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Health & Wellbeing Creatives 30-35

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Spending so much time caring for his hives in the area where the Karioi Project are undertaking large-scale predator control, Bevan is keenly aware of the importance of preserving the native fl ora and

Restoring the biodiversity from the coast to the maunga, Bevan says

&the Karioi Project play a big role in keeping his bees happy and fed, and to support this work he’s donating money from his honey sales.

“Keeping bees gives me a unique insight into the vulnerability of their surroundings and highlights how important it is to look after our environment. It is this that led us to create a relationship with Karioi project, who do such important mahi around Whāingaroa,” he says.

A beekeeper for nearly 15 years, Bevan stumbled upon the hobbybusiness when he was 18 and just about to leave high school.

“I saw a hive for sale on TradeMe and bought it. I’ve got to be honest I went about it the wrong

That hive ended up at his father’s small farm in Matangi and with very little knowledge of caring for bees, Bevan started beekeeping.

“It’s quite sad but I ended up losing it; I was heartbroken.”

The setback didn’t deter him and after some self-guided research and advice from people in the honey business, he bought another couple of hives and started again.

Bevan now has around 50-60 hives set up around Ruapuke and Karioi producing several varieties

It’s a boutique business, something that he’s passionate about and he’s happy keeping it small-scale. Bevan earns his crust as a plant operator for Open Country. The shift work fi ts in nicely with his beekeeping giving him time during daylight hours to tend to the bees. His wife Emma helps with the marketing side of things and an old school mate Sven de Keersmaeker designed the labels. A pinup girl in her spare time, Emma is known as Miss Honey Bee and when she’s not at her day job or helping Bevan with the hives, she dresses up in vintage clothes and gives educational talks to schools and other organisations about the importance of bees to the environment. A number 8 wire sort of bloke, Bevan commitment to the environment sees him tinkering in the bee shed devising ways to practice sustainability in his beekeeping. Lately, he’s been working on a wind turbine to power the bee shed. All the parts have been sourced from the dump in Hamilton. “We get a lot of wind up here so why not try and harness it and be resourceful,” he says. That resourceful approach has also seen him collaborate with another local boutique foodie business, Raglan Chocolate and they are about to launch handcrafted honey chocolates. To help Karioi Project and get a taste of Raglan Apiaries honey head to Rivet on Wallis St or Zinnia on Wainui Rd. Refi llable honey will be sold at Rivet soon. Janine Jackson

&news, products and services local health and wellbeing news, products and services DIRECTORY AROMATHERAPY Diane Davies Massage & Aromatherapy... .......... ........................................................021 969 929 web:.......................................www.ddma.co.nz CELEBRANT AROMATHERAPY Robyn Riddle...................................027 5560438 COUNSELLING Diane Davies Massage & Aromatherapy... ........... Etai Gilad Hypnotherapy.................027 5080577 web: .......................... artofchangetherapy.com .......................................................021 969 929 HERBAL HEALTH web:.......................................www.ddma.co.nz The Herbal Dispensary.....................07 825 7444 Private Herbal/Naturopathic consultati ons CELEBRANT - WEDDINGS AND FUNERALS HOMEOPATHY Janis Beet Homeopath.....................07 825 8004 Robyn Riddle...................................027 5560438 MASSAGE Diane Davies Massage & Aromatherapy. . ............. COUNSELLING ......................................................021 969 929 Etai Gilad Hypnotherapy.................027 5080577 web:.......................................www.ddma.co.nz YOGA web: .......................... artofchangetherapy.com Raglan Yoga Loft.............................021 02442248 web:..................................raglanyogaloft .co.nz HERBAL HEALTH Yoga at ‘The Space’...........Above the Yot Club web:......................www.thespaceraglan.com The Herbal Dispensary.....................07 825 7444 Private Herbal/Naturopathic consultations HOMEOPATHY Janis Beet Homeopath.....................07 825 8004 MASSAGE Diane Davies Massage & Aromatherapy. . .............. .....................................................021 969 929 web:.......................................www.ddma.co.nz

