusc is the name given pilates | headaches | home visits work with the bra pilates | headaches | home visits Dr. Richard Zhu information, whic acupuncture analysis | postural acupuncture analysis BDS Otago | postural information abou moving. We wake | back &back neck& pain professional advice neck pain | professional advice what is actually g Resident Hygienist • Dental Implants ante and post natal care ante and post natal care The problem Orthodontics/Braces • Dentures post operative rehabilitation the brain learns a post operative rehabilitation pattern – eg how to sign one’s nam 12 Wallis Street, Raglan 12 WALLIS ST PH: 07 825 8788 12 Wallis Street, Raglan injured arm, how how to cope – it Hamilton Clinic: Victoria Dentist pattern or not. ph (07) 825 0123 ph (07) 825 0123 270 Victoria St After a few w the brain sends th older parts of the Start your recovery today ~ talk to us at StartPhysiotherapy your recoveryiftoday ~ talk to us at Whaingaroa you are in pain tive unconscious Whaingaroa Physiotherapy if you are in pain The pattern beco






6 RAGLAN Chronicle

Magazine Issue August 2019 Raglan Chronicle | 9



13 Main Road

Price Reduction - Act Now enquiries over $600,000 • • • •

812m2 fully fenced, freehold section HRV, insulated, fireplace Mature fruit trees LIM available




ENQUIRIES OVER $600,000 GST Inclusive

VIEW 1.00-1.30pm, Sunday 4 August Jono Hutson M 021 488 766 E

Call today – don’t delay!

RAGLAN 20A Violet Street The Sunny Lookout If you are seeking an affordable, elevated home with wonderful north facing harbour views, this delightful property is for you! This light and bright, two bedroom has a functional open plan living area leading you out to a spacious deck overlooking a beautiful view of the Raglan vista. Thoughtful planting and landscaping creates a very low maintenance and easy care property. Good off-street parking, even enough room for the boat! There is a bus stop close by and it is walking distance to the wharf, harbour and town.




GST Inclusive (Unless Sold Prior) 11.00am, Wednesday 14 August 20A Violet St, Raglan

VIEW 12.00-12.30pm, Sunday 4 Aug

Jono Hutson M 021 488 766 E


16 Cornwall Road


Past, Present & Future Properties like this one do not come on the market often - in fact it has been over 40 years! A gorgeous, newly renovated bungalow, set on over 1.5ha of land, with stunning views overlooking Raglan. This lifestyle retreat is full of history and character, the house is move in ready and the future potential is endless. The house is elevated, receiving all day sun. There is also a large implement shed and bore water.




VIEW 2.00-2.30pm, Sunday 4 August

Jono Hutson M 021 488 766 E Helping grow the country

PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under REAA 2008

Same same For the most part the Chronicle will stay the same with the aim to keep our readers up-to-date with local stories, issues, events and happenings.

Delivery The monthly magazine issue will not be delivered to letterboxes but instead they will be distributed around Raglan and wider areas for people to collect. There will be heaps of issues around town and at locations easily accessible for out of town folk. We will also make sure that those without transport will receive a copy by working with local community organisations. The magazine issue will be topped up at weekends around town so visitors can grab a copy.

Get in touch Want more information? Drop in to our office or contact us to find out more. or 07 825 7076

10 | Raglan Chronicle Magazine Issue August 2019

The Raglan Chronicle magazine issue will be distributed to the following locations: Stands SuperValue LJ Hooker Raglan Ray White Raglan Book & Gift Shop

Drop offs


Four Square The Shack Rockit Info centre Community House The Club Roll ups Orca Herbal Vet BP

Meals on wheels Resthome Light Exercise Group Out of town Te Uku Store Raglan Roast Te Uku Te Mata School Raglan West Store Waitetuna School Selection of Hamilton locations

Farewell to our local pHarmacist

Raglan pharmacist moving on after nearly 14 years Janine Jackson


After fourteen years as owner of Raglan Pharamacy, Dr Mike Loten from West Coast Health thanks Christine Troughton for her many years of service to our community.

fter nearly 14 years of filling prescriptions at the Raglan Pharmacy, Christine Troughton has sold the business and taking a welldeserved break. A pharmacist of 27 years, Christine and husband Chris bought the business in 2005, moved to Raglan from Hamilton in September and opened the doors in October. Initially, the couple both worked, Chris as an engineer, and juggled raising their children, who were four and six, with the help of grandparent until that got too hectic and Chris became the home executive. Christine worked in the busy pharmacy, sometimes filling prescriptions until 10 at night, while Chris

did the kindy runs and school activities. “Chris used to be the one doing the school trips,’ she says. Looking forward to semi-retirement, Christine says she will spend time with family and friends, do some interest papers at university and work with guide dog puppies. “I don’t want to rush into anything and fill the void with something else. I’m looking forward to sometime out to myself. West Coast Health Clinic doctor Mike Loten says Raglan has been fortunate to have Christine as the town’s pharmacist for the last 14 years and she will be sorely missed by all the team at the clinic. “Christine is a professional

extremely able and caring pharmacist, always approachable for doctors with questions about medications, she provided an invaluable safety net when doctors made errors or omissions on prescriptions. She worked long hours and was always willing to stay open after hours to fill emergency prescriptions for people in need.” Christine trained to be a pharmacist at the Central Institute of Technology at Heretaunga, her family moved a lot with her father’s work as a banker. Born in Hamilton, most of her family are living back in their hometown. Her fist internship was in Whakatane and spent time in various pharmacies there, before moving to Thames and then back to Hamilton for nine years before busing the Raglan Pharmacy. “I always wanted to work in a small town. You really get to know the people and their whānau. I will miss the interactions with the people and knowing what’s going on their lives.” Raglan Pharmacy has been bought by Jay Girn who will take over on August 1.

Community Volunteers sponsored by West Coast Health Clinic

07 825 0114 Magazine Issue August 2019 Raglan Chronicle | 11

Open Home 30 Government Road (Lot 2) Raglan


Elevated in a stand-out position with spectacular views right across the harbour - this is what you have been waiting for! Split over two levels with 2 bedrooms upstairs and 1 bedroom downstairs complete with its own living facilities. The main living area upstairs has commanding views of the harbour and opens out onto a deck overlooking the garden, perfect for watching the kids play. The shoreline at sunrise is simply beautiful. Situated on 1930sqm section providing an ideal grassy playground. An ideal beach home; work from home opportunity or artist’s retreat. Close to town, wharf and on the bus route. Subject to title. Call Julie or Blair to view.

Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

New Listing This is your chance to purchase your own slice of paradise in Te Akau, just a short ride across the harbour from Raglan. Set on 812sqm of native bush, the sound of the birds here is amazing. Limestone formations at the bottom of the section will allow a landscaper’s imagination to run wild. Swimming, kayaking, paddle boarding and fishing all on the doorstep with water access from the nearby reserve. Call Sean Mills on 027 562 4699 for more information or to book a viewing. Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

12 | Raglan Chronicle Magazine Issue August 2019

View Saturday 12:00pm - 12:45pm

Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282

577 Te Akau Wharf Road Raglan

12:00pm, Saturday 31 August On site (unless sold prior)

Auction For Sale


23 Cliff Street (Lot 2) Raglan This section will be popular due to the features it offers of supreme location. You will appreciate the convenience and proximity to Raglan’s town centre and situated just across the road from the water. A flat, easy building site with the potential to build up and take advantage of even greater views. 557sqm site - including access way (subject to title).