CLINIC OPENING HOURS: YOGA Open Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri 8am 8am 8am 8am 8am Classical Homeopath Janis Beet Raglan Yoga Loft.............................021 02442248 Close 7pm 7pm 7pm 7pm 5pm Dip. Hom (NZ) R.C Hom web:..................................raglanyogaloft.co.nz

To contact the clinic, please phone: 07 825 0114 Karioi Clinic of Homeopathy After hours contact: Classical Homeopath

Anglesea Clinic 07 957 4947 Healthline 0800 611 116 78 Upper Wainui Rd, Raglan Phone: (07) 825 8004 Cell: 027 459 8547There are many diff erent kinds of movement and exercise classes Janis Beet Dip. Hom (NZ) R.C Hom email: janisbeet@gmail.com off ered in Raglan. I have come across Karioi Clinic of Homeopathy

yoga, pilates, contemporary dance,

78 Upper Wainui Rd, Raglan Phone: (07) 825 8004 Cell: 027 459 8547 email: janisbeet@gmail.com

Nia dance and gentle exercises for seniors.

Somati cs is a relati vely new brand, and has become extremely popular around the world. It grew out of Feldenkrais, and developed alongside new research into neuromuscular reprogramming. Many yoga studios in Australia now off er classes in Somati cs as a complement to yoga.

Somati cs is based on the principle of neuroplasti city – the understanding that the brain is conti nually remodelling itself in response to new informati on and experience. Movement limitati ons creati ng tension and pain are not permanent, however old we are.

The term Somati cs comes from ‘soma’ which means to understand the body as an intelligent, sensiti ve, living organism. The body is not a mechanical insensate machine that we need to manipulate and control in order to get results.

Our body/brain organism has millions of years of evoluti on behind it. It knows how to move well. Wth somati cs we fi nd out why it is not able to do this. We fi nd out what is getti ng in the way. The job of somati c exercise is to help the brain do its job properly. The brain controls the way we move, so if we want to change the way we move we need to work with the brain. Neuromuscular reprogramming is the name given to this approach. We work with the brain by feeding it new informati on, which in this case is informati on about how we are actually moving. We wake the brain up to

DIRECTORY AROMATHERAPY Diane Davies Massage & Aromatherapy... .... ...........................................................021 969 929 web:...........................................www.ddma. co.nz CELEBRANT Robyn Riddle, Weddings and Funerals .......... .........................................................0275560438 HERBAL HEALTH The Herbal Dispensary.................07 825 7444 Private Herbal/Naturopathic consultations HOMEOPATHY Janis Beet Homeopath.................07 825 8004 MASSAGE Diane Davies Massage & Aromatherapy. . ........ ...........................................................021 969 929 web:........................................www.ddma.co.nz YOGA Raglan Yoga Loft.........................021 02442248 web:..................................raglanyogaloft.co.nz Yoga at ‘The Space’...........Above the Yot Club web:......................www.thespaceraglan.com

Classical Homeopath Janis Beet Dip. Hom (NZ) R.C Hom Karioi Clinic of Homeopathy 78 Upper Wainui Rd, Raglan

Phone: (07) 825 8004 Cell: 027 459 8547 What is Somatics? email: janisbeet@gmail.com

habit. This frees the upper parts of the brain for new learning. What is now a restricti ve and maybe painful movement was, at the ti me it was learned, the best response possible to the circumstances. It may not serve us well now. It may be crippling us. How do we change? Slow movement done with awareness allows the brain to wake up again –to what is actually going on. It can then automati cally reorganise our movement to become smooth and easy. It will tell the ti ght muscles to relax and it will integrate movement throughout the whole body. The circumstances are now diff erent. We just need to alert the brain to this. Somati c exercises are disarmingly simple, extremely eff ecti ve and very enjoyable. There is no requirement to be fl exible or fi t. The only requirement is to be curious and att enti ve. Everyone can benefi t from the exercises. I have found them immensely valuable, even aft er a lifeti me of yoga. I couldn’t believe how they freed up my body. Results happen very quickly and can bring a greater freedom to whatever acti viti es we enjoy, eg: gardening, walking, cycling, surfi ng, yoga, dancing, swimming. ‘Our sensory motor systems conti nually respond to daily stresses and traumas with specifi c muscular refl exes. These refl exes create habitual muscular contracti ons, which we cannot voluntarily relax. The result is sti ff ness, soreness and a restricted range of movement…. Somati c exercises are a direct pilates | headapilates | headaches ches | home v| home visits isits way to reprogram the sensory-motor system… and reverse this process. Bodily (limitati on) acu acupuncpuncture tu | re postural ana| postural analysis lysis presumed under the myth of aging is not inevi ba backck &nec&neckk pain p | |ain professional advi professional advice ce table. It is, by and large, both avoidable and

Dyana Wells moved to Raglan a year ago to be near her children – Laura, Madeleine and most recently Sebasti an and their families, which means seven grandchildren!

Wow, the whole family. Raglan is in the deep part of Dyana’s heart as her father Lindsay Peart grew up on the Rangitahi farm. Dyana’s childhood was full of Raglan Grandma’s sti cky brown bread and Christmas puddings, launching off the footbridge into strong currents, uncovering adzes and coral in the dunes, and erecti ng shimmering black sandcastles.…

She has moved back from Auckland and a career which included teaching Human Anatomy and Physiology, Chemistry, Yoga and Meditati on. She established the 200 and 300 hour Yoga Teacher Training Program at Kawaipurapura and the Contemporary Yoga Teachers Training Program in Remuera and is now looking forward to off ering all her skills to the Raglan community. She has set up a teaching space – Open Ground – at her home in Lily Street.

Starti ng 25th June she will be running weekly classes in Somati cs, Kum Nye, Meditati on, Creati ve VIsualisati on and Buddhist Philosophy.

Some of these names may sound new and exoti c but she assures us that the classes are very accessible to anyone who is curious.

Somati cs are gentle att enti ve exercises designed to help the brain reprogram the way we move. They are very eff ecti ve in releasing pain, tension and restricti on. The results can be startling and are suitable for older people, yoga students and everyone in-between.

Kum Nye, which comes from the Tibetan traditi on, consists of slow moving meditati ons

Dyana Wells somatics Honey sales to help Karioi Project focused on sensing. They allow the mind to calm down so the body can heal. There will also be classes in Meditati on starti ng with mindfulness practi ces, and Buddhist Philosophy, which is an opportunity to ask questi ons and probe the mystery of our minds.

Check out the classes on her website dyanwells.com or email her at dyanawells@ gmail.com and try them out.

his week we spoke to Hope Phillips about some new faces and recent updates at Raglan Beauty.

Who is new at Raglan Beauty?

Portia initially started with me in July. Raglan apiarist Bevan Pike with the For her 8 week internship she needed to fruits of his labour complete her 3 year study at Elite Beauty School in Hamilton. During those weeks her talent and dedication to the salon and industry was showcased and it was a easy decision to welcome her to join me permanently once she was qualified.

Tell us about Portia

She’s a true Raglan girl, grew up in Ruapuke and attended RAS, and has been working at the Hotel to put herself through beauty school. For me Portia is a godsend, she’s naturally talented and passionate about the industry and her work. Her young, bubbly personality makes the salon fun for me and every customer that comes to the salon instantly likes her and her service results


Etai Gilad Hypnotherapy.................027 5080577 web: .......................... artofchangetherapy.com HERBAL HEALTH The Herbal Dispensary.....................07 825 7444 Private Herbal/Naturopathic consultati ons HOMEOPATHY Janis Beet Homeopath.....................07 825 8004 MASSAGE Diane Davies Massage & Aromatherapy. . ............. ......................................................021 969 929 web:.......................................www.ddma.co.nz

&YOGA Raglan Yoga Loft.............................021 02442248 web:..................................raglanyogaloft .co.nz Yoga at ‘The Space’...........Above the Yot Club web:......................www.thespaceraglan.com