Sean Mills 027 526 4699 Raglan Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)


2:00pm, Saturday 31 August On site (unless sold prior)

Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282

Thinking of Selling? Free Auction programme List an Auction now until 31st August 2019 and we will fund your Auction Marketing Programme, valued at $1700. Sold Under the Hammer by Auctioneer Julie Hanna in the last 9 months:

8 Three Streams Road

9c East Street

56 Government Road

22b Wallis Street

4 Te Hutewai Road

141 Waitetuna Valley Road

472 Wainui Road

14a Taipari Avenue

76 Wainui Road

41 Lorenzen Bay Road

42 Kaitoke Street

30 Main Road

Give us a call for further information

5 Earles Place

Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282

Julie Hanna 027 441 8964

60 Wallis Street

Terms & Conditions apply - Raglan Real Estate Limited (REINZ 2008) Magazine Issue August 2019 Raglan Chronicle | 13

Not climbing everest Raglan woman desperate to keep both sherpa and orphanage safe

Robbyn and Dep, one of the children she sponsors.

Edith Symes


ost people have only encouragement for anyone attempting

to scale Mt Everest – but not Raglan woman Robbyn Storey



to stop one seasoned sherpa from ever again climbing the world’s highest peak. Kame Magar risks not only his own life but with every climb jeopardises the lives of 29 children in his care at Solu Child



in a remote village near Kathmandu, she says.

He has rescued them all from dire circumstances over the years and they will be “back on the street” if anything happens to him, Robbyn fears. The survivor of both a 2014 avalanche at Everest’s base camp – which killed his 13 fellow climbers – and of an earthquake on the mountain in 2015, Kame cannot afford to risk cheating death once more, she says. Yet still he is preparing for a climb next year as he’s desperate to continue funding

the family-run orphanage he opened eight years ago. Robbyn says Kame’s family – his parents, wife and four daughters – are “terrified” of what will happen should he not survive. Kame continues to lead paid expeditions as he wants to put food on the table for the kids regardless, Robbyn explains. Robbyn has taken things into her own hands and started fundraising to ‘Help Kame Never Climb Everest’. Despite its 40,000 online views, however, her GoFundMe project has had only 47 donations. And Robbyn is at a loss as to how else to help Kame, who has recently been involved in search and rescue for flood victims in Kathmandu. The plight of his orphanage has touched Robbyn – a volunteer with the ‘Buds to Blossoms’ programme of pediatric massage – because unlike most it has no churchorganised funding behind it. Kame has simply gone trekking for years, returning

Robbyn and Kame. 14 | Raglan Chronicle Magazine Issue August 2019

each time with both money and another needy child or two to add to a household bursting at the seams. The children are housed, clothed, fed and educated despite their primary caregiver being “terribly poor” and with the constant threat of creditors at his door. “He’s the most selfless human being I have ever come across,” says Robbyn, who was most recently at Solu in April amid what she describes as happy chaos. Robbyn herself sponsors two of the children – 14-yearold Dep and six-year-old Maya – as does Raglan osteopath Russell Gaddes. Robbyn’s adult daughter also sponsors a child.

of Artisan and Merchant downtown but hopes more Raglan individuals, groups or businesses can help out too. Since first speaking to the Chronicle last week, Robbyn says she’s heard Kame is in jail because of unpaid debt. “There’s about $US5000 owing for food and general borrowing to keep the kids alive,” she says. • Visit the Solu Child Welfare Orphanage Association website and ‘Help Kame Never Climb Everest’ via GoFundMe. Or call Robbyn on 021836774.

But half the children of Solu still need sponsors to the tune of $US800 each per year, she says. This covers their costs, including the good schools they’re sent to because Kame insists they have what he never had. Robbyn is grateful for generous donations from the likes of Gretchen Hamilton

Dep and Maya - found at the rubbish dump - are both sposored by Robbyn.

Simon Te Wheoro Local artist tells the story of Whaingaroa through toi Māori Janine Jackson


t’s the first time I’ve ventured up the gravel driveway to Toi Hauāuru Studio – I’ve driven past the flags on the Main Rd between Lorenzen Bay and Greenslade Roads countless times and thought I must visit sometime. I’m glad I finally made the effort, local artist Simon Te Wheoro’s workplace embodies toi Māori o Whaingaora (Māori art of Whaingaroa), and is a must for locals and visitors to get a feel for art that is steeped in the history of this place. Simon can whakapapa to Ngāti Māhanga (whose ancestral lands extended from Raglan Harbour to the West Bank of the Waikato River), Ngāti Te Weehi (principle iwi of the Aotea Harbour) and Ngāti Tamainupō (from Waingaro) on his father’s side and Te Aupouri on his mother’s side. “I get most of my inspiration from these genealogical links,” he says. Working in paint, stone, wood and ink, Simon weaves references to Whaingaroa in his artworks and everywhere you turn there’s something on the go at Toi Hauāuru. Mostly, his stone sculptures have been carved in Oamaru and Hinuera, but Simon recently got his hands on some Takaka stone from a demolished parliament building and he’s enjoying the challenge of working in the harder stone. It was a sculpture carved from the Takaka marble that was chosen by Te Papa Store buyer Tania Tupu during the 2019 Raglan Arts Weekend. Titled Kotiate (club blade), the piece will head to Wellington to be exhibited around October November this year with a couple of Takaka carvings he is working on currently. “It’s always a satisfying feeling knowing that what you create is admired by the public and having sculpted Takaka marble which will

be returning to where it once stood is amazing and a great opportunity to showcase my Māori creativity. Being of Ngāti Māhanga, Whaingaroa, Raglan descent makes me feel a sense of pride knowing my work is being created in the shadows of Karioi maunga and is going to Wellington.” When he works on a bespoke sculpture, Simon will incorporate the stories of his ancestors with the stories of the person who is commissioning the piece. “I acknowledge and pay homage to my whakapapa, to the region, the iwi and the hapu. When someone purchases an expensive work, they are acknowledging where you grew up and where you’re from and they are acknowledging you.” Simon often works collaboratively with other local carvers and worked alongside Iti Stafford, Kawharu Greensill and Kelvin Le Lievre on the soon to be unveiled Rangitahi bridge sculptures that acknowledge the four spiritual guardians of the area. Born and bred in Whaingaroa, Simon attended Te Rōpū Aroha Ki Te Reo at Raglan Area School before heading to Te Wharekura o Rakaumanga in Huntly for his bursary years. He was encouraged by a teacher at Rakaumanga to apply to Māori Visual Arts school Toihoukura in Gisborne. It was here that he learned all aspects of toi Māori including tā moko (tattoo) and sculpture under noted kirituhi (artists) Derek Lardelli, Patrick Takoko and Simon Lardelli. He was meant to be finishing a tā moko when I make a time to interview him, but they postponed and, on a whim, I decided to take their place. This isn’t my first tattoo but the experience is like no other I’ve had before. From emailing Simon a