Raglan Beauty introduces new beauty therapistCLINIC OPENING HOURS: Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Classical Homeopath Open 8am 8am 8am 8am 8am Janis Beet Close 7pm 7pm 7pm 7pm 5pm Dip. Hom (NZ) R.C Hom To contact the clinic, please phone: 07 825 0114 Karioi Clinic of Homeopathy After hours contact: Anglesea Clinic 07 957 4947 Healthline 0800 611 116 78 Upper Wainui Rd, Raglan Phone: (07) 825 8004 Cell: 027 459 8547There are many diff erent kinds of movement and exercise classes email: janisbeet@gmail.com off ered in Raglan. I have come across

yoga, pilates, contemporary dance,

New beauty therapist, Portia Stoddard, left, and Hope Philips, owner of Raglan Beauty. What is her area of expertise and to use website www.raglanbeauty. her qualification? co.nz and we are located 3 Wainui Rd Simply put Portia has it all! She is a behind surf emporium for walk ins.. We fully qualified level 5 Beauty Therapist. post regularly on our Raglan Beauty Makeup artistry, salon treatments |Facebook for everyone to keep up to date like nails and waxing right through to with promotions and what we are doing advanced skincare and professional body in salon spa therapy.

What is happening at Raglan Beauty over the next few months?

Since the successful rebranding from Luna Beauty to Raglan Beauty I’ve realised a opportunity to provide a lot more services to the Raglan community and its visitors. My immediate goal is to support Portia to bring skincare and body 6 RAGLAN Chronicle RAGLAN Chronicle 7 treatments to the salon and long term to create a co-op space for more health & beauty professionals to join us at Raglan Beauty Best way to contact you ? All of our services are available to be booked through our new easy


Diane Davies Massage & Aromatherapy. . ........ ...........................................................021 969 929 web:........................................www.ddma.co.nz


Raglan Yoga Loft.........................021 02442248 web:..................................raglanyogaloft.co.nz

Yoga at ‘The Space’...........Above the Yot Club web:......................www.thespaceraglan.com

Classical Homeopath Janis Beet Dip. Hom (NZ) R.C Hom Karioi Clinic of Homeopathy 78 Upper Wainui Rd, Raglan

Phone: (07) 825 8004 Cell: 027 459 8547 What is Somatics? email: janisbeet@gmail.com

Nia dance and gentle exercises for seniors.

Somati cs is a relati vely new brand, and has become extremely popular around the world. It grew out of Feldenkrais, and developed alongside new research into neuromuscular reprogramming. Many yoga studios in Australia now off er classes in Somati cs as a complement to yoga. Somati cs is based on the principle of neuroplasti city – the understanding that the brain is conti nually remodelling itself in response to new informati on and experience. Movement limitati ons creati ng tension and pain are not permanent, however old we are. The term Somati cs comes from ‘soma’ which means to understand the body as an intelligent, sensiti ve, living organism. The body is not a mechanical insensate machine that we need to manipulate and control in order to get results. Our body/brain organism has millions of years of evoluti on behind it. It knows how to move well. Wth somati cs we fi nd out why it is not able to do this. We fi nd out what is getti ng in the way. The job of somati c exercise is to help the brain do its job properly. The brain controls the way we move, so if we want to change the way we move we need to work with the brain. Neuromuscular reprogramming is the name given to this approach. We pilates | headapilates | headaches ches | home v| home visits isits work with the brain by feeding it new acu acupuncpuncture tu | re postural ana| postural analysis lysis informati on, which in this case is informati on about how we are actually ba backck &nec&neckk pain p | |ain professional advi professional advice ce moving. We wake the brain up to ant ante and post e and post natal natal care care what is actually going on. The problem for us is that when post post operative rehabilitationoperative rehabilitation the brain learns a new movement patt ern – eg how to ride a bike, how 12Wallis Street, Raglan admin@raglanphysio.co 12Wallis Street, Raglan admin@raglanphysio.co.nz .nz to sign one’s name, how to protect an injured arm, how to not be noti ced, how to cope – it may be a healthy ww ph (07) 825 0123 www.raglanphysio.co.nz ph (07) 825 0123 w.raglanphysio.co.nz patt ern or not. Aft er a few weeks of repeti ti on the brain sends the patt ern code to Start your recovery today ~ talk to us at older parts of the brain, for repeti Start your recovery today ~ talk to us atWhaingaroa Physiotherapy if you are in pain ti ve unconscious refl ex acti vati on. Whaingaroa Physiotherapy if you are in pain The patt ern becomes an unconscious

Grandma’s sti cky brown bread and Christmas puddings, launching off the footbridge into strong currents, uncovering adzes and coral in the dunes, and erecti ng shimmering black sandcastles.…

She has moved back from Auckland and a career which included teaching Human Anatomy and Physiology, Chemistry, Yoga and Meditati on. She established the 200 and 300 hour Yoga Teacher Training Program at Kawaipurapura and the Contemporary Yoga Teachers Training Program in Remuera and is now looking forward to off ering all her skills to the Raglan community. She has set up a teaching space – Open Ground – at her home in Lily Street.

Starti ng 25th June she will be running weekly classes in Somati cs, Kum Nye, Meditati on, Creati ve VIsualisati on and Buddhist Philosophy.

Some of these names may sound new and exoti c but she assures us that the classes are very accessible to anyone who is curious.

Somati cs are gentle att enti ve exercises designed to help the brain reprogram the way we move. They are very eff ecti ve in releasing pain, tension and restricti on. The results can be startling and are suitable for older people, yoga students and everyone in-between.

Kum Nye, which comes from the Tibetan traditi on, consists of slow moving meditati ons SUPPORT OUR SUPPORTERS The businesses and individuals adverti sing in the Raglan Chronicle are parti cipati ng not only to promote their businesses, but to show their support for our community paper – so be sure to tell them you saw them in the Raglan Chronicle. Local businesses are the foundati on of our community - and they make it possible for us to bring the Raglan Chronicle to you.

This week we spoke to Hope Phillips about some new faces and recent updates at Raglan Beauty.

Who is new at Raglan Beauty?

Portia initially started with me in July. Raglan apiarist Bevan Pike with the For her 8 week internship she needed to fruits of his labour complete her 3 year study at Elite Beauty School in Hamilton. During those weeks her talent and dedication to the salon and industry was showcased and it was a easy decision to welcome her to join me permanently once she was qualified.

Tell us about Portia

She’s a true Raglan girl, grew up in Ruapuke and attended RAS, and has been working at the Hotel to put herself through beauty school. For me Portia is a godsend, she’s naturally talented and passionate about the industry and her work. Her young, bubbly personality makes the salon fun for me and every customer that comes to the salon instantly likes her and her service results

RAGLAN�"\ MEDICAL� RAGLAN DENTAL Dr. Richard Zhu OPENING HOURS: BDS Otago Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri OPEN 8am 8am 8am 8am 8am Resident Hygienist • Dental Implants CLOSE 5pm 7pm 5pm 5pm 5pm Orthodontics/Braces • Dentures | AFTER HOURS CONTACT: Anglesea Clinic 07 957 4947 12 WALLIS ST | PH: 07 825 8788 Healthline 0800 611116 Hamilton Clinic: Victoria Dentist To contact the centre, please phone: 270 Victoria St 07 825 0114 www.victoriadentist.co.nz 9 Wallis Street, PO Box 164, Raglan

What is her area of expertise and her qualification?

Simply put Portia has it all! She is a fully qualified level 5 Beauty Therapist. Makeup artistry, salon treatments like nails and waxing right through to advanced skincare and professional body spa therapy.

What is happening at Raglan Beauty over the next few months?

Since the successful rebranding from Luna Beauty to Raglan Beauty I’ve realised a opportunity to provide a lot more services to the Raglan community and its visitors. My immediate goal is to support Portia to bring skincare and body treatments to the salon and long term to create a co-op space for more health & beauty professionals to join us at Raglan Beauty

Best way to contact you ?