brief, to seeing how he had interpreted my idea into a design of significance and beauty - this was no chose a tattoo from a book experience. Simon takes his craft seriously; he shares the significance of the motifs, relates it to stories of the area and begins every tā moko with a karakia to acknowledge the elements and origins of tā moko and bless the journey of both the practitioner and the wearer. Plenty of tourists rock up with designs they’ve poached from social media and Simon will turn down the job if it doesn’t feel right. Protecting Māori intellectual property is important; Simon can create beautiful tā moko designs with toi Māori elements but he won’t copy the designs that are of significance to particular tribes and other cultural identities. Passing on his knowledge to burgeoning young artists from the area has become another aspect of Simon’s kaupapa (values) as he guides them on their toi Māori journey. “I remember what it was like starting up. You go from being in an art school creative bubble to being isolated in your own space.” Simon says the support he receives from his mother Kerry Te Wheoro and partner Jamie Haenga holding the gallery fort while he gets on with creating continues to be invaluable as he forges ahead with his art journey. And he credits father Andre Te Wheoro, a tailor who started up his own clothing factories in Melbourne and Raglan, for his creativity and work ethic. “He was hardworking and as kids we helped out in the factory (Tui Clothing at Kokiri).” Toi Hauāuru used to be a home kill back in the day and Simon knew a gallery on the main road into

Raglan was an ideal location for his studio. “It was closed for some time and I saw the opportunity and potential here.” These days as you head up the drive you might see Simon in action on some of his larger stone sculpture being carved under a gazebo. Step into the gallery space to view his paintings, sculptures, carvings, uniquely customised t-shirts, stickers and accessories, plus weaving from other local artists. Out the back of the studio is a covered area for wood carving and at the back of the property is the tā moko (tattoo) room. It’s worth making the time to immerse yourself in Toi Hauāuru, you won’t be disappointed. Just check for the flags next time you’re driving past. Toi Hauāuru Studio, 4338 Main Rd, Raglan, is open Wednesday to Sunday, 10am5pm - email sytewheoro@yahoo. for more information.

“Passing on his knowledge to burgeoning young artists from the area has become another aspect of Simon’s kaupapa (values) as he guides them on their toi Māori journey.”

Magazine Issue August 2019 Raglan Chronicle | 15

SURF Series

An interview with Conor McLennan by good friend Ella Jungwirth


orn and raised down in Christchurch, New Zealand, Conor McLennan has made quite the move up to Raglan to improve his surfing career. Leaving all he knows at the age of 15 to join the wild west coast, North Island style, not fully aware of the opportunities he was about to come across. In this issue’s Surf Series I will be asking Conor how his life changed and how he has changed throughout his journey at our local surf academy. The surf academy has been an asset to this town for years so I think it’s important to acknowledge those who have travelled far and wide to attend the school. Many events have occurred in the past three in a half years for Conor, both good and bad so I wanted to ask him how he’s handled the tough times while being away from family and also how he thinks life has changed and if it would have been the same if he had stayed in Christchurch. What was it like to move so far away from home without any family or friends? I surprisingly found it really easy to move up to Raglan; even though I was only 15 at the time I was just so keen to surf and to become a better surfer. I had heard so many great things about the Raglan surf academy, and of course Raglan in general, so the move was nothing but exciting. My biggest worry was meeting my homestay, family not really knowing who I was going to live with for the next few years made me nervous; but Ben and Celeste made my transition to high school so easy I honestly couldn’t have asked for a better homestay. Do you think you’d be a better surfer if you had stayed down in Christchurch, why? Definitely not. Living in the North Island has given me so much more reason to surf. In Christchurch the water temperature can get as low as 7°C which makes

it so hard to surf. Even in the summer I still wear a 3/2 wetsuit. Also living in the North Island is better because there are a lot more surf breaks that are insanely good, whereas down home, it could take at least two hours to find a decent surf break if the local breaks aren’t working. Being new to the Raglan surf scene did you find it intimidating or inspiring surfing with local legends such as Luke Hughes, Chris Malone and seventime national champ Billy Stairmand? Wow you really talked those fellas up! I was 15 when I moved up here so I was just a frothing grom. I was keen to just surf my brains out - which I did for ages and still do. There was a side to moving here where I was a bit intimidated about but it never really got to me. I had never seen anyone surf so well in New Zealand, so watching them I was blown away. I just really wanted to surf like them. How has the surf academy improved your surfing? The surf academy has certainly pushed me to my limit of training, not only did we surf everyday, fitness training out of the water was 2-3 times a week. Every surf session was filmed as well which helped me identify my weaknesses. I was constantly thinking about how I could improve my surfing so knowing what I needed to focus on through footage made it so much easier. Being in a classroom full of surfers also drove me to not only be the best surfer I could be but to use my classmates as competition to push myself as well. Why do you surf? I like to do well in competitions so I surf to practice, but there’s also the social part of it; I get to meet a lot of new people all ages which is pretty cool. Also at competitions I have the opportunity to meet people I idolise or coaches that have trained

16 | Raglan Chronicle Magazine Issue August 2019

pro surfers which for me is such an honour. Surfing is what I love to do so whenever I’m stressed out or having a bad day going for a surf helps me clear my mind, and it takes me away from whatever it is that’s irritating me. Throughout the past couple of years I have noticed I’ve become socially anxious so surfing also helps me deal with my anxiety or even just the environment of surfing calms me down. What achievements have you accomplished while being a student in the surf academy? A massive perk of being a part of the surf academy was being able to travel all over New Zealand. Living down in Christchurch made it hard for me to compete because the majority of surf competitions were held in the North Island. So throughout my years in the surf academy these are a few of my greatest accomplishments: • 1st in the under 17’s Billabong Grom Series 2017 • 1st in the under 18’s Nationals of 2018 • 1st in the under 18’s Backdoor Competition 2018 • Made the New Zealand Junior World surf team for 2018 and came 17th overall for under 18’s • 1st in the under 20’s at the Cold water classic and 4th Open Men’s division. Having immediate family living down in Christchurch how did it affect you when tragedies such as the recurring earthquakes and the haunting terrorist attack happened? It was the worst feeling ever, all I wanted was for my family to move up here. While the Kaikoura earthquake was happening my mum called me in the early hours of the morning and when she had told me what happened my heart dropped. It was lucky that I even picked up the phone. I felt helpless because the only thing I could do in situations like that was sit and wait for information.

Conor and Ella outside Raglan Surf Co. where Connor currently works.

Magazine Issue August 2019 Raglan Chronicle | 17

Local Business directory and supporters of the Raglan Chronicle


s l a i c e p eekly S

s s l l a a i i c c e e p p S S y y l l k k eeW& Zucchini ee Kofta Curry $18.5 WCarrot Thai Pumpkin & Coconut Soup $9.5 Served with garlic ciabatta V GF

Served with Jasmine rice GF DF VG V

Broccoli &Broccoli Blue Soup $9.5Soup $9.5 & Blue Cheese BBQ Pork RibsCheese $22 Served withServed garlic with ciabatta V ciabatta GF garlic V GF

Slow braised in its juicy sauce served over chips & more sauce!!

Calamari $12.5 Calamari $12.5

Fried a light spice and polenta crumb w a crumb chilli GFlime Fried in aBurger light spice and polenta w a dip chilli dip GF TheinMOO & BREW & Beer Match“PIG’S IN lime PARADISE” Burger $16.5

Beef N Bean Nachos $18.5 Beef Npork Bean Nachos $18.5 Sage crumb filet, maple bacon, grilled pineapple, chilli plum Spiced beef, rich tomato chilli, beans served corn chips w Spiced beef, rich tomato chilli, beans served on corn chips w sauce, cheese, pickled onion, lettuce & on aioli jalapenos &jalapenos sour cream GF & sour cream GF

Beer Match : Tropical IPA - Beer & Burger - $22

BBQ Pork BBQ Ribs$22 Pork Ribs$22

2 Bow Raglan 825 0565 | Fchips @georgesbeachclubraglan Slow braised inStreet its juicy sauce served overserved & more sauce!! Slow braised in its| 07 juicy sauce over chips & more sauce!! OPEN: Thursday 12pm - 9pm Friday 12pm - 9pm Saturday 10am - 9pm Sunday 10am - 8pm

Letters to the editor Dear Editor, I would like to endorse Alan Vink’s letter in the Raglan Chronicle 18 July 2019 issue 655 with regards the competency of the Waikato District Council to undertake extra work from our Central Government. Three years ago I drew to the Council’s attention two or three bags of rubbish that had been dumped over the bank in our road, and it is still there. Over the 3 years I have been directed to at least 3 people over this issue only to be told that it is too unsafe for someone to go down there to retrieve it. It is only about 2 1/2m down and I have been down there on 4 or 5 occasions to see if it is still there

as it has been covered over with wondering jew. I am over 70 years old and had no problems getting up or down. Then there was the signage problem in our road it took the council seven attempts at putting them in the ground to a depth that they wouldn’t fall over in the wind. And what about the “temporary bridge” over the culvert, don’t get me started. Since November 14, 2016, it has been a series of false promises, misleading statements, lies and general BS. So do I think that the Waikato District Council should take over responsibilities from Central Government? Not in my lifetime, as short as it may be. Clive Hobson.

ELEPHANTS The various debates generated around the XZW food waste collection continue to overlook an obvious key issue. Matt Holl spotted one elephant (Matt’s Monologue, 18th July). But there’s an even bigger one sitting in the same room, and it’s called Food Waste. In much the way recycling is often mistaken as the answer to our single use plastic bottles, food waste collection has come to be seen as the answer to our food waste. To put things in perspective, let me reference a must-read article (Guardian link below), about the plastic backlash currently taking hold globally. The article gives a reflective history of plastic, and its part in our shift to disposal consumerism. One section that struck home was the story of how Coke and Pepsi began replacing glass bottles with plastic in the USA in 1970. This change was of course, profit driven. But it also created an incredible amount of waste and landfill, and a backlash quickly followed. Taxes and bans on plastic bottles were discussed. The plastics industry offensive included, among other things, throwing its weight behind a relatively new idea - household recycling. In 1971 Coca Cola funded some of the world’s earliest recycling depots. This effectively calmed the consumer conscience, allowing them to ramp up plastic bottle production and sales exponentially. Today Coca Cola produce 3m tonnes of the stuff each year, equivalent to 200,000 bottles a minute.

And to this day, many still mistake plastic recycling as a solution. It’s not; the real solution is plastic reduction. Likewise, the real answer to our food waste is, put simply, to stop wasting food. When XZW started the Raglan-wide collection in 2017, they promoted the tonnage of each weekly collection, as if the numbers highlighted something we should be proud of? Indeed, diverting these huge volumes from landfill is fantastic. But I was shocked to find our small town was wasting this much food! Our community is one of the more aware, so I can only imagine how big this problem is nationwide. Let alone globally. I voiced my concern to the good folks at XZW as I really do appreciate everything they stand for, and do for our community. They acknowledged and agreed with me, and explained their plan to address the wider issue of avoidable food waste over the coming months. And yet, two years later, this elephant sits, unaddressed. Like single use plastics, all it takes is a simple change in awareness. If we can each consider our own habits with, and around food, then oneby-one we can change the collective food waste happening in present-day society. It would be great to see local organisations, including XZW, rally against food waste with the same enthusiasm in which we’ve rallied against plastic. Ste’en Webster

2 Bow Street2 Raglan | 07 825 0565 | F 825 @georgesbeachclubraglan Bow Street Raglan | 07 0565 | F @georgesbeachclubraglan

• • • Contact: Administrator Jan Mitchell ph 825 5122 Also at H.G Webb House, Cnr Boundary & Victoria Streets, Hamilton

• quality new homes • alterations / fencing/ decks • plan service available 20+ years building in Raglan for free quotes & quality workmanship PHONEPH MARK 0274 912912 911911 A/HA/H 825 825 00690069 MARK 0274 ROB 027 550 6080 E PH ROB 027 550 6080 E


10am Raglan Area School 7pm Te Uku Church Pastor Roger Peart ph 07 825 5199 18 | Raglan Chronicle Magazine Issue August 2019

q a p 2


Buying or Selling your house! Independent and locally owned Give us a call for a free quote. Rhys Ellison 07 834 1248 & 021 2967 296 Or Kerron Sexton 07 834 1248 & 027 555 4842 environment/2018/nov/13/the-plasticbacklash-whats-behind-our-suddenrage-and-will-it-make-a-difference

Shralper Gang from left, Kai Clapham, Kora Cooper, Navryn Malone, Tana Clapham and Joseph Jungwirth. Not pictured: Jack Dunlop.

Shralper gang A group of entrepreneurial young local boys have come together to launch a surf accessories brand that is going to make tail pads and leg ropes as well as clothing and is based on their collective surf-based lifestyles. The Chronicle had a quick chat to them about what SHRALPER GANG is about: I hear you have come together as a group and introduced your own label. Tell us about how the idea started. Tana‘s brother Kai had a group of mates that were surfing every day. So Navryn started calling them Shralper Gang. Then Navryn and Tana decided that Shralper Gang would be a good name for their group of mates. After that there were five kids in this gang and they all thought it will be a cool project to start making clothes and that’s what happened. Who designed the logos? Tana Clapham What is in the range? Right now only track pants but we are working on some other things at the moment. I know you are all good mates. How has it been working on this project together? We think it has been easy so far as it brings us together more often.

Do you have different strengths? We all bring something different to the table like Tana who designs the logos and clothes. Then there’s Navryn, Joseph and Kora who are the surfing ambassadors of the brand. Then there’s Jack who is a motocross ambassador and Kai who runs the Instagram. Who supports you? John Clapham and Mel Clapham they helped to start up the company and share their knowledge with us. What are your plans for the brand? To get it out there for the community to see what we have done. To start a company to help us with business skills in the future. Where can locals find Shralper Gang gear? In the Raglan Surf Emporium or on the Reglan Surf Emporium website: FB: Shralper Gang Insta: @shralpergang

Magazine Issue August 2019 Raglan Chronicle | 19

TOP 15 THINGS TO DO IN RAGLAN 1. LEARN TO SURF R a g l a n’ s a s u r f m e c c a for wave riders . If you have never had a go, book a lesson and h e a d to t h e b e a c h .Yo u will be on your feet in no time.


Also check out our weekly What’s On column on the Classifieds page in our regular Chronicle for updates and what’s on in our Community.


2 . A WALK ON THE BEACH Get out in the e l e m e nt s w i t h a walk on our beautiful beach.



J u s t b e f o re t h e b e a c h tu r n o f f, t a k e a w a n d e r t h ro u g h t h i s b e a u t i f u l b u s h re s e r v e . I t ’ s a l s o a g re a t s p o t f o r a

at the scenic Raglan course and t a ke t h e k i d s w i t h you so they can tr y out the minip u t t c o u r s e - Te H u te w a i R d .



down at Papahua/ Ko p u a D o m a i n . C l o s e to t h e w a te r f o r s w i m m i n g to o . M a k e a day of it with the kids .

A u n i q u e w a y to e x p l o re R a g l a n and unlock the s e c re t s o f o u r a m a z i n g h a r b o u r.




f ro m t h e Wa h i n e m o e o r other good viewing spot l i k e Wa i n u i R e s e r v e , M a n u a n d W h a l e B a y.

9. GET DOWN TO THE RAGL AN WHARF y o u c a n e nj o y s o m e re t a i l t h e r a p y o r g r a b some f ish and chips or even f ish for our own d i n n e r.


o n Wa i n u i R o a d a n d l e a r n m o re a b o u t t h e h i s to r y o f W h a i n g a ro a

10. GET ON YOUR BIKE discover Raglan on two wheels. B i ke re nt a l s a re a v a i l a b l e i n to w n (Cycler y Raglan o n B a n k a r t S t). We a l s o h a v e a g re a t MTB and pump track .



o r w a tc h t h e a c t i o n at the harbour mouth o n R i r i a Ke re o p a Memorial Drive.

This ex tinct volcano of fers a b i rd s - e y e v i e w o f R a g l a n f ro m t h e summit.



a ro u n d R a g l a n . G r a b a m a p f ro m t h e i n f o r m a t i o n c e nt re . Wa i re i n g a / B r i d a l Ve l s Fa l l s t r a c k i s a c ro w d p l e a s e r.

Check out the famous 5 5m B r i d a l Ve i l Fa l l s o n the way!

20 | Raglan Chronicle Magazine Issue August 2019



Join Merren Tait for the launch of her debut novel THE YEAR OF THE FOX at the Raglan Library 5.30 to 7pm.


At Raglan Old School Arts Centre in Stewart Street. The Raglan Creative Market for Whaingaroa local kai and arts. 2nd Sunday every month.


Comedy Stage Hypnotist - Te Uku Pony Club Fundraiser. At the Raglan Bowling Club, doors 5.30pm. Raffles and Auction items on the night. For Tickets call Sara 021 0455 125 or Michelle 021969878

MOVIES @ THE OLD SCHOOL This Mountain Life (Doc exempt) SAT 3 AUG - 5.30pm Rory’s Way (M) SAT 3 AUG - 8.00pm SUN 18 AUG - 4.30pm SAT 31 AUG - 5.30pm Sometimes Always Never (PG) SUN 4 AUG - 4.30pm SAT 17 - 5.30pm Camino Skies SAT 17 AUG- 8.00pm SUN 1 SEP - 4.30pm Door sales 30 mins prior.



WEDNESDAYS at 9am on James Street near Wallis Street. WED 7 AUG - Beach walk WED 14 AUG - New Rangitahi Bridge and estuary WED 21 AUG - Beach to Bryant Reserve WED 28 AUG - Manuka planting Te Uku WED 4 SEP - Kaitoke Walkway WED 11 SEP - Te Kaha / Mussel Rock (bring boat fare) - bring lunch WED 18 SEP - Te Akau (bring boat fare) - bring lunch WED 25 SEP - Te Maika (bring boat fare) - bring lunch


SUNDAYS 4 & 18 AUG / 1 & 15 SEP 9.30 -10.30am at 19 James St, Raglan Bowling Club. Bring anything from kitchen or garden to swap, not direct swapping, super easy, everyone gets a bit of everything! All welcome.

MONDAYS & THURSDAYS Hibernating for winter? Oh No! Come along to The Raglan Light Exercise Group sessions on Mondays and Thursdays - 10am to 11am at the St Peter’s Hall. Everybody is most welcome to attend.

AD VERTISE WITH US: RAGLAN.NET.NZ | 07 825 7076 | nz


FOR THE YOT CLUB. Also check out our weekly Gig Guide on the Classifieds page in our regular Chronicle for updates and what’s on from Thursdays to Saturdays at the Yotty.


TECHNO DMTH WITH BOY OH BOY (GER) & RAYNER Deep Minimal Techno & House is back and this time we bring you a Very special guest! David Picariello is one half of the Beat & Path Dj Duo Boy oh Boy. Raglan’s own Berlin Boy Rayner will follow up!



CONCORD DAWN 20 Year Anniversary Tour Huge gig with NZ Drum and Bass Superstars Concord Dawn. Second to last show of the year.


Reggae Power houses LOST TRIBE OF AOTEAROA

NZ Powerhouse Drum & Bass TREi with Support from Skelta, Snead Place, Strange Attractor, Dj Freecell. Hosted by MC Rolex.

Kiwi reggae up and comers, Lost Tribe play the Yot Clubfor their Single release party for ‘Lost Generation’ with special guest “Mihirangi” on the loops.

Earlybirds $10 Doorsales $20


Return bus leaving Hamilton to Raglan, dropping you off to Static after the gig. Just $25 for ticket and Bus ride!


KNIGHTS OF THE DUB TABLE with support. $15 +BF Doorsales $20


B-REX - SICK DISCO Local funk master DJ B-Rex will be bringing down the house this Saturday with a sick disco night.

Yotty favourites SUMMER THIEVES Another Yotty favourite, Rising from the dusty rinsed streets of Dunedin’s Scarfieville; Summer Thieves are a melting pot of Reggae, Hip-Hop, Rock, and Funk.


LOCAL LADS MASAYA plus support. Local band and spawns of Cornerstone Roots, Reiki and Kaea Ruawai are joined by Muroki Pearsall of Cloak Bay to bring you a good night of funky tunes.


MAKO ROAD One of NZ’s top bands who sold Yotty out last time. Formed while at the University of Canterbury, Mako Road is a indie pop-rock outfit from Christchurch, New Zealand. Beginning as a covers band playing at University events and parties, the 4 boys eventually developed their own sound influenced by a range of genres, leading them to release 3 singles in 2017, and their debut EP ‘The Green Superintendent’ in early 2018. They like genie pants, denim, turtle necks and dad sandals.


THE CHAS CHAS Melbourne based underground Rock n Roll. Thee Cha Cha Cha’s are a One woman, One man garage punk band from Melbourne, Australia.


LEIGHTON FAIRLIE & BAND Leighton Fairlie is a loop artist who started out in Mount Maunganui and is now based in Auckland. This brand new project sees him mixing a range of dub, roots, hip hop, drum and bass and acoustic elements into a captivating and unique sound.

For any more info - visit The Yot Club Raglan Facebook page. Free pick up and drop off text this number: 027- Y O T - EEEE (027 968 333 Magazine Issue August 2019 Raglan Chronicle | 21


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• Fully insured • Felling & removal • Hedge trimming • Fully insured • Pruning, shaping, thinning • Hedge trimming • Stump grinding • Pruning, shaping, thinning • Stump grinding

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• • • •


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Contact Peter Peter on on 825-8486 825-8486 Contact or see see him him 8am-5pm 8am-5pm at at or 2 Park Drive, Raglan & Fabrication 2Engineering Park Drive, Raglan


Contact Peter on 825-8486 Contact Peter on 825-8486 or see him 8am-5pm at or see him 8am-5pm at 2 Park Drive, Raglan 2 Park Drive, Raglan

Specialising in in New New Builds, Builds, Specialising Maintenance and and Drainlaying. Drainlaying. Maintenance

Nick Heasman Heasman Nick Phone: 021 021 058 058 2140 2140 Phone: Email: Email: PLUMBING PLUMBING


Specialising in New Builds, Maintenance and Drainlaying. Nick Heasman

Specialising in058 New Builds, Phone: 021 2140 Specialising New Builds, Email: Maintenance andinDrainlaying. NATE’S RATES ON ON ALL ALL HOME HOME Maintenance and RATES Drainlaying. NATE’S

Nick Heasman & REPAIRS, INCLUDING: MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS, INCLUDING: Nick Phone: 021 Heasman 058 2140 Aluminium windows, doors & & hardware hardware Phone: 021 058 2140 doors Aluminium windows, Email: Glass •• Decks Decks and and alterations alterations Glass Email:

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Stainless and mild steel, Aluminium and plastic welding

Agents for: P: 027 4366 320 Agents for:Equipment Honda Power E: Honda Power Equipment Ryco Hydraulics/Fittings Ryco Hydraulics/Fittings Kumho/Hankook/Cooper RaglanEngineeringAd.indd 1 4/10/07 Kumho/Hankook/Cooper ELECTRICIANS/HEATING RaglanEngineeringAd.indd 1 4/10/07 ELECTRICIANS/HEATING & other tyres other tyres BOC&gas BOC gas

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027 767 5379 027 767 5379

3:17:13 PM 3:17:13 PM



12.30pm – 5.00pm Saturday & & Sunday Sunday Saturday 10.00am –– 5.00pm 5.00pm 10.00am No drop drop offs offs after after 4.30pm please




HOURS HOURS Monday - Friday

Monday - Friday 12.30pm – 5.00pm 12.30pm – 5.00pm Saturday & Sunday HOURS Saturday & Sunday 10.00am – 5.00pm Monday - Friday 10.00am – 5.00pm 12.30pm – 5.00pm No drop offs after No drop offs after 4.30pm please Saturday & Sunday 4.30pm please 10.00am – 5.00pm

Builders Mix Mix •• Cement Cement •• Firewood Firewood Builders Drainage Metals Metals •• PVC PVC Pipe Pipe •• Novaflo Novaflo Drainage OPEN 7Metal DAYS RaglanEngineeringAd.indd 1 4/10/07 3:17:13 PM Pea • Sand • Pavers • Compost OPEN 7 DAYS ELECTRICIANS/HEATING Pea Metal • Sand • Pavers • Compost RaglanEngineeringAd.indd 1Authorised Service Centre 4/10/07 3:17:13 PM ELECTRICIANS/HEATING Fertiliser store store •• Pea Pea Straw Straw •• Hay Hay Bales Bales Fertiliser • Alarms / CCTV • New Housing Barks • Mulch • Chook Chow Barks • Mulch • Chook Chow • Freeview / Satellites • Renovations TOPSOIL RAILWAY SLEEPERS SLEEPERS No drop offs after •• RAILWAY LANDSCAPETOPSOIL SUPPLIES • Audio Visual • Maintenance 4.30pm please LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES Plant Nursery Nursery Truck Deliveries Deliveries Plant •• Truck • Extractor Fans • Rural / Commercial Free Customer Loan Trailers • Heat Pumps • Alterations Free Customer Loan Trailers ROOFING • Home Ventilation • Solar Power ROOFING HIRE EQUIPMENT: EQUIPMENT: Compacter Compacter HIRE Concrete Mixer • Post Hole Borer 027 4979 116 or 07 825 0214 Concrete Mixer • Post Hole Borer tel: (07) 825 8366 027 4979 116 Installation or 07 825 0214 • Appliance / Whiteware & Repairs CONCRETE SERVICES indd uuss oonn ffaacceebbooookk!! Washing Machines | Dryers | Fridge / Freezers | Dishwashers paul: 021 188 0447 - robyn: 021 177 5201 CONCRETE SERVICES ffin Stoves / Ovens | Rangehoods | Waste Disposals | Hot Water 199c te papatapu road, rD2 te Mata, raglan tel: (07) (07) 825 825 8366 8366 tel: email: Builders Mix • Cement • Firewood P: 07 825 0214 | M: 021 945 997 paul: 021 188 0447 robyn: 021 021 177 177 5201 Builders Mix••PVC Cement Firewood DIG5201 paul: 021 188 0447 -- robyn: DIG Drainage Metals Pipe ••Novaflo E: 199c te te papatapu papatapu road, road, rD2 rD2 te te Mata, Mata,PREP raglan Drainage Metals • PVC Pipe • Novaflo PREP 199c raglan Pea Metal • Sand • Pavers • Compost The businesses businesses and and individuals individuals The PLUMBING Pea Metal •Mix Sand • PLUMBING Pavers • Compost email: LAY Builders • Cement • Firewood email: Fertiliser store • Pea Straw • Hay Bales LAY PO Box 32273, Raglan 3225 adverti sing in the Raglan Chronicle advertising in the Raglan Chronicle Fertiliser store ••Pea Straw •• Hay Bales Drainage Metals • PVC Pipe Novaflo Barks • Mulch Chook Chow are parti participati cipating ng not not only only to to Driveways/ Landscaping Landscaping Barks Mulch Chook•Chow are Pea Metal• ••RAILWAY Sand • •SLEEPERS Pavers Compost Driveways/ TOPSOIL Proudly Raglan owned and operated Concrete foundations foundations TOPSOIL • RAILWAY SLEEPERS promote their businesses, but Concrete Fertiliser store • Pea Straw • Hay Bales Plant Nursery • Truck Deliveries promote their businesses, but Silo/feed pads pads •• Concrete Concrete cutting cutting Silo/feed Plant Nursery • Truck Deliveries to show their support for our Barks • Mulch • Chook Chow Free Customer Loan Trailers to show their support for our Small digger digger hire/excavation hire/excavation Small Free Customer LoanSLEEPERS Trailers • RAILWAY community paper paper – – so so be be sure sure HIRETOPSOIL EQUIPMENT: Compacter community Plant Nursery • Truck Deliveries HIRE EQUIPMENT: Compacter to tell tell them them you you saw saw them them in in the the 021 734 734 356 356 || Concrete Mixer • Post Hole Borer 027 4979 116 or 07 825 0214 to 021 Free Customer Loan Hole Trailers Concrete Mixer • Post Borer 027 4979 116 or 07 825 0214 WWW.SAVVYCONSTRUCTION.CO.NZ Raglan Chronicle. CONCRETE SERVICES f in d u s o n f a c e b o o k ! WWW.SAVVYCONSTRUCTION.CO.NZ Raglan Chronicle. HIRE EQUIPMENT: CONCRETE SERVICES f in d u s o n f aCompacter cebook! Local businesses businesses are are the the Concrete Mixer • Post Hole Borer Local tel: (07) 825 8366 tel: (07) 825 8366 foundation on of of our our community community -foundati paul: 021 188 0447 - robyn: 021 177 fin d u s o n fa c e b o ok! DIG5201 paul: 021 188 0447 robyn: 021 177 5201 and they make it possible for us us to to DIG 199c te papatapu road, rD2 te Mata,PREP raglan and they make it possible for The businesses and individuals 199c te papatapu road, rD2 te Mata, raglan PREP bring the Raglan Chronicle to you. PLUMBING email: LAY bring the Raglan Chronicle to you. The sing businesses and individuals 22 Raglan Chronicle Magazine PLUMBING adverti in the Raglan Chronicle email:| LAY Issue August 2019 adverti sing in the Raglan are participating not only to Chronicle Driveways/ Landscaping are parti cipati ng not only Driveways/ Landscaping Concrete foundations promote their businesses, butto

Christie Carpentry hOUse BUiLDer anD renOVatOrs Christie Carpentry paulBUiLDer & robyn hOUse anD Christie renOVatOrs CONCRETE paul & robyn Christie SERVICES



Christie Carpentry Christie Carpentry hOUse BUiLDer anD renOVatOrs

hOUse BUiLDer anD renOVatOrs

paulpaul& robyn & robynChristie Christie


F I R E W O O D DRY - DELIVERED Pine $180 trailer load Phone 021 077 1524

a ta m i ra . c o. n z Fresh & Eclectic style, ideas to love New Spring arrivals Women’s, Men’s, Kid’s inspried

In My Good Books Quality 2nd hand books Open Thurs - Sun from 10am 2 Wallis St Books wanted.

Services Offered

C A R P E N T E R AVAILABLE NOW Experienced local references, quotes or hourly rate, Phone 022 393 5950 FRUIT TREES NEED PRUNING? Pip, Stone, Citrus. 20 years experience. Call Dean 021 217 4491

Situations Vacant MEDICAL CARE ASSISTANT VACANCY An exciting opportunity has arisen for an experienced Medical Centre Assistant to join our team at West Coast Health Clinic. Key responsibilities include sterilisation, stocking of rooms, supply ordering, patient contact for basic health recordings and reception duties. This position involves being the first point of contact for patients and visitors, co-ordination of services provided by the clinic, prioritising work flow and managing patient expectations. The ability to multi task is crucial, as is ability to maintain professionalism and confidentiality at all times. This position is for 30 hours per week.

For our weekly and monthly line up of gigs, community what’s on and classes - please see pages 20-21


Situations Vacant


bags well away from

Committee at Waikato of If you are interested Licensing in this position, please send your CVfor the theissueletter boxes to an On Licence in respect of the premises situated with a covering letter to: enable safe delivery at 11-17 Bow Street, Raglan to be known as West by 5pm on Friday 16th August 2019.The general nature of the ofbusiness your to Chronicles. Coast Tacos. be conducted is a restaurant. The days on which,would This be and the hours during which liquor is intended much to beappreciated. sold under the licence, are Monday to Sunday 8am to 1am the following day. AGM RAGLAN This application may be inspected during ordinary COMMUNITY ARTS office hours at the office of the Waikato District Council, District Licensing Committee COUNCIL at 15 Galileo - 7pm, 13th Old School Arts Street, Ngaruawahia. Any person whoAugust, is entitled to object and who wishes to object toCentre. the grant Members of and the application may, not later than fifteen working welcome. community Notice of Vacancy, days fromRaglan the first Papahua publication of this notice, file a info phone notice in writing of the objection withFor the Secretary Holiday Park Board of Governance Rodger 825 7443 of the District Licensing Committee at Private Bag 544 Ngaruawahia 3742. This is the first publication of this notice. RUAPUKE The Raglan Papahua Holiday Park has a objection to the issuefor of the a licence may be made CAMP vacancy on their No Board of Governance MOTOR in relation to a matter other than a matter specified Peace & tranquility position of Community Representative. in section 105(1) of the Sale & Supply of- Alcohol Act Surfing, fishing, 2012. bush walks This is the first publication of this notice.- Cabins, powered Nominations

A candidate may submit a candidate profile statement with their nomination paper.





Dated at Raglan this 20th day of July 2019. Jo Gibbs Secretary Raglan Papahua Holiday Park Board of Governance Telephone (07) 825 8997 Email

sites, tent sites PH 07 825 6800

Waikato Regional Council advises that under Resource Consent 124871 spraying of pest plants growing in aquatic and semi-aquatic locations will continue over the next three months. Pest plants to be sprayed are listed in the Regional Pest Management Plan and include (but are not limited to): alligator weed, Manchurian wild rice, sagittaria, Senegal tea, spartina and yellow flag iris. Herbicides to be used are haloxyfop, imazapyr, metsulfuron-methyl and triclopyr. Application method is location dependent and may be by helicopter, gun and hose, mistblower or knapsack. Operational areas are spread throughout the region and include (but are not limited to): • Lakes Whangape and Waikare • Te Otamanui Lagoon

4005 SH23, Raglan Ph: (07) 825 6560 Mob: 022 622 9005

Do you have the right skills and drive to join our small Team? We need an Admin/Customer Services/All Rounder to join a busy natural product business that has national distribution.

• Waikato River (from Horotiu to Port Waikato)

BP Raglan Pick up an application in store or email your CV to: bp2goraglan@


Notice of herbicide spraying




Licensing Committee at Waikato for the issue of an On Licence in respect of the premises situated at 11-17 Bow Street, Raglan to be known as West Coast Tacos. The general nature of the business to be conducted is a restaurant. The days on which, and the hours during which liquor is intended to be sold under the licence, are Monday to Sunday 8am to 1am the following day. This application may be inspected during ordinary office hours at the office of the Waikato District Council, District Licensing Committee at 15 Galileo Street, Ngaruawahia. Any person who is entitled to object and who wishes to object to the grant of the application may, not later than fifteen working days from the first publication of this notice, file a notice in writing of the objection with the Secretary of the District Licensing Committee at Private Bag 544 Ngaruawahia 3742. This is the second publication of this notice. The first notice was published on 18/07/2019. No objection to the issue of a licence may be made in relation to a matter other than a matter specified in section 105(1) of the Sale & Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. This is the second publication of this notice. This notice was first published on 18 July 2019.

Contact Gary Kite

Situations Vacant


to help us keep our Playcentre sessions running smoothly 9am The successful candidate will have demonstrated: 12/1pm Wednesday mornings, term time. Would include making • A passion to work with people playdough, managing supplies, dishes. Could suit ex-Playcentre • Previous experience within the primary health parent/someone who enjoys working with young children and their care sector parents. For more information email • Excellent written, verbal & interpersonal skills • Experience in the use of Medtech Public Notices • Willingness to participate in relevant education & skills based training programmes TO GREENSLADE • Cultural awareness and sensitivity Section 101 ROAD RESIDENTS Section 101 • A commitment to quality and high level of accuracy Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 Can you please put Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 Preference will be given to candidates who have completed your weekly rubbish Raglanroast Food Department Ltd of Raglan Raglanroast Food Department Ltd of Raglan Wintec’s 1 Year HCA programme (Restaurateur) has made application to the District (Restaurateur) has made application to the District

Nominations for the position opens on Friday 26 July 2019 and must be in my hands at 7 Bow Street, Raglan no later than noon on Friday 9 August 2019. Nominations must be in writing.

Commercial to Let


• 10 - 15 hours a week, Tuesday and Friday pm initially with potential to grow into a larger role. • Permanent Raglan resident • Able to work until 5pm • Flexibility to work some Wednesday afternoons • Good keyboard skills • Familiar with Word, Excel • Use of Xero useful but not necessary • Good phone manner and attention to detail • Good English language skills, both written and oral including spelling and punctuation • Be organised and able to work independantly Applications in writing to: Applications close Monday 15th August

• Waihou, Piako and Ohinemuri rivers • Whangamarino and Maramarua rivers • numerous smaller urban and rural sites. Spraying is weather dependent and will occur during daylight hours on any day, including weekends but excluding public holidays. For more information or to request to be notified visit: or call Waikato Regional Council’s biosecurity pest plants team on 0800 800 401. Occupiers who have already requested to be notified will be contacted prior to spraying. VRJ Payne Chief Executive


For Sale

Magazine Issue August 2019 Raglan Chronicle | 23




Open Home




25b Violet Street


183 Checkley Road

Where Living is Easy

A Lifestyle with Character

For Sale $535,000 Contact Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Email


Sunday 11 - 11:30am 2E6HFG

Land for Sale

Open Home

This modern and spacious 2 bedroom unit with internal access garage is fantastic value! Recently repainted and carpeted the home is fresh and tidy with nothing to do. Super low maintenance means you have more time to enjoy the glorious sunsets and Mount Karioi views. A large and private balcony extends your living and offers space to BBQ, sunbathe or sit and quietly savour your morning coffee or evening wine. So whether you are looking for a first home, last home, holiday home or rental investment, then look no further. You won’t find better in this price bracket which makes this an easy decision.


Deadline 21.08.19 Unless sold prior Contact Chrissy Cox - 027 287 1804 Email


Sunday 2 - 2:30pm 2E8HFG

Open Home

10a Nau Mai Road Investors Alert - Opportunity! That’s right ‘Opportunity’ 10a Nau Mai Road is a must see for any investor. This light Industrial zoned section of 2400m² offers excellent advertising profile from the state highway and a 1000m² effectively dead flat engineered building platform. Nau Mai Business Park is the only large scale light industrial zone in the Raglan area with a mixed use development currently operating and more on the way. A generational change is forcing astute buyers to consider a lifestyle choice of operating their businesses in coastal towns. So act today and define your future. Call Steve 021 969 848 today for more information.



Seriously Motivated $80,000 under G.V. On the market for the first time in 22 years, this property is located in one of the best locations Raglan has to offer, featuring stunning harbour, ocean and rural views from NOT ONE.... BUT TWO homes . The main dwelling is a charming chalet styled 2 bedroom 2 bathroom home with a large deck and the 2nd home is a 2 bedroom cottage with it’s own driveway access and privacy, currently returning rental income. The 2.8 acres lies to the north and there are no covenants and the bonus of a legal right to spring water on the title. There is SO MUCH potential! For Sale Contact Email View


Unit 1, 12 Nau Mai Road


120 Maungatawhiri Road

For Sale $330,000 Contact Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Email View


This Te Uku property has a charming, character filled home, established grounds with mature trees and a couple of paddocks for a beast or pony to complete the perfect lifestyle picture. The rustic home has spacious open plan living opening through french doors to a large deck extending your living space. From the deck you will step onto a generous flat lawn with established plantings and large shade trees, the perfect place for your family to play. There is also a home orchard. If you dream of an affordable country lifestyle with the convenience of Raglan’s beaches and Hamilton city an easy commute away, call Chrissy today.


Live and Work the Raglan Dream - Architecturally designed live and work industrial property - Located on the outskirts of Raglan and only 30 minutes to Hamilton - 210m² (more or less) warehouse, 47m² (more or less) showroom/office - 50m² 1 bedroom apartment - 3 phase power, secure yard, drive through access and fibre internet - Explore the options of leasing the premises in its entirety, or for it to be split

$920,000 Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 Sunday 11 - 11:30am



11 Wainamu Road PRICE DROPPING $1000 PER WEEK! Sought After Leasehold Location that must sell! The owners have a new project planned elsewhere and the price will now be dropping $1000 per week! Located just 50m from the harbour with uninterrupted water views. A stylish 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom home is complemented by a recently renovated 1950’s school classroom building currently used as a games room and lock up shed for the watersports gear. A flat section, perfect for tents and boat parking. Lease and rates equates to just $327.18 per week and this is offset by holiday letting when the owners are not staying. Income figures and reviews available on request. For Sale Contact Email View

Lease $45,286 P/A + GST Contact Stephen O’Byrne - 021 969 848 Email View

NOW $316,000 Kyle Leuthart - 021 903 309 Sunday 1 - 1.30pm

Chrissy Cox

Kyle Leuthart

Michelle O’Byrne

Stephen O’Byrne

Robbie Regnier

Matt Sweetman

Natasha Metcalfe-Black

027 287 1804

021 903 309

021 969 878

021 969 848

021 952 271

021 624 826

027 555 9994

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Licensed Salesperson

Raglan Property Manager

*NB Boundary lines on photos are approximate & merely a guide. All information contained herein is gathered from sources we deem reliable. However we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely upon their own enquiries.

LJ Hooker Raglan (07) 825 7170 • 24 | Raglan Chronicle Magazine Issue August 2019

25-27 Bow Street , Raglan • George Boyes & Co Limited Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008

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