All of our services are available to be booked through our new easy

introduces new beauty therapist New beauty therapist, Portia Stoddard, left, and Hope Philips, owner of Raglan Beauty. to use website www.raglanbeauty. co.nz and we are located 3 Wainui Rd behind surf emporium for walk ins.. We post regularly on our Raglan Beauty Facebook for everyone to keep up to date with promotions and what we are doing in salon


Kia ora e te whānau, We are all looking forward to a great summer with our whānau, after a year when we have had to work hard together as a community to meet challenges. As Kiwis get out and about over the holidays we expect to see increased numbers at our local summer destinations. It’s important that while we’re enjoying the break, we also take steps to protect ourselves, our whānau, and those communities we are visiting. The best thing you can do is to get your COVID-19 vaccination and ensure you follow the guidance in line with the local traffic light settings. Health providers across the region are preparing to support additional numbers, just as they do every summer. At the same time, visitors should be aware that they are coming to smaller communities so need to take care and


be prepared while on holiday. It is important to have a plan in case you or your whānau need to isolate following a positive COVID-19 test or you’re notified of a close contact with a case. This means having enough food and any health supplies readily available where you are staying, or a plan for how you will return directly home to isolate. If you are unable to return home safely, you will be supported to isolate in accordance with the COVID-19 Care in the Community programme. We wish you and your whānau a safe and happy Christmas and wonderful New Year. Dr Kevin Snee – Chief Executive

CHECK SETTINGS BEFORE YOU GO For what to do under each traffic light setting visit covid19.govt.nz/traffic-lights

Get vaccinated Vaccination is the best protection against COVID-19, so we encourage you to be fully vaccinated before you go on holiday.

Keep up healthy habits to help protect you, your whānau, and your community.

Walk-ins are available at many sites throughout Waikato, with vaccinations provided at DHB sites, from GPs and pharmacies. To find a walk-in today or book go to BookMyVaccine.nz or call 0800 28 29 26.

Stay home if you are unwell. Wear a mask or face covering. Sneeze and cough into your elbow.

Regularly wash and thoroughly dry your hands or use hand sanitiser. Keep your distance from people you do not know. Clean or disinfect shared surfaces often.

Get a test

If you have cold, flu or COVID-19 symptoms you should get a test.

If you or anyone in your home is sick, do not host gatherings or invite people over. Do not place pressure on people to attend events if they are sick. Encourage friends and whānau who are unwell to get tested for COVID-19. Continue to check the locations of interest at www.health.govt.nz/locationsofinterest and follow the instructions on what to do. Contact COVID-19 Healthline on 0800 358 5453 for advice and to arrange to get tested or visit www.healthpoint.co.nz/ covid-19 for details of the nearest testing service. For local Waikato updates visit www.facebook.com/WaikatoDHB

Mask Scan Pass

More info covid19.govt.nz | www.waikatodhb.health.nz/covid19 | www.health.govt.nz/covid-19


Local medical centres will be providing some health services during the holidays for non-urgent health care, however some may be closed or have limited hours. Check www.healthpoint.co.nz for local details. We recommend visitors check in with their GP at home to see what telehealth services they may be able to provide.

Unwell? unsure? GP clinic closed?

Call Healthline 0800 611 116 and talk to a health professional – free 24 hour advice. They will tell you the best place to go.

Visit a pharmacy

Visit a pharmacy if you want advice on a broad range of minor medical issues or health concerns. A pharmacist is a qualified health professional who can give advice.

Need to talk? 1737

Free call or text 1737 any time to talk with a trained counsellor. It’s completely free and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Healthcare options in Thames

Te Korowai Hauora o Hauraki have a summer clinic for nonurgent health care at Thames Hospital that will be open Monday to Friday 8am to 4.30pm. Thames Medical Centre will continue to provide a general practice clinic at the Thames Hospital Emergency Department on Saturdays 9am to 3pm. Charges may apply for clinic services.

Dial 111 for emergencies

For emergencies and urgent medical attention dial 111 or go to your nearest hospital Emergency Department.


Make sure you have everything you need

• Know you’re healthy before you go. If you are unwell, stay at home • If you or someone travelling with you tests positive for COVID-19.

Have a plan for how you will return home and make sure you have everything you need for you and your whānau for 20 days. The local area you are visiting may have limited services.

You and everyone you are staying with should not leave the place where you are isolating for any reason, unless advised to do so by the health team, or in an emergency when you have called 111.

Supply checklist

General hygiene and safety

Face masks/covering

Hand sanitiser

Disposable gloves

Cleaning products

Ziplock bags to store food


Toilet rolls

Extra supplies of prescriptions in case of a longer stay

Non-prescription medications (e.g. pain relief, fever reducers)



First Aid kit

Ice packs

Rubbish bags

Batteries Food and drinks

Canned food

Rice, pasta, lentils


Butter, cheese

Long Life milk


Meat to put in freezer

Sauces and seasonings

Tea or coffee

Instant noodles

Fruit and vegetables that will last

Non-perishable snacks

Clean drinking water For baby

Baby food and snacks

Baby formula

Milk bottles


Ointments, medicines

Baby wipes For pets

Pet food

Stock up on any prescriptions before you travel!


SLIP–SLOP–SLAP–WRAP Don’t forget to cover up, slop on plenty of SPF 30+ sunscreen (even if it is shady), slap on a hat and wrap on some sunglasses. • Drink lots of water – keep hydrated


• Don’t leave children alone near water, even for a minute • Use life jackets when doing water sports or on a boat • Obey all the safety signs and warnings


• Clean surfaces, utensils and hands with soap and water • Wash all produce under running water before eating, cutting or cooking • Keep raw seafood, meat and chicken away from fresh produce • Don’t leave food at room temperature for longer than one hour




Anglesea Clinic provide health services for our patients out of normal working hours, they are located at the Corner Anglesea & Thackeray Streets in Hamilton and can be contacted 24 hours a day on 07 858 0800. Healthline can be contacted 24 hours a day on 0800 611 116 for free advice from registered nurses.

In the event of an emergency, dial 111.


We will continue to operate a triage system for patients with any infectious symptoms so we can reduce the possible spread of infections. If you have had a sore throat, cough, shortness of breath, a fever, runny nose in past 48hrs, we will put your name on a triage list to receive a call from a medical professional COVID-19 TESTING

We will continue to offer COVID-19 tests to make sure there are no undetected cases in our community, if you have any symptoms, please call the clinic to arrange a test and a medical professional will discuss the options available to you. Bookings are essential. COVID-19 VACCINATIONS

Vaccination clinics will commence again on 7th February 2022 You can make a booking online on Book My Vaccine or you can phone the COVID-19 Immunisation Help Line 0800 28 29 26


We’ve had to temporarily cease enrolling new patients due to an overall increase in demand for services, however we do expect to take on new patients again from mid-February 2022 when more clinicians have joined the team.


Next year will see us extending the range of services provided at Raglan Medical with plans underway to employ a dietitian, a Kaiawhina (community health worker) and to expand the clinical pharmacist role. We are also expanding our nursing and doctor teams to help us manage the demands of managing COVID-19 in our community.


We encourage you to continue booking

telephone & video consultations where possible and to sign up to our Manage My Health App which gives you more control to access results and the ability to email your doctor directly.


Friday 24th December 8am-5pm Monday 27th December Closed Tuesday 28th December Closed Wednesday 29th December 8am - 5pm Thursday 3oth December 8am - 5pm Friday 31st December 8am – 5pm

Monday 3rd January Closed Tuesday 4th January Closed Wednesday 5th January 8am - 5pm Thursday 6th January 8am - 5pm Friday 7th January 8am - 5pm

Ragla Medical 07 825 0114 9 Wallis St, Raglan

Healthline 0800 611 116 Afterhours/Anglesea Clinic 07 858 0800 In the event of an emergency, dial 111.


If you are a registered patient at Raglan Medical and test positive while you’re on holiday, regardless of where you are in the country, we will manage your care via telephone on normal working days. If you are a casual patient and test positive while you’re on holiday in Raglan, we will be advising you to contact your regular GP provider to manage your care via telephone as they will have access to all your medical records.


Our ability to provide services to casual patients will depend on the demand on any given day, preference will be given to our registered patients. We will always provide care in the event of an emergency but may ask you to contact your regular GP for normal general practice services if we are at capacity.

This article is from